#****not canon****
tokintormin · 24 hours
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And now another art drawn BEFORE I've read the book of Bill. This is my old headcanon AU of 2021. + catified for convenience. Btw I did guess a few things about him right, tho my less original AU from 2017 was more correct. (And then i say GF spoilers overall + book + lore drop).
I have notes what did I guess in some txt. I can tell from memory - in my AU he also looked at the stars aka other worlds. He used his fire magic to see them through barrier and it fascinated him. And then he wanted to make everyone see it bc he was sick of all restrictions this world had, he never liked them ever since he was born. Also I always headcanoned one of his parents being red (father usually, tho now I think the name Euclid goes better with blue). Also what isn't canon but existed in my AU - he had 2 younger siblings. They weren't lore important, but existed. Also I guessed the fact he carried a piece of his universe with him. In my AU he collected shreds of each single world and creature he destroyed that held importance to him. Once his magic inventory wasn't enough - he created or took a separate world where he made huge pyramids of these shreds and got depression episodes each time he stayed to look at them. And id anyone dared to notice him being depressed - he Thanos snapped them too, bc no one must know that he wasn't as happy as he appeared to be. And I wrote this AU only knowing 2 facts - in one of the worlds similar to Bill's triangles were the lowest class, and this one Axolotl verse.:"Says he's happy - he's a lier, blame the arson fro the fire", "misses home and can't return", etc.
Now about the artwork: Here you can see Bill chatting with his first bestie after he escaped his world. Also he didn't lose one of his eyes yet.
How did they meet: Bill was alone in the outer space and was found by the group of universe travelers. They welcomed Bill in their ranks and he was happy to join bc he loved to discover new things. They traveled together and at first Bill was fine. And used his magic to better the lives of others. Until he grew sick of it bc he had no family and no home himself, so instead he would start to destroy everything and would lose his first bestie(s). And would become the canon Bill, as I thought.And wouldrun around and destroy everything that's still whole, pretending to enjoy the scenery.
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Good morning! This is just a warm up, not canon to the series.
Anyway — bark, woof, awoo
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It’s a cool fall day when you nearly die.
Johnny’s run off into the woods barking - not his scary bark but his excited bark. You’re worried that he’s gonna get his teeth in some poor local wildlife and go hurrying after him, boots unlaced.
Of course it’s hopeless to go chasing after a wolf-dog even running at half speed, but you can’t stand the thought of him coming home with a dead bunny or something. So off you go, clomping through the trees, calling for your big dumb fluffy butt to come home.
But it’s not your Johnny that comes trotting out of the trees. No, it’s an even bigger, wolfier looking dog. Creamy white fur, honey gold eyes, and odd black markings around the face like a skull. You instantly know he’s not like your goofball, a little less human-friendly, perhaps more feral. Looks at you like he’s trying to decide if you’d make a decent meal.
Is someone breeding them and just.., letting them out?? Some weird poorly thought out attempt to reintroduce wolves to the UK? The thought makes you frown, praying that you won’t come out here one day to find some poor pups struggling in the wilderness.
For now though, you’ve got yet another gorgeous animal in front of you.
“Well, hello,” you coo, softening and smoothing your voice. His ears tick forward. “Look at you, handsome thing. Have you seen my Johnny boy?”
The dog tilts his head - your first indication that he is familiar with humans, recognizes the tone of a question. You hum.
“Alright big guy, would you like to come with me to find him or are you doing your own thing?”
He doesn’t respond (of course) except to make a little “ruff” noise. You consider him for another moment, then decide he’s not being aggressive and it’s safe to continue your search.
You turn and continue on the path, calling for Johnny. Don’t get far before your new friend sweeps in front of you, blocking the way forward. You make a noise as you stop quick, nearly losing your balance to avoid stepping on his paws.
“Oh you big jerk,” you huff. He instantly starts pushing at you, big shoulders pressing against your stomach as he shoves a big, wet nose into your neck and face, focusing on your mouth. You roll your eyes and gently push his nose away.
“Knock it off,” you grumble, trying not to laugh. “You wolves are so rude. You don’t need to do that to smell me.”
He moves on to your clothes, all the way down to your crotch. You’re ready this time though, taking a big step back and guiding his face up by the chin.
He snorts and shakes off, looking almost annoyed.
“Oh, yeah, how dare I not let you sniff my junk?” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Grow up, you big baby.”
A deep, raspy grumble starts up in his chest. You ignore him, patting at the thick muscle of his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah, you’re a big scary boy,” you joke. “Ya gonna bite me? Show me your big pretty teeth?”
When you reach for his face he takes a step back, ears flicking. Looks almost shellshocked. You finally break, giggling as you croon baby noises at him.
“Oh, poor boy, did I spook you? I’m sorry, baby. No, no you’re very scary. Very intimidating.” You start scooting around him, amused how curves around you almost like he’s afraid you’re going to touch him. “It’s okay, buddy, I just need to find my boy. I’m not out to get you.”
As if on cue, Johnny comes bursting from the trees. He barks when he sees you, then almost comes up short when he realizes the other dog is there.
You become acutely aware that you’re not all too sure how Johnny will respond to another dog - especially one so close to you given his protectiveness. You instantly move between them, calling his attention.
“There you are, Bonnie Johnny! Where have you been?! Naughty boy, you better not have eaten anything fluffy.” His ears go back, a little whine starting up. He ducks his head to let you grab at his muzzle, inspecting him for anything gross. “I do not feel like wrangling you to brush your teeth.”
Luckily, he seems clean. Whatever had him so excited, he must not have caught.
Movement behind you catches your attention, the other dog loping closer. Your eyes bounce between them, watching body language for any aggression or hostility. To your relief, Johnny seems almost excited by this new friend - the other one… well, he seems a bit more subdued, but lets Johnny lick at his chin and bump into his side.
“Okay, ready to head home, baby boy?” you ask, giving Johnny’s collar a gentle tug. “I have to start making dinner.”
He whines, turning those big blue eyes on you and positioning himself behind the other dog. You groan.
“Johnny, really… I don’t know if I can handle two of you. I don’t even think he likes me very much.”
As if to spite you, the other dog sits and leans in, licking at your hand. And damn it, it’s cute.
“Alright, hold on, let’s just see if…”
This time, the other dog lets you touch, feels around his neck for a collar that unsurprisingly isn’t there. You feel around his shoulders too, hoping for that tiny bump that means he has a microchip, but nope.
“If I have a nickel for every time I found a wolf-dog in the woods…” you sigh, turning back for home. “It would be two nickels but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
When you notice both pups stalling, you whistle sharply.
“Come. It’s getting cold.”
Johnny instantly bounds ahead with excitement while your new companion is slightly slower, staying just a bit behind and to the side of you so that you can see him from the corner of your eye.
Back at home, Johnny leads the way inside. The strange dog looks around curiously, sniffs at a few spots. It’s then that you remember Johnny marking the house his first couple days and notice that Mystery Dog is also unaltered.
“Hey.” Both dogs turn to you. You point at the new one sternly. “If you pee on anything in here - anything - I’m dying you pink. By god I’ll do it, there are dog safe hair dyes.”
You get a sneeze for that and he walks away with disinterest, but at least he keeps his leg down. You’ll take it.
Dinner is interesting, no fussing or fighting over food from either of them. When they’re done, you retire to the couch, Johnny happy to follow up until he sees that his new friend isn’t coming as well.
He starts yipping, bouncing, bowing, trying to get the new one to follow. You’re amused up until Johnny nips and the bigger dog growls, showing teeth. You plant yourself instantly between them.
“Hey.” You look the new dog in the eye, get into his space and back him away from Johnny. “No the hell you’re not.”
The new dog stares, eyes locked on yours, ears swiveling. You don’t back down, watching and looking waiting, still bodily between him and Johnny. Until finally his ears go back and he sneezes, laying down.
“Good.” You soften your voice, sigh. “Good boy.”
You offer your hand. Get a sniff and a resigned lick, then scratch at your new boy’s ears.
“You be nice, big boy. Everyone in this house is mine. I take care of everyone.”
His eyes do a weird thing then. You’re not sure how to describe it, combined with the way his head tilts. But you just chalk it up to Weird Dog Things and finally return to the couch, an oddly subdued Johnny clambering up with you.
“You can join us, honey,” you call to the other dog. “You’re welcome up here if you behave.”
He doesn’t take you up on it for awhile. You and Johnny settle in for your usual nightly shows. And then, about an hour later, movement draws your eye. The Mystery Dog, standing at the edge of the couch with his tail down, ears neutral.
Earlier drama forgotten, you smile at him.
“Hi there,” you chirp, “you want up? C’mon, bud. Up.”
He hops up with surprisingly gentleness, picking his way around your limbs and Johnny’s. He ends up crawling over your dog and settling half on top of him, and half on top of you, his chin settled between Johnny’s stupid perky ears. Johnny seems thrilled so you laugh a bit.
“What good boys,” you coo, giving them each a scratch and receiving a kiss in return. “Alright, this isn’t so bad.”
You fall asleep there, already trying to come up with name for your new pup. Maybe Phantom.
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Main Story | Konig pt. 1
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xephia · 1 year
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nek0kun4k · 10 months
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Hehe is band au, okkk? ^^
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akanemnon · 1 year
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When Asriel comes back home...
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pineapple-guy228 · 3 months
He's alive!
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intotheelliwoods · 5 months
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Do you see the vision...
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retrotrait · 9 days
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Making these actually made me sentimental, I missed them. Remember Anani & Simon?
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bunsihunsi · 2 months
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Some moneystatic art that I don't like because I hate traditional art and I can't resize anything, I drew Vox too small..
Also here's a silly wojak Vox
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tokintormin · 2 days
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obmahhe · 7 months
These little toys follow Catnap to avoid that very fate.
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Not canon, but cute!
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darkmuffinstudios · 7 months
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etanow · 12 days
How would Pomeline have reacted if someone told her she would be killed by a monster clown, turned into a zombie, then go on to date a living doll and a god?
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zeurelart · 8 months
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"look at this photo graaaaaaaaaaph"
Thought I'd post this here instead over on the official MW tumblr as this isn't at all canon.
...yet ;)
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peachesofteal · 9 months
It’s Christmas Eve, years from now.
Maybe Simon is a captain, or starting to talk about retirement. Emmaline is six, and your baby is turning two. Emma can’t wait for her dad to get home, has been dedicating all her art projects and crafts to him for the last two weeks, piling them up next to the front door. She’s an artist, like her uncle Soap, and it makes Simon so proud, so happy, that she has a passion for something beautiful and kind, for creating.
“As soon as daddy gets home, ‘m gonna show him all my pictures, mama!” She promises, and you nod with a smile, pointing her in the direction of the entry way table, where she deposits yet another finger painting, skipping and hopping while your toddler tries to chase her down, grabby hands high in the air.
“Emma, baby. Watch for Tommy, please.” You call over your shoulder when she nearly collides with him, and you sigh, ushering them to the living room to settle them in front of a Christmas movie while you finish dinner.
The doorbell rings.
Odd, you think. The wooden spoon rocks when you put it down, drops of red sauce splashing on the counter. Who could that be?
Your heart skips. Maybe…
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s come home early and surprised you…
You practically run to the door, excited like a kid on Christmas morning, wiping your hands on a dish towel before yanking the front door wide.
The world spins when it’s not your husband, not Simon Riley standing on the front step. Your mind jumps to a logical conclusion… and then fractures beneath its weight.
It’s Price, who looms just behind Johnny, both of their eyes so heavy, so tired, so filled with grief.
“No.” You whisper. Johnny’s got something in his hands, and you flinch when you realize they’re the tags.
Your knees give out. The cold winter swallows you as Johnny lunges, gripping you by your elbows.
“No.” You tell him. “He… he can’t. He promised.”
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