#*| acescaped
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angeir · 4 years ago
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he’s been clinging to the side of the well for what feels like hours, though even after all that time he's still soaking wet. his entire body aches, with no idea if its from the long fall into the well, the wolfsbane beginning to course through his system or the way he's been gripping so tightly to every rock he climbs. he's already climbed at least thirty feet, so close and yet so far from the top. a few more rocks pass and now he's almost at the top, could reach up and grab the top and pull himself up. but when his hand leaves the rock that he's on it just weakly falls to his side, and liam can't muster up the strength to reach any higher. he's terrified, losing his grip, mentally preparing himself to plummet back to the bottom. he lets out an anguished sound somewhere between a scream and a roar, hoping desperately that someone would hear. grasp slips every second, exhaustion setting in heavily. then his hand slips. but before he can plummet to the bottom once again, there's a hand around his wrist, pulling him up. once he’s a little higher liam finds the strength to use his other hand to push up off the side of the well, stumbling onto solid ground and right into the others arms.
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bllythe · 4 years ago
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he didn’t enjoy lunchtime at school. when gilbert had arrived at this new school, he had assumed two things could happen: he would be WILDLY UNPOPULAR due to the fact that no one knew him, or that he would be WILDLY POPULAR because everyone wanted to know him. the latter was true. though it didn’t seem like it, he had always been quite RECULSIVE and had hoped that his entrance to the school would have gone unnoticed, but he was being bothered by people just as much as he had been before in avonlea. lunchtime was when everyone SNATCHED at him, and today he had properly planned his escape. directly after class, gilbert RUSHED himself to the library, secluding himself to the farther corner from the entrance to eat in peace. he sat down, heaving a heavy sigh as he put his bag down on the table. a book, warm tea, and soup from his aunt. he was pleased to finally have some SILENCE. however, his eye caught someone that he hadn’t noticed on his b-line to the table. without attempting it, he caught the eye of the girl from his biology class. “ ah, uh, hey, “ he chuckled nervously, putting up a hand to wave sheepishly. could he have said nothing ? it felt RUDE not to. “ you’re rain, right ? sorry if i was loud coming in. didn’t mean to disturb you or anything. “
@acescaped​ liked for a starter !
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boredanelle · 4 years ago
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@acescaped​​   ✣   liked
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“    What are YOU supposed to be ???    ”    she asked,  OBVIOUSLY SURPRISED to see someone that wasn’t the police.  Unless she WAS a cop.  She didn’t look like a one.    “    Are you a COP ???    ”
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spiriituma · 4 years ago
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@acescaped​ asked: ‘ you just – caught me! i was falling so far and then you just –! ’ for peter :0
“I-- Yeah-- !!” He can’t help but find the sheer disbelief in her voice just a little bit funny, unsure as to whether it stems from the fact that Spider-Man has caught her midair or that ANYONE had caught her at all. (Peter has a feeling that it’s a little bit of both, but maybe a slight bit more of Option 2. She IS a vigilante herself, after all, so a guy that swings probably isn’t the weirdest thing she’s seen.)
One arm wrapped tightly around her, the other maneuvering with his web shooter, Peter manages to get the two onto a nearby rooftop, finally on some solid ‘ground.’ He’s a little hesitant to let go of her-- the fall combined with swinging across the city could very well mean she’d be dizzy on touch-down, and he really doesn’t want her hurting herself.
“You okay? I mean-- Y-You seem a little shaken up, so--” As if that isn’t obvious, she’s just fallen off of a ten-story building. He backs away a step, still keeping a hand hovering just above her shoulder in case she needs support. “I know you can probably, um... take care of yourself, but that’s a long way to fall, even WITH me catching you, so-- so I just-- I GOTTA be sure.”
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sunveiins · 4 years ago
@acescaped​ | surprise, whore!
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misty flings herself face down on to her bed, letting it shake and settle however it pleases before letting out a deep and truthful groan. “rain...” she groans even more before flipping herself on to her back side. “this winter.” misty frowns at the window, the snowing seemingly looking never ending. “i am SICK of it.”
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jesstanleys · 4 years ago
INTERIOR.   HER  BEDROOM  IS  A  HAVEN  OF  GIRLHOOD  IMPULSES,   THE  VAGUE  THROB  OF  PINK  -  WHITE  DEATH  LINING  THE  WALLS   ---   the  afternoon  night  has  made  you  cosy  with  sleepless  boredom.
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JESSICA:   hey.   hey,   don't  cry   [   an  unease  has  settled  over  jessica's  shoulders,   a  strange  comfort   :     IT  IS  NICE  TO  FEEL  ANYTHING  AT  ALL  THESE  DAYS   ]   it's  okay.   you're  gonna  be  okay. JESSICA:   sit  on  the  bed.   you  need  a   ---   blanket  or  something?
@acescaped​  liked  for  a  starter!
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mxtamorphic · 4 years ago
/ / 🟢 starter for @acescaped​
    | | gar sat on the bench outside of the high-school, scrolling through his phone. it was the easiest way he knew how to pass the time- afterall, how many times had the teen accidentally stayed up until 5am watching tik toks?
he was beginning to look like a creep, that much was obvious. especially through the laughs one of the girls was doing as she looked at him through her eyelashes. like, sorry. at least he wasn’t green or something. gar would stand out more. at least, thanks to the ring he swiped from HIVE allowing him to look normal.
the ringing of the bell was in the back of garfield’s mind as he was more focused watching his stupid videos. it wasn’t until the cacophonous hum of student chatter that he looked up. “ hey, ” he greeted.
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repeadied-m · 4 years ago
《 @acescaped 〈 rain 〉 a meme 》
said: “oh, it’s just so hard to explain.”
          “Woah -- hey!” Carter hastened his strides to catch up with her. She was just gonna dip? After that? It wasn’t like he thought she owed him an explanation -- if anything, he owed her for saving his ass, but whatever she just did -- however she did it -- that was some crazy shit. And Carter has dealt with crazy shit before. So, like, maybe he was searching for some solidarity there? It was totally presumptuous of him to assume she didn’t have anyone to spill her guts to, but this was definitely a low-profile sort of thing, right? So maybe it was something she was alone in. Or -- he didn’t know. Maybe he could at least get her to stick around long enough for him to give her a proper thank you.
          He jogged up in front of her and turned around to stop her in her tracks. “Why not at least try? I can almost guarantee that it’s not as unbelievable as some of the stuff I’ve been involved with.”
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kindofvertigo-m · 4 years ago
《 @acescaped 〈 rain 〉 one liner 》
          “Hey -- not to be a total buzzkill or anything . . . but it’s probably not a good idea to be out here this late. Sounds like there’s been some weird stuff going on.”
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indianasexuals · 5 years ago
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Yes! And we're proud to be this way. 🤗
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dannyreesearchive · 4 years ago
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention 
“         Rain !        ”                  he calls out excitedly as he chases after her,  a   b l i s s e d   smile on his lips as he weaves his way through the small crowd.  It had felt like like ages since he’d last seen her.  He’d simply been  busier   than normal,  taking on extra lessons during the days and playing shows almost every night.  And   oddly   enough,  loud bars and music venues weren’t   i d e a l   situations to hang out with friends if you wanted to do anything other than listen to music and toss back some drinks.  However,  now as he  weaves  his way through small crowd that was congregated in the park,  forming lines at the various food trucks that resided in a circle for the event.
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Seeing Rain hadn’t been a   s u r p r i s e ,   after all he’d invited her.  Knowing he had a set during the festival later in the afternoon,  but had hours to kill ...  well it set up some   GREAT   hanging time.  With it being outside,  plenty of  picnic tables  and  patches of grass,  with food trucks galore  ...  well it was perfect.  Particularly to  s e l l  to Rain to meet him at.  However,  she hadn’t 100% verified she’d make it,  so catching sight of her familiar face had   l e a d   him to jump right from his place where he’d been sitting a top a picnic table while he waited for the hoagie truck’s line to die down a bit.  Now as he finally catches up behind her, he notices  reaches out to   l i g h t l y   touch her shoulder in attempt to grab her attention.               “         Hey,  you made it  !        ”                  he greets happily,  smile wide.               “         When’d you get here?        ”
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𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀.  —-    for @acescaped   —-   accepting  ! 
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dissociaeteold · 5 years ago
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“i need you to not freak out when i open this door.” words aren’t likely to calm their thoughts, clay locking himself in a bathroom for hours only to finally say that probably makes things seem worse than they are. but it’s not that bad, not really. he just wants a fresh start. leaving liberty high, leaving the chaos that was that part of his life behind, it made him want more of a change. it made him crave being different somehow. and apparently this was the idea he came up with. slowly but surely he opens the door, steps out with a look on his face that says he’s not sure how he feels about it. and his reason for asking them not to freak out? well, he may have played around with his hair a bit. may have bleached it. may have dyed it bright blue. impulsive? yes, absolutely. but now here he is, standing there with bright blue hair, nervously awaiting their reaction.
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lauurie · 4 years ago
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@acescaped​ said: i’m your friend. of course i care.
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it is strange to hear a statement of that nature to come out of rain in any tone that isn’t SARCASTIC this is the only way to know that she means what she says. despite never feeling like she disliked him, there was always something tugging at the back of his mind wondering if she ever wanted him to just GO AWAY. “ sometimes i think that because i am commonly seen as a bit ridiculous and carefree, it is kind of IMPOSSIBLE for me to actually be anything else, “ he laughs, shaking his head in reply. “ sorry to get all bummed out. you seriously don’t have to stay right now. “
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stupidbus · 4 years ago
RAIN SAID:    parties aren’t really my thing .   /      [  SELECTIVELY ACCEPTING.  ]        @acescaped​
  ❛   maybe you’ve just never been to a good one !   ❜         that  absolutely  had  to  be  the  case.      even  if  you’re  a  loner  -   weirdo  kid  who  sits  off  to  the  side  in  the  caf  at  lunch,    there’s  something  for  you  at  a  party.       and  aimee  is  a  strict  believer  that  anyone  who  says  otherwise,   even  if  they  would  rather  sit  at  home  and  read  a  book  which  is  totally  okay,  is  just   . . .   a  total  downer  !      if  you  go  in  with  a  negative  attitude,    you’re  going  to  have  a  negative  experience    ;    there’s  no  way  around  that.     
     aimee  gives  a  playful  shake  of  her  head  at  the  other  girl’s  words,    happy  to  finally  be  in  the  position  to  impart  some  wisdom  for  once.       it’s  not  often  she  finds  herself  in  such  a  place.     
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   ❛    —   i’m  throwing  one  this  weekend  since�� my  parents  are  out  of  town.      it’s  also  to  kind  of  celebrate  breaking  up  with  my  boyfriend,   but  mostly  the  first  thing  !   ❜         she  smiles  as  she  takes  out  her  phone  and  types  out  her  address,    poised  to  send  it  should  she  be  given  a  green  light.      maybe  even  a  yellow.      ❛   yes,   there’ll  be  some  booze  -  hounds  and  potheas,   but  also  some  really  fun  people  !      maybe  you’ll  make  a  friend  !   ❜  
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mxtamorphic · 4 years ago
does your muse snore? sleeptalk? sleepwalk?
  | | gar is COMPLETELY a snorer and sleep talker. in fact he tends to mumble embarrassing stuff. he hasn’t been told yet that he talks in his sleep, probably to use as potential embarrassment fuel. though, he sometimes transforms in his sleep something that he also doesn’t know about. gar never completely transforms, just like a hand, or ears, or a foot.
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warkept · 4 years ago
       * @acescaped​ .
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             “ Do you -- read ?? ” Ashley murmurs quietly , not bothering to greet Rain once the sulfur smell hits him. He’s been pushing it , he knows ; he can certainly feel it in his bones , the way his body aches. Just a few months longer. For a few months longer , he can keep his hands clean. His thumb trails across the cover of the worn book. This time , it isn’t the bible ( which he reads far too often considering his circumstances ) , but one he clung to much through the early 1800s. Wealth of Nations , printed in French , tattered and tired as he. “ I so rarely see you with a book. Poetry , novels , written word ; to me , they are among human’s best creations. ” A pause , and he looks up from the pages briefly. “ I have only a few left that can travel with me. If you wanted you could -- ” And he takes a moment , a slow breath through the nose , as though it pains him to offer kindness. In a sense , it does. “ You could borrow one. ”
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