#*fatalelity: addison montgomery
protagcnists · 9 months
starter call — accepting
@fatalelity vanessa bloom + addison montgomery
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"hey..." vanessa's head turned on a swivel as she sat on the edge of the patient bed, legs dangling over the side. impatience ran through her, feeling abandoned in her time of need. truthfully, she hadn't paid enough attention to the person who brought her into the emergency department. their voice was too high-pitched to take seriously, and vanessa was already predisposed to ignore any preachy-doctor types that crossed her path. "hello!?"
as she saw someone pass by, flames of red catching her eye, vanessa grabbed at the curtain and pulled, hollering in the woman's direction. "hey! you! yeah, ginger rogers," she called, picking on the person with distinguishable features she could point out. "yeah, hey, i'm sure you're busy," doctors always were. "but i've been waiting for someone to stitch me up for an eternity." vanessa nodded to the gauze on her forearm. "and i'd really like to get out of here soon before i get bored enough and remember that i have plenty of lawyers in my contacts that are well versed in medical malpractice suits, so..."
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lindscys · 10 months
@fatalelity ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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"how long does a dna test take to come back?" erin asked, head turning towards the doctor as the question came seemingly out of nowhere. "i'm just asking for a friend." the slow seeping of a man claiming to be her father coming back into her life was sitting in the back of her mind more than she'd care to admit, it seemed.
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conziergearch · 2 years
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                   regarding the canon divergence.   she should have never let max in.   it’s a mistake,   not because she doesn’t love him ――   she’s never been more sure of anything in her life.   but the timing is never right.   between the threat of him getting his custody over luna revoked,  sending mina off to attend cambridge across the pond,   and seeing her mother cough up blood,   it’s a mistake made out of insecurity.   everything seems fragile,   and max …   he doesn’t.   he radiates a comforting chaos in which every reluctant doubt is drowned out.   but she knows the moment she opens the door to him panting and staring at her :   she cannot let him in and not break his heart.   several days pass between her return from london and the night she spends with max ;   days during which she mulls the decision to leave over and over and over.   lauren knows of her doubts and the urge to change something back home.   it isn’t a decision to makes lightly,   and it isn’t a decision she makes just for herself :   there’s a wound in her chest,   has been there as long as she can remember.   she wants a child,   she’s wanted a child since she was young ――   but something tells her that as long as she has that gaping injury pouring blood from her rib cage,   the same she sees on her mother’s breast every time she looks at her,   she’ll hand it down to whatever life she attempts to grow.
and so it unfolds ;   she apologises.   no apology has ever come more reluctantly over her lips than the one uttered to max in the aftermath of a kiss that shouldn’t have taken place.   the relationship ends before it even begins.   she knows that a long distance relationship would just ruin them both.   she’d pull him down with her ――   and new amsterdam needs max,   in just that way she doesn’t.
she keeps in contact with lauren,   avoiding max as though that could make the heartache easier.   when she returns to spend the night with her friends and suffers a massive stroke as a result of being drugged,   the cracks under her feet become a downward spiral.   for months,   she struggles to get even the simplest sentences out.   no ifs,  ands,  or buts.   the life she’s attempted to build back in london slips out of her hands :   she goes into rehab,   withdraws even further from anyone she knows,   and the ground she’s laid to heal the relationship to her mother gets chapped.   her recovery takes her well into season five,   but there are moments in which she finally allows herself to think about max,  and about luna.   but when she reaches out …   he’s distant.   there’s a lump in his neck.   the words unlock a fear inside her chest that she’s almost successfully made herself forget about :   she returns,   becomes his doctor.   and it’s back to the beginning,  isn’t it ?   this time,   she won’t run when her heart begins stumbling again.
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affiliated .     rizico,   max goodwin.     trustschaos,   lauren bloom.     fatalelity,   addison montgomery.   therxsistance,   elizabeth wilder.
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                      🖤  this for me to come plot something with you.
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politicalgenius · 2 years
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THE BESTIES POWER TRIO,   featuring   the first female president  +  the most wealthy woman in the world ( @ofmalice )  +  the best neonatal / fetal surgeon to ever exist because mellie says so and she insists that she’s always right about these things ( @fatalelity ).
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lovehurried · 3 years
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“Come on, I’ll buy you a drink.”
@fatalelity​​​ gets a canon line starter
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illuminatcd-arch · 3 years
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"you rocked that or today.” april always did have a tendency to get a little louder than perhaps you would like her to be when she’d had a couple of drinks, and tonight was no different. “i mean it was like - i don’t even know what.” she said, sliding herself into a nearby seat, hand clasping around the bottle she’d picked up from the bar. “i need that kind of rockstar power when i’m an attending.” || @fatalelity
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trustsarchive · 3 years
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@fatalelity​ said   →   lauren's thots™ on addison
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“addison?  addison who?  that name doesn’t ring any bells.”
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“just kidding,  addison’s the smartest person i’ve ever met and she deserves to think so,  because it’s the truth.  she’s so so kind,  with the world’s biggest heart,  which you know if you’ve ever taken the time to meet her.  she’s a pain in my ass,  honestly.  she may say i’m one in hers,  but that’s a lie.  a big,  big lie,  cuz she’s one in mine.  she’s thoughtful,  and considerate,  but she knows what she’s worth and should never forget it...  or let anyone else forget it.  i love her endlessly,  and she’s my very favorite person.  is that enough?  how many thoughts am i supposed to give?  that’s good for now,”
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ethyrealbye · 3 years
                                 ❝     there’s  a  chinchilla  in  the  ed.     ❞         she  pauses  mid-step  in  the  doorway,  the  expression  forming  on  her  face  evident  of  her  disbelief  that  that  is  actually  a  sentence  she  said,  and  that  it’s  not  a  metaphor.  eyes  find  addison’s  as  she  moves  to  pour  a  cup  of  coffee.          ❝     came  in  with  a  cardiac-arrest  as  an  “emotional  support  animal”  .  .  .  it’s  even  wearing  a  vest.     ❞         cup  rises  to  her  lips  as  she  tastes  the  brew,  and  she  grimaces  at  the  taste.  it’s  awful,  but  it’ll  do.  turning  her  back  to  the  wall  and  leaning  against  it,  regina  quirked  a  brow  at  the  other  doctor.          ❝     i  know  i’m  still  fairly  new  here  but  ...  is  that  normal  ?     ❞
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starter  for  @fatalelity​.
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heartbetween · 4 years
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❝ So... uh... how are you involved with Doc again? ❞
╰ 。゚ @fatalelity​ liked s.c.
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conziergearch · 3 years
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SC :   i just finished watching season three   ⟶   @fatalelity​
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                    his mug appears misplaced on her desk,   a little colourful dot in the middle of paperwork and pencils  while he makes himself comfortable on the other side of the wooden surface.   lunch is preponed,   or breakfast a little late :   either way,   ignatius leans his chin onto the knuckles of his hand and looks at her in hopes of convincing her of the urgency of his request for help.   or,   well,   reassurance.     “ they’re growing up,  addie.   they’re growing up so quickly.   i found a small love letter addressed to sam in the kitchen ――   didn’t go through her stuff,  i’d never   but…   you know,   i can’t stop thinking that she’s gonna finish school one day   and have a job and get married,   and not ever will i be able to stop seeing her as my little girl who makes campfires with me   and chases me around the apartment. ”
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trustsarchive · 3 years
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bonus   *   lauren bloom  +  addison montgomery   (   @fatalelity​   ).   
montbloom appreciation   *   don’t reblog,  non-rp blogs don’t interact.
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fatalelity · 2 years
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# FATALELITY — an independent & mutuals only blog for dr. addison montgomery of grey’s anatomy & private practice. est may 2019. as loved by ganymede ( 25, he/they ).  extremely crossover friendly!  ( carrd. )
an exploration in healing, reconciliation, & redemption.
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heartbetween · 3 years
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     He sees the hair from a distance, the lithe form, everything that makes him think he’s found his maiden, his one true love. Jumping from his perch, he nearly flies to her, hand reaching out to take hold of her hand, spin her around, and bring her close only to see his mistake up close and personal. 
❝ Oh my... ❞ He instantly releases her. ❝ Forgive me, fair maiden. I seem to have mistaken you for my beloved. You are both beautiful and for a moment, I was lost in your vision. ❞
   ╰ 。゚  @fatalelity​ liked s.c.
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intelwon · 5 years
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send me   ‘ mistletoe ’  for my muse’s response to being underneath the mistletoe with your muse.   specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose. @fatalelity​​​ said: ‘ mistletoe ’ OH accidental with dr emma maybe?? 👀
Working in peds was her worst nightmare but she knew it was something she had to do if she wanted to be a doctor. Everyone does it, she told herself as she leaned against the nurses station scouring over one patient’s case. The nurses went all out up here when it came to Christmas and decorations littered the halls. The holidays were not exactly her favorite time of year. They served as a reminder that Emma wasn’t part of any family. Instead, she decided to focus on her work, throw herself into it until she could go home and sleep the holiday away. 
Look who’s under the mistletoe she could hear someone say and Emma nearly scoffed. Who participated in that anyway on the kids floor? Emma glanced up and swallowed hard when she realized her attending was the one directly beside her. Emma straightened up. “ Doctor Montgomery... ” 
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She tried to shrug it off, a small laugh here, eyes averted there. “ Ha.. What a joke, right? Who really sticks to traditions anyways... I mean.. unless...? ” She talked when she was nervous and Emma was only sticking herself further into a hole. This was her attending. 
“ I’m just playing around... Don’t... uh... Please ignore me now. ”
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j-reau · 4 years
@fatalelity​ sent jj’s birthday things: she's circling and pacing outside of her office. of course addison remembers her birthday but now she's just confused about how to proceed. chocolates seem neutral enough right? atop is a card with a simple "happy birthday" message written on it. so. addison knocks on her door before turning her heels around the corner, her eyes peeking out to see if jj was around to receive.
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She’d been hiding out in her office most of the day, after warding off birthday greetings from most of the team. On her desk, a box of cupcakes from Garcia that came with extra coffee she’s now drinking. It’s not that JJ hates the love or her friends, but she’d never grown very used to the way people made birthday’s special. She doesn’t know what to expect when she opens her office door and at first, she’s confused, but then her eyes land on Addison with a small huffy laugh. “Hi,” she smiles on an exhale. “Penelope put you on the visitor’s list, didn’t she?”
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strngher-archived · 2 years
au  in  which  rachel  berry  ends  up  in  LA  working  as  addison  montgomery’s  personal  assistant  while  going  to  auditions ...
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just  gonna  sneakily  tag ...  @fatalelity​ ...
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