#*concerned swamp grandpa noises*
zekethebeastmaker · 2 years
“Zeeeeeeeeeke!”, Sadie barks out at the Beast Maker, way louder than she needed to from just a few feet away. “George’s doing it again!”
And by it, she meant having one of his really off days.
Zeke had been picking some moss for his snails and slugs to eat, and suddenly jolted up and back down again, causing a small wave in the water he was currently knee-deep in; and he had thought his Lily had the biggest lungs. Nonetheless, the warning was registered. He turned, searching the area with concern.
"Doin' it again? Aw, shoot. Where is he, Sadie?"
If he was having an off day, Zeke wanted to at least try to help the little guy through it- and if there was trouble, to handle it. As an elder, he felt it was his job to help the younger generation in anyway he could.
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springbloomer · 2 years
How would the brothers and/or the dateables react to you turning into a toddler for a day because you accidentally touched one of Satan's forbidden books????
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little MC PT. 1
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Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Disclaimer⚠️ Characters mentioned are from the otome game Obey Me! and none of this is cannon from the actual game. Enjoy!
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In this concept, I like to think that when we turn into a toddler, we'd be around 4-6 years old, or like a kid that's old enough to talk in short sentences and can walk by themselves just fine (and we'll also have the mind of a toddler)
You wander through the halls of the House of Lamentation, curious about the whole place, as if you were in a museum and everything around you just seemed to be so new to you. Like every other kid, you couldn't stay put and went off by your own rules, suddenly bumping into all of the seven demon brothers one by one.
He was in the middle of sorting important papers from the recent council meeting at his desk, looking swamped but calm as usual
You wanted to create a little trouble by being all sneaky and surprising him from behind his chair, so as quietly as you can, you snuck up to the occupied demon
The good news was that you surprised the hell outta him, which made you laugh and make fun of him a little bit
The bad news was that he nearly and practically tried to devour you without hesitation
If it wasn't for your constant I'm sorry, Lucifer might not have recognized the pattern of your apologies and withdrew his demon form to confront you
"MC? Is that... you?" His tone was mixed with shock, confusion, worry and concern.
Now he's rapid firing the questions at you, asking how, when, where, why, and who would've done this to you, only to give up (because when you have the mind of a toddler, the only response he'll be getting out of you are a bunch of 'i don't knows' and shrugs)
Fortunately, it wasn't long before he thought about one of Satan's forbidden books being within your reach and accidentally tampering with it when you knew you weren't supposed to
He wanted to fix the problem immediately, as he can't have you being a kid and running around the halls unsupervised and loud
But, somewhere deep inside him, he found you quite cute watching you walk and sing at the same time, or when you point at things and tell him what you think about the paintings displayed around you
He had to push those thoughts away, though, because he remembers how much work he needs to finish right after fixing your problem (and it could possibly ruin a bit of his pride hehe)
The Avatar of Greed was on his way to visit your room, when he suddenly bumped into your little self in the hallway
First he was confused, but taking one look at you, he instantly recognized you
Then he starts scanning you from head to toe, processing everything he's seeing and trying to find a logical explanation on how this happened
"Ya really got yourself in this kind of trouble, MC? What'd ya touch now?" but you only reply by commenting on his white hair ("Are you a grandpa? How very old are you?")
Well, it's not our fault that he had white hair! And as a temporary human child, we probably had the mindset that white hair on people are old people (I don't mean to be rude or discriminatory, though)
"Oi! Who do ya think you are, little human?! How dare you say something like that to The Great Mammon!" Too bad you got distracted by looking at a very weird painting and ignored him
This pissed the heck out of him (he's already ignored a lot by his brothers, poor baby😢)
He still had no choice but to find the source of the trouble you got into as he took your hand and told you to stay with him at all times
Secretly, though, with you now being a temporary toddler, it just made him want to protect you and be by your side even more, maybe like an older brother to you and your toddler mind
You passed Levi's room and heard some noises coming from the other side of the door
Without knocking, you enter his room and was surprised with his face so near to his phone that you thought he'll get sucked into it and be trapped forever (being a toddler, of course your imagination could get the better of you)
You gave out a little war cry before charging at Levi and pushing him away from his phone
"Hey, what the hell?!" He pushes you aside, not noticing the toddler version of you at all, but you only come back and attempt to keep him from looking at his phone
After a few attempts, he pauses the anime he was currently watching and was about to unleash his anger at you, but was taken aback when you hugged him tight ("Don't get sucked into another dimension or else I won't be able to save you!!")
Now he was in utter shock and was confused by what you said (he also tried to recall any anime that you might've been talking about. of course, you weren't talking about an anime at all)
"W-who are you?" The poor guy didn't recognize you right away, and with you still thinking about the whole dimension-sucking portal plot in your head, you gave him a dramatic introduction to who you were ("I am MC! And I just saved you from being trapped to another world!")
Levi was still confused, but after he was able to process your current state, he calmed down and tried to explain to you about him being glued to his phone
You were now excited about the whole anime thing and asked the otaku if you could watch with him
He was more than happy that there was now another person who would watch his favorite animes with him (he didn't care if it was the toddler you, because you were still you anyway)
He thought to himself that he'd figure out what happened to you after a few episodes (pfft, obviously after one episode, it led to another, then two more, until you've finished all 5 seasons of the anime)
He could not wait to come back to his room after purchasing yet another rare book that he's been after for a very long time
Once he arrived, he instantly got to his usual reading spot and started reading eagerly
He didn't notice, but you were actually exploring and scanning through the collection of books he owned, only to find that he has a lot of boring ones
"Boring!!! Where are the colorful pictures in these things?" Satan jumped a little at the sight of us in the form a kid
Immediately, he went straight to scolding us for touching one of his forbidden books without his permission and gave us a little bonk on the head
Luckily, he knows the exact book we touched and told us that we'll be back to normal by the end of the day
"You better not mess with the other books in here, got that?" He warned us (yessir, anything to NOT piss you off cuz it's scary..)
Now that you were beside his reading spot, he couldn't help but keep watch of you in case you leave his room or touch another forbidden book
Secretly, he found it amusing that we got into this mess and now he gets to watch little us do childish things
He also felt the need to keep close watch of you now, being a kid and all
You accidentally came through Asmo's room when he was in the middle of his daily skin routine
Was startled by the sight of little you, but quickly recovered as he saw this as an opportunity to make you look even more adorable with a makeover
"MC, you will be my new and most adorable post on Devilgram!.. If you could just sit still for a few minutes!" You were squirming on his bed when Asmo tries to put some nail polish on you
Luckily, he was able to finish the routine and snapped a picture of you before you could go and sightsee every single product Asmo put out for himself
Asmodeus to the sudden rescue! He stopped you just in time before you drank a bottle of his favorite perfume, mistaking it as some kind of juice
He scolds you for mistaking his perfume as a drink and also almost killing yourself (but mostly about the perfume, cuz this guy just LOVES the particular scent of it T-T)
You apologize, feel guilty and expressed your guilt with a very sad face. Now ASMO’S the one who felt guilty for scolding you over a bottle of liquid
“O-oh! No, no, no, MC. You have to keep smiling, because it makes you glow! You are cuter when you smile, so please smile for me~”
You guys bonded over a series of more makeovers and endless skincare routines (he didn’t mind that he’d share his personal favorite supplies, as you were a little toddler that wouldn’t use a lot of it)
After a bit of exploring around the wide halls, you felt a little hungry and searched for a kitchen
When you did arrive, you didn't expect to see a gigantic guy gobbling up all the food from the refrigerator
The thought of him eating you up kind of scared you, but you gathered up the courage to try and talk to Beel
"U-um... excuse... me?" You were going to have to speak a little louder, as the Avatar of Gluttony was occupied with devouring every single edible thing and wasn't stopping till the fridge was empty
You shouted louder, which startled him first and nearly chocked on the last custard he was saving earlier
Once you saw his stuffed face, you grew even more frightened and asked (more like stuttered) him if there were any cookies anywhere that you could eat
Beel was actually at a loss for words, he didn't recognize your little figure and was about to scare you off for disrupting his eating when he saw the scared look you gave him (my bb pitied us, hopefully for not being tiny/ short- for crying out loud, it's because we were a temporary TODDLER)
He asked for our name and offered a little of his custard to calm us down and he reassured us that we weren't going to be eaten by him (this precious boy, my bb- ♥)
"MC, is that really you? You're so tiny!" And he was a total GIANT compared to your temporary state-
He laughed when you told him that, and even stomped around in slo-mo as you pretend to be frightened and run away from him
Beel wasn't really bothered with the fact that you became a toddler. In fact, he thought it was a ton of fun playing with you and sharing his food with you at the same time
He also found it entertaining to see your honest expressions and hear your honest opinions about the food he eats, being a toddler and all
Too bad that you kept eating all of his cookies, and now he's sacrificed in eating them just to keep them away from you (because too much cookies for a human toddler wasn't good for there health)
By now, you've seen the entirety and the same halls of the House of Lamentation, and you've just so happen to stumble upon a set of stairs leading to a surprise second floor
You climbed all those stairs and it really took out the most of you, so the moment you spotted a bed, you flopped on it and tried to catch your breath for a bit
That's when a cranky Belphie approach you, and boy, was he even crankier when he saw a tiny human resting on his bed
"What do you think you're doing?!" His angered voice startled you and you immediately stand up
But before you could mutter an apology, he somehow saw the familiar tiredness in your little toddler eyes, the same as when you were in your older age
Now all he wanted to do was cuddle up even more with you because of your adorableness. His crankiness before faded as the both of you lay on the bed and drift off to sleep
Even when Belphie woke up from his nap, he found you still asleep, hugging his pillow and nuzzling deep into the sheets
He thought you looked cute with your tiny figure sleeping soundly beside him, as if you were his little sister
He also felt the need to be a lot more protective of you, now that you were a temporary child, even if he knew that it would be difficult to keep you in check with all that kid energy you have in you
Yo, anon! I hope you enjoyed reading this!! In all honesty tho, I think I wasn't able to bring out some of my ideas for each brother cuz I was writing this in a mentally crappy mood, but I still hope you liked what I wrote!! and i'm also not sure if i was able to write some sentences grammatically correct
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zekethebeastmaker · 3 years
(one who asked about the OC one)
ahh..what about it begin a throat damaged issue?
"Throat...damaged? What happened?- I don't mean to pry my nose into the unpleasant business, I just have to know exactly what happened so I know how to treat it...Should I just pay 'em a visit?"
The old beastmaker was already packing a few things- jars of snails and a few leeches, mostly.
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