#*this is an oversimplification; a majority of animated surfaces do this but not all. notably all control points work with this
celestinecerasus · 7 months
tf2 is incredibly stupid. so there's this weapon, the short circuit for the engineer, it's pretty shit if you use the primary fire, it's a 10 damage hitscan taser that goes just about twice melee range, and it costs metal. pretty shit!
however! it has an alt-fire that launches a large energy ball that deletes projectiles that hit it and damages players. pretty useful!
but the way they choose to damage players is pretty weird! to avoid damaging the engineer who fired it, valve chose not to make it not deal self damage but to make it deal damage only if there is an enemy player inside, which means that if you are inside the ball with an enemy you will take damage
and in tf2, all damage deals knockback! and because the short circuit is a persistent area of effect, it does not have a direction for knockback, so it always launches up, so basically not noticeable most of the time, but if you're in the air it'll kick you up a bit
so if you fire the ball while next to an enemy and jump, you go about an inch upward. whoop-dee-doo
however! it also deals damage whenever the energy ball dies from hitting the ground. and knockback stacks very effectively in tf2, so now if you shoot the ground with this energy ball next to a player you can launch yourself above their head. and then they're wondering where the fuck you went and you can shoot them with your shotgun that you have
however! for some fucking reason, if the energy ball hits a surface that can move*, it will explode twice! which means you take 3 hits from the energy ball!
so in this war themed hat simulator from 2007, if you have this specific weapon equipped that's designed to delete enemy projectiles, are standing next to a player, and the ground beneath you can change for any reason*, and shoot the ground with the alternate fire, you can rocket jump as texas man.
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