#*likes how mikan turned out
glazeliights · 2 years
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sleepover! (+bonus panels vvv)
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shadowthief78 · 1 year
Do I start writing the sprawling and overdetailed reader insert for bllk that lives in my head or, as they say, do I wallow in my daydream like a pig in the mud?
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lanawrx · 2 months
Zenitsu Agatsuma with a GF who acts like Mikan Tsumiki
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a/n: I kinned Mikan a few years ago so I definitely would've adored to read smth like this in 2021 lol. Zenitsu, my glorious king, would absolutely love her right.
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When Zenitsu first saw you, he was instantly smitten by how utterly gorgeous you were.
You were the newest addition to the Butterfly Mansion, taken in by the Insect Pillar after proving your proficiency in medicine.
Many would argue you were almost at her level with the way you immediately got to work administering medicine, cures, and patching up slayers as soon as they landed in the recovery bay.
He’d seen you bustling around the mansion, always with a nervous smile and quick apologies whenever you bumped into someone.
You had a sort of anxious grace about you, a delicate way of moving that immediately caught his eye. Zenitsu, who was already a nervous wreck himself, couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
You were in the middle of helping one of the other assistants, your hands trembling slightly as you organized medical supplies. Your cheeks were flushed as you fumbled with a bandage roll, and Zenitsu was practically glued to the spot, his heart pounding faster with each clumsy gesture you made.
Finally, he mustered the courage to approach.
“Um, hi!” he said, his voice trembling a little. “I’m Zenitsu. You’re, um… the new assistant here, right?”
You looked up, startled, your eyes wide and your hands quickly stopping their movements. “Oh! Y-yes, that’s right,” you stammered, your cheeks turning a bright shade of red. “I’m, um... I’m sorry if I’m in your way.”
Zenitsu was immediately taken with your nervous charm. “N-no, not at all!” he blurted out. “Actually, I, um, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. You’re really… well, you’re really pretty and kind, and, um…”
He trailed off, his nerves getting the better of him. You looked even more anxious, and Zenitsu’s heart ached seeing you like that. He couldn’t help but blurt out, “W-would you, um, maybe want to, you know, marry me?”
You blinked at him, stunned, and your face went even redder. “M-marry you?” you squeaked, your voice barely a whisper. “I, um, I don’t think I’m—”
“No, no, it’s just that, um, I don’t have long to live, and, uh, I thought, maybe, you’d want to—” Zenitsu fumbled, face burning hot with embarrassment.
He usually has terrible luck with women, but to speak to someone as beautiful as you had him stumbling to keep his cool.
Before he could finish, you looked like you were about to crumble. Tears welled up in your eyes as you trembled, “I-I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I’m just… I’m really bad at, um, socializing, and—”
Zenitsu’s eyes widened, and he rushed to reassure you. “No, no, it’s not that! I just—uh, I really like you! I think you’re amazing and—”
You started to fidget with your hands, your voice trembling. “I-I’m sorry, I just, um, I’m not good at, um, understanding these kinds of things. I’m always worried I’m bothering people, and…”
Zenitsu’s heart melted at your fragility. He took a deep breath and stepped closer, trying to look more confident than he felt. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m really sorry if I scared you or anything. I just thought… well, you’re really nice, and I—”
You looked up at him, your eyes full of uncertainty and confusion. “I-I don’t want to be a bother. I’ll, um, try to do better…”
Zenitsu shook his head quickly. “No, no! You’re not a bother at all! You’re just—amazing, really. And I’m sorry if I came on too strong. I just—”
“I’m sorry,” you said again, tears welling up in your eyes. “I-I didn’t mean to—”
Zenitsu’s heart ached seeing you like this. He reached out and gently touched your arm. “Hey, don’t cry. I really do like you, okay? I’m just… kind of a mess myself, but I’d really like to get to know you better. How about we just, um, hang out sometime?”
Your tears started to subside, and you looked at him with a mix of confusion and relief. “Y-you really mean that?”
Zenitsu nodded, a hopeful smile on his face. “Yeah. I do.”
You wiped your eyes and gave a tentative smile, nodding slowly. “O-okay. I’d like that.”
Zenitsu had made it his mission to be around you more often. He found excuses to be near the Butterfly Mansion’s main area, casually dropping by to help with tasks he was absolutely no good at, just so he could spend a little more time with you. Your quiet, nervous demeanor was like a magnet for his clumsy heart.
Tanjiro had been observing Zenitsu’s behavior for some time now. While he usually kept a close eye on his friends, he couldn't help but notice the significant change in Zenitsu’s demeanor since you arrived at the Butterfly Mansion.
The way Zenitsu seemed to always be around you, the way his face lit up whenever you were near, and even the overpowering scent that radiated off of Zenitsu—Tanjiro was certain his friend was in love with you.
One afternoon, while Zenitsu was nervously practicing his breathing techniques in the garden, Tanjiro approached him with a warm smile. “Hey, Zenitsu. Mind if I join you for a bit?”
Zenitsu looked up, startled, and then gave a hesitant nod. “Oh, uh, sure, Tanjiro.”
Tanjiro sat down next to him, his expression thoughtful. “I’ve noticed how much happier you’ve been lately. It’s great to see you feeling more positive.”
Zenitsu’s cheeks flushed slightly as he scratched his head, trying to look nonchalant. “W-well, it’s nothing special. I just… feel a bit better lately.”
Tanjiro’s eyes twinkled with understanding. “I have a feeling it’s because of someone special. Am I right?”
Zenitsu turned red as he stammered. "I- Well-"
Tanjiro beamed and suggested he bring flowers and a gift. He told Zenitsu to be completely honest with how he felt about you, and surely you'd feel the same.
Zenitsu was scared to death. He really didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or hurt your feelings. He wanted to show you how good of a person you are and how happy you make him just by looking at him.
Zenitsu spent the rest of the evening gathering a bouquet of flowers and selecting a thoughtful gift, his nerves mixing with excitement. He was determined to make this moment special.
The next day, Zenitsu approached you while you were working in the garden. Your usual nervous smile appeared as you noticed him.
“H-hi, Zenitsu!” you stuttered, cheeks flushing with a mix of nervousness and curiosity.
Zenitsu’s hands trembled slightly as he held out the flowers and gift. “H-hi! I, um, I brought these for you. I, uh, wanted to, well, tell you something.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked at the flowers and gift. “Oh! Th-these are beautiful! What, um, what’s the occasion?”
Zenitsu swallowed hard, his heart pounding. “I just wanted to say… I really like you. More than I’ve ever liked anyone. I know I’m a bit of a mess, but, um, I really care about you. I’d like to get to know you better. So, um, if you’d, maybe, want to, I don’t know, go out with me sometime? I’d really like that.”
Your eyes filled with tears as you listened, your heart fluttering with joy. “Z-Zenitsu… I-I had no idea you felt this way. I-I’m so, so happy! I-I really like you too!”
Zenitsu’s face lit up with a radiant smile, his heart swelling with relief and happiness. He gently took your hands in his, his voice trembling with emotion. “R-really? That’s great! I promise I’ll do my best to make you feel special and loved.”
Without thinking, you threw your arms around him, your lips meeting his in a soft, tender kiss. Zenitsu’s eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly melted into the kiss, his hands cradling your face gently.
When you finally pulled away, your eyes were sparkling with happiness. “I-I’ve never felt like this before… I’m so happy. I-I’m really lucky to have met you.”
He gently squeezed your hands, his eyes sparkling. “No, I’m the lucky one.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。 Thanks for Reading! ˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆
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anonzentimes · 2 months
*guy who loves talking about despair disease voice* wait can we talk more about despair disease. i have so many thoughts on despair disease and esp how it pertains to nagito
i feel like when a lot of people first play/watch the games they see nagito as someone who lies to manipulate people, which while i can’t super blame them for thinking that way bc of how hajime tries to reconcile his conflicting feelings over nagito, i get SO frustrated when ppl call nagito a liar bc no!!! no he’s not!!! you’re falling for other characters’ perceptions of him!!! nagito almost never lies and when he does he’s either really bad at it (cough cough final FTE. “i got it all from a book” you are not slick buddy) or comes clean as soon as he’s achieved his desired outcome- it’s more bluffing than actual deception, and one thing he’s especially sincere in is his beliefs and admiration for the people around him. and the despair disease PROVES this without a doubt!!
ok. i know in-text the despair disease is described as “reversing people’s personalities,” but i’ve always interpreted it a little differently. ibuki isn’t the opposite of gullible, akane isn’t the opposite of a coward, and nagito isn’t the opposite of a liar. to me, it’s always seemed like the despair disease gives its host the trait they’d most hate to have— whatever trait would instill in them the deepest despair. ibuki hates conformity- stick her with a disease that makes her blindly follow whatever she’s told. akane hates showing weakness- force her into a state of constant crying. nagito hates the idea of deceiving his classmates- make him incapable of being sincere. this interpretation makes mikan’s disease make a little more sense too imo, since remembering her brainwashing isn’t exactly reversing her personality but instead literally filling her to the brim with despair. ANYWAYS.
nagito Actively Despises not being able to tell the truth. he hates the despair disease, he sees it as a complete waste. in the ult. luck and hope and despair mangas, we actually get to see some of his internal monologue right before he passes out, and he is In Hell. he’s pissed that he can’t serve as a proper stepping stone in his state, he thinks the whole disease is stupid, and he gets so frustrated about not being able to properly encourage the group that he Literally Starts Foaming At The Mouth ????? like if you EVER wanted undeniable proof that nagito is sincere look at the despair disease. it’s basically a roundabout truth serum for him and that’s a huge part of why it’s one of my favorite motives
sidenote i feel like the despair disease has a shit ton of analysis potential in general just bc of how it turns characters into what they hate the most!! i loveeee brainstorming what symptoms certain characters would have gotten were they to get infected. hajime especially. maybe he’d get a fawning disease where he starts praising everyone nagito-style (this would highlight their bystander parallels and also make hajime feel MISERABLE bc he fucking hates when nagito points out how similar they are lmao). or maybe he’d get an apathy disease that’d essentially izuru-fy him (wonderful foreshadowing potential there, not to imagine the incredible angst of izuru being the thing hajime would hate to be most in the world.) alas i am not a fanfic author so i will sit with my concepts but it is a wonderful daydream with any dangan characters i’d highly recommend it :]
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! I SCREAM IN UNISON WITH YOU I LOOOVEEE THE DESAIR DISEASE!!!!! MAN… I’M SO OBSESSED WITH HOW YOU INTERPRET AND ARTICULATED THE DESPAIR DISEASE💗💗💗 The Despair Disease is genuinely so good for analyzing I really do believe Danganronpa 2 Chapter 3 is the best Chapter 3 out of the franchise. I think the reserving of their personalities truly meaning the traits they would hate to have is soo good I’m eating up, sealing it in my heart, and using it forever such a delightful way to explain it. The interpretations on what disease Hajime would get is so fun, I’ve seen some people interpret him getting the honesty disease which is fun in concept but I don’t think it works as well as other ideas could, y’know? Your ideas for a potential apathy or fawning disease are really fun to me, I like the idea of the fawning disease tapping into how much of a realist he is and giving him the opposite attitude Lol. Thank you so much for sending this it’s so fun I’ll be thinking about this forever, I wish I was a fanfic writer aha! I really want to become a fanfic writer, soon with time I suppose. Thank you again for sharing your daydreams with me, you’re very right it does have a lot of analysis potential! :D
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Yandere Tsumiki Mikan | Infectious AU
Requested by @theoneandonlyyuriaoo: Can you do any goodbye despair character x reader?
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The world had turned on its head. An infectious parasite that devoured the brain and rotted the body. It drove the modern world to ruin; making populated cities become deserted wastelands filled by the infected. 
Of course like all crises in the world fortresses are made. Fortresses that everyone flocks to hoping to guarantee a life of structure safety and healthcare. Relying on the most talented and resourceful leaders to bring the structure the old world used to have. Including the promise of care by the world’s greatest nurse. 
“Nurse Tsumiki, we need to rewrap the bandages on patient #237!”
“C-c-coming! Oof–oh no the syringes!”
Tsumiki Mikan is the best nurse in the world or at least in the closest fortress you can get in. Said to be able to cure those in the final stages of the infectious parasite, she’s a clumsy but gifted nurse. When the fortresses do begin their ‘peaceful’ negotiations her residence is a heavy point of contention. Of course, anyone would want the woman who managed to make a cure working in their medical wing. 
She’s such a celebrity, that your fellow patients excitedly speak of her when she comes to check on them. Unfortunately, you’ve been sleeping every time she’s supposedly stopped by. Though you weren’t worried. A simple broken arm shouldn’t need the greatest medical mind’s attention, you had to be convinced by your party to even admit yourself into the medical ward. 
So it truly is a surprise when you wake to the nurse in the middle of the night holding an IV bag. It was easy to recognize her by the outline made by the small nightlight from the hall. What made you question if it was her, was the inhuman twitching and giggling she was doing. 
“O-Oh~! Y-y-you’re awake!”
You’ll protest the need for an IV bag—it’s just a broken arm. But she’ll determinedly protest it, the way she does when the emergency is dire. Abandoning her usual stutter she’ll go on to rant and rave about how this may be a doorway to something worse. 
“You have to listen to me, (Y/n)! You need to stay here in bed! With me!”
Despite you being an average survivor, you weren’t an idiot. Even with a minor background in anatomy and the way diseases are spread; you know most of what she’s saying isn’t true. Or at least not in your case. So you’ll explain and try to rationalize with her even as she settles herself on your bed.
“Look Mikan I appreciate your concern but it’s really not that bad!”
“Noo! Noo! You can’t!”
“Please stop crying. You’ll wake up the other patients.”
She’ll keep whining and protesting her mute point; all the while scooching up on your bed. As if trying to get as close as possible. It isn’t until you say the most off-limits thing in the history of your conversation with her. 
“You know what, I’m just going to check out and I’ll go back if I find anything–”
She immediately hops up on your lap, trapping your free hand and legs underneath hers. That was the least of your concerns as she held your face in her hands.  Rubbing a thumb obsessively on your cheeks, she practically rubs her nose against your own. 
“No no no no no you can’t leave (Y/n)! You need to stay with me forever forever forever forever!”
You couldn’t really stop her as she practically devoured your mouth in some wild form of a kiss. There was biting, sucking, and something viscous shoved down your throat. As your vision blurred and your cognitive control slipped from you; you could hear the door open and the silhouette of a more familiar nurse who refused to look at you. 
“Miss Tsumiki…your orders?”
The nurse’s giggling turned into a full-blown cackle clutching your head into her chest. The nurse said nothing as she proceeded to play with your cheeks while she continued to maniacally laugh.
“It’s just as I feared~! (Y/n)’s condition has worsened we need to quarantine them in my private ward!”
“Yes, Miss Tsumiki.”
Better her than the infection right?
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Memory Lane
Rating: Explicit
Summary: You and Nagito reminisce about your time in the Neo-World Program, with some help from all the footage recorded by the Future Foundation. It turns out this includes a LOT of sex. What else happens when you strand teenagers in swimsuits together on an island? Luckily, Nagito seems as 'nostalgic' as you are.
Word Count: 4.5k
Tags/Themes: Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Public Blow Jobs, Doggy Style, Loss of Virginity, Floor Sex, Office Sex, Table Sex, Desk Se, xall the kinds of sex apparently, Cunnilingus, Blow Jobs, Creampie, Established Relationship, Flashbacks, but like through video, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, but of themselves, Sex Tapes, Beach Sex, Nipple Play, Slightly Dubious Massaging, dont know how else to tag that, Island Mode, Female Reader, She/her Pronouns for Reader
A/N: It's all under the cut bc even the first line is pretty explicit... uh... have fun!
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By the time you found yourself face-down, cunt-up in front of Nagito Komaeda on the dingy floor of the old, once-abandoned building, you had only known him for two weeks. 
It was a flurry of mishaps and fumbles that seemed to happen in a blink of an eye, even when trying to recall it all to make sense of it. Even within the limited (tiny, frankly) amount of time you’d known him, you chalked it up to his luck without a second thought. You’d seen the spills he’d taken with Mikan- though, this, of course, was more than that.
“Fuu- uhh- uck,” You whined out, voice bouncing in time with the way Nagito desperately pistoned his hips back and forth, burying himself inside of you again and again at a dizzying speed. You hadn’t even had the time to fully remove your panties, which hung off of one thigh haphazardly, much less your clothes. The two of you had pushed your skirt and his jacket out of the way without a second thought.
It had started with a couple of touches that Nagito lingered on for just a millisecond too long, just enough for you to feel a base, instinctual reaction to realizing your silly, fleeting, once-thought-unrequited attraction was mutual. You remembered that morning, how you laughed at yourself for feeling a flutter of butterflies in your stomach when chores were being delegated at breakfast when you found out you’d be cleaning the building with him. But even then, you had just pictured brushing hands, maybe making him laugh, perhaps even engaging in a little banter that toed the line of flirty- but not this.
“S- so good, so good,” He whimpered. “You’re so in- incredibly tight- I never imagined- oh-” And you were more than inclined to agree with him. It was the bad teenage judgment and hormones that made it feel so good. The flush on your face, his panting breath, the hands on you that you couldn’t exactly call familiar but could no longer imagine ever thinking strange, it all ignited so quickly. The flash of well-fueled kindling given the right spark.
And of course- you couldn’t believe it was him. Nagito, with his soft smiles and self-deprecating comments and his stupid wallet chain. Over the course of the long, long days on the island gathering materials bright and early, finding Hope Fragments, and sharing meals and conversations together late at night, it felt like you’d known him- wanted him- for so much longer. 
“Komaeda,” Your fingers scratched against the tacky carpeting, trying to find purchase. Your knees were surely already rug burned and bruised. Still, you pleaded with him, “Fuck me, fuck me- oh, yes! H- harder!”
Within the room the Neo-World project pods were still held on the real Jabberwock Island, you peeked through your fingers as you held your hands over your face in shame at the explicit scene playing on one of the large screens. The quality of the speakers and graphics had been sacrificed slightly during the setup. It was clear the three leaders of the project had made do with what hardware they could find. It was perfectly serviceable, but the slightly grainy quality of it all only made it feel more like you were watching a homemade porno, or worse, the voyeuristic taping of a young couple by some pervert. The fact that it was you only made it a little better.
This was surely not what the Future Foundation had wanted when they’d asked you and your partner to sort through the old footage for key moments of the rehabilitation program.
“Oh God, we weren’t even on a first-name basis yet.” You groaned. Besides you, your boyfriend was watching with a distinct lack of shame you’d come to expect from him. He chewed at his knuckles absent-mindedly, the way he did when he focused in on something or became aroused in public. You wondered which one it was now. 
“...I suppose this is fortunate, in a way.” Nagito said finally, not taking his eyes off the screen. “I’m sure very few people can say they’ve captured a moment as intimate as losing their virginity on film.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure no one wants a tape of that!” You said shrilly. Of course, you had come to expect and admire his ability to find optimism in especially the strangest circumstances.
“Though, this was technically the second time we did that,” He murmured, almost to himself. It was too easy for your mind to bring back the once-faded memories of your time at Hope’s Peak, where many sessions of heavy petting finally culminated in working up the courage to bare yourselves fully to each other. On screen, Nagito was laughing breathlessly, mindlessly, as he swept back the hair that had begun to fall into his eyes.
“...so like, is it weird to find teenager you attractive now, or…” You trailed off as you listened to the much more full, musical sound of laughter spill from Nagito’s lips. You couldn’t help but admire him here, now, too. He’d only grown out his hair more, now tied back into a messy ponytail at the nape of his neck. The jutting angles of his bony body had filled out a bit and he wore his button-down quite well, even if he’d never broken the habit of wearing his collar and tie only half-done. His smile was warm and easy as he leaned back, relaxed in the rolling office chair, something you’d never seen back then. 
A particularly raucous set of moans distracted you from your admiration, and on-screen the both of you began to finish. He came across the curve of your ass with a blur of a hand and a bitten lip that did nothing to stifle him. It dripped down your legs and you moaned like it was the best part of it all.
“What a gentleman. Pulling out without asking.” You smirked. You hadn’t meant it as a tease, but it was clear he took it as one.
“Even then, I knew… with my luck…”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“Mmnn… ahh- ah…!” The moans and obscene wet noises coming from Nagito’s mouth echoed through the darkened dining hall. It was late, though perhaps not late enough to be splayed out across one of the tables for your boyfriend to be eating you out on his knees like a man starved. You were doing your best to keep quiet. You kept both hands clamped down- one was over your mouth, though the other had an iron grip on Nagito’s hair, pressing his face hard into your positively soaking core. However, this was likely the more discrete option, rather than letting him babble on like he tended to when overwhelmed.
You were dripping down onto the table; this was not exactly a part of your after-dinner cleaning duties, so to speak. But you had splashed water all over your skirt while doing the dishes and flashed him multiple times while trying to dry yourself off. Despite his best efforts, his hard-on was clear to you, and it had all been downhill from there.
His tongue lapped at your entrance lovingly, swirling his tongue over it and diving it deep within at sporadic moments, like he was trying to coax out any more of your wetness for him to taste. He himself was making more than enough with the way he was drooling. The mixture covered the bottom half of his face. When you caught glimpses of it, in between the long licks along the length of your slit, it shined in the dim lighting. 
His own hands struggled to keep up with two competing desires. Sometimes he dug his fingers into the skin of your thighs or spread your lips out to further delve into you, other times he palmed himself through his jeans, though he never unbuttoned the article of clothing, almost like he’d forgotten he could.
When you came a second time, your legs shook enough for both of you to struggle to keep them open. Finally, you pulled Nagito off of you. You both took a moment to simply catch your breath.
“Aww, I remember that one.” You cooed, continuing to slide your closer hand up and down Nagito’s thigh slowly, carefully. You went further and further up each time, but carefully avoided his bulge. “Do you remember? You came in your pants just eating me out.” He swallowed hard. Neither of you took your eyes away from the screen. He shifted in his seat and his legs spread a bit wider. He rubbed the back of his neck. He was trying to stay calm, to play the game, but it was clear he was restless already. The video in the background wasn’t any easier to pay attention to.
“Yes, I- I remember. I think I could tell when it happened, actually.” He mused. Without a word, he began to pull your seat closer to his. You couldn’t help but giggle as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “I couldn’t help it. I could barely contain myself already… I think you can see that.” He glanced pointedly at the screen. The two of you were hurriedly trying to clean up and leave, but were smiles and giggles the whole time, stealing kisses and distracting each other in equal measure.
“Yeah? And do you think you’re any better now?” You cocked your head- just enough to question him, just enough to kiss him. His face was only inches away from yours. His eyes flickered down to your lips. You moved your hand over his zipper, sliding just your fingertips over the outline of his cock experimentally, watching his expression closely. His eyelids threatened to flutter closed, but he resisted the urge. 
Slowly, he leaned in for a kiss, but just barely ghosted his lips over yours, close enough to feel him breathe. Neither of you closed the gap, instead choosing to simply look at the other, having fun with this game of chicken. His hand slid up the back of your shirt, his fingertips skimming across the sensitive skin there. Your back arched, inadvertently making you pull back just an inch. He cocked his head back at you- just enough to tease you, just enough to get away with it.
“Maybe time has given me a little more self-control.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips and pulled away to queue up another portion. “We have more footage to go through.”
“N- Nagito! I think that’s enough!”
“Hmm? Oh, not at all.” The two of you sat beneath a large beach umbrella. You sat back to front, with Nagito’s chin resting on your shoulder, fitting neatly alongside you as he ‘helped’ you apply more sunscreen. It had started on your back, but soon his hands moved around to your arms… then your stomach… and now they toyed underneath the edges of your bikini top. His hands roved over your skin at his leisure. His touches threatened to give you a wardrobe malfunction more and more with each passing section. You looked out towards the sea, where a couple of your friends were. It was surfing day, which meant that Akane and Nekomaru had taken a few people out. It also meant that they were pretty far out. You could barely make out who was who.
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you ended up burned when I could have prevented it.” He was being very thorough, making sure nothing on you went untouched- your shoulders, your sides, the top of your chest left exposed by your swimsuit- nothing he didn’t happily rub cream into.
“I think you’ve done a much better job than I would have already- w- wait!” Nagito began to completely disregard what was covering your skin. His hands moved under it and massaged and groped your breasts. He clicked his tongue at you disapprovingly.  
“What a large spot to miss. Don’t worry, I’ll get it for you.” He purred, nuzzling into your neck. His hands continue spreading the sunscreen around onto your breasts, gliding over your skin easily, rubbing over your nipples as he did so. You pressed your legs together as the sparks his touches lit in your chest shot through your body. His thumbs circled over your buds attentively, slowly, interspersed with rolling them between his fingers. Then, all at once, his hands disappeared. “Ah, I’ll need more.” You tried to regain your mental footing as he grabbed the tube, and with his in front of you, squirted a generous amount into his hands and spread it evenly over them. Despite the heat, you shivered with anticipation. “There we go.” He ducked his head to kiss your neck. You squirmed at the sensation, only feeling even more tingly. While you were distracted, his hands snuck once more back under your swimsuit.
The cream was cold again on your skin, barely warmed by Nagito’s hands. You hissed at the sensation, though it broke into a moan halfway through as he continued to cover you with the cream. You glanced back at your friends. They seemed to be occupied with the large waves coming in. The luck of it all didn’t escape you. It was hard to relax with them in sight, but Nagito seemed determined to have you do exactly that.
“Your body is amazing, you feel so wonderful,” He gushed, “I don’t know why you trusted me with this task, but I’ll make sure it turns out as well as it can for you.”
“You’re- you’re doing a lot more than what I asked.” You tried to scold him, but your voice shook. The sight of the cream all over your chest conjured mental images of much more. The sudden, perverted impulse from Nagito was admittedly intoxicating, and he sounded more than happy about it. He felt more than happy about it; his bulge pressed against your back. If you were less frustrated with the time and place he’d chosen to do something like this, perhaps you would have ground against it. As it stood, you refused to help him move this along.
He ignored your comment. “Hmm, this is getting in the way.” He pulled at your top. “I’ll just have to… ah, but my hands are occupied.”
“I’m not taking it off!” You half-whispered, despite nobody being nearly close enough to hear you.
“That’s alright, you won’t have to lift a finger. In fact, stay exactly as you are.” He pressed his lips against the back of your neck. You swallowed hard, thinking he was going to kiss you once more, but instead, you felt him move in a pattern you didn’t understand. That is, until you felt the strings of your bikini tug and then loosen all at once-
“Nagito!” You gasped, as your top fell off. You rushed to cover yourself, pulling it against your chest as best you could, inadvertently trapping his hands against you. “You- you- eek!” He only began his ministrations once more. “W- wait, we could- let’s turn around-”
“I don’t believe you’re supposed to tense so much during a massage.” He pushed your arms away. You tentatively let your arms and the clothing drop. Your face and frankly, entire body felt hot and you knew you couldn’t blame it solely on the sun. You pulled your knees up, hoping it would cover you enough. Your bare chest was now out in the open, though shaded by a tilted umbrella and shielded from view by your legs and boyfriend’s hands. “Much better.” He chirped, all too smugly. Now, however, you were slightly worried that if anyone approached from the ocean, they’d be able to see the huge wet spot in your bottoms. You supposed you should take it one problem at a time.
“You were absolutely… incorrigible that day.” You swallowed hard. You gripped the edges of the desk tightly, watching the footage recorded on the camera that had been at the perfect angle to catch you two in the act. After all of this, you were starting to wonder if the man whose lap you were perched atop had wanted to be seen on the cameras. You wouldn’t have doubted it. You pulled at the hem of your skirt, hoping what was on the tops of your legs was enough to cover what was happening underneath, and Nagito’s own unbuttoned and undone pants. You squeezed the walls of your pussy around him, but of course, did not otherwise move from your spot with his cock all the way inside you. 
He let out a shaky breath. “It- It was the first time I’d seen you in your swimsuit. I- I couldn’t help myself.” His leg bounced rapidly, trying to contain himself. He wasn’t much better at that, even now. It had only been a couple of minutes after you’d pushed your panties aside and taken a seat on his cock, but he seemed practically ready to burst. You mused that you’d have your fun regardless of if he needed to cum like this or if he could hold out to fuck you when you were satisfied.
“Yeah, you were never that handsy again.” You took his hand and kissed his knuckles. He shuddered. His hips twitched. You rocked your own the tiniest bit as punishment. He squeaked and dug his fingers into your sides. 
“I guess I got it out of my system.” His strained voice said. In truth, you also adjusted because you simply couldn’t take how deep he was inside of you. He was more than stretching you out- you could feel the head of his cock reaching as far as you could take it. It almost didn’t seem real how much was inside of you, how snug everything was, how it felt like he was just shy of too big to be doing this. You had to move so he wasn’t pressed so much against your cervix. You were sure that by now, you were starting to drip around the base of his cock. You hoped it wouldn’t stain his pants. It wouldn’t be too much longer, now.
“You- you- you!” You shoved Nagito hurriedly inside the beach house, still clutching your untied top to your chest until you were inside. Nagito finally looked guilty as you pressed him against the wall with your free hand. “I- I am so- you-” You sputtered. He shrank a bit, clearly waiting for you to berate him. You dropped to your knees and pulled down his swim trunks.
Nagito gasped and moaned at once as your hand wrapped around his cock. You stroked it quickly, pausing only for a second to spit into your hand for lubricating. His knees buckled and he sank a bit down against the wall.
“Is this what you wanted?” You huffed, licking him up from base to tip with no warning. He cursed under his breath. “Is this what you were hoping for?” You squeezed your grip a bit harder, tightening up as you worked him. It twitched in your hand. His cock was flushed, hard, and clearly eager. You heard his nails scratch at the wall. He could only whimper in response to your questions. Only moans fell from his lips. “Naughty boy.” You met his eyes as you kissed the tip of his cock, flicking your tongue out to lick up the large bead of precum that had formed there. He was panting, face flushed, and mouth open in both disbelief and pleasure. “But such a cute one.” You opened your mouth and took as much of him as you could all at once. He cried out in surprise. You didn’t give him a second to get adjusted before beginning to bob your head back and forth around it.
His dick was hot and heavy in your mouth. He smelled like his musk and sunscreen. You liked blowing him when he let you- and he was the only man you’d ever met who would refuse a blowjob- for all the little things you noticed each time. The way he shifted and squirmed when you used your mouth on him, though you hadn’t realized just how abashed he was about it until the first time that he’d had to cover his mouth with his hands. Something about it and the knit in his brows made you understand exactly why he was always so bright red. 
Nagito would never ask you to do this, but he clearly loved it. When he wasn’t covering your face, his hands would shake as they hovered around your head anxiously, doing his best not to grab at you, or do anything that would rush you in anyway (despite how much you wanted to see it). And when you surprised him enough, you would get to see just how quickly you could make him hard. He would forget to keep himself quiet, and Nagito was already a very vocal person in and out of bed. You got to hear everything unfettered. Today, however, he was more than already in the mood.
You used your hand to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth so easily. You moved it in sync with your quick rhythm. Your other hand absent-mindedly bunched into his trunks, something to ground yourself with as you lost yourself to pleasing him.
“You’re amazing, oh! your mouth is- your mouth is so amazing- ah, I don’t deserve to even s- see you on your knees, much less th- this- yes, yes, yes, yes-” He finally stopped babbling when you changed your pattern up to get your lips wrapped all the way around the base of his cock. You gagged slightly and had to pull off. It was fine, because the way you’d been drooling around him made it even easier to jack him off. You licked at the underside of his head, a place you knew he was particularly sensitive. He rewarded you with an extra loud keen- one that if you had any rational brain left would have made you wonder if they could hear you outside of the room. However, right now, you had only one thought on your mind.
“You should let me do this more often.” You said, before you were sucking his cock once more.
“I was r- right-” Your mouth fell into a sloppy grin as your boyfriend bent you over the desk. You shoved papers and electrical appliances on the table onto the floor that you already knew would be a bitch to clean up later. He had slipped out of you while you’d gotten adjusted, but you were so wet it was easy for him to push right back into you. You sighed with satisfaction. You’d felt quite empty in the couple of moments he wasn’t in you. 
Nagito grabbed your arm, pulling it behind you to find leverage. His other hand pressed against the desk.“You were incredibly right.” He said in a voice that made you think he would have agreed to anything he said. But, as he thrusted into you, deep and sudden, you felt rather agreeable yourself. The movement sent a jolt through your body, pushing your face up. Your eyes fell naturally back onto what was happening.
You hadn’t gotten to see Nagito’s expression well while you were on your knees, but you could see his lips curved into a dazed-looking, open-mouthed smile. It was probably a lot like the one you had on your face now. You also hadn’t realized exactly how Nagito was looking at you- soft, besotted and adoring. Had he looked at you like that all this time?
“Please,” Nagito begged on screen. He was finally clutching your hair. His head moved back and forth, trying to keep up with the feeling. “Please, please, please, please-” You couldn’t even tell what he had been begging for- not then, not now. But just like then, it turned you on to no end. Nagito groaned particularly loudly behind you. It seemed he agreed.
“I- I should have been on my knees for you-”
“You did that in- in the other one.” You managed to say. The desk dug into your hipbones. On screen, you dug your fingers into Nagito’s hip bones. “It’d be b- boring!” Your voice moved in time with the way he fucked you, like he was pushing buttons you didn’t know about. You arched your back for him. It reminded you of the first video of the two of you had seen. You knew now exactly how much he’d liked it then.
“Are you gonna cum, pervert?” You teased him on screen. Your hand was relentless on him. “You wanna cum all over my chest?”
“Oh- oh- this is- is going to kill me-” He responded.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” You snickered. You popped the tip back into your mouth and didn’t stop. Behind you, Nagtio sped up. He took the hand behind you with his, lacing your fingers together and squeezing. 
“You were so b- beautiful then, you’re so beautiful now- so tight-”
“I’m glad that’s still true,” You grinned at the screen, even though he couldn’t see it. The Nagito you could see was shaking visibly. You knew those desperate little squeaks anywhere. “Oh look at you,” You groaned, feeling a rush of lust. “You’re about to cum- why have we not made a sex tape on purpose?” Nagito laughed behind you. You squeezed his hand back.
“I- I’m gonna-” On screen Nagito warned. It was all the had to say before you were pointing his cock over your chest and open mouth. With one particularly high-pitched moan, he began to cum all over you, and you accepted it eagerly. You got to see yourself covered in Nagito’s cum. How debased you looked, how much he enjoyed it.
“You were covered in my- you let me- you wanted-” Your boyfriend babbled behind you. “Hah… it’s h- having the same effect even now,” His voice was thick with a loving tone that reminded you of the expression he’d made in the video. You realized that he still looked at you like that.
“Inside, inside, inside,” You pleaded, moving your hips to meet him in his thrusts. You were also close.
“Yes, yes!” The desk shook with the force of his movements. You could hear files and supplies rattling around in their drawers. If you were going to have to fix everything, you wanted to do it with Nagito’s cum still dripping out of you.
“Nagito, Nagito- ah- I- I love you- ohh!”
“I love you,” He echoed at once, “I love you, I love you, I love you- I-” With that, he fulfilled your request, burying himself inside of you as he came, filling you up even more with it. Your eyes rolled up at the feeling and you followed him soon after. Your hands both trembled within each other’s, but held firm nonetheless. Even after all this time, Nagito made you feel that hot, addictive feeling you couldn’t find anywhere else. Your mind blanked save for his words, which echoed around your head. Even still, Nagito filled you with that hot, Nagito didn’t stop until a long moment had passed and he began to soften. You recovered hand-in-hand. Finally, he spoke again. But after, you wished he hadn’t.
“...Do you think they asked us to sort through these because of all of the, er, time we spent together?”
“...oh God.”
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t0yac1d · 1 year
mondo, byakuya and kazuichi x fem (or gn) s/o who’s like mikan? (ex. clumsy, low self esteem, stuttery, shy, etc :D) thanks so much! i love your writing btw <3
Danganronpa Boys x Shy!F!Reader
Characters: Mondo Owada, Byakuya Togami & Kazuichi Souda
Word Count: 656
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☆Mondo Owada would always stay close to you incase you trip, and when you do he catches you before you hit the floor, holding you close to him and making sure you're okay. With your low self-esteem he makes sure to tell you that you're beautiful, gorgeous, smart, incredible and all of the above. He makes sure that you know that he wants and loves you for you and not your looks and that he really does love you and all of your flaws.
He also doesn't mind your stuttering, he tells you that it's okay and to take your time, he doesn't mind waiting for you to tell him what's on your mind. He's also fairly patient and thinks your shyness is adorable, how you blush when you're nervous and how you turn your head away from him when you get slightly embarrassed. He loves it all and loves all of you.
☆Byakuya Togami doesn't really stay as close to you like Mondo. He stays in his space, but when you trip and fall into a revealing pose he's immediately by your side and covering you up with his jacket. He'd glare at any person laughing or looking at you. He'd deal with your low self-esteem by also giving reassurance. If you think a certain outfit would make you feel more confident in the way you look then he'd buy it for you, he feels as though if something makes you feel better about yourself or if a certain clothing brand would make you feel confident in your skin then he'd buy it immediately just for you.
But that doesn't mean he'd do it all of the time. He'd sit you down and have a heart to heart with you, he'd ask you why you think so badly about yourself and help you overcome that feeling and he'd keep doing it until you can look in the mirror and whole heartedly appreciate yourself. Now, with your stuttering. He's not a patient person, but he'd try to be and he's trying really hard to be patient. It's a work in progress but he's progressing really well, overtime he became extremely patient and would much rather wait for you to speak before speaking himself. Let's be honest, your shyness is what drew him close to you. I don't make the rules, he absolutely loves your shyness and the habits you do. Would he actually say this out loud? Hell no. But everyone with eyes can tell that he's absolutely smitten about you.
☆Kazuichi Souda is like Mondo, always around you and by your side. If you trip he'd catch you, but he's also pretty clumsy himself so he'd fall on top of you. But his body is covering you so anyone that passes by just thinks he stumbled onto you, which embarrasses you both even more. But as long as you're covered and not in any revealing pose, he's fine with getting teased about falling on you. If I'm being honest I think he'd absolutely suck at helping you with your low self-esteem only because he has the same problem. He'd try to help but he's scared that he'd accidentally make it worse. So your best bet is for the both of you to help each other and grow together.
When you stutter he finds it adorable and mentions it when you do which causes you to stutter even more. Same goes for your shyness, he loves it and it's what made him fall for you. He never saw anyone so cute in his life and so he immediately fell head over heels for you, even though he never actually spoke to you. But when he did he almost passed away because just looking at your already pinkish cheeks and how you slightly turn away when speaking just made his heart speed up. He's literally so in love with you, no one can even fathom the amount.
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theamityelf · 4 months
Thinking about the mini senpais and how that affects the order of deaths (a little like in the mini THH au). Chapter 1 with Sayaka will probably be the same as canon and as you described. My main big first difference I think will be a change in Mondo and Taka’s relationship.
Like Taka is learning to be gentle with Mikan, and is also protective of her in general. And Mikan will probably find Mondo to be scary as well. On Mondo’s side, while Fuyuhiko and Mondo will buttheads, the yakuza is gonna be on Mondo’s side when it comes to anything Taka says, so their initial rivalries will probably be way worse influenced by their senpais.
There’s also Chihiro deciding to train himself. I think he would talk to Kazuichi about it, and the latter is like “There’s no way you can train with Mondo!! He’s a super scary guy and has got that Yakuza whispering in his ear!” I think Kazuichi convinces Chihiro to talk to Taka instead, mostly so that they can get help from Nekomaru (who has since been adopted by Taka) but I think Kazuichi would argue that the “moral compass” would never murder even if he can be annoying.
Toko tells Byakuya about Genocider Syo like canon, but also to ask him if he can look after Gundham if something happens to her. I’m not sure how Gundham would feel but I’m sure he would be concerned for Toko’s wellbeing. And Sonia would be so excited to meet THE Genocider Syo (sort of).
I’m not sure who would kill in chapter 2. Mondo could still have his break down and accidentally kill someone again, it just might be a different target. (Shit what if it’s Fuyuhiko?! He accidentally gets squashed!!)
This could all be different if Nagito gets the idea to share the secrets and tells Makoto to suggest it. But it’s Nagito so rather than to prevent deaths it’s more to see if the ultimates can overcome the despair of their secrets. So everyone gets to find out that Makoto wet the bed until 5th grade. Nagito’s reaction to that might be funny. Though sadly I don’t think it gets anyone else to fess up cuz everyone else’s are all a lot worse.
Anyway thanks to reading my gasbagging.
This is all golden, yes!
As much as I love Ishimondo (both as a platonic pair and a romantic one), I gotta agree that they probably wouldn't fall together as easily during this.
Although! I just imagined a version of the sauna scene where, in addition to asking Makoto to witness, they also have him hold their senpais for them (so, Nagito's on one shoulder, Fuyuhiko's on the other, Mikan's standing in the palm of his hand, and he's holding Taka's basket with Ibuki, Peko, and Nekomaru in the crook of his arm), and I find it really funny to imagine. Some of them are really invested in the endurance contest (Nekomaru asks for a higher vantage point, and Makoto only has so much shoulder space, so he's placed on top of Makoto's head.), and Ibuki is really affectionate toward Makoto because she feels bad about what happened with Sayaka.
And either Taka and Mondo end the contest early because Makoto has to go to bed so they have to take their senpais back, because the senpais are their responsibility, or, when Makoto says it's nighttime and he wants to go back to his room, Nekomaru shouts "SLEEPOVER!" and Makoto cares for six miniature people that night.
Either way, I agree with you that Taka and Mondo wouldn't get as close, at least not as quickly, as they do in canon. (I just had to include the sauna thing because the idea was fun for me, lol.) They're on more of a gradual enemies to friends or enemies to lovers track, which may or may not have time to reach its destination, because killing game.
Mikan doesn't like to be around Mondo, but Peko wants to be near Fuyuhiko and so advocates that they spend more time with Mondo, and Taka cares about everyone getting a voice, so when it's Peko's turn to choose, he offers to let Mikan hide in his pocket or back in the terrarium in his room. But she wants to stay with him.
Just to set some stuff up, in the social landscape of Chapter 2, Hifumi has been making little outfits because Celeste is now coping by living vicariously through Chiaki. So, she has Chiaki playing dress-up for her, styling after her, etc. Chiaki insists on continuing to wear her cat hoodie with the gothic lolita dresses, but other than that she's a pretty good sport about everything.
(Hifumi was given Celeste's sewing kit to do this, and he gave her his tool kit in trade. There was probably some joke about him being dominated, or giving away his manhood, or something like that, because I can't imagine Danganronpa would pass that up without comment.)
Aoi also asks Hifumi to make some tiny clothes, because she's worried that Akane's clothes don't fit her right. (When she asks Akane about it, Akane agrees that they don't really fit but basically says that they've always been like that so she's used to it.)
And since Hifumi interacts with both of them really respectfully and works really diligently, Mahiru is praising him for being reliable, and basically Hifumi has been swimming in female attention this chapter and does not know what to do with himself.
When Mondo accidentally upsets Chihiro, and Taka mentions that Mikan is scared of Mondo, Hifumi probably makes a joke about how some guys just don't know how to act around women.
(And there's no "ironic coming from you" response, because Hifumi is genuinely doing pretty great about that.)
Mondo blushes, but he's also like, "Hey, shut up! F you!" and stuff.
Byakuya is isolating himself from the group because he doesn't trust them, but Sonia is so bored with this. She is way too social to just be going straight from his room to the library and back every single day. As a result, Byakuya is more lenient with letting other people talk to him, for her sake.
This is mostly Makoto. He talks with Makoto, and Sonia with Nagito. Nagito talks with Sonia about the killing game, and how there's tons of historical precedent for royalty enjoying blood sport, and how the group is reaching their potential. She knows there's something off about him, but she's starved for social interaction and also this talk of royals and blood sport does appeal to her, in a perverse way.
It's an interesting vibe, because Makoto is bringing Byakuya slightly down to earth, and Sonia is slightly softening Byakuya's edge, but Nagito is making Sonia slightly less down to earth, and Byakuya is sharpening her edge. They're reaching a weird middle ground where Byakuya is less of a jerk and Sonia is less kind.
As a result of this, Byakuya orders Makoto to come sit with him every day. Sonia needs conversation, and also Byakuya has decided that he wants Makoto to make it out of here with him (to be his servant, of course), so he wants to keep Makoto close. Makoto still takes meals with the group, still mediates the sauna thing for Taka and Mondo, but he spends a lot of time in the library with Byakuya, this chapter.
He's still barred from the archive room, or whatever that room was called.
Then we do get the motive about revealing secrets.
Yes, Chihiro trains with Taka. Wholesome workouts for them!
Toko does tell Byakuya about Syo. Obviously, she waits for a time when Makoto isn't around, but Nagito finds out because Sonia is buzzing next time he talks to her, and while she of course doesn't tell him Toko's secret, her explanation for why she's excited gives him all the pieces to figure it out. He might sprinkle her with pepper, like I mentioned last time, which might cause a killing, if he gets a chance to explain to her that her secret will be revealed otherwise.
I think Mondo would seriously be considering killing someone to protect his secret. Like, I imagine him pacing in his room, not wanting to kill anyone but thinking about what would happen to the Crazy Diamond if it got out.
Fuyuhiko puts aside his prickly demeanor and fully becomes both the older student and the professional criminal. "Okay, so you want to kill someone. Are you ready to seriously follow through? You think you can cover up a murder, if it means everyone in your class dies? If you fail, and you die, what happens to your gang then?"
Mondo decides he definitely shouldn't kill someone. Whatever happens when the secret is revealed, he'll face it like a man. Because he's strong. He's a man, and he's strong. (He's hanging by a thread, but his commitment to specifically not killing someone is strengthened by his talk with Fuyuhiko.)
Optional zag, which isn't entirely in character but just the outline of a murder that can happen:
Little does he know! During the senpais' sleepover with Makoto, Nagito planted some seeds by bringing up Fuyuhiko's sister, the "mysterious" circumstances of her death, and just generally musing that the senpais aren't really a part of the killing game in the same way the others are. Fuyuhiko's trying to be there for his kouhai, but lowkey he is also pretty riled up.
So maybe he suggests that Mondo let out his frustration by (non-lethally) punching that guy who insulted him in front of everybody. After all, Hifumi "looks like he can take a hit", and it's been a long time coming. (Fuyuhiko might have said something like "You gonna let him say that sh!t to you?" when it happened.) If Mondo is keyed up about the motive, then just punching someone who deserves it should make him feel better, and then he can move on.
(Fuyuhiko isn't really aiming to kill Mahiru, at least not consciously, but if Hifumi does fall over and crush Mahiru to death by accident, then that's not a murder in terms of the killing game; Hifumi broke the rule about losing his senpai, but Mondo and Fuyuhiko aren't guilty of anything.)
In this situation, I'm imagining Hifumi brings Mahiru to Taka, hoping Mikan can do something to help her, and Hifumi leaves Mahiru with them and gets killed while he's away. So, Taka shows up to breakfast the next morning with Hifumi's senpai, not knowing that Hifumi is dead. The killer could be Sakura or Toko. Technically, it could also be Hiro. It doesn't feel in character for it to be Hiro, but I also don't have anything else for him to do.
(If Toko is the Chapter 2 killer, then Byakuya takes Gundham once she's executed; Sonia wanted him under their protection.)
But hey, the headline is, Chihiro and Mondo probably survive Chapter 2! And maybe Mikan can help Mahiru. But everything I said after "optional zag" isn't set in stone, lol.
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ouma-kichi · 1 year
Mahiru Koizumi, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Mikan Tsumiki, and Chiaki Nanami with a crush on yo
LOL SO LIKE. i completely abandoned this account but i felt a little nostalgic and checked on it and this draft was here, it was originally gonna be the whole drv2 cast but i am not finishing this so here is all that is left because if youre for some reason still here you at least deserve this
Info/Warnings: no warnings, besides things that could be considered spoilers for the game ? reader is gender nonspecific, though pronouns r not even used !
---also these first few are from april 14 holy shit---
Mahiru Koizumi:
i guess this would be the most obvious thing, but she would definitely take pictures of you basically constantly
she cant help it okay !! its like every single moment shes with you is so so important to her that she can't help but just snap pictures at every moment
like she already takes pictures all the fuckin time but NOW....
now that she has a subject that she believes to be so effortlessly breathtaking.
now that she has a model who can do something simple- quietly flipping through the pages of a book, breathing softly in peaceful moments, looking at her with sleepy eyes- and look so utterly captivating.
now that she has something worth taking photos of.
she really cant help but take a picture every time you turn to look at her.
its like she sits there for a moment; her eyes widening in the same way the aperture of her lens widens, to take in more light, to take in more of you
and she absolutely makes sure her camera is in focus . she constantly has her focus on you, it simply wouldn't do you justice if her camera didn't do the same
you make her so blushy.
before either of you realize it, she has her camera pointed toward you, with a giggle and a red face
she secretly thinks its a disservice to ignore how perfect you are to her. with a sigh, she believes art with your beauty as the focal point is simply something you deserve.
her camera serves as her eyes, she uses the lens to look at the world
but most importantly, she uses them to look at you
Peko Pekoyama:
oh she is super protective but not in the LOUD CHARISMATIC GOOFY WAY (like akane p much hehe)
instead she's protective in a very silent way
like she doesn't protect you by goin LEMME BEAT THE BAD GUY UP she simply protects you because that's what's natural to her
she would never be the type to scream out how much she cares about you from rooftops, but she's always there beside you
you know she likes you in every moment you're together, she shows it in very quiet and subtle ways
in the way she walks silently beside you, eyes carefully observing for any sense of danger or even just annoyance that threatens you
the way she gently pushes you behind her, when she comes to defuse a heated argument you're in
the way she grips you tight in any possible moment of fear
the way she plays with your hair, her calloused and tired hands gently touching your hair, as she waits for you to fall asleep at night
the way she looks at you, warm eyes and slightly red cheeks
the way she carefully remembers things about you, everything you've ever told her
the way she makes you feel safe
the way she makes you feel held
the way you want to be protected by her
the way you want to be held by her
Ibuki Mioda:
oooowowoowo she would definitely be like super straightforward about it
i mean this is ibuki we're talkin about !!
and shes very loud about it too
like she'll do shit like stereotypical shit like writing songs about you or serenading you at concerts
she probably named an album after you, and she used like a voicemail from u as like the intro to one of her songs
its like her brain just NEVER EVER shuts up about you
first of all, she is barely ever apart from you .. she absolutely will constantly be at your side just because she wants to laugh with you
but even when you're apart she's still just !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thinking about you !!!!
so of course she just writes every single soft feeling for you and word vomits it all into songs
the first few months after she realized she really liked you was a period where literally every song she wrote was just .. about you
there's a solid chunk of her discography that is just
(listen i really wanted to write nonsense song titles for ibukis section)
Sugary Sweet Lovesick Girl
Butterflies In Digestive Organs
An Eye For An Eye (And My Eye's On You)
Crushing Hard, Ms. Hydraulics
Puppy Love For Barking Dogs
I Should've Brought My Inhaler (With The Way U Take My Breath Away)
Sights for Sore Eyes, Touches for Tired Hands
it's easily her biggest form of expression, and she has so much to say about you
so be prepared for her next album to be full of references to the days you spend together
references to your face and the way your eyes look at her
and references to all her feelings for you
Mikan Tsumiki:
oh man she is so obsessed with you
like at first shes like U-UM A-A-ARE Y-YOU P-PRANKING ME ? bc youre so fucking nice to her
obviously she is not used to gentle treatment, i think that's partially why she fell for you so fast
she has never been treated in a kind and soft and loving way in her entire life, and now ?? some mf just genuinely wants to be around her
you just wanna be with her
and she very much wants to be with you
i mean she has never been treated with any sort of respect ever, and she is so insecure and afraid ..
and suddenly, you come along and you treat her with care and with love
slowly but surely, she starts to realize that you genuinely care about her and you're safe and you're not tricking her and she is just. so smitten
very much following her whole "you... are the one who has forgiven me..." dialogue from the game
she realizes, every time she cries out and begs for you to forgive her (for something you didn't even care about), you will always just look at her with a smile
you'll always look at her and say it's okay
because you forgive her.
so she never wants to be away from you, and most of the time you're never separated anyways
she clings to you, because you make everything feel okay. you make her feel okay when she panics or starts to tremble.
when she can hardly speak from anxiety, when she starts to spiral
when it feels like the entire world is falling apart, you make it okay
even if it's just for a moment,
everything's okay
because she knows you'll forgive her
---this part is frome june 25 lol---
Chiaki Nanami:
oh she is really fucking soft and cute
i think this is really obvious but she would absolutely make you play games with her constantly
she basically lives, breathes, and eats games so its kinda a no brainer here
and it's very important to her
because she isn't good at dating games, she doesn't quite understand the inner workings of human interaction, and she certainly doesn't know where to even begin with talking to you
she really doesn't want anything to be awkward or weird
and so... games
sometimes when you're playing, she sits there, with her cheeks all puffed up and her cat hood on, focused on whatever game she decided to show you that day
before sneaking small glances at you, glances that probably go unnoticed on your end
but man those small glances and the little moments she spends playing with you really mean a lot
because she only really knows how to connect with people via video game
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jewbeloved · 2 years
Can you pls do the yandere main four with a s/o who’s like mikan and is a nurse pls
Yandere Team Stan with a s/o who is like mikan (from Danganronpa) 💉🏥🧑‍⚕️🧑‍⚕️
Note: sorry for not posting I am currently working on the south park reader insert episode which you all wanted it to be Bigger, longer, and Uncut. And since it's a movie it might take longer to finish than a regular episode.
Warnings: I have no idea what to put as a warning for this ;-;
Gender: Neutral
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💚💙 The Main Four ❤️🧡
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The way you're so kind, shy, and even apologize nonstop for even the little things just makes them want to love you even more.....
They love how you always patch up their bruises and tell them to be more careful whenever they get hurt.
But when they see you attending somebody else instead of them, They hate that. They want you all for themselves, nobody else deserves your treatment that you give to them.
That patient that you were attending to....let's just say that once they leave your office....they'll end up in the emergency room or probably in the hospital while they're in a coma.......don't worry the boys didn't do anything to the patient....they just wanted to talk okay? Some other patients even go missing....
You were confused on how patients that you were attending to the last mins were just randomly rushed to the emergency room or the hospital immediately right after they walked out of your office door.
When you were attending to the boys again, this was the moment they finally exposed their true selves.
You were indeed scared. You wanted to run out of the office and call for help, but your body won't move....why?
They used this as an opportunity and advantage to kidnap you and take you to an abandoned building. You won't escape their love for you....just be a good little girl/boy and let them shower you in kisses and cuddles alright? If you don't, you probably might not want to know what happens next.....
If you let them pepper your face in kisses and cuddle you, they will praise you (mostly Stan and Kyle would)
"They are so cute guys...."
"I agree... they're such a good little girl/boy..."
"Stan and Kahl quit being weird! You're ruining the moment!!!"
Don't bother finding a way to get help or escape, you'll never leave them...they won't let you...❤️🧡💙💚
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This was a little difficult to write so I'm sorry if it turned out garbage 😥😥😥
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With the resurgence of the Hinamiki Agenda, I realized there was a wall of text I wrote for them that I never posted here.
So here it is. Why I think Hinamiki rules.
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You often hear that there are two sides to every coin. Every toss of said coin can determine drastically different outcomes. People nurtured into the mundane often dream of more, and people dragged through the extreme wish for less.
Hajime Hinata is born as what equates to a commoner in this world of overglorification of the talented. He lives what we consider a normal life, and like many others, dream of attending Hope's Peak Academy and enter the ranks of the socially elite super star teenagers. Finally, he finds a way in, though disappointingly through the Reserve Course.
And it's hell. There's nothing special about being a Reserve Course student at Hope's Peak, unless you count being treated like societies biggest joke from both sides of the spectrum. The other talentless of the world see you as a rich asshole pretender, and the main course students see you as worthless garbage. The police even do it too. Or at least, the lives of a main course student is more socially valuable.
But then Hajime is granted a choice. A choice to be more, a choice to ascend. To become what he's always dreamed of, someone of talent and of what society deems of worth. So of course he takes it.
And, without knowledge, he's turned into a monster.
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Mikan Tsumiki is born into an abusive household. She's tormented, bullied and beaten at both school and at home. It's never explicitly stated why, but somewhere along this way, she develops an enormous abandonment complex, to the point where she prefers mistreatment over isolation. There's no one to help her but herself, something she eventually takes to a fatalistic conclusion by teaching herself how to heal her own wounds when no one would. Her expertise in the medical field stems from self treatment just to make it through to the next day. Childhood is hell. Middle school is hell. There's nothing she can do, and nobody is willing to do anything for her.
Until one day, something does. She gets scouted for Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Nurse. Her achievements are heralded as incredible, her fight for survival indirectly romanticised as "worthy of prestige." It's morally garish, but she starts attending. And it turns into the best years of her life. Sure, some people still pick on her and take advantage of her obsessive need for attention, but it's still the comparatively healthiest environment she's ever lived in. She has friends. For the first time in her life, she's thriving, even if it's in somewhat unhealthy ways.
But then someone has plans for the world. Someone is in need of autonomous slaves, willing to carry out her will in her absence. And Mikan is taken in, and much like the rest of her life, she is given no choice in the matter, forced to return to that harmful path.
And she, once again without a say in the matter, is turned into a monster.
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Two sides of the same coin that flips through the air, one side twisting to take up the position that the other previously held. Joy to despair. Despair to joy. The coin keeps falling, barrelling towards the bottom, destined to land with one side up, and the other scorned. Both sides can't both win.
Unless someone catches that coin.
One thing that keeps striking me when I look over the interactions Hajime and Mikan have is that despite how much the two mirror each other as opposites, they still find much common ground. They're both scared and insecure of others not deeming them worth their time, but differs in how they express it and subconsciously enact on it. But, through talking, they find a sort of conversational kinship. Hajime reassures Mikan that she doesn't need to do anything to deserve friendship, and she, in turn, gets on his case to take better care of himself. Any attempt at hiding his pain is something she picks up on, given her heightened perception she's gained through her own trials.
Through his ardent kindness, he's able to make her calm down and have a regular conversation with her without enabling her worst coping mechanisms, which is a really difficult balance to hit. He is the only one Mikan ever opens up to, given he's the only one Mikan trusts not to be repulsed by her ugly past and distance from her. That's an incredibly difficult step to take, and I wish that was recognized more.
It's cheesy, but I really do think they make for an interesting whole when these two halves come to talk, each showing the other a path to deal with their respective issues, and then imploring the other to walk down it.
Love isn't a cure. Junko's version is an example of that, it's not instafix or bandaid solution.
Instead, love is a symptom. A symptom of joy, progress and hope. Hope that you can have enough faith in yourself and your life to share joy unconditionally.
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Top image is an edit made by Twitter user @ weebainu
Bottom image is a sprite edit illustration made by Twitter user @ middinos
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ubelaces · 2 months
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mikan tsumiki graphic w/ matching dividers
req by anon! f2u - credit appreciated :3
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sorry i only made one… i didn’t like how the second one turned out 😓😓 hope you like it!!
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thelewdpokemanik · 4 months
It honestly wasn't makotos fault. Mikan said the medicine she was giving him was supposed to be harmless, how was he supposed to know it was an experimental aphrodisiac? Well at least now he gets to spend the day breeding her until it wears off and it seems like mahiru is going to be helping out. She really decided to visit mikan at the wrong time
(Somehow, this one ended up being very breeding-focused lol. Hope its fine :P)
Mahiru sighed as she walked through the corridors of Hope's Peak Academy. Couldn't Mikan be trusted to turn up to class on time?
Apparently not, since she was now looking for her. And honestly, there was a very real chance that the girl had somehow tied herself up somewhere and physically couldn't leave, so it wasn't as if there was no justification for worry.
So Class 77 had dispersed across the school grounds looking for their wayward Ultimate Nurse, Yukizome-sensei assigning them all different areas for them to check.
Mahiru herself was going to the Nurse's Office, where Mikan spent most of her breaks and lunches. It seemed like the most likely place for her to be, but Mikan's talent for tripping meant she could just as easily be stuck upside down in a tree outside, even if she had been in the Nurse's Office at first.
She sighed again, though she didn’t linger. Mikan had already missed her first two classes, which was unusual even for her. She could be in real trouble!
Or at least, that’s what she told herself as she reached the Nurse’s Office, sliding the door open without bothering to knock. She knew the Nurse’s Office was soundproof, and honestly, if Mikan was in here, someone would’ve found her a long time ago-
Mahiru’s thought was cut off. No, she stopped thinking.
Her ears were assaulted by a piercing squeal. Her skin flushed as she was hit with a wave of musky heat. A smell so heavy she could taste it made her knees buckle under her as she stared at the scene before her.
Mikan was laying flat on her front, completely naked, shreds of her uniform scattered on the floor around her. Her fat tits were pancaked on the floor beneath her torso, her face slack into a mask of pleasure as she drooled over the floor, which was covered in scratch marks where the girl had obviously tried to scrabble for purchase. Her mouth kept babbling nonsense in between exclamations of drunken pleasure.
Mahiru’s eyes trailed further up her body, down her pale back, and to her generous and reddened ass, which rippled with every meaty smack from the beast looming above her.
Its hands were digging into her hips, leaving pure-white imprints on the skin as it rutted furiously into the nurse, quite literally fucking her into a coma. Every one of its thrusts made Mikan cry out like an animal in heat, a brainless, pleasure-filled moan as she drooled on herself, her eyes blind and hazy, staring through Mahiru as if she wasn’t even there.
And in truth, Mahiru barely paid any attention to Mikan herself. She picked up all those things in the periphery of what had truly grabbed her attention.
The beast.
The boy.
The Man.
Makoto Naegi.
Or at least, someone who once answered by that name.
Mahiru gulped as she stared at the naked boy as he shoved what must’ve been a foot of cock into the broken slut between his legs with a wild pace. His whole body was tense, normally unseen muscles flexing unnaturally to pound Mikan through the floor. He was the heat Mahiru was feeling even now, body heat radiating off of him like a machine running at full power.
His jaw was set into a feral grimace, his teeth gritted, drool running down his chin. His eyes were just as empty as Mikan's, but where hers were bottomless pools of mind-breaking pleasure, his only showed a pure, unambiguous desire.
To breed the bitch right in front of him.
Mahiru didn’t know how long she stood there, staring at the pair. Long enough for Mikan to scream out her orgasm two or three more times, still chanting nonsensical words, but somehow Mahiru didn’t think that meant it had been very long. The nurse looked as if cumming was all she was even capable of doing anymore.
That, and being a hole for Makoto to dump his seed into.
Which he was doing right now.
With a deep, rumbling cry, almost like a growl, Makoto bottomed out inside Mikan, his full balls flexing visibly as he came buckets into the nurse, making her squeal like a stuck pig, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, her hands scrabbling against the floor wildly.
Before long, Mikan was full, and Makoto’s cum began spilling out of her and onto the floor, and Mahiru’s womb throbbed at the musky smell that immediately began filling the room once more. It had always been present, of course- this wasn’t Makoto’s first orgasm, but having a fresh dose of it piercing through Mahiru’s brain like this-
She knew, deep in her heart, that Mikan was pregnant, no matter what.
And that if Makoto dumped a load of cum like that in her, she would be pregnant too, without fail~
Mahiru’s legs gave out from under her, fingers she hadn’t even noticed before now finally bringing her to her own masturbatory orgasm, moaning loudly as she imagined herself and Mikan, naked and pregnant, completely unable to even think about anything else but sex and breeding~
A small, clear note made Mahiru blink, only now noticing a glass bottle she had knocked down when she fell down.
‘Experimental Aphrodisiac! Small Doses Only!’ it read.
Tellingly, the entire bottle was empty, making Mahiru gulp. Did- Did Makoto drink the whole bottle? Was that what happened?
Mikan was still babbling incoherently as Makoto began fucking her again, not having taken a second to pause of course- though…
Mahiru blinked, before leaning down closer to the ground and Mikan’s head.
This close, she could actually tell what Mikan was saying, in between the moans and the squeals.
“Forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me-” She chanted, again and again and again, her voice throaty and raw as she begged for forgiveness.
Mahiru panted as she stared down at the nurse. Was she- Did Mikan dose Makoto? Was she responsible for this?
Mahiru barely had the time to construct the thought before her blood froze as Mikan stopped moving. Or rather, stopped being moved.
Slowly, Mahiru looked up from Mikan- directly into Makoto’s eyes, staring at her.
She had gotten too close. Much too close.
Mahiru could feel her heart beat a mad drum into her chest, her pussy drooling down her thighs as she watched Makoto’s rock-hard cock slip out of Mikan’s breeding hole, and she could feel her lips stretching into a shaky smile.
Her whole body was singing in unison, in celebration, in arousal…
This must be what a real Man feels like when he’s about to breed a slut~
Mahiru didn’t even try to fight back against Makoto as he grabbed hold of her uniform and tore it in two, only moaning as she felt his steaming hot breath against her face, making her eyes flutter.
Soon, she was joining Mikan on the floor, and fantasies of being turned into a breeding sow became closer and closer to reality as Makoto’s huge cock slammed into her, making her scream like a bitch as she came instantly, her pussy greedily trying to milk an impregnating load out of the Man’s cock.
Though, those fantasies soon began including more and more girls learning of their true place beside her, at Makoto’s feet, only good for breeding, and cumming, and, well...
Mahiru’s last coherent thought was a singular hope-
That somehow, Mikan’s aphrodisiac would last long enough for every female student at Hope's Peak to learn of this happiness <3
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rainbow-crane · 3 months
Best and worst danganronpa trials/chapters?
Oh gosh, I don't know. There are so many to choose from, and while one trial might be total ass, the rest of the chapter can usually hold it up, or vice versa.
Trialwise, I think the best one is definitely 2-5. There's basically no time lost on petty filler and the Soda horniness, while present, is kept to a minimum. Mechanically, it's a pretty decent one to my memory(Hangman's Gambit excluded but face it, that's always the case). The trial remains engaging all the way through, even if you've already figured out the identity of the traitor, and the performance of each of the involved characters is incredible. I'll never get over Chiaki willingly sacrificing herself in the end, or Nagito's plan to kill all the despair by betraying the class, or the insistence from everyone- Sonia, Soda, Akane, Fuyuhiko- that Chiaki couldn't possibly be it, all unconsciously trying to save her since they couldn't last time. #1 trial for me, always
On the inverse, there are 2 candidates for worst trial, and it depends on what you mean by 'worst.' On the one hand, 2-3 is literally physically impossible. I mean, not only does the provided explanation for Mikan's coverup require a level of speed, focus, and dexterity uncharacteristic of a klutz with a deadly disease, it's also just generally physically impossible given the timeframe. I mean, what, you mean to tell me in the time it took for Hajime to sprint to the immediately neighboring motel, scream for help, and turn to leave, Mikan was able to:
tear a ring of wallpaper away from Hiyoko's corpse
fold it and tuck it into the back room
destroy the camera
break and drop the drumstick
line the doorway with glue and let them shut, with enough time to dry and stick together
sprint back inside the hospital before Fuyuhiko got there
and the infuriating one
WALK the perimeter of the island THE LONG WAY AROUND to meet Hajime and Chiaki outside the motel?
Yeah, I call bullshit. It makes no amount of sense no matter how many times you say it. Also, Mikan is treated like shitty fanservice just generally, so a trial in which she's at the center/is the killer should really center on her reclaiming her agency, especially considering her two victims were a) the girl that wanted to take pics of her whenever she tripped into inappropriate positions, and b) her greatest bully on the island. Instead, the whole trial is just about "woah Mikan was crazy ALL ALONG???? OOoooOooOoOOOoooOO scaaaawy disease thing." Which is just plain fucking lazy. And hell, that execution??? What the fuck is that???? One final parting fanservice gift that NO ONE WANTED? Thanks I hate it.
On the other hand, 1-2 is straight up offensive on multiple angles. The introduction of a blatantly ableist DID stereotype with the confirmation of Toko and Genocide Jack, along with the inherent transmisogyny of Chihiro's story and the way all her agency in the narrative is totally stripped from her is egregious. As a trans person, a person with DID, and/or someone who gives even one shit about either/both types of people, the whole thing just makes you wanna throw up. In that sense, it's worse, but at least there, the murder case itself made logical sense. So ultimately, when push comes to shove, I still say 2-3 is worse. I'll take the one that's only offensive over the one that's offensive AND nonsensical. Doesn't treat its victims or killer with respect at all, offensive execution to any victim of SA, and just a fucking PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TRIAL THE HELL-
In terms of overarching chapter, I'm gonna say 2-4 was the best one imo. I quite like the funhouse motive and the conflict it presents, and I think there's a lot of good packed into the chapter as a whole, both in the progression of the story, character development for all involved parties, and the relationships found in it. I think being forced to slowly drag your way to the Final Dead Room as Hajime is great, and Chiaki saving us later becoming the proof against her is just *chef's kiss*. Fuyukane platonic besties 4 life???? Sign me tf up. The fact they were willing to perspective-shift us to Nagito for part of the investigation was incredible too, I love that shit. Also, there was a statue of Sakura. Real shit.
The worst chapter is 1-3. I do not like 1-3. I do not like their lazy asses not even bothering to let us have FTEs with Kiyondo, I do not like turning Hiro and Hifumi into pathetic little jokes and refusing to do more with them in their own chapter(the flashback of Hifumi thinking SA bad is the bare minimum). I do not like the severe tonal whiplash from the emotional turmoil and dark mystery aspects with the Robo Justice "Stand Tall, Galactic Hero!" overly flashy nonsense. I don't like that this was all they wanted to do with Celeste, who objectively would've had more thematic purpose if they'd let her be an overarching antagonist. Hell, the stageplay understood she had more potential, and that shit severely cuts down and rewrites the content for time!
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causeitsagame · 1 year
(At some point, I will find a real title and put it up on AO3. Watch this space!)
My thought when posting the previous chapter: "I don't want to draw out a resolution too far, so I'll promise that there is only one more chapter to go." Me, finishing this chapter while upholding that intention and seeing it brush the 9k word mark: "Well,"
Hajime didn't know what to do.
That wasn't supposed to be possible. He'd been warped and molded and repurposed into the world's Ultimate Goddamn Hope, and that Hope was supposed to have all the answers. But he didn't. He hadn't been able to stop the assault on Jabberwock, and the desperate sacrifice play there had been made by someone else.
Plus, he hadn't even known that particular sacrifice could happen. Talents could only be studied if they were demonstrated, and this wasn't the sort of thing that got shown off to Hope's Peak. And so now, Fuyuhiko was bruised and beaten and hollowed out, and Peko didn't know anything more about how those memories were lost, and Hajime didn't know what to do.
He leaned against the ship's railing and studied the water, unsure of what he was looking for.
Eventually, a voice spoke up. "Hajime?"
He glanced over his shoulder at Ryota. "Yeah?"
Ryota pointed to an insulated travel mug. "It's time for this, again. Do you want to…?" He was the one on the ship who wasn't taken much aback by Fuyuhiko not recognizing him, and he'd made fully half of the infirmary visits so far.
Hajime shook his head. Inside that mug was broth from a pot that Teruteru kept simmering. The calories were important; the warmth, more so. Due to injuries, malnutrition, and low weight, Mikan had diagnosed poikilothermia, or an inability to regulate body temperature. She planned to be in the infirmary constantly until it resolved, and that was a good enough excuse not to be there himself. "No. Thanks."
It probably made him a despicable coward, but he couldn't see Fuyuhiko's condition and know that he was responsible for it. He couldn't watch Fuyuhiko look at him like a total stranger and know that it was because Fuyuhiko had cared more about Hajime than about himself. If Hajime had an idea of what to do next, he'd face down all of that in service of getting it fixed… but he didn't know what to do.
Hajime shook his head again, and Ryota silently walked away.
Memories had been burnt away in torture's incinerator and he was the motivation behind it all. How was he supposed to handle that? Seriously, how in the hell was he supposed to manage his thoughts, his emotions? The gutpunch of nausea that gripped him every time his imagination wandered to the infirmary?
Memory loss aside, this wasn't like Izuru. Fuyuhiko hadn't been scoured away and turned into someone else. Logically, that was a huge relief; emotionally, it somehow made it worse. He was still totally him, voice and expressions and powerful personality. There wasn't anyone to identify and retrieve. He was Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, the same as ever… but he just had absolutely no idea who Hajime was.
There were always more tasks to handle on the ship, but no one bothered Hajime as he looked over the edge. He stayed there staring over the water as the sun's reflections moved overhead, and then toward the west.
The voice behind him sent a spike of adrenaline rushing. "Is everything okay?"
Mikan nodded, seemingly without any emergency coming along with her. "He's doing better today, I think. But I just… I'm sorry, but I've been with him for twenty-two hours, now. Could you maybe—"
"Oh, God, sorry," Hajime interrupted as he caught up. Now that he bothered to pay attention to anything besides his own misery, he could notice the dark circles under Mikan's eyes and the way her fingertips trembled from exhaustion. He hadn't set foot in the infirmary since the last time she'd taken a sleeping break, and so he hadn't realized how long that'd been.
"No, I'm sorry!" she instantly countered, and held up one of her shaking hands. "I shouldn't need to sleep, but I just nearly dropped a—"
"I've got him," Hajime promised Mikan, and clutched that hand. "Go rest."
She nodded. "I'm only doing a few hours at a time, so I'll be back soon!"
"That's…" Sighing, Hajime let her go. It was probably no use ordering her to look after herself with more than a nap here and there. Well. Time to check on Fuyuhiko.
Peko was waiting outside the infirmary door, and looked as tired as Mikan but far more composed. "You did come," she said with mild surprise.
That hadn't been judgment, but it sure felt like it. "Yeah. Sorry." Hajime ran a hand across his face. "It's just been hard."
"I can only imagine," Peko agreed, with what sounded like real sympathy.
"You look like you could use some sleep, too. I'll be here, if you want to go."
Peko hesitated, but nodded gratefully and stepped away. She turned to look over her shoulder as she left, like she was verifying that Hajime would actually manage to set foot inside the infirmary.
He did so before he could lose his nerve, and was relieved to see Fuyuhiko sleeping. Good. No conversation, no lack of recognition.
First, Hajime reached for a thermometer and aimed it at Fuyuhiko's forehead. Cooler than he should be, so it was no wonder his fists were clenched around a blanket that couldn't keep him warm enough. Hajime reached over and tapped a message window, calling for more hot broth from the galley.
Fuyuhiko was watching him when he turned back.
Hajime jolted, and took a step away before he could help himself.
"So," Fuyuhiko said wryly, and tilted his head toward where his chart hung on the wall. "The guy responsible for all of that." To Mikan's dismay, she'd run out of room when she started listing his injuries. She'd needed to add multiple pages.
Swallowing, Hajime said in a thick, heavy voice, "Yeah. Guess so."
"You never told me why I apparently gave so much of a shit about you. And neither will anyone else." What good humor was in Fuyuhiko's expression flattened into nothing. "You'd think I could get a simple question answered, after everything."
"We…" Hajime looked away. "I'm your best friend." That was the simplest answer.
"Bullshit. I don't have friends."
"Yeah. That's what you told me." It was easier to talk if he didn't meet Fuyuhiko's gaze, and so Hajime kept his attention on the wild landscape beyond the portholes. "But after everything, we were friends. And you realized Peko was actually your friend, too, outside of the clan. And there are other friends here, too. We all care about you."
"'After everything?' After what 'everything?'" Annoyed, Fuyuhiko snapped, "Mind looking at me when I'm talking to you?"
Miserable, Hajime turned back toward Fuyuhiko and the nearly countless injuries he'd taken for Hajime's sake. "After getting away from the… the bad things that you remember. We're all together after that, and we're your friends."
"And you're my 'best friend.'"
"Who I did this for." Fuyuhiko lifted a forearm, showing off what remained of intricate tattoos. They were marred by a twisted burn scar and jagged, mismatched lines where some deep cuts hadn't healed together in proper alignment.
Hajime closed his eyes and inhaled a shaky breath. "I tried to stop you. You wouldn't listen to me."
"Must've been a reason for it, beyond you being my 'best friend.'" The words came out twisted, mocking. "Why'd I do it?"
"You shouldn't have," Hajime said morosely. "I'm not worth what you went through."
"Not worth it? What, I acted like an idiot when I signed up for this? You're saying that I fucked up?"
Hajime clenched his jaw and didn't respond. He didn't know what to say and every word was just making things worse. The two of them had talked so easily to each other that he didn't know how to handle this reset.
"So," Fuyuhiko said, still with the mocking tone he'd used on Hajime. He looked expectantly toward the new arrival waiting with his latest broth delivery. "Are you one of my best friends, too?"
Hajime turned to the door and winced. Of all people to have gotten that message he'd sent.
Mahiru paused, then said in measured tones, "I wouldn't use that term, no." She stepped into the infirmary and presented Fuyuhiko with his latest meal.
He didn't take the offered mug. "Huh. You're the first person who's had any sort of problem with me," Fuyuhiko noted with genuine curiosity. "Everyone's just been shoveling bullshit to keep me happy. So, what's your deal? What'd you do?"
"What did I do?" Mahiru repeated, uncertain.
"When we were all… y'know."
"Ah. Right." Mahiru set the mug down next to him when he refused to take it. "Propaganda, basically."
"Makes sense. You're…" Fuyuhiko squinted at her, then looked abruptly pleased as his scrambled mind put something into order. "Photography, right? Koizumi?"
She brightened. "Oh! You do remember things. It sounded like you'd forgotten everything, but I guess not. That's great!"
Hajime looked miserably at the floor and said nothing.
"Great?" Fuyuhiko echoed. "I thought you didn't give a shit."
Mahiru perched on the edge of a nearby counter. "We… didn't get along for a long time, but by now, we do. We'll never be each other's first choice to spend time with, but we're honestly fine."
"Fair enough." Fuyuhiko considered her, then asked with a wicked grin, "What happened? You sound like you're dancing around land mines."
Uneasy, Mahiru darted her gaze toward Hajime. "Does he know?" she asked in a strained whisper.
"No, I don't think so," Hajime whispered back. "Probably needed to forget about the whole process."
"What are you two whispering about?" Fuyuhiko demanded.
Mahiru inhaled. "Okay. You're going to find this out, so let me just tell you. To stop being those awful people, we went through a virtual reality simulation. But it went wrong and people started killing each other."
"Virtual," Fuyuhiko repeated without any gravity, clearly picturing some sort of small-scale experience. "So, what, you killed me?"
Mahiru blinked at him hard, then scowled.
Unconcerned, Fuyuhiko corrected to, "Or I killed you?"
"You were going to," Mahiru admitted. "But Peko stepped in."
"Well. Makes sense." Fuyuhiko grinned more broadly and honestly than a face that injured should be able to. "Guess that explains why we're not each other's favorite people, huh?"
Mahiru couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Well, obviously. Anyway, drink your broth. You're supposed to have it while it's hot."
Still smirking at her, Fuyuhiko reached for the insulated mug and lifted it like he was making a toast, then took a drink. She apparently took that as both thanks and farewell, and left the infirmary with light steps.
Hajime stared after her. Fuyuhiko was getting along better with Mahiru than him? Mahiru?! What the hell was going on?
"I'll get some more sleep," Fuyuhiko announced when he'd finished. "So you can stop looking ready to shit yourself."
Hajime could argue with that assessment, but he wouldn't make a very good job of it. With fresh sighs, he stared out the porthole until Fuyuhiko had fallen asleep, then waited aimlessly for Mikan's return.
Days passed like that.
Fuyuhiko's purple bruises faded to green and yellow. Thinner cuts disappeared into barely-there scars, while deeper gouges healed under Mikan's stitches. The hollows under his eyes and cheekbones didn't look quite as cavernous, and he finally managed to sleep through the night without waking up shivering. But he never recognized Hajime.
Hajime Hinata did have a talent that Hope's Peak had never cared about, and that was caring about people. But he wasn't allowed to use it, now. Izuru Kamukura had every talent on the planet. But none of them were any good, here.
He couldn't take this any more, Hajime told himself as he stared at nothing. Fuyuhiko had graduated to actual food, but with the scope of his lingering injuries, he still stayed in the infirmary. That meant that he yet needed to be brought his meals, and once Mahiru had held a successful conversation with him, everyone else was willing to try.
"You lied to me!" Kazuichi insisted. He was next to Fuyuhiko while Hajime stood just outside the door, but voices carried.
Fuyuhiko shrugged and slid a spoon into the thick, hearty stew he'd been handed. "Probably, yeah."
Kazuichi gasped, betrayed.
"You're easy to fool and you panic in a crisis," Fuyuhiko continued. "I remember that much. And you want to believe in people."
Though Kazuichi's offense deepened with the first two additions, the last one softened his outrage. "Well, yeah. I didn't know how you were going to get out of it, but when you said you had a plan to save everyone, I believed you. One hundred percent."
Fuyuhiko smirked. "As expected."
"Jerk," Kazuichi snorted, but the easy back-and-forth had him happier than he'd been ever since they saw the invading forces on the radar. "Hey, so, what else do you remember about me?"
Fuyuhiko made Kazuichi wait until he'd chewed and swallowed a mouthful. "That's a pretty damn big ask. Narrow the scope a little."
"Okay." Kazuichi screwed up his face in thought. "What's the first thing you remember about me after we woke up?"
"Woke up?" Fuyuhiko echoed.
"On the island."
He shrugged. "I got rid of all of that. People have told me there was a program, but I must've thought it was too risky to know about."
"Oh." Dismayed, Kazuichi considered, then tried again. "Uh, okay… what about when I showed up to class in a suit?"
Staring at him for a long, considering moment, Fuyuhiko abruptly laughed. "Fuck, you looked ridiculous. To 'impress Miss Sonia,' right?"
Kazuichi grinned, delighted. "I saw you go off to handle some family business, and you looked a lot cooler than in your uniform. I thought maybe it'd work for me, too."
"It didn't," Fuyuhiko said, then rolled his gaze thoughtfully upward. "Heh. Guess there's more in there than I thought. Even if it's nothing that really matters."
"No, this matters. It matters like you wouldn't believe!" Cheerfully, Kazuichi clapped him on the shoulder. "I'll let you eat, all right?"
"Finally," Fuyuhiko agreed, but with no real rancor.
Still in bright spirits, Kazuichi moved for the door, only to process that Hajime had been listening in with an increasingly gutted expression. "Uh. Sorry, man," he whispered, and hurried down the corridor.
Well. The good news was that Fuyuhiko was feeling better. His pain tolerance was beyond description, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it. Now that he was on the mend, and his pain steadily ebbed and his body again functioned like it should, his overall mood had followed suit. That'd opened him up to bits of nostalgic connection with the people brave enough to try it.
The bad news, Hajime thought as stepped away to let Fuyuhiko eat in privacy, was exactly the same as ever. To Fuyuhiko, Hajime was still as much of a blank void as what he'd been turned into during the Kamukura Project.
Had Mahiru really been the one to set this off? She'd practically skipped into the mess hall and announced that Fuyuhiko had remembered specifics about her, and that sent a jolt of optimism across the entire group. Which made sense. It was logical. But it still just seemed so odd that she—of all people—had been the first ray of real hope for Fuyuhiko.
Of course, Fuyuhiko had clearly appreciated that Mahiru had been the first 'stranger' to be honest with him about any darker topics. Maybe there was a lesson in that. Hajime waited, and considered, and eventually decided. He steeled his nerves and walked into the infirmary. Without preamble, he asked, "So. You really want to know why you did this for me?"
Fuyuhiko blinked. "Obviously," he said and set aside his empty bowl. Finally, he looked interested in something that Hajime had to say.
How to approach this? "When we were at Hope's Peak," Hajime slowly began, and took a chair near Fuyuhiko, "I got experimented on."
"Experimented?" Fuyuhiko repeated. His brow furrowed. "How?"
"They wanted me to be able to do more things," Hajime summarized, neither wanting to get bogged down in the details nor to relive his own horrors by doing so. "It involved a lot of surgery and some… other stuff."
Fuyuhiko's gaze grew increasingly curious as he studied the scars running across Hajime's forehead. "'Do more things?' What can you do, then?"
"Anything." Fuyuhiko's curiosity and good mood vanished at the seemingly flippant reply, and Hajime insisted, "Seriously, anything. That was the point of the project. Medicine, combat, languages… anything. And they did some physical development work to support all of those talents, too."
Fuyuhiko waited with obvious incredulity, but did look impressed when Hajime reached for a small dentist's mirror and bent its metal handle as easily as if it'd been a plastic straw. "Well, shit. Looks handy."
"Yeah. In theory, I could even try to fix your memories." Fuyuhiko also looked interested in that, but Hajime shook his head. He'd seen an answer to that question very quickly, but it had come with the simultaneous, gutting realization that there was no possible way to get access to what he'd need. And so, it hadn't really been an answer at all. "I can't actually do that," he clarified. "Ten different navies would be on us before we docked the ship."
Disappointed, but not surprised, Fuyuhiko shrugged. I knew what I was in for, the gesture seemed to say.
Hajime hesitated before continuing, trying to straighten out the mirror's handle as he did. His voice was quiet when he did speak. "There were side effects, too. Some… some really bad ones. But the school didn't care what happened. I was just their lab rat."
Silence answered him, hanging painfully heavy. A good ten seconds ticked by on the infirmary's clock. After that pause, Fuyuhiko concluded, "And they probably want their lab rat back."
Hajime looked at the floor and nodded.
"So… this isn't a one-time thing, then," Fuyuhiko slowly continued. "They'll always want to get ahold of you."
Hajime hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah."
"Then I'm going to have to do this again."
The words stabbed terror through his heart. "Never," Hajime instantly spat. After a deep breath, he strove for humor, but only sounded agonized as he forced words through his tight throat. "I mean, you don't care about me, right? No need to do anything for me again."
Fuyuhiko's gaze darkened. "If I think something's worth doing, I stick to it. Even if I don't remember why now, I must have had my reasons then."
Fuck it all, why was he so kneejerk stubborn? "They are never, ever getting their hands on you again. I won't let it happen."
"You won't let? I don't take orders from you." Dark memory filled Fuyuhiko's gaze, and he muttered, "I remember being in charge. I was giving the orders. If this is what I decided I need to do…"
The thought of Fuyuhiko getting captured again filled Hajime with panic; the thought of him willingly walking back into hell had him practically delirious with it. "Well, you're not getting past every single person on this ship. We're not letting you throw yourself away again!" By the end, Hajime stood and was nearly shouting.
Instantly obstinate, Fuyuhiko leaned forward, uncaring of the fragile figure he still struck in the hospital bed. "I'd like to see them try and stop me."
A disbelieving laugh broke free. "Oh yeah? Look at you!" Hajime cried before he could help it, and gestured to the mess two months of torture had made of Fuyuhiko. "Say you could actually get past us. You think you could really head back for more?" Even as he said the words, he knew they were a critically wrong move.
Fury sparked behind Fuyuhiko's eye. "What, you think I can't take it?"
"Will you just—"
"Fuck off! From what I've heard from everyone, I'm who saved their asses last time, not you! Me, not some superpowered lab rat!"
Electricity seemed to run down his spine, and words poured out of Hajime before he could stop them. "You know what, Fuyuhiko? No. No, you can't take another round of this. You barely survived this one."
"Don't tell me what I can't do."
"Lose even another couple of kilos again, and you will fall back into poikilothermia and die in a torture chamber. It's not a question." Hajime leaned forward and propped his weight on the side of Fuyuhiko's bed. "You are not taking the bullet for me again. Because—listen carefully—you. Can't. Do. This."
As expected, nothing filled Fuyuhiko with fury like the implication of weakness. This was far from weakness, but was the simple limit of how much any human could take. Even so, it landed as terribly as he knew it would, but Hajime just hadn't been able to stop the words from pouring out. Spending this long mired in misery and guilt had worn away his defenses; hearing that Fuyuhiko was already planning for more torture and certain death lit a fuse.
"Get out," Fuyuhiko spat, looking ready to lunge out of his hospital bed with his hands aimed for Hajime's throat. "And don't let me see your face again."
"Heard that one before," Hajime said tiredly, and walked for the door. Once there, he turned. "You're not going to throw your life away for someone you clearly don't give one single shit about."
"This has nothing to do with you. This is about me and what I decided to do. Now: get out."
Hajime managed to round two corners before the first ragged sob ripped free. He leaned against a wall and wiped away hot, angry tears with a rough swipe of his wrist. Shit. Goddammit.
Trying to be honest with Fuyuhiko had been one bad fucking move.
Soon, he found himself doing engine repairs three months ahead of schedule, just so he'd have something to focus on. His hands stayed busy, his mind stayed quiet, and his heart hid in a corner and didn't dare to speak up. It worked for hours of distraction, but eventually, the dinner chime sounded. He didn't want people to come looking for him, and so Hajime tiredly headed to the mess hall. He'd sit by himself.
Everyone was there, save Fuyuhiko. Nearly all of the people who made up Hajime's world were right here in this one room. It was a dozen different shades of 'loud,' from laughter to arguments to excitement. Looking at them, no one would think the group had been chased from their home mere months earlier.
They probably want their lab rat back.
But they had been chased off Jabberwock, and they'd barely made it out alive. Because Hajime hadn't kept any of these people safe, despite being the military's biggest target.
They probably want their lab rat back.
He'd let that happen to Fuyuhiko.
They probably want their lab rat back.
The soldiers were going to keep coming.
Through dull eyes, Hajime looked around the room and imagined bullets ripping through skulls. The men targeting them planned to kill everyone besides himself, Sonia, and Fuyuhiko, right? And the other two would face torture until their knowledge was wrung dry. (…More torture.)
And what did they have to face those entire military fleets when they did inevitably come? Not a full island chain with its own defensive capabilities, like they'd used last time. No: now they had a ship, singular, and one helicopter. They'd failed before, and now their situation was even worse.
Hajime was pretty sure that he could single-handedly take over another vessel, if it came to that. But he'd need the opportunity to do so. If a battleship or submarine sent a torpedo at them from a kilometer away, he'd never get that chance.
If soldiers came for him again, all of these people would die or end up in torture chambers. Hajime wouldn't be able to stop it. And so, once again, he didn't know what to do.
At the end of his fatalistic survey across the room, Hajime's attention lingered on someone. Memories whispered, almost too softly to hear at first, until he really listened to what they said. His expression shifted slowly, from misery to uncertainty to realization.
Oh. Oh. Of course. He should have seen this sooner.
Nagito only looked up after the lightbulb had gone off. He blinked in confusion over Hajime blatantly staring at him, and gestured to himself like he expected a question to be asked. Hajime shook his head once. No need to ask a question; Nagito had already given him an answer.
Yes. Right.
That had been the answer, all along.
He just hadn't wanted to admit what was being asked of him.
At the end of his brief dinner, Hajime stood and walked over to another table. "I'm taking the chopper," he whispered to the Imposter. "I'll be back later."
That earned a confused blink. "What's happening? Do you need a co-pilot?"
"No. It'll be quick, I'll be back by morning. I just didn't want you to wonder where it was."
"All right." The answer was uncertain, but Hajime didn't bother offering reassurance or clarification as he walked off. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nagito hurry over to talk to the Imposter. "The helicopter?" Nagito repeated with surprise, and Hajime sped his pace. He didn't want to deal with any sort of explanation.
Soon, the helicopter lifted smoothly off its landing pad under his controls. He tilted it toward the southeast, and as he circled around, noticed that he was being observed by a white head of hair dyed the colors of sunset. Hajime returned his attention to the sky and flew onward.
Two hours later, he descended toward a pitch-black expanse carved out of another forest. There were many such abandoned military bases around the world, and with a global power shortage, they weren't bothering to keep the lights on. Many of the supplies here had been carried off, but not all; they'd gotten the helicopter he was flying from this same base, along with enough replacement parts to last them a decade.
Using only moonlight and starlight, Hajime located a runway and used it as a landing pad. As he hopped out of the craft and to the ground, he hoped that the Canadian forces hadn't carried off what he needed as they pulled back to defend Vancouver.
Cracks ran across the tarmac, and weeds pushed through. Once, this had been a world-class facility for world-class soldiers, but so much had been abandoned when half the world fell. Those soldiers were now after him, Hajime reminded himself. They were after his friends. And they had hurt one friend in ways that he couldn't even describe.
Steeling his resolve, Hajime hurried through the crisp, chill darkness in search of a way to stop all of those soldiers from ever getting a second chance. His light, precise footsteps echoed across the sprawling pavement and between the concrete buildings. Only the soft cries of nearby owls interrupted him. This once-bustling base was silent, now, and the natural world was beginning to reclaim what humanity had abandoned.
Aha, Hajime saw as he trailed heavy cables across the ground and found the control box that collected them. It was attached to a concrete block of a building, unlabeled and unremarkable. Here it was. Not bothering with niceties, he kicked at the door like he was trying to drive in someone's chest, and proceeded inside when it wrenched off its hinges.
Relief soon swept him. Yes. They'd left behind exactly what he needed.
With the assistance of a few spare duffel bags, Hajime began scooping up every piece of abandoned telecommunications equipment left in this control room. Their group had been using that slow, secretive frequency, but it was time to take a different approach. Trying to duck down and hide in the shadows, as they'd been doing, could only protect them for so long. Hajime refused to be the prey again, left to be tracked and discovered.
As he exited the building, a gust of wind whipped past and caught a tattered flag left on its pole. Red and white. For a moment, Hajime was back walking through the ruins of military bases with a red sun flying over them, rather than a maple leaf. Those were the soldiers most desperate to find him. Although they had allies around the world who also sought the Remnants, it was Japanese forces who'd led the assault on Jabberwock and captured Fuyuhiko.
They'd regret that.
Confident that he'd found all that he needed, Hajime loaded the duffel bags into the helicopter, refueled, and set back off for their hiding place near the Alaskan Panhandle. There were still hours of darkness left when he landed. He should sleep, first, to make sure he had a clear head. He was trying to change the world, after all.
Well into morning, his efforts were going well. Hajime had taken over the control cabin of the ship, as he needed access to some of its systems. His in-progress work with the military electronics he'd raided already covered half the room.
"Hajime?" Nagito asked as he stepped into the control room.
He didn't look up from his work. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?"
Still studying the electronics in front of him, Hajime smiled. It might be a dark, unbalanced expression. Nagito's behavior inside the simulation had served as his inspiration, after all. "You'd probably say something about 'creating hope.'"
Silence. Then, "Whose hope?"
That earned another smile. "Good question." Nagito didn't say anything else, but neither did he leave. Eventually, Hajime continued, "Nagito. I want to ask you something. About the Funhouse. When you learned the truth about us, what ran through your head?"
Those soldiers on Jabberwock had come hunting for Hajime, and they didn't care who they'd hurt in the process. No, that wasn't right: they'd come hunting for Hajime, and they would gleefully slaughter most of his friends if they got the chance. Those who they didn't slaughter, they'd torture.
And not just torture, Hajime knew as he thought about what was left of Fuyuhiko, but destroy. Utterly. The so-called good guys would rip out everything that made up the people he cared about. Those men who'd come for Hajime and the men who'd done this to Fuyuhiko could make zero claim at being on the side of good, despite all claims to the contrary.
Nagito's concern deepened at the seeming non sequitur, but he still didn't try to pull Hajime away from whatever he was working on. After that long pause, he answered, "I had to stop everyone. Before you hurt anyone else."
"Right. Exactly." Hajime reached for a wire and stripped its coating. "You asked whose hope I'm creating, so: our hope. I apparently have to pick, and so I pick our hope." He'd might have been created as the world's hope, but his world had been reduced to the people on this ship.
There was another long pause from the man at the door. Hajime wondered if Nagito would demand to know exactly what he was planning, or would spout off more speeches about how the entire world's hope rested in his hands. But no. After that aching pause, Nagito simply murmured, "I understand" and turned, closing the door behind him.
Hajime nodded and leaned back in to his work.
It took him eight days, and he barely left the room until he was done. Fuyuhiko was probably relieved about that.
At the end of those eight days, when Hajime was sure that his plan would work, he walked to the infirmary and was surprised to find it empty. A quick check of the roster told him that Fuyuhiko had moved to a normal room, right next to Peko's, and Hajime headed there with purpose. Even if Fuyuhiko connected with every other person on this ship better than with Hajime, it was doubtful he'd willingly spend much time socializing.
As expected, the door opened, and the face behind it wasn't happy. "Well," Fuyuhiko said shortly, and studied him. He looked much healthier than before; once he'd made it through the worst stretch, he'd apparently improved rapidly. A thick sweater appeared to be enough to keep him warm. "You listened to me for a week, at least."
Right. Fuyuhiko didn't want to see his face again. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing something for you on deck as soon as it gets dark," Hajime levelly said. "You don't have to come. But if you look through the porthole and wonder what you're seeing, you'll know what's up."
Fuyuhiko blinked. "Huh? The hell's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't worry about it."
"If you're doing something for me," Fuyuhiko snapped, "without my permission, then I'm gonna fuckin' worry!"
"So, we're talking about asking the other person's permission, now?" Hajime said, and didn't try to soften how pointed the words were. "Anyway. You can come if you want, or not." He turned and left without further explanation, leaving Fuyuhiko blinking behind him.
Even if Fuyuhiko hated him, and even if he never wanted to see Hajime again, Hajime was his best friend. He was going to take care of Fuyuhiko and stop what had happened from ever, ever repeating.
Whether Fuyuhiko wanted him to or not.
And he was going to protect everyone else, too, Hajime calmly told himself as they joined him on the deck. Those soldiers never should have been able to sneak up on them, and the local radar never should had been the first warning sign they had. If he'd protected his friends to begin with, none of this would have happened.
Confusion ran wild. All everyone knew was that Hajime was working on something supposedly important, with components taken from a military base, but there were no weapons to be seen. He didn't look aggressive, either; if anything, he looked eerily calm as he stared up at the sky.
"Mind clueing us in?" Akane demanded, hugging herself tightly. She treated the cold as an opponent, and she always hated to admit defeat. At least she'd relented into putting on a pair of sweatpants, but she still refused to wear a coat.
Hajime smiled slightly at the sight, and of everything he knew of her. He'd protect her, too, like he'd failed to do on Jabberwock.
"Seriously," Hiyoko complained. She too had resisted dressing for the increasingly cold weather, but she'd finally given in at the first dusting of snow. As Mahiru leaned over to pull her in to a warmth-sharing hug, Hiyoko wondered, "What have you even been doing, anyway? Did your big fight with Fuyuhiko make you turn tail and hide for that long?"
It probably wasn't a surprise that secrets spread quickly within tight quarters. "Simple," Hajime said, and looked back up at the night sky. "I'm doing what I should have done before all of this happened in the first place: protecting everyone."
"How?" Kazuichi asked, audibly nervous. "Didn't you go to, uh…"
"A military base?" Nagito concluded. He wasn't outright nervous like Kazuichi, of course, but even he sounded at least apprehensive about Hajime's uncharacteristic behavior and whatever he'd left him to do in that room. Nagito sounding even mildly concerned about something managed to unnerve Ryota and Teruteru, too.
Hajime's blunt answer did nothing to soothe their nerves, and the group looked between themselves.
Sonia gathered her courage and stepped forward. "Hajime, when the five of us chose to shut down the program, we did so for the safety of the world. You musn't—" Her voice faltered when his attention turned toward her.
Hajime could only imagine what his expression looked like, right now. Those soldiers had come in search of Izuru Kamukura. After what they'd done to the people he cared about, they'd found him.
She collected her courage and tried again. "You mustn't hurt anyone, Hajime."
"I'm not going to hurt anyone," he said like it was self-evident. That lack of trust should have hurt, but he distantly realized that his voice had indeed gone flat, all its emotional affectation falling away. It had been a very, very long stretch of months. Feelings had failed him over and over again as they went on, and now, he just needed to fix these problems before they could happen again.
"Then what the hell are you doing?"
The voice sliced through Hajime's disaffected thoughts, and he blinked with surprise. Fuyuhiko stood near the stairs, ready to return below deck in an instant, but he was there.
"Sorry, Fuyuhiko," Hajime said as all of those squelched emotions rushed back into him like surging floodwaters, and he flexed his hand around the small controller it held. "I know you said you didn't want me making this decision for you. Well. I'm gonna."
"Huh?" Fuyuhiko asked, too confused to be angry.
Turning back to the sky, Hajime inhaled.
He was about to end the world.
Before he could talk himself out of this, his thumb clicked the button to confirm the algorithm he'd spent a week building. Humanity's greatest genius had used a modified satellite phone taken from the Canadian base to hack into every government and military system left in this broken world, and slithered into their cracks and shadows. After that, he'd started calculating angles and vectors and control mechanisms. And now, he'd just put all of those controls into effect.
There was a full minute of wary silence as they waited for anything to happen, finally broken by Nagito wondering, "Hajime… what did you do?"
"I'm not hurting anyone," he calmly repeated. "I'm just going to stop them before they hurt anyone else."
Nagito still looked unsettled, especially at the echo of his own words, but said nothing more.
As Hajime looked up at the sky and waited, his breath suddenly caught as he realized Fuyuhiko had walked up next to him. Though his tight expression demanded answers, Hajime could only say, "I owe you this."
"Owe me what, exact… ly…" Fuyuhiko's question trailed off into nothing as a spectacular streak of light burned across the sky.
A few people gasped. Realizing what they must be thinking, Hajime said, "It's not a missile. Don't worry. But keep watching."
Another streak of light blazed overhead, then a third. And then, suddenly, it became a waterfall of shining, gleaming color tearing apart the night sky. A meteor shower like the Perseids might see a hundred so-called falling stars in an hour. This was thousands of points of light, in minutes.
It was beautiful. Even though he'd known what was about to happen, Hajime couldn't help but stare up in awe at the choir of light singing an intricate melody overhead. Runs, chords, arpeggios; the glimmering lines wrote out a song that had never been seen in the history of the world, and would never be seen again.
"What did you do?" Fuyuhiko asked in an amazed whisper as he stared up at the glorious show above.
"I owe you this," Hajime repeated, also in a whisper, then stayed silent until calm, dark night finally returned.
A few final streaks of light followed their brethren down to earth. Only when they were sure that no more would follow did everyone turn to Hajime. Every last face demanded answers.
For it, he held up his hand to show off the small controller held in his palm.
"They had… that at the military base?" Kazuichi asked weakly.
"No." Hajime smiled as genuine relief swept him, like he hadn't felt for a very long time. "It just set off my algorithm."
"Which did what?" Peko prompted.
"Directed ninety-three percent of all functioning satellites out of orbit. And I now control the other seven percent."
That took a moment to sink in, then earned a collective gasp. "Those were satellites?" Mahiru demanded. "Like, television and internet and phone satellites?"
Hajime looked back up at a now-empty sky. "Like spy satellites. Like military targeting and attack satellites. They're never going to find any of you again. And with the ones I kept, I'll know if they even make an attempt. It'll be impossible to take us by surprise, ever again."
Overwhelmed, Sonia clutched her forehead. "Every telecommunications network around the world just collapsed." Gundham stared at Hajime like he'd wielded some dark magical powers to put on that spectacular display.
"Not every one," Hajime calmly countered. "Land-based towers will still work fine, and there are plenty of those. And I spent the last four days making sure that no satellites would angle toward populated areas, just in case they didn't burn up. No one was hurt. Which is a lot more than those soldiers can say.
"I didn't hurt anyone," he repeated in the silence. "But… I realized that I had to decide who I'm protecting, actively. And I picked you."
Aware of the stunned figure still standing at his side, Hajime quietly repeated, "I picked you. You won't have to do it again. And I'll stop talking to you, now."
Fuyuhiko's eye opened as wide as Hajime had ever seen it, and he looked up to stare again at the heavens that had been ripped down to keep him safe.
"All right. That's it." Hajime smiled. "Show's over. If we want, we could set sail tomorrow. They're never going to find us again."
He didn't know whether to expect it or not, but a knock came on his cabin door an hour later. When Hajime opened it, Fuyuhiko met his gaze for only a couple of seconds before studying the floor between them. "What in the hell was… I didn't ask for that."
"I know. But I owed you that much, Fuyuhiko. If I had done what I was capable of early enough, then you wouldn't have been forced into doing what you were capable of. I screwed up, so now I fixed it."
"When they figure out what happened, you're just going to be even more of a target," Fuyuhiko muttered. "Biggest bad guy on the planet."
He shrugged, smiling lopsidedly. "Already am, right?"
Fuyuhiko snorted slightly, but admitted, "Who… made his project take twice as long, so that he wouldn't hurt people. I would've just figured that everything would burn up."
"None of us want to hurt people," Hajime agreed, and instinctively raised his hand toward the fresh, deeper scar that had been carved across Fuyuhiko's bad eye. He caught himself halfway there and lowered his hand. "But the 'good guys' apparently can't say the same. So I picked us. And I don't regret it. They won't be able to see or hear us well enough to find us, any more, and so you'll never have to do that again."
For once, the silence between them seemed comfortable, like it had been before, when they could sit in each other's presence and not feel the immediate need to fill the quiet. In that quiet, Hajime was finally able to think of the right thing to say. "Don't think of this as coming from a friend. We apparently can't be that, any more. But I owed you a debt, and I needed to repay it."
Fuyuhiko studied him, clearly aware that Hajime had deliberately chosen language from Fuyuhiko's world, and seemed to consider him anew. Maybe, just maybe, they did understand each other, despite all this time seeming to say otherwise. "Hey. Lab rat."
"Don't call me that," Hajime instantly countered.
Not bothering to apologize, Fuyuhiko continued, "So, you just took out every way for militaries to track us, right? Plan offensive maneuvers? Organize their fleets?" After getting a nod at each question, he slowly finished, "Then… didn't you say you'd thought of something that might fix my memories, if only you could get past the military?"
Everything went still, and Hajime's eyes opened wide as he realized what he'd accidentally done as part of his plan.
"I just…" Troubled, Fuyuhiko tried a few times to finish his thoughts. "What you did up there tonight, I…" He shifted his weight. "I guess you finally made me curious about caring that damn much."
Hajime gripped his hand before he could help it. "Okay. Before we sail back there, I need to know if they would have gone back to look inside a specific building. I don't think you do, but do you know anything about something called the Neo World Program? Anything at all?"
Fuyuhiko blinked back at him with a total lack of recognition. "That's a dumbass name."
With a crow of delighted laughter over the confirmation that Fuyuhiko had never told them a thing, Hajime unthinkingly drew him into a hug.
"Get off me!" Fuyuhiko spat, his good mood gone.
"Sorry," Hajime chuckled, and stepped away. "Sorry. Force of habit."
"If you try to act like a friend who hugs me," Fuyuhiko muttered, "I'm gonna change my mind about this."
Hajime held up his hands. "Right. No hugs. Sorry."
"Okay. Glad we've gotten that straightened out." Fuyuhiko cleared his throat. "We're not friends. You've just got me curious. That's it."
"Absolutely," Hajime agreed. "That's it."
"Well. Okay. Right." Fuyuhiko hesitated a moment longer, then turned and walked off without a good-bye.
Hajime watched him leave, then turned and flat-out ran the other direction, toward the stairs. It was time to weigh anchor, and he'd figure out the safest path back toward Jabberwock once they were in motion. That would be easy enough; they still had access to all remaining navigational and spy satellites, after all, while every single one of their enemies had just been thrown back into navigating by compass and map.
Eighteen days later, they were back.
Everyone looked wistfully at the familiar beaches and palm trees. Even if they'd blinded the world's militaries, it was too dangerous to stay permanently in this known location. They could make return trips to strip the islands of what supplies they had to offer, but this wasn't home, any more.
"Come on," Hajime said, and gestured to the dock. "In there."
Fuyuhiko looked warily toward the central administration building; familiar to Hajime, but an unknown location to him. "What are we doing, exactly? You said this is where that virtual game thing happened, but I'm not doing that again, am I?"
He shook his head as they set into motion. "No. In a worst-case scenario, I can look for the same memory files that were generated when the simulation ran before. That wouldn't be… ideal, since it'd have some holes and nothing past when we woke up, but it'd be better than now." And Fuyuhiko would be balanced on the edge of Ultimate Despair, again, but they could all pull him off the ledge in the right direction.
"Okay," Fuyuhiko said, clearly troubled, but making the active decision to trust Hajime. "What's the best-case scenario, then? How would you get the memories back, otherwise?"
"I don't think they're actually gone," Hajime theorized.
That earned a dark look. "I'm pretty damn sure I knew what I was doing, there."
"You absolutely cannot reach those memories," Hajime quickly agreed. "Which kept those guys from being able to, either. But, it's like… imagine two buildings with a road between them. When you told me about what you did, I realized that I don't think you blew up the buildings. They're still there. I think you just blew up the road, so there's no way to access them."
"Okay," Fuyuhiko said uncertainly. "What's the difference, then, in fixing them?"
"Cognitive psychology studies retrieval methods for information that has been stored in long-term memory." The formal explanation quickly earned annoyance, and Hajime changed to, "You changed your associations with them, so you can't pull your memories out. You blew up the road, in other words. But there are pods—" Please, let the pods still be there. "That are specifically designed to deal with memories. I'm positive I can tweak them to zero in on fixing your retrieval processes. I won't need to actually rebuild any memories. I'll just need to fix the roads."
"Makes sense," Fuyuhiko said, but sounded even more uncertain as the details poured in. "So, I'm going to get into a weird memory pod that was used to lock me into a killing game, and you're gonna fuck with my brain. Like the pod already did, once."
"That's." Hajime paused, then held back a grimace. "Yeah. I wouldn't use those words, but… that's technically accurate, yeah."
Fuyuhiko looked to the side, and Hajime realized someone had followed them to the building. "What do you think?"
"It's as I've been telling you, all this time." Peko nodded. "You can trust Hajime."
Fuyuhiko stared at the building looming overhead, then sighed. "Fuck it." He pushed his way inside, not waiting for them to follow.
When Hajime moved to do so, a hand caught his wrist. "Thank you," Peko whispered, with a rare smile.
He smiled, too. "You got him out."
"And you'll get him back." She stepped back, releasing his wrist. "I won't keep you. But truly: thank you."
Nodding, Hajime reached over and squeezed her wrist before he followed Fuyuhiko inside. He found Fuyuhiko in the lobby, looking critically at the looming statue representing the five islands; he hadn't known which hallway to use after entering. Hajime led him down a path that they'd walked countless times while working on their sleeping friends, and kept glancing at him to see if any recognition flickered.
None did, but that might also have been because of how focused he was on assessing the space around them. "No signs of forced entry anywhere," Fuyuhiko mused. "And there's dust."
"It doesn't look like anyone's been down here," Hajime agreed, but his pulse sped as they approached the final corridor. He took and held a deep breath as he pushed open the door in question.
The pods were still there.
His lungs emptied, and Hajime's heart lurched back into regular motion. "Okay," he said, and tried to not let on how worried he'd been that they might come all this way only to find that the military had carried off the island's heart. "Pick a pod."
Fuyuhiko eyed him oddly—Hajime's nerves had clearly come through—but he shrugged and walked over to the pod nearest to the main control panel. "So, I just…?"
"You just get in," Hajime confirmed, and tapped the pod's panel to open it.
Needing another few contemplative moments, Fuyuhiko let out a whooshing breath, nodded, and climbed into the empty pod. "Don't fuck up, lab rat."
"Don't call me that," Hajime reminded him, hopefully for the last time, and tapped the controls to close the pod. Inside, Fuyuhiko watched him through its fogged glass, then abruptly dropped into unconsciousness as its effects took hold.
Okay. Time to be someone's Ultimate Hope, again.
Hajime's fingers flew across the controls as he worked on repurposing the intricate code of the Neo World Program. Software code and neurological structures both reshaped under his expert hands, but it wasn't a quick process. He'd reprogrammed the world's satellites, but reprogramming Fuyuhiko's brain felt infinitely more consequential.
Eventually, he had to activate the program and turn it over to the machine. It was out of his hands, now, and he could only wait, watch, and hope. Eighty-seven anxious minutes later, a light turned from green to white. The program had ended.
Fear and anticipation filled him in equal measure. He was almost sure this would work, but if it didn't, Hajime didn't have another plan. It would work, right? It would work. It would work. It had to work, he told himself as he reached for the pod's controls and tapped OPEN. It had to work.
The pod door slowly opened, and Fuyuhiko's eyelid followed.
Hajime leaned over him, realizing his own hands were shaking. "H-hey." He swallowed, feeling suddenly weighed down by the gravity of this moment. Either he was about to get Fuyuhiko back, or it would prove impossible. "How'd it go?"
Fuyuhiko blinked at him once. Twice.
Hajime looked down, and again swallowed hard.
Abruptly, Fuyuhiko lunged halfway out of the pod and grabbed Hajime by his shirt collar. "You asshole! I told you not to bother!"
"You told me?" Hajime repeated with a tremulous, hopeful voice.
"All of those fucking satellites? They're gonna know it was you!"
He swallowed. "And who am I?"
Fuyuhiko's lower lip quivered. "Hajime Hinata. The world's biggest idiot."
Delirious joy overtook Hajime, and he leaned in for a hug that lifted Fuyuhiko the rest of the way out of his pod. One arm wrapped around the other man's back, holding him close, while his other hand rested along the curve of Fuyuhiko's head. "You're the idiot," Hajime laughed, and rested his face against Fuyuhiko's.
"Fuck you," Fuyuhiko snorted, and wrapped his arms around Hajime in return, allowing himself to be held like he seldom did. "My plan worked great."
"Well, so did mine." Hajime's grip tightened, though he remembered in time that Fuyuhiko still had deep injuries lurking inside. "I picked you. Just like you picked me."
Fuyuhiko tried to say something, but failed.
"Thank you," Hajime whispered. Now that sun had returned to his world, he could admit to what fate Fuyuhiko had saved him from. "God, thank you. Never do that again. Never."
"That's the plan," Fuyuhiko whispered, and laughed once. It faded into a soft, twisted noise. "I thought I'd never see you again."
"And you do. You see me. Right?"
"Yeah." Fuyuhiko nodded against him. "I do."
Ultimate Hope felt like a worthwhile title, suddenly. "Come on," Hajime eventually said. He didn't let go of Fuyuhiko, though, and Fuyuhiko didn't step away. "Let's figure out what home's going to be, now."
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mod-kyoko · 3 months
Oooh~ I got one for either Mod, how about a one shot with Ibuki with her Tsundere boyfriend from the earlier ask. Where her friends mahiri, Mikan and Hiyoko wonder why she's with her boyfriend seeing how he acts all the time and she just responds that she thinks he's adorable. Then later on while he and Ibuki are in private he starts getting all affectionate verbally and physically saying that he loves her. U know to both of them Ibuki's friends caught a glimpse of his affection side.
ibuki x tsundere bf
fandom: danganronpa
info: male!reader, one-shot format, fluff
a/n: thank you puppteer, you keep this blog afloat
"You know, I really don't get why you're dating that guy."
A shrill voice followed Ibuki as she made her way past the fountain outside of Hope's Peak. Hiyoko and Mikan always walked Ibuki to school since the three of them lived close by. Mikan trailed just behind Hiyoko, in the background as usual, while Mahiru trotted next to Hiyoko.
"Y- you're right... He- he doesn't seem... boyfriend material..." Mikan added, voice trembling as always. She played with her fingers while she spoke.
"No one asked your opinion, pigshit," Hiyoko retorted, rolling her eyes. Mikan whimpered in response to the insult, pursing her lips.
As they reached the entrance of the academy, Ibuki whirled around to face the three.
"You've got it all wrong, Mikan. All I need is someone who likes fun, and someone who likes music. My boyfriend likes both, so I'm all set!" Ibuki grinned from ear to ear as she thought about her lover, excited for their date later that day.
"I have to agree with Mikan and Hiyoko, I just haven't seen him act anything at all like a boyfriend to you," Mahiru chimed in, awkwardly playing with her hair. Hiyoko nodded, throwing an arm around her best friend. All Ibuki did was smile back at them, shaking her head.
"All you need to know is that he treats me well. And he's real cute!" With a wink, Ibuki turned around and bounded into the school, heading for their homeroom. The three girls exchanged looks with each other, before following her inside.
"Doesn't she have a date with him today? At the cafe?" Mahiru wondered aloud. Hiyoko puckered her lips, thinking, then let out a gasp like she had an idea.
"I know! Let's go spy on them! We'll get to see what they are like with each other!"
Mikan frowned. "Um, I- I don't think Ibuki would like that..." She was quickly met with a pair of angry eyes.
"I said no one asked for your opinion, ugly bitch! Didn't you hear me?" Hiyoko rolled her eyes, before turning back to Mahiru. "Are you in?"
"Sure. Sounds like fun." Mahiru responded with a shrug. Locking eyes with Mikan, she added, "It'll be okay, Mikan. It's a public place, if she sees us we'll just pretend we already had plans." Mikan would be lying if she said she wasn't curious, but the pat on the shoulder Mahiru was giving her wasn't helping the guilt.
The day went by slowly. Ibuki's boyfriend attended Hope's Peak, but was in a different class, so the girls had to wait to see the two interact until after school. Once the final bell had rung, the three followed Ibuki from a distance as she went to retrieve you from your class.
Peeking around the corner, Mahiru, Mikan, and Hiyoko watched Ibuki greet you.
"Hey, babe! Let's get going, I'm sooo hungry!" Ibuki rubbed her stomach dramatically, before grabbing your hand and dragging you away.
"Okay, they're holding hands," Hiyoko narrated as the spies walked from Hope's Peak to the cafe date site.
"Seems like a normal couple activity," Mahiru added, staring through a pair of binoculars. "Oh! Now he's got an arm around her. Aww."
Hiyoko snatched the binoculars away, watching for herself. "Hm. I'm still not convinced. We'll have to wait until they get inside."
You and Ibuki finally reached the cafe. You walked slightly in front of her, reaching for the door and holding it open, allowing her to go inside first. Ibuki immediately bounded over to the jukebox, as she always does when she first enters this cafe. It's her favorite because it had great music selections.
The three girls reached the cafe soon after, staking out beneath the giant windows. They watched as you walked alone to the front counter, where an employee greeted you. You ordered two drinks, your favorite and your girlfriend's favorite. Once you had paid, Ibuki already found a nice table in the corner. You decided to wait until the drinks were made, so you could bring them over to her.
Ibuki sat with her head in her hands, propped up on her elbows, and kicking her feet under the table. Her wide eyes met yours, absolutely sick with love. When you set down her preferred drink, a milkshake, she took the straw between her fingers and twirled it around.
"You're so sweet for remembering my favorite drink, babe" she reached out for your hand, lifting it up to her cheek and nuzzling it.
Throughout your date, the two of you talked and talked about your day, your next date, each other. You reached across the table and took your girlfriend's face in your hands, and she melted into your touch.
Meanwhile, three girls started screeching outside.
"I love you so much, darling," you cooed, eyes softening as Ibuki leaned into your hands. "You make my day so much better."
She giggled, placing her hands over yours to hold them in place. Soon, she felt a buzz in her pocket.
'I take back everything I said. You guys are cute together' the text read. Your girlfriend smiled at Hiyoko's message, before slipping her phone back in her pocket. She knew the three were going to spy on her. She was just glad she wouldn't have to deal with their conspiring anymore.
"I love you too."
i haven't written a one-shot in a while, this was really really fun.
-mod kyoko
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