#*opens duolingo and adds swedish*
Me 10 minutes into young royals: am I really about to learn another Scandinavian language for some gay teenagers
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chut-je-dors · 1 year
Hello! Do you happen to know any good resources for learning Finnish? As basic as possible, I literally started on Duolingo half an hour ago:) I know, I know, I'm a poser for learning Finnish *after* Käärijä, but the language sounds soooo interesting (although I've heard the grammar is quite difficult...). Thank you in advance and also love your blog:)))))
Hi!! So very very ecstatic that you've decided to learn Finnish! No reason to feel ashamed that you'd only start after Käärijä... believe me, in Finland people are just altogether very taken if a foreigner wants to learn Finnish, no matter the reason. (And all reasons for learning a language are good!) (And we're SO SO PROUD of Käärijä, he's done a monumental job of bringing our language to the public eye more than ANYONE ELSE BEFORE so, yup! He's a VERY good reason to start learning Finnish!!)
I'm not sure if I'm the right person to point you towards any resources... But I tried finding some for you! I've checked out the Duolingo course and it's a good place to begin! Here's also a drive folder that has some Finnish language books as PDFs.
Also here's a page for beginner's Finnish from our national news media Yle (it's like our version of BBC).
Here is a "picture book" kind of a page for learning names for objects, good to start with!
Here's an online course for beginners! This has grammar too, and links for further reading and studying.
Finnish is also notorious for having it's written language differ drastically from how people actually speak. We don't have accents per se, but dialects instead, which don't just affect the way we pronounce words (=accents, as in English) but the way we form them. So for example, the written Finnish "I am" is "minä olen", but in spoken Finnish it can become e.g. "mä oon", "mää oon", "mie oon", depending on where you live (and there might be some more variations as well but these are the most common ones.) Many foreigners find themselves in a spot where they can read and understand written Finnish pretty well, then the moment a Finnish person opens their mouth it's a bloodbath. But don't let it deter you! And Finnish people are more than happy to switch to written Finnish if you don't understand them. I found this website for learning the basics for spoken Finnish!
A good place is also good ole Youtube! Just type in "Finnish for beginners" and you're set to go!
Finnish is a difficult language to learn because of the grammar and lack of prepositions if your language has them... but look at it this way, I struggle with them in any language that uses them cos I haven't grown up using them. I still occasionally mess up with in/on or for/to (it's even worse with French and Swedish). Doesn't stop me from writing 100k fics in English apparently!
Welcome to learning Finnish! Remember that the most important thing is to learn the swear words, you'll go far with those. Just drop in a perkele and it's always the right thing to say haha.
Jokes aside, I'm very happy to hear this! Finnish is a very beautiful language and a very inventive one as well, which allows for more word play and creativity with the language than, say, English for example. And while Finnish is difficult, you'll find that once you've learnt the rules, there are no exceptions to them or the kind of hassle with the grammar as there is to English or French. I've known exchange students who've learnt near perfect Finnish in less than a year!
If anyone knows and wants to add more good resources here, go ahead!
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thunderofcrows · 3 years
Resources Master Post
I'm currently on a gap year and I study in my free time. As a result, I have found many open resources for various topics. I'll update this list as I discover more. If you have something you would like to contribute, please DM me and I'll review it.
Note that I am trying to add as many free resources on here as possible, but some of these links may be paid past the introductory element.
Plenty of this is not technically legal and may be pulled at any time, so I suggest downloading some of this and storing it on a flash drive.
Last updated: 05 October, 2022
Mega folder
Language Links Masterlist
Anki Cheat Commands
Lexicity for Ancient Languages
Linguee Dictionary
Bab.la Dictionary
101 Languages
JLPT Practise Tests
Genki Self-Study Room
Resource List #1
N5 Kanji Practise
Wasabi Japanese
Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
Resource List #2
Maggie Sensei
Minato Courses
Genki Lectures
Speaking Japanese as a Queer Person
Genki 1 Lectures #2
JLPT Sensei
Miku Real Japanese
Japanese Ammo with Misa
Leaning Japanese with Taka
Genki Quizzes
Cases by Ohio State
Learn Medieval Latin
Handouts and Assignments
Ancient Greek and Latin Dictionary
Introduction to Latin by University of Texas
The London Latin Course
Ancient Greek
Audiobooks and Readings
Ancient Greek and Latin Dictionary
Spirituality, Modern and Ancient
Hellenic Polytheism Resources (Cr. @entheosareian)
(Cr. @balloons-and-shadows)
Say it in Swedish
Swedish Made Easy
Swedish 101
Swedish Wiki
The People's Dictionary
Swedish Language Blog
Sveriges Radio
A Brief Swedish Grammar
Learning Svenska
Say it in Swedish (YouTube)
American Sign Language (ASL)
ASL University
Structure, Learning, and Change
Literature and Reading
Classic Bookshelf
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southwindscoffee · 4 years
Um so I had an amazing year
You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive or sick enough to help sick people get well. You only ever uplift from your position of strength and clarity and alignment. – Abraham/Esther Hicks
 I had an amazing year.
 And I’m embarrassed to say it because I’m not dumb. (At least I hope I’m not.) I look around and can see suffering. Upheaval. Sickness. Poverty. I’m not denying those things exist or minimizing anyone else’s experience.
 But I wanted to share why I had an amazing year with the intent of uplifting someone else.
 Maybe you.
 I’m ending the year feeling happier, healthier, richer, more creatively fulfilled, and closer to my family than I have in a very, very long time. I credit this to a few small but key things—and overall, to one book.
 Last year about this time I listened to Atomic Habits by James Clear. I’ve lost track of how many copies I’ve bought of this book. Maybe four? At least two hardback copies, because I gave one away. Simply stated, the audio changed my life.
 Just—if you’re sick of listening to yourself complain about your bank account or weight or whatever, and you’re serious about changing things, go read/listen to this book.
 AND THEN ACTUALLY DO WHAT HE SAYS. The little, dumb, tiny changes. Because they add up.
 Last year I got sick of complaining about the same things year after year. And since I mostly complain in my journal or in my own head, it was a very boring place to be. I got sick of wondering why the balance in my bank account didn’t change, why I wasn’t losing weight, and why I wanted to write so much and wasn’t getting anywhere, even though I tried.
 But these things (richer, slimmer, more creative) were also what I really desired, deep down inside. I wanted to feel more financially stable, healthier (defined by weight loss), and to write more. (Well, I already wrote plenty. I wanted to write stuff and put it in public where people could actually read it.) These dreams felt very special and secret, but I think they’re somewhat universal—at least for authors.
 (Please note: I know that mental health can get in the way of taking any action at all. I’ve written about my depression and anxiety before. If this blog entry makes you feel overwhelmed, please know I’ve been where you are. Focus on taking care of yourself in whatever way you can and don’t worry about all this aspirational ambitious stuff I’m writing. Because the aspirational and ambitious can simply be getting out of bed and taking a shower. I’m proud of you for hanging in there.)
 After listening to Atomic Habits, I decided to do the following macro habits all throughout 2020—and I checked these off on a little grid in the James Clear journal:
 1. Take my vitamins.
2. Save $5 every day.
3. Write 10,000 words per week.
4. Post a blog entry every Wednesday and Saturday.
5. Go to the gym 3-5 times a week.
 I thought that these were things that could get me to my goals—richer, slimmer, more creatively fulfilled. And overall—happy.
 I also had some habits I already did. These were:
 1. Meditate for 10 minutes every day. (I usually use a guided YouTube video).
2. Write three pages longhand as Morning Pages (per Julia Cameron). (Incidentally, I’ve done this for decades and credit it to the reason I don’t get writer’s block.)
3. Take a Swedish lesson on Duolingo.
 I just wanted to keep these up.
 I have lots more habits … like brushing my teeth or whatever (and I actually floss because I bought the stuff and leave it out where I can see it), but the ones above are my more unusual habits.
 Well, what happened?
 1. I took my vitamins. Boring, but I’m also quite healthy, so maybe it helps my overall wellbeing. I haven’t been sick all year. I keep them by my bed where I see them and remember to take them.
 (Yes, I wash my hands all the time and don’t touch my face. And yes, I stayed home in quarantine. Yes, I wore a mask when I went out. But I think taking vitamins helped.)
 2. I ended up saving $5 every workday not every day. I either transferred the money to a Capital 360 account because it’s hard to transfer it back or put $5 into a Stash account. I sometimes would skip Starbucks or something similar and feel virtuous about transferring the $5. Other times I just transferred it.
 At the beginning of the year, the Capital 360 account had $5. It now has $806.
At the beginning of the year the Stash account had $50. It now has almost $2500. (Buying $5 here and there in March when the stock market was down ended up making about $500 over the year, a 23% increase.)
 Um, so that’s like $3200 I just kinda now have. Incidentally, $5 per day is $1825 over the course of the year, and I’ve almost doubled that because I invested it, not just saved it—and also sometimes I’d transfer like $10 or $25 if I was feeling wild. Over the months, I saw how the account balance would get close to an even number (like $500), so I’d transfer enough to make it that amount. And it just kept going.
 (Also, I’m not intending on this to be money advice. Go talk to someone who actually knows. My thought process was to hedge my bets with doing both safe and speculative—a savings account that earned interest and then various stocks. I also wasn’t spending money I needed for food, shelter, etc. I barely felt the expense, but I very much feel the accumulation of savings.)
 There really is magic in just starting to do something small, because it really does compound and snowball into good things. 
 Maybe in the grand scheme of things $3200 isn’t that much. To me it feels like I have this cute little cushion I literally created out of loose change in a year.
 Honestly, it feels like a lot, not “cute” or “little.” If I don’t compare myself to millionaires, it’s kind of amazing.
 What would happen if you transferred $1 or $2 a day? By the end of 2021, see how much you have…
 Another money habit: I wanted to stop buying so much online and one-clicking so many ebooks—even free ones—because it was just too much. I had like 800 unread books. So I kept track of the days I didn’t buy anything or download any books. My ecommerce moratorium ended up being streaks of time I didn’t buy anything and then a day where I would buy everything off of Amazon or whatever all at once. Not sure it did much except make me feel marginally better. With ebooks, while my TBR count is less than what it was at the beginning of the year, it isn’t the zero I’d hoped it to be. But I seriously read about 300-400 books—about 1-2 a day. (I read fast and don’t sleep.) My “read” pile jumped from 800 to 1100. Not sure what to make of it except I read so much and it was really fun. So, I still have about 680 books on my TBR pile for next year. That can be another habit to work on.
 3. I’ve written more than 530,000 words this year. The habit I tied it to incidentally, was opening my laptop. If I open my laptop—and that’s a habit I record with a tick mark on a grid—it’s a lot easier to get into the document and start writing. So the way I trick myself to write is I tell myself all I have to do is open my laptop. Simple. I check off the box that I did it and I feel virtuous. To reward myself for actually getting the word count, I have a little jar with binder clips in it and every 1,000 words I put a binder clip in a small old milk bottle. Then I can see the words add up.
 I also did a spreadsheet to know what I’ve written this year. I’ve never done one before because it felt too quantitative rather than qualitative. Writing is supposed to be this outlet for me, not something to beat to death with statistics. But I’m glad I did it because writing can be so amorphous. Putting parameters on it made it feel real.
 Oh, and I’ve finished one book, set to be published in February. I have a contract for another, and it’s (today) at 77,000 words. Three more books are 50% or more done. And I did NaNoWriMo. So, yeah. It was a productive year.
 I also learned that I like juggling projects. Focusing on one can make me stagnant. If I get stuck on one, moving to another really seemed to keep my momentum going.
 But I’m now focusing on getting them done and shipped. One at a time. Because they’re all just so close I can feel it.
 4. Before this year, I’d published eleven blog entries from 2017 to 2019. This year, I’ve posted 97, not counting this one. I missed a time or two at the beginning, but um, yeah… That’s a big difference.
 The reasons I wanted to focus on posting blog entries were multifold. I’d felt “out of it” as far as publishing, having worked on one book for so long that wasn’t gelling. I’d felt frustrated and jealous of those who got their work done. I needed the instant gratification—so to speak—of putting something out there while I worked on projects that took longer. I also wanted to inure myself to the fear of putting myself out there. With each entry—still—I feel fear, but I wanted to do it anyway. So that when the time comes to publish more fiction, I can go, “yeah, I’ve hit publish (literally) 100 times, what’s the big deal?”
 My guiding point for writing a blog post has been my gut feeling—tempered by wanting to reach out and help someone else. But to keep up a streak, there is a document on my computer called “Default blog post.” This is what it says in its entirety:
 Default blog post
 I told myself I just needed to post a blog every Wednesday and Saturday.
 Here is me keeping that promise.
 If you see that, well, you’ll know how the week is going.
 Is there an endgame here? What am I going to do with these blog posts? I can see me taking some ideas and expanding on them and creating some sort of nonfiction/self-help kind of book. I’ve always wanted to do that. I do see them as steppingstones to something bigger.
It also lets me be okay with imperfection. Typos. “Think-Os.” Whatever. This is me with no editor.
 5. So, the gym. Well, until it closed, I was going. My trigger was that I just had to check in. That was how I checked the box. Like opening the laptop, actually getting to the gym is the hard part. Once I was there, it was easy.
 But the gym closed and is still closed. Like all of us, I needed a Plan B. (C? D?)
 I’ve done short walks and long. Currently, I’m just working on doing pushups. I can do a lot of pushups with my knees on the ground. But I can only do a few “real” ones, so that’s what I’m keeping track of. I’m focusing on doing them slowly and properly, not faking my way through them. Faking them is easy, but I’d rather be able to do them right and have the actual arm strength. My trigger for when I do them is when I close my journal, I have to get down and do pushups. (Currently it’s seven.) To someone else that goal might be ridiculously easy. To me, it’s rather difficult and a little embarrassing to post, but whatever. I’m being honest.
 I’m ending the year a few pounds lighter than last year—and lighter than I’ve been in years—so I’m calling it a win.
 With the other habits, meditating keeps me happy as does dumping my brain in the morning pages. Oh, and I’m on day 622 in a row of Swedish on Duolingo. It feels like I’ve taken about a semester of college Swedish. Not enough to actually converse with someone but getting the hang of it. I’m motivated by a desire to go to Sweden and see some ancestral places—and actually understand some of the language, even though I know most Swedes speak better English than me.
 With COVID-19, like most of us, I’ve spent more time at home, but I’m temperamentally suited to that. I know it’s hurt extroverts hard, but as far as I’m concerned, I got to see my family more—even when I went to the office for work.
 What am I looking forward to next year? I like the habits I started for 2020. I just want to keep these systems up, because they seem to be working for me. I hope that by using these systems I end up with four to five books happily published in 2021 and I look forward to seeing how the exercise and money habits work out as well.
 This entry is about two or three times my usual blog entry, so if you made it this far, thank you. I hope it inspires you to take a small action and then keep taking that small action over and over again. They really do add up.
 I wish you the most amazing year ever in 2021. Know that it’s possible.
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fluentlanguage · 6 years
#clearthelist March2018: Update On My Welsh Language Progress
Welcome to a new kind of blog post here on Fluent - I’ve long been aware that my last personal language update was about a year ago and this blog should include more of that good stuff. So this month, I am joining Clear The List, a monthly language strategies update.
You may have heard me talk to Lindsay about it on the Fluent Show - Clear The List is open to everyone and gives us support and accountability by sharing regular language learning goals and stories.
Every month, I set my goals using the Language Habit Toolkit worksheets and I put them up behind my computer screen to keep them in mind. And this month, I had a LOT of them in Welsh. The mindset was not to expect too much from myself, but to remember the direction I was aiming for.
What Happened in March 2018?
Up to the 11th of March, my working life was dominated by sharing and co-running the absolutely wonderful Women in Language conference. If you were there, you’ll know that we had a great time.
Click here to read my full debrief of Women in Language, which includes
the 5 most important lessons I learnt at the conference
some behind the scenes details
tips for you on what to do if you also want to be a speaker
lessons learnt on what we’ll do differently next time.
Special Guests
Right after the conference I experienced another unusual week with lots of spoken German as my parents came to visit me in Canterbury. We had a great time pottering around and I did my usual interpreting job and listened to my husband’s German.
If you are visiting Canterbury and want to practice your German on a city tour, do give me a shout through the contact page.
Highlight: A visit to an English winery, showing me that I know more winemaking vocab than I expected. My parents are winemakers, so this always seems to happen when they’re around.
One more unusual event was the news that my favourite ever English teacher had passed away. He was one of a few English teachers who influenced and inspired me as a teenager, spoke lots of English in class, and shared the literature he loved. What a reminder to appreciate those who inspire us.
The Fluent Show
March marked one month since the Creative Language Learning Podcast became the Fluent Show. Thank you so much for listening!
Here’s my favourite episode from this month: In Language, Are Apps All Amazing? Are All Apps Amazing?
My Welsh Goals For March 2018
With so much going on, did I even get ANY language study done?
Contact Goal
On an everyday basis, I have one important goal: Have contact with my target language. So I have a lot of mini-sessions on Duolingo, Clozemaster, with flashcards, with vocab lists. I read tweets in Welsh, look out for books, anything. All these different strategies add up to consistent slow progress, but they are the basis for all other goals.
I track my contact with Welsh using the Streaks app on my iPhone. In March, I logged 22 days of contact.
Here are the Path Goals I set, and how it went:
Watch S4C every other day for 10 minutes: Did this about three times. I’m not sure my devices have S4C set up to be accessible as easily as possible. Also, 10 minutes is an awkward length for a TV show. I did watch some YouTube clips, so I’ll take that into account as a goal format.
Listen more when I’m having real conversations Listening is the conversation habit I always need to bear in mind. I had one tutor conversation in Welsh this month, and I did shut up and listen to her a little more than usual. A good job with room for improvement.
Transcribe 1 Song from Listening What was I thinking? Not really a goal I’ll go back to.
This month, I resubscribed to the Pigion podcast and listened to the weekly episodes. I discovered that they provide a vocab list with each episode and reviewed the vocab before I start the episode.
I wanted to work through the Sylfaen (Foundation Level) exam questions to practice speaking at a higher level, but found the exam paper so boring that I never went back to it. But on the positive side, I feel confident that I could tackle all of the questions on it, so I’m now definitely on that level or even further ahead.
My other goal was to get to 30 minutes all-Welsh conversation, so my tutor session was a 60 minute time slot, and we had nearly a full hour of Welsh conversation. Very exciting! ✅ I also got to the halfway point on Say Something in Welsh level 2.
Read articles or 1/2 book page in Welsh every 2 days. The goal here was to acquire new vocabulary, and build up my reading capacity to “more than a tweet”. I don’t think I read enough, partly because I don’t know where to find easy Welsh articles online.
My goal was to write 1/2 a page and share it with my tutor 3 times. This is where the MAGIC happened. Inspired by one of the talks at Women in Language, my writing practice evolved to include poetry in my target language. It’s really fun - one of the best ways I’ve found to use Welsh creatively.
I haven’t shared with my tutor yet, but I did post the poetry on Instagram with #languagpoems and I’ll keep going.
My other goal was to complete Chapters 7-9 in my Grammar exercise book - I’m halfway through chapter 8, so that one’s trucking along.
Goals For April 2018
In Welsh: My listening skills are a little behind and I don’t understand as much as I would like to, so the focus will again be on this core skill so I can get into a routine.
My goals in Welsh are:
Have 3 natural conversations with my tutor/exchange partner and listen carefully: My next tutor session is already booked so I reckon I can smash this one and I’ll continue aiming for 45-60
Practice Welsh listening by playing with no-subtitle TV, and reviewing the Pigion podcast vocab before I listen: These are about listening comprehension, the area I need to improve right now.
Write a longer Welsh poem and continue playing around with different poetry formats: Last month I tried a Haiku. Maybe this month I’ll attempt poetry that rhymes. I’m loving my poetry focus this month and am also reading more of it in English and German.
Finish my easy reader novel and read all of the latest Lingo Newdyy magazine - these are all offline, can anyone recommend easy Welsh websites?
Book a day in Wales: I keep looking at this list of courses and not booking, even though they’re so cheap. Time to dive in!
One Last Thing: Other Languages
A post shared by Kerstin Cable (@kerstin_fluent) on Mar 2, 2018 at 9:15am PST
This month, I also dabbled in Swedish and spoke a lot of French. I’m still on the hunt for my new language to play with.
Swedish was the first language in which I've tried an official Memrise course and I'm so impressed. WAY better than the usual.
So now we’re caught up, let me assure you that future Clear The List articles will be a little shorter. I will continue setting goals using the framework of 4 core skills, and I always use the Language Habit Toolkit to set and track quality goals that will challenge me without driving me crazy.
Is there anything you’re curious about?
How was your month?
If you want to join the linkup and share your own goals for the month, hop on to Clear The List with Lindsay Williams and Shannon Kennedy. Would love to see what you’re up to!
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creativityworks-sx · 4 years
5 reasons why Duolingo will change your life!  by Joseline Likandja
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I have been using Duolingo on-and-off since 2015 and one of my resolutions for this year was to learn a language. To combat boredom during lockdown and fulfil a life-long goal, I have been learning French.
1. Five minutes is all it takes
When learning a new language, you’re always worried about the amount of time and commitment needed. You don’t need to worry because a bite-sized lesson with Duolingo will only take up to five minutes of your time and that can be enough to get you going – next thing you’ll know, five minutes will turn into thirty!
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2. It’s free & accessible
Learning a language can be expensive and difficult, and most language apps only offer a seven-day free trial but Duolingo is completely free and ready to use on-the-go! Download the app on your phone and use it on your daily commute, or sneak in a quick session on a desktop during your lunch break.
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3. New feature alert: Stories!
A new feature called Stories has been recently added and will enable you to improve your reading and listening comprehension through mini stories. It’s an excellent add-on and soon, you’ll feel comfortable enough to read a book in your chosen language.
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4. There are so many languages available on the app
The languages available range from French, Spanish, Irish, Swedish, High Valyrian, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese, and twenty-six other languages! There are no limits and you can learn more than one language at the same time if you’re into multi-tasking and aspire to be a language warrior!
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5. Say goodbye to boredom, fun is here to stay
Duolingo aims to make learning fun and with each lesson you complete, you gain experience points (xp) and rewards. Setting yourself goals and tracking your progress is a great motivator, and playing against friends makes for friendly competition while improving your linguistic skill on the side.
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To sum it up, Duolingo is a great way to keep your mind healthy and active. It’s enjoyable, improves your social skills, and your mind will be open to different cultures. The mobile app can be found on iOS and Android and for those who would prefer a traditional method, you can access it via desktop on https://www.duolingo.com/
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riskeith · 4 years
hi angel 🥺 merry christmas! i hope the holidays are wonderful and that you get to spend them joyfully. 🎄
sadly it’s not available for mac, which doesn’t make sense haha. but i’m not really bothered by it because it works great on mobile. the music is amazing you’re right!! i love the dialogue too hahaha. i’ll let you know my thoughts as i progress! 🥰 how long have you been playing?
oh yeah, i’ve heard about that kdrama. isn’t it like... war themed? do you watch any other kdramas or is it just that one you decided to check out? also both korra and the great pretender are great choices! your break is long so just watch them both 😜
nice meal sounds lovely! do you celebrate christmas? if so, did you get any gifts? and countryside trip!!!!!!! wow!!!!! how relaxing, i hope you’ll have a wonderful time, dear. i don’t really celebrate christmas but i like the vibes and i live in a christian country so i usually just gift my little cousins presents and stuff. we usually go out to watch the lights but this year everything is different so... 🤷🏽‍♀️
ahh no!! evergreen trees are cute but the shifting colors... 🥺 also yeah! i used to jump into piles a lot as a kid. i was just messy it was my favorite thing. since we don’t really get ‘winter’ like that anymore fall usually drags out which means a long time with beautiful leaves and i just love it. i go to an old campus (think hogwarts-esque) and they have these ivy leaf all over the buildings making them stark red. it’s beautiful.
god i speak like four languages!! i live in sweden though, and listen to podcasts in swedish. i wish you understood it because i’d recommend you so much, hehe. i agree! hearing about cases in your vicinity is always so bizarre? yet cool? the host is great like i said perfect accent. dude, you probably do have a strong accent you’re just used to it.. omg 😳 every time someone says that they usually do, haha. i’m incredibly jealous bc the aus accent is just perfect imo.
if you don’t have netflix anymore about 40 episodes of conan are available for free on crunchyroll, did a little research and found that out. it’s the first 40 which are also my faves. just in case you’ll get around to watching it. ❣️
7 years? wow, good luck babe!! that’s a lot of hard work but you’ll do it!!!!!! my course is 3 years but i’m done in the summer like i mentioned earlier. i’ve applied for a master’s though so hopefully i’ll get accepted. that adds on another 2 years so... we’ll see. 😖
omg yeah!! the kofi!!! it’s just a little christmas present i hope you enjoy it. you deserve so much more pls 🥺 can’t wait to hear from you again. once again, happy holidays. ❣️
(marriage anon i was typing my response but tumblr was being dodgy so i tried to save what i had as a draft but it didn’t save and i lost it all 😭😭😭 pls bear with me as i try to retype everything from memory hhhhhhh :c)
thank you!! it’s past 12 on the 25th for me now so (officially) merry christmas!! happy holidays i hope it is an amazing time for you and your friends + family ☃️🎄
please do!! i started playing it after my first exam (which i didn’t think went well if you recall) to cope so i think it’s been ~a month? i’ve been playing it every day since so.. i’m addicted to say the least LOLLL
it is! it has military stuff so i thought it would be more serious but alas.. and nope i don’t watch kdramas! tho i’ve seen hwarang too which admittedly was also quite cheesy hm. and my break is long but the netflix trial is not 😭😭😭 i was also considering watching the ghibli movies for the first time! but i always never do what i say i’ll do so we shall see what happens chsjxjsn
i don’t celebrate christmas! but my cousin has been getting us gifts the past few years and we finally got her something too this year lol. and that’s so cute about your younger cousins 🥺 and the lights must be so pretty! especially with the snow. i’m sorry you don’t get to do that this year :(
ahhh that’s so nice. like autumn is frozen in time! teehee. and omg hogwarts-esque?? those vibes must be immaculate 😩 i’m picturing those leaves on the buildings too and that must be so gorgeous! my uni is a lot more modern so unfortunately we wouldn’t get that but some buildings are quite funky!
FOUR!!! languages!!! omg actual polyglot goals i wish that were me. which ones are they!! but oooo sweden very cool! i actually decided to open swedish in duolingo once but never got very far oops.. and now i’m thinking of eurovision winner måns from sweden fjsjjdjd heroes was such a good song and the performance with those animations was so good! but i digress ahahaha. i hope i have an accent!! that would be cool heheh. and ty for liking the aussie accent, i also agree that it sounds nice 🤪
oh tysm for looking that up for me!! it will definitely be useful for the future. i might even be able to play it “in the background” as i play genshin~ (i did that with descendants of the sun lmao)
thank you 😭😭 i’m dreading it already ahaha. ty for the support tho as always 💪💪 ahhh a master’s good luck!! i’m sure you’ve got it they’d be stupid not to accept you 😤
ty again for real !!!! i hope you’re keeping well ❤️🌹
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