#*breakdances gently* teehee <333
ok weird idea but hear me out
you and Childe being good friends until his work with the Fatui and the Traveler starts pulling him away, filling up his time. you really don't mind, even if it makes you sad that you're seeing him less, but you can see how his busy schedule weighs heavily on his shoulders, how tired he looks and how weary his normally playful grins are. he starts visiting less and less, and you stop seeing him out in public, apart from when he's with the Traveler.
it hurts your heart, but you say nothing. how can you complain, when he's the Eleventh Harbinger and you're just a simple civilian?
but it still hurts, no matter how hard you try, and perhaps the gods or the Abyss noticed your pain because one particularly bad night you're approached by something. it's otherwordly, painted with fiery colors like red and orange and speckled with hot, burning stars. it's even given itself a name- Enjou- and speaks to you lightly, like you're an old family friend.
it asks you to join them. whoever "them" is, you don't know, but Enjou muses that you don't have much up "on the surface" anyways, so won't you join them, where you could be so useful? in exchange, you'll be granted one wish, anything your heart desires.
you know Enjou speaks the truth, and perhaps there truly is somewhere you can be of help instead of a hindrance, so quietly, in almost a whisper, you make your wish.
you wish to be forgotten, so when you vanish it won't cause pain for anyone. Enjou nods, kinder than almost any human you've met, and perhaps the Abyss shall be your new home.
and so Childe forgets you, along with all your friends and family. it's for the best, you think- he deserves to spend his time with someone strong, like the Traveler, and you follow the Thing Calling Itself "Enjou" into the darkness. Childe doesn't even notice the gap in his memories- that's how your wish works, see, you don't exist to him anymore.
but nothing, not Celestia nor Abyss, could make Foul Legacy forget you, the person he loves the most.
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