#*:・✰| dambeth ( answered )
nobleevenstar · 6 years
my dear friend, i'm going to be holding a little party to celebrate the winter season and i would love you for to join me. if a certain dunedan ranger also happens to be there then it is merely by coincidence i assure you. in fact, the ranger might be the only other guest attending this party..... far away from anyone's disapproving stare.... by that is also merely by coincidence and in no way exactly how i planned things.
@aburglarsmark | random messages | always accepting 
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           “...Did my grandmother put you up to this?” 
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
“don’t feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy.”
 A court of Thorns and Roses | Accepting | @fearduath
          How so little had brought true JOY to her heart since her mother’s sailing, yet now it was filled to bursting. All at the lowly price of mortality. A gamble it was, to place her trust in the hands of few – all for a future that was not yet written in stone – but the happiness her heart felt would be worth all. 
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             “And if you were in my place – betting on the fate of a mortal in place of your own people – would you still say the same?” 
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
"I cannot imagine a world without you in it."
A court of Thorns and Roses | Accepting | @valorfated
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           She turned to Andriel then, a SMILE growing upon her face, for the elleth before her was as thêl, a sister. Their bond was strong and it had helped both of them through many tough times in the past, and would likely carry them through the FUTURE as well. How glad Arwen was to have Andriel in her life. “You already know the sentiment is returned. Cin nomui cilme nos.” 
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
“if it grieves you, then i don’t think it’s absurd at all.”
A court of Thorns and Roses | Accepting | @fatecarrier
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          How brave this Hobbit was, to comfort her after all he had carried on his journey to Imladris. How brave and kind indeed. 
         A smile pulled the corners of her lips into a token of gratitude as she met his gaze. “I fear my heart carries many griefs, as is the price of long years.” She was coming upon nearly three millennia now, and how each year settled upon her shoulders. Young she was in the eyes of the Eldar, but at times she felt ANCIENT. “I thank you for your kind words, Master Baggins, but I would not dare burden one so grieved as yourself with my own. Take comfort and rest in Rivendell, and your spirits will soon rise once again.” Despite all he had been through, his heart would know joy again.
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
“if it grieves you, then i don’t think it’s absurd at all.”
A court of Thorns and Roses | Accepting | @edhelaran
          How kindness settled in his voice, giving an air of comfort. Her father would see the truth in those very words ONE DAY, she only hoped all was not lost before that day arrived. 
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               “Do you speak from experience, Your Majesty?” Her voice was soft, as a child flooded with a grief before unknown to her. Her time beneath the stars paled in comparison to his life, and she would gladly listen to the knowledge he spoke. 
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
Men from Arnor were entering the valley on a diplomatic and trade visit. In one of the open courtyards that overlooked the falls, they settled themselves down. And when mead and meat and sweet fruits were served, lungs opened and feet danced readily. Elrond did not know how he got onto the table, only that it was what happened. The quick sight of his daughter immediately woke him up. He stumbled down the chairs to the hearty laughs of his companions. ❝Did.. Did not see you there.❞ He's giggling.
@elerondo | Random shenanigans | Always accepting 
          Concern filters first through her mind, for the number of times she’s seen her father like this can be held upon the counting of a single hand, but it is put to ease at the sight of his company. The Arnorians tried each time they visited to change the atmosphere upon their arrival to one of merriment and celebrations, though it was rare for the Lord of Imladris himself to partake so wholeheartedly in such festivities. Perhaps these men should visit Mirkwood one day, for surely King Thranduil would enjoy such boisterous company. 
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          “Adar, perhaps it is time for you to retire for the evening?” 
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
Happy New Year! You’re an absolute delight to have on my dash, and such a great writer. I hope that 2019 is a wonderful one for you, and I look forward to writing with you this year!
          Thank you so much dear !!
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
Have you read books written by men? What do you think of them, compared to books by your own people?
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          “Perspective. The books I’ve read lack an overall expanded viewpoint, but such is to be expected with the mortality of men. It is of no fault of their own, the books of the Eldar simply contain more knowledge over a protracted amount of time.” She paused for a moment, thinking over the stories she had read from the libraries of men. “I must admit, humans do seem to add more…flair to their stories. While the Eldar keep detailed records of our history, humanity prefers to inlude a bit of bravado and grandiosity.” 
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nobleevenstar · 6 years
Hey there! I just wanted to take a minute to remind you that you’re awesome. You’re a bright spot on my dash, and you’re a wonderful writer.
I’m not sure how old this is because I’m just getting around to my inbox, but THANK YOU !! You are so sweet and it’s such a joy to see you on my dash as well !!
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