#*the fairy king is her grandfather not godfather
princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Tattercoats
Favorite Thing About Them: I like that she's a Cinderella character who has a real relationship with her "fairy godfather" figure, the Gooseherd. People always ask "Why doesn't Cinderella's fairy godmother come to her sooner?" Well, in this variant, her helper is there from the beginning, and is her best friend. Presumably he waited to use his magic until it could help her in the best possible way, but in the meantime, she has his emotional support all along.
I also love the idea of a magic flute's music being used to transform her rags into a ballgown. Maybe it's my attachment to the opera The Magic Flute that makes me particularly enjoy it, but I think that's a very charming and creative form of magic for a Cinderella type of story to use.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: That she has to be bullied by the household servants as well as neglected in rags by her grandfather, poor thing. Most Cinderella retellings that have actual servants in the house portray them as being good friends to Cinderella, just powerless to stop her abuse (e.g. in Three Wishes for Cinderella or Ever After). It's horrible that these servants are so cruel instead.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
I like music.
I like elegant parties.
I think geese are nice birds.
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
I'm not blonde.
I'm not an orphan.
My grandparents all adored me when they were alive.
Favorite Line:
When the Prince first declares his love for her:
"You would be finely put to shame if you had a goosegirl for your wife! Go and ask one of the great ladies you will see tonight at the king's ball, and do not flout poor Tattercoats."
brOTP: The Gooseherd and the Nurse. In crossover-land, she might obviously be good friends with Cinderella, Donkeyskin, or any other rags-to-riches heroine.
OTP: The Prince.
nOTP: Her grandfather.
Random Headcanon: After her mother died in childbirth, her distraught grandfather blamed her father as well as her, and he either killed him in an insane fit of rage, or else her father left because he was afraid that would happen. This is why he isn't around.
Unpopular Opinion: Her story deserves to be adapted more often. I understand why it's not, because it's so similar to Cinderella, but it has great potential. In the first place, because the magical helper isn't just a deus ex machina, but Tattercoats's best friend whom she has a close relationship with from the start. Secondly, because a grandfather's scorn could be even more painful and poignant than a stepmother's. Third, because the Prince meets and falls in love with Tattercoats in her rags before the ball – so many Cinderella retellings change the story to make this happen, but here it already does.
Song I Associate With Them: None at the moment.
Favorite Picture of Them:
This illustration by Arthur Rackham:
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This illustration by John D. Batten:
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This book cover illustration by Margaret Chamberlain (my fifth grade teacher had this book in her collection of Cinderella variations rom around the world):
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This illustration by Margaret Tomes:
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This illustration by Shirley Hughes:
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This illustration by an unknown artist:
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austarus · 7 years
Barry Allen x Reader The Nutcracker AU
Major Disclaimer: I do not own anything from The Flash or The Nutcracker and The Mouse King. I only changed a few things to fit the style of the alternate universe. This is my first time writing about an alternate universe that involves something as spectacular as the Nutcracker so hopefully it doesn’t suck.
Requested by Anon: Hi there! Is it possible you could write a Barry ALLEN imagine (The Nutcracker AU)?
v  Caitlin Snow –> Narrator 1
v  Cisco Ramon –> Narrator 2
v  Harry Wells –> Narrator 3
v  Ralph Dibney –> Narrator 4
v  Little Iris West –> Clara
v  Little Wally West –> Fritz
v  Joe West –> Dad
v  Francine West –> Mom
v  Godfather
v  Prince Barry –> The Nutcracker
v  Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) –> Sugarplum Fairy
v  King Eobard –> The Mouse King
~The West Living Room~
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  It was Christmas evening.  Outside, the world was cold and covered in sparkling frost, but inside the home of the West family everything was warm and bright as they prepared for Christmas day.
(The West family decorates the room for Christmas as Deck the Halls plays softly in the background)
Francine:  Well done everyone, the house looks wonderful.
Joe:  Now all we need is for your Godfather to join the party.
Cisco (Narrator 2):  Just at that moment, there was a knock on the door.  
Cisco (Narrator 2):  The children ran up to see who it could be and sure enough, there was the cheerful smile of the children’s Godfather.
(The Children’s Godfather appears on stage with a sack full of presents.  
Iris and Wally run to greet him.)
Godfather:  Dear me children, let me in or we shall all freeze on the doorstep!
Iris:  Oh Godfather I’m so happy to see you!
Wally:  Have you brought us some presents?!
Francine:  Now Wally don’t be rude.  Besides, you will need to wait for the morning before you open any presents.
Godfather:  Of course, I have something for you Wally, and for you Iris.  Come, we had better put all the presents underneath the Christmas tree.
(O Christmas Tree plays on the radio as the family put presents beneath the tree)
Harry (Narrator 3):  Before long, all the presents were stacked in a colorful heap beneath the Christmas tree and the family were getting ready for bed.
Joe:  Come along now, it’s time for bed.  The sooner we go to sleep, the sooner it will be Christmas morning.
(Exit Iris, Wally, Francine, Joe, and Godfather.  Lights fade to a dim blue color)
Harry (Narrator 3):  But Iris found that she could not sleep, she was too excited about the present that her Godfather had brought for her.  She crept into the living room for another look.
(Iris creeps across the living room to the tree and opens her present, taking out a nutcracker doll.)
Iris:  What a sweet little nutcracker doll!  He’s dressed so smartly!  Oh, I love him!
Ralph (Narrator 4):  Iris hugged the nutcracker tightly and then curled up under the Christmas tree and fell asleep to the music of carol singers in the street.
(During the first verse of Silent Night Iris wanders around, rocking the nutcracker doll, then curls up under the tree with the nutcracker hidden)
Ralph (Narrator 4):  Suddenly, the clock struck twelve and Iris woke to find her nutcracker had turned into a prince!
(Chimes ring from the grandfather clock as Prince Barry kneels next to Iris and gently wakes her)
Prince Barry:  Thank you Iris, your kindness has freed me from King Eobard’s evil spell.  He will be angry, but don’t worry, my soldiers will protect you.
(Enter the toy soldiers, standing in formation on Prince Barry’s side)
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  Just then, they heard many shuffling feet.  The armies of King Eobard were on their way!
(The army of mice enters from the back of the stage and they stand facing the toy soldiers on the opposite side)
Make way for King Eobard
Cisco (Narrator 2):  The army of mice stood and faced the army of toy soldiers.  Then, King Eobard pushed his way to the front with an angry cry.
(King Eobard pushes his way through the army)
King Eobard:  This girl has broken my spell and robbed me of my revenge!  Now as punishment I shall kill Prince Barry and take this little meddler back to our lair.
(Prince Barry stands in front of Iris and draws his sword)
Prince Barry:  While there is breath in my body you shall not touch her!
King Eobard:  We will see about that!
(King Eobard draws his sword and they circle and begin to fight)
(The soldiers and the mice leap, shake fists, and throw cheese at each other while King Eobard and Prince Barry fight.  When it looks like King Eobard has the advantage, Iris stuns him with her slipper and the mice scatter, taking the King with them. At the end of the fight the soldiers exit, and Prince Barry goes over to Iris)
Prince Barry:  Thank you Iris, you have saved me again.
Iris:  Oh, Prince Barry, I couldn’t let him hurt you!
Prince Barry:  I don’t know how I can ever repay you… perhaps you would like to visit my kingdom for a little while?
Iris:  Oh, yes please!
Harry (Narrator 3):  Prince Barry took Iris’ hand and they went out into the night, through the falling snow
(The lighting changes to a lighter blue and as Iris and Prince Barry walk off)
~The Kingdom of Sweets~
(Enter Iris and Prince Barry.  Sugarplum fairy (Y/N) ready to run onstage)
Ralph (Narrator 4):  When they arrived in the Kingdom of Sweets, Iris couldn’t believe her eyes.  There were lollipop trees and marshmallow flowers, sweetly glazed mountains topped with whipped cream, and buttercream frosting everywhere.  As Prince Barry led Iris towards a huge marzipan castle, a beautiful lady ran to meet them.
Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N):  Oh!  Prince Barry!  I thought I would never see you again!  How did you ever escape?  And who is this?
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  Prince Barry explained everything that had happened since he had been turned into a Nutcracker by King Eobard.
Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N):  How extraordinary!  Please forgive my manners, I haven’t introduced myself.  I am Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N).  I am so grateful to you for returning Prince Barry to me.   Come, we must have a celebration!
(Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) leads Iris and Prince Barry to one side and then beckons the Snowflake dancers on stage)
Cisco (Narrator 2): Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) called together people from all over the Kingdom to come and celebrate the return of Prince Barry.
Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N):  Come and sit here, Iris.  The citizens of our Kingdom of Sweets will perform their dances for you, to show our gratitude.  
Harry (Narrator 3):  The swirling colors and beautiful music lulled Iris until she could hardly keep her eyes open.  As Prince Barry took to the floor with Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) she finally fell into a peaceful slumber.
(The Nutcracker Prince and the Sugarplum Fairy dance as Iris falls asleep in the corner and as everything fades back to the West living room.  Iris is now under the Christmas tree)
~West living room~
Ralph (Narrator 4):  When Iris woke that morning, she was underneath the Christmas tree once more.
(Iris wakes up and stretches then looks around her)
Iris:  What a strange dream… but where has my nutcracker gone?
Caitlin (Narrator 1):  Try as she might, Iris couldn’t find the nutcracker doll anywhere.
(Iris walks around looking for her nutcracker doll as her Godfather watches her search from a far)
Iris:  Oh, of course, he was with Sugarplum Fairy (Y/N) in the Kingdom of Sweets.  Perhaps it wasn’t a dream after all.
Godfather:  Good morning Iris.  Looking for something?
Iris:  Oh, Godfather… I’m sorry, I…
Godfather:  I know. You won’t find him now.  He’s back where he belongs.  Are you sad that you won’t have a present to open today?
Iris:  No, I’m glad I could help him.  I’d rather know that he is alright than have a whole mountain of presents.
(Wally, Joe, and Francine enter the living room)
Francine:       Oh, I see you’re up already.
Wally:             Merry Christmas everyone!
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