#*wink wonk wink*
espectres · 11 months
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❝ Daisuke! With you as inspiration a painter could create their best painting, a poet could write wonderful poetry, a writer could- ❞ He has to pause the theatrical monolog at last, as he falls into uncontrollable snickering, quite laughter he's been trying to suppress, cheeks red. ❝ And you sure have pretty eyes. ❞
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blanchebees · 20 days
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Driven by instinct
Tip jar
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swiftmitsu · 3 months
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slavhew · 4 months
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Wax Fang - Majestic
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sofiaruelle · 8 months
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Happy Valentines Day!
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ziarendrawingspree · 1 year
What comes out of my mouth: I LOVE ASTARION SO MUCH
What comes out of my hands:
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gazkamurocho · 9 days
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Kiryu-chan got some new shorts ✨
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limited-hero · 1 month
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doodle of the puppy
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jellieroll · 4 months
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just a silly lil guy in celebration of the season's end
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pinkcocoapowder · 11 months
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some pals :P
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pfhwrittes · 8 months
retail hell reader is being bothered by an uncomfortably friendly customer and tf141 handle it in their own ways.
warnings: female!reader (she/her pronouns) isn’t being overtly harassed but you know when a man is being too interested and too friendly? its that. egregious use of scots as inspired by still game, pet names “love”, “hen” and “bonnie girl” used to refer to f!reader.
word count: 1.5k
pairings: kyle garrick x reader, john mactavish x reader, simon riley x reader, john price x reader.
each reader x named character interaction should be read as a standalone but i stuck them all together as they were too short to post individually in my opinion.
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this customer is making you nervous as fuck. you don't think you've been inappropriate with him in any way, just polite and friendly as you sorted out his refund. the problem is that he's massive, easily taller than simon by a couple of inches and he keeps looming over you blaming his difficulty understanding english as to why he keeps getting closer and closer. he's practically mounting the customer service desk to peer down at you (and you have a horrible feeling he's trying to get a look down your polo top).
you're beginning to panic so you do the only thing you think to do (which admittedly is pretty stupid looking back on it) and make your excuses to leave the customer service desk to find one of your friends. or at least find a colleague who will act as a witness if this guy gets any creepier.
gaz handles it like a champ. as soon as he spots the creep following you around he's there. arm around your shoulders and tucking you into his side at the kitchen consultant's desk. his customer service smile is fixed on his face and he refuses to even acknowledge this giant arsehole of a man, just keeps talking to you softly and shows you the kitchen he’s working on. kyle’s beautiful brown eyes only briefly leave your face so he can point out another favourite part of his design, he never once looks over at the creep. it works to soothe you, especially being so close to him. after ten minutes of being blatantly ignored, the creep walks off muttering under his breath. hopefully he’s left the store but unfortunately it’s around that time that kyle has a couple walk up to him asking him if he’s free for a drop in consultation. before he agrees he checks in with a gentle “you alright if i take this appointment, yeah? come straight back if that guy is still hanging around. i’ll deal with him.” he looks so serious you believe him. you reassure him that you’ll be fine and he gives your arm a gentle squeeze before you separate from his warmth already missing the slightly woody scent of his cologne. before you’re completely out of earshot you hear the couple cooing over how cute kyle was with you and his reply of “well, it’s not exactly hard when she’s one of my favourite colleagues…” and the fondness in his voice makes your cheeks heat up. 
johnny nearly trips over you as you’re crouched behind the paint desk. “steamin’ jesus, what’re ya daein’ under there hen?” you hush him quickly and silently with a finger raised to your lips. you don’t want to speak because you know the giant is still out there looking for you, you thought you’d given him the slip near the paint brushes but then he’d rounded the end of the aisle so you darted for the relative safety of the paint desk. johnny crouches down next to you and whispers “are we hidin’ from someone? is it simon?” you shake your head and go to answer him but then your blood runs cold as you hear that familiar accented voice. “excuse me? i was wondering if you might help, i’m looking for the fräulein who was helping me?” johnny shoots a look at you and you squish yourself further into the corner of the desk hoping against hope that johnny won’t give you away. thankfully, johnny straightens up from behind the desk with his most charming customer service grin “sorry pal, i’ve no’ seen her. ‘s only me on the desk the day.” the creep sounds nonplussed at johnny’s thick glaswegian accent (you’ve certainly never heard it ramped up like that in all the times you’ve spoken with him) and a little crestfallen when he starts to reply with “oh, perhaps you’d be good enough to -” johnny interrupts him, voice still pitched in a friendly manner but you can hear an undercurrent of tension “naw, sorry pal. i’m busy pitin’ the hems oan the tins. is there anythin’ i can dae fer ye mixin’ wise?” there’s a moment of silence and you watch johnny’s smile slowly slip off his face, his lips thinning into a stern line. “ah, um. no thank you. perhaps she will find me.” the creep sounds a little nervous now if the uncomfortable laugh he lets out is any indication. “aye right. well i’d best be lettin’ you get oan then eh?” johnny shifts on his feet slightly so his calf brushes up against your arm. after another tense moment you hear the lumbering footsteps of the giant move away from the desk. johnny looks down at you with a mischievous grin, “i’ve got to say bonnie girl, you look a right sight down there.” you only feel a little bit bad when you punch him lightly in the leg and he yelps in shock as the blush on your cheeks spreads down your neck. 
simon is less than impressed when you duck under the chain across the warehouse doors and flatten yourself against the noticeboard out of view from the shop floor. “you stupid? chains up which means the forklift is out so you need to be too.” he’s pissed off and thinking about how much paperwork he’ll have to fill out now because you didn’t bother to think about the cameras in your dash for safety. he takes a big step towards you before swerving off to the side to block the customer that has just appeared at the chain. “the fuck do you want?” he practically snarls. ‘this isn’t the fucking caff.” simon squares his shoulders and glares at the oversized dickhead that’s wasting his time. “well? can’t you fuckin’ read? staff access only. and you’re not staff so fuck off.” simon barks at the man, not letting him get a word in edgewise to start bitching about stock or whatever it is that he wants. simon couldn’t give a shit, he just wants the customer (and you) to fuck off promptly so he can start moving pallettes around. the customer just blinks and takes several steps back before turning away. you let out a shaky sigh and thank simon quietly. simon hums in acknowledgement and sweeps a critical eye down your lightly trembling form. “he botherin’ ya?” at your nod he hums again before jerking his head towards the back of the warehouse “go put a hi-vis on and sit in the office, i’ll come get you when i’m done on the ‘lift.”. when simon comes back into the office two paper cups of tea in hand thirty minutes later, you offer him a small smile and catch his lips twitch up briefly before he turns away to plunk his cup down on top of a cluttered filing cabinet. 
price practically walks into you as you come flying around the end of the plumbing aisle. it’s unusual to see you so far away from the customer service desk and looking so flustered. “alright, love?” his hand is on your elbow as he asks. you crane your neck round to look behind you, too worried about that customer to enjoy his large warm hand on your bare skin. price straightens up and drops his hand away from you when he spots a customer behind you, in his opinion the customer is moving a little too fast to be considered casual. price bristles slightly when he catches the dark look on the gentleman’s face. oh no, he doesn’t like the look of this one at all. especially when you look at price and mouth “help” quickly. price steps forward and puts you at his back, blocking the creep from getting any closer. “can i help you, mate?” his gruff voice is just shy of sounding friendly and you watch his back muscles shift under the black polo top he’s wearing. “no thank you, i wanted to speak with the little woman some more.” god the customer is weird, you shudder a little at being referred to as a “little woman”. price shifts to block the customer’s view of you more fully as he does you notice the back of price’s neck has gone a little red. “not possible. i need her for a job.” price’s words sound like they’re being ground out through gritted teeth in response. “i’m sure simon would be more than willing to help you.” you jolt a little when you spot simon at the customer’s shoulder. a man shouldn’t be able to move so silently in steel toed safety boots. you catch a brief wince flicker across the customer’s face when simon’s hand comes down on his shoulder, slightly too hard to be entirely polite. “ah, um, yes. perhaps that’s for the best.” simon leads the customer away and you step up beside price to thank him. he looks deadly serious when he turns to face you “any time love.” his stern blue stare softens slightly and you’re sure you catch his gaze flicker to your mouth briefly before he clears his throat and turns away “c’mon then. back to the returns desk with you.”. 
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AN: i have very much hidden from customers in the warehouse and behind the paint desk at B&Q. don’t be like reader (or me) and hide in the goods-in area, you will get shouted at for it. 
translation for johnny’s scots: “pitin’ the hems oan” = putting the hems on, meaning to put something in order or to restrain something/someone.
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month
What are your thoughts on Peter's dad (Dink from his universe) actually being alive this whole time and just faked his death? Like how in The Amazing Spider-man 2, Peter's dad turned out to be alive in a deleted scene.
i LOVEEE Garfield's Spider-Man!! a lot (and i mean a lot) of Peter's backstory is pulled from his movies (as well as other Spider-Man media but mostly Garfield's) so there might be some inspo taken from there for a plot line a while from now... ;3
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brewed-pangolin · 9 months
My current obsession...
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NSFW below the cut
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Being on a video call that will ensure the promotion you’ve been working towards for years, and the smug bastard that is Johnny Soap MacTavish takes it upon himself to eat you from underneath the desk table.
You can't break the call. Have to remain calm from the hip up as Johnny skilfully devours at your delicious cunt.
Your brow furrows, lips twitch. Yet you remain steadfast and focused on the task at hand even as Johnny works you into a feverish mess just beneath the surface.
It all culminates into that one final question from the highest executive, the one that will make or break the next step in your career.
And as if on cue, the overconfident shithead between your legs moans and delves his tongue into the depths of your core just as you begin to utter the response that will set in stone the next chapter of your life.
Your only reaction is a slightly heightened pitch to your initial words before ultimately regaining composure. Fiercely gripping into the desk behind the monitor and out of view as the relentless waves of an encroaching orgasm ripple out through your core and from the tip of Soap's overly talented tongue.
As the sounds of positive evaluation and approval spill through the speakers of your monitor, you quickly yet professionally mutter your appreciation and gratitude to your superiors and swiftly close the monitor to finally release your pent-up climax violently against his mouth.
Throwing your head back with a roaring moan of his name from your quivering lips, covering him with your juices as you tremble into the chair and slump over in overwhelming bliss.
And as your mind steadily settled back down into blissful normalcy, you glanced down between your legs and were met with an arrogant yet affectionately loving gaze.
"Congratulations, bonnie."
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Drabbles Masterlist
@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @jynxmirage @homicidal-slvt @obligatoryghoststare @glitterypirateduck @mykneeshurt @kkaaaagt @shotmrmiller @astraluminaaa @writeforfandoms @thetrashpossum @haurasha @havoc973 @simpingoverquestionablemen @ang3lc @luismickydees @designateddeadend
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neon-ufo · 4 months
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vampirka & her bf & their kid (teen) & vampirka & vampirka (back) 💕
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lapinlunaire-games · 6 months
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Pellicule is a minimalist UI template for use with Twine's Sugarcube format, inspired by professional screenplay formatting and analog photography.
Use built-in widgets to format passage text like a script, classic snail mail letters, or take advantage of a crisp, clean layout to comfortably display dense prose. Showcase your writing with bold, sophisticated display themes or create your own with custom colors.
Crisp minimalist design
Light/dark display themes
Custom plug-and-play widgets to format screenplay and letter essentials
Pre-styled template options for choice links and buttons
Built-in keybinds to toggle menu & close dialogs
Responsive design for desktop, tablets, and mobile devices
Annotated passages, stylesheet, and JavaScript for plug-and-play convenience
This template is free to use! Comes with detailed instructions on how to use the built-in widgets and commented code, ready for your story!
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wmnylander · 5 months
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Round 1, Game 7
May 4th, 2024
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