#*( meme response. )
ozonelasher · 5 months
Send me ϟ for my muse to tell yours the story behind one of their scars.
It took a bit of deliberation before Kaki decided to tell this particular story.
“I used to not be a fighter, you know,” she started. “I wasn’t until I was already an adult. Originally, I was an emergency responder in search and rescue.”
After a few moments of silence, she pulled the collar of her armor down—the material creaking as it stretched along with the pull of her finger—just far enough to expose a deep, crater-shaped scar just below the left side of her clavicle.
“I got this when we dug a man out from under some rubble. He came to as we were pulling him out, and the first thing he saw was me, holding up the slab of concrete that he had been trapped under.” She let her armor go back to its normal state before continuing. “What we didn’t anticipate was him having a gun—a real gun, with actual metal bullets, not one of the blasters we were used to. The bullet’s still in there. It’s too close to an artery to remove, so…”
She shrugged.
“I didn’t blame the man when it happened, and I still don’t blame him now. I would have been terrified if the first thing I saw after being buried under rubble was someone from the same faction that destroyed my city trying to help me, too. It's a wonder that I didn't drop the slab, crushing us all.
"But, I think that was one of the first times I was confronted with the manufactured hypocrisy of the society I grew up in. After cutting your throat, it extended an opposite hand to offer its help...
"What a joke."
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apocalypsejumper · 5 months
❛ i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you. ❜ >:3c darkhold loki as a treat
' - as long as you don't get to have all the fun, alright? ' her voice has a hint of mischief, but there's something soft in her eyes that loki might notice. care. almost worry. the darkhold's influence is so strong at this moment even sylvie can practically taste it. ' if i'm left behind to watch you fight i'll be dreadfully bored. '
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leatherforhell · 1 year
all-around kind person
@fightwing for sure. Kayla was one of the first people to follow me here, and was (I believe) the first person to follow me who i didn’t already know. I was so fucking nervous about making this blog, you guys, I thought it would for sure be a flop. but Kayla not only followed me, she asked me questions, she talked about Clara with me, she welcomed me into the fandom. Kayla is definitely one of the major reasons Clara made it past the first week here. in addition to which, Kayla is just a sweetheart!! extremely pleasant to talk to, what an angel!!!
well-developed oc
this is cheating but literally how can I get this question and not mention @streetslost and @famefound. they’re the iconic pair, a decade strong. I’m pretty sure they have more lore than god at this point. sometimes I think about the way they started out when they first made the characters and I am BAFFLED because the way that they are now, you would never think they were based on animals from a Disney movie. they’re just so whole and complex!!! they’re their own thing!!!
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kangslayer · 11 months
❝  who the fuck made you cry? i’ll fucking rip their head off. ❞
~ @dx90
@dx90 sent a meme. --------------------------------
"No, no, it's fine - " she waves her hands before trying to wipe away any stray tears because the last thing she wants right now is to be crying, but her eyes aren't listening to her.
It's really the most ridiculous thing to be crying about but here she is, and she doesn't want David to do anything stupid because of it.
"I don't think they were even talking about me, I think it was just - nothing, I promise."
Except they were talking about her. And it wasn't so ridiculous, either.
The place likes to gossip and for some reason the person being talked about, today, is Ren.
Ren, who some of them have heard used to be particularly close to the Kang variant that almost succeeded in taking over. The more that two Ravonnas exist in the TVA, the more questions people have since there's time.
"Can we please just go home?"
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terrorpenned · 1 year
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SWEARING LIKE A SAILOR. THYME. @marisetcaelum said: who the fuck are you? - thyme to gore
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❛❛ DEATH. ❜❜
the captain's gnarled fingers twisted tighter around the sweeping hilt as he brought it CLOSER 'neath the beast's chin, razor-sharp steel leaving a weeping cut JUST ENOUGH TO STING in the spray of saltwater. he grinned at the sight, baring teeth perhaps unexpectedly white for his profession ( though there was the distant glint of gold in the back of his jaw ). lesser men feared the creatures of Whitecap Bay, but Captain Gore and his crew of HELLIONS feared nothing : not when they themselves were wretched things sent from hell's mouth itself. and Bartholomew, well. he had seen darker shades in the halls of his own home. if this spit of a FISH GIRL hoped to frighten him with her sailor's tongue then she was to learn the MEANING of his name in earnest.
he beckoned his quartermaster closer, who sparked the flint to his torch and sent the oil-soaked rag ablaze before edging it near those glistening scales. they'd never tortured a MERMAID before, but back in New Orleans the Gorelieu's had smoked plenty of fish. couldn't be that different with a woman's upper half.
❛❛ I've no patience for your questions. show me the way to the wreck willingly or you shall wish you had. ❜❜
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altruprism · 1 year
Any difficult muses? Or ones that are hard to write for?
orpheus, my darling :( it’s tough because I feel like so much of his character is actually tied to the meta of the narrative, his relationship with the audience, his ignorance vs the painful irony. when you remove him from his media, it’s hard to keep him impactful.
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lavcrre · 1 year
"deep down we both knew that someday, somehow, something truly terrible was going to happen." caleb!
Maybe she should be sad. Maybe this ache in her chest should be softer. Maybe the kinder thing, the right thing, would be to reassure him. Jester doesn't want to reassure him. She's angry.
"I didn't know that, Caleb!" Despite her rage, perhaps because of it, she's still crying. "I thought we were friends! I didn't think you'd give up if you--" She breaks off with a sob. Perhaps she's still soft after all. All the heat drains out of her like sand from an hourglass.
"I know you think you're a bad person, but we don't see it that way, you know?" Jester sniffles. "You don't have to leave."
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vannscooter · 2 years
“we are not doing that thing where you come in here like you live here” - fauxbius 😏
meme response from @fauxbius
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" or, or, hear me out - no. " but there's a grin on his face and a bag of food in his arms. sure of course, on a normal day he'd not do anything of the sort - but the door was unlocked, neither of them were answering, and he had food - and thank god no one was in the living room fucking around. could have been much worse, right? " look, i went on the timeline - got some stuff to get loki back to strength. or at least make them comfortable. i had the time, the energy . . . so why not? here. " and he tosses a piece of candy he knows m likes, even if he's not been eating much of it lately. " are they asleep? "
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ozonelasher · 4 months
Send "❥" and I will share a ship I have a bias for with my muse!
turles and kaki, but i feel like it only works bc of the way i characterize turles in my head. ngl tho i dont really picture them Actually being together in capacity since ultimately i see them as nemeses. this one is like a hero/villain would-be but isn't, though the tension is there
i picture him and kaki having very similar morals and interests, which are noble, but the point of disparity is the fact turles' beliefs venture into extremism, aka not caring about the collateral damage he causes in order to get what he wants. i feel like kaki could easily be drawn in by him, and turles' starting interest in her could develop into something darker once he realizes her status & connection to the Tree of Might—as in, she's one of the few people (aka, a god) in existence that is actually able to reap the benefits of the fruit with none of the drawbacks
anyway thats all i got so im gonna stop there before i start sounding like this
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tldr; do i think they could work? not at all. do i still have a spotify ship playlist for them? yeah.
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leatherforhell · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺. // 💻 ― excellent writing?
i mean, i simply cannot talk about good writing without mentioning Dollie (@lylarchive, @melanchylia, @spidersiren, etc) who is unfortunately on hiatus rn. Dollie has a way of using the English language that makes me actually understand the phrase ‘word weaving.’ she combines phrases and vocab in a way that evokes emotion and imagery SO vividly, and I will never not admire her for that.
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terrorpenned · 1 year
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YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I CAN TURN TO. NICHOLAS BLAIR. @devilagent said: this is my last chance. / to vicky about maggie </3 OR ANYTHING TBH GO WILD EEEEEEEEEEE
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❛❛  TO DO WHAT ? ❜❜
IF SHE DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER, Victoria would say he sounded almost desperate, but that could hardly be true. devils, and witches, HIS KIND, they knew no such thing as last chances: their thread of fate like an elastic hanging rope that could stretch, and stretch beyond time and space but never SNAP, not entirely, no matter how worn thin. Angelique was twice dead, and twice returned. her brother doubtless knew the return trip from Hell better than she did.
❛❛  Maggie Evans is a good girl. she's done nothing to ––  to deserve being used, Mr. Blair. can't you see that ? ❜❜
her voice rose a key in her own panic, sweeping in like the saltwater tide in the back of her throat. she'd thought before he'd just wanted her, and that was BAD ENOUGH, but his last chance ? her mouth went dry, and she chewed on the inside of her cheek.
there was a small, small voice that whispered where her neck joined her ear that she should not be prodding at a force she was so powerless against. she would be better off fetching Professor Stokes. Julia and Barnabas, perhaps. Or Roger, and his rifle. but she didn't. she stood as if fixed to the floor of the house, fine, polished wood with a fresh stain that belied the age of the planks and their creak. she was helpless when Maggie was kidnapped before, and Carolyn, and herself. she would not be helpless now. not when she knew the face of the devil this time.
❛❛   spare her whatever crossfire you're in. please. ❜❜
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apocalypsejumper · 5 months
❛ you are mine, whether you agree or not. ❜
          it's really not fair. they keep playing this game with each other - breaking up, getting back together, breaking up, fucking around, 'hating' each other only to wind up back in bed . . . were they ever truly going to be done with one another? who were they kidding? and while there's pain to the back and forth sylvie falters as she's pressed into the wall, because being claimed as such is thrilling as much as it is panic-enducing at times.
          ' if you're going to make such wild claims, prove it. show me already or go away. '
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lavcrre · 1 year
hope is not a strategy.
Hurt strikes in her chest, immediate and unexpected. He does not say it unkindly, but it’s so….
It’s as if he designed this arrow for her heart in particular, painstakingly. Jester has taken joy in being understood, but this is more like a curse. It’s a mark on her soul. He has seen her, and he has found her lacking.
She crosses her arms and fights the urge to curl in on herself. She is strong, and she’s not going to forget that now.
“I think I’m doing pretty good, Caleb.” The inflection of her accent softens the words, but her usual bouncing cadence is gone. She refuses to look in his direction, let alone make eye contact. 
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vannscooter · 2 years
❛ I would never kill you. Not in a million years. What I can do - what I will do is hurt you, worse than I did before. ❜
meme sent from @rxvonna
There’s a moment where he simply watches her, pruning stick in hand, and doesn’t do anything at all. Simply keeps his eyes on her, his soft and wrinkly expression, just a moment long enough that perhaps she’ll think of asking him if he plans on speaking at all. The first sound that comes out of his mouth however is a sigh, and he rubs his face with his free hand.
“I’m not sure how you can hurt me worse than you have, but I gotta say, there’s a part of me that’s interested in seeing you try,” he comments, a slight shrug in his shoulder. “I know you, Ravonna. Maybe I don’t know every single detail of the things you already knew about the TVA, about the practices here, but I know you. You want to keep trying to hurt me? Fine, go ahead. I’m not going anywhere, though.”
And that’s the truth. Mobius won’t run from her - he refuses. He’ll stay and fight and remind her that their friendship was real, not some ruse. It’s what he has to do to keep his own sanity.
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ozonelasher · 5 months
Incorrect quotes generator!
Kaki: Amazing! Rex, you're just like Sherlock Homeless! Rex: IT'S HOLMES!
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leatherforhell · 1 year
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granted tbh "sense of humor" is subjective. athletic in that she like... stays in shape but not really an athlete? and for moving, she goes anywhere, but she would still like to travel for a bit at times. and let's be honest: alina likes animals but very few like her.
consider: clara has an innate connection to the animals that live in Gotham. they could have a cute little beauty and the beast moment where Clara convinces some birds to cautiously trust alina
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