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sugarpucks · 7 months ago
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【prototype】 𝕃𝟛𝕏-𝟘𝟚
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dutchs-blog · 4 months ago
Hamster Spends 5 Night's At Freddy's In The Scary Mais
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exciting-realm-of-wendy · 8 months ago
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soeurdelune · 2 years ago
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avatars (400 x 640): cillian murphy, signés lune/soeurdelune
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vhscorp · 1 year ago
Nous cherchons tous à oublier nos blessures, et c’est bien légitime, mais sachons ne jamais oublier les leçons qu’il convient d’en tirer…
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epithalamia · 2 months ago
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smashwolfen · 1 year ago
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feelingcomplet · 4 months ago
Porque por mais que você ame, e sinta saudades, e a falta te machuque... Maturidade é entender que é melhor conviver com a dor de partir do que se acostumar com a dor de ficar aceitando aquilo que não merece.
(Para todas as pessoas apaixonantes)
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somethingaboutthemoon · 2 years ago
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two years of us <3
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pumpkidgrove · 4 months ago
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"Hexenfeld"⁠ "Witches field"
Halloween 2018:⁠ Die Krampus Mär⁠ The Krampus fairytale⁠
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intersex-support · 8 months ago
I suspect I might have undiagnosed MAIS, however, I only discovered this recently after getting on estrogen based HRT from past stuff plus the fact I thought it was kind of weird that I was already in a feminine to androgynous range, when attempting to do voice training. Body and facial were also extremely thin and facial hair was patchy. It also took me almost into adulthood for a large majority of these things to show up.
I don't know if I should consider myself intersex. I don't know if I really personally would use the label myself even if I am seeing as it's been something with relatively minimum impact on my life.
Secondly, while I don't have access to these records readily (it's been 10 years so hunting them down is going to be a nightmare and half) I vaguely remember seeing other hormonal anomalies when I was younger. (Namely high estrogen and an unusually early surge at that.) But I also had normally functioning testicles and only those from birth as far as I'm aware. I'm not sure what could of been going on with that, without much else to go on I'm going to assume it might of been vials getting mixed up.
Hi anon.
It makes sense to me that you would be considering if you had MAIS--it seems like there's a lot of things that would line up for you based on your experience. People with AIS have XY chromosomes and testes, so the fact that you had functioning testicles from birth doesn't necessarily mean that you can't have MAIS. With MAIS, your body would still have some response to testosterone, so it makes sense why you might have had some aspects of a testosterone based puberty but not necessarily a completely typical puberty, and explain how your body is reacting to estrogen HRT now.
Honestly, I think it's all up to you what you would want to do next, and there's no wrong answers. If you feel happy living your life knowing that this might be something that applies to you but not really doing much else about it, that's okay. If you want to search your medical records or try to get genetic testing for MAIS, that's also okay. On this blog, we also do support informed self diagnosis--we understand the many barriers to medical care, the challenges of finding an intersex informed doctor, all the oppression in the medical system, etc. If you are interested in interacting in intersex spaces, you can always say that you suspect that you're intersex or questioning if you're intersex or something similar to that. At the end of the day, it's about what you think makes the sense for your own life, and what feels right for you at this point in your journey.
Feel free to reach back out if you have any questions about accessing medical records, the diagnosis process, or anything else! Best of luck, anon.
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sugarpucks · 10 months ago
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trying to remember how to draw
i've spent a considerable amount of time just... not drawing anything. and it kinda sucked tbh
luckily, my current ttrpg character is a pretty decent source of inspiration
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memorizarr · 1 year ago
queria ser mais
porque ultimamente
tenho me sentido
tão menos.
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 9 months ago
À tester
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aurianneor · 2 months ago
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Wasser bewahren
Wir haben vor kurzem die Anweisungen zum Wassersparen erhalten. Wir sind uns einig, dass es sich um eine wertvolle Ressource handelt, die es zu schützen gilt.
Warum sind die großen Wasserverbraucher nicht von diesen Maßnahmen betroffen? Die intensive Landwirtschaft mit Mais, Baumwolle und Soja (auch in Wüsten oder zerstörten Wäldern), Betonbauten, Golfplätze und die Herstellung von Kleidung verbrauchen viel Wasser. Was wird speziell getan, um die massive Verschwendung durch diese Praktiken, die wir überall um uns herum beobachten können, einzudämmen?
Muss man daran erinnern, dass 85% des Ackerlandes in China nicht mehr bebaubar sind und die Felder in Ohio und Iowa zu Wüsten geworden sind? Und um noch weiter in die Vergangenheit zu gehen: Der fruchtbare Halbmond von Jordanien bis zum Irak, die Wiege der Landwirtschaft, ist heute eine Wüste.
Außerdem erzeugen wir unsere Dürre, indem wir das Wasser aus dem Boden pumpen, denn trockene Böden schaffen Gebiete mit extremer Hitze.
ARTE Regards Mégabassines : l’eau, source de conflits: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/111750-018-A/arte-regards/
Protecting water: https://www.aurianneor.org/protecting-water/
Préserver l’eau: https://www.aurianneor.org/preserver-leau/
¿Qué podemos hacer para proteger el agua?: https://www.aurianneor.org/que-podemos-hacer-para-proteger-el-agua/
Effektive Ökologie: https://www.aurianneor.org/effektive-okologie/
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Die Mode: https://www.aurianneor.org/die-mode/
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Tomorrow – Chap 1: Agriculture: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-1-agriculture/
Ökoterrorismus: https://www.aurianneor.org/okoterrorismus/
“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-world-has-enough-for-everyones-need-but-not/
Des élus détruisent sciemment nos abeilles: https://www.aurianneor.org/des-elus-detruisent-sciemment-nos-abeilles/
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Arizona, Nevada and California Dream: https://www.aurianneor.org/arizona-nevada-and-california-dream/
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The eco comfort, a way of life: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-eco-comfort-a-way-of-life-how-to-use/
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demain le film: Intro: https://www.aurianneor.org/demainlefilm-httpswwwdemain-lefilmcom/
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