mastergeeka · 3 days
I know this is not really your department, but if you can please high five whoever made the decision to have No Rolls Barred (a board game youtube channel) do a play video with pre-constructed commander decks. I'm mostly connected to a board game community who is used to complex board games and the non-starter pick up and play products seems like the best fit for us (commander precons, jumpstart, etc.). So I'm glad see to see media making those connections.
If I can find out who to high five, sure.
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mastergeeka · 3 days
New reaction pic
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mastergeeka · 7 days
Hot Take: I mean this in the kindest way possible, Jacob Drawfee and Adam NRB are the same person but in very different fonts.
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mastergeeka · 7 days
Really wish there was a spell with a shorter casting time.
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proof that i'm a transmutation wizard, actually
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mastergeeka · 11 days
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mastergeeka · 12 days
I spent the money to get the extra pack but it’s truly going to be free points for everyone else because they are just going to bet that I know it.
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this is the nerdiest shit ever and I want it so bad
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mastergeeka · 12 days
It’s Ivan Brett from The Traitors from No Rolls Barred!
That’s his name now, I’ve decided. His full government name
watching the traitors after knowing ivan from no rolls barred is actually so funny. every time they cut to him I'm like omg what is ivan brett from my board game videos doing on tv that's crazy!!! as if he isn't constantly referred to on nrb as "ivan brett from the traitors"
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mastergeeka · 13 days
I think anyone who read my previous posts knew this was coming but today, this gay has got a new agenda.
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mastergeeka · 15 days
Absolutely agree. I got into NRB around the time Adam (like I was there for a month before he left) but I fell down the rabbit hole of the older stuff hard and anyone who knows me will tell you, the Yahtzee but Lying video is my baby.
Funny man 1 did nothing that should have stopped him from continuing to produce content so I’d like my favourite House Rules duo back, please and thank you. Reunite the funny men.
listening to adam's statement as someone who only really got attached to nrb after adam had left, so I'm not personally invested in the situation nor did I even really know what happened and I've gotta say. he really does seem just like. genuinely forthcoming. considerate to the other parties involved. disappointed, obviously, that such a personal conflict has to be made public in this way. but handling it with grace. I am one of the top straight white man haters in the country but besties. he seems fine.
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mastergeeka · 15 days
Angela has now made a video about to and says she hopes Adam can get back to making videos soon. She's been active in the NRB patreon discord as well so I hope to see her in some Trident projects, too.
Happy Adam statement day
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mastergeeka · 17 days
OMG we’ve got follow-up! Finally some information! Adam has actually released a video statement.
I’m coming up to about a year of being a NRB fan which means we’re almost at a year since it all went to hell, shall we say. Brilliant timing on my part, thanks so much Universe. But because how much time has passed, I want to take a look back on everything. Time gives a new perspective as they say. Also, I'll be real, I've had these thoughts in my head for months at this point and I need to get them out.
By the time I was seeing information about the situation, I was already like a third of the way through binging everything the channel had ever made. My real life was going through a particularly rough patch and I was definitely using NRB videos as escapism. I ended up deciding that the videos were a source of joy that I needed at the time and since Adam had left and Carley wasn’t appearing on the channel, no matter who was lying vs. telling the truth, my watching of the videos that already were posted would not greatly benefit or punish any involved party so until more details came out, I just tried to ignore the situation. I basically tried to live in a world where both parties were innocent until proven guilty and it was just a really sad misunderstanding or that it never happened at all.
The word “tried” in all those statements is doing a lot of work. Most of the time it worked and I was able to escape reality for a bit, but sometimes my brain would say something like “Am I a bad feminist for not immediately believing the woman, do I just want her to be wrong subconsciously and that’s what’s making me waver? The rule of thumb is believe victims when they speak out”,
“But the ideal of believing the woman/victim doesn’t apply here, no victim has come forward, Carley is just saying that she heard about it and maybe Carley’s just been misinformed or she could be making up rumours. I want to believe that a person can redeem themself and if he took accountability the first time, surely that deserves some credit? That’s what we want people to do after all, take accountability and grow, so we should reward that behavior with trust”
“Sure, but be realistic here, what does your own life experience say is more common and therefore likely with this sort of thing. Don't be naive” and those voices would go at each other, back and forth until I gave up and went to do work or something. So the silver lining there is that at least this kept me from slacking too much. Isn’t that something? I give all this preface to show that this situation isn’t something I’m taking lightly.
Now that I’m in a better place in my real life, I decided I should actually look at everything that happened and see if I could draw any more conclusions to help satisfy the curious/nosy part of my brain. Unsurprisingly, I haven’t been able to crack the case wide open but one thing is clear, and getting clearer by the day: The rest of the cast are on Adam’s side. From the cast members unfollowing Carley, them liking Adam’s statement proclaiming his innocence and his plan for legal action, to recently Jon’s Kickstarter game having a quote from Adam on the front page. These are forms of public support that would be the safest to use if there was a legal battle happening in private.
What this means to me is: Just from a logical standpoint, whatever I believe about Adam, I have to extend it to the whole cast. I can’t condemn Adam but not condemn the rest of the cast. The rest of the cast either know the what happened or didn’t look into the situation enough before standing by Adam. That means if I believe Adam is guilty, I must therefore believe the rest of the cast is complicit and at the end of the day, I just don’t want to do that unless the evidence makes it impossible not to do so.
I really like watching the channel and I don’t want to force myself to stop watching or feel complicit in supporting bad people unless I have to. So until evidence comes out showing otherwise, I believe Adam is innocent. I have to. And if I am wrong, and I must stop watching/supporting NRB as a whole for ethical reasons, at least I gave myself a little more time to enjoy it before I have to say goodbye. Is that selfish? Yeah probably, at least a little if I’m honest, but it’s an understandable level of selfishness that I could forgive someone else for, so I can forgive myself for it, if it turns out for the worst.
And I want to also say that I still think it’s possible Carley isn’t a liar as well. This is not a “Carley is lying” post. If I’m applying innocent before proven guilty to Adam, it’s only fair that I apply it to Carley as well. I’ve tried my absolute best to keep my reasoning consistent across the board with this. I believe she believes what she said but I think it’s possible she could be wrong. And wouldn’t that be nice, if it turned out both parties were innocent and there was just a big confusion? I’ll admit it’s not the likeliest scenario, but I’m still hoping for it. Basically, the more people involved in this that are revealed to not be huge jerks, the happier I’ll be. That’s what dictating my best to worst case scenarios.
The whole reason I wanted to make this post is to remind everyone, including myself, that we as the public still don’t know much of anything. We have 4 comments on a YouTube video on one side and vague PR statements on the other. That’s pretty much it, officially. The rest is just based on how the people involved are interacting with each other and the like. That leaves a lot still up in the air and that’s really frustrating. Uncertainty is one of the worst feelings and I think it’s easier to just say Adam’s guilty and move on than to keep being uncertain about this for so long. Because if he is guilty after all that, we have to process that, on top of having dealt with the terrible uncertainty for this long so we want to “bite the bullet” now, so to speak. It’s less emotionally risky to just assume the worst now, deal with it, then push it into the past and I think there’s a significant portion of fans that did that or that are trying to anyway. The drawback there I want to point out though, is that it ignores the possibility that there is a happier ending to this. Additionally, condemning Adam but trying to stick by the rest of the cast may feel like the simplest & easiest solution at first, but it’s not a realistic one or one that works with the very few pieces of information we do have: the actions of the other cast members.
My goal with this post is not to convince people to either side. That would require me to pick a side and as I think I’ve shown, I can’t. My goal in making this post is to encourage people to keep their minds open to the possibilities out there and remind them not to jump to conclusions too soon. Because one year feels like a decent estimate to me for how long legal stuff like this lasts and I think it’s possible that people could speak freely soon. At least, that's what I'm hoping for and I want other people to have hope, too.
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mastergeeka · 17 days
(girl with adhd voice) yeah i just love in fiction when a character has a superpower thats also a disability. like a power that changes how they interact with the world in exciting ways but also has terrible drawbacks to their daily life. no real reason why
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mastergeeka · 18 days
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god forbid 5000 year old girls do anything
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mastergeeka · 20 days
Sullivan got the role of Watson all the way back in the LOTB 2022 Grand Final. The Sherlock has changed tho.
okay why does dom as sherlock and sully as watson go kind of crazyyyy
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mastergeeka · 29 days
"thank you, kingston. wherever you are."
i mean if i had to guess, the man who famously doesn't leave new york, might just be in new york.
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mastergeeka · 1 month
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hi yall long time no see. anyways have this
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mastergeeka · 1 month
The “Katara and Aang are both genocide survivors so they can relate to each other better” idea might hold up if, the one time Katara actually got the chance to meaningfully talk about her trauma, Aang didn’t tell her to forgive her mother’s murderer and compare her to a madman who attempted to flood a village full of innocent civilians when she pushed back 🙃
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