#*you see- if it were me-- I'd just ask jekyll straight up if he had an evil alter ego smh Utterson you're so dumb*
yallemagne · 2 years
People who read Victorian novels: "You know, everything would have gone much better if the main character just disregarded their dying friend's/husband's wishes and privacy and knew information that has been exclusively provided to the audience (largely through cultural osmosis of the novel) but not themselves >:("
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sitpwgs · 11 months
Hi! Sorry I meant to reply this morning and ran out of time. I have dressed up my dog before and sometimes he's wearing a shirt anyway but that's so cute and always look cute in their little costumes. Apparently my mom said there were quite a few kids out and she gave them candy..I was not home at the time. It's funny cuz she had a Wonka hat and costume on and kept singing Candyman. I told her I could use it to see the Wonka movie as a joke lol. Aw is everything okay? I hope you get enough rest! I'm also a klutz most of the time too so don't feel bad. I hope you had fun otherwise. 🩷
That's what I figured..even if I could not remember it in the movie lol. I would definitely go to Speak Now or Red but would've picked Rep if I didn't get to go. I actually almost went to 1989 but my mom bought me 1D tickets instead. I told her I would've preferred Taylor but looking back, I guess I'm glad I got to go since they broke up the next year. However I did not get to see Zayn on tour which I was bummed about. He was my favorite.
I've actually never seen any of those horror adaptations. I remember at one point I wanted to watch Carrie and American Psycho bootlegs but never did! I'll have to check them out if you recommend them. I remember seeing the clips from it though. I've seen Jekyll and Hyde and Bloody Andrew Jackson. I also love Rocky Horror and Little Shop, which are more campy. I know what you mean and agree completely. .2015 and 2016 were so good! I remember it well cuz that was the first year I watched. Even Fun Home which won was an adaptation but at least the staging was interesting and so were the songs. Something Rotten was also great. I remember watching Jeremy in Finding Neverland and liking that as well.
For Sweeney, I think they will do good in the roles but I am also used to original cast and also the movie. I knew he is 40 but he always seems younger, but I also associate him with Next to Normal, and thought he was good in Company too. So maybe that is part of it. Sutton was in Music Man and this is a lot different lol but I'm excited to see! Maybe I'll see part of a bootleg someday hopefully.
Sorry I will send a part 2 later and you can just reply to the next one if you want!!! 🩷
hi hi friend! 🤍
what kind of dog do you have? what's their name? i would love to hear more about your dog! (and if you want to send a photo 👀 ) and i'm okay! i just have ... a very large bruise on my knee (and my knee just doesn't feel super great); hoping it'll heal up before i go to boston but i don't think it will!
i actually sold my 1d tickets back in the day! i didn't really care for them/never really got into 1d, but a lot of my friends did — i think that was around the time i was really getting into musical theatre, and so i mostly only listened to taylor and showtunes haha.
i've never seen j&h or bloody bloody andrew jackson (i don't think i've listened to it either), nor have i seen rocky horror or little shop live!! something rotten! was such a fun show, i wish i'd gotten to see it live — if i remember correctly, it was supposed to do an out of town tryout here in seattle but then went straight to broadway instead! finding neverland was also a fun show! did you ever listen to/watch a boot of gentleman's guide to love and murder? it's one of my favorites from that season! fun fact: american psycho is apparently my most listened to album of this week, according to airbuds!
i loveeee company. it's my second favorite sondheim (only second to sunday in the park with george). i'm really excited that it's coming to seattle on tour next year; i'm going to try to see it! and i liked aaron in that too! will reply to part 2 of your ask momentarily 🤍 xxx
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linguisticparadox · 2 years
Rereading tgs and actually reading the author's comments was such a good idea I'm obsessed
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[id: a screenshot of author comments from The Glass Scientists, which read as follows:
I bring you two sub-species of the Clueless Bisexual: On your left, you see Mr. Hyde, an "I'll just sleep with anything that moves lololol please don't ask me to think deeply about my feelings" bisexual. See how he employs hypersexual language to shock and offend his enemies so he won't have to engage with any serious conversations about his identity. On your right, you see Dr. Jekyll, an "I can be straight if I simply refuse to engage with any evidence to the contrary" bisexual. Notice how he brushes past Hyde's accusation of his feelings for Lanyon. It's amazing what you can accomplish (or fail to accomplish) when you simply decide you are straight and work backwards from there.
We could also have a conversation about how sexual identity wasn't really discussed in the Victorian Era, so even if he were not drowning in internalized biphobia, Jekyll would not consider himself "a bisexual man" but rather "a man with a series of unnatural impulses he must resist." And because he's a bi idiot, he would add, "just like every other man ever."
/end id]
like THANK YOU YES. not only is "horny slut bisexual" not really great rep (tho it doesn't have to be bad rep NECESSARILY), that kind of attitude can be a symptom of internalized biphobia! "It's not that I'm ~attracted~ to people of my own gender, no, it's just that I'm like, super ~liberated~ and horny, I'll fuck anything that moves lololol."
Hell, when I was young I chalked my feelings up to "all these pesky puberty hormones" (which is so funny bc. it was in fact puberty hormones making me feel those things fjfjfjdh) and assumed I'd end up straight once things settled down (didn't help that I'm gray-aroace, so I didn't feel attraction as strongly as my peers which made it easier to write off, AND my anxiety made me repress even my attraction to boys, but that's a story for another post lmao).
idk it's just very refreshing to see an actual bisexual person writing about internalized biphobia and approaching the subject with this kind of nuance.
I forget if I've said it here but I was totally unsurprised to find out Sabrina had been obsessed with the original story, and tbh I was even less surprised to find out they're bi. Fucking bravo tbh.
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kinokoapologist · 2 years
Hey, have you seen the villain SMP on gumi yumi's YouTube channel? I'd be curious to hear what you have to say about it!
Thank you for asking! I hadn't heard of it before getting this ask, but I went and watched the first chunk of it on YouTube! I'd intended to watch the entire thing before I answered this but uhhh we will get into why I didn't end up doing that
*I wanna start off with a disclaimer that this is in no way meant to be mean/hate to the creator of this AU, who I think is a very talented artist and clearly has a lot of cool concepts they are excited to share with an audience, which is incredibly awesome! We just have some different interpretations on certain characters, which is totally fine! But since my opinion was asked for, I want to give it honestly*
…they really had me in the first half, ngl
Like. I love the initial concept. And the character designs slap. They're very well done animatics, clearly made by someone with a lot of talent! Those first few videos are such an effective balance of Fun Villain Vibes and Unsettling Atmosphere
But boy does it lose me with the way c!Quackity and c!Wilbur are framed. Which sucks, because I actually liked Wilbur's initial appearance in the AU a lot. The "Duobur" videos are great as an isolated horror scene: the way that Wilbur's loss of autonomy is framed in those animatics, with Redza and the Villain!Bench Trio basically forcing Wilbur out of control of his own body/mind because they think Ghostbur is the "better" (or, more accurately I'd thought, more passive) version could go down some really interesting routes that I thought were being set up given the initial tone the series seemed to have. The pitch here was "what if these characters were villains?" and here they were doing A Bad Thing That Would Cause Conflict.
Like, I could be totally interpreting it wrong, but those first three videos in the series seemed to me like they were implying that Bench Trio had themselves been victim to something of a hostile mental takeover, Tubbo and Tommy especially. I thought we were setting up some creepy supernatural possession shit! I thought we’d see some Jekyll and Hyde style mental confrontations and battles for control! And I was about that shit! Let's go full horror! But then when I got to the "Fracture" animatic the creator straight up said in the caption (which also... not how you should be using captions) that they don't like c!Wilbur and came up with the entire "duo" concept out of spite.
They also straight up said they hate c!Quackity in that video, so that's where I stopped watching.
Which sucks, because I also really liked c!Quackity's initial appearance. 1. Because the song Devil's Train slaps, and 2. because it told us right off the bat that this AU's Q still cares so much about Karl and Sapnap, to the point that he's still going to check on them even when he's angry at them. And like, the concept of Quackity giving away Las Nevadas to save their lives??? That shit is some fun character-specific tragedy and I'm all over it for an AU of this concept. Plus like, the fucking symbolism/imagery of "Casinoboo" trapping them in playing cards?? Iconic.
BUT the scene around that moment... rubs me the wrong way to put it lightly. I simply do not fuck with "ohhh nooo, Quackity has become the new Dream!" in any capacity. It makes me annoyed at best and deeply uncomfortable at worst. Especially when Casinoboo kidnapping Karl and Sapnap and turning them into literal game pieces to manipulate Quackity in turn is framed as a #girboss moment, and Dream's carefully planned abuse of one of Ranboo's closest friends is given a dismissive handwave as he's let out of Pandora's Box. Which I also have beef with. Why are we letting Dream out of Pandora's Box. Why are we acting like he's part of the quirky little villain family. The Man Is A Serial Killer. Why is DNF driving the season finale bus all of a sudden–
Ranboo letting Dream out with the justification that Quackity had become a bigger threat was the first moment that started making me go "eh" with the AU, but there had still been a lot of stuff in the early animatics that I'd liked, so I'd wanted to keep watching through to the end. But as I said, I really Was Not Having A Fun Time Anymore when the person making the AU straight up said they hated my favorite character. At the end of the day I simply am not going to connect with any AU pushing the idea that "oh the smp would be so much better if everyone tried to get that silly Quackity to stop fighting back when he gets knocked down, can't he just roll over and take it like he's supposed to?"
All of this with the massive disclaimer that, again, I didn't watch the last 10 or so videos in the playlist. Maybe everything took a massive turnaround and there were some great fiance moments I missed. Maybe Wilbur gets some self-affirming moment where he gets valued as an individual outside of being the vessel for the smoothed over, "easier to manage" version of himself. I know that Glatt showing up was being teased before I clicked off, maybe he got some scenes with Quackity (or Tubbo) that brought back that unsettling/horror tone I liked in the first half. I also didn't see any of the potential follow up on whatever the mystery with Ranboo was "seeking guidance" on in the season 1 finale video, so I can't really give thoughts on wherever his arc was going. But that's my thoughts on what I saw! This is probably way too long of an answer, but as you can tell I like talking character analysis and narrative framing. I know post is mostly me discussing issues I had but I had a lot of fun with this! Like I said, gumi yumi is very talented and I admire the amount of work they’ve clearly put into this AU. Just not my personal cup of tea
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