#*claps* bravo
inkspottie · 15 days
Again detail notice: Seb and Sadao's tubes are full, they float in them, despite being 100 percent able to live without it and breath out of "water" unlike Eve, who is in the tube that is full because she cannot live outside of water Maybe it means that they're fully alive? Gabriel and Anzu's tubes are half filled, could mean, relating to previous one that they are inbetween, half dead, half alive, in some undead way And Painter's tube is empty, probably first thought about that he would die in liquids, but it could also mean that he isn't actually "alive" like the others Eve and Pandemonium are also off the chess game, and probably, it means it's because they have in some way, "escaped", or atleast, are OUTSIDE the blacksite, in the ocean Good People also seems to be represented on the ennemy side, despite being by Painter's? As I've thought about In the tubes: 'Good' Side Out of the tubes: 'Bad' Side (despite there not being really any actual bad or good sides, except the Crystal)
Very good very good. You’ve got most of the details correct! The tubes that are full are not meaning alive, in a sense of living and breathing, but that of being untouchable. The crystal is unable to use them.
While the half ones are potentials. Half pawns, half enemies. A threat, but they are on the wrong side.
And ye the ones out of the chessboard are ones that are not in the site, meaning Eve and pandemonium since Seb and Sadao kicked Pandy out.
The ones not in tubes are still pieces, still pawns. They aren’t good or bad, but still are forces that can and will hurt the enemy side. In the crystal’s case the team in the tubes.
Because without painter the Good People could potentially try and grab someone.
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yoannblogging · 19 days
050924 12:58
yoann a compris son bug
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stanislawkowalski · 1 month
[ con. with @asinusxdomi ]
When Louis finally managed to open his eyes and speak, Nastka’s smile softened, touched by the unexpected kindness that contrasted sharply with their usual, colder exchanges. The concern in Louis’s voice served as a poignant reminder of the intricate layers of their relationship, revealing a depth of compassion that lay hidden beneath the hardened exterior.
Nastka’s gaze lingered on Louis, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity dancing in his eyes. He shifted slightly, stretching his limbs with fluid grace, and glanced at the aspirin and Pedialyte on the nightstand—a gesture that spoke volumes about Louis’s unspoken care.
His voice emerged with a teasing lilt, though the warmth of his tone revealed the softness behind his words. “Big, you say?” Nastka mused, arching an eyebrow as he met Louis’s gaze with a smirk. “I suppose I’ve been known to make an impression, but I didn’t realise it extended to my size.”
The blond chuckled softly, the sound a gentle balm against the remnants of the previous night’s tension. “And as for the clothes,” he continued, his voice taking on a playful edge, “I suppose a change might just be what I need to shake off the remnants of last night. But I’ll admit, it’s nice to be spoiled for a change. You’ve been unexpectedly attentive, Louis. I must say, I didn’t expect this side of you.”
As he spoke, Nastka’s expression grew more contemplative, a hint of vulnerability peeking through his confident facade. “It’s curious,” he said quietly, his voice softening, “how a bit of genuine care can make even the hardest of nights seem a little less daunting. Thank you for that. It’s... appreciated.”
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After a moment of silence, the weight of his previous actions settling heavily between them, Nastka looked at Louis with an earnest gaze. “And… I need to apologise,” he said, with a voice low and sincere. “For my behaviour, for the things I said and how I treated you. It wasn’t fair, and I’ve been reflecting on it. I’m sorry, Louis. I truly am.”
He took a deep breath, letting the moment linger in the soft morning light before adding with a teasing smirk, “Now, I suppose I should take you up on that shower and see just how well your wardrobe fits me.”
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hxzelwallflower · 5 months
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ooc.♡ˎˊ˗ Eileen the equivalent of looking at someone three times her size, saying "I could take them" only to be put in her place physically moments later.
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blorbofrommyshows · 2 years
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evilhorse · 2 years
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Bravo, mademoiselle! Magnifique!,
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mllebleue · 8 months
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ofthecaravel · 1 year
*dramatically clears throat* this is my little song for karou
you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are grey
you’ll never know dear
how much i love you
so please don’t take my karou awayyyy
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tradersquestco · 1 year
Eating at Bravo Italian kitchen. Ordered a Spaghetti Bolognese.
They serve Lunch and Dinner.
It is a Upscale-Casual Italian.
It is located 1803 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus OH 43212
https://www.bravoitalian.com/ Eating Show + Review
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smallscreengifs · 2 years
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givemegifs · 2 years
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Special Guest🎙🎵 - Alastor x Singer Reader
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Whoosh!~ A cool breeze was blowing, giving you goosebumps. Your body was sitting on the railing of your bedroom porch. Just one more inch and you would tumble down. You were gazing at the sky, admiring the crimson red and the black stared orb. Peaceful moments like this were relaxing to you, despite the mast amount of pollution in the air. Heaving a sigh, you continued to gaze at the stars, humming out a song. That humming eventually turned into lyric, and you sang them outloud to yourself:
🎵If you weren't born with it You can buy a couple ornaments Just be sure to read the warning, kids 'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it Sexual, hey girl if you wanna feel sexual You can always call up a professional They stick pins in you like a vegetable
Kids forever, kids forever Baby soft skin turns into leather Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic No one will love you if you're unattractive
Oh Mrs. Potato Head tell me Is it true that pain is beauty? Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better? Oh Mr. Potato Head tell me How did you afford her surgery? Do you swear you'll stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Even if her face don't stay together...🎵
(Song/Lyrics Credit - "Mrs Potato Head" - Melanie Martinez)
As you continued to belt out the lyrics, an ominous shadow appeared behind you, watching you. Soon your song drew to an end. A sound of clapping hands appeared from behind you, making you yelp it fright. Turning your head back, you realized it was Alastor. He was smiling widely like a kid in a candy store. "Bravo, my dear!! What an amazing voice you have!" His feet carried him over to you, standing very close to the railing where you sat. Blushing, you casted your head down: "I'm not that good Al." Hands were placed on your face, pulling it back towards Al. "Don't be harsh on yourself, my dear! That was the best performance I have ever listened to! Why have you been hiding this secret from me?" Alastors hands continued to pinch your cheeks, his crimson eyes gazing at you with excitement. Pushing him back a bit, to leave your cheeks alone, you turned back towards the view. "I always had a fondness for music growing up. It was quite a shock to me when I realized that I could sing. I honestly suspected to sound like nails on a chalkboard when I first tried it out." Chuckling to yourself, you looked back at Al, who was laughing along with you at your explanation. "I imagined later on in my life I would make a career out of it, but I just never got around to doing it."
Alastor continued to gaze at your melancholic expression. He admired how passionate you were about singing. He himself adore music and he could sing as well. It pained him a bit that you never got to pursue your dreams. Leaning his body down, crossing his arms on the railing, he gazed at you, eyes flashing crimson. "Well I must say my dear, I'm already an instant fan! I wouldn't mind you showing off your talent during one of my broadcasts!" Almost falling off the railing in shock, you caught yourself. HE WANTED YOU TO SING DURING HIS RADIO BROADCASTS!!! "Y-you joking right?" Waiting for him to admit that he was joking. He laughed outloud. "Yes Indeedy! The wayward souls in hell would enjoy it very much, including myself!" His words were sincere, no distrust was spewing from his mouth. Twirling your hair with your finger, you looked down. "O-okay, if its alright with you." Alastor jumped back into his normal height, and wrapped his arm around your back, giving you a brief hug. "Excellent my dear! My broadcast starts at 11:00 AM, on the dot! Try to give some thought on what song you wish to perform. See you tomorrow, darling!" He was practically beaming, when he was talking to you. He soon disappeared, melding into a shadow.
It took you a bit to figure out what just happened. Alastor really wanted you to sing at his radio tower. You knew how much he valued his radio broadcasts, so you knew you needed to prepare yourself. Last thing you wanted was ruining the broadcast and upsetting Al. After that interaction with Al, you searched for what song you wanted to sing. Memorizing the lyrics and singing some parts out, making sure your vocal cords could handle it. You went to bed that night, nervous and excited for tomorrow.
**Tomorrow Morning, at 10:50 AM**
Sitting on a chair, you gazed around, taking in every little detail. Both you and Al were inside his radio tower, attached to the hotel. It was a cozy little studio. There was a giant window, looking down at the city. There was a desk and chair adorned with dear horns. A large stag head was mounted on the wall. On top of the large desk, was a set of microphones and buttons. Alastor was pressing a bunch of buttons, making sure everything was set for today's show. It still felt like a dream that you were in this situation right now. Maybe Alastor is a bit of a softie behind that evil radio demon status he holds. Settling down in his chair, he set his microphone cane in front of him, and adjusting yours at the same time. "Its showtime!" he says, smiling like the joker.
"Salutations! Ladies and Gentleman. What a good day to be on the air!" he started his introduction, causing you to smile. "Today's broadcast is a very special one indeed! Today I have a very talented sinner performing for all you people listening in! Allow me to introduce, Y/N!" His hand extended to you, like he was in a play. An applause soundtrack played as well. "U-um Hello everyone!" you stuttered in your speech, mentally cursing yourself for doing so. "HAHAHA! They are a little shy, but don't be fooled. They have a voice so incredible it will knock your socks off! Ready, my dear?" His eyes glanced over to you, making sure you were ok to start. Nodding yes, you took a deep breath, attempting to calm your nerves. Then you started to sing.
(Credit to Annapantsu. Check out her covers. Shes amazing!!!)
🎵Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea You know how I feel River running free You know how I feel Blossom on a tree You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean And this old world is a new world And a bold world For me For me
Stars when you shine You know how I feel Scent of the pine You know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new life For me
And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I feel so good I feel so good🎵
During your whole performance, Alastor was staring at you in shock. Your voice was heavenly!!! Not only did you sound spectacular, but you were singing his favorite genre of music, JAZZ!! Oh how delightful!!! Catching him staring at you, you gave a small wink. Radio screech! His heart starting beating out of his chest at your little action. Getting back into singing, you failed to notice the slight pink in his cheeks after you did that. Soon your performance came to end. "I hope you all enjoyed it." You said into the mic. Looking back at Alastor, you noticed he look slightly off. He was staring at you like a deer in headlights literally. Waving your hand in his face managed to alert him. "Heavens! What an amazing performance that was! Encore! Encore!" His radio staff began to play another applause, causing you to blush. "We will be right back! In the meantime, please enjoy this incredible song, Lets Misbehave by Irving Aaronson!" Alastor pressed a button, letting the song play, and also pressed another to mute his and your mic.
He didn't say a word after he did that. Oh no, did you mess up? He didn't appear upset when you were singing. Your thoughts were interrupted when a set of strong hands grabbed you. It took you a moment to realize that Alastor had brought you into a hug, a tight one at that. "Astonishing performance my dear! You did such an amazing job!!" His arms continued to squeeze you, rocking you back in forth in excitement. Giggling at his actions you returned his hug. The hug lasted longer then you suspected, especially knowing Alastors physical contact condition. "Um Al? You can let go now." Jumping at that, Alastor released you. "Y-yes my dear! Apologies! I had gotten overexcited!" You told him it was fine. Straightening his suit and fixing his hair, he looked back at you again. "Given that adorable smile on your face, I take it you are very satisfied as well!"
Smiling you nodded: "I admit I was very nervous in the beginning, but those feelings went away the minute I started singing. Thank you Alastor!" His eyes were tender, looking back at you. One of his hands grabbed yours, giving it a squeeze. "I'm glad my dear! Would you be opposed to becoming a part of my business? I would very much like to have you as partner during my shows! I can also put in a good word for Mimzy to have you perform at her club! What do you think?" His enthusiasm was exploding like fireworks, it was honestly adorable how giddy he was. Not even wasting a second to think, you squeezed his hand back. "Seems like we got a deal, Alastor!"
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 , @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack, @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie
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pottersmiracle · 6 months
Drunk words are sober thoughts
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves x Fem! Reader
warnings: tiny bit of angst here and there-fluff-drunk ben-clingy/affectionate ben-klaus teasing you both-use of y/n-small bit of pet names (by ben)-drunk ben talks about being married to you 👀
summary: your boyfriend tries his best to act like the umbrella academy being there doesnt affect him, he also tries to act like he doesnt care that they don’t like him. But he’s horrible at hiding it from you.
a/n: rewatching tua - if this man doesnt get a smidge of happiness in season 4 im rioting - someone give sparrow ben a hug and a kiss - not proofread don’t murder me - pls send requests for umbrella academy characters 🙏
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Ben was drunk. Really drunk. You were sitting next to him at the table and Klaus came over and started talking to you both, mainly you because you were actually interested in talking to him, “eleven people.” Ben mumbled. “Huh?” Klaus asked, you looked at Ben confused. “There are only eleven people left.” He says looking at both of you.
“Okay.. drunk ben clearly likes numbers and.. shrimp.” Klaus says looking at Ben’s plate. You laugh softly as Ben looks at Klaus, “and you couldn’t even invite me to your stupid bachelor party.” You sigh and lean back in your chair. You were right
“Oh.” Klaus said taken aback, “have we finally flicked off bad benny’s hard candy shell?” “Why don’t you like me?” Ben asked, his words slurring a bit. “Because you’re a big puckering asshole!” Klaus admitted. Actually its not like you could disagree with him, Ben was an asshole to klaus and the others.
You let them talk and walked around talking to everybody, congratulating Luther and Sloane, even having an actual nice talk with Reginald, Ben was staring him down the whole time though.
You walked past Fives table and nodded at him, you could tell he was severyly drunk and it was honesty humorous. He raised his glass to you and nodded as you laughed and walked back over to your boyfriend who was watching you as you sat down.
“You left me.” Ben pouted. You laughed and scooted your chair closer to him, “you were having a conversation. I gave you two some privacy.” Klaus gave you a smile and took a sip of his drink.
Ben groaned in response and took a bite of his shrimp as you all watched Reginald stand up to make a speech. You rubbed Ben’s back softly as Reginald talked, as he talked you notice Viktor and Allison. They were in a heated argument it was obvious but Allison ended up leaving the wedding.
“The sun rises over a lily’s field. A mother veiled, her lips concealed. The mourners come in droves of black to bury what their hearts unpack. With shallow breath and time eclipsed, i pray you miss death’s gentle kiss.” Reginald finished his speech and looked at everyone.
You clapped lightly and klaus cheered, “Beautiful! bravo dad! Bravo!” Ben stared at his father, “makes no sense.” He mumbled, you smiled at him and held his hand.
Chet turned on some more upbeat music after Reginalds dark speech. Everyone got up to dance except for you, Ben, and Viktor. “Can i tell you something?” Ben asked sitting up to look at you, his words were slurring but not enough to not understand him. “Of course.” You said.
“I would’ve loved getting married to you.” He admitted. “Just.. not at the end of the world.” He said slowly. You looked at him, you were shocked that he said that. He was always affectionate but not like this. He got up and kissed the top of your hand before standing up, “come on, let’s dance.” He had a wide grin on his face, he was officially in his chaotic stage of drunk. You tried to push off what he said as, he’s just drunk, its nothing to think about.
Although drunk words are sober thoughts..
After the fun dancing, everyone sat on the roof and hung out. You sat next to Sloane with Ben and Klaus trailing behind you, Ben sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you and Klaus sat next to Ben.
Ben rested his head on yours and Five got up, he wobbled around and everyone started yelling and laughing, “i feel like im gonna throw up.. actually, i’m hungry.” He said his goodbyes to everyone before going inside followed by Diego and Lila.
Ben and Klaus got up to leave as well. “Oh god.” You muttered standing up, “i should follow them. Goodnight guys, congratulations.” You smile at Luther and Sloane who smile back, “goodnight!” Viktor said goodnight to them as well and went inside with you.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 17 days
Nik and Price get in the ring after the sergeants tire of them heckling from the ropes. Bravo Six learns something new about himself.
CW: blatant sexual tension; mention of choking out in an MMA context; desire for forced submission (and being very into it but also bloody terrified by that desire).
"MacTavish, stop droppin' your hands! KorTac'd walk an entire detachment through that guard," Price called from Soap's left just as Gaz locked his arm, twisted and threw him over his shoulder, "fuck, Christ."
Price rubbed his eyes and glanced over at Nik through the eventual gaps in his fingers. Nik had been clapping and whooping enthusiastically every time Gaz had landed a blow, drowning out the thump-thump of the sergeants' preferred playlist, and now he was beaming from ear to ear. "Kharoshaya rabota, well done!" Nik called, thick forearms slanting across the rope as Gaz bound Soap's chest and arm up into an arm bar.
Nik was looking frustratingly good that evening, the drop tank he'd thrown on to lift weights with Ghost hanging low under his arms, giving Price far too good a view of the heavy set physique beneath. He'd been worried about getting caught staring at the dumbbell rack while Nik had counted through the reps of a single arm row, every line and tendon in his shoulder and tricep pressing through sweat-sheened skin, so he had spent a bit longer on squats, hoping the burn in his thighs overcame the burn somewhere else.
Price figured it was the easy confidence with which Nik carried himself that had always drawn his eye. Open chested, spread arms, hips first. Not afraid to be looked at and proud of what he had to display. And what's worse? Price was pretty fucking sure Nik knew he was looking. Played up to it, in fact. Funny for him, miserable for Price. Bastard.
Gaz rolled away as Soap tapped out, panting from the exertion of keeping Soap subdued, hands on his knees, but grinning right back at Nik. "Ochin mela, spasiba bolshoya.*
"Ahh, and your Russian is coming on well, my brother. Soon you will be wooing all the ladies, eh? Heh heh."
"Learned from the best, mate," Gaz said as he bounded over to take Nik's hand and bump their shoulders together.
Price eyeballed Soap as he clambered to his feet with a groan. "What the fuck was that? I've seen better footwork on crows fresh out of selection."
"Aye, well," Soap flexed backwards, his hands at the base of his spine, "nae my fault Gaz's b'in trainin' with daddy KGB over there."
Price grabbed Soap by the jaw. "Should send you on a yomp at 0400 tomorrow for that kinda talk. Stop makin' excuses." Soap grimaced and Price saw the sting of his words pass through his eyes before they drifted across to Gaz. Price squinted. "You broken?"
"Naw, sir."
"Then get the fuck back over there and wipe the floor with him. Stop taking the bait he's layin' out for you." Price shoved Soap's jaw away from him and slumped back against the ropes.
The sergeant bashed his fists together in front of his chest and turned back into the ring with a look of determination, bumping gloves with Gaz before pulling back to start the next round. He didn't allow himself to be led by the nose this time, circling with nifty footwork, swaying away from a mean right hook that narrowly missed his jaw.
"That's it, don't let him dictate the fight," Price said.
"Eh, sir, you playin' favourites?" Gaz called, his smile never fading as he teased Soap into another right hook, dancing deftly out of range.
"Neither of you qualify. Simon's my favourite."
Said Lieutenant was currently sitting by the speaker with a battered Terry Pratchett novel, his tupperware of steak and garlic potatoes balanced on his knee so that he could eat and read simultaneously. He might have smirked, but the overloaded fork of protein and carbs he shovelled into his mouth hid it from view.
"Och, didn't even hesitate. Cold," Soap said.
"Fuckin' baltic, mate - oop! Nearly, Tav." Gaz dodged out of Soaps attempted clinch, light on his feet, and bounced back round.
The playlist flicked over to yet another generic anthem dredged from the seedy club scene and Price glanced over his shoulder. "Turn that shit down, Simon."
The lieutenant obliged without looking up, if only by a few notches, before his hand returned to his fork.
"Easy, Gaz, you must watch his right leg," Nik said.
"Cheat," Price grunted.
"Poshel tuy, what's good for Soap is good for Gaz." Nik damn near pouted, arms folding across his broad chest as he quirked an eyebrow in challenge.
"Come over here and tell me to fuck myself in my own gym," Price growled back, bristling. Nik only smiled at him toothily, a glint in his eye and a tilt of the head that said 'I'd love to' in a way that made heat lick down Price's spine. It drove him crazy, how Nik could have that effect without even touching him. It was a distraction though; Price looked back to the fight only to spot Soap's demise a second later. "Soap, d--"
An overstep. A throw. An attempted grapple on the floor, followed by a deep sprawl that allowed Gaz to force Soap into the mat. Soap tried to flip onto his back, but within moments Gaz was sitting on his chest and raining punches down on the backs of his gloves as he shielded his head.
Price let Soap take a reasonable beating as punishment for his poor focus before barking from the ropes. "Callin' it, Garrick, get off his sorry arse."
Gaz rolled onto his feet and Soap grunted as he sat up. "Ah need tae get a few sessions in with Nik..."
"Nah, ya need t' get your head in the fight," Price replied. "Maybe turn your drum and bass shite down so you can focus."
"It's not drum and bass, s--"
"Can it, Garrick."
Soap jutted his lower lip, grabbing the lower rope for support as he stood. "Ah think ye should come show me how it's done," Soap murmured, pulling out his gum shield to flex his jaw. "Get in here n' kick th' shit outta him, rather n' gripin' from the sidelines."
"Oh ho ho, no way, he's not sandbaggin' me," Gaz lifted his gloves in immediate surrender. "He can pick on someone his own size. You're up, Nik."
Nik's face lit up with the most feral fucking grin Price had ever seen on a man. "I am ready if you are, captain."
Price could feel the fire under his skin; a burning desire to knock that silly grin off Nik's face and put him back in his place. Or, that's what he told himself. Because his eyes weren't exactly on Nik's face; they were tracing the broad shelf of his shoulders and the thick curves of his biceps, imagining them subdued in a grapple, and the sounds Nik would make as he tried to fight his way out. That same heat curled in his gut and he figured the only way he was going to extinguish it was with fists. "Fine, fuck it, sergeants, out."
"Ooh, shit," Gaz cackled, ducking under the ropes to stand on the edge of the mat, followed closely by Soap.
Price ditched his shirt and snagged his grappling gloves before stepping into the ring. As he wrapped his wrists, Price's gaze wandered to the slope of Nik's back, the curves of his arse and thighs testing the generous cut of his shorts, and had to breathe deeply through his nose to get his bloody pulse rate under control. It was adrenalin before a fight against a worthy opponent, he told himself.
The damn front wasn't any easier to look at once that drop tank had been removed, especially when Nik bounced from foot to foot and his chest moved with the momentum. He threw his arms in a few test punches at the air and rolled his head from side to side, relaxed and limber. Price chewed on the inside of his cheek and finished securing his gloves. The music was doing his nut in. "Turn that shit off," Price growled in Soap's general direction.
Soap removed his mouth guard and rolled his jaw before calling across to Simon. "Ay, L.T., put on somethin' more their vibe."
This time, Simon deigned to look up from his novel to pick a song. As Benny Andersson's fingers slid down the keys of his clavinet and Abba's 1976 Hit single 'Dancing Queen' droned from the raspy gym speaker, Price decided Simon was no longer his favourite.
Nik seemed content with the choice, however; extending his arm with the other held in front of him like he was dancing with an invisible partner, crooning along to "you can dance, you can ji-i-ive" like he was at a seventies disco. Soap and Gaz guffawed and whooped loudly on the sidelines.
"Bloody muppets," Price grumbled. "Oi, today, Nikolai. London rules." He lifted his fists and moved forward.
Nik knocked his knuckles to Price's and then stepped out of range in time to dodge a cheeky swipe. "Nu vot, Price. Not Queensbury? I thought you were a gentleman." The grin on Nik's face said he'd thought no such thing.
"What gave you that idea?"
"Salt of the earth country boy, no?"
Nik was bigger, slower, which meant Price could stay out of his way and wear him down with well targeted hits. He knew there was an injury in Nik's back to take advantage of too. If it came to it, Price wasn't above fighting dirty to win. Hit and run was the way to go with big fighters like Nik.
Nimble and quick, Price landed a few punches to Nik's chest and a leg kick or two within the first few minutes, but Nik absorbed them, batting away another aimed for his head and retaliating with a hard right book that Price barely dodged in time.
"Watch it, cap!"
"He's landin' easy ones, Nik. C'mon!"
Price watched Nik carefully over his gloves, darting in only when he saw an opening and then dodging back again before those huge arms could engage a clinch.
Nik's first real hit came from nowhere; Price left a gap as he switched stances and the resulting body shot left him momentarily winded. Enough to lose ground. Price looked for a gap to evade but Nik pursued relentlessly, lashing out only to make Price dodge into the space he wanted him in, controlling him like a marionette on fucking strings.
Out of the corner of his eye, Price could see Simon step up to the rope next to the two sergeants, his meal finished and his novel forgotten, the fight too interesting to ignore. That didn't stop him dabbling in his second favourite sport. "Hey Johnny, Want to know how you make any salad into a caesar salad?"
"L.T. no--"
"Stab it twenty-three times."
Gaz snorted into his fist and Soap pinched the bridge of his nose and then winced when Price took another hard body blow that staggered him against the ropes.
Nik kept coming, wearing Price down with a slow, deliberate pursuit around the ring that made him dance and skip to land shots where he could. It was like hitting padded concrete, the red marks on Nik's skin nothing but surface damage. His body was fucking magnificent, bloody superhuman, and each time Price laid a hit he felt excitement surge through him like lightning. They bound up a few times, but Price always managed to escape the attempted grapple, his heart in his mouth, or Nik broke the clinch.
It couldn't last.
Price felt his energy waning, his footwork slowing, the sweat stinging the corner of his eyes. Nik hadn't pushed his advantage yet and he didn't need to. Not until the opportune moment, which he seized when Price was cornered again against the ropes after another prowl around the ring. Strong arms bound his torso in a clinch and Nik performed a flawless uchi mata that earned a surprised hum from Simon. They grappled on the ground, Price sprawling his legs wide to prevent Nik from levering him over.
"C'mon, sir! Break out!" Soap leaned over the ropes, gripping them intently.
Nik slipped around Price's back and wrapped his legs around his hips, drawing his neck into a rear-naked choke that felt like being crushed in a steel vice. Price thrashed, trying to drive his elbow back but only scoring glancing blows. He refused to tap out in his own fucking gym on his own fucking mat--
"Captain," Nik grunted, struggling to keep Price constrained, "please... do not think... our friendship will prevent me from... putting you to sleep. Submit."
Something tight and hot twisted in Price's gut as Nik growled the command so close to his ear, voice rumbling from deep inside the barrelled chest pressed to Price's back. Price's toes curled against the mat and he became intimately aware of every inch of Nik's skin against his, slick with sweat and a mirrored heat, every muscle as hard and as unyielding as steel. He had been completely overpowered, taunted and teased into a trap, and now Nik had absolute control. There was... there was nothing Price could do.
Price's vision edged in grey, his nails biting into Nik's forearm, and his palm finally pounded the mat.
Nik released him immediately, rolling to his knees and moving to take Price's face carefully in his hands. "Breathe, John."
Price didn't know why he was gasping like that, his heart hammering a neat little samba against the cage of his chest. He could smell the sweat and leather of Nik's gloves, but all he wanted to do was tear them off and feel Nik's fingers in his hair. No, no too fucking much, too fu--
"'M... Fine. Gerroff." He pushed Nik's hands away and the big Russian at least had the good grace to stand and give him some space. Price closed his eyes and took a moment to steady himself, breathing in through his nose and out through lips that definitely weren't shaking. It was just a bloody fight. He'd had his arse handed to him a fair amount in his time. This was no different.
But as he opened his eyes again, Price knew something had clicked in his head that had been teetering on the brink all this time. He looked up at Nik, gaze dragging up his muscular thighs and the dark hair of his belly and chest, and felt the tightness of arousal in his gut. The realisation that he liked kneeling here at Nik's feet, subdued, conquered, settled into his chest like a shard of ice. He wanted Nik's hands on him; his wrists, his neck, his throat, holding him down. He wanted Nik to push his knees and thighs apart to claim every inch of him as a prize. He wanted the control torn from him, to hear the word submit snarled in his ear as he had no choice. It was terrifying.
Nik offered a hand down and Price took it mechanically, letting Nik drag him up until their bodies were pressed together again. Dark brown eyes studied him closely, a gloved hand resting at his hip. "Molodech, captain. You fought well."
"And you fought better," Price croaked, stiffening his back so that his body didn't shake in Nik's hands.
"This time." Nik's voice lowered significantly in volume, his hand squeezing meaningfully at Price's hip. Fuck, fuck, he'd seen. He'd bloody seen those wide, desperate eyes after feeling Price's body against his, and worked it out, hadn't he? Price swallowed hard.
"Fuckin' hell, mate. I'm glad you're on our side," Gaz called, and Soap agreed with a quiet murmur. Price was thankful they were none the wiser.
Well, the sergeants weren't. Simon was studying him closely as he ducked under the ropes. "Somethin' on your mind, Simon?"
"No, sir." He glanced at Nik and then back at Price. "He fought well. But not that well."
"Thanks for the feedback."
Simon hummed. "Perhaps you should do some one on one with Daddy KGB. Iron out the uh... kinks."
"Fuck you, lieutenant," Price growled quietly. "And don't." He cut the observant bastard off before he could start that innuendo, and headed towards the locker rooms.
"Ahh, don't worry," Gaz said, slapping Nik on the shoulder. "He'll lick his wounds and be back out here tomorrow."
Nik rubbed his chin thoughtfully, watching Price's retreating back. "Perhaps..."
Simon cleared his throat. "You should go help," he paused, "with the wounds."
"Da," Nik responded, leaving the ring to follow in Price's wake. He had opened an untouched vault of riches and he was keen to explore them, and so was Price, if those big blue eyes were anything to go by.
(Kinda want them to fuck in the shower, with Nik's hand around Price's throat, fingers so big they nestle in the hinge of his jaw, pinning him but Price relaxed and in heaven; yeah, a friend got that image in my head and I'm feral for it.)
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jo-com · 8 months
Theodore x f!reader
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Synopsis: when studying turns to more than just ‘studying’
Tw: smut! Minors do not interact!! If you’re uncomfortable please don’t read this, basically smut and a small bit off plot.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚
"Theo...please" you whined, bucking your hips to his growing erection, humping him like a rabbit on heat, wanting to feel the sweet relief.
Your face scrunched up with discomfort, you wanted to feel him inside you now but he was taking his time, teasing you making you feel frustrated that he found this amusing.
Before any of that happened the two of you were supposed to be studying for an exam coming up but Theodore had other plans in mind. He convinced you that he could teach you and just fuck and you without thinking twice happily agreed.
Your arm gripped his shoulder while your other one rested above his chest. A moan left your lips, "please please" you pleaded, tears coming out your eyes. The desperation made him smile to himself. You were so cute when you beg.
Theo chuckled at your eagerness, "you want me that bad Amore?" His accent drove you crazy it was like music to your ears and it was shy to say that it turned you on even more. You weren't the type to have any kink but god damn his voice made you had one.
His hands went down to your clothed pussy, he could feel the wet patch that was forming from the inside. Without a warning he put your panties to the side and entered two of his lanky fingers.
"Uh..fuck" you panted.
"That's a sweet girl, damn baby your pussy's taking me so well, i wonder if you'll do the same to my dick". He fastens his pace, pumping his fingers in and out of you.
After minutes of doing that you felt exhausted and you weren't in the best part yet. Your gummy walls tightened, sucking his fingers even more. He knew that you were about to cum with that he smirked and stopped what he was doing.
Your eyes lazily look at his, raising your brows at him. "Wha..why'd you stop?" You asked, wanting to smack him but had no strength to do so.
"I don't want you to come at my fingers no no no baby, i was only prepping you up"
Theo then gently laid you on your back. His eyes sparkled at your fucked up state. You were a panting mess and it was all for him.
He sat up, unzipping his shorts and letting out his dick out. Damn he was so big even after many times you did it, you still can't believe how amazingly large he was.
Theo stroked his cock, it was now oozing with precum, he wanted nothing more than to ram it inside you, and so he did.
He grabbed your leg, hovering it on his shoulders and slowly slid in. Making you both moan when he filled you up.
You could feel his cock stretching your insides, making your eyes roll back with pleasure. Small moans were heard from your lips earning one big thrust from him. Your voice was so angelic and hearing it gave him the confidence that he was doing you good.
"Jesus amore you're still so tight even after fingering you shit" he groaned, feeling your walls tighten up around his cock.
Before he could move, he let you adjust to his cock. He looked at you and you nodded signaling for him to start moving.
Theo obliged and thrusted in you harshly. "Cazzo tesoro, sei così bravo" he breathed out. Whenever you guys fucked, theo moans out italian phrases that you don't understand but still was so hot.
He pulled out and grabbed both your hands, and put it above your head. He leaned down and started kissing down your neck, his other hand move down your breast and started stroking them, feeling the nub hardens under his touch.
"Fuck theo more please.." your eyes pleading for more, he said nothing and just quickened his thrusts. He then kissed your forehead before going back down to your breast he was now sucking the left one while grouping the other one.
The room now reeked of sex and things were getting hot and heavy, filling the room with nothing but skin clapping and both your moans bouncing off the wall. The two of you were now sweating and moaning, anyone from the outside could know in mere seconds what you guys were doing, but you couldn't even care less, just wanting to cum was the only thing on your mind.
"Ti amo amore mio" he whispered under his breath, you didn't respond just moaning with each thrust. You couldn't say anything you were too fucked up to even say a word.
You could feel his dick twitch making you clench harder, sucking every inch of his cock tighter around your walls. Making him groan of the sudden ecstasy.
You gripped his shoulders harshly, you knew it hurted and that it would leave a mark but his dick was pounding in to you so hard you have to hold onto something right?
"Theo..fuck i am close"
"Shit baby me too" you both panted. Theo held your waist roughly, and out of instinct you wrapped both your feet on his.
He rutted his hips onto yours making you moan loudly and finally reaching your climax. You breath in and out feeling the overstimulation as he still thrusted in you.
After three last thrust he finally came inside of you, making his body dropped down besides you. Theo gently grabbed your face and kissed you lips.
"You did so well bambina" theo said. You weakly smiled at him and closed your eyes.
"Next time we should just study, i am so tired" you sighed finally giving in the urge to sleep.
Theo only chuckled as he sat up and grabbed his blanket to cover your bodies up and cuddling next to you.
The two of you skipped dinner and just slept the whole day.
.  .  .
Amore ; love
Cazzo tesoro, sei così bravo; fuck baby your so good
Ti amo amore mio ; i love you my love
Bambina ; baby
.  .  .
A/n:  I really don't know how to speak Italian i just googled it sorry if i made mistakes about it and also that was my first smut pls tell me if i did good😭 I hoped you guys enjoyed this one i fr re did most of the parts cause I wanted it be perfect but yeah.
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alonetimelover · 1 year
My love, we were in Paris
pairing: Harry Styles x tennis player!reader (fem, she/her)
summary: After winning her third French Open title, YN was excited to call Harry, not knowing he had rather big surprise already waiting for her.
warnings: a few swear words and just fluff!
word count: ~1,7k + a few social media posts!
more of a tennis player!reader here: masterlist ask, come say hi, request!
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She won. 
For the third time in her life she won the French Open. 
After the second set and the first half of the third one, when she was ready to give up. It was all foreshadowing her eventual loss. At least she felt like it. Her serve somehow lost its force, the precision she always praised herself to have got forgotten in the middle of the match. For the audience it must have looked like she was done with it, unbeatable YN YSN finally defeated on her favourite court. 
Well, it was all wrong. Not knowing how, the precision she craved, came back. Her serve felt like it doubled in force and the confidence sprung like flowers in the spring. When she defeated the break-point going for 3-5 in games for her opponent, she said to herself ‘you got it’. 
And she won. 
Now, squatting down on the ground, crying tears of joy she couldn’t believe it. Third time champion in Paris sounded proud and surprisingly good.
Her mind, though, was just made of two things right now: ‘you won’ and ‘call Harry’. 
After receiving congratulations from her opponent and speaking to her briefly about the match, she stood in the centre of the court clapping for the crowd. The squeals and whistles were overwhelming, but being there in the middle, acknowledging all of it was the first move to thank all of the people for their support. 
Moving swiftly to her bag, she unlocked her phone and chose ‘Harry💜' from her favourite contacts. It was so loud, she knew she wouldn't be able to hear half of the things he was going to say. But she called anyway. She promised him last night, when they were speaking through FaceTime.
“Call me right after the match,” he said, yawning. 
“Goodnight, sleepyhead. Right after? So from the court?”
“If you’re allowed to then why not? I want to hear it from you, whatever it’s going to be.”
Harry knew she would win. And at the same time he knew that saying ‘I want to hear it from you “I’m the champion.”’ would put too much pressure on her shoulders. She was stressed enough and what he could provide was his lifelong support. 
“I’ll call you. I promise.”
After four long signals, the smile on her face was slowly but gradually diminishing. She quickly remembered that the eyes of all people interested in tennis were on her, and put that smile back on.
In a few hours Harry was playing one of the biggest shows in his life, a concert for 80 000 people to be exact. She shouldn’t be mad and wouldn’t be. Maybe sad, but she would allow it after getting back to her hotel room. 
Tossing her phone back to the bag, she ran towards the box where her coach and loved ones were sitting. Getting closer and closer to the stands she finally looked up as to plan her way to her family. 
She stopped in her tracks. Right next to her parents was one and only person she was thinking about for the last hours. Person, she was unwillingly (deep down) mad at not picking up her call just a minute ago. 
He was here. Harry was here. His beaming smile, brightening her mood in seconds. He was clapping his hands then whistling on his fingers, and repeating the process. The white hat matching hers, and a simple black t-shirt so as to not draw attention towards himself. But she would recognise him anywhere, in the dark, in the place full of people, at the end of it all. She would know him because nobody had his divine smile and kind-hearted eyes.
Eventually, she sprung to jog up the stairs and around a few corners. In what felt like seconds she was at the stands. People were reaching for her, saying and shouting ‘bravo, YN’, ‘you did a good job!’ and all the congratulations. But she couldn’t bring herself to care right this moment. There was only one person’s opinion she cared about. 
When only a few steps were between them she jumped into his arms, embracing him, wanting to never pull back. 
“What are you doing here?” She whispered into his ear. 
“What d’you mean?” Teasing smile was growing on his face. “I came here to watch my girlfriend win her third title in Paris. You know when she’s startin’?” 
She pulled back a little to swat his shoulder playfully, “stop it!”
He just smiled, looking at her lovingly. Pride and happiness just swelled in his chest, making him all warm and fulfilled. 
“Hi.” She laughed at the absurdity of the situation. In her wildest dreams she wouldn’t have thought about Harry coming to her match just hours before the concert he was playing in another country. “What are you doing here, really? You play in, what, six or seven hours?”
Harry brushed one unruly strand of YN’s hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek. 
“You really thought I would miss this match?”
“Yeah. You said it yourself, didn’t you?”
“Well, if I didn't, you wouldn’t be this surprised. Also if you knew I was here, you would think about it too much.”
“Because you’re such a distraction?”
“You said it,” he teased her back.
YN was looking up at him, still trying to comprehend that it was, indeed her Harry embracing her and caressing her cheek and waist. It wasn’t a dream or a fantasy. He actually flew over to Paris to support her.
How could she not love him?
“Thank you,” she said, tears in her eyes, daring to fall down her face. 
“Nothing to thank me for.” 
They kissed softly. Knowing, in the back of their heads it would draw so much attention, but they couldn’t not do it. It had been a week without seeing each other. They missed it. 
“I am so proud of you, lovie. So fucking proud. You’re unmistakingly the best player out there. And don’t argue with me. Take it in. I’m so proud. I love you,” Harry whispered into her ear, squeezing her even closer to him. “Now, go. You have a trophy to accept and a speech to make. Go be the best out there.”
After stealing one more little kiss from Harry and saying ‘I love you’ back, YN hugged every member of her team and her parents. Then she ran back on the court where the podium was placed.
She was going to accept the cup for the third time in her life. 
“Woah, thank you so much and sorry for breaking the cup,” She started her speech with a laugh. “Ah, there are so many people that I’d like to thank. My team - my coach, my psychologist, my physiotherapist - without you guys my body wouldn’t be able to pull any championship. To my family, my boyfriend tha-” she needed to stop because of the cheers erupting around her. Yes, people loved Harry everywhere. “Thank you all for believing in me, bringing me joy and so much support, I’ll never be able to pay you back. Thank you! And thank you to all of you here, the fans. For your support and kind words. Thank you! Je t’aime Paris!” 
It took them two hours to finally get to the hotel. Harry closed the door behind them, placing a card on the table in the corridor. 
“When do you have a plane back?” YN asked, while looking for some clean clothes to wear after the shower that was calling her name. 
“In about two hours.”
“Fuck, give me 5 minutes to shower and I’ll ride with you to the airport, okay?” She said in a rush to get ready as quickly as possible. 
On the way to the bathroom Harry stopped her, gently catching her by hand. “Wait. What if you pack a small bag and come with me?”
“Come where?” YN asked with a laugh. 
“Dublin. And then Slane for the concert.” 
“Wha- but, well. I have a media day tomorrow from 11 a.m. And a dinner tonight with the sponsors. Harry, I can’t miss it,” YN answered with a frown on her face. 
Harry smiled mischievously, “what if I told you I already talked to your coach and team? And they said it was okay for you to go with me as long as you come back for tomorrow's photoshoot?”
“No way.” She shook her head in disbelief.
Harry nodded his head, taking YN’s clothes in his hands and throwing them on the bed. 
“Yes way. I’m very convincing when I want to be.”
“Oh, are you really?” YN mirrored Harry’s smirk, placing her hands around his neck. 
“Oh really. You are coming with me.” 
He pecked her lips. 
“I am coming with you to Slane. And then what?”
“Then I’m playing the concert in front of 80 000 people. But-”
“But, what?”
“I think I’m gonna care about only one person there.”
YN shook her head with a smile. She knew him for more than three years now, but he still could make her blush. He was still so smooth with all the flirty comments and compliments. She was sure, she wouldn’t be able to find any other person who was as appreciative and thankful as Harry. Not like she wanted to. 
“You wanna know the plan for the next few days?”
“Tell me all about it,” she encouraged him, pulling her hand through his curls. 
“Mhmm, we’re flying back here in the morning. You have a photoshoot and a media day. And then in the evening I’m taking you to my favourite restaurant here to celebrate our achievements so far this year. Aaand the day after that we’re going by train to London.”
YN’s eyes lit up at the mention of the train ride. “Did you buy tickets for the train already?”
“Yes, I did. I know how much you wanted to try that route.”
“Do you know you’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask the universe for?”
“You can remind me of that from time to time. Feed my ego,’ he laughed, hugging YN. 
“Thank you. I love you, Harry.”
“Nothing to thank me for.” He tightened the embrace. “I love you and I am so proud of what you did today and the days before.”
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liked by harryfan11, harrysfan202 and 810 others
harryismyfriend I saw Harry in Paris this morning!!!!!
view all 1 021 comments
harryparis I've met his as well and he asked not to upload any pictures! please take it down!
harryupdates he's there to surprise yn, please take this down
hArrysbtch dont spoil the surprise!!!!!
ynupdates delete this, please
harryismyfriend im so sorry, im deleting it right now!
this post has been deleted
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liked by ynupdates, harrystyles and 2 201 830 others
tennisworld You hear it first here! TREBLE French Open Champion - YN YSN! Congratulations!
view all 92 201 comments
ynupdates THEE champion!!!!
harryupdates the best player out there!
ynshands i love this woman
ynsmybestie god is a woman after all
hArrysbtch i don't know her personally but im so proud of her, i wish i could hug her
harrysmoustache did you guys see harry cheering????
⤷ hArrysbtch oh god, yes! he was so cute
⤷ ynsmybestie that man clapped and whistled more than me during his concert
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 58 301 others
harryupdates YN AND HARRY AFTER SHE WON THE THIRD FRENCH OPEN IN HER CAREER!!! It seemed like Harry's presence was a surprise for YN!
view all 9 201 comments
ynupdates i love them
ynupdates and im so proud of yn. she overcame so many obstacles during today's match
ynshands 😭i😭love😭them😭so much😭
hArrysbtch this man is playing the biggest concert in his lifetime in 4 hours and he's not even in the same country right now
⤷ hArrysbtch and before all of you start hating on me: i love that he found time to support yn during one of her most important matches this season
harryandynforever im gonna sleep on a highway tonight
tennisyn THEE couple, ladies and gentlemen
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 23 301 others
harrynews Harry and YN landed in Dublin just two hours before the start of the show in Slane. The ride from Dublin to Slane takes about 40 to 60 minutes. I hope they'll be there on time!
view all 3 201 comments
ynupdates she went with him to Ireland?????
ynsmybestie they are so supportive of each other, I can't
harryupdates this man loves living on the edge
harrysmoustache outfit repeater!!!!!
ynsfan101 so she won't have a media day today? i hoped to meet her 😞
⤷ ynsmybestie i think she'll be back tomorrow. she needs to do a photoshoot in front of the eiffel tower
⤷ ynsfan101 oh, that's reassuring! i hope to get an autograph or even a photo!
liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 93 301 others
view all 18 301 comments
harryupdates i-
harryupdates wow, just wow
ynshands if that was my man, i would post it too 'see, world? and that's all mine!'
ynsmybestie girl..... don't throw it in our faces like that, we know
hArrysbtch 🫠
hArrysbtch what do you mean it's the same harry scared of performing life just few years ago????
harrysmoustache unhinged, both of them
harrysfan82 why is he so hot and cute at the same time
ynupdates can we take a moment to appreciate their support for each other? harry went to Paris event hough he had a show tonight. and yn went to Slane even though she has a busy day tomorrow in Paris. amazing, just amazing how they can cooperate and work with their busy schedules
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift, annetwist, ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 4 392 027 others
yourinstagram 🎶my love, we were in Paris🎶 ... and then in Slane and in Paris again. And then no one needs to know where 🗺
view all 72 302 comments
harrystyles we were somewhere else
⤷ yourinstagram 💜
⤷ hArrysbtch not you singing Taylor, Harry!
⤷ ynsmybestie yn turned you to the bright side, i see
⤷ ynshands and he finishes what she sings???? 😭
⤷ harrysmoustache harry is a swiftie, confirmed!!!!
taylorswift Congratulations on your third French Open title, YN! I hope to see you on one of the concerts!
⤷ yourinstagram i'll be there, wherever and whenever it is, i'll be there
⤷ ynupdates talk about being a committed swiftie
ynupdates posting a pic from Harry's concert before hers with a trophy??? medal for the best girlfriend goes to yn
harryupdates enjoy your free time!
wimbledon See you soon, yn!
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