#*smiley w sunglasses emoji*
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pctrichvrs · 4 years ago
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              * emma mackey, cis woman + she/her  | you know celeste laurent, right? they’re twenty four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, seven years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to cry baby by the neighbourhood like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole watching the phone ring to avoid picking up, unintentionally locking eyes from across the room and dark circles further accented by pale skin thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is december 9th, so they’re a sagittarius, which is unsurprising, all things considered. 
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  wow ..,. hello ! i’m jay ( she&her ) and i’ve been eyeing this group for days .. *nicki minaj vc* i’m obsessed . celeste is my only muse but give me 2 business days and i’m sure that’ll be vastly different . i feel like i should give the disclaimer that although i adore plotting, i’m super slow with messages so feel free to just ..,. let my oddball child interact and go with the flow . < 3 
quick stats.
full name: celeste rosalie laurent.
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: youtuber/podcaster.
neighborhood: lives in port apartments.
mbti personality: intj.
celeste was born and raised in lyon, france . her mother was an art curator and her father was an architect. they passed along their desire to be surrounded by pretty things which resulted in celeste dabbling in nearly every art form imaginable from a young age . 
sure, some of her work turned out better than others but it was clear that she had a real knack for anything that didn’t really require the left side of her brain. if it involved creativity and didn’t have much structure, she was drawn to it and excelled. she was fourteen when she ended up making her first short film. sixteen when she earned a spot at cannes film festival, sparking quite a bit of buzz and earning funding to a school of her choosing . 
celeste knew she wanted to go to america and it helped that she had a few cousins in north carolina . she went to UNC school of the arts for two semesters before throwing her scholarship away . . . her distaste for structure getting in the way . she’s also pretty fickle so when that chapter closed, she decided to give up short films and put her energy into youtube . 
her channel was an absolute clusterf*ck at first but she made a ridiculous conspiracy theory video and it just kind of stuck. i’d consider most of her channel to be similar to buzzfeed unsolved ( conspiracies, ghosts, etc ) with like a sprinkle of ridiculous challenge videos and maybe the occasional cooking/painting video ?? if you’re her friend, you’ve probably made a cameo in a video at some point .
if it wasn’t obvious enough, celeste’s biggest flaws are her need for freedom and her fickle tendencies which affects nearly everything in her life . everything is very sporadic for her with very little consistency . she’ll go weeks without working on anything and then have a deadline and have to finish it in 2 days . romantic relationships are very hard for her because by the time you’ve gotten comfortable with her, she’s probably moved on a bit . friendships are admittedly a bit easier but she’s definitely not a friend you’d expect to be present a lot ?? phone is always on do not disturb and she takes hours to text back . if you want her, you’d probably have better luck just showing up on her doorstep .
kind of spacey too like even if you show up, good luck getting her undivided attention . she’ll be there physically but mentally ?? who knows, really . the type to occasionally cut you off mid-convo with a question that just popped into her head that’s unrelated to the original topic .
overall though, not too hard to get along with if you give her some room to breathe and have some patience . celeste despises confrontation and does her best to stay pretty lowkey . i feel like she’s kind of drawn to people that stand out and are unique in one way or another and LOVES to hear people tell their story or talk about themselves . she hates being the center of attention ( she used to love it when she was making films ) and is nearly a bit reclusive at times but doesn’t even realized she’s been tucked away in her apartment until someone points it out .
basically the human embodiment of Gifted Kid Burn Out(TM) . #relatable
tldr ; a youtuber ( think buzzfeed unsolved ) originally from france who was once incredibly gifted in film . flighty, fickle and spacey but has a genuine curiosity for everyone she meets .
still has a french accent but it’s not nearly as prominent as it was when she first moved to the states . 
has a super odd sleep schedule ? sometimes she’s pulling all nighters and sometimes she’s in bed by 9pm. it usually depends on the amount of work she has to do but sometimes she’s just like fuck it, let me binge this show or start this book at midnight . 
a “look at the sky!” ass bitch ..,. loves to stargazing or take a minute to appreciate a pretty sunset. yes, she will be pulling out her phone to document it . 
her youtube is pretty successful with about 400k subs ..,. although she’s started branching out into making podcasts and neglecting youtube a bit . 
still a bit of an aesthete ? like very drawn to pretty things/people which may make her seem kind of superficial but she literally just has such a deep appreciation for things that are appealing to the senses . 
i’ll add more later but it’s 1am and i’m getting sleepy .
wanted connections.
roommates ; arguably some of my fave plots are roommate plots ! bonus points if they don’t get along for some reason but anything is fine with me .
will they/wont they ; another dynamic that i’m a sucker for ! doesn’t have to lead anywhere like maybe they just have ridiculous chemistry when they’re around each other ? maybe they’ll go on a date and try it out at some point ? 
long-term friend(s) ; someone who she’s been friends with since she was 17 ? i don’t think celeste’s social circle is very big so they probably mean a lot to her .. ride or dies .. best friends .. platonic soulmate vibes . yes pls .
exes ; i don’t think she’d have many but maybe one or two ? could be on good terms, bad terms, one/both of them still aren’t over it ..,. the options are endless .
Parent Friend(TM) ; someone who checks in on her to make sure she’s eaten a proper meal and has slept fairly recently would be super cute, i think ! she’s the type to drink iced coffee at noon and be like : ) thank u . i’m stuffed and then neglect doing self care .
i do not have a cute name for this but basically the exact opposite of the parent friend(TM) and someone who makes celeste go out and have fun bc she’s a tad reclusive ...,. drags her to parties / on roadtrips / other spontaneous shit . 
enemies / frenemies / former friends ; always fun . always a good time !
literally anything like u can send me a musing post and be like ‘do this with me’ and i will probably do it 
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lynnbecksart · 3 years ago
A complete, very long list of all GBoard-combinable emojis because I can't find one anywhere.
Ok so for those who haven't seen my stuff (or have only seen my Bionicle posts), I sometimes emoji mashup redraws, with the recent fourth one using GBoard-based fusions. Frustratingly, there's no actual list of fusion-compatible emojis, so I'll attempt to compile them, in a list below the "Read More" thing:
Green/▢ = compatible with fusion Blue/△ = only works with certain emojis Red/◯ = not compatible with fusion
Also, since other people's terms for specific emojis might not match up with mine, I recommend using CTRL+F and then doing this to find the specific emoji you're looking for. This list is in the order presented in GBoard's Emoji menu. Some of them will be generic unicode symbols, I don't know how to change that, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I won't aknowledge multi-category Emoji.
Smileys and Emoticons
😀Open-mouthed smile▢
😃Wide-eyed smile▢
😄Closed-eyed smile▢
😁Closed-eyed grin▢
😅Sweating smile▢
😙Kissing, closed eyes▢
😚Kissing, blushing▢
😘Kissing, winking w/ heart▢
🥰Surrounded by hearts▢
🥳Noisemaker and party-hat▢
☺Blushing, smiling▢
😏Looking off to the side▢
🤭Hand over mouth▢
😶Nightmare fuel Mouthless▢
😋Licking lips▢
😛Tongue out▢
😝Tongue out, eyes closed▢
😜Tongue out, winking▢
🤪Tongue out, wide-eyed▢
🙄Rolling eyes▢
😡Angry, red▢
🙁Frown but less▢
😳AWOOGA Flushed▢
😰Distraught, sweating▢
😧Distraught, shocked▢
😦Distraught, neutral▢
😮Open mouth▢
😯Open mouth, surprised▢
🤯Your head asplode Mind blown▢
😢Crying, single tear▢
😥Crying, less sad▢
😪Sleeping but different?▢
🌛Left-facing moon▢
🌜Right-facing moon▢
🌚New moon face◯
🌝Full moon face◯
🌞The sun▢
😷Masked up▢
🤠yee haw▢
👽Ayy lmao Alien▢
😈Demon 1▢
👿Demon 2▢
☠Skull and crossbones▢
💫Star with trail▢
🌟Star with bits▢
💢Anime anger symbol◯
💦Sweat Droplets▢
🎉Party popper▢
🎊Confetti ball▢
😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾Literally all the "cat in different emotions" emojis▢
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤Literally all the coloured hearts△
♥Heart suit▢
💘Heart with arrow▢
💝Heart with ribbon▢
💖Shiny heart▢
💗Growing heart▢
💓Beating heart▢
💞Swirling hearts▢
💕Two hearts▢
💌Love letter▢
💟Heart in square▢
❣Heart exclamation mark▢
💔Broken heart▢
👥Two silhouettes◯
🗣Talking silhouette◯
👃👂🦶🦵💪👍👎👏🙌👐Every other body part and hand gesture, seriously this isn't even all of them◯
Seriously, I don't know why none of the people-category emojis are Fusion-compatible. Let's just move on.◯
Animals and Nature
💐Bunch of flowers▢
🥀Wilted rose◯
🌺Hibiscus flower◯
🌸Cherry blossom▢
💮White flower◯
🍂Falling leaves◯
🍁Maple leaf◯
🌾Rice plants◯
🍃Falling leaves again◯
☘3-leaf clover◯
🍀4-leaf clover◯
🌴Palm tree◯
🌳Deciduous tree◯
🌲Coniferous tree▢
🏞National park◯
🌀Tornado symbol◯
🌁Foggy scene◯
☃Snowman (with snow)▢
⛄Snowman (without snow)▢
🏔Mountain with snow◯
🏝Desert island◯
🌅Sunrise/set (water)◯
🌄Sunrise/set (mountains)◯
🌤Sun with cloud◯
⛅Sun and cloud◯
🌥Cloud with sun◯
🌦Sun and cloud with rain◯
☔Umbrella with rain◯
🌙Crescent Moon◯
🌠Shooting star▢
🌌Milky Way◯
🌆City in the evening▢
🌃City at night▢
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘The moon◯
🙈🙉🙊🐵Monkeys, wise or not▢
🦁Lion face▢
🐯Tiger face◯
🐱Cat face▢
🐶Dog face◯
🐺Wolf face◯
🐻Bear face▢
🐨Koala face▢
🐼Panda face▢
🐹Hamster face◯
🐭Mouse face◯
🐰Rabbit face▢
🦊Fox face◯
🦝Raccoon face◯
🐮Cow face◯
🐷Pig face▢
🐽Pig nose▢
🐗Boar head◯
🦓Zebra head◯
🦄Unicorn head▢
🐴Horse head◯
🐸Frog face◯
🐲Dragon head◯
🐃Water buffalo◯
🐿Squirrel (why does the squirrel of all things have a Unicode symbol?)◯
🐠Tropical fish◯
🐛"Bug" yeah sure ok◯
Food and Drink
🍎Red apple◯
🍏Green apple◯
🍠Sweet potato◯
🍳Frying pan◯
🥚Egg (somehow)◯
🍗Chicken leg◯
🍖Anime meat◯
🥙Stuffed flatbread◯
🍲Pot of food◯
🍤Fried prawn◯
🥡Takeaway container◯
🍚Cooked rice◯
🍙Jelly Donut Rice ball◯
🍘Rice cracker◯
🥠Fortune cookie◯
🥮Moon cake◯
🍧Shave ice◯
🍨Ice cream◯
🍦See above◯
🍰Cake slice◯
🍮Custard mate what kinda custard have you been eating, this is clearly a créme caramel◯
🎂Birthday cake▢
🍬Boiled sweet◯
🥤Soft drink◯
🍼Baby bottle◯
🍵Green tea◯
🍻Beers, plural◯
🥂Champagne glasses◯
🍷Red red wine◯
🍴Knife and fork▢
🔪Kitchen knife◯
Travel and Places
🛑🎡Everything from the stop sign to Ferris wheel◯
🎠Merry-go-round horse▢
🎪🏕Everything from circus tent to campsite◯
🌇City at sunset yes I'm surprised as you are▢
🛤Train tracks◯
🗾Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's beautifuul!◯
🌐Globe with meridian lines▢
💺Plane seat◯
Activities and Events
🧨Dynamite Firecracker◯
🧧Red envelope◯
🎐Wind chime◯
🎏Fish streamers◯
🎎Japanese dolls (that's what the emoji's called, don't @ me with the actual name for them)◯
🎑Moon viewing ceremony◯
🎍Pine decoration◯
🎄Christmas tree▢
🥌Curling stone◯
🛷Rosebud Sled◯
🎣Fishing rod▢
🎽Running shirt◯
🥋Martial arts uniform◯
🥊Boxing glove◯
🧩Puzzle piece◯
👾Videogame alien◯
🎰Slot machine◯
🎴Flower playing card◯
🀄Mahjong tile◯
🎩Top hat◯
🎚🎛🎙📻Assorted audio stuff◯
🎥Film camera◯
🎭Comedy and tragedy masks◯
📱🧻Everything from smartphone to toilet roll◯
🧸Teddy bear▢
🧷🧢Everything from safety pin to baseball cap◯
🎒💍Everything from backpack to ring◯
💄👓Everything from lipstick to glasses◯
🥽📁Everything from goggles to folder◯
🗞���Everything from rolled-up newspaper to right-pointing magnifying glass◯
🔮Crystal ball▢
🧿🔓Everything from Nazar amulet to open lock◯
There are no compatible non-repeated Emoji here.◯
Aaaaand none here either.◯
Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong.
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caruliaa · 3 years ago
i just realized likebhow you can give a smiley face cool guy shades B)…. you can also make a glasses wearing emoji 8]
YEASHH rly so great tht u can customize sm w the sunglasses u can truly go wild BP
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incorrect-trolls · 6 years ago
the trolls as tumblr blogs
Poppy - the girl’s got no real “theme” going, but she’s definitely got a “craft” tag where she’s posted at least three hundred scrapbooking tutorials already, and probably reblogged a few do-it-yourself knitting, crocheting, or sewing videos. sometimes posts cute selfies in colorful dresses with her hair very elaborately styled, or low-quality recordings of her own original music. gets flooded with asks every day, mainly about “how do I do X with my scrapbook, please teach me” or just people telling her how pretty and nice and approachable she is. she answers every single message. no anon left behind. lots of positivity posts, too, mainly just short snippets like “you can do it!!” with smiley-face and thumbs-up emojis. reblogs every meme she sees and always remembers to tag her friends in them. sends Branch asks here and there to make sure he’s still alive. blog is astoundingly well-organized, considering how scattered it is. 
Branch - survivalist. everything. very long, detailed posts with lots of bullet points and big words and italics. the information is actually useful, if you can be bothered to sift through it. tips on how to survive everything from a house fire to the zombie apocalypse. lots of conspiracy posts, too, won’t shut up about Roswell or Illumanati. doesn’t get asks as often as Poppy does, and when he does, it’s usually some anon with some variation of “why are you like this”. responds to said asks with one-word answers. responds to Poppy’s asks with at least some measure of exasperation. reblogs her positivity posts just to counter the encouragement with something typically pessimistic, and tends to go off with her on never-ending threads back and forth where they just disagree on absolutely everything from cats vs. dogs to the infinite possibilities of multiple universes. tells anyone who will listen how much he can’t fucking stand her. would burn before he posted a selfie where “the establishment” could see. everything is meticulously tagged and scrupulously organized. probably runs a sideblog where he posts sappy romantic poetry every few days. no one on his main knows about it. they Must Never Know.
Bridget - kinda lowkey treats her blog like a diary, lots of personal posts, lots of random, unnecessary updates on her life, lots of venting. vague-blogging. all her drama out on main. reblogs recipes if she thinks they look good. doesn’t get memes, but reblogs every single one Poppy tags her in anyway. the rare selfie that does make it onto her blog quickly gets deleted when her insecurities act up. discovered the rainbow emoji a few years ago and never looked back.
Gristle - memes. just. memes. “change my mind”. “you guys are just mean”. gru meme. responds to every ask he gets with a meme. some people think he’s a bot. also lots of vine compilations. some selfies here and there, usually with a caption about how handsome he feels today. once left a comment on one of Bridget’s selfies before she deleted it and just said “hot lunch!” 
Smidge - wall-to-wall workout stuff. mainly two to three-minute videos of her doing power squats or one-handed push-ups or something of the like. has a “goals!!!” tag that’s just pictures and gifs of other bodybuilders. sometimes makes posts about the pros and cons of different sports drinks or protein shakes, and the majority of her selfies are mainly just her flexing proudly. reblogs her friends’ selfies with aggressive, kinda off-the-wall compliments - “LOVE YOURSELF AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU OR DIE” - but everyone appreciates the thought all the same. occasionally reblogs pics of pretty ladies when she’s tortured by thirst.
Guy Diamond - glitter aesthetics, mainly. gifsets and photos and stimboards of the stuff, but sometimes he’ll intersperse a pic of a big city all lit up at night or a Starbucks coffee cup or something similar.  usually posts at least one selfie per day, if not several, and captions them all w/ nothing but 3 sparkle emojis and a winky face. his text posts are typically something in the vein of “love yourself BITCH”. will talk on and on in the tags about how much he loves the post, but won’t actually tag the content of the post itself. calls every inconvenience he’s ever experienced in his life “homophobic”. if you get him in a sappy enough mood, he’ll wax poetic about the lovely life he’s going to lead with his future husband. 
Biggie - mostly just pictures of Mr. Dinkles, or text posts about him ((e.g. pic of Mr. Dinkles in sunglasses captioned “Mr. Dinkles is feeling chill!”)) or the odd photo of a meal he’s made, or a batch of cupcakes he’s really proud of. occasionally reblogs pictures of other animals as well, mainly cats and kittens. the fuzzier, the better. very sweet and welcoming to everyone, his followers just love sending him asks and hearing about his day, or getting to tell him about theirs. makes everyone feel right at home, and has upwards of ten thousand followers because of this.
Cooper - ??????????????? doesn’t really know what he’s doing at all. occasionally posts memes but none of them actually make any sense. reblogs all his friends’ posts but rarely makes any of his own. adds unnecessary comments to text posts whenever possible. doesnt tag anything.
DJ Suki - music!!!! lots of her own, of course, but reblogs plenty of her favorite bands and artists, too. takes a longggg time to respond to asks and her responses are usually v short, barely more than a few words at a time. aggressively reblogs Poppy’s music and Cooper’s meaningless memes. has sent Branch at least one (1) ask that just said, “chill”. 
Satin and Chenille - clothes tbh, esp fancy evening gowns with sparkles and ruffles and things like that, but the occasional cute blouse finds its way onto their blog, too. lots of pictures of the pieces they’re currently working on and plenty of progress updates. sometimes hold random giveaways for the outfits their followers express the most interest in. occasional step-by-step tutorials on sewing, hairstyles, makeup, or something of the sort. at least one text post a week venting nonstop about each other.
Creek - yoga and meditation techniques at least once a week, and a few tips here and there on practicing mindfulness as well. uses the words “inner peace” and “complete tranquility” several times in one post. almost never reblogs any of his friends’ posts, and ignores Poppy’s attempts to tag him in memes because it “doesn’t fit his theme”. will send Poppy lots of encouraging asks, though, especially after she’s just had a thread with Branch. follows Branch specifically to comment things like “thanks for sharing your unique perspective on things..........again” on his posts.
Cloud Guy - doesn’t tag. default theme. answers asks with the peace-sign emoji, when he gets asks at all. most people are too afraid to initiate contact. got a blog just to send Branch terrifyingly vague or profoundly irritating asks, and comments on Branch and Poppy’s threads with “she’s got a point, rotary joint” whenever he can. Branch has blocked him upwards of five times. he just keeps making blogs. 
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justyournewsworld · 6 years ago
Lil Nas X and Gordon Ramsay Make Paninis Together After Viral Twitter Exchange
Lil Nas X and Gordon Ramsay Make Paninis Together After Viral Twitter Exchange
Lil Nas X got to cooking with Gordon Ramsay, and the results were far from a kitchen nightmare.
The “Old Town Road” rapper, 20, finally met up with the British chef after a viral Twitter exchange, and the two managed to whip up a perfectly toasted set of paninis.
“Me & @gordonramsay made paninis,” the rapper wrote on Twitter Wednesday, adding two bread emojis and a smiley face wearing sunglasses.
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mallsbiz · 8 years ago
Donalworld Women Smiley Emoji 3D Printing School Canvas Backpack
Brand Donalworld
Main Material: Polyester and Canvas
Conditon: 100% brand new
Capacity: below 20 Litre
Appro. Size:Length 29cm * width 14cm * 42cm please allow 1-3 CM size difference and slightly color difference
Closure Type: Plastic zipper closure
Strap: adjustable shoulder strap,you can use it as a backpack or shoulder bag or tote bag
inner structure: 1 large main compartment,one open phone pouch
External Design: 1 front outer zipper pack, cute pattern design, it features smooth and convenient closure,detailed stremlined stitching, it’s perfect for everyday use;its solft comfort texture for good durablity; perfect shape,beatiful outline and fine workmanship make it a stylish and fashional design; it is high-end design,large capacity and various colors suitable for all ages, and a fashion bag full of personality,great in detail and good for your personal collectionbthe fashional style could make you impressive in any occassion
Capacity: suitable for books, phones, wallets, cosmetic bags, sunglasses, etc
Applicable Occasion: Suitable for many occasions, like shopping, travelling, dating, go to school or any other outdoor activities
shipping service
if you place order with our company directly, Usually you will get it in 7-15 working days to USA,UK,CA,FR,JP Mainly Soft Canvas and Polyester Material ,Cartoon Emoji Vintage pattern design,Plastic zipper closure type, security and convenient.double adjustable shoulder strap small 1pc zipper outer pocket on the front side,1 bottle poch on each side, proper 1 main compartment Spacious Storage and 2 open pouch interior; it is great for something cute to compliment your outfit,this is super cute bag,widen shoulder strap, be comfortable to use.multi-pouch design, you can place many stuffs. Appro.Size:29*12*42cm(L*W*H)please allow 1-3 CM size difference and slightly color difference Widened Shoulder Strap Design, appro.6cm,perfect for relieving pressure.keep your shoulders comfort Applicable Occasion: Suitable for many occasions, like shopping, travelling, go to school or any other outdoor activities.you can use it as everyday bag bakpack.it goes with most of outfits.you can place your phone, cards and pencil case,sunglasses and otehr neccessariess
from Products – www.Malls.biz https://malls.biz/product/donalworld-women-smiley-emoji-3d-printing-school-canvas-backpack/
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