#*sigh* the whole time we hung out she sat and texted to other people and got pissed if I actually talked to her
iluvapplesxh · 2 months
Hi I was wondering if you if you could Billie is angry at us and yells and ignores us and we are nervous and scared of if she doesn’t want to be with us anymore I love your angst ones with Billie because in the end there are so sweet and I feel like a lot of people and myself can relate to wanting someone to understand and love us
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☞☞☞☞Love Is Pain☜☜☜☜
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summary: Words, which were not meant to be said, thrown at each other angrily. Words which cut deep and made you doubt close to everything. But love was a pain you were ready to bare.
warnings: panic attack, angst, fight, mentions of past trauma (kinda), little fluff at the end. !ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!
A/N: Hii, anon! it's my first request, so pls be kind. I am not sure if this is exactly what you wanted but I did what I could!
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You sat on your couch in the shared apartment you and your girlfriend of 6 months had. Said apartment was silent, you could hear a pin drop if it were to be dropped. Earlier that night, you and Billie had been at a small friendly gathering at a mutual friend’s house, and everything was going great. You and Billie were by one another’s side most of the time, making conversations and such. Well that was until that loving mutual friend sat down next to the two of you on the couch and started talking to Billie about something that happened when you weren’t there.
It would have been fine, you were a busy person so of course there would be some times and memories of Billie’s that you are not part of, but the way Billie unwrapped her arm from around your waist and turned her whole body towards the other girl, her eyes shining with interest as the other girl told the story, the way your friend placed her hand on your girlfriend’s arm as she spoke, shifting closer and closer until their legs were pressed together, Billie’s arm now resting on the back of the couch behind your friend.
Maybe you were overreacting, or maybe you were rightfully upset, but nonetheless, you told your girlfriend you weren’t feeling well in hopes to just escape and go back home together. But no. She had barely turned her attention to you and waved you off with not even as much as a ‘See ya’. 
It made your heart ache and your stomach drop. But you didn’t let it show as you left the house, deciding to leave Billie’s car for her and instead took an uber home. 
It has been hours. And you had seen no sign of a text or call, or her in general. True, you should have been at least a little bit worried but you just couldn’t get that careless response out of your head. It was like you were just like every other person she meets everyday.
And it stung.
Like a bitch.
So, no surprise, when you finally heard the front door open, heavy footsteps approaching the living room through the hallway, you stood up with an angry expression, watching as your girlfriend walked into the living room.
“I didn’t know you left” 
You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest at her words. “I told you, but you seemed all too interested in what Amanda had to say…” 
Billie’s eyebrows furrowed and her hand dropped her cap down on the dresser next to her. “What? What are you implying, baby?” She asked, disbelief clear in her voice.
You shook your head, pressing your lips together before a dry chuckle escaped your lips. “Come on, now you’re gonna pretend you didn’t ignore me, or better said, waved me off, when I asked if we could leave?”
Billie’s jaw clenched as she sighed. “Fine, okay. I’m sorry. Happy?” She held out her arms as she approached you, standing face-to-face with you in front of the dark gray L-shaped couch.
A short breath came out of your mouth as you scoffed once more, your tongue swiping across your front teeth. “No. You-You treated me like I was just one of the Billion people on earth” 
Billie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Aren’t you?”
Your mouth hung open at her response, a sharp pain shooting through your chest when she said that. You blinked multiple times, your throat tightening up before you cleared it. “What..?” The words were barely above a whisper as your shoulders slumped.
Billie groans and scoffs. “I don’t have the energy for this, man. Why do you have to be so sensitive?” It seems as though Billie is not aware of what she’s saying. Or well, maybe she was. But you didn’t want to think that. No. That would hurt more. To know she’d knowingly say those words to you.
“Billie, I’m trying to-” 
Your words were cut off by another roll of Billie’s eyes and her looking away. “No. You are being such a baby about this. I was just interested in what Amanda had to say”
You swallowed hard and took in a deep breath. “I…that would have been fine if you didn’t ignore me.” You couldn’t help but feel a pang of shame shoot through you. She’s right. You were being dramatic.
“Oh my God!” Her voice was loud and it made you flinch a little as she threw her hands up. “Why are you being like this? I already told you I was sorry!”
You bit your lip, looking down for a moment, tears welling in your eyes before you blinked them back and shook your head. “I’m just saying, that you shouldn’t have-..”
“And I don’t care! I’m tired as shit!” She exclaimed and you took a step back. “I don’t have the time or the energy to deal with your bullshit right now!” Her voice was harsh, ringing loudly in your ears and through the apartment. She ran a hand through her dark hair and let out a deep breath. 
She shook her head and pushed past you, your shoulders bumping harshly as she walked away. “Come to me when you’re less of a whiny baby!” She called out before shutting your bedroom door behind her, leaving you standing in your living room, defeated and belittled. 
You didn’t go to bed that night. Just laid on the couch, knees up to your chest as the fight ran through your head over and over again. It hurt. A lot. But of all the questions running around your head, the biggest one of them all was ‘why?’.
Billie has never been mean to you. Ever. True, the two of you had minor fights before but in the end one of the two of you always apologized. This didn’t feel like that. It felt big. Heavy. Like there will be no apology. No hug in the morning with an ‘I’m so sorry, baby’ whispered into your ear. No sweet nothings. 
It was only around 3Am when the tears had finally stopped flowing, your breathing calmed. But your thoughts didn’t. And neither did the pain in your chest fade. Or the tight knot in your stomach loosen. You wondered if she had fallen asleep, or if she had been in the same state as you. Restless. Head spinning with loud thoughts. Afraid.
Early in the morning, your arms had gone numb being tucked under your chest while lying down. So, you decided to get up, walk around the apartment until you got bored of it and just sat down by the kitchen table. Your head was in your hands, hair clutched between your fingers while your teeth bit the inside of your cheek. 
This fight brought back things you thought you had buried deep. Into the back of your mind where they wouldn’t resurface again. The thoughts which were now once again coming back, ones you thought you’d never have to hear again. It was like you were drowning, and you weren’t exactly unfamiliar with the feeling. No. But it had been years since you felt it, and it came back 10x stronger. Your hearing was muffled, your heart beating in your ears loudly and your breathing grew hurried, taking breath after breath at a fast pace as you felt like your lungs were being squeezed tightly, like you were being choked by something.
And although in the past you knew how to do this, to deal with it, you never could do it alone, so there was always someone helping, assuring you. Not this time. No, you were alone and the worst part was, you deserved it. Well, no. Not exactly, but everything in your head was telling you so, and who were you to  deny? To think; ‘No, you don’t. And you’re not alone, you have Billie’. But did you…?
It felt like you were losing your grip on reality. Everything was a blur as time ticked by with you sitting on the wooden chair by the kitchen table, chest heaving and eyes squeezed shut. Your breath was taken away from you, the air not going in or coming out of your lungs and you felt light-headed. But the sweet escape didn’t come. You didn’t fall down to the floor, unconscious. You stayed upright, fighting an inner battle with yourself, and you were very much losing.
You could hear Billie’s harsh and loud voice echoing in the back of your head with every attempt to breathe. And soon those salty tears were falling down on your face again, your fingers grasping your hair into your fists. Your head hurt, but you couldn’t tell if it was from you pulling your own hair or the lack of air, or the crying.
When Billie woke up from her restless slumber, her chest hurt. Like something wasn’t right. And something in fact wasn’t. Because when she opened her eyes, her arms moved to wrap around your body, but there was nothing, no one. She sat up abruptly and looked around for a moment before the memories came flooding back and she cursed, throwing the blanket off of her body and standing so fast her head spun.
She had no explanation. No excuse for her behavior last night and it pained her. 
She only wasted a couple of moments before rushing towards the closed bedroom door, ripping it open and stepping out. Her expression was one of worry and regret. She frantically looked around for you, everywhere with her breathing increasing in speed with every empty room.
Finally, when she found you, slumped against the kitchen table, your breathing fast and ragged, her worry didn’t ease. It was only the guilt that increased as she approached you.
You didn’t seem aware of her presence at all as she paused by your side, her hand in the air, ready to place a comforting hand on your back but she hesitated. She was mean. To you. And she couldn’t take it back.
It was only when a sob ripped through your chest that she placed her hand on your back, her finger bunching the fabric of your shirt gently as she leaned  down, swallowing hard and taking a deep breath before speaking.
Your head shot up when an outside voice rang through your head. Red, tear-filled eyes looking up into Billie’s. You saw her hold back from looking away. The obvious pain and conflict in your eyes and expression hurting her. She couldn’t even imagine what was going on inside your head.
When you tried to speak, only a cry and a short-lived breath came out. Billie immediately stood, shaking her head. “Sh, sh, sh, baby. It’s okay. Don’t speak.” Her hand left your back and moved to cup your face, wiping away the tears. “Breathe with me. Come on. I know you can” Her voice was gentle as she spoke. She took a deep, slow breath in and you tired following but failed, more tears falling down at your failure. 
Billie sighed, feeling her own tears spilling before she blinked and wiped them with her free hand.  She nodded. “Okay. It’s alright. One more time, yeah?” You nodded shortly at her words. “Mhm, okay, In..” She took a deep breath in and you followed suit, inhaling shakily. “And out” She exhaled slowly and you did the same. Her other hand came up to wipe away the strands of hair stuck to your sweat littered forehead as she repeated with you a couple more times.
“Yes, that’s it. You’re doing amazing, pretty girl” She murmurs, leaning down to press her lips on the top of your head. “Breathe” Her hand strokes your hair gently. It’s shaking the slightest bit, her heart aching horribly at the sight in front of her. 
When your breathing finally calms, the thoughts stop and the world doesn’t spin anymore. You’re no longer drowning.
Billie feels you calm down and she pulls back, swallowing hard. Her icy blue eyes studying your face for a moment. There was a long moment of silence between the two of you before Billie reluctantly took a step back. Guilt eating away at her, like her heart got caught in a bear-trap.
She clenches her jaw, steadying herself before speaking. “I’m…I’m sorry” You stare at her, your feelings a mess as you took in her words. “Look-...I have,” She shook her head, her lips pressing together, forming a thin line. “I have no excuse…for how I-...”
You stand on shaky legs and take an unsure step towards her. “Wait. Can-...Can I talk first?” Your voice was small and hoarse as you spoke. Billie nodded her head, her words dying in her throat. “What you said…it hurt” You took a deep breath. “And how you  acted hurt more.” Your words each felt like a push on the bear-trap around her heart. “And-...I was scared.” Your voice broke and you shut your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t think you…” You paused, gaze falling to the ground as your nails dug into your palms. “I didn’t know if you’d stay” It was a whisper, barely audible but Billie heard. And her tears fell as she shook her head.
She took a step forward, too. “No, no. Don’t say that” Her face crumbled and she cupped your cheeks once more, swallowing down her sobs. “This was all on me. I shouldn’t have said those things” When your mouth opened to speak, she shushed you again. “And I am so fucking sorry” She dropped her hands and looked away. “God, love, I don’t think I was even thinking…” 
It was your turn to shake your head, reaching for her warm hands, holding them in yours. You sighed. “I…I know, baby.” You whispered softly, your hands giving hers a comforting squeeze. “I’m sorry, too. Because it is not all your fault, okay?”
Billie nodded her head and let go of your hands, reaching behind you and putting them on the small of you back as she pulled you into her. Your arms wrapped around her shoulders. “I made you have a panic attack” She whispered and you paused before hugging her tighter. 
“It’s not-..” 
“Yes.” She nods against your shoulder. “It is. Just-...” One of her hands came up to rest on the back of your head. “Talk to me. Okay? Don’t let me treat you like that ever again, baby.” 
You sighed and nodded, closing your eyes. “You won’t” 
The two of you stayed there a while. Just in each other’s arms. You both knew this was not going to be your last fight. But, looking at it differently, maybe that’s a good thing.
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A/N: ughh, the ending is shit. sorry. I kinda made this in a little rush but hope its satisfactory. Btw! I have never had a panic attack before! Or at least I think. But I tried my best to write it!
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277 notes · View notes
iamknicole · 1 year
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Chapter Three
Warnings: Cursing, Discipline, 18+ (excuse any typos)
Chapter Two
"Look who remembers they have a mother on the other side of the country," Nadine chuckled into the receiver, "Been a whole three months since I've heard from you, Moriah DeBreaux."
Moriah's sigh floated through her lips. "Mama, I texted you at least once or twice a day when I'm not working."
"Hearing your voice and texting are not the same thing. So why haven't I heard from you?"
Zilla looked over at his girlfriend from the road, putting a comforting hand on her thigh. He felt bad being the one that told her to call but he knew she couldn't avoid Nadine forever. 
"Between work and Zilla, I've just been a little busy trying to get into our routine. I'm not doing it on purpose. I'm sorry for not calling."
Nadine hummed at the sound of his name. "So you and him are settling in fine then I suppose?"
"Yes, Mama, we've been fine."
"I should say that's good," she mumbled, "And the furniture? It's still all okay? Your father insisted on picking the sofa but I had final say."
Before Moriah could stop him, Zilla pulled the phone from her as they came to a red light. He held it away from her, pushing her hands away from him as he laughed. 
"I'm glad you asked, Ms. Nadine. The sofa is real nice, came in handy until we got our actual bed."
"What does that mean, Isayah?"
He laughed seeing Moriah mouth 'no' to him. Quietly, he told her to relax as he drove through the green light. 
"That means that I understood the assignment from the condoms to the sofa, you wanted to make sure we was safely and comfortably gettin busy," he explained ignoring his girlfriend hitting his arm, "And I wanted to let you know we did just that. You should definitely get one of them sofas for ya house too should you decide to date again."
The line went silent, Zilla had to hold back how loudly he wanted to laugh while Moriah sat mortified and laughing in the passenger seat. 
"Tell Moriah I will talk to her later."
Zilla chuckled, "Yes ma'am, Ms. Nadine. Forreal though, think about gettin the sofa. Aight?"
When the phone hung up, he passed it back to her still laughing. She snatched it and tossed it into her purse. 
"I'm gonna beat ya ass in your sleep tonight. You just wait. Why would you say that to her? Why?"
He shrugged playfully. "Sometimes you gotta get people before they get you, Fat. You know she was bout to start with you."
"I know but it's cause she was upset I hadn't called her in three months."
"Man," he stressed, sucking his teeth, "Fuck all that. If she wanted to talk to you, she woulda called you. Did she call you?"
"No, but."
"Ain't no but. If she wanted to talk, she woulda called. Everything ain't ya fault. You hear me?"
"I hear you, Zay. You're right."
He squeezed her thigh lovingly before returning his hand to the steering wheel. "Relax, don't even think about it. Gone and take a nap, we got like 2 more hours to we get to Pensacola."
"I'm not," she paused to yawn, "I'm not tired though."
He laughed, "Stop bein so damn hard headed and take the nap."
She mimicked him as she got comfortable, he reached in the backseat passing her his blanket. He glanced at her to make sure she was covered up saying softly that he loved her. 
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Clack, Clack
Huffing, fourteen year old Moriah snatched her covers off and went to let up her window. She poked her head out, not at all surprised to see Zilla smiling up at her. 
"Do you know what time it is?" She asked in a hushed tone. 
He shrugged, "It's like one something. So what?"
"One in the morning, Isayah. I was sleep, you should be sleep."
Again he shrugged. "Couldn't sleep and you ain't answer ya phone so I came here."
"Because I was sleeping like a normal person," she frowned, "How did you even get out?"
His smile was back, although this time it resembled a sneaky grin.
"Cause I'm me. Come on."
"My mama is gonna kill me if she catches me. No."
"She ain't gon catch you, ima have you back in time like always."
Groaning, Moriah quietly shut her window and went to get her vans. She didn't bother putting anything over her pajamas or taking off her scarf but she did fix up her bed before quietly leaving her bedroom. When she got downstairs, she grabbed them both juices and eased out of the back door. She passed him a juice and stared at him.
"What I do?" He asked opening his juice. 
"Don't play with me," she warned, "I'm out here. What do you want?"
He grabbed her hand, pulling her along with him out the back gate. They walked down the sidewalk in silence besides the neighborhood dogs barking. He would squeeze her hand every now and then. 
"I got a competition next weekend. You coming?" 
"Where at?"
"Dallas. Your mom said she would bring you, if you wanna go."
He shrugged, starting to shake his head. 
"You haven't been to one in months, I really want you to come."
He glanced at her, coming to a stop under one of the street lights. Standing in front of him, she reached up to fix his hair a slight frown on her face. 
"I'll see what I can do."
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Moriah's face completely dropped at his words. She knew what that meant and it wasn't what she wanted to hear. 
"Just tell me no cause that's what that means. What girl is it this time? Or is it your new friends again?"
"Ain't no girl, Fat."
"So it's those boys then. You'd rather get in trouble then come support me. I gotta be in trouble all the time to get you to hang out with me or something?"
He frowned down at her. "I ain't say shit about gettin in trouble. I just already made plans with them."
"Plans to do what," she asked, folding her arms across her trouble. She scoffed when he didn't answer. "Exactly. You only wanna hang out with me when they don't need you or in the middle of night. I barely even see you in school anymore, Zay. If you don't wanna be friends no more, just say that."
Realizing she was about to walk away, Zilla pulled her back to him and held on so she couldn't move. He leaned back against the street light, hugging her tight. 
"I know it ain't that easy to get rid of you," he joked. "Ima make more time for you but you not my only friend, Fat."
She scoffed trying to pull away. "Those boys ain't your friends. The ones from your neighborhood and school are but then other ones ain't."
He huffed not taking his arms from around her. "Either way, you ain't the only one but you are the most important even though I ain't acting like it. Ima do better wit you. I promise. Aight?"
"And you promise to come to school," she added staring up at him. 
He chucked. "Not every day but I promise."
"And you're gonna come to my competition next weekend?"
"Only if you come to a party with me tomorrow."
She huffed playfully. "Fine, I'll go but you better come. I'm not playing."
"Bet," he yawned, "Let's go to my crib."
Knowing she shouldn't, Moriah walked to his house with him talking the whole way there. He kept hold of her hand, keeping watch of any danger. When they got to the house one of his brothers was in the kitchen, he made eye contact with them both then checked the clock. He questioned the teenagers but didn't dig too deep into it. 
Making it to his room, he got comfortable in his basketball shorts then got in his bed beside Moriah. He pulled her close to him. 
"Why you like bein bad?" She asked softly. 
"Ion like it, it just happens."
"You're making the choice though, Zay." She sighed thinking of her next words. "You made the choice to not hang out with me and leave me alone at school. Pretty soon you're gonna leave me alone out here."
He turned her over to face him, she wasn't surprised to see him frowning. 
"What you mean?"
"It ain't a secret, Zilla. Your mom tells you all the time if you don't stop you're gonna go to jail. The stuff that you're doing is gonna put you there and you're gonna leave me."
Although it annoyed him to constantly hear that, he didn't like the way it affected the people around him but it wasn't enough to make him stop. Placing a kiss to her forehead, he hugged her briefly. 
"I ain't goin nowhere, man. Ima be right here so we can do the shit you planned for us." He chuckled seeing her smile. 
He had no idea if he could keep it. 
Taking a chance, Zilla captured her lips in a kiss. It was something he wanted to do for a while but was never quite sure if she felt the same way. The chemistry in that moment felt like the right time, her kissing him back confirmed his thoughts. He pulled away first then kissed her forehead. 
"Go to sleep. Ima make sure you up in time to get home."
Around 8am, the teenagers were being woken up by hits from a broom. They jumped out of their sleep, looking around in confusion and blocking the hits. Leata landed a few more smacks with the broom.
"Do you know how crazy you two have made everybody?" She yelled. "Your mother has been panicking cause she woke up and you weren't in your bed, Moriah! Your father is trying to get here from Georgia and you're in my house!"
Zilla stood from the bed, rubbing at his eyes. "It ain't her fault, Ma. It's mine, my bad."
"My bad?" She repeated in disbelief and hit him a few more times. "And no worries, I already know it's your fault but she knew better too! What were you thinking sneaking out, Moriah?"
Moriah fumbled with her nails nervously, not wanting to get hit again. "I usually make it back in time. We don't usually come here."
"Usually? Oh so you two have been sneaking out for a while then! What is wrong with you two? What if something happened?"
Zilla sucked his teeth. "Man, I got her. Wasn't nothin gon happen to her."
"I've had it up to here with you and your attitude, Isayah. You two were wrong," Leata stressed. "Especially knowing that her mother doesn't even want you two bein friends! Just … get your stuff, I'm taking you home, Moriah. And you're going too and you're gonna apologize to her mother."
When they pulled up to Moriah's house, Nadine was waiting on the porch with a police officer. All three collectively sighed, as Leata put the car in park she turned to look at the teenagers. 
"I don't want any attitude out of either of you, it's only gonna make this worse. Apologize then keep your mouths shut. Are we clear?" She waited for them to nod and got out of the car. "Nadine, I'm so sorry about this. I had no idea she was at my house."
Nadine flew off of the porch to her daughter, frantically checking her for bruises and any signs of distress. The officer stepped off the porch going to the group.
"Everything seems to be alright here. Call if you need anything else ma'am."
"Everything is not alright," she spat, "That boy kidnapped my daughter and I want something done about it."
The officer held back what he wanted to say instead tried to be diplomatic. "Ms. DeBreaux, were you at their house against your will? Did you want to be there?"
"I wanted to be there," she said softly. 
"Did this young man coerce you out of your home?" Moriah shook her head. "Okay so Mrs. DeBreaux, there's nothing I can do as she was not kidnapped. The only option you would have, I don't think you would like much."
"Ms. Parker. And what's that?"
"My apologies, Ms. Parker. Taking her in as a runaway child and charging her but that's only going to affect your daughter. I cannot take him unless his mother decides on that." The officer explained gently. 
Nadine looked between the teenagers as she thought over her choices then a smirk appeared on her face. 
"Can you hold her while I decide if I wanna press charges or not?"
"Mama!" Moriah shrieked, terror was written all over her face. 
"Now, Nadine, a simple punishment will do." Leata interjected trying to help. 
"With all due respect, I won't be taking parental advice from someone with a child like yours," she spat. "Now, can you or can't you hold her, Officer?"
He sighed, giving Moriah a quick, apologetic look. "Yes ma'am, we can hold her for up to 72 hours."
"Mama, don't do that." She pleaded starting to tear up. 
Zilla scrunched his face up, "That's some bullshit. It ain't even that serious."
Leata quickly shushed her son. 
"I'm nipping it in the bud now, something your mother should've done, Isayah." Nadine smiled widely. "Take her, Officer. Her father and I need to decide what to do with her."
Taking out his cuffs, the officer waited for her to give her phone to her mother then reluctantly cuffed her. She cried as he walked her to his patrol car, he helped her in then went back to Nadine. Zilla went to his patrol car to reassure her through the window, trying to get her to stop crying. 
"Ms. Parker, if you take longer than 72 hours the decision will no longer be yours and she'll be charged as a runway."
"Let's say we decide to move ahead, what kind of punishment will she get?"
He cleared his throat, trying to bite his tongue. "Anywhere from community service to a year in the detention center, ma'am."
"Thank you. You can take her now, I need time to think," she informed him politely. 
When the patrol car drove away, Leata stayed put to talk to Nadine. She knew that the teenagers shouldn't be sneaking out but Nadine was pushing it. 
"I know that you're not fond of their friendship and I know that what they did was wrong but locking her up is too far. That girl has never been in trouble," Leata spoke calmly, "You're going to traumatize her if you leave her in there for three days and if you press charges. This is not right, Nadine."
Nadine chuckled, "She wasn't worried about being traumatized when she was laid up all night with your son so I'm not gonna worry about it now."
"Nadine, really? This is a lot even for you."
"Moriah is my child, not yours. You don't get a say in how I raise my kids, Leata."
Moriah's father, Hassan flew in that night and woke up early to get his daughter out of holding. She cried in the backseat the whole way back to the house, going straight to her room when they got back. Hassan argued with his ex-wife after finding out that she was still entertaining the idea of pressing charges. The only way he got her to change her mind was by threatening to take his daughter with him back to Georgia. He stuck around for two weeks as support for his daughter, having a few conversations with Leata and Zilla while he was there against Nadine's wishes. 
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After ending the call with Moriah, Nadine facetimed her ex-husband to fill him in on the conversation. Her blood was boiling from the things Zilla had said to her. When he answered, she could tell that she had interrupted him working but she didn't care.
"What's goin on, Nadine? Everything alright?" He asked looking at his computer screen.
"It would be nice to have your attention while I speak, Hassan."
With a shake of his head, Hassan did a few more things on his computer then turned to look at his ex-wife's face on his phone. "You've got my attention. What's up?"
"Your daughter's boyfriend is what's up," she says with an eye roll, "She finally calls after three months and he interrupts our conversation to tell me about them gettin busy. The nerve of that boy."
He chuckled at the sour face expression she had. "He just said that out of the blue or were you bothering Moriah?"
"You think you know everything. All I did was ask her how the sofa was working out for them."
"And I'm assuming before that you had something smart to say about him or their relationship."
"I … that's not the point," she said pointedly. "That boy told me he understood the assignment from me giving them condoms and a sofa."
"Both of which you gave them to be a smartass, Didi. They would've had a much smaller sofa if I let you pick it." He shook his head letting a soft chuckle pass his lips. "He's not gonna let you keep poking at them or Moriah, I keep telling you that."
She scoffed, "He needs to respect his elders. That boy is disrespectful."
"Respect is given, Didi. You haven't given him a reason to respect you, especially with the way you've been disrespecting him and his mama for years. He's bit his tongue because he loves Moriah but she's also gonna be the reason he stops biting his tongue."
When the call went silent, Hassan turned back to his computer to computer his work while he waited for her next thought to come through. He had been trying to explain to Nadine that trying to keep the young couple apart or drive a wedge in between them was going to backfire on her for years but he knew his ex-wife didn't understand that. Not yet at least.
"You need to go down there and check that apartment out, Hassan. Check on our baby."
He laughed, "What do you think he's doing to her? You know our child, if he wasn't doing right and if the apartment wasn't up to par … she would not be there."
"Will you just please go? It'll make me feel better."
"Or you could go yourself, Didi."
"Hassan, please."
Glancing at the screen, he sighed seeing her slight pout that reminded him of their daughter. 
"I'll see what I can do but I'm not getting in their business."
She smiled widely. "Thank you. I owe you."
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When the couple got to Pensacola, Zilla drove them to his cousin's house where they would be staying for the weekend. Jon and Trinity invited them to get them out and around family for a little while. Moriah had met them a few times before, they made her feel apart of the family just like the rest of his family had. 
"How you like that hospital, sis?" Trinity asked as she braided Moriah's hair in the living room. 
"It's cool so far, most of my coworkers are nice." Moriah responded excitedly. "I didn't really think I would like the emergency department but it's growing on me."
"Where did you wanna be?"
"Pediatrics or Labor and Delivery," she shrugged, "I'll get there eventually though."
Trinity hummed out a response finishing a braid. "How have you and Zilla been? I know yall get lonely by yourselves."
"Not lonely but it's definitely different not having his mom around. I didn't realize how much the both of us spent with her," she chuckled. "Our first like week or two, we couldn't sleep without talking to her. It was crazy."
Trinity laughed, touching Moriah's shoulder. "I can't even judge yall, I would be the same way. How's he liking it so far?"
"He likes it a lot and he made a friend but I can tell he gets sad sometimes."
"Cause of his dad?"
She nodded. "Yeah, he wants to share it with him and train to him but can't and that upsets him."
"He talk to you about it?"
"Not in detail. He told me what I just told you and that was the end of it. He's not great with that kind of emotion."
Hearing their other halves voices, both of them stopped talking and waited. Jon went to mess with Moriah's hair and she slapped his hands away playfully.
"You just like Zay," she laughed, "Annoying as hell. Move."
He put a hand to his chest acting as if he was offended. "I invite you to my house and you treat me that way. You sleeping on the patio, Zilla can sleep inside."
Zilla started to laugh until he made eye contact with his girlfriend. 
"That's funny, Fatu?"
Zilla tried to stop laughing. "I mean."
Trinity laughed, "Think carefully about your answer."
"You gon let Jon put me outside?"
"Aye, uce, don't let them punk you like that," Jon joked hitting Zilla's chest, "I got yo back."
"Don't get yourself in trouble, Jon." Trinity added.
Jon sucked his teeth playfully nudging his cousin. "Man, come on. Tryna get us in trouble. We'll be back, goin to the store."
Later that night, the couple cuddle in bed in their guest room after the long day. Zilla and Jon cooked on the grill for everybody then they ended the night with a couple of movies. 
"You tired?" He asked softly. 
"No but I'm not having sex with you in your cousin's house," she chuckled. 
He kissed her face then her neck. "I wasn't even finna say that but if I was, you act like we ain't did that in both our people houses before."
"Nobody asked you to bring that to. What you want though?"
"Just wanted to talk, if that's cool with you, fun police."
She laughed pinching his arm. "I am not. Talking is fine though, I'm listening, babe."
"I know I fucked up the plan you had for us gettin put away for all that time and I'm sorry for that," he paused to kiss the side of her face, "Ima make it up to you. Ima take us around the world, put you in a big ass house just like this and get you a nice ass car."
She smiled a little. "I don't need all that."
"I know but you deserve it though. Ima put a rock on your finger too. And you know what's gon happen after that?"
"Tell me."
He moved his hand to her stomach, rubbing it. "We gon have lil Zillas. I was think bout 4 or 5 should be enough."
She laughed softly putting her hand on top of his. "Who is about to push 5 babies out? I think we need to discuss that a little more."
"You gon push em out and ima be right there with you for all of it. Where you wanna live at? Texas? Here?"
She hummed thinking it over, "Uuh unless your mom is gonna stay near us wherever we go then we'll be in Texas."
"Cool with me," he responded going back to kissing her neck, "Zilla gon spend the rest of my life takin care of ya hard headed ass. Zilla got you forever. Aight?"
"I know, babe."
He pulled her closer, holding her tighter. "Just bare wit me, Fat. Ion know the right answers all the time but ima try."
"As long as your trying, that's all I care about, Zay."
Down the hall, the older couple was still getting ready for bed and engaged in conversation. There was more to their invitation than they told the young couple. 
"She mention her mama to you, Trin?"
Trinity shook her head trying to tie her scarf around her head. "Nope. We talked about everything except her mom."
"Mmm," he hummed going to finish brushing his teeth, "Zilla definitely had something to say about her. And I'm sorry but he better than me, I would've been cussed her ass out."
She fixed her scarf then turned to her husband, "That bad? What he say about her?"
"Just that she always got some smart shit to say about him and they relationship and that she pick at Moriah, tryna make her feel bad."
"I'm not accusing him of anything but did he cheat on her something? Why doesn't she like him?" Trinity asked going to their closet for her pajamas. "As long as it's been and she still don't like him. It's gotta be something."
"That's just it, he ain't did no shit like that to her. They ain't get together to after he got out."
She hummed. "Maybe it's the prison thing."
"Nope," he shook his head, "She ain't like him way before that. When they was teenagers, she was about to send that girl to the detention center just to keep them apart."
After a few moments, Trinity emerged from the closet with a frown on her face. Jon explained the whole situation to her, making sure not to miss a detail. 
"That was a bit much. I get it she snuck out but to go that far is crazy."
"Exactly," Jon exclaimed, "Uce think it's something to do with her dad and their divorce."
Trinity stared at her husband for a moment before it clicked. "You want me to ask her about their divorce?"
"Yeah, see what happened. It could help."
"I'll ask but after I do the most important thing. She needs to put her foot down with her mom and put down some boundaries." 
He nodded going over to his side of the bed. "Cause she him ruin their relationship and ion wanna see that. I like her and Uce together, they cute."
"And they really love each other. You can tell."
He pulled the covers down on his wife's side so she could get into bed. "So the plan for tomorrow is to get her to talk about her mama and ima get his ass to open up a lil more about his feelings. Deal?"
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immissingmaxx · 3 months
My Mascot// Tendou Satori
Chapter Seven: Too Much
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Summary: When testing a theory goes south, Tendou steps in to save the day
Warnings: Partying, drinking, drunk reader, whipped Tendou, MrBeast videos
Word count: 1544
Im starting to think this was a mistake.
The loud blaring music resonated through my ears as sweaty, intoxicated bodies bumped around me. Kanna made sure i stayed by her side as she made her way from the front door, to the kitchen, to the couch, back to the kitchen, back to the back, the bathroom, the back porch, and back to the couch.
The whole thing has me contemplating why i had the whole "maybe there are times i can like being around other people" thought.
This is not what i wanted.
"When you asked to join this was not what i was expecting." Kanna leaned against the couch next to me, carelessly cradling her cup to her hip. "Granted, I wasn't expecting to join at all."
I nodded. I sat bunched up against the couch, carefully cradling my own cup close to my chest.
"I guess this wasn't what i was expecting either." I glanced to my phone, Tendou's contact lighting up my screen.
"That's my fault. I should've bought you to a more tamer party for your first time." Kanna took a sip of her drink, the smell of alcohol tainting her breath. I looked down to my own cup. Maybe i wasn't having fun because im not doing it right. Everyone else here is socializing, and playing around, and.. drinking.
"No.. no i should be having fun." I stretched my legs from their bunched position on the couch and sat up leaning over to see whats in Kanna's cup.
"What are you drinking?"
"Oh, you don't want this. Really if your not having fun we can go home." Kanna held her cup to her chest.
"I want to have fun." Kanna furrowed her brows. She sighed and stood up, taking my hand.
"Okay fine, but tell me when you're not having fun, then we'll go back okay?"
Tendou's Pov
Staying up has never been a terrible habit for me. Sure most nights id get too invested in a YouTube video, or a game but otherwise i sleep just fine.
Sure staying up until 1 am waiting for a call or text from someone sounds ridiculous but she could be up too.
"I have built the most deadly obstacle course in the world. And my friend Mac here is attempting to complete it, without falling 200 feet to the ground."
This is ridiculous.
I sighed, tossing my phone next to me and shuffling under my blanket. Maybe it is a bit stupid to wait for a call when i just gave her my number.
I closed my eyes, readying myself for sleep. Just then my phone rang.
I almost jumped up, checking to see who was calling me. An unidentified number. I sat up, cleared my throat, and accepted the call.
"Uh, hi? This is Tendou?"
Its not L/n's voice. The background is a bit muffled but still loud. Sounds like a partyz
"Uh yeah. Who is this?"
"It's Kanna. F/n's friend. Im sorry, i know its a little late but your the only contact i could find in F/n's phone and none of my friends were available-"
"Is L/n okay?" I tossed my blankets off of me, still holding my phone to my ear as i one handedly made my way down the ladder of the bunk bed.
"Um, she's a bit.. pretty drunk. She came to a party with me and insisted on drinking. I didn't know she'd be like this."
She's drunk? I hurriedly kicked on my shoes and threw on my hoodie.
"Where are you? I'll come get you guys."
"Not too far. Some kid's house party I'll text you the address." Kanna hung up. I sighed and walked to the window. I've snuck out before. The DM's lock the dorm doors after bed check so everyone always sneak out the windows.
I climbed down threw the window, just as i made it down I received a text from Kanna. As soon as i knew where i was going, i was bolting down the street. It really wasn't too far so i could make it. Im not sure what i was scared of. She's just drunk, she's not in danger or hurt. Still, that doesn't stop me from running to her as if she'll evaporate if i don't make it to her in time.
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much for getting her." Kanna thanked me as i heaved L/n onto my back.
"What happened to her?"
"She insisted she wanted to drink. She tried talking to a few people but whenever she felt like she wasn't doing something right, or felt awkward, she just kept drinking." Kanna trailed next to me as we began to make our way back to our dorms.
"I should've been more watchful over her, i just thought.. maybe this was what she wanted, maybe she needed this, maybe.. i-i dont know.." Kanna rambled on, clearly feeling guilty for how this night turned out.
"Its okay Kanna it's not your fault." I looked back at L/n as she slept soundly on my back.
"Ah, she passed out on the porch before i called you."
I nodded, lifting L/n onto my back more to ensure she didnt slip out of my grasp. Me and Kanna continued walking in silence. I could tell she was still feeling guilty, or maybe it was the alcohol that stumbled her walk. I took a breath, summers not quite over but the nights are still pretty warm.
"So, have you known L/n long? I mean you call her by her first name."
"Oh, we've been roommates since second year. So Yeah i guess its been a while." Kanna chuckled a bit to herself as she thought back. "It took a while for us to get like this. When we first became roommates all she did was study and sleep."
"Sounds like her." I chuckled thinking about it.
"Even though she's changed alot, it really surprised me when she asked to come with me to this party."
"She asked you?" It surprised me a bit hearing L/n was the one to ask to join. I may not know her much but from what i do know it sounds a bit out of character.
"Yeah she did. She seemed pretty outgoing about it too. Like it was the best thing ever, though i guess i was the same way at my first party too."
"Im guessing you go out alot." Kanna laughed nervously at that. It doesnt take a detective to figure that out.
"Thats not bad though, you like to do what you like to do."
"Yeah. I mean i like having all these friends, and being able to go out all the time and always having someone to talk to." Kanna played with her purse strap the more she spoke. "But sometimes, i want something.. less."
"Like, being alone?"
"Well not being alone. Partying with all these people is great and all. And when i hangout with people is always a huge group, with alot of people i dont know.." kanna played with her purse more, seemingly at a loss for words.
"I know what you mean. More isnt always better. Sometimes just hanging out and talking with a small group you consider your close friends is the most fun you can have. Y'know?"
"Yeah.. i know what you mean."
"Our dorms here." Kanna stopped us at an open window outside the first floor of the dorms.
"So thats how you get out so much." I gently slid L/n off my back and held her in my arms.
"Yeah, im lucky its this easy for me. Ill go in and get her bed ready, then you can hand her to me." I nodded and Kanna climbed through the window, disappearing behind the closed curtain.
I looked down to the sleeping girl in my arms. Her messy (h/c) hair falling gently from her face. I placed the back of my hand to her cheek, as her usually rosy cheeks burned red. She was burning. I pulled her closer, the scent of her
(f/s) infiltrating my nose. I couldn't help but hold her tighter, as if she'll disappear into thin air if i let go, letting her scent absolutely intoxicate me. I couldn't get enough. I don't think i could get enough. If i could just.. have more..
"Uh Tendou?" Kanna's voice snapped me straight out of my L/n induced trance.
"Oh, sorry." I scooped L/n up from under her legs and carefully bought her over to the window, carrying her through and into Kanna's arms."
"Oh, she's lighter than i thought. And here I thought you were just strong. Thanks again for your help Tendou. See you tomorrow."
"Wha-" Kanna once again disappeared behind the curtains, not letting me register her passive insult. But I'll remember it. I'll remember this Kanna.
I mindlessly dragged myself to my own dorm window, the memories of the events that has just occurred running vividly through my mind. The way i held her, the way she looked sleeping soundly in my arms. So calm, and peaceful. So.. beautiful.
I guess we both had too much tonight..
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lover-girl-estxx · 8 months
Don't worry about it
part 4
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| Sean's POV |
She got out of the car me after "you can go you don't have to stay" she said "I don't mind staying" I walked behind her on the steps to the trailer "um sorry its kinda messy" she said nervous "don't worry about it" I give a smile. I didn't look around last night there was beer bottles just about everywhere, pictures not hung right on the wall "you can stay in here or i'm going to the boys room" I followed her down the slim hall.
As she filled a bag for Axel "can I ask you something? you don't have to say anything" she asked sitting down I sat in the chair across from her "yeah" I nodded "I've heard thing about what happened when you were younger.....um were you ever mad at your mom?" she wiped her hands on her sweats "yeah I was," she nodded "you think the boys are mad at you?" she nodded "I don't think i've done a good job" "Y/n a lot of people would have already ran back here this morning back to him you didn't that means something" she sighed "I just....Tell me when i'm doing something wrong" I nod "i'll try, don't know what I know about kids but i'll try" I nod she softly laughed smiling "thanks" I smiled "you have a pretty smile" I whispered she giggled "whatever" she smiled starting to pack again.
| Y/n's POV |
Sean and Axel were at the gym and I wanted pay him back a bit so I cleaned the whole house top to bottom my phone blowing up from Ethan the whole time. Abel coloring "we staying here?" he asked I nodded "yeah for a while you like staying here?" he nodded and smiled "Yeah!" "you like Sean?" "Yeah! he's cool!" I nod "I think so too" I smile. "it's late come on" I picked him up, I walked up Sean's stairs and he was already asleep I laid him in bed kissing his head. I changed into shorts and a T- Shirt it was hot in Vegas to wear sweats why I was, was the yellowish green and blues and purples that covered them.
Axel came in half asleep falling on the bed "tired?" I asked smiling "very night mom" "night Axe". I went into the kitchen quietly to grab a water "You didn't have to clean" he said leaning on the counter "I wanted too,you've done a lot for us so" I shrugged "you don't have to clean and stuff" I lightly smiled "I know" "well...i'm gonna watch a movie you want to join me?" he asked "sure" I smiled. I sat a seat away from him, he hit play and put his arm on the back of the couch. A bit into the movie he got up "you want a soda?" I nodded "please" I gave a slight smile. He came back handing me a sprite sitting right next to me "thanks" I gigged as he put his arm on the back of the couch. I scoot down a bit softly laying my head on his chest, he brought his arm down from the couch to my shoulders. He pulled a blanket over us, I was trying to enjoy this with Sean but my phone was going off in my pocket I pulled it out.
72 text from Ethan
28 missed calls from Ethan
I turned it off and threw it to the other side of the couch "you okay?" he asked I looked up at him "i'm great" I smile wrapping my arm around his waist he pulled me closer.
a/n I think maybe one more part lol
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doveabovetheworld · 1 year
My Muse;
Part 1; Welcome
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Warnings; language, smoking, drinking
A/N; So this is my first series fanfic so pls be at least a tad nice :,)
“Hey Y/N!” My cousin’s voice echoed from the phone speaker.
“Hey Mikey!” I said putting him on speaker so I could fold my laundry, “How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been Pretty good! Crystal and I just got back from taking Southy and Moose on a walk. What about you?”
“Eh folding mine and Ian’s laundry right now. Then I am probably going to work out in the garden for a little.”
“Sounds like fun! Anyways I got a quick question before I gotta go.”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“Would you wanna come here for Christmas? I know you have work at the clinic but maybe for a week you can fly here and stay with us. Plus you can say hi to Luke and Calum! You’ve never met Ash either have you?”
“I don’t think I’ve met him, no. I will say I haven’t seen you in years and it would be great to catch up…”
I finished putting the laundry away and sat on the bed. I haven’t seen Mikey in three years. Of course, we’d call and catch up every week or so but It’s been a while since I’ve spent time with him.
“Would it be cool if Ian could come with? I don’t really want to leave him alone on Christmas.” I asked.
“Of course! I haven’t met this guy yet and I want to know if he treats you well.” Micheal gave a subtle laugh and I couldn’t help but join him.
“We’ve been dating for three whole years Mikey, I think I’d know if he’s a keeper by now. I mean we live together so it couldn’t be that bad.”
“Yeah I guess that’s fair. Anyways just let me know if you and Ian are coming!”
“Will do! Bye, Mikey!”
I hung up and went to the garden outside. I decided to tell Ian about the invite after he got home from work.
Ian and I met at college four years ago from my friend Ellie. She knew I was stressed about school and family at the time and she decided to help get me out of the house by meeting new people. So by “new people” she meant the dude in the back of her philosophy class who she talked to twice. We did hit ut off though and started dating about a month after meeting each other. I’ve been with him forever and I’m happy! We obviously have our ups and downs but he’s amazing!
When Ian got home, I made dinner for us and as we were eating I told him the conversation I had with Micheal.
“So, you want us to travel across the country to see your cousin, his wife, and his friends who you haven’t seen in years and not to mention even met one of them?”
“Look, Ian, it’d be fun. I mean what else are we going to do? The rest of my family is back in Australia and you don’t even talk to yours anymore so who else are we going to spend it with?”
He gave a sigh and stood up from the table, “I get that you want to go, Y/N, but I have work. And what about your job? Do you think Teresa would let you go to California for a whole week when you already give her hell?”
“Wait a second, Ian. I don’t give her hell. If anything its the other way around! She’s awful! And yes she will give me time, you wanna know why?”
He just stood there leaning on the island counter, “Why?”
“Because I haven’t taken a day off in a while, actually. I’m still able to go. I’ll call her right now and ask if I can. What then?”
“Fine. If you can get the time off and if I can as well, we can go. Deal?”
I went to give Teresa a call and it surprisingly went really well. I got the whole week, and a couple more days, off. I told Ian and he was able to get the week off as well.
I immeaditly texted Micheal and got the plane tickets. In a couple of days I’ll be across the country spending Christmas with my boyfriend, cousin, and friends I haven’t seen in forever.
God I can’t wait!
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scribble-scrabbles · 5 months
Writing Prompt - A Blind Date
My phone buzzed on the comforter beside me. I shot it a glare, hoping to frighten it into silence, then curled tighter under my blanket and refocused on my latest true crime drama obsession. A few moments passed and I relaxed, thankful for the reprieve. It was my only day off between two long stretches in the Emergency Department, and I would be damned if I spoke to anyone today. In fact, I may not even leave this bed. 
Bzzt bzzt. My phone echoed a few minutes later. 
I studiously ignored it again. Another minute passed.
Bzzt bzzt. A few second pause. Bzzt bzzt. Followed nearly instantly by another buzz. I growled and reached for it. 
“This had better be good.” I told the tiny, plastic monster. 
An alert for four unread text messages from Val Spencer, my best friend from work, sat on my home screen. The phone buzzed once more in my hands, bumping the total up to five. I rolled my eyes as I flicked through the text messages.
Hey, are u up?
I’m kind of in a bind and I need your help. 
Are you ignoring me?
It will be fun!
I snorted and considered ignoring her further, but the phone buzzed with a call this time. 
“Go away.” I groaned in greeting.
“Oh shut up, you don’t mean that.” Val said, using her perky voice. “Have you been ignoring me?”
“Yes, now you’re mad at me and you’re going to leave me alone right?”
“Yeah absolutely not, I need you.”
“No one needs me today.”
“Look, I know you just worked a bunch in a row but…” Val trailed off, obviously knowing this was going to be a hard sell.
“And you know I work a bunch more starting tomorrow….” I mimicked her tone.
“I know, I know, and I will owe you a massive favor.” Val said hastily.
“Pretty sure you already owe me one or two of those.” 
“Pretty sure that goes both ways, sister.” She snarked. “Listen, Tyler and I had a double date planned tonight with his best friend and Nikki backed out on me last minute.”
“Absolutely not.” I nearly hung up the phone right there.
“But it’s for a concert I have been dying to see for months! She got Covid, it’s not like I can tell her to suck it up.” 
“Tell someone else to suck it up, Valencia.” I emphasized her full name to let her know I was serious. “ I literally cannot. I don’t think I can even force myself out of bed.  I just pulled three twelve-hour shifts and yesterday was absolute hell. I’m staring down four more on the other side of today, and I just can’t.” “Mikayla Reynolds, I need you! If I can’t get anyone else to come on this date then Tyler is making me cancel the whole thing.” Her voice was earnest now. “I have been wanting to see these guys  in concert for as long as I can remember and this is the first time they have ever come close to this shit-hole town. The only reason Ty agreed to go was so we could try to fix up his friend, and if I don’t find someone he’s going to refuse to go at all. I’ve called six other people already this morning, and you’re my last hope.” She paused and took a deep breath. “Please?”
The earnest need in her tone finally cracked me. 
“Where am I going, when do I need to be there, and what am I wearing?” I sighed, dramatically. Val squealed in delight and started giving me instructions. 
We were meeting at 6 at a restaurant a few blocks away from the theater where the band was playing downtown. It was a typical rock concert and the restaurant was casual enough, so at least I wouldn’t have to try and be fancy. I swung my legs off the bed and then sat for a moment with my head in my hands. I hadn’t been exaggerating, I was absolutely bushed both mentally and physically. Yesterday had been critical patient after critical patient, and absolutely nothing had gone my way. We had lost a young patient, which was always hard on the entire department, but I had also had to deliver some really bad news to several really nice people over the past few days. The level of bad juju had been substantially greater than normal, and it had taken a toll.  I needed the mental break and the emotional break. But, I supposed I just had to put on my armor for one more day and pack the exhaustion away for another day. 
Still, it took a few moments to shift my mindset from “borderline panic attack” to “let’s just get through this” - which was longer than I typically needed  to ground myself.  I tried not to think about the last few days or the days to come, and instead focused on the possibility of actually having fun, which felt improbable but perhaps not impossible. 
“So much for a relaxing day to recharge.” I grumbled, putting my phone on  the nightstand - and got to work. 
At 5:45, I pulled into a parking deck about halfway between the restaurant and the concert venue. I checked my makeup quickly in the rearview mirror, reapplying some light lip gloss before getting out and gathering my purse and texting Val that I had parked.. I walked the two blocks to the restaurant, which turned out to be somewhere between an actual restaurant and a sports bar.  At least it was casual. 
Val met me at the door with an enormous hug. I was happy to see we had dressed similarly in jeans, a logo tee, and a light jacket against the fall breeze. Her blonde hair was flowing in ringlets down her back, and I tried not to get my fingers tangled in the long stands as I extricated myself from her grasp. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She chanted. “I promise, I’ll make this up to you.”
“Doubtful.” I grumbled. “But, it’s good to see you happy.” 
“Well, let’s see how you like Jake, shall we?” Val said with a wicked glint in her eyes that made me wonder if she really had called six other people before me. She slid her arm through mine and began leading me towards the back of the restaurant. “You know I don’t like anybody but you, kid.”  I smirked at her and patted her hand on my arm. 
“Alright, Mikah, meet Jake, Ty’s best friend from college. He’s a computer-something at the engineering firm where Ty works.” Val had stopped in front of a dimly lit table in the back corner of the restaurant. She gestured at a vaguely masculine looking figure that was mostly hidden in the shadows of the table. “Jake, meet Mikah, my best friend and the best damn physician assistant in  our emergency department.” 
The figure stood then, extending his hand and stepping into the light so that his features were finally illuminated. My breath caught in my chest as I took in his tawny hair, stylish black plastic glasses, and soulful brown eyes. Eyes that were uncomfortably familiar, and looked equally startled to see me. I stared at him for a beat too long before recovering and taking his hand to shake. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I said, hating the strain in my voice. Val nudged me with her elbow and smiled reassuringly, taking my moment of pause to mean attraction and not recognition. He gestured to the seat beside him and I joined him in the shadows, which I welcomed in the moment.  As we sat, he squeezed my arm. When I glanced at him he shook his head ever so slightly, and I took his meaning immediately. They don’t know. 
My heart slammed in my chest as the last few days came rushing back. My brain froze for a few moments, replaying the last time I had seen him with his jaw set determinedly in the ER, masking any emotion that may have tried to surface. I was mentally stuck in that last conversation, paralyzed with what to do now that a person I never should have seen again was suddenly here. What had it been, two days ago? Three? They all ran together after a while. 
He squeezed my arm again, snapping me back to the present. My mind raced, catching up to the present and realizing all over again that he hadn’t told anyone he had been to the ER, much less what he had learned. My heart ached and a rush of emotion suddenly lodged in my throat. He was here and also didn’t want to be - didn’t need to be - and he was begging me to play this cool. I looked back at him, barely able to make out his eyes and gave him a quick nod of understanding. I flipped my arm over and gripped his from beneath and returned the squeeze, before dropping it. Your secret is safe with me. 
Technically, his secret had to be safe with me. He had been my patient, and it would be breaking a federal law for me to say anything.
But, then it struck me, shouldn’t his friends know so they could be there for him in the coming days and weeks? Didn’t I also have an obligation to Val and Ty?
I glanced back at him and saw his eyes still on me. My vision had adjusted some and I could now make out the tight crease of his brows and set of his jaw. He was terrified and I alone had the power to put him out of his misery. 
“Earth to Mikah.” Val kicked me underneath the table, snapping me back to the moment. I looked across the table and was relieved to see that the shadows obscured most of her and Ty’s faces. I hoped that meant ours were as well. “Are you listening to a word I’m saying?”
“Do I ever listen to a word you say?” I snarked, returning her kick playfully.
“Well, that’s true.” “Besides, I’m exhausted and you drug me out into public anyway.” I grumbled. “I’m sorry, Jake, I may not be the best companion tonight.” 
“Hey, anybody who gives it back to Val is already top marks in my book.” He said, all traces of worry removed from his brow.
“Yeah, we’ll get along fine then.” 
“Anyway, what were you saying, bossypants?” I returned to Val. “I was asking if you knew anything about this band.” 
“Of course I know this band, I play them in the doc box all the time. It’s one of Johnson’s favorite playlists.” I said, referring to the dictation area where I sat with an attending physician during our shifts. It was a little removed from the nursing station, which allowed us to play music and have more discreet conversations without being overheard by patients.  Johnson was one of our younger attendings who worked way too many hours and ran on caffeine and sarcasm - which basically made him my twin.
“Oh God, you don’t think he’s coming do you?” Val said, sounding stricken. 
“Pretty sure he’s working.” 
“Oh thank God.” She said with a sigh of relief. “What’s so bad about him?” Jake asked.
“He’s an asshole.” Val said.
“He’s just surly.” I defended him. “He’s really not bad one-on-one. I think he might be fun at a concert.” 
“Well, I’m glad we don’t have to find out tonight.” “Do we have to talk about y’alls work?” Ty grumbled. “Do we have anything else to talk about?” I quipped. Ty was not my favorite person, but I tolerated him because Val loved him and he was good to her. 
“We could talk about our work.” Jake suggested. “No thanks, I don’t want to take a nap and miss the concert.” Val laughed.
“Same.” Ty said. “So, Jake, why don’t you tell Mikah a little more about yourself.” 
“You don’t have to drive the conversation, Ty, this isn’t a dating show.” Val scoffed. “We can talk about whatever we want.” 
“We could always talk about all the ways Ty is an asshole. That’s always fun.” I said, gleefully.
Unfortunately, Ty was rescued by the arrival of our waitress. “Is this everybody?” She asked.
“Yes.” Said Val and Ty in unison. “Okay great! My name’s Jess and I’ll be serving you tonight. What can I get you guys to drink?” “Water.” I said. “Can you tell me what’s on tap?” Ty asked, and I stopped paying attention to the conversation after that. I glanced at Jake out of the corner of my eye and saw him studying the menu. His finger tapped restlessly against the plastic and I could see his knee bouncing just a little bit, but his face was a mask of indifference. He was definitely as nervous as I felt. I took a breath and forced my own leg to still. While it was difficult to see details in the low lighting, I noted the pallor of his skin and the slightly increased rate of breathing. I wondered if Val had noticed, but I doubted anyone would at this stage, unless they knew to look. 
My mind whirled back to the moment I saw the results of his CT scan. My heart dropped and I had retreated to the “panic room” part of my brain, where I only go when it’s bad. I’m not allowed to feel anything in there, so all of my decisions become purely clinical. I cannot care for a patient if my heart is breaking into a thousand pieces like a normal human - none of us can in emergency medicine. If we let ourselves feel everything we should feel for every single patient, we couldn’t function. All of that hurt and pain had to go somewhere. Still, it was hard to do, especially with someone my own age. 
I had made a few phone calls, ensuring there was a plan of action - either admitting him to the hospital or rapid follow up after discharge. No one would admit him, but they did agree to follow up the next day in their office. I had taken a few moments in the empty dictation room to organize my thoughts and steel myself before going in to deliver  the news. “I know what’s wrong with you.” I had said, taking a seat next to the bed. Jake was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone, but utterly alone, as he had been throughout the entire visit. When I spoke, he must have sensed my demeanor, because he immediately put down the phone and gave me all of his attention. “Well, that’s good.” He said, trying for some levity. “I already have a follow up arranged for you, and I’ve made sure it’s written down for you so you know where to go and when.” I said, not wanting to dodge the subject, but knowing that once I said it, he wouldn’t remember anything after the diagnosis. I had to get that in first, or else risk him forgetting. “What is it?” He asked, his hands now fidgeting in his lap. I took one last deep breath. “There’s a large tumor in your colon.” I said, voice shaking just a little bit. “It’s very concerning for cancer.” My voice steadied after a beat. “There are also several spots on your liver that are very concerning.”
His hands fell still, and I saw his eyes glass over just a little bit as he took it in. His mind was retreating, panic was threatening to set in, and I had to get in the rest while he could understand it.
“I have a follow up scheduled with oncology tomorrow morning at 9 am. I’m sorry, I tried for today but  they were booked. I also have a follow up scheduled with gastroenterology the next day, and the general surgery the day after that. It’s all written down for you, including phone numbers and addresses. Make sure you give them to whoever is going to be helping you, so they can help you keep up with it all.” 
He nodded, numbly. I knew I had already lost him, but I had to say the rest. “Try to get a planner and a binder so you can keep all the appointments and follow ups in one place. It’s also handy to have all of your paperwork printed and with you, just in case the doctors aren’t talking. I printed out your labs and imaging reports from today and put them with your paperwork, so you can have them.  It’s a whole lot of information very quickly, and having it printed to help you remember is critical so you don’t miss appointments and so you can be sure you get everything you need.”  I paused, and he nodded again. “Is there someone I can call for you?” I asked, tentatively.
“Um, no.” He shook himself a little, coming out of his stupor just a little. “No, that’s not necessary.”
I hesitated a few moments, giving him some time to think. “I have to go get the rest of your paperwork together. I know this is alot right now, so I will come back in a few minutes to answer any questions that I can. I’m not an oncologist, so I may not be able to answer all of your questions, but I will do my best. Just know that whatever the oncologist says tomorrow is probably more accurate than anything I tell you today.”
I sat with him in silence for a few moments as he stared at nothing, eyes unfocused. I knew that look, and I hated it when I had caused it. “I’m so sorry.” I said, and heard the wobble come into my voice just a little bit. I slammed shut the cracks in the panic room in my mind, caging the sorrow before it could leak out and make a mess of everything. “I wish I had better news.” I wanted to tell him that he was young and healthy and give him some sort of hope, but I also didn’t want to lie to him. Metastatic colon cancer at 38 was bad news, no matter how healthy they were otherwise.
I stood up and moved to leave the room. “I will be back in a few minutes. Please let us know if we can do anything for you in the meantime.”
I left the room to find his nurse hovering outside his door. She started following me back to the doc box on the other end of the department. “Fuck.” said Katie. “Just…” she paused, then said with more emphasis. “Fuck.”
“Yeah.” I said, twisting my lips into a sad smile. “Yeah, it’s bad.” I sat in my chair and put my hands over my head. “It’s really bad.” “What stage?” She asked, chewing on a fingernail. “Optimistically? Stage 3.” I said with a sigh. “But, realistically, probably stage 4.” 
“So he’s gonna die.” She said flatly. 
“We’re all gonna die eventually, Katie.” I said, smirking but rapidly sobering. “But yes, he’s probably dying more quickly than he should.” 
“Fuck.” She said again. “Yeah, that’s pretty much the only word for it.” 
“Only word for what?” asked Dr. Williams, strolling in with a chart in hand and taking his seat next to me. “My 38-year-old with stage 3 or 4 colon cancer.”  I said with a sigh, twirling my chair back to my computer. He put down the chart and turned to stare at me somberly. 
“Fuck.” He said.
“See?!” Katie said, gleefully, then sobered. “So what’s the plan?” 
“I have to finish his discharge paperwork, but I have all of his follow ups scheduled for the next three days.” I said, handing her a pile of paperwork with a note on the top that listed times, dates, phone numbers, and addresses of the clinics he needed to visit. “When I finish, I’m going to go back in and see if he has any questions.” “How did he take it?” She asked.
“Stoically.” I said, honestly. “He just stared off into space. I asked if we could call anyone for him and he said no. He’s been alone this whole time too, unless you saw someone I didn’t.” She shook her head in response. “Well, then I guess he’s taking it alone.” 
“He’s going to need someone to help him.” Williams said, alreadying clicking away on his computer. 
“Hopefully he has someone and they just couldn’t be here today.” I said with a shrug. I couldn’t let myself worry about that. Except now, it seemed, I did have to worry about that. Because he sat beside me now, anxious and probably overwhelmed. I bet he hadn’t told anyone about anything yet, and so he was taking all of this alone. The emotions that I had kept in the panic box pounded at the door, but I fought them back down. I still had three more shifts to get through before I could let them out. I couldn’t risk an emotional melt-down in the meanwhile. I needed to speak to him alone, soon. I glanced around the restaurant, looking for an excuse. I saw a sign for the restrooms pointing in the opposite direction from our table and thought that was as good of an excuse as any. I tried to make eye contact with Jake, but he was very purposefully ignoring me, looking at the menu that he was now gripping with white knuckles. I tapped his foot under the table and cleared my throat. Val and Ty stopped talking to look at me. Jake turned to look at me. “I’m going to run to the bathroom.” I said, scooting out from my chair and gesturing to the sign. 
I was walking away when I heard Jake say, “Actually, I think I need to go too.”
Subtle, kid. Real subtle. I thought.
I followed the signs around a corner and into a narrow corridor that passed around the kitchen. We would be well hidden back there. I only had to wait a moment until Jake found me. As he rounded the corner, I was struck by how young he looked and how healthy, despite being somewhat pale. The sharp outline of his glasses accentuated his deep brown eyes, which I realized had some small flecks of green in them, as he grew near.
“Jesus Christ, I am so sorry.” I said in a rush, as soon as he was within ear shot. “I can make an excuse and get out of here as soon as possible. I know I am the last person on the planet you want to see again.” 
He stopped and cocked an eyebrow at me. 
“Why wouldn’t I want to see you again?” He seemed genuinely confused, and for a moment I was afraid I had confused him with another patient.
“Um,” I was taken aback. “Well, I don’t think I’d want to see the person who told me I have…” I looked around quickly and dropped my voice to a whisper, “cancer.” 
“It’s not like it’s your fault.” He said, leaning back against the wall across from me. “You just happened to be the one that found it.”
“Oh.” I stammered, then recovered. “You just looked like a deer in the headlights when you saw me.” “I could say the same about you.” He countered. I shrugged. We were both quiet for a moment, before he said in a voice so soft it was difficult to hear, “Nobody knows but you.” 
I stared at him for a moment. “Wait, nobody as in ‘not a single person’ or nobody as in not Val and Ty?”
“Nobody as in nobody.” He said, returning my stare. “And I intend to keep it that way.”
“What?!” My question turned into more of a squawk.
“Nobody needs to know. This is my problem. I don’t want to bring anybody else down with it.”
“You don’t want to…”I began, then shut my mouth. Where did I even begin here? “Jake, this is a lot. You can’t hide  this from everyone forever.” I paused again, and tried to choose my next words carefully. He must be in denial. “You don’t need to do this alone.” 
“But, I do.” 
“No, I mean, you can’t do this alone. It’s too much for any one person. You need a team, a support system. Didn’t oncology talk about this?” I asked, flabbergasted. “They did, and I told them I would think about it.” He held up a hand before I could speak again. “But this is my fight and I get to choose who I tell and when.” I paused and really looked at him then. His jaw was set, muscles twitching and his hands were fists at his sides. It struck me then that this was a type of coping mechanism. Everything that happened here was out of his control - except this. And now I was here to threaten taking that control away even further. I deflated.
“I won’t tell anyone,” I said, meeting his eyes. “I promise.” 
He pursed his lips and nodded. “Thank you.” 
“We should get back before they get more suspicious.” I said. “Val is already going to know something is up, so I’ll just tell her you and I had met at a party for my ex boyfriend a few years ago.” 
“Yeah, except I don’t really do parties.”
“Well shit, me neither.” There was another beat of silence. “Any ideas?”
He crossed his arms across his chest and tapped his finger on his watch, thinking.
“How about a half truth?” He finally said. I cocked an eyebrow at him. “As in, I met you in the hospital a few days ago when I was there with my sick aunt.” 
“Yeah, but then Val is going to pepper you with questions about your aunt.”
“Well, I actually have a sick aunt, so that should be easy to answer.” 
“Oh.” I paused, then nodded. “That…could actually work.” 
He smirked at me then, and it struck me that he was actually quite handsome. That turn of his lips caused the corner of his eyes to crinkle, and his eyes sparked with mischief. “I’m good at stories.” He said with a shrug. “You mean you’re a good liar?” I quipped, smirking back. “Guess I had better watch out then.” 
“I don’t make a habit of it, if that’s what you mean. But when I do lie, I know how to be convincing.” We turned and started to walk back to the table together. There was no sense in hiding that we knew each other.  But before we cleared the corridor, I caught his arm and pulled him to stop.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I asked, searching his eyes. “Because I really don’t mind leaving. I get it.”
“No.” He said, and actually smiled at me, the crinkle returning to his eyes. “No, I’m honestly kind of relieved to have someone who knows.” The smile faded. “I guess that means I’m not completely alone.” 
I smiled then. “No, I guess you’re not.”
And with that we returned to our table to begin our blind date. 
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quartzalynlove · 2 years
Hey! Can you do a steve Harrington x reader- like they meet the reader at a party- bcs their friends left them? Sorry if you can't
I absolutely can i hope you like it! Tysm for requesting🙂
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: you got ditched at a party, but it’s okay because so did Steve
Warnings: none
A/n: Tumblr likes to make me cry so this will be a block of text, I'm sorry. Also as you can see asks are open again!! Steve Harrington asks are highly encouraged, but you can find the pinned post and request anything in the tags, following the rules ofc.
Tumblr media
You knew you shouldn't have let your friends talk you into this, you always hated parties. Now, you were hugging the wall as you tried to keep tabs on them with your eyes; they were mostly flirting and dancing with other people while you were tasked with drink holding. Everything was too loud, and it reeked of sweat and cheap cologne and perfumes. The next song that came on had enough bass boosting through the stereo to take the whole house down, so, rolling your eyes, you escaped out of the back; there were still people in the pool, but there was less loud music.
Steve knew this was a mistake too. He let this girl drag him to a party hosted by a guy they knew in high school; was he really getting that desperate?
It was fine while she was interested, but Steve turned his back to grab drinks for one second and she was with her old friends, flirting with some guy. He sighed, looking around. He wasn't going to talk to anyone, half he recognized as people that didn't like him, and the other half were people he had never met.
He saw that the vibe outside was slightly more chill than inside and snuck out of the back. Surveying the area, Steve looked for a place to hang out until his date remembered him.
Everyone was messing around in the pool, but you were sitting with your back against the house, looking up at the stars with your knees pressed into your chest.
He thought he recognized you, but he wasn't sure. Curious, Steve walked towards you, and sat down. He looked up at the sky with you.
"It's nice, right," Steve said before looking over at you. "You here by yourself?"
You shook your head and looked through the glass door that led back inside, "Nah, my friends are in there, flirting or screwing or something," You looked back at Steve. "You?"
Steve's mouth hung open as he rubbed the nape of his neck. "Um, my date ditched me."
You rested your head on your legs, looking at Steve, "Sucks." You smiled softly.
Steve stared at you; he swore he had seen you at school back in the say, but he wasn't sure.
"Did we know each other in high school?" He asked.
"I knew you," you said. "But, I think this is our fist time officially meeting, I'm Y/N."
You held out your hand for Steve to shake, and, suddenly, it clicked in his head as he remembered your name.
"Wait, Y/N" He realized. "You were friends with Martha Weston in drama club, right?"
"Oh," you gasped with a smile. "Yeah, you did date her."
"How's she doing, now?" Steve asked.
You winced before turning back to the door, finding Martha leaned against the pool table.
"She is currently sucking faces with Marty Windberg."
Steve looked over at you shocked and poked his head over by the door to confirm. His eyes widened.
"Wow, really, that douchebag?"
You shrugged in response. "Eh, she'll be fine."
You looked at Steve, he was a lot different from when you knew him before. Back then you didn't trust him, and you hated that Martha wouldn't listen when you told her to stay away from him, but she always did have a horrible taste in men.
You thought to yourself, if your friends ditched you and Steve's date ditched him, you both should just ditch together.
You grabbed Steve by his wrist, standing up, "My house's not far from here, and I have an Atari if you wanna play?" You offered.
Steve looked up at you before standing, "You sure," He looked back through the door. "What about your friends?"
You started walking backwards, slowly, "They'll call me in the morning when they wake up wherever them and their hookups got busy; c'mon, I'm bored here!" You smiled tugging on Steve's arm.
He looked back at you and started walking with you until you turned around and started running, chasing after you.
Steve didn't just remember you as Martha's friend, but also as the nerdy ball of energy he saw bouncing around the auditorium at the end of club meets when he came to pick Martha up. He remembered your smile, your laugh, and the innocent, but witty, quips you'd throw at your friends. On top of it all you were really attractive, but, according to his friends, Steve was already pushing it when he was dating Martha. It didn't matter that she was the best singer in the school and got all of the lead roles, she was still a theater kid. That was why he had to dump her even though he never told anyone. He ended up never asking you out to not ruin his reputation anymore than he already had.
However, he wasn't in high school anymore, and his reputation was already shot. No one cared if he dated someone who wasn't in social standing with him because the hierarchy didn't exist anymore.
The two of you made it to your house; you put your key in the door, opening it and letting Steve in. You stayed up the entire night playing on your Atari, laughing, and talking.
He almost had you in stitches on the couch; you sighed, "Man, I was so wrong about you; now I get why Martha was so into you!" You smiled.
Steve smiled back, slightly sad; he looked down, "Yeah, I don't think you were too far off about me, though," He said. "I really was a jerk back then."
You sat up and looked at Steve, "Yeah, well so was I," you shrugged. "It wasn't just you I didn't trust; I never liked anyone that I deemed too popular. We were all idiots in high school, Steve, that's why they're the worst years of you life, but the good part is," You reached out to push a strand of hair behind Steve's ear. "None of it matters anymore."
Steve looked into your eyes before bringing a hand to caress the side of your face; he began to lean in, and you leaned with him until your lips met.
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Hey! I hope you’re well, can i request an imagine where reader is Embry’s imprint and they haven’t seen eachother in months because reader has a life she can’t just drop for him but she comes back when the pack is blowing up her phone ? Thank youu and don’t worry if you don’t write it, it’s fine!
Thank you for the request! It took a Long time But It's now complete with a total whopping 5k words!! Any way I hope you enjoy the fic.
I put it under the cut because it's so long but it's my brain baby at the moment lo.
Returning to you.
Embry Call x Reader
5058 words
Most of my life has been spent in the Forks area so getting to travel to Europe for six months to see the art and culture was a dream come true. The past four months I’ve been travelling through Europe, starting in Greece and ending my trip in the Irish countryside.
The old art and architecture filled me with a joy that I could not get anywhere else in the world. The smells, sounds and sights all played their own part into the experience. I got to see the moon rise over Mount Olympus, the David by Michelangelo in the Vatican, tour through the Louvre, drink wine on the beaches of France and so much more. I’ve been living my best life.
It's been a dream to see the world, I've met so many new people and tried so much food. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my trip, but there was a part of me that longed for the beaches of La Push.
That part is Embry. Embry Call. My boyfriend, my pal, my love and my light. To me Embry is my everything and to him I’m his everything. That is one thing that has been made perfectly clear the past four months I’ve been away. Every day he’s told me he misses me and I know he means it, I’ve been told not just by him but also the rest of the pack.
Everyday I’ve woken up to ‘Good morning I miss you.” Sometimes he phones to tell me that he feels like he might die if I’m away for any longer. I always chuckle and tell him he will survive, it’s not like I’m going away forever; but that's what he feels like it is. This usually earns me a long winded whine from the other end of the line.
My phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the bedside table while Embry’s face flashed across my screen signalling that he’s calling. A smile graces my lips as I pick up the phone to be greeted with his loving voice.
“Hi (y/n)!! I miss you so much.” sadness was laced in his usual cheery greeting, it hurt my heart to be away from him but I would never trade this experience for anything. I’ve been planning this for years and I wasn’t going to pass up cheap plane tickets.
He filled me in on the pack's shenanigans, complaining about how they keep teasing him for being glued to his phone awaiting any updates I would send him. The later it got the heavier my eyelids seemed to feel, my speech started to slur with exhaustion of time zones while Embry continued to become more energetic with each passing minute.
“Em. . .” A yawn interrupted me mid sentence, a low whine emanated from the phone as he knew I would want to get to bed to have the energy for the long trip I’ll embark on tomorrow for Ireland, which is my last stop. I’d be spending the remaining two months of my trip in the lush countryside.
“I think I should get to sleep, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I mumbled into the phone.
“But (y/n)!” he dragged out. I knew he wanted to talk longer but I physically cannot do it. Even though Embry and I don’t live together officially yet, we’d talk into the early morning till one of us fell asleep.
“But (y/n) what?” I dragged out the ‘a’ matching his whine.
“I miss you and want you to come home.” I could hear him pause over line before he continued.
“Besides, sleeping isn’t the same without you.”
I ran my hand through my hair gently tugging on the roots easing the tension that’s built up over my trip. As much fun as I’ve had, he does have a point. Sleeping just isn’t the same without Em. My nights have been spent restless in beds that aren’t mine without the comforting touch of my boyfriend; but that doesn’t mean I can just drop everything and go back home.
“Em you know I can’t just pack everything and go home. . .” I looked at the painting that hung over the tv that sat opposite of my bed. A puppy-like whimper fell from his lips when he spoke again, his voice cracked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart hearing him upset.
“I-I know I just really miss you.”
“I know Embry I miss you too, but it’s only two more months then I’ll be home.”
We chatted for ten more minutes before I fell asleep on the phone. As much as I missed falling asleep in his warm embrace I can’t just fly back home, not yet at least.
The blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The clock face read 6:02 a.m. taking everything within myself to peel back the blankets that encased me in their warm grip. I patted through the bed sheets to find my phone only to knock it onto the floor in the process.
My lock screen adorned a photo of Embry with icing smudged across his face from his birthday party but a swamp of text messages from the pack covered my favourite photo of him. Five texts from Leah, seven from Jake, nine texts from Paul, 12 texts and two missed calls from Sam and a whole group chat titled ‘(y/n) come home.’
The group chat kept pinging with the members of the pack who were still awake discussing the logistics of flying out to Ireland to take me back home. Was Embry really causing that much strife in the pack for them to create a group chat? Knowing him, it couldn’t be too far from the truth.
Leah and I call once a week to check in and make sure the other is doing okay since I left. It’s one of my favourite parts of the week being able to have a one on one with someone sensible. Every week she fills me in on Embry begrudgingly, she does it because she knows it makes me happy which I appreciate.
Reading through her texts she didn’t say much in regards to Em’s behaviour the only message relating to him was “come get your man child please, he’s getting snot on the floor.”
I listened through Sam’s voice mails which were begging me to come home, he informed me that once Em knew I was asleep he started moping around Emily’s house again for the fourth consecutive night in a row. This was news to me.
The texts entailed that Embry was becoming a pain on patrol and that Paul ‘couldn’t take another minute of the incessant whining.’ I told them the same thing I told Embry; I’m not dropping everything and rushing back home to sooth the wails of a love sick boy. There isn’t much I can do from across the ocean anyway.
I stretched my body and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before I had to leave for the airport.
I packed the few remaining things I left out to prepare for the flight and headed my way to the lobby to check out. I enjoyed travelling but I wasn’t going to miss sleeping in hotels and hostels.
Two weeks have passed since I touched down in Ireland and to say I’ve been having the time of my life is an understatement; I’ve been having a ball living my best life.
The land was capped in a luscious emerald green sea of grass that waved in the wind, the roads were lined with hand built stone walls that marked the division of farmers fields.
Sheep and cattle grazed in pastures, and old castles dotted the countryside. It was gorgeous. It was a view that I wanted to see again, a view I want to see with Embry.
It felt like time was flying by between sight seeing, trail hiking, museum tours and calls with Embry and Leah. It has already been a month. I had one more month before I was to jet set back to the U.S. and see my Embry.
One more month before I was back in La Push surrounded by the scent of sea water and trees with the looming threat of rain constantly overhead except in the summer. For two months of the year La Push was bright and sunny with the expected summer storms that happened.
I had fallen asleep on the phone with Embry again when I realized my phone was lost in the sea of sheets as it buzzed with an incoming phone call.
I couldn’t find it until the call had gone to voicemail and my phone landed on the ground when I gave up and ripped the blankets off of the bed but whoever called must have felt it was really important. Picking up my phone the most unflattering photo of Jacob was plastered on the screen, his name in white.
“Hello?” I asked groggily into the phone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock which said in bold red numbers 1 am.
“Hey (y/n)! You sound like you just woke up.” I heard him chortle from the other end.
“That’s because I just woke up Jake, it’s one in the morning.” a yawn escaped my lips, I know I’ll have a rough time getting over jet lag when I go home.
He occupied twenty minutes with idle chatter and borderline interrogation about all the sights I’ve seen before I asked him why he was calling me so early in the morning
“Embry has spent the week at my house, you need to come home there’s nothing we can do anymore to occupy him till you return.” He sighed, Jake knows I want to finish my trip but we made a deal that I would come home early if there were absolutely no options left to keep Embry from sending the pack into hysterics.
I knew he was buttering me up for something.
“Are you sure you can’t figure something out? It’s just another month!”
“Another month of him eating my cereal and getting dirt on me from my dad!”
I snorted with laughter at the fact that Billy was telling Embry every embarrassing detail from his childhood.
“Jake please just let me think about it okay?” I sighed, flopping back into my hollowed cave of blankets and sheets.
“Okay, I’ll let you think about it but don’t think I won’t be telling Sam.” he warned.
We laughed together and he wished me a good night before hanging up the phone, before I slipped back into slumber I sent Jake one more text.
‘You wake me up at one in the morning again and it’s over for you.’ in which he responded with ‘Oh no I’m so scared lol.’
I reached over to the bedside table and plugged my phone in before the sweet embrace of warmth and slumber took over my senses.
The next three days I was bombarded with texts from Paul whining about the wolf mind link and how every patrol shift he had with Embry was spent tuning out his constant thoughts of me.
Standing in the shower with hot water running over my skin soothing my tense muscles I heard my phone buzz against the granite countertop. I rolled my eyes and continued to bask in the endless hotel hot water.
As bad as staying in hotels could be, the hot water made up for the early breakfast and sheets that were tucked in a little too tightly.
I had shampoo in my hair when my phone started buzzing again, this time with a call. I grumbled under the stream of water washing away the soap before it could get in my eyes; whoever's calling can wait.
I moved on to conditioning my hair, letting it sit while I wash the rest of my body with a lightly scented lavender soap.
I refused to use the complimentary soap because it dried out my skin and the lotion just left me feeling sticky instead of moisturized.
Watching the soap run down the drain my phone rang again, I clenched my fists, who could possibly be calling me now? I still refused to get out of my steamy heaven to answer my phone.
My gut told me that whoever was calling wouldn’t let up until I answered. I washed out the conditioner from my hair and wrapped it in a towel.
The mirror was coated in a layer of steam, the tiles were cool against my feet. I wrapped the plush towel around my body, mopping up the droplets of water that remained.
My phone started vibrating with rapid fire text messages from the pack’s group chat they made a month ago. I sighed, picking it up to sift through the messages. I read a message from Jared telling me he’d pay me to return.
The pack always made me laugh, together they’re a walking sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them, someone always had something witty or sarcastic to say.
I checked to see who had called me and it turned out it was Sam, I listened to his voice mails and immediately phoned him back.
As soon as I hit the call button it only rang for half a second before he picked up.
“Thank you for calling back, I thought I’d have to call two more times.” he chuckled.
“Well I was in the middle of a shower, can’t really take a call there.” I moved through the room with my phone pressed between my shoulder and cheek. Stopping at my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear for the day.
“I’m going to be frank with you, I need you to come home. . .” I let out a huff before he continued.
“Embry needs you badly, he’s just a pile of mush on the floor now. It’s a chore to get him up to go on patrol. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do Sam, I’ll try to book a flight for the earliest date I can find.” I knew I was giving in but from what they were telling me and the constant texts were getting to be difficult to manage.
“Thank you, when you get back I’ll buy you take out for a month okay?”
“I hate that you know what my weakness is.” I laughed through the phone, a month of free take out? Hell yeah. It made the prospect of going back a little brighter since I wasn’t going to complete the rest of my trip.
I wasn’t losing out on too much though, I had seen and done everything that I wanted. It wouldn’t be too bad to go home early.
We talked for a couple more minutes before parting ways, I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce a couple times before turning my attention back to getting dressed. Since I had a flight to book it was okay to spend the rest of the day lounging in pj’s.
The soft fabric of my pj’s brushed against my skin as I jumped into bed with my computer in hand, and now it was time to book a flight back home. Maybe text Paul and tell him he can quit complaining as well.
I woke up the next morning with my flight booked for take off in the afternoon and my daily good morning text from Embry. I felt a little sad to be leaving such a beautiful country but the trees, ocean and Embry all called my name.
Pacing through the room I grabbed the comfiest set of clothes I packed for my return flight back to Seattle, I had enough time to sleep on the plane to be conscious enough for the three and a half hour drive back to La Push.
I was set for a long day ahead of me but it was going to be worth it in the end, seeing the bright and happy face of my boyfriend, getting to hug him and kiss him again.
I made one last check of the room before I gathered my clothes and toiletry kit and made my way into the bathroom to shower before my long flight. As I was stepping into the shower my phone pinged from the counter with a text from Sam.
“Have you booked that flight yet?” it read.
“Yeah I’m due for take off at 1. I should be back in La Push some time tomorrow!”
My fingers brushed the cool surface of the counter top as I put my phone back and got into the shower, hot water immediately running down my back; this time my phone wasn’t being blown up by a desperate wolf pack trying to get my attention.
I can’t sit in the shower for hours on end this time, I have a flight to catch and a boy to surprise. Embry was currently still under the impression that I would be coming home in two weeks. Boy would he be in for a surprise.
The residual steam wafted out of the bathroom while I brushed my teeth revealing my towel wrapped body and hair in the mirror behind the skin. I checked the time and noted that I had two hours to check out, make my way to the airport, and check into my flight back home. Two more hours before I could smell the trees and ocean, two more hours before I could see my friends and hug Embry.
The time managed to move by in a blur by the time I was shutting the trunk of the yellow cab that was going to drop me off at the airport. I got into the back seat and the driver peeled away from the hotel front onto the winding roads.
“Aye where are you headin’?” The driver inquired in a thick Irish accent.
One thing I noticed in my stay here was that the accent changed in every town or village I passed through. It added to the charm
“Well, I’m on my way home after spending six months in Europe.” My eyes scanned over the green hills that rushed past in a blur.
“My favourite places I’ve been have definitely been Ireland and Greece.” I smiled towards him.
The lines around his eyes crinkled with the smile that graced his face at the mention of Ireland.
“Well that’s good to hear innit? Glad you’ve enjoyed your stay. We welcome ya with open arms if you return.”
We held a light conversation until we arrived in front of the drop off area for passengers, thanked him and grabbed my bags before heading into the crowded lobby.
The front of the terminal was metal and glass that reached towards the heavens with automatic doors gaping open like a mouth. Inside was a dull white with light grey floor which my shoes clicked against with each step.
It was packed with people like a can of sardines, I weaved my way through the masses towards the check in desk which thankfully only had a short line to get through.
Under the mix of fluorescents and natural light the desk lady’s bags that donned under her eyes glared with visible exhaustion from the mass amounts of people that swarmed the terminal.
Despite her clear drowsiness she still greeted me with a warm smile and a soft hello.
I grabbed my ticket and thanked her then turned and pushed myself through to the security check, dropped my luggage off and took a seat to wait for the boarding call for my flight.
As I waited grey clouds started to fill the sky blocking out the little sun that was once shining in its place.
My eyes grew heavier by each minute that passed, waiting could be hard, but waiting in an airport where there’s no sense of time is worse. So I distracted myself by people watching.
A lady was bouncing her baby, the old man across from me was snoring. A businessman paced back and forth speaking urgently into his phone, a family chatted excitedly for their family trip to the Canary Islands.
I pulled my eyes away from them as the call for my flight rang out over the crowded terminal, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the gate.
Excitement filled my every step as the anticipation grew and bubbled inside me. I gave the greeting flight attendant a small smile and made my way to my seat, for being last minute I managed to get a window seat.
We sat on the tarmac for twenty minutes before taking off and before I knew it the seat belt light pinged off and I was fast asleep jet setting my way back to America, back to my home.
I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke up but the clock on the tv screen said 2 a.m. and that we’re due to arrive in an hour. I sat up in my seat and gazed out the window into the starry night sky.
Energy started to course through me as I watched the arrival time tick closer and closer. A light rain misted down over Seattle as I left the Seatac terminal and made my way through the maze of cars in the night that was made darker by the rain.
I spotted my blue Subaru and popped the trunk so my interior and seats wouldn’t get wet. It had been a long six months since I last sat in my driver's seat, the wheel almost felt foreign in my hands as I turned the key and listened to the engine roar to life.
I drove through the winding roads of the city to the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry to take the 45 minute ride into Bainbridge and headed North to get on the 101 then turn onto 110 which would take me back into the heart of La Push.
The closer I got to Forks the brighter the sky became; well as bright as it could be on a gloomy day. The clouds became painted in the glow of purple and pink as the sun rose over the horizon, the rain had let up and left me with an overcast sky for the remainder of the drive back.
Since I slept virtually the entire flight back I didn’t feel the weight of exhaustion at all, but surely when I arrived back in the arms of Embry I knew I’d hit the wall with sleep deprivation.
As I barreled through the corridor of trees I passed the signature ‘welcome to Forks’ sign and turned right onto the 110, twenty minutes to home. I was so close but my soul felt like it was light years away.
The clock on my radio told me that it was currently 6:45, the pinks and purples that coated the sky faded away to the typical grey that fills my senses with delight. Sea salt and washed up kelp started to seep into the air that circulated into my car making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Closer to Beach Drive I got the stronger the smell of the ocean became. The turn signal clicked as I turned onto the road that gave way to Sam and Emily’s house so they could take me over to Embry’s in the off chance that he happened to be awake at this hour.
It’s highly unlikely that he would be up at this hour but it’s not something I could be one hundred percent positive about. I stepped out of my car and turned around to see Emily running as fast as she possibly could towards me with open arms and a huge smile plastered across her face.
Dropping my bags I dashed across their lawn into her embrace.
“Oh (y/n)! I missed you so much, you must be so tired.” She released me from her hug and settled her hands on my shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too Emily, I knew I’d be tired but not this tired.” I chuckled while wiping at my under eyes in a feeble attempt to wipe away the exhaustion.
She put her hand on my lower back and led me inside for the awaiting cup of tea while Sam moved my bags into his truck.
The warmth of their home embraced me, the comfort of their kitchen was familiar. The only thing missing was the rowdy group of boys that made up the pack who usually occupied every available seat in the home.
I took a seat at the kitchen table where three cups of tea sat waiting, I should have expected a q and a when I returned. Wrapping my hands around the mug the warmth that radiated from it filled my hands.
Emily took a seat beside me and Sam entered through the door and sat adjacent to both of us.
“So how was the trip?” We sat around their table chatting until our cups were empty and filed out of the house into the early morning air.
“Emily and I will drive your car back to your place after I drop you off at Embry’s, the kid’s been sleeping in my living room more often than I’d appreciate.” Sam’s eyes crinkled with a smile, I knew he was joking but at the same time there was truth to his words; and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
“Thank you for putting up with him while I was gone, I owe you guys one and you owe me take out for a month.” He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair turning into the Call's driveway. Embry’s mom had already left for work leaving him to his own devices; which meant he would sleep in as late as his heart desired.
We got out of Sam’s truck and he dropped my bags on the doorstep. I turned and gave him a quick hug and a thank you before sticking my key into the lock.
The door creaked open and I dragged my suitcases to a stop in their front entry way and shut it behind me.
My shoes landed on the floor with a soft thud and I gingerly walked up the stairs to ensure I wasn’t too noisy while making sure to avoid the one squeaky stair.
I got to the top of the stairs and hung a left down their light beige hallway that gave way to the oak door that guarded Embry’s room. His soft snores filtered through the door, it’s door knob was cool in my hand. Making an audible click with the turn of my wrist.
Dark mahogany brown hair peaked up from beneath the sheet that tucked Embry’s body out of view. One pillow was on the floor while the other was tucked firmly between his cheek and arm, I smiled at the sight of my sleeping boyfriend which filled my every inch with the utmost joy.
My sock covered feet pressed into the carpeted flooring with each step I took towards his bed making sure to step over the piles of dirty clothes that were scattered around the room.
The sun filtered through the gaps in the window blinds casting pools of golden light on the floor and along his walls causing the crystal prism that hung above his closet to sweep dashes of colour across his walls.
I pulled back the grey top sheet to reveal his peaceful face and I swear my heart was going to burst with the amount of love that I feel for him. His hair was tousled in every direction and a cow lick stuck straight up on the left side of his head.
My hands ran over his hair, smoothing it out while I whispered his name. Embry groaned a bit and rolled over, I whispered his name a little bit louder and moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders running them along his arms finally waking him from his slumber.
“Hi Em!” I gushed out as his brown eyes opened and focused on me. His face split with his toothy smile and his arms shot around me, pulling me down into his chest.
“Do you know how much I missed you?” Embry mumbled into my hair.
“I figured a lot with the amount of texts I got from the pack.” I reached up brushing the hair from his face.
“You can never leave me for that long again. . .I didn’t know what to do without you here.” He ran his hands through my hair placing a gentle kiss upon the top of my head.
“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t protect you and make sure you were safe.”
“Well next time I’ll make sure you can come, then you don’t have to worry.” Craning my neck up I placed a kiss upon his lips which were still a bit swollen from slumber.
“The important thing is that I returned safe and in one piece. The other important thing is I get to spoil you with the gifts I brought back!”
His laugh filled the room sending vibrations through my body.
“Hey! That’s my job to spoil you, not the other way around.” He ruffled my hair causing us both to laugh. I peeled off my socks and wiggled my way under his blanket.
“I think it’s time we catch up on six months worth of cuddling.” I poked a finger into his side.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, you owe me for being gone so long.”
“What? I came back early!” His hands made their way under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back sending waves of heat through my body from being pressed into him. Oh how I missed my heater.
“Yeah, by like what? Two weeks?” his silky voice chuckled out.
“I missed you Embry.” I told him, placing a kiss on his exposed shoulder.
“I missed you too. Now let's go back to sleep, you look tired.” He said to me as he rested his chin atop my head and pulling me closer.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
crashing ☆
rafe cameron x gn!reader.
warnings: reader gets injured, car crash, swearing.
words: 3,106.
summary: rafe is waiting for you to meet him at figure 8, but he’ll be waiting awhile as you got in a tragic car accident, the other vehicle being driven by his father.
request? no! requests are opened!
a/n: use of they/them pronouns. like and comment if you enjoy this story! thanks <333
my masterlist
“alright baby. of course. i love you!! yes, i’m leaving now.” rafe was on the other side of your phone, ensuring that you were ready for your dinner date. the two of you have plans to meet at the figure eight. you will eat at a nice restaurant, and then finish the date off with a scroll through the park while watching the sunset. rafe had planned the whole thing out, excited he could finally show you how much you meant to him. rafe smiled, “okay babe. i’ll see you in a few. i can't wait to see your precious face.” heat rushes to your face because of rafes words. “see you in a few.” you hang the phone up, grabbing your car keys.
you walk to your car that is sitting in your driveway. you hop in, starting your car. you put your seatbelt on, using your phone, you do a map search to the location rafe had sent you. you turn the music up slightly. you check behind you for passing cars or pedestrians, and when the coast was clear, you pulled out of your driveway, and started the drive to rafe.
you had only been driving for five minutes. you were caught at a red light. your light turned green so you pressed the gas to go. immediately a large black car t boned straight into you, hitting you head on. luckily, it had smashed into the passenger side, but the weight from the other car caused your car to shift, making you to hit your head against your steering wheel, and the car's window. the car crashed into a light pole. you were on the border between the cut and figure eight. nobody was ever there unless they were passing by. you struggled to look up, trying to see if you knew who had crashed into you.
the car that slammed into you looks vaguely familiar. you understood why when the guy who jumped out of the car was none other than ward, rafe’s father. you frowned. he rushed to your car, ready to yell at you but panicked when he saw who you were. ward immediately ran back to his car. he hopped into his car, speedily driving away.
you feel around for your phone. when you finally find it, your screen is cracked, and the screen is black. it won’t turn on. the phone must have slipped from your cup holder onto the side of the door, causing it to break. you drove your car forward so you weren’t positioned into the middle of the street. you shut your car off. your head begins to feel light headed, you close your eyes, trying to make the pain minimal. your eyes shut, and you could feel yourself slowly passing out. you try to stay awake, but the sleep engulfed you.
rafe was panicking. you were never late. well, yes you run late, but never without texting first. anytime you ran into trouble you would immediately message him and let him know. he hated this. he didn’t know what he should do. he tried to call your phone but it went straight to voicemail. he exited the restaurant, searching for either you or your car but he couldn’t find either. he frowned to himself. did you intentionally miss dinner? did he do something wrong? rafe was scared, what if you were in danger?
rafe pulled his phone out. he set his feud aside, calling pope. pope glanced at the caller id that was currently ringing his phone. he was shocked to say the least. “rafe?” pope questioned through the phone. pope didn’t want to answer but if rafe truly needed something from pope, he wouldn’t hesitate to get it from him in person. he knew it would be easier if he just answered and figured out what he needed. “pope?” rafe bombarded pope with questions about you; and your whereabouts. pope was confused. he hadn’t seen you since this morning.
“i’m sorry rafe, but i haven’t seen them since early this morning. i’m down the street from their house if you want me to knock on their door?” rafe sighed, “please. see if they are home.” pope nodded. “alright one second.” pope rushed to your front door. he knocked three times. “the car isn’t here, they seem to have left.” rafe smiled. “okay. thank you, pope. i appreciate it, man.” rafe felt relieved. “no problem.”pope hung up. you had actually left to meet him at the restaurant. but if that was true, why weren’t you at the restaurant yet?
rafe decided to stay put. he got confirmation that your car was gone. that shows you had safely left your house. if you don’t show in the next ten minutes then rafe would go looking for you.
you kept dozing in and out of consciousness. after the third time of passing out, you actually stay awake. you open your car door, stumbling out of it. your head hurt, and you felt light headed. you look around, no civilians. you yell out, but no one is around to hear. “HELLO??” you walk away from your car, just a little bit. you take in your surroundings. you walked back to your car.
you try to turn your car back on but the engine is stalled, it doesn’t even sputter again. you sink into the seat, laying your head on the head rest. you pull down the little mirror, examining your face. you hadn’t noticed, but the top right of your forehead was bleeding. It looked to have a pretty big gash. you had a bruise on your left cheek from when your head slammed against the steering wheel. you look at the time, noticing that it was ten minutes past your date with rafe. you jumped out the car, walking towards your house once more.
before you could step inside, you ran into pope. you noticed he peeked through your window. “peeping pope, why are you looking through my window?” you laugh at the added nickname. he stayed still, thinking of an explanation. “rafe called me saying you were late to something and he was worried.” he finally turned around, glancing at you. “what! what happened to your face?” he rushed towards you automatically inspecting the cut and bruises.
“i got in a car accident, ward cameron t boned into me.” you continued, “he got me good. slammed my head against the window and the steering wheel.” pope shook his head, panicked. “we have to get you to the hospital! you had two blows to your head; that's double the chance of internal bleeding.” pope helped you, carrying you inside his dad's car. he speedily drove you to the hospital, signing you in. they took you back, while pope stayed seated in the waiting room.
someone was going to have to call rafe; and it certainly wasn’t going to be pope. before going into the back room, you had handed pope your phone. he plugged it into the quick charging station to see if it was dead. sure enough, the low battery symbol turned on. the phone automatically turned on, showing the numerous mixed texts from rafe. pope ignored them, not wanting to be the one to answer them since it wasn’t his phone.
rafe decided to check your location one last time. the first few times he had checked, it said your location services were off. he didn’t know why it said that, he honestly believed it to be some glitch. rafe’s air got stuck in his throat when he saw your location had updated to being inside the outer banks hospital. he jumped in his car, not even thinking twice. he drove straight to you.
he gave himself a prep talk, telling himself to just remain calm and to see what was going on. he walked into the hospital, his eyes searching for you. he didn’t see anyone he recognized until he saw pope, with your phone situated in his hand. he walked towards pope, snatching the phone from his arm. “why do you have this?” pope shook his head, muttering under his breath. “shit.”
“come on pope. spit it out.” pope shook his head. “rafe, before you do this protective bullshit, just know i’m actually the one who saved them.” rafe stared at pope, confused. “saved them? from what? what do you mean saved them?” rafe questioned pope, “someone crashed into them while they were driving to you. they found me and i rushed them here.” rafe stared at pope. “how bad is it?”
pope shrugs. “i’m sorry, i really don’t know much. they said they were t boned, their head hit the window and the steering wheel. we drove by the car, it’s totaled. crashed into a pole.” rafe continued to stare at pope with wide eyes. “what… how long ago was this?” pope looked out the hospital windows. “a little after they left their house i’d say. it was a seven minute drive from my house to the crashed car, so i’d say five minutes.” rafe sat in the seat directly to popes left.
rafe was breathing erratically. his mind running wild with the amount of possible outcomes. the nurse walks out into the waiting room; and calls your name. rafe immediately stands up walking forward. “we believe the car crash caused them to undergo serious head trauma. no signs of internal bleeding; but we are still checking everyone in a while. you can go back and talk to them if you want.” the nurse smiles softly. rafe looks back at pope, and pope nods his head.
rafe continues, following after the nurse as she leads him to your waiting room. when he walked inside, you were peacefully sleeping. “they should be waking up soon. we truly believe that they will be okay.” rafe nodded at the nurse, watching as she left him. rafe’s hand reached up to yours, grabbing it. he scooted the chair closer to the bed. rafe quickly texted pope saying that he was okay to leave, and that he would keep pope updated.
the wait at the doctors felt like hours, but rafe stayed with you the whole time. he had sat on the chair by your bed, his hand always holding yours. the nurse comes back in. “i’m sorry sir, but visiting hours are over, usually we would allow people to stay the night but in this case they really need rest and if they wake up and you’re here; they will force themselves to talk to you.” rafe frowned, “they have a chance to wake up, and now you want me to go home?” the nurse frowns at him. “i’m sorry, but they need to sleep as much as they can, you can see them bright and early tomorrow morning at seven am.” rafe slowly lowers his head. “okay.”
he walks out of the hospital room, and to his car. he decides he will go home, get clothes prepared for you, and will try to figure out your car situation. then he would sleep, wake up, and meet you at the hospital right when visitation opens. he put his seatbelt on, driving home.
when rafe reached his house he realized that his dad's car had crashed in the front. it looked gruesome. rafe walked inside, greeting his dad. his dad nodded his head in response, walking away. rafe went straight to wheezy, his sister. he knocked on her door and went to open it. “rafe?” she questions him. he looked around. “what happened to dad's car?” he hoped wheezy knew. she tilted her head inviting him inside her room.
she began to whisper. “okay, so basically like our dad t boned someone on the outside of the cut, and he said it’s completely the other person's fault; but sarah believes that’s not true unless he didn’t actually t bone someone, and he was actually just getting brake checked on the highway. how could it not be his fault?” wheezy looked up at rafe’s face and was utterly shocked by his expression.
“rafe? why are you looking at me like that?” wheezy tilted her head to the side, confused. “our father is the reason..” rafe shakes his head, now pacing up and down the floor. you were in the hospital, because of his father. he filled wheezy in, telling her about what happened with you. she gasps in shock. “what are you going to do?” wheezy watched him, he was frantic. “i’m, i think i’m going to confront him.” wheezy half smiled, “okay. you got this! good luck!”
rafe left his sisters room and head to his fathers office. he was always scared of his father, now more than ever, but he needed answers. he knocked three times on the door, and his father opened it, to reveal himself. “hello rafe.” he walks inside, sitting on the chair in front of his desk. “dad, i know you are the reason the car is crashed; and you are the reason someone very important to me is in the hospital.” his dad stood up, straightening his back. “no. they twisted the story, now out. i won’t have you critique me in my own room.” rafe wanted to stand his ground, but he knew he should back down.
he didn’t want to waste all his energy, he still needed to prepare to see you. rafe went straight to his room, picking out a pair of his sweatpants, and a hoodie for you to change into after you get released from the hospital. he put the extra clothes including a pair of your socks into a baggy. rafe speedily changed into pajamas, and hopped into bed. hoping the morning would come faster.
rafe woke up at 6:20am. he had taken a quick shower and changed into new clothes. he grabbed your bag of clothes and hopped into his car. he drove straight to the hospital. he had arrived five minutes before visitation started.
at 7am on the dot, rafe was walking to your room. you were awake, the frown on your face caused his heart to drop. “hey baby.” you glanced up at him and softly smiled. “hey rafe.” he smiles in return. “how are you? i brought you extra clothes.” he lifted the baggy up, before setting it on the extra chair. you reach your hand out to him, and he swiftly moves closer to you. he pulls the chair up once again, sitting directly by your side. “i would have stayed here all night but i was kicked out.” you nod at his words, “sound about right.”
he smiles, his hand tracing shapes on your palm. “how are you feeling?” you wait. “i’m okay. the doctor said the worst thing i have is a concussion. they said if all the other tests come back good, then i’ll be cleared to go home.” he nods smiling, “yay! we’ll be able to take you home!” you bite your lip containing your smile, but it quickly turns sour. you frown at him.
“i’m sorry, rafe.” you look away from him, avoiding eye contact. “for what?” he questions, his heart speeding up scared at what you are about to apologize for. “for missing our date, i really wanted to go.” you frown. he cups your chin. “it’s okay, trust me. i already have it rescheduled,” he looks over at you. “so once you get better, we can go on like we originally planned.” the room went silent, the only thing being heard was the heart rate machine slowly beeping.
“rafe i love you.” he smiles. “i love you too.” you nod contentedly. the doctor walks in, “good morning. today you’ll be able to go home. you seem to only be suffering from a concussion. you’ll have to stay home and rest, don’t do too much or else you’ll be delaying the inevitable. the less time you relax, the longer you’ll be suffering.” rafe talked to the doctor as you played with the tape from the iv inside your hand.
rafe nodded. the nurse came over to you, taking the iv out, as well as the square patches that covered your chest. she left, shutting the door, allowing you to get dressed in new clothes. you frown, the medicine they gave you makes you feel slightly sluggish. “i’ll help you, don’t worry.” rafe untied the medical gown, he slipped it off. he grabbed the hoodie, placing it over your head. you slip your arms through the holes, rafe’s smell surrounding you.
you sit up in the bed, your feet over the edge. you hiss at the cold floor which hits your sock less feet, making you cold. rafe slid his sweatpants on to you. you go to stand up, but he stops you. “let’s put your socks on first, the hospital floor is cold.” you sit back down on the bed. his hand reaches for your foot, it is cool around his hand. he slid your socks on, and then the sweatpants. finally putting your shoes on. “thank you rafe.” he tied the plastic bag shut, it now filled with your old clothes. “anytime baby, i’m always here for you.” you stand up, your hand slipping into his hand, his arm stabilizing you.
the nurse walked in. “the medicine we gave you should be wearing off shortly. that’s why you seem so… out of place.” the nurse nodded, signing you out. the nurse walked you to rafes car. fear began to creep up, now nervous to be in a car again. “it’s okay, you’ll be okay.” you nod. you sit yourself in the passenger seat. rafe thanked the doctors, before running to his side of the car. he hopped in, putting his seatbelt on. he looked over to you, making sure you were okay. he drove extra careful, going straight to your house.
once you arrive at your house, the medicine wears off allowing you to be able to be yourself. you walked to your front door. rafe used his spare key to unlock the door. once inside you go straight to your room, rafe following after you. you lay down on the bed, you pat the spot by you; and rafe sat down by you. he cuddled with you. his head finding its way in your neck, his arms wrapping around your torso.
after a few minutes of silence you spoke up. “your dad is the one that hit me. he ran through a red light.” rafe frowned against your neck, whispering. “i know.” you nod, your hand running through his hair. “okay.” you smile softly, closing your eyes. falling asleep with rafe by your side.
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Prominence [WCh. 69]
Tumblr media
Social Media AU ; Idol AU ; Added Unit AU
TW: Language, Mild Sasaeng Behavior
CW: None
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Pairing: NCT x Idol!Reader, Park Seonghwa x Idol!Reader
Y/N Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
(W69/?) [First] | [Previous] | [Next]
[Main Masterlist] | [Prominence Masterlist]
Word Count: 4.5K
Notes: Oh yeah... oh yeah.
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
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"Carson, I'm being serious, shut the fuck up," you said into the speaker of your phone. You huddled in your covers and sighed.
"(Y/N), I really am so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into Juliet and..."
"Carson, stop it. I don't care, the damage has been done," your voice was tired from talking to different people all day. Your manager, Seonghwa, Mark, the girls, your boss, you just wanted to go to sleep right now. But you couldn't keep ignoring the repeated calls from Carson.
"I just don't want this to affect our friendship-"
"What friendship?" You sat up now. "You all stopped talking to me when I started training, all except Crystal, but that's just Crystal, we couldn't get rid of her even if we wanted to. Suddenly now that I've debuted you've all texted and called endlessly to hang out again. The one time I make time to say yes suddenly I'm in a huge scandal and being asked not to participate in promotions anymore. It just seems a little sketchy, Carson."
"How could you say that, (Y/N)?" Carson's voice genuinely sounded offended. "You're the one who got busy!"
"It doesn't matter! None of you cared to even ask me to join you anymore since I told you I started training. I'd see all of you go out with each other and no one would even offer. It doesn't matter than I was busy, sometimes when you all went out I was just sitting at home! Just the invitation would've been enough even if I couldn't go. So don't blame this on me. After all, it's your girlfriend who's currently trying to ruin both my career and my relationship, go figure," you muttered.
"(Y/N), I am trying to help you."
"And I'm glad you are, but you can only do so much," you groaned. "Look, Carson, it's fine, seriously. It'll just breeze over after a couple of weeks."
"(Y/N)... I'm sorry, I really am, I tried to talk to Juliet but she's not answering her phone."
"Great, just great. Look, I don't want to have to press charges over a picture of me looking at a menu, so I won't. Just know that that time I went out with you all will be the last time I do so," you kept your voice steady.
"There's no need to-"
"Bye, Carson," you hung up the phone and grabbed your pillow, hoping it would muffle your screams enough not to bother anyone outside. You'd been sitting in your room for hours now, you didn't have the will to get out after having that argument with Seonghwa. Mark really did help a lot, it was nice to talk to someone without getting judged for being upset, but even he had to leave eventually. You looked at the time on your phone, it was ten at night.
Great, a whole day wasted.
You trudged out of your room, stopping at the mirror in the hallway. You didn't look too bad for crying all day because your career is in danger, your relationship hanging by a thread, and your college friend group apparently using you. You shook your head and sighed, making your way to the front door. You needed to get some air. As you opened the door, you yelped quietly when someone was dragged with it.
"Jesus Christ, Yangyang, what are you doing here?" You gasped.
"I was going to check in on you," he let go of the doorknob and looked you over. "You alright?" He crossed his arms as his brows furrowed.
"I'm fine," you lied. Yangyang's expression deadpanned and you sighed. "I just need to get some air." You moved to walk past him, but he blocks your way.
"Let's go out for dinner," he says. "I know just the place."
"It's late, we shouldn't be out," you shook your head. "And with the apparent 'scandal' going on, I don't want to drag you into it."
"So? When has that ever stopped us?" Yangyang has a confident smile on his face and you hit your head against the door softly.
"Fine, yeah, you're paying, though!" You stepped out and followed him to the elevator.
"I knew you'd say yes! Plus, you probably shouldn't go out alone right now anyway," his voice was upbeat.
"I shouldn't be going out at all." You grabbed the spare cap and mask along the way. You pressed the elevator button for him.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Maybe later," you huffed. The elevator opened and you both walked in. "How was filming?"
"Boring without you," he laughs. "Seriously, everyone was kind of awkward knowing what happened..."
"Sorry," you looked at the ground. Yangyang whistled and rocked on his feet.
"Hey, you mentioned that you needed to tell me something, right? What was it?" Yangyang was trying to get your mind off the topic, no doubt. "That day when we hauled sleeping beauty to breakfast."
"Oh, right..." You swallowed harshly. You wanted to ask him about something Seonghwa had mentioned to you about him, but now hardly felt like the right time to do so. "You know what? I don't remember what it was."
"What? Aw, I was looking forward to it." The elevator doors opened and you both walked out, being sure to stay properly covered as you walked to your destination. The new NCT dorms being somewhat close to the company were a blessing and a curse, truly. You and Yangyang made small talk, asking about each other's day and things similar. It was strange, you felt like you could tell him anything and never feel awkward about it. He really was your best friend, and in this line of work, it was hard to find people like that. Look at you now, you were following this bratty best friend of yours without question, for all you knew he could be leading you to a garbage dump and you wouldn't question it, but it was nice to have a friend like this. No questions asked, just there for each other. Before you got scouted, you really thought your uni friends would've been like that.
Soon, you both reached your destination. It was a quaint noodle restaurant that was smaller than the much more popular restaurants in this area, but everything about it was homely. You were surprised that Yangyang knew about this place, last you checked you were probably the only regular.
"How did you know?" You asked.
"Well, I figured you needed a comfortable place," Yangyang shrugs. It was true, every time you had a bad evaluation or every time you'd get in a bad argument with Daniel you'd go running back to your aunt's small restaurant, it was the closest thing to home at that time, and even now it's where you knew you could find comfort in. Holding the door open for you, you both entered the small restaurant. You couldn't remember the last time you were here, but it comforted you to see that nothing has changed.
"We're closed!" Your aunt called out.
"It's just me and Yangyang!" You replied. Your aunt ran out of the kitchen and held you in her arms, immediately, you melted into them, holding her close as well.
"Oh, (Y/N), I heard all about it from my regulars," she spoke slowly and quietly. "You haven't visited me in a while! Look at you! Have you been eating right?" She sits you down and Yangyang follows. "I'll prepare you a meal, and you'd better finish it! None of that dieting bull shit, alright, (Y/N)?"
"Of course, auntie," you laughed.
"And you too! You need more meat on those bones if you're going to be dancing all day tomorrow," she points to Yangyang, who only nodded timidly.
"Auntie! Can I take some of your soju?" You pointed to the fridge off to the side.
"Go ahead, I have the flavored ones in there too," she calls as she enters the kitchen. You got up and walked behind the counter to get one.
"Yang, peach or strawberry?" You held both up. He leaned against the counter.
"Peach sounds good."
"Good choice," you placed the strawberry back and grabbed the shot glasses on your way to your seat. "One bottle only, we still have to walk back to the dorms." You placed it between you both and your aunt returned with two bowls.
"Eat up! I'll be in the back room," she exits once again and you sighed.
"Yup, this hits the spot," you drank some of the soup. Yangyang pours you a shot and you do the same for him. You tap your glasses together and drink it in one go. "I should get some of these for the dorms," you said after.
"Yup, I'm sure some people would appreciate it," Yangyang pours himself another glass and downing it. "You feeling better, at least?"
"Yeah, not as bad as earlier, turns out, crying feels really fucking good," you continued to eat your late-night meal. "Things are just going south right now, and it's not like I wasn't expecting it to happen, I'm just surprised it happened now. I'm so sorry, I don't want to drag the team's image down," you apologized again. Yangyang only poured you another shot.
"There's nothing to apologize for," he insists. The two of you fell into silence as you ate. You were both nearly finished when he spoke again.
"Hey, how do you know about this place?" You finally asked him. Yangyang looked at you with surprised eyes. "Not many people come here since the entrance is hidden between the other two shops. My aunt likes it that way, but it can't be too good for business. I keep telling her to plaster my face at the front for PR but she says it would just bring rabid fanboys over," you chuckled.
"I, uh, I went here with another trainee once," he responds. "She was really nice."
"Oh yeah? Didn't think trainees usually went here," you hummed. "What was she like? Was she cute?" You teased.
"Yeah, she was pretty cute," Yangyang laughs. "Hey, grab me another bottle of this," he holds up the soju glass.
"Are you sure? You're already pretty red," you laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna need it," he jabs your side and you stumbled off the chair and onto your feet.
"Your wish is my command... as long as I can get some too," you walked behind the counter and grabbed another bottle, placing it in front of him on your way back to your seat. He opens it and pours you and him a shot. After tapping your glasses together, you both down it. "Tell me more about this cute trainee, where is she now? Maybe I can give you some advice."
"You are the last person I'd go to for advice on this," Yangyang scoffs.
"Hey! Which one of us is in a... relatively happy relationship?"
"Touché," he tips his glass towards you. "Buh, uh, yeah. I really liked her for a bit while we were training, then I debuted and I just kinda... I kind of..."
"Oh my god, did you forget about her?"
"Dude, that is such a shitty thing to do!" You gasped.
"I know! I was just busy!"
"Oh my god, this poor girl, she probably tried to say hi to you in the lobby and you just ignored her."
"I- Yeah, probably... either way, that's not the point. It's just, I've really liked her, for a long time, and recently we started talking again and really hitting it off, and I realized, hey, I still like her, like, a lot," Yangyang swallows harshly.
"Whoa, you've been talking to a girl and neither Mark or I caught on, I give you props for that one, Yang," you smiled at him. He only nodded and cleared his throat. He poured himself another shot.
"Want some?" He tilts the mouth of the bottle towards you. You slide the shot glass towards him and he filled it. Again, you both downed another glass.
"So, what made you realize you liked her?"
"It's kind of complicated, actually. Before we talked that day, we had only just waved hello to each other. Then, she started getting chewed out by the coaches for low scores."
"Oh, that's the worst."
"Yeah, yeah. I felt bad so... I jumped in while the coach was scolding her and made up some bull shit excuse to get her out of there because even I thought the things the coach was saying to her were just way too harsh," he says. "And you know what? This is going to sound kind of fucked up, but she was so pretty, she was bawling her eyes out and all I could think of was how she was so pretty. And, get this, she was dating then too! Then, I got her Instagram, and then we never spoke again, just waved 'hello' to each other at the company and still, just wow," he rambles. This sounded oddly familiar to you, where did you hear this story before? You looked down at him now, he was still laying against the counter.
"Yeah, that does sound a little fucked," you laughed. "What, like it when girls cry?"
"No! No, I mean... sometimes people, like, ugly cry."
"You would know."
"Yeah- Wait, what?"
"It's fine, continue," you waved your hand.
"Just... even if she was ugly crying, I didn't think she was? Ugly, I didn't think she was ugly. Well, no one is ever ugly, but, fuck, alcohol makes me ramble. Does any of this make sense?"
"Oh you are so whipped for her," you nudged his hand and, if it was any more possible, his face grew redder. The bottle of soju had been long emptied between you both, and another one that you had begrudgingly gotten had a shot left, one that Yangyang took the liberties of finishing up and, with a bright red glow that had settled on your best friend's face, he spoke again. "What now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you still like her, right?"
"So go to her then!" Yangyang didn't respond.
"It's not... it's not that easy," he shook his head.
"What, too scared? Yangyang, the fans love you. They wouldn't drag you through the dirt for dating, or at least, the ones who really care wouldn't," you reassured him. You felt kind of bad, after seeing the way everything blew up when your relationship with Seonghwa got exposed, it made sense that the other members would be more cautious.
"It's just complicated."
"Do I know her?" Maybe you could get in her good graces for him, you knew a lot of the trainees in the company, you were bound to at least have heard about her.
"Yeah, I think you know her pretty well, actually," Yangyang hums.
"Ooh! Now you have to tell me!" You shook his arm and Yangyang let out a strained laugh.
"Nah, it'll be funnier if you found out yourself," he pulls his arm away from you.
"What? Lame... I mean, yeah, it'll definitely feed into my ego." The conversation died down. And, for a few moments, you're both left in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.
"Hey, (Y/N), can I tell you a secret?" He asks as he pushed the bowl aside.
"Shoot," you couldn't deny the heat in your face, you grabbed the bottle and read the alcohol content on it. Enough to get you tipsy, but not enough to get you drunk. Yangyang stayed silent for a bit longer, looking away from you and staring at the wall for a moment before turning back at you again. He looked sincere like he'd been wanting to say this for a while now.
"(Y/N)," he said your name quietly and played with the shot glass on the table. "You're my best friend."
"Well, that's no secret," you laughed and grabbed the bottle of water from the counter in front of you, trying your best to sober up. You poured some into his glass, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Yeah but... You know what? Never mind, it's stupid anyway."
"What? You can't just get my hopes up like that and not tell me!" You playfully punched his arm and he laughed quietly.
"Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have even mentioned it. But now really isn't a good time to tell you," he shakes his head.
"Aw, come on, I need something to get this scandal off my mind."
"Yeah, I don't think this would exactly do that," Yangyang shakes his head.
"Aw, dang, alright then," you dropped it with a shrug. "You don't have to tell me, I'm just teasing you. If you're not comfortable with sharing it, that is. I'd never tell you to do something you don't want to do," you took the soju bottle and read the label. "But, it really does look like it's bothering you."
"Yeah, it's been on my mind for a while now."
"Have you told anyone other than me?"
"Uh... yeah, yeah I've told a few people."
"Whoa, way to leave your best friend out of the loop," you teased again. Only this time he looked hurt. Immediately, your expression dropped and you turned your chair to face him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I take it back. I shouldn't make comments like that when I don't even know what it is."
"No! No, it's fine," he clears his throat. "I just... (Y/N) you have to promise me that nothing will change after this, okay," a serious tone takes over his voice, one that you were definitely not used to hearing him use. All the while he said this, he maintained eye contact with you. He really was being serious.
"Yang, you're really freaking me out right now. Is everything alright?" You ask him. Your eyebrows scrunched for a moment. "This isn't a joke, right? You're not using my current emotionally vulnerable state to play a prank on me, are you?"
"What? No! But now that you say it like that I really don't want to tell you," he grows wide-eyed and you shook your head.
"No, no, that's not what I meant- Ugh," you hit your head softly with your palm. "I just... you look like this is really stressing you out. I go to you for a lot of my shit, so I want you to be comfortable with coming to me too, ya know? It's hard to have best friends now, everyone's always busy, but I can always count on you to do things as simple as answering your damn phone."
"Yeah, that's true. But that's only because I know you only call when it's important," he points out. He sighs and turns away for a moment again. Then, he turns to you. "Okay, I'm gonna tell you."
"Promise me that nothing will change after I tell you."
"I promise."
"Swear it."
"I swear."
"You swear that after I tell you this secret of mine we'll still be best friends and nothing will change."
"I swear that after you tell me your secret we'll be best friends forever like nothing happened," you added a small chuckle to the end. What could he possibly tell you that could change the course of your friendship? With the way he was acting, you wouldn't be surprised if he said he hit someone with a car or something. Yangyang takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, he's quiet for a few minutes before speaking again.
"(Y/N). You're my best friend, and I love you," he says. You nodded.
"Yangyang, you're my best friend, and I love you too," you laughed. "That's not really a secret, buddy. I'd take a bullet for you," you continued. Yangyang shook his head.
"No, (Y/N), you don't get it," he puts his hand on your shoulder now. "You're my best friend. And I love you."
"I... oh," realization filled your mind. "Are you being serious?" You looked him up and down, he was fully attentive towards you, eyes sullen, and features serious. He really did mean it. He meant it and you felt this strange feeling in your chest. "Really, are you being serious? Mark's not going to jump out with a camera or something?"
"I'm being serious, (Y/N). Just reject me and get this over with."
"You want me to reject you?"
"Yes! Why wouldn't you?"
"I dunno, I mean, I am probably going to reject you, because you're my best friend. But wouldn't you want me to say 'let me think about it?' or 'Oh! Yangyang! I'll leave my current boyfriend for you!'?"
"I mean, if you want to, go ahead."
"I mean, I just said it."
"But did you mean it?"
"That's what I figured."
"So... how long then?"
"Since the first time we sat here," Yangyang tapped his fingers against the counter. You looked away. Had you been here with him before? "You don't remember either, huh?" You racked your brain.
"Oh... Oh, god, I'm so sorry," you shook your head.
"No, it's fine, it's fine," he waves his hands in front of him.
"So that's how you got my Insta!"
"You bitch! Why didn't you DM me sooner?!"
"I chickened out!"
"Damn, maybe if you did we'd be dating right now," you tried to lighten the mood with another joke, but Yangyang hardly responded. "Sorry, badly timed."
"But definitely needed," Yangyang sighs. You hold your hand out to him. He stares at it for a moment before grabbing it.
"Yangyang. This is me officially rejecting you," you shook it slightly and he smiled. "Get over me, you weirdo."
"Yup, that's the plan," he nods. "Wait, make it hurt."
"Make me cry!" Yangyang squeezes your hand tighter and you shook your head.
"No! I'm not gonna make you cry!"
"Do it so I can get over you!"
"Uh, uh, um..." you tried to think of something, it's hard to do this when put on the spot. "You... You're like a brother to me so it would be weird to date you because I know way too much about you and I also kind of don't like the way you judge me based off of my shoe choice."
"That's light work!"
"Uh... shit, um... Liu Yangyang, I will never date you! You're too... annoying."
"Say it like you mean it!"
"At this point, I'm just lying, though!"
"Ah! Stupid fucking dog!" Yours and Yangyang's conversation is interrupted by a shout outside. You both look at each other before running out. As soon as you were out of the restaurant, you were greeted by two familiar faces.
Juliet kicked Mars aside, the pup rolling on the sidewalk with a loud cry before spotting you and running over. You crouched down and looked around him, holding his face in your hands.
"Mars? What are you doing here?" You checked his collar and, yup, sure enough, this was your dog. You looked up at Juliet and stood up quickly, ready to throw hands. "Did you just kick my dog?!"
"He bit me!" Juliet shouts, waving the pain off her hands. You then noticed the camera in her hands.
"You... What the hell do you want with me?! First the dinner with the others and now you're fucking stalking me?! It was you who took that picture, wasn't it?!" You took a step towards her, but Yangyang threw his arm out, shaking his head as he did so. You looked to him, jaw clenched and breaths shallow, but you understood where he was coming from. You turned back to her. "Delete those pictures. Delete them now."
"What the fuck is your problem?!"
"You!" Juliet jabbed her finger towards you, "you pretentious bitch, you don't even know!"
"Of course, I don't! That's why I asked!"
"It's always you! You with the perfect life! You with the great grades! You with the great friends! You! You! You!" You listened intently. Honestly, you hadn't even thought about her since you debuted, even while she started dating Carson, the only time you thought of her was when she was around. But what could be done? She was Carson's girlfriend, not your friend. "Now you're living a star studded life with an amazing boyfriend and whoring out with every idol you can!"
"Excuse me?! What the fuck do you know?!" You took a step towards her again and this time Yangyang drags you back. "Whoring out, I... Urgh, deep breaths..." You were pretty sure she was just saying shit to piss you off even more in hopes that you make a mistake. "Literally what the fuck is your problem? What did I do to make you want to fucking ruin my career and my life?!"
"That's it, isn't it? You have no idea."
"We've been over this?!" You shouted. "Look, Juliet. Just say you're jealous and go."
"I am! What did you do to luck out like this?! I worked hard to even get into University and you get offered these things on a silver platter!"
"Oh my god," you scoffed. "So you're just petty then. Get the hell out of here. Get out of my face and get out of my life! I want nothing to do with you or the others ever again!"
"You think it's that easy? Every day people ask me what you're like and what I know about you!"
"So tell them the fucking truth. That's not my problem, Juliet."
"You have made my life a living hell!"
"People compare me to you."
"Again, not my problem." Yangyang grabs your arm.
"Let's just go, (Y/N)," he says. You tried to shake him off, but he only held onto you tighter. "I'm serious, let's just go."
"And look at that! Look at that!" She points towards you and Yangyang. "You could've had anyone in your little fan club yet you chose Park Seonghwa."
"What's this have to do with him?!" Now you were really getting riled up. Sure, you could take getting dragged, but there was no need to bring in anyone else. Juliet's expression was furious, but her features notably softened when she looked at the person behind you. Mars ran off from your side to Seonghwa, who was a few steps away from you.
"Seonghwa..." his name left your lips in a quiet voice. Mars looks over to you, then he bites the bottom of Seonghwa's shirt, trying to drag him towards you. He looks around at the three people in front of him.
"Juliet," he addressed the other woman now. "So it was you, huh?" He eyes the camera in her hands. You looked between them both now.
"Don't call me that," he cuts her off. He pushes you and Yangyang off to the side. "I'll see you both home," he continues to ignore Juliet as he pushes you both past her. Mars followed with a pep in his step. Growling at Juliet as he passed her, and quickly catching up to the trio.
"Seongie, please!" Juliet didn't relent.
"Go back home, (Y/N), I'll explain to you later, it all makes sense now," he says. "Mars, heel." The dog doesn't budge, he stands by you instead. "Okay, go with (Y/N) then. Yangyang," he hesitates. "Check your phone later."
"Got it," he nods.
"I'll deal with Juliet, just trust me, okay," he says to you. You only nodded, spotting Juliet walking towards you all. With full trust in him, and multiple questions in mind, you turned around and you and Yangyang returned to the safety of the dorms.
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General Tag List: @vickylamore @chxngyunie @mizzdivagirl7-blog @sehunnies-hunnie96 @yangsrose @bat-shark-repellant @cloudreads @raeincitizen @here-aeth @lune1897 @gaiyofanfiction @jaeminsespresso @umbralhelwolf @morningsunandnightsky @elwiwiwi
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Hidden Truths
Word Count: 1,756
Characters: Derek Hale, Reader, OC Character
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader (gender!netural)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse, flashbacks of past-abuse, slight mentions/hints of sexual assault, angst, very small fluff
A/N: i wouldn’t consider this a dark!fic, but it can possibly be triggering to some, so be careful if you choose to reader
A/N 2: 200th fic!!! Thank you all for supporting me and i forgot to say it but thank you so much for 1.8k! You guys literally help me so much i love you all! Requests are open, I’ll try to do as many as I can!
A/N 3: okay so I started this yesterday but wrote the majority of it today, I’ve been up for nearly 24 hours, all mistakes are my own, and I couldn’t come up with a title... hopefully its not complete BS? anyways ily all
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“What the fuck is wrong with you?” the door slammed shut behind him, the two of you entering the house.
You kept your eye contact to the floor, trying to avoid him.
“You embarrassed me in front of my friends,” his jaw was clenched, anger was seething from him, you could feel it from across the room.
“I'm sorry-”
“Sorry can’t go back in time and fix it. I've had just about enough of you,” your jaw clenched, tears slipping down your cheek. Your heart was beating in the back of your head.
You gasped softly, your eyes opening as you jumped up, looking around the room anxiously.
It’s okay, you’re safe
You let out a shaky breath, before looking down at Derek’s sleeping figure. His hands were on your waist, while you laid back down, stroking his cheek gently.
You looked at the clock, seeing it was nearly 8 as you sighed before you shook him gently.
“Good morning,” you whispered.
He kept his eyes close, pulling you in slightly while a small smile grew on your face.
“Derek, it’s almost 8,” you said.
“We don’t have anything important today,” he argued.
“Come on!” you pulled on his arm while he groaned, before sitting up.
“I’m up now,” he raised an eyebrow.
“I can see that,” you smiled.
He scoffed, before pressing his lips against yours.
“Good morning Ms. (Y/L/N),” you rested your forehead against his.
“Oh, stop calling me that,” you sighed.
“So, about 1,000 people can call you that but I can’t?” 
“Not on weekends and definitely not at 7:43 in the morning,” you heard Derek groan again, looking at the clock.
“Okay, you know what? Waking up early, we can start moving your stuff in here, yeah?” you nodded softly before Derek pressed a kiss against your cheek.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” he got out of bed, before reaching for your hand.
“Will you join me in the shower?” he raised an eyebrow.
You nodded your head, before hearing your phone ringing.
“I’ll be there in one minute,” he nodded, walking into the bathroom while you answered your phone.
“Mom? Why are you awake, it’s not even 8,” you yawned slightly, before pushing yourself to your feet.
Her breathing was uneven on the other line as you frowned, tensing slightly.
“Mom?” you repeated.
“How would you react if I said…” 
“Said what, Mom? You're scaring me.”
“What if I told you a certain someone got out of jail,” you felt your heart stop. You knew what she meant, you knew who she was talking about. 
You felt your breath get hitched in your throat before you swallowed.
“Are you there?”
“Y-Yeah… What do you mean got out of jail? How? He’s supposed to be locked up for 3 more years,” you could feel your heart rate increasing in your chest, while you tried to control your emotions.
“Let him out early, on good behavior.”
“That’s bullshit, Mom.”
“Exactly what I said. Promise me you’ll stay safe,” you nodded before remembering she couldn't see you.
“I promise, Mom,” she hung up the call before you felt your chest ache slightly, feeling fear rising in your bones.
You got a restraining order years ago, but you didn’t think he would care. 
Everything was finally good for you, it took nearly 7 years, but you moved on. You had been with Derek for one whole year, there was no one else you’d ever felt like that about.
He never scared you, not even with being a werewolf. He always showed he cared about you, the two of you barely fought with each other.
Memories began rushing to your head as you sighed, running your fingers through your hair.
You closed your eyes, feeling a tear slip down before you wiped it away.
“Hey, you coming?” you heard Derek call.
“Yeah, be right there!” you quickly wiped away your tears, taking a shaky breath.
You can do this, it’s gonna be okay 
“Are you okay?”
You snapped out of your daydream state, clearing your throat before giving a small smile to Derek.
“I’m fine, why?” you asked softly.
“You've been quiet today. Is everything okay at home?” he stroked your hand softly, placing a box on the floor as you turned to face him.
“Yeah, my mom just wanted to check in on us,” you felt guilty for lying to Derek, but you weren't ready for the truth. Not yet.
You knew you needed to talk about it soon, Derek didn't hide things from you, no matter how bad.
“Okay… you know you can tell me anything, right?” you nodded, before pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
“I know. Thank you,” he put his arm on your waist, before pulling you to your couch.
“There’s only a few boxes left. You should sit down for a minute, I’ll grab the last of your stuff,” Derek said.
“Oh, you don't-”
“It’s okay. I want to,” he pressed a small kiss to your lips, before walking away.
A smile appeared on your face, before you felt a sadness take over you. 
You quickly shot your mom a text, asking if anything had happened, or if she knew where your ex was.
You sat on the couch,  finding it nearly impossible to sit still.
It’s okay, I have Derek 
“Hey,” you tensed slightly, the sting of your bruised eye was blocking all your other senses, you couldn't hear him coming in.
You stood up from the bed, clenched your jaw.
“I wanted to apologize,”  you could smell the stench of alcohol reeking from him, he only ever talked like this when he was drunk.
“It’s okay,” you shook your head.
“It’s my fault, really. I didn't tell you what not to talk about, I thought you would've been smarter to piece it together,” you felt a pang in your chest as you remained stiff.
He stumbled over his feet, walking to you before pressing his lips against yours.
You backed away, shaking your head.
“It’s okay,” you said again.
“Come on,” his hand traveled to your waist, pulling you gently to the bed.
“I’m not in the mood right now,” you said softly.
“Shh,” you felt tears rush to your eyes, knowing what he would do. You couldn't say no.
You nodded softly, seeing a smirk on his face before he directed you to the bed.
You walked outside of your apartment building, taking a deep breath as you rubbed the back of your neck.
You paced around, before biting your nail,  feeling your heart racing. You couldn't calm down, you felt sick.
You looked around anxiously, not exactly sure what you were looking for. You didn't know how long he was out for, but there was no way he would know you were in Beacon Hills.
You heard footsteps behind you, instantly tensing up.
“(Y/N/N),” Derek put his hand on your shoulder as you jumped slightly, before turning to face him.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” you saw Derek tense as you shook your head, your vision getting diverted to something else.
You could hear your heart beating in your ears, hearing Derek’s words from afar.
“We don’t have to do this, you don't have to move into the loft,” he said softly.
“What? N-No, that’s not-” you shook your head.
“You’ve been acting differently all day. If you don't want to do this, you know we don’t have to,” Derek put his hands on both sides of your face, wiping away a tear you didn't know you had.
“No, that’s not why. I’m sorry, it’s just-” you paused, seeing a familiar car parked across the street as you let out a shaky breath, putting your hand over your mouth.
“(Y/N/N), hey,” you saw a worried look on Derek’s face, while he looked into your eyes.
“Can we go back to the loft?” your voice broke slightly before Derek nodded softly.
“Yeah, of course. Come on,” he held your hand while leading you into his car before the two of you drove off.
“Here,” Derek wrapped a blanket around you, while you sat on the couch, your eyes bloodshot.
“I’m sorry for all of this,” you whispered.
“You didn't do anything wrong. Just, please talk to me,” you nodded.
Derek stroked your hand softly, you realized you were shaking.
“Derek… a few years ago, I had this… really bad…” you paused, tears rushing to your eyes as you sniffled, before letting out a shaky exhale.
“H-He went to jail, but then he got out,” your voice broke as you saw Derek tense.
“That's why my mom called me this morning, she was telling me. I saw his car when we were at my apartment, a-and I don't know how he found me, or-” you stopped yourself, before Derek wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You felt a sob erupt from your chest as you buried yourself in his arms.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you before, I’m so sorry I lied to you,” you cried.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, (Y/N). Look,” he wiped your tears, looking into your eyes as you looked back at him.
“You don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I still love you, no matter what and I’m here with you through this. Do you have a restraining order or anything?” Derek started.
You nodded softly.
“Okay, that’s good. I’m not leaving your sight, I guess we’ll have to get used to spending every second of every day with each other. He is a shitty person, you deserved better and I can't believe you… you deserve the world. We're gonna do this, together. I’m right here for you,” you let out a shaky breath before Derek pressed his lips against your forehead.
“I’m scared,” you cried softly.
“It's gonna be okay, (Y/N/N),” he held you tightly, as you rested your head on his chest.
He continued to caress your arm, keeping you calm.
After waiting a few minutes after you fell asleep, Derek lifted you gently, placing you in the bed before he clenched his jaw, his eyes bloodshot, filled with anger and tears.
The thought of anyone even looking at you the wrong way made him mad, he couldn't imagine what happened. All he knew was that he loved you, and he was there for you.
He put his jacket on, grabbing his keys before exiting the loft. 
For (Y/N)
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hookingminor · 3 years
highly requested part 2 to this angsty blurb, and this marks the end of my 2k blurb weekend! thank you all for joining me and I hope you enjoyed!
Matthew wandered back to the hotel well after midnight.
The rehearsal dinner ended around nine in the evening, but after spending an hour on that deck thinking about everything you said, he decided to take a long walk around the neighborhood.
He wandered through the church venue Willow had booked and sat at the pews for a few minutes, taking in all the decorations that were already set up. Then, he made his way back to the barn where the reception would take place, and all of it just felt wrong: the decor, the table settings, the flowers, none of it felt right.
Matthew didn’t put much thought into the wedding, per Willow’s requests, but it only hit him just how little he contributed to all of it as he sat on his hotel bed and thought about what his ideal wedding would look like.
He didn’t even want to get married in Calgary.
It made sense he would since Willow had lived here her whole life, but Matthew always imagined his wedding taking place in St. Louis where his entire family and all his friends could attend. Besides his immediate family and teammates, no one else could make the long trip to Calgary for his wedding.
When Matthew pictured his wedding, he also pictured you standing at the end of the aisle, too. Matthew was sure Willow’s dress would be gorgeous and she would look absolutely beautiful tomorrow, but when he pictured you standing there in her place, he was filled with a fluttering of butterflies in his stomach he couldn’t deny.
Which is what led him to knocking on Willow’s door at one in the morning.
It took a few minutes before she woke, bleary eyed and confused as to why her fiance was seeking her out so late in the night. “Matthew? What is it? You’re not supposed to see me before the wedding.” She pulled her robe tighter around her body, as if trying to shield Matthew’s eyes from her.
That was another superstition Matthew didn’t like. He nearly begged Willow to spend the night with him before the wedding, not buying into the ‘bad luck’ bullshit people always said about sleeping together before the ceremony, but she wouldn’t budge.
“I know, I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I think we need to talk,” Matthew said. He was still dressed in his suit from the dinner, though he’d shed his jacket and tie long ago. Willow’s face fell at his words, but she let him inside her room anyway.
Matthew sat on the edge of the bed awkwardly and fiddled with his thumbs as Willow sat next to him. Silence filled the room. Matthew didn’t know how to say it.
“Is this about Y/N?” Willow asked calmly after a few minutes passed. “I saw you two talking outside earlier.”
Matthew looked at his fiance, her eyes sad and face dismal. He nodded.
“I figured,” she sighed.
“I’m sorry,” Matthew said because he didn’t know what else to say.
Then Willow said the most unexpected thing.
“It’s okay.”
Matthew’s confusion was clear on his face, and Willow let out a genuine laugh as she took his hand in hers.
“I thought if you saw her and she moved on, we could’ve made this work, but that wasn’t the case, was it?” She asked, and Matthew nodded again.
“I can’t say I’m surprised,” she continued. “I always knew you still loved her.”
“I really did love you,” Matthew said. “I do love you… it’s just…”
“You love her more,” Willow finished for him.
“I am sorry,” Matthew pleaded. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but then I saw her and… I can’t let her go.”
“I know,” Willow said, squeezing his hand comfortingly, and then let out a deep sigh. “Well, I guess we better tell our folks the wedding’s off, huh?”
Matthew showed up to your place a month later.
He stood outside your apartment, nervous and shaking, with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands. You hadn’t heard from him since booking the first flight out of Calgary, dodging all his calls and texts that came in over the week after his wedding. You effectively stayed off social media, deleting all the apps you knew you still had Matthew on in fear of seeing wedding pictures.
The surprise on your face was evident when you answered the door to find Matthew on the other side.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on your honeymoon or something?” You asked.
“I didn’t go through with it. I couldn’t after seeing you,” Matthew explained. “Can I come in?”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you let Matthew follow you inside. He’d never seen your apartment before. You’d moved places shortly after your breakup, trying to erase the memories of Matthew that existed on every surface of your old apartment.
He held out the flowers for you, which you took and placed into a vase and filled with water. Matthew’s eyes roamed your new place, taking in all the photos you had on your fridge to the books you kept on your bookshelves.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Matthew?” You asked.
Matthew’s gaze focused back on you. “I always hated it when you called me Matthew.” A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
“What do you want?” You rephrased, ignoring his comment.
“I want to give us another shot,” Matthew answered confidently.
You weren’t quite sure what you were expecting him to say, but it was definitely not that.
“And before you tell me how bad of an idea it is, because I know that’s what you’re about to say, just hear me out.”
Your mouth snapped shut and you waited for him to continue.
“I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been for years, and I’m never going to not be in love with you,” Matthew said. “After you left, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, and I realized that marrying Willow wasn’t what I wanted. When I picture my future I see you in it. I see you at the end of that aisle on our wedding day. I see you and me in a house with a dog and maybe a few kids. I see you waiting for me at home at the end of the day, and I see you beside me when I wake up in the morning.”
“Matthew, we tried this before,” you sighed. “We tried the long distance, and it didn’t work.”
“And I’m willing to try again,” Matthew replied, crossing the few feet of space between you to cup your face in his hands. “We were young and dumb and immature, and I pressured you to change your life for me when I shouldn’t have. I’m not asking you to pack up your life and move to Calgary right now. Hell, if you don't ever want to move to Canada, you don’t have to. I’ll move to wherever you want to be because wherever you are is where I belong.”
“I’m in this for the long haul,” he added. “There is no one else out there for me, and there never will be.”
Tears welled in your eyes at his profession, and Matthew’s thumb came to swipe at a stray tear that rolled down your cheek.
“What makes you think this time will be different?” You questioned softly.
“Because I’m different. We’re different. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy. You’re all I want.”
“You’d really request a trade for me?” Matthew nodded.
“It wasn’t fair to put that all on you then, and I know that. I shouldn’t have asked you to do something I wasn’t willing to do myself, but I’m telling you now that I’d do anything for you,” he answered.
Throwing your arms around Matthew’s neck, you pressed your entire body into his. Arms tightened around your torso, keeping you snug against him, and Matthew tucked your head into his chest.
“So what do you say? Can you give me a second chance?” He mumbled into your hair.
“I think we’re well past second chances,” you chuckled.
“I promise it’ll be the last one you need to give me,” Matthew laughed, grasping the base of your neck.
In an attempt to blink away his own tears, a few streamed down his cheeks. Leaning forward, you kissed away the tears, leaving his cheeks wet, but Matthew had a dopey grin on his face all the same.
“I’m all in,” you replied to his question, and Matthew had to take a second to make sure he heard you correctly.
His grin spread wider, and he crashed his lips to yours, both of your smiles getting in the way but neither of you cared. Matthew peppered your face in kisses: your brow, your cheeks, your nose, your chin. There was not one inch of skin he left untouched.
You giggled in his arms, twisting your face to the side to avoid the tickling of his scruff against your cheeks, but he kept you close to his body.
“I love you,” he said finally, “and I’m sorry it took me so long to get my shit together.”
You caught his lips in a deep kiss. “All that matters is you’re here now.”
“Oh, I forgot something,” Matthew said, pulling back just enough to reach his hand into his pocket. 
A small box rested in the palm of his hand, and he opened it to show you the necklace he gifted to you nearly three years ago. When everything ended, you’d given it back to him, and he’d kept it tucked away in his bedside drawer since then.
The dainty ‘19’ hung from the chain, and Matthew undid the hook and looked at you with hopeful eyes. Your stomach did a flip as you turned around, and Matthew draped the jewelry around your neck, connecting it in the back and placing a soft kiss on the skin right above it.
“Now everything’s right where it belongs.”
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Burning pains
Summary: Tony's son (y/n) goes out for the day with Peter but bad luck always seems to find the pair
📝Words📝: 2k
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of monsters, hospitals and descriptions of burn marks and pain
💙Pairing💙: Tony Stark!dad x reader!son also reader and Peter Parker friendship
📎Note📎: This is just a dream I had a few nights ago with some slight changes. No beta.
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It was exceptionally hot that day. You couldn’t even lay in bed for as long as you wanted because of how sweaty you were getting. ”Wanna grab lunch today?” Peter had texted you. You smiled at the text before sending a ”1 PM sound good?” He replied quickly with a thumbs-up emoji. You took a shower before getting dressed, already cursing to yourself because you knew how sweaty you were bound to get.
”Morning,” you mumbled as you entered the kitchen, seeing your dad there with Bruce. ”I believe it’s day since it’s already twelve,” your dad snarked. You flipped him off inconspicuously and grabbed juice from the fridge since it was too hot for coffee. You sat down at the table. You sat opposite your dad, Bruce sitting next to him. They were both working on something on their laptops as they drank coffee. ”Any plans for today?” Your dad suddenly asked. ”Lunch with Peter and then some errands,” you mumbled into your drink. ”Drink lots of water since it’s hot outside and try to stay cool,” Tony instructed.
The warm breeze hit you like a truck as you stepped outside. It felt like someone had just blown their breath in your face after eating something with beans. You felt like gagging. You walked at a brisk pace towards the subway, only noticing that you wouldn’t make it if you didn’t run. You picked up your pace, trying to make it on time. You panted as you tried to breathe properly. As you jogged down the stairs, the air got significantly colder, making you feel better. Of course, your sweat would turn cold and make you shiver but you’d take anything instead of the hot sweaty you’d had to endure for the past hour or so. You held onto the sidebar as the subway moved forwards, again, it was hot. People were all fanning themselves with leaflets, their hands and their clothes.
Your next stop was announced from the PA. It was again a little colder once you left the carriage. Your hand left your side as you walked out. You pushed through the people blocking your way and made your way up. The sun greeted you as you made your way up. You felt a new trail of sweat make its way down your back, you sighed in annoyance. The street smelled like food and sweat, not a combination one usually liked and you didn’t either. Not too far away, you saw Peter. You picked up your pace to reach him faster but didn’t fully pay attention to your surroundings. So when you bumped into that man you just quickly apologised and continued walking.
Peter greeted you with a hug. ”It’s hot today isn’t it?” He made small talk. You just nodded, a pain slowly increasing within you. Peter opened the door to a cold diner, the air hitting you in the face like a truck. You sighed in relief. ”What are you having?” He asked as he eyed the menu. ”I’m not too sure. It’s pretty hot out so maybe nothing too heavy,” you spoke, your voice wavering as you tried to mask your increasing discomfort. ”Hey, are you okay?” Peter asked, clearly noticing your discomfort. You sighed as you massaged your rib. ”Yeah, just feeling some discomfort that’s all,” you explained with a fake smile. Peter asked you a question, which you didn’t have time to answer before the whole building shook. Peter’s eyes looked over your shoulder towards the glass window where he could see the street. Right at that moment, the glass exploded into millions of tiny pieces. You ducked as best as you could as you felt the shards of glass hit your back.
You could hear people screaming as the ground shook again. New York didn’t have earthquakes but maybe there was a first for everything. But then there was the roar, the roar of something foreign. Peter ran outside, ”Peter wait!” You yelled as you followed him outside. And there, at the end of the street stood a tall figure, a figure as tall as a building and almost as wide as the street. Its eyes glowed like fire and as it roared, entire buildings shook and windows shattered. People were screaming and crying, calling out for help. The monster roared again and then it stomped, sending the asphalt flying in the air. A woman ran down the street in your direction, pushing a stroller forward. You watched as the woman ran till she fell, her stroller still rolling forward. You ran to help her, not missing the now sharp, almost paralysing pain in your chest. You helped the woman stand up and brought the stroller closer to her. That’s when you saw the child standing in the middle of the street, crying and calling out to his mommy.
”Hey let’s find your mommy,” you said to the little boy as you hoisted him on your hip, almost crying out from the pain. The child cried more. ”Can you see where your mommy is?” You asked the child spinning around slowly so the boy would see his surrounding better. ”Mommy is asleep,” the boy said as he pointed at a woman laying down on the sidewalk, not too far from you. ”Okay. Let’s get you somewhere else and then I’ll go get your mommy too?” You asked the boy, already running in the opposite direction of the monster. ”Daddy!” The boy suddenly yelled as he pointed to a tall man, calling out the name ”Charlie” over and over again. ”Is that your daddy?” You tried to confirm as you pointed at the man. The boy merely nodded. ”Hi is this Charlie?” You asked the man who was furiously looking for his kid. The man nodded and furiously thanked you. You now ran back to that street to help out Peter who, too, had taken it upon himself to help the civilians.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, it was your dad. ”Please tell me you’re nowhere near that street,” was the first thing he said. You chuckled dryly as you ran. ”You know damn well I’m on that very street since fate has a habit of putting me in bad situations,” you answered, stopping slightly to wait if the pain in your chest would go away. ”I suppose there’s no chance for you to just, I don’t know. Be smart and leave?” He asked you. ”Of course not,” you said, silently hissing as you felt the pain only worsening. ”Alright. Just stay close to Peter then,” your dad said and hung up the call. The pain was getting unbearable, a stabbing kind of pain. You felt like you were on fire like your lungs were on fire. You tried to make your legs move, you needed to find Peter as your dad instructed. Luckily, he came across you before you had the chance to look for him further. ”Everybody out?” You asked him. You leaned against the stone wall next to you, slightly holding yourself as if it’d help your pain at all. ”Yeah everybody except the dead ones,” Peter explained, still doing last-minute checks by looking around himself.
”Y/n are you alright?” You heard Peter ask. Your eyes shot back open, revealing a very concerned looking Peter. You wiped some sweat off your forehead and offered a small smile. ”I’m alright,” you lied. Just then, another wave of pain washed over you. This time stronger and harder than before. You audibly gasped as you slid down the wall next to you. You felt Peter crouch down next to you, helplessly flailing his arms around. You held yourself as you, at last, sobbed in pain. ”What’s wrong?” Peter asked, sounding terrified. ”I don’t know I feel like I’m going to die,” you sobbed. Your lungs burned as you spoke, you felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore. Like you were burned from the inside out. Peter glanced around the corner, to the street you had been on before turning to you. ”Your dad is there. He’s taking care of it,” Peter said to you. ”I’m gonna lay you down,” he said to you. You could only sob, not finding any strength in you to make words come out of your mouth.
You cried as the sidewalk touched your back. Your hands went to hold your chest as you cried out in pain. If you didn’t know any better you’d say that someone was using your body as a bonfire. Peter tore your shirt in half before gasping and falling back in shock. ”Y/n what happened?” He asked once he came to it, you could move your head anymore, it caused too much pain. ”You’re covered in burns. This is like fourth degree or something,” he gasped out. You cried out in pain again, how could you have burned yourself? You saw Peter take out his phone, after that, your sense of what was happening worsened by a lot. Black spots invaded your vision as your hearing became more muffled.
”Mr Stark,” you heard Peter say into the phone. Then your name was said, the things that came after that were a mystery to you. You could feel as everything slowed down, your screams died in your throat. Your eyes blinked slower until they refused to open anymore.
With shaky hands, Peter dialled the number of his mentor. ”Kid we’re a little busy right now,” tony’s voice spoke from the phone. Peter bit back a cry as he saw you laying on the sidewalk, clearly going in and out of consciousness. ”It’s Y/n,” he said. ”What about y/n?” Tony asked, his voice having completely changed. ”I- I don’t know what happened but he’s covered in burns and he kept screaming but now he’s quiet and just stares around himself please mister Stark I don’t know what to do,” Peter cried into the phone. He glanced at you again, seeing how your eyes began rolling backwards. ”No no no,” he chanted as he put the phone on the ground on speaker as he turned his attention towards you. His arm sneaked under your back, he felt how your skin was just melting off as he held you in a slightly upward position. ”Y/n open your eyes. Please,” he pleaded. ”What do you mean he’s covered in burns?” Tony asked on the other line. ”Mister Stark his skin is melting off as we speak please help me,” Peter cried as he held your lifeless body in his arms. Tony’s jets sounded near Peter. ”I thought I’d web the wounds but I wasn’t sure,” he cried, feeling like he was witnessing you dying, which he most definitely was. ”I’m gonna need some serious medical help on 112th now,” Tony spoke into his comms. Peter didn’t dare to look up, he felt like he had failed Tony. He had failed to protect Tony’s kid and this was on him.
Tony was glued in his place. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t do anything. He’d be haunted by nightmares for the rest of his life. The spotless skin Tony had washed multiple times when his kid was just a baby would never be the same. He could almost see the smoke oozing out of his son’s body, at least that’s what his brain told him. The paramedics came and did the best they could before getting your burned body into the vehicle.
Your eyes turned inside your head, you moved them around under your eyelids, trying to find out where you were without opening your eyes to the, no doubt, bright room. There was a steady beeping to your right. A hospital. slowly, your eyes opened. You glanced around yourself. Your dad was asleep on one of those really uncomfortable plastic chairs. You tried to sit up slowly, coughing in the process. Your dad awoke. ”No don’t sit up,” he spoke. You listened to him. ”What happened?” You mustered up the strength to speak. ”You were poisoned. They made it seem like you were burned and you were supposed to feel like that too,” your dad explained as he sat up slowly, clearly exhausted. ”So all that pain was inside my head?” You asked, amazed. ”Yeah. They’re getting pretty creative with these assassination attempts,” your dad snickered. You laughed too, relieved to be okay. Peter came in a few minutes later, relieved to find you awake and doing okay.
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bungeenomin · 4 years
Professional- Jung Jaehyun
genre: ceo!jaehyun x reader angst, smut and full (in that order)
word count: 7k
summary: when you and your ‘no strings attached” fuck buddy that you happen to catch feelings for, end on bad terms, you completely block him out of your life, that is until four years later, when you get a job working for one of the biggest ceo’s in Korea, Jung Jaehyun becomes your boss, and you his assistant
warnings: angst(gets resolved), slight degradation, dirty talk, unprotected sex(wrap before you tap), rough sex, thigh riding, slight overstimulation, orgasms
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4 years ago
“Fuck Jae i’m gonna cum” you moan loudly in his ear, resulting in a grunt escaping from the back of Jaehyun’s throat as he picks up his pace. 
“Mmh cum with me baby” Jaehyun moans, and that’s all it takes for you both to come undone together, moans and swear words bouncing off the walls as you come down from your high. 
Jaehyun’s pace finally comes to a stop as he throws his body down beside you, still panting. This was a regular night for you and Jaehyun. For about six months now you’ve been fuck buddies and at least four times a week you end up in one of your dorms. Quick fucks whenever either of you wanted them or needed them, or late night fucks. Even though you were fucking each other with no strings attached, it never became awkward between you too, although the small crush you had on Jaehyun did make the whole no strings attached thing slightly more difficult. You never meant to catch feelings for Jaehyun, it just, happened. 
“I”m gonna go clean up, i’ll be back in a sec” Jaehyun said, caressing your cheek softly before getting out of the bed and moving to the bathroom. 
You didn’t mean to look at Jaehyun’s phone while he was gone. You really didn’t. You heard a phone notification and while checking if it was yours, you accidentally picked up Jaehyun’s, who had the same model phone and happened to not have a case on his either. 
“What the fuck” you whisper to yourself as you see the message displayed on the screen. 
‘Baby i miss you :( come over, i wanna pick up from where we left off the last time ;)’ the text read. You almost forget how to breathe as your eyes begin to swell with tears. You know, no strings attached, but for the last six months, you and Jaehyun had been exclusively fuck buddies. You know you would certainly tell him if you were letting someone else stick their dick in you, yet here he is, fucking other people and not having the audacity to even tell you. 
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you get up and start collecting your clothes from the floor and dressing yourself as fast as you can. You just want to leave and never have to look at his stupid face that you’re so obsessed with ever again. Jaehyun walks back into the room as you pull your shirt over your head, confused as to why you’re suddenly in such a rush to leave. “Hey, what’s up? where are yo-”
“What’s up? Why don’t you check your fucking phone Jaehyun” you spit, anger seeping out of you. Jaehyun gives you a concerned look before picking up his phone, his face dropping when he see’s the message on the screen. “Yeah Jaehyun, that’s whats fucking up, except, you didn’t even feel the need to tell me” 
“Y/n- we said no strings attached” Jaehyun says, not knowing what else to say. 
“There are no fucking strings attached Jaehyun! Funnily enough i fucking hate you right now, but don’t you think i have the right to know that my fuck buddy is fucking someone else?” you question. 
“I didn’t think it matt-”
“Of course it fucking matters Jaehyun. But you’re such a fucking self absorbed fucking prick that all you care about is getting your fucking average ass dick wet. Fuck you Jung Jaehyun” you spit as you walk towards the door, “if i never see you again it’l be too soon”. 
After that night, you didn’t see Jaehyun again. You blocked his number and all his social media platforms. You completely cut him out of your life. It hurt, but it didn’t hurt half as much as what he did to you. You know, what he did shouldn’t have mattered, but it did, and that wasn’t very no strings attached of you. You shouldn’t have fallen for Jaehyun put you did, and before you could even tell him, he broke your heart. You hated him for that. 
Present day
Your legs are decorated with goose bumps as you walk in your black, skin tight pencil skirt through the busy street. The cold winter air is intense, but you know that first impressions are everything, and so here you are, freezing your ass off to make a good first impression on your first day of work.
Honestly, you still can’t believe you’ve got this job. You applied for it late one night just by chance, not at all thinking you could get a job as the ceo of one of the largest companies in Korea’s assistant.
You take a shaky breath, before pushing the large doors open and stepping into the building. The interior is more expensive than you expected. Modern design, glass chandeliers, velvet couches, glass cases full of awards and pricey looking ornaments and antiques. It’s so beautifully decorated.
“Ah you must be y/n!” an older woman in sophisticated clothing says, a clipboard in her hand.
“Yes! That’s me. I’m starting work here today” you reply, a gentle smile on your lips.
“Yes of course!” the woman replies as she begins walking, motioning for you to come with her, “I’ll bring you to Mr. Jung’s office right away. I have to warn you though, he can be, well, difficult. He’s a very determined and work orientated man”.
If you weren’t nervous before, you certainly are now. This job would be just perfect if the ceo was bearable. “Good luck” the lady whispers, as she opens the door for you. “Mr Jung, your new assistant is here” she announces, before leaving you to your own devices.
As you take a step into the large office, you see a tall man, facing away from the desk and looking out at the beautiful view of the city the office has. “It’s funny isn’t it? How people meet again” the man states, not moving from his position.
You know what voice. Hell, you wish you didn’t but you do. You never wanted to hear that voice again, or see that face, and now he’s your boss? The male quirks an eyebrow and turns to face you at your lack of response, and there he is. Jung Jaehyun.
“Yes” you reply quietly, completely shell shocked at his presence. After all these years. Jaehyun from college is one of the most successful ceo’s in all of Korea, typical. 
“Ah ah, yes sir to you. Where are your manners?” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his lips. 
“Yes sir”
“Much better” Jaehyun replies, moving to his seat. “Your desk is there, take a seat” he points towards a large desk, although much smaller than his own, placed not too far from his desk, but far enough for you both to have personal space.
“Let’s get a few things straight” Jaehyun starts as soon as you sit in your seat, “other people don’t run my company for me, i run it. My company has no shareholders, it’s entirely mine, so don’t even consider thinking you can help me with my business. Your job is not that hard, a child could do it. All you have to do is keep track of my meetings and schedules, i’m a busy man y/n, if you forget, consider your self fired. I don’t have the time to work both of our jobs. You’ll accompany me to meetings, you are to write down every detail that is spoken about. I never do business on the day, i go home and reflect, which is why you better have every last detail on that paper. It’s also your job to go through my emails, but nothing to do with business deals, that’s none of your concern. My business deals are in my own email, so don’t worry. The email i’m going to give you is for promotional deals, sponsorships and the likes, deal with them accordingly. Don’t fuck it up y/n, it’s simple work. If i had two of me, i would do it myself but unfortunately, that’s not the case and well, here you are. Oh and lastly, if i want coffee, that’s on you”
He’s changed. He’s changed so much. He’s not the Jaehyun you knew. Not your Jaehyun. Well, the Jaehyun you knew was never really your Jaehyun. He made sure of that. Maybe this is still old Jaehyun, and he was just nice to you so he could get his dick wet. Maybe. 
“Do i make myself clear, y/n?”
“Yes sir” 
“Great, you’re only in for an induction today really so just set up your desk and go i guess” Jaehyun says monotonously, his eyes back in work mode as they stare at the large computer screen in front of him. 
“Oh, okay sir” you reply, taking your stationary out of your bag and displaying it neatly on your desk. 
“See you tomorrow” Jaehyun says, eyes failing to lift from the screen that illuminates his face. “My coffee better not be on my desk a minute after 8am, i’m very punctual, so 8:01 won’t do”
“Yes sir” you reply, trying your best to keep your calm, “see you tomorrow” and with that, you leave the man to his work in the office, releasing a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in the second you exit the room.  
When the next morning arrives, you do everything you can to make sure you don’t piss off Jaehyun. You arrive fifteen minutes early to set up your computer and get his coffee, but of course, by the time you reach the coffee machine, there’s a line. 
You check your watch as you quickly walk towards the office, coffee in hand, and just as you reach the door you see the time switch to 8:01. Of course. You open the door, in hopes that you will have beaten Jaehyun to the office but you didn’t. He is sat at his desk, looking through stacks of paper work, wearing a serious expression. 
“Late on your first day? We really aren’t getting off to a good start now, are we dear?” Jaehyun questions, the same serious expression displayed on his face as he looks over the frame of his low hung glasses at you. 
“I’m sorry sir” you reply, before walking towards his desk to place his coffee. 
“Let it be the only slip up” Jaehyun grumbles, his focus now back on the documents in front of him. He was never much of a morning person, but from what you saw yesterday, you aren’t sure if he’s much of an evening person now either.
“What’s todays schedule?” Jaehyun questions a few minutes later, taking a small sip of his coffee, and humming in satisfaction. 
“It says here you just have a call with Mr Wang at 9am sir” you reply, as you read the schedule, insuring you weren’t missing anything. 
Jaehyun leaves out an unsatisfied scoff at that, “Fine, it’ll be on speaker, write the details. He’s very persuasive so i will need a lot of reflection before signing anything with him, make sure you write down everything”. 
So you did. You felt as if your hand was going to fall off due to how quickly Mr Wang spoke, but you got everything written down. You typed it all out in a neat format so Jaehyun would understand it perfectly. 
Jaehyun was on his third cup of coffee since sitting down to reflect on the business deal that Mr Wang had offered him, and the man looked stressed. Heavy sighs left his lips over and over again as he weighed out his options, desperately trying to make a decision. He looks so attractive when he’s worked up. He always has. Any time he was stressed during university, he would call you over and just fuck it out of his system. He’d never do that now though. Not anymore. 
“More coffee?” you question hesitantly, looking at the empty cup sitting on his desk, as Jaehyun sits with his head in his hands. 
“No” Jaehyun simply replies. “There’s a bottle of whiskey over in the cabinet, bring it over with a cup”. 
It would be nice to hear a please from Jaehyun, but right now, you know he’s up to his eyes with stress. 
“Here you go sir” you announce, leaving the glass and bottle in front of him. 
“Are you done your tasks?” Jaehyun questions, pouring himself a glass of the alcohol. 
“Yes sir” you reply. 
“Go home then” Jaehyun responds, chugging the drink down his throat in one gulp. 
“Thank you sir” you reply, to which Jaehyun just nods. The atmosphere between you two is unexplainable. Weird. 
Day two of working with Jaehyun is no better. He’s narky. Worse than yesterday.
“Coffee” Jaehyun demands, as he’s busy writing on the documents in front of him.
You bring him his coffee, leaving it in front of him and go back to your work.
“The coffee isn’t nice” Jaehyun announces, shoving the drink further away from him.
“Would you like me to make you a ne-”
“No, you’ve put me off the whole idea of it now” Jaehyun huffs, eyes flicking between the documents and his computer screen.
“Sorry” you sigh, before returning to your desk. 
“Sorry what?”
“Sorry sir” 
“That’s what i thought”
The nice lady who greeted you on the first day was right. He is a lot. You never thought he would grow into such an arrogant person, but here he is. 
“Sir, you have a call with Mr Huang in ten minutes” you announce as you look at the schedule in front of you. 
Jaehyun nearly chokes when you say it. “Ten minutes? You have one fucking job and you decide to tell me ten minutes in advanced? You’re fucking useless” Jaehyun shouts, very pissed off at this point, before storming out of the office. 
Ouch. Jaehyun never, ever raised his voice at you before. Never. Jaehyun would always be so calm, so collected. He never once called you anything degrading, outside of the bedroom that is. After sex, he would even go as far as assuring you know that you are none of the derogatory names he called you, always praising you. This hurts, a lot. 
A few moments later, Jaehyun enters the room again, arms full of files and a freshly made cup of coffee, one he made himself after your previous attempt. His face still carries anger. 
“Do you want me to help you carry th-”
“No, your help isn’t necessary. Just note down the meeting details” Jaehyun cuts you off bluntly, before beginning the call.
A week into the job, and it’s been one hell of a week. No matter what you do, Jaehyun seems to be angry at you. No matter how hard you try, it’s not enough for him. Slightly feeling like deja vu. 
“Mr Jung?” you question sheepishly, standing in front of his desk. 
“I prefer sir, but what?” Jaehyun responds, still focusing on his work. 
“I know you don’t like me and that’s okay, but, is this personal? or is it that you just don’t like the way i work?”
Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow, dropping his pen, folding his arms over his chest and staring at you intensely. “So you’re getting bold?” 
“I’m your boss, and you’re speaking out to me”
“It’s not like th-” 
“Then what’s it like? Hm?” 
You stay silent, regretting ever opening your mouth. 
“To me, y/n, it seems one of us is being extremely unprofessional, and that someone is certainly not me” Jaehyun starts. “I hate unprofessionalism, it’s something i will never be. You don’t get to come up to me all soppy because i think you’re not doing a good job. I didn’t ask you to do a shit job, nor do i pay you to do a shit job. So change. I don’t want this unprofessional shit from you again, do i make myself clear?” 
“Y-yes sir” you stutter, “i’m s-sorry” 
“Mhmm” Jaehyun responds. Jaehyun returns to his work, accidentally pushing one of the documents he was working on off the side of the desk, pages going everywhere. 
“For fuck sa-”
“It’s okay sir, i’ll pick them up” you reply, bending down to gather the documents before Jaehyun could get up. 
Jaehyun can’t help it. He can’t help but to look at your ass in that skirt he finds oh so sexy as you are bent down beside his desk. Lewd thoughts begin to fill Jaehyun’s mind, thinking back to old times with the two of you. His mind also strays to thinking of how good it would feel, fucking you at his office desk. But Jaehyun is a professional man after all, as he claims. 
Jaehyun awkwardly clears his throat and returns his gaze to the work in front of him, right before you stand up and hand him the documents. “Here you go sir” you smile softly, allowing the documents to sit carefully on the desk, completely oblivious to Jaehyun’s antics only moments ago. 
“You can go no” Jaehyun announces, rubbing his temples, you assume to relive some stress. “Tomorrow, i have a lot of work to get through. I’ll be working extra hours, and so will you. Probably working until midnight or after”
“Oh” you reply. That’s a lot of overtime. You are always so drained by the end of a 8-6 hour day with Jaehyun, you can’t even imagine how you’ll feel by the end of tomorrow. 
“You’ll get payed accordingly, don’t worry. Just clock in and clock out and you’ll get payed for the hours you work, and receive double pay for the hours you work after 8pm” Jaehyun looks up at you, waiting for you to approve. 
“Okay sir” 
“Good. Well, see you tomorrow then, you can go”
The second you leave the office, a deflated sigh leaves your lips. As if the embarrassing discussion you had to have with Jaehyun wasn’t enough, now you have to deal with him for hours extra tomorrow. At least you’ll get good money for it. 
What you aren’t aware of as you exit the building, is the state you left Jaehyun in. As soon as you leave the office, Jaehyun locks the door, ensuring he has no surprise visitors. When Jaehyun returns to his desk, he unbuckles his belt, ridding himself of his slacks and boxers and sitting in his seat, bare legs against the cold leather. 
Jaehyun throws his head back the second his hand meets his hard length, finally getting some well needed release. A small, airy moan escapes Jaehyun’s lips as he runs his thumb over his angry tip, collecting up his pre cum before he starts lazily pumping his length. 
Jaehyun releases heavy breaths, with one imagine in his mind as he pumps his dick faster, his grip tightening. “Mmh fuck” he groans, the images in his mind making him harder and harder by the second, as his pace just quickens. Jaehyun is quick to unbutton his dress shirt with his free hand, knowing where this is going. 
“Fuck y/n” he moans deeply, getting completely lost in his pleasure, images of you and him performing far from professional ministrations cloud his mind. 
“Mmh wanna fuck you so good” he groans, as he feels his dick twitch in his hand. “Fuck” he breaths out, squeezing tighter, teasing his tip again. 
Loud moans and groans fall from Jaehyun’s lips as he reaches his high, his load covering his toned abs. “Fuck” he breathlessly sighs, running a hand through his hair. 
Jaehyun is very glad he soundproofed his office now. Moaning your assistants name certainly isn’t professional, and Jaehyun has a reputation to uphold, even within the four walls of his own company. 
The next morning, you are determined for this day to go well. It’s too long of a shift for Jaehyun to be in a pissy mood. 
Today, you reach the office before Jaehyun, coffee in hand. You leave the coffee on Jaehyun’s desk, before heading to your own and setting yourself up for the day. 
Jaehyun is surprised to say the least that you were for once, in the office before him, coffee waiting for him. Maybe his talk with you finally knocked some punctuality into you. 
Jaehyun didn’t say anything to you, but what you’ve come to learn with Jaehyun is that silence is better than words. When he’s silent, he has no complaints, or at least none prominent enough for him to voice. When he speaks on the other hand, he is complaining, the vast majority of the time. 
Before you realise it, it’s already 9pm, three hours past your usual finish time. “Take a break” Jaehyun says, before standing up from his desk and walking to the couch on the other side of the large office, taking a seat and admiring the night time view of the city. He always found it relaxing, just watching the world go by, even if it is full of hustle and bustle. 
Jaehyun looks over at you, as you just silently sit at your desk scrolling through your phone. He returns his gaze to the window before speaking up. “You can come here”.
You whip your head around to face him, kind of shocked at his words. “Oh, uh, it’s fine, don’t worry i wi-”
“Y/n” Jaehyun says, turning his gaze to meet yours. “Come sit here”. 
You take a deep breath, although a shaky one, before standing up and making your way over to the couch, sitting on the opposite side to Jaehyun. Not daring to look at him, you also look out at the beautiful view, a small smile creeping onto your lips at the sight of the city. 
“Nice view, isn’t it?” Jaehyun questions, throwing you back. He hasn’t tried to speak to you at all unless necessary since you got here. 
“Yeah it’s really nice. You’re lucky you got such a beautiful building” you reply nervously, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Jaehyun. 
“I am” he replies, “one of my dads associates happened to be selling it when i was buying and gave me a good deal on it”  
“I see” you reply awkwardly. What is even happening?
“Mmh. I’m very proud of this place. Very proud of my company” 
“You should be. It’s a beautiful building and the company is so successful. You built it by your self from the ground up, that’s something to be proud of sir” you reply, eyes now staring at Jaehyun’s side profile. 
“I’m very proud. This company means the world to me” Jaehyun replies, your eyes still glued to his side profile. 
“Are you just going to stare?” Jaehyun questions, with a raised eye brow, causing you to panic and blush, breaking your gaze on him immediately. 
“No sir, sorry i wasn’t s-staring i was jus-”
“Just what?” Jaehyun questions, amused at how easily flustered you are. Still are. 
“There was just something, on your face” you lie, trying to play it off. 
“Then come get it”
“Come get it off my face then” Jaehyun states as he stands up from his seat, waiting for you to do the same. 
You stand up, looking Jaehyun in the eyes, as he nods, signalling he meant what he said. Obviously, there isn’t anything on Jaehyun’s face but you’ve gotten yourself into this situation. You take a step forward to be directly in front of Jaehyun, your eye contact not once breaking. Your eyes move to Jaehyun’s cheek, where you decide to pretend to wipe. Grabbing onto Jaehyun’s forearm with one hand, you wipe his cheek with the other. 
“There” you whisper. Your bodies are dangerously close. Jaehyun has still not taken his strong gaze off of your face, causing the air between you to be heavy. Your eyes meet his again and you feel so small, so vulnerable, your stomach full of butterflies. 
“Back to work” Jaehyun announces, stepping past you and walking back to his desk, a smug smirk on his lips, leaving you in shock behind him. 
A couple of more hours pass by, and before you know it, it’s 12:30 am. Jaehyun sighs, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can call your boyfriend or whoever to collect you if you don’t drive here yourself”. 
“Oh, i don’t have a boyfriend sir” you reply, internally slapping yourself for so unnecessarily announcing that. “I’ll be walking home sir”. 
Jaehyun looks up at you, his eyebrows knitted. “Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t walk home by yourself in the dark at nearly 1 am. I’ll drop you home” 
“No sir honestl-”
“I said i’ll drop you home” Jaehyun replies sternly. “No if’s or but’s”  
The drive home was short as you don’t live far, but none the less, it was awkward. Neither of you speaking, the only noise being the radio quietly playing, and the sound of the cars engine. 
“Thank you for the lift home sir” you smile gently, as you step out of the sleek, black, expensive sports car. 
“It’s no problem” Jaehyun replied, and you could have sworn you saw his lips turn up at the edges slightly. “I’ll see you Monday” and with that, he drove off into the night.  
The next week to come was surprisingly bearable. It’s Friday, and you’ve gotten through the week without any big issues with Jaehyun, no big arguments, no leaving work feeling like busting into tears. 
Just like last Friday, Jaehyun has asked you to stay behind with him for a few hours, to finish up everything before the weekend.
“Let’s take a break” Jaehyun announces as he stands up, stretching before moving over to the couch like last week. You assume just like last week, you have permission to sit on the couch with him, and so you do. 
“Did i say you could sit on the couch with me?” Jaehyun questions. 
“Oh sorry sir i-”
“I’m kidding, chill” he chuckles softly, something you certainly haven’t seen in four years. Something you missed so dearly. 
Jaehyun drapes his arm over the back of the couch, stretching it passed your shoulders. You turn your head away, nervous that he’ll see how red you are. 
“It’s nice to see you still blush over the smallest of things” Jaehyun teases, eyes on the view ahead of him, and to him, the view isn’t the city. 
“Do not” you pout, turning to look at him to see him already staring at you. 
“Cute” he simply says, tapping your pouted bottom lip with his finger. “But you were always cute” he continues, eyes locked on yours. 
He places his hand on your cheek, caressing it gently. “You were always cute, but i always found you so sexy, even now, you look so sexy for me every day. Make it so hard for me to concentrate baby. Always wearing those fucking skirts and dresses that drive me crazy. Then if that wasn’t enough, bending over in them right in my face baby. So naughty of you, distracting your boss like that”. 
Jaehyun’s eyes are dark, bold, looking at your shocked eyes. Were you hearing him correctly?
“Sir i-”
“Shh baby, no talking. Bosses orders” Jaehyun winked before kissing under your ear, sucking on it lightly. He remembers you love getting kissed here. His mouth moves lower on your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses in his trail, as he sucks harsh marks all over your neck. 
“S-sir, we shouldn’t be doing this” you whisper breathily, although your words contradict your actions as you grab Jaehyun’s toned thigh. He’s bulked up more since university. 
“Who’s the boss here baby?” Jaehyun asks against your neck.
“You sir”
“Mhmm, so listen to me like a good girl. I’m saying it’s okay, as long as you wan-”
“Oh course i want to” you cut him off, your voice a whisper. 
“Mmh, so needy for me, are you gonna be a needy slut for me?” Jaehyun questions, eyes now back on yours. 
You nod, feeling so small under Jaehyun’s burning eyes. That’s not enough for Jaehyun though. 
“Words princess” he says sternly, placing his pointer finger under your chin, ensuring all your attention is on him. 
“Yes sir” you whisper. 
That’s all Jaehyun needed to hear, as he pulls you in by the back of your neck, connecting your lips for the first time in four years. A small gasp escapes your lips the second he pulls you in, Jaehyun using that opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. He never changed, always impatient when you were kissing, adding tongue as soon as he possibly could. 
You move yourself to straddle Jaehyun’s lap, your lips never leaving each others, kissing each other with such hunger. “Mmh, you want me that bad huh?”
“Yes sir, so bad” you mumble against his lips. Jaehyun groans, lifting your skirt up to your waist to reveal your bare ass, a stringy thong the only thing covering it. 
“So sexy for me. Just me right?”
“Yes sir, only you, no one else” you breathe out. “Sir, can i please ride your thigh?” you ask shyly. 
Jaehyun places a chaste kiss on your lips, “how could i say no when you ask me so nicely doll?”
Jaehyun helps you to pull off your thong, leaving your lower half completely bare, before he places his hand on your waist helping you align your dripping heat with his thigh.
A soft moan escapes your lips the second your heat touches his thigh, before you even begin moving.
“Mmh i missed your pretty noises” Jaehyun whispers in your year, nibbling softly, his voice sensual, driving you crazy.
You place your hands on Jaehyun’s broad shoulders for support, before you slowly begin rocking yours hips against him, heavy breaths and whimpers escaping your lips.
Jaehyun can feel your wetness already through his slacks, proud of how wet you already are for him. “Good girl” he mutters against your neck, dragging at your shirt to have more space to suck on.
As you pick up your pace, you can’t help but throw your head back in pleasure, as Jaehyun flexed his thigh muscles underneath you. “Mmh sir, feels so good” you moan, as Jaehyun now unbottons your shirt, moving his mouth further and further down your chest, littering your skin in hickeys. Marking you as his.
You’re so lost in your pleasure, so close to coming undone that your pace slows down, not being able to push through the feeling of the knot forming in your stomach.
Jaehyun notices, grabbing your hips and pushing them back and forth quickly against his thigh, resulting in loud moans and swear words to spill out from your lips.
“F-fuck sir, i’m gonna cum fuck, feels so good, i need to cum sir, please let me cum for you”
Jaehyun moves his thumb to your sensitive clit, rubbing clockwise circles around it at a rapid pace, “cum for me baby girl, show me how much of a good slut you are for me”
He didn’t have to tell you twice, as you come undone on Jaehyun’s thigh, completely soaking his slacks. Jaehyun deciding to tease, continues to stimulate your clit after you came down from your high.
“F-fuck fuck fuck stop, sir i already came stop” you moan at the overstimulation. You forgot how much he loves it.
Jaehyun finally pulls away his hand, bringing his fingers to your lips and immediately shoving them in your mouth, allowing you to suck on them.
“You taste so good baby hmm?” Jaehyun states, more so than questions, as you nod your head in agreement. “Such a good little slut for me angel. I missed you so so much, did you miss me?” Jaehyun questions, as he unclasps your bra, throwing it on the floor before latching his mouth around and running his flat tongue over your hard, sensitive nipple, squeezing the other one between his fingers. 
“Mmh fuck sir, yes i missed you so so much” you moan, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling on it, causing Jaehyun to release a small moan against your nipple, the vibrations causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. 
“Sir” you moan, “this is so, wrong, so unprofessional”
“Fuck being professional” Jaehyun groans, lips still on your nipple.
Jaehyun moves back up to your lips, kissing them softly before whispering darkly, “I can’t wait to fill you up so good. Gonna make sure you can’t walk tomorrow doll”
“Sir please, fill me up, fuck me hard, i need you so badly” you whisper, need present in your voice. 
“So pretty and needy” Jaehyun coos, tucking a stand of hair behind your ear. “I can’t wait to hear you screaming for me”
With that Jaehyun practically rips his shirt off, pulling his slacks and boxers down almost as fast. You’re taken by surprise when Jaehyun grabs you in his arms, carrying your body back to his desk. Once he reaches the desk, you’re more surprised when he pushes everything off of his desk and onto the floor, placing you down on the desk. “Wanna make you feel so good baby girl” Jaehyun mutters against your neck, as he pumps himself in his hand.
“You always do” you whisper, pulling on his hair gently.
With no warning, Jaehyun aligns himself with you, snapping his hips inside of you, a scream leaving the back of your throat at his sudden action.
“Mmh fuck sir i forgot how big you are, how well you fill me up” you moan, pulling Jaehyun almost impossibly closer to you.
Jaehyun’s pace is ruthless, slamming his hips into you, filling the room with sounds of skin on skin and loud moans from the both of you. “So tight for me doll”
Jaehyun decides to change position, moving you from your seated position on his desk to having you bent over it, ass on perfect display for him. “So fucking sexy” he grunts, before pounding into you from behind, hitting your g spot with every strong thrust.
“F-fuck sir, feels so fucking good” you moan loudly, grabbing onto the desk for support as Jaehyun pounds into you mercilessly.
“You look so fucking good like this, bent over and needy for me. You need my cock so bad don’t you?” Jaehyun moans, his head throw back in pleasure, always finding great motivation in praise from you.
“Yes sir, fuck i need your cock so badly. No one fucks me like you do, you fill me up so good” you moan, knowing it’s driving him crazy.
“Fuck” Jaehyun moans out breathily, feeling his dick twitching inside of you. He knows he’s close.
Jaehyun grabs you by the ponytail, pulling you up so your back is against his, his pace not faltering for a second. Jaehyun’s hands immediately find their way to where they know you need them, one hand pinching your left nipple harshly, while the other hand is rubbing quick circles on your clit, your eyes rolling back in your head in pleasure.
“F-fuck sir i’m gonna c-cum fuck” you moan, grabbing onto Jaehyun’s forearm, looking for any sort of support.
Jaehyun groans in your ear, “mmh cum for me pretty girl” and that’s all it took for you to come undone. Both you and Jaehyun fill the room with moans, as you release your loads together, fucking each other through your highs. You feel weak as you grab onto Jaehyun with all you can. You always enjoyed sex with Jaehyun, but this, this was nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Jaehyun places a soft kiss on your forehead, “let’s lay down, mhm?” Jaehyun questions, to which you nod in response, not recovered enough to give him a proper answer.
Jaehyun carried you in his arms back to the couch, before laying you both down, cuddling you in his arms. “You did so good for me my angel” Jaehyun whispers sweet words of praise as he runs a hand through your hair.
“I missed you a lot sir” you reply, looking at him with a soft smile. You really did miss him, but you can’t help but be thankful for how things worked out all those years ago. Everything happens for a reason, and who would have know what would have happened if that day didn’t go how it did. You may have never gotten to meet Jaehyun as a fully grown and matured adult.
“Don’t be silly my baby, you know it’s Jaehyun” he replies, a loving smile on his lips.
“I know your name is Jaehyun obviously but you wanted me to call you sir” you pout.
“I did, because it’s professional. But, i will let you in on a little secret. I have every one else call me Mr Jung” Jaehyun chuckles softly, placing a kiss to your nose as you scrunch it up.
“Why do you make me call- oh” you blush, realising why he makes you and no one else call him sir.
“You know i always liked it when you called me that” he teases, poking at your side, causing you to roll your eyes.
There’s silence for a few minutes before Jaehyun finally speaks up, “hey y/n?”
���Mhm?” you reply, drawing little love hearts on Jaehyun’s chest. 
“Did you mean it when you said i have an average sized dick?” 
“The last time we fucked, and you were angry at me, you told me my dick was average sized”
“You fucking dork” you giggle slapping his chest lightly, “how did you even remember that?”
“It bruised my ego” Jaehyun replies jokingly.
“Well tell your dick’s bruised ego that it’s much bigger than average” you giggle against his chest
“Will do” Jaehyun replies, a small chuckle leaving his lips. 
This time, it’s you that breaks the silence that washes over you “I really did miss you” you pout against his chest. “I like this. A lot”
“Yeah?” Jaehyun questions.
“Yeah” you reply. “I like having sex with you, i like cuddling with you, i like joking with you, i like talking with you”
“Well then, i guess i’m gonna have to correct my past mistakes and act on it, hmm?”
You look up at Jaehyun, seeing his genuine eyes. “You want to act on it?” you ask, looking at Jaehyun with doe eyes.
“There’s nothing i want more than for us to work out. The day you started hating me, i hated myself. I never forgave myself for losing you, before i could even call you mine. I’m not going to let that happen again. Life brought us back together, and this time, i’m not letting you go”
4 years later
“Ah Mr and Ms Jung, welcome back from the honeymoon” you receptionist happily exclaims, as you and Jaehyun walk hand and hand into the company building. 
“Thank you very much” Jaehyun smiles appreciatively. 
“Was it a nice break?” 
“It was beautiful” you reply “it was so nice to get away for a week, leave work behind. But we’re back and have our company to run” you giggle. 
“Mhmm, all three of us” Jaehyun smiles, wrapping his arms around you from behind and placing them on your stomach, where the tiniest bump has made itself present. 
Your receptionist gasp, eyes glowing with excitement, “You don’t mean you’re expecting, do you?”
“We are! Baby Jung will be making an appearance in a few months” you smile, placing your hands atop of Jaehyun’s, your fingers playing with his wedding ring. 
A lot has changed in the last four years. After this crazy world dragged you back together, you and Jaehyun worked perfectly. Dating not only the love of your life, but also your best friend was the easiest thing to do. Within only a few months of dating, you moved into Jaehyun’s apartment with him, which a meek year and a half later turned into you both buying a house together. 
With the company expanding rapidly, and Jaehyun deciding he wants you to be his forever, Jaehyun gave you half the company. He knew he couldn’t handle it all on his own anymore, and he knew that you both balanced each other out, one of you always bringing something to the table that the other didn’t, making you perfect to be ceo’s together. 
As soon as he signed over your half of the company to you, he was quick in proposing to you, wanting to make you each others officially for the rest of your lives. Three weeks before the wedding you were both blessed with finding out that baby Jung was going to be with you in nine months time, the news putting you both on cloud nine. 
The wedding was a beautiful, expensive and elegant day. Very you and Jaehyun. You celebrated the day with close friends, family and work associates, and you could never in a million years have dreamed of how magical the day was. Now, here you are sat where you and Jaehyun’s second chapter began, on the couch in the office, looking out at the beautiful view of the city. 
“Good to be back?” Jaehyun questions, as you lay your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around you. 
“Very good” you reply squeezing his free hand. 
“Who would have thought this would be our life, huh?” Jaehyun states, a lazy smile on his face, mind replaying all the memories you’ve made together. 
“I know” you sigh contently, “who would have thought?” 
“I love you Ms Jung”
“I love you too Mr Jung” 
With that Jaehyun leans in and presses a gentle kiss on your lips, which ends up turning into a slightly more heated make out session. Jaehyun hums in satisfaction as he brings one hand to squeeze your covered boob, causing you to pull away. 
“My Jung” you dramatically gasp, “that’s not very professional of you”
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 26 - Blood On My Name [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, guns.
Word Count: 3000
Summary: No one can run away forever.
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There were some days when you just knew it wouldn’t be easy for you, and today was one of them, that was for sure. It was as if after seeing how Spencer had managed to charm your family the other night and how everything was going well in your relationship, the universe had decided to throw in some difficulties to make it interesting.
For starters, you had forgotten to buy coffee the day before so you couldn’t even have your much needed caffeine. After managing to get rid of the sleepiness with a very cold shower and getting ready, you left your apartment to get to your car, and that was when the second problem hit.
It wouldn’t start no matter how much you tried, so you had to take a taxi to your office.
And as if all that wasn’t enough, Spencer had decided to call you with some bad news as well.
“You can’t be serious,” you whined, pressing the phone to your ear as you paced in your office, “Spencer, please tell me you’re not leaving me alone at a party I didn’t even want to go to in the first place!”
“Trust me, I don’t want to.”
“You have a case,” you felt the need to repeat, “Today of all days.”
“We’re flying there in ten.”
You heaved a sigh and plopped down to the couch, nibbling your lip.
“I’m really sorry,” he said softly, “I swear I’d be there if I could.”
You sook your head, “No, don’t be sorry,” you murmured, “I get that. It’s your job. Besides, it’s probably a life or death situation if they called you guys there.”
He hummed in agreement, “Probably,” he said “But are you going to be alright?”
“I mean I’ll probably drink a lot,” you tried to joke, “And miss you for the whole night.”
“I’ll miss you too,” he confessed, “They’re sending some agents to make sure the copycat doesn’t try anything at that party if they even show up, but… Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“When am I not careful?”
He scoffed a laugh, “Do you want a list? Because I think it’d be a long list.”
“I’m always careful!” you protested, “Also, given our occupations it’s kind of ironic to hear this from you, I’ll have you know.”
You could almost hear his smile, “Just promise me.”
“I’ll be very careful,” you said, “Cross my heart. Besides, it’s Nolan’s company, professor. No one can walk there with any weapon, it’s a security company remember? Even I am leaving my knife at home.”
“Just don’t go anywhere alone, be in the crowd for the whole time—”
“Make sure to stay where security cameras can see me, I know.” You finished his sentence for him, “It’s not my first rodeo. Relax boyfriend, it’s just one boring party. What could possibly go wrong?”
“Don’t say that,” he warned you, “Bad things happen when people say that.”
“I didn’t take you for a superstitious type, professor.”
“I’m not,” he said, “I just don’t want to take any chances. It’s already bad enough that I won’t be there.”
“You’re telling me,” you said, “I was hoping we could hook up somewhere in there, it’s a huge building.”
You heard his chuckle, “You’re incorrigible.”
“Well it’s always Mina and Kenzie who have fun in these things, for once I want to have fun too!” you defended yourself, “Besides, don’t pretend like you don’t like it.”
“Hey, I said nothing of the sort.”
“Reid, come on.” You heard Luke’s voice and Spencer sighed.
“I should go,” he told you, “I love you.”
A smile warmed your face, “I love you too,” you said, “Go save some lives.”
You hung up, then ran a hand over your face, slumping on the couch.
“Y/N?” your assistant knocked on the glass door of your office before peeking her head in, “Hi, are you busy?”
“Not really,” you sat up straighter, “What’s up?”
“You wanted me to remind you when it’s time for lunch,” she said, “Also I sent your dress for tonight to your place, the front desk will get it.”
“Thanks,” you checked the time and stood up to walk to your desk, “Damn it, I’m going to be late.”
“I also called the mechanics, but they said it would take two days for it to be fixed.”
“Today just gets better and better,” you muttered and she tilted her head,
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Hm?” you looked up, “Yeah, sorry. I’m fine, it’s just one of those days. Since the morning everything is going bad, and I was hoping my boyfriend would be with me at this party, but he had something to do so…”
“Maybe he can change his mind?” she suggested, “See, I had this boyfriend once, and he said he wouldn’t show up to my birthday party because we had this huge fight, but then he showed up anyway.”
“Oh it’s not like that,” you shook your head, “There’s no fight, he’s just not gonna be in the city tonight.”
She scrunched up her nose, “That sucks.”
You scoffed a laugh and grabbed your coat and your purse, “It’s fine. Where are we on the Riley wedding flower arrangement by the way?”
“All confirmed, she says she loved it,” she said and you smiled.
“Thanks,” you said as you walked to the elevator with her following you, “I’ll be back in an hour, okay? Have a nice lunch.”  
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Lincoln said as you sipped your rosé, looking around the restaurant you two were having lunch in, “How did you even break down your car?”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“When was the last time you took it to a mechanic to get it checked out?”
“When I bought it?” you said and he let out a chuckle.
“So you have no car for tonight?”
You pulled your brows together, “Tonight? How did you-?”
“You know we run in the same social circle right?” he said, “My dad’s company also does business with Nolan, of course I’m invited. That being said, I wasn’t sure if I would show up, but since here you are, begging me to help you—“
“I’m just eating my food here.”
“I can drive you there,” he finished his sentence as if you didn’t interrupt him and you tilted your head.
“I can just take a cab,” you said, “Or mom could send a car, it’s fine. You don’t have to.”
“Consider it my thanks for your unrequited advices on my relationship.”
“Oh you need more advice?” you perked up and he rolled his eyes.
“You made up with your girlfriend then?”
“It’s complicated.”
“You really need to go to Italy for a surprise visit,” you pointed at him with your fork “That’d be incredibly romantic.”
“Is that right, love doctor?”
Your jaw dropped, “Come on, when have I ever failed you with my advice?” you asked, “If you love this girl, you need to show her that.”
“I’m just gonna play it cool.”
“That’s a terrible idea!” you said, “I know you’re not the romantic type, but you need to at least make an effort!”
He shot you a look “I’m a romantic.”
“Bullshit,” you let out a laugh, “You might be the most emotionally distant person I’ve seen after me, and you’re telling me you’re—“
“I believe that some people are meant to be,” he cut you off, “No matter the circumstances. Consequences be damned, anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t deserve to be in love. I think if you’re in love, you should adore that person every day, and be there for them for better or worse. Whatever sacrifice it takes.”
You blinked a couple of times, shock coming over you, “Linc…”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for the woman I love,” he told you, “Trust me. Nothing at all.”
You just gawked at him for a few seconds before you put your fork down.
“I stand corrected,” you muttered, and he grinned at you.
“Yeah, how does it feel to be wrong?”
“Oh shut up,” you said and stabbed your salad once more, ignoring his laugh.
By the time your lunch with Lincoln was over and you got back to your office, your fingers were itching to text Spencer. Reminding yourself that he was probably busy, you managed to suppress the urge and waited for the elevator doors to open.
Erica was already waiting for you by the door and you let out a whine.
“Don’t tell me,” you said, “You have bad news because today has a grudge with me.”
“I mean it’s not bad, but I figured you’d want to know.”
“Give me some good news, like you saw a puppy today or they named a whiskey after me or—“
“Your mother is waiting for you in your office.”
“I said good news, Erica.” you reminded her and made your way to your office before you opened the glass door to step inside. Your mother looked over her shoulder, sitting up straighter on the couch.
“Hi honey.”
“Hi mom,” you walked to peck her on the cheek, “What’s up? To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I need help,” she said and you hung your coat, placed your purse on the coffee table, motioning at one of the interns for coffee before you leaned back to the table.
“Sure thing, what is it?”
“How do my nails look?” she held up her hand and you pulled your brows together.
“That’s what you need help with?” you asked “You do realize that this is why we have phones?”
“No, I wanted to talk face to face for my next question.”
“Ah, I won’t like that question will I?” you hissed in a breath, “Your nails are fine by the way.”
“It’s just that, I don’t know when Nolan will propose so I booked my nail artist for a month.”
“I want to have your problems,” you muttered as your phone buzzed and you checked the screen, then touched the text message.
From: Spencer
The power of Love borne in my lady's eyes
imparts its grace to all she looks upon.
You couldn’t help the wide smile pulling at your lips as you skimmed Dante’s lines, then thought for a moment and typed in:
See that you bless the day that I took you captive; it is your duty to do so.
You lifted your head, “Hm?”
“Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you lowered the phone as the intern brought you two cups of coffee. You thanked her, then turned to your mother, “It’s just… Spencer is out of the city again, that’s why— never mind. What did you want to ask me?”
“I think I have an idea about Nolan’s proposal and this…potential marriage.”
You cleared your throat, “Uh, sorry. My client list is full.”
“Nobody buys that excuse honey.”
“I mean can you blame me?” you asked, “You would be the worst bride I’ve ever had to deal with, no offense.”
“First of all, I’ll just have a cocktail, not a wedding,” she said, “It would be inappropriate to have a wedding, considering our ages.”
“Mom!” you protested, “That’s not a thing! Anyone can have a wedding, fuck what society thinks.”
“Very delicately put, but I’ve made up my mind,” she said, “That’s not what I came here for. I decided, I want to be with Nolan and spend the rest of my life with him. So I will say yes when he proposes.”
“A surprise to no one,” you grinned and she shot you a look.
“But considering what people would think, I feel like I need to make a schedule. Do you happen to know when Spencer will propose?”
The coffee you were drinking went down the wrong tube and you started coughing, but your mother sipped her own coffee, patiently waiting for you to stop.
“Say- say what now?” you asked and she shrugged her shoulders.
“Yes, I was thinking I could stay engaged to Nolan until after your future wedding.”
“Mom we’re not— I’m—“ you stammered, “That’s not happening.”
She tilted her head, “Oh don’t be nonsense, you’re in love. Very obvious to anyone who has eyes, he couldn’t stop looking at you throughout dinner the other night.”
“Yeah but….” you cleared your throat, “I don’t think he’s planning anything like that.”
“I’m not going to ask him if he’s planning anything like that,” you cut her off, “I don’t live in Victorian ages, neither do you. I told you, you can get married to the eccentric billionaire puppy with a bowtie whenever you want.”
She rolled her eyes at you. “Unbelievable.”
“Right back at you lady.”
“If Nolan lets you know about when, you will tell me okay?”
“I doubt he’ll let me know, he looks like he’s got it covered.”
“And you’re still planning my cocktail party when the time comes.”
“Mom, no!” you let out a whine, throwing your head back, “Please don’t do that to me. I’m your daughter, you’re supposed to love me!”
“I do love you, that’s why I don’t trust anyone else with my wedding except for you.”
“Don’t trust me,” you said, “I’m begging you not to trust me. Planning Mina’s wedding was bad enough, you’re even a bigger control freak than she is—“
“I say that respectfully!”
She put her cup of coffee on the glass table, then stood up.
“Just remember, I absolutely hate carnation flowers and polyester gives me a rash.”
“Why does God hate me?” you wondered out loud and she kissed you on the cheek.
“I’ll see you tonight honey,” she said and walked out of your office, ignoring your overly dramatic whining. You buried your face into your palms, letting out a groan.
“I really should’ve drunk something heavier than rosé.”
You had picked this dress thinking Spencer would like it, and now that he wouldn’t be there with you, you were two seconds away from changing it. You heaved a sigh, looking in the mirror before you fixed the tulle floor length skirt of the pale pink dress and pulled at the long sleeves adorned with lace. The small screen by the door lit up as it started ringing and you walked there to touch it, then told the doorman that he could send Lincoln upstairs when he told you he was there.  
Soon enough, the doorbell rang and you opened it.
“Hey,” you said, grinning when he did a double take and blinked a couple of times.
“Bad wow?”
“Good wow.”
“Why thanks Linc, you clean up well too. Come in!” you stepped aside so that he could enter the apartment and he looked around as you closed the door.
“Nice place.”
“Thanks,” you said and checked the time before you went to the kitchen island. “You’re early.”
“And you started early,” he nodded at the wine glass on the kitchen island, making you shrug.
“I just have one e-mail to check for confirmation, then we can go.”
“No rush,” he said, leaning back to the wall as you looked at the photos of the wedding venue for your newest client, swirling the wine in your glass.
“You want some?”
“Nah, not yet,” he said, “Work stuff?”
“Mm hm,” you mumbled, “She describes the venue she wants as boho-glam so it’s going to be pretty tough for me to find a lot of options.”
“Your job is definitely more fun than mine.”
“My job is harder than yours,” you pointed at him and he scoffed.
“How is that?”
“Have you ever dealt with an angry bride?” you asked him, “You wouldn’t last a goddamn second. Just the other day, one of them tried to make me give her a list of her wedding dress options too, the one thing I’m not responsible from.”
“I mean can you blame her?” Lincoln asked, “You obviously have a good taste, look at yourself.”
“Aw thanks Linc,” you hit send, and closed down the laptop lid before you reached for your wine glass to take a sip, taking a step towards the coffee table.
“Yeah I’ll almost feel sorry for Spencer for missing it.”
It took you a second. For a second, it was all good and then you stopped dead on your tracks, a shudder running down your spine as your brain comprehended what he just told you. You could feel the goosebumps rising on your arms as you put the glass down, your back still turned to him.
“I never told you I was dating Spencer,” you managed to mumble through frozen lips and he chuckled.
“No you didn’t,” he said, “Erica told me. Family dinner with Spencer, it was on your schedule the other night.”
Your thoughts were like a tornado in your head as your heart started slamming against your ribcage and you turned to him, your eyes finding potential weapons you could use all around the room instantly and he tilted his head.
“So I know that there are about fifty things in this room you can attack me with,” he said, “But just so you know, if you try anything, your niece goes down. You don’t want your precious Lily to have an accident, do you? Because I don’t either.”
That red haze clouded your vision for a moment as your jaw clenched.
“I’m going to kill you,” your voice didn’t even sound like it belonged to you anymore, it was way too cold, way too calm, the shock leaving its place to fury roaring through your veins. A manic smile pulled at Lincoln’s lips and that dangerous gleam which you had seen multiple times in your father’s eyes appeared in his eyes as well before he took a step towards you.
“I missed your fire,” he said as if he was in awe, “So much. It’s been a torture to keep my distance from you. But honestly, Petal,” he tut-tutted, then reached behind him and pulled out his gun to point it at you.
“You should’ve known better.”
Chapter 27 
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sleepysnk · 4 years
i decided to make a sequel to Ditched! this part is actually based of an event that happened to me in real life! i tried my best to put my personal experience into words, i hope you all enjoy the sequel! :)
I Waited For You
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst
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Ever since Eren and (Y/N) met each other that night they have been inseparable.
The two talked every night ever since that day, they spent hours on facetime talking or laughing about their days, or meeting up for some coffee or just going for a nice drive. They always found time to speak to one another.
Eren helped (Y/N) with her ex, he listened to the stories she had about how badly he treated her and gave her ways to distract herself from the bad thoughts. He understood how badly she took the breakup, especially since she got cheated on. He also helped her get through to her friends, something she couldn't necessarily do before. She ended up dropping those so called "friends" and found a better crowd. All thanks to Eren.
(Y/N) listened to Eren as well, she spent many nights listening to his stories about the girls he spoke to, or the famous on and off girlfriend he had for awhile. She helped him bring out a better side of himself, she assured him that people come and go, but to never loose hope.
Here they were, two weeks into talking. Eren liked her, he knew it wasn't a good idea to like her so quickly, but he couldn't resist. (Y/N) was beautiful, smart, kind, sweet, adventurous. It was everything he wanted in a girl. Not to mention how they clicked so fast on a lot of things.
(Y/N) on the other hand, wasn't sure if she even wanted to date Eren.
She wasn't exactly healed from all of it, she still had some nights where she would cry into her pillow thinking about how much her ex hurt her. She still was dealing with it emotionally, and that was the hardest part of it all. (Y/N) liked Eren, but she wasn't sure if her own feelings were 100%. She didn't want to start a new relationship if she wasn't totally healed from her past, she knew it wouldn't work well.
She wanted to communicate it with him as well as she could, because she didn't want it to seem like she was leading him on or playing with his feelings. That's the opposite of what she wanted.
Here she was in a coffee shop, it was their favorite. Eren actually took her there the second time they hung out, and she enjoyed it a lot.
(Y/N) planned to tell him what was going on. She had support from her friend Historia, she told (Y/N) that it was the best option. If she were to lie it wouldn't end well for her nor Eren, she assured her that he should understand where she was coming from.
(Y/N)'s hands were around the warm cup of coffee. She shook her leg nervously.
Her eyes looked up to see Eren entering the coffee shop, he smiled as he made his way over. She couldn't help but admire the way he looked, his hair was tied into a bun, he wore a black sweater with some black sweats. He looked bummy but so good.
"Hey! It's good to see you," Eren said, taking the seat in front of her.
(Y/N) smiled, looking down her hands. "It's good to see you too," she replied. "How are you?" she asked, nodding her head.
Eren sighed. "Eh.. I'm doing good, I had some really hard exams last week but that's about it. How about you?" he replied, looking at her.
She shrugged her shoulders, looking at his green eyes. "I'm okay I guess," she said, running her nail down her coffee cup.
"You told me you wanted to talk about something? I actually wanted to talk about something as well," he said, smiling a bit.
Her heart skipped a beat seeing his smile. "Um yeah! I wanted to talk to you about something important, if you don't mind." she said, shifting around in her seat.
Eren shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweater. "I'm all ears," he said, leaning back in the chair.
A nervous sigh came out of her as she looked up at Eren, her expression serious. "Look Eren.. these past two weeks have been great! You've helped me a ton with my issues and I'm really glad to have met you," she said, smiling a bit.
"Yeah I agree too! I'm glad we met," Eren replied, nodding his head.
"But... Eren the thing is, I don't think we should become serious right now. I care about you a ton but I'm not ready for anything at the moment, I'm still healing from my ex and I don't want to hop into anything without being 100%" she explained, looking down.
It was silent between them.
Eren sat up, a sigh came from his throat. "Um.. yeah, I understand. Thanks for being honest.." he said, standing up.
She furrowed her brows. "Where are you going?" she asked.
He looked down at her, she could see the disappointment in his eyes. "I gotta go. I'm meeting with Armin, but um.. it was nice talking to you," he said, giving a small smile. "I hope you can get better and fix yourself," he added, patting her shoulder.
(Y/N) nodded as she watched him walk out of the coffee shop. She could tell that he was upset, but he took it better than she expected. She felt the sting of her heart when she saw his eyes and how disappointed he seemed, but there wasn't much she could do. She needed to work on herself before anything.
She watched Eren drive off for the final time.
Almost a month had went by since (Y/N) last talked to Eren that day at the coffee shop. She hadn't really spoken to him much since whenever they did talk, it would be short and not much conversation would even happen between the two.
Things weren't good on both sides.
(Y/N) was feeling a bit better about her ex, she did a lot of self care to fix herself and even vented to Historia and her girlfriend Ymir about the whole situation. It helped a ton and they gave her some advice on how to fully let go of the situation. They told her being on her own and surrounded by people who care was the best way to find peace.
She also explained her situation with Eren, of course they agreed that she did the right thing. Dating Eren while still processing a bad breakup would have been hell and it wouldn't be healthy. Historia told her that she should get out there when she felt ready.
She felt like she was in a better spot than she was a month ago, but she couldn't shake the thoughts about Eren.
Truth is, she missed him so much.
She missed everything about the boy. From his random facetime calls, to his jokes, the way he smelled, everything. She missed Eren a lot, but she couldn't ever find herself just hitting him up out of the blue. She didn't want to come off as the girl who comes back when she's finally okay, she felt like Eren wouldn't like that. Plus what if he moved on? What if he found somebody else?
Eren on the other hand wasn't doing well. He missed (Y/N) even more than she missed him. He'd occasionally check his phone seeing if she messaged him or he'd contemplate picking up the phone and calling her. He'd never actually end up doing it.
His feelings for her didn't change. He liked her still and even if he tried to find someone else, they wouldn't be the same.
The day he left the coffee shop was hard. He ended up sulking in his room all day, a few tears escaped his cheeks feeling the frustration from it all. He wished that her ex didn't fuck her up. She deserved so much better than that.
Eren wondered sometimes how she was doing, was she doing better? Did her ex come back? So many questions yet very little answers. He cut some contact because he didn't want his hopes to get too high, he didn't want to go through it again just for it to fail.
In a way, he felt like he was waiting for her. Waiting for that text message or phone call, he just wanted to hear her voice again, see her smile, anything.
"(Y/N)! Where are you!?" Historia yelled, opening the door to her apartment.
(Y/N) opened her bedroom door, seeing her friend standing there in her kitchen. "Historia? What are you doing here? It's kind of late," she asked, walking towards the blonde girl.
She nodded. "You didn't get my text? Ugh stupid phone. Anyway, do you want to come to a party? Ymir thought I should ask you," she said, looking down at her phone.
A party? Last time she went to a party was when she met.. nevermind.
"I don't know Hisu.. I feel like I'm too boring for that," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
Historia looked up surprised. "Huh? (Y/N) you're not boring! You're a lot of fun. Come on! You're always at home, you need some fun." she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Let loose! Get some drinks in your system," she added.
(Y/N) leaned against the counter. "I don't even have much time anyway. It probably starts in an hour," she said.
"It starts at nine! Come on, I bet we can find something for you to wear. I won't ditch you either like those asshole friends you had before," she said, taking her hand and guiding her towards her room.
(Y/N) plopped down on her bed as she watched Historia open her closet. "Cute skirt! We just need a top," she said, tossing the white skirt onto her bed.
"I just wanna watch All American tonight," she groaned, laying down on her bed.
Historia looked back at her. "Why watch football guys when you can find one for yourself?" she asked, giggling a bit. "Here! This is a cute top," she added, showing her the light blue body suit.
(Y/N) sat up, scratching the back of her head. "Ugh, fine." she said, coming to grab the outfit. "I hope this party is actually fun," she mumbled, heading towards the bathroom.
She threw on the outfit, eyeing herself in the mirror. It had been a long time since she's gone out, she hoped it would be a decent night.
She opened the bathroom door. "What do you think?" (Y/N) asked, looking at Historia who was sitting on her bed.
"I love it! You look so good! Let's get going!" she yelled excitedly.
She put on her shoes and exited her apartment with Historia. Nervousness bubbled in her stomach as she got into the car, she hoped the party would be fine.
Arriving to the party, (Y/N) felt her nerves rising. She didn't know who the person was hosting the party, Historia said it was come guy named Jean who was hosting it. She didn't know a Jean, so she assumed it was one of Historia's friends from college.
Stepping inside the house she was smacked in the face with the smell of alcohol and marijuana, her nose scrunched as the odor filled her nose. People danced to the loud music or sat on the couches sipping drinks or kissed with each other.
"Come on!" Historia yelled, guiding (Y/N) through the crowds of people.
She looked around the kitchen as Historia ran towards Ymir. "You guys finally made it," Ymir said, hugging Historia tightly.
"Yeah.. sorry! I had to get (Y/N) ready," Historia said, looking over at her.
She stood awkwardly as she didn't know anybody at the party. "Here, I got you this. You seem a little nervous," Ymir said, handing her a red solo cup with red liquid in it.
(Y/N) looked down at the cup. "Are you sure?" she asked, looking at her friend with concern.
She scoffed. "(Y/N) just let loose, me and Historia are here if you get shit faced. Have some fun," she said, patting her shoulder.
She nodded, taking a sip of the drink. Her face twisted as the alcohol filled her mouth, burning as it went down her throat. It was strong, it tasted fruity. Jungle juice wasn't her favorite, but it'll do than having shitty shots and having a bad hangover.
(Y/N) leaned against the counter as a few people came over to talk to Historia and Ymir, her mind was too clouded with thoughts of boredom to even pay attention to what they were saying.
"(Y/N)!" her thoughts were broken by Ymir snapping her fingers in her face.
She shook her head. "Sorry! I zoned out.. what's up?" she asked, blinking a bit.
Ymir chuckled a bit. "I gotta go with Historia to the bathroom. You can come with if you'd like," she said.
She nodded. "I'm fine, I'll just wait here." she replied, swirling her drink around.
"Alright! We'll be back," Historia said, waving a bit as she walked away with Ymir.
(Y/N) sat on the counter staring into space, her mind kept wandering to that night she got ditched and met Eren. She would do anything to relive that night again, the way he looked, to the way his hair blew around his face when the windows were rolled down. She wanted to see him again.
Her eyes averted upwards, looking around at the different people who were dancing or messing around.
That's when her eyes landed on the figure leaning against the wall.
Brown hair in a manbun, sweats, a hoodie, and a drink in his hand.
It was Eren.
It was almost like her breath got caught in her throat, she felt her heart beginning to race and her palms began to get sweaty. What was the coincidence he was here at the same party as her? Should she approach him? What if he doesn't want to see her?
That's when his eyes landed on her. His brows raised, he leaned up off the wall.
"(Y/N)! We're back! Do you wanna go play some beer pong?" Ymir asked, nodding at her.
She looked towards Ymir and blinked. "Um.. sure! I'll just watch," she replied, hopping off the counter.
She couldn't help but feel Eren's eyes boring into her head. She wanted to talk to him, hear his voice, but something in her made her nervous. She made her way down the stairs as there was a table set with beer pong, a boy with a shaved head was playing with another boy with blonde hair.
"Haha! Get that Reiner! I win!" the shaved head boy yelled, laughing at his friend.
"Oh shut it Connie," the blonde replied, crossing his arms and walking away towards the couch.
(Y/N) felt a lump her throat as she leaned against the wall, Eren was here. He was here and she knew he might try to find her, the room felt stuffy and she felt like she couldn't breathe. Why was she so nervous? Was it the fact that her and Eren ended off awkward terms and seeing him for the first time made her nervous?
"Hey um.. I'm gonna go outside," (Y/N) said, standing up.
Ymir and Historia looked over at her. "Okay! Be careful," Historia replied, smiling at her. "Text me when you wanna come back," she added.
(Y/N) smiled and went up the stairs. She opened the front door and walked outside, she breathed in the cool night air. It felt better than being in the stuffy room. Her nerves were high as the memory of Eren played in her head, what was she going to do? She couldn't exactly avoid him! That would seem wrong considering she didn't want to cut him off.
"Ugh.. what am I going to do?" she asked, staring down at the floor.
"So you came out here too huh?"
Her body froze as she knew who's voice that was. She turned around to see Eren standing against the wall, he held the red solo cup in his hand.
"Eren.." she said, feeling her heart racing.
He smiled a bit. "I never thought I'd ever see you again," he said, stepping a bit closer towards her. "How have you been?" he asked.
(Y/N) fidgeted her fingers a bit. "Um.. I've been okay, what about you?" she replied.
He sighed. "I could be better, dealing with classes has been difficult. I was surprised to see you here, do you know Jean?" he asked, nodding his head.
She laughed a bit. "No I came here with a friend," she replied, looking up at his green eyes.
Eren shook his head, sitting up on the railing in front of the porch. "How has everything been going? It's been awhile since we last talked," he said, swinging his legs a bit.
The way he looked made her cheeks feel hot, she forgot about how cute he was close up.
"Um I've been actually doing better! Historia and Ymir helped me a lot. The process was hard, but I feel better now," she replied, smiling at him.
Eren's heart swelled seeing her smile. "That's great.. I'm happy for you really. You deserve the happiness," he said, putting his solo cup on the railing. "I just want to apologize for not reaching out or speaking to you. Believe me I wanted to, but I wasn't sure if it was fine with you." he added, rubbing the back of his neck.
(Y/N) looked up at him. "Don't apologize, considering the way things ended I kind of expected you to drift a bit." she said, leaning against the wall.
He nodded. "What do you mean? (Y/N) I wasn't mad at you, I just put distance between us because- nevermind. Just know that I don't hate you," he said, smiling a bit. "Your situation was understandable, what was going on was difficult. I see why you did it," he added.
She swallowed thickly as the tension between them began to get thick.
"Oh shit.. did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry I didn't mean to," Eren said, standing up and walking over to her.
She looked up at him. "What? No, Eren don't worry you're fine. It's just... I have something to tell you and I don't know how to say it," she said.
His eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "What is it? You can tell me anything," he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath. "Eren.. I still like you." she said. "I always have and I've missed you so so much," she added, looking down at the ground.
Eren's eyes went wide hearing her words. "You do?" he asked, nodding. "(Y/N)... I missed you too and I still like you. I never got over you," he added, smiling.
Her head shot up hearing his words. "What? Wait.. Eren you don't have to lie or say it out of pity," she said, shaking her head a bit.
He grabbed her hands and squeezed them. "(Y/N) I'm not lying to you. I would never lie to someone like you ever, fuck I was so messed up not talking to you everyday. I want to make you my girlfriend and make you forget all that bad shit your ex did to you," he said, cupping her cheek.
She smiled, feeling heat rush onto her cheeks. "That sounds perfect.." she said, staring into his eyes.
They stared at each other for a moment, before Eren pressed his lips onto hers. He put his arms around her, pulling her close. (Y/N) put her arms around his neck, feeling his soft lips on hers.
He pulled away smiling as he kissed her cheek. "I've waited so long to finally kiss you. I waited to finally have this moment," he said, cupping her cheek.
She felt her heart flutter at his words. "You waited all this time for me?" she asked, feeling heat on her cheeks.
He smiled. "I did.. I never gave up," he replied, kissing her cheek again. "What do you say we get out of here and catch up? I missed having you in my car," he asked, nodding.
She giggled. "That sounds great! Let me just text my friends," she said, taking her phone out to message Historia.
Eren fished in his pockets for his keys. She sent the message and took his hand as he lead her to his car, she smiled as she got in, feeling the memories replaying in her head as she adjusted herself in her seat.
"McDonald's?" Eren asked, smirking a bit.
She giggled. "Sounds great," she replied, taking his hand into hers.
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