cobaltoband · 2 years
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The great Mattia "Noisemaker" Tedesco with a Telecaster. Thanks to Cescoguitars and Francesco Balossino.
Courtesy by -COBALTO+
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dance-world · 1 year
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Antonio Sisca - photo by Cobalto
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boanerges20 · 1 year
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Honda CB750 "Cobalto" by Maria Motorcycles
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youssefguedira · 2 years
iron maiden joe prequel snippet for you all happy sunday (this takes place the morning immediately after nicky, andy and quynh find yusuf in the main fic)
At six twenty-five am – according to his watch, which runs two minutes slow, so it's probably more like six twenty-seven – Nicky gives up on the idea of trying to get more sleep. Yusuf has not stirred all night; or if he has, Nicky has not heard it. He's briefly worried about going too far, even though he knows, logically, there is no need for him to keep watch like this. But the kitchen is close enough to Yusuf's bedroom that Nicky will be able to hear it if he cries out, and if he is to get through today, he'll need something to eat, and probably coffee too. So it is with that in mind that he gets up and goes into the kitchen.
Nobody else is awake yet, and it is late enough in the year that the sun isn't quite up either, but the sky is beginning to grow light in anticipation of it. This safehouse is far enough from any other major settlement that the only sound outside is the wind, which hasn't let up all night, and the birds. Nicky turns the lights on and gets to work.
At seven thirty, Nile joins him in the kitchen. She doesn't ask how long he's been awake, and he doesn't volunteer the information. He offers her a cup of coffee, and she takes it, settling herself at the kitchen table.
At eight twenty-two, according to the clock above the kitchen counter, which is seemingly more reliable than Nicky's old watch, there are the first sounds of movement from Yusuf's bedroom. If Nile notices the way Nicky immediately looks up towards the sound, she doesn't say a word about it, nor does she give him the knowing look Andy or Quynh would have. There has been no sign of the two of them, yet.
To keep himself from straining to hear every single tiny sound coming from behind Yusuf's door, Nicky sets about making breakfast. There's not much in this safehouse – they'd come here in a rush after Copley had called – so he just makes oatmeal, adding sugar to Nile's and nothing to his own. Nile, normally, would make fun of him for this, but today she says nothing.
He reaches for the honey and cinnamon, setting it down on the counter next to the third bowl, but then pauses. He thinks that Yusuf has, or at least used to have, a sweet tooth to rival Andy's. He thinks that this is the way he would have made it a long time ago, when they had the luxury of being able to get the ingredients they needed. He thinks that he would not have thought twice before.
He does not remember any of this for certain. This is precious information that he has kept guarded in his memory for centuries, and yet at some point in the last four hundred and eighty two years, he has let it fade, and now he does not remember. He'd sworn to himself not to forget these things, small as they may be, out of desperate hope, and now he does not remember. It is such a tiny thing to forget. It feels like a monumental loss.
And who is he now to assume that things have not changed, when he knows that the man he'd found in that alleyway is not the same as the one they'd taken from him? How can anything be the same as it was, after so long? Nicky loves him still, so much he aches with it, but what if they are both too different, now? What if there is nothing left to repair?
He does not realise, until he goes to pass Nile her bowl, that his hands are trembling.
"Nicky," she says, but whatever would have followed is interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
Yusuf stands just in the doorway of the kitchen, not quite in, not quite out. This safehouse is not all that large; the distance between them is barely two meters, if that. It feels insurmountable.
"Are you-" Nicky begins and then reconsiders, clears his throat. "Will you eat something?" He'd barely eaten a thing at dinner last night, and Nicky is worried for him, though perhaps he'd just been too tired.
Yusuf doesn't say a word, just lingers there, lips slightly parted as if he'd wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. It does something funny to Nicky's brain, seeing him there in a hoodie and sweatpants that are just a little loose in the shoulders and thighs, a far cry from the clothes Nicky had last seen him in. His hair is shorter, too, though the cut isn't exactly neat. Nicky had done his best, but he'd gotten the sense Yusuf wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.
Finally, after an eternity, Yusuf nods, shuffling forwards to sit at the table. His shoulders are hunched underneath the grey fabric of the hoodie. He looks – Nicky doesn't know. He looks tired.
Nicky offers him the bowl, and the honey and cinnamon with it, just in case. Yusuf doesn't look at him, or at Nile, while he eats, and that doesn't hurt. It doesn't.
It's slow, but at least he's eating something, even if he takes small bites and only finishes half the bowl. Nicky will take it.
Only when Yusuf finishes does he look at Nicky. "Thank you," he says quietly, still speaking the Arabic of his childhood, the version he'd taught Nicky painfully slowly, a hand offered in peace across the barrier between them, over the course of countless nights in the desert. This, at least, Nicky has not forgotten, making sure he spoke it at least with Andromache and Quynh, and with himself, too.
"Of course," Nicky responds, offering him a soft smile that he hopes looks more convincing than it feels. Yusuf doesn't quite smile back, but his eyes soften, and – it is small, perhaps.
It is enough to give Nicky hope, nonetheless.
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deeptrashwitch · 11 months
Alright, I haven't wrote in a time but I have a brainrot about my boys. So...I want to introduce my Team for now, maybe later I'll introduce eachone (including some changes I've made in two of them)
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Team Charlie/Specters
Captain Alicia "Origin" Marchant: Marine Raider Regiment, hand-to-hand combat specialist
Lieutenant Luke "Harlem" Michaelis: 75th Ranger Regiment, team's mechanic
Sergeant Jackson "Doc" Blackwell: Navy SEAL (Team 5), team's medic
Sergeant Edward "Eager" Jackson: 101st Airborne Division, pilot
Corporal Noah "Cobalto" García: Navy SEAL (Team 7), demolition expert
Corporal Elijah "Delta" Wilson: 75th Ranger Regiment, recon expert
Private Nicholas "Clover" Fowlett: 101st Airborne Division, tech specialist
Private Marcus "Poison" Lombardi: Marine Raider Regiment, infantry operator
Private Elliot "Pride" Stevens: 75th Ranger Regiment, combat engineer
Private Alexander "Hawk" Christensen: Marine Raider Regiment, main team's sniper
Francis "Viper" Scott: Navy SEAL (Team 2), military cartographer
They are known inside as 75th Regiment Specters, a team created by Cpt. Marchant years after her mission in Angola with some help. She picked them personally, since she knew some of the Drill Sergeants. Heard about every one through them and learnt about their missions, later recruited into the team.
Since the very beggining they were told about the only rule Marchant had, "No one's left behind", after that they molded their own code in combat. They are efficient, quick and deadly, and that's all that their allies care about.
Also they have a coordinator and the only thing the team know about them is their nickname "Wraith". Alicia know her tho, an old friend of hers.
For everyone outside of them, they are just a good team. But reality is that after so many years, they've become a little family. Alicia care deeply for them and treat them as their own. All the boys care for her as much as she does.
There was a time when she got really bad injured during a mission (almost didn't make it), and all of them were basically feral going after the enemies seeking vengance. And the last time someone tried to use one of the boys as hostage...well, it isn't hard to imagine, is it? Marchant is feared because of a reason.
Note: Sorry if i got something wrong about the occupation of each one or about something else, i'm absolutely not a military and english is not my first language, everything came from internet, google traductor and a family member.
Phrases (they never admit they said it)
Alicia: I'm too sober for this...why did i adopted these ten?
Luke: Back off Alexander, that's is mine! And I don't stink!
Jackson: Can you stop trying to get killed every single mission!? Damnnit!
Edward: Ya me enteré! Que hay otro acariciando tu piel!
Noah: Someone shut Eager up! I'm dying over here!
Elijah: Not in front of my salad, fucking animals
Nicholas: Get the heck outta here, i'm tired enough about your stupidity
Pride: Not my fault lil' shit! You know exactly what happen when you take my things!
Hawk: Ha! I got Luke's hoodie! And God if it doesn't stink!
Viper: C'mon Clover, i don't know if i can take this anymore, i'm at the verge of a breakdown
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qualbuonvento · 1 year
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Jethro Jackson, Cobalt
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thejusticereborn · 1 year
Seu pai é um velocista tb Meloni?
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Meloni: Então, sabe o talismã que eu falei anteriormente? Então, esse objeto possui uma joia preciosa que é chamada de Chama Azul. Não sei exatamente sua origem, provavelmente é mágico. Mas esse artefato concede poderes para o usuário e o meu pai o possuía. Entre os poderes que o meu pai tinha quando ele era Azul Cobalto... Havia projeção de energia, a capacidade de criar construtos de energia e absorção de energia. Incluindo, a energia da Força de Aceleração. Usando esse talismã, o meu pai tinha poderes iguais aos de um velocista quando enfrentava o Flash. Porque ele era capaz de absolver os poderes do Flash.
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albaharu · 2 years
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Stop/Rewind - Our Meeting 
A scene for a original story I’m currently writing :)
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yurinobre21 · 2 years
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scienza-magia · 2 months
Terre rare e materie prime critiche in Italia
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Dove sono i metalli rari in Italia. Se lo sta chiedendo il governo, che ha approvato un decreto per sfruttare vecchi giacimenti e aprire nuove miniere. Dopo le sollecitazioni ricevute negli ultimi anni dall’Unione Europea, lo scorso 20 giugno il governo italiano ha approvato un decreto per sostenere la ricerca delle cosiddette “materie prime critiche”, un gruppo di metalli particolarmente necessari per il settore tecnologico e per la transizione energetica. Le materie prime critiche servono soprattutto all’industria dei microchip e dei componenti elettronici o per la produzione di batterie dei veicoli elettrici. Alcune hanno nomi più conosciuti, come il rame, il litio, il silicio e il nichel, altre sono meno note come il bismuto, il boro, il cobalto, il gallio, il germanio, il magnesio e il manganese, la grafite naturale, il titanio e il tungsteno. Fino a qualche decennio fa in Italia c’erano diversi giacimenti di questi metalli, miniere via via abbandonate perché dai costi insostenibili soprattutto se paragonati a quelli delle importazioni. Tuttavia negli ultimi anni l’aumento della richiesta dei metalli rari ha invertito questo rapporto: ora comprarli all’estero e importarli è molto costoso, mentre è più vantaggioso e politicamente strategico sfruttare vecchi giacimenti o trovarne di nuovi.
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Ore is hauled from the Kennecott's Bingham Canyon Copper Mine Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in Herriman, Utah. Rio Tinto is now producing a rare and critical mineral that is used to make solar panels. Tellurium was essentially thrown out in mine tailings for decades after ore mined from the mountains was turned into copper. It is listed as a “critical mineral” by the U.S. government. Most of the tellurium produced comes from China and other countries. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) Con queste premesse il governo ha approvato una serie di misure: semplificare le procedure per consentire alle compagnie minerarie di cercare nuovi giacimenti, finanziare una mappatura più completa delle aree sulla base di studi geologici, realizzare un piano nazionale delle materie prime con una definizione più puntuale dei finanziamenti per questo settore. L’obiettivo è spingere le compagnie a investire nella ricerca di nuovi giacimenti. Il ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, ha detto che il programma esplorativo dovrà essere pronto entro il 24 maggio 2025. Se ne occuperà l’ISPRA, l’istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale, a cui sono stati dati 3,5 milioni di euro per realizzare una mappa dei possibili giacimenti, la nuova carta mineraria dell’Italia. Grazie alla nuova carta potranno essere aggiornati e migliorati i censimenti fatti dall’ISPRA negli ultimi anni. Uno degli ultimi censimenti è stato pubblicato nell’atlante dei dati ambientali, aggiornato al 2023, e comprende i giacimenti sfruttati in passato e ora da rivalutare.
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I giacimenti italiani di materie prime critiche Nel documento dell’ISPRA si legge che l’Italia è «totalmente dipendente» dai mercati esteri, ma anche che sul territorio esistono mille possibili giacimenti: i più interessanti sono nell’arco alpino, in Liguria, nella fascia tirrenica tra Toscana e Campania, in Calabria e in Sardegna. «La coltivazione di minerali metalliferi è stata progressivamente abbandonata a cavallo dei due secoli non per esaurimento delle risorse ma, nella quasi totalità, per le convenienti condizioni economiche dei mercati esteri delle materie prime e per la mancanza di lungimiranza della politica industriale mineraria», dice lo studio. Risultano attive soltanto due miniere di fluorite (a Bracciano, in provincia di Roma, e a Silius, in Sardegna) e una ventina di feldspato tra Piemonte, Toscana, Lazio, Calabria e Sardegna. C’è poi un giacimento di titanio in Liguria, uno di cobalto in Piemonte e uno di litio in Lazio. Negli ultimi anni sono stati dati permessi per cercare zinco, cobalto, titanio e nichel in particolare sull’arco alpino. Il decreto prevede anche che le compagnie minerarie titolari delle concessioni, già attive o future, dovranno dare allo Stato tra il 5 e il 7 per cento dei prodotti estratti. Questa sorta di tassa finanzierà il fondo nazionale del Made in Italy per sostenere nuovi investimenti e un’ulteriore ricerca di materie prime critiche. In merito all’impatto ambientale, su cui c’è una maggiore sensibilità rispetto al passato, il governo ha incaricato l’ISPRA di vigilare sui progetti di ricerca dei metalli insieme alle soprintendenze dei territori interessati. L’ISPRA potrà bloccare i permessi se verranno rilevate irregolarità, per esempio trivellazioni in punti non consentiti. L’istituto dovrà anche coinvolgere gli enti locali, in particolare i comuni, per spiegare in modo approfondito i lavori previsti, l’impatto delle ricerche e dell’eventuale apertura di nuove miniere. Read the full article
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cobaltoband · 2 years
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sassyharmonywombat · 2 months
Sulfato de cobalto de alta pureza para baterías, previsión del tamaño del mercado mundial, clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 16 principales empresas
Según el nuevo informe de investigación de mercado “Informe del Mercado Global del Sulfato de cobalto de alta pureza para baterías 2024-2030”, publicado por QYResearch, se prevé que el tamaño del mercado mundial del Sulfato de cobalto de alta pureza para baterías alcance 1.15 mil millones de USD en 2030, con una tasa de crecimiento anual constante del 6.9% durante el período de previsión.
Figure 1. Tamaño del mercado de Sulfato de cobalto de alta pureza para baterías global (US$ Millión), 2019-2030
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Figure 2. Clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 16 principales entidades globales de Sulfato de cobalto de alta pureza para baterías (la clasificación se basa en los ingresos de 2023, actualizados continuamente)
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Según QYResearch, los principales fabricantes mundiales de Sulfato de cobalto de alta pureza para baterías incluyen Ganzhou Tengyuan Cobalt Industrial, GEM, Greatpower Nickel and Cobalt Materials, CoreMax Corporation, Huayou Cobalt, Guangxi Yinyi Advanced Material, Guangdong Jin Sheng New Energy, Ji En Nickel Industry, Hunan Jin Yuan New Material, Nornickel, etc. En 2023, las diez principales entidades mundiales tenían una cuota de aproximadamente 83.0% en términos de ingresos.
Sobre QYResearch
QYResearch se fundó en California (EE.UU.) en 2007 y es una empresa líder mundial en consultoría e investigación de mercados. Con más de 17 años de experiencia y un equipo de investigación profesional en varias ciudades del mundo, QY Research se centra en la consultoría de gestión, los servicios de bases de datos y seminarios, la consultoría de OPI, la investigación de la cadena industrial y la investigación personalizada para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proporcionar un modelo de ingresos no lineal y hacer que tengan éxito. Gozamos de reconocimiento mundial por nuestra amplia cartera de servicios, nuestra buena ciudadanía corporativa y nuestro firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Hasta ahora, hemos colaborado con más de 60.000 clientes en los cinco continentes. Trabajemos estrechamente con usted y construyamos un futuro audaz y mejor.
QYResearch es una empresa de consultoría a gran escala de renombre mundial. La industria cubre varios segmentos de mercado de la cadena de la industria de alta tecnología, que abarca la cadena de la industria de semiconductores (equipos y piezas de semiconductores, materiales semiconductores, circuitos integrados, fundición, embalaje y pruebas, dispositivos discretos, sensores, dispositivos optoelectrónicos), cadena de la industria fotovoltaica (equipos, células, módulos, soportes de materiales auxiliares, inversores, terminales de centrales eléctricas), nueva cadena de la industria del automóvil de energía (baterías y materiales, piezas de automóviles, baterías, motores, control electrónico, semiconductores de automoción, etc.. ), cadena de la industria de la comunicación (equipos de sistemas de comunicación, equipos terminales, componentes electrónicos, front-end de RF, módulos ópticos, 4G/5G/6G, banda ancha, IoT, economía digital, IA), cadena de la industria de materiales avanzados (materiales metálicos, materiales poliméricos, materiales cerámicos, nanomateriales, etc.), cadena de la industria de fabricación de maquinaria (máquinas herramienta CNC, maquinaria de construcción, maquinaria eléctrica, automatización 3C, robots industriales, láser, control industrial, drones), alimentación, bebidas y productos farmacéuticos, equipos médicos, agricultura, etc.
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frasesenespa-ol · 2 months
Arriba, en un cielo azul cobalto, no brillan la luna ni las estrellas. Alguien más grande que nosotras se ha encargado de apagar las luces del cielo, cerciorándose de que se camuflen con mi soledad.
Corazón de mariposa -Andrea Tomé
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boanerges20 · 1 year
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Honda CB750 "Cobalto" by Maria Motorcycles
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youssefguedira · 1 year
Cielo di cobalto 👀👀👀👀👀
cielo di cobalto is my iron maiden joe prequel fic! also known as Nicolò Di Genova and The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Four Hundred and Eighty Two Years. it's slow going because i like to be in a specific headspace when i write it (and all the other wips) but here is a snippet
Nicolò surfaces with a gasp, his lungs burning. The ship looms above, with the figures of Andromache and Quynh just visible leaning over the side.
They haul him back onto the deck, and the second he’s safely away from the edge he collapses, trying to catch his breath.
“I can’t see anything,” he says breathlessly. “It’s too fucking dark down there - I can’t see anything.”
Neither Andromache nor Quynh respond. They know well enough how difficult it is to see anything underwater - they’ve been down enough times themselves.
Nicolò manages to sit up and draws his knees up to his chest, resting his forehead on top of them. His clothes are soaked through, and every movement feels heavy after so long underwater. His head is spinning from the sudden rush of oxygen. He closes his eyes.
It’s been seventy-three years.
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cpluzc · 6 months
cobalto 15
a trendy cocktail bar the intense blue color is tempting as are the cocktails, the service, the atmosphere, the scene in Malagueta the blue relaxes, the blue stimulates, just like the typical Andalusian character exiting cobalto 15 cocktail bar cobalto 15 in Málaga
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