#* ooc : freya speaks .
sentofight · 6 months
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ensnchekov-a · 2 years
i lay down, i think about gow: ragnarok and how incredible that story was, and i die a little inside
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dragetunge · 2 months
📐 + Kida is 5'7", and Freya's 6'3" uwu
Send 📐 + your character's height to compare with one or more of mine!
For Kida :3
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For Freya (before and after Hic's growth spurt)
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hyperactivewhore · 10 months
Hello, so a couple of things I wanted to address regarding your takes on Hope and the Mikaelson family. So, I don't take anything from TO or Legacies as face value. I didn't even watch Legacies, because I was over TVD universe by that point. And I didn't even finish TVD or TO, because of how unbearingly bad they got. But I know enough about how the rest of the show turned out to give my take on things too. 
For a show that was supposed to be centered around redeeming Klaus and Hope being the source of redemption for the Mikaelson family, the writers failed miserably in that aspect. For one, they rewrote history, retconned their entire backstory, and made the characters incredibly out of character. Worst thing the writers could've done. There was no redemption or character development whatsoever for anyone. In fact, everyone got worse and became more unlikable as the seasons went on. 
You're saying Rebekah and Freya would've been terrible mothers and claiming that they were bitter, jealous, and resentful of Hope or even of their own kids, when we never saw anything that supports that notion. And it's unfair you single out the women in the Mikaelson family, but say nothing whatsoever about the Mikaelson men, who were just as unfit and unstable to be a parent or have any child under their care. How do you justify saying Rebekah and Freya would've been bad mothers, but justify Klaus and Hayley's shitty parenting? 
If we're gonna call a spade a spade, Hayley was the very definition of a terrible mother. She constantly endangered herself and Hope while she was pregnant and even after she gave birth and just pawned her kid off to Eve or whoever else to involve herself in dangerous situations she really had no business getting involved in, when she could've been there with Hope. Same with Klaus, he most definitely wasn't father of the year. And there's also all the times they neglected Hope as a baby countless times and would often leave her alone during the most dangerous situations too.
If Rebekah and Freya didn't deserve to be mothers or to have a chance at a normal human life, Hayley and Klaus deserved it even less. Overall, I don't get why you or anyone else are so surprised at the Mikaelsons turning out to be deadbeats and abandoning Hope, when their entire family history and dysfunctional family dynamic speaks for itself. You even pointed it out yourself, that the Mikaelson family are unstable. So, why so surprised at this outcome? What else did you expect? And that's the epitome of why having a spinoff about the Mikaelsons centered around a baby of all things failed miserably. It was the worst mistake the writers could've made and the worst route the writers could've gone.
I'll make sure to let this clear for anyone who decides to read through: I didn't finish The Vampire Diaries, I only got to watch season five before the plot bored me and I just watched season one and half of season two of Legacies, but I have read enough over the years and I know all that happens in the three shows, what characters appear and etc.
Is funny how you complain about the Mikaelson and company being "out of character" as if they hadn't been already ooc in season three. Klaus loved witches and the writers completely erased that from his character because recognizing it would mean having him go for Bonnie. Caroline was mean before turning into a vampire, and if they had followed the established lore and canon of vampirism, she would have been just worse than she was as a human instead of the preppy girl she turned into. They completely trashed Elena's character to have her fall for Damon and forget about Stefan, so the fact that you're complaining about this sounds like just an excuse to shit on both shows.
I don't know why you're so pressed about Hope's existence. I have never said she was her family's redemption, I have always said she wasn't and that it was completely unfair of Elijah to put that burden on a baby. She was a plothole and I have stated that her character shouldn't have been made no matter how loved she is. But saying she had no impact on her family is stupid: Hope didn't made them stop being monsters, that's true, but she played a big part on making them change themselves.
Her existence forced her father to stop seeing only for himself, she united Klaus and Rebekah after they literally tried to kill each other by making Bex look after her when she was only a baby, Elijah finally stopped taking his brother's side in everything and she made their toxic codependent relationships slightly better. But at the end of the day, Hope was just a kid and a kid would never erase a thousand years of trauma, abuse and toxicity. It's true, she wasn't her family's redemption but she's the only reason why they stopped being shitty to each other.
There is evidence of why Rebekah would be a bad mother, just see how she behaves around children/teenagers. Marcel was ten and she groomed him, the moment her niece grew up and she couldn't play house with her any longer she left her in the dust, all while remembering how she spent "glorious months covered in dirt" because she spent less than a year with her as a baby and that is what she wanted, a baby, not a child, and just look at how she acted with Elena and Caroline. Rebekah was jealous of both of them, she was jealous of Hayley and Freya herself even made a joke about how she would be jealous of their own niece - it was about how she would stay nineteen forever hence beauty forever, but my point remains.
Rebekah would be a bad mother as far as we know in canon because everything suggests that. She's a child herself, just seventeen and her brain isn't even fully developed yet: she's easily jealous, tends to have emotional issues and has a low self esteem. What would be weird is that she wouldn't be jealous and a bad mother to her child, not otherwise. I love her, but she is a bad person and doesn't deserve to be a mom.
Freya is literally the same. She was traumatized with the child she lost and she viewed him/her on Hope, but she never gave a damn about making sure her seven years old niece didn't grow up traumatized and she completely forgot about her the moment Nik was born so yes, this information is enough for me to think she would be a bad mother. And look at what she did to Davina, who was barely eighteen.
The Mikaelson didn't and still don't deserve a normal happy life simply because they aren't good persons. They would be shitty parents, the two canon parents we have (Klaus and Freya) are bad parents and they don't even know how to behave around teenagers.
Saying Hayley is a bad mother is wild. Did you want her to stay home with Jackson while her daughter's family was being attacked every time they breathed? Hayley never put herself in a dangerous situation while pregnant willingly, it was always people coming after her and their child because she was carrying a Mikaelson kid. I don't know how she "pawned" her kid to somebody else to go help the Mikaelson, she was fighting with them because once again, they were Hope's family. She made some shitty choices, yes, but she was stuck in the most dangerous family to ever exist and the only way out was death: she never had the chance to decide if she actually wanted to have Hope. Both Elijah and Klaus forced it on her, they never asked her if she wanted an abortion and it was quite clear she would have died if she tried getting one.
I guess you pulled all of this information from your ass, because I never justified Klaus’s shitty parenting; I've always said time and time again he was a bad father, and I never said I was surprised at the Mikaelson being deadbeats when they already were in The Originals.
I don't know why you say the show "failed miserably" when it didn't: the rankings are good, it was nominated for awards a plenty of times and it is the favorite show of more than half of the fandom.
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lasthearthed · 8 months
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࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         ewan mitchell,  23,  cis man,  he/him.    announcing  the  arrival  of  HARWIN  of  house  UMBER,  the  LORD  of  LAST HEARTH.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  LOYAL  and  TIMID  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  history.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the sun comes up & you no longer need your candle to read, you realize you've spent the night reading once again ; warming reddened, numb hands by the fireplace ; secret glances across the table ; shaky hands tend to the sword, for you cannot back down ; a solemn sigh ; missing people you never met ; haunted by ghosts of the past.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE STARK.          (  ooc  :  mary,  29,  she/her,  gmt  )
ONE.  sigorn  and  freya  umber  are  almost  deities  to  the  boy  ;  he'd  heard  so  much  of  them,  his  parents,  his  mother's  bravery,  her  humour  and  beauty,  his  father's  strength,  mother  and  father.  yet  he's  never  met  them.  they  die  shortly  after  harwin,  their  youngest's  birth.  he  wonders  what  it  is  like,  to  feel  a  mother's  embrace,  to  have  your  father  teach  you  how  to  fight,  but  he  shall  never  know.
TWO.  harwin  grows  up  a  timid  child.  in  the  training  yard,  he  lacks  confidence  and  the  other  boys  take  advantage  of  it  ;  they  mess  with  him,  toss  him  around,  but  harwin  is  an  umber  after  all  and  when  he's  had  enough,  he  badly  injures  one  of  the  boys  in  a  fit  of  rage.  it  takes  him  two  months  to  recover,  but  harwin's  guilt  never  does. 
THREE.  he  loves  to  travel  and  begs  his  uncle  to  let  him  visit  friends  in  the  north,  to  explore  and  travel.  home  doesn't  feel  like  one  ;  there  are  only  snakes,  traitors,  plotters  and  ghosts.  he  loves  both  his  eldest  sibling  and  his  uncle,  he  wishes  to  take  no  part  in  upcoming,  inevitable  fights.  he  is  still  yearning  for  a  place  to  call  home. his own.
FOUR. he has a heart of gold, truly. always at the ready to lend a helping hand, it is not unheard of for harwin to have his kindness taken advantage of, but this doesn't kill the desire within to do good. he is very pious and believes the old gods are always watching over him and protecting him. although very patient and rare to lose his temper, it is not a pretty sight when he does.
FIVE.  with  his  love  for  reading,  good  memory  and  sharp  wits,  harwin  considers  studying  to  become  a  maester.  in  fact,  he  was  decisive  about  it.  the  umber  had  prepared  it  all,  to  leave  for  oldtown  once  the  celebrations  in  king's  landing  are  over,  but  someone  sets  his  heart  aflame  unexpectedly  and  suddenly,  he  is  considering  giving  it  all  up.
WANTED.  his  crush  (  but  he  swears  it's  real  love  )  that  he  is  considering  giving  up  going  to  oldtown  for,  best  friends,  childhood  bully,  pen  pals,  enemies,  betrothal  that  failed  when  harwin  announced  he  wanted  to  become  a  maester,  anything  we  can  think  of!
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bladedwingsandclaws · 3 years
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Bird lady’s VC
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Dog man’s vc
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visionbled-a · 3 years
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stacia.   My turtle is being a brat by knocking her intake filter basket off..
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evanuras · 4 years
* muse list .
  the hero of ferelden:   shaeva mahariel.
  the champion:   marian hawke.
  the inquisitor:   kolvar lavellan.  
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protectedmagicks · 5 years
     Picking out a fc for Elizabeth Lavenza/Elizabeth Frankenstein, help me out
Freya Mavor
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Mischa Barton
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-- Blanca Suarez
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fiicklegames · 6 years
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laurencialaboriqua · 7 years
I realize that I have been really, really distant lately. I haven't had a whole lot of luck calling up the muse for Laurie lately. I'll be honest. Having my inbox, both personal and muse blog, flooded with Anon hate kind of killed my want to interact with anyone in any fandom. I even blocked a few people that I feel like were the source of where a lot of it was coming from. Yet I STILL can't call up the muse to interact.
Still not deleting this blog or anything, just explaining myself. It's kind of hard to want to do anything after that level of bullshit. I did think of deleting this blog, but that isn't happening. Laurie's just on a back burner, I suppose. I'm not going to go seeking anyone out as her. That already bit me in the ass. Mostly because I let my muse get away from me and she's an annoying, mouthy ass bitch. That's on me. I should have known better.
But yeah. You like Laurie? You wanna interact with her? You want her to interact with you? You gotta come to her. I'm tired of putting myself/Laurie out there and either getting ignored, or getting carried away with it and winding up with 300+ messages telling me to kill myself, or that I'm a whore. Anon is still off, by the way.
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perish-the-creator · 2 years
((OOC: Well that's good at least, although speaking of Gijinka!Godzilla, what kind of changes did Gijinka!Godzilla went through as you developed the gijinka versions of Kaijus more?))
A lot of shit my guy. So much so I have to put it under a read more due to the triggering material. As always mpreg warning.
Goji grew up just barely above the poverty line which is already a hard life in of itself. His mother died in childbirth and his father practically worked himself to death and often left Goji alone with Anguirus as his only friend.
Goji is a teen parent. He got pregnant at 15 with his childhood love (Freya/Gojirin) and was later assaulted while drunk by his "cousin" Spacey when he was 17 and got pregnant again too.
He had to gave birth both times in Anguirus house due to trying to hide all of this from his father. He had to give both of his sons up for adoption as well which haunts him regularly.
For a few years in his 20s while he and Anguirus were dating they got into heavy drugs, alcohol, violence, and working alongside the yakuza. Eventually that lifestyle came to an end when Goji woke up screaming in pain and blood on the sheets only to later be in a hospital bed and witnessing the birth of a stillborn daughter he didn't even know he was carrying.
He currently has flashes of his past and tries to put on this happy façade that these things still haunt him.
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nlrpg · 3 years
Welcome, demigods, to the Hallowed Woods Mountain Resort !!
As the demigods step through the portal, all their weekend luggage in tow, they find themselves in the lobby of the Hallowed Woods Mountain Resort in Colorado! Before them is a luxurious and grand foyer, made of gorgeous stained wood and old stone, with high ceilings and tall windows that let the sunlight from outside spill in. In fact, looking through those windows, the demigods can see the vast and breathtaking view— an expanse of snow and trees for almost as far as the eye can see. They’re nestled comfortably in the middle of these woods, private property on the side of a mountain, and the entire place is reserved just for them, though the nearby mountain town houses locals and other tourists.
Marina gathers them in the lobby, a pleased and bright smile on her face, standing next to the ever-radiant, revered, and friendly Aphrodite. The goddess claps her hands excitedly, eyes sparkling, both in delight at the fun she hopes the demigods will have on this excursion, and also because she knows the whole weekend is basically dedicated to her. She thanks the demigods for their time and their honor, then passes the baton to Marina, who happily informs them again of their room assignments, lists all the various activities and amenities available to them for the next two days, and lets them know the resort’s event hall will be all decked out for them for tomorrow’s ball.
“We sincerely hope all of you take the weekend to relax and enjoy yourselves, you deserve it more than we can say. Make some memories, demigods, and we can’t wait to see you all at tomorrow night’s masquerade!”
read below to see all the pairs for the masquerade’s mystery dates!!
James Koo & Astrid Johnson
Blair Song & Cece Bae
Alphonsine Leferve & Zara Nguyen
Amy Chu & Zach Amarin
Sibel Eren & Mira Fuentes
Nick Spencer & Simon Hong
Freya Waldron & Stormie Burbank
Nora Watanabe & Ye-jin An
Cynthia Byun & Jake Garity
Elliot Seo & Narumi Kato
Trix Collins & Theo Choi
Remy Colton & Marshal Kim
Pax Johnson & Hope Powell
Juniper Johnson & Jesse Garcia
Gigi Gautier & Peter Muñoz
- for the duration of the event, you can start roleplaying at any moment in time from their arrival to the resort all the way to the ball, but not after the ball.
- as far as room assignments at the lodge go, feel free to make any roommate plans amongst each other or give your character a room all to themselves!
- anyone signed up for a mystery date will have been given a location and time to meet their date right before the ball, feel free to plot that with your partners as well! generally speaking, no one knows who the pairs are in character, but you can make decisions on your own about how/when/if your characters would discover who their dates are.
- remember that Aphrodite only appears as her FC Jiu when she’s hiding and blending in with the demigods, but when she’s publicly showing up as Aphrodite, she takes another form so she can keep that illusion going. she’ll be around for most of the weekend, however as soon as the Masquerade Ball starts, she will be heading back to Olympus since it’s kind of awkward for her to be present at the same event where demigods will be making offerings to her all night, but she’ll feel all your blessings from Olympus!
feel free to ask any questions, and we hope you have fun! keep your eyes peeled for more things from the main coming your way!
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fightforbetter · 3 years
🍒 + dcvastates
positivity meme // always accepting
Tina ( @dcvastates ), my love. Our Hayley and Freya hold a soft place in my heart and I love writing with you, on Leah as well, but more than that, I love speaking to you ooc about them and the show in general. We hold a lot of the same opinions and it's always nice to bounce things back and forth and be like SAME!!! I never have any hesitation or second thoughts about messaging you about anything, even when it's just a '😭' after a reply, and you're one of the people I'm most comfortable with on this site. Even when I took a break from Hayley and you took a break from Freya, we got right back into it as if nothing had happened, just talking ooc and riling up each other's muse. You're a lovely person all around and I'm glad to call you a friend. I love how much care and thought you put into your muses, fleshing them out beyond canon (whilst still keeping them in character) and giving them the life that they didn't get in the show. You keep being you, Tina, because you're a damn good person and I appreciate you lots.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 5 years
This Monk LITERALLY bare fist fought Odin
Ok, so I was running a Norse mythology based campaign and the group consisted of a blind kobold assassin, a dragonborn cleric, an elemental ninja, a tiefling bard, a lizardman sorcerer, and a monk/fighter from a different world(i forgot what his race was)
Setting: FimbleWinter just finished killing all life in Midgard, Ragnarok begins, my players took Loki’s side, so they were with Hel throughout  FimbleWinter, they just defeated Freya and are now fighting Odin (our monk is our strongest character)
GM: Odin, in his godly armor and Mjolnir in his hand, is now before you, What do you do?
Monk OOC, before anyone can speak: I call him a bitch for using armor and a weapon!
GM: roll a d20
Monk: nat 20!
GM: *sighs as he has to redo Odin stats* He pulls off his armor and drops his Mjolnir
Long story short, Odin did not win and our Monk is worthy of Mjolnir
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gayregis · 4 years
what are your feelings about geralt and yennefer? either book or game or netflix or all of them?
i agree with most canon*. it’s a good relationship that sapkowski put a lot of effort into developing and writing over the course of all of the short stories and the saga, so i think it tends to get more attention just because the author gave it more attention. i think it’s pretty incredible that geralt and yennefer have this deep relationship without even seeing each other in-person for basically half of the short stories and half of the saga, sapkowski did some interesting things to make that happen, but it ends up working.
i appreciate how geralt and yennefer are two very vulnerable people with issues relating to intimacy and letting others into their life, and they actually aren’t ready to have a relationship before they become more mature and understand what love actually means. imo, their journey to committment is a little too focused on monogamy and looking at relationships through that lense, but that is/was the viewpoint of the author at the time.
the major thing for geralt x yennefer as a ship for me is that i appreciate it in canon, whenever i read their romantic parts i feel it’s sweet, their moments in the end of the last wish, at thanedd, and the end of the assault on stygga castle are really moving and wonderfully written. i like how they speak about each other and feel about each other when they are apart. it’s something i can support and like, i feel a lot of this is tied to them being parents as well but it works overall. 
something i also appreciate about them is how they’re really different from a lot of other m/f relationships. geralt isn’t fucking cruel, he acts like a human being and also has the capacity to apologize and act humble towards yennefer, being kind and caring so much about her feelings and what she wants. yennefer isn’t just a sex toy for geralt, she exists as her own person and is a very strong personality, but also isn’t cruel and doesn’t take him for granted. together, they really do care about one another.
BUT. even though i appreciate it in canon and in all of the parts i have read*. i literally can’t really ever think up my own thoughts or headcanons for them. and the reason for this that they never DO anything together in canon, asides from living together in vengerberg, going to thanedd, and participating in the fight at stygga castle. all they ever do TOGETHER as a couple is stay at home, go to a formal party, or fight for their fucking lives trying to escape the mad torture and grief wrought upon them and their daughter. in the other moments, they are just thinking about each other in loving manners, yearning, if you will, but whenever they are together it’s never an activity with potential for a story.
in my mind i HAVE to compare and contrast yennefer and dandelion and their respective relationships to geralt, just because they’re the two closest adults to him that he has in his life. the issue for me with geryennefer is that it doesn’t have potential like gerlion does. geralt and dandelion do all KINDS of fun, weird things together. mainly they go to festivals and bars, but they also just ride to different cities across the continent and explore, sometimes dandelion accompanies geralt on contracts, sometimes geralt has to meet dandelion in a place significant to him like oxenfurt. dandelion is constantly embroiled in other personal relationship drama. they actually DO a lot of things together, and these different scenarios are really interesting as a fan, because you can just think up unlimited things that they could have potentially done during all of these years. with geralt and yennefer, you can’t really do that because yennefer doesn’t travel, she has a house and a career and is a very esteemed and classy woman. in addition, this is just a personal preference it seems, but i never really get too involved in characters (and thus, ships with those characters in them) that don’t have an element of comic relief to them. geralt and yennefer can be in love, but i don’t know what kind of funny situations they might find themselves in, i don’t know what funny or wacky interactions they might have. and so it’s not all that interesting to me.
similarly, another thing i always compare and contrast geryennefer and gerlion on is that geralt and dandelion are so different. they’re entirely opposites. dandelion is very extroverted, flirty, gets into trouble, and has no issue with vulnerability or intimacy. geralt stays away from people because they despise him, he stays away from drama, and he’s not experienced with intimacy, he is insecure. they have a lot of friction there as two characters interacting with one another because of how different they are and the different lives they have had that influence who they are and who they might know, what they might like to do in a situation. in contrast to this, geralt and yennefer are very similar people. they both have a lot of issues with intimacy and vulnerability that makes them finding each other and developing with each other over the course of the series very compelling and interesting, but boring when you want to think of headcanons or new adventures and interactions for them to have. once they have developed their characters, they will stay developed. unlike with geralt and dandelion, where there will practically always be at the very least a little friction between them because they’re just so fundamentally different.
tl;dr: geralt and yennefer is a compelling and well-developed relationship in canon because sapkowski just poured his entire heart into developing them, they have many endearing moments together and develop their characters together and parallel each other in many ways; however, this means that they’re very similar characters and their goal as a couple is to finally be able to settle down, and that makes them lack potential as a ship to think about as a fan (in relation to thinking of new interactions for them or new situations for them to be in). 
so as a fan who has ships, i have many many headcanons and ideas and fics in-progress (that i will never get around to writing) for gerlion, but basically nothing for geryennefer, which kind of sucks. but i also don’t disregard geryennefer as not canon or something like that, i just think that geralt can have both a boyfriend and a wife because i am disrespectful to sapkowski’s writing of yennefer as a possessive lover and his emphasis on monogamy as the ultimate commitment.
* obviously the shitty things that sapkowski did relating to consent in the last wish and something more (it’s basically canon that sorcerers/esses can hypnotize others into love and sex, but yennefer just chooses not to do this with geralt after the last wish because they Love Each Other Truly or something like this) should be retconned, just as i retcon the fact that geralt slept with barely-legal essi and shani, just as i retcon the off-color comments and jokes that got written for dandelion
games / cdpr
it’s... fine. yennefer got a major personality retcon and a lot of what cdpr says about their relaitonship doesn’t make sense and is pretty cringey, without much depth (apparently, they bonded over making witty puns...?) but it’s also a video game and we finally got to see yennefer and ciri in the witcher games franchise, which is a gift enough of itself, because they’re like, the most important people to geralt. cdpr has this weird infatuation with triss merigold and sexualizes her at every chance they get, her personality is incredibly different from the books, they basically made her really easy to wife up because she’s just very sweet and agrees with everything you say and loves you, so i am just glad that we have another option besides OOC triss. 
but yennefer is also pretty OOC in a lot of parts, she has been rid of all of her character development from the series and even though she makes a lot of sacrifices for ciri, tw3 is incredibly reluctant to call her ciri’s mother, so what was the point of all of this. they also nerfed yennefer incredibly by making her hair salon curls instead of actually naturally curly, stormy hair, so that detracts from her entire character. the fact that she’s working with nilfgaard is just plain laughable and the fact that geralt is ok with this is even more laughable. there’s not even that much ship material between the two in the game and whatever there is is pretty cringey and base with no real depth or intimacy, so i cringe whenever i see a romantic gifset or something of them. it’s yawntown.
i despise netflix version of them because they’re incredibly boring and basic with pretty much every common major issue with depiction of a m/f relationship on screen: huge age cap between cavill and chalotra which is uncomfortable to watch because chalotra is only a few years older than freya allen who is meant to play ciri, geralt’s daughter..., they jump into romance and sex way too quickly (yennefer receives geralt in the midst of a huge orgy and is very seductive and sweet to him instead of zapping his ass with lightning and threatening to kill him, she also bathes in the same bathtub with him immediately instead of turning invisible to make a fool out of him), consent (geralt’s wish in their adaptation of the last wish wasn’t heard by yennefer, and in the end, he says “my plan worked,” which are three words pretty much no one wants to fucking hear after sex), weird homophobic joke upon meeting (yennefer says jaskier is “just a friend, [she] hope[s],” which is... it’s 2019 guys, come on), they argue for pure drama, geralt is sincerely mean to her (laughs at the idea of her being a mother), their intimate scenes are tasteless, they break up by the end of the series in the adaptation of the bounds of reason because geralt was mean to her... 
there’s so many things i can’t even begin to list them all, but those are a few key ones. geralt is just a purely unpleasant character in netflix so he doesn’t deserve to be in love with anyone, and yennefer is such a basic and boring character with no sincere flaws or uniqueness that i can’t be interested in her at all. and together, they’re every heterosexual relationship that has ever existed.
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