#*looney toons exit circle*
So the book implies that that string-garotte thing Jiggy does with his hostage is actually a Lan technique. Specifically technique developed by Lan Yi to assassinate dissidents during her tenure as Sect Leader. Therefore I desperately NEED fic where Lan Xichen introduces Meng Yao to Lan Yi and grows increasingly concerned as thhey bond over best ways to murder political opponents, especially ones you are related to.
(Inspired by wonderful Russian short fic where Lan Yi orchestrated deaths of her siblings to ascend to position of Sect Leader and is implied to have created Song of Turmoil, which is such galaxy brain take)
One of the things I find really satisfying about the Untamed/MDZS is that all the sects have some core principle that they believe will lead to a good life, not just for them but for everyone, and all their problems come from overadherence.  It’s like that post about how the Avatar nations run into problems because, lacking balance, they’re too far into their own natures to manage their world.
The Lans believe in regulation--both in the adjective and the noun form.  If you follow the rules and do everything as methodically as possible, you will live a good life and so will the people you’re responsible for.  The extreme example of this, of course, is Lan Xichen, who was so rule-abiding and so methodical that he missed the boat on every opportunity to stand up for what was right.
The Nie believe in strength, in being able to literally defend yourself and your people from all threats and dangers.  The nature of their cultivation means that they’re littered with extreme examples, but in the narrative it’s Nie Mingjue--he was murdered, to be sure, but uncontrolled strength was such an expected part of the Nie leader that no one thought twice about why he was getting worse, not better.  See also, strength being aligned with revenge, and the obvious link to Nie Huaisang, even if he goes about it in a nontradtional Nie way.  (Actually kind of a Jin way, all things being equal.)
The Jiang believe in--shooting for the moon, basically.  Wei Wuxian and all his collateral damage are a good extreme example, since a rocket designed to reach the moon is liable to do a lot of damage if and when it explodes on the launch pad.  So is Jiang Cheng, who spent his entire life trying to be his foster brother instead of himself, and made himself and pretty nearly everyone else miserable for it.
The Jin believe in control, and hear me out here, that’s not necessarily a bad thing!  The watchtowers are a genuinely good idea!  It’s the difference between training a dog and using a choke chain--both are controlling your dog, but, A, one makes you a good dog owner and the other makes you a bastard, and, B, one means that dog is liable to bite you hard at the first opportunity.  In this argument, obviously, Jin Guangyao’s manipulations and lies are the choke chain.
Public opinion turns fast, but not that fast unless you have legitimately wronged some people, okay.  Control is fine, but damn those abuses come thick and fast when someone decides to fuck with it.
And the Wens...we don’t actually know that much about what the Wens are into, but I think they believe in mechanics.  Understanding the mechanics of a body, the mechanics of a war, the mechanics of a golden core.  Wen Ruohan can’t have won his position exclusively on might, he must have had some real comprehension of the mechanics of politics too.  Wen Xu, who knows how to run a blitzkrieg attack, understood the mechanics of war.  Wen Zhuliu and Wen Qing understood the mechanics of golden cores and bodies.  Even Wen Ning has an exactingly precise grasp of the mechanics of the power dynamics and alliances around him at any given moment.  Wei Wuxian also has some of this, but that’s another ramble about the people who change the cultivation world being the people who don’t force themselves to align with a single sect’s methodology.
Anyway, my point to this whole highly distractible ramble was that Meng Yao and his intensely control-based excesses meeting Lan Yi, who one assumes was something of a Lan wild card, more like Lan Wangji rather than Lan Xichen, bound and determined to stick to her rules until she decided something else mattered more, would be.  Very interesting.
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shardvixen · 5 years
Story 3 Survivalist Backpack Rough Draft 1: This story belongs to Eliza Jane Bout, please ask before you use any of it and give credit if you do use any of it.From the Den
When the world falls apart only the well prepared or the very lucky or both ended up surviving. It was best to be both because luck only lasted for so long while being prepared can keep one alive a bit longer if luck should fail you.
“Man will be the weapon that puts man back into prehistoric times, without a planet to stand on.” Dr. Raye
Emmaline Raye 
I never seemed to belong, and yeah,  I get that all teenagers say that, but I mean it. Since the moment of my birth it seemed. The other babies would cry until I left. My father named me after his favorite unknown singer/writer from the 1920s. I have always been fat. I know no one is suppose to say the word F.A.T. but that is what I was and still am to a degree fat. And to boot I was too smart for my own good. I loved to learn, a habit my father encouraged. I was smarter then many of my teachers. After a while the differences were to many to number. I was too dyke for this group, too girly for another group, to weird for the weird group So I kind of just stood alone. And here I am standing alone again. I am all alone and the world has ended.
Not like the physically or mephorically but civilaztion has come to a very quick halt. 1 in every 10,000 people is alive. I ended up a winner in a god’s lottery. Like some goddess happen to look into the mortal world and say damn I love that girls style, talking about me. So I win the stay alive ticket. I have to say I am really overjoyed, but Not. Here I am the biggest loser ever cause I didn’t even get invited to the biggest event of all, “ the ending of every thing any one knows.”
I don’t know why everyone is dead, in fact I don’t even know if they are dead, maybe they just went on holiday and left everything just standing. What I do know it that siome them seem to go up in a PUFF. Yeah go ahead and laugh, I’ll wait for you to finish. OK just let me tell you the story and you decide what you think. Let start with this one thought.
I was sitting in my history class on Friday morning, around 10 am.. I was in a college class at the local city college. I am just a bit too smart. That’s how the gods even things up. Really smart and no social skills. I am still debating which one is the best. At least I was beautiful and talented even if no one else saw it the same as I did.
I love history -I so get it. By knowing where we come from will help us decided whre we want to go. It was my 2nd class of the day and it had gotten started a little late. The teacher is lecturing on how heretics were burned at the stake. I look up at the clock and it showed that it was 10:15 AM. When all of a sudden the room got very braight and hot. I closed my eyes, just a blink and my eyes open to find sparkling grey dust falling from the ceiling, like sand being thrown up by a kid and then raining down. I cough and smelled a sulfuric smell like something burning. My eyes were burning. As my eyes start to tear up. I wipe my eyes and saw grey streaks on my hand. I put my head down, heart beating, shocked and confused. I waited thinking I was in a fire. I wa in a dull shock and my brain said freeze.
The dust settle and I was all alone. That got me freaking out. I finally just let out an ear piercing scream- long drawn out that left me panting. Just numbe felling and me panting. I ened up peeing my pants. I just sat and sat I didn’t know for how long. Slowly my heart slowed down and feeling came back, my brain realized that no one had shown up. I look around and saw little black circles on the chairs around me. Black circles with spikes pushing away from the center looking like a many pointed star.
I stood up and looked under my ass. Nope-no black many pointed star. I went to where the teacher was standing, yep black smudge marks there too. OK Like I said I am too smart for my own good, but my brain was having a real hard time understanding what was obvious. They blew up, they puffed in a ball of fire, self contain fire. Instantious Combustion. I have seen stories on TW and onlinem, but never really believe it. But nothing else, well maybe aliens or some secret government weapon, might have done it but that didn’t explain why I was still standing.
I back towards the window, I turned and look out the window and saw cars that had hit each other or were just stopped in the middle of the road. And grey dust , sust sparkling on the lawna nd black smudges on the sidewalk. This starts my heart beating again. I am racing, my thoughts, my heart. I am teering on the edge, Am I dreaming, having a halluciaation, a crazy episode. Yeah, right now I am sitting in a rubber room some where and this is all a dream. Maybe it is a stroke. I slid down the wall untill my ass hit’s the floor. I wait to see if my world comes back in focus. I sang the whole song, “ Stairway to heaven” Taking a deep breath, I stand up.
“ And she’s bying a a stairrrrrway to heAaaven.. OK, just close your eyes and every thing will come back. 1,2,3” I opened my eyes and nope all grey and ashy still. Damn. I stood looking at my favorite shoes wondering what I should do. I am startled by a crash and turn around to look outside and see that a car has ran up the grass and hit the side of the building across from me. From what I can tell there is no one in the car and then I see and hear more cars crashing in to each other. They are all empty as well. My mind kind of takes over and I realize that the reason I am seeing all the cars is because every one has done a poof and the cars were still moving so many minutes afterward based on how fast they were going. I begin stroking my braids something I had done since I was little and my mom would be doing her impression of a looney toon.
Damn I haven’t though of her in a long time. My mom is dead. I live, I mean I lived with my father who I called Poppy and my GrandMam(who was my mother’s mother). My Poppy and my mom got married when my Poppy was 48 and my mom was 18. My mom was a very crazy lady but no one knew that(except maybe my GrandMam and she didn’t tell). Yep you can see how that pissed off a lot of people. My Poppy believed her when she had said she just needed someone just like him and who knows maybe she meant it but no one will ever know because while she was having me three weeks after they got married, she had a stroke that killed most of her brain.
My Poppy quit teaching so that he could take care of her and me. When my GrandMam’s fourth husband died she moved in with us to take care of me. I wasn’t her only grandchild but I was the only one that she could get close to since not of her other children really like her much. My Poppy built her, her own house on our property. She was as smart if not smarter then my Poppy and later I always wondered how she ended up with my mom or being alienated by her other four kids. Apearrantly my mom was her favorite. My mom eventually die because she got out of the house and ended up in a pond. She may have been chasing frogs, which were a favorite past time and slipped. Her body was found about an hour later. She had drowned most likely because she couldn’t remember how to swim. I was seven at the time. I remember thinking that I was glad that she was gone because she was always doing looney stuff and she scared me. Then I felt really bad about not liking my own mom. Poppy really loved her and was always sad after that.
Oh I remembered where I was and where I wasn’t. Poppy, I need to get home. I need to get home. I need to get home. I was repeating it very quickly, almost in a panic but I wasn’t sure how I was going to get there. On Tues and Thurs I carpooled with a bunch of kids. I hoped on of them was around. I had a hard time wrapping the idea of what had happen around my brain.. I grabbed my bag and headed out the classroom door. I didn’t really pay much attention of my surroundings then, I learned my lesson later.
For some reason I went to the theater parking lot even though my class had faced the entrance of the school. Then I remembered that Jean always parked her car in that lot even though it was the furthers from Jean’s class. I think I just wanted to go by the art class, oil painting was going on. As I passed the art gallery and classroom, I stopped. I put my hands on the glass that normally allowed you to watch the painters but there was no painters and I could see the ash laying on the paints and the pictures like tiny pieces of glitter. It was just too much, so I hurry around the back of the building to the parking lot.
I looked around the parking lot seeing that I either had to take one of the cars that was already started or hope that some one else was here in a car or I would be walking. Some of the cars were pushing into each other and I suddenly understood that was because the car’s driver had poofed just like everyone else and the cars ran into each other. The exit out of the parking lot was blocked. I decided to cut across the school towards the entrance of Shasta College. I looked and cars were still moving off the road while there were some here and there that had just stopped. Mostly because they might be a manuel and once the gas was let up, the car stopped and the engine stalled. I run across the campus because I started to releazie that there was no one around and it was very scary to me to be the only person around.
As I ran acrossed the little bridge that went over the little creek to come out on Old Oregon Trail I hear car engins rumbling and saw cars off to the side and some on the roads. I wasn’t sure what to do. I could walk home. For a moment I considered my options and then I walked to the nearest car just idling in the road. It was moving ever so slowly backward like just before its driver poofed or disappeared or whatever, the person had been backing up their car out of the cleared area that was next to the church. I tried the door and found that it open. I saw the gray dust and chared leather like material of the seats. At first I just let the open door keep hitting me forcing me to move with the car until I took a deep breathe and jump into the seat. The car was one of those big SUV types that Poppy told me would be the death of the planet, if we didn’t make sure that they were ‘green ‘before buying them.
It sat up higher then I was use to in a car but at least it was comfortable. The radio was playing from an Ipod. I turned it off to see if I could find out anything but a song from 103 red was playing. I don’t’ know why but that seem odd to me, guessed I figured that the person driving had been a young person, while 103 Red was the classic rock station. Bad me for assuming that only old people listen to classic rock. Poppy liked lots of kinds of music but Big Band was one of his favorite styles as well as celtic music featuring bag pipes and fiddles.
I only lived about ten miles from the college going north west. Poppy had bought a big tract of land in 1981, so that he could have various gardens going. He had builded his own little paradise on the top of a hill. I could walk to the end of our property and see all of the northern part of the Sacramento Valley. We had five green houses a huge front and back yard which were really fields that he grew different types of grass in. Trees and hedges mixed with blackberry bushes and aloe vera made natural fences with the real fence hidden from view.
My Poppy was an old hippie who loved plants and piano. Our house sat about two miles off of Walker Mine Rd off of Lake Blvd. There were other houses but the nearest one was about a mile down the hill. My Poppy ’s name was Harold Kevin Raye. He was youngest of a Ranger in the US Army. His father had been very parinoid and made sure that all his children would be prepared for the ending of the world. Poppy had been born 1944. He was 25 years younger then his oldest sibling. His mother had die in childbirth. Poppy had been raised by all of his sisters and he entered college because he had a love for plants. He was a beatnick and then a hippi. In the 1970s he wrote two series of books on surviving on one’s own. The fist set that contain ten books was called Hippie’s Paradise. The second set was called The Survivilst Backpack. I haven’t read the second set at all but I have read all the Hippi books.
Poppy after writing the first series began travaling. He came through Northern California during a talk circuit about the importance of saving the world’s plants. He was an author for fun though he held a doctore in botny, he would say to me how funny it was that he got paid more for his writing then for his plants. His hobby was paino playing and he made money doing that as well. Poppy was a very talent but lonely man.
He had many friends all over the world but no one special until one night he was on his way back from Eureka where he had some friends who own a bar in Blue Lake. He would go over that way about three times a year to play piano. He would spend the weekend and walk the beach and buy some seeds from the local nurseries and pot growers. He was at his favorite coffehouse in Eurkea watching the waves come in when he saw this nymph, a mermaid, a goddess that was dancing on the beach. Poppy had said that he had just sat there watching this vision of beauty, thinking, wishing that he could meet someone like her. Someone who could be free and dance no matter where they were at.
On his way back east to Redding, he left Clam beach and saw a his goddess hitchhiking and he went about a mile and turned around and offered her a ride. This woman who was only 17 was my mother. Lexi, Alexendria Harris. My mother was a vision of beauty when she was pregnant with me. He offered her a ride and she accepted. They talked the whole way back to Redding and somehow my Poppy was able to convice her to move in with him. They lived platonic life until two weeks before I was born. My mother asked my Poppy to marry her so that I would have a father and a family. I believe even though he never said anything, that my father believed that she was going to leave me with him after they had gotten married but he could never prove it.
My father got some friends to help and they went out of state to get married. He treated my mom like a queen for the next two weeks and lost her on the night I was born. On August 1st, 1993 he ended up taking care of two babies. One a new born and the other a grown woman who couldn’t remember ever being pregnant or her own childhood. My father was always a hermit kind of a guy even though he had many friends and was loved by all of them.
His two series had been reprinted over five times. He had written many books on farming and plants but those two series were the most popular. Recently, I helped him make a web site called Hippi’s Pardaise after the first series and that kept people interested. Every year, he got invited to do book tours on those books.
The urgency I felt thinking I needed to be home as fast as possible was so distinct that I could almost taste it. I put the SUV into drive and turned down the radio with the hope that I would hear what had happen. But music just played then commericals. Which gave me a false hope that maybe everything would be ok. One of the commericals was for Flue Nomore. It was an informaercial about how the whole world was nearly done and then no one would ever have to die or be sick ever again from the flu.
I remembered that I had an appointment to day to get my Flu Nomore shot. I figured I wont be keeping that appointment which was fine since I was freaked out when it came to shots. I had been really sick the last time I was supposed to get it. Poppy and GranMa had gotten theirs and Poppy had introduce her to Dr. Mayberry, who was a fan of his that had requested a while back online for a signed set hey had all gone to lunch and Poppy gave him the signed copy of the the series of the Survivilst Backpack from the 1970’s. Poppy had told them all that Penquin books had approached him about reprinting his two series again, and they had some ideas for some revising that would fancy the illustrations up a bit. They were his publishers for his gardening and herbology books. Also the History Channel had approached him about making a TV series about the Survivilst Backpack.
I had kind of listen but I was really watching Dr. Mayeberry. He was so gorgeous. He looked like a doctor on TV. He was not as tall as me, or Poppy but he was shapped nicely. I just smiled anytime he looked at me, which wasn’t much and when he did he had that look that I was familiar with. It was the look of an young adult gives a teenager. I I get that look a lot because I attended college and most of the guys didn’t want to date a young fat girl. I was so sure that if I was thin and pretty they would have made a play. Dr. Mayeberry was polite but I think all he saw was a fat, shy girl trying to be a grown up. I was sure that if Dr. Mayeberry had met my mother, he would have been smiling the whole time and he would have noticed her at lunch. My friend Jean could have gotten him to look at her but then Jean could get a dead man to look at her. As the old saying, she was va,va, voom.
As I went over the freeway on Pine Grove, I tried not to think of Jean. I looked down at the freeway and almost lost any grip I was keeping on my sanity. There were cars all over the place, some of them were turned over from hitting into each other. Many were off the road. But no where was there a single person to be seen. I looked back on the road to help clam myself. I stopped for the street light until I realized that it probably was point less but I waited anyway. The world looked the same even though I couldn’t see any people but Pine Grove wasn’t a very busy road on a normal day, so I wasn’t surprised that I only saw one other car that had hit the curb and stopped. I kept finding myself looking even though I was beginning to realize that I may be the only person alive.
I felt my mind go numb when I started thinking that maybe I was really dead and this was really some kind of mental leftover from my life. That caused the darkness to start bubbleing up and I had to fight the urge to start blubbering and crying sensless again. I just gripped the steering wheel and kept going. I was almost home.
As I hit the beginning of our private road, I am relieved and scared because I see my GrandMan’s little coop as well as our closest neighbor Mr. Howard’s truck and his horse trailer. The vechicles were blocking the road, like they had stopped to chat, which would have been right on the mark cause GrandMam had a thing for Old Howard. I pulled the SUV and shut off the motor. I just sat there because even though I had felt a leap of hope and excitement of seeing GrandMam’s car, I could see that she wasn’t in it. My brain kept telling me that maybe it was because she was laying down. I forced myself to get out of the car. I walked very slowly, hoping that her head would pop up any second and I wouldn’t be all alone but I made it eventually to the car door and looked down.
My body sagged, no ash on the seat. That meant two things either she was alive or she had gotten out of the car. I looked around and decided that I would just drive the coop back up the hill. I looked down to see if the keys were still in the car and they were missing. I walked around Mr. Howard’s truck. Our mailboxes were behind the left side of the truck. My pace slowed down because again I didn’t want to see the keys or the ash that may have been there but as I turn aground I saw that her keys weren’t’ there. I let out a sigh of relieved and decided that I would just hike it up to the house, until as I was turning away, something shinny caught my eye near Mr. Howard’s door. Part of me, didn’t want to see what it was because I knew what it was. I turned back and walked to it like I was walking to my death and I saw that charm I have gotten my GrandMam for her birthday. I felt the tears start to drip down my face, but I was able to hold it together because I knew, that I had already known that she wasn’t alive. Just as I knew…..no I didn’t want to think about it at the time, just as I knew that my Poppy wasn’t going be waiting for me at home. No matter. I got the keys and got in to the coop and drove up the hill. I turn on her radio but got nothing on it, just dead air. I drove up the hill to Hippi’s Paradise with tears streaming down my face.
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I AM successfully enrolled as a student
Fun fact, I have a dual bachelor's degree but no high school completion degree--no diploma, GED, or other equivalency. It's a long story mostly involving very petty personal dislike from people in authority. But SINCE I do not have a high school diploma, in order to be enrolled AT ALL, I have to be enrolled in their GED program, featuring the adult Common Core.
Y'all I took biochem, tutored organic chemistry, and taught anatomy in the same year and these motherfuckers are going to force me to take NINTH GRADE GENERAL SCIENCE. All because my high school got its delicate feelings hurt over my desire to fucking leave and take my standardized test scores with me.
Excuse me while I murder a Maine superintendent and curse his family into the thirteenth generation.
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