#* sad ultramarine noises *
Them: Wow you managed to learn how to organize all our different companies' drugs and orders, even the hospital's ones, in such a short amount of time. You have a gift for managing.
Me: Thank you, it's the Ultramarine genes in me.
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moodymisty · 10 months
Request; Guilliman's partner comforting him? He is so sad in 40k, and has so much on his plate. The Lord Regent needs cuddles when he has a break!
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Author's Note: #LetRollarcoasterGhilliesuitRest. I'm having fun writing all these cute requests while I work on some Konrad stuff >:3
Relationships: Roboute Guilliman/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None apart from Cato Sicarius being an stick in the mud because that's just who he is ✨ he just born that way ✨
Word Count: 932
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Guilliman's chambers remain unchanged from when he had last entered them, a massive room adorned with the symbols of his legion. It is all ornate, golden, tapestries hanging and filigree tracing the edges. It's all decorative, indulgent. But none of it is his; The room feels nothing but sterile, to him. There isn't a single remnant of his life, only his legacy.
"You look tired."
You sit small on his massive bed, Guilliman's gaze having turned to you upon hearing your voice. It's quiet in the massive room, nearly drowned out by the high ceiling.
He is tired. Incredibly so. Perhaps mentally more than physically. Though the sight of you serves to act like some sort of drug to give him a boost, abit only temporarily.
He works tirelessly, endlessly, with no goal or end in sight. The Imperium is no less rotten, galaxy no less plagued since he'd last looked. You serve to be a small candle for him, a hope for a future, but a candle can't light a cavern. But still, he hates to imagine his life without you now.
Though Chapter Master Marneus Calgar and the Commanders of the Legion had not taken well to it. To you. It seems their Primarch having wants and desires beyond his supposed godhood is upsetting. They seem to almost speak of it, of you, as if it's an illness- being in love. Wanting a life beyond war.
Gulliman still remembers Cato Sicarius' attempt to discipline you for referring to him as Roboute so casually, spitting venom at your supposed disrespect.
The holotable shined against blue painted armor and skin, sickly green blending with blue and gold. Guilliman had been expecting a moment alone with you, to voice his thoughts, though it has quickly seemed to have turned into a meeting of sorts. You moved to take your leave, as you know well you were unwelcome in the Ultramarine chapter's private dialogues. Guilliman doesn't disagree that you shouldn't overhear, but his chapter takes it much more seriously. Vehemently so.
You look up at him, holding your hands close to yourself.
"I'll be in the Librarium, Roboute-"
Cato Sicarius turned his gaze to you, searing even through his helmet. His stance across the holotable was firm and unmovable, one hand on the pommel of his chainsword. He is ever the epitome of Ultramarine valor.
"You will speak of Our Lord Guilliman with the proper respect-"
Guilliman turned to the Ultramarine, who's zealotry has been wearing on him like waves against a ragged shoreline. To him he can begrudgingly deal with it, but he will not let him trample you.
"She can refer to me however she wishes," Guilliman said, his armor making noise as he resisted balling his hands into fists. "Do not speak for me again."
The Primarch had shut the Astarte down within moments. But the burn still remains. Their overwhelming zeal has proven irritating, but in that moment it finally turned him to anger.
They treat him like a god, speak of him as such; You are the only one who still treats him like a man. Perhaps he might be far removed, but he is still human, underneath his overwhelming size and power. At least he feels he is. Sometimes he isn't quite sure anymore.
"Perhaps I am. Sleep is rare for us all." He finally responds to your comment, neither disagreeing or agreeing fully. Despite it, you look up at him with this soft, caring face- It reminds him of Euten. You gently pat the bed.
"Can you come here?"
The Primarch listens, coming closer. He gently sits on the bed to avoid jostling you, watching the way you curl your hand to gesture him closer. He furrows his brow.
"What do you have in mind?" Guilliman watches you intently, trying to read you and figure it all out. You just give him that same sweet look.
"Just come closer. Lay down." When he doesn't move, you sigh.
Then does the Primarch finally give in, laying back; Feeling your hands as you adjust until the back of his head lays across your thighs. Your hands brush through his hair, and Guilliman swears for a moment he could die right here and be satisfied. With such a simple gesture, you've healed him just a bit from the horrors gnawing at him.
His eyes are hooded, not quite closed as he looks off. He looks deep in thought, or tired. More than likely both.
"You have the time to sleep, if you want." If he returned here, it could only mean he finally had managed to obtain a moment to himself. He's looking away from you when he responds.
"I don't wish to weigh you down for so long." Your hand brushes across his cheek for a moment, brushing a chunk of short blonde hair behind his ear.
"I know you Roboute; You won't be asleep for that long."
The sentence makes him let out a dry laugh. You had him down to a science within months; His Legion barely knows him, and they worship him.
His hand reaches up to gently cup your face, and it swallows so much of it. You lean into his palm none the less. You put your hand on his own for a moment, before returning it to his head.
"Take a moment to yourself, Roboute. You've fought for everyone else for so long. The galaxy can spare you a minute."
He doesn't remember anything else, after. Just the soft look in your eyes and the feeling of your fingers against his skin.
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lemon-russ · 2 months
More smutless (for now) Leman Russ fic. Whats important is that I'm having fun and subjecting you all to it lol.
(Thanks @squishyowl for the dividers. Idk if getting tagged every fic bothers you, lmk :,) )
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Wolf Mother (Ch. 2)
<Prev. | Next>
Leman Russ x Fem OC
CW (not necessarily this chapter but overall): Trauma, anxiety, PTSD, General WH40k violence, Sex, probably breeding kink stuff eventually, if there's something I miss and you want labeled let me know!!
Summary: Wren and Guilliman arrive at The Fang and meet The Wolf King.
Word count: 1,637
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Wren Vaille walks down the corridors of the Macragge's Honour to the door of Guilliman's office. He smiles a greeting to her when she opens the door, and walks beisdes her down the hall.
“Thank you for giving this a chance, Captain.” He says with a smile.
She gives a small smile back, walking around him so he walked on her right side where she could see him. “Of course, sir. It would not be very honorable of me to not even attempt to help you.”
Guilliman raises a brow, then glances at her blinded left eye, scar running through it, and has a small look of understanding, moving aside to give her room. “Still it is a huge favor. But I wouldn't send you somewhere you're in danger. My brother may be rowdy, but I think he will like you.” He smiles at her. “You have the same indomitable spirit.”
She scrunches her brows together. “Uh-huh. Sometimes I fear you have a very inflated idea of me, my Lord.” She says with a small chuckle.
Guilliman chuckles back. “I think you have a very under-inflated view of yourself, Captain. You'll handle the space wolves well, I think.” He says with a pat on her shoulder.
She stumbles a little under the sudden weight of his ceramite gauntlet, bionic leg whirring a groaning noise as she tripped and caught herself before falling.”um- thank you, sir, I suppose.”
They reach the bay doors to the hangar, peppered with blue armored forms and uniforms scurrying around gunning ships and thunderhawks.
A thunderhawk near them was being loaded with what few material possesions she had, a few boxes and a large bag. She swallows hard, her mouth dry.
Guilliman waved to a serf, who brought over a folded coat. “Here, I had this brought for you.” He says, holding up a warm looking, fur lined coat in ultramarine blue. “Fenris is bitterly cold, especially for baseline humans. I worried you wouldn't have sufficent layers.” He smiles.
“Oh, thank you my Lord.” She says, taking the warm, insulated coat. She swallows back some emotion. This may be the last Ultramarine thing she'll own. The rest of her uniform would be packed away with her old Auxillia fatigues.
She gives him a tight smile, trying to not get sentimental. “I really appreciate this, it was very thoughtful.” She says as she pulls on the thick coat.
He smiles and pats her shoulder again. “It's ok to feel emotional, Captain. It is the human thing to feel sad at goodbyes.” He says in a softer tone.
She bites her lower lip. “This is probably only temporary, anyways, my Lord.” She says, walking with him toward the thunderhawk. “I doubt I'll be able to actually keep up with space wolves.” She says with a forced smile.
He smiles and offers her a hand to help her up the ramp of the ship. “Of course, Captain Vaille. It's hardly permanent.”
He helps her settle and buckle in, then tells the pilot to head off.
“I'll see you off to my Brother. It's been too long since I visited, anyway.” The primarch says, sitting next to her as much as the small seats allow.
The ride to the surface of Fenris is short enough, and soon they are landing on the landing bays of The Fang, the massive mountain fortress that serves as the seat of the Space Wolves.
An icy blast has Wren clutching her new coat tight around her shoulders and shivering as the doors to the ship open. Guilliman chuckles, patting her back.
“That's why I got you a coat. Come, Leman should be around and he is terrible at sitting still, so we should be quick so he doesn't run off on us.” He says as he helps her down the ramp.
Her bionic leg, junky as ever, immediately tries to seize as the cold air plays havoc on the metal gears and hydraulic pistons. She gives it a couple whacks with the side of her fist and hobbles off after Guilliman.
They enter the Valgard, the uppermost structure of the fortress and the only place with ship bays. The rest of the fortress is in underground tunnels through the mountain. Thankfully the interior of the mountain is a bit more hospitable.
They walk through corridors of metal, wood and cave tunnels, with busy lifts moving Space Wolves and serfs around. Guilliman leads her through a massive, ornate room of pure granite, down a concerning lift, and through more halls until he stops at a door and knocks.
“Skítja, Who knocks in the Aett?” Someone curses in a rough voice, stomping to the door and flinging it open.
“What- Oh!” The Primarch goes from annoyance to joy in a flash. “Ah, Roboute, I was wondering who would be so formal, I forgot you were coming today.” He laughs.
Leman Russ is a couple feet taller than his brother, and grins down at him with a fanged smile. “Come, come- I was just rehashing defense nonsense.” He says, waving Guilliman in to the defense overlook. Wren, seemingly forgotten, scurries after their long strides into a smaller room of cluttered papers, books, scrolls, and maps laying across a table.
Russ flops onto a large wooden high back chair, leg over the arm, grinning and motioning for Guilliman to sit in a similar one. “So, you sent word of some sort of paperwork thrall?” He asks.
Guilliman chuckled under his breath as he sat, and Wren awkwardly stood beside his chair. They call Serfs thralls? That isn’t very reassuring, she thought to herself.
“Not quite, but yes. This is my assistant, Wren Vaille.” Guilliman introduces, and she gives a polite salute. “I want to offer her to you to do what she does for me- Paperwork, scheduling, some logistics, communicating on my behalf with other Primarchs…” he says, patting her back. “Clerical type work that you seem to need.” He adds, eyeing the piles of strewn papers with a tight frown.
Leman looks at her for the first time, eyeing her up and down, then quirks his head to the side in a way that can only be compared to a curious dog. “Where’d the other half of you go, girl?” He asks curiously.
Guilliman’s eyes go wide, “Leman, have some tackt-” he snaps softly, but Wren chuckles a bit. No one every even acknowledges her differences, let alone so boldly. It is always your condition and because of, well, you know.
"Long gone, I’m afraid.” She says with a small smile. “But I assure you I can work just fine with one eye and a bionic leg.”
Guilliman looks embarrassed, but Leman grins his sharp toothed smile at her. “Hah, well I’ll get a story out of you yet girl. No one loses and eye and a leg and walks away without a tale to tell.”
He hops up from his chair and walks over to her, standing close enough it forces her to crane her neck up. He looks her over, walking in circles around her and making her purse her lips nervously at the inspection.
“Any more of you missing?” He asks, bending down to look at her closer.
She raises her brow. “Uh- a kidney? On the left side, but otherwise no just the eye and leg…” she replies, stepping back a step as he gets close to her face.
He hmphs, then sniffs her, making her blush a bit.
Guilliman sighs. “Leman, she’s only here on a trial, please pretend to be civil for 5 minutes…?” He says, gently pulling Wren back toward himself by her shoulders.
Russ huffed through his nose. “What? I can’t smell her? You can tell a lot by someone’s smell.” He grumbled. “My sons will sniff her too, she may as well get used to it…”
Guilliman and Wren made a mirrored uncomfortable look, and Russ rolled his eyes. ”Fine fine. Tell me, thrall, can you fight still?” He asks, quirking his head to the side again.
Guilliman frowns. “She is here to help you file paperwork and make meetings, Leman.” He says sternly.
Russ frowns, furrowing his brow. “Well she obviously fought at some point- it is important to me that this secretary thing can follow me in dangerous places.”
Wren purses her lips. “I can fight, if needed. Not so well with shooting anymore, what with the eye, but, I can defend myself with melee and I can flee.” She says nervously.
He seems satisfied with that, smiling and giving a nod. “Good. We will get you back up in proper fighting shape so you do not get killed the second something looks at you.”
Guilliman sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Remember, this is a trial, Leman. If you scare her off I’ll take her home.”
Russ scoffs, “If she is scared off, she would make a poor assistant to me.” He grins and claps her on the shoulder, making her leg whine mechanically as she stumbled a little from it. “You look sturdy, though, even for a female so small. Humans do not get that amount of scars from twiddling their thumbs.” He turns on his heel, heading for the door. “Come, paper-thrall, I have duties to attend.”
Guilliman lets out a tired sigh, then pats her back gently. “Thank you again, Wren. I’m always a messenger away, if anything happens and you want to return early, you need only ask.” He says gently. She smiles nervously, giving him a nod, before Leman calls again.
“Thrall! Come! I shall not wait for your tiny legs!”
She stiffens and scrambles out the door.
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bringerofplagues · 2 years
Ranking The (Known) Primarchs
I decided to do a ranking of all the primarchs based on how much i enjoy them as characters, i will take their lore and designs into consideration. Please note that my knowledge of the lore is pretty shaky so if i get something wrong or don’t know something i refuse to take responsibility.
18: Ferrus Manus. Ferrus is just a bit boring to me. I feel like the mechanicus pull of the technophile vibe better than him and his legion. His character also just seems like he is pissed all the time. I do like his little friendship with Fulgrim, and i remember seeing him talking about how he thinks his legion has gone too far with the hole “the flesh is weak” thing so he had potential but is definitely hampered by getting killed so early in the heresy. Moreover i feel like Vulkan is a much cooler version of the forge master trope.
17: Angron. Angron only barely edges out Ferrus because i feel a bit bad for him. In Arks Of Omen: Angron it is mentioned that he finally feels peace from the butchers nails after dying, only to get revived by Khorne. The problem is we don’t get any Angron from before the nails. It just makes him seem like an angry brute with no real character from very early on, but at least the glimpses of him without the nails are very well written and very sad.
16: Horus Lupercal. Horus is a massive let down as a character. Don’t get me wrong he does have some cool stuff going on, like him feeling scared the emperor will replace the primarchs. That would be such a cool reason for his fall to chaos. But instead Eerbus did some fucky wucky chaos shit and now the bald man is evil. At least make it so Erebus fed Horus’ fears or some shit like that instead of the “he gets stabbed by a demon sword and Erebus does something whack in his dream”. If he had been a less important primarch this would have been fine but he is the leader of the Horus Heresy, the guy who put the emperor on the golden throne and almost killed him and so i feel like he needs something more interesting than “ he got cursed lol”.
15: Fullgrim. Fullgrim is a bit like Horus in that he has a lot of cool stuff going on, but that isn’t related enough to his fall. He and his legion are obsessed with perfection and are constantly striving towards it. That would be such a cool reason for him to fall. Maybe they start experimenting with combat stims a bit too much, maybe they develop noise marines a very effective way to force conquered worlds into compliance, but they push all these things too far and end up getting into the realm of excess thus falling to the prince of pleasure. But nope, the twink picks up a Slaanesh demon sword and now he’s evil.
14: Robute Guilliman. Guilliman isn’t bad, he is just not special. Every other legion and primarch have something cool and original going on that sets them apart and Guilliman just doesn’t. And i get that’s kinda the point right, the ultramarines are the ultimate vanilla marines meant to invite people into the hobby and thus Guilliman has to be the ultimate vanilla primarch. But here’s the thing about vanilla ice cream, it can genuinely be the best ice cream flavour precisely because it’s simplicity allows you to appreciate the quality of its ingredients and the few flavors it has to their fullest extend, but Guilliman and the ultramarines aren’t simple in a way that lets you appreciate what they have, they are just boring. Maybe if they leaned way heavier into their greco roman inspiration it would work, like the new White Consuls character GW released is perfect for what i want out of them design wise. Otherwise Guillimans big thing is that he is trying to hold the imperium together but also he hates what is has become, which could be said about most other loyal primarchs and as such he kinda just bores me.
13: Jaghatai Khan. The Khan is cool and all but he also needs more development as a character. A lot of people seem to like him for being reasonable and not making hasty decisions but that is not enough to carry him as a character. That being said his status as the “wildcard” amongst the primarchs is genuenly fun and i love the mongolian inspiration i just wish there was more of. I guess that’s the best way to describe the Khan, i like what there is but i want more.
12: Alpharius & Omegon. The twins are fun, i like the part where Alpharius meets Dorn for the first time. But again they lack something. They ooze character but i need to see more of them in the works. I have however seen some of their legions armor and it seems to have scales which is just so cool.
11: Lorgar. I like Lorgar, Lorgar is fine. I think he is a cool representation of humanitys need to find meaning in the universe with his desire for religion. I also find that his relationship to Erebus is an interesting representing the way religious and parental abuse and indoctrination can affect someone (note: i am not an expert on the topic nor have i gone through it myself, this is not about accuracy but about interesting storytelling). The problem is that the story of why he fell is really fucking dumb. Not him falling in general that part makes sense, the dude desperately wants a religion and the emperor doesn’t want to be a god, so it’s either chaos or the eldar gods. The problem is with how the emperor handled the idea of the word bearers worshiping him. The writers tend to flip-flop between showing the emperor as a loving father and a cold and manipulative mastermind. The problem is that neither of those characterizations fit the way he dealt with Lorgar. He went to their home world, burned it to the fucking ground and psychically tortured them. If he was  a loving dad he wouldn’t have done that, and if he was a genius master mind he would have known that would only piss of Lorgar and push him towards chaos. And yes this isn’t about Lorgar, but it is an important part of his character development and it just doesn’t work at all.
10: Konrad Curze. Honestly i did not expect Curze to be this high on the list, but i gotta say he is the first primarch i don’t have any real  problems with. He is tortured by visions of the future so he is really tragic, and i like that he is kinda like an evil batman. He and his legion give me enormous so bad that it’s good 80′ies horror movie vibes which is something i love.Specifically he reminds me of Fright Night if anyone knows that one (banger so bad it’s good movie, i highly recommend it) Sure there are more interesting primarchs imo but Curze hits a lot of good spots.
9: Lion El’Johnson. The Lion is in many ways a cooler Guilliman to me. A genius strategist but with a way more interesting design and flaws. First of all the knight theme looks really cool and maps onto the space marine power armor very well. I also like that he sucks at social stuff. Where Guilliman is just kinda good but not the best at everything (vanilla boy) the Lion has clear strengths and weaknesses. And we get to see these flaws create interesting conflicts with the other primarchs. My favourite example is his rivalry with Russ. Russ is very honour obsessed and the Lion only cares about the most effective way to win, so when they have to take a planet together and Russ has to deal with some wulfen problems The Lion takes what Russ considers his kill and the wolf lord gets pissed. These are two very well established character traits leading to a very believable conflict. And they even become friends later on. That being said as cool as the knight theme is i just have other preferences and the Lion sometimes just acts like a huge asshole so he isn’t quite at the top for me.
8: Leeman Russ. Russ is cool. I have already spoken about how his need for honour lead to conflict with The Lion so i won’t elaborate on that here, but i do like his hyocracy of how much he hates the warp and yet uses warp priests himself because he believes they are something else. I also don’t dislike the supposed use of the word wolf in the space woves unit names nor do i dislike the the very wolf inspired upgrade kits, well except for the tails those just seem a bit too impractical. I think this gives the wolves a more unique feeling than the other legions, it’s not just the same unit with a different color scheme. My main problem is that Leeman and the wolves are in the end a very bad take on the viking trope. They live on Fenris a frozen hellhole despite the fact that most vikings were from the more temperate area of Denmark. I get that Norway and places that look like Norway give off more of a viking feeling because they seem harsh to live in, but that’s the problem if you want to send a lot of people out to raid you have to have a large population and that’s hard to get in a frozen and almost uninhabitable place. Also the vikings did a lot of cool stuff like trade all around the world, even so far as to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) and they settled cities in Ireland and stuff. They were also not as uncivilized as the wolves would have you think. They were general more hygienic than most other people of their time and women had a lot more rights in viking / medieval Scandinavian society than most other places. To borrow a phrase the Space Wolves and Leeman Russ are not space vikings, they are bad viking larpers in space. This isn’t a huge problem and probably only really bothers me and like 3 other history nerds, but still it holds them back for me a bit.
7: Magnus. My favourite rpg class is wizards / spellcasters. Psykers are just space wizards and Magnus is the greatest primarch psyker. He is also a huge nerd which i relate to. I find his desire to impress the emperor / his dad very sympathetic and i think his fall is handled very well. My only 2 problems is that the thousand sons look a bit weird, i feel like there was a better way to implement Egyptian design elements to space marine power armor, and that the horus heresy did him dirty. Specifically the burning of Propero, i like that part of the reason he fell to chaos is because Leeman burned his planet, what i don’t like is that he didn’t even talk to Leeman when asked to and just let him destroy Prospero and now 10k years later he is salty about it. Major bruh moment.
6: Vulkan. We are now getting into the territory where i don’t have any real complaints about any of the primarchs, and it’s just personal preference (even more than the rest of the list). I like how Vulkan is the most humane and kind of the primarchs, and how he still burned a defenseless human child to a crisp. I like this because it highlights how humanity and the Imperium are genuinely fucked up. Vulkan is by far the best person in the Imperium and even he does war crimes. I also like how he and his legion are very self sufficient and value the craft of smiting and making their own weapons. And of course their armour is sometimes designed to look like lizards / salamanders or dragons, which is cool af.
5: Sanguinius. Now some people might say “Sanguinius is too perfect” and too that i say, that’s the point. He represents a golden light of hope within the Imperium and when he died the universe became a darker and more grim place. He taught his legion art and self expression and greatly improved their well being, but he was also the most powerful primarch He perectly represents the tragedy that makes up the Horus Heresy and the 40k setting in general. And all of this puts a huge burden on his poor sons, most of all Dante. The poor guy just wants to rest but is also too much of damned hero to just call it quits and so he keeps fighting for the Imperium. The blood angels could use a bit of a range upgrade soon tho, if we don’t get primaris Dante and an updated Sanguinor i will riot. In general great primarch and glorius hawk boy.
4: Perturabo. The traitor primarch with the most believable fall (besides magnus) imo. It is easy to see how he felt unappreciated, and how his fall could have been prevented if the emperor showed less favoritism. And he still comes across as a villain jut a very sympathetic and believable villain. He also pulls off the heavy industrial look very well. Ooh and he summons demons, force them into machines and use them as weapons, that’s fucking awesome. And then there was that time during the heresy where he beat up Angron, or the time he refused Nurgle, just a lot of badass moments.
3: Mortarion. Look, i am THE Bringer Of Plagues. I love diseases, they are cool to me. And Morty is a giant demon man with moth wings who spreads disease. I also love the skaven and the Death Guard are the closest we currently have to 40k space skaven on the tabletop (at least clans pestilens). I also have a whole ass post about why i like his fall to chaos on my blog you can read if you want so i don’t want to reapeat myself. He also has a scythe, one of the coolest weapons. There is nothing not to love about Mortarion, and i will defend him to the day i die.
2: Rogal Dorn. I recently binged all of TTS, and i gotta say i fell in love with Dorn. Well i already loved him from that interaction he had with Alpharius i mentioned earlier, but TTS made me love him even more. I don’t know how accurate the bit of him taking things very literally is to the actual  canon is, but if he does it just 1% as often i love him. I also relate heavily to that trait since i also tend to take things very literal. Also i like power fists, they look cool to me.
1: Corvus Corax. I have a confession, when i was 14 or so i entered my emo phase and i have never left it, nor will i ever leave it. Ravens are also my favorite bird, tied with peregrine falcons tho. And the The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is my favourite poem, tied with Ozymandias but still. So when you give me an emo / goth looking primarch,  named after the latin name for ravens, who quotes the poem The Raven (Nevermore), it does things to me. I love how the Ravenguard incoorperate raven like features into their amour but i want more. Also i would love it if their geneseed made them more tall and lanky instead of just buff, so they would look more stealthy, but this is a very minor complaint / headcanon. I also fully believe Corvus is the most badass primarch. Spoiler warning for if you haven’t read Shadow of the Past. Corvus enters the warp, becomes a fucked up looking raven shadow demon monster warp entity thing, capable of splitting himself apart into ravens made of shadow that can cut through the power armor of the word bearers, and the proceeds to absolutely dunk on Lorgar who has at this point ascended into demonhood, like he makes Lorgar look a bunch of wet paper. And the line he says as Lorgar runs off and hides behind his portal “ I have your scent now, Lorgar,'. I will find you, Lorgar! I will destroy you and every vessel you have filled with your taint!” . Fucking awesome. On another note i like how we see his past has affected him. Growing up on Lycaeous gave him an intense hatred of slavery, which is yet another reason he hates Lorgar who uses quite a lot of slave labour, makes a lot of sense. My last point is this, i like that he sounds like he is always reciting edgy emo poetry. I hate the fact that the primarchs grew up on different entirely different planets and yet they all talk very similar. Yes they have slight variations to how they speak but nowhere near what would be expected given how different cultures they grew up amongst. The Lion should talk in old  / medieval English, real ye olde times shit. Guilliman should sound like he is goddamn Cicero. Let Ruse use the three letters added to the Scandinavian alphabets (google “Danish and Norwegian alphabet Wikipedia” to see what i mean, they also exist in the Swedish one they just look different). But nope Corvus is the only who speaks in a mildly unique way. Anyway emo bird boy best primarch.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 7 months
so i posted the odorouze translation after the kamisama no dansu translation right. i thought it was the only one like that where the dakaboku song came after the elma song. i forgot to take into account ame haruru TwT so here! rokugatsu wa ameagari no machi wo kaku :P
i love listening to this on a rainy day (which i don't get a lot of. sad) even though the rain isn't like. skies very very dark grey even though it's like 4pm, lights are on even though it probably shouldn't be (cuz afternoon and stuff.) okay i'll get into the translation.
5/31, 六月は雨上がりの街を書く (In June, I'll Write About the Town After the Rain/Rokugatsu wa Ameagari no Machi wo Kaku)
Reflected on the windows, is the town's ultramarine Down the gutter, trails this May's rain Like this, just staring at these Raindrops falling, dripping down, dripping down
This heart's shape, it's a rectangle Only in the middle of this paper is where my heart resides And all of these songs I write, Only above it all, you're there.
But, it's all so dumb, It's just so stupid, Something unreasonable, I just want to see, And the smell of this deep rain, It's a bit sad to forget it, that's why
This mouth, just move it, These fingers, trace it out with it, And with words, just sew it together… And just wait in that town.
The rain's noise, it dances around these streetlights That bend in the road, wherever this twilight ends Alone, with the sound of footsteps, this lonely parade, Waiting for the summer, and these clouds' pale blue hue
Now, just living is like that formula, i^2 Removing you would just send me below zero And in these memories I can't even only see, Whatever's after this June's falling rain
A smiling face, I write it down, And just squeeze out of my chest, It's just something I can't separate, I should've known, This deep scent of rain, even that would just be a waste to let go
And after I write these letters, And after you finally read them, I wish I could just see your face… But I'll keep writing about that summer.
And now, life's full of things I don't care about. Trying to see society is just too much. Even putting things down into words are just painful. But in the end, it truly was you, wasn't it…
Ah, everything's just so dumb, Everything's just so stupid, It was so unreasonable, I finally knew, That deep scent of rain… Always, I'll always be writing about that town, in the rain
And move this heart, And just yearn for you, And like this, just sew it all together… And I'll just wait here for the rain to let up, in this town.
and that. was rokugatsu
one of the many things i really like about this song is how it isn't written in june. he said he'd write about the rain in june. he didn't talk about the rain in june in that town. wow amy thanks a lot =w=. i mean hey at least odorouze was a thing i guess. elma wrote what the rain in that town in june was like for you. yatto ame ga futtanda~
uhm yeah that's all :P oh also. if you haven't listened to the "less popular" n-buna (not yorushika. n-buna) vocaloid songs GO LISTEN TO ALL THE TRACKS ON HANA TO MIZUAME SAISHUU DENSHA I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
...uh oh. now i want to draw ruikasa on a train on the last day of summer. and the train window scenery changes on the track. so think it's a really bright yellow-ish sunset at higuregi and a bright morning scene for shihatsu to kafka and then it's near the ocean for umiyuri kaiteitan and they get off the train at mou jiki natsu ga owaru kara even tho it's the first track and then i draw this short one page manga-style thingy where they go home. but then they call each other and stuff happens and then they kiss as fireworks go off on the last day of summer hehehehehe >:DDD. which could be 8/31. noooo amy's deathaversary TTwTT oh wait!! miku's birthday!!! okay lemme stop myself
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dendre · 6 years
Hanglemez 2019/01
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Rina Mushonga: Into A Galaxy  9.0  (pop) Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian  9.0  (instrumentális pasztorál) Nivhek: After...  9.0  (ambient-dreampop) Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow  9.0  (dalszerzőpop) DJ Healer: Lost Lovesongs / Lostsongs Vol. 2  9.0  (ambient-broken beat) Yak: Pursuit Of  Momentary Happiness  9.0  (pszichrock) Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni ba: Miri  8.5  (mande) Stats: Other People’s Lives  8.5  (gitáros groovepop) Joose Keskitalo: En lahde surussa  8.5  (finn psychfolkpop) Rustin Man: Drift Code  8.5  (posztjazz-artrock) Nkisi: 7 Directions  8.5  (future techno) Angel Bat Dawid: The Oracle  8.5  (jazz) Dave Harrington: Pure Imagination, No Country  8.5  (artrock-postjazz) Lemonheads: Varshons 2  8.5  (feldolgozáslemez) DAWN: New Breed  8.5  (r&b-pop) Bigwave: Romantic  8.5  (japán future funk, disco) Emily King: Scenery  8.5  (szofiszti neosoulpop) Sister John: Sister John  8.5  (szép gitárzene) Woman’s Hour: Ephyra  8.5  (dream-szintipop) Methyl Ethel: Triage  8.5  (indie-szinti-pop)
Ultramarine: Signals Into Space  8.0  (ambient house) LCD Soundsystem: Electric Lady Sessions  8.0  (dancerock) Juan Wauters: La Onda de Juan Pablo  8.0  (uruguay-i indiefolk) Lifafa: Jaago  8.0  (indiai deephouse) Jay Mitta: Tatizo Pesa  8.0  (singeli, tanzániai juke) TOY: Happy In The Hollow  8.0  (pszichpop) Lip Talk: Days  8.0  (artpop) AJ Tracey: AJ Tracey  8.0  (grime) Jessica Pratt: Quiet Signs  8.0  (kamarafolkpop) Cosey Fanni Tutti: Tutti  8.0  (techno) YMA: Par de Olhos  8.0  (brazil indie-dreampop) Ian Brown: Ripples  8.0  (monkeyman) Girlpool: What Chaos Is Imagenery  8.0  (indiepop) Malibu Ken: Malibu Ken  8.0  (absztrakt hiphop) Mavis Staples: Live In London  8.0  (soul) Xiu Xiu: Girl With A Basket Of Fruit  8.0  (indusztri-experi) Deerhunter: Why Hasn’t...  8.0  (indierock) Maurice Louca: Elephantine  8.0  (arabjazz) Ill Considered: 5  8.0  (jazz) Jards Macalé: Besta Fera  8.0  (MPB) James Blake: Assume Form  8.0  (art&b-pop) Kele Okereke: Leave To Remain  8.0  (dancepop) Jonny Nash: Make A Wilderness  7.5  (ambient) The Specials: Encore  7.5  (skapop) Tallies: Tallies  7.5  (dreampop) Lau: Midnight And Closedown  7.5  (brit folk) Ustad Saami: God Is Not A Terrorist  7.5  (khyal, hindusztáni zene) Jungstötter: Love Is  7.5  (kamarapop) Sundays: Wiaca  7.5  (jangle-dreampop) Pavo Pavo: Mystery Hour  7.5  (dreampop) Bossy Love: Whiplash EP  7.5  (elektrorock) Graham Costello’s Strata: Obelisk  7.5  (jazz) Blockhead: Free Sweatpants  7.5  (absztrakt hiphop) The Telescopes: Exploding Head Syndromes  7.5  (spacerock) Swervedriver: Future Ruins  7.5  (shoegaze-rock) Ladytron: Ladytron  7.5  (elektro-dreampop) Steve Mason: About The Light  7.5  (posztpop) Biiri: Nihiloxica EP 7.5  (bugandai techno) Lowtec: Light Surfing  7.5  (house) Passarani: W.O.W.  7.5  (technohouse) Joe Jackson: Fool  7.5  (piano rock) Cass McCombs: Tip Of The Sphere  7.5  (psychfolk)
Mercury Rev: Bobbie Gentry’s Delta...  7.0  (psychcountry feldolgozáslemez) Czarface & Ghostface Killah: Czarface Meets Ghostface  7.0  (hiphop) Boy Harsher: Careful  7.0  (darkwave-szintipop) Uluru: Acrophilia  7.0  (stoner-psych) Ariana Grande: thank u, next  7.0  (pop) Better Oblivion Community Center: BOCC 7.0  (indiefolkpop) Panda Bear: Buoys  7.0  (avantpop) Blood Red Shoes: Get Tragic  7.0  (gitárpop) Michael Chapman: True North  7.0  (folkrock) Steve Gunn: The Unseen In Between  7.0  (folkrock) William Tyler: Goes West  7.0  (instrumental americana) Sarah Louise: Nighttime...  7.0  (experifolk) You Tell Me: You Tell Me  7.0  (kamaraindie) Sound Stream: Love Remedy  7.0  (discohouse) Lealani: Fantastic Planet  7.0  (artpop) Jorge Velez: Roman Birds  7.0  (ambient elekrtonika) Jay Glass Dubs: Epitaph  7.0  (ambient dub) King Midas Sound: Solitude  7.0  (ambient-dub-poetry) Bob Mould: Sunshine Rock  7.0  (powerrock) Pom-Pom: Untitled II  7.0  (techno) Curren$y & Wiz Khalifa: 2009  7.0  (déli hiphop) Black Dresses: Thank You  7.0  (elektro-glitch-pop) Sneaks: Highway Hipnosis  7.0  (indiehiphop) jonatan leandoer127: nectar  7.0  (hypnagogicpop) The Twilight Sad: It Won/t Be Like This...  7.0  (szindie-pomp) Ossia: Devil’s Dance  7.0  (techno-dubambient) British Murder Boys: Fire In The Still Air  6.5  (industrial techno) Cherry Glazerr: Stuffed & Ready  6.5   (indierock) Sunflower Bean: King Of The Dudes EP  6.5 (indiepop) Polkadot Stringray: valami  6.5  (japán indierock) Savage Mansion: Revision Ballads  6.5  (indierock) Pedro The Lion: Phoenix  6.5  (indierock) Queen Zee: Queen Zee  6.5  (garagepunk) One Step Closer: From Me To You  6.5  (poszthardcore) Lost Under Heaven: Lova Hates What You Become  6.5  (artpop) Sir Babygirl: Cruch On Me  6.5  (electropop) Spielbergs: This Is Not The End  6.5  (noise pop) Beirut: Gallipoli  6.5  (indiefolk) Massimo Volume: Il Nuotatore  6.5  (olasz posztrock) Guided By Voices: Zeppelin Over China  6.5  (indierock) Maggie Rogers: Heard It In A Past Life 6.5  (elektropop) Nina Nesbitt: The Sun Will Come Up...  6.5  (pop) Black To Comm: Seven Horses...  6.5  (dark ambient) Tree & Vic Spencer: Nothing Is Something  6.5  (trap) Silk Road Assassins: State Of Ruin  6.5  (uk bass)
Keuning: Prismism  6.0  (softpoprock) James Holden: A Cambodian Spring  6.0  (filmzene) Vangelis: Nocturne  6.0  (modern classical) Hauschka: A Different Forrest  6.0  (modern classical) G Herbo: Still Swervin  6.0  (gangsta drill) Sada Baby: Bartier Bounty  6.0  (trap) HEALTH: Vol 4: Slaves Of Fear  6.0 (electro-industrialpop) Fidlar: Almost Free  6.0  (garagerock) Rat Boy: Internationally Unknown  6.0  (indierockrap) Toro y Moi: Outer Peace  5.5  (szintifunk) Angelic Milk: Divine Biker Love  5.5  (lofi indie garage) Diva Sweetly: In The Living Room  5.5  (emopoppunk) Croatian Amor: Isa  5.5  (posztindustrial) Xosar: The Possessor...  5.5  (industrial techno) Pavel Milyakov: La Maison De La Mort  5.5  (ambient) Rival Sons: Feral Roots  5.5  (retrobluesrock) Bring Me The Horizon: amo  5.5  (pop) Lucki: Freewave 3  5.0  (cloud trap) Future: The Wizrd  5.0  (trap) Broods: Don’t Feed The Pop Monster  5.0  (elektropop) Weezer: The Teal Album (muhaha)
+++ Kankyo Ongaku - Japanese Ambient, Enviromental & New Age Music 1980-1990  9.5  (csodás ambient válogatás) Terre Thaemlitz: Comp x Comp  8.0  (DJ Sprinkles válogatása digitálisan kiadatlanokból - kimerítő, de sok erős félórával) Leon Vynehall: DJ-Kicks  8.0  (jó dance mix) VA: All The Young Droogs  8.5  (glamválogatás)
(Ezeken kívül még volt sok tucat lemez, amibe belehallgattam, és maximum 10 percet töltöttem velük, mert annyira nem nekem szóltak vagy szimplán borzasztóak voltak, ezeket nem is sorolom. És igen, ez amolyan laza sorrend.)
Ahogyan fogy az idő, úgy lesz egyre jelentéktelenebb egy közepes valami. Amikor tanulókorszakban vagy, akkor számít a közepes is, a rossz is, része a megismerési folyamatnak. Később persze már időpazarlás. Hasznosabb majdnem bármi (például újranézni a kedvenc filmjeidet), mint közepes dologra szánni az időd. De ettől függetlenül persze egyszer MÉG hajlandó vagyok végighallgatni majdnem mindent (lásd fent a sok közepes dolgot, úgy 6.5-től lefelé). Másodszor meg amúgy is nagyon keveset kell. A megismerési kedv nem csillapodik. De ez nem teher. még. 
A popzene nekem már nem annyira érdekes, hallgatom úgy 35 éve, és persze igyekeztem (sőt, igyekszem) végighallgatni, ami volt 1985 előtt is - lehet, hogy bármilyen korszakban elég lenne belőle ennyi, pláne ebben a lefelé tartó ágban. (Ettől még érvényes mellé az is, hogy még mindig nem unom, és nem látszik, hogy valaha is fognám unni.) Az viszont kétségtelen, hogy ami most érdekes lehet benne, az inkább az, hogy miről szól. Amelyik album harminc év múlva érdekes lesz ebből, az az, ami arról szól, hogy mi van most itt. Most viszont nem olyan egyértelmű megmondani, hogy melyik szól a legjobban arról, hogy mi van most. Harminc év múlva sokkal könnyebb lesz rálátni. Jelenleg ezt inkább csak érezni lehet, hogy ez, vagy az _például_ érdekes, ám lehetséges, hogy mégsem mondd annyit, amennyit majd harminc év múlva egy másik olyan, amelyik éppen a jelenben vehető észre nehezebben. Vagy persze csak adott esetben én nem veszem észre így.
Általában az van, ami évek óta van. Túl sok lemez van. Túlontúl sok (az évi 15 ezer lemezt lehet mondogatni a kétezres évek közepe óta, de ma már ez simán a duplája, ha nem triplája - csak február közepéig a Rate Your Music listáz 1000 db 2019-es lemezt és nyilván közel nincs itt az összes, és nyilván az év eleje még nem is olyan sűrű időszak). Ekkora mennyiségből könnyebb az átlagszínvonalat jó-közepesre kihozni, vagyis inkább kihozni egy látható(an nagyobb számú), mennyiségű jó-közepes albumot, mint abban a korban, amikor a sokszor nagyon mellélövő, rosszul számító számító lemezkiadók adott mennyiséget jelentettek csak meg, nehogy maguknak kavarjanak konkurenciát. Azaz teszem azt 1988-ban több volt a kimagasló LP, de értelemszerűen kevesebb mennyiségű a hasonló színvonalat képviselő tűrhető, ‘még érdemes hallani’ típusú zene. Most viszont a minőségi kontroll helyett működő bátorítás: “persze add ki, művész vagy, megcsináltad” rengeteg lelkes, de finoman szólva is fejlesztést igénylő albumot eredményez. Az évtized második felének nyilvánvaló nemtökéletességét képezi le a popzene? “Nem baj, a világ sincs rendben.” Mondjuk például 1996-ban elég sok szögből úgy nézett ki, hogy a Földön innentől m��r csak jobb lesz, abban a pillanatban nem szabadott félkész dolgot kiadni. És akkor hülyét tettetve megfeledkezem a 3T-ről és a Bush-ról.
Szóval, amelyik a legérdekesebben szól arról, ami van itt most, az zenei értelemben eddig 2019-ben talán nulla lemez volt. Ehhez zseniális újszerűség kellene, olyasmi, ami évek óta alig akad. Jól, szépen, megkapóan, érdekesen, egészen frissen megvalósított viszont mindig rengeteg lesz.
Eddig - ebben a vastagon kibővített januárban (február végén jóval rövidebb lista lesz) - egyrészt Rina Mushonga lemeze tetszett a legjobban. Nem tökéletes, a 9.0 kicsit túlzás, de a szerethetősége van akkora, hogy ellensúlyozza a nem annyira nagy hibákat. Ami engem zavar, hogy néha levakarhatatlanul florence-es az ének, de ez alighanem kevesek baja. Néha túl egyszerűek a szintihangok, nagyon kicsit befejezetlen hatásúak egyes részek. Viszont majdnem olyan jól gyúr egybe zsánereket, mint tavalyi lemezén Kali Uchis és ebben a popos melankóliában valahogy benne van 2019 eleje. Nem hallgattam még annyira sokszor, hogy meg tudjam fogalmazni, pontosan mitől mai, és mitől érdekesen mai amit mond, de van benne mit hallgatni, érdekel, fejteni akarom.
A másik eddigi idei kedvencem egy teljesen másmilyen lemez. Andrew Wasylyk albuma a békés félrevonulás zenéje, szemlélődő, pasztorálos. A kiindulás amolyan akusztikus gitáros-zongorás folk, amire a szokásosnál több ambient/drone-réteg került, de aztán még erre is egyre több fúvós-repetitív hangszerelés passzol tökéletesen. 
Nivhek, azaz Grouper szokásos magas színvonal, téli lemez, ami lehet jó lesz nyári éjszaka is. Sharon Van Etten pedig olyat csinált, amit sokat kell hallgatni, hogy igazán hasson. DJ Healeren annyira rajta maradtam tavalyról, hogy még ezek a szösszenetek is nagyon tetszenek. A Yaké végre egy olyan angol rocklemez, ami maradéktalanul tetszik. Super Furry Animals ugrott be róla többször is, a Spiritualized-szálat csak utólag fedeztem fel. Bassekou Kouyate egyértelműen az elmúlt bő évtized egyik legnagyobb világzenei sztárja, mindegyik lemeze jó, ez most talán azért is tetszik annyira, mert a tempósabb, néha már rockkal is flörtölők után ez ismét akusztikusabb, elmerengőbb. A Stats amolyan 2010-es évekbeli Hard-Fi, Joose Keskitalo a finn szuperpszichedelikus, imádnivaló Paavoharju egyik tagja volt, eszetlen az egészen egyenes vonalú, friss szólólemeze. Rustin Man LP-je kicsit olyan, mintha az utolsó Talk Talk és az első .O.Rang között készült volna, némileg dalosabb szándékkal, nagyon jó.  Nkisi a legjobb, friss tánczene eddig, Angel Bat Dawid nagyon erős szellős jazz, Dave Harrington jobb mint a Darkside-ban. A Lemonheads szuper feldolgozáslemezt adott ki, jobb mint a tíz évvel ezelőtti, Evan Dando bármikor úgy hangzik, mintha a saját dalát énekelné, tökéletes interpretáló. DAWN szokásos nagyon magas színvonalú r&b pop, mindig egy nagyon kevés hiányzik nekem ahhoz, hogy őrülten zseniálist kiáltva dobjam el tőle az agyam. Bigwave japán future funk-őrület, pc music-os diszkó, nem zárom ki, hogy hamar megunom, de egyelőre rajta vagyok. Emily King a neosoul felől szofisztipoposodott, amikor (ritkán) túl direkten haimos, akkor kevésbé, amikor organikusabb hangszerelésű, akkor nagyon tetszik. A Sister John egy kis skót indierockzenekar, egyszerű, nohipszter, notwee, klasszikus underdog, szép dalokkal. A Woman’s Hour egy beteljesítetlen reménység: az első lemeznek sokkal jobbnak kellett volna lennie, aztán meg nem kellett volna belerokkanniuk ennek a második lemeznek a készítésébe, amit most évekkel később mégis befejeztek és nagyon jól tették. Az ausztrál Methyl Ethel pedig lemezről-lemezre egyre jobb artpop, pontosabban szintis indie.
Ezek tetszettek a legjobban eddig. A második kupacban még olyanok vannak, amiket szerintem abszolút érdemes meghallgatni annak, aki bírja az adott stílust, a harmadik kupacban viszont már azok szerepelnek, amikhez rajongónak kell lenni és úgy sem kizárt a csalódás. Legalul meg, azokat hagyjuk. 
20 notes · View notes
littlemisscancer · 6 years
“Save the last dance for me.”
a little story about a sororitas and an inquisitor. definitely. bent some lore a little bit for the sake of the setting, but it was fun to write.
The room was lively and full of merriment, as the crew aboard the Crocuta Invicta welcomed their guests to the main observatory.
Captains, Inquisitorial representatives, and Imperial officials of all sorts coming from across the fleet for this particular celebration. One of these Inquisitors had brought aboard his contingent of Adeptus Sororitas, with gowns that flattered his own formal attire.
The various attendees mingled together, glasses of alcoholic beverages being passed around via Servitors. Part of the observation deck had been cleared for an improvised ballroom floor, the distant stars shining upon mirrors set around the room to create ‘disco’ lighting. Quite a few of the couples and working partners had already made their way onto the dance floor, swaying and skipping to the joyous tunes being played by a very eager band of Imperial Acolytes.
Not all those attending were that happy, however. There was an Arch Magos, the head honcho Explorator of this fleet in attendance. He was sulking near the punch bowl, quite by himself. No one dared approach the hulking mechanical monstrosity, for fear of starting an intergalactic incident. Not even the Skitarii typically accompanying him were around. They had all been assigned other duties by him personally.
An Inquisitor, freshly Graduated from Inquisition School of the Arts™ leaned in towards a Celestine, remarking in a low tone, “He sure seems to be the life of the party. Any idea who pissed on his timepiece?”
The Sister merely laughed, her eyes sliding over to the miserable mechanicus, responding in kind, “Oh, he’s always like that I’ve heard. Never one to so much as give his peers the time of day normally, much less at a gathering like this.”
The Celestine elbowed a nearby Sister, nearly causing her to spill her undrunk champagne. She scowled, and readjusted a small brooch that adorned her dark black hair. Her superior continued to laugh, and tried to include her.
“Have you ever seen something as pathetic as an Arch Magos that’s on it’s last limb? Truly, Sister Anna, it’s an abhorrent sight.”
The blonde haired Celestine lifted her chin, head being held with a beaming pride.
“It is a disgrace to this Imperium, and a creature that cannot hope to be held as highly in regard as us.”
The Inquisitor laughed, and gently took the Celestine by the elbow to the dancefloor.
Sister Anna furrowed her brows, before shaking her head. Her grip on her champagne glass had tightened considerably, a small metal ring around her left ring finger glinting in the funky lights. It was shaped similar to that of a horseshoe, or the insignia of the Ultramarines. The sign of Omega… But it was more like a horseshoe.
She looked up, to find the Arch Magos staring directly at her. Although his face was now metal and motionless, his augmented eyes looked very sad. A pang hit her heart like a boltround, and she quickly looked away.
The brooch upon her head began to slide off her hair once more, and she narrowly avoided having it fall in her drink. Sister Anna was starting to feel slightly miffed, and stopped short of ripping it out of her hair. Confound Inquisitor Jarris, and his pining for them all to wear these wretched things! She’d rather wear her veil to show she was a Hospitaller, not some fancy hair clip that said the same thing!
Another pang to her heart. She didn’t even deserve to wear that veil, and she knew it. It felt like the ring was burning into her hand, but she dared not remove it.
The agitated Sororitas began to walk quickly towards the dance floor, handing her glass to a genuinely surprised Tech Priest. They let out a brief high-pitched squeak of thanks before she marched past.
The Inquisitor, called Jarris was chatting cheerily with his fellows of their various Ordos. But he wasn’t so enthralled as to not see Sister Anna walking straight towards him, so it didn’t catch him off guard when she placed his left arm in a death-grip.
“I… I wish to dance with you, Inquisitor Jarris.”
He blinked in surprise at that, however. The grizzled Inquisitor knew that this one was a handful, Hospitaller or not. But he thought it best to humor her outburst. Besides, she was definitely not the worst looking Sororitas in his retinue.
Arm in arm, the pair began to walk to the dance floor. Once the music kicked in once more, they faced one another, hand in hand, eyes locked, with barely any room between them.
It was a calming waltz, from some composer hailing Holy Terra itself. It was an old piece, but it was a piece that Sister Anna knew very well. She had listened to it often while aboard…
It was as if her heart was being twisted into a vice.
Anna gasped, and nearly tripped over Jarris’ quick footsteps. He caught her as the music dipped, faces inches apart from one another. His eyes, bright green with flecks of gold stared into her darker hazel ones. But it wasn’t just his gaze that she felt. She felt something, no, someone else’s eyes boring into her.
It was as if the God Emperor himself was glaring at her.
The music ended and there was much applause, Inquisitor Jarris gently lifting her back up onto her feet. Anna noticed that one of his hands was placed on her lower back, but she made no move to distance herself. She looked around, having this sinking feeling she knew precisely who had been looking at her. But no matter where her eyes lay or how far her neck craned, she didn’t see anyone. Not so much as an awkward Servitor had been looking at them.
Perhaps it was her overwrought nerves, she reasoned internally.
Inquisitor Jarris in the meantime had been guiding her back towards his small circle of friends, and she barely heard one of them remark on their well-executed performance. Jarris laughed, wincing a little bit.
“Well, Hospitaller Anna had a future in dancing herself before being tragically moved to my ship.”
He gave her hip a light pinch, and she perked up immediately. A smile flashed and she giggled politely, quietly admitting her thanks.
The smile, however bright it may have looked to the other members of the Inquisition, was quite fake. It felt wrong, all of it did. She shouldn’t be there.
Anna looked up at Jarris with her tired eyes, leaning into his broad shoulder much like a wife would her husband.
“Excuse me, but I am quite dehydrated after all that dancing. Will you be alright with me gone?”
A few chuckles from an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, a hearty old fellow with a big red mustache.
Jarris rolled his eyes at him, before looking down admiringly at Anna, “I do believe I will find a way. Go one now, can’t have you dying off the battlefield now can we?”
She gave a much meeker smile, before not so gently removing herself from his embrace and making a beeline for an exit. He wouldn’t be able to spot her sneaking out through all these people, she mused.
And so, the Hospitaller slipped out of the main observatory, and found herself in one of the much smaller rooms adjacent.
The entire ceiling was comprised of glass, and for a moment she thought she had stepped out into the vacuum of space. Nebulaes floated off in the distance, adding wonderful colors to the forever night sky.
To think that beyond her vision, countless battles were being won or lost across the entire Imperium made her feel… Very, very small.
It took her a moment to realize she had walked to the very edge, hands pressed up on the glass as she looked up and around.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” A familiar voice said, sounding as if the owner of such a voice was right behind her. Anna did not move, for she was not fazed in the least. He always had a habit of sneaking up on her, anyway. At that moment she also realized that something had placed its hands on her shoulders.
“It’s rare to see it completely still like this outside of a painting.” She replied, now looking directly above her head.
All she could see were red robes, the shine of a medallion, and the beginning of a metal encased face.
“Yes, just as it is rare for me to find you alone.”
Arch Magos Explorator Velut Equo looked down at her, the augmented eyes dimmed to mimic a blink. They were blue, an ever curious and never changing bright blue. They were merely lights, artificial. Hers were the true beauty.
“You normally like these sorts of things, I thought. What’s changed?”
The Sister sighed, and she turned her gaze back to the stars.
“Do not play coy with me, Velut. You know why tonight was different.”
All she received as a response was a mechanical ‘hmm’ noise, and a tightening grip on her shoulders. It quickly relaxed however, but she still flinched.
“You were upset by me merely hanging about those of my… Status. You truly are terrible at being subtle about it, too.”
Again, no response apart from the sound of him breathing. They stared together in silence, the faint sound of music being heard through the thick walls. The Arch Magos began to sway slightly as he listened, gently tugging on her shoulders as he did so.
He finally let out a mechanical sigh, and lowered his head. His face, or what would constitute as one was buried in her hair.
“In all my years, and after all I have seen, you must understand that this kind of emotional attachment is… New to me, as much as it is to you. I do not look it, but I am still… Human.”
Anna didn’t say anything, instead looking up once more at him. Even though his face couldn’t move anymore, he still looked sad. Like a lost puppy that thought it had known the way, but was sorely mistaken.
“Oh, a… And you, er… You dropped something.” Velut let go of her very suddenly, backing up a step or two. She turned around, confused until she saw what he was holding. It was her brooch - Bearing the insignia of the Hospitallers. A pained smile crossed her face, as she graciously accepted it.
“It is not a good idea to lose important trinkets such as this, you know.” He eyed her very carefully, his forever unamused expression illuminated by his eerily lit eyes. She knew he wasn’t talking about the brooch, and she also knew he didn’t mean the veil she had left behind.
The ring felt like it had just been removed from a forge on Nocturne, and she twisted it nervously. Velut’s eyes brightened as she did so, and knelt down in front of her. His hands, cold and metal, gently clasped her own. One of the metal fingers rubbed against the ring, a faded out set of markings coming back into the light.
It had been inscribed in binary, that short summer ago. A quiet evening, stealing away to the barracks of the Cadian infantry. Then, with the help of his Guardsman acquaintances, a short get-away to one of the nearby lakes.
Tears welled up in her eyes, as she suddenly embraced Velut. He was only slightly surprised, gently putting his arms around her. Her body shook as she sobbed, and he murmured words of comfort she could barely understand.
Her eyes moved to the galaxy surrounding them, the twinkling lights creating a strange silhouette of the starstruck couple. Funny that.
“Anna Ciocanu, will you do me the honors of… A dance?” Velut asked shyly, looking down at her.
The Sister looked up at him, the tears having left streaks down her pale cheeks. She nodded shakily, smiling.
“Yes, it would be an honor and a privilege to dance with you… My dear.”
If he could have smiled, she was sure he would have. But she knew that she had somehow messed up, as he didn’t perk up nearly as much as she thought he would.
Velut took lead, gently guiding her across the floor. The humming of the engine mingled with the distant music, creating a strange and erratic melody. The pair did not mind, as Velut moved off-beat regardless. He watched in silence as Sister Anna danced alongside him, keeping in step with his less gracious ones. Her tired face seemed to brighten with each beat, as if she was finally becoming… Comfortable.
The Arch Magos had only seen her expression like that once before, and in snippets as he would find her whilst in the midst of his work. If it took him around the fleet, at least.
Soon the music stopped, and the distant sound of applause could be heard as the pair bowed before one another.
Velut rose last, and rather stiffly at that. His breathing had become more ragged, but only now that she was not distracted did poor Anna notice. She stepped towards him until there was no space between them, reaching up to touch his face. He bent down so she could grasp onto the tubes that allowed him to breathe, her hands gently caressing the intricate carvings that made his face.
“When will I get to see you again?” She whispered, her smile beginning to fade. The realization that they would be separated again was dawning on her, as she came back to reality.
The old mechanical man looked away from her, staring out into space. His shoulders sagged, and the mechadendrites milling beneath his robes clacked in anxiety.
“I’m… I’m not sure. But I will tell you this.”
He sank down to her eye-level, robes swathing around her as he did so. His hands were on her shoulders as he pulled her close.
“You will join me and never have to worry about this again. It will be soon, I promise you that.” A mechadendrite snaked out and caressed her cheek, wiping away at the tears that began to reform.
“I just need a little time. Then you can be my wife without fear.”
He brought his left hand and placed it in her right, the light catching a similar ring to her own. The medallion around his neck jangled as he moved - The symbol of the Mechanicus, and his own Forge World glistening. A permanent reminder, as if his appearance wasn’t enough, that the two of them would never truly be one.
Anna smiled tearfully, and gently placed a kiss against his mask. Velut’s eyes dimmed completely, as his head craned downwards.
“I will wait for you, as I always have Velut. For I am yours, and you are mine. I will be your wife, faithful as always.”
Her eyes locked with his, as they flared to life once more. He stared at her in silence for a few seconds, his artificial eyes narrowing.
“And I will be faithful in return.” He stated, monotone voice wavering. Albeit what he said earlier was true, she was more prone to human flaws than he was. This evening proved that in his mind. She was painfully aware, but her expression didn’t change.
The eyes gave away her fear, though. The way they darted off to the side towards the main Observatory told him all he needed to know.
He did not say anything.
Instead he gave her a reassuring wheeze, and squeezed her shoulder as he stood up. Instead, he waved her off, telling her he did not mind it when she danced with others. Instead he hung back, claiming to not like the noise.
Instead he stood there and watched the love of his life walk away with what felt like would be the last time.
Instead he saw the door close with a hiss, as the room sealed off. Instead he stayed completely still, not even moving to look back at the starry void behind him.
Instead, he just stood there and waited.
Completely alone.
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lovejustforaday · 3 years
Album Review - You Forgot It In People by Broken Social Scene
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You Forgot It In People - Broken Social Scene
Main Genres: Indie Rock
A decent sampling of: Post-Rock, Chamber Pop, Noise Pop
WARNING: One of the tracks on this album features prominent usage of the F slur and themes of self-harm.
Something that only the nerdiest of music nerds care about, which naturally I think is pretty interesting, is the difference between “alternative rock” and “indie rock”. Both are scenes that basically came out of a counter-cultural reaction to the over-produced world of 80s radio rock and hard rock. There’s definitely a lot of overlap in terms of bands that fit well into both categories, so they’re best understood as two scenes inside of one larger movement. But still, I would absolutely make the case that “alternative rock” and “indie rock” represent two distinct things when it comes to sound and approach.
To me, indie rock is the world of mature, often bittersweet, slightly weirder/dorkier rock music that’s ideally made best to be enjoyed by introverts and college students, even though anyone can love indie rock. There’s also a distinct DIY ethos and aesthetic to most of the indie rock scene that really defines the name.
Meanwhile, alternative rock is smart and subversive but still largely accessible, radio-ready, and flashy. In my mind, alt rock embodies a lot of the rock-star image that hard rock, glam, and heavy metal conjure up, just with a little more introspection and down-to-earth-ness.
Anyhow, the only real reason I mention any of this at all is because when I was a teenager in high school, it was mostly all alternative rock for me. I was into Garbage, The White Stripes, and Smashing Pumpkins. Bands that were subversive and challenging, but also huge successes with a clear rock-star appeal. Sonic Youth was one of my early loves too, and they sorta bridged the gap between ‘indie’ and ‘alternative’.
But if I’m being honest, Broken Social Scene and their enthralling 2002 LP You Forgot It In People was my gateway drug to the world of indie rock.
Like many of my first indie records, this was an album that my older brother passed down to me, and likewise this album in particular represents how important his influence was in helping me to discover so many great bands. It also represents the last days of my senior year and the fleeting summer of transitioning to university that followed, which is a time in my life that I deeply cherish.
Truthfully, a lot of the albums that I loved from those years have worn off a tad bit as I delve deeper into their influences and more music in general. But this still totally holds up as one of the best things I’ve ever heard from start to finish. You Forgot It In People is one hell of an ambitious record, and I have a lot of favourite moments on this album. But first, let’s take a look at the “band”.
Broken Social Scene are a Canadian indie rock ensemble that formed at the turn of the millennium. Spearheaded by Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning, other members of the group are rotational and the band regularly has upwards of seven members at a time. Broken Social Scene has hosted some of the most successful creative minds in the Canadian indie scene at early points in their careers; You Forgot It In People alone features Feist before her big breakthrough, as well as Emily Haines the lead singer of Metric who would go on to drop their first LP a year after this record.
Essentially, You Forgot It In People is a legendary piece of 21st century Canadian indie rock lore. Everything here is so ridiculously tight, so brilliantly conceived and crafted with care, and yet you can also totally feel that it’s a bunch of indie kids throwing stuff at the walls and seeing what sticks. This might sound pretentious, but I think I can honestly just feel how important a moment this record was whenever I listen to it.
It all starts with “Capture The Flag”, a short two minute instrumental opener of building ambient suspense, like a far away twinkling object in the night sky getting closer and closer.
This leads into “KC Accidental”, a sublime burst of rock instrumentation and fresh morning air that, incidentally, makes for a great alarm clock on your phone. But in all seriousness, this track is one of those moments of pure musical euphoria that feels like it could encompass the entire world.
“Stars and Sons” is so slick and smooth, I feel like incredibly hot stuff every time I listen to it, and it’s one of my absolute favourite tracks on the album. Brendan Canning’s cool vocals and the guitar riffs here both remind me of a cold glass of water, so clear and refreshing. I also just really love the laid back but propulsive feeling of the song and those claps get me every time. Seriously sexy production, an incredibly satisfying auditory experience.
“Almost Crimes” is a triumphant noise pop jam session of guitars, saxophones, drums, and synthesizers that makes me wanna jump up and flail around until I get dizzy and throw up. Kevin Drew and Feist make a wonderful duet - Kevin’s laid back slacker vocals are swallowed by the chaos while Feist’s melodic shouting becomes part of the chorus of noise.
This LP features quite a few instrumental tracks but “Pacific Theme” is definitely my favourite of them. True to its name, the lead guitar riff sounds like it’s floating lazily along a gentle ocean breeze while the rest of the music bubbles beneath the surface of a lively blue ocean. I wanna lay in a hammock by the beach with this song playing in my headphones as I stare up at a cloudy blue sky. Seriously, this track genuinely sounds like the colour “blue”, maybe even “ultramarine”.
“Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl” is the signature song of You Forgot It In People and it’s one of if not THE essential bittersweet teenage indie anthem. The song is a heart-wrenching chamber pop ode that vocalist Emily Haines dedicates to her teenage self, a sad reflection on how society forces you to suppress your free spirit and act a certain way when you grow up with the simple refrain “used to be one of the rotten ones and I liked you for that / now you’re all gone got your makeup on and you’re not coming back” being repeated again and again over pained strings and a sad-happy banjo riff until you’re probably left in tears. This might be my one true favourite song on the LP, but then again You Forgot It In People is such a varied experience that it’s hard to pinpoint just one song.
“Lover’s Spit” is the other emotional core of You Forgot It In People, a grand and swaying chamber rock ballad that paints an oddly dramatic and emotional scene of oral sex with its lyrics. It’s not that erotic at all really, kind of sad sounding actually as if it were about having sex right before the end of the world. The backing band on this track sounds like it’s absolutely drenched in some kind of rainstorm. I know this sounds like a really weird combination of moods and ideas, but it actually works really well and I think this track is one of the most quirky and charming “sad” indie songs I’ve ever heard.
Meanwhile, the follow up track “I’m Still Your Fag” is warm, soothing, and folky, but the lyrics are downright miserable. The song is a story of two former same-sex lovers from the perspective of a gay man who was left in the dust by his closeted ex who left him for a heteronormative family life with wife and kids. The lyrics reference the narrators feelings of betrayal and abandonment, as well as self-harm and the narrator’s hesitant participation in his ex-lover’s kinks.
To be honest I don’t know this for certain but I don’t think Kevin Drew is even gay or bi, but the emotional delivery is incredibly sincere and I’m personally not offended by his usage of the “fag” slur because contextually I think it captures a really poignant aspect of internalized self-loathing that many gay men including myself have experienced. This is still a very bitter track for me to listen to even now, but it’s oddly comforting and beautifully poetic.
The album closes with “Pitter Patter Goes My Heart”, a small stripped-down instrumental reprise of the strings on “Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl”. I think it’s a really excellent choice to reuse the signature musical motif of one of the most feelsy songs on the LP, especially right after the complete downer of the lyrics on “I’m Still Your Fag”. It leaves you with these little traces of tender memories and I think “Pitter Patter Goes My Heart” solidifies the emotionally rewarding experience of the LP.
It’s pretty obvious that a lot of really talented and creative people came together to make this project when you listen to it. Broken Social Scene really captured something spectacular on You Forgot It In People. I’m really glad I was able to first hear this LP at what feels like exactly the right time in my life, but truthfully I’ve only come to appreciate it more with time.
There’s a few tracks I didn’t mention here, but I should really reiterate that nearly everything on this album comes together in such a grand, perfect way and its one of the best flowing albums I’ve ever listened to. Seriously, if you’re someone who is at all into indie rock and you haven’t already heard this one, do yourself a huge favour and go experience You Forgot It In People for the first time.
highlights: “Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl”, “Stars And Sons”,  “Lover’s Spit”, “Almost Crimes”, “Pacific Theme”, “KC Accidental”, “I’m Still Your Fag”, “Cause = Time”, “Capture The Flag”, “Pitter Patter Goes My Heart”, “Looks Just Like The Sun”
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sinonpetie · 4 years
purely stained
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The room was sickeningly white—white orange-skinned plaster walls, white noise from a loudspeaker, and whitewashed linen fabric made into bedsheets and duvet. Everything existed in the limited eye vision was wrapped in no saturation, as the reflective granite floor was in no doubt too—plain white. 
A high faux curtain hanged in front of the single bed—must be somehow imported from China due to the visible extra strings and folded creases freshly out of wholesale. Yet, there were no glass frames or second-skin facade behind those textiles—it's just some pre-made partitions and 12 millimetres gypsum boards.
However, something accentuated the monochromatic scheme in that room: the bright crimson stain on his shirt—and sheets. It's like the whole life of his was being highlighted under LED lights; the only thing that stood out—was his fragile frame. He sat on the bed with analogue tone only seemed to cease upon him, pale—ivory cream of orange skin—and a hint of mauve-ultramarine on his lips. 
He closed his eyes in winch of pain, as the spider-web like dark black veins continued to spread even more on his body—yet soon opened them again when he heard the door creaked open. A tall man came in with a long white coat and a surgical mask, stopped a two-feet away from him.
"Mr Lee, I'm afraid I have to inform you—" "I only got 24 hours left, am I not?" he interrupted, with loathing and sadness mixed in his voice and posture.
The man solemnly nodded—he had already seen this all before, but his eyes still flashed weariness—and honesty, showing how much he didn't like how it always ended.
"I want to see my daughter," he said, almost pleading, as fluid streamed down his cheeks—yet it wasn't tears—but his blood.
But the tall man shook his head and replied, "We're sorry, but it's beyond what we can do," as he pushed back his reading glasses—holding his composure. Then, there went a complete silence in that room, much like escorting the tall man out of that room.
He hadn't seen his daughter for years, and it didn't save him from anything by being isolated. Yet death had sentenced upon him—and God may take him in peace if He may so—however, with all of his might, he stood up from the bed.
He knew it's a sin, and Jerusalem bells won't ring on him—but his empathy did no sign of remorse as an empty syringe was on his right hand, gripped. With the blood streamed across his face and falling directly onto the white granite floor, he ran towards the man—stabbing the shot with force at the tall man's spine.
Thus may the angels took note on him, may death still followed all of his steps—as the tall man fell onto the floor—and with his bare feet, he continued to run towards the exit.
His love for his daughter was too much and pure—printed vividly in his heart along with dirty shades of red footprints traced on the white granite—along with sounds of sirens, inside his little heart—and his prison break.
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What music each of the legions listens to:
Dark Angels- Classical music. They probably really like symphonic and orchestral like 2 Steps From Hell.
Emperor's Children- The weirdest playlist of Marilyn Manson, Twisted Sister, and the Spice Girls. Also Pornogrind.
Iron Warriors- Industrial metal, like... Rammstein. Also they REALLY like looking smart by overcomplicating genre names („Oh I LOVE brutal-slamming-post-heavy-industrial-prog-grunge-core")
White Scars- So the obvious here is Mongolian throat singing, but given their affinity for bikes and the fact that Kahn was described as intellectual, I'm gonna say they also like some classic rock (like Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones)
Space Wolves - Viking/Folk metal. Come on. They also listen to Pink Floyd, but ONLY when fighting Thousand Sons. („We don't need no education" is a line that is basically the ultimate middle finger to Magnus.)
Imperial Fists- I think they rarely listen to music. But when they do, I imagine them listening to some sad country songs, like Johnny Cash.
Night Lords- The Cure, Evanescence, MCR, Bring me the Horizon... Just... All the emo and Goth stuff. (Konrad really liked Panic! At The Disco's new stuff but they protect that knowledge like it's a new webway project)
Blood Angels- The Blood Angels listen to Linkin Park and Slipknot, despite the fact that Sanguinius himself owned and ukulele. (He prolly really liked Twenty One Pilots)
Iron Hands - Metallica and Iron Maiden. Exclusively. They only listen to them because of the name.
World Eaters - Deathcore, Goregrind, Slam, ya kno. Brutal stuff. (Angron liked the Bee Gees)
Ultramarines - Music is inefficient and doesn't serve the imperium. -_- (But Roboute Guilliman learned terran history from Sabaton lyrics)
Death Guard - Slug Metal, Doom Metal, Drone, Noise... They don't really like music per se, they just like to have some sort of ambient noise, and lo-fi is too melodic.
Thousand Sons - Prog stuff. Tool, King Crimson, Opeth... I would also say Magnus himself really likes Jazz.
Sons of Horus - Limp Bizkit. On repeat.
Word Bearers - Prolly some sort of christian/redneck rock. Erebus specifically likes Nickelback.
Salamanders- Reggae. Just some really chill stuff. (Imagine Vulkan burning people alive to „Sunshine Reggae.")
Raven Guard- Punk. All the Punk. Descendants, Ramones, Offspring, Sex Pistols, Bad Religion, Green Day... ALL the Punk. (I would bet the Emperor's life Corvus was in an underground band back in Deliverance)
Alpha Legion - That one playlist of cursed mashups on YouTube.
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jafreitag · 5 years
It’s Friday, I’m in love…
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Hey. Welcome to the weekend.
Sad news. David Berman, singer-songwriter and poet, died yesterday. His work may have been off your radar, but it was very much on mine as a jobless and ambitionless twenty-something in the 1990s. Berman was the main dude in the band Silver Jews, which included (at times) his UVa pals Stephen Malkmus and Bob Nastanovich of Pavement. Berman was a force. He just released an album as Purple Mountains. It’s great, and among of the best records from this year.
Weirdly, there’s a song from it on this playlist. (I say weirdly only because I compiled this playlist a week ago, long before today’s news.) The rest has an EDM vibe – the middle is pretty bouncy. New stuff from the New Pornographers, Blur (vintage BBC live cut), GOON, Westkust, Piroshka, Ada Lee, SKULDPAPPA, Tropique Noir, Little Cub, Tamryn, Lowly, Kim Petras, ilo ilo, Holy Ghost!, NIKI, IYEARA & Liela Moss, Billie Eilish & Justin Bieber, Kill the Noise & Mija, Mark Ronson & Lykke Li, Kitty, Aleksi Perälä, Nkisi, Hugo Mari, Floating Points, Perel, Ben Chatwin, Manuel Tur, KDA, Special Request, Underworld, Flume, Tourist, Ultramarine, Yumi Zouma, Jamila Woods, Tyler the Creator, Channel Tres, Noga Erez & ECHO, Trentemøller, Skinny Pelembe, Bastille, Angel Olsen, Stef Chura, Mannequin Pussy, Versing, Pip Blom, Tacocat, and And the Kids. Old stuff from Jai Paul, Aphex Twin, Stereolab, and Superchunk.
The header image is by @hermetic on Ello. Thanks for that.
More soon.
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davids-scrapbook · 5 years
PSB - Electric
Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito
David Bowie - The Next Day
Lorde - Melodrama
Cold Cave - Cherish The Light Years
Two Doors Cinema Club - Tourist History
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Suede - Bloodsports
The Weeknd - Starboy
Gossip - A Joyful Noise
Cut Copy - Free Your Mind
Beck - Colours
LCD Spundsystem - American Dream
Duft Punk - Random Access Memories
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
The Raveonettes - Observator
Wolf Alice - Visions of A Life
Grimes - Art Angels
Alt-J - This is All Yours
PSB - Elysium
MIA  - Matangui
HAIM - Days Are Gone
Madonna - Madame X
Billie Ellis - When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Likke Li  So Sad So Sexy
Florence And The Machine - Ceremonials
London Grammar - If You Wait
Austra - Olympia
Foals - Holy Fire
Scissor Sisters - Nightwork
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Belong
Neon indian - Era Extraña
Rihanna - ANTI
Chvrches - The Bones What You Believe
Lorde - Pure Heroin
Robyn - Body Talk
Magic Wands: Ahoah Moon
Little Boots - Nocturnes
NYPC - The optimistic
Lissie - Back To Forever
CSS - La Liberación
Ssion - Bent
Crystal Castles - II
Josef Salvat - Night Swim
David Bowie - Black Star
Bat For Lashes - The Haunted Man
The Raveonettes - Pe´Ahi.
Rosalia - El Mal Querer
Hurts - Happiness
Shamir - Raquet
Lust For Youth - Compassion
Foals - What Went Down
PSB -Super
Gus Gus - Mexico
Robyn - Honey
Shura - Nothing´s real
Editors - In Dreams
Tame Impala - Currents
U2 - Songs of Innocense
Azealia Banks - Broke With Expensible Taste
I Break Horses - Chariouscuro.
Two Doors Cinema Club: Beacon
The Horros - Skying
Radiohead - The King Of Limbs
Angel Olsen - My Woman
Cut Copy - Haiku From Zero
Dum Dum Girls - Only In dramas
Lana Del Rey - Ultraviolence
Beach House - Bloom
Marina and The Diamonds - Electra Heart
Arcade Fire - Reflektor
Disclosure - Settle
Sky Ferreira - Night time, my time
La Roux - Trouble in paradise
Mo - No Mythologies To Follow
MS MR - Second Hand Rapture
TRST - Joyland
Likke Li - I never learn
Florence + The Machine - How Big How Blue How Beautiful
Charli XCX - True Romance
New Order - Musci Complete
Blossoms - Blossoms
The Horrors - Luminous
Gus Gus - Life is more flexible
Foals Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost - Part 1
Goldfrapp - Silver Eye
Lana del Ray - Honeymoon
Neon Indian - Night School
Marina and the diamonds - Froot
Young Galaxy - Ultramarine
School Of 7 Bells - Ghostory
Lana del Rey - Normal Fucking Roswell
Foals - Total Life 4ever
Chromatics - Kill For Love
Bat For Lashes - Lost Girls
Chase and Status - Brand New Machine
Madonna - Rebel Heart
100. Aluna George - I Remember
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