#*** wolvendom legend *** (razor)
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multiverseofmisfits · 19 days ago
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"Big sis forced me to eat greens again. I'm gonna fucking die." Raz, stop being overdramatic.
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razowor · 4 months ago
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"My mun is a lazy old hag who likes to stare at the fucking 'booties'. I don't get why she likes boots that much."
The fuck did you just called me, you little shi-
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multiverseofmisfits · 10 days ago
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"Sorry. I was about to get her a gift." He probably had a lot of options in mind but can't think of which.
“God damn it Razor”
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daybreakrising · 10 months ago
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tag links: headcanons | about | visage
name: razor alias: legend of wolvendom; wolf boy age: 16 p/ns: he / him sexuality: biromantic height: 5'5" hair: silver-grey eyes: crimson
full bio (tba)
MAIN. lupical is family.
razor was abandoned to the woods as a baby and raised, quite literally, by wolves. the wolves are his family, his kin, but he knows he’s not quite one of them. a loyal friend and a fierce ally, razor is still new to the ways of the human world, but eager to learn, and to find his place in it.
this section is primarily for quick-access to key headcanons that are important to my portrayal, or for further information on specific aspects of their background.
razor's family
INTERACTIONS. canon dynamics: bennett; k.lee; f.ischl; lisa; jean; barbara; d.iluc; k.aeya; s.ucrose; a.lbedo; v.arka; v.enti non-canon dynamics: c.yno; g.orou; k.irara; t.ighnari; l.ynette; y.ae miko; b.eidou; n.ahida; s.igewinne
SHIPPING. status: restricted due to age preferences: no particular preference for any gender notes: only age-appropriate romance with muses of a similar age (will accept 1-2 years older ONLY, no one younger) - razor is a MINOR and any romantic relationships will be kept strictly innocent. i will not age him up for more adult relationships.
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gekroent · 4 years ago
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This kid needs some SLEEP.
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pokemonispain · 3 years ago
Invasive Species-Bennett/Razor
Summary: In which Rifthounds invade Wolvendom
Like much of Mondstadt, Wolvendom was a fairly peaceful place although many residents who were unfamiliar with fighting or unable to defend themselves still steered clear of it. Not just because of the worry of getting attacked by the wolves that lived there but due to the many ancient legends about the Wolf of the North, Lupus Boreas or Andrius.
It was a well-known fact among Mondstat’s citizens that Wolvendom was Lupus Boreas’s domain and that it was best not to test his patience as the old wolf could be fickle. So most residents stayed away from that corner of Mondstadt, not daring to venture forth and explore the lush, sprawling woodland forest that dotted that area.
Still despite all that Wolvendom was Razor’s home, the only home he knew having grown up there his entire life. He lived among the wolves there, helped them hunt, and of course, considered them his family. He took care of them and they did the same for him. As such he felt no fear nor apprehension when roaming the all too familiar dirt trails that lined the pathways throughout the forest in Wolvendom. If anything it was comforting and relaxing.
Andrius although could be a bit abrasive and reluctant in how he looked out for the boy. Often telling him that he didn’t belong out there among the wolves, that his true home was in the cities of Mondstadt where his own people were. Where the humans were. This saying was heard by Razor more and more frequently as of late, especially considering Razor seemed to be growing closer with many residents of Mondstadt but especially Bennett from the Adventurer’s guild there.
More often than not the two would walk around Wolvendom just spending time together if they weren’t off exploring or spending time in Mondstadt. Razor was always hesitant and a bit afraid to go into the city, finding it too loud, overbearing, and crowded, suffocating almost. But with Bennett there, it didn’t feel as overwhelming and scary as usual.
Razor’s answer to Andrius was always the same whenever the large wolf told him he should leave Wolvendom, that he didn’t belong there which was no. This was Razor’s only home and the only place he could imagine living. And although Andrius could just make Razor leave if he truly wished he never did, often watching over the boy at a distance and always appearing when Razor walked into his domain simply to check on him.
Today, just as any other day, Wolvendom was quiet and rather peaceful. The soft chirping of birds floated through the air and a gentled yet warm breeze rustled the lush green leaves on the many trees and bushes.
“You just gotta check the traps right,” Bennett asked as he and Razor walked along one of the familiar dirt pathways.
The pair had just returned from a rather relaxing day in Mondstadt as well as doing a few minor commissions posted at the Adventurer’s guild. Things such as the occasional small hilichurl camp or an abyss mage that seemed to be getting a bit too close to the city.
While Bennett loved exploring ruins and expeditions as well as the excitement that came with it he also enjoyed the more quiet moments in a sense. It made him feel happy to be able to help people and was just something he did rather than he felt needed to be done.
“Should be full now,” Razor said with a nod. While it had taken him a bit of time to get used to how the hunting traps he’d been given by Lisa, functioned eventually he’d gotten the hang of it.
Razor had all of the locations where boars and rabbits tended to congregate in memorized naturally, so all he had to do was put one or a few traps in those locations and hide them using branches or leaves. Admittedly it was easier than the way Razor had hunted boars before, which involved stalking them through bushes, lurking, and hiding until he could choose the exact moment to strike. It also allowed him to take home more food as well as he didn’t have to worry about the animal getting away.
Occasionally though there were times where Razor would hunt the boars like he used to, it was strangely soothing in a way and fun although Razor wasn’t really sure why just that it was.
As he and Bennett come to one of the areas where Razor set the hunting traps however Razor stops walking, a scowl on his face as he sniffs the air catching a strange almost unnatural scent in the air. The air that flowed through Wolvendom often smelled of fresh soil and grass with a hint of soft sweetness to it due to the flowers dotting the area.
At the moment though there is the harsh, thick almost overbearing scent of decay. Normally this wouldn’t be unusual especially for Razor, things died in the forest all the time and if you left dead things out in the open they started to stink. He knew this from experience, but this scent smells different than that. Like plants rotting away and dying left to fester in filthy ages-old water. It’s a sharp bitter, nearly poisonous, rancid scent mixed with an almost sickly sweetness that reminded Razor of the thick overwhelming perfumes that he sometimes smelt on people in Mondstadt.
Just one faint whiff of the stuff often was too much for his sensitive nose, making his eyes sting and water as it
filled his nose to the point where he could taste it, the chalky dull bitterness often tinged with cloying sweetness.
“Razor? What’s wrong,” Bennett asked when Razor grimaced and took a step back, his hand covering his nose.
Razor shakes his head, his eyes narrow as he looks at Bennett. “Smells wrong, dead.” It’s the only way Razor can really think of to describe it, truthfully, that something was wrong, that the scent was unnatural and invasive.
At his words, Bennett can’t help but frown, because he doesn’t really smell anything weird. And yet something feels off somehow, a slight feeling of dread settling over him making him weary and Bennett glances around his eyes slowly roving over the area for a moment or two. Nothing seems out of place however, he doesn’t even see any abnormal animal or monster tracks.
“Maybe whatever got caught in the trap was sitting out too long? When did you set them,” Bennett asked, a frown still on his face.
Razor shakes his head as he slowly lowers his hand from his face, his eyes still narrow as he slowly begins walking towards the exact area he’d placed the trap in. “Set this morning,” he murmured.
Bennett nodded at his words, his frown still in place as he followed Razor. If Razor had set them today then it’d be a bit strange for whatever the trap caught to have started rotting, it wasn’t even a humid or hot day either.
And yet something in the back of Bennett’s mind kept nagging at him, he doesn’t know if it’s his adventurer’s intuition or what but it has him summoning his sword anyhow his grip on its hilt tightening.
Razor is quiet as he crouches down in the spot where he’d left the trap. That vile scent is stronger here than before, nearly choking him as it fiercely stings his nose. The thing that catches Razor’s eye however is that the leaves and branches he covered the trap with are now stained red with blood and slightly displaced.
A strange sensation settles over him akin to looming dread because Razor knows that the wolves in Wolvendom don’t hunt like this. He dislikes this feeling, it's uncomfortable prickling at his skin as he carefully clears away the leaves and branches however that feeling of dread blossoms further.
This is because caught within the trap is a singular boar leg torn at the thigh, ragged tufts of fur and flesh at the end where the rest of the boar’s body had been torn away.
“Wha-“ Bennett begins his eyes wide when he sees the boar leg caught in the trap. “Did the wolves do that?”
And yet despite Bennett’s question, he feels as if he already knows the answer just from the look on Razor’s face, not to mention the state they found the trap in. Wolves wouldn’t meticulously cover the trap back up if they had raided it, there’d be more of a mess as well instead of just the blood smeared on the leaves.
Razor shakes his head as he looks back at Bennett, a deep frown on his face. “Too clean. They don’t touch traps,” he murmured.
Seconds later a loud pained yelp seemed to echo out from deeper in the forest coming from further up ahead towards Lupus Boreas’s domain. It’s followed by a loud almost ear-piercing howl more akin to a scream.
Razor is on his feet in seconds, summoning his claymore as he rushes off with Bennett quickly following behind. What had caused that noise had not been good in the slightest.
The territory leading up to Lupus Boreas’s domain only fills Razor with more and more worry each step he takes. The stone cliff faces now covered in enormous gouging claw marks, the once abundant lush cedar trees were now crumpled like paper.
Up ahead Razor can hear fierce animalistic snarls and blood-chilling echoing howls drifting from Lupus Boreas’s domain. The snarls are strange not belonging to any animal Razor has ever seen or heard, it’s like sand scraping against glass making his ears ache, unnatural. This sound only pushes Razor to run faster, fear and anxiety twisting in his chest as his heartbeat pounds in his ears, the fear, and terror of something being wrong with the wolves, with his family looming over him the entire time.
Lupus Boreas’s domain is more akin to a stone arena than a cave or den, a frigid cold scraping against Bennett and Razor’s exposed skin as they enter it. Thin yet icy fog cloaks the arena settling over the pair like a fine cloak.
But none of that matters at the moment considering what is happening before them inside of the domain. Lupus Boreas stands tall, ice and frost curling around his enormous form acting as an almost protective shield for the small group of wolves, mostly pups, huddled around his feet. His hackles are raised, his blue and white fur bristling as he bears his enormous fangs at the creatures in front of him, his face wrinkled as he snarls.
The creatures that his fury is directed at seem like wolves themselves at first glance but they’re all too wrong. Their bodies are thin and lanky, almost skeletal in nature, and segmented as such.
The small amount of fur they did have seems jagged and spikey as if solidified into one lump. They were enormous as well yet still dwarfed in size by Lupus Boreas, while Lupus Boreas’s movements were direct and precise almost like an arrow, these creatures moved like snakes as they floated in the air.
Their eyes glow with a bright yet ominous light, a cloud of dark purple miasma wafting off of them in oppressive waves. There are two of the bigger wolf-like creatures and two smaller ones almost like pups at their side.
At the creature’s feet lay the familiar forms of about four wolves. The wolves are ones that Lupus Boreas knows well, they’re ones Razor knows well too. Ones he’s played with, hunted with, grown up with, and watched as they had pups.
Razor is instantly rushing forward in a flurry of electro, a fierce rage in his eyes, unlike any Bennett nor Lupus Boreas has seen before.
The strange wolves seemed almost stunned, the smaller ones slithering back while that purple miasma cloaks the larger ones as they seemingly vanish.
Bennett quickly follows after Razor already gathering his elemental energy as he rushes to where the wolves are laying on the ground seemingly motionless.
“What are you doing? Leave,” Lupus Boreas snarled as he looked at Bennett and Razor. There’s clear anger in the old wolf’s voice but beneath that lurks something else, frustration.
Bennett doesn’t look at Lupus Boreas although he does spare a quick glance over to where Razor is fighting the small wolf-like creatures. Despite his ferocity though and Razor’s experience he seems to be having trouble with actually injuring the creature, if anything his elemental attacks seemed to be making it grow stronger and faster.
Bennett turns his attention back to the wolves in front of him, his eyes quickly darting over the wounds on their bodies. The wolves were still alive, still breathing thankfully but the wounds are unlike anything Bennett has seen before. Large raking claw marks slashing through the skin, the wounds swollen and red as if infected dying the gray fur a rust-like red.
The open flesh has a strange gray tint to it, black veins spread out from the wound like a spider web, writhing just beneath his skin. Reddish-gray foaming is welling out of it, seeping into the fur.
Bennett shakes his head as he closes his eyes and focuses on drawing his elemental energy to him. There was enough time the wolves could still be saved. Bennett’s vision glows a vibrant red as a wave of warmth cloaks him, it spreads outward in a circle latching onto the wolves at his feet.
“Take him and leave, this is not a matter for humans,” Andrius ordered Bennett, his voice turning harsher. “These unnatural things are not meant for humans to trifle with.”
Andrius glances down at the wolf pups huddled at his feet, small fragile things looking to him for protection before his eyes dart back over to where Razor is fighting sparks of electro crackling in the air. Andrius grits his teeth frustration along with a combination of something else gnawing at him akin to worry or fear.
He’s old, he knows what these abominations are and with the scent they carry he knows exactly where they come from. The abyss. Still, though Mondstadt was no stranger to the occasional abyss mage creatures like this appearing are an abnormality.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees it, one of the larger creatures he’d been fighting, the things that humans called Rifthounds, appear seemingly out of nowhere behind Razor lunging towards him.
Andrius moves almost instinctively. “Leave,” Andrius snarled as he slams one of his large paws down sending shards of ice flying through the air towards the large Rifthound.
The shards of ice strike true, piercing the Rifthound’s hide and sending it stumbling and staggering backward but that doesn’t seem to deter it. Its eyes glow fiercely as its face practically crumples in on itself, black viscous liquid dripping from his mouth as it bears its yellowed teeth.
Then it throws its head back and lets out an echoing almost ear-piercing howl, the fur on the back of its neck glowing purple. In the next second, it vanishes and instantly Andrius begins scanning the area.
Rifthounds were like rodents in the way they seemed to pop out of their hiding places to attack before scurrying back to safety. It made battling them a nuisance as just like real wolves they often hunted in packs always intent on wearing their prey down to make it easier to kill.
“I healed them, they should be okay,” Bennett told Lupus Boreas quickly as he got to his feet, sword still in hand. He feels a bit drained and tired but that was normal especially after using so much elemental energy to heal that many wounds at once.
The old wolf spares him a brief glance but immediately looks back over to where Razor is. He’s dispatched the two smaller rifthounds and is now fighting one of the larger ones. While Razor is experienced in fighting at the moment he’s fighting recklessly, his rage fueling his ferocity making his moments sloppy and imprecise.
Andrius can see that Razor is clearly tiring himself out which isn’t good. And he grimaces knowing that he must intervene.
He takes a step forward ready to charge, gathering the cryo energy to himself as he does the action as easy as breathing.
Before Andrius can take action however the Rifthound he’d injured early reappears directly behind Razor seemingly out of nowhere, its claws darting forward and striking true.
Razor scream as blood flies through the air, it's not a normal scream either, it's one of absolute pure agony that has no business coming from a person’s mouth. It's that noise that has both Bennett and Andrius rushing to his aid.
Razor falls to his knees, his eyes squeezed shut and his teeth gritted. Warm almost searing hot blood trickles down his back chasing away the frigid cold that had been wrapped around him merely seconds before.
He feels odd all of a sudden, a dizzying wave of nausea suddenly slamming into him like a truck, a harsh heat prickles at his skin and he closes his eyes for a moment feeling lightheaded.
It’s hard for him to conjure up even the simplest of thoughts, with each attempt only resulting in it slipping through his fingers. But as the world sways sickeningly before his eyes in a myriad of colors his brain does manage to form one coherent thought.
That it hurts .
Razor whimpers, struggling to remain sitting up as his body trembles. He hears familiar voices calling his name but can barely register anything they say beyond that, their words muffled, drifting into one ear and out the other.
Razor feels hands on him, on his waist and back, on his wounds. Immediately he struggles as white-hot pain rushes through his body, slamming into him like a truck as it overloads nearly all his senses in an instant. The pain is so viscous it steals his breath away leaving him unable to even scream, a soft choked gasp leaving his mouth.
And yet even through the pain, the nausea, and the confusion swarming Razor’s senses that burning rage is still there. That these creatures, whatever they were, hurt the wolves. They hurt his family.
He hears two snarls coming from somewhere in front of him, one of which is all too familiar belonging to Lupus Boreas and the other belonging to one of the rifthounds he’d been fighting. He struggles feebly against the hands that are touching him, their grasp firm yet gentle as they move him.
The movement is seemingly small but does no favors for his swaying and swirling vision, pain sparking along every inch of his skin like needles jabbing him as if his own electro vision is turning on him. His stomach sloshes violently as if it's being rolled down a hill and Razor gags emptily yet harshly drool dripping from his lips onto the ground. It’s hot as well, the unbearable heat prickling at his skin, enveloping him as it mixes with the pain and the overwhelming nausea leaving him panting and dizzy in a near delirious state.
 Razor whimpers, his head lolling as he swallows thickly as drool leaks from his mouth trickling down his chin. His back feels as if it's on fire, the wounds throbbing violently in time with his heartbeat. He should’ve been cold considering the frigid cold fog still floating through the air due to Lupus Boreas’s presence and yet he felt anything but that.
The moving stops for a moment, the hands leaving him as he’s placed on his side, and yet the ground still feels as if it's tilting and swaying sickeningly beneath him, making his stomach slosh violently.
“Razor! Can you hear me,” Bennett asked frantically as he leaned over Razor. He spares a brief quick glance over towards where Lupus Boreas is fighting the last Rifthound, having frozen and shattered the other large one.
Bennett has his hand pressing firmly against the giant claw wounds on Razor’s back, reddish-gray foam is welling out of them coating his hand although his touch is doing little to stem the bleeding considering the size of the wounds. Bennett can already tell by just one look that healing magic or not it's going to scar. The thought is more of a fleeting one in the back of his mind, brought on by his knowledge as both an adventurer and a healer still, it leaves a bad taste in Bennett’s mouth.
Bennett lifts his hand slightly to peer at the wound, a grimace twisting his features when he notices the strange gray tint to the red, swollen flesh there. It was just like the injuries the wolves had earlier.
“Razor,” he called again, giving the other boy a slight shake when he hadn’t responded. Razor gives a low pained groan but seems relatively conscious and aware, even struggling slightly when Bennett tilts his head a bit to peer into his half-closed eyes.
They’re glassy, the pupils were blown wide but there’s a small amount of clarity there letting him know that Razor has some idea of what’s going on.
Razor feels as if he’s being rolled down a large hill almost endlessly with the way his stomach is churning, he feels Bennett touching him again probably moving him to get a better look at his back. But that disparity between where it feels like his body is going and where he actually is has his stomach lurching and he retches harshly, a shudder rolling across his body as the noise turns garbled halfway through as he chokes up a thick wave of lumpy brown vomit, the rancid sour taste of soiled meat coating his tongue as the vomit splatters across the ground.
Grimacing Bennett brushes Razor’s hair out of his face with one hand as he summons his sword with the other and closes his eyes. It is incredibly hard to block out the sounds of Razor’s pained whimpers, to clear his mind so that he can gather his elemental energy.
Razor feels a familiar almost soothing warmth slowly roll across his skin, cloaking it. It seeps deep into his bones chasing away the harsh throb and stinging burn of the wounds on his back but does nothing for his nausea and overwhelming dizziness.
Razor retches again the noise gurgling in his throat as another surge of lumpy brown vomit surges from his lips adding to the sickening slurry beside him. A slight twinge of discomfort crawled across his back as his body shuddered instead of feeling like his skin was tearing apart at the seams as it had before.
That soothing warmth soon quickly fades, a sharp chill rolling over him in its place and Razor shivers as he coughs harshly threads of drool and bile dripping from his lips.
Bennett’s face appears in his vision once more as he brushes Razor’s hair away from his face, although with Razor’s vision swirling the way it is Razor isn’t able to register Bennett’s expression.
“Razor, how feel does it still hurt,” Bennett asked him quickly as he tries to peer into Razor’s face. The wound has closed and stopped bleeding leaving pink, almost fleshy, tender-looking scars in their place.
Razor groans weakly and shakes his head slightly. “Feel…bad. Wrong,” Razor managed to just barely choke out in between his gagging and retching. A small surge of vomit gurgles up his throat, mostly orangish bile this time however and entirely watery.
As his retching and coughing taper off Razor gives a shaky rough sounding exhale as his eyes flutter closed, his body going limp, and instantly Bennett finds his fingers frantically going to Razor’s throat, a wave of relief rolling over him when he feels the familiar thump of Razor’s heartbeat there. It’s going strong although a bit faster than usual.
Hearing a huff coming from nearby Bennett looks up to see Lupus Boreas walking towards them. Black viscous liquid streaking his white fur and snout. The giant wolf turns his head slightly, his face twisting in what seems like disgusted as he spits something off to the side.
Bennett recognizes it as the head of the Rifthound he’d been fighting now encased in a thin block of ice, that shatters to pieces when it hits the ground. Lupus Boreas pays it no mind though as he continues walking.
At first, Bennett believes that he’s coming over to Razor and himself but instead, Lupus Boreas walks over to where the wolf pups and unconscious wolves are. Lupus Boreas is silent as he crouches down slightly seemingly giving them a once over.
Sighing Andrius draws back satisfied, all of the wolves but most importantly the pups were intact. He turns to where Razor and Bennett were his feature’s seemingly impassive as his eyes rove over them for a moment, doing his best to access the situation. A strange sense of worry tugging at his mind when he notices all the blood beneath Razor, the way Bennett is holding his limp form.
Andrius's steps are hesitant almost, although he does not know why. He feels anxious as if truly afraid to look at Razor, he eventually stops in front of the pair crouching down.
Bennett doesn’t know what to expect, but it sure isn’t for Lupus Boreas to carefully crouch down as if making himself smaller before he gave Razor’s body a slight nudge with his nose.
“You healed him as well correct,” Andrius asked although with his rather imposing voice it comes out sounding similar to a demand. His eyes narrowed as he turns his gaze to Bennett briefly.
“Y-yeah, I closed the wound up. It looked just like the wounds the wolves had and Razor said he still felt sick afterward,” Bennett told him quickly.
Lupus Boreas’s face twitches slightly as if he’s trying to make an expression of disgust but can’t quite do it in his current form. “The scent of the abyss clings to him for now but it shall fade with time,” the old wolf murmured shaking his head.
Andrius knew that the poison that those Rifthounds carried on their claws and fangs wasn’t lethal but that didn’t mean it was pleasant. It was used to disorient and weaken whatever prey the creatures were hunting giving them ample time to catch up if it managed to get away.
Shaking his head he scowls or at least tries to, to Bennett it looks more as if he’s about to bear his fangs or growl with the way his ears fold back and his tail flicks out.
Bennett can’t help but jump when Lupus Boreas leans incredibly close, the wolf mouth opening and Bennett gets an incredibly good view of the numerous sharp teeth in his mouth as Lupus Boreas carefully grabs Razor.
Andrius latches onto the back of Razor’s coat, pressing the fabric between his lips as he slowly lifts Razor up the boy dangling limply in his grasp as if he were a puppy grabbed by the scruff of its neck.
“What are you doing,” Bennett asked as he followed after the old wolf. But Lupus Boreas says nothing in response.
It was almost comical how Andrius simply trotted over to the wolf pups his steps extra careful almost as if he was tiptoeing around. He crouches down with Razor still in his grasp, one of his paws crawling forward towards the wolf pups as if to carefully nudge them away.
“Would you like me to move them,” Bennett asked barely holding back his smile. It honestly was a bit funny seeing something like Lupus Boreas act like a skittish house cat as he tried to maneuver around the small fragile creatures.
Andrius looks over at Bennett as if just remembering he was there, and simply nods after a moment glancing away as if either frustrated or embarrassed.
Bennett carefully begins moving the wolf pups aside, his touch gentle as he swiftly works. Eventually, once there’s space in the small crowd Lupus Boreas carefully places Razor down in it, among the wolf pups.
“He prefers the comfort of the wolves when he’s not feeling well.” Is all Andrius said not meeting Bennett’s curious gaze, all his attention on Razor. A strange sense of relief settling over him when he sees the slow rise and fall of Razor’s chest, along with the way his expression seems to relax as the wolf pups began to snuggle up to him.
Andrius still remembers the day Razor began living in Wolvendom, the young boy having been abandoned as an infant in these woods. Now that he was older Andrius often encouraged him to leave and live among his own kind and yet as he stares at Razor he finds himself wondering if perhaps he’d been a bit hasty. Razor was still a boy, after all, it wouldn’t hurt for him to stay a few more years. At least until Razor had fully grown and could properly fend for himself.
This is what Andrius tells himself at least to cover up and ignore his own fear and anxiety he’d been feeling. It would seem that despite casting off his human form, he was still quite human at heart.
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multiverseofmisfits · 3 months ago
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"Yeah, I have many girlfriends. What about it?" Of course, he meant female friends.
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razowor · 3 months ago
The big man may have Razor on the naughty list but the Holiday Wolf hasn't, especially when pulling a sled full of meat goodies for a good wolf this year. Big uffs given when his wolf continued onward but leaving the meat gifts for this good wolf.
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"Oh shit! Is that-" He thought it was just a myth. But he has seen it for real. He only heard tidbits about the Holiday Wolf from his (wolf) lupical.
"For me?" he asked, but the Holiday Wolf already left, leaving the gift filled with meat. Perhaps they still have more gifts to give for the good wolves.
"Thanks, Holiday Wolf!" Of course, he took the gift and would eat some of that meat.
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test-tube · 4 years ago
Not So Harmless Sweetie
Author's Note: thanks for the lovely brainrot @starfell-traveler also this was really fun!! i had to cut it a bit since i couldn't come up with any more activities and the only suggestions i recieved were arson /j
Pairings: Sucrose x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1087
TW: Explosions
Adventures With Klee
Albedo's out on an expedition deep in Dragonspine so Sucrose and I are on Klee-watching duty. It's only for a few days, how hard could it be?
Day 1- Klee nearly exploded Sucrose's garden today. Nothing was destroyed, but it gave Sucrose a heart attack.
"Watch out!"
"Don't touch that-"
Sucrose gave a slight sigh of defeat. She looked at you with a pleading look.
You smiled and walked over to the Spark Knight. "Klee? Sweetheart, I think that's enough playing with Jumpty Dumpty for today."
"Awww, okay..." The little girl handed you her bag and walked over to the mint haired alchemist. "I'm sowwy for exploding things in your lab."
"Oh, it's- um." Sucrose patted the girl's hat. "Just don't do it again, okay?"
Day 2- Klee was kept in solitary confinement with Jean today, (something about exploding fish in Starfell Lake?) so Sucrose and I tidied up the place.
You cleared spare papers off the shelves, occasionally stopping to read a few. "So..." You said in an attempt of conversation. "The Tetritan- Tetratanic sweet flower?"
The alchemist became a slight shade of pink. "It's just a little something for the Windblume festival." Her voice seemed to shrink with her confidence.
"You think you could tell me about it sweetie?"
"I-if you're really interested, sure!"
The two of you sat down with the paper in hand, though it soon laid forgotten to the side as Sucrose ranted on the flower.
"The seeds are four times bigger than ordinary Sweet Flowers, and the Tetratanic Sweet Flower is the final product! Bigger, stronger, sweeter, and more beautiful-" She yelped to a stop. "Sorry, sorry I'm rambling."
"I thought it was cute. You get all enthusiastic." You respond, making Sucrose's gaze try to look anywhere else.
Day 3- Klee has returned from solitary confinement and wishes to draw. I am no Albedo, but I will try my best.
Klee returned as if she hadn't left at all. Despite her time in confinement she still remained a little ball of energy. She reached into her bag and you became afraid. You didn't have the energy to play with Jumpty Dumpty today. You feel relief when she grabs a pad of paper and coloring tools.
"Can we do some sketches?" She asked, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Alright, alright. Don't bring out the doll eyes." You reprimanded. "What are we sketching today?"
"Traveler and Paimon!" Klee shouted excitedly. She turned around and waved to the Traveler and their fairy companion.
"Hey...Paimon was told there would be food." The pixie said.
"I'll pay you with a Sunshine Sprat later." You promise.
Sucrose tried to insist she wasn't one for drawing but turns out you had a similar effect on her as Klee did on you, she just couldn't say no. In about thirty minutes or so you help a big reveal and showed off your portraits.
"Hey! Paimon isn't emergency food!" The pixie sputtered in indignance after acknowledging your canvas.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself." You replied sheepishly.
Day 4- Today we must accompany Klee into the woods...what could she be hiding in here? She just keeps calling it "my treasure"...should I be worried?
"It should be right over here!" Klee said as she skipped over rocks and roots.
"What exactly is it?" Sucrose mused.
"It's a surprise treasure!" Klee giggled. "C'mon!"
You sprinted through Wolvendom trying to keep up with the Spark Knight. She halted to a stop in front of a pile of dirt with a sign sticking out of it.
"Tada! My treasure's in here!"
Sucrose blew the dirt off with her Vision and Klee dragged out the small box.
"When Bennett, Razor and I were adventuring a few days ago, we found these plants and thought Ms. Sucrose would like to see them." She opened the box that held Glaze Lilies and Silk Flowers. "Bennett said they were from Liyu-Liyue!" Klee said proudly.
Sucrose started to tear up. She dropped on her knees and hugged the kid. "Awww Klee!" You joined in on the hug and spent the rest of the afternoon talking about the flora.
Day 5- The afternoon of the day was calm, merely Sucrose and I teaching Klee to read.
"A long, long time ago, in the fo-forest?" Klee struggled to read the purple book in her hands. She looked at you for confirmation.
"Very good, you're doing great." You applauded.
She smiled and looked back down at the book. "In the forest kingdom...what leg dends?"
You snickered a little and pulled Klee onto your lap. She pouted a little at the sight of your face. You shook your head. "No, no sweetie I'm not laughing at you, I promise. That word is legends, okay?"
Klee nodded and yawned. "Can we finish later? Klee's eyes hurt."
"Of course," You said. Within seconds the girl was snoozing, her head leaning against your chest. Her tiny snores eventually lulled you to sleep.
Sucrose walked over in the night, spending a few minutes to capture the sight of the heartwarming scene. She squeezed beside you and joined the group hug formation of the nap, her head leaning against yours.
You woke up before the other two, smiling. The alchemist still had her glasses on, her breathe short and sweet. Klee had curled into you, trying to keep warm.
Tomorrow Albedo was to return, and your family would be complete.
Day 6- Albedo returned today, and Klee couldn't have been any more excited. She insisted on showing Albedo everything we did, though she left out the solitary confinement...
"Brother Albedo!" Klee exclaimed. She jumped onto the Chief Alchemist in a hug, which Albedo quickly accepted. "Why did you have to go for so looong?"
"It was only a couple days Klee."
"But it felt like forever!" The young girl complained. Her expression switched from sad to ecstatic in a snap. "You're back now though, I want to show you the things we did!"
She rummaged through her bag and pulled out her collection from the week; the Jumpty Dumpty Sucrose helped her make, the sketch of Traveler and Paimon, the small box of flowers, and she then made the alchemist sit down.
"Mx. Y/N and Ms. Sucrose taught Klee how to read! Listen!" She picked up the book and sat down. "A long, long time ago, in the forest kingdom... What legends occurred there?"
Albedo smiled and patted the girl's head. "My, my, you have been busy."
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fallinfl0wers · 4 years ago
【Genshin Impact Masterlist】
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❝ Step forward if you want to know the meaning of your journey. ❞
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Mondstadt; the Land of Freedom
Albedo, the Kreideprinz
love stories i thought of while listening to my playlists (fluff, light angst)
10. "There may be no end to our journey of dreams, so let's take a break for today." HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN (fluff)
Meeting Prince! Albedo in the woods (fluff, fem reader)
Staying up with you when you can't sleep
They wear your clothes (fluff)
A case study (fluff, isekai, light angst)
Amber, the Outrider
Barbara, the Deaconess
Bennett, the Adventurer
Diluc, the Darknight Hero
47. "I never said I love you, keeping that pain in my heart." Kimi wa melody - AKB48 (angst)
18. "I still can't believe I took it all for granted." Crossroads - GFRIEND (angst)
7. "Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL (fluff, hurt/comfort)
When he stands you up, and then apologizes (hurt/comfort, fluff)
9. "Just be yourself, what are you so worried about?" HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN (fluff)
Literally baby-sized trouble (fluff, light hurt/comfort)
Eula, the Spindrift Knight
Jean, the Dandelion Knight
Kaeya, the Frostwind Swordsman
When he stands you up, and then apologizes (hurt/comfort, fluff)
Love letter (fluff)
Lisa, the Witch of Purple Rose
General relationship headcanons (fluff)
Mona, the Enigmatic Astrologer
Noelle, the Chivalric Blossom
Razor, the Legend of Wolvendom
Rosaria, the Thorny Benevolence
Sucrose, the Harmless Sweetie
Venti, the God of Freedom
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Liyue; the Land of Contracts
Beidou, the Queen of the Crux Fleet
Chongyun, the Frozen Ardor
Ganyu, the Plenilune Gaze
6. “In this fleeting moment, even if it goes against my fate, today again I pray for you.” Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL (angst)
Hu Tao, the Fragance in Thaw
Keqing, the Driving Thunder
General relationship headcanons (fluff)
49. “I’ve never been in love before, so you gotta go easy on me.” Count on You - Big Time Rush (fluff)
Ningguang, the Eclipsing Star
Xiangling, the Chef de Cuisine
Xiao, the Vigilant Yaksha
love stories i thought of while listening to my playlists (fluff, light angst)
13. “If a second life that’s different from now came to me, would I be by your side? Would you be by my side?” Second Life - SEVENTEEN (fluff to angst)
1. “Long for love even if it hurts every time.” Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK (hurt/comfort)
19. “No matter what road I take, they will always lead back to you.” Crossroads - GFRIEND (hurt/comfort)
Literally baby-sized trouble (fluff, light hurt/comfort)
Idol!Xiao accidentally falling in love with Idol!Reader (fem reader, angst, fluff)
They wear your clothes (fluff)
Xingqiu, the Juvenile Galant
Xinyan, the Blazing Riff
Yanfei, the Wise Innocence
Zhongli, the God of Contracts
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Inazuma: the Land of Eternity
Gorou, the General
Encouragement letter (fem reader)
Kaedehara Kazuha, the Wandering Samurai
Literally baby-sized trouble (fluff, light hurt/comfort)
Kamisato Ayaka, the Frostflake Heron
Kujou Sara, the Crowfeather Kaburaya
Raiden Shogun, the Goddes of Eternity
Sangonomiya Kokomi, the Pearl of Wisdom
Scaramouche, the Sixth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers / Wanderer
love stories i thought of while listening to my playlists (fluff, light angst)
1. “Long for love even if it hurts every time.” Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK (fluff)
33. “I despise being ashamed of feeling inferior.” 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN (hurt/comfort)
Literally baby-sized trouble (fluff, light hurt/comfort)
It doesn't have to be like this (fluff, platonic, a bit of angst)
Comfort letter from Scaramouche (fluff, comfort)
They wear your clothes (fluff)
Thoma, the Chief Retainer of the Kamisato Clan
Yae Miko, the Guuji
Yoimiya, the Frolicking Flames
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Sumeru: the Land of Knowledge
Collei, Avidya Forest Ranger Trainee
Tighnari, Avidya Forest Watcher
Cyno, General Mahamatra
Nilou, Star of Zubayr Theater
Alhaitham, Scribe of Sumeru Akademiya
Dehya, Flame-Mane
Candace, Guardian of Aaru Village
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Others; the land of the unknown
Aether, the Traveler
love stories i thought of while listening to my playlists (fluff, light angst)
Dainsleif, the Boughkeeper
7. “Even if we’re far apart, I’ll keep singing for you with all my love.” Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL (fluff, domestic, light angst)
Lumine, the Traveler
It doesn't have to be like this (fluff, platonic, a bit of angst)
Tartaglia, the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers
when he stands you up, then apologizes (hurt/comfort, fluff)
prompt 2. “You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me.” Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK (angst, mild violence)
I’m just a Fatui Harbinger but I was suddenly thrown into the world of the light novel I read on my free time and then I fell in love with the villain of the story?! (fluff, crack-ish, isekai, villain! male reader)
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2022. fallinfl0wers.
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the-better-rascal · 5 months ago
"Forest ranger! We protect the forests and wildlife of Sumeru!"
She cocks her head to the side and observes the boy before he boops her
"Aww, I got booped back!"
Hey, you're the wolf boy from mondstat right?
Boop! :3
I'm Collei, a forest ranger trainee from Sumeru!
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And the wolf boy got booped.
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"Forest what?" Perhaps he did got all of it. But at least he got her name and- oh, yeah. Introductions. "I'm Razor and... BOOP YOU!" Yes, he booped back.
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seolarskyes · 4 years ago
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࿇ date: 26/02/2021 ࿇
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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⟐ Lisa ~ Witch of Purple Rose
➵ 12/10/2020
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⟐ Beidou ~ Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean
➵ 21/11/2020
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⟐ Razor ~ Legend of Wolvendom
➵ 12/12/2020
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⟐ Fischl ~ Prinzessin der Verurteilung
➵ 23/12/2020
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⟐ Keqing ~ Driving Thunder
➵ 4/01/2021
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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fanfiction-funtime · 4 years ago
Alexander Vodka lines
I did most of the characters, but some I don't know or genuinely can't think of anything. Hope this is good >-<
Hello: Hey there, your that Traveler fella ain’t ya? Hope I don't owe you copyrights for  the name. Hm? I don’t? Well then, what can I help ya with?
Adventures? Sure why not, I could use the inspiration.
Two names: You’re curious why I have two names? Well it's sort of a thing in Snezhnaya that officers and other high ranking people have two names, like how harbingers do. Since I’m a high ranking member of the Schneznayan authors association, well former member, I have the name “Eis Cay’zar” meaning “ice ruler”. And Alexander Vodka is a pen name. Hm? What's my resistance name and real one? Well now Traveler, a man must have some secrets.
Change of tone: Ah yes, people often find the way I change from more eloquent speech to more casual off putting. Well it's the same reason I wear two sets of clothes: sometimes I feel like looking like an old noir hero, other times I like looking like a new age caped crusader. Sometimes I like sounding high society, other times I enjoy sounding like I’m from Khaen’ria.
How do you know about Khaen’ria: Well I was looking for accents and found out about a place called “New York” or something, a bit of investigation and I discovered everything. My source? That's a secret, ehe.
Good morning: Mornin’ Traveler! What's in the mornin’ paper?
Noon: Lunch time, my favourite time of the day. Let’s go get some pizza, I’m famished!
Afternoon: Almost time to punch out, let's go knock some skulls first.
Night: *yawn* Today was fun, thanks buddy. Get some shut eye, or if you can't come meet me at (wanmin/angels share/the tea house), first rounds on me!
When it rains: I am so glad I got over my fear of contacts.
When it rains(with glasses outfit): Hey can we get under something? I can barely see!
When it stops raining: The smell that comes after rain has always been one of my favorites.
When it snows: Perfect weather to bundle up with a nice hot cup of hot chocolate!
When it stops snowing: Do you ever miss home, Traveler?
About freedom: I warned Barbados, you know that? I knew that as long as he saw it coming, Signora wouldn’t stand a chance. But he just looked at me and said, “good, when I’m gone mondstadt will be truly free of the gods”. That’s a man I’d follow to the depths of the abyss and back.
About Venti: Speaking of Barbados, he’s a great drinking buddy. Me and him knock back a couple hundred rounds whenever I’m in Mondstadt! Course I’m always paying the tab, but I consider it a way of repaying him for making songs about my books.
About Kaeya: The cavalry captain? He’s pretty cool if you ask me, modeled as Rex Mondoleon for the cover of a historical fiction book I made. But I’d still like to know what he’s hiding behind that smile.
About Diluc: Don’t tell him I told you this, but one time I found Diluc after he was hit by an abyss spell that made him drunk. While he was drunk he kept ranting about how sorry he is for kicking out his brother. The poor guy has all that forgiveness in him but he’s too afraid to let it out.
About Jean: The acting grandmaster of the knights is someone truly deserving of respect. She leads by being a good person and earning the respect of her people, and she has never once tried to cover up the mistakes of the knights. In fact if a knight makes a mistake she’ll rush out to fix it. Jean should be the grandmaster, not that crooked old bastard.
About Lisa: Lisa was my first friend in Mondstadt. She mailed me about getting copies of my books into the Mondstadt library, I said I’d do a signing to promote a new one, one thing led to another and now we have tea every ninth day of the month.
About Rosaria: Don’t tell anyone, but I’m very sure she’s a vampire. A nice one, but still.
About Barbara: Awe that little doll? I once saw her kill multiple fatui because they threatened some sick and injured travelers. So I think she’s a great person, takes compassion to save lives and guts to handle taking them as well.
About Bennett: Bennett? Yeah I know him, nice kid. He likes my books but kept breaking them, so now I make special enchanted ones so he can’t break them even if he tried.
About Razor: The guardian of wolvendom? He’s a weird one alright, but he’s not a bad guy. I taught him how to read and write.
About Fischl: That crazy kid? I don’t care what everyone else says, she’s nice. People need to learn to just leave people alone, she’s not hurting anyone with her persona.
About Noelle: You will never find someone more dedicated too...well anything than Noelle is too the knights and her training.
About Klee: Klee and I are great friends! Nothing is more stimulating than massive explosions!
About Amber: She always has interesting stories to tell, like one time where she got rid of some bandits by making a dummy merchant cart filled with explosives! Or the time she had to help a kid get her pet giant snake out from the cathedral!
About Zhongli: Heh, he thinks he’s slick, but I know he’s Rex Lapis. Gotta say I kinda hate him for just giving up his gnosis, however he did it to free his people so I can’t be mad.
About Ninnguang: Never much cared for economics because I don’t know much about ‘em, so I can’t say anything about her business sense. But I can say that she’s a great leader who puts her people first.
About Keqing: Haven’t talked to her enough to know much, but she’s dedicated to her people and that's enough for me. Her dislike of blind faith in the gods is definitely enough to make me want to get to know her better though.
About Qiqi: Qiqi’s a nice kid, I don’t care what anyone says her being a zombie doesn’t make her bad.
About Baizhu: Snake man? Nice guy, helps me be accurate in my books. Always worry about him though, one hot breeze and he’s out like a light.
About Xingqiu: Xingqiu always tries to hide his good deeds, and while I can respect anonymity I can’t let a hero go unsung. So I’ve written multiple short stories about him using a different name, and put in the beginnings that it’s based on a true story.
About Chongyun: His popsicles are great inventions, I’ve played around with the idea a bit and made flavored ones. So far I’ve got strawberry and grape down and am working on this weird fruit called a..Banananana? I think?
About Beidou: Captain Beidou is so cool! She tells me stories about her journeys out to see and I write about them, but after seeing her in action I can’t really say that I do her justice.
About Kazuha: Kazuha has suffered so much, yet he refuses to give up and curl up away from the world when he so easily could. I have immense respect for him.
About Xianling: You’d be surprised at how good slime and boar tusk can be.
About Xiao: I’ve written down many myths and legends of the yaksha, but sadly I've never seen him in person.
About Verr Goldet: Oh she’s great company! Good business sense, and always polite.
About Gorou: Many people rightly attribute the Resistance’s survival and victories to general Kokomi, but it’s wrong to say general Gorou isn’t a brilliant strategist. He knows how to rally his men against impossible odds, and how to keep them standing against them. I’d follow general Gorou into battle any day.
About Ayaka: Ayaka seems so lonely, I hope when this is all done she can have some form of social life.
About Thoma: Thoma’s as cool as he seems. He always has a level head, and solves problems smoothly and without issues.
About Yoimia: KABOOOM!
About Kokomi: One time I was doing an interview of her excellency, to boost morale and draw new members. I intended on asking for her autograph, only for her to ask for mine! I’ve been riding that high for a while now and still ain’t come down.
About Signora: I hate fatui, but without that she has some good qualities: most of her power is her own unlike most other harbingers, and she’s a sharp dresser. Plus she’s actually justified in her choice to join the fatui, not excused, but isolation can justify many crimes in my book. But no matter what I can’t forgive her. She attacked my friend without a chance for him to fight back, and was unfairly cruel. Nothing can justify that, and I will not forgive her as long as she remains unapologetic for her cowardly cruelty.
About Childe: Fatui are scum, but Childe’s probably the best of them: he personally tries to keep civilians and the weak out of fatui business, and he’s only in it to make sure his family lives well. He also is powerful on his own, but most of his strength is the Tsaritsa’s well deserved gifts. Still though, he’s just a single stressful day from losing all his morals. I can’t leave the fate of my homeland to a madman like him, not unless he gets therapy.
About Scaramouche: Scaramouche...that bastard, it’s been five years and he still owes me 30,061 mora.
About the Fatui: The fatui are really just people who are lost or genuinely believe they’re in the right, and while I can sympathize and respect many of them I can't agree nor can I just stand by and watch. The grunts usually aren’t that bad, honestly they’re more like underpaid graduates new to the workforce, but the fighters you see daily? Almost all of them are scum no better than raiders, and debt collectors are the worst of them because they’ll do anything they can to scam you out of everything in their contracts.
About us-commissions: You know, if you’d like to commission a biography it’s 100 mora per ten pages.
About us-inspiration: You’re a font of inspiration for me, ya know that?
About us-fellow rebels: I’ve been with ya enough to know that this path you’re on, the one to find your sis/bro, you’re fighting against something far beyond my ability to deal with. I won’t abandon you, I’ll be here every step of the way.
About us-friends: We’ve been through a lot pal, I’m glad to call you my friend. Please, call me my rebel name: it’s Belgrade, named after the city where some very brave men took their last stand against oppression.
Hobbies: Well you have reading and writing, otherwise? Can't think of anything.
Favorite food: Grilled tiger fish, come get it while it’s hot!
Least favorite food: I really wanna try it, but I can’t have almond tofu. Or any nuts. Closes my throat right up.
Something to share: Hehe, I got embarrassing dirt on all the harbingers. Signora? She has a Tsaritsa body pillow. Scaramouche? He knits sweaters for his pet pig, cute but he hates letting people know. And Childe? Hoo man, the pics I’ve got on him have put a pretty mora on my head.
About me: Hey have you seen my dice? I wanted to teach the mondstadt kids how to play them...hm? What?! No, not gambling! It’s, uh, a tad embarrassing...h-hey look! Literally anything else, let's pay attention to it!
About me II: Alright! These rolls are great, can’t wait to use them next game. I’m so proud of Fischl, so young yet so imaginative. She’s already-ah! T-traveler! What are you doing?..
You know I’m the one meant to be learning the secrets here.
About me III: Back in Snezhnaya, everyone looks down on things that don’t “conform” where even the most rigid of nations like Inazuma have stopped caring. Adults can't play games, men can’t wear dresses, can’t even have a “weird” sense of humor. No laws against it, but being outcasted is...it’s not good…
About me IV: I wish I grew up in Mondstadt. The kids there are so free to be themselves, and the adults aren’t pressured to be nothing more than working hands. It’s not perfect, after all people are rude to Fischl and Benny for being “different”, but it’s better that’s for sure.
About me V: Hey traveler...this is...no it’s not embarrassing. You’re my friend and I have no reason to be embarrassed by wanting to enjoy time with you! Fischl’s going to run a pen and paper dice game, ever played one? It’s super fun, you get to be anything you want really, and it’s a great way to bond.
You will? Great! I’ll help you make a character!
Alexander’s troubles: It’s so hard to find publishers these days. Noone wants an actual plot, they just want twist after twist. What’s up with that?! Shock value is no substitute for characters you love living fulfilling lives.
Happy birthday: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday you crazy bastard, happy birthday to you! Seriously pal, you put yourself in harm's way every day it seems, we literally met when you were fighting an actual god! Actually, know what? No danger all day! We’re wrapping ourselves in blankets and just relaxing!
Feelings about ascension-intro: woah, somethin’ feels different. I like it!
Feelings about ascension-building up: man, I’m feeling inspired all of a sudden! Hey traveller, give me a prompt!
Feelings about ascension-climax: HA! I don’t know what high I’m riding but I like it, I just finished writing a whole book series!
Feelings about ascension-conclusion: WOO! YEAH! ULRICH MIKAEL KEEPS WINNIN’!-I-I meant Alexand-ah forget it, I’m feelin’ too good to care!
About Louis: That crazy inventor guy from Fontaine? I heard he got used by the fatui, damn shame that. Noone deserves to have their heart played with like that.
About Spritefather: You ever heard of Spritefather? I’ve only heard legends, but the fanmail I keep getting tells me that sometimes things are only legendary until someone writes them down.
About the Storytraveler: There’s this woman who travels from universe to universe to fix things, she’s in Teyvat right now. You should meet her, really nice person. But her powers are a bit weird, why does she transform like that? It takes so much time!
Tagging: @love-psxlm, @storytravelled, @genshin-obsessed, @golden-wingseos
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transdiluc · 2 years ago
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Legend of Wolvendom · Razor
A semi-feral boy raised by wolves who hunts among the dense forests of Wolvendom.
Character Introduction - Razor Posted October 18, 2019
[EN Twitter Post]
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multiverseofmisfits · 12 days ago
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"Really?!" He better not disappoint his girlfriend more- "Is that the day you fry more meat?"
“Razor…” Noelle sighs “You really have no idea do you it has to do with me Razor”
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wolvenfang-a · 4 years ago
@khvdzye | one-liners!
“... Look weird. Don’t know smell. Who?”
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