#*rain on the window. my windows r dirty but not THAT bad
greelin · 1 year
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iwasthewind · 1 year
I have like 2 questions lol
Do you have any childhood Monoma hcs
What in the ever loving toast crunch is a "Spiral Cat"?
Anon, two hours after you sent this ask, I had half my answers typed out. A plethora of hcs. I giggled to myself as I tapped away. There was a wine glass filled with cranberry juice in my hand. (That was a lie. It was a normal glass with guava juice.) I was happily sniggering and wondering how I'd explain what a Spiral Cat is (is the name not explanation enough? It's a Spiral Cat/j) when something truly dreadful occurred- someone called my name.
I looked up, smiling, my phone in my hands. "I got you a new candle!" They said. I gasped, delighted.
I cleared the tab.
I procrastinated after that, sorry agsjsjsnsk. Anyway, here you go!
Monoma was one of those kids who tried to act really grown up and it came off as just alarming and/or funny sometimes. He tried to use big words and sometimes either didn't know what they meant, or butchered them- you can guess how that turned out 💀. It's a habit that he didn't really grow out of.
I feel like Monoma really clung on to things that had little value to others.
He wouldn't let his parents discard dying plants, torn clothes, chipped vases or the like. "The plants can get better! The vase looks okay when you turn it this way! I can wear this shirt when I play in the sand!"
He'd get so distressed when they tried to argue that they'd relent every time.
As a result, current Monoma's room back home is completely cluttered with old things. The number of cupboards and drawers is ever increasing, but he refuses to part with any of it.
A handkerchief belonging to a friend-turned-bully. A broken fountain pen that used to belong to someone who was a friend before she moved away. Old notebooks filled with silly drawings and stories. His (now deceased) cat's old collar and toys that he refuses to let the current one use. A half painted vase. A stained friendship band.
Monoma had trouble retaining friends. He 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 them easily enough, but it was difficult to connect with him and they'd usually find someone they got along with better and slowly leave.
As a result, he got along well enough with everyone, but there were no actual, close friends in the picture and nobody to defend him when he really needed someone to. It got a little lonely sometimes. Until it didn't, because-
"It's just bread! Moron!"
A cat. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 Cat. It was an ugly tabby with claws and teeth that were too long, and fur that was too matted and dirty, and a hiss that was far louder than any he'd ever heard before. Everything about it was "too much-" her eyes were too dark, too cruel, she was too plain, too aggresive-
Cats scared Monoma, but for this one he felt nothing but pity.
"I got you bread, Tsundere. What- stop with the face. It's bread. B-R-E-A-D."
He didn't quite understand what trauma was, but he figured it looked something like this.
He never really managed to domesticate Tsundere, and even though he gave in to his parents' wishes and agreed to gymnastics and french lessons, he wasn't allowed to bring the cat into the house unless it rained or snowed.
The cat didn't care about such trivial human boundaries. It was their fault- why leave the windows open?
Tsundere, at this point, was too used to being called Tsundere and refused to respond to any other names.
She hated being touched too much and really was a Tsundere, but when Monoma was sick- it really wasn't too bad- she panicked, was inconsolable and remained pressed against his side, purring and trying to make him feel better. She did not make a move to eat for hours, not until Monoma forced her.
She died two years later (she was old) and it was Monoma's turn to be inconsolable.
Is this how you write hcs I've never actually done this before
Moving on
Monoma watched a lot of Ghibli movies when he was very smol, so most of them flew over his head
He really loved the aesthetic, though
He wanted to dress up as Howl for Halloween, but where could you find a Howl costume for a seven year old? Perhaps if you tried-
His grandmother cackled and dressed him up as Calcifer. He still has the costume.
I honestly feel like his parents were physically very present, but emotionally quite absent in his life. They were also overwhelmingly pragmatic sometimes.
"Consider it, Neito. It may never work out. You cannot become a hero with your quirk."
They never really taught him to socialize, or to differentiate between right and wrong. He had to navigate those waters largely on his own.
As a result, some relationships (platonic or otherwise) were pleasant, some were painful and some were just bland. All of them were learning experiences, though.
He has ADHD. He doesn't know it. His middle school teachers brought it up to his parents, who dismissed it with a flick of the wrist and "it's alright, he can manage."
He couldn't manage. An older Monoma with a diagnosis and medication was royally pissed when he found out they already knew.
"You could have told me! Do you think it was easy?! Do you know how many breakdowns I've had? The difficulties I ran into at school? The issues I've had with my self worth? Of course it's easy for you, but it was 𝘯𝘰𝘵 so for me!"
He loved sweet things with a burning passion
He read the first few chapters of Coraline when he was younger, and only touched the book again when he read it with Reiko in UA.
He accidentally ran headfirst into the world of fanfiction at ten, looked over the edge, underestimated the drop and jumped without a parachute.
He has AO3 (he loves it), Quotev (it's good), Deviantart(rarely uses it), Tumblr (meh, sometimes good) and Wattpad ("why do children keep coming here? I hate this").
Reads fanfiction (and writes it as well) but has a tendency to discontinue or have really long hiatuses
Setsuna keeps harping on and on about a wonderful fanfiction that the author discontinued. Monoma who forgot to update it one time and consequently forgot it existed:
She wasn't pleased when she found out
Oh shoot you wanted childhood hcs
What has this turned into
I'm so sorry I'm vv distracted rn but I feel like I need to post this already (it's been way too long ahzjakksk)
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yandereocs · 3 months
AAH! I don't remember where but I think I saw an ask of like your characters as kids and I did a little something.. 😈 this will be a very long ask, please bear(bare?) with me 😭
Basically a daycare au! At the bottom of every kid, I wrote their names like how I think they would write it as kids. I'll also give some little headcanons but if they're not to your liking or it's untrue/ooc, you can change it!
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one of the shyer ones
She actually isn't supposed to be in the daycare as her older brother who is also her only guardian never signed her up for it. The caretaker, Ame, doesn't give a shit though and let's Bonnie in whenever she arrives. (Let's not talk about how did Bonnie escaped from Elijah's clutches-)
In my heart, all Elijah's are bad so the Elijah in this au sucks as well, although he is a bit toned down.
Bonnie learns slower than the other children and hesitates a lot but she's a good and cooperative kid.
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i gave him an oversized version of his sweater but I wished I had given him a little suit instead since he did come from a wealthy family 😔
He's a very intelligent child despite his age. Very responsible too.
Zach likes to be responsible and help Ame with the other children but he constantly forgets that he is also a kid :(
He knows his alphabets but constantly writes in capital. Ame doesn't know why, he'll probably grow out of it.
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Ame could easily sniff out which twin is which but the other children can't so she made custom pin of each of the twins names so the other children could identify more easily. The twins do not like that though 😒
He wears Velcro shoes but it's understandable. Zach is the only child who can properly tie his own shoes.
Chance is as playful as Chase but is more in the quiet side when Chase is away (although they're rarely apart from one another anyways). He is more of the follower.
He's one of those kids that always writes out of the line so his writing looks uneven.
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The leader of the twins. Calls himself the leader of the whole daycare.
Gets hurt easily but is too "manly" for bandages.
He's always pouting for no reason.
Chase is the worst writer in the daycare. Ame believes that Chase is more of a builder type than writing.
If Chase is ever separated from Chance, he will spend his time trying to find his brother. Chance on the other hand, waits till Chase gets back.
He wears rain boots because he plays around mud and water a lot. Ame doesn't like this because he gets really dirty. To ease Ame's worries, Chase decided to wear boots so he wouldn't get so dirty anymore....
It doesn't work. He still gets dirty.
Honestly, Chase is a good kid. He's just a handful.
Also, maybe both the twins crave more physical attention than the others which is why they are always doing crazy things to get Ame's attention.
This is what you get for bringing in neglected children, Ame.
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Ame the caretaker! Its hamster Ame btw but I did thought of it being OG Ame instead but if that was the case, OG Ame would have been training these kids for war instead of taking care of them 😭
She wears space related pins! One is of Saturn, the other is a star and the moon.
The daycare building has a big sign outside which says no adult male cat hybrid with brown hair allowed.
Ame adores the children and is really patient with each of them, even Chase and Chance.
Being an experiment made to take care of children, she's doing as they had wanted.
She has fluffy pigtails if you don't know what's happening with her hair.
Anyways, that's all and again I deeply apologize for the long rambling. I really love daycare aus 😭 I'm planning to make more of the daycare au and adding more of your ocs to it, if you don't mind, of course! :)
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* All Elijahs are absolutely bad (it would just be strange if he WASN'T a horrible person in every universe 😭) so he is BANNED!! Bonnie's able to slip away from him through her bedroom window when he's off at work and just wanders over to the daycare. She can't read, meaning if the sign were to say "ELIJAH FRONT BANNED" or something like that, she wouldn't even know. But if she saw a crossed out picture of his face she wouldn't even piece it together 😭
* Girlie is just like "Wow he looks just like my brother :)" without even thinking of the possibility that it IS her brother 😭
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* I gave Zack the suit, just like you wanted 💪💪
* Younger Zack wearing a suit in his childhood is actually canon!! The reason he's seen wearing his sweater when he meets up with Bonnie during the night though is because he wants to be a normal kid and is sick of wearing a stuffy suit all day HAHA
* My boy Zack is forcing himself to grow up too fast 😔
* He thinks it's his responsibility to help the other kids since he's going to be the next in charge of the clan. These are his people!! It's his job!! Which means he never allows himself to play :(
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* Zack's always been affectionate. He can't exactly express that at home, so he's always expressing his gratitude towards Ame for being nice to him
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* These two are absolute menaces. They cannot be trusted alone‼️‼️
* Not that it matters, since most of their time is spent clinging to Ame's legs and pulling her along so she can watch them do some sort of dangerous stunt
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* All of these kids need a good maternal figure in their life. Bonnie has no parents, Zack's mom is only married to his father for the status, and the Twins only live with their dad. They all just need a kind lady to give them a hug and say that she's proud of them 😭
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cythoughtsnmemories · 11 months
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Thank God last Thu & Fri I was on course at SMU. So glad course mates jio me lunch tgt. Had bagel on 2nd day lunch. Went back office to exercise n dinner w colleague. Met up w friend for dinner on Fri after course.
Sat hubby n I went to my SSC gathering at Clara's hse. We had lunch at her hse n chat for hrs. Claragave us some souvenirs from TW, while I gave out d foodiefrom Jap...soon its dinner time and we had dinner tgt too lol~ Seorea bbq at Nex. Their service is bad. A staff spilled d sauce on the table, then she ask my friend to clean it up w tissue. Wts?! We both looked at each other cos we shock by the staff response. I asked d staff to clean it up w wet cloth, while my friend asked for more tissue. The staff still said there's tissue on d table. Erm...then I clean up then the tissue will used up also right. Not like it's a lot.
Sunday~ I went home to meal prep for Mon and ate the leftover for lunch w sis. While sis cooked korean cold noodles to share. Home is still best. At least, I can be comfortable and do things freely.
This wk was hectic but I'm glad I survived!
Went office everyday except Tue and Thu. No fam dinner w sis cos she's coming over on Mon n I've got gym. Anw, MIL also don't mind I can't join. Tue, my only day wfh at hubby's hse. Lunch was ard 1+ and I gave up waiting for MIL to return from market w helper. They went out ard 11am and not sure where they went to get cheap fish. Isn't usual lunchtime at 12 or 1? Was thinking 1 they not home then I'll cook my own lunch. Pfft! Why no fixed lunchtime? When they are back, MIL ask if I still want steam fish. Of cos! There's no meat leh. Luckily work wasn't busy, just long meeting.
Thu, I just brought some clothes and laptop home to wfh. Tabao lunch for my mum and took d train. So glad to be home. And yay~ mum has cleared covid too. Managed to meet hubby to have dinner date at suntec. Food was cheap but not nice.
Fri, I went office but went hubby's hse for dinner. I reached home, I quickly showered and do my laundry. As usual hubby want to collect d laundry water. Whatever~ it's 7.30 and dinner still not ready. Haizzz...finally 7.40 ready for dinner. MIL asked hubby to eat w me first. They join us not long after. I asked why there isn't any meat. MIL said oh I just cook whatever is in d fridge. Erm, but u have to plan n know what u r cooking and should realise there isn't meat right? I'm fine w eating vegetarian. Just regret I had oats for breakfast and vegetarian for lunch. Didn't expect dinner to be meatless lol. Oh, and period is here.
Sat, I woke up and get ready. Then I stood outside waiting for hubby. Dk y MIL suddenly so random and ask if i'm taking pills. I was confused. I tot she saying I crazy...nvr take meds lol. Then she ask again...contraceptive pills. Wah 🙄 how rude is this. I'm on my period leh. Okay she dk but y she thinks I'll do that and y can't I take those pills. Hubby was praying so he didn't say anything. I told hubby I'm going downstairs to wait for him and didn't reply my mil silly qn.
Went bukit timah for hike w colleagues and I asked hubby to tag along. We went to d summit and d yellow trail (difficult). It's Pris 1st time and she can't take another round. Heng ah~ as we were almost down at the base, it started pouring heavily. Pris drove us for a good soba which SFDJ intro. We then went separate way home. I wanted to try the mochi ice cream at 313, so hubby n I bought 1 each before heading home.
So tired...I just want to rest. I showered and went to keep my laundry. MIL took my pillow, bolster and blanket to put outside the window area. Omg!!! It's just 1 more day before I can go back home, y she wanna touch my stuff. 😭 I qn MIL, she still told me, it will smell good (from d sun). Erm, I know sun can kill germs but d area she place it is so dirty leh...birds can land there, rain, dust, lizard also can brush thru d area. Then she just said next time won't touch. In d first place u should ask first what. Why do I feel like mil always want to trigger me.
Maybe I'm tired, I went to pack my stuff for tmr going back home. MIL came in and ask why I'm packing. Hubby helped to say that I only have few set of clothes, so need bring back. Lol thanks babe! Lucky, I just kept quiet. Have lot of clothes also kena nag waste money. 🙄 I'm a sinner in this hse.
Saw a plastic bag, I took it to hubby to ask if I can throw cos it's already collected a layer of dust...thick de hor! Kena nag, not to touch his stuff. Just dk y hubby cannot spent some time to clear his room. Throwing stuff away seems like a sin in his hse...even though they don't use it anymore. Its so cluttered, dusty and messy. K lo, ur hse. I don't care.
No mood at all. Can't wait to go home tmr!! 😭
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loststarxox · 2 years
Unwaveringly Forever | JK | (R.) - One Shot 🔞
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♾ Pairings: Alcoholic!Jungkook x Reader
♾ Ratings: R. (18+) 🔞
♾ Genre: Established Relationship, one-shot, heavy smut, heavy angst, fluff
♾ Warnings: Explicit Content🔞, implied heavy drinking, alcoholism, drunk!Jungkook, SoftDom!Jungkook, fingering, breast play, dirty talk, praise kink, unprotected sex, some tears, minor swearing, implied repressed trauma, self-sabotage, mentions of past emotional/physical/verbal abuse, mentions of past emotional trauma, implied gaslighting, mentions of physical violence, fighting some mental demons, overall sad kookie I’m sorry :(
♾ Word Count: +7.9k
“I’m not like my father. I swear. I-I’m so much better than him.”
Not even a silver lining had been present all day.
Dark grey clouds had cloaked over the once blue sky. All day, the sky weighed heavily with the thick grey clouds. A day where one would wake up with no sunlight leaking through the blinds to cast on their face. Just to look out and see a blanket of greyness filling the void of the sky, almost forcing you to be in a bad mood. But you didn’t let it get to you. You kept your chin held high and your smile bright. Yet eventually by the evening, the clouds slowly let the weight of their burdens trickle down below and drench everything in sight.
You worked tirelessly through the sluggish day, with consistent smiles and laughs at work. Trying your best to put everyone in a happy mood to distract them from the gloomy atmosphere outside.
Nightfall had arrived a lot quicker than you imagined. You looked out to see that it had begun to rain. The ache in your muscles caught up to your conscious by 9 pm. You were held back far longer today. It was always gruelling to be working overtime so you were elated to finally go home.
You waved your friendly colleagues goodbye in the safe haven of your car, a beaming smile on your face as you watched them drive off first. You revved up your own engine, turning on the wipers and began exiting the parking lot.
The soft hum of the radio played in the background. As well as the delicate patters of the rain against the windows somehow felt soothing to you. The thought of possibly taking a nice, warm bubble bath with Jungkook brought a giddy smile to your face. Maybe lay against his chest, feel his taut muscles under your fingertips as you both talked and giggled about absolutely nothing. Yeah, that would end the night perfectly, the thought making your smile stretch wider.
It was a short car ride, with your beamers illuminating the dark neighbourhood. You eventually pulled into the drive way, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella as the rain began to pour more strenuously. The large droplets of water clattered hard against the car. You made a quick run for it, fleeing up the couple steps to seek the shelter of your porch. Although, you weren’t able to escape a few globs of water falling on your head and shoulders. You let out a sigh of relief while fumbling with your keys, slotting the one for the house in the keyhole.
As you walked in, the house was almost pitch dark and oddly serene, the aura almost matching the mood outside. One could have thought that were was never even life here to begin with as you slipped your shoes off and turned to hang your coat in the closet.
However, with your back turned, you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms slither around your waist and yank you backwards. You yelped in fright at the unexpected embrace, dropping your coat and hanger as your hands instinctively clung onto the arms wrapped around you.
An amused chuckle rang close in your ears, as they smothered their face in the junction of your neck and shoulder. That was when your muscles eased a little. The large hands delicately turned you around. You let out a exhale of relief, your clenched jaw relaxing at the familiar dark silhouette looming over you.
“Hi, baby.” Jungkook huskily murmured against your lips. With his arms still tightly wounded around your waist, he messily slammed his lips against yours. You scrunched your nose a little as his body practically stumbled into you, as if he himself lost balance. The momentum knocking you backwards as well.
His wet lips very sloppily molded against yours for a few seconds, you being too bewildered to reciprocate properly. He eventually pulled away, mustering a shaky smile on his face.
You grimaced, awkwardly wiping your mouth a little. Not necessarily because you were grossed out by him, but the kiss left a glistening glob of spit on your lips.
“That’s one way to greet me.” You mumbled jokingly under your breath.
His hands ventured to your face, scorching hands lovingly cupping your slightly damp cheeks. He drew closer to you, His nose subtly brushing against yours. Your own hand wrapped around the back of his hand that held your face. You tried to gaze at him in the darkness but all you were faced with was his dark shadow.
“I missed you.” He whispered longingly, eyes almost shutting closed.
“I missed you too.” You replied, adorning a sincere smile. You flipped the light switch next you, the yellow warmth dimly blanketing the darkness.
Now that his face was more visible, your smile immediately faltered. He stood before you with the most sluggish appearance, with those red puffy eyes, darkly casted toward you. His unkept hair was disheveled from constantly running his fingers through it. His lips were naturally turned down in a slight frown. Jungkook’s once sparkly eyes were dulled and void, a certain type of exhaustion hidden beneath the surface. He nervously noticed you observing him.
“What happened to you?” You asked in bewilderment. You were quite startled as you closely peered at his slackened appearance. His vision was going in and out of focus as he tried to hone in on your concerned expression. “You’re drunk?”
He gulped a little, the unsettling ache of shame overcoming him from your expression.
“Yeah. Just... A little bit.” He mumbled in an effort to not appear as guilty. You gave him a look that showed you were clearly not convinced. You tried to remain as poised as possible, keeping the disappointment to yourself. He was faced with your back while you quickly picked up your coat and hung it in the closet. Your heart felt heavy in your chest seeing him like this. He watched your movements carefully.
“A little? You look wasted.”
His sad doe-like eyes shifted across your face for a few seconds. Almost like he was in a silent conflict with himself, and then his face faltered further, shoulders deflating like he couldn’t put up the act anymore. It was like a mask began crumbling off his face. A sympathetic expression washed over your features at his dampened appearance. His lips parted, his breathing turning more heavy all of a sudden.
“I’m sorry.” He slurred out, not really knowing what else to say. The heavy weight of shame leaking through his tone.
There was an ugly twist of sorrow in your gut at the realization. You grabbed his hand and silently began guiding him up the stairs. His footsteps were lazy and uncoordinated as his lanky figure numbly trailed behind you like an overgrown lost puppy. He clutched onto the railing so he wouldn’t stumble into you. He wondered if you were upset with him.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He repeated in the softest whisper. His remorseful eyes thoughtfully gazed at the way both your fingers were intertwined as you tugged him upstairs. He gripped your fingers tighter.
“I’m not mad,” You replied honestly, your face faltering only in sadness. “And don’t say sorry to me.” You whispered. That smile that once lingered on your face in the car was long gone. Your eyebrows were now pinched together with a small frown taking its place. You stopped at the top of the stairs, turning to look at him. Your gaze settled to his hair that lacked sense of direction, randomly sticking out in awkward places.
“Say sorry to yourself. You don’t deserve this.” You heart clenched as you spoke. Your hand automatically reached up to soothingly run your fingertips through his dark tresses covered in sweat, brushing the hair out of his eyes. He sighed at your soft caress, swallowing the thickening lump in his throat as a dreadful voice in the back of his mind nagged him.
“I’m not like my father. I swear.” He spoke in a slight panic, worried that you would be afraid of him. Worried that you would run from him. Jungkook’s panic came from a real place. His glossy, doe-brown eyes desperately searched your face. “I-I’m so much better than him.”
You nodded at him in understanding. “I don’t think you’re like your father.”
You told the slightest little white lie.
The thing was, Jungkook lived a rough family life. His father being a raging alcoholic was on one side, and his major anger issues and the physical violence he watched his mother go through was on the other.
As Jungkook grew up, his father began targeting him in a different way. He knew how much Jungkook loathed him for his cruelty, so he’d pick his brain. His leverage being that Jungkook looked exactly like him. It was true, the physical resemblance between the two was uncanny. That little known fact only fuelled Jungkook’s hatred even more. Beyond physical abuse, his father began manipulating him into believing that Jungkook would grow up to be exactly like him. That he couldn’t escape their similarities no matter how hard he tried. And what better way to get on Jungkook’s nerves by telling him he was exactly like his dad.
Jungkook lived with those haunting words burned in his mind for a long time. He hated every comparison photo brought up between them. He wanted to burn them all. This is because what’s worse than looking in the mirror and seeing the same face that tortured you and your family for years, staring back at you. It would drive anyone mad.
So then Jungkook became determined to change his appearance. He styled his hair different, he covered himself with tattoos, he began weight training to buff himself up, and even decorated his ears with piercings.
Jungkook was terrified of his father, but he was more terrified of becoming like him.
You had a small theory. You didn’t know if you’d ever share it with Jungkook. To you, his dependency on alcohol didn’t just appear out of thin air. His father had this coping mechanism, and Jungkook subconsciously adopted it. You were almost positive that addiction in the family being passed is prevalent in some ways. However, that’s where the similarity strictly ends.
Jungkook had perceived you to be deep in thought, slightly cocking his head to the side as you carefully guided him into the bathroom. His loosened muscles easily let you nudge him down to sit on the closed toilet seat. You were about to step away but he quickly grabbed your arms, his half-lidded and sluggish red eyes gazing up at you expectantly. He pulled you closer to stand between his spread thighs. You noticed the sheen of cold sweat glistening on his forehead, strands of hair sticking to his feverish skin. He blinked his eyes slow and long at you. His foggy conscious trying its best to focus.
“I’m sorry.” He croaked out desperately, tugging at your heartstrings once again as you gazed intensely at his wavering eyes. He couldn’t be the one to keep it together, so it had to be you. And it was okay. “You don’t deserve this.”
You sighed, lovingly cradling the back of his head in your hand, pulling his head closer to you. He gently nosed your neck.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” You whispered, trying to comfort the distressed man, placing your lips against his hair.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here with you.” Cupping his scorching cheek, you leaned down, softly placing your lips against his. In just a few seconds, you parted from him again.
“It’s okay.” You repeated in a whisper, this time saying it to yourself as your eyes fluttered closed, containing your own coiled up emotions residing tightly within your chest. Your heart broke for Jungkook every time, because God knows he doesn’t deserve to be constantly tormented like this. You rested your forehead against his cold, clammy one. Both your breaths fanned against the other’s lips. You held him like that for a while, letting him feel your presence. Your touch. Because you weren’t sure how effective your words were to him, but your touch definitely soothed him.
You eventually pulled away and stood up straighter to keep cradling his head against your neck.
“It’s cold.” He admitted, the dreadful ache in his chest becoming mellow thanks to your nurturing warm embrace.
“I know.” You remarked back. You slightly pulled away to see his quivering lip and eyebrows pulled into a frown.
You went to step back. “Hold on. Let me get you a warm towel.” You said.
However, his blanked mind, so intoxicated didn’t register your words for a second. Because as soon as you began to step away again, his grip on you tightened, the fabric of your sleeves scrunching between his fingers as he desperately held on. The harrowing expression already twisted on his face deepening.
You watched as he unexpectedly stood up, forcing you to step back as his balance staggered a little bit. He blinked away the stars clouding his vision and tried to ignore the blood rushing straight to his head from his quick movement.
“Jungkook?” You skeptically eyed him. Although all he did was pull you into his arms, enveloping you tightly in a hug.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered pathetically against your hair. He inhaled your sweet scent, sighing softly as if it calmed him down. “I just have to say it. I’m so sorry.”
Your own lip quivered a little against his chest. You clutched onto his arms.
“Just– just stop saying sorry.” You choked back your tears. A trace of your own frustration accidentally leaked out as your throat began to swell. “Just let me take care of you. I don’t like seeing you hurt.” Your voice cracking at the end. It felt almost painful holding your tears back, a few accidentally slipping out and wetting his white shirt. Knowing you like the back of his hand, he sensed it instantly.
“Don’t cry, baby,” He cooed at you softly, his heart breaking a little at your anguish. “Not because of me at least.”
You wanted to let out a festering cry. You wanted to heal Jungkook. You wanted to make all his sadness vanish. But you just didn’t know how.
“How can I not? You’re in pain and I feel helpless to stop it.” You stifled out.
He eventually exhaled a long breath, softly fanning your stray away hairs. He was starting to feel dizzy from standing this long. The last thing he wanted to do was go tumbling into you. So he started fumbling back down on the closed toilet seat. Although with his grip still unknowingly latched on to you, you almost went down with him.
You resisted from falling on top of him, placing your hands on his shoulders. He slowly and reluctantly let his hands fall from you as you began to step away. His eyes now remained down casted to the floor in an unpleasant daze-like state.
You were free to grab a small, fresh towel from the cabinet. You turned the sink on and let the warm water soak in the towel and then walked over to him.
He let you nudge his face up, and you softly brushed the heat of the damp towel over his chilled skin. He kept his eyes closed, quietly relishing in the feeling as you swiped it over his perspiring forehead, your strokes venturing all the way down to his neck as well.
“You need some water,” Your gentle tone broke the tranquility, making Jungkook open his eyes at you once more. “Keep warming yourself with this and I’ll be right back.”
You couldn’t tell if Jungkook heard you or not based on his lack of reaction. You paused.
“...Okay?” You expectantly raised your brows a little. Crouching down to level your face with his due to his low seat. You placed your hand on his shoulder, softly squeezing the tensed muscles in a massage like motion.
He numbly nodded, his empty eyes now watching you exit the bathroom. However, the damp towel remained limp in his hand, completely unmoving. You came back with three plastic water bottles held to your chest.
You put the towel away and held out the water to him. His dreary eyes were barely able to focus on the object but his wavering hand still took it from you.
He roughly snatched off the lid and held the bottle to his dry lips. You watched in slight amusement as Jungkook threw his head back, eyes shut as he easily chugged the first one in just a few seconds as if it was nothing. The cool liquid felt so soothing to him, silkily gliding down his parched throat. Unlike the bitter burn of the whiskey. He let out a dragged sigh after releasing the rim from his lips, almost akin to a low growl. The empty plastic bottle crinkling in his tight grip as he shakily handed it back to you. You slowly took it from him and silently handed him the second one, which he also gulped down in a few seconds. He only drank about half of the third bottle before he was done.
He hastily wiped his mouth with the back of hand. His eyes were still casted to the floor, barely looking at you. He didn’t like the look of pity that you gave him.
“Let’s take a nice bubble bath. It’ll make you feel better.” You suggested softly, masking a sniffle as you opened the cabinets, taking out his favourite vanilla scented soap.
Jungkook stayed still on the toilet seat with his head hung low. Almost resembling a despaired child as he quietly and discretely watched your movements from beneath his lashes. His face was still feeling incredibly droopy.
His posture was lazily slouched with his fingers loosely clasped together between his spread legs. It looked kind of funny. Seeing a grown man, clearly too large for the small seat, slumped like that. He patiently waited for you as you turned the faucet on, letting the loud sound of gushing water echo through the stillness of the bathroom. You let your fingers glide through the water as you waited for the perfect temperature. As the water slowly filled the hot tub, You began squeezing a good amount of soap into the water. you turned back to Jungkook.
“Do you need help undressing?” You asked, turning to look at him and capping the bottle shut. He was slow with his response but eventually shook his head at you. Nibbling on his bottom lip, he firmly grabbed his knees and simply got up to his feet with a small grunt to start undressing himself.
However, perhaps he overestimated himself. His heavy body swayed as he stood up, quickly losing its equilibrium, making you panic. You hastily grasped his torso to balance him. He gently rested his freezing hand on top of yours, making your hand twitch a little.
Your eyes ventured to his veiny hand for the first time. Fresh bruises adorned his knuckles, overlapping older scars with newly tinted red blemishes and cuts. It all came from the intense boxing sessions with his trainer.
You sighed, making sure he was securely planted to the ground before releasing him.
You decided it was clearly best to help him undress. He tried to help as you pulled his black T-shirt over his head. He very slowly and carefully slipped his grey sweatpants off.
You went to hang his shirt and sweats behind the door as he carefully took it upon himself to climb into the warm water.
You almost had a heart attack when you heard a squeak from the tub, followed by a low grunt. You whipped your head around in fear, thinking he was about to trip, only to see him slowly and shakily sinking beneath the steaming water. He noticed your panic, mumbling a quick sorry your way, holding his hand up to show you he’s fine.
He quietly settled himself in, spreading his legs out and let the blanket of warmth seep into his skin and relax his tensed muscles. The sweet scent of vanilla from the soap was just as pleasant. His favourite scent. Vanilla.
His hooded eyes then trailed over to your figure, still fully clothed to his disappointment. He lifted his hand from the water, fingers motioning you to come closer.
“Come.” He beckoned, his body already glistening in the water. You nodded at him in reassurance.
“Coming.” You replied breathily, slowly beginning to disregard your clothing as well. Jungkook began running the water through his dark locks, pushing it backwards and away from his forehead. The cool air nipped at your bare skin as you hung your clothes and undergarments behind the door next to his.
He slowly scooted backwards, giving you a snug space between his legs to rest between. You eased yourself into the comfort of the water. You let out a long awaited exhale of your own at the euphoric feeling of being enveloped by the heat. You let your back meet his hard and naked chest, the water soothing your tired skin. You rested your head under his chin and closed your eyes.
However, you didn’t linger in this position for long. You maneuvered yourself to turn around and face him, the water softly swaying back and forth from your movement. Jungkook’s hazy gaze had curiously lowered to your face now. You wrapped your arms around him and reached up to press your wet lips against his. He instantly responded, squeezing his eyes shut as both your mouths moved perfectly in sync. His warm tongue darted out to trail over the softness of your bottom lip.
To his dismay, you were the first to break kiss. He shuddered a little, feeling a small flutter of your warm breath brush against his neck as your head lowered. It sent a delightful shiver in his body. His sensory feelings became wildly heightened, his body practically buzzing from the alcohol. You rested your cheek against his wet chest, further prompting him to wrap his arms around you, keeping your bare skins flush against each other. Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the edge of the tub. Relishing in this intimate moment. He cracked a small smile for the first time as he felt your fingertips softly tracing the outlines of his tattoos. You grazed over the swirly patterns in fascination. He loved the delicate feel of your touch, it sent a pleasurable tingle down his spine.
“Which one’s your favourite?” He asked you thoughtfully.
“Hm?” You glanced at his shut eyes for a moment, watching a peaceful expression fall over his features for the first time tonight. You were glad. You could finally let out a small breath of relief.
“I like the tiger lily.” You whispered, fingers brushing over the shaded petals of the flower. You reached up to plant a quick kiss on his chin.
Jungkook’s bleary eyes peeled open once again, transfixing on down at you.
A comfortable silence had fallen upon you both. The only sound was the soft breaths warming that fanned each other’s wet skin and the trickling water that trailed off your bodies with every small movement.
Jungkook’s hand was limply resting against your rib cage. His breath began evening out, making you believe he had fallen asleep. It made you also close your eyes, letting yourself bask in the serenity for a few minutes.
Your eyes fluttered back open as you felt the teasing trail of his touch start to sneak below your waist. His fingers softly kneaded the skin of your hip, pinching it between his long fingers. Your senses had suddenly heightened considerably. It was like you could feel every shaky breath he exhaled against your hair. Every brush of his fingers on your skin, and every slight movement of his body.
“Y/n.” He grunted softly. You expectantly looked up to to him. He held the back of your head with his hand, pushing your face closer to his. His wet hair letting beads of water droplets fall on to your skin. You shivered as you felt his hot lips against your ear.
“Straddle me.” He quietly command into your ear.
You silently shifted your position. He watched as you dragged your legs through the water on either side of him. Now sitting on his thighs, you simply waited.
“So obedient for me.” He murmured in delight, his hand fondly caressing your hair. The praise sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. His large hands now rested on your thighs, almost taking up its entirety. He squeezed the flesh while his clouded eyes now carefully bore into yours.
“I know you love it when I praise you.”
His voice had changed. His touch became sly, beginning to slowly venture a little higher up. Now residing at the tender flesh of your inner thighs. You waited it out for a second, trying to see what he was planning on doing. You couldn’t deny that the air in the room had suddenly shifted.
Your breath hitched when his finger, out of no where, casually flicked the small bundle of nerves of your clit. It elicited your hips to jerk from the sensitive tingle that excited your body. You grasped his wrist before he did anything else. He chuckled a little at your reaction.
“Jungkook. Not when you’re like this.” You hesitantly shook your head.
“Shh.” He reprimanded you a little, pressing his finger firmer on to your nub, making you gulp from suppressing a whimper. The alcohol in his veins mixed with the lustful thoughts only drove his libido further.
“Let me just make you feel good. That’s all I want.” He spoke, that somber look in his eye had been taken over with a burning desire.
His fingers began softly gliding back and forth between your folds, the water making it so much more smooth and easier for him to enter. It made you let out a small sigh against his chest at the shivering pleasure. You didn’t realize how much being in the water made this even more enjoyable. You also didn’t realize that your face had hidden itself back against his chest. He could feel your laboured pants fluttering against his skin.
“Let me see your face.” He lowly slurred from above. You obediently uncovered your heated face from the confinement.
Before you could even look at him, the sight of your reddened cheeks instantly made the blood go straight to his cock. Jungkook thickly swallowed as his dick rose up and hardened. He quickly delved his face down to capture your lips in his.
He moaned into your mouth as both your lips sensually enveloped one another. Through the steamy movements of your lips, his finger slowly began sinking inside your warm walls. You enticingly whimpered against his open mouth, an ache of pleasure quickly blossoming in your stomach as he kept pushing until only his knuckle was peaked out. His single finger began gently thrusted in and out of you. Your mouth hung open, broken gasps coming out as you grasped his arm, fingertips pressing hard into the flesh.
“My sensitive baby.” He cooed gently at you, pressing his lips to your temple. “Do you want more?”
Too absorbed by the way his slender finger twisted and turned in your clenching walls, you could barely form a coherent sentence.
“Hm?” He urged at your lack of response, your eyes distractedly screwed shut as he swirled his finger inside you.
“Yes. More.” You mewled out followed by a thick swallow from the searing pleasure.
He enveloped your wet lips into his once again, his already slow mind suddenly more intoxicated by the feel of your petal-soft lips. He swore he could kiss you all day. A whine bubbled past your lips and against Jungkook’s as his fingertip began firmly rubbing a spongy spot within your walls. It made you twitch in his hold.
“There it is.” He spoke cockily all of a sudden. His finger cruelly continued to stroke the soft tissue, making you writhe in his lap from the sensitivity.
He couldn’t help to let out a low groan at the sight before him. His already half-lidded eyes darkened in deep desire as he gazed at your pretty little cunt stuffed with his finger. Your hips, so achingly close to his raging cock was all that was clouding his mind. You were in the midst of your tummy beginning to coil when he abruptly slipped his finger out of you.
You tried to hide the way your body slacked in disappointment. Your unfocused mind trying to make sense of what just happened and why. You blinked at him.
“Hold on, baby.” He mumbled at your perplexed expression, grabbing his raging hard cock and pumping it in his hand a few times. He looked down at himself, aligning the tip towards your inviting entrance. His hands fumbled a bit, struggling to align it in the water. You were quivering in his arms at the anticipation.
Your shaky breath made him look back to you, and place another soft kiss to your cheek as if to calm you down. The gesture made your heart melt. That even when he was so drunk and out of his mind, he was still so loving. This was how you knew he was not like his father.
You felt it prodding your entrance and he grunted as he slowly pushed in, tightly gritting his teeth together. You clawed at his taut shoulder muscles at the slippery glide of his length filling you up so perfectly.
You then cried out as he instantly started his consistent pace, thrusting up into you with shallow breaths and growls escaping his parted lips.
The warm water you both were engulfed in began to slosh back and forth, the swishing sounds fell deaf to Jungkook’s ears. His mind to occupied by your delicious walls dragging against his throbbing dick and gripping him like vice. Whereas, it caught your attention as a particular hard thrust made the water finally climb over the rim and spill on to the floor.
“Th-the water.” You mustered out through blissful pants. Your worry-filled nature taking over.
Jungkook didn’t let your attention linger on it for too long. He grasped your face between his large hands, forcing your eyes to meet his. His pace quickened, practically ramming into your tight walls, making your quivering lips part and jaw open as you moaned out.
“Focus on me. Only me.”
He suddenly looked almost feral. Strands of his drenched hair hung over his darkly hooded eyes, waving back and forth from the force his movement. There were still beads of water dripping from their tips. His thumb brushed over your cheeks. The tender action contrasting his gruff tone.
He was pleased by the way you shrilled out his name, practically clawing his shoulder from his cock ramming so deliciously into you. Along with his heavy balls slamming against your tender skin. Your nails were digging deep into his shoulder, making him wince a little. But Jungkook didn’t care at all. What was pleasure without a little pain?
He then planted his hands firmly on your hips, mounting you in place from jostling. He pursed his lips in determination, eyebrows knitting together as his hips began roughly thrusting up into your pulsating core in a much direct and sharper way. He threw his head back, a guttural groan rumbling out his mouth at the new impact. Also since you were seated straight on top of him, you were completely impaled by his length. His dick practically molded inside you. You also cried out from the sharp movements. As he drilled his cock so deep in inside you, his engorged tip nudged a particular deep spot within you that was usually untouched, making you flinch in his tight grasp at the foreign toe-curling feeling. He caught on to that immediately, glancing up at you and tightening his grip on your hips.
“Oh, you liked that?” He slurred, a lazy grin on his face as he kept driving his hips upwards, and began roughly abusing that one spot to continually send shockwaves throughout your spoiled body. He looked pleased by your fuck-out state.
Your breasts also moved with the momentum, which instantly caught Jungkook’s attention. One hand eagerly reached out to fondle your breast, pinching your nipple between his fingers. You cried out from the doubled stimulation. Without a second thought, his head dipped down to envelop your perky nipple in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around, groaning against your supple and swollen mounds as he felt himself reaching his peak.
You also knew he was close from the way his thrusts lost rhythm. Now sloppily ramming into you, greedily plunging his thick cock into your slick walls as if trying to chase his high.
“Close?” He whispered, and you weakly nodded.
“Always such a good girl for me.” He chuckled, although his voice straining. He wounded his hand into your wet hair, fingers tightly tangling the strands as he felt your slick walls fluttering for release around his throbbing cock. “Come for me then, baby.”
Finally with one hard thrust, the pleasure burst inside you like electrical surges. You moaned out a loud curse at the strong waves and nestled your buzzing face further into Jungkook’s neck. You felt the tickle of his wet hair against your forehead.
You think he also came at the same time as you, considering his harsh grunt that echoed in the bathroom. Also the way his grip on your hair had tightened considerably. You bit back a hiss at the rough yank, feeling your scalp sting but too blinded by the pleasure to be bothered by it.
His skin tingled when you pressed a small kiss against the wet skin of his nape. On his little black mole that you loved. His limp shaft had slipped out of you.
He lowly hummed in delight. Although you couldn’t hear it, you felt the vibration from his chest against your breasts.
“My beautiful girl.” He rumbled out huskily as if still high in the clouds of euphoria while his hand soothingly rubbed up and down your back making you relax. “Did I make you feel good?” He dragged out blissfully.
“Yeah.” You responded in the midst of your pants. “Did I make you feel good?”
“You always make me feel good.” He whispered wistfully.
At that, you melted into his embrace, your body completely spent.
The high that he was currently feeling was almost putting him to sleep, his head almost lulling to the side. Eyes closing once again. You quietly drummed your fingertips against his chest, creating a choppy pattern for no reason as your breath evened out. You eventually quirked your head up again to gaze at his satiated features.
You noticed how his melancholic expression had dampened a bit. He sensed your stare, opening his droopy eyes to lock on to yours again. You sweetly smiled at him and his own lips slightly curled at you, making your heart soar at the sight.
“How are you feeling?” You brought up.
“Better. With you here.” He mumbled dazedly, grasping your hair between his fingers. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, inhaling your sweet scent. His arm lazily slung around your shoulders, squeezing you even closer against his wet skin. Your breath knocked out of you as he kept pressing you tighter, making your chest weigh heavily from the constriction.
“J-Jungkook. Your squeezing me.” Your light chuckle barely mustered past your lips, due to the way his large body smothered you.
“Oh. Sorry.” His hold on you loosening a bit, letting you inhale softly.
“God, Jungkook. Please stop apologizing.”
He nibbled the inside of his cheeks.
“I’m just scared you’re gonna run away from me,” He confessed to you in hushed secrecy. Like saying it out loud would trigger it to become reality. “And I just hate myself for doing this to you. I hate it.” He whispered harshly.
You stayed quiet for a minute, your softened eyes scanning his scrunched up features. You could tell he was angry with himself.
“I-I just can’t control it.”
Your gaze on him softened. “You can control it, Jungkook. I’ll help you control it. You’re not alone because I’m right here every step of the way.” You balled your hands into small fists and rested them against his chest. “This is your life. You have to be the one to take a hold of it and gear it wherever you want to go. You can’t let anything control you like this. You’re so much stronger than this.” You continued.
“And I’m not gonna run away.” You spoke seriously.
Jungkook’s heart still ached terribly. He was also only human, and sometimes, he didn’t understand his own emotions and so he couldn’t explain them well, either. All he knew was he just felt very strongly.
“You’re the one good thing left in my life,” He choked out, the tears already starting to brim his eyes. “And I’m so scared of losing you from how much of a fool I am.”
You felt your eyes swelling up, the emotions bubbling up so quickly inside you. You reached out to cup his face with both your hands, directly boring your eyes into his doleful dark ones to show him your utmost sincerity. Just how much you meant your words.
“I love you, Jungkook. I will always love you. This doesn’t change anything. You’re a kind man, and you always will be.” Your voice wavered at the end from the bubbling emotion crawling up your throat. “You’re so much more than just this.”
Jungkook shook his head slightly, his face distorting like he was about to cry. He continued to fight the tears brimming his waterline. He knit his eyebrows together, his mind putting him in a cruel conflict with himself.
“Am I really just like my father?”
Jungkook’s dilemma always made your head spin a little. A while back he was desperately convincing you he was nothing like his father. But now his insecurities resurfaced and now he’s asking you if he truly is like his father or not.
However, you frantically shook your head at his words. “No, no you’re not. You haven’t hurt me— You’d never hurt me like that. You’re so different from him, Jungkook. You’re so gentle and so loving. It’s not even worth comparing.” Jungkook couldn’t be farther from the truth. You just wished he would believe it. You didn’t know how else to show it to him.
“Are you sure?” His words were so soft and broken at the end that it was almost incoherent. You eagerly nodded at him.
“I’m so sure. I’ve never been more sure.” You choked out from your own vulnerability gripping your throat in a vice.
You shifted from underneath him, the once warm water was lukewarm as it swayed back and forth from your movement. You both held each other for a few more minutes before his low voice spoke up again.
“I think we should get out now.” He rasped, reading your mind although his body showed no sign or desire to move. You hummed in agreement.
“Let’s go to bed?” You suggested tiredly, silently thinking to yourself about how this night had not turned out the way you imagined. He continued to run his fingers through your soft tresses, distractedly watching the strands slowly fall back down over your shoulder. He slowly nodded.
It had taken you some time to get him prepped for bed. You wrapped a robe around both your naked forms. Also taking same fresh clothes for him to slip into. His heavy body still staggered a bit so you hovered your hands around him to make sure he was properly guided to the bed.
You also had to ignore the strings of ‘sorry’ that slipped past his lips every time his balance stumbled a little which would startle you.
The heavy rain had now turned into a full fledged thunderstorm. With low claps of thunder echoing and flashes of lightning igniting a bright light in the window.
“Thank you,” He spoke as he was now seated safely on the bed. The apologetic look on his face still remained. He gripped your wrist before you could venture to change your own clothes, and he pulled you lower for a chaste kiss on the lips. “...For everything.” He mumbled after pulling away.
“You promised to always take care of me, and you never failed. It’s time I returned the favour.” You calmly spoke over a clap of thunder. Your fingers went to brush his wet, dark strands out of his eyes.
You then noticed something from the corner of your eye. Since your attention had solely been on Jungkook, you didn’t even notice the brown glass bottle on the nightstand. You curiously eyed the bottle of whiskey more than half empty standing quite tall and proud. He followed your eyes and noticed you observing it and then looked back to you.
You quickly shook your head, holding your hand out to stop him from finishing. You already sensed what he was about to say. At that signal, Jungkook tightly pursed his lips together, although his regretful eyes poured out the words for him. I’m sorry.
“I’m gonna throw this away.” You took the bottle in your hands, observing it for a few seconds as the thick glass weighed heavily in your small hands. You left the room to quickly drain the rest in the sink, the pungent smell clogging your nose. You discarded the bottle in the trash. You never thought in a million years this is what you’d be having to do. This whole situation felt a little surreal to you. But you weren’t complaining at all.
You walked back into the bedroom to see Jungkook had already tucked himself into bed. He was laid flat on his back with his head turned away from you. He was solemnly peering out the window, looking a little emotionless for the first time. His lips were pursed together in a thin line. He watched thick trails of the rain droplets racing down the glass.
The sound of the heavy rain was comforting. You figured Jungkook also felt the same way.
After all that happened, it was as if it slowly washed away all the struggles of tonight.
You grew this endearing habit over time of always sleeping in Jungkook’s shirts. You plucked out a brown and purple flannel from Jungkook’s drawer, and slipped on some of your own cotton shorts. After putting the fluffy white robe away and turning the dim-lit lamp off, the room was now enveloped in darkness. You climbed under the soft covers.
A comfortable silence fell amongst the both of you as you snuggled into the blanket with him. You both laid flat on your backs, shoulders delicately brushing while your eyes stared up at the blank white ceiling. Your mind was currently absorbed by the sound of the heavy rainfall outside. A low growl rippled through the sky every few minutes, along with a sudden flash of light illuminating the dark room.
You tensed a little when a particularly loud sound rumbled through the sky. Followed by a second, deep guttural crack of thunder. It was probably the loudest of the night. Jungkook felt the way your muscle stiffened. He turned his head to look over at you.
“Are you scared?” He asked.
“No.” You breathed softly, a hint of a smile playing at your lips as your body instantly relaxed. “You know I love thunderstorms. I just got surprised a little.”
His attention didn’t falter from your face. Although it was dark, the warm light coming from the street light outside shone inside the room, so his eyes could still trail over your soft features.
“By the way,” he began, “I forgot to ask you how your day was.” His voice were still dragged out and slurred, the words lazily stumbling out. A nagging reminder that the alcohol still freely lingered in his veins.
You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip a little. “It was... Tiring.” You answered honestly with a small sigh.
“And I made it worse, didn’t I?” His voice dropping a little at the thought.
“No, you didn’t.” You denied immediately. A slight pout adorned your lips at his constant self-deprecation.
The dullest spark returned in his eye as you scooted closer to him. He instinctively held out his arm for you, letting your head rest on his bicep. You curled an arm around his torso, further scooting your head upwards until it rested on his shoulder.
“I was excited to get home to you. I was missing you a lot.” You told him honestly.
“Hm. I was too.” He replied, you felt the vibration of his low tone under your arm over his chest. He placed a chaste kiss at the top of your head. However, he looked a bit distracted as his mind wandered.
Jungkook didn’t like how his mind made him feel so small. He didn’t like how his mind took control of him so easily. He didn’t like feeling victimized to his mind all the time. Victimized to his father all the time, even though he was no longer in the picture. That wretched man was always bound to rot in jail. But Jungkook hated how even then, he still took up a microscopic part of his mind. Jungkook wanted to be strong. He wanted to fight and never stop. But most of all, he wanted to do it with you standing right beside him. With you cheering him with that mesmerizing smile of yours.
“Y/n?” He hesitated after a few minutes.
“Will you please... Promise me one thing?” He whispered.
He swallowed the thick lump in his throat, closing his red, puffy eyes filled with all his secret woes.
“Will you please...” His hopeful eyes glinting in the darkness. “Stay with me forever?”
Your lashes fluttered a few times at what he said, trying to take it in. “Kookie...” You called his name out with a small sigh. The endearing nickname making his eyes gloss over again as he calmly waited.
Your own eyes began to water a little. You didn’t like this side of Jungkook. Jungkook was someone who was always confident in himself. You never caught him second guessing himself or even stuttering in decisions. So seeing him crack under the pressure of his own mind greatly tugged at your heart strings. He secretly put himself through a lot. It’s natural for anyone to become a victim of their own thoughts. Of course, you would choose to support him and be by his side in a heartbeat. You didn’t even need to think about it.
You knew you were meant to be with Jungkook forever.
And so with your fingers fiddling with the soft cotton of his shirt, you tilted your head up to look him straight in the eye completely unwaveringly. His now hopeful eyes peering down at you.
“I promise forever and ever.”
(A/n): Hi everyone! Hope you all enjoyed 💜
What did you guys think? Feedback is highly appreciated! 🥰
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
bow to you IV — jjk
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Pairing(s): King!Jungkook x Queen!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Genre: Royal AU | Marriage AU
Word Count: 5.6k 
Tags & Warnings: infidelity, cheating, lots of crying and screaming, marital problems, royal marriage troubles, a crap ton of back and forth fighting,  jungkook is something else dude, ANGST, coarse language, mild violence, sexual content (both explicit and non-explicit), toxic dynamics 
Authors Note: this is a bit longer than the usual chapter length but I hope you like the new update my screwed up royal couple. Send in your thoughts as always! 
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Wintery wisps of breeze made the ivory fur lining on her red cloak shiver. The unpredictable weather sent aches to her body, making it irritating to stand on the stone grounds of the entrance courtyard of the palace. Belle peered from the brim of her red parasol. She saw the violet and silver palanquin arrive, the carriers’ pants dirtied by the residue of storm on the ground.
Jungkook stood proud in his gold and black clothing, sweat forming pearlets on his neck and temple from the humidity. They’d been deeply silent and distant between each formal event but there were some marital duties they had perform. Particularly, their marriage anniversary. People came together for this anniversary as a holiday and some royals even visited to relax and retreat in the great palace. This year, King Taehyung came for a visit.
The palanquin paused and two servants with black robes placed a rug to give their King a clean path. Lilac curtains drawn, Taehyung stepped out with an extravagant aubergine robe. Brown and curly hair, glowing tan skin and a smile that brightened the greyness of the day. His charming aura spread like hypnotic perfume as her ladies blushed in his presence and tried not to jump in excitement.
Taehyung greeted Jungkook with his arms wide open. “Jungkook.” He pulled him in for a hug.
“I’m glad you could make it to the ceremony.” Jungkook patted his back.
“Of course. Congratulations on seven years of marriage.” Taehyungs’ gaze flickered from Jungkook to Belle, eyes immediately softened. “My lady.” He gave a deep bow. “You’re looking beautiful as always.”
“Thank you, Taehyung.” Belle smiled.
Jungkook habitually placed a hand on the small of her back, rubbing up and down at a slow pace. “I hope your journey was comfortable.”
Taehyung placed his arms behind his back with that same smile, brown eyes glinting in all its beauty. “I feel bad for my servants for having to walk through thick layers of mud.” He gestured to the ones in black robes.
Jungkook hummed, slamming a heavy hand on Taehyungs’ shoulder after detaching from her. “Come, I need to show you around.”
Belle took a deep breath from the congestion in her chest. She had a feeling of what he was going to show the King. Like he’d been showing off to his subjects and nobles. All the beauties of the town in his grasp, decorated in jewels and silks. Staring up at the men, she noticed Taehyungs’ eyes on her. She tried to give him a forced smile but even the charming prince sent a look of suspicion.
The green one was pregnant. Before they could move onto any other celebrations, Jungkook had already disappeared off to his harem building while Belle sat in her tea room. Peach tea and one of her favourite poetry books rested on the red wood table. Rain began pitter pattering again, casting sparkles of dew on the nearby blossoms peeking through the circular window.
Usually Jungkook would sit with her here while they spoke about their future. So many plans. So many dreams of where they would be in years to come. Niether of them predicted this. Or maybe Jungkook did and he chose not to tell her.
Of all the emotions swirling through her head, tightening in her chest and pushing her to wailing, this felt new. A deep and lasting sense of melancholy. Jungkook was reveling in his joy of expecting a child with another woman while she sat here—feeling numb.
“Pardon me, Your Majesty.” Taehyungs’ voice pulled her back to reality. He closed the door behind him. “I thought you could use some company.” Unlike the sparkly charm he gave people in public, here he offered a genuine smile; soft and caring.
Although that could’ve also been staged, Belle didn’t know how to be sure anymore. She tightened her robe closer to her body. Her formal red attire replaced with a comfortable honey dress that pooled around her as she sat on the wooden platform. “Shouldn’t you be with the King? He must want you to join in his festivities.” She traced her finger on the brim of her cup.
Taehyung walked to the table and sat on the other side of the table with an audible sigh. “I think Jungkook has enough attention on me right now.”
Belle tried to attempt a smile but her mental exhaustion only pushed her further down. “He got what he wanted. I heard one of the others showed pregnancy signs too.” She absentmindedly traced her finger pad on the top of the book. “He’s getting his heirs.” Her voice nearly cracked.
Taehyung rested back against the window, long fingers tapping on the wood. “What’s the book about?”
“It’s a collection of poems about two friends who run away together.” Belle smiled to herself. “My mother really liked it. One of them was a writer and the other a singer so they would tell romantic tales at every tavern they visited. It’s only towards the end that we realize the writer was writing out her feelings to the singer and the singer was personally serenading the writer.”
Taehyung chuckled softly. “Oblivious artists.” He rubbed his bottom lips with a ringed finger. “It’s a beautiful story though.”
“I used to dream about love stories like this when I was younger.” Sadness glazed over Belle’s eyes, the dull throb in her chest returning. “Now it’s all I have left to hold onto love.” She caressed the wet stains on the pages of the book from her tears, still leaving a patch on the surface after a while.
“I’m sure Jungkook loves you.” Taehyungs’ voice lowered in a loving murmur.
Belle held in a scoff. If there was love, it definitely didn’t show in his last kiss on her lips. Nor did it show in the irritated look he gives her. If there was love, it was giving her the most pain she’d ever felt since her third miscarriage. This king wouldn’t want to hear all of that so she succumbed to keeping her smile. “I’m sure he does love me. Within the Kings’ logic.”
Steam thinned from her current teacup so she downed most of the liquid, eyes flickered to the window. The peace blossoms lost most of its flowers, warning her of the coming winter.
“I don’t say that to belittle your feelings, Your Majesty.” Taehyung leaned forward. His long arms took up most of the table, fingers lingering near her book and hand. “What the King is doing isn’t right-minded. I haven’t quite reached the point of monarch madness where I think that way.”
“Maybe you need to get married to reach it.” Belle failed to hold back the nudge of frustration that crept up her spine.
Taehyung merely chuckled, scratching his temple. “I suppose I deserved that.” His thumb shyly brushed against the back of her hand. “My honest opinion of you would get me into trouble with the King, my lady. Forgive me if I don’t speak too many comforts. But if I were married to you and this were our marriage anniversary—I’d be just like I am now, sitting with you and enjoying your presence.”
Shy thumb transformed into a confident caress to the back of her hand. Belle hated that she felt comforted by the touch. It’d been so long since she received any kind of touch that wasn’t just her maidens putting on her clothes or helping to bathe her. This was a willing caress, bringing warmth deeper beyond her skin into her chest and stomach.
“It doesn’t seem like you fear Jungkook too much.”
Taehyung smirked, sneaking his fingers in between hers like an interwoven basket. “Maybe I like comforting you more than I fear the King.”
Belle didn’t know how it was impossible. The dull throbbing was replaced with that overwhelming warmth, reaching up to burn her cheeks.
“My lady…” One of the maidens burst through the doors. Before Taehyung could pull his hand away, the maidens’ large eyes already plastered on them. The young girl tried her best not to look shocked by it but the flush of her cheeks gave her away more than words. “We must ready you for the banquet, my Queen.” She bowed. “Please come with me.”
“I’ll leave you to it, my lady.” Taehyung got up to his feet and bowed, darkened eyes pierced into her without blinking before he walked away.
The maiden reddened even more as the King passed and exited the room.
All the while, Belle felt unbearable heat under her skin.
The banquet never lost its extravagance even though the marriage did. Gold and red tapestries, shimmering trinkets hanging on every inch of the room, the finest wines swirling the air and every dress more glamorous than the next.
Belle was adorned in another red dress, golden headdress fastened on her head with two red ribbons hanging down to her shoulders. Her maidens had to constantly fix her dress so it wouldn’t get caught on the throne.
Jungkook sat next to her with his own black and red ensemble. He stopped wearing his crown from frequent headaches. The shadows under his eyes had darkened more than she expected. After hearing news of the pregnancy, Jungkook grew more silent than ever before, barely looking at her when they situated themselves in the banquet room. His jawline looked sharper from lack of proper meals but the muscles from excessive training grew ever prominent. If he wasn’t trying to put heirs in his concubines or dealing with court matters, he was out on the training grounds for hours.
Belle wondered if he ever slept anymore.
Unable to take the silence any longer, Belle mustered herself to speak. “Is she well?” she asked. Even in her frustration she tried not to refer to the concubine as the green one.
“The mother of your child.”
Jungkook shifted like his back was itching terribly all of a sudden. “She’s well.” His vocabulary shortened every time she spoke to him.
“Why do you look so upset then?” Belle tilted her head. A bad decision when her headdress tried to pull her down to the table.
Dark eyes flickered towards her, unreadable yet firm at the same time. His calloused hand held onto hers, interweaving their fingers so Belle couldn’t pull out of the grasp. “Can we not talk about this during our anniversary?”
“You were just—gone for the whole day.” Belle looked ahead to the grand hall with its jade floors and gold pillars. She caught a glimpse of Taehyung speaking to a group of giggling noble ladies, his arms clasped behind his back politely. “I expected you to be elated.” The moment Taehyungs’ eyes landed on her, she felt the burn on her cheeks again.
Softened gaze, he gave an acknowledged nod and smile.
It was near shameful how much those miniscule actions meant to her and the liveliness of her heart. Belle forced herself to look down on her plate decorated with moon cakes.
“From what I heard, you weren’t completely alone on our anniversary either.” Jungkooks’ rasped voice pulled her attention back towards him. The deepened shadows under his eyes and the glazed look from alcohol rushing through his bloodstream made him look terrifying. His rough hand tightened around hers.
“Would it ease your ego if I was alone today?” That look could’ve scared anyone else in this room but not her. Though the grip of his hand began forcing her rings to dug into her skin. “You’re hurting my hand, Jungkook.” Belle spoke the words like they were secret whispers to a lover.
Jungkook released her hand and took another generous swig of his wine. Like an actor changing his roles abruptly, he gave a large grin to the crowd. “King Taehyung!”
Taehyung raised his brows, polite smile ghosted on his face as Jungkook jumped up to his feet and walked towards him.
“I would like to thank you for coming to the celebration of my love.” Jungkook pressed his palms to his own chest.
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
Belle felt anxiety pricking at the back of her mind. The eyes of the court were on them though, she had to maintain an air of happiness and joy. This was meant to be a happy day.
“You know…” Jungkook cleared his throat. “My wife and I met during war. She gave my kingdom aid and personally came into my tent and said—you’re going to win this war and come back to me.” He wiggled a finger at Taehyung who listened politely. “If it wasn’t for her, my kingdom and I would probably have never survived that final battle. She’s the reason for my second chance at life when most princes would’ve lost their lives.” The people in the court murmured in awe.
“I was the youngest in my family out of twelve children, nobody thought I’d make it to kingship. Not until I won that war and gained an alliance from one of the most powerful kingdoms.” He turned on his heel, piercing those darkened, unreadable eyes on Belle. “All because of her. My sun and moon. My sea and stars.”
Of all the cruel things he could’ve done in the past few weeks, this was the worst of them. He spoke of their story like he still knew what it meant to them. But it laced with a bitterness only she could recognize. Jungkook was confronting her through fluff and illusion. Stuffing everyone’s eyes with comfortable cotton so even the ladies who had heard gossip of the tea room stared at her in slight contempt.
Belle felt tears blur her eyes. How dare he use that story—the memories she held precious to her heart—in this way? Like a pawn in his chess game.
“Taehyung.” Jungkook slapped his back playfully. “You’re a strong man, aren’t you?”
“I’d like to think so.” Taehyung chuckled nervously.
“How would you like a friendly wager? Hm? An arm wrestle.” Jungkook walked back to the table and placed his cup.
“What’s the wager?”
“If you win, you get to have one of my concubines.” Jungkook smirked, resting his arm over Taehyungs’ shoulder and forcing him to bend down. He spoke in a lower tone so the other nobles couldn’t quite hear them. “If I win…you stay the hell away from my wife and leave this kingdom with half the limbs you came with.”
Anxiety burst in her belly like acid eating through her stomach, the nape of her neck burning hot until she could feel sweat forming on her back. “Jungkook…” she muttered under her breath.
“What do you say, your Majesty?” Jungkook pretended not to hear her. “It’s a wager?”
Taehyung took a deep breath, fingers shaking as he tried to get into a comfortable standing position. “Your Majesty, I meant no offense…”
Jungkook hummed. “I’m sure you didn’t.” He patted his back. “Set up a table for me and his Majesty! And a chair closer for the Queen.”
All her years of training to be quaint and hide her emotions melted into the searing pain in her stomach. The maidens helped her stand to her feet while a servant placed her chair near a wooden table. She had to grip onto one of the maidens hand to keep herself steady as she finally dropped to the velvet seat.
It didn’t help that Taehyung couldn’t suppress his panic in his long fingers, trembling and struggling to be contained.
Jungkook took off his robe and rolled up the sleeves of his undershirt. She could feel his gaze on her but refused to look him in the eye. Right now more than ever, Belle felt a strange sensation of dread from his presence. And perhaps a bit of genuine sadness.
His calloused hand came down to caress her cheek causing her breathing to slow. He leaned down and touched his lips to her ear. “Keep your smile, my heart. People are watching.” Jungkook ended the eerie statement with a kiss on her cheek.
Belle pretended to smile as if he’d spoken something sweet.
Jungkook walked towards the wooden table, resting his elbow and relaxing his fingers. Taehyung hesitated but eventually garnered enough courage to grab onto his hand. A council member sounded out the beginning of the arm wrestle match while the ladies of the court gathered to the side they took. Even though it seemed that Taehyungs’ confidence would help his win, nothing beat Jungkooks’ strength.
Belle spent most of her life admiring that strength. Today it felt like a bad dream recurring another night.
Jungkook pushed Taehyungs’ arm down like it was a small bag of flour though there was no satisfied smirk on his face. The court roared in applause at their Kings’ victory. None of them really heard the true terms of the arm wrestle. Taehyung, on the other hand, curled up within himself at his chair unable to move a muscle.
His kingdom was a small one, nearly forgettable. Jungkook could easily take him out of the picture and no one would tell the difference. The way he stared at Taehyung made it clear how much of an insect he was compared to him and Belle couldn’t help but feel nauseated.
Did she cause this? The King needed heirs which is why he had the harem. What was her reason? She wanted the attention. She wanted to be seen and pull someones’ interest again. Despite Jungkooks’ disloyalty, the people would still admire his reason more than her own.
Trembling hands hid underneath her floral embroidered sleeves as Belle tried to gather her thoughts. She had to stop this somehow.
Jungkook didn’t stop drinking. He must’ve been on his fifteenth glass when his guards dragged Taehyung out onto one of the gazebos. All the other members of courts were either drifted to sleep or too drunk to care about what was happening. Taehyungs’ own servants and guards were nowhere to be found.
Belle resorted to taking most of her clothes off in her bed chambers and changed into a flowing crème dress with a robe for warmth. Her maidens kept calling out to her, chasing after her to stay in her bed chambers but most of the sound was blocked out by the drumming of her heart. Maybe it wasn’t her fault that Taehyung tried to seep through her vulnerability into her affection but it didn’t excuse his torture.
She sprinted towards the gazebo lit up with lanterns, whisking past a drunken couple laughing away while the lady tried to hold up her headdress.
When Belle arrived, Taehyungs’ body whipped to the side from a punch. Jungkooks’ back could’ve exuded steam from the heat of his anger but his movements were sloppy from the excessive drinking. A terrified servant kept holding a tray filled with new alcohol for the King to consume.
“Jungkook!” Belle stood in front of him before he could raise his fist again.
Hair covered most of his infuriated eyes, sweat thickly layered over his skin and the pungent scent of alcohol wafted from his aura. “You’re defending him now.”
“He’s a King in his own right, you can’t just start swinging punches at him.” She reached out and pushed his pulsating arm down.
“I won the wrestling match fair and square,” Jungkook slurred. Darkened eyes trailed up and down her form as he cupped her cheek with his injured fist. “I’m fighting for your honor, see?”
“You don’t need to fight for my honor. He’s supposed to be our political ally.”
“He’s nothing.” Jungkook emphasized for Taehyung particularly as he buried his hands knuckle deep into her hair, blood sticking to her curls. “He was going to take advantage of you. Don’t you know that?”
Belle pressed her lips together, pushing his hand away. “I can handle myself just fine. Besides I don’t think there’s much of my honor left thanks to you.” Of all the people who could think to protect her honor was the man who flaunted his mistresses in her face like they were his kingly duty.
Jungkook scoffed, sending a sharp glare to Taehyung like he was ready to swing his fists again. But he didn’t move a muscle. “Take him away. And ensure he gets a physician on him.”
Like a dead animal, the guards dragged Taehyung out of the gazebo, leaving Belle and Jungkook alone again. Save for the servant who tried to take deep breaths to calm their anxiety.
“Would you have fucked him?” Jungkook padded to the tray of alcohol.
Belle gritted her teeth to calm some of the anger slowly brewing in her stomach. “I’m not you. Either way, what business is it to you now? We’re officially separated whether you like it or not.”
“Whether I like it or not—” Jungkook chuckled. “Is that right?” He smirked her way. “So me fucking my concubines is no big issue now. I can even make one of them my wife. It would legitimize Lula. I could even have multiple wives, some Kings do that.” He swung his cup around, carelessly letting the liquid pour over his hand without a care.
Belle almost wanted to laugh herself at the display before her. “How beautifully you can lie to those people in the court. Using the story that’s most precious to me to your advantage.”
Jungkook smile soured into a ghost of a frown. “That story is precious to me too, Belle.” He pointed the cup at her. “Don’t take that away from me too.”
“Yes, of course. You can have everything.” Belle shook her head. “While I can’t even speak to another person. I don’t know if you realize but maybe I just wanted someone to talk to, not sleep with.”
“That’s not what he wanted.”
“Even I know that’s not the reason you made this whole scene.” Belle let out a small chuckle, cheeks now burning in frustration than anything else. “You don’t want me to move away from you. You want everything together and neatly organized like your little dollhouse, don’t you?”
“So what if I do? Are you saying you really want to stray away from me?” Jungkook winced. “Why do the whole non-political separation then? Leave the whole kingdom completely if it deeply hurts you that much.” He roughly gestured outside of the gazebo.
She felt something eat into her stomach again, a sharp pain that forced her knees to tremble. “I stayed because I care about this kingdom.” Belle pursed her shaking lips together. “But perhaps you’re right. If I am so disgusted by your behaviour then I should distance myself properly.”
Jungkooks’ rough stance flickered in and out of its strength. His jawline was so tight that it may cracked a few teeth but his flexed arms softened, legs slowly losing its attack stance to a relaxed stand. “You wouldn’t do that.”
“You can tell yourself whatever you please, your Majesty.” Belle smiled, a strange venom on her tongue when she spoke that title. “As for me, I think I’ve had my fill of whatever one could call this relation between us. You have your legitimized heir ready for you and I’m sure many more to come.” She nodded behind him as her vision started to blur. If this final resort had ever arrived at their doorstep, Belle believed she would have the resolve to be emotionless. Yet her heart still squeezed. Still yearned like it was the first fight they were having. Some naïve part of her still wanted to wait it out and hope nothing else would come up or go wrong between them.
“Belle, I’m being serious. Stop it.” Jungkooks’ voice deepened and steadied like all the alcohol drained out of his body through the words he spoke.
“So am I.” Belles’ throat clogged most of her words. Her fingers tightened in fists to calm her frustrations but the trembling only transferred down to her knees. “Stop trying to treat my heart like it’s a child on a tantrum. For once, look me in the eye and listen to what I have to say seriously.” She blinked, letting a rebellious tear fall down her cheek. “I have had it. If you want a quiet, tolerant queen who will let you do whatever you want then marry one of those coloured dresses.” She waved her hand. “It’s not going to be me. Ever.”
Belle turned on her heel and walked back to her chambers.
“You’re leaving, Your Majesty?” One of the maidens asked her in a meek voice. Some of the younger ones had terrified looks on their faces. If Belle left then they would have to care for the concubines who were known not to be kind.
There were too many things pulling her to stay here and too many things pushing her to get out. Belle needed to clear her head. Away from the nightly noises and tainted memories. She needed to go back home where she was able to be herself. Her palace was left maintained by her servants and taken care of by her closest council member. Yet another part of her—the one who was a mature, seasoned Queen—didn’t want to accept defeat or submission. That Queen built this kingdom from war with her beloved King. Both their blood, sweat and tears seeped into the infrastructure of their new buildings and healthy lifestyle of their people. Would she truly crumble here? End her story here?
“I’m so sorry…I tried to stay here and be alright with it.” Belle tried to attempt a smile. She thought the non-political alliance would work and it could be the end of it. Belle and Jungkook could live in a distance. But the moment Belle tried to steer away, he’d come back and try to take it away from her.
Another maiden tried to protest with a breath until the door slammed open, almost breaking the hinges. The maidens yelped and backed away from the furious and steaming King that stomped inside, albeit with a bit of a stumble in his step.
“Get out,” Jungkook ordered. “Out!” His voice boomed across the room making the maidens scurry outside like a crowd of insects before one of them closed the door.
Belle sat on the side of her bed, fingers clasped together. “What’re you—”
“No!” He lifted a shaky finger, bloodshot eyes pierced on her. “You listen to me.”
Belle held his gaze in defiance.
“If you leave this kingdom then whatever I’ve done means nothing. Do you understand?” Jungkook tried to lower his voice but it sounded strained. “I didn’t want to wake up another morning or middle of the night seeing you crying and bleeding and holding our dead baby in your arms. I didn’t want to see you in pain another day of my life. Do you not understand that?!”
Her heart dropped to her stomach.
“You know how I felt when I found out Lula was pregnant? Huh?” Jungkook dropped to his knees and grabbed onto her dress. “How do you think I felt? You tell me.”
Belle stammered as the thick waft of alcohol hit her nostrils. “Happy?”
“Nothing.” Jungkook chuckled like a man on the brink of madness. “I felt absolutely nothing. She looked like a stranger who just happened to be pregnant. Do you know how that makes me feel?” Shaking hands held onto hers. “I gave up our marriage and you to do all this. Only to have no reaction whatsoever to a woman carrying my own child.”
“Jungkook, if you’re trying to make this into—”
“I’m not trying to do anything! That’s the point!” Jungkook gripped onto her hands for dear life before pressing his lips against them to keep himself quiet. “I really wasn’t trying to hurt you, I really truly wasn’t. I mean I was angry seeing you with Taehyung but—it’s that I want you to be unhappy.” He opened up one of Belle’s palms and pressed it against his hot cheek. “I need heirs…but I need you.” A light sob passed his lips as he rubbed Belles’ stomach with his other hand. “I need to have my heirs with you. Nurtured by you. Even mourned by you but it needs to be you.”
All her resolve crumbled into a weakened sob; parts of her mind screamed at her to pull away but another part didn’t want to listen. The part that was desperate to feel this connection again, to see Jungkook show some kind of vulnerability towards her after so long—triumphed over everything else.
Jungkook placed a kiss on the underside of her palm, then her clothed thigh as his other hand gripped onto the curve of her waist. “Let me stay here for tonight.”
“Jungkook…” Belle shook her head.
“No, please.” He buried his tear stricken face against her dress. “Please.” Sniffling, Jungkook lifted his head and held onto a piece of Belles’ hair. “Allow me the night of our anniversary—to be your husband again.”
Warmth travelled down her spine and spread across her chest; her stomach ran wild with butterflies like they were having their first night together. One night. One night to live in a pretty lie that feels comfortable and familiar. That Queen part of her screamed out again nudging her to bring back her place in the kingdom. She was not a simple wife. She wasn’t going to run away and live in a fantasy world as a princess, not her. “Can you grant me something in return for this night?”
A ghost of a smile appeared on Jungkooks’ lips as he pressed her hand to his chest, making her feel his rushing heartbeat. “Anything.”
“I will take care of and instruct the concubines personally.” Belle felt a bitter taste in her mouth from her coming nausea. “They will not belong to you nor will they be allowed to marry you. Their children will be tutored in lessons I choose and they will also marry whomever I choose.” She desperately tried to keep a sturdy voice but it kept shaking at the very thought of having to interact with those women. But this was the only way to gain some control without breaking a political alliance. It wasn’t just Jungkooks’ kingdom anymore. It was her home too. No damned harem and unstable King was going to take her away from her. With a hardened determination, she fixated her eyes on Jungkook with not a flinch of her fingers or a twitch of her eyes. “Taking care of heirs and pleasing the King is my duty…return my duty back to me.”
Jungkook examined her expression, trying to understand why she had to make this declaration. Belle suspected that she would reinstate their marriage but she knew they had gone too far for a re-marriage to be appropriate. This was the only way to maintain the alliance and keep the King in check.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked.
Belle gulped down the lump in her throat. “I am.”
“I’ll make the preparations tomorrow. I promise.” Jungkook smiled, cupping her cheek and pressed his forehead against hers. “Oh my love, I’ll do anything you want…so long as you stay with me.”
Except get rid of the concubines and heal this marriage, Belle bit down her comment. Gentle touches became desperate, Jungkooks’ rough hand felt down her neck and chest, trying to get every inch of her. Without warning, his lips latched onto the curves of her breasts, kissing up to the side of her neck until he bit onto a patch of skin. His breathing was hot and heavy.
Every kiss was sloppier than the next, every movement more clumsy as the alcohol took over most of his energy. This wasn’t the first time Jungkook touched her when he was drunk but before it was different. They were filled with true passion and not suppressed tension towards each other.
Jungkook now was impatient as he pushed her onto her back and lifted her dress to bunch at her hips. Belle couldn’t help but admit that she wanted more of it. She’d been deprived of his touch for so long that even this clumsy act of kissing her jawline and perching between her legs was enough to make her stomach warm. She needed this badly. Pulling off her neck, Jungkook hovered over her properly, black hair falling over his face.
“Talk to me,” he whispered. Fingers caressed the hem of her chest, forcing him to stumble down on his elbow. “Tell me how it feels.” He kissed her collarbone; his wandering fingers pulled down the fabric to show more glimpses of her breasts. Eyes then fixated on her to wait for her answer.
Belle smiled and nodded. “It feels good.”
Jungkook hummed, taking one of her breasts into his mouth. A wave of pleasure after so long being untouched, flourished through her body, awakening dormant nerves. He sucked on each breast like it was his last meal. Frantically, his right hand moved to undo his pants, already hard and blushing at the tip.
Belle felt her walls stretch before she could see it in the hidden mess of their clothing. She spread her legs and encased around his hips, feeling his length bury deep inside her until her core pulsated to welcome it.
Jungkook had both elbows resting on either side of her, sweat-layered foreheads pressed together as the heat grew unbearable. Though there was no more patience left to take their clothes off when he began grinding into her. Hard, slow thrusts. Moving his entire shaft fully inside until it was completely swallowed and barely pulling out, ensuring that the feeling of him would linger.
Belle gripped onto his back, pulling at the fabric as the warmth tugged at her lower belly. It wasn’t like it used to be. She knew it wasn’t the same. But a stubborn part of her sank the thought, taking in the pleasures of the night however she could. This night would be the start of her journey to control.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Ethan Torchio
words // 2383
warnings // smut, clearly its nsfw headcannons
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader (might be mentions that seem like they are for f reamer but comeon theres lingerie for every body 👁️👄👁️)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. an apology to the people on my tag list i think i accidentally have not been tagging you this whole time i am so so so sorry omg
request // yes, it was a reblog i cant find it right now
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Regarding you, Ethan is the king of after care. As rough as he can be in bed, that’s just how sweet he can be once you're done with it. Goes full on dad mode (don’t know how else to explain this). He will have water, painkillers if you’re now in pain, a washcloth to clean you up, new clothes, and of course the cuddles.
“I’m alright, Ethan. I can do it on my own,” you say as Ethan walks to you with the wet cloth ready to clean the mess he made on your body.
“I know you can, amore. I just want to take care of you,” he says as he leaves a kiss on your lips.
I can also see him being the one to make a big fat breakfast the morning after, or at least get up early to pick something up.
Now I also feel that he is in need of some aftercare. It depends on the day really, if he’s had a pretty rough day and all I feel like he’d ask for some backrubs after. In this case he’d fall asleep so quickly like omg. But on the biggest part I see him feeling the need to reassure you that the things he said (i think we already established that this man would call you a slut) are not how he feels about you and will be asking if you feel the same.
“Do you love me?”
“Wha- of course I do, Ethan! Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know… I guess - I guess I am worried that you don’t after what I said.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
When it comes to himself I feel like he really likes his chest and arms. Like I don’t know but I see him really getting off with you pretty much mastubating on his chest. Ya know what I mean? (i think you do you little sluts). He pretty much enjoys anything you do on his chest. I can imagine him looking at the mirror after you two had sex, seeing the cum on his chest along with the marks you have left and just smiling.
“What are you looking at, love?” You ask, seeing as the man is standing in front of the bathroom mirror from your spot on the hotel bed.
“Nothing, just the mess you made.”
“Mhm, and I bet you like it, huh?”
“You have no idea… Hey, are you sure you got tired? Cause I think I can do another round.”
As for his arms, as I said, he simply really enjoys that he can man handle you anytime, get you in any position he likes and feel you scratching them from the pleasure.
When it comes to you, Ethan is an ass guy. Say what you want but the man is an ass guy, end of discussion. He loves anything that involves your but. It does not explicitly have to be something like anal. He simply enjoys seeing your butt and holding it in his hand. It does not matter if it’s big or not, if it has stretch marks or whatever. Wear lingerie that he likes or that itty bitty teeny weeny bikini if you wear them or even some tight pants that make your butt just poìp and he can not contain himself.
I think I have said that to someone here (i think I had sent an ask to zodi @ icouldbeyourputtet) before but I feel like this man is very into spanking, like not even the rough malicious way. but this very wholesome chill way.
You had been talking about it all day, not having had a minute alone with each other for days, you could only dream what you could do that night after everyone left.
A playlist was playing in the background and a cigarette was burning on the ashtray next to your legs, you assuming a similar position, as said cigarette, bent over Ethan’s lap as he caressed your ass cheeks and back, playing around with the lingerie set he had gifted you a while back. (Did I just go to search my fave porn vid, lol exposing myself, and get disappointed because I can’t find it and translate it into fanfiction? yes yes i did, so bare with what i can remember)
“It’s okay, baby, you can take a little more, come on,” he praised, leaving a spank and yet another soft rub on the very red cheek.
He continued, going with the music, a very nice pattern, not very rough spanks but just enough to cause pain, pleasure and redness all over. Accidentally the man landed a few very rough ones causing a gasp and a series of giggles as you practically fell off his lap.
“Ethan, what the hell?” You laughed getting up from the floor and this time sitting on the man’s lap, sharing kisses with him.
“What,” he copied your action and laughed, “it was not intentional. I got carried away by how nice your butt is.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is and is not messy. He will not want the cum to be in every surface possible you know, he will be careful but at the same time this man just loves to see his cum on you, whether it’s your back or your stomach, or in you if you’re ok with it. I bet he has a teeny weeny breeding kink but not necessarily because of the idea of breeding you but rather because he looooves seeing his cum run out of you… I'm not sure if this falls in the breeding kink category but alright
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to fuck you while watching porn.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he is pretty experienced. From what they band has said in interviews and stuff, he seems to be getting some pretty often (no one, NO ONE, is surprised at that). He is not acting arrogant tho (not unless that’s the dynamic of the night), he is willing to learn what works for you and you specifically
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As I said this man is an ass guy so I’d say anything that involves having the view of your ass. Humor me but i think he’d really like 69 with a female/afab partner (don’t know if this works very well with two dick-baring people lol). It has it all, eating you out,
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think it can be both with him. He will not exactly try to make jokes but if something like the previously mentioned spanking incident happens it’s def welcome.
Now as a general rule I see him being pretty serious. I will be honest, I’m getting brat tamer vibes from this man so it’s all pretty serious when you really get into it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Considering he’s an Italian man and if you look at a lot of photos of him he def fit the ‘mediterenean’ man type. I see him just barely grooming. I don’t see him really shaving or whatever but he also wouldn’t want you to choke on pupic hair, he much rathers you choke on his dick
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It all depends, really. He can be quite intimate with you but it all depends on the moment. There are different occasions for everything. For example, and this is a paradox that I hope I’m explaining well enough to understand, he is not very rough (will not be very aggressive and stuff, like to the extreme those tik tok boys want to pretend they are with their * growling * ew) but he will be rough. intimidating looks, spanking just enough to make you feel pain and redden up your ass cheeks. He’s like that mostly when you are being bratty.
Most of the times, like we’re talkin kind of lazy sex moments, it more wholesome ig, like very intimate and just comfortable and almost comforting. Ok, but like why do i see him having sex and having casual conversation (not the most common, i see this as like lazy day off, having nothing else to do and not being like super horny but being more like h o r n y … am i making sense?)
Setting the scene, you two are at home, both have a day off but it’s kind of raining so any of your plans are ruined. At this point it’s at around 10 am, not early, not late. You have missed each other and both have made it obvious but you are both in a very tired state so you opt for something not too much.
Plain and simple missionary is what goes around this time, Ethan on top just holding your legs around his waist,, going at a pretty medium pace.
“It’s a pity the weather is bad today,” says Ethan staring out the window.
“I know, we were going to go to the beach… I’m bummed about it,” you say, short of breath as the man continues his pace fucking you.
“Mhm, true. But this is better, amore, no? I’ve missed you so much,” he breaths out the last part, moans interrupting his words.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does that pretty often, especially if you are not around to help. Sometimes it’s because of you that he needs to. I would def see him exchanging naked pics with you and at first he does that to tease you but he ends up teased when he sees a video you sent of you masturbating.
Bets that he’d be taking photos and vids of you fucking on occasion so he goes to these when he misses you on tour.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As I mentioned previously I see Ethan to be a brat tamer. That I see to be the main kink that kind of works around everything else.
“Can you stop this, slut? It has gotten exhausting. I told you no noise but here you are,” he ordered, looking down at you trembling below his finger tips.
His face was quite stoic, voice never wavering from the strict and cold tone he tended to have when scolding you on the daily. Most times it was leaving a cup out of the sink but this time the scolding came from misbehaving. As if it was not enough that he was punishing you for being a brat and riling him up all morning, now you had to disobey orders. It was getting to him for sure.
“I’m sorry daddy,” you whisper, Ethan seeming satisfied with the response.
“Aw, why so tame puppy, now you decide to be nice?” His tone stayed the same, his words imitating a joke but the whole ordeal was not even close to it.
Now as for other kinks (did I open a site because I could not think? yes, shut up), as a result of being a brat tamer dom there are some few more kinks accompanying specifically that. He is def into bondage, both tying you up but also being tied up on occasion.
“Puppy, I have told you that is not a way to treat me. Untie me,” he says calmly, wrists tied on the headboard of the bed, eyes fixated to you.
“Well, why not? You do it all the time,” you whine, placed on all fours, facing Ethan as you lean towards him on your hands, “I want in on the fun.”
If only he was not tied… Ethan’s mind was already going places, figuring out exactly how he would punish you after you untie him -or after he escapes the restrains, whatever comes first. You knew that, very well - in all honestly that was the plan, that is always the plan.
“Amore, let me go. Let me go and your punishment will be tame,” he voiced looking at you, now positioned on top of his lap, touching yourself right then and there.
“I sense you want to be punished puppy, don't you?” You simply nod your head, eyes closed in pleasure.
“You see, the problem is you will not enjoy what I am thinking.”
“Well, get yourself off now that you can, cause after I get my hands on you… You’re not getting to cum for days, amore.”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, anywhere. I can see him having a preference to the luxury of either of your houses or a hotel room but if you push his buttons just right, some restaurant’s bathroom it is.
why can i imagine him having sex at a weeding venue’s bathroom….. omg…..
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Honestly, both. I feel like he would be extremely good at giving it, but would never opposed to receiving
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s ok with them but he doesn’t love them, ya know?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
Is surely try to do new things but it will always depends on what it is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Come on. This goes without saying. He is a drummer for a living. He can surely go on for long…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def feel like he has a fair amount of toys. Some for himself, some for you… He looooves using them to punish you.
(small mention to my last fic little puppet)
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A ton! It’s his specialty. Maybe one of his most common punishments is edging and teasing. He can drag it on for days
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not very loud but is surely encouraging you to be.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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sneezefiction · 4 years
dance with me
Bokuto x Reader - Scenario
event request: “Can you do prompt 2. Dance with me for Bokuto?? Congrats btw!”
a/n: i’m always down to write anything for Bokuto, bb. enjoy some fluffy, slow-dancing moments with your fiancé, Bo, for me please, love!!
warnings: mentions of marriage & engagements
wc: 1350
“Y/n, can you set that down for a minute?” Bokuto’s grin peeks over the top of your paperback book as he pushes it down with his hands.
“But Bo, I’m at the best part!” You whine, pulling it towards your chest, away from his grasp.
He’s leaning over you now, a signature pout adorning his expression. You try not to look up, but you can’t help it.
Not those eyes.
His puppy-dog expression tugs at your heartstrings in the worst way. His eyebrows are knitted together with such sorrow, imploring you to give him your undivided attention.
“For me? Please.” He’s begging. Again, a puppy-dog. 
“I just want to be with you…” His head is tilted, eyes pleading.
You sigh helplessly. So needy.
But you give him a soft smile, gently marking the chapter and setting aside your beloved book for the boy you love even more.
His eyes light up immediately, Bokuto’s smile is beaming at full-force once again. Just as it should be.
As soon as he gets verbal confirmation, he’s grabbing you firmly by the underneath of your thighs and lifting you up off the couch causing you to gasp. Your balance is thrown completely off. He laughs as you frantically tuck your legs behind his back and throw your arms around his neck to keep yourself from falling backward.
With that, you give him a frustrated frown, but the moment his eyes crinkle with mischief, you know you’re in trouble. He squeezes your thighs, tickling you, which forces you to abandon your forced frown and sends you into a bout of bubbling laughter.
A peachy blush forms across his grinning face at the sound of your voice, even though he’s the one who’s supposed to be getting you flustered. Bokuto buries his face into the crook of your neck, drawing your body even closer to his. You tighten your hold around his neck, loving the way his soft, grey hair brushes against your face.
Bokuto is always trying to find new ways to incite that divine sound. 
It’s like music to his ears… 
“AH MUSIC.” He blurts out, jolting his head back to face you, a flash of excitement glimmering in his golden-yellow eyes.
His sudden movement shouldn’t have startled you since he’s almost never calm for more than a few seconds, but you still haven’t fully adapted to his chaotic tendencies.
“Babe, what?” You question, cocking an eyebrow at his goofy expression. 
“Ahhh, just come with me!” He expresses impatiently.
“Bo, you’re literally carrying me.” You state, but not without a laugh.
So he sets you down gently, allowing your feet to meet the floor before immediately dashing to the next room over, leaving you confused and wondering what your boisterous sweetheart was getting you into this time.
But in all truth, you’ve never loved someone more.
Before Bokuto, you’d always fallen for short-term lovers. “Bad boys,” as Bokuto now cheesily refers to them as.
It was easy to fall for their mysterious, eye-catching personalities and attractive faces. 
They promised you pretty things. Long, steamy nights in dim-lit hotel rooms. Flirty, messy kisses in darkened theaters. Yes, your past boyfriend’s showered you in dirty, devoted promises about what they would do to you.
But it was never about what they would do for you.
You would always end up wishing for more. For something beautiful to happen in the slower, cloudier moments of life. For someone to last longer than the sunny, sensual seconds…
Yet they never stuck around to share the little things. You were always racing against time. Any ounce of conflict or trouble would crumble the already shaky foundation of your relationship.
It was never like that with Bokuto.
It didn’t bother him if you were sick, blowing your nose for 4 days straight or leaning over a toilet seat. He was there. Never leaving you alone except to get groceries or medicine. Holding your hair back and buying you boxes of tissues and cough drops. He would gladly catch a cold for you.
It didn’t matter that you were trapped inside your apartment on your 2 year anniversary, sheets of pouring rain coasting across the window panes, the weather laughing at your attempts to go out. Bokuto was impossible to faze in moments like these. He lit candles across the kitchen counter-tops when the power gave out and wrapped his arms around your shoulders as you concocted a dessert of some sort. You two consumed ungodly amounts of cookie dough that night and shared in celebratory chocolate kisses.
It didn’t change when you were grief-stricken. When you’d locked yourself behind a closet door, sobbing and mourning your most recent loss. He would sit on the opposite side of the door. Waiting for you. Crying with you. That small space under the door? Bokuto used it to feel around for your fingers, linking them together with his digits when he found them. That day, and many times after, he coaxed you out of real and metaphorical closets with loving, gentle words. 
It’s why you chose to set that precious book down today. 
It’s why you let him hold you whenever he’s feeling needy or lonely, a knowing smile etched onto your face.
It’s why you decided to put on that gold-laced engagement ring. Why you accepted his teary-eyed marriage proposal months ago.
Because for so long, you couldn’t see yourself with anyone for more than a couple months at most. It always seemed to end no matter how much effort you put into your side of the relationship.
Yet Bo gave you every reason to believe that he would stick around, making you feel like you always had a place by his side. That you were always wanted. Worthy of a lifelong commitment. 
And whether you liked it or not, he would’ve bugged you until you agreed to marry him, so it’s probably a good thing you accepted the first time around.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts because just as soon as he had raced out of the room, he’s back with a newfound energy, hands full with a massive Bluetooth speaker and a fully-charged phone.
The moment it’s set up, he’s choosing a song. His eyes dash through all of his beloved playlists labeled with strangely specific names. You peer over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the one he’s scrolling through.
The playlist is titled “Dance With Me.”
You burst into another soft fit of giggles over the lovey-dovey name, causing him to turn his head, much like a curious owl.
He had the makings to be a charmer. And a cheeseball.
Both, for sure.
“Y/nnnn, don’t make fun of me! I need to practice for the wedding, don’t I?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you like a schoolboy with a crush.
A smile silently adorns your features.
With the click of a song, your ears are blessed with the melodic flow of R&B, thick with bluesy guitars and lyrical loveliness. A true slow jam, perfect for rocking on heels and leaning into broad shoulders.
You roll your eyes, throwing your arms around his neck for the 2nd time today.
“We’ve still got 8 months til we’re married, baby.” You remind him, your heart jumping at your own words. 
8 short months.
8 months until forever.
Forever with your favorite person.
And it doesn’t scare you. No, the flutters in your stomach are reassuring and brimming with excitement. 
You couldn’t wait.
So you rest your forehead against his, staring deeply into his contemplative orbs.
As you two sway to the beat, you can tell he’s thinking. Pondering that sentence. Cultivating a response. You can feel it in the way his thumbs stroke the sides of your hips in deliberation.
He’s searching your gaze and his own mind. Drawing a conclusion.
You just wait. Swaying to the beat, drinking in his almond, vanilla scent, patiently watching his thought process unfold before you.
“I just wish it were sooner.” He whispers, eyes locked on yours.
Oh Bokuto.
You release your hold around his neck, slowly drawing your face away from his and moving your hands toward his features. The slow dancing pauses, his feet subconsciously planting themselves on the floor in curious anticipation of what’s to come.
Your knuckles stroke his cheekbones, causing him to flush slightly. Fingers brush against his jawline, your eyes now concentrated on his lips.
How dare he speak such beautiful things with that mouth. Always so smooth when you least expect it.
You lean in, giving him a soft peck, lingering on his lips for just for a moment. Enough to tease him. Because it’s so unfair of him to say things like that... 
When he knows full well that you would marry him right here, on the spot.
Under the broken chandelier in your dingy apartment’s living room, you would dedicate your whole life to him, vows and all, while twirling to a playlist called “Dance With Me.”
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @kaidasen, @miss-rin
(comment or send an ask to be added to my general tag list)
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jusvibbbin · 3 years
Right Place, Right Time
Luke Skywalker x Reader
//Anonymous request and my first non Star Trek fic! Enjoy!
//TW: Brief descriptions of blood and murder
You rolled over, half-asleep, and where there should have been the shape of a Jedi master, there was only empty space. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at the sunlight dancing across his pillow. You rolled slowly onto your back and thought absentmindedly about the events that brought you here. Brought you to him.
You were crouched behind a low wall as stormtroopers continued to fire upon the small mining town you lived in. Blood stained your clothes, your own mixing with that of your slaughtered mother and sister. The empire had been crippled but they were far from eradicated and now they were eager to take their frustrations out on any rebel sympathizers. Your family had just been simple cannon-fodder, target practice even. Your face was sticky with tears and the blaster wound in your stomach was making it difficult to breathe. You wanted to stay, to defend your town. But as blood continued to pool beneath your shirt, you realized you would just be another easy target. You angled yourself Northeast, towards the closest major city and began to walk. Walking had turned into hunched limping, turned into almost crawling. After hours of trekking through freezing rain, you finally collapsed just outside the city. You shivered against the biting wind and closed your eyes.
You woke up in a place you didn’t recognize. You sat up slowly, touching your stomach before jerking your hand back in pain. You lifted your shirt to see the wound had been closed up but it would leave a large scar. You looked around the small room. It was sparse, with only the bed you laid on, a chair by the door and a window near the bed. You gathered your strength and pulled yourself up to look out the window. You were deep inside the city, seeing nothing but tall buildings and ships flying in and out. You gently lowered yourself again as the door swooshed open. Holding a bowl of something, was a man with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. 
“Glad to see you’re awake,” he said and offered you the bowl. You took it cautiously and inspected the soup inside.
“The doctors weren’t sure you’d live through the night. But I knew you looked like a fighter.” He sat down in the chair near the door. “Would you tell me about how you got that?” He gestured towards your stomach.
You recounted the attack on your town as the man listened. He didn’t ask you any other questions, and when you had finished he simply took the empty bowl and left. You sat there, confused and a bit afraid. You knew nothing about where you were or who that man was. Sure he helped you get fixed up but you certainly weren’t in the hospital anymore. He could’ve helped you just to get a better price for you at a slave market. You were too weak to get out of bed, let alone mount an escape; your several hour trip had made sure of that. Out of options, you lay down again to rest.
As the days went by, the man continued to visit you. He would ask you questions about yourself and in return he answered one question from you each time. He chuckled when you asked if you were a prisoner and told you that you were free to leave at any time. You learned on his third visit that his name was Luke and he was a rebel. You thought his name sounded familiar so when he came again you asked if he was a Jedi master.
“And what would you know of Jedi masters?” he said, smirking slightly.
“I know that a Jedi master helped take down the Empire,” you said.
Luke just nodded and took his leave. Once you were feeling stronger, you ventured out of your room to find you were in a little apartment of sorts. A tiny kitchen, one bathroom, a living space and only one bedroom. He was sitting in the living room, reading something when you walked in. He looked up at you and smiled.
“Now that you can move around, we have something to discuss.”
“I don’t have any money,” you said quickly, looking down. “I can’t afford to pay you back for all your kindness.”
“I know,” Luke said. “That’s why I want to know if you’d be willing to come with me.”
You looked up in surprise. What would a Jedi master want with you?
Almost as if he was reading your mind he said, “I want to build a school. To help train other Jedis in the ways of the force. I thought I could do it alone but...” he trailed off, looking out the nearby window onto the bustling street below. He looked back at you.
“Building it will take time. Time that might be wasted if I don’t start locating students. My offer is this: You come with me, help me find a place to stay and start building the school while I gather pupils. Or you leave tonight, no debt owed and you forget you ever knew me.” With that, Luke stood and walked out the door.
You sat down in front of the large window and thought about the options he presented you with. You had nowhere to go. No family left anywhere and no real skills to get a job. If you stayed here you’d probably end up with a job that didn’t pay enough to live off of or run into some unsavory characters. Luke hadn’t done anything to make you distrust him yet and if he really was a Jedi he wouldn’t ever hurt you. You decided your best move was to accept his offer.
Once you told Luke your answer, he began planning for you to leave that night. He brought you some fresh clothes and as you changed, he packed. When you were ready you followed him to a launch bay where he was storing his ship. You looked in awe at the X-Wing.
“R-2? You ready to fly?” he called up to a droid in the ship. The droid beeped back rapidly and Luke laughed.
“You mean (Y/N)? They’re a friend,” he said to the droid before shooting you a smile.
You felt yourself flush and you busied yourself looking at his ship.
Luke and you squeezed into his ship and set out to find the perfect planet.
After travelling for a few days you had finally found a place Luke was satisfied with. Yavin 4. Apparently it was suggested by a friend of his, but he wanted to be sure it was exactly what he was picturing.
You began building the minute you got there. Luke helped you gather materials and you constructed the main training area. It took four days but no doubt would’ve taken longer if not for Luke force abilities. It was amazing to see him in action, lifting incredibly heavy things with the flick of a finger. You looked at him and he just smiled.
After a week, he took off in his X-Wing, leaving you to build the dormitories with the help of R-2. A month and seven dorms later, he returned. You waited eagerly to see who he had found, but when he exited the ship, it was only him. You made him dinner that night and you both ate in silence. Luke hadn’t said one word since getting back and you were starting to worry. You could tell he was disappointed even if he didn’t show it. 
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, your voice making him look at you. 
He gave you the tiniest of smirks and said, “It’s fine, the food isn’t that bad.”
You gaped at him before laughing out, “Big talk coming from someone who didn’t help cook it!”
“But see if I did help, it would’ve been a lot better,” he teased, eliciting a laugh from both of you this time. You nudged him lightly with your elbow and he nudged you back before it turned into a playful shoving match. You gave him a particularly hard one and he slipped off the bench you were both sitting on. You cackled with laughter then, tears brimming in your eyes. He looked up at you and kicked the bench while you were doubled over, causing you to fall almost on top of him. He caught you and you steadied yourself on his shoulders, looking deep into his eyes. You felt your face heating up and in an effort to brush it off you began to laugh. Luke chuckled too and used the force to put you on your feet. You looked at him in shock as he stood.
“That felt… ” you started and then stopped, unsure of how to describe the feeling.
“Someday, I’ll make you fly around,” Luke said with a grin.
You grinned back at him, heart thumping at how close he chose to stand next to you. He walked you to the little hut you had made for yourself and wished you a goodnight. That night you dreamed of soaring through the sky, Luke never too far behind.
He left again the next day. You finished the rest of the building in another month and began decorating with things here and there. At the start of the next month, he returned with a child. He was small and green with big eyes and pointy ears. Luke told you his name was Grogu and that he would be his first student. After this Luke began to find more and more kids like Grogu, and soon the school had six students, eager to learn. He took a break from searching to begin their training and you certainly didn’t complain about having him around more. While Luke trained the children, it was your job to cook and to watch over them whenever he left. They were all polite and pretty easy going, you just had to watch Grogu around the food. 
As the months continued, Luke and you got closer, spending time together during meals and after the children went to bed. Although you weren’t Jedi material, you worked with Luke to calm the raging storms inside of you, letting go of your anger and hate. As he taught you that, you slowly broke down the walls he had built up so long ago. One night, after a particularly long day of training, Luke decided to forgo your meditating in favor of telling you about his past and his family. About his brush with the dark side of the force and the anger that used to live inside of him. He spoke of the death of his father and mother and your heart ached for him. You moved from where you were across the fire and, sitting beside him, you pulled him into you and laid his head against your chest. Slowly he wrapped his arms around you and you felt him relax in your embrace. 
You stayed like this for what felt like hours until Luke removed himself from your grasp and stood up. You worried that you had been too forward until he extended his hand down to you. You took it and he walked with you to your little hut. You started to enter, expecting him to say goodnight and leave but he tugged you back to him to place a gentle kiss on your lips. Before you could react he was already gone, halfway towards the small hut of his own. 
Little moments like this began happening more and more until he stopped going to his hut altogether. And if you woke up early enough on some mornings, he would still be there, holding you against his chest. 
You smiled at your memories and got out of bed. You pull on your clothes and wander towards the dining hall to start preparing breakfast. They would be done with morning training soon. You patted R-2 when he rolled into the kitchen and he assisted you in setting the tables. You had just finished the food when the children came filing in. You served the children and they sat to talk and eat their food. You served the last child and realized that Luke still was not there. You left R-2 to watch the kids as you headed outside to find the Jedi master.
You walked around a building and stopped. Luke was standing watching the sunrise. You turned to leave not wishing to disturb him when you suddenly felt your feet leave the ground. You gasped as he moved you to float in front of him, meeting eye to eye. He smiled as he set you down then wrapped his arms around your waist. You placed your hands against his chest and kissed him and you both settled in to watch the sunrise.
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faerienextdoor · 3 years
Hi would it be alright to get a jjk matchup please? I'm 18, pronouns are she/her. I'm I'm ISTJ and a sagittarius. I'm brave, strong willed, confident, loyal and I love to laugh. I can be pretty judgemental though and I hate strangers, always assuming they're the worst and r dangerous so I try to look intimidating and unapproachable and it works most the time I think. When im with my friends though I can be wild and I feel more confident when im with them, I would literally die for them they're amazing.
My hobbies are pretty important to me, I did competitive gymnastics for a while and won quite a few medals. I still workout everyday to keep my skills. I also do figure skating and I like dance but I'm not very good at it lol. I like stormy weather, horror movies, indie music and roadtrips to nowhere. I hate incompetent and ignorant people and dirty/messy places.
hope that's okay :)
Ofc!! thanks for sending this in and hopefully being patient with me as I send these out ;;
I match you up with....
Tumblr media
Geto suguru!
You're both logical personality types. You both have concentrations elsewhere, you both cherish the time you spend together and the relationship can flourish, him deeply understanding everything about you and your quirks and habits. He finds every little thing adorable and cute. He insists on having honest and very open communication in the relationship. If there's any issue, he wants it fixed and he wants to talk through anything that bothers the two of you- it's what makes things work. That, and how romantic he manages to be.
He's witty and sarcastic in his own way, and always teases you for the faces you make at strangers as they pass. To him, you never looked unapproachable. Sure, he and gojo would joke back and forth that you had a bad case of rbf, he could just tell it was an act though. He's seen your bravery first hand. He knows how strong you are, but also knows that you have a soft heart if someone pries hard enough- he's seen that giant smile on your face as you laugh your heart out. Sometimes he's the only one who sees it and he absolutely adores that-
He is a formal dancer, preferring to sway with you. You step on his toes here and there but you both laugh it off. And geto LIVES for how your face lights up as he spins you then pulls you right back into his arms. He can't help but pepper your face in kisses and whisk you off for some cuddles!!!
He thinks rain is calming, and embarrassingly enough gets sleepy when he hears thunder and the patter of rain against the roof and windows- he sprawls in bed and his eyes begin to droop, and he basically pleads for you to join him. He's the biggest cuddle bug when he's tired, and you get to deal with him.
Geto loves to just listen to you- even asking you to tell him about your favorite gymnastics event, any funny story that's happened (maybe falling off a balancing beam), anything. Obviously being getou, he probably goes "oh, didn't know you were a sports geek" seeing all your medals. You have permission to punch him in the ribs lmao. He never misses any event if you still do it competitively or want to go to a public gym to practice- you light even he able to convince him to give it a ago! He prefers to watch though, smiling a bit to himself as you powder your hands up and stand in front of an obstacle with a determined yet calculative expression. It might intrigue him and he tries some stretches with you- and damn this man is FLEXIBLE! After his joints crack, ofc. It gives a nice burn and he likes to use some you teach him as a warm up before a mission!! Curses dont see this man coming!!! He's like jelly the morning after but it is SO worth it. Especially if he gets some of your sympathy and you kiss and baby him or even soothe the ache in his muscles with a massage or some muscle ache cream.
You're so graceful on the ice, while getou barely manages to not have to grasp into the railing for dear LIFE. Do not let this idiot try a spin, he will crack his ass and not be able to sit for the longest fucking time-
Boyfriend rating: 9.9/10!!
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nakedmossy · 4 years
Depth Over Distance - Part One [Rudy x Reader]
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[A/N: I haven’t found a hometown Rudy fic yet soooo I wrote one. I have no idea where this story is going to go and I’m honestly finding it hard to get out of writing JJ and get into writing Rudy, but here we go anyways. I wanted to write something where the reader and Rudy were hometown friends before he moved to LA, and to explore the idea of how that would change/what it would look like when he comes back. Get ready for a S L O W. B U R N. my dudes. Peace and love, Mossy x]
The sky was grey and the air was wet - it had been raining for 4 days straight. You sat in your car with the heat cranked, your window down slightly so that the humidity didn’t fog up your mirrors. Living on the Alaskan coast was beautiful most of the time but horrible some of the time, especially when you had to waste gas just keeping warm and dry at 6pm in the beginning of ‘Summer’. 
You had never lived anywhere else aside from the summer you spent in Vancouver with your cousin when you were 19. Now, at 23, you were working full time at the local bookshop that was an 8 minute drive from your house in the winter and a 20 minute walk/skate in the summer. Your car was parked street side, waiting for your friend Lizzy to finish her shift at the cafe. The smell of the rain and the Ben Howard song on the radio made you nostalgic about the times you and your friends from high school had spent hours skating down these streets, beers in your backpacks, no helmets, dirty shoes and clothes, no pressure, no responsibilities, no cell service...no worries. 
Since graduation a lot of your friends had moved out of town, either to Anchorage or down to Washington, or further south. Your best friend Lizzy had stayed close to home, helping run her families business and working part time at the cafe. You had stayed local too...your dad owned a fishing guide business and your mom was an admin assistant for the MD in town, but neither made enough to cover all the medical bills you had racked up over the last few years. You figured once the debt was paid off you might leave...but you had no idea where you would go. 
You missed all of your friends, but you missed the boys the most, aside from Lizzy you didn't have a lot of female friends, and your boys had been like brothers to you. You spoke to most of them every few weeks on FaceTime, except Rudy. He had gone to LA for awhile and had kept in touch loosely, but after the first few months he started to drift. 
You felt the loss the hardest for Rudy. He had been your closest friend the longest, you had spent nearly every day of every summer together since you were 9, and every school year you worked the same part time job at the seafood restaurant on the water. Now, the last you heard, he was coming back for the summer to ‘reconnect’. You had low expectations and tried not to let yourself get excited, but truthfully, you wanted him to spend some time at home and be around his own kind again - he had always been a homebody and you were worried that being gone for 4 years would go to his head or change him.
Lizzy tapped on the glass, causing you to blink out of your reverie and smile at her. You rolled the window down and let her reach in and open the door from the inside (the handle had been broken since high school). She threw her backpack and skateboard in the back seat, climbing in and closing her door.
“Ugh.” She grunted as her teeth chattered and she rubbed her bare legs. 
“You know its only May, you shouldn’t even be wearing shorts yet. The snow just melted.”
Lizzy glared at you playfully and put her hand out to do your handshake. You did it, then put the car in drive and started slowly down the street, windshield wipers moving rhythmically.
“How was the shift?” You asked as you checked your mirrors and wiped some humidity off the rear view. 
“Same old” Lizzy leaned back in her seat and pulled the visor mirror down to fix her hair. “That old man Collins from the cannery keeps coming in and harassing me.”
“Jack? The one with the eye patch?” 
Lizzy nodded dramatically as she held the bobby pins in her mouth and started to twist her straight black hair off her face. 
“That guy-“ She finished placing the final pin and slammed the visor closed “-Is an absolute creep.”
You snorted a sarcastic laugh and rolled your eyes.
“He’s like...70. And widowed. Don’t be rude.”
“I’m not being rude. Im just...asserting my boundaries.”
“You literally have a 3 foot counter between you at minimum, at all times.” You looked over at her and raised your eyebrows.
“Whatever. All I’m saying is we need hotter men in this town. Like...soon.”
You nodded in agreement and felt your eyes wander all over the road, remembering the time you and Rudy had taken your longboards down it after a torrential downpour and you had crashed and gotten such bad road burn that he had to call his dad to come pick you both up because you couldn’t walk.
“Hey, Y/N, are you listening?” Lizzy cut back in, staring at you.
“No, what?”
“I said, speaking of hot guys, I heard Rudy is coming back for a few months.”
You pinched your face and looked at her then at the road, then back at her.
“Rudy is not hot. Rudy is....Rudy. What are you talking about?”
Lizzy looked at you disbelieving and closed her mouth, trying not to smile.
“What!” You repeated, smacking her arm.
“Hey!” She laughed, then shook her head and looked out the window. “Whatever you say man, I just think....” She grabbed her water bottle and began to screw off the lid “I just think...he’s not gonna be the same Rudy that left 4 years ago. He’s like...a movie star now.”
You couldn’t even begin to touch that one. You knew what she was doing...she was always harping on you about going on dates or taking trips with her to the mainland to hook up with the pilots during their layovers. You never went, and always insisted that you were just fine and were not interested. She never listened. Part of that was true...you were fine, and usually not interested. But sometimes, when the water was calm and the sunset was colourful and the fish were jumping and your beer was cold...you wished you had someone to share it with.
“I’m going up to Skagway this weekend with my dad” You said, changing subjects. “He’s short a guide and needs someone to drive the boat.”
“Lucky you” She said sarcastically, screwing the lid back on her bottle. “Another weekend spent with men twice your age who have zero ability to catch a fish and even less ability to smell nice.” 
“It’s good money.” You said flatly, annoyed that everything seemed to revolve around men with her. “And in case you forgot I’m kinda in need of that at the moment.”
Lizzy licked her lips and put her hands up, dipping her head. 
“Alright...noted. Chill out Kemosabe.” She giggled under her breath and looked out her window, drawing a small penis in the moisture on the window.
“Babe, seriously. You need to get laid.” You said, shaking your head.
“I know” She replied, working on the veins. “Trust me. Im in a state of national emergency by this time of year.”
Lizzy was absolutely one of the girliest girls (and most beautiful girls) in the south of Alaska, which was ironic considering the house she grew up in. Her dad was an overweight German restaurant entrepreneur who had opened a world class seafood restaurant in Juneau back in the 90s and had shacked up with her mother who was this drop dead gorgeous Haida warrior woman who you had literally seen kill and skin a bear with her own hands. 
They had forged this chain of restaurants local to Alaska that people flew hundreds of miles to eat at, but still lived in an off-grid cabin that hadn’t been insulated since 1960 and used wood heating. Not really the type of family that screamed southern belle femininity - yet somehow Lizzy came out of that union with a pink bed set, refusing to ever wear camo or sweatpants, and still had never shot a gun - which her mother reminded her of weekly. 
Lizzy had hit puberty at 10 and had used her breast advantage over every girl in your class for the next 3 years like some sort of distinction of better genetics, as if she needed boobs to prove that. Unlike you, she was naturally thin and tall (6ft to be precise), had long, thick straight black hair and olive skin, and perfect hips. You felt like a prepubescent boy standing next to her, with your uneven complexion and your frizz and your awkward thigh fat distribution. You were envious of her genetics - her mother graced her with the body of an athlete and the thick black hair, and her father had given her height and cheekbones that could slice through glass. You looked down at your arms, covered in freckles, pasty white from lack of sun, and cringed, looking back at the road.
You turned the corner leaving the main road and starting on the dirt road that led to your favourite part of beach access. Lizzy pulled her hoodie out of her backpack and took off her seatbelt, leaning forward to pull it down over her head. You leaned forward and looked up, this was your favourite part of the drive. The dirt road which was lined with moss and ferns and other foliage wound along the base of the snow capped mountain that was at least 1000ft in elevation. The mist and fog from the coast was thick and creeped through the tall cedar trees, black ravens and falcons flying overhead stark against the white mist. This was the most idyllic picture of northwest coastal living you could find.
When you parked at the trail head Lizzy slipped off her work flats and into her Teva’s, you grabbed your yellow Vans out of your trunk and slipped them on. You usually drove bare foot, a habit you had started in high school after Rudy had thrown your shoes off the dock at the restaurant and you had to drive home without any. You grabbed your sweater and your backpack which had the beer in it. As you were both gathering the rest of your things...beach blanket, hats, and rain cover, you heard a car pull up behind you. You stood up out of the trunk and squinted to see the car through the fog. It was a black ford pickup you had never seen before. 
“Who’s that?” Lizzy chimed in from behind you.
“No clue” You said as you lifted your hand to wave once. 
The truck had tinted windows and looked brand new. When it pulled up beside you, the drivers side window began to unroll, revealing Junior - your high school (ex) sweetheart.
“Holy” You said, eyebrows up, nodding. “Nice truck - where’d you steal it from?” He rolled his eyes at you dramatically.
“Whatever kid - its a rental. Got it to drive to the airport in.” His chest puffed out and his expression read so proud. 
“Airport?” You said inquisitively. “Since when does Alan pay you to drive new trucks to the airport?” 
“Since Rudy hired him for the pick up service and apparently is incapable of driving his own ass around anymore” Junior snorted and waved at Lizzy.
“Or he doesn’t have a car here anymore” You noted, rolling your eyes at him.
“Either way, I get this bad boy for the next 24 hours and I intend to give her the royal grand tour of our humble town.” He ran his hand up and down the steering wheel, stroking the new leather. “Wanna go for a rip?” He said, winking. You shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Well I do” Lizzy piped up from beside you, walking closer to the window. She smiled at Junior and began to put her hair in a pony tail. She nudged your arm as she began to walk to the passenger side door. “Come on, granny. Let’s go!”
She laughed as she climbed up into the truck, but you shook your head again.
“I’m good...you kids have fun. Say hi to Rudy for me” You said to Junior, who shrugged his head and muttered ‘definitely wont do that’ under his breath.
Lizzy blew a kiss at you and waved once before Junior put it in drive and started to go up the dirt road north of you. 
Junior and you had ended on okay terms, but he had concocted a theory that you had broken up with him because of another guy, and the unspoken suggestion was that that guy had been Rudy. Small town guys had a heck of a time with the idea of girls and guys just being friends. 
You sighed and watched as the truck disappeared around the corner, and turned back to your own car. You grabbed your backpack and slammed the trunk closed, walking down the path alone. You weren’t mad at Lizzy for going with him - she was flighty and bailed on you at the bar all the time - but you were mad the beer was going to go warm before you could drink it all. Not that you should even be drinking 6 beers alone by the water when you had to drive yourself home. Doubtful the 2 cops in this town would even be awake to see you though. Whatever.
You reached the end of the path and rounded the corner, revealing the coast line and the rocky beach. It was your favourite place to sit and think, sit and smoke, sit and be yourself. The beach curled in a U shape, giving you a private spot where the rest of the shoreline was blocked from view and all you could see was the ominous cedar forest that stretched up the mountain, the snow caps at the top, and the horizon over the cold pacific.
You had intended to share the joint you had in your pocket with Lizzie, but...well, her loss. You spread the blanket out on the softest patch of sand and rocks you could find (which still meant you were guaranteed to get at least 2 rocks in the ass) and placed your bag down, kicking off your sneakers. You took a deep breath for the first time in a few days and lit the joint, taking one long, deep inhale. You felt it tingle through your chest and your arms and legs almost immediately, relaxing you. Being here alone always sent you into a spiral of memories and thoughts that you worked hard during the day to suppress. Most insistent lately had been thoughts about your health problems. You called them ‘health problems’ but in reality it was just an eating disorder. You could go 2, sometimes 3 days without eating anything, and never felt hungry. It started after graduation.
You had lost weight, dramatically, going from a stable 120-125 to 95 at most and 90 at worst, in the span of a month. And for the next three years you had never gained it back, you had stayed at a relatively stable 95, which still left you looking sickly and too thin at 5’3”. Your frame wasn’t built for that kind of weight drop, you were Scottish and Cree, sprinkled with a little bit of German and Irish. A classic northwest cracker mix. You weren’t naturally small, you always had a bit of something to grab onto, but it was normal to your body, healthy. 
Some part of your brain knew that it had something to do with leaving school...and the pretence that came with that. The expectation...the responsibility. You were never that kind of person, and it never really bothered you, but suddenly it had. You never planned to go to University right away, but you had no back up plan. It wasn't something you and your friends really talked about. But suddenly Jacob had gotten into U of Washington, Dan had left to backpack Europe, and Rudy had not so graciously announced he was deferring his acceptance and scholarship to culinary school because he wanted to be an actor, and flew to LA the next month. You had been left behind, with Lizzy of all people, and it had hit you hard.
You looked around the beach, dragging on your joint quicker than normal, trying to knock the thoughts out of your head. An Eagle screeched above - scaring you - and you laid back on the blanket, closing your eyes. You needed to chill the hell out. This was the first time in a few weeks that you had gotten a night off from helping your dad with his guide business and you didn’t plan on wasting it riddling your brain with anxiety and worrying about your body.
You looked up at the sky and watched the mist and fog kiss the clouds, the sunset colours dancing across them. As it usually did, the rain had stopped just as the sun was going down, the clouds parting briefly and letting the smallest sliver of sunlight through, just enough to burn the grey light out of the sky and allow the pink and orange hues to fade along the horizon. You sat up and cracked a beer, enjoying the fresh smelling air and the rhythmic sound of the waves licking the shore line. 
Two beers in you had put on your jacket and placed your Bluetooth speaker next to you on the blanket, blasting a playlist that Rudy had made you for your graduation party.
Three beers in you took the jacket off, standing up and dancing by yourself on the beach to the music.
Four beers in you laid down on the blanket, balled your jacket up and used it as a pillow, and started looking for shapes in the stars.
Five beers in you fell sleep.
Many hours later, as the sun rose and was bright on the water and the early morning bird feed was in full swing overhead, you were drifting in and out of sleep to the squawking when a shadow came across your face, alerting you to groggily open your eyes.
“What’s up, Little Fern?” His voice had gotten deeper. Wait, what?
You opened your eyes and blinked, raising a hand to block the sun. There, in your very awake and very not dreaming state, was the unmistakable silhouette that you had spent the last 18 years dreaming about and 18 years being a friend to.
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dolce-peach · 4 years
catch me if i fall
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pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: you’d take a bullet for steve rogers, and you meant it.
warnings: angst, injury
a/n: just trying to get some creative juices flowing for pending requests -- sorry if it’s angsty.  i live for angst atm :)
permanent taglist: @kaitlynmalikisnotonfire 
** TO MAKE A REQUEST -- please check the status in my bio **
You were never comfortable with the dense club atmosphere.  There were too many people around you, making the air thick and hot.  Thankfully this club was slightly better than the rest, with cold mood lighting and soft R&B music playing in the background.
There were still some people around you.  Occasionally you’d get a long glance from a guy and a flirtatious wink from a girl, but frankly that wasn’t the prize at the moment.
Like most of your other missions as an Avenger, you often accompanied the rest of the group of heroes to many Hydra dealings, trying to destroy the very thing that consumed SHIELD from the inside out.  It wasn’t exactly a 9:5 job, but if you could put a stop to it, then it was worth it.
It was just you, Steve, and Natasha that night.  The three of you were an unofficial stealth team, often doing most of the dirty work.  
“Y/N, status,” Steve’s voice came in through the comms.
“No sign of Rumlow,” you said as you turned and smiled at the bartender as he slid you a drink.
You heard him sigh.  “That better not be alcohol.”
“Keep your pants on,” you teased.  “It’s just to help me relax.”
“Why don’t you two just find a room already?” Natasha groaned into the radio.  “The tension’s killing me.”  
“Status,” Steve said.
You heard a sniper load in the background.  “Stationed across the street.  I have a clear shot of the window.”
“Stay focused,” Steve said sternly.  “It’s been months since we’ve had a proper lead on Rumlow, and I don’t want to lose him now.”
You sipped your drink.  “Aye, Cap’n.”
You glanced out the window at the bright city lights.  Rain fell, wetting the streets and creating a reflection of light against the tall buildings.  
You set your drink down as you saw a black car pull up.  You immediately recognized Rumlow’s scars before he secured his black mask over his face.
“He’s here,” you whispered.  “I’ll take him down as soon as he’s through the door.”
“Don’t engage.  There are too many people,” Steve said.
“We can take him.  He’s alone,” you protested.
You could hear Steve’s frustration.  “You don’t know that.”
“Stark’s bots are on standby,” you said, reaching inside your jacket for the gun in your pocket.
You bit your lip.  “If we don’t make a move now, we won’t get the chance again,” you said.  “And if this doesn’t work, I’ll take full responsibility.”
“That’s not what I meant --”
“Are you guys going to argue all night?” Natasha interrupted.  
You felt a lump in your throat as you felt Rumlow take a seat next to you.  You tried to remain collected, but the mere thought of how many innocent people he killed made your blood boil.  
He chuckled.  “Nice to see you, Y/N.”
“Rumlow,” you said, nodding calmly.  “What brings you here?”
“I think you know,” he said.  “Why else would you be in this dump?”
You shrugged, trying to let the alcohol relax your nerves.  “It’s not bad.”
“You still with Rogers?” he asked.
You narrowed your eyes.  “Excuse me?”
“You two seemed close,” he explained, leaning back as he sipped on his hard liquor.  “Figured I’d be getting a wedding invitation in the mail sometime soon.”
“You’re talking to me as if we’re friends,” you said.
“Well,” he leaned closer.  “Aren’t we?”
“Not anymore.”
He rolled his eyes, loosening his mask.  You held back your gasp of horror as his uneven scars were illuminated by the low light.  The pain bubbled in his face as he looked at you, seeing his own fear and malice reflected in your eyes.
“They did this to me,” he snarled.  “And I’m gonna make them pay.”
You tightened the grip on your gun.  “Good luck with that.”
“Y/N,” Steve warned.
Seeing your eyes change, Rumlow laughed.  “That son of a bitch is here, isn’t he?”  He reached forward and grabbed the collar of your leather jacket.  “Tell him not to be so shy.”
“Why don’t you tell him yourself?”  You shoved him away.  
You calmly pointed your gun at him, your finger ghosting over the trigger.
Rumlow chuckled.  “You can’t shoot me.  You don’t have the balls.”
Adrenaline made you surprisingly calm as you shifted your aim and shot his shoulder, causing everyone in the club to scream and run for the exits.  He hissed in pain.
“Oh, sorry, I missed your heart,” you said.
As more people exited the club, Steve seemed to stick out like a sore thumb.  You backed away from Rumlow, leaving him at the bar as you stood next to Steve.
He growled.  “I should’ve known.”
“Give it up, Rumlow,” Steve said.  “No one has to get hurt.”
“People always get hurt around you, Rogers,” he said.  “Your girl’s no exception.”
The ground shook before erupting in fire and debris.  You tried hard to keep your balance, but everything was happening so fast.  You fell to your knees trying to reach Steve.
You cried out as a large block slammed into your lower back, pinning you to the ground. The wind was knocked out of your lungs, leaving you breathless under the awful pressure and pain.
The rain of small rocks against your head stopped as Steve kneeled over you, using his shield to protect you both.  
Your ears were ringing when it stopped.  You couldn’t see much, but you felt a hot trail running from your forehead, staining your vision red.
Steve grunted as he lifted the heavy stone from your back, rolling you over in his lap.
“Y/N!”  His blue eyes seemed to cut through the blood.  “Are you okay?  Can you walk?”
You murmured something incoherent, and he lifted you in his arms before trying to find a safe route out.
You could hear Natasha’s panicked voice echo through your earpiece.  
“Steve?” you said, your breath running away from you.  “Oh, God...”
“Stay awake, Y/N.  Do you hear me?” Steve said.  “Stay awake.”
Between the thudding in your back and the sirens approaching, your eyes widened as your brain began to overload.  Your vision began to blur with each passing second.
“Y/N?” Steve tried.  “You’re gonna be okay.  Just keep your eyes on me.”
Then, like a freight train, it dawned on you.
Your face went white.
“My legs, Steve...”
He looked at you with concern.  
“My legs...my legs...” you repeated.  “I can’t feel --”
You furrowed your eyebrows, trying your best to understand what he was saying until you passed out.
You didn’t have to open your eyes to confirm your horror.
Your legs still remained unpleasantly numb.  Every cell in your body was itching to move, but you couldn’t.
When you finally opened your eyes, you stared at the ceiling, looking at the light coming in through the tilted blinds.  Your eyes watered, tears escaping down the sides of your face, soaking your pillow.
This was the price you had to pay, and you were lucky to be alive.
You were relieved to remember that Steve was okay.  It was all that really mattered, even more than yourself.  Sure, doctors said you may never be able to walk again, but it was worth all the pain if Steve was safe.
You were out of your tiny hospital room in no time.  There wasn’t much more the doctors could do for you after an extensive surgery to save your spine besides dressing your other superficial wounds from the explosion.
Natasha was the one to come and take you home.  Apparently Steve was bogged down with paperwork, or he couldn’t bring himself to see you.  You figured it was the latter.  Part of you was bitter about it, but you decided to let it go.
“There she is,” Tony said with a smile as Natasha wheeled you into the common area.  “How are you feeling, champ?”
“Tired,” you replied with a small smile.  “Anything happen while I was gone?”
“It’s been pretty uneventful actually,” Tony said.  “Gotta admit, I missed you.”
You quirked an eyebrow.  “You should take him to the hospital, Nat.”
“Good idea,” she laughed as Tony rolled his eyes.
You looked around, but saw no sign of Steve anywhere.
With Clint, Thor, and Bruce gone, things have been quiet.  You never really noticed since you’ve been on so many missions, but now that you were probably going to be on the sidelines for a while, it was a harsh reality you had to accept.
“He’ll be up soon enough,” Tony said, seeing your expression.  “Unless Fury has another laundry list of things to discuss.”
“He doesn’t want to see me,” you concluded.
Natasha tightened her grip on the handles of your wheelchair.  “Y/N...”
“What are you talking about?” Tony said, kneeling down in front of you.  “Of course, he does.  You’re the only reason he gets out of bed every day.”
“Probably not anymore,” you sighed.  “It’s okay.  It was bound to happen eventually, right?  I was cocky and thought I had everything under control, then Rumlow had to go and blow everything up.”  You rubbed your temples.  “And now I have to live with the consequences.”
Natasha squeezed your shoulder.  “None of it was your fault, Y/N.”
“Listen to me,” Tony said, taking your hands.  “I can promise you with my whole heart filled with shrapnel that Cap loves you.  No one else but you, and that’s a fact.”  He pursed his lips.  “And if he doesn’t, then he’s a star-spangled idiot.”
You laughed, your eyes welling up.  “Thanks.”
The elevator slid open with a ring, causing the three of you to turn and see Steve walk in.  He looked up from the folders he held and stared at you with disbelief.
You sent a small smile.  “Hey.”
He walked over and knelt down in front of you as Tony and Natasha left the room.  
He gently ran his callused fingers along the trails of your tears.  
“How are you feeling?  Do you need anything?”
You shook your head.  “Just you.”  You frowned.  “Did they find him?”
His expression was grim.   “He was buried under the rubble.”
“That’s good, I guess.”
“But your legs --”
You shook your head.  “Don’t put that on yourself.  It can’t be helped.  The explosion came out of nowhere.”
“But I asked you to do it, to come on that mission.”
“Hey, I agreed because you know as well as I do that I love you, and I would do anything to help,” you said.  “That’s never going to change.  So when I say it’s fine --”
“It’s not fine!” he protested.
“It is, Steve!” you shouted back.  “Why can’t you understand that I’m trying to see the good in this?  I don’t want to wallow in my own tears, but if that’s what you want me to do --”
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice low as he knelt down and took your shaking hands.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Steve,” you whispered as he hugged you gently, letting you sob into his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said ever so gently.  “I’m sorry...”
He kept repeating those words in your ear like a sad lullaby.  Each time he said it carried a new meaning.
I’m sorry this happened.
I’m sorry I wasn’t there.
I’m sorry I didn’t do better.
You slowly wrapped your arms around him.  “I will do whatever it takes to get back on my feet again.”
“I know you will,” he breathed.  “And I’m going to be there every step of the way.”
Hearing those words coming from Steve made you simply happy, almost as happy as feeling your toes wiggle the next moment.
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teatime-scans · 4 years
WPS Chapter 10 Text Translations
After a long time of waiting, we’ve finally been given a new chapter of WPS! Here’s the text tl’s for said chapter, hope you enjoy! Translation: Manaphy TLC: Holmes
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Big left text: Morofushi arc!
Left side text: A man carrying a passionate sense of justice, while wearing a peaceful smile. What is the fury hidden in his own heart...? 
Right side text: A justice burning silently... Azure flames!!
Detective Conan Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story
Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro
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Upper note: The long-awaited Morofushi Arc begins...!
SFX: Fwooosh
Date: Stop it! Date: Morofushi!
Matsuda: You won’t make it in time anymore!
Hagiwara: Come back!
Amuro: H...
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Detective Conan Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story
Amuro: Hirooo!
Text: Ignoring his comrades’ voices, the man dives into the raging flames...
Side Note: Together with an ultra-gorgeous and super-complete benefit! The First Volume will go on sale during the 18th November! 
CASE 10. Sow evil and reap evil Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro
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Box: 3 hours earlier Matsuda: R’lly now... SFX: Scrub
Matsuda: How come the bathroom’s so dirty? Date: That’s what I told you, right?
Date: During the dry run for the Sports festival happening this weekend... Date: Guys from all the classes were covered in mud... Date: On top of that, they did it under the rain yesterday, so... Box: Date Wataru (22)
Amuro: That reminds me, the class flag design you made for the sports festival, Hiro... Amuro: Was really stylish! Morofushi: Thanks! Box: Furuya Rei (22)
Morofushi: Well, I did think that doing a cherry blossom design... Morofushi: Was somehow cliché for the police, though... Box: Morofushi Hiromitsu (22)
Hagiwara: If I’m right, it was finished and delivered this morning, right? Matsuda: Yup! Matsuda: As you see... Box: Hagiwara Kenji (22)
Matsuda: I’m carrying it... Matsuda: Close to myself! Box: Matsuda Jinpei (22)
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Matsuda: Ta-daaah! SFX: Extend Banner: Onizuka Class - Cherry Blossom Riot - Instructor : Onizuka Hachizou - Assistant Instructor : Matsumoto Shouta
Hagiwara: The colors are nice too! ♪ Morofushi: Right? Amuro: I’m excited for the Sports Festival! Date: Hm?
Date: Cat footprints...? Date: And it stinks a bit...
Matsuda: That’s right! As I hung it out outside the window to boast in front of the guys from other classes... Matsuda: It got blown away by the wind... and on top of that...! Matsuda: A stray cat whose paws stepped on a shit walked over the flag...
Matsuda: When I tried to catch that cat with Hagi, he scratched me, and now look at this mess... Hagiwara: So that’s why that cat was stinking...
Matsuda: And so, just when I was about to bring it to Tomori geezer’s cleaning shop... Matsuda: We got summoned by Oni-jerk... SFX: Squeeze
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Onizuka: I think you guys have noticed it as well, but... Onizuka: Complaints from other instructors have been coming too...
Onizuka: That recently, the bathroom and dressing room are too filthy... Date: Wait, that’s not only our faul- Onizuka: Therefore!
Onizuka: In the one week until the Sports festival ends... Onizuka: I decided to have the five of you clean the bathroom every day!
All: Huh?!
Amuro: I-Instructor Onizuka... Morofushi: However you put it, that’s... Onizuka: Come on... I’m saying that I’m giving you a chance to make up for... Onizuka: All the evil deeds you committed up to now...
Hagiwara: All the evil deeds? Onizuka: I won’t let you say that you forgot!
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Onizuka: On top of slipping out from your rooms in the dead of the night and fighting by punching each other... Onizuka: You got your stories straight and gave a false testimony in order to hide it!
Onizuka: You gathered a lot of classmates in a convenience store... Onizuka: And scuffled with a group of robbers!
Onizuka: And not only did you drive a vehicle of your own accord, even though it’s prohibited for students... Onizuka: After doing an eccentric car chase, you completely damaged the precious car my acquaintance entrusted me with... Onizuka: Furthermore...
Onizuka: You also used a gun without permission... Matsuda: Y... Matsuda: You bas... SFX: Whisper
Matsuda: But that saved your life, goddammit! Onizuka: Anyway!
Onizuka: I order the five of you to clean the bathroom and dressing room during one week! Onizuka: If you shirk even one day, I’ll have you get out of this school, Onizuka: So get ready!
Onizuka: Over! Onizuka: Without delay, start it now! Morofushi: ?!
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Morofushi: ...
Onizuka: Ah, that's a picture of a primary schoolgirl who was reported missing yesterday night in this jurisdiction. Onizuka: I heard she hasn’t gone home ever since going out on an errand... Hiromitsu: ....
Onizuka: What’s up? Morofushi... Onizuka: Do you know this child? Morofushi: Ah, no.. Morofushi: I only happened to see her downtown a short while ago...
Morofushi: Is it fine if I take this with me? Morofushi: Since I might recall something... Onizuka: Sure, I don’t mind!
Onizuka: Well, I’ll go check on you later, so... Onizuka: Before the bathing time at 17:00, be done with the cleaning!
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Matsuda: Jeez, ‘till when is this gonna take?
Matsuda: The bathroom’s still so dirty, and yet...
Matsuda: We didn’t touch... Matsuda: The dressing room at all...
Matsuda: At this rate, if we keep taking it easy... Matsuda: It’s gonna be bad, y’know?
Matsuda: How ‘bout we do it while talking about something more exciting? Hagiwara: Exciting, huh...?
Hagiwara: That reminds me, Morofushi-chan... Hagiwara: That little girl on the missing report you were looking at just now... Hagiwara: Isn’t there something about her? Morofushi: Eh?
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Date: Indeed... Date: Just because you saw her in the street, that reaction was strange, right? Morofushi: Ah, yeah, that child...
Morofushi: She looked just like a little girl I used to play a lot with when I was a kid... Morofushi: Well, that girl back then died from an illness, but... Morofushi: There’s something bothering me...
Amuro: If it’s your childhood friend, does it mean that I also met that little girl? Morofushi: No... Morofushi: Since it happened back when I was in Nagano...
Matsuda: Now that sounds interesting! Date: Go ahead and tell us about that story! Hagiwara: We’d listen to anything!
Morofushi: In... Morofushi: In fact...
Morofushi: Ah, but... Morofushi: That story isn’t interesting at all, so...
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Page 10
Matsuda: Aaah, damn it! Matsuda: I’m done, I’m done!
Morofushi: Eh? Matsuda: Since Zero asked me to wait until you bring it out yourself... Matsuda: I was holding back, but... Matsuda: I can’t keep with that anymore!
Matsuda: You’re searching for the criminal who killed your Dad and Mom, right? Morofushi: Eeeh?!
Matsuda: And because the little girl from that missing report... Matsuda: Looks related to that case, you’re at a loss... Matsuda: That wrong?!
Morofushi: R-Right... Morofushi: That’s right, but... Morofushi: I can’t!
Morofushi: This is a case I absolutely have to solve myself... Morofushi: I don’t want to involve anybody else anymore... Morofushi: If someone ends up dying again...
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Group: We won't die!
Date: Until now, we've been...
Matsuda: Crossing risky bridges non-stop, but...
Furuya: When it’s the five of us...
Hagiwara: We’ve always pulled through, right?
Matsuda: So talk to us, boss Hiro... Matsuda: We won’t do you bad, y’know... Morofushi: ...
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Morofushi: Pft- Morofushi: “We won’t do you bad”... Morofushi: That’s a villain-esque line, right?
Furuya: That's true... Date: Cruel Bailiffs do say that a lot... Hagiwara: Since Jinpei-chan is rooted in evil! ♡ Matsuda: Shut your mouths! Hiromitsu: ...
Morofushi: Understood! Morofushi: I’ll tell you...
Morofushi: About that night of dismay... Morofushi: which made my inner clock's hands freeze in place...
Morofushi: Enshrouded in that stench of steel... Morofushi: 15 years ago from now...
 Left Side Text: Continues in SS #49
Right Side Text: Morofushi’s past, revealed... Next issue.
49 notes · View notes
dreamyjoons · 5 years
00-Beginning-Shift // knj
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⇢ being stuck in the sleepy town on the edge of a forest is the last thing you need after your grandma’s passing. But a forest ranger, stormy nights and deep amber eyes that sit deep in the woods mean that nothing is sleepy for long. 
genre/warnings: smut, angst! Werewolf!Namjoon x reader. Werewolf fighting, minor injury and blood, swearing, two v different smut scenes, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, impreg kink, knotting, biting + marking, creampie + lots of it, slight cumplay, some rough smut and some soft, dirty talk. yeah.
words: 21k
A/N: FINALLY i have finished this damn fic. And just in time for Halloween! I hope you all enjoy. Header by Lucy, my shining light. Thanks ho!
Now, you may notice a few faces pop up in this, a question or two left unanswered. This is a little taste of the land that lies in The Tangier Wilds, home to all sorts of beings. You should probably keep an eye out in the next couple months - right, @underthejinfluence? We have a lot ahead, and the shift at the Tangier Wilds is just beginning.
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The thing no one talks about with small town is silence.
Sure, there’s always something going on, everyone knows everyone and life always bubbles on. But it’s the moments in between, the suffocating quiet that can take hold of you.
As you stand out on the old wrap-around veranda, eyes transfixed by the huge forest ahead of you, the silence stretches.
Maybe it was because you were standing on the decking of your grandma’s favourite place - where she wanted to spend every last second until the end. Or maybe it was the fact that you had to be the one to pack up and sell on everything of hers. Either way, noise would’ve been very welcome.
The deck creaks behind you, and against your leg brushes something warm. You flinch at the contact, only to peer down and see your grandma’s faithful companion: an elderly mastiff named Luna.
You bend down and stroke the top of her head, smiling as she leans into your hand. Dragging your eyes back up to the forest that looks past the reaches of the open garden, you heave a heavy sigh. Even in the daylight it looked dark and creepy. But it was just trees, you knew that.
You’d only been in town a few hours. But you’d been stopped by at least three locals who knew who you were on sight. After they all offered you kind words about the passing of your grandma, each of them told you to be wary of the woods.
Turning back to the house, you grabbed the keys to the pick-up your gran left you and turn to lock up the house. Luna scurries past you, jumping up into the truck bed and wagging her tail excitedly at you.
"Come on, girl." You sigh, hand sitting on your hip.
The dog merely lets out a soft 'boof' at you as she plonks her butt down, wiggling as she wags her tail. Sighing, you turn and lock up the house before climbing into the driving seat.
You slide open the window to the truck bed, and Luna slowly clambers her way through, wiggling her little legs through as she shuffles into the seat beside you. You give her a little scratch behind the ear as you turn on the engine, pulling the vehicle slowly up the winding drive and out to the small twisting road that leads to town.
Rolling hills settle on one side of you, whilst the forest lines the road on the other. You could barely see past the few rows of trees, a swirling fog rolling across the expanse of dark green.
The low crackle of the radio is the only noise that follows you, the white noise settling eerily on the landscape that surrounds you. Luna sits patiently beside you, eyes fixed on the treeline as you make the half an hour journey into town.
Eventually, you arrive at the nearby town - more of a high street than anything, local shops and boutiques lining the old road. It was a textbook old town, with a little diner on the outskirts and no chain stores; save for the supermarket whos neon sign sits glaringly bold against the sleepy bricks of the town.
You pull into a space along the street as the rain starts to descend. It's more of a fog than rain, but it clings to you as soon as you step out of the truck.
"Sorry girl, I don't think they allow dogs in the store."
You crank the window down despite the chill in the air and shut the door. Luna whines a little, but you wave at her.
"I'll be quick!"
You turn from the truck and jog the distance to the store, the rain permeating through your thin clothes. Cursing the weather of the small town, you grab a basket and begin gathering the essentials.
Your Grandma passing left little in the way of edible foods. Anything in the fridge had gone off, and you weren't particularly interested in the incredible amount of tinned plums and corn soups she had stored away.
A quick ten minutes and two full bags of provisions later, you hovered at the door, watching as the sky poured heavily onto the streets. Steeling yourself, you shoulder through the door and begin to run the distance to your car. The rain flattens your damp hair to your face, your jeans sticking awkwardly to your legs as you push forward.
It would have been an easy task, had you not managed to trip over your feet. You never hit the ground, but a loaf of bread falls from your bags and some apples begin to run away from you. The rain falls hard on you, and you know that if you're not quick, the bags in your arms were going to disintegrate.
Swearing under your breath and feeling the rain seeping through your clothes and chilling you, you stoop awkwardly to pick everything up.
The rain suddenly stops pounding on you, the relief and cold immediately settling in. Noticing the rain still falling just ahead, you spin behind you to see a man in a deep green ranger's uniform standing over you with a large umbrella held over you both.
"Uh... hello?" You say dumbly at the man, flicking your head to get your wet hair out of your face.
"Hello ma'am, need some help?" He smiles down at you, dimples riveting on his cheeks as his eyes gently take in your damp appearance.
"God yes, please."
A breathy laugh passes his lips as he watches you stand, sliding an arm around one of your bags and taking it from you. After quickly rounding up your escapes groceries, he lets you lead him to where the truck sat. Once you'd got the door open and the shopping shoved safely in the dry, you turn to him.
He stands close so that you both fit under the umbrella, hand reaching out to stroke Luna through the cracked window. With him distracted you cast a quick glance over him, your heart thumping wildly in your chest.
He was hot. And not in an obnoxious way - he was wholesome. And hot.
His honey hair was pushed back from his face, his uniform pressed over his obviously in-shape body, and a ranger’s badge with one above it saying ‘chief’ sat pinned to his chest.  His little dimples draw your eyes as he grins at Luna, ringed fingers stroking behind her ears.  You make a subconscious mental note that there as no ring on his wedding finger - before promptly scolding yourself.
"Well, thank you officer." you croak. He looks back at you and you almost squeak at how tender he looks.
"Namjoon, please. We're not that kind of place."
"Namjoon, cute. I'm Y/N."
"Yes, I know." He smiles, a little redness cropping across his cheeks. You're floored, watching in delight as it spreads.
"Your gran, she talked about you a lot."
A small smile picks up on your lips. Of course your grandma did - she couldn't be contained. You realise Namjoon was still there, waiting. You meet his gentle eyes and smile.
"That sounds about right."
"You staying at her place now?"
"Yeah, packing up all her stuff so it'll sell. I'm trying to work with the solicitor here in town but he's a little..."
"He's an asshole." Joon smirks, and a laugh burst from you, relief flooding you.
"Yeah, he's an asshole. Mr Min's not the easiest to deal with."
"I know. But I'm friends with his son, Yoongi, and I can promise they're not all like that."
The conversation lulls, and a comfortable silence settles upon you. The rain hammers against his umbrella, the breeze drifting through the gaps between you. Noticing the shiver that consumes you, he clears his throat awkwardly.
"You better go before you catch something nasty. The sicknesses that go around here aren't to be tested."
He pulls open your door and moves the umbrella so that you can get in the car dryly. Heat creeping across your face, you jump in, slamming the door shut beside you and rolling the window down.
"Well, thanks again." You smile as you lean against the door, your eyes meeting his.
He smiles back at you, but it slips off his face as he presses against the side of your truck, his eyebrows creased as he looks at you.
"Y/N, do me a favour."
His sudden change in demeanour slides over you, cutting deeper than the chill settling into your bones. You nod slowly, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Don't go into the woods."
"Why does everyone keep telling me that? What's so bad about it?"
"Just... bad things happen in the woods. People go in and often don't come out. I don't want that to happen with you."
You sit your hands on top of the wheel, eyes locked into an intense stare. You wanted to know what the big deal was. But you were an outsider in this small town. There wasn't going to be a lot that you would be told - you were gonna have to find out for yourself.
You let your eyes drop to his soft lips, the little dimple that sits on his cheek, and back to the warm eyes that now had a sharp edge to them.
"Okay, fine."
At your words he deflates a little, pressing away from the car and an easy smile slipping onto his face. He taps the hood lightly, offers Luna and then you a small wave and then turns, walking down the street with the umbrella propped against his shoulder.
you watch him walk away, eyes lightly flicking down to his tightly-clad trousers before setting on the top of your wheel.
Blowing out a sigh, and cranking the heating up in the truck to max, you turn on the engine and pet Luna on the head. You pull out of the rainy town, starting the windy journey back to your grandma's.
-- --
Once the groceries were stowed away and the heating was thumping through the house, you settle yourself on the couch, eyes stuck on the forest sitting just beyond the window.
All the comments about the forest had gotten your back up, but for the ‘chief’ forest ranger to personally warn you was another matter. So alone you sat, all doors and windows locked, Luna curled up at your side, baseball bat sat tightly in your hands.
Not that you were expecting anything - but you weren't going to risk it.
You sat quietly as the light drained from the sky, darkness and chill settling over the house and seeping into the forest. You thought about dragging yourself off to the nice four-poster bed that sat upstairs with fresh sheets on it, but you wanted to see what was wrong with the woods just short of actually venturing inside.
The hours whittled away, the light gone as you sat in the blackness, eyes scanning the treeline. Your day had been long -nearing twenty-nine hours at this point- but you were determined to see it through. Luna was completely unphased, twitching in her sleep against your thigh.
This was stupid, you knew it is. But if there was something wrong with the woods, you needed to be able to live alongside it for the time being.
Your surroundings grew hazy quite often, and it was hard to keep your eyes focused when your body so desperately needed sleep. But you struggled on, bat sitting against your calf. You prop your head upon your hand, eyes loosely focusing on the near full moon before finally going dark.
Luna's aggressive barking wakes you up, and with a start, you sit bolt upright on the chair. The baseball bat clatters to the floor, and you groggily rub your eyes as you take in your surroundings.
The sun was low already, and you realised you must have slept the day away. A light chill drifted through the air, but at least the rain had stopped.
Luna's next round of barking started, and you realise that she was barking at the front door. Another rattled knock echoes through the house, wearily bringing you to your feet. Your body cries out stiffly, your need to sleep in a bed absolute.
You stagger to the door and calm Luna before unbolting and opening to reveal Namjoon. A frown slips onto your face, but you feel a little giddy as he smiles at you.
"Hey, officer."
"Y/N, good evening. How was your first night?"
"It was good. You wanna come in?"
"No, no. I was just on patrol and thought I'd stop by to see how you settled… and also, to give you this."
He pulls his hand round from beside him, presenting you an umbrella - identical to the one he sheltered you with yesterday.
"This is a rainy-ass town. You're gonna need one of these and I have at least a dozen, so here."
He extends the umbrella further and you take it from him, fingers brushing against his as you slide it from his grip. You roll it over in your hands, genuinely touched at his gesture.
"Thank you offi- Namjoon. Thank you Namjoon." You smile, holding it tightly to your chest.
He grins at you, tucking his head into his chest before looking back up at you. His radio attached to his shoulder crackles into life, and with a short sigh and a roll of his eyes, he backs away. He waves at Luna and you laugh, and he turns an easy smirk onto you before turning and jogging to the department truck that sits at the end of the drive.
With a final wave to each other he pulls away, heading in the direction of the setting sun and further away from you. You step back inside the house and close the door before leaning back against it. You pull the umbrella from your chest and give it a once over, a soft heat creeping across your face.
Luna lets out a light rumble of a bark from beside you, snapping you out of your daze. You push off the door and give her a quick scratch on the ear, laying the umbrella next to where your coat hung.
The next night and day pass without a blip.
Your grandma’s house was almost entirely packed save for the essentials, and the solicitor had been over with a realtor to take photos and assess the process.
In all, you hadn’t been able to stop, the forest that lingers on the outside of the house pushed to the furthest reaches of your mind. The days exhausted you, and the nights were spent completely flat out, exhaustion pulling you to sleep in minutes.
It was shaping up to be another of those days. You made the rounds, locking the doors and shutting the curtains. The glow of the full moon was especially bright, illuminating you through the dark and blustery night as rain pounded down on the windows.
You’d barely pulled the final curtain shut when Luna starts barking frantically. You find the old girl running crazily around the living room, occasionally stopping to scratch at the back door. Confused you stop just behind her. She turns and barks at you before sitting in front of the door, growling. Something doesn't settle in your stomach but you can’t place it.
You gotta pee?” You ask softly, unease clear in your voice.
You move to open the door, but you decided to take precautions, the words of the town’s people ringing in your head. Stooping to grab the baseball bat that now sat by the back door, you unlatch the door and swing it open, heart in your throat.
You raise the bat and jump into view and prepared to fight, only to find nothing there. The porch is empty, and there’s nothing sitting between you and the forest-
Apart from Luna.
The old dog moves like you’ve never seen, charging full speed into the forest, disappearing into the treeline.
“LUNA!” You bellow, but she doesn’t reemerge. You call her again but she doesn’t return, the only answer you get was a heavy rustle of the treeline as you stare helplessly into it.
You swear under your breath, all the warnings of the forest charging unchecked through your mind. You didn’t want to go in -that was the last thing you wanted- but you weren't going to let Luna get lost in that creepy-ass forest.
You run to the hallway and throw on your coat, lace on your boots as tight as you can and dash into the kitchen. You rip open one of the draws to find the large flashlight you knew your grandma had kept - bright red, dotted with dinosaur stickers. You had ‘decorated’ it for her when she was younger, and she had kept it ever since.
Flicking it on to ensure it still worked, you threw yourself out of the house, through the now howling wind and ran full speed into the forest.
You felt your steps falter as you finally stepped within the treeline. You tried to remind yourself that there was nothing to fear, but with the way the trees lumbered as far as you can see and the wind rustling through the gnarled branches, you found your resolve getting weaker.
You wanted to call out for Luna, but you could feel your voice dying in your throat each time you tried. Instead you strained your ears, searching for anything that could reveal the old girl’s location.
A fair bark ripples off slightly to the left, and you forcefully ignore the fact that it’ll drag you deeper into the forest. Aiming your torch down to the mulchy forest floor, you push on. The floor is slippery and you often lose your footing but you press on, determined not to lose Luna. Your grandma would surely come back to haunt you if anything happened to her.
A low growl soon turns into a yelp and you slam to a halt. It was unmistakably Luna, but the sound bounces off the trees making it impossible to pinpoint her.
Your heart thuds stupidly in your chest, an eery feeling of the forest creeping along your body making the hairs stand on end. You needed Luna, and you needed to get the fuck out of here before you get hurt, lost or something much worse.
You’re cut off by a movement over a large gnarled tree root in the distance. The wind rattles again, sending a chill straight to your bones, but you shake yourself loose of its hold, forcing yourself to put one foot in front of the other.
You bolt in the direction of the movement, pleading with whatever divine power there may be that it was Luna, and you’re not chasing some kind of angry forest animal. You crash over the tree roots and slide down the small drift into a tiny clearing.
Picking yourself blearily up out of the mud, you finally spot Luna: cowering against the trunk of a huge spruce tree, her fur filthy and soaked.
Pushing to your feet you stagger over, dropping to your knees in front of her and holding her face in your hands.
“Are you okay girl?” You whisper, brushing forest debris away from her face.
She pulls her face away from your hands and balls into your stomach, making herself as small as possible. Panic running wild through your mind, you get to your feet and stroke her, hoping you remembered the way back.
A large crack echoes from behind you, and you cautiously turn towards the sound, against your better judgement. Your mind screams at you to run, begging and pleading. But your body doesn’t respond.
Slowly you turn. But there’s nothing behind you.
You let out a soft sigh, shifting the flashlight in your hands.
“Okay Luna, let’s go-”
Another crack, and you spin - only to meet a pair of huge amber eyes staring at you from between the trees ahead.
You think you just imagine it -your brain was playing tricks on you- but then it blinks, continuously watching you.
Ice runs cold through your veins, your heart pounding it’s way desperately through your chest. You fiddle with the torch in your hand, trying to turn the damn thing off but you know it’s too late.
The eyes move towards you, the mass moving from between the trees towards your frozen figure. It stoops above you, despite stopping feet away. The wind blusters your hair into your face, the fur on whatever the creature was rustles wildly. It reared back on two feet, covering any light that filtered in through the trees above.
It appeared to be sniffing but you daren’t move. It was as big as a bear but it was lither, and infinitely more terrifying despite being only a ghostly silhouette with deep amber eyes.
You feel yourself rooted to the spot, the cold and wet that seeps into you a distant memory as you remain petrified. Was it going to attack you? Attack Luna? What was it waiting for?
Luna whines, and the beast shifts it’s eyes towards her, and you know this is the only chance. As quickly but with as little movement as you can, you flick on the torch and launch it through the trees, away from you and Luna.
It makes a loud crash as it bounces off a tree, and the creature whips around to the sound, charging off in the direction of the noise. It moves fast, vanishing like smoke in the wind as it charges in the direction of the torch.
Freedom burns at your senses, and you know this is your only shot. Ignoring how heavy she was, you scoop Luna up in your arms and sprint as fast as you can in the direction you thought the house sat.
You didn’t stop, despite the pain in your back and arms, and the short burning breaths that squeezed out of your lungs as you ran. You didn’t stop until the edge of the forest was visible.
You daren’t look back, staggering on until you finally hit the deck of your grandma’s porch, bursting through to drop Luna on the couch before slamming the door shut behind you, throwing shut every lock and bolt it had.
You sank down as you leant against the door, your entire body throbbing. You were covered in mud and twigs, your skin burning at finally being in the warmth. But your brain wouldn’t slow, and neither would your heart.
Luna sprints to you, crawling into your lap with her head pressed against your chest. You cradle the dog to you, ignoring the grime that sticks to you both.
You stay there. You don’t know how long for. Hours, definitely. Neither of you moving. Luna had fallen asleep against you, and though your body had gotten stiff and sore you didn't dare move nor close your eyes.
It wasn’t until the light was strong and glaring through your windows that you actually felt your body relax slightly.
Luna had finally felt brave enough to peel herself from you, taking a deep drink of water from her bowl before curling up in a warmer spot on the couch. You hadn’t moved though, your hands now sitting in your lap, nervously twitching.
The shape of it, you couldn’t shake from your mind. It was something that transitioned from being on all four legs to standing, huge and furry. You couldn't make out any more defining features in the darkness, but you remembered the eyes. Those huge amber orbs, staring right at you.
Why didn’t it attack you straight away? It was going to at some point, you were sure of it. But why did it take its time?
You didn’t know what it was. Not you could even begin to process it fully, but you knew for certain that you didn't know of such a creature. You had to know more - especially if you were going to be living there for the time being.
A quick knock on your door makes your heart race, the noise making you almost jump out of your skin. You get up and stiffly walk to the window, sliding the curtain back just enough so that you could see who it was. The person wasn’t visible, but the ranger jeep sitting just a little behind your truck let you know who it was.
You let out a relieved sigh as you shuffle into the hallway. You caught sight of yourself in the mirror and froze, your hair twisted and matted from being in the rain, your eyes tired and wild. You ripped off the coat you still wore that was covered in mud and forest debris, and you kicked off your mud-caked boots, nudging them out of sight. With a quick comb of your hair with your fingers you unlocked the door, opening it and smiling weakly at ranger Namjoon. It’s a smile he doesn’t return.
“Hey.” You smile, voice thick with lack of use, and from the panting you had been doing that night. You clear your throat as he offers you a stiff nod.
“Morning, Y/N.”
“Morning, How can I help you?” You ask, eyes taking in the dark circles under his eyes, and the way his jaw sits tightly. You narrow your eyes at him, searching for your answer.
His reply is cut off by a feral bark, and you both spin to see Luna finally awake, barking at Namjoon with such a ferocity all you can do for a moment is stare dumbly. She jumps up at him and barks aggressively in his face, leaving him to stagger back, stunned.
You grab her collar and pull her away as gently as you can, ushering her still howling into the next room and closing the door on her.
You turn back to him, worried that he’d hate you for Luna’s actions. You don’t know why you cared so much.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry. She got… spooked by something last night and I think she’s feeling a little protective.” You say softly, holding back from reaching out and placing a hand on his arm.
He swallows thickly, eyes examining your face.
“I’m alright. What spooked her?” He asks a little too quickly, and you pause, running through the options in your head.
It was only a couple days ago that he and half the damn town had warned you not to go beyond the trees. And you said that you wouldn’t - but that was before Luna had taken off. And she was your priority, an ode to your grandma. Besides, maybe you could get some information out of him about just what the hell you saw. Why would he warm you if he didn’t know what was there?
“Luna got lost in the forest last night. I went in after her, and found her very afraid in the woods.” You say each word carefully, measuring the weight of it as you watch the information sink in.
His jaw drops slightly and his eyebrows cross, and you immediately know he wasn’t happy.
“You did what?!” He bellows, his volume making you jump and triggering Luna to begin howling on the other side of the door.
“Was I just supposed to let her run in and stay there Namjoon? No way in hell.”
“I told you not to go!” He shouts, finger pointing at you. You can see the anger clear on his face but there was concern there too, you were sure of it. That didn’t mean your blood wasn’t boiling, though.
“You’re not my parent! I don’t take orders.”
“I’m not being an ass Y/N! It’s not safe, that was a stupid thing to do.”
Why isn’t it safe, huh? Tell me, officer.” You spit, watching him recoil at the ice in your words. He exhales hard, his eyes set firmly on you.
“I don’t have to tell you anything. If you’re gonna be that careless I don’t want you in my town.”
“Don’t go in again.”
With those harsh words passing his lips, he gives you a critical once over before turning, shaking his head as he trudges back up your drive to his car. You watch him go, blood pumping angrily through your body but a pang of hurt settles in your chest.
You slam the door and opening the one beside you to release Luna. Confusion rattles around your brain as you stalk back into your living room, and throw yourself down on the couch. You chew your lip, his words floating around in your head.
‘If you’re gonna be that careless I don’t want you in my town’. It hurt, prickling at you whilst you replayed the conversation in your head.
Luna jumps up next to you and sniffs wildly in you face before plonking herself down next to you, head in your lap and big eyes peering up at you. You sigh, bringing your hands to gently rest between her ears, stroking her gently, letting your anger ebb away.
That interaction with Namjoon had left a bad taste in your mouth. You didn't know what could have provoked him so, but you weren't going to be stopped. His defiance concreted that fact.  You were going to find out what was going on in the woods.
You let your eyes flick to the still curtained window, hyper-aware of what laid beyond the trees. You forced yourself to breathe evenly, grim determination settling itself within you. You were going to find out what was in the woods, and not even the infuriating and impossibly cute Namjoon was going to stop you.
The next morning found you up bright and early in the town library, rifling through what had to be at least two centuries worth of local newspapers. Your laptop sits near you, whirring away with freshly typed notes, and your third to-go cup of tea sat cooling nearby.
So far you'd found barely a page's worth of information, and even that was a stretch.
The articles that did highlight anything were vague, and often oddly so. Important issues raised about missing people who wandered into the woods or strange shapes spotted through the treeline were never mentioned again until something similar pops up months or years later. And then the process would repeat.
But you did strike a little amount of gold.
A shape had been spotted in the forest consistently for at least one hundred years, big and dark, not quite a bear but not small and definitely not human. There were a few articles from paranormal investigators and cryptid hunters that it was a humanoid who could turn, or it was the amalgamation of negative energy metamorphosing into a beastly shape. Only a few of these were ever published, and with a quick glance at the mail section of the newspaper, you could see that people didn't want that kind of rubbish in the town paper.
There had even been mention that there was more than one shape that rustled beyond the trees, though you had only found mention of it only four or five times.
And despite what Namjoon had said about people going missing in the forest, the missing person’s segments were empty and there were no articles about anyone going missing within the last decade.
A chill runs through you as the creature seeps back into your mind. You forcefully push it aside and try to stifle a yawn - you hadn’t slept well that night. How could you?
With your body slowly going numb from your prolonged period sat on your ass, you get up and stretch before moving to put away the papers. You tuck away your laptop and throw your empty cups in the bin as you emerge onto the sleepy rainy street.
Despite having been in town for barely a week, you hadn’t seen a single day without drizzle. Not that you minded - it make the smell of the forest drift everywhere, fresh and clean. You root around in your bag for the umbrella Namjoon had left you - although it still stung to think about him, the little black umbrella had been very appreciated.
So entrenched in your searching, you blindly stepped onto the sidewalks; only to crash into someone. You stumble slightly, but they shoot out a steadying hand, their gentle grip righting you back onto your two feet.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m sorry!”
You turn to face Namjoon, his slightly longer hair ruffled and wet from the rain, his ranger uniform shrouded by a puffy black winter coat. The delight you want to feel at seeing him softly smile down at you, dimples looking divine, is tinged with the hurt that you still feel from the day before.
Sensing your apprehension he hangs his head, nodding. You wait, hitching your bag higher and waiting expectantly for him to say something. He rubs his arm awkwardly, and you could practically see the thought whirring in his head.
"Bye, Namjoon," You sigh, turning to walk away but his hand encompasses your elbow, stopping you.
"Wait- Y/N, I'm sorry I was an ass yesterday. I was just worried."
"Worried? Why?"
His thumb begins idly stroking your inner arm, and despite the blush that creeps across his face you don't think he realises he's doing it. His forehead was creased as he looks at you, his warm eyes surrounded by dark bags. You realise he looks like hell, tired and a little drained.
"People really do go missing in those woods. And it's my job to find them. Sometimes I'm not always lucky." His voice lowers, the weight of his words hitting you square in the face. You don't think he's lying - no, you know he isn't - but it wasn't adding up.
"Who is going into the woods?" You ask, your mind reeling back to all the papers you had just spend hours pouring over.
"Out of towners, mostly. Hikers, teens, the usual. The people of this town learnt long ago not to go into the woods, especially after dark..."
He lets his sentence linger, finally letting his hand drop from you.
You knew all about what loitered in the trees after dark. The memory of those amber eyes root you to the spot, the cold settling deep inside you.
You blow out a harsh breath, eyes examining his face.
"Do you wanna grab some coffee?" You blurt, immediately sucking your bottom lip into your mouth and chewing on it.
"What?" Namjoon's eyes are wide as he stares at you, wiping away a particularly fat dribble of rain way from his temple. You watch his fingers brush the drip away and swallow thickly.
"Yeah I know what you said, I mean why?"
"Fresh start? Look, I want to know more, and you look like you haven't slept in about three days. It's mutually beneficial." You shrug, but you desperately wanted him to say yes.
He meets your eyes, and after a second he smiles softly, nodding and extending his elbow for you. You draw your eyebrows but smile at his gesture, slipping your hand into the crook of his arm.
"Only if you let me pay. As a way to apologise."
"That sounds fair, Namjoon."
He looks down at the mention of his name, a hint of a chuckle falling from his lips. You look away from him, heat building across your face as he gently steers you to a small chain coffee shop that sits on the corner of an intersection.
"Not quite quaint and small-townlike." You smirk, walking through the door behind him, letting your hand drop from him.
"No, but it is twenty-four hour, so I'm not gonna complain."
Drinks ordered and picked up, you both stow yourselves away by the windows, clouded from the heat that presses against the cold glass. The rain is falling a little heavier, the sounds seeping soothingly into your bones as you pull the cup to your lips, eyes finding Namjoon across the table.
His eyes find you, watching you blow the steam from the top of your mug. Suddenly aware of him watching you, you hide behind the mug. He splutters at having been caught before he laughs awkwardly.
"So, you don't fancy staying here in your Grandmother's house?" He asks after sipping his own drink, pink speckled across his cheeks.
"Oh, no. There's nothing for me here, not really." You sigh, placing the mug down.
He nods, fingers circling the handle of his mug. It's your turn to watch, slender fingers tracing the edges of the porcelain. He brings an elbow to the table and rests his head in his hand, eyes finding yours.
"That's a shame. It'd be nice to have a new face in this town, especially yours."
"Oh really?" You ask, eyebrows raised.
"No! I mean, yes of course, but, I uh-"
"Thank you, Namjoon."
He stops his rambling to look at you, wide-eyed and frantic. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, and you can't help but laugh at his expressions. He blows out a shaky laugh, eyes meeting yours.
"No don't be sorry. It's... cute." You smile, eyes darting down to your hands around the coffee cup.
"No, you're-" His words are cut off by the crackle of his radio pinned to his chest. you can't make out the words, but he stops to roll his eyes and tips back his coffee, swallowing it in two big gulps.
"Sorry, I have to run."
"It's okay, I have a meeting with Mr. Min soon anyway."
"Oh, really? well, I might see you later, then." He gives you a wide smile as he gets to his feet, shuffling around you awkwardly.
He gives you a final wave and shouts a quick goodbye to the shop staff before he pushes out of the coffee shop and out into the drizzle before jogging down the street, out of your view.
You hide your smile in your mug, pressing it to your lips and taking a deep sip, eyes raking over where Namjoon had once sat.
You may not be fully sure of the big man's intentions, but he was impossible not to like.
You barge out of Mr Min's solicitor's office with a scowl on your face and a fire still roaring in your stomach.
Not only had he snottily decided that he didn't want to deal with the realtors any more -meaning you had to manage the whole move now- but he had also kept you waiting for an hour so that he could let his food ‘digest in peace’.
You shut your eyes as the rain gently fell, letting it cool you down. It had settled down, turning from a rainy onslaught to a soft haze that rolled through on the breeze.
you snap open your eyes to see Namjoon leaning out of his truck window, waving at you. Confusion written across your face, you check the coast is clear before jogging across the road and stopping just outside his window.
"What are you doing here? I thought you got called away."
"Oh, yeah, well my deputy was handling it in the end, and I was nearby. I remembered you saying that you were here, and you know, I was just passing by..."
"Ah, I see." You murmur, unsure of where he was heading to but endlessly endeared by it.
"Do you, uh, don't worry." He whispers, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Do I what?"
"Do you wanna come on patrol with me?" He asks quickly, his eyes darting away and fixing on his steering wheel.
"Can... can I do that?" You ask, eyes flicking over his profile. He looks back at you with a glimmer of excitement on his face, and he grins.
“What’s the point of being the chief ranger in the area and not taking advantage of it?”
You smile at him, a lightness filling the angry void that dealing with Mr Min had left.
He takes your smile as a confirmation as he leans away from you and opens the passenger door for you. You run to it and jump in, slamming the door behind you as you let yourself thaw out in the warm truck.
He looks over to you and grins, dimple taking pride and place on his face. You sigh, basking in the warmth of his smile. But the warmth of the truck mostly, you tell yourself.
He pulls off, taking you both through the drizzly town and out towards the outskirts. You trace the edges of the forest, following the windy roads that lead around the town and the surrounding areas.
It’s quiet, inside and outside the car. But it’s comfortable, soaking in each other’s presence as you watch the wet world pass by.
But when it’s not quiet, you talk. About everything and nothing. You talk about he only recently got his driving licence so he could do his job, how he has to keep a spare uniform in the car because he drops his coffee on himself on a daily basis. You talk about your gran and the way she would force Namjoon to stay for a cup of something hot and a story from her childhood.
“And you. She talked about you a lot.” He smiles as he looks over at you, gentleness creeping into every inch of him.
You’re pulled to the side of the road in a small gap between the trees, watching as cars zip by. Namjooon said this was his favourite spot to stop and you could see why.
Just over the other side of the road was quite a sheer drop, but beyond it laid the forest, reaching as far as you could see in the foggy afternoon. The fog filtered over the treetops as it began it’s slow crawl towards the town, shrouding everything in its way. The road that lay ahead of you was empty, but from your spot between the trees you can see it weaving around the trees and inclines for miles.
You drag your eyes away from the surroundings to smile at him, letting his words sink below your skin.
He feels so close to you suddenly, only a foot away in the seat of his truck, the warmth from the heating and the heat radiating off his body fogging up the windows. His hair sticks out awkwardly from under his hat, one hand perched awkwardly on top of the wheel despite the engine having been shut off a while ago.
He seems to notice this to as he slides it off and moves to put it on the seat between you, but lands his hand on yours instead.  He jumps at the contact, grinning sheepishly at you, cheeks turning a bright pink. You watch him in complete fascination as the blush on his cheeks spread down his neck and how he plonks his hands awkwardly in his lap.
“So was that a part of your job description? Having tea with my grandma?” You ask, a small smirk slipping to your lips. He huffs out a light laugh, finally lets himself relax a little.
”No, but your grandmother never gave me a choice. Not that I minded.” He smiles, shuffling around in his seat to face you.
The warmth of his truck finally seeps into your bones, and it strikes you how comfortable it is, sitting in there with Namjoon. Condensation begins coating the window and soon you can’t see out. It’s warm, and the closeness to him makes your head spin.
You take the time to look at him, really look at him. The softness of his hair that sits clunkily under his hat, the small freckles that dot his face. One sits under his lip that you’re extremely fascinated by, and when he smiles it disappears, but then you see his dimples and your heart flips.
He watches you too, his dark eyes flickering over your face, stopping on your lips before darting up to meet your eyes.
“How much longer will you be in town for?” His voice is barely above a gravelly whisper, and you lean in closer to try and hear.  
“I… don’t know.” You whisper truthfully, your eyes lingering on his full lips.
He sighs, and you can feel his hot breath roll down over your face and neck. You smile sadly at him; you don’t want to leave the town too soon, you realise. It would be like leaving a piece of your grandma behind, a piece of you. And a whole Namjoon would be here too.
You bite your lip in thought, dragging Namjoon’s eyes to watch the movement. His tongue shoots out to wet his lips before your eyes meet again.
The warm air is electric, and like some unstoppable force, you and Namjoon slowly ease closer. His chest rises and falls against his tight green shirt, one of his big warm hands finds a place on your leg, heat spreading from his touch. Your eyes flutter shut, and you can feel him so close, your lips just a brush away from colliding-
A loud knock on the door makes you both jump, sending you back into your seat with a jolt. Namjoon’s eyebrows crease together as he roughly cranks the window down, red hot blush burning on his face.
You take a second to suck in a deep breath, realisation hitting you in the stomach.  You were about to kiss Namjoon. Chief ranger Kim Namjoon, sitting in the car with his bright eyes, big dimples and bigger hands. And if you were honest, despite the churn of your stomach, you were gutted that the kiss didn’t happen-
Outside stands a man in a similar ranger uniform to Namjoon, but with less badges and patches. His chocolate hair rolls back from his forehead, and when he sees Namjoon, his bright smile lights up his whole face.
“Hey Joon! What’s- oh, hello there.” His eyes sweep across to you, and he raises a hand to give you a tiny wave. You feel heat burning furiously across your face but you wave back.
“What do you want, Hoseok?”
“You’ve been radio silent long past check-in. Just wanted to check everything was good so I detoured to your routes. But I can see you were doing just fine…”
“Well… thanks.” Namjoon grumbles, flashing Hoseok a quick smile. “I better take Y/N home soon. I’ll see you back at the office, deputy.”
Hoseok flashes you both a cheeky smile before stepping back and retreating to his truck sitting just down the road.
He takes a moment to let the windows clear as he switches on the engine, the vehicle slowly rumbling into life as the world outside faintly comes back into focus.
Finally he pulls out into the road, the silence in the vehicle thick and engulfing. Your heart still thumps quickly in your chest, your eyes flicking between everything that isn’t Namjoon.
The world flies past as you head back to town, every inch of your skin prickled. You couldn’t explain why you were so drawn to him, why every nerve felt so attached to every move he made and why he was on your mind.
He has answers, you tell yourself. That creature that was in the woods was something that you were sure wasn’t natural. And though you know Namjoon was a good man -you could feel it- he still knew more than he was letting on. You had to find the answers -  even if the truth if it scares you.
You feel yourself slow to a stop, and you look around and realise that Namjoon’s pulled to a stop just beside your truck. You had made it back to town in lightning speed, and a quick glance to Namjoon and his whitening knuckles that gripped the wheel made your stomach churn. You reach for the door when his gravelly voice catches you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“
“I mean it Y/N, it was wrong of me-“
“No stop, Namjoon, it’s fine. I wasn’t going to stop you.” You say, the latter part in a softer voice. But he catches it and whips his head around to you, shock growing on his face.
You jump out of his truck and shut the door before he can say anything else, letting the cold evening air cool your burning face. You hurry away from his truck and stop outside of your car door, your heart thudding stupidly in your chest.
You rummage around in your pockets for your keys when you hear the door to Namjoon’s truck. You sigh, worry flitting through you that he might not feel the same, that he had overstepped and as a result, you’d have to leave town. You spin, watching as the big man steps quickly towards you.
“Namjoon, I-“
He takes hold of your face in his hands and pulls you gently to him before he crashes his lips on yours. Small drops of rain splash against your hot skin but you ignore them as you sink into his kiss. You press your hands under his coat as you press yourself into him, your fingers bunching into his green uniform.
His lips move hotly against yours, taking control of the kiss as he swipes his tongue delicately across your lower lip.
He finally pulls back, both of you left panting, hot plumes of breath visible in the cold atmosphere. Your face is still cupped in his hands, his thumb gently tracing across your cheekbone.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re always on my mind.” He breathes, his dark eyes entranced with yours. You nod, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“I-I feel the same. It’s like you’re under my skin.”
“Look, I have to go back to the station, but I want to talk to you. I’ll stop by tomorrow, okay?” He whispers and you nod again, letting your face lean into his touch.
He presses a final soft kiss to your lips before stepping back, letting your fall from his touch. He gives you an awkward wave, but drags his lip between his teeth as he takes one last look at you.
When he finally turns away from you you feel yourself deflate, warmth coursing through you despite the icy rain that starts to beat down heavier on your skin and through your clothes.
You’re still standing there when he pulls away, and only when the first round of shivers run through you do you finally move, finally gripping your keys and opening the vehicle. You slide in, a grin wide on your face as you blast the heating. Once your limbs are thawed out you begin the journey back, the touch of Namjoon still lingering.
A hot dinner and a hotter shower later, night had fully fallen. Mercifully it had stopped raining, but all that remained was silence. Luna had curled up in your bed, the covers fluffed over her head as she nuzzles deeper, a contented whine leaving her.
You smile as you towel dry your hair, drawing the curtains against the night.
You launch the towel at the overflowing laundry hamper, making a mental note to do some washing at some point soon. You prepare to climb into bed and shift Luna over slightly when something faint drifts to your ears. You snap up and crane your head, trying to decipher the noise.
Luna doesn’t stir, the noise not affecting her the way it was you, but you were sure you weren’t imagining it.
It was high pitched and melodious, and grabbing the bat that never strayed too far from you, you stepped out of your bedroom and began your slow descent downstairs.
The sound definitely wasn’t coming from inside the house, and the more you listened, the surer you were that it was coming from the edge of the forest. Peering between your curtains out towards the tree line reveals nothing, much to your discomfort.
It was singing.
Once you realised, there was nothing else it could be. It was melodious, and as the sound sunk below your skin, you felt yourself inexplicably drawn to it. You needed to find the source, your soul needed it.
You find yourself drifting towards the back door, and were halfway through unlocking it when you suddenly stumbled back to your senses.
With an aggressive shake of your head, you stagger to your grandma’s dusty landline and dialled one of the numbers that sat scribbled on the small address book next to it.
You anxiously tangle your fingers in the phone wire, praying the number hadn’t changed. Finally it clicked, telling you that he had picked up.
“Namjoon?” You blurt.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?”
“I don't know. There’s someone... singing.” You say, trailing off when you realise how stupid it sounds.
“Singing? Is it coming from the forest?” His voice is serious, and you feel the tension drop from your body.
“Yeah, it’s beautiful... but it’s- you know, weird. Oh, it-it’s stopped.” You stammer, eyes shifting to the back door.
“Y/N, listen to me. Stay inside, drown it out, do not go out towards it. I will sort it but please, keep you and Luna shut up inside.”
“Please just trust me. I’m on my way.”
He hangs up before you can reply. Your stow the handset back on the side, quickly relock the door and bolt back upstairs with the bat.
You rummage around in your suitcase for your portable speaker and play the first song that shows up, cranking the sound as high as you can to down out the singing before it starts again. The volume makes you wince, but you didn’t dare turn it too low.  Luna jolts awake, displeasure clear on her face as she searches for the source of the noise.
You pace the room, curtain thrown open so that you can see when Namjoon finally arrives.
The time seemed to stretch as you waited, the strain of the blaring music starting to get to you as you paced in antsy circles.
Finally you spot him, two solitary beams of headlights stopping close to the edge of the forest. You watch as the lights flicker off, before the beam or his torch moves from his truck and disappears between the trees.
You pace, your mind racing as you subconsciously move to turn your music down. Luna lets out a groan of relief, sagging back under your covers.
You chew your lip, mind wandering to the voice from the woods. Who would be singing in the treeline by your house late at night? Was it some kind of prank?
The voice begins to sing again, but it starts so quiet that you don’t hear it, oblivious to it until the voice is carrying loudly across the open space between the house and the forest. It catches you off guard, and you find yourself being carried towards it. It’s soft, a gentle melody that hits you deep in your core, making you feel almost dreamlike. You barely pull your boots on properly before you’re down the stairs with the door unbolted.
You stumble towards the trees, the wind rustling through your tee and sweatpants, the long blades of grass leaving wet smears across your ankles. The wind whips your hair harshly across your face, but you barely register it.
The singing grows louder as you stumble onwards, and it only takes you a few minutes to find the cause of the heavenly sound.
Leant casually against a gnarled tree stands a man unlike any other that you had seen. His silver hair is swept back from his face, plump lips perched in a delicate ‘o’ shape as a soft sound leaves him. He stands facing away from you with a simple tee tucked into trousers, the cold not phasing him, seemingly rolling off him.
You finally stop, watching him through hazy eyes - although you could definitely make out the peachy shape of his ass, that was crystal clear. He finished his note before lazily turning to face you.
A smirk sits on his lips as he looks you over, his eyes trailing across your body. He pushes off the tree and saunters towards you, a slight lilt in his step as he stops before you. He lifts a hand and lets a finger trail across your cheek, making you shiver under his touch.
“So nice to finally meet you, Y/N.”
“You- you’ve been waiting for me?” You ask dreamily, each word a lot of effort to say.
“Of course, I tend to make a habit of knowing people in the town, especially when they’re pretty.”
You feel your heart flutter as you watch him, his lips perking as he begins to knot his fingers in your hair.
You need to kiss him. It was the only thing you could think about through your haze. And if this beautiful man wanted to kiss you, then who are you to deny him?
The pull to him was roaring through your body, the only thing visible through your fog was him. He begins to move closer to you, and the shiver that runs through you is intense.
With a final smirk he moves towards you, and you realise you're finally, finally going to kiss.
Your eyes had barely fluttered shut before he’s ripped away from you, tugging sharply on your hair as he’s pulled away.
Your eyes fly open as you watch Namjoon drag Jimin by his collar and slam him against the nearest tree. You slam a hand over your mouth as you gasp, but your body feels too heavy to move.
“What are you doing, Jimin?” He barks, anger thick in his voice.
“Just checking out the new face, Joonie-“
“I told you to stay away from her. If I catch you again I swear I'm gonna-“
“No threats needed, dog. I hear you loud and clear.” Jimin puts his hands up in a surrender motion, but a smug chuckle passes his pretty lips.
“I’ll see you around, doll.”
“No, you won’t.” Namjoon growls, but Jimin simply laughs as Namjoon releases him. He pauses to wink at you before he saunters away, heading casually through the trees and finally out of sight.
As soon as he’s out of earshot, a heaviness settles on your bones. The cold finally rattles it’s way deep into you, and you wrap your shivering arms around yourself as you take in your surroundings properly. You felt groggy - it was like a hangover, but instead of a headache you were bone tired, and your hormones were raging against you.
You see him clearly, unclouded - and you had never seen him so angry. The torch that he’d thrown lit up his face from the ground, and you watched as he ground his teeth, his narrowed eyes focused on you.
“What are you doing here?” He snaps, and you step back, affronted.
“I-I don’t know. One minute I was waiting for you to show up, and the next… you had that man pinned against the tree.” You murmur, but you could feel annoyance bubbling under your skin.
“I told you not to leave the house.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose! And even so, you can’t just tell me what to do.”
“This is for your own protection, Y/N!”
“Protection from what Namjoon?” Your sentence is perforated by shivers, the night air settling on your goosebumped skin.
You watch his words die in his throat as you shake. He blows out a harsh breath, before he shuffles the thick black jacket from his shoulders. He steps up to you and wraps it around your shoulders, holding it tightly against your chest, the bottom of it grazing your knees. It smells of the rain, the pines that surround you and faintly of some kind of organic soap - it was heady and impossibly him.
His eyes meet yours as you sink into the warmth of the jacket, the heat rolling off him despite not being wrapped up any more. You can see his little freckles, the ridges of his golden skin, the soft brown, almost amber glint to his eyes.
Your breath catches, but he finally steps back, stooping to pick up the torch. Placing a gentle hand on your shoulder he nods behind you.
“Let’s get you home.”
You’re reluctant to move, your feet barely able to put one in front of the other as your mind reels but he leads you forward.
His hand never leaves you as you steer up towards the house. It isn’t until you reach the treeline that he hesitates, his large hands slipping from you. You turn to him, only for him to be mere inches from you.
If what you had felt like that Jimin before was a dream, the air that crackled between you and Namjoon was palpable, tangible and utterly undeniable. He lets his hand move to your face, cupping your cheek in his hand. Your eyes flutter shut at his touch, and only open again once you hear a sigh rumble past his lips.  
“Y/N…” he whispers, but his voice cracks.
“What is happening, Namjoon? What is going on with this damn forest?” Your words sink in, and he lets his hand slip from you as he looks away from you, face dropped slightly.  
He sighs, shifting the torch between his hands. You look down at it in his hands, but you feel your blood run cold when you see it.
It was red, dotted in a ridiculous amount of dinosaur stickers.
You snap your head up at him, face contorted in horror. His softened features harden again, eyebrows creased as he tries to read your face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Where did you get that torch?” Your voice is ice, and he almost recoils from you.
“The torch Namjoon. I threw it at- I left it in the forest the other night. How did you get this?”
The blunt edge to your voice has him stepping back from you, and you can tell he’s floundering. His eyes dart over your face and his mouth flaps slightly.
“I found it-“
“No you didn’t, you went into the forest with a torch. There’s the one in your hand, and the pockets of this coat is fresh out of torches. So I'll ask again. How did you get it?”
“It’s not what you think.”
“I will find out what’s going on here.”
“And I will throw you in a cell if you keep pushing me.” He sets his jaw at you and you splutter, but when he doesn’t relent you scrunch your face, anger coursing fully through you. Could he even do that as a ranger?
“I- what?”
You step forward, letting the coat fall from your shoulders as you hold your wrists out to him, eyes fixed on his.
“Lock me up.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“Are you? Gonna throw me in a cell, Namjoon?” You snap, and his mouth flaps.
“Of course not!”
“Then start explaining.”
“Y/N, I can’t-“
He stops mid-sentence, and his head snaps to face inside the forest. The confused anger that had seized you freezes in your veins as you follow his eyes, but you can see nothing in the dark.
He holds up a hand to silence you, and although it infuriates you, something was obviously very wrong.
“Get inside. Lock the doors, do not leave.”
He looks back to you, swipes the coat off the floor and wraps it around you again. He must have noticed the concern in your face as he softens only for a second, his eyes searching yours.
“Please.” He whispers, desperation thick in his voice.
“... Okay.” You nod, stepping out of his grip.
With a nod he turns to the forest, and you watch as he heaves a heavy breath before pushing through the treeline.
Once you couldn't see him anymore, you turn and run as hard as you can, throwing yourself inside the door and throwing every bolt on it.
You begin to pace once again, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. Luna plods down the stairs, sleepily watching you make tracks on the floor. After a few minutes she gives up watching, resolving to settle on the couch and doze off.
You were still annoyed with him, and your argument wasn’t over, but something had him rattled.
After half an hour of pacing you finally relent, moving to sit with Luna. She relishes finally receiving your attention and stretches across your lap, but your stomach churned still. You let your fingers stroke her head as your other hand sinks subconsciously into the pocket of Namjoon’s coat that still hung over your shoulders.
Your hand hits something cold and you pull it out, only to realise that it was his phone. Panic ripples through you as you wonder what would happen if he needs help. You place the phone on the coffee table in front of you, infinite possibilities running through your brain.
You tried to push them from your mind - he wasn’t the chief ranger in the area for no reason. He would be fine, you knew it. You had to believe it.
Time ticket on, and the worry that laces your stomach was threatening to seize your heart too. You weren’t sure of how long it had been since you had seen Namjoon. An hour, definitely. Two, possibly.
You were debating on another round of pacing when Luna bolts up from you, growling and barking at the back door.
You jump to your feet, your gut telling you that it was about Namjoon. You shrug his coat on properly and pull the hood up ad you run to the back door and unlock it frantically.
Manoeuvring a still aggressively barking Luna away from the door you slip through, close it carefully behind you and begin running towards the trees.
The rain had stopped, but the air was still icy, and it was no better despite you pushing further into the trees.
Soon you begin to slow, doubt forming in your mind. What were you running to? You had no direction, no plan. No definite proof that you were running towards Namjoon at all, even if your gut was screaming at you to continue.
You slow to a stop, a small sweat beading on your brow but all of the hairs on your arms begin to rise. There’s something nearby, you know it.
You spin, straining your eyes in the darkness for signs of Namjoon, for anything.
A rustle of a bush nearby startles you, and you snap your eyes to it, your heart in your throat. The wind settles and the rustling stops, and you sigh harshly. You walk back slowly, realising that you shouldn’t have come, and turn to run. You only get about five feet before you see it.
Hunched over beside a tree sits the creature.
You gasp, but smack your hands over your mouth to stop the sound escaping, and you can feel the terror creeping through your system.
You can’t see what it’s doing, but it’s not looking at you. You could see its ears twitching on its head, and you realise you have a chance to escape. No matter what your suspicions may be, you don’t want to risk your life to be right.
You step back slowly, determined to keep it in your sight for as long as possible.
But the forest floor has other plans, and a well-placed root sends you flying to the floor, a sharp cry bursting from you at the impact.
The creature is on you in a second, towering over and you watching with sharp teeth bared, and finally you get a clear look at what had been terrorising you.
Despite all logic and reason, one word screamed at you. Werewolf. Your blood felt like ice in your veins as it glared down at you.
It stood on its hind legs, towering to at least eight feet. Its fur was so dark it was almost jet black, rippling over thick shoulders and arms. Its teeth were as long as your index finger, bared as a low growl rumbled from within. But the eyes were amber, deep, bright, and searching.
“If you’re gonna kill me just do it.” You whimper, your voice shaking.
The wolf eases back slightly, but it doesn't stop its low growl.
“Or are you not gonna kill me?” You ask, sitting up to look at the creature above you.
It lets out a horrifying howl, loud enough to shake your heart and pierce your eardrums. You squeeze your eyes shut and cover your ears, the sound echoing off the trees.
“Do not look at me.”
Your eyes fly open and you stare at the forest floor. The voice was Namjoon’s, no doubt about it, but it also wasn’t deep and dark, and with an echo as if there were five people talking. You obey the voice, the blood roaring in your ears as you let your hands fall away.
Your head snaps up to see Namjoon, filthy and completely naked with his hands are covering his front.
You stagger to your feet and stare at him. His eyes are still amber, his muscles rippling beneath his skin.
“What the fuck…” you mutter, your voice croaky and low.
His face is contorted, fear, anger and guilt all playing across his features. He moves to step forward but stops, a shiver rippling through him.
Without thinking you pull the coat off yourself and give it to him, averting your eyes so that he can put it on. You ignore the freezing night air that ruffles your tee, raising goosebumps over your skin.
“Thank you.” He says finally, the coat barely grazing his mid thigh. At last, you snap.
“What the fuck, Namjoon? What the actual fu-“
“I’m sorry, Y/N. You can see why I couldn’t tell you anything.”
“You’re a werewolf? Like that’s actually a thing and not some stupid Twilight bullshit?” Namjoon recoils at your words, his face dripping with rage.
“Please don’t mention that, those films are a gross misrepresentation!”
“Not the point!”
“It’s an actual thing, yes. The gene has been in my family for generations, we use it to protect the forest and town from other beings. These woods act as a border between this place and the next.”
“Other beings?”
“Jimin, for example.”
“Jimin? That would explain how- No! Not the point, Namjoon! It was you in the forest with me and Luna. It’s you that keeps sending her crazy!”
“I’m sorry. I never meant to scare you both. Sometimes I have to change - full moons. But during the rest of the moon cycle I have a little more control on whether I can change or not.”
“... Does it hurt?”
A small sad smile passes his lips, and he takes a tentative step forward.
“It can, if I'm not ready for it.”
“What are you protecting the town from?”
“Things a lot scarier than me.”
“Namjoon, tell me!”
“No. I’ve already failed to keep you safe so far! I’m not putting you in any more danger - especially as you constantly go looking for trouble.”
“Why are you trying so hard to keep me safe? I can look after myself.” You stare defiantly, taking an angry step towards him. His grip holding the cost together tightens and he angrily moves forward, sweat beading on his brow.
“Will you stop pushing it, Y/N? I care for you, okay?”
“Y/N, I can’t drag you into this!” He shouts, closing the distance between you but neither of you notice, too wrapped up in shouting at each other.
“I’m not a child, Namjoon. You can’t make decisions for me!”
“I’m not trying to! But there are things out of my control here and I am not risking you!” He shouts, moving his hands from the coat to gesture around you. “I need you to be safe!”
“Why me?” You shout, forehead creased as you stare up at him, his angry warmth spreading through you at the contact.
“Because I like you!”
Your mouth hangs open, and you finally realise you’re both pressed together, his coat hanging open and his crotch pressing into you - and you could feel everything.
“Namjoon...” you whisper, eyes meeting his.
The amber in his eyes glow, ragged breaths making his chest heave as he glares down at you. There's something animalistic about him, the way he watches you like you’re his prey. You swallow thickly, your heart beating wickedly in your chest. You could feel how worked up he was, the annoyance rolling off him in waves as he stares.
His hands are on you in a second, gripping your ass and lower back as he pulls you tight against him, crashing his lips to your own.
You gasp at the impact, but melt into his as he kisses you, angry, fiery and hot all at once. You sink your hands into his hair, rolling your hips against his cock that you could feel hardening against you. It felt big - bigger than anything you’d encountered.
He keeps a hand on your ass as he moved the other in between you, hand sliding under your sweats and panties, fingers immediately flying over your clit. Your eyes practically roll back at the friction, the angry speed Namjoon was setting making you sag against him. When your hips had barely begun to roll into his hands, he moves his finger down to press at your entrance. His speed makes you gasp against him, his mouth stealing kisses from your parted lips. The sound of his fingers in your wet slit was audible over the breeze that rustles through the trees, and despite the heat that burns over your face, it’s endlessly hot and judging by the groans from Namjoon’s lips, he agreed.
“So wet for me, baby. All this for the big bad wolf, huh? I bet you taste sinful.”
He presses his fingers in slowly and you groan into him. He moves his mouth from yours and begins to kiss and suck his way down your neck, steadily increasing the speed of his fingers.
“Gotta prep you, gotta have you ready to take all of me.” He grunts, and you moan at his words and he growls them into your neck.
Two fingers pump into you as you lean against him for support, your hips rolling with every pump of his fingers. Satisfied with how easily his finger could move into you, he breaks away, amber eyes glowing in the dark as if he were bewitched. He slides the two fingers that were inside you into his mouth, and you hear a low growl rumbles from him. Heat creeps across your face as you watch him. He pulls his fingers out with a pop, his eyes transfixed on you, a fresh sheen of sweat dribbling down his brow.
“On your knees.”
You don’t think twice about it, sinking to your knees on the damp forest floor. He stands in front of you and you see just how big he is - thick with a plump head, fully erect and straight. A flicker of panic passes through you.
He grips your chin and tilts your head up to meet his face.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks. His voice is low and coarse, as if he was holding back. You nod in his hand, feeling your wetness soaking through your panties to trickle down your leg. Without a doubt, you did.
He’s on his knees behind you in an instant, fingers in your waistband and tugging your sweats and panties down as far as he can. His hand snakes up under your shit to grab at your breast, rolling the soft flesh beneath his fingers.
His breath is hot by your ear as your back is flat against his chest, his pants making your mind spin. You feel his cock teasing around your entrance, and slowly he begins to push in.
He’s big, and no amount of fingers could have prepared you for the burn as he pushes inside.
“Look at you taking my cock baby, so good, so tight. Gonna fill you so good you’ll scream for me.”
Your fingers grip onto his arm that lays across your breasts, nails digging into his skin hard enough to draw blood. He hisses into your ear before sinking his teeth into your neck, clamping down as he finally bottoms out inside you.
You can feel your pussy throbbing around him, his tip barely grazing your cervix. It was dizzying, Namjoon sitting fully inside you as you both kneel on the filthy forest floor.
“Move.” You whisper.
As if opening the floodgates, Namjoon reel back and slams into you - no gentle pace, no softness.
He whines into your neck as he hips slam against you, alternating between sucking and biting your neck. You faintly realise your neck is gonna be covered with marks from him, and as you hiss from the sensations that he blankets on your body, you know that you want more. You want whatever he can give you.
“You like me filling you up like this, huh? Want me to fill you more? Want to take all my cum inside, too?”
You cry out at his words as he angles you both down so that you’re on your hands and knees. You grip the ground for any kind of hold as he fucks hard into you, his stomach pressed against you and an arm propped beside you as his mouth hovers by your ear. Hot breath rolls across your throat as he bites down on you again, groans falling from him.
“Namjoon..” you wail as you shiver at his words, and he barks a strained laugh by your ear.
“Oh you like that idea? Want me to fill you and mark you as mine?”
“Yes yes, cum in me Namjoon. Give me everything.”
He growls into your ear, his thrusts hard and fast against your battered core. Your pussy squeezes down on him, and both of you let out a symphony of groans.
“Everything baby? What if I fill you, make you swell up with pups for me, huh?” He groans, his hips stuttering as he fucks you.
The image of him cumming deep inside where no one had ever reached, plump, carrying and heavy just for him wasn’t one you’d ever thought you’d be into. But as his cock grazes over your g-spot with each thrust, and the thought of him filling and breeding you like his play thing was all you could think about.
“God Y/N, so hot all swollen for me. All mine.”
“Joon…” is all you can manage.
Your fingers scrunch into the dirt below you, mud coming up under your fingernails as he fucks into you. He free hands circles around your throat, holding on as he rocks you both roughly. He doesn’t squeeze down hard enough to choke you properly, but just enough to let you know he’s in charge. And he was - you’d do whatever he wanted in that moment.
“Show me how much you want that, baby. I want you to cum on my cock before I breed you. Can you do that for me?”
The softness of his filthy words whispered in your ear coupled with the obscene sounds your pussy makes as he thrusts into your tight hole is almost too much. You whine but nod your head, swallowing a thick gulp under his hand that hangs around your throat.
You lift a hand from the floor and slide it down your body, moving it down towards your sore centre. Ragged breaths pass your lips as you begin to circle your clit, the feeling of Namjoon slapping against you and inside you sends eyes rolling.
“Close…” you whimper, gasping as you feel the tips of his fingers press into your throat.
The thick drag of his cock inside of you, the sharpness of the marks he was leaving on your throat and collarbone, the heady pleasure that spiralled from your touch on your clit, it was all too much.
“Cum baby, let me feel you. Clench down on my cock, show me how good I feel in you.”
With a final harsh thrust you scream out his name, your body jerking and rolling underneath him. Your orgasms crashes through you as your hand flies to grasp at his arm sitting on your throat, nails digging in as you ride through your orgasm. Whimpers and cries pass through you, and Namjoon lets it roll through you until your juddering stops.
“That’s my girl, taking my cock so good.” He whispers by your ear, his heat radiating through you.
His hips begin to move again, pounding at your weak pussy as he begins to chase his own high. Your sensitive core was still being stretched by the size of him, but it still felt good to have him pushing inside.
His hips became stuttery as he fucked into you, his hot breaths jagged by your ear.
“Gonna cum baby, will you let me knot in you? Give you all my cum and make you mine?”
“Yes, fuck. Yes Joon!” You squark, another orgasm building inside of you already.
Your hand flies down to play with your clit again, faster and harder than before leaving you whining and panting. As soon as you start clenching he lets out an almighty growl, and you knew he was about to blow.
Your orgasm is forgotten when his knot begins to expand inside you.
Gasping at the stretch, Namjoon moves his hands from your throat to card through your hair, letting his fingers tangle there as he growls into you.  His thrusts slow as his knot swells, and you whimper, your walls stretching almost uncomfortably around him.
“So good for me baby, taking my whole knot. Gonna pump you so full baby, wanna make you swell for me and carry my pups. You want that, Y/N? Want to be mine? So good to me.”
His rambling continues, getting breathier and breathier as hot cum shoots out of his cock and coats your insides. His head drops to your shoulder as his hips twitch, ropes and ropes of cum spurting inside you. His hips twitch as he pumps his last into you, and you had never felt so full, practically fit to bursting. You could feel his cum leaking out past his slowly softening knot, and feel yourself begin to drip out past his cock and down your legs.
The feeling of him pulling out of you and the cum flowing out of you is obscene, but the soreness and the blush across your face grounded you.
Namjoon sits back on his knees, pulling you with him, your back flush against his chest. He plants soothing kisses over the bites on your neck and shoulder, the tip of his tongue tracing the deeper bites.
“So good, Y/N, fuck.” He whispers, lips placing soft kisses below your ear.
He slides one of his big hands to your inner thigh, and pulls it up to see a string of cum stretching across his fingers. He sighs, the breath rolling down your neck.
“We can’t have this escaping, can we?” He groans.
Tangling one of your hands in your hair, he slides the other back to your core, gathering up the cum still leaking from you on his fingers.
Slowly he presses two fingers back inside you, curling them inside you as he pushes his cum back into you. You gasp, and with his fingers in his hair he turns your head to look at him, watching you get worked up on his fingers.
“You look so good with me filling you up. I’m gonna need you to ride me next time so I can see your face.” The smirk spreads across his face as you stare at him, your vision hazy as his fingers begin to piston inside of you.
“Next time?” You strangle out, meeting his gentle amber-brown eyes.
The squelching sounds of his fingers inside you are outrageous, a blush spreading across your face. Namjoon watches in delight as it spreads down your throat, a small laugh bursting from him. He lets his thumb flick out across your clit, and soon you’re seeing stars. Unable to keep your eyes open they slam shut, your body rolling back against him, his fingers still tight in your hair.
“If you’ll let me.”
“Y-yes, always. Fuck, there!”
With a final few pumps of his fingers and a flick over your clit your hips roll into his hand, your orgasm riding through you as you buck. Namjoon lets his fingers still, plugging you so that no more cum leaks from your sore and sensitive core. He pushes the leaking cum back in you a few more times before he slides them out of you.
You open your eyes groggily to find him staring down at you softly. He moves his hand up, and you look at it to see his fingers dripping with both of your juices.
You grab his wrist and manoeuvre his fingers into your mouth, eyes shooting up to meet his as you suck them clean. You let your tongue swirl around them as you swallow down the salty substance, eyes never leaving his stricken expression.
A low growl resonates in his throat, his eyes greedily watching your mouth.
“Fuck, be mine, Y/N.”
You pull his fingers from your mouth with a pop, smiling sheepishly up at him. There was no trace of amber in his eyes, just the deep chocolate you had grown fond of.
“Are you asking me out?”
His face suddenly drops all hints of smugness, his cheeks bursting with red as he looks away from you briefly, holding you tight against his warm stomach. Shy, despite the lewd things he was just whispering in your ear and how he fucked you on the soggy forest floor.
“Yeah, I mean, if you’ll have me.” He mumbles, and a laugh ripples through you.
“Yes Namjoon, I’d love to. Though I didn’t expect you to ask like this…” you say, gesturing to you both kneeling almost fully naked on the mulchy floor.
“Oh! Right.”
With a final few pecks across your tender neck, he pulls both of you to your feet. He finally releases you and the cold latches onto you. You shimmy your sweats back on, ignoring how they stick to the insides of your legs.
Your arms raise in goosebumps as you finally reacquaint with your surroundings and the lack of Namjoon's super warm body heat to keep you cosy.  
He shucks the coat back onto his shoulders but moves forward and wraps his arm and the coat around you, and slowly begins to steer you back up to where you imagine the house to be.
“We should probably chat when we have a minute. I know you have a lot of questions.” His fingers clench a little on your shoulder, but you run a hand up and lace your fingers with his.
“I do. But I’m not going to be scared off.” He smiles down at your words, pressing a light kiss to your lips.
The walk back is slow, but you don’t mind. Namjoon was like a walking radiator, and you relished in it on the way back. Your mind begins to race with all of the questions you could finally get answers for once you were back inside your house, but Namjoon stops dead.
“Joon?” You whisper. You don’t know why, but something felt very wrong.
You look up at him, but his eyes are transfixed on the trees beside him. He untangles himself from you, turning his body away and pulling you against his back. You try and peer over his shoulder at what he was focused on, but your human eyes could make out nothing.
“What are you doing in this part of the forest? You’re not supposed to be here.” Namjoon bellowed, his voice deep and angry.
Spurred on by his words, out from the trees creep three looming figures.
You strain your eyes, watching as they emerge - only to be faced with three werewolves.
Namjoon tenses in front of you, and you watch in horror as the three of them fan out. Your blood runs cold as they watch you both, snarls thick and loud over the growing wind that howls through the forest.
Three werewolves. The biggest stood in the middle, a mottled grey and black creature with a crooked nose and wild eyes. The second smallest was an ash grey, it’s teeth bared and feral, stood panting, coiled, looking ready to spring. The smallest -but still standing much taller than you- was a dingy brown, it’s low growl almost as feral as a hyena’s.
“Namjoon. I knew you would be lurking around but I didn’t expect you to look like… this.” The biggest wolf rears to two feet to watch you, it’s voice a distant echo and a nearby nightmare all at once.
“What are you doing here?” Namjoon barks. If he was afraid, he showed no sign of it.
“Forest’s not safe any more. Something dark… it doesn't matter. Who's your friend?” The biggest wolf leans back on his haunches to glare over Namjoon’s shoulder, peering down into your face.
You tried to stand your ground and glare back, despite the terror that seizes in your chest.
“Is this your mate?”
“Mate?” You mumble, but Namjoon doesn’t respond.
“You do know how to pick ‘em.” The biggest snarls.
Namjoon reaches his hand behind himself to knot his fingers in your shirt, keeping you by him.
“You have one chance. Get out of my forest, or face the consequences.” Namjoon stands his ground, chest puffed as he glares down the huge creatures.
“We told you-“ the small dingy one growls.
“We can’t go back, young wolf. There’s something in the forest… we’re not risking our lives. So get out of our way, or you and your mate won’t see tomorrow.”
A snarl rumbles from behind you, and you spin out of Namjoon’s grip to come face-to-face with the middle wolf. You hadn’t realised that he has snuck from the group, but as his rancid breath rolled across your face and spittle drooled from his mouth, you could tell what his intentions were.
You could feel Namjoon moving behind you, letting out a sharp cry of anguish that deepened as you felt him grow behind you.
You wanted to turn, to see him change, to warn him away from a battle with these creatures, but you couldn’t move. The wolf that was in front of you pressed closer into you so that he leered down at you, the tips of his fur brushing your arms.
“Get back.” You growl out, but your voice wavers, fear thick in your throat.
The wolf above you simply glowers, and you swallow hard as he begins to press you in. It raises a meaty paw, dragging back to swipe at you, but in a flash the wolf is sent careening back, it’s body slamming into a tree ten feet away.
You spin, shock flushing hotly through you. You turn to see Namjoon standing behind you, fully transformed and wolf-like. His broad chest heaves from exertion, casting you a quick glance before he turns back to the other wolves.
Growls echo off the trees, the dark air rippling with an aura dark enough to feel tangible. Retaliation was imminent, and you don’t know if Namjoon is able to take on two feral creatures.
They waste no time, the two wolves jumping at Namjoon. You stagger out of the way, a mass of growls and bodies flying at each other. You watch helplessly as the wolves snap at Namjoon where they can reach: neck, ankles, limbs, whatever they could tear at.
He gives as good as he gets, slamming into them with all his might. Namjoon was broad, holding a lot of power in each swing. But he was outnumbered, and you could see how desperate they were by how scrappily they were attacking. You realised that if Namjoon was going to win this fight, he wouldn’t come out of it whole. He needed help.
You keep casting paranoid glances back at the wolf that still sat slumped against the tree behind the carnage. Dropping to the floor and scrabbling around in the mulch, you find a fist-size stone and launch it into the tussle. It slams into the smaller wolf’s back, making him yelp at the impact.
It whips its head back to you, a blood-curling howl falling from its lips as it tries to break free from the fight and head straight to you. You scuffle back up over tree roots and craggy rock outcrops, your blood running cold as it’s beady yellow eyes follow your movements.
It speeds up, charging at you full tilt when it crashes to the floor beside you, Namjoon’s body pinning it down. You cry out as you slip to your feet on the muddy floor, his face level with yours.
“Y/N, get Hoseok!”
You barely registered his deep voice as the big wolf throws himself at Namjoon, pulling at his long ears awkwardly to pull him off the other wolf. Namjoon lets out a deafening cry. Without thinking you jump to your feet and slam your boot into the creature’s eye, sending the heel straight into his eye. It releases Namjoon just long enough for him to get to his feet and wrestle both the wolves underneath him, into his grip.
“Get Hoseok!”
“I can’t just leave you!” You wail, watching as he fights to keep control as the two wolves bite viciously at his grip.
“Y/N, please!” He almost screams, the desperation in his voice thick despite how un-Namjoon- like he sounded.
You stagger back and watch, fear tearing at you as you watch him struggle. His reactions were getting slower, and patches of blood grew thicker along his body.
Nodding dumbly, you ignore the tears that prickled at your eyes, staggering uphill to where you desperately hope your house sat sleepily despite the chaos that sat outside its warm wooden walls.
“Namjoon, stay alive or I’m going to be really fucking angry!” You scream over your shoulder, desperate for him to heed your words.
The cacophony of growls, whines and howls of pain soon drifted away until all that surrounded you was suffocating silence as bone-chilling cold. But you ignored it like you ignored the bile that wanted to rise in your throat, the same way you ignored the way your heart was beating so erratically that you feel like it would burst from your chest.
You pushed the pain that burned in your legs to the back of the mind as finally, the edge of the treeline was visible. You let out a grateful sob as you stager out from between the trees, throwing yourself up the veranda steps and stumbling inside.
Luna jumps up off the sofa with a bark, and upon seeing you, runs at you, tail wagging excitedly. You absently pat her head as you carefully sidestep her and run to your grandma’s landline, stumped as you stare at the number pad.
Hoseok. How the hell were you gonna get hold of him?
As if a light flickered in your head, you drop the handset and jump over the sofa to get the coffee table, snatching up Namjoon’s phone and unlocking it. Thankfully it didn’t have a passcode and you began scrolling through the numbers, stopping on Hoseok’s name and slamming dial. Your skin prickled as you warmed inside the house, you sodden tee and sweats holding the cold against you.
He picks up after the second ring, and you could tell he was anxious.
“Joon, where are you?”
“Hoseok, it’s Y/N-”
“Y/N? Is he with you?”
“He’s in the forest by Grandma’s there’s wolves- he’s fighting- he’s not gonna last Hoseok!” You bellow down the phone, your eyes slammed shut to keep back panicked tears.
“I’m on my wa-” He doesn’t finish his sentence before he hangs up.
You know you need to wait, to get Hoseok and show him where Namjoon was. He obviously knows about Namjoon’s shifting as he didn’t refute a word you said. Was he one too? Or was he trusted?
Either way, you weren’t going to wait. You couldn’t.
You run to the back door, telling Luna to stay put - but you stoop to grab the baseball bat. You fly from the house once you had safely shut the dog inside, storming out into the night and heading through the same patch of trees that you emerged from.
Panic gnawed at your gut as you stumble over roots and broken branches. You put all your faith in your gut, hoping you manage to stumble into Namjoon once again. But you were stumbling wildly around, the only gut feeling you had was a sensation to just run.
You don’t make it much further as you’re slammed into the ground, the bat rolling from your hands and out of reach. A heavy weight sits on your back pressing your body painfully into the sharp and craggy ground.
You struggle round and try to gasp in breath, only come face-to-face with the wolf Namjoon had knocked out earlier. You try and recoil as it presses your face to yours, it’s beady yellow eyes glaring into you.
“Hello again, Namjoon’s mate.”
“Mate?” You reply dumbly.
The wolf throws its head back to laugh, and you take the chance to look for the baseball bat. It’s still nearby - near enough for you to reach. You just needed to survive long enough to grab it.
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy eating you, human.”
“Aren’t you a human too?”
“You’re a werewolf too, right? So aren’t you a human too? Isn’t that cannibalism?” Your voice comes out light; very light considering you had a seven-foot wolf crushing your body into the forest floor.
The wolf tilts its head as it looks at you, a line of drool escaping from its mouth and pooling on your shoulder. You hold back a cry, carefully walking your fingers out across the wet floor as you begin to subtly reach for the bat.
“I was human, long ago.”
“What happened?”
“I don’t tell my food my life story. Do you?”
You choke on your words, the wind picking up and rustling through the forest. The wolf’s fur billows, and you use the volume of the wind to carefully smack your hand around. You graze the smooth wood of the handle, and you gasp before you can help yourself.
The wolf reads your face and scans around you, only to see the bat millimetres from your fingertips. It stares back at you and growls, and the fear that shreds through you is almost crippling.
You force your body against the weight pressing down on you, and with all your might, throw yourself towards the bat. You wrap your fingers around the base and swinging it up as hard as you can, aiming for wherever you could hit the wolf.
A huge blust of wind -bigger than anything you had felt- blasts through the woods, sending the wolf flying away from you, slamming against the forest floor with a sickening crunch. You watch in confused horror as it slowly begins to stagger to its feet when another rush of powerful wind blows through, pulling up roots from the floor and wrapping themselves around the dazed wolf.
You stare around confused, only to see Hoseok stepping through the trees, hands gently cupped and pointing at the wolf.
“Y-you?” you stammer, watching with wide eyes and even wider mouth as Hoseok drops his hands. The wind drops immediately, resuming the softer breeze that had been there all night.
“Are you okay?” He asks, reaching out a hand to pull you up. You eye him cautiously before you take his hand and get to shaky feet.
You wobble to the baseball bat and pick it up, gripping the cold wood tightly.
“I nearly had it!” You blurt, waving the bat at him.
“We don’t have time for nearly. Where are they?”
You let the bat drop by your side as you pause, letting your gut take over. You knew he was nearby, and you didn’t have any time left to waste.
“This way.”
Hoseok barely has time to register your words before you’re careening through the trees. He’s hot on your heels as you begin to sprint, as soon enough, howls could be heard echoing through the trees.
You slow as the sound bounces, unable to pinpoint where it is coming from. Hoseok doesn’t slow, barrelling past you and through the trees. You do your best to keep up, the heavy reverberations of your feet hitting the floor coursing ache through your body.
Finally you see them - a flurry of fur and red.
Hoseok sweeps into the areas and throws his open hands out at the wolves, sending them flying in different directions.
Namjoon stumbles to his feet, dark drips falling from his body. He casts a quick eye over you and Hoseok before zeroing in on the wolves across from him. He rolls his neck and hunkers down, ready to go again. The other wolves aren’t in a better state - though the bigger of the two seemed to be held together by pure malice. His eyes were locked on Namjoon, and Namjoon alone.
After that, it was a free-for-all.
Namjoon staggers wearily to his feet, only to charge at the biggest, tackling him and wrestling him to the floor. Hoseok charges at the other, lifting debris from around him and hurling it towards the limping wolf.
All you could do was watch.
The smaller wolf manages to break from Hoseok’s storm and makes a run for it, vanishing between the gnarled roots that littered the frost floor.
“I’m going after him!” He bellows before darting after the wolf.
You spin back to Namjoon, hesitantly watching as he fights back the remaining werewolf, holding it back from snapping at his neck. He lands a heavy punch, sending the wolf staggering back. It looked positively feral, it’s orange eyes narrowed slits and it’s mouth practically frothing. It had its sights set on Namjoon, and it wasn’t going to stop until one or both of them were dead. And it looked like it wouldn’t take much.
In the time that you had been gone, Namjoon was soaked - sweat or blood, you couldn’t tell. It was matted into his jet black fur, and with the way he heaved breaths in and wobbled on the spot, you knew it wouldn’t be long.
The wolf gets under Namjoon, taking his feet out from below him and slamming him onto his back. You hold in a gasp as you watch on in horror. The wolf presses one foot onto Namjoon’s chest and the other across his throat, pressing down hard.
Namjoon flounders undeath the wolf, arms flailing to get a good purchase. The growls that ha once clouded the area had stopped, the only noise gargling from Namjoon’s constricted throat.
“You should have let me through, little wolf.” The big wolf snarls glaring down at Namjoon.
It opens its mouth wide, heading for Najoon’s throat, and you finally find yourself able to move, no longer willing to stay petrified in fear.
You run forward and scream bloody murder. The wolf swings round to look at you, only to be smashed across the face with the bat. A high-pitched wail flies from it and it crashes to the floor, eyes rolling to the back of its head.
Once you were sure it wasn’t going to get back up any time soon, you spring to Namjoon’s side and cautiously kneel down beside him.
His chest rises and falls rapidly as he catches his breath, his eyes screwed shut.
Finally he looks at you and you want to flinch from his intense amber gaze but you gold your ground. He moves a big hand to cup your face, the paw almost as big as your head.
“Hoseok?” He croaks, and you nod in the direction he ran off into.
“I’ll watch the wolf. Go.”
Namjoon nods once at you before staggering to his feet and limping after Hoseok. You stand too, moving to hover over the big wolf, baseball bat levelled at its head in case it dared move.
It didn’t, but the minutes ticked on silently.  
You tried not to look at the unconscious creature at your feet too much, careful not to get sucked into your fears and worries. It’s teeth were huge, it’s jaw wide, and it’s claws deadly. How was Namjoon still able to stand after facing off with two at once?
Shuffling can be heard, branches snapping and a low murmur. You spin to the sound, bat reared and ready to swing. But through the trees stumbles Hoseok dragging an unconscious wolf. You scan behind him, ice running through you as you fail to see Namjoon. You wait, rolling onto your toes to peer between the trees.
Finally, mercifully, you see a messy head of honey hair appear between the trees, and a once-again naked Namjoon staggers into view.
You throw the bat as you run, launching yourself at him and wrapping yourself tightly around him. He sways under your grip, and you pull back with damp eyes and take in his appearance.
Your hands cup his face, slightly swollen on the left but not too bad. The rest of his body though… he was littered in bites and scratches, blood and sweat slowly drying on his weakened body.
Hoseok pulls off his coat and throws it to you, and you shout your thanks as you help Namjoon pull it on his body. He winces as he moves his arms back, and grunts as the weight of the coat presses down on his injuries.
Sliding under his him, you sling his arm across your shoulders and take some of his weight, walking him slowly towards the house.
“I’ll take Namjoon back to mine and patch him up. Will you be okay?” You shout to Hoseok, watching as he dumps the werewolf he was dragging by the other.
“I’ve already made a call. I’ll have some help in just a minute. Look after him.” Hoseok nods, a wide knowing smile stretching across his face.
Namjoon offers him a weak wave as you both move towards the house.
He leans more and more weight on you, but you struggle on.
“Joon? Stay with me, stay awake.”
“Oh, I guess it’s kinda stuck.” You laugh, heat cropping on your cheeks.
“I like you saying it.” He slurs slightly, and you tighten your grip.
“So Hoseok… what is he?”
“That's- ah, that hurts. That’s for him to say.” You shift your grip slightly and sigh, but catch him grinning at you.
“You’re no fun.”
Mercifully the house soon comes into view between the trees, and with a huge amount of your remaining energy, you manage to get him up the steps and swing open your door.
Luna is already on her feet and waiting, and as soon as she sees you both she begins howling. She runs and licks at you both, tail wagging so hard her butt shakes.
“Hey girl, sorry I scared you the other night.” Namjoon smiles weakly, slipping from your grip to scratch at Luna’s head.
“Come on, bathroom.” You say, grabbing his free hand and gently tugging him up the stairs.
He’s slow, but he makes it. Once inside you shut the door and throw on the light making both of you groan at the brightness. Having been outside all night was really starting to play with your senses.
You push him to sit on the closed toilet whilst you gather things to clean and patch him up with. He watches you run around, eyes half closed and dreamy.
You kneel down in front of him, damp towel in hand. He smiles tiredly at you, dimples proudly on show and eyes heavy-lidded. You could feel your heart almost stop. You could look at him like that forever.
Forcing yourself to move, you shuffle between his legs and help him push off the coat on his shoulders, biting your lip with each wince he gives. Naked once again, you begin to dab the towel over the areas of dried blood and sweat that pools on him. All you needed was for him to stay awake - you weren’t sure you could drag his heavy limp body anywhere.
“So, does this make me a furry?”
He chokes out a laugh, eyes examining your face as you slowly clean him. You make light work across his stomach, slowly working your way up his broad chest and to his shoulders.
“Only if you want me when I’m a wolf. You should see my dick then-“
“What? I thought we were trying to work out if you’re a furry!”
“Don’t talk about your wolfie weenie-“
“My what?!” He laughs, leaning back against the wall.
You have to kneel up and lean in between his thighs to reach his shoulders, your head level with his chin.
You look up at him, your towel stilling on his chest as you meet eyes. He smiles softly at you before he leans down and captures your lips with his. His kiss is gentle and slow, like a reawakening.
Placing your other hand firmly on his chest you push him away, trying to appear stern.
“No, not now. I can't have you bleeding over my grandma’s bathroom.”
“Okay, not now. But there’s a chance for more kisses later?” He asks, eyebrow raised. You laugh and shake your head, rinsing off the towel and bringing it back to his body.
“You’re ridiculous. You want kisses when not long ago I didn’t know if you were even gonna…” you trail off, not willing to vocalise your fears about losing him. You couldn’t.
“Shh, hey, come here.”
His hands cup your face, bringing you level. He dots kisses over all the skin that he can reach, thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheeks.
“I’m not leaving you, Y/N. I only just got you.”
You nod in his hands, pressing forward to kiss him again. You’re careful when you press your body flat against him, not applying too much pressure but touching as much of him as you could.
He kisses you back, the heat between your growing. You let your hands knot into his hair, fingers tugging through the wind-tangled strands.
It’s not long before you feel him growing hard against you, and you pull back from the kiss to glare at him.
“You’re getting hard? Now, seriously?”
“I can’t help it! You’re hot and I'm turned on. If anything, it's your fault.” He smirks, shrugging his shoulders at you.
“I’m not touching anything until you’re patched up, Joon. And even then! You need to rest.”
You force yourself to get to your feet, slipping out of his warm touch. You throw back the shower curtain and turn on the taps, hot water shooting out of the showerhead and collecting in the bathtub, slowly draining away. You crack open a window as steam fills the room, making your filthy clothes stick tighter to your skin.
You hold out a hand to him which he begrudgingly takes, letting you help him to his feet and climb carefully into the shower.
He practically melts under the warm spray, the water cascading down his golden skin. You watch in awe as the water dances across his chest, washing away all the excess grime that clings to his skin.
You turn him gently, dabbing at his back and gently scrubbing away the dried blood and dirt.
He practically moans at your touch, and you bite your lip so you don’t get sucked in. He was injured and he needed to be cleaned, you couldn’t go further than that.
But he grabs hold of your arm, tugging you softly to the tub.
“Come on, Y/N. I know what is still sitting between your legs. Are you still dripping for me?”
“Namjoon!” You squeak, but you let him pull you up into the tub, just shy of the shower’s stream.
“What? Am I wrong? It’s not like we had a chance to get clean.”
You slap his shoulder, and the smirk on his face turns to a wince. You gasp and step towards him to comfort him, dousing your clothes.
“Now you’re gonna have to take those filthy clothes off. I promise, no funny business.” He holds up his hands in a surrender motion, before reaching out and beginning to tug on your shirt.
He begins to try and lift it over your head, but he drops the shirt, hissing as his sore skin pulls tight. You sigh, brushing his hands from you and removing your sodden clothes and throwing them into the sink. The warmth that was sinking below your skin was heavenly, a feeling that you had almost forgotten.
Finally fully bare in front of his eyes, you want to hide. But he takes you by the hand, a soft smile on his face as he drags you under the stream and presses your bodies together, his eyes swimming with stars as he looks at you.
You kiss again, safe and warm under the hot water. You break apart and begin to splash water over yourself, and soon enough the grime was scrubbed away. Turning Namjoon around, you drop a chunk of shampoo in your hands and work it into his scalp, combing away all the knots with your fingers until it was soft and clean. You tapped him back under the water and massaged it out, delight trickling through you as he shivers under your touch.
You turn from him and let the water run down your back, your temperature finally warm enough to let your body relax fully. You finally get to wash away the stickiness that had begun to dry between your legs, the memories of Namjoon making heat burst across your face.
Namjoon’s hands snake over your hips, pulling you flat against his chest. He lets his hands wander down to cup your slit. You gasp at the touch, grabbing hold of his arms.
“I thought you said no funny business?” You lean back into him and whisper.
“I’m just making sure you’re clean, baby.” His breath is hot on your ear and you shiver at the pet name, rolling your body against him.
He lets his finger run over your slit, water cascading over you both. He dips in, letting his finger run up you until he hits your clit. Swiping small circles there, he presses a kiss against the shell of your ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and tugging softly.
“All these marks… all mine…”
You turn your head as Namjoon trails kisses down your shoulders, bite marks and soft bruises welling over your skin.
“Sorry if it was too rough. Some of these look a little fierce.”
“Mmm, it’s fine.” You sigh, hips rolling as his fingers press a little harder on your clit.
His head lulls heavily on your shoulder, and you reluctantly pull his hand away from your body as you turn to face him.
“Sit, Namjoon.”
“Is this a dog thing?”
“Sit on the edge of the bath, you moron!”
You push gently on his shoulder as he sits on the rim of the bath, leaning back against the wall. He slumps, relief washing over him as he gets off his feet. You kneel between his legs, concern written across your face as you look up at him.
“I’m fine, honestly. My body is tired but my mind… it’s all you.” He smiles, fingers reaching out to tangle in your hair.
You surge up to kiss him, his fully hard length pressing into your stomach.
“I guess I need to find a way to keep your body awake then…” you smirk against his lips.
You let your hand trail to his cock, taking the thick member in your hands and slowly starting to pump him.
His face knots as he stares down at you, eyes meeting yours. You smile as you move your head down, licking a fat strip up the underside of him.
He groans and throws his head back against the wall. You smirk as you move to sink your mouth over his tip, but stop, worry bubbling in your mind.
“Erm, if you get close enough to cum, will you, you know, knot in my throat?” You ask, eyes wide with worry as you stare up at him.
For a minute you think he’ll laugh at you but he doesn’t. He simply runs a hand through your hair and smiles down at you, that dimple you’ve come to adore popping out at you.
“No. I only did early because I was still pumped up from adrenaline and changed back to this form very quickly.”
You nod, letting him tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. Flashing him a smile, you lean down, hovering over his lip and giving it a small kitten lick across his slit. When he’s fully leant back against the wall, you flash him a grin and sink your mouth over him, taking him as far as you can go.  
He releases a string of curses as you hold him in your mouth and slowly start to pull off him, thick cock making the corners of your mouth sore already. You flutter your eyes up to him and wag an eyebrow, and he shakes his head.
“God, what are you doing to me?” He groans, fingers tight in your hair.
“Just checking you’re still awake.” You smirk as you pull off his length.
His next words are cut off as you slide your mouth over his tip, swirling your tongue over any skin you could reach. You pump a hand over the rest of his length, letting his moans hit your ears.
You pull off him with a pop and pump vigorously, watching as his mouth falls open at your work. His eyes are heavy, flicking between your hands and your face.
“Y/N…” your name falls from his lips like a prayer, louder and louder as you work him higher.
You bring your mouth back down, running your tongue along his tip. His hips roll slightly, utterly helpless under your hands and making you soak.
You reach down a hand between your legs and begin to rub at your clit, the water from the shower warm as it hits your back and cascades down.
“So hot…” he groans, watching as you grind on your hand whilst your other picks up pace.
You moan onto him, the vibrations causing him to suck air thickly through his teeth. Soon he’s practically bucking off the side of the tub, unable to take any more.
“Y/N, ride me.” He moans, fingers tugging softly in your hair. You pull off him and look at him with your eyebrows drawn.
“I don’t know, Namjoon. You’re not strong enough for that kind of thing…”
“Y/N, please, I need it.” He whines, and you roll your eyes.
“Sit in the bath. If you so much as move, I’ll leave you so high and dry you’ll forget your own name.” You command, your hands slipping away from your bodies as you kneel back.
“God, yes ma’am.” He sighs dreamily, carefully lowering himself into the bathtub.
The shower continues to pour as Namjoon sits on his ass, the stream just hitting in front of him. You move through the stream to straddle him, pushing wet hair out of your face.
“If you’re in any pain, tell me and I’ll stop-“
“I’d rather die-“
“I wanna be inside you, baby, please.” You clench at his words, a groan falling from your lips.
You line him up, pressing him against your entrance as you brace yourself against his shoulders.
Slowly you begin to lower yourself, his thickness causing you to hiss. He places his hands on your hips, guiding you down without any pressure.
The drag inside you is pure pleasure and pain, a tight squeeze until he’s fully seated inside of you. You let out a breath and lean your forehead against his, getting used to how thick he is inside of you.
“That’s it baby, you take me so well.” He whispers, his eyes fluttering closed as he revels in you.
“Never had you pegged as a talker, Joon.” You mutter.
“There’s a lot you’re gonna learn about me- oh fuck!”
You cut him off with an experimental roll of your hips, pulling away from him to watch his eyes roll. Placing a hand behind his head on the edge of the tub you start your slow ascent, sliding almost fully off his girthy length before rolling back down, bottoming out once again.
“God, you fill me so good.” You mumble, setting a slow pace as you begin to ride him. He drags a lip between his teeth as he watches himself disappear in and out of you.
“Tell me baby, I wanna know how good I make you feel.”
“Want me to inflate that ego, huh?”
“Please baby, I’m injured.” He smirks at you, his eyes wide.
“Puppy dog eyes won’t work on me, Namjoon.” You clench down on him, and his fingers dig into your hips. “You’re not exactly a puppy.”
“Y/N, don’t make me beg-“
“Like a dog-“
I’m being serious! God how are you arguing when I'm sitting so deep inside of you?”
You chuckle as you roll your hips, picking up your speed. His hands move to your chest, rolling your nipples between his large fingers.
Your head rolls back at his touch, and a broken groan escapes you as he sits forward a little, taking a nipple into his mouth.
He swirls the bud with his tongue, and you knot your free hand in his hair, holding him steady as you ride him. His slides a hand to grab at your ass whilst the other tugs on your free nipple, a torrent of sensations that send you hurtling to the edge.
“Joon-“ you gasp, tugging him gently off your nipple to pepper his faces with soft kisses.
He slides his hands down from you other breast to brush teasingly over your clit. He doesn’t apply enough pressure, and no matter how many times you clench on his dick as you ride him, he doesn’t pick up his pace.
“Please Namjoon!” You whine, feeling every inch of him press teasingly against your g-spot.
“Tell me how good I make you feel.”
“Come on-“
“It’ll make me feel better baby.” He pouts, letting his fingers rub briefly across your clit, making you see stars.
“You make me feel so good, Joon.” You say a little awkwardly, but he moans, dotting kisses up your throat and jaw.
“So thick inside me. Want to cum all over your cock.”
“Mm, me too-“
“Want you to cum in me again, want you to fill my pussy up.”
He practically growls, seizing your lips with his as he bucks up into you, crashing his lips against your own. You kiss him back, leafing your hands through his soft locks as he pounds up into you. His fingers finally giving what you want and rubbing over your throbbing clit.
With a strangled cry of his name against his lips you come undone, bucking on him as pleasure rolls through you. Your walls clench down on him too, dragging his orgasm out of him. You feel him pulse inside of you, hot ropes of cum shooting out from him.
Both of you stay there for a moment, Namjoon firmly seated inside you as you kiss, slowly, sloppily.
He finally breaks away from your kiss to pull his softening length from you, and a trail of cum leaks from your sore pussy. Running a finger up your thigh, he grins sheepishly at you.
You sit forward and seize his hand, sticking the finger between your lips and licking it clean. He watches you with an open mouth, and once you pull him out with a pop, he sits forward and kisses you, tasting himself on your tongue.
“I could watch you do that forever. You’re incredible.” He sighs as he sits back against the tub, pulling you to lean on him.
You laugh, pecking lightly at his lips.
You sit carding a hand through his damp hair, eyes locked in a gentle embrace. He lets his hands sit on you back, rubbing small circles in your skin.  
Luna can be heard shuffling outside the door, yapping like a puppy. You smile, letting your head nestle into his neck.
“We should probably get out of the shower and let you rest properly.” You sigh, letting your breath fan over his chest.
“Yeah.” He says softly, but makes no effort to move. Luna begins yapping again, and you smile.
“Can you tell her we’re coming out?” You ask, and Namjoon chuckles, shaking you.
“I don’t know what she’s saying.”
“But you’re also a mutt-“
“Hey, that’s speciest.”
“Sorry, big bad wolf, I take it back.” You laugh, pulling back to smile at him.
“Hey Joon, what’s a mate?” You ask, and delight in watching his eyes blown wide.
“Erm… kinda like a girlfriend, I guess? But more, I dunno… Fated.”
“And everyone seems to think I’m your mate.” You say carefully.
“Yeah… I think it’s a smell thing.” He shrugs, but you could see the blush stretching across his face.
“I don’t mind, you know.” You smile.
“You- you don’t?” He stammers.
“No - but I think you need to take me on a date first, before we start talking semantics.” You smirk, leaning forward to press your lips back against his.
“Yes ma’am.” He grins, holding you tight against him.
“Good boy-“
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drreidfics · 4 years
Dr. Reid and the Broken Girl pt.2
Characters : SpencerReid x FemReader
Warnings : Abuse, Hints of Self Harm, Eating Disorders, Scenes of Suicidal Behaviours.
I munched on a crunchy chicken taco. It was all I was allowing myself to have today. I'd had a try of Dr. Reid's homemade soup that he had made. He was adorable. It was the sweetest thing. His soup would steam up his reading glasses as he slurped the juice off of his spoon. I wish I was that spoon!
"You have to try this Sweet, It's my momma's recipe" he beamed, pushing the spoon towards me.
"But I'm dieting"
"Stop being silly. There's hardly anything on you". He lifted the spoon to my mouth. I slurped the soup. I will admit, it was yummy.
"I am round under these clothes" I joked.
"Round in the places that count" He retorted before clearing his throat and blushing, realising what he had said might have been inappropriate. It gave me butterflies. He liked my body, but my head was a mess and the only opinion that mattered was the screaming voice within it Feeling fat, I nibbled at the taco in my hand. I'd already eaten way too much. Luna slurped on her drink loudly. I frowned. Here we go.
"I saw Dom around town during study break" Luna stated, staring down at her tray full of food."Study break is for studying, not shopping!" I joked, trying to change the subject. My eyes darted anywhere but her. "It's still happening isn't it" She stated matter of factly. I couldn't reply. I could only stare at the floor. What did she expect me to say? Open up to her and tell her all the gory details? She knew enough as it was. She had seen the parts of me, the marks on me, that nobody else had. She had kissed my bruises once upon a time, made me feel safe, cuddled me to sleep. She knew intimate details nobody else did and she swore blind she would kill him. I had to talk her out of going to the cops. It would only make things worse, I'd protest. It usually ended in an argument. Maybe I would tell her everything that is going on within me one day. But today wasn't that day.
She sensed that she had stepped out of line and the look in her eyes told me that she felt terrible. In reality, she shouldn't have, she was my best friend, once was more, and she cared for me. I was the one out of line. I was making her feel bad for caring. My nails picked at the skin on my opposite hand. She noticed and reached her arm over, her hand cupping mine and her thumb stroking my wrist. She opened her mouth to speak again
"and this has to stop too. This not eating, the self-harm, this bad self-image. It's gotta stop."
I sighed. I knew she was right. But I wasn't going to admit it. A look of anguish crossed her perfectly symmetrical face. I looked down at the tray of food in front of us. It was easy for her to say. She was beautiful. She was everything I was not. I wasn't ready to get help. That was the whole truth. You cannot help a person if they are not willing to get help. I am not willing.
"I have eaten today" I said hoping that it would convince her to drop the subject. "A shitty taco from shitty Taco Bell isn't enough - no offence' She said, turning her head to the nosey cleaning lady stood by our table, earwigging for the last bit. I couldn't help but giggle. "I ate earlier" "Mmh, When?" "Dr. Reid gave me a bit of his lunch". A smirk crossed her perfect features. "Y/N and Reid, sitting in a - ' "-Hi," an all too familiar voice interrupted, from behind me, sounding shy. My heart fluttered at the sound of it. I could recognise it anywhere. My cheeks burned a bright red. Had he heard? How long had he been stood there? I am going to kill her, I thought. Luna is forever dropping me in the shit. I kicked her leg gently from under the table and turned to face him. He looked nervous... adorable. "Oh, hi Dr." Luna said, looking past me, smiling. "Y/N, thanks for the dinner". She turned to Spencer. "I was just leaving for the bathroom. You can have my seat! You kids have fun!" she joked.
She stood up, kissing my cheek and gathering her belongings, before skipping away. What was she doing? I thought. She ran towards the glass exit doors. I am going to murder her, one day, I really am. It was pouring rain, it was dark, it was cold and she was my ride.
"I'm - I'm thirty-" Dr. Reid called after her, looking like a lost pup, his social awkwardness coming out. He stood around awkwardly and licked his bottom lip. I loved it when he did that. I had noticed he had done it a few times around me and he had confessed to me that that was what he did when he was nervous. Do I make him nervous? ... Stop this thought process! He was probably nervous because he had just bumped into his college student un-arranged outside of class. It had nothing at all to do with me. Still, what I wouldn't give for him to bend me over and fuck me right now. I bit my lip as thoughts of him bending me over the table and taking me entered my mind.
"I haven't interrupted your date have I?" he asked grimacing, interrupting my dirty thoughts and swaying side to side.
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A small smile spread across my face. Yes, he was interrupting, butnot for the reason he thinks. He swayed a little, unsure of what to do with himself, and straightened out his coat.
"No. We're friends. You know this" I replied warmly. "Well, we were, then we were kind of dating, now we're not. I'm not gay. Well I kind of am. I'm not sure what I am. Oh, you know this all - I do like men too - Sorry, I'm oversharing. I do that when I'm nervous" I stuttered, anxious. He looked amused now, his dark eyes twinkling. He looked amazing.
I noticed his top button was undone and I just wanted to rip off the rest of his shirt. His hair was slightly messier than usual. I wanted to run my fingers through it. He must have had a stressful day. Don't worry Dr. Reid, my mouth could make it all better, I thought.
His black trench coat fitted him perfectly. He had it unbuttoned slightly and he had on a purple scarf with a brown saddle bag. I loved the vintage element that he somehow managed to incorporate into anything he wore. He always looked smart. And hot. He had a hand full of brown paper shopping bags and a coffee in his spare hand.
"Hey, none of my business what you like to do in the bedroom. You can like whoever you want to like, I was just worried I'd interrupted." he held up his hands defensively, a cheeky smirk on his face. "Excuse me if I'm wrong but I think your friend has left you. I mean, that's definitely not the bathroom door... unless I've been doing it wrong my whole life." he joked with a smile as he slipped into the booth seat across from me.
I giggled at his joke. It wasn't a forced giggle. It was a genuine one. He always made me giggle when I was around him. Maybe it was the excitement that he filled me with. The light hit his eyes perfectly. Beautiful, shiny, and captivating. I could have stared into them all night. He smiled and, looking down shyly, took a sip of his steaming coffee. "Who comes to Taco Bell for coffee?" I questioned, my tone a teasing one. He smiled up at me. "Who comes to Taco Bell for a date?" he retorted. I put up my middle finger. He mocked heartbreak. "No I got this overpriced beauty at Starbucks. I was walking by and I saw you in here and couldn't resist not seeing you"
I blushed violently. He shuffled awkwardly in his seat and cleared his throat. An awkward silence filled the air. This was the first time I had felt at a loss for words around him. I don't think he meant it like I wished he did. He doesn't like me. He's just friendly. His eyes darted anywhere but mine. He most certainly didn't mean it in the way that I was hoping he'd mean it and that was why he couldn't look me in the eye. He probably came to ask me how my school work was going or something. We had flirted quite a bit but it was all fun and games... that or his awkward social interaction.
"I like our conversations Spence, so... I'm glad." I smiled trying to fill the awkward silence and taking a slurp of my diet soda. He smiled before looking behind him. "Is your friend coming back?" he asked, his beautiful eyes darting from me to the door. I looked around. She'd taken her coat, her bag and her car keys with her when she left. I had presumed she'd wait in her car for me... I turned to look out the window and noticed her car was no longer there. I guess she's not...
"No. I don't think so. Sorry about her. She's a little..."                                            "-Erratic?'" he asked, interrupting me and brushing his, slightly curled at the end, chestnut coloured hair out of his eyes.                                                                                                                                           
  "Yes. And she was my ride." I sighed.
"Huh -”
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“- don't worry, I can give you a ride" he smiled, as he shoved a handful of Luna's leftover fries into his mouth, making me smile. He looked so cute. I've never wanted to hold someone more than what I did in that moment. Damn it, stop this, I scolded. It was no use having feelings for someone, who'd never love you back, right? All I was doing was teasing myself. A man like him would never fall for a girl like me regardless of whether he was my professor or not. I knew this, he knew this and I needed to stop being so silly.
"Thank-you" I smiled. He smiled back. "I am a true gentleman. So, how was your day?" He asked, still shoving cold fries into his mouth. "It was pretty shitty, to be honest. My lunch break was fun though" I smiled. He winked at me making my heart flutter. "I have that charm" he joked. "You'll have to keep me around to save your day". "Oh for sure I do" I smiled.
He slipped his legs further towards me, wrapping them around mine, from underneath the table. Normally I would flinch and jolt back at any sort of unsuspected human touch. But, I didn't move. It just felt so...natural. So... right. Being so close to him always made me feel safe.
If his legs were giving me so many sparks then I can't imagine what his dick would feel like. I felt heat radiating from down there. I find it very hard to get turned on due to what I am dealing with but he just does wonders to me. I am a hot mess around him. I felt wrong thinking this. Not only was he my professor, my best friend, but I felt guilt for thinking that way given my situation. I shouldn't want a man to touch me. Should I? I usually don't. The only person I could ever stand the thought of touching me intimately was Luna... Until this man entered my life. Dr. Reid... What are you doing to me.
After an hour of talking and laughing we had decided it was time to call it a night. The manager of the restaurant, looked at us throughout, pretty annoyed. The poor woman just wanted to close up for the night but was too polite to ask us to leave.
He skipped in front of me in the empty car park, laughing joyously before spinning around to look at me. "So, home?" he asked. I nodded. Yeah, home... "Oh. Here you go". He slipped his coat off of his shoulders and wrapped it around me. The fall air had dropped cold. Extreme opposite to the warm weather we had throughout the day. I didn't think I could fall more in love. Was I really in love though? I mean, can you really be in love with someone that you have never been intimate with? Of course, you can, right? Intimacy doesn't have to be sex, I reminded myself.
I'd known him for over a year now. We had been close since the first day he walked into the classroom, on that cold depressing day in September, and announced that he was taking over Professor Baldwin. I still remember his face, how he looked as I peaked up from the book that I was reading, his eyes softening as they met mine. I'd always felt this connection with him. I can't explain it nor can I act on it. I just feel like, whenever we're near, he made me complete.
He has helped me through so much knowingly and unknowingly. He was there for me when Luna and I hit a rough spot in - whatever we had that was going on - we didn't name it and I'm glad of that. He along with Luna is the only person who knows I find both genders attractive. I would never dare tell Sharon. She was very old school. I was worried of how she might react. He also knew about my constant dieting - though not to the extent in which I did it - and I'd confide in him many a times when I just wanted it all to end. He had stayed up all night talking me down many times. I would never dare tell him that a lot of times I acted upon those thoughts though. He didn't get to know that part. Nor did he get to know what was going on at home. It was embarrassing. I would class him as one of my best friends. Was that weird? To be so close to your professor? I suppose it would be even weirder if I tired to act upon the dirty thoughts in my mind...
He interrupted my thoughts, pulling a set of car keys from his back pocket, unlocking his car. It was a very nice, expensive car. Sometimes I wondered if he was a part-time stripper with the car and the apartment (he had shown me pictures of it before he had moved in last fall.). He had an expensive taste that a teachers salary probably couldn't buy. There was something hiding behind those dark, mysterious eyes. My guess is a stripper. Heck, I'd pay to watch that.
I opened the passenger side door as he threw his bags into the boot. I wish I didn't have to go home. Back to him... "I'll direct you if you want?" I asked knowing the answer would be no. "No, it's ok, I don't live far from there so I can alway's remember where you live. I actually viewed a house to rent around that area." he smiled as he slipped into the driving seat and placed his keys in the ignition. "plus, eidetic memory?" he winked. I nodded my head as he shifted into drive pulled out of the parking lot. "Bet your alone time is always fun" I joked, biting my lip. "That it is" he smiled mysteriously.
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It was a quiet drive. The rain pattered heavily against the windscreen and the wind blew violently. It was nice to listen to. It wasn't like we didn't have anything to talk about. It was just that we enjoyed being in each others company regardless of the silence. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I scrambled trying to find it. Spencer glanced over. Curious as to what I was doing.
"Text" I informed him. He smiled warmly and nodded before focusing back on the road. The phone screen lit up the car brightly hurting my eyes slightly. I was expecting a text from Luna asking how it was going or begging me to come round for some 'girl time' but it wasn't her. Instead, it was from Dom.
'Mom on business again. Means I get to do whatever I want 2 u for a week. U'll be sorry Luna got involved again. .' it read.
No, this can't be happening. I'm going to have a panic attack, I thought. No matter how often this happens it still hurts the same. The fear is still the same. How could she do this to me? I thought angrily. A tear fell from my eye and my breathing became heavy. I wiped it away frantically, hoping Spence hadn't seen it, my mind filled with thoughts of dread. What was he going to do? I always think that he had done his worst but he always seems to beat it every time his mother went away. Maybe this time he'll kill me. As sick as it was, that thought was the kindest thing he could do. Maybe I would have the guts end my own life tonight and get it over with.
"What is that?" a sharp voice interrupted my thoughts. I jumped in shock before fumbling for the lock screen button. "What? Oh, nothing. Sorry. Was the light distracting you?" I asked before realising that we had arrived at my house. Just my house, not my home. "No. In case you haven't noticed we are outside of your house. Now, what was that?" he asked, a little more harshly this time. What gave him the right to ask these questions? I thought, the anger inside me brewing.
"I said it was nothing" I said monotonously.
"Why are you lying to me Y/N?" he asked. Annoyance drenched his voice. A tear broke free again only this time I didn't care if he saw it. "Who was that and what did they mean?". I was so angry. How fucking dare he look over my shoulder. How dare he read my texts and how dare he demand me answer him when it had nothing to do with him at all.
"I can't believe this"
"You. How fucking dare you" I spat out as I frantically gathered my things, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the car door. "My texts have nothing to do with you. Who I text has nothing to do with you. My life has nothing do do with you. How dare you demand answers over something that has nothing to do with you. In case you haven't noticed, you are my teacher, I am your student. I am none of your concern" I got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride Dr". Venom laced my tongue. His face broke my heart but I was too angry at the time to care. I don't think I was angry at him. I think my anger just came out around him because I felt I was safe to show emotion. I slammed the car door and turned my back on him, running towards my front porch, knowing he was watching, making sure I was safe. But I was not looking back at him once. I knew it could have been the last time I'd ever see him. I should have stared at him longer.
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Broken bone after broken bone. It started when I was 9 and had continued ever since. He was two years older and a lot stronger. I should be used to this pain, I should be used to the rape, I should be used to the bruises and I should be used to the names. I tell everyone I'm fine but when I am alone I cry. I cut myself within an inch of my life. I overdose on pills and lay in the bath hoping to pass out and drown. I tie a noose round my neck and dare myself to jump. It never works. Then I bandage it up, plaster on a smile and act like I'm okay.
I closed the door behind me entering quietly, willing him to be in his bedroom on a game or something, Hoping he'd be unable to hear me whilst I ran up the stairs and lock my door. I almost made it. Almost. But he stood tall in front of me, blocking me from my safety.
He left me alone at 2am, leaving to go on some drug fuelled party bender. The black fuzzes invaded my eyes, my ears screeching. Everywhere I looked they clouded my vision. I was too weak to do anything. It was a mix of not eating, my emotions building up, and the abuse I had suffered. Maybe it was time to give up? Was this supposed to be the end? Was this all that my life was to be? Blood dripped from my nose. I crawled towards my en-suite.
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Sitting inside the walk in shower not even bothering to take off my long sweatshirt, I reached up, turning it on. The hot water stung my skin. It burned but it felt good. Maybe I could burn away his touch... My shaky hand reached for the Stanley knife I kept in there. I didn't have to hide it. I had no one checking up on me - no one that would notice. The sharp blade indented my wrist as I held it in place. I didn't feel fearful. I've tumbled down this hole many times before.
I pushed down hard, the blade cutting in deep, blood trickled down my arm. I watched as the thing that reminded me I was still living washed down the drain. I closed my eyes leaning my head against the shower wall. My phone sat, smashed up, on the floor near me. I really needed to apologise for what I've done, I thought. Maybe it was just my brain clinging onto life. A small, subconscious, part of me that still had hope.I don't know. Opening up my texts I typed,
'I'm sorry Spence. I shouldn't have had a go at you like that. It wasn't your fault. I'm having a hard time... I'm sorry, love you. Don't worry, I won't be around soon'
I typed. I didn't dare press send. The small voice in my brain comforted me. 'What would it matter. It's 4am, You'll be gone by the time he sees it anyway, it said. I gulped, hitting send, I placed my phone back on the floor. I felt dizzy and sick. I suppose it was due to the low blood sugars. My vision darkened and clouded again. I was tired. I pressed my head against the wall and closed my eyes allowing the darkness to consume me as my phone vibrated frantically on the floor. 
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16 notes · View notes
theshopislocal · 4 years
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corinth rains
New and improved Heaven may well be the Happiest Place (not) on Earth. But Dean, it turns out, is still Dean.
(also on AO3)
chapter six [warning: see tags]
Awareness creeps in, unbidden and inescapable.
He’s at the inlet again, on his weathered bench at the end of the crooked pier. He’s got a beer in one hand, his spinning rod in the other. Line cast. Bob bobbing.
He’s not sure how long he’s been sitting here. Time provides no dimension in Heaven; there are no seconds, no days, no seasons for him to count. Perhaps that’s a good thing; Dean imagines that if time were numerable here, he’d be scratching tally marks into his bedroom wall - a prisoner of war in a darkened cell.
As it stands, it’s only ever dark when Dean closes his eyes, and if Heaven is a prison... well. At least, there’s beer.
He takes a long pull, eyes fixed on his little bob.
There’s another one floating a few yards away - this one blue and dented, like it’s seen better days. It’s been dancing on the ripples in tandem with Dean’s for a while now. Dean could trace the shining line to the tip of its rod - he can just barely see it in his peripheral vision, lost in an amorphous shape at his side.
Dean could turn and look, face the man seated next to him - but he doesn’t. He’d know that scent anywhere: wet leather and gun oil, whiskey and sea salt.
Dean keeps his eyes forward. He doesn’t speak. Can’t speak. Can barely even think around the weight of failed expectations, the clamoring memories of a rod rarely spared. Even now, half a century later, he can still feel the scorn bearing down on his shoulders, pulling his lips into a stoic line.
Dean holds his breath and waits.
The breeze shifts, cypress moss rustling overhead.
“My dad took me fishin’ once,” John says.
Dean’s eyes fall shut, and he swallows around a familiar lump in his throat.
There was a brief period in his youth (though at the time, it seemed unending), when Dean was entirely mute. He doesn’t remember much of it - only flashes of emotion and vague imagery. The teary-eyed frustration as his mouth shaped the words, the breath evaporating in his throat. John’s hands - callused and clammy - clutching at his shoulders, blue-bagged eyes begging him to speak. The fingers had pressed nearly hard enough to bruise, the breath on Dean’s face sour and fermented.
Dean’s eyes flick open, and he stares out at the water. He clears his throat and hunches forward. “Yeah?”
John hums, and Dean sees him nod in the corner of his eye. “He, uh—” he interrupts himself with a hoarse chuckle, and Dean’s jaw clenches. “He found this- this dirty old box of gear in the garage. Tent, bags, couple poles.” His line tugs at the bob as he gestures vaguely with the rod. “Reckon he wasn’t real big on the whole great outdoors thing, but...” He trails off, and there’s a smile in his voice that has Dean frowning. He tries to remember John smiling when he was a boy, when Mom was alive. Dean thinks he must’ve done, but he can’t quite picture it.
“Well,” John goes on. “Somethin’ musta come over him, cuz he—” another soft laugh, “—he threw it all in the trunk, loaded me up in the car, and. Off we went.” John moves in Dean’s peripheral vision - tilting his head, Dean thinks. “Hopped on 35, drove til we hit Evergreen. Set up camp, roasted a few marshmallows for breakfast, then...” he gives a deep sigh, mild and contented. “Fished until the sun went down.”
A memory comes unbidden, floating to the surface of his mind. Him and John, sitting on wet boulders coated in algae, casting lines into the murky creek a couple miles from home. They’d left Mom back at the house, curled up on the sofa with Sammy, barely an infant at the time.
John had put his hands over Dean’s on the rod, showing him how to hold the grip, how to wait for the sudden tension of a bite. Dean remembers the afternoon sun glinting on the water.
He blinks back the sudden sting in his eyes. “You catch anything?” he grunts out.
John is silent for a long moment, unmoving at Dean’s side. Then he huffs out a sigh, murmuring, “I don’t remember.” He gives a tiny dry laugh. “Don’t remember any of it, really, just... the big ol’ smile on his face.” Another soft chuckle, and Dean doesn’t remember the last time he’d heard John laugh so much - even subtle and muted as he is now.
“Think that was the happiest I’d ever seen him,” John says, voice just loud enough to carry over the burbling water. “Fishin’ with me.”
You once told me you and your father did this, Jack had said to Dean, sitting creekside with his rod, graceless and dying. It was your happiest memory of him.
Dean had given a weak protest, though of course, Jack was right. That was his fondest memory of John - a vague half-remembrance from nearly a century ago, buried under a quagmire of regrets.
John sighs, heavy and pained. “Shoulda taken you fishin’.”
You did once, Dean nearly says, though he’s sure John remembers. Dean learned young that that was all John kept in his head: sepia-tone memories of lost happiness.
It’s one thing Dean has never faulted him. One thing they have in common.
Dean sucks in a briny breath. “We’re fishin’ now,” he says, tone sharp with a certitude he doesn’t feel.
John clocks it though, as he always did when Dean got snarky. Punishment was usually swift, the degree of severity proportionate to the count of John’s empties. More often than not, it was a stern look or a barked reprimand - a cuff about the ears, if John was really in his cups.
Of course, that John had rarely smiled - never laughed.
This John shifts awkwardly at his side, leaning toward Dean’s ear.
“I don’t—” Dean starts and flinches at the sound of his own voice, cracking and harsh. His bob jerks a few inches toward him, and his jaw tenses up.
He takes a shallow breath and tries again. “I don’t need you to say—” he licks his lip, head shaking, “—whatever it is you came out here to say.”
And that much is true. Dean’s well past the point of needing fatherly platitudes from John; he’d crossed that particular Rubicon half a century ago.
John is silent at his side, but it’s flavored with something Dean can’t quite place. Sadness, maybe. Or regret.
Dean’s eyes close on a sigh, chin dropping to his chest. “I don’t need you to apologize,” he says to his hands. “I never needed that. Never wanted—” a dry swallow, “—that.”
And that’s true, too, though he’s never said it in quite those words before.
He remembers curling up on a no-tell bed with Rhonda Hurley, the roach of an inexpertly rolled joint burning his fingertips. She wore his boxers - slung low on her straight hips - and he wore her pink satin panties. They’d fucked and smoked and fucked again, and when she’d caught sight of the fingerprint bruises on his arm - a relic of John dragging him from a werewolf’s grasp, shaking him roughly with fear-scented rage - she’d said simply, Your dad is an asshole.
He’d given no response but a plastic smile, slipping two quarters into the Magic Fingers coin slot. They’d smoked the roach to ash and laughed at the tingling vibrations, Ina-Gadda-Da-Vida blaring from the boombox.
She wasn’t wrong. For all Dean played the loyal son - the at-will soldier - he was under no illusions that John was anything other than a deadbeat dad. But there was something more to it - something he didn’t explain to Rhonda as she’d fingered at his bruises, that he couldn’t explain to Sammy when he’d begged to run away.
“I understood,” Dean whispers, and he feels John stiffen against his side. “I knew—” the pain, the fear. The fucking rage, “—I knew what losing her did to you.”
He thinks of Mary, serving him pie in a house over yonder - how even a hundred years later, he still sees her, gutted and burning behind his eyelids.
Dean’s hands tighten around the old rod, and he blinks to clear his vision. “Did it to me too,” he murmurs.
John blows out a harsh sigh. He’s silent for a long moment, but for the click in his throat as he swallows. Then he sucks in a short breath and nudges Dean’s shoulder with his own.
“Three days before,” he says, voice low and scratchy. “Before we lost her.” He bumps against Dean again, soft and a little awkward. “It was Halloween... You remember it?”
Dean frowns and squints down at his feet. The days surrounding Mary’s death are strange in his memory - blue-tinted and Gaussian blurred. He doesn’t remember candy or costumes, though.
“We didn’t go trick-or-treating,” he posits.
John shakes his head. “Nope,” he confirms. “Big storm came through. Nothin’ too bad, but. Lot of wind, rain. Lightning.”
Dean winces, peering up at the cerulean sky with squinted eyes.
“Middle of the night,” John goes on, voice soft and a little distant, “there’s a thunderclap so damn loud it- shook the whole house. Car alarms go off outside, Sammy wakes up just wailin’.” He huffs a short laugh, leaning back against the bench. “So Mary goes to the nursery, I go to your room, but...” he pauses briefly, and Dean sees his head tilt in his peripheral vision. “You’re not there.”
Dean frowns down at the reel. He doesn’t remember any of this, but he doesn’t interrupt.
“I check the bathroom, kitchen, whole damn house, but—” John’s voice drops to a thick whisper, “—I can’t find you anywhere.” He swallows loud, and Dean sees his bob drift further out as his hands slacken on the rod. “Sammy’s still cryin’, Mary’s losin’ it, and I’m—” a bitter chuckle, “—‘bout ready to pull my hair out. Then I- I look out the kitchen window and... There you are.”
Dean’s eyes cut to the side, settling on John’s lax, callused hands. John’s voice is airy, a hundred years away when he continues.
“You’re standin’ out in the backyard. Wearin’ your—” a wet laugh that Dean’s never heard from him before, “your little blue onesie. It’s got this- this big ol’ bumblebee printed on the back.” He laughs again, head shaking. “It’s soaked through. You’re soaked through - hair plastered to your head. Barefoot.
“I run out the back door, callin’ your name. Heart’s in my throat, thinkin’ how long you been out here. Cold, alone. Scared. But when- when I get to you... You’re smiling.”
John makes a short, guttural sound, somewhere between a laugh and a sob. For a moment, Dean forgets all the reasons he didn’t want to see John’s face and finally - finally - looks up at him.
Like nearly everyone else in Heaven, he looks younger than Dean remembers. But Dean barely registers that at all - too struck by the wide, shining eyes flickering over the water, the frown-lined mouth stretched into an unfamiliar shape.
“You’re smiling,” John repeats. He blinks hard, and a few errant tears spill over. Dean tracks them, wide-eyed, as they trail down John’s ruddy cheeks, disappearing into the wisps of his beard.
“Thunder shakin’ the ground,” he murmurs. “Rain comin’ down in sheets. Sky lit up like the Fourth of July, and you’re...” He chews his bottom lip, head tipping back. “You’re lookin’ right up at it,” he laughs. “Little arms out like you’re gonna take off, and...” He grins, so wide it cuts dimples into his cheeks. “And the biggest damn smile... I have ever seen.”
Dean’s vision blurs, going hazy at the edges, and he remembers.
Oh, god, he remembers.
Cold, but not freezing, soaked to his drawers, lightning cracks the tar-black sky in soaring arcs and jagged lines, and for an instant, he sees wings, wings, wings too big for the sky containing them, wings haloed in white-blue, and he throws his arms out to greet them, laughing into the night, acid rain on his tongue—
Dean blows out a shaking breath, eyes flicking sightlessly. “You carried me back inside,” he whispers, and he remembers that, too - John’s rough hands circling his waist, hoisting him up, pressing Dean into his warm, dry chest, strong arms wrapped around his back.
“Yeah,” John whispers back. “We sat by the big window, the four of us.” The bay window, Dean recalls, overlooking the street. The whole block was dark from the power outage; the thunder shook the treetops. “Watched the storm all night long.”
Dean had sat on John’s lap, Sammy tucked into Mom’s arm, all of them huddled together under a threadbare quilt, eyes glued to the flickering sky. Dean had pressed his hand to the window, watching it fog up around his tiny fingers.
“After,” John murmurs, and Dean looks up at him. His hazel eyes are still shining, red-rimmed, tracing over the distant skyline. “When we lost her, I... All I wanted,” his brow drops in a frown, “all I could think about was...” He trails off for a moment, chewing his lip. “Chasin’ that storm.”
Dean sighs, long and deep, like he’s emptying his lungs for the first time. His shoulders sag low, but they feel light, loose like the weight they carried has fallen away.
This - this - is what he didn’t tell Rhonda. What he couldn’t tell Sam. What he barely understood himself.
“Yeah,” Dean says, voice thick in his throat. He peers out at the mountains, and he feels his lips do something funny - a smile and a frown, all at once. “Yeah, me too.”
John is silent for a long, soft moment. The breeze is mild, barely there, the still air keeping the water placid and quiet. The two little bobs in the water float toward one another, drawn together by an inexplicable gravity.
John nudges Dean’s shoulder again, and Dean lets his body sway with the motion.
John sniffs. “Think that’s just who we are, you and me.”
Dean turns to him, meeting his eye for a brief moment. John gives him a tiny half smile, then looks back out over the inlet.
The sky goes a shade darker, a cumulus cloud passing overhead as John whispers, “...Storm chasers.”
chapter five | chapter seven
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