#*shudders* i almost cried in class today
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tngrace · 2 years
Cry, Baby
Story inspired by real life events and this song, “Cry Baby” by Mitchell Tenpenny.
I have to thank my discord babes so much for listening to me the last couple of days, and for reading over this last night when I wrote it like a madwoman that just had to get it out. There might be more stories for Spicy & Roo one day in the future; I truly loved writing them & I hope yall enjoy it. 
Discord babes: @callsign-dragonbaron @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @biehnybaby @askmarinaandothers @mischief-siriusly-managed @cycbaby @callsignscupcake @breadsquash
Grace “Spicy” Bradshaw stared at the shower floor as tears cascaded down her cheeks. She was using the water to muffle the sounds of her sobs so they didn’t wake her husband just yet. Bradley had to be up in an hour to go to class, and she wanted to let him sleep as long as possible. She’d been so hopeful that today would bring the news they’d been hoping for, but instead it just brought the same disappointment the last year and a half has brought. She felt like she was letting Bradley down tremendously, and truthfully she wanted to tell him he deserved better.  
She should’ve known he’d come find her when she was up earlier than expected, but it still surprised her when the door opened. “Spice? Babe? You’re up early?”
She quickly wipes her eyes and clears her throat; “Yea, yea I woke up early. Decided to just go ahead and get ready. Didn’t mean to get you up so early.”
“Mind if I join?”
She sucks in a deep breath and holds it; she turns her face into the spray despite knowing her eyes will be red and puffy anyways. “Yea, come on in.”
Bradley gets in behind her and pulls her back into his chest. His chin rests on top of her head as he holds her, letting the warm spray wash over them. “Grace,” he whispers. He only uses her real name when it’s something serious, always using her nickname or some version of it. Slider had given her the nickname based on the food and spice level of it when she took over the grill at the Hard Deck ten years ago.
She sinks into his hold, biting her lip hard enough to almost draw blood. “Talk to me baby.” She shakes her head no as more tears fall down her cheeks.
“I …. Can’t. I…. I just knew this time was going to be different.”
Bradley’s arms tighten around her; he knows right then that despite thinking she’d finally gotten pregnant, she had in fact not. “We’ll just keep trying.”
“Bradley…. You….”
“Don’t say it Grace. Don’t say I deserve better.” He finally spins her, but her eyes drop to his chest and his dog tags unable to meet his eyes. He gently tips her chin up, and her eyes close, tears sneaking out around her lids. He cradles her face between both of his large hands, his thumbs gently wiping the tears away.
“Open your beautiful eyes, Spicy.”
Her breath shudders out, but her eyes slowly open to meet the chocolate brown ones she loves so much. “I love you, and only you. I want you, and only you. If this is all we have, just me and you, we will be ok. But we also still have options. We’re going to try those meds and if that doesn’t work, then we look at other possibilities. I know for a fact if we went to Dad, Uncle Ice, any of the many Uncles and Aunts in our family, we could have the help to make any option possible. This sucks, I know; I know you’re feeling crushed, and today is going to be rough and full of lots of tears. But you, my dear beautiful girl, are all I want, so don’t tell me to find anyone else.”
Spicy collapses against his chest and just cries as he holds her as tight as possible, letting the water keep them warm. Bradley holds her tight, murmuring over and over how much he loves her, how much he’s there for her, how much she can cry to him anytime. Once the water starts cooling off, he washes her hair and runs some conditioner through it before quickly scrubbing his own while she stays wrapped around him. Once they’re both clean, he wraps a towel around his waist and goes to the bedroom to get dressed, letting her have the bathroom to do what she needs. She takes a few minutes to try and compose herself, but it doesn’t work. The tears don’t seem to want to stop. She slips into a pair of shorts and one of Bradley’s t-shirts she’d grabbed on her way to the bathroom that morning.
He’s sitting on the side of the bed waiting on her. She carefully settles in his lap, facing him, with her legs around his waist. She rests her head under his chin, her fingers tangling in his dog tags. “You’re going to make the best Dad one day, and I wish I could make that happen for you, more than anything,” she whispers.
His arms rub up and down her back as he holds her close. “We’re going to get that one day, I promise you, Spicy girl.”
They stayed cuddled like that until Bradley has to get ready for class. He tucks Spicy into bed, “Text me or call me if you need anything today. And I’m sure Pen can manage just fine if you don’t want to go in tonight.”
“Don’t worry; I’ll be ok. I’m not going to cancel on her last minute. I’ll be fine once I’m distracted.”
“Promise me if you’re not, you’ll stay here or come get me.”
She gives him a soft smile and a kiss. “I promise Roo. Now go before you’re late.”
Bradley reluctantly leaves; he wants to text his dad or his uncles to go check on her later, but he also knows what it’s meant to her to keep this a secret to keep the pressure lower on them. He’s glad he doesn’t have a hop that day because his head stays with his girl all day.
Spicy spends the morning in bed, and heads into the Hard Deck around lunch. Penny can tell something is wrong, but she also doesn’t push. She texts Bradley to see what’s going on, but all he’ll tell her is to keep an eye on her. Spicy spends the majority of the day in the kitchen, and when Bradley arrives after class, waving to his uncles and dad in the back corner, he heads straight into the kitchen to check on her.
“Roo,” she smiles, leaning up for a kiss. The kitchen hasn’t been too busy that day, and Bradley can tell she’d deep cleaned everything to keep her mind busy.
“Ready for a break? Dad, Ice, Sli, Chip, Wolf and Wood have the back corner claimed.”
“Roo, I…”
“Penny says you’ve been in here all day, and the kitchen is sparkling.” Spicy sighs as she leans into Roo’s embrace.
“You’re right I’ve been hiding. But I’ve been thinking. Your insurance covered the tests and meds, and I know it’s been a lot on you not sharing with everyone.”
“No, let me finish.” At Bradley’s nod she continues. “We’ve gotten lucky not having to pay for what we’ve done so far, but if this doesn’t work, we could be forking out more money than we need to on our own. We don’t know how much longer we’re going to be on this journey. You’re a very open person with your family, and I love that. And I know I’ve had you keeping this a secret, and I know there are times you’ve wished you could talk to someone about it. So maybe we should tell them.”
Bradley wraps her in his arms. “You’re just doing this for me, and I know it.”
“I do everything for you Bradley Nicholas. I’d give you the whole world if I could.”
“I’d do the same for you Grace Michelle.” Spicy leans up and kisses Bradley soundly. She lets him take her apron off and hang it up, before telling her assistant that she was done for the night. Spicy wrapped her hand in his, and let him pull her to the back corner where their family was waiting.
Spicy takes the open seat beside Mav, Bradley’s dad instantly pulling her into a side hug, while Bradley pulls up a stool on her other side. As per usual they start off by complimenting the snacks she’d sent their way, before they observe them both. Bradley is telling them about his class that day, but it’s Slider who picks up on Spicy’s quietness. It’s almost like she was still the shy girl they’d met when she’d moved there, instead of the confident outgoing girl she’d become in her ten years in San Diego. He shoots a look at Ice and then Mav before turning his attention back to her.
“B, you’re rambling,” Ice finally says, all of them catching the soft sigh he lets out.
“Yea… Yea I am.” He laces his hand with Spicy’s, giving it a squeeze, before he meets six pairs of worried eyes.
“I’ve had him keeping a secret from yall,” Spicy says, before Bradley can say anything.
“No B, it’s true.” She finally looks around the table. “We’ve been trying for a baby for a year and a half now, and I didn’t want him to tell anyone because I knew it wouldn’t be easy for us to get pregnant because of me. I didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up just to be crushed over and over.”
She feels Mav’s arm sling across her shoulder and squeeze her tight to his side. He’s been like a dad to her ever since she started dating Roo and realized he was essentially Bradley’s dad too. “Oh kiddo,” he sighs, placing a kiss on her head. Bradley doesn’t let go of her hand, but doesn’t miss how she practically melts into the hug.
She takes another steadying breath and pulls herself upright once more. “My doctor ran some tests about a couple of weeks ago, and in two days I’m going to be starting meds. If after three months they haven’t helped, then we have to either look at other options or give up. This… This morning was rough and there were a lot of tears, but I’ve spent the majority of the afternoon hiding in the kitchen and cleaning and thinking. I know it’s been hard on B keeping this a secret from yall and everyone basically, so I decided we needed to confess.”
In the next instant she is pulled up off the stool into a crushing group hug from their family. Bradley is wrapped in one next, before everyone settles back into their seats. Spicy laughs as she wipes tears off her cheeks, laying her head on Bradley’s shoulder, giving his hand a squeeze. “We’re here for anything, we mean anything, you two might need. No matter how big or small.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Bradley smiles over Spicy’s head. He knew they’d be understanding, but he also understood Spicy’s fears. They spend the next hour explaining her health woes and what all her doctor has recommended. When Spicy starts falling asleep, worn out from all her cleaning and emotional turmoil, Bradley pulls her into his lap.
“Get her home son. We can talk more when you’re both ready,”  Mav promises.
“Thanks Dad.” Bradley scoops her up carefully, Ice following him to help with doors, promising to bring her car home for them. Spicy never stirs, and once home, Bradley tucks her into bed.
Three months later
Spicy is staring at the sink, not moving, not blinking, not even really breathing. The knock on the door startles her enough to cause her jump and squeak. “Spicy? You ok love?”
She opens the door, and Bradley instantly assumes she’s started, late, again. “Oh baby, we can…” but that’s as far as he gets before she’s jumping up and kissing him. He instantly catches her, her legs wrapping around his waist.
“Roo it finally worked,” she whispers, staring into those chocolate eyes. “It worked! Congratulations Daddy.”
“You’re serious?”
She points at the sink, where five positive pregnancy tests lay. “I’ve done one every morning for the last five days because I didn’t believe them. We’re finally having a baby.”
A week later when they finally have an ultrasound to confirm, they learn that one of the major side effects from the meds happened; they’re having twins. Two and half months pass before Spicy is comfortable telling everyone. Mav and all the uncles knew because Bradley had been way too excited not to tell them, but they’d all kept the secret like she’d asked. Now that she’s showing and well into her second trimester, the ‘86 flyboys plan a huge party at the Hard Deck to celebrate. Spicy and Roo are showered in so much love and excitement, that all the pain of trying slowly melts away. She can’t wait to see Bradley as a daddy and all their family being wrapped around the babies’ fingers.
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love-toxin · 2 years
mimicry -- kylar
warnings: implied stalking, yandere kylar, public masturbation, scent kink, panty sniffing, afab reader, fantasies/dirty talk, murder mention.
word count: 900
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You weren't sure how long this had been going on, but it was hard to believe it even when you saw it with your own eyes. By the way he glided about in his task with so much efficiency, you had to expect that this was not the first time.
It had started with a bit of shuffling from inside the locker room, which was unexpected but not uncommon. You were the last one to leave the pool and as such, you assumed that everyone else had filtered out and gone home for the day. It was a Friday after all, so even during class people had been eager to head out and put the week behind them. Perhaps someone had come back to retrieve something they forgot, or there were one or two people lingering behind. But when you pushed the door open an inch and heard moaning, you let go of the handle at once and stepped back, your heart jolting in your chest at the sudden noise and your curiosity getting the better of you when you leaned back in to peek through the crack you'd left open. 
His voice was muffled and his face half-covered, but there was no doubt as to who it was when you could clearly see that mop of loose, black hair. Kylar stood in the middle of the changing room right by your open locker, and in his hand he clutched at your spare swimsuit, the colourful fabric held to his mouth as he breathed in and let out a moan so feverish it made his shoulders shudder. The sight of that alone would have left you aghast, and it did, but when your eyes trailed downwards to see that his other hand was preoccupied, it genuinely made your stomach churn at how brazenly he was taking this weird obsession with you. 
"Dirty….y-you're so filthy...my sw..sweet little angel…"
Kylar's pants pooled around his ankles along with his briefs, and his cock stood flushed and proud as he yanked it with hard, staggering tugs. It helped that he had probably already finished once since his hand was nearly soaked, but it sickened you to the point of wanting to look away at seeing what laid on the bench in front of him: your uniform in a heap, and obviously splattered with his slimy, thick seed. You were never going to get that out, but you sensed that you wouldn't even be able to put them back on after this. 
"I-I'm gonna be a good daddy to our kids, I promise...y-you're gonna be such a good mommy.."
He mumbled around mouthfuls of your swimsuit, and only then did you realize that he had been sucking at the inner crotch of your poor, soiled swimming gear, as was evident by the wet spot it left and the string of saliva that broke and dribbled down his chin. You couldn't tell in this fucked up weirdo's mind if it was just to get off or if it was so he could gag himself at least partially, but either way it seemed that your suit was working as he groaned and started pounding his fist even harder, before giving only the softest of cries as a warning as he trembled and his cock started spitting cum all over your skirt for the second time. 
"G-Good…you swallow my cum so cutely...I-I bet your womb's gonna take it even better…"
Disgusting. Disgusting. You hadn't any clue how you'd managed to keep your lunch down for the whole of this appalling show, but by the time he was finished you had to tighten your palm over your mouth just to keep from gagging. The way he couldn't stop muttering to himself was not helping in the least, either. 
"I...I'm gonna do it. Monday's class, I'm finally gonna do it...I'm gonna reach under your little skirt--nnh-!"
He cut himself off with one more jerk and a fresh load of cum squeezed from his rosy slit, falling in a glob right into the pair of panties you had been wearing all day today. Of course he'd aimed just perfectly and gotten it all slimed up right in the crotch, so what were you meant to do now? Fury started boiling in the pit of your stomach, to the point that you almost missed what he was talking to himself about. 
"And I'm...I'm gonna make you cum in front of everybody. So everybody knows you belong to me!" 
That last part was obviously a bit louder than intended, as he clapped a sweaty hand over his mouth and started hustling to get his pants up, oblivious to the way you cringed as he wiped his dick off with your soiled skirt. 
"And if that guy you hate gets in my way...I'll just kill him. I'll kill him right in front of you for touching my fucking wife." 
With that, and with your suit and clothes hastily shoved back into your locker, Kylar hurried off towards the opposite door and disappeared. You wouldn't have to see him until Monday, though you had no idea that he'd be seeing you as soon as tomorrow morning when he watched you go to work. 
And when you did see him next, you swore he was going to get the ass-kicking of his miserable little life. 
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dr4cking · 3 years
Bad Grade.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut |
warning : professor!draco 🥵 reader is of age! and you can make up draco's age whatever you wanted.
y/n waited nervously in her class, she was early than the others and it makes her sitting alone in the class.
she had exams last week but she didnt really study for it and that was the exact reason why she was nervous today.
if she got a bad grades her parents would make sure to threatened her.
she looked up from her desk as a loud footsteps walking into the class, she found the youngest and the hottest teacher in hogwarts staring at her deeply, a smirk formed onto his face making her gulped.
"morning, miss y/n" she gets goosebumps when she heard his deep voice calling out her name.
"morning professor.." draco’s smirk get wider as he saw her body tremble in her seat, only his voice and she already like that.
"why so tense, miss y/n?"
"nothing, professor.." she replied, staying her gaze on her desk, trying so hard not to look up at him and get herself in more embarrassment.
draco clicked his tongue around his teeth making her turned her head at him instantly.
he raised his eyebrows at her sudden action.
but when he was about to taunt her more, the door burst open by the students filling the class one by one.
"miss y/n." she looks up at her professor as he called her name, her body jolted out at his voice echoed in the room.
"yes, professor?"
"come here, please." she gets up from her seat nervously, all her classmates already interrogating her by their eyes.
"care to explain to me why you get a P for my subject?" she swears she almost passed out at his intonation.
"i- i'm sorry professor, i wasn't study-"
"great, meet me after class, you need to fix your grade" y/n unknowingly rubbed her thighs together when draco said that, she secretly hoped he doesnt noticed that.
but he did and thats why he was trying to hide his smirk.
"yes professor, i'm sorry" she took her test and made her way back to her seat. hell, he's so intimidating.
after the class ended, y/n being the only one who stayed in her seat.
she sighs and stares at draco's back who was still cleaning the board.
"well, which part of my subject that you dont understand, miss y/n?" draco said as he takes a seat in front of her desk, opening her book.
"its the draught of living death potions, professor." she was trying her best to not let her voice getting shaky.
draco nodded and begin to explaining the subject to her, his fingers were pointing at her book.
but all she could think now is about the tension filling the air, and the more she stares at his fingers the dirtier her mind gets.
his hands-
merlin, even his hands are so hot. the veins decorating his arms suited him so much, and his long fingers are the perfect size to reach her spot when they're going inside her cu-
y/n shook her head in disbelief at what she just imagined in her mind not realizing that draco has stopped talking.
"lost in your dirty mind, princess?" draco chuckles as he sees her cheeks heated in embarrassment, his eyes turned dark as he examining her face.
she forgot he has legilimency.
"sshh.. i see you're not as innocent as the others think of you, yeah?" she gulped at his question, her face was flushed as the thick tension filling the room.
"no answer hm? tell me y/n, what is it that you want?" he rose up from his seat moving to stand beside her, looking down at her.
"tell me whats going on inside your dirty mind" he tilted her head to look up at him, his thumb running on her bottom lip making her shuddered.
"i- i want you, professor.." y/n said quietly not be able to look into his eyes much longer.
"want me? for what?"
"i want you burying yourself deep inside me, professor" she slapped her hand over her mouth and her eyes widened at what she just said.
"filthy little thing." draco chuckles lowly before moving down his hand and grabbed her throat.
"earn it." she nodded at him before her hands shakily unbuckled his belt and his trousers letting it falls down to his ankle making draco gripped her throat tighter.
she pulled down his boxers making him hissed when his semi hard cock hitting his lower abdomen.
she quickly wrapped her hands around his length and squeezes him tightly causing him to pull on her hair.
"dont play with me if you dont wanna face the consequences." she nodded before spitting on his cock stroking it with her hand making him groaned.
y/n wasted no time and pulled him all the way in her mouth moaning when his tip hit the back of her throat.
she starts to fucked him in and out of her mouth. her hand pumping on what she couldnt fit in her mouth.
she pulled out for a second to rest her jaw then she swirls her tongue on his slit making him groaned and bucked his hips. she gagged instantly when draco pushed his cock back in her mouth, tired of her teasing.
"you look so fucking filthy, y/n. sucking your professor's cock now, hm?" she let out a moan to answer him making him whimpered at the vibrations.
one of her hands gripping on the back of his thigh pushing him deeper down her throat as she continues sucking him. her other hand playing with his balls giving them attention too.
"fuck- gonna cum down your throat til you choked out, shit- y/n" he moaned out loud as he shoots his thick cum down her throat, y/n swallowed instantly moaning at the taste. some of it dripped down onto her chin but she quickly wipes it and cleans it.
"get up" she obeyed at his order, now facing her professor at the same level.
draco leaned into her face and capturing their lips together kissing her roughly as his hands roaming around her body.
"get on your desk." she immediately throw away all her things on her desk and get on top of it, like he asked.
"you're my good girl, dont you?" he asked as he stands in between her thighs, his cock rubbing her inner thigh making her clawed on the desk underneath her.
"yes prof-"
"its draco" she nodded as she starts to unbuttoning her shirt showing him her clothed breasts.
"yes draco, i'm your good girl" she said seductively and taking his hands in her guiding them to her breasts.
"please, touch me draco.." draco squeezes her breasts in his hands and snatches her bra off of her making her winced, now she was exposed in front of her professor.
"such a pretty tits, all mine?" he twirled her hard nipples in his fingers, pulling and pinching it making the owner hissed in pain.
"yes, all yours draco.." with that draco latched his mouth onto her left nipple as his hand playing with the other one.
"mmh.. yes draco.." she tugged at his blonde locks as he continues assaulting her puffy nipples.
draco plopped out her breasts of his mouth, her nipples now red and swollen.
he gives her a smirk and he pushed her skirt up to her stomach, taking off her panties placing it in his pocket.
"souvenirs." he grins cheekily at her confused face.
he suddenly inserts his fingers into her, stretching her out a little bit making her breath hitched.
his fingers pumping her faster and when he curls them inside she screams his name out loud.
her legs spasmed when she feels her high approaching her, she dug her nails on his shoulder deeper.
but before she could reach her high, he abruptly pulled out his fingers making her cried out as her aching cunt clenching around nothing.
he quickly shoved his fingers down her throat letting her tasting herself, he moaned when he sees her sucking on her fingers delicately.
pulling her hips closer to him and lining up his now hard cock again on her entrance.
"now be a big girl and lead me into you." y/n whines as a protest but she quickly grabbed his cock and pushing it inside her.
she wrapped her legs around his waist and bucked her hips to get him deeper inside her and finally all of him was inside of her. they both throw their heads back in pleasure.
"you act so innocent yet here you are, burying my cock deep inside you." y/n moaned at his words starting to fuck herself on him.
"i'm not innocent draco, for you i'm not.. please just fuck me already" draco chuckles devilishly at her attempts to bounce on his cock.
"cant even fuck yourself properly, such a dumb girl" he gives in to her, snapping his hips forcing his cock hitting deeper inside her and starts to thrusting at steady pace.
"oh my god.. yes yes please feel so good.." she moans loudly, her body writhing on the desk. she propped herself on her elbows to support herself as she rolled her hips to meet his thrusts.
"so fucking tight baby.. never felt this good before" draco praised as he pounding harder into her, he guides her hips with his hands to meet his thrusts making both of them moaning louder.
her eyes rolled back when his tip brushed her spot, he noticed and pounding into her spot over and over again making her seeing the stars.
"draco please.. i'm so close!" y/n wrapped her hands around his shoulder to pull him closer and kissing his lips to muffled her screams as the coil tightened in her stomach.
"cum on me, you- pathetic- little slut" draco snapped harder leaving no space between their bodies.
his hand slapping and pinching her clit making the girl squirmed letting the coil snapped through her body. her legs are shaking and her vision blurry.
her body burns when she realized she just cummed hard on her professor's cock, she looked down and see that her juices coating him. then looking up at him making eye contact.
"fuck- you're a mess, gonna cum inside your tight cunt, stuffing you up full with my fucking cum- holyshit-"
he came to a full stop with her name left his lips as he spilled all of his warm thick cum inside her, spraying all of it into her filling her up like he said.
draco stay inside her for a few minutes, both of them are still catching their breaths and he pulled out of her gently as he softened.
he looked at her flushed face before cupping her cheeks and reconnecting their lips again. the kiss lasted a minute before they pulled away to redressing themselves.
"i'll change your grade. but in all seriousness, study harder, baby" y/n melted at the nickname he gave her, pecking his lips one more time.
"of course, thank you professor" she shots him a wink before leaving the class, making him blushing madly.
i dedicate this to @angelic-bitxh cuz we have a deal of sharing ghost pics 😊🤝
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @dracmalf0y-dm @dlmmdl @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @yiamalfoy @lieswithoutfairytales @drxcolvr @black-repunzel99 @seriouslyinlove @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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lemons3ason · 4 years
Soul Eater Omegaverse
How the alpha boys would react to you disappearing/ignoring them after a fight!
-Soul Eater Evans-
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He didn’t mean to let it slip out, he didn’t mean to say that your compulsive reactions made you weak and would get you killed just like your mother but he did and now he hadn’t seen you after making you whimper for the first time. He got a well deserved slap in the face for saying what he said and just stood there like an idiot as you ran away. He hadn’t seen you since then and his inner Alpha roared at him for making his sweet beautiful omega cry, today marked the eleventh day since he had seen you and he was suffering withdraw. Maka had washed his clothes removing your sweet syrupy scent from them and it was driving him crazy.
“Soul you’re growling again.”, Maka warned continuing to read her book.
The bone haired scythe groaned in annoyance slamming his head against the wood of the desk as a defeated sigh escaped his throat. You hadn’t answered any of his calls or messages, you hadn’t been to class, hell you weren’t even home when he tried to go see you. As lunch time came around the halls were suddenly flooded by gossiping students, Soul immediately caught a whiff of your sweet scent. It was weak but without a doubt it was his (Y/n), his pupils dilated in joy to the thought of seeing you but even as he pushed through the crowd of students he soon realized just how grave his mistake was. You were covered in cuts and dried blood but the look on your face made it obvious that you were suffering an omegan depression.
“W-what happened? What happened to (Y/n)?!”, He growled lunging at your weapon partner who protected you until another member of your pack slammed their elbow into the middle of his back momentarily immobilizing him.
“An Alpha that causes an omega to go into depression isn’t a proper Alpha at all. If you want to talk to her you’ll wait your turn like the rest of us until Stein checks her injuries.”, Your Alpha friend, Serenity, growled ushering (Y/n) and her partner to the nurses office.
Soul remained silent yet persistent the rest of the day, he wouldn’t leave the door of the nurses office even as your pack mates threatened him and waited patiently for them to allow him in. Your partner was the only one to fill him in on what had happened to you, after the fight you had gone into a depression and you wanted to prove that your impulsiveness wouldn’t get you killed but with your mind not at 100% during the fight you were almost easily defeated if it hadn’t been for soul resonance.
“So she was pretty close to getting to see her mom again. She would’ve liked that but we’re to stubborn to let her go just yet.”, He sighed leaning against the wall next to Soul.
“She wanted to prove herself to me...Death why am I such an idiot. She’s already better then me why did I have to go saying something so stupid when I didn’t really mean it!”, Soul growled to himself slamming his fist into the wall out of frustration.
“Rio, it’s time for us to go. Stein’s kicking us out.”, Serenity sighed emerging with the other six members of your pack, “I hope she breaks things off with you you were never a proper alpha for her to begin with.”
As soon as your pack mates were gone Soul rushed into the office to see your body balled up on one of the infirmary beds. Soul sighed as Stein scooted past him on his chair and took a seat next to your exposed hand. He softly traced his fingertips to your knuckles to see if you’d react but you didn’t, he took your hand in his and softly kissed your knuckles as he began to speak to you.
“(Y-y/n)...Hey shortcake...what happened? Why’d you go and disappear on me? I’ve missed you, you know that? Come on (Y/n), talk to me please.”, Soul whimpered rubbing your wrist against his cheek in an attempt to scent you.
You gently pulled your hand away and hid it under the sheets with the rest of your body before your shaky soft voice emerged from the sheets, “I’m weak just like you said.”, that’s what drew the line for him. Soul’s inner alpha was furious with him, his urge to comfort you and apologize took over. He was aggressive yet careful as he pulled the sheets off of you and revealing your pale form and although you wanted to hide Soul wouldn’t let you. He spooned you immediately kissing away at your forehead as he smothered you in his sweet strawberry like scent. Even if you wanted to escape you were basically engulfed by your alpha. You tried to pull out of his grip but you were to weak and he wouldn’t let you. He lifted up your face so you could see him and kissed your lips sweetly as his hands wandered over your frame. He would appease your omega no matter how he had to do it wether through physical touch, word, or actions he would apologize to you and gain back your trust that he lost for saying something so careless and stupid.
“Soul.”, you whimpered shuddering as his hands rubbed your thighs.
“(Y/n),my mega, my mate, my absolute love of my life I’m sorry, I know what I said can’t be taken back but I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I made you this upset. I’m not letting you go or leaving until you accept my apology or at least tell me what I can do to redeem myself. I’m sorry I’m such a terrible alpha, I miss you so much it hurts to be away from you any longer.”, Soul cried, he never cried in front of you, wet hot tears spilled from his eyes as he rubbed his forehead atop yours. You didn’t respond you just held him, you held his face in your hands and softly kissed his desperate lips in an attempt to please his alpha but it wasn’t enough. You both just needed each other and for now that was enough until you got better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Black ⭐️ Star
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It wasn’t rare for you both to argue, you were both just naturally competitive and that’s what he loved about you. He was competitive because he wanted to prove that even he could defeat a god. (Y/n) was competitive because she hated Omegan stereotypes and wanted to prove that she was a capable fighter to everyone, so why did this argument over another alpha complimenting your strength end so horribly. Black Star had hit a breaking point due to several recent defeats and seeing another Alpha make you smile destroyed what little restraint and patience he had left. He tried attacking the other Alpha but you stopped him...you stopped him and Omega, that was all it took to send him into a fury. Things were said that shouldn’t have been said but worst of all he had used your second gender status against you. After screaming at you he seemed to settle down but the guilt from his words flooded him immediately and you left before he could find the right words to apologize.
“(Y/n) your scent is weak on my scarf can you please scent it, I’ll scent your sweat-“
“Leave me alone. An omega beneath you shouldn’t even be in your presence remember?”, you responded coldly making Black Star stop in his tracks.
After the fight you chose to ignore him, if he didn’t need you then why would you need him? Your pack mates provided you enough attention to stay positive and happy as an omega so you didn’t need him but Death did he need you. He knew he was annoying you he could tell by the sour tone your scent took when you noticed him but he wanted to apologize for being a dumbass. If this kept up then you’d move on and another alpha would scoop you up and steal you away or worse mark you and leave him alone forever.
“(Y/n)...(y/n) I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean to-I...It’s just that I-“, he tried to find the right words but your weapon partner had pulled you away from him and rushed to the women’s bathroom to hide.
This silent treatment was driving Black Star insane, he hadn’t seen you in two weeks already and it was driving him mad. He would cry himself to sleep every night as your scent slowly faded from his belongings. Black Star couldn’t handle this anymore you were so much more stronger if this wasn’t torture for you like it was for him. During dinner his emotions seemed to finally escape him.
“Black Star we’re going on a mission with Kid and Maka try to get some sleep so-“
“Tsubaki I don’t want to fight anymore.”, Black Star admitted as tears spilled from his eyes.
Tsubaki’s heart stopped to the very sight of her miester breaking down, separations between alpha and omega pairs always affected the individual parties differently but she didn’t know it would have this much of an effect on her poor miester. She was fed up seeing you both in so much pain, you were stupid for being so stubborn and hiding away from him, and he was stupid for starting the fight and crying over it instead of pushing to apologize properly! The raven haired teen sighed and stood to her feet and quietly left without another word. Black Star just cried over his food before returning to his ridiculously cluttered room. Losing you had made him lose all drive to do anything, what was he to do now that you seemed to be leaving him. He sat in his bed wrapped up in his blankets while staring up at the ceiling replaying the argument in his head again and again...why did he have to be such an idiot?
He heard a soft knock at his door and thought it was Tsubaki so he ignored it, but then he heard another knock and this time a voice, “H-hey Star...you there?”, your voice sounded from the other side of his door but he just though it was his imagination.
“Alpha I’m here.”, you called again the scent of cinnamon rolls poured into his room from his door and he quickly realized that you were there.
You could hear thumping and stomping from behind the door and stepped back as the door swung open revealing your exhausted mate. Tsubaki had dragged you to the house after finding you crying over Black Star in your room and yelled at you to stop being thick headed and stubborn since you were both suffering. You opened your mouth to say something but the moment his hands cupped your cheeks, his lips met yours, and his addicting scent of pine tree and fresh rain flooded your scenes you knew he truly meant that he was sorry. He slowly pushed you back into the wall pressing his body close to yours as he kissed you silly. Finally being able to enjoy your scent and touch you brought a new batch of tears to his eyes and he kissed you like it would be his last.
“B-black mmm Black Star...mmmn~ Black Star listen to me.”, you panted between kisses trying to get his attention.
He was afraid you would tell him something he didn’t want to hear so he didn’t want you to talk. ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Please don’t leave me’ and ‘I love you’ spilled from his lips between each kiss as he desperately tried to apologize to you.
He opened his mouth to say something new but it was the same thought on both of your minds, “I’ve missed you.”, you both sighed.
Black Star’s heart was beating like a drum against your chest as he pressed himself closer to you. You had both finally made up and he refused to make the same mistake again because being separated from you was a worse torture then death itself.
Death the Kid
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Just for a moment you were reminded that you weren’t good enough for Kid...your insecurities had resurfaced the moment you saw him smiling and dancing with that other omegan girl during the ball. Even when you tried to talk to him about it the other party guests wouldn’t give you two time alone but the final straw was when Kid himself said, “(Y/n) you’re such a needy omega can’t you see I’m busy.”, he’s said it to you many times before as a joke but today you knew he truly meant it by how cruel and rude he was.
“Oh and who might you be little dear? Do you know young master Death?”, one of the guests asked you.
You simply smiled and shook you head much to Kid’s surprise, “My apologize I’m simply another desperate omega making a fool of herself.”, you hummed dipping into a small curtsy before disappearing from sight.
You had made your nest at the Gallows Manor so Kid expected to see you there after the Ball since you seemed upset but you were no where in sight. He called for you through every room in the huge mansion but not once did he get a response or a clue to where you could’ve been. It worried him sure but it was just a party that couldn’t have upset you that bad right? He went to sleep without you that night your side littered in fluffy toys and pillows in hopes that he’d find you buried in a fort of them the next morning but still there was nothing.
“Liz, Patty, has (Y/n) contacted either of you? She didn’t come home last night.”, Kid explained a worried expression etching itself over his face as he started to panic.
“Nope she didn’t call me.”, Patty answered.
“I don’t have anything.”, Liz replied.
“Well without a doubt she’ll be at school. Sebastian is in rut right now so I know her team hasn’t been dispatched on any missions.”, he huffed summoning Beelzebub to get to school earlier in hopes of finding you.
He asked all of his friends and yours to try and find you but still there was no sight of you. Until he discovered that Crona and Team Cerberus had been dispatched on a mission together. He couldn’t believe it, you never once left without asking him to scent your belongings or without a warning so why did you do it now?
“Kid?”, a voice called drawing his attention.
The young reaper’s heart dropped seeing your weapon partner right before him, why was Sebastian here when you were out on a mission? You had no weapon for this A-rank mission this had to be a joke!
“W-why aren’t you with (Y/n)?”, he stuttered reaching for your partner’s collar as his anger boiled, “Why are you here while she’s out there?”
“Because I was in Rut I couldn’t go with her. At least I couldn’t until she snapped me out of it.”
“What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean ‘she’ knocked you out of rut?!”, Kid growled.
Kid’s rage was settled the moment he caught a whiff of your scent, Kid was hypersensitive to any change in scents and the burning scent of rubber that was lightly hunted with your usual calm honey apple scent was utterly heartbreaking.
“W-what is this?”, he stuttered shaking as he removed the jacket from his face.
“She came to me crying last night...saying something along the lines of ‘He looked happier with her’ and ‘I was right I’m not good enough for him’ and my favorite bit ‘Who wants to be with an needy omega that has no self confidence?’ Kid I don’t know what you did but for (Y/n)’s sadness to be able to knock me out of rut and trigger my instincts to protect her then whatever you did to her last night might’ve been enough to trigger her into depression. You’re an asshole to not have noticed that (Y/n) never thought of herself as good enough to be your partner.”, Sebastian growled putting his jacket back on.
Kid’s body was shaking, not from anger but from guilt and worry. He didn’t bother staying much longer and ran to the entrance of the school. Once again he summoned Beelzebub and raced to Spain to stop you from getting hurt, he didn’t know! He didn’t once think you would think so poorly of yourself he loved you dearly so he never believed that his love was never enough for you to see what he see in you. You wouldn’t answer his calls so he didn’t bother calling but he knew Crona would! As soon as they did he begged them to put you on the phone or at least get close to you so he could explain himself. He cried his heart out into his phone but still you wouldn’t respond. Crona had to turn down the volume on their end just to keep from drawing attention from the other train passengers but you barely seemed to respond to anything Kid said.
“(Y/n) you’re perfect! You’re perfect because you’re imperfect, you to good to be mine but I can’t dare think of a day going by without you by my side. You’re always there for me when I’m upset, you’ve always been by my side to make me smile or kiss me good morning! (Y/n) I’m sorry I know I was acting out of line yesterday night but if I had known that you weren’t being needy and that you just felt self conscious then I would’ve listened! I would’ve scooped you up and taken you home and laid with you in bed reminding you why you’re so beautiful and perfect for me! I would’ve talked about the future that I want with you as my mate and my wife, you didn’t have to run away from me!”, Kid cried feeling overwhelmed by just how much space separated you from him.
He had to stop, he had to catch his breath, he felt his lungs burning from screaming and from hyperventilating but he had to keep going.
“(Y/n) please just don’t do this. This isn’t going to be an easy mission and you don’t have a weapon please don’t do this.”, he whimpered into the phone hopping that his begging would be enough to stop you.
“I don’t want to see you.”, he couldn’t even register your voice or the fact that you hung up after that. His body was frozen like stone from just the sickened tone of your voice.
He screwed up...he royally screwed up. As if he couldn’t push his powers more then he already had he pushed past his limit, he had to get to Spain and fast! He still had 3800 miles to reach you and he wasn’t going to let you go through with this even if you were mad at him. Even as tears poured from his lifeless golden hue he wouldn’t let his heart forget this pain even after he got you to forgive him. He reached Spain by nightfall and searched for your soul wavelength until he found it in the city of Pamplona, but the mission had already begun he saw the bull like kishin egg charging at your teammates and searched only for you. Until the creature was shot dead by a Barrett M-82 rifle, much to his surprise you were the miester wielding the weapon. You released your temporary weapon partner so they could collect the soul and collapsed to the floor of the rooftop as your fever finally set in.
“(Y/n)!”, Kid screamed drawing everyone’s attention as he raced to your side, he pulled your body close to his and frowned feeling your intense fever from your skin.
“An omegan depression.”, he frowned growling to himself as he held you closer. Your pack mates arrived to get you but the murderous glow in Kid’s eyes kept everyone at bay.
No one would touch you until he pulled you out of depression and no one would see you until he apologized and was forgiven by you.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Do yiu want to maybe write a lil smth about big dick daddy and his strength.... pleasd and thank u ❤️🥵
Okay hun just a quick headcannon might not be exactly what you were after but porn is ponr 🤷‍♀️ 😘😘
Warnings: smut, nsfw, size difference, toys, car sex, exhibitionism, daddy kink, filth
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You bent forward with the slightest of winces, this probably wasnt the best idea to use this particular toy when you had yoga class.
Today was henry's birthday, you were going to skip class but sadly he had a meeting this morning and had insisted on you coming to class.
You really should of stuck to your guns and stayed home
But it was to late now, you were here in the middle of class, this time at the back becuase you were nervous about anyone seeing it through your leggings.
You had a surprise for your sweet boyfriend, it had taken a few days of prep work but you were on the final stage
You see there was an issue in the bedroom. He was ridiculously endowed... like seriously before meeting him you rolled your eyes at that whole 'i can see it in her guts' porn cliche that men tried to boast about.
Not anymore. Nope, it was definitely a thing.
You were thankfull he was strong enough and could lift you with his arms and make you 'hover' as he drilled you mindful of just how much he fed your needy but small pussy.
You could never take him fully and although he never minded it got to you. You wanted to be good for him, to give him everything. And take everythig!
So you decided to get a set of plugs to help... loosen you a tad, it was more a length issue then a... girth?
You were on your second day of your biggest toy and it was strange streaching and doing yoga with the toy rubbing your tender walls.
It was down right torturous!
You heaved in relief as the teacher wrapped up the class and bolted outside needing to get home and cool off
The beep of a horn called you across the road to where henry was waiting in the car.
You crossed the road quickly opening the door throwing your bag behind the passenger seat and climbed in "Ah~fucking fuck!"
Henry froze and cast you a strange look as you bit your lip and shuddered as your ass met the seat...
That didnt make sense? You hadnt been spanked for a few days
"Babe? You okay? Did you pull something?" He asked slowly concern creasing his brow
"I wish, no no i- lets go, i need to get back and chill... need a fucking shower you cringed, you really did, not just to cool down either.
"Okay if your sure" he said pulling away from the curb.
During the ride home he kept a close eye on you, noting the soft mewls and panting... especially when he let the car over rev a little, trying to help with the battery which had been playing up recently.
"Babe your going red, have some of your drink" henry said half way home nodding to your bag behind the seat.
"Yeah.. okay" you hummed unclipped your seat belt, holding the bottle would give you something to do with your hands, take the temptation of slipping you fingers to your crotch as the car vibrated the plug.
You moved leaning over the center console and cralwed back bending over reaching your bag. Unknowingly presenting the little bulging base of the plug in your pussy
"No fucking way!?" Henry growled doing a double take as he saw the little tell tale bump
Before you could ask what he meant a hugge hand came up landing over your slit in a light spank making you moan
"Oh god~ hen!?" You moaned and tried to reverse back into you sea but henrys hand remained on the end of the plug and wriggled it side to side sending you into a chorus of wanton moans
"Baby girl? You wore a plug to yoga?" He laughed enjpying the way you collapsed over the centre console
He moved repositioning his arm to rest his elbow and fore arm on your back fingers slipping under the leggings and following the creas of your ass to the wet pussing lips wrapped around the plug.
"Hen- daddy! Noo let me up!" Ou protested not likejng being bent over in the car for the world to see it they wished!
"Oh hush, we're almost home! Its nothing you dont deserve your naughty girl!" He teased clasping the plug and slowly began thrusting the toy in and out
"Oh gos! Listen to that~ such a messy girl? All drenched and slippy~" you mewled and began panting unable to stop rocking back.
"D-daddy please! Not in the car!"
"So yours embarrassed being caught with your toy in the car, but not your yoga class?-pfft yoga all those streches must have been fun baby girl~ tell me what was your favourite? Is this a naughty little secret?" He spoke cheerfully amused by the predicament youd got yourself in
"No-no i didnt mean it! Daddy its not like that!"
"No? Then why do you have this in your little pussy babygirl?" He asked genuinely curious
"Its for you daddy! For your birthday! I made'em bigger so you can... all in..." you stuttered as he began fuckingnyou faster. But he stopped at your comment
"You've been getting yourself ready so daddy can fuck you deeper?" He said out loud as he managed to pull the car into the drive thanking god this was an automatic.
Cy-yeah! Please-Ugh daddy!?" You cried as with a quick flick of his hands your leggings were at your knees and the plig was pulled free.
He whistled low when he saw just what your stuffed yourself with... definitely longer then anything else he'd seen you use before.
You moaned as he left you needy on the edge.
He didnt waist time just feeling hos wet and horny you were had him fully erect already.
He ditched the plug on the passenger seat paying no mind to your yells of 'is gonna stain!'
Deft fingers latched onto your hips as he pulled himself free.
"God your such a good girl~ so precious" he purred before hoisting you to straddle him and without hesitation impaling you on him fully.
"F-Fuuuck! Daddy it oh god!" You groaned feeling him press you down onto his thighs tightly grinding hissing through his teeth.
"Fuck! Fuck thats-god your so hot! So tight babygirl~" you whined as your leggings at your knees was stretched across his chest pressing your legs high and spread like a resistance band holding you open to him
"Ah daddy ! Please! Fuck please move!" You cried for him to fuck you despite being on top.
He chuckled heeding you and held your waist tightly before lifting your, bobbing you up and down on him.
He grunted straightening his legs into the foot well and moved you faster, just like he would a fleshlight useing your body as his own toy, only this time you were accepting him entirely.
His head rested on the head rest and he moaned louder widening his thighs reveling in the feel of your ass beuching his balls as he drove deeper.
You panted moaning and wriggling squirming in his grasp as he used you properly for the first time.
You fought him as things got too much, but it was no use, he had clamped his hands on you and was too lost to give any wiggle room. You loved it!
Then finally with a huge growl and roar he tugged your hips to his in bruisong thrusts markingnyou with his fingers as he plundered you in the last few thrusts
Bringingnyou high enough you feared oud hit to roof of the car.
Just as quickly as he'd taken you he finished locking you to his lap pressing as far as he could into your body floddjng your jnsides sendingnyou into your own orgasm
You flexed and kicked your entire body trembling and fighting as he held you still feedinnyour cunt as much as he could.
"Fuck! Fuck that- why has it taken this long to try car sex" you panted slowly coming down from your high.
"I dont know, but fuck if that wasnt the best quicky we ever had"
"Beats the public bathroom" you agreed
"Hands down... soo round two?"
"Inside... i can hear kal barking" you uttere flushing tipping your head hearing the bear belting out the song of his people
"Good shout..." henry chuckled
"Henry... happy birthday" you uttered
"Thank you... it's best present ever... how long you been wearing them?"he said nodding to the plug that had left an embarrassing puddle onnthe leather.
"Only a week" you shrugged leaning over grasping the plug.
"Used to it then?" He quipped staringm off in thought
"Yeah pretty much... why?" You answered anxiously
"I expect this as my very own homecoming treat from now on babygirl... do you understand princess?"
"Yes daddy~ comemon lets go inside i want round two!" You giggled nodding to him excitedly. You don't mind the inconvenience of plugs if it gives you mind blowing sex
"I thought this was my present?" He pouted sweetly at how excited you were for his present
"You gonna say no to round two daddy?" You teased prodding his chest the little sweat patch on the grey tshirt making your mouth water, you couldn't help it you were far too gone.
"of course not! Lets get your cuffs out!" He laughed patting you ass prompting you to climb off of him and crawl back to the passenger seat and redress.
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solarwonux · 4 years
Crop Tops and Tattoos || Wonwoo
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soccer player!Wonwoo x f!reader
w.c: 3.2k
warnings: smut, shower sex, wonwoo soft!dom, oral sex (female receiving), friends with benefits, friends to lovers, public sex (kinda) I think that’s all. 
note: another repost I’m sorry lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, honestly I literally have like a bunch of works that literally take place in the same soccer!svt/college!svt universe but really have nothing to do with one another except for like 3 and they’re all spicy lol. Let me know if you’d want them and also enjoy this one and lmk your thoughts hehehe :)
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“Come to my practice tonight.” You rubbed the sleep from your afternoon nap out of your eyes, listening to Wonwoo’s soft voice through the receiver. “I miss you, come to my practice tonight, we can hang out after.” Wonwoo all but begged, and you can almost picture the pout that was on his face.
“Woo, I can’t I have to finish my half of the group research project.”
“Perfect, I’ll help you. You’re my partner anyway. Please love, I just want to see you it’s been forever.”
“It’s been two days Woo.” You rolled your eyes sitting up on your couch, retreating your phone from your ear, checking the time, 7:30PM it read. So much for a thirty-minute nap, you sighed.
“Precisely why you should come to my practice…hold on a sec,” Wonwoo pulled the phone away from his ear and gave the lost student instructions to where the art history section of the library was located at. “Please, it will be worth it, I promise.” He whispered, cupping his mouth over the receiver, muffling his words a little making you laugh.
“I’ll think about it, get back to work.”
“Okay see you tonight.” He said a little too excited and hung up the phone, a wide smile appearing on your face, making your stomach perform a whole gymnastics routine in the process.
The relationship you and Wonwoo had was interesting, it had started off as mindlessly flirty with one another, graduated to ghost touches and during a hot summer’s day. Where the air conditioning in the library had leaked and instead of Joshua calling everyone to tell them to stay home, he had made sure everyone showed up. Or else. His exact words.
The touches and flirting had escalated to the point that Wonwoo had dragged you to the forgotten encyclopedia section of the library and pinned you against the dusty bookshelves.
Since then your relationship grew more to just sleeping with one another to let off some steam. He would hold your hand underneath the reception desk at the library, mindlessly drawing patterns and phrases onto your skin. He would walk you to class when he could, sometimes with a bubble tea in his hand, other times empty handed. If you were scheduled to close on days, he had an earlier shift, he would wait and walk you home holding you close while the two of you talked about your day. And as of recently, after sex he had started to spend the night, claiming he slept better with you by his side.
In your head Wonwoo was your boyfriend just without the label. It was also a conversation the two of you needed to have, but it was also one you feared because you didn’t want it to ruin it.
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You ran through the gates of the soccer field and started up the steps of the aluminum bleachers, earning weird stares from the guys and girls that decided to attend SVT’s first soccer practice of the season. You sat down, out of breath, holding your bag close to your body as you tried your best to regulating your breathing. A reminder that maybe hitting the gym every once in a while, wasn’t such a bad idea, because clearly having mind blowing sex with Wonwoo wasn’t helping with building your stamina.
“Woo your girl’s here now you can finally start playing.”
“Get your head out of your ass Jun.” Wonwoo scoffed shoving Jun lightly, earning a laugh from the other boy. Wonwoo gazed over at you a knowing smile evident on his face and waved at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and your eyes grew wide as you took in his appearance.
Wonwoo had sworn to you that he would never wear his old jersey again, especially since Seungcheol and Jeonghan had deviously cut it up after their last game last season. Yet, here he was in all his glory. The shirt stopping just above his belly button, the sliver of his toned stomach peeking through and you felt the beat of your heart start to raise. You warily waved back, before placing your cold palm against your forehead trying to cool yourself down.
Wonwoo raised an eyebrow, lifting his hand up and threaded it through his dark locks. His shirt riding up, exposing himself more and you felt the air leave your lungs. It was stupid, you have been seeing him in a lot less clothing for months and in every angle. But for some reason now as he stood boring his soft eyes into yours as Jihoon shouted commands to his teammates. The sweat dripping down the sides of his face, his glasses fogged up slightly due to the humidity and a knowing smirk adorning his face, teasing you. And you felt like you were about to burst.
“Hey, Woo, stop ogling at your girlfriend and get into position.”
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“I like your shirt.”
“Hmm, yeah?” A devilish snicker fell from his lips as he pushed up against the cool tile wall. You nodded dragging your nails across the sliver of teasing skin, leaving red marks behind in their wake making Wonwoo shudder. “So sexy.” He groaned lowly pressing his lips onto yours forcefully, his hands snaking around your waist down to your ass giving it a squeeze making you gasp. He pulled away from your lips and trailed them down your neck. He swiped his tongue over your sweet spot earning him a whimper from you.
“You gonna let me fuck you in the locker room showers?”
“If you ask nicely.” You breathed out playing with the elastic waist band of his shorts. Wonwoo laughed against your neck and bit down before pulling away. “Can I fuck you in the locker room showers please?” He pouted playfully, grabbing your thigh and wrapping it around his waist.
“God Woo, yes.” You wrapped your arms around his waist pulling him closer to you feeling his growing cock against your aroused pussy. “As you wish darling.” He mumbled pecking your lips repeatedly before pulling away from your body, making you whine at the loss of his body heat.
Wonwoo chuckled sinking down to his knees, your eyes hooded with pleasure, feeling the wetness between your legs grow. He left teasing kisses down your clothed thighs, his thumbs hooking underneath the waist band of your leggings dragging them along with him. “Woo my shoes.”
“I was getting there, you’re so impatient sometimes.” He mumbled sitting back on his knees tapping your calf silently telling you to raise your leg. “It’s your fault…how am I supposed to be patient when you always look so good.” You obliged watching as he slowly took of your shoe and throwing it outside of the shower stall along with your sock. He repeated the process with your other leg before attaching his lips against your clothed thigh and left gentle open-mouthed kisses up your leg.
“I guess it’s time I teach you how to be patient.” He smirked pulling down your leggings along with your panties in one go. He threw them aside, placing a kiss against your hip bone, where the small stick and poke infinity sign tattoo he had made after a long night of immoral rendezvous. “Still can’t believe you let me talk you into giving you this.” He mumbled giving it another kiss and stood up.
“I wanted a tattoo but didn’t want to experience the pain.”
“It still hurt you, I had to stop, that’s why it’s all crooked and unfinished.”
“But it’s my favorite.” You whispered, his dark lust filled eyes boring into yours as he slowly started to take off his shorts and underwear, exposing himself to you. No matter how many times the two of you slept together, the sight of his body always had your heart beating out of time. He was perfect, an Adonis carved out of marble and to your surprise he was all yours.
“Don’t take off your shirt.” You whispered reaching and grabbing a fistful of the cloth and pulling him to you. “I want you to fuck me with it on.” You eyed him, a teasing finger running down his chest. “You’re so naughty today.” He laughed grabbing your hand and moved it up to his lips kissing each of your knuckles his sensual gaze lingering on yours. You felt your breathing pick up, the heat trailing down your thighs. “Please touch me.” You whimpered pulling your hand away and taking your shirt of throwing it behind him.
“Not yet I need to shower, I’m all sweaty from practice.” He winked, his hand finding the shower handle and turning it. A gasp left your lips as you felt the cold start to coat your heated bodies. “Now behave princess.” He kissed you hard, running his tongue over your bottom lip asking for entrance in which you granted. His hips flirting with yours and all you wanted to do was get down on your knees and beg him to use you in any and every single way possible. He pulled away detaching the shower head sending you a wink before putting it against your clit. The harsh water jets sending a sweet wave of pleasure up your spine.
“You’re going to cum like this and then I’ll fuck you.” He mumbled, before sinking down on to his knees again. He kept the shower head in place and alternated in kissing your thighs. Desperate whimpers falling out of your mouth. Wonwoo hooked one of your legs on top of his shoulder and bit down on your thigh, sucking making you yelp. “Your body reacts so well to me.” He kissed up your thigh sucking another love bite next to your tattoo before pulling away, shifting the shower head slightly. The sensation sending a new wave of pleasure up your body making you moan.
“W-Wonwoo, mmm, please.”
“Please what?” He teased the sound of a smirk evident in his voice and you’ve never wanted to hit someone so badly before. “I-I need you please.” You cried out, the tip of his index finger teasing the entrance of your pussy. “Yeah…you need me baby?” He chuckled moving your arousal around coating his finger with it before pulling away and bringing it up to his mouth, moaning sinfully as he licked it clean
“Y-Yes need your fingers, or mouth anything p-please W-Woo.” You raised your hips trying to grind yourself against the water, searching for a release in every way you could. “I’ll give you what you want but you can’t touch me.” He tsked giving you a pointed look. You whined nodding your head grabbing onto the smoothness of the shower wall. He ran his hot tongue against the lips of your pussy, the sensation mixing with the coldness of the water sent shivers up your spine.
“You always taste so sweet.” He mumbled against you flicking the tip of his tongue against your clit. Your mouth hanging open as your fingers itched to touch him and push him against you even further. “L-Let me touch you?” You breathed out your nails digging themselves into the skin of your stomach. He nodded against you repeatedly licking strides up your lips before attaching his mouth on your clit. By now the shower head was long forgotten as it fell from his hand, hitting the shower wall with a loud clank making you jump.
You threaded your fingers in his short hair tugging at the roots making him moan against you. He wrapped his arms around your ass pulling you closer as he lost himself eating you out like a starved man. “B-Baby I’m close.” You moaned arching your back against the wall as he lightly bit down on your clit and pulled away. He licked his lips savoring you and adjusted his round glasses earning a lighthearted laugh from you. “Don’t laugh or I won’t help you cum.” He grumbled pressing his index and middle fingers against your entrance and slowly sinking them into you immediately curling them up in search for your g-spot. A satisfied smile etching across his face as you moaned out the second he found it.
Wonwoo attached his lips onto your clit again, this time wasting no time and sucking on it roughly, his fingers moving inside you at a fast pace. The coil forming at the pit of your stomach, your hands tugging on his hair, your hips bucking against his mouth and fingers. He moaned feeling your clench around his fingers, giving him the motivation to pick of his pace, the pleasure getting too much for your body to handle and before you knew you came undone screaming out his name. He helped you ride out your orgasm, desperately licking up your release making your body twitch from the oversensitivity.
“You did so well baby.” He mumbled before pulling away, licking his lips moaning in approval as the remnants of your arousal hit his taste buds. He thrusted his fingers a few more times before pulling them out making you whine, missing the way they felt inside of you. He chuckled licking them clean before standing up.
“Think you can give me one more?” He asked giving your lips multiple pecks and then your cheeks. You laughed pushing his face away resting your tired body against the wall of the shower.
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“Can I ask you something?” You crossed your arms in front of you holding up the towel Wonwoo had wrapped around your body. Wonwoo hummed handing you his extra t-shirt as well as the sweatpants you had left at his place weeks ago. How he knew to bring them along with him was beyond you, but you decided to save that question for another day.
“Why do the guys call me your girl.” You emphasized standing up from the bench and started getting dressed. Wonwoo closed his locker resting his back against it drinking you in slowly, making you feel a little insecure. “Jeonghan saw you leave my apartment one day and texted the group chat to share the tea.” He rolled his eyes using quotations around the last word of his sentence before pushing himself away from the locker. “Now the guys think we’re dating.”
“But you never corrected them?” You tugged his shirt over your head gathering your semi dry clothes and folded them. “Do you want me to correct them?” He placed his hand on your cheek moving your head gently to meet his eyes.
“I-I mean yeah, we aren’t dating you made it very clear that you weren’t looking for a relationship when this started.”
“I wish I could eat my words.” He whispered running his thumb over your swollen lips. “I think I’m past just wanting to fuck you; I want more.”
You felt the air leave your lungs; your cheeks heated up and you desperately searched for a new point of focus because the intensity evident in his gaze was overwhelming. “We should go, I need to finish my half of the project.” You picked up your drying clothes and your bag and rounded the corner of the bench you had been sitting at.
“You don’t want to be more?” Wonwoo caught up with you grabbing your free hand to stop you from walking and held it close to his chest. “I do, I’m just scared you’ll end up regretting it if we ever do try to be more.” You confessed trailing your eyes down his body and stopping at your interlocked hands.
“I won’t, you make me feel so good an—”
“Exactly, I make you feel good. All you’ve ever known is how it feels like to be with me naked. You don’t know what it’s like to actually be with me.” You pulled your hand away. A frustrated sigh spiraling out of his lungs as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Your worst habit is jumping to conclusions.” He mumbled lowly tugging at the roots of his hair. It didn’t feel nearly as good as it felt when you would do it to him, but that was something he would ever confess out loud. “I want to be with you in every way possible, I know what I said before and if I would take back my words I would because that was before I found myself falling for you.” Wonwoo closed the gap between the two of you holding you tightly. His confession had your mind running nonstop, the weight of his words making their way into your heart and finding a home. You hugged him tightly, burying your face into his chest. “Is that a yes?” Wonwoo asked confusion laced in his voice as he hugged you back running his hands down your back soothingly. You hummed nodding your head taking a whiff of his lavender body wash and somehow it felt like home.
“You can’t just say things like that so casually.” You groaned raising your head from his chest placing a kiss on his chin. “Give me a warning next time.”
“Would you have preferred reading the essay I wrote about it instead.”
“Wonwoo stop fucking around you didn’t do that.” You scoffed pushing away from him and started down the hallway to entrance of the locker room. “Yes, I did it’s fifteen pages long, I even used citations.” He yelled following you a few steps behind, the teasing tone in his voice made you doubt his word. But he did once write a whole essay on how Soonyoung was the worst co-captain in the history of co-captains because he had beat him in Mario Kart.
“You have two options I can read it for you tonight after you’re done with your half of the project or I can read it for you on your wedding day.” You choked on your saliva making him laugh. He patted your back gently before pushing open the door to the locker room.
“What the fuck Woo, our weddi—”
“Finally, we’ve been waiting out here for hours. I’m starving.” Hoshi exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air before starting down hallway. “I told you guys to leave.” Wonwoo sighed rolling his eyes and extended his hand for you to take.
“Half of us did once they heard you guys fucking.” Vernon shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets. Your cheeks started to heat up, you prayed to every god out there to do you a solid and open the ground up and have it swallow you whole. “And you guys didn’t?”
“Nah, you’re paying for dinner remember, plus we made a bet while we waited.” Vernon took two long strides over and placed his hand on top of Wonwoo’s shoulder. “I never expected you to have a daddy kink and now I lost fifty bucks to Jeonghan and Dino each, that’s a hundred in total.” He shook his head and walked away running to catch up with Hoshi.
“I don’t have a dad—”
“You know bathrooms have echoes right?” Dino pushed himself way from the wall and started walking away. “We heard the two of you loud and clear, so you can’t deny it, Jeonghan even took a voice note just in case you wanted to deny it.”
“Baby you’re going to have to visit me in jail cause I’m about to commit homicide.” Wonwoo placed a chaste kiss against your head and let go of your hand and charged over to Dino. He turned around laughing before running down the hallway leaving you behind with a smirking Jeonghan.
“Honestly, I just hope you guys disinfected the stall the two of you used.”
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baguettehead · 3 years
Quarry days
Stan Uris x they/them reader
warnings: some curse words, richie tozer, lil bit of angst, possibly based off of real situations, lil bit of Reddie ;)
Summary: You’ve always had a thing for the brown eyes and mop of curly hair, the voice that made you melt like a Popsicle, but what if you added in scheming friends, darkness, missing gas, and maybe a turtle.
   You had known the losers since 6th grade. That was the year your parents decided to make the move from Michigan to Derry, Main. You moved around a lot, and you weren’t even an army brat, your parents just seemed to enjoy hopping from place to place. Your parents owned their own business, all the work was mostly online so it was pretty easy to just up and leave. You were born in Washington state, lived their for a while, then you lived in California for a few years, Colorado for a singular year, Michigan, and now the shithole that is Derry, Maine.
    You had no idea why your parents chose Derry, there really wasn’t much here. A few nice shops, a pretty decent arcade, old people with sticks up their butts, and what you thought to be a normal group of neighborhood bullies.
    When you moved to Derry you had no one, and at this point you didn’t care enough to try and make friends, you didn’t know if you were staying long. After an tantalizingly long day of being forcefully introduced to classmates and eating lunch alone, in the library, you honestly just wanted a nap.
  Leaving the school you were suddenly pushed into the wall next to you, your bag thrown off your shoulder, and coming face to face with the wonderful scent of vodka and utter shit. Must be Bowers. He held you by the shoulder of your shirt with his right hand and with his left he put his forearm on your neck, effectively trapping you to the wall
  This was your first encounter with the infamous gang, but you’d heard about them from the few conversations you’d had with kids in classes and passing periods. Let’s just say, he was as disgusting as you’d heard. Has he ever tried a toothbrush before??
  “Look at this” he spoke, looking back to his gang of douchbags “Fresh meat” his goons laughed a little while you just rolled your eyes, you’d dealt with your fare share of bullies and asshats that you simply couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore
 “look” you said in an exasperated sigh “i don’t have cash, my mom packs my lunch”
  “well then” Bowers said “you’ll just have to pay me in another way darling” a disgusting grin overtook his face and his goons began laugh and cheer like they just took a shit on the toilet for the first time
  “i’m good” you spoke calmly as you attempted to leave his grasp. Bowers just stared down at you confused for a second before he snapped back into action and held you a little tighter
 “it wasn’t a question” he seethed through closed teeth
 “and i wasn’t giving a suggestion dipshit”
 Henry’s jaw tightened and you could practically see the anger bubbling inside him while his group of misfit toys got real quite
“now listen here you little bit-”
“no you listen asshole” you cut him off  “i don’t have time to deal with insecure little boys who didn’t get mommy’s attention as a child and now take it out on all those around him” you spoke quickly faking a pout and slowly worming your way out of his grip “your just some stuck up prick who relishes in the hurt of others because you are so hurt that your deranged little brain finds pleasure making other miserable so that you can fake happiness. News flash, hurting others won’t make you happy, you’ll always be an attention deprived, whiny ass child who probably won’t live past their 30′s, will definitely have a substance abuse issue, and even as a 15 year old attempts to drown his sorrows in vodka and punching kids smaller than him for fun” you finished your little rant, taking in a short breath “now” you continued, marveling at the befuddled looks on all their faces “i have a can of pepper spray in my back pocket and if one of you little rascal looking ass children comes any closer i’ll mace you in the face. Got it”
 As soon as you finished you slipped from his grasp and starting running like hell towards your house. You could hear him screaming profanities, and you knew you were now on his hit list, but you really couldn’t find it in yourself to give a shit.
 Once you knew you were far enough, you knew he wouldn’t follow you but didn’t want to risk it, you sat on the curb to catch your breath. Almost immediately you saw 4 bikes coming around the corner, the occupants stopping in front of you and throwing their bikes down.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT WAS INCREDIBLE”  the one with coke bottle glasses screamed at you practically screamed at you, you returned a weak smile
“H-h-he’s gonna f-f-fu-fucking kill you” another rushed out
 You shrugged your shoulders “ive got a at least a few days” you told them “i wounded his masculinity, gotta build that back up” you muttered
 “I can’t believe you did that” the one with the fanny pack stated as he started to pace in front of you “i mean, now bowers and his whole gang are gonna be on your ass” he stopped in front of you and made direct eye contact “your gonna have to watch for him at all times” he deadpanned and you grimaced a little bit
“don’t worry” coke bottle glasses spoke up again “bowers is always on our asses so we can show you the best place to avoid him”
 “a-and the hallways to a-a-avoid h-him” the dirty blonde spoke up
you smiled up at them “i’d actually quite like that”
“Then welcome to the losers club y/n” the forth boy spoke up as he held his hand out for you, the one with curly hair and amazing eyes. You had him in two of classes and he always seems to catch your eye. You took his hand and he helped you off the curb before they gave you their unofficial, official, tour of the town.
 After that you were practically glued to the four boys, you did everything with them now. And if it wasn’t all of them, you were with at east one practically at all times.
You told them about your moving adventures, even opening up about your constant fear that your parents are gonna pack up and leave forcing you to leave them, and earning Richie’s nickname for you Cali. For some reason Richie couldn’t seem to let go of the fact that you lived in California, asking questions about it whenever there was downtime, and telling you about his dream of living there one day and making it big. You always told him that he could do it, because you truly believed he could.
Soon Bev, Mike, and Ben joined the group, making it 8. You gained your ‘secret’ clubhouse, and Bill, Mike, Stan, and Richie all got their licences.
 Now its junior year, you’ve made it almost 5 years in Derry, and you’ve gained the closed friends you’ve ever had
“You guys wanna go to the quarry after school?” Richie asked, his mouth half full of turkey sandwich and pretty much yelling over all the noise in the cafeteria. You shuddered and watched as Eddie slapped his shoulder and scolded him for talking with his mouth open, Rich pouting like a child. You loved watching them, a knowing smile on your face.  
 “sounds like fun” Bev voiced “y/n and i just went swimsuit shopping and they looked killer in their suit” she smirked at you from down the table while you blushed and rolled your eyes
“i mean i’d prefer to see the suit on the floor but whatever your comfortable with” Richie commented
you threw a baby carrot at his face, which he caught in his mouth promoting cheers from the others and for you to dissolve into laughter
“i is s-s-s-supposed to be like n-n-ninety degrees today” Bill added in
“oh fuck that” you groaned as you lent your head on stand shoulder next you and continued munching on your carrots, missing how he smiled down at you
“quarry it is!” Richie exclaimed before everyone else fell back into their conversations
“sooooo” you heard Stan draw out from above you, moving your head to look up at him but leaving it resting on his shoulder “will i get to see this new suit you apparently look amazing in?” he questioned while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way. You simply laughed, shoving his shoulder and telling him to shut up.
You’ve had a crush on Stan since 7th grade. You always thought he was attractive, like REALLY attractive, but after getting to know him and spending time together you knew you were fucked.
Bev has tried convincing you that he likes you back but, something in your brain just can’t accept it. She’s gone on and on about how ‘different’ he acts around you, how hes “not such a stuck up prick, he like, actually kinda nice and soft”, her words exactly. But, that was just the Stan you knew, the one you always saw. Caring, kind, funny, and enjoyable.
Bill drove you and Bev to her house, where your suits where from the last time you slept over like 4 days ago, and then took you both to the quarry. Once you got there you saw all the other cars and heard splashing and screaming.
“Those assholes went without us” Bev cried as she ripped the car door open, bolting for the cliff and immediately jumping off. You and Bill just laughed and sat there for a moment.
“r-ready m’lady?” Bill asked as he left the car and extended a hand for you
laughing, you took his hand “Of course good sir”
Bill was already in his trunks so after the short walk up the hill he plunged into the water , full cannonball, soaking almost everyone except Mike who swam out of the way. You watched from the top, laughing as they splashed each other back and forth. Sometimes it was nice to just watch their antics and relish in the moment.
“you coming sweet cheeks” Richie yelled up to effectively drawing every ones attention you
You blushed at the sudden attention “Whatever Tozier” you yelled back before you began stripping down to your swim suit.
Unbeknownst to you at the top of the cliff, you had some effect on poor Stan down in the water. He sat with his eyes glued to you as you exposed more and more skin. He’s seen you in a swimsuit before, hell he’s even seen you in your panties, but every time it still manages to make his mouth go dry and eyes widen.
“They’ll catch you drooling if you stare too long” Richie quipped with a smirk
“Shut it Tozier” he murmured lowering into the water to hide his blush right as you jumped from the cliff.
The eight of you spent hours in the water. Chicken fights, splash wars, and Richie attempting to dunk you, Bill even found a turtle which he claimed meant good luck. You only got out of the water for a bit to dry off before leaving. You and Bev lie on the rocks to dry off and maybe tan, that was, before Mike carried a bucket of water over and splashed you both with started yet another splash war. You finally got out when the sun started to set. You sat around and talked, told stories, before you had to leave. You were all still pretty wet but you didn’t care.
Stan had offered you a ride earlier and you happily agreed, knowing you’d get some alone time with him and ice cream if you begged hard enough.
You layed back on the rocks, to watch the sunset and see the stars starting to pop out.
“alright were heading out” Richie suddenly said
 Mike had already left, taking Ben with him due to their stricter curfews. But Rich was taking Eddie and Bill Bev.
“What, why?” Stan said, narrowing his eyes as if he knew they were plotting something
“j-just tired is all” Bill replied casually before he began walking to his car
“bye” Eddie chimed in
“Bye Edds!” you called back
“wait why can she call you that” Rich argued walking side by side with Eddie
“cause i actually like them” He replied casually with a shrug
Richie just huffed and pouted like a child before Eddie nudged his shoulder and he was all smiley again
“See you at school” Bev called, sending a wink in your direction which you replied to with an eye roll
As they walked towards their cars and began to drive away Stan turned towards you “That was suspicious right?”
“completely” you replied climbing down from the rock you previously lied on
“Okay good, it wasn’t just me” he said with a sigh
You laughed a bit “But when are they not suspicious?”
“You got me there” he said before he leaned back on the rock behind him
You crawled over to sit next to him, laying your head on his shoulder and just admiring the sunset. You both sat like that for a while, surrounded by comfortable silence.
One thing about Derry was that no matter how hot the days were the nights seemed to always be freezing, accompanied by wind. You crossed your arms over yourself in hopes of generating more body heat.
“Are you cold” Stan asked taking notice of your shivering form
“Just a bit” you answered not wanting to ruin the comfortable bubble you’d found yourselves in
“i have a blanket in my car” he started to stand up only for you to groan and cling on to his arm. Laughing, he sat back down and you cuddled into his side.
“you’ll catch a cold babe come on” you blushed at the pet name and melted even further into his side when he started combing through your hair with his fingers. Noticing that you weren’t going to budge he huffed a bit, though, he didn’t want to move either.
“I’ll get you ice cream” he sighed
You bounced up with a goofy grin on your face, pulling his hand towards the car
“Lets not waste time” you started “i’m in critical condition, need creamed ice immediately” you feigned sick with a hand to your forehead and pouty eyes. He only laughed, getting up and heading to the car, his hand never leaving yours as you walked to the car.
“what the fuck” he muttered as you reached the car
Tucked under the windshield wiper of his car was a note that said ‘use protection’, clearly in Richies handwriting, and a roll of condoms
You blushed lightly, giggling a bit. Stan looked to with a puzzled expression on his face “i don’t know” you shrugged trying to prove your innocence.
“I don’t understand half the things he does” you comment as you climb into the passengers seat
“does anyone?” he questions with a laugh
Stan throws the note and condoms into the center console before starting up the car. Your bouncing in your seat, the anticipation of ice cream making you giddy and Stan laughs at that. Well, the car doesn’t start. Stan tried multiple times, clearly getting frustrated
“uh Stan” you try and grab his attention, it works, anytime you talk Stan always has his full attention on you. You point towards the gas meter, which displays empty.
 “I literally got fucking gas on the way here what the fuck” he exclaims as he gets out of the car, you follow. You see him stop and stare at the gas tank opening
“what?” you question before reaching the other side of the car and falling silent
Right below the gas tank, on the ground, lays a rubber pipe.
“Did they fucking siphon my gas?!” He yells
You stand there for a moment longer, staring at the gas lined pipe, before you break out into hysterical laughter. The pure kind that comes from the belly and leaves you gasping for air with side cramps
“its not funny” he yells
you try to talk but it just dissolves into more hysterics and soon enough Stan is laughing with you, your laugh is just contagious and your radiant smile that could light up the entire galaxy never fail to make him follow along.
After you both calm down, clutching your bellies, you break the silence
“so, what do we do now?” you look over to Stan who’s sitting next to you on the curb
“i guess i’ll call Rich and have him come pick us up” you nod
He stands up, pulling out his phone and calling Rich. You sort of zone out, guess you were more tired than you thought, but your brought back to earth by Stan yelling into the phone. All you could catch was
“what?! No! Hey no no no” and “Fucking asshole” as he ended the call. You new what was coming but you asked anyways
“He said hes not coming” Stan sighed in defeat as he sat next to you and lied his head on your shoulder. Your hand immediately immersed itself in his hair, gently scratching his scalp and brushing through his curls. You sighed wondering how the fuck you were gonna get out of this one.
“what about Mike and Bill?” you questioned
“in on it” he sighed out and you hummed in response. You both sat there for a moment, in comfortable silence, trying to calm Stan down.
“did he say anything els-”
“do you like me?” Stan’s head rose from your shoulder, looking you in the eyes and cutting off your sentence. You felt your mouth go dry, eyes widening, cheeks getting hot and probably bright red.
“i- uh- well” you stuttered out, really having no clue how to answer that question
“I mean” he started, sighing and nervously running a hand through his head of wild curls “not in a …. friends way” he finished slowly, meeting your eyes
He had a blush of his own covering his cheeks and his marvelous brown eyes danced all over your face as if looking for the answer there. You sat there staring at him for what felt like forever, running over your choices. Just as the though of running away and joining the circus came into your mind you felt a surge of confidence and smashed your lips into his.
He tasted like mint, salt, and something you could only describe as Stan.
Your lips moved together perfectly, dancing around each other in the best dance you’d ever preformed. Teeth hitting teeth as the years of desperation and pining were finally put to a rest. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into his lap to straddle him, as yours wound around his neck and wove into his hair.
You both pulled away panting. His lips barely leaving yours, still ghosting over them like a precursor for whats to come. You stared into his eyes, you could get lost in those brown orbs so easily, drowning hopelessly in their beauty and dying happily. Stan was the first to break the silence
“yes?” he questioned
you threw your head back and laughed heartily. The sight alone made him melt in your hands and the sound dug his grave. The brilliant smile you flashed him afterwards felt like the afterlife and when you leaned down to capture his lips one again he knew he was in heaven.
“yes” you breathed as you pulled away from him, as difficult as it was
Stan smiled so brightly and let out a little cheer before falling right back into your lips and kissing you more passionately than anyone ever has and you doubt anyone ever will. There you sat, Straddling Stanley Uris in an empty parking and kissing him until you were gasping for breath.
You pulled away from Stan, leaning your forehead on his, pressed into his chest, barely inches away. He leaned up and peppered your face in small kissing causing you to break into giggles.
“I love you y/n y/l/n” he spoke softly into the night air
You stared into his chocolate eyes, in complete euphoria
“I love you too Stanley Uris” you told him with the most confidence you have ever had in a statement.
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artzychic27 · 4 years
If the Art Club was basically the Addams Family
They’re morbid, have a dark sense of humor, are never seen without black, and spiders hide in their hair
Nathaniel: Gomez Addams
Always has this sinister smirk that screams, ‘I will murder you in your sleep.’
Gets excited when his boyfriend speaks Spanish
Marc: Normal people. Tan extraño.
Nathaniel: Monochrome, you know how I get when you speak Spanish! *Kisses his arm*
Never seen without his black blazer
Sharpens the ends of his paintbrushes so they can be used as knives... No reason, just does it
Blood Red and Death Row Black are his favorite colors
A true romantic
Makes passionate love with Marc at least four times a day
Nathaniel: My monochromic nightmare. Stab my heart a thousand times and I will be yours until death do we part!
Marc: I’ll got get my dagger.
Nathaniel: Will it be painful?
Marc: So much.
Marc: Morticia Addams
Wears tight black outfits
Cuts the buds off of flowers
Marc: Ugh. *Cutting up roses* Who in their right mind would plant these?
Weirded out by normal people
Marc: Nathan. That child is smiling at me. Almost as if he were... Happy.
Nathaniel: Monochrome, look away. *Shields Marc’s eyes*
Writes morbid poetry and eulogies
When Mendelive asked him to a say a prayer for their dead class hamster, this is what he said-
Marc: Come, sorrow; we welcome thee. Let us join in grief, rejoice in despair, and honor the fortunate dead.
Cut to the students and teacher backed into a corner far away from him
Encourages his friends torturing people they despise
Marc: Alix, what are you doing with that bow and arrow?
Alix: I’m gonna shoot Kim when he’s not looking.
Marc: Well that one is much too old and worn out. *Hands Alix a crossbow* There you go.
Marinette: Wednesday Addams
Marinette: I'm just like any modern girl trying to have it all. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade.
Says many “disturbing” things about how to kill people
Marinette: When burrying someone alive, it’s best to staple the casket shut. They still might have the strength to try and escape
Mme. Bustier won’t call on her during class anymore
Marinette: We should be learning more important things, like how many people were decapitated during the French Revolution.
Adrien developed a small crush on her after she held a crossbow to his face
After learning that from Alya, she started leaving spiders and dead roses in his backpack
Nino: Dude! She put spiders and dead flowers in your bag!
Adrien: *Sighs* Yeah, isn’t she sweet?
Chloé or Lila: Why are you dressed like someone died?
Marinette: No one I know died today, but I’m sure I can make arrangements for your two
Still sews. Her outfits are just more gothic
Adrien: *Staring at Marinette as she walks into class wearing a black dress with red bats and skulls embroidered on the hem* She’s an absolute angel.
Enjoys torturing people she doesn’t like.
Marinette: Lila, I’m not stuck in here with you. You’re stuck in here with me.
Alix: Pugsley Addams
When she first started school: So these are the gates of hell.
Has a habit of pranking her classmates
Often, her pranks need correcting to make sure she gets a much better effect
Marinette: Alix, if you wanna make someone fall down the stairs, you gotta oil the stairs first so there’s no chance of them regaining their composure.
Alix: *Facepalms* Damn it! Of course!
Has broken the law more than ten times. Now she’s no longer welcome in Germany.
Steals street signs to hang in her room and records the sound of cars crashing on her phone
Watches emergency room mishaps at max volume so everyone can hear the cries of anguish
Myléne: What are you watching?
Alix: A doctor cut out the wrong organ! Haha!
Juleka: Grandma Addams
Training to be a witch
Trying to mix magic with music
Juleka: *Writing in her spell/song book* What rhymes with disaster?
Doesn’t show up on film at all. She’s not a vampire, because she was seen eating garlic pizza
Like Marc, she’s also disgusted by normal people
Juleka: Why must there be a fair today? All of these happy people filled with excitement and *shudders* cotton candy.
Once tried to curse Chloé. The next day, she came to school with horrible acne.
Drinks a nice tall glass of snake venom every day with her brother.
Luka is currently dueling with Adrien for Marinette’s future hand in marriage... Her actual hand.
Always trying to buy people’s souls
Rose: Fester Addams
Behind that smile, she’s wondering how and when you’ll die
Has a purse full of explosives
Hides land mines all around the school and often forgets where she hides them
Luckily manages to avoid them
Rose: *Hears an explosion* Oh. I forgot I put one there.
Prefers Grimm’s Fairytales over Disney for many reasons
Marc: *As Rose plants a land mine in the courtyard* Rose, what’s wrong? You usually plant your mines with more vigor.
Nathaniel: Oh, Monochrome, it was dreadful. Mme. Bustier made us watch Sleeping Beauty. And that awful prince slayed the dragon.
Marc: What?! How could that woman force underage children to watch such violence?!
She and Juleka aren’t as affectionate as Marc and Nathaniel, but they’re always showing their love by carving romantic messages into skulls
Alya: Where’d you even find those?
Rose: Graveyard. No one was using them
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creamiecoups · 4 years
mornings ♡ ·˚ ₊
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                                           ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
↠  summary : your boyfriend seungcheol just can’t get enough of you, even the morning after an intimate and long night spent together.
↠  pairing : boyfriend!seungcheol x reader
↠ warnings : smut, swearing, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (female receiving), a bit of cum eating, slight degradation, slight daddy kink
↠ word count : 2.1K words
↠ author’s note : hey guys im vi, and this is my first ever smut that im posting on my blog so i thought why not start with seungcheol ;-) i hope you enjoy it !!
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"Oh you're here."
You jumped a little at hearing your boyfriend's groggy morning voice, he wasn't meant to wake up this early, at least not before you finished preparing breakfast.
"Cheol...you almost gave me a heart atrack," you squeaked, turning back around to finish mixing the pancake batter.
"Sorry baby...why did you leave me in bed?" He sulked, hugging you from the back as his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Cheol it's 8 in the morning and your already sulking? I had to make breakfast so of course I got out of bed," you huffed, as he kissed your cheek tenderly.
"You should've stayed in bed until I woke up though, I missed you."
Chuckling at his words, you turned in his arms to face his pouty face.
"Well we both know how that goes...you tell me five more minutes of cuddling and next minute it's already 12 and I'm worn out and late for class."
Seungcheol laughed, his dimples on full display as he looked down at your face.
"Well do you ever regret it?"
"Not really...but tell you what, my prof will end up giving me an absolute zero by the end of the semester just because of my missed attendance."
"Well fuck him...why don't you turn up to classes today extra late and say you were getting good dick so you came late," he suggested, without any shame whatsoever.
Your mouth hung open as you stared at him in utter disbelief.
"Sometimes I wonder if your heads screwed on right."
Seungcheol smiled, leaning down to peck your lips before they trailed down to your neck, where many marks were left, evident of the long night you and your boyfriend had shared last night.
"Cheol...th-this will be hard enough to cover....n-no more," you somehow made out, with Seungcheol placing open mouthed kisses all over your neck.
And of course, he ignored you, as he picked you up and placed you on the opposite bench which was clear of any kitchenware or objects, the abandoned pancake batter long forgotten.
"Didn't you get enough last night? Please give me a break and let me eat some food, I'm hungry," you said, as you suddenly remembered last night's happenings. He wouldn't let you go, and you lost count of how many times he got you to cum, and the amount of times you cried out for him to stop.
Seungcheol's lips left your neck, as he looked at you with a smirk plastered on his beautiful face.
"Babygirl, I could never get enough of you....and I'm just as hungry as you are, but for something else," he whispered the last line in your ear, as his words sent shivers down your spine.
He spread your legs a little, just enough so he could get between them as he wrapped his hands around your waist again, tilting his head, he pressed his lips against yours.  His hips pushed up right into yours, making you feel how hard he really was just through his thin boxers. Your hands gripped his shoulder tightly as his hot tongue glided down your body before stopping at the neck lining of your shirt.
"Take it off," he muttered gruffly.
Even though you wanted to protest and go back to cooking, the way he was looking at you, and the undeniable heat that was pooling between your legs told you otherwise. You took your shirt off, as Seungcheol straight away attached his lips to your right nipple, a quiet sigh left your parted lips.
"I love that you don't wear a bra in the morning," he whispered against your skin, as you felt him smile.
You smiled, your nails slightly digging into Seungcheol's shoulders at the feeling of his tongue on your sensitive bud.
"As much as I love taking my time with you, I really just feel like fucking you today," he groaned, his lips trailing back up to your neck.
"Lean back baby, I want you flat against the counter."
You did as you were told, hissing at the contact of your bare skin on the cold countertop.
"Ch-cheol...it's c-cold," you whined, shivering as he smiled knowingly.
"I know...don't worry, I'll make you warm in no time."
He pulled your tights down, along with your panties, the cold air hitting your core making you shudder.
"Look at you...already so wet for me...and you said you needed a break?" he asked, tilting his head a little as he looked at you, eyes clouded with nothing but lust.
He didn't really give you a chance to reply, as he grabbed your thighs, giving you one last glance before dipping his head between them.
You bit your bottom lip harshly, moaning softly as you felt Seungcheol's tongue flush against your entrance.
"Fuck baby, I swear you taste extra good in the morning," he groaned against you skin, before he bought two of his fingers up to your mouth.
"Open up."
You opened your mouth, letting him push his fingers in as your eyes fluttered shut, lips closing around his fingers as you sucked on them.
He took them out suddenly, making you whine as he chuckled.
"Maybe if you be good, I'll let you suck me off later, hm?" He said, making you nod.
"Then be a good girl for me and moan as loud as you can okay? And remember, you are not allowed to cum until I say so."
You nod once again, bucking your hips into his fingers eagerly as you felt him rub them at your entrance.
"Words baby....or you don't get what you want," Seungcheol warned.
"O-okay daddy," you mutter impatiently, biting down on your lip.
Without another word, he pushed his fingers into you roughly, making you jolt up from the sudden wave of pleasure.
"Sh-shit, cheol!"
You moaned over and over again, as Seungcheol pumped his fingers in and out of you, while his tongue sucked on your clit harshly. Your thighs automatically shut around his head, the pleasure making it too much for you to handle, and your muscles already going weak.
He suddenly stopped, making you groan loudly in annoyance.
"Why, cheol?"
Except speaking, he gave you a glance before grabbing your thighs and spreading them wider, beyond your comfort.
"Keep them here," he warned, before he straightened his back, his fingers finding your dripping entrance once again.
"F-Fuck," you curse through gritted teeth, it was hard enough with his assault on your most sensitive area, but to make it worse, he kept his burning gaze on you, a dirty smirk plastered on his face as he watched you writhe in pleasure.
"I-I...fuck....n-need to...c-cum.." you choked on your words as he added a third finger, his thumb pressing down roughly on your clit as you cried out his name.
"Not yet baby."
Seungcheol leaned down, his lips attaching onto your right nipple, as he pulled on it slightly, but it was enough to make you scream.
You closed your eyes shut, your mouth hanging open as you came without warning, it was just too much to handle that you didn't seem to care what Seungcheol would do to you since you broke his number one rule.
He took his fingers out, and you realised he wasn't touching you, but you were too tired to open your eyes, or even care.
His fingers found your hair, as he pulled you up, and that had your eyes shooting open as you gasped in pain.
"Seungcheol what the fuck! That hurt!"
His eyes shot daggers to yours, as he only pulled you closer by your hair.
"Didn't I tell you not to fucking cum until I say so?" He drawled, making you swallow harshly.
"Sorry what?"
"Sorry...d-daddy," you stuttered out, avoiding his burning gaze.
"You know I hate it when you don't do as I say..." He trailed off, turning you around and pushing you forward so you were leaning down against the counter, you cheek touching the cold marble.
"But since I am pretty impatient today, I'll let you off."
His words cut you off guard, as you bit your lip in anxiousness....Seungcheol has never let you off after you mess up, it was always ended in some sort of cruel punishment.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't hear Seungcheol unbuckling his belt, before he suddenly pushed into you without any warning, making you scream loudly.
"God, I fucked you so much last night....why are you still so tight?" He growled, grabbing your hips as he slammed into you over and over again.
You no longer felt how cold the marble counter was, as the only thing your mind could focus on was Seungcheol's rough onslaught and the sound of your skin slapping against each other deliciously.
It went on for a little longer, before you started clenching around Seungcheol, as you knew you were close.
You felt how Seungcheol's thrusts slowly started getting sloppier, before you felt his warm liquid fill you up, a heavenly groan leaving his lips as you moaned loudly.
He pulled out, turning you around and pushing your back against the counter once again, the sudden movement causing you to see stars.
"Fuck....I love seeing my cum drip out of you, you don't know how beautiful you look right now...all pretty and full of my cum," he moaned, licking his lips as he guided his cock back to your entrance, pushing in slowly before pulling out again to see more of his cum drip out as you shuddered.
He did that a few more times before pushing into you completely again and this time, thrusting into you a little slower.
"Ch-Cheol....I-I....going t-to...c-cum," you stuttered out, gripping the counter so hard your knuckles started turning white.
"Ah yes...cum darling."
Taking his words as a go, you clench around him once again, feeling yourself almost at the edge before he suddenly stopped moving.
Seungcheol chuckled, pulling out of you before smacking your ass.
"Are you serious!?" You squeaked, as you watched him pull his boxers back up.
"What? I'm satisfied....and you already came right?" He deadpanned.
"Are you really going to do this to me?" You said in disbelief.
"You really thought I would let you go without a punishment? Baby, you know I'll always get you back."
"Cheol please I'm begging you," you whined, as he helped you to stand up.
"Now let's get your clothes back on, I don't want you spilling my cum all over the kitchen floor, keep it in okay? And maybe if I think you've learnt your lesson by the time I come home, I'll give you what you want," he said, kissing your cheek before he pulled your pants up, along with your panties.
"B-But you don't come home until 5...I have classes to attend today...I can't wait that long," you pouted, holding onto his wrists.
"I'm sure you can sweetheart," he beamed, moving a few hair strands out of your face.
"This is cruel, cheol....I hate you," you huffed, pushing him away before finding your shirt and putting it back on.
Seungcheol laughed, grabbing you by the waist.
"I love you baby....but you need to learn your lesson, right? You know I never let you off...and if you were really scared, you wouldn't have done that in the first place-"
"Cheol please I'll do anything you want please I'm sorry....I-I'll skip class...I don't care just don't do this to me please," you begged, giving him your saddest face ever, all the shame of how desperate you really were leaving you.
You knew your entire day would be ruined, as the only thing that would probably run through your mind while your lecturer blabbed on about god knows what would be Seungcheol deep inside of you as you came undone.
"Hey now....you'll be so busy during the day that you'll most likely forget," he chuckled, pecking your lips.
Frowning deeply, you took a deep breath in, as you felt yourself get slightly angry with how cocky he was acting.
"You know what? I don't need you, it's not like I can't get off by myself...guess I'll just excuse myself during my lecture and go someplace so I can finger myself until I come all over my fingers...and you won't be there to clean me up...I'll send you a photo if your lucky," you whisper the last line in his ear, before pulling away to see his expression.
He bought his face closer to yours, until you felt his hot breath tickling your cheek.
"You wouldn't dare do that," he snapped, but you took it as a challenge.
"I wouldn't dare? Well you'll see then," you whispered, winking at him as you pretended to walk away before he trapped you between the counter and his body.
"Fuck this...I can't take it anymore......get on your knees."
You smiled deviously, knowing you finally got him to snap.
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 3 years
Alex + Julie "You didn't deserve that... You deserve so much better."
you sent me this prompt a million years ago i'm sorry it took me so long to answer it. warning for friendship breakup angst. there's no carrie redemption arc in this fic but there IS alexjulie friendship.
with love on their throats | g | 1.7k | alex&julie, past julie&carrie
ao3 link in reblogs!
Julie doesn’t mean to ignore the boys all afternoon, but Carrie’s birthday was hard last year and so far, this year doesn’t seem to be getting any easier.
She has the foresight to turn her phone off, at least, this year. She can’t handle the social media posts from everyone else at their school. They’re probably in Carrie’s pool, in her kitchen, in her living room. Probably throwing around the throw cushions that Julie’s mom taught her and Carrie to sew covers for when they were ten. Maybe even smashing the glasses Julie used to drink Trevor’s homemade iced tea out of when she would come to visit before Carrie got home from sport in the evenings. The idea of seeing these familiar spaces still just… out there, existing, rather than stuck in the past along with her and Carrie’s friendship, makes Julie nauseous.
Plus, there’s the added bonus of not being able to text Carrie something reckless she might regret.
So her phone’s switched off. Her dad knows not to bother her today anyway, since he had a front-row seat to whole Carrie mess when it happened. He just shot her a sympathetic glance over breakfast and hasn’t spoken to her at all. Carlos is at a friend’s house, and wouldn’t bother her even if he were home.
It’s just the ghosts Julie is avoiding, locked her bedroom door, perched on her window seat with her headphones on, watching YouTube on her laptop.
Which means it scares her half to death when Alex waves a hand in front of her face.
She yanks her headphones off and curses, sharp and a little louder than she means to, and Alex jumps back like he’s been burned. “Julie! Uh, hi, hey. Sorry to scare you.”
“Why didn’t you knock?!” she demands, still breathless. “It’s you, you know better! Boundaries!”
At least Alex has the decency to look shamefaced. “I know, listen, it’s just -- we were worried about you! And we did knock, a lot, actually, but I don’t think you could hear us? So I said we should give you space but Luke and Reg started psyching each other out, and Luke’s never been able to handle space the same way since the Caleb Covington Kidnapping Incident--”
Which, okay, yeah, that’s fair enough. Julie still shudders at the memory of the Caleb Covington Kidnapping Incident.
“-- so then I got nominated because, well, Reg worried you might be getting changed or something, and that makes me the obvious choice, not that I wanted to be the obvious choice, just that -- okay, I’m doing a bad job, what I mean is --”
Finally, she decides to put him out of his misery. “Alex, stop. It’s fine.”
Relieved, he lets out a breath and leans on his knees, looking up at her with pretty, apologetic eyes. “Still. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to frighten you, we just… got worried. And wanted to see if you were okay. You’ve been in here all day.”
Julie nods and looks back at her laptop, where the YouTube video is still playing, and pauses it.
She hasn't looked back over at Alex when he says, cautious, "Are you okay?"
When she replies, “Yeah,” it isn’t because she wants to lie to him, necessarily. It’s more because she doesn’t know how to untangle her feelings enough to lay them out in front of him. More because it’s hard to explain why she still misses someone who she knows hurt her, who she knows should have known better.
It’s hard to explain why she feels guilt, and grief, over something she chose to let go.
The window seat dips when he sits down next to her, fingers twisted together in his lap, shoulders rolled forward. He’s offering her the tiniest, encouraging smile in the form of a little quirk at the corner of his mouth. Julie loves him so much that it softens the heartache, just for a moment.
But then it returns. Just as strong. Just as unreasonable. Just as painful.
“It’s Carrie’s birthday,” she tells him, without even knowing why she says it.
“Oh,” he replies, which seems fair. She doesn’t know what she’d say in his position. He chews his lip, a crease forming in his brow. “You guys used to be friends, right?”
God, can she talk about this out loud? It’s easier to joke with Flynn, to make fun of the situation, because Flynn saw it all play out, held Julie when she cried, stopped being friends with Carrie in solidarity. Explaining the situation from start to finish, to someone new, just feels impossible.
So instead she says, “Do you ever miss someone you know you can’t have back? Or not that you can’t. But you know you shouldn’t. You know that you can’t get them back, or you’d have to give up too much for it and it wouldn’t be worth it.”
Because sure, if Julie was really committed, she’s sure she could grovel her way back into Carrie’s inner circle. But as much as she misses her, she’s not prepared to do it.
Alex nods, understanding. “Yeah,” he says plainly. “Yeah, I do. Tons of people.”
Julie’s surprised, but she supposes she shouldn’t be. The boys talk about Alex’s family the way Julie’s mom used to talk about ghosts -- never directly, otherwise they’d hear her and be summoned -- and after the whole thing with Trevor, well. It makes sense.
“Can I get it to stop?” Julie asks. “I had to turn off my phone before I did something stupid like text her. What would I even say? Why would I want to say anything?”
“I don’t know,” he murmurs. He leans over so their shoulders bump together, and she leans her head on him. “It’s okay to miss her, you know. You guys had good things in your friendship -- I mean, I guess, right? That’s why you miss it?”
Julie nods, closing her eyes. There are so many good memories she doesn’t even know where to start. Running in the park. Sitting at the piano together. Fashion shows for their dads and Julie’s mom in the living room of the Wilsons’ huge house. Sleepovers with Flynn full of bickering and giggling and pillow fights. Birthday parties, their whole lives.
“But that doesn’t mean you didn’t have a good reason for stepping away,” Alex says.
That’s true, too. Julie’s pretty sure they didn’t have that good stuff for a while before their friendship ended, in reality. Carrie was becoming… snappish. Self-absorbed. All she wanted to do was boss the other girls in dance class around, and she didn’t ask to hear Julie’s songs anymore. Julie knew that being a good friend meant weathering the good with the bad, but she gave Carrie what felt like a million chances, and she wasn’t getting anything back. When she’d tried to bring it up to Carrie, things had… exploded.
She explains as much to Alex, in fits and spurts, and finishes with, “She just… blew up at me, she told me she’d been sick of me for ages and asked why I hadn’t noticed. Like I was just supposed to realise that we weren’t friends anymore without her telling me.” Sucking in a shaky breath, she manages, “And then my mom…”
“Oh, Julie,” Alex murmurs softly into her hair. She’s trying not to cry, she really is, but it feels all bubbly at the surface of her chest, and the way he puts an arm around her and squeezes tight shows that he can tell.
“I know it’s silly,” she chokes, “but it feels like we broke up, or something, even though we were just friends. It hurts so much just thinking about her.”
“It’s not silly,” he assures her, and wraps his other arm around her, too, so he’s hugging her close to him with her head against his chest. “There’s nothing less important about friends, and a friendship ending can really suck. Especially how she did it.” He presses a kiss to her forehead, and doesn’t draw attention to the few tears making their way down her cheeks. They sit like that for a moment, then Alex says quietly, “You’re a wonderful friend. You didn’t deserve that. You deserve so much better.”
Sniffling, Julie rubs her sleeve across her eyes, wiping away the tears. The thought dawns on her like the sunrise after a long, sleepless night. “I have so much better,” she realises out loud. “I have Flynn. And Dad and Carlos. And you and Luke and Reggie.”
“We are pretty fantastic,” Alex agrees, faux-smug, but his eyes are still cautious, and affectionate. “But it’s okay to be upset anyway.”
“I know,” she says. And she does. “But I think I’m almost done being upset. For now, at least. Maybe we could run through a few songs?”
“I’m sure the boys would love that,” Alex tells her, smiling, and he goes to stand up but she holds on tighter, so he won’t leave the hug.
He just feels so steady, and comforting, and she’ll never really get over being able to actually hold them. “Can we just. Stay here for a moment, first?”
Easing himself back down, Alex grins and pulls her closer, tucking her head under his chin. “Of course,” Alex says. “We can take as long as you need. Just us, or the others, too?”
She pauses. “The others, too.”
Alex closes his eyes, and Julie knows he’s reaching out to the others, through their one leftover remnant of their time in the afterlife, tugging at their leads until they come to find him. A moment later, Reggie and Luke both pop into presence in the middle of her room, puppy-eyed with worry and hope.
“Julie?” asks Reggie quietly, fiddling with his fingers.
“You good?” Luke asks, on the balls of his feet.
“Yeah,” she tells them. “Just needed a hug.”
Within moments, they’re all around her and Alex, Reggie’s arm around her waist, Luke’s leg somehow, inexplicably, over her lap. Alex makes an insulted noise, but he’s so relaxed, Julie knows he must not mean it. When she presses her ear to his collarbone, Julie can hear his heartbeat, solid and alive, miraculous. Her friend’s heartbeat. Her friends, all around her.
Things are still bittersweet, and it’s still Carrie’s birthday, but Julie is still surrounded by love, enveloped in it, living in it. She can be sad for what’s gone, and be grateful for what she has, at the same time.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
between a rock and a hard place
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ah yes,,, a pun for a title.
Kaminari x Reader x Kirishima
warnings: smut, ABO stuff, threesome, and such
word count: 1,200
summary: every day my storylines get closer and closer to just straight-up Porno plot, anyways tease reader gets wrecked. 
Kaminari was up surprisingly early today. Normally He’d press snooze at least four times and ended up almost being late for class more often than not. But today he had woken up early and just hadn’t been able to get back to sleep, So he rolled out of bed and went to the dorm kitchen to see what he could find. 
What he wasn’t expecting to see was you pressing Kirishima up against the counter kissing his neck. Kirishima’s grip was tight on your hips, not exactly pushing you away or holding you close as if he couldn’t decide which to do. 
“Hey! Are you two seriously getting frisky without me?” he asked teasingly bounding over to you so he could press his body to your back. The kitchen smelled strongly of both Alphas and the omega caught between them. 
“Sorry Denki, If it makes you feel better I was planning on getting frisky with you too when you woke up,” you purred kissing him sweetly. He reviled in the soft feeling of your lips on his, he could definitely get used to waking up like this. 
“You should be glad the little minx hasn’t jumped your bones yet, she’s being a naughty girl this morning,” Kirishima said rolling his eyes now that you’d moved on to kissing Denki and running your hands up and down his chest. 
“Doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world to me, pounce on me anytime you want Omega,” Denki purred leaning in for another kiss, but this time you turned your head so he only got your temple. 
“Maybe later, I have to run but I’ll see you both later!” you teased wriggling out of his arms and slipping out of the kitchen. Kaminari huffed, he didn’t get nearly enough of your time. 
“Like I said, naughty,”
Your little teasing game continued throughout the day. You’d lean close to them letting your Alpha’s smell your alluring scent, or squeeze their biceps while pressing their arms into your chest. You purposefully swayed your hips more when you walked and winked at them whenever you caught them staring. 
While both boys were suffering trying to keep their arousal hidden but Kaminari was showing his frustration a little more than his red-headed counterpart. 
His cheeks flushed a brilliant red and he couldn’t help but bite his lower lip while he watched you try to reach a box on the top shelf. You looked so damn good in those thigh highs you work with your uniform, He loved how plush your legs looked right now, he just wanted to sink his teeth into you. 
Kirishima smacked Kaminari on the back of the head. “You’re drooling,” the redhead scolded. 
“I’m aloud to drool she’s my omega,” Kaminari shot back rubbing the back of his head. 
“Yeah but that’s what she wants, she wants you to get all needy and turned on just by looking at her,”
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” Kaminari grumbled. Kirishima smiled, showing all of his sharp teeth, 
“Get back at her obviously.”
You always took your time in the showers, Living in the dorms was nice most of the time, but there was very little privacy. Even when you were alone in your room there was no guarantee someone wouldn’t burst in on you. 
Sometimes it felt like Showering was your only real alone time. 
You let the hot steaming water roll over your back relaxing your aching muscles and washing the filth from the day wash away. And you were sure you needed to be clean, You hadn’t spent all day winding your Alpha’s up for nothing, You were positive the second you left the bathroom they would set upon you like vultures. 
The bathroom was quiet except for the sound of the shower running and when you shut the shower off it was silent. You started drying off when you heard footsteps, that wasn’t unusual people forgot things all the time but what was weird was it sounded like more than one person, and the footsteps were getting louder like they were heading right towards you. 
You couldn't help but scream when the shower curtain was pulled back. You lashed out but your fist was caught and that momentary distraction was enough for you to see who exactly had interrupted your shower. 
Kaminari and Kirishima were grinning at you in the small stall. “Perverts,” you scoffed pulling your hand back from Kirishima and clutching your towel to your chest. 
“Awe baby doesn’t hide from us now,” Kaminari teased tugging at the towel. 
“You spend tall day teasing us with this pretty body Omega now let us see it,” Kirishima growled. You shuddered as his voice sent a shiver down your spine, you had no choice but to obey him. You removed the towel hanging back up letting your alphas look at your naked body. 
“So sexy,” Kaminari sighed, Kirishima just whistled. Then they both pounced on you. You had thought you’d been in control of this little teasing, that you could get your boyfriends begging on their knees for you. 
But now you were on your knees, keeping your mouth open wide like a good little omega letting Erijou push his thick cock down your throat pumping back and forth until he pulled back letting Denki have a turn with your mouth. 
You moaned around Denki’s cock, his hands in your hair sent a pleasant buzz through your whole body as he slowly lost control of his quirk. Erijou circled your body while the other boy continued to hump your mouth. 
“Oh look at this wet drooly little pussy,” erijou laughed running fingers through your folds collecting the moister that had collected there. 
“You’re such a little slut you know that? Getting this wet from sucking cock, what a dirty whore you are” he whispered in your ear as he continued to move his fingers against your folds. You just moaned in response, silently begging for Erijou to touch you with more than his fingers. 
“Little slut needs a cock in her,” Denki panted. Erijou laughed and you felt the head of his cock press against your folds and you couldn’t help the gush of wetness that followed that action. 
Erijou groaned as he bottomed out in you and slowly started fucking you his pace matching the fast way Kaminari thrust into your mouth. 
“Such a good Omega whore taking two Alpha cocks like it’s nothing,” Erijou growled. His fingers hardening and digging into your skin leaving lines in their wake. 
“Aahhh fuck- fuck-” Denki cried out before pulling out and spraying your face in his cum. You only just managed to close your eyes just in time so nothing got in your eye. 
“Fuck,” Denki sighed 
“Can’t wait to take you back to the room so I can really fuck you Omega,” he added, smiling at your wickedly,
“Keep it in your pants until I finish,” Erijou grunted his hips smacking against yours even harder now, “I want to have a little fun with our slut too.”
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darthwheezely · 4 years
i walk the line - f.w. - 1
1950s american carnival! au
Summary: The Weasley Bros. Circus has always been a family affair...until they pick up a highly unusual girl with wicked talents...
Warnings: 1950s America and all the shit that comes with it, NSFW/SMUT MINORS NO INTERACTING :) , alcohol usage, cussing, tw violence (fights), carny folk, contortionist, language and desc of intense circus acts, clowns, sad boy George, GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF BULLYING IN THIS CHAPTER, angst
taglist or people that may like this! DM to be added or removed @cappsikle @lumosandnoxwriting @whizboingies @virgohufflepuff @officialwizardwheezes @amourtentiaa @softlyqoos @breadqueen95 @thehufflepuffwife @george-fabian-weasley @lupinsclassroom @haileymorelikestupid @sarcasticallywitty15 @band--psycho @gcdric @vogueweasley @harrysweasleys @slytherinsunrise @thisismynerdyself @loony-loopy-lupinn @writingsomewrongs @pineapplesandpinas @valwritesx @amxrtentias @theweasleyslut @oh-for-merlins-sake @alyssamalfoy @bisou-doux
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“...welcome to our home!”
George listened as the crowd erupted before his father. He had always admired Arthur “Art” Weasley, for many a reason. The way he could walk in and command a room, the way he could silence an entire audience with a simple flick of his wrist of wave of his hand, the way his voice alone could stop his cries in the night, the way he would come up behind him when taking care of the animals was too much and say, “Georgie, go to sleep, son.” but most of all? The way his father noticed him.
Baltimore, Maryland. 1933.
George Weasley was on the run. Again. Charlie Dooley, a boy from his class, and his gang of (as Fred said) “chickenshit babies” had made it a habit of following George home from school and doing one of the following: a) chasing him on bikes, b) cornering him in the bathroom, or c) sprinting after him on foot.
Today, it had been on foot.
“C’mon monkey boy!” Charlie howled, the other boys closing in on him. George sprinted a quick right realizing he dropped his lunch box and thinking a violent but rapid mom’s gonna be so mad, oh no oh no-
George barreled down the street, his house in sight, tears stealing on his cheeks from the sheer speed and necessity to get home. His feet seemed to be operating without him knowing, his body throwing itself backwards and forwards with the blinding need to be home, to hug his dad and say he wasn’t going to school anymore, to ask his mom to stop packing bananas in his lunchbox even though it was his favorite snack because mom don’t you know they call me monkey boy-
“Thought you could really get away from us this time huh, Georgie boy?” Charlie had pinned him to the concrete, George’s heart screaming in his ears. He could barely register that his lip was bleeding, and that maybe if he focused on the sky, his eleven year old shrimp of a body wouldn’t feel-
Isn’t that what superheroes say? Pow? Let’s think about superheroes, Georgie, Charlie doesn’t last long with punches anyway just keep lookin’ at the sky, he thought wildly before-
He vaguely felt his eyes roll back into his head, but he made a very clear rule to himself that he wouldn’t cry, Fred wouldn’t want him to cry, not that Fred was mean, Fred just hates seeing him cry-
And suddenly there was something off his body. He could hear punching noises but they were not aimed at George, but rather someone else. When he was able to open his eyes he saw his brother, Fred, landing blow after blow to Charlie Dooley, Charlie mewling under Fred.
“Touch my brother again, and I promise I won’t just break your nose next time, yeah?”
Art Weasley sat with his son George in the red chair in his caravan. It was George’s favorite chair, as he learned the word “red” from that chair and then equated “red” to his own hair.
Arthur had known his son would have it harder. It wasn’t his fault the boy was different, he loved him just the same for it if not slightly more so for the way he was a bit quieter, the way he listened and thought and thought and then wanted to make choices. The way he asked his mom if he could pack Fred’s lunches for school because only George knew Fred hated crunchy peanut butter sandwiches with white bread.
But more so for the way George wasn’t afraid to show love. To cry. To feel things Art sometimes couldn’t articulate.
George was curled into his father, tears staining his button up shirt and his body shuddering with every anxiety laden breath. Art put a hand on his son’s back and put his lips to his hair.
“George, you have to breathe for me or you’re gonna get sick.” He rubbed his son’s back soothingly.
“I’m sorry, dad, I promised I did what you said and tried to protect myself and when I couldn’t do anything else I just didn’t look at h-him I p-promise, dad p-please don’t be mad at me...” he took another shudder and released a cry into his father’s shoulder. Art was not a helpless man, but there was something that destroyed and cracked his very soul at the sight of his most vulnerable child, the most angelic of his seven children. The one that everyone protected. And at times like these, sometimes all a father can do is hold his child. So that’s what he did.
“I know, son...I know...”
George jumped out of his thoughts, his palms sweaty from the inevitable stage fright that always accompanied him before a show. It was no matter how many times he grazed the trapeze with his sister Gin and his brother Ron, the nerves were always the same.
At least this time, no pows would be administered from anyone besides himself.
He heard his name again, the daze breaking as he looked at his oldest brother Bill.
“George. You’ll be fine. You always are, baby brother.” He said softly, placing his hands back on, Cora (short for Corazon) the lion. George gulped and nodded, and Fred patted his back, giving a hearty wink. George smiled a small smile, clapping Fred’s forearm.
“Ready, Fred?”
Fred grinned.
“Ready, George.”
George belonged to the trapeze. The way his body seemed to elongate with grace and dexterity when he grabbed his sister, the way he gave flirty winks at the girls in the crowd, the way he never dropped a muscle unplaced-
The way their father always noticed.
Fred saw these things in his younger brother and couldn’t help the fit of jealousy in his stomach. Don’t get your tightrope in a twist, he was possibly the most proud of his brother, and his hand to God if he didn’t say he hooted his name the loudest watching him do his thing.
But he never felt like he could ever match that.
He knew his hands were meant for something greater, same as his mind. Juggling came almost as easy to the older twin as breathing, smoking cigarettes, witty banter, and sex (in no particular order). But George had something Fred didn’t have.
Fred was, for all intents and purposes, a good person. A great person. But his habits could’ve said so much otherwise.
Fred had a nasty habit of letting his temper get the best of him. Ever since he could talk, he had taken on the role of protector to not only George, but to Ginny and Ron as well. Frequently, his hands always seemed to have more things to say than he could which says a massive fucking lot. At the ripe age of 20, he’d gotten into more bar fights and straight up blacked out sober more than his own father, and all of his other siblings. He’d been in and out of detention when he did go to school, and in and out of-
Well, you get it.
The one thing that always seemed to follow him? His charm.
Fred Weasley was a charismatic motherfucker.
And he knew it.
It was simple. All he had to do in between acts was make a couple jokes, a few magic tricks, and by the end of his little charade? He’d have at least 3 girls lined up for that night. And if he was in a particularly bad mood?
Well, it could get a little more than that.
On nights like this, he was fine with just two.
I mean...Fred knew what he was doing.
And on a night like this - he was damn proud of it.
Until he saw you...
Last night.
Fred’s dessert was named Candy. He honestly couldn’t remember what her actual name was, but he did remember she said:
“Call me Candy. I taste like it, too.”
And honestly? That was really all he needed.
It didn’t take him long to press her small body against his caravan. She wound her arms around his neck and fisted into his flame colored hair and yanked, his hips rolling as he moaned into her lipstick stained mouth.
Fred always did have a thing for gals in red.
Fred realized his pants had begun to be a tad too tight, as Candy’s tongue licked into his mouth. his hands found their way under her dress, fingers kneading at her thighs and she squeaked. He lifted her legs at her noise and he wrapped them around his body, his bulge pressing into where she needed him the most.
“Fred, please” she whined, his mouth attaching to the valley of her breasts, the exposed skin of her dress warm and inviting.
“Please what, doll?” He teased roughly, his free hand sliding to cup her ass and squeezing. She gasped at his rough touch and he bit her collarbone.
“Fred, please, fuck me” she said airily. He smirked before pressing a quick kiss to her mouth.
“Absolutely, baby, see how easy that was?” He licked her bottom lip and bit, before pressing his forehead to hers, the sheer strength of his body pressing her against the van enough to use his hands to pull her panties down enough for her to kick them away. She reached down to unzip his pants when he motioned for her to do so, his hard cock free of his boxers.
“You ready, pretty girl?” He growled against her earlobe. Candy whispered a breathy “please” and Fred slid into her cunt, her wetness echoing sinful noises at the contact. They groaned at connection, and Fred continued to go deeper into her until he bottomed out. He looked at her for confirmation to keep going and she nodded. He pulled out and slammed back into her, beginning to set a rough pace against the van.
“Freddie, fuckfuckfuck you feel s-so good” she sputtered, Candy’s back hitting and arching against the van, causing it to move slightly against her. Fred nipped and sucked at her neck, determined to always leave a map of where he left his treasure behind...
“Look at you, unraveling like a ball of twine. Never had cock this good, doll?” He reached a particularly good angle in her causing her to claw deeper at his back, biting in a scream.
“Thereeee it is, baby. You like that don’t you, c’mon be a good little cock slut and tell me what you want, want everyone in this whole fucking camp to know I’m fucking you so good.” His hand went to her clit, circling it harshly. He wanted her to finish, his dick was twitching all to hard in her and he needed her to release before it was his turn. Her moans and gasps and mini clawings were getting sloppier, losing their tempo.
“Yeah, baby, I’ve got you” he groaned against her mouth at her clenching pussy. She gave a final sputter and screamed into his shoulder, a hot electric wave coursing over his cock, with one, two, three harder pumps, he released into her as well. He leaned his forehead against hers and kissed it lightly. But when he looked back at her face, she was already losing interest. Just like the others. But it didn’t bother him...at least not anymore, right?
Just another night.
Memories of Candy and Janie and Jessica and Portia and all the other girls seemed to wash away at the sight of you waiting after the show. Your eyes were full of life but somehow had something tired behind them. The way your hair wasn’t perfectly coiffed but still looked like you had tried to, the way your dress was crinkled at the bottom like you didn’t give a shit if it was crumpled in the bottom of your dresser.
And then you looked at him.
Fred Weasley could have sworn time stopped at the way you walked across the hay to him, your body positioned in a way that would’ve given him every reason to hold you. he realized his face began to flush at the sight of you getting closer.
That, he thought, was an alien feeling.
“Hi.” You said warmly to him.
“You’re Fred, right? I loved your act.”
He blinked twice and then returned your smile.
“Yeah. Thank you so much, I...I really try, I am so sorry but what is your name?” His eyes scanned your face. You stuck your tongue in your cheek and returned the search on his face.
“Y/N. Y/L/N. I’m looking for a job.”
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cakers-2000 · 3 years
Hey ! Are you taking requests right now ? If so, can you write, like, literally anything you want with Hanako-kun and s/o ? I just finished the anime and I'm craving more content 🥺🥺🥺
It's been so long since you requested I'm so sorry!
Still I hope you enjoy! I was already planning on writing something for Hanako-kun he's my absolute favorite so it all worked out perfectly! 🥰
~Savior (Hanako-Kun X Reader)~
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Word Count: 1.3k
Sometimes you cursed the day you met Hanako. He was annoying, loud, kind of arrogant and to top it all off, a spirit left to inhabit your school and torture you daily. Your first meeting with Hanako had been… eventful to say the least.
Being related to Kou definitely had its pros and cons. In fact your first introduction to the ghost boy was through Kou himself.
And ever since that day he had been a blight on your life, making it his mission to annoy you every chance he got.
A small sigh escaped your throat as you sat yourself down against the wall in an empty hallway. Your day had been more than hectic, you almost cried when you heard the final bell signaling your school day was over. You could finally relax, something you had been looking forward to all day. You were practically hiding yourself from your best friend Akane, he could be… a handful sometimes, especially with his affection for Aoi. Not that you didn’t love him and his interests but today, he was just too much for you. Normally you would go home and relax there but lately, home wasn’t even home for you anymore.
You reached into the school bag resting beside you and dug through, fingers dancing along the edges of your many different school books before your eyes caught a dazzling silver gleam. You grabbed the object and pulled out a rather small book. It couldn’t have been bigger than a cellphone. You flipped through the book, hesitating on each page that held a brilliantly drawn picture.
One held a picture of that dear friend Akane. Another of Aoi watering the plants in class. Yet another held a picture of your two brothers Kou and Minamoto. Your hand stopped when you spotted the smiling face of Hanako himself. It had actually been quite a few days since you had last seen the ghost boy. You would admit it had been relaxing to get a break from him, but you did wonder how he was doing and what had stopped him from bugging you daily like he used to. You flipped to the next page in the book, a blank sheet and once more dug through your backpack to search for a pencil or pen.
You had failed to notice the shadow slinking towards you. Nor had you noticed your book slip daintly off of your lap and disappear into the dark depths of the hallway in front of you.
Finally you felt the cool metal of your pen and you reached for your book, excited to get the artistic juices flowing again but were shocked to find that it wasn’t there.
“What the…”
You slowly stood yourself up and grabbed the backpack, throwing it on your back and beginning your search for the book. If it was a new book you would’ve paid it no mind and simply left but that book had years worth of sketches in it. You had almost completed every page, it was so much hard work you couldn’t just leave it.
As you strolled further and further down the hallway you began to feel uneasy. The hairs on the back of your neck seemed to stand on end and you could almost swear there was the sound of feet behind you, but everytime you looked there was no one.
You let out a defeated sigh when you seemed to arrive at a dead end, your book nowhere in sight and kicked at the ground in frustration. All of that hard work, gone.
You felt something hit your toes and glanced down to find the book, resting upside down on the ground. Your face contorted into one of displeasure and confusion before you bent down to grab hold of it and then you heard it. The pitter patter of something dripping from the ceiling. Right above you. Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt something cold drop onto your cheek.
What the hell!?
You slowly lifted your gaze upwards, fear rushing through your system and almost screamed when you saw the disgusting creature in front of you. It looked like a black blob, but its teeth. They were so sharp, and the drool that fell from its jaws as it stared down at you. It sent a shudder down your back. You wanted to scream, to cry out for help but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You were frozen in utter fear.
Besides, this thing wasn’t human. Who was going to help you from this kind of beast?
You felt a tentacle-like object slink its way around your foot and you let out a gasp as it pulled you to the floor, still standing above you as it came closer, ready to devour.
You racked your brain. Who could help you? You couldn’t die like this.
And finally your body let you scream out the only name you knew could help you.
It was a long shot. There was only a small chance he would be able to even hear you let alone rescue you in time, but it was that or nothing.
The creature came even closer at your shout and you could feel its hot breath on your face. If you reached a finger out you’d be able to pierce it on the teeth only inches from your nose. You closed your eyes. This was it. You were dead.
The sound that greeted you made your stomach churn. The sound of a knife sliding through meat, an odd gurgling sound that made you want to gag, and then the creature above you screamed. You didn’t dare open your eyes as you felt a rush of cool liquid drip on top of you, not that you would’ve been able to see anyways, your tears would have blurred your vision all too much.
“Good work Hakujoudai.”
That voice. That oh so familiar voice. You quickly snapped your eyes open at the sound and could see him standing before you, waggling his finger playfully at the Yo-Kai ball circling around him.
He could seem to sense you staring at him and smiled warmly in your direction. “Hi thereeeee. Made it just in time huh?”
He practically skipped towards you and knelt down beside you. You could feel his cold hands grab onto your cheek as he wiped what you could now see was a piece of that disgusting blob creature off of you. “I’m glad I made it.”
You opened your mouth to speak but the sound that escaped you was that of a squeak as he pulled you into his arms. Your head rested firmly against his chest as he held onto you with a rather tight grip.
You did as he said, allowing him to rest his head on top of your own. His fingers were cold as always but you allowed him to intertwine his with your own and trace patterns along the top of your hand with his thumb.
“Please be more careful (Y/N).”
His voice was just above a whisper as he spoke to you, giving your hand a light squeeze to emphasize how serious he was.
“I will. Thank you for protecting me.”
He pulled himself away at your words and stared you down before bursting out into laughter. You tilted your head rather quizzically at him and he tried to stifle his giggles. He stood himself up and held his hand out to help you up.
“Let’s get you cleaned up in the restroom, okay?”
A smile fell to your face and you gave him a nod before accepting his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull you to your feet.
“Whatever you say Hanako.”
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liaromancewriter · 3 years
Falling Into Dust: The Ending (epilogue)
Series Premise: After surviving a deadly poison attack, Cassie struggles with guilt for her part in the tragedy and tries to find her way back to the person she was.
Epilogue: When Cassie is forced to return to Edenbrook, she has to make a decision on what her future holds.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating: Mature (slightly NSFW in the beginning) but otherwise Teen Category: Fluff Words: 2,170
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: My original plan was to always have Falling Into Dust as a trilogy, but quite a few people asked if I could write an epilogue to Cassie’s story to find her way back. This is for everyone that asked or wanted to ask but weren’t sure if they could. 😉
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Cassie Valentine was drowning in sensation. Head thrown back against the pillow, her cries echoed off the walls of the luxury master bedroom with its floor-to-ceiling windows that let in the dawn and views of the city outside.
Her hands moved of their own volition, coming to rest at the back of her lover’s head, holding him close as his tongue licked and lapped her wet core before driving deep so that her moans grew louder. He seemed to revel in that, his movements becoming more urgent, rushing her to completion.
While she preferred to sleep in whenever possible, he had no such compunction. If this was how he planned to wake her up, she could start to see the appeal of early mornings.
Her eyes had drifted open when his alarm went off earlier. After almost two weeks of living together, she’d gotten used to the rude wake-up call. Most mornings, she would lie in bed, listening to the sounds of him moving around as he got ready for work. Watching him transform from her Ethan to Dr. Ramsey.
The first week since her return from Newport, he had taken a few days off to help her find a therapist to deal with her survivor’s guilt, and just spend time together as a couple.
Cassie had thought it would feel strange to be back in Boston and not be at the hospital. But, it hadn’t. She’d enjoyed reconnecting with herself here and had even found a ballet class for former dancers that met twice a week.
She had started reading some of the historical nonfiction books in Ethan’s study. Okay, maybe she didn’t quite enjoy them as much as he did, but it had led to some passionate debates…in more ways than one.
After he had returned to work, Cassie had planned to move back to the apartment she shared with her friends. But he’d asked if she would stay a while longer. Now it was their last morning together.
Sienna was upset that Cassie had stayed away so long from their apartment and had actually given Ethan the “look” yesterday, so that he had quickly agreed to drop her roommate off today on his way to work.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you stay?” he asked, cuddling her close as she caught her breath.
“Are you going to be the one to tell Sienna why I’m not back today?” she said, her head resting against his shoulder as his fingers combed through her hair.
“Who knew someone so small could be so fierce?” he complained with a shudder. “Alright, love. Let’s go grab a shower and then I’ll make breakfast while you finish packing.”
“Are we going to shower or…” she teased, her tongue flicking his nipple before glancing up into his eyes.
He quirked one eyebrow as if to say, “What do you think?”. Then she was laughing as she jumped out of bed only to have him chase her into the walk-in shower where things got very interesting very quickly.
By the time Ethan dropped Cassie off at her apartment, the sun was up, the light streaming through the east facing window in her room. He set her suitcases against the far wall before reaching for her hand, reluctant to let go after weeks together.
Cassie leaned against him, tugging him down to fuse their lips together before they drew apart. It was starting to feel like the end of something.
“Go,” she said, pushing him out the door. “Don’t want the world to collapse because Dr. Ramsey was late.”
When she was alone, the silence felt too loud. Her roomies were at the hospital and for the first time she felt like she didn’t belong here. She went back to her room, unpacking and putting her things away before stuffing the empty suitcases at the back of her closet.
That had taken maybe thirty minutes. Uncertain of her next move, she sat down in the armchair next to the window, the same one from all those weeks ago when she’d watched the blue bird sing. Now, light snow was falling outside, and the bird had likely flown south for winter.
She reached for one of the medical books from the shelf below the window. It was an old favorite, the blue-green cover worn from use, as was the spine with the words “Diagnostics Principles” in large and “Dr. Ethan Ramsey” in small.
As Cassie turned the first page and then the next and the one after that, she found herself remembering forgotten moments from all those years ago when she’d first read his words. The way her eyes had grown so wide at the implications and connections that the author had made about the human mind and body.
And how Jackson had teased her that if he wasn’t certain the author was most likely a 50-year-old curmudgeon, he would start to feel very insecure about her hero worship of one Dr. Ramsey.
Knowing what she did now, Ethan could not have been much older than her when he wrote this. She should ask him about it one day.
As she skimmed over the copious notes she’d scribbled in the margins, Cassie found herself getting excited again. She reached for a notebook to jot down her observations upon rereading a particularly challenging case study of a patient with systemic amyloidosis.
She wrote down a question to ask Ethan about the potential of using stem cell therapy as a treatment option. There were still a lot of unknowns about stem cell and gene therapies; some physicians considered it science fiction. But new research was being conducted around the world that might help patients down the line.
There was a time when the smallpox inoculation experiments by Edward Jenner had been considered science fiction too, and yet they had set the stage for immunology as an essential medical practice.
She stopped when her stomach growled loudly. She was surprised to see that it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon and the snow outside was coming down hard. She went to the kitchen to check if there was anything she could snack on. She would have to go grocery shopping shortly if she wanted to eat.
She smiled when she found a container in the fridge with her name on it in Sienna’s neat handwriting, with instructions on heating up the lasagna. Cassie poured some sparkling water ─ the bottle courtesy of Sienna again ─ as she sat at the kitchen counter and dug in.  
She had just cleared her dirty dishes and was contemplating what to do for the rest of the day when there was a knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, she was surprised to see their landlord Farley outside and unlocked the door.
“Hi Cassie,” he said pleasantly. “Just wanted to see how you were holding up.”
“I’m doing much better now,” she responded in kind. “Thank you for the flowers. That was very thoughtful of you.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiled sheepishly. “It was awful what you went through, but it’s good to see you looking well.”
As he raised his arm to scratch the back of his head, Cassie noticed the large rash visible under his sleeve. Maybe it was the hours spent reading her mentor’s work or maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t as afraid anymore, but Cassie found herself convincing Farley to visit Edenbrook’s community clinic.
She changed into a mauve knit sweater dress, putting on her gray winter coat and black boots over thick tights. She glanced at herself in the full-length mirror and saw an old sparkle returning to her eyes.
As the two of them got off the T and trekked through the snow, Cassie could feel her body trembling as the fight-or-flight adrenaline kicked in at the sight of the familiar glass-fronted façade of the hospital.
The first time she’d walked through those doors, her eyes had been wide open with excitement and wonder at finally achieving her dream. Now that same emotion battled the fear that was threating to take over at the thought of what lay behind those concrete walls.
She had been wrong earlier. She was still afraid and might not be completely ready to pick up medicine again. But she could also never walk away from someone who needed her help. No matter what, Farley came first, and she would just have to suck it up.
Several hours later, Dr. Cassie Valentine confidently walked down the familiar hallways, calling out greetings to colleagues she hadn’t seen in weeks.
As Cassie fell into routine, the part of her that had fallen in love with a certain diagnostician’s words and the mystery of medicine found itself awakening, excited by the secrets that waited to be uncovered.
She had only faltered once when she passed the nurses station where Danny had been a friendly face. Sienna’s hand on her arm as the two friends silently commiserated had given her the strength to keep going.
She’d met the roomies for a late afternoon coffee break, checked in with her own intern, Esme, and even found time to quickly drag Ethan into a supply closet. His gruff protest had gone unheard as she kissed away the frown on his mouth.
Clutching the lab results in one hand, she made her way toward the Diagnostics Team’s new patient room, on the opposite side of the hospital from the old one. She wasn’t sure what she would have done if it had still been the room where she thought she was going to die.
But Jackie had mentioned briefly that the room was still closed off and would likely be turned into storage.
It must have been Ethan’s doing, she thought. He knew intimately what she had went through and had suffered with her that last night when they weren’t sure morning would come.
By the time she finished with Farley, it was after end of shift. She texted Ethan only to have him say that he was in the ED, and could she meet him there?
She took the elevator down, exchanging small talk with Sarah and Marlie, the two nurses she most frequently worked with, who were heading home.
Waving them goodbye, Cassie strode into the busy emergency department and straight into Ethan. Checking first to make sure no one was watching she laced her fingers through his; he squeezed her hand affectionately before letting go.
“How was the rest of your day?” he asked as they stepped to the side to let someone pass.
“Exciting, terrifying, invigorating! Like the part of me that was lost suddenly found its way home,” she ended softly so that only he could hear.
He stilled at the words.
“Cassie…” he began, his tone hesitant as if he wasn’t sure what to say or how to say it.
“That’s Doctor Valentine to you,” she said, her voice lightly teasing. “In case you haven’t heard, I was top of my class at medical school, was the number one ranked intern last year and am now a Junior Fellow on Edenbrook’s famed Diagnostics Team under the Doctor Ethan Ramsey, my mentor and medical hero. I’m living my dream.”
“Not sure where this arrogance is coming from, Rookie,” he scoffed. “As your mentor, I’m not sure that’s an accurate assessment of your skills. But don’t worry, I always have time to knock some sense into my team. Keeps them grounded.”
“You’ll be knocking something into this team member, Dr. Ramsey,” she smirked, “but it won’t be sense.”
She laughed out loud as a pink blush pricked at his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He cleared his throat, opening his mouth to say something cutting no doubt, but no words came out as he looked away, the flush on his face fading.
“Don’t worry, Dr. Ramsey,” she said, dramatically shaking her head in pity. “Many have tried, but few can best me when it comes to this.”
She glanced down when her phone pinged.
“That’s Si,” she said, tapping on the screen before looking up. “My friends are at Donahue’s, and I said I’d join them. Will you be there?”
“Not tonight,” he said regretfully. “I have paperwork to catch up on. You go, have fun.”
“See you tomorrow for morning briefing in the DT office?” she asked, looking up expectantly.
“See you tomorrow,” he nodded.
He waited until she was almost at the sliding doors leading to the ED’s street entrance when he called out.
“It’s good to have you back, Doctor Valentine.”
As Cassie walked through the doors, she stopped to glance over her shoulder at him, giving him a faint smile to match the one on his lips before the doors slid shut.  
Doctor Cassie Valentine, MD, she thought, hugging the words close to her heart.
She was still afraid, but she was no longer terrified. She was exactly where she belonged doing what she loved with the people she loved enough to make it worth the fight.
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dakotafinely · 4 years
(Age Range: 1 & 2)
Raph: (Based on two of my kiddo’s)
That one kid who always wants to help and won’t stop following the teacher
Has zero volume control
“Ya sleep well buddy?” “YEAH.”
“You want some more kiddo?” “yeah”
Generally a good kid, very sweet and shares his food with the others if they ask
Will sit between you legs like a baby penguin (whether your standing or sitting)
Very sensitive about everything
“Raph! Don’t do that you’ll get hurt!” *Raph cries and falls to the floor dramatically*
“The dinosaurs and-” *unintelligible noises*
“Mine! Mine!” “Yes Raph, I know it’s yours I’m putting it up okay?” “Yeah”
Whenever he’s speaking at normal volume his “Yeah”s sound tired and disappointed
Stands with his hands behind his back while his waiting, like a little old man
Tall enough he can get into things you don’t want him to get into stop it or I swear-
Leo: (Based off one kid)
Doesn’t really talk a lot
Or like... at all, but you know he understands you better than most of the kids in your class
*Distressed noises and vigorous head shaking “no”* “Okay, okay, you don’t want the snack I get it.”
Eyes go WIDE and his nose flares up when he sees something he likes or is excited about
Passes out like he hasn’t slept in ages when you put him down for nap
Never drinks water, but also drinks a lot of water
His diaper is almost always dry why is it always dry I saw you drink 50 cups of juice you should’ve p-
Likes barreling into walls with one of those big scooter toys the kids can sit on
Runs with it, doesn’t ride it, has it backwards and runs with it
Usually doesn’t cry, but when he does it is LOUD and it is SCREAMING
Easily hypnotized by TV, so you can’t play it when he’s eating or he won’t eat
Won’t drink out of a cup he’s never used before
Donnie: (Based off of one child)
Is just... insufferable
Is always the one to wake up the other kids before they need to during nap
“I SWEAR today is the day I’m going to strangle a child.”
Very, very smart and you hate it because he does not use it for the forces of good
Every time you put him in time out it’s a whole show
“Donnie-” *Him, knowing what’s happening, scream cries and flails onto the floor, saying no repeatedly, even more so as I put him in the corner*
Despite how much you punish him (which, trust me, is very frequently) he often only wants to cuddle you????
You:*Sits on the floor* Him:*practically teleports to your lap*
Is constantly trying to lay down on the floor when it’s not nap time to sleep but he could’ve slept during nap but oh wait he’s the child who woke everyone up an hour early because he couldn’t stop “coughing” and yelling as much as possible
Do NOT forget his pacifier (which he calls bubble) *shudders* never again
Will look you dead in the eyes as scream as the highest pitch possible I swear to god I will murder you stop it-
At the end of the day, you love him and care about him, but you also hope he never comes back. But you know, he almost never misses a day.
Mikey: (Based off of two of the kiddos!)
Is... like a little dragon
Ya know, hordes all the toys he can fit in his arms (or a toy car if he wants it)
Will scream and cry if someone takes it from him (and if Donnie’s there, ya know it’s gonna happen)
Won’t even play with all the toy’s he’s collected, he just wants them
If someone takes a toy before he can snatch it, will scream and cry then too
Bites if provoked (Yes, Donnie is almost bitten every other day)
Honestly, is very sweet and cuddly, just has no idea how to share
But nap time, oh god nap time
There is only one teacher who has the magic touch to make that kid fall asleep, and you poor soul if it’s you (Yes it’s me irl, no I don’t like it)
He will scream, he will cry, sometimes it’s so bad you have to take him out of the room so he won’t wake the others
His parent’s don’t want you using a pacify but good lord are you tempted to do anything to make the child stop
If he closes his eyes it could be a trap so back away slowly and don’t fiddle with his blanket’s because you might- oh god his eyes snapped back open
Is the last to fall asleep, and somehow always one of the first to wake up
Will kiss you before and after you change him (on the cheek guys don’t even-)
“Bye-bye Mikey!” *Turns around and blows you a kiss* You: *dies*
Is mostly unintelligible, but can say his name, yes, no, and other assortment of words (sometimes)
Will cry if you play a different song or show then he wanted (which is sometimes the one he asks for, look I know it doesn’t make sense but trust me it happens all the time)
No one asked for this but I DO WHAT I WANT!!
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