#*   &.  take my hand and never let me go.  /  ben x rey  (  liftingrocks  )
greyturned · 2 years
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Send 🛌 for our muses to wake up in bed together after having had sex together for the first time the night before. @liftingrocks​​ sent:    🛌 (maybe senator AU?
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        A GROAN LEFT HIM AS HIS ALARM CUT THROUGH THE WARM,    pleasant haze of sleep and so rudely brought him back into the land of the living.      reaching blindly for his bedside table,    his hand hit nothing the first couple of tries before finally finding the source of the noise and turning it off.      Ben sunk back into the bed with a huff,    wishing more than anything that he could just sleep in for once,    instead of getting up early to prepare for a day dealing with politicians.      he could hear his family’s old kitchen droid,    Beex,    preparing what was likely not his first pot of caf for the day.      Ben wouldn’t be surprised if half of his kitchen had pots of varying stages of consumable taking over it.      hopefully his other droid,    Betty,    would either keep Beex in line enough to still have room to lay out breakfast.
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        Ben turned when he felt his bedmate begin to stir next to him as well,    rolling onto his side and throwing an arm around Rey’s waist.      his eyes fluttered shut as he got settled back in,    more than prepared and willing to go back to sleep like this.      he was warm and content,    his body heavy.      it wasn’t often he’d sleep as well as he did,    if his nights weren’t filled with work it was usually a struggle to sleep.      last night though . . .      Ben pressed a lazy,    sleepy kiss to Rey’s shoulder as the bustle from the kitchen got louder as the droids prepared the morning meal,    he knew it’d only be a matter of time before either they or his senatorial droid woke him up to begin the day.       ❝      sounds like breakfast is underway.      you sleep well?      ❞
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greyturned · 2 years
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send ⑁ to sit on my muse’s lap. alternatively, send ღ for my muse to sit on your muse’s lap @liftingrocks​​​ sent:    ⑁
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        IT FELT DIFFERENT,    STRANGE EVEN,    TO BE SO OPEN.      sitting in civilian clothes that were rather unassuming and generic,    typical for the area and perfect for blending in even with his imposing stature and demeanor.      tucked away just enough to not be in anyone’s line of sight or way but not in such a way that would make it seem like he was trying not to be seen.      they haven’t done this with any frequency before,    it was generally something they both agreed to avoid,    preferring to stick to the cover of the trees and remain unknown,    unseen and unheard.      people walked past him without a second glance,    no glimmer of recognition,    his face had still yet to circulate far but hers,    hers had been plastered everywhere with either a price attached to it,    or a message.
        it was hard to pretend that they were just another couple out enjoying the nice,    warm weather after a period of rain.      he could still smell how the rain had soaked the ground,    the scent of wet soil was strong in that area.      Kylo wondered if any there realized that one of the couples around them was not as ordinary as they seemed,    but were,    in fact,    the last Jedi and the Supreme Leader of the First Order.      if one wrong person saw either of them---
        but Kylo knew the importance of this,    knew how special it would be for his bondmate.      to pretend that they were just another ordinary couple enjoying and ordinary day,    time spent together enjoying it and the sun and the atmosphere.      a date.      Kylo had been wanting to give this to her for a while,    it was the care he had to put into planning it that delayed him for so long.      part of him,    the foolish dreamer part of him,    wanted to whisper that there could be a chance for this when the war ended.      the uncertainty of their futures aside,    Kylo didn’t want to wait so long that they risk never seeing it.
        Kylo was pulled from his thoughts when Rey returned with their food,    Sorgan didn’t have a lot but there was a comfort in their simplicity.      it was a far cry better from First Order rations,    which Kylo was too busy to have anything but lately and he was growing sick of it.      he gave her a small smile and a thanks,    but he could tell by the look on his bondmate’s face that she’d picked up something off about him.
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        Kylo looked up at Rey as she moved closer to him,    leaned back to give her room when she slid into his lap.      his hands came up on instinct to frame her waist as she got settled to hold.      her hands found their way into his hair,    and she didn’t need to ask.      a sigh left him with an apologetic brush against her Force signature.       ❝      it’s nothing,    i was just thinking.      i’m not . . .      used to sitting so open.      ❞
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