#*insert debbie ryan gif*
yeonjune · 7 months
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YEONJUN ✙ minisode 3: TOMORROW Concept Trailer #2
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solacereigns · 3 months
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pov: you're alex marquez's passenger princess
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
me, having voted for atlas, seeing y’all confess to being too horny for baby: am i… better than everyone? *insert debby ryan quirky girl gif”
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You didn’t let lust cloud your judgement baby I’m so proud of you
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maze-of-sweets · 4 months
cool !!
teehee maybe we should play together sometime *insert debby ryan hairtuck*
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you rn ^^
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hughiecampbelle · 3 years
jammesbarnnes >>>> druiigg 💞💌💕
Idk when I'll be changing it, but it should be soon!!!
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tagging moots to let u know!!! 💕 @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @fangirlsarah16 @fanficsfromyesteryear @royaltywhxre @locke-writes @imaginesbymk @sheimagineddragons @always-imagine-a-dream @aspie-allie @biscottibitch @cactiem @emcon-imagines @k-ryuuguji @lilyswritings @lxncelot @multifandomsimagine @moonlit-imagines @peterman-spideyparker @swanimagines @thisisparadisemylove @theshelbyclan @smallheathgangsters 💕💖💜💕💖💜💕💖
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rosesvioletshardy · 3 years
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MIN @ COL 10.30.2021
bonus: his hit on eriksson-ek
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buckybarnes-1917 · 2 years
Dad!Spencer; Husband!Spencer
You walk in on Spencer playing dress up with your daughter.
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Getting off of work after a long day was always amazing, especially knowing what awaits you at home: your daughter and sometimes your husband, Spencer, if he wasn’t off working on a case for work.
You call Spence to let him know you were on the way home, something the two of you have made a habit after being married for 10 years and being best friends since the two of you met. He was your tutor in high school while he going on to get his PhD, crazy right? You married a man with an IQ of 187, something you were still mesmerized to this day.
After calling him twice and receiving no answer, you get worried. You knew Spence was off today and spent the day with your daughter, Rose Marie Reid. He normally is really good about answering his phone, even when he was busy at work, insisting that you and Rose Marie were more important than work and would always answer no matter what.
A grueling 20 minutes later of fast driving and lane swerving to get home, you finally reach your destination. You see the lights on in the house, as well as Spencer’s car in the driveway.
You get walk through the door and announce your arrival, but no response. Now you were definitely worried.
Rushing up to your daughter’s room, you hear Spence and Rose laughing loudly which instantly brings a smile to your face. Knowing they were okay, for one, made you happy but also hearing the sound of them laughing warmed your heart.
You peak your head into the room and see you husband crouching down to the 4 year old’s height while she applies makeup to his face. Not only is this a funny sight, but you see him in an old dress you used to wear that was stuffed into the back of your closet. He had to have really dug for that one, you thought.
“Daddy be still! You move too much!” Rose Marie cried out, causing Spencer to chuckle, frustrating her more.
“Well, if you didn’t keep stabbing my eyes I wouldn’t move!” he exclaimed back jokingly. Spencer had the widest grin on his face as he looked at his little girl in adoration.
To say you were lucky is to say the least.
You watched in on Spence and Rose for a few for minutes, laughing quietly to yourself when they would start to ‘argue’ over a plethora of things: him moving, her stabbing his eyes, him breathing too much and his breath ‘stinking’, and her taking forever with the makeup.
“Daddy if you move one more time, I will tell mommy that you weren’t playing princess with me like you promised,” Rose Marie spoke, a hand going on her hip in the process. Lord, did she have your attitude.
Spencer’s eyebrows lifted in confusion,”But I am playing? I don’t just wear dresses and makeups for anyone, you know.”
She gave him a mischievous smile before speaking,”I’ll still tell her on you. Mommy will get onto you,” after saying this she stuck her tongue out at him.
Now was your time to make you presence known, confused as to how it went this long, but nonetheless. “So you were going to tell on daddy for no reason?”
The other two Reids’ heads snapped to you, Spencer’s smile brightened as he noticed you were finally home. He missed you a lot today, even though he enjoyed his time ‘Father-Daughter’ bonding with Rose Marie, Spencer loved the three of you spending time together more than anything in the world-aside from his alone time with you of course. *insert Debbie Ryan meme*
“Mommy!” Rose screamed as she ran up to you. You bent down to her level and caught her as she ran into, throwing her arms around your neck, “I missed you so much today!” she pulled away from you and began speaking again,” Daddy and I had lots of fun though, he took me…”
As Rose was continuing on to you about her day with Spencer, he walked over to you and crouched down next to you, smiling over at you as he watched you listen to the daughter the two of you shared.
Spencer never thought his life could be as perfect as it was in this moment. He has all he could ever ask for, you and Rose. His perfect little family. Spencer reached his hand out to your back and began rubbing circles on it while Rose continued to babble, much like he did with his facts.
A small smile graced your lips as you felt Spencer’s hand on your back and you side-eyed him as Rose kept talking. You were struggling to hold back laughter as you looked at him, completely forgetting his face was covered in multiple different shades of makeup and wearing your dress. The things he’d do for Rose, you thought to yourself.
Later that night after the four year old was put to sleep, you were in the kitchen cleaning up from supper while Spence was upstairs struggling to get the makeup off.
“Hey, Y/N?” he questioned as he rounded the corner from the hallway. He had gotten majority of the makeup off, though you’d hope so after him being in the bathroom for 20 minutes with your makeup wipes.
You hummed in response, locking eyes with him as he got closer to you, his tall frame towering over you more and more as the distance between you two closed.
Spencer walked up and gave you a loving kiss on the lips, before pecking your lips three times and pulling away. The two of you smiling as you did so,
“How was your day, sweetheart?” Spencer asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist, looking down to you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck,”It was good, I had two court cases today and won both of them. I just wish I could’ve been home with you and Rosey. Help her get you all dolled up and what not.”
Spencer rolled his eyes, still smiling,” Haha. Laugh it up. You’re just mad that I looked amazing in your dress.” With that, he proceeded to take one of his hands ‘flip’ his hair back in a diva like fashion.
You both laughed, and talked for a few minutes longer before making your way to the bedroom. The two of you showered together that night, in a non sexual way, but still admired each other’s bodies. Both of you wondering how in the world y’all got so lucky with one another.
Thank you so much for reading! Send requests if you want another Spencer or whatever character you want that can be found on my page!
Love each and every one of you lots❤️
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iwrit3 · 2 years
Jeff x Reader
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Summary: You think Jeff is in love w Lizzy, Jeff thinks you hate him, and Heather thinks you're gonna screw.
{a/n}; hi!👋🏽 this is my first posted piece of work, still needs some work done but i’ve decided to let it go for now. this is a work i just think of as s.o.l. but slightly fluffy? and i really wanted to post something b4 i dozed off. hope you enjoy it! *debbie ryan ear tuck*
WARNINGS: voluntary drug use, but if anything slipped my mind feel free to let me know. Yet, if any of this^ above TRIGGERS you please do not read this or read at your own risk. And please DO NOT REPOST nor ALTER my work, but reblogging to share is fine.
please enjoy.
You shoved your head further into your lone pillow as 'Died in Your Arms' by Cutting Crew plays on the overhead. While a classic, it yanks you out of your deep sleep, something you don't appreciate.
"Wakey, wakey everyone! Let's have a great-productive day, yeah?", Steve exclaims through the mic. Groaning you turn, facing the door to stretch before you decide to get up to start your day. Being mindful of your surgically inserted vial pack at the base of your spine, that Mark restocks on occasion, although it hasn’t caused you any problems so far.
Sliding your feet to the floor you hear others thudding past the door to your private room. Getting up you grab a change of clothes and go through your daily routine, which just consisted of a shower and taming your mane.
You've decided to hit the kitchen before you lounge in the commons, shutting the door you begin gliding through the halls passing your fellow inmates, and walking into the kitchen. "Hey, Angel~", Lizzy practically sings to you, finishing up the tray in front of her while dancing to her walkman. Jeff just nods your way whilst leaning against the island.
"Hey lovebirds~", you reply waving your hand slightly grabbing an hors d'oeuvre off of her tray. She gives you a look and for a moment you're not sure it's because of you taking the food before it's actually being served or calling them lovebirds.
Until she grabs the tray so you can't nab anymore and jokes, "We are not lovebirds. I mean how could we when we haven’t even named our fifth child yet? Hm?", with Jeff laughing out an accusatory, "Yeah!" You smile at the two walking back toward the arch of the kitchen shaking your head, off to the commons.
Picking back up into the book you were reading you suddenly are pulled into the thought of Jeff and Lizzy changing things around here, a good change of course, how they would be a nice couple.
You always assumed Rogan and Heather would end up being the starting couple of the compound, or the very very slim chance of him acknowledging Sarah because of her assuring him of her interest in him by openly flirting with him when she gets the chance.
Observing more so than 'taking action' you almost always noticed when you saw one- other than when we are needed for the trials Steve and Mark were running- there was also the other. A little jealous, you envied their relationship even though you could've cut yourself some slack because you were only admitted recently.
Yet you could argue that you've fit in well, with Heather inviting you to pick through her limited wardrobe or the 'girl talk' you engage in- really being about how Sarah sometimes shoots her nasty looks when she thinks Rogan isn't paying attention. Or when you help Lizzy out with the meals of the day, and Steve passes the halls to greet everyone but always seems to stop and get into in-depth convos with you. And gaining the moniker: Angel, amongst your ’crew’.
You jump out of your thoughts when feedback shoots from the overhead, Steve called, "Hey, uhh, can I have our Angel and my friend Jeff join us in our examination room, please?" Putting the book you ended up skimming back onto the end table, you stand moving your clothes back into place glancing across the room you lock eyes with tw-three? three people surprisingly.
First, Heather, she's smirking whilst giving you a thumbs up with the hand furthest from you as if to hide it. Next Sarah, giving you the look she primarily reserves for the former. And then an unreadable look from Rogan, furrowing your brow towards them he just turns back to his book, and you just shrug and maneuver your way out and towards the examination room.
Cracking open the formerly air-sealed door, you slide into the dark room spotting the cushioned yellow seats, and took the one furthest from the entrance, force of habit to keep an eye on your exits as per your previous 'experiences'. You make yourself comfortable before Abnes-Steve begins the trial for however long it may take, while you guess they are preparing in their observation bay in front of you.
After a few moments, your right ear perks to the sound of the door releasing its pressure and giving way to the new silhouette entering the room. Eyes adjusting to the room again after the brief exposure to the light in the halls, the figure you realize is Jeff sitting across from you also getting settled in his seat and waving his right hand in greeting, "Hey." "Hi.", you reply tucking back into yourself, eyes sweeping the room from being idle. Jeff suddenly shifts in his seat after seemingly lost in thought, looking into your eyes he opens his mouth to speak, "Uhm, hey Angel, do you want t-" but the sunroof begins pouring light into the room and he stops himself, looking toward the elevated room adjacent to you.
Turning back to your left, you notice the now-lit observation room with Mark and Steve sitting in a similar manner as Jeff and you. Moving toward the console and pressing a button speaking into the mic in front of him, Steve welcomes you with, "Thanks for coming in you two, how have you been feeling lately?" You pick up the left corner of your mouth before replying, "Just peachy. And you?" refraining from using either of his names because you'd always get conflicted when wanting to be casual yet respectful. Jeff grins at your response stating, "Great-good, things are going good."
Steve reclines in his seat pleased with your answers. "That's great! I mean awesome! So, uhm, Jeff! What are your thoughts on Angel here?" Slightly throwing his head back in shock he asks, "Ang-On Angel?" "Yes, Angel.", Steve affirms. "Right, uhm. They’re… I’m not sure how to describe them really. Just a nice, cool person I guess.”, Jeff gets out.
“Okay, uhm permission to administer B-15? Just to help you guys out a bit. Drip on?”, Steve echoes in the room. “Acknowledge.”, Admits Jeff. “Acknowledge.”, You voice, interested in Jeff’s take on you. From his desk Steve swipes a dial on his phone, activating the Verbaluce vial in your body packs also known as the drug B-15. “Alright Jeff, Angel. Please continue.”, he tells you both as he sits upright to focus on your responses. Jeff shifts on his sofa before saying, “Angel is a helpful, charismatic, admirable person.” “Jeff”, You start as he turns his attention to you. “..Is a nice, caring, and understanding guy.” After a moment of surprisingly not awkward eye contact, you two are met with silence. Facing the oversized bay window, you stare wondering what’s taking them.
A few more moments pass and Jeff clears his throat into the still of the room. With an inhale he calls out, “Hey uhm…” You break your stare, ”Yeah?” answering him. He sighs deeply, “Let’s talk later.” Tensing you pause before speaking, “Okay.”
What could it be about? Does he need help with something? Maybe advice with Liz? Or to get something off his chest? Hm… Why are they taking so lo- “Alright, thanks you guys, that’ll be all.” “That’s it?”, you question to yourself as you hear a sigh of relief to your right.
Jeff pats the arm of the chair before standing, then turns to the door and hastily makes it out of the room. Standing to do pretty much the same, you give a quick wave and are on your way. You start to the commons to actually finish your book this time, but Jeff wanting to talk and not being sure what it’s about is already racking your mind so you b-line to the dorms.
Picking up the pace you almost crash into what you presumed to be another attendee of the establishment, but the close-fitting grey slacks lead you to think otherwise. Meeting blue hues and already fixing an apology on your tongue you’re cut short with a raised hand. “I’m sorr-“ “Don’t bother, you were obviously in a rush and I stopped you my apologies. Don’t worry, I won’t hold you this time.”, Steve grins at you, expressing his sympathies. “Uhm, what was that about?”, you ask. “You mean…”, he drags off placing his hands on his waist, unsure of the question. “Oh, the trial I mean.”, explaining to him you notice someone standing just behind him, Jeff. He throws his head to the side as to tell you to follow him in a secluded section in the hall, leaning on the wall behind him. Eyes flickering back to the man in front of you to catch what he was telling you, “ .. yeah, just a quick routine trial for B-15.” “Oh okay, well I’m gonna go now.” Holding up both hands he sends you off, “By all means.”
Walking around him you slip in the small benched area and sit across from Jeff. Waiting for either the two of you to banish the quiet, you twiddle your thumbs and his eyes jump from the floor to your shoes.
Abruptly sitting upright he face’s you and works his way to the topic of conversation, “Usually I don’t even bother with things like this.” You shift, giving him attention to the best of your ability. “I don’t ever really need to because I normally don’t care but uh.. Do you not like me? Or something?” Unwillingly your face scrunches up in disbelief, mind running a mile a minute as you say, “Why would you think that?” He tilts back until his head hits the wall behind him. “Well, I just thought that whenever you, Liz, and I are around each other you see your way out.”, he admits shrugging.
Your arms cross so fast and the change in your facial expression almost gives him whiplash when you tell him, “That’s because I want to give you lovebirds some space. I know how much you like each other.” “Oh yeah? What about that time I went to ask Heather and at the same time you just so happened to really want her to try the quiche you made?” Recalling when you had to stand with her over a trash can, offering her water often as she tried to clear her throat of the quiche you almost choked her with. Averting your line of sight from him you feel your face start to heat up while you reply, “It was good quiche okay? Nothing wrong with sharing. Besides who wouldn’t like you?”
Just as he arches his brow about to retaliate you stop him laughing, “Besides Rogan.” Taking his turn to twist his face up, he bursts out in laughter gesturing to himself and where you entered the space, “You really think me and Lizzy? Sure..”
Taking a pause before continuing, “Angel I don’t like Liz, not in the way you’re thinking of anyway. I like you.” “Oh… Really?” “Definitely.”, he shuffles closer to you. “So are we doing this?”, and you to him. “Yeah, we are.” You both lean into each other, lips just brushing against one another.
Hearing multiple sets of feet and a bunch of ‘Wow!’s and ’Whoa!’s, your head whips to face Heather, Rogan, Lizzy, Sarah, and Dave? Eating a drumstick? Of course, he’s eating it’s Dave we’re talking about. “So this is where you’ve been hiding.”
You chuckle and glance at Jeff only to catch him looking back at you in the same position, and quickly turn back to the group. Smiling, Jeff does the same. “So... what’s everybody doing here? Not that I mind your presence.”, you quickly add. Dave only waves you off with his chicken and a shrug of understanding. Heather places her hands on her hips and with a roll of her eyes tells you, “Well nosey here couldn’t believe Liz when she came and told us that he was gonna ask you out, and Sarah just invited herself.”
Nodding in belief, Jeff points his question toward the only unspoken person here, “And Dave?” Lizzy shifts her weight from one hip to the other before explaining, “I told him I’d let him pick what we’re having for lunch for next week if he could sniff you out.” Sarah and Rogan chuckle over the bribe Dave brought himself in.
Dave stops mid-bite and tells Liz off, “Hey! You said lunch AND dinner!” “Yeah, yeah..” Just before they bicker, Heather and Sarah start getting into it. Sharing a look you and Jeff are already squeezing past them, saluting -not that they were paying attention anyways- and you two are whispering and sneaking your way into the kitchen to steal whatever Liz made for dinner.
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
Hi! Loving Yoonmi to death but was wondering if you'd do a buzzfeed thirst tweets and maybe jk visits her on set and has a literal meltdown seeing how the world is simping over his best friend?
glad you love her 🥺 and sure! but i’m gonna make this a what if because hybe wouldn’t let her read thirst tweets on the internet and i’m gonna do more mellowed down tweets because she still isn’t legally an adult in america
setting: hypothetically january 2022
dialogue written in italics is spoken in korean
Buzzfeed Thirst Tweets with BTS Miya
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Miya: Hi everyone! It’s BTS’s Miya, and I’m here on Buzzfeed again! It’s been so long, but I’m here to read your thirst tweets, I guess. Well, let’s dive into it…
*insert logo here*
Miya: I’m actually a little scared, but let’s go
miya can step on me with her huge ass heels and i wouldn’t even be mad
she threw her head back and covered her mouth while laughing
Miya: Do you mean these?
She lifts up her shoes, pastel purple platform heels to show them
Miya: these are a little more formal than my usual shoes, but, hey, 5 inches because I'm 5 '2, I think. And, no, I will not step on you, my shoes would hurt. You can ask my members.
the way our princess dances is always fire you can’t take your eyes off of her
Miya: Thank you! I practice a lot, so it means a lot to me that you think that!
when is the next yoonmi solo? QUEEN IM IN DROUGHT
Miya: Hmm, that’s a secret. I don’t have anything worth releasing as an idol yet, so even I don’t know
no one:
me: but have you seen the way yoonmi smirks when she raps?!?!?!?!?!
Miya: Oh, you mean like this?
she pulled the debby ryan face for a few seconds and you can hear a snort from the background
Miya: Yah! Why are you laughing? I’m cool!
cut to Jungkook poking his head in the frame and waving hi before Yoonmi pushes him off to the side
Miya: He told me he was busy today, why is he here?
one look from yoonmi when she’s in her badass stage persona and i’ll be down on my knees ��
Miya: Nooooo, guys I’m not some god or form of actual royalty
She looks down at the phone for a few seconds before looking back up
Miya: Please don’t cry, either AAAAAH
kim yoonmi in leather 🥵
Miya: Now that is a thirsty emoji
she laughed
Miya: Should I wear more leather? Change my style? Comment down below
She pointed downwards and laughed with a shrug
Mark lee is so lucky. He can hug and kiss miya any time he wants.
Miya: I mean technically not?
She looks at the camera and raises a finger to start listing points
Miya: We’re both pretty busy, we don’t get to see each other much, and sneaking out is getting harder to do
She stage-whispered the last bit
Miya: But, yeah, he can hug and kiss me whenever he wants, and i wouldn’t say i’m opposed to that…
She looks off the screen and sticks her tongue out
Miya: Jeon Jungkookie is making faces at me from over there
yoonmi would be such a big mess on twitter, hybe, we need it 💳💥💳💥💳💥
she snorts at reading this and covers it with a cough
Miya: oh you’d be surprised. Some of those little “incorrect quotes” or “miya on twitter” threads you have might be accurate
Miya can get it
Miya: Get what?
She looked at the camera with wide, innocent eyes, then laughed and shook her head
Miya: kidding! I know what you mean. I’d rather not, thank you. I maybe an adult in Korea, but I’m still a kid, so, no thank you. Be happy that that one doesn’t understand “get it”
She discretely points to her side where, then the editors put an arrow and jungkook’s name to indicate he was sitting there off camera
istg it’s always so sexy when yoonmi curses
she immediately shushed the camera while looking off towards the side with an innocent smile
Miya: Guys, my manager is here. Don’t let him know that I curse on camera! But, in all honesty, I think it’s okay to curse as an expression so long as you don’t curse at other people
yoonmi: *breathes*
me: mommy? sorry, mommy? Sorry, mommy?
she raised her eyebrow at this and pretended to sigh
Miya: I’m a dog mom, but noooooo don’t call me mommy, please! Thank you
BTS Yoonmi probably has the best proportions I’ve ever seen on a k-idol
Miya: this is a lie! Hi, you might be new here, I’m 157cm tall. 5’2”! Okay, maybe for my height I have decent proportions, but, hey, I’m selling my music, not my looks
She gave a quick finger heart before lighting up
Miya: Thanks for noticing, though! I like to think my gymnastics and jiu jitsu keeps me in shape since I haven’t worked out in a long time
Jungkook *off camera*: Watch your eyes and words, people, she can grapple a man over 185cm tall to the ground and knock him out
then jungkook’s face appeared next to her making her jump in surprise
Jungkook: but that’s if you manage to go through me
She pushed him back to his seat off screen
Miya: moving on!
ok but hear me out: spiderman no way home except they also drag in spidergirl yoonmi. her gymnastics and jiu jitsu would let her pull of the role easily and i just know she’d look good in a bodysuit 👀
she opened her mouth to speak, but jungkook made his way into the frame and began talking
Jungkook: She cried when we watched No Way Home
Miya: Um, bye?
she pushd him off frame with a laugh
Miya: I’m totally down for that! I love marvel movies, and I think it would be a great experience, so… marvel, hit me up!
someone from the staff must have translated the comment for jungkook since his voice appeared again
Jungkook: Why do you want to see my best friend in a bodysuit?
she immediately started reading the next tweet to keep him from freaking out
she was also cut off before she could speak
Jungkook: Noooo, no more! The hyungs and I had mini heart attacks after that, especially with what we saw online
Miya: Maybe someday soon with Hannah unnie and Seri again… Oh! Ari’s an adult now, too! Someday with all four of us
she ignored jungkook’s indignant noises and moved on to the last tweet
the stars, the moon, and the sun aren’t enough to describe how much i love yoonmi and how much love she deserves 🥺
Miya: Aw, this is absolutely lovely! Thank you so much, but you deserve more love than you’re giving me, okay?
she gently put the card down inside her bag
Miya: I’m keeping this one if that’s okay with you
you can hear the staff laughing in the background before she sits up straight and looks at the camera
Miya: Well, that’s been me reading thirst tweets, though I don’t think the last one was a thirst tweet… But it’s been lovely, and I don’t think I’ll ever do this again
she laughed a little along with the staff before gesturing off the screen for someone to join her. jungkook stepped into frame
Miya: It’s been BTS’s Miya and Jungkook
Jungkook: 2, 3, Bang!
Miya: Tan
they both bowed to the camera and started waving as soon as they straightened up
Both: Bye!
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evenstar0600 · 4 years
What your ideal Dwarf husband says about you
Dwarf You’d Date If Weirdly Hot Dwarf Turned You Down (Fili)
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If Fili is your ideal Dwarf husband, you have a thing for blonds. 
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Weirdly Hot Dwarf (Kili)
If Kili is your ideal Dwarf husband, you have a thing for Irish guys.
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The Bouncer (Dwalin)
If Dwalin is your ideal Dwarf husband, you want a guy who comes off as agressive but is really a big softie.
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Cinnamon Roll (Ori)
If Ori is your ideal Dwarf husband, you want a guy who will give you breakfast in bed with a flower and sweet little poems every now and again.
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Starfish (Nori)
If Nori is your ideal Dwarf husband, you want a man who’ll literally do anything for you.
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Badass Santa (Balin)
Stop ❤️
This is grandpa, but with class™
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Dora The Explorer (Dori)
This is also grandpa, but with a badass teaset.
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Dumbledwarf (Oin)
Again, grandpa but deaf edition™
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Gimli Sr (Gloin)
If Gloin is your ideal Dwarf husband, you must be really agressive. 
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Jimmy Nesbitt Dwarf (Bofur)
If Bofur is your ideal Dwarf husband, then you’re sorted. This man will literally do anything for you, and I mean anything. He’ll give you cuddles after a hard day and etc.
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Axewound (Bifur)
If Bifur is your ideal Dwarf husband, good for you.
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Raini Rodriguez (Bombur)
If Bombur is your ideal Dwarf husband, then be ready for food shares (or not. *insert Debby Ryan smirk*)
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Daddy Oakenshield (Thorin)
If Thorin is your ideal Dwarf husband, then prepare for him to belittle you most of the first Hobbit movie, then declare his love for you at the end. 
A/n: Might make a p2, but idk
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vadergf · 3 years
I was asleep and my dream was some fucking self insert dream fanfic and I literally Debby ryaned so hard i woke up
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craftedbyrae · 4 years
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^^^^ me ready for all the sticker orders I’m not gonna get. I just love this design sm and definitely overstocked 😅😅 Anyways... *insert Debbie Ryan smirk* my Dunkin’ Donuts stickers are ready 👀
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(Etsy link pinned in profile ⭐️💜)
Tags: dunkin donut coffee drink latte beverage cute sticker black cream caramel obsessed Charli
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