#*inhales naku weed*
blood-orange-juice · 1 year
It's not that I don't believe Oratrice couldn't be tempered with
I'm more wondering how you'd do that
It's not like swapping a gear or two in a machine
The thing is like AI with a bit more complications
Do you just "feed" information to it prior to influence its judgement? Let's say it would accept that information. But why would you make it so it would listen to anything outside of trial?
Can you stop doing Foul Legacy at ant inconvenience? Like he is all about "love crossing blades with strong opponents" but all he does is summon Mahoraga at any inconvenience
No wonder he is still shit with a bow.
If it's AI, it's either done by adversarial attacks (spray Childe with some guilty pixels) or yes, by swapping (metaphorical) gears.
The first isn't that different from 'hurr durr primordial sea traces' just with an extra step, the second... If Oratrice is the old Archon's consciousness this probably can't be done at all?
maybe Childe just pissed off enough oceanids while levelling
Maybe forging the outcome in the last moment? Someone was in the reactor room (I am not sorry) while the trial was going on then (they could have fed it extra data too). Doesn't seem too plausible either.
I'm bad at analyzing lore like this so I can only think from a narrative viewpoint.
Childe just randomly being connected would be bad writing. Someone framed him. Knowing/suspecting the outcome.
Not having hints allowing us to solve the mystery would be bad writing too, it's the whodunit expanstion. So I doubt it's something about the technical details we don't know yet.
So I'll keep it simple and lean towards the primordial sea connection (the question is then who could have known about it) and no tampering with the machine itself.
Also do we have the familiar voice Lyney heard in the secret room accounted for? Was it Cowell? Or was it dropped?
Maybe I'll have something to say once I go through the world quests. They usually have important lore. Maybe we do know the Oratrice technical details and I'm just not there yet.
Can't stop won't stop. That seemed more like desperation than inconvenience to me though.
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Vincent wondered about Kazuha's words for not worrying on missing yoimiya, he chuckled at the general's reaction after the Geo specter got interested in him too as Albedo before and enjoyed the way Kazuha treated the Hydro one before he smoothly landed on the roof by his skill.
"Thank you, general Gorou. It would help to keep these two out of sight to avoid unnecessary attention on hurt them or misunderstand their attention" the young man said with soft smile. When they all got in the vessel and ready to leave, Like before Vincent used his Hydro arms to hold the two on the roof securely as Gorou started to lead the waverider a head to the pearl island.
Lily murmured in her sleep and a few words could be heard faintly ".. kitty.. come back.. lighting... person.." and her father thought it might be something connected to what happened before when she gave Kazuha two flowers 'I really should check on her and see if she gained a new ability' he smiled kindly while hugging her closer to his chest, the Hydro specter softly rubbing against her shoulder as if it's trying to ease her dream and surprisingly it did made her giggle in her sleep "thank you, friend" the younger artist said patting the specter's on it's upper side gently to gain a silly reaction as to show its own support for the girl.
Kazuha looked down at the Hydro harness that took hold of him, confused.
“That’s just Vincent being our group’s mom friend~” Nigredo explained.
“I see,” said the samurai with a chuckle.
Gorou took to the helm and started up the waverider. After making sure everyone was onboard, he took off at a steady pace.
Much like Nigredo had earlier, Kazuha closed his eyes to feel the spray of the ocean and the wind in his hair. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this feeling,” he mused. “The open sea and the endless possibilities for adventure that lie beyond the horizon.”
Nigredo hummed in agreement. “It really does feel like there are no boundaries out here.”
“Blue, indigo, black
Shadows of the night make the
Moon and stars shine bright”
The Erdeprinz blinked at the seemingly random words. “Huh?”
“A haiku,” Kazuha explained. “I dabble in poetry sometimes. The stars are beginning to appear.”
Nigredo looked up. “So they are.”
Kazuha pulled two small objects out of his robes, one violet and one red. With a flick of the wrist, the red device sparked to life with controlled Pyro energy, and the samurai touched the tiny flame to one end of the violet object before dousing it and putting the red device away. He brought the purple thing, which Nigredo recognized as the rolled-up leaf of a naku weed, inhaled deeply, and turned away from his rooftop companion to expel the smoke from his lungs.
“Ah, this must be one of the recreational uses of naku weed I’ve heard about,” Nigredo observed plainly.
“I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. In fact, I’m curious about the effects.”
Kazuha held the blunt out to the gardener. “Would you like to try?”
“Sure, why not?” Nigredo’s said with a shrug, taking the naku weed and mimicking Kazuha. He turned to the side a coughed violently when the smoke entered his lungs.
The poet laughed. “It takes some getting used to,” he said, patting the blond on the back.
“H-hang on. -cough!- Let me try again. Now that I know what to expect…” Nigredo’s second attempt went much smoother. The effects were almost immediate as he handed the naku weed back to Kazuha.
“Slight dulling of cognitive faculties, lessening of tension in the muscles, a general feeling of ease. I can see why certain people would find this addicting.”
Kazuha chuckled. “Thankfully I haven’t sunk to that point.” He leaned back on his free hand and took another hit as the coral peaks of Watatsumi Island poked out over the horizon.
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thedivinevera · 2 years
Diluc, keaya x high! Reader
Crack, establish relationship
You are harvesting something for a commission but you accidentally inhale a naku weed but apparently naku weed has some different effects on you, after you come back to your partner's house you suddenly lost your ability to function anf think normally and you just look at them without blinking and to be honest it scares them a lot, they found out that you inhale a naku weed,. They take care of you and help you do your things, everything is good until you
Tumblr media
Surprised, as in he doesn't move or any
He try to function what is happening
When he gain composure, he release his cheek from your mouth and you just look at him blank eyes
He just wash it off to be honest scolding you will not going to do something since your aperantly not functioning
Yelp as in he yelp and look at you disappointed, why not you just bite his cheeks like you how you bite some snacks
But he can't deny he's actually an absolute snack (*lip bite*)
But chow. He will going to make sure to let you know what happen after you come back to your consciousness
You will going to die of embarrassment.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 years
abyss fireflies, pt 1
Lumine hates the overworld.
“Princess?” Dain rumbles, a comforting presence at her back even as she stumbles and falls to her knees. The grass dents beneath her fingers, soft and scratchy. She fights the overwhelming urge to start coughing. Her vision has gone all narrow, spotty and dark with static creeping in from the sides. She can barely see the green of the ground anymore. Her hands register the pebbly dirt between the vegetation, but little else does.
“I hate it,” she gasps, and despite her best efforts, the next inhale comes with a hacking, choking feeling. The next time Lumine can think past the burning in her lungs and throat, she finds that Dain has knelt beside her. He’s got one hand rubbing soothing circles into her back and another on her shoulder. It’s a comforting weight. Reminds her that she’s still alive.
Dain, she thinks blearily, smells like a strange combination of Naku Weed and Cecelias. Those plants that grow in the overworld’s forbidden places, where Celestia tries to touch the Abyss and comes away burned. It’s such a random thought that the next wave of coughing takes her by surprise. “Stupid—” she chokes out.
“It’ll pass,” says Dain, and Lumine knows he’s right but the knowledge doesn’t make it any better.
And it does pass—it just takes ten minutes and coughing so hard she feels like her stomach is going to heave out of her mouth and onto the grass. When she’s done, and when she doesn’t feel like there’s an imminent wave of spasms waiting for her around the corner, she sits back on her heels and wipes at her mouth with her sleeve. She tips her head back a little, just enough that she catches the very fringe of the sun’s halo, and closes her eyes. “Dain,” rasps Lumine.
“Fucking hate coming up here.”
“I know. It’s necessary, though,” he says, and Lumine knows he’s right and hates it. She hates a lot of things, these days, and she’s not sure half the time if that it’s her or if it’s the Abyss. It’s the Abyss’s fault she can’t go out into the overworld for long stretches of time without getting horribly, cripplingly sick, and the Abyss’s fault that sunlight can feel like knives on hot days. There’s got to be side effects she’s missing. It would be nice if there was someone else out there that she could consult and compare notes with—maybe that Snezhnayan kid. But he’d only been in the Abyss for a few days in overworld-time.
She’d been down there for centuries.
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1-800-h0rr0r · 2 years
𝐒𝐦𝟎𝐤!𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝟒𝐤𝐮 𝐰𝟑𝟑𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝟎𝐦!𝟑
The smell of weed filled the air, as dreams flew out the window. Kazuha had given up hope, ever since his friend had passed away, so he decided to get high to hopefully make his worries go away.
His eyes were red from crying, and from smoking.
He wrapped the naku weed in pieces of his poetry.
His plan was to get out of this damned nation with Tomo. However, the Raiden shogun had a change of plans; so did him..
He heard something behind him; but he honestly didn't give a shit anymore. Standing behind him was a short man, with choppy indigo hair, and a large hat. He sat himself across from him.
The man picked up the purple weeds, and curiously looked at them. "Know how to do it?" Kazuha asked. He shook his head. He grabbed the one in his hand and grabbed a piece of papers. Crushing it, then rolling it up.
"Then you light the tip and inhale." He showed him how to do it, carefully guiding his hands.
"There you go!" He cheered.
The men smoked for hours on end.
"My co-workers are such assholes! Can't even do they're damn job right.." The indigo complained. Kazuha listened to the man's tales about his boss, and how he worked with idiots. He had some sympathy for him.
"What are you doing out here anyway?" He asked. "The fucking shogun killed my friend, so I'm just out here mopingg." He gritted his teeth. "Oh don't get me started on that bitch, she's a fucking pussy, won't even leave her little safe place and sends her puppet to do everything for her!"
"I like you purple boy, what's your name?" "Kunikuzushi, what's yours weed boy?" "Kaedehara Kazuha, but you can call me Kazuha."
"Let's do this again, sometime." Kunikuzushi shook his hand.
Kazuha blacked out for most of the night, when he woke up, the man was gone.
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hematomes · 3 years
speaking of kazuha's naku weed i was in the presence of friends that had weed and ive never been in the presence of people that have weed and i didn't do any but woke up with throat pain. have i inhaled the high
possible, if they didn't smoke at a reasonable distance you might have inhaled some, which isn't good
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