#* mga5!
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daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h
ah, i guess i’m still lacking in the end after all ㅋ did the cameras show how much i cried? i hope not ㅠㅠ
daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h
truthfully, it took me a long time to find the words to say. i think now, all i can be is sincere, and speak from my heart, and hope it reaches you well. most of all, i’m apologetic-- to team hollywood, and to sphere. thank you for listening to all of my ideas, and i’m sorry i couldn’t do better for you. i’m sorry to everyone that’s supported me, especially across two seasons of the mgas, for not being good enough to make it to the place you wanted to see me in.
daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h
even if i wish we could’ve ranked higher, i’m still happy with the performances we ended on. @rksakura, i told you, all you needed was to be confident, right? ㅋ i knew you never needed my help, and i’m glad your talent was recognized in the way it deserved to be
daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h
i’m especially sorry to @rkpwj. i’m incredibly grateful i got to work with you the past two weeks, and i’m sorry we couldn’t go on together. i hope this helps you to realize how good you really are, and i hope you know that you deserve this. please don’t be too hard on yourself. we could only do as well as we did because of you. i’m sorry to @rkkenta as well, because i never wanted to leave either of you alone in this, and i wish i was better so i could've held to that. i hope you both know i’m proud of you and will support you always, no matter what
daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h
empty enigma is the best part of my life, and everyone in it is, too. when i joined the show this year, one of my main goals was to get my friends as much love as i could. i received a lot of support last year and i knew they deserved the same, and i’m thankful we achieved that in the end. thank you for supporting us, especially kenta and woojin, and for loving us. please support empty enigma in the future, whatever that future looks like for us
daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h sungwoon, minhyun and i can do what we do best during every show with the band. i watched kenta and woojin’s performances throughout the show, and was constantly reminded that they can’t dance on stage with us. i think they deserved this from the start, and that this was how it was meant to be from the beginning, too
daniel @kdaniel98 • 1h
thank you, everyone, for all of the criticism i received as well, because it’s made me better. you’ll be seeing a lot more guitar from me from now on 😎😎🎸🎸
#rkmga5#;twt#;ee#rkpwj#rksakura#rkxsungwoon#rkminhyun#rkkenta#( * please don't let this be the last thing in my mga5 tag#lowkey cried like a baby )#( i realized how that sounds omg i am a-okay w the results but daniel is distraught#and i cry over empty enigma every day )#( i'm jk it won't be the last thing in the tag#one more 10k solo by friday for old time's sake x )
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• • • astro’s all night ❪ 0:30 — 4:21! ❫ + she’z luv ❪ 0:00 — 3:58! ❫ royal flush's queen of hearts w. kyungsoo, suwoong & eric
there's anticipation prickling at her skin, shivers running up and down her spine the longer time ticks away, and heejin can't help the way her nails dig harshly into her palms— it's all to ground herself, all done to serve as a reminder that this is real, that she truly has come this far.
it's a reminder of her impending future, now glimmering just beyond the horizon as if to tease.
the finals.
heejin had made it all the way to the finals.
the very thought of her imminent success, of all the hard work she'd put in over the last month or so ( nights rendered sleepless in favor of soothing throbbing muscle aches, vocal chords soaked in honey to relieve and mend, heart shaken and shattered only to be put back together by warm hands and yearning gazes ), brings a wistful smile to her lips. there would be no denying her talents now, no sense in keeping her from what she'd done well to earn— what she felt she rightly deserved.
triumph looked beautiful on her, that much heejin was well aware of— the way it'd sat atop her head like a crown, chin high in her poised stance, eyes shining with excitement as a content grin spread across her lips the very moment her team was revealed to have put on the best performance during the semi-finals. that feeling of pure victory, of not only her efforts but the efforts of her teammates as well, of being rightfully acknowledged had been everything.
in that moment, heejin couldn't recall ever feeling as high on stage as she had then.
it serves as motivation immediately. she would finish this competition with a bang, go out with the same lasting impact she'd had with youth of flowers as they took charge of the stage.
it was the final stretch now, and heejin would be damned if she let herself fall and leave with nothing for her efforts.
there's a clear contrast to be seen in their dynamics in comparison to the week before the moment they come together for another week of practices, the air far calmer and easier to breathe, bodies forgoing tense shoulders and careful words in favor of pleasant familiarity and ease. it's an unexpected change, at least to heejin it is, but it's a change she's more than grateful for— she no longer feels as if she's a simple stranger working amongst fast colleagues, no longer feels the strong urge to keep her distance, to only let them in on what she wants to let them in on. no, it's as if a switch had been flicked, their presences alongside hers in their practice room appreciated.
it had been different last week— then, the only thing on her mind had been doing what she needed to in order to ensure her own safety once the final round of eliminations came around, wanting to coast high above the conflicts that seemed to come on after another between the majority of them as best as she could.
however, now, mingling about with her team as they geared up to begin preparations for their final performances together, heejin wanted to do more. she wanted to do more than just do what she needed to do, wanted to do more than simply offer civil smiles and work without even a little bit of fun. after all of the rocky roads they'd traveled with one another only a few short days prior, she felt they deserved at least that much, especially after proving how well of a team they could actually be once conflicts were out of the way.
they had proven they were a force not to be underestimated— having a little fun here and there to make up for lost time was valid.
that fun, surprisingly enough, begins with cheri.
the rush of emotions she feels the moment the older woman walks through their practice rooms door, a surprise celebratory cake held in her hands, cause heejins heart to pick up in its pace— it catches her off guard ( and, judging by her teammates' reactions, it catches them off guard as well if suwoongs eager rise to his feet was anything to go by ), her brows shooting up, hands clasping together in her own bubbling happiness. it's just as she, herself, begins to get up from where she's sat, head down as she quickly adjusts her slightly wrinkled shirt that she hears a sudden plop.
her heart wrenches in her ribcage, head quickly snapping up, eyes immediately bouncing around in search of the cake that'd been in cheri's hands only a few seconds ago. the lower her eyes travel, the more her lips begin to pull into a saddened frown, shoulders deflating as her hands unlock themselves from one another and fall limply at her sides— it's a sad sight to see, already melting ice cream and cake bits unpleasantly smooshed and scattered about the floor, and if it wasn't for the heavy disappointment beginning to take root in the pit on her stomach, she might have found the older woman's reaction to her mistake rather odd.
maybe that's why, as a second cake is suddenly brought in by ella and wonwoo, the first momentarily forgotten about as heejins mouth falls open slightly in shock, their prank is more effective than it might've otherwise been. of all the people in their group to pull a stunt like this, heejin wouldn't have pictured cheri begin its main orchestrator, but maybe that's why it worked so well— this was something she'd never have seen coming.
it's only later, the mess from the first cake having long since been cleaned up, utensils in hand as they all dig into the second cake, that heejin feels herself, ones again, in higher spirits. even when the prospect of calling hyojin, their fallen member, is brought up, she finds herself easily wearing a pleasant grin— while the loss of a member had been inevitable at this point, she wouldn't deny that it'd surprisingly made her sad to see him go ( just like the rest of them, hyojin worked hard to ensure the success of their performance— as the judges had pointed out, however, at least he would be the one to leave a winner in some sense of the word ). during the call, as jokes are made and the mood is kept as light as it can be, heejin can't deny that she's happy.
it surprises her, but she knows, within herself, that it's true— sat amongst her group, cake being enjoyed to the fullest under the caring and watchful eyes of their coaches, heejin is happy that this is the team she'll be seeing the competition to the end with.
as the call ends, they're brought back to their reality— song choices.
the idea of having to put on two performances is a daunting one, especially when both needed to include choreography, something that'd proven to give them a bit of difficulty when it came to their more vocally focused members ( heejin being included in this ). the task, however, doesn't intimidate her the way it might have a few weeks ago. no, with their win from the semi-finals, heejin knew she would be fine— they would be fine. though it may not be by much, she was aware that she had improved some when it came to her capabilities as a dancer, and that she would only continue to improve. what worried her more was the prospect of needing to put together two different performances.
if the task had been to simply one-up what they'd done last week with one last stage, she felt that'd be more doable, having the full week to put in the intense focus needed to ensure everything, again, was perfect. now, however, their time and focus needed to be split between making sure two separate performances were perfect.
as song ideas are thrown around for what their first performance would be, the tone once again needing to reflect that of royal, heejin can't help but think of sphere, the company they'd need to revolve their second performance around. choosing something for royal had been the easiest thing, a unanimous agreement towards all night settling that early on, but sphere proves to be more of a challenge. it's hard for them to all agree on what song to go with, two more boy group choices up in the air, and for a moment, heejin isn't sure if they'll be able to decide. it's only after prompting for opinions from their coaches that they're thrown a curveball— rather than do a song by a boy group, cheri suggests thinking of possible girl group songs.
at the thought, a whole new realm of possibilities seems to open up in heejins mind.
she hates how she'd never even thought of proposing something more feminine for them to do, the overwhelming testosterone emanating from their group causing her to think that going along with things that leaned stronger and more masculine might suit them more than making the boys try to conform to something they might not be comfortable with ( sure, she was a pretty girl, one who could be cute or elegant when she needed to be, but not everyone had that talent ). silently, she's grateful for the way it causes their conversation to do a complete u-turn, providing her with the possible chance to show off more of her own charms the way she had at the beginning of the competition.
with more discussion and options being thrown around, they finally decide on a song for sphere— a song by one of the companies senior artists, luv. heejin can't help the way her excitement only grows as their choices are finally solidified, her eagerness for their sphere stage eminent, and she's ready to get to business.
if only she'd known earlier that business meant doing intense workouts in the form of squats, all in preparation for their all night stage, courtesy of coach ella, only for coach cheri to have them work on their harmonization skills...while still doing squats.
by the time the day ends and she's back home in her room, readying herself for a much-needed shower, heejin feels as tired as she looks, and that's saying something, seeing as she looks like she's been run over by a truck.
it's the final stretch, heejin— it's the final stretch.
if there's one way heejin didn't want to be welcomed to the practice room so early in the morning, her legs still aching from the squats they'd been made to do the day before, a hand raising to rub the last dregs of sleep from her eyes, it's by being scared.
well, by attempting to be scared.
she can't help the way a single brows lifts itself the moment she opens the practice rooms door, suwoong jumping into her field of vision, and she catches sights of kyungsoo lingering off in the corner the former had jumped from with something akin to amusement playing at his features. it's a childish prank, one heejin hasn't had the thought to try doing since she was in middle school, but it's one she doesn't protest against as suwoong quickly tugs her along with him back to where he and kyungsoo had previously been hiding. she does, however, roll her eyes playfully. "you do know you're not exactly quiet, even when you try to be, right? if you couldn't scare me, what makes you think you can scare them!" her words fall from her lips in a hushed rush, but still, she follows along.
she eats her words, however, when the next person to walk through the door, poor, poor eric, is scared by them within an inch of his life.
ok, so maybe they could scare the coaches.
the wait, however, proves to be longer than they'd originally thought it'd be. the longer the four of them are stood there, huddled closely together in order to stay as hidden away as they possibly could, heejin can feel her legs cramping, the need to shift her weight from foot to foot strong. it's only as she begins to roll one of her ankles gently that the door finally opens, and while she doesn't jump with the same enthusiasm that suwoong and eric seem to have, choosing a more laid back approach like kyungsoo, heejin still yells with the intent to startle.
she watches on with a wide grin, arms crossed loosely at her front, and it takes everything in her not to laugh out loud too hard. sure, this little prank was all harmless, done simply as payback for the one the coaches pulled on them, but they're still their coaches— they're authority figures, possible future seniors, and heejin wouldn't let herself be seen as too eager to pull a fast one. not so subtly, she points a finger in suwoongs direction, brows raised, a silent declaration that this was all his idea. quickly, however, she dissolves into another gentle fit of laughter as they help their coaches recover and the day proceeds as they'd originally planned.
it's another day of intense preparations, workouts starting right from the getgo, but the burn is less intense than it had been the day before, so heejin takes that as a sign of improvement.
as the next day progress', they take slight detours— it doesn't surprise her when suwoong approaches her in secret, proposing the idea of secretly shopping around for outfits their group could wear for their stages, his acknowledgment towards her being one of their more stylish members doing nothing but strengthening her pride ( in all honesty, he was correct— to heejin, style was important, no matter the event or occasion. you never knew who you'd see anytime you stepped out of your house, so it was always better to make sure you looked nice on the chance you were suddenly in the presence of someone important. heejin also wouldn't deny that suwoong seemed to have a good read on style himself, so naturally, it made sense for them to take up the task if anyone was going to ).
it's easy to piece together certain looks, both of their outfits coming together quickly. she's happy that yellows, especially the pastel yellow they'd decided to stick to as the main color point of their luv outfits, are still so popular this late into summer, the tennis skirt she'd found pairing nicely with the simpler white blouse she'd latched onto early on in their search.
she's proud of what they're able to find, especially when it comes to erics cute sweater vest, an absolute steal of a find, one they'd practically ripped their hair out in order to find, but they do it despite the odds. kyungsoos attire, however, is where they come to their disagreements— with judgemental stares, heejin does her best to do away with all of the horrid pieces suwoong enthusiastically shows her, her disbelief growing more and more the worse options seem to get. her rejections, in the end, fall on deaf ears, however.
heejin can picture the scene easily as they make their way back to the royal building, kyungsoos protests towards suwoongs choice in clothes for him only a short ways away.
oh well, she had tried.
they run into kyungsoo sooner than they'd planned, however, completely taken by surprise as they watch him put on a solo performance on the streets. her confusion is met by suwoongs equally as confused glances, her head shaking at his questions. "he never mentioned he was gonna be out here to me, either," she speaks, turning back to watch their teammate. her head bops gently to the rhythm of his song. "maybe he wanted to get in a little extra practice performing for a large crowd?"
it's a shot in the dark, one made with pure curiosity.
when they see him again in the practice room, thoughts of his performance as long since forgotten in favor of watching him try and wrestle himself away from suwoong, heejins eyes bright with amusement as they argue over the outfit suwoong had gotten for him, just as she knew they would.
maybe, however, the ruckus is worth it once kyungsoo begrudgingly has the outfit on, kyungsoos face saying it all.
damn, heejin really hoped all of this would be aired.
on tuesday, when suwoong suggests yet another prank, heejin already feels tired.
with them being this was into the week, their practice still going strong for both of their routines the closer saterday gets, heejin has her doubts with trying to pull another stunt. it's not that she doesn't want to, exactly, she just doesn't want them to fall into this sort of routine— of them allowing themselves to get so easily distracted, putting the practice they needed off to the side in favor of pulling joke after joke. sure, they were generally funny, but they had a goal to work towards.
she decides she'll go along with it in the end, however, once she hears how small it'll be. it's harmless in comparison to the stunt they'd pulled before, nothing involving jumpscares. while it does take away from real practice time, it doesn't do so by much, and by the time they've generally got it all down, heejin feels good.
the next day, as the put the plan into action, heejin is sure to keep her face as close to stone as she can, not wanting herself to be the one that gives them away before they even start with a loose grin. as suwoong does the talking, telling the coaches of their sudden want to change their sphere song choice, she gets into position, standing beside kyungsoo in the center of the practice room, suwoong and eric at their sides, the two of them begin to sing. their voices fill the space, ppap falling from their lips as the other two begin to dance. as kyungsoo and heejin finish their lines, erics otamatone suddenly filling the void they've left as they all dance. it's then that heejin finally cracks a smile, letting herself laugh at the sight of their coaches showing their own amusement.
it's all fun and games until they're made to return to their normal practice, morale at an all-time high.
taking the stage for the first of their two performances, heejin is as confident as ever, the four of them stood together as they give their introductions. their voices sign off in unison, clear for the audience to hear. “hello everyone, we are royal flush!”
once it's time for heejin to give out her individual introduction, she does so with a beautiful smile, hands coming together to form a cute heart. "i'm jeon heejin, you're queen of hearts!" with them all having spoken, they quickly get into their starting positions, and the mood of the stage is set right away, just as it had been last week. different flowers and foliage alike decorate the stage, placed with absolute care and balance, flower petals and deep blues playing on the screens behind them to help with the ambiance.
they're visions in white, pure and sweet, and while they all begin on the floor, their expressions already reflect the dream-like effect they hope to give off wonderfully despite only one of them being seen right away— as the music begins and they move with an almost effortless feeling, graceful in their delivery in order to help paint a picture, heejin is sure to give it her all from the start. as kyungsoo opens with his vocals, performing his part with ease, heejin is more than glad for ellas insistence on squats earlier on the week— it makes the rise they all perform as kyungsoo walks across the stage far easier than it would have been otherwise, all of them falling to their knees except for suwoong as he sings his part.
as they all spread out, rolling across the floor to get to their spots, heejin rises with controlled ease, her voice smooth against the slowly picking up beat, eyes finding the cameras with ease. her voice holds strength, however, and not a note is missed.
전하지 못한 얘기 밤새 들려줄 테니 눌러 봐 지금 sending
as the beat picks up more, suwoongs voice finishing off the pre-chorus, kyungsoos lines coming in as they move across the stage, heejin is glad they'd change the spin jump to keep things more controlled. moving to the center, she begins the first part of the chorus, her voice stronger than it'd been before to match the intensity now present.
니 목소린 간질간질 간질 하게 들려 맘이 포근포근 포근하게
moving into her next position, she's sure to keep her movements as fluid as she can as suwoong and kyungsoo do their own parts back to back, doing her best to keep her facial expressions in charge— her eyes say a thousand words despite her silence, gaze holding the camera as they face it, the dread squat move they'd practiced time and time again showing itself as they do it in unison, something that'd taken them a lot of time and dedication to master. she's glad her legs no longer shake as it's done, letting herself move fluidly. when they'd first began learning the dance, certain gestures relating to the crotch area had been a bit much to heejin, but now, she does them as if they're nothing, mirroring the boys, but allowing herself to be a bit softer with it for her own sake.
moving on to erics rap, it's up to everyone not singing to move as a unit, matching the intensity of his rapping as they go along. soon enough, however, heejin take the attention once more.with her vocals, smooth as ever.
아무도 모를 얘기 네게만 해 줄 테니 더 늦기 전에 sending i can't wait, i can't wait, i can't wait
this time, however, she takes on the whole verse, suwoong voice underlying her own with a brief part of his own before he and kyungsoo once again take charge of their own, one singing part of the chorus, only to hand it off to the other to finish it.
as she takes the center to finish off the chorus, the boys falling to their knees slowly as they dance together, heejin lets herself throw a gentle wink to the camera, her side profile on display for only a moment, a feature she knows is a killer.
그저 밤새 듣고 싶은 것은 니 목소리뿐이거든
as the next rapping portion begins, this one shorter than the first, their dancing takes it down a slight notch, allowing them the freedom to move without needing to push themselves too hard, but still showcasing fluidity and unison in their bodies. it's all about the timing, about the rhythm of the song, together working hand in hand. making their way to the floor move by move, traveling along it as the go, heejin prepares herself, rising from where she lays as she sings once more.
어느새 고운 숨소리 속삭이듯 잠이 드는 너
unline the original choreography, however, heejin doesn't simply stay stationary as she delivers her high note. no, as her vocal pierce through the air, strong and clear, she makes her way across the stage, nearing suwoong. she feels him take her wrist loosely, just as they'd planned, letting him pull her farther in as her note fades off, and he delivers his own line, their killing part completed as they hold one another in a lenient embrace. parting from one another as they move into the last portions of the song, heejin gives beautiful adlibs the entire way before she sings once more.
잠이 들 때 듣고 싶은 것도 니 숨소리뿐이거든
as they shout together one last time, confetti shoots into the air, fluttering prettily around them, the stage, and the audience. the song reaching its end as they deliver their finishing line, they move as one to find their ending pose positions. singing the performances final line, heejin give it as much heart as she can, head tilted slightly as it all comes to a close.
그저 밤새 듣고 싶은 것은 니 목소리뿐이거든
by the time they take the stage for their final time, the mood and tonal shift from their first stage is already apparent— gone are the all-white ensembles they'd worn previously, their outfits this time consisting of the pretty pastel yellow and white clothes she'd gone out to buy with suwoong earlier in the week.
as they introduce themselves for a final time, both kyungsoo and suwoong being given the time needed to give light explanations as to why they picked this particular song, they set off into their formation, taking their starting positions. as their track begins, so does heejin, taking the opening vocals.
기억하나요 우리 함께 했던 시간 l.o.v.e luv 설레이나요 한 땐 모든 것이었던 l.o.v.e luv
in comparison to everything else they've done during their time as a group, this is by far the least intense ( maybe even the least interesting ), but to stand out and take charge hadn't been the point of this songs choice. no, they'd already proven they could impress viewers, had already shown their strengths in a variety of ways, taking on challenges and bettering themselves as days passed. now wasn't the time to blow people out of the water. now was a time for reminiscing, remembering the good times they'd had over this season, and seeing just how far they've come.
her voice is sweet, but with a certain heaviness to it, clear in its tone as she delivers her lines with ease and kyungsoo sings next. following in the vein of not trying to blow people minds, heejin had been happy for the songs easier choreography in comparison to all night, the moves doable without much of a hassle, providing them ample time to learn it perfectly in order to give them the time they needed to perfect their first performances dance. now, they move together with ease, and as the song progress with heejin singing small lines hear and there underneath her partners' main vocal lines, heejin comes to the center once more the begin the chorus.
기억하나요 우리 함께 했던 시간 l.o.v.e luv 설레이나요 한 땐 모든 것이었던 l.o.v.e luv
moving through the chorus, a small breakdance is done without fail, heejins body moving along to the beat with a gentle hop to her step, eyes finding the camera to give it a wink as the hit their final move, the next verse starting up immediately as they take their next positions. again, her voice chimes in here and there during certain parts of the song, taking the back seat as the boys do their parts.
this time, however, instead of her next lines being the start of the next chorus, she takes of the beginning of the pre-chorus as they form a skewed line across the stage, heejin being most in the foreground as they dance. head tilting from side to side with each step, she's sure to make her eyes slightly larger, brows furrowed gently as she sings.
너와 나 너무 행복했던 그 시간 서로를 마주 볼 때면 yeah
then, after eric takes the attention as he sings and finishes up the pre-chorus, heejin comes back to begin the chorus once more.
기억하나요 우리 함께 했던 시간 l.o.v.e luv 설레이나요 한 땐 모든 것이었던 l.o.v.e luv
as the bridge begins, the song building up lightly as suwoong and eric sing, only to come together right before heejin walks through the center, her hand takes hold of the flower that'd been carefully pinned to her shirt before they'd walked onto the stage. taking slow strides towards the front as she sings, the flower in hand, she tosses it towards the camera as she strongly holds out the last note in her line.
넌 나의 기억 속에 추억 어딘가 그렇게 남아있���
then as they move about and find they're places for the final chorus, they let their voices come together in a unified shout, prompting the audience to dance along with them for this final stretch, a way of including them, those who'd watched them through the season and gave them the support they needed to do well. "do it with us!" it's meant to be a special moment, one that doesn't fail at making heejins lips turn upwards gently into a smile, eyes scanning the crowd as they do, in fact, join in. it's a wonderful moment, one she's not sure she'll ever have the pleasure of enjoying in this way ever again, but she won't let thoughts like that bring her down.
not now, when there was nothing left for her to feel but happiness.
as the song comes to a close, the four of them sing the songs ending line together, coming together for their last finishing pose together. a heart made up of their arms, heejin and eric making up the top of it while kyungsoo and suwoong join their arms to form the point below.
her chest heaves with exertion, taking deep breaths as they hold their pose, but heejin doesn't mind the aches she feels beginning to take root in her bones. no, she would never mind if they were a result of this, a product of the time and work she put in to her time on stage.
no, heejin wanted more of it, because to feel that meant she was doing what she was meant to do.
this was where she was meant to be.
지나버린 우리 얘기
#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › THE SOLOS.#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › MGA5.#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › WC: 4825.#rkmga5#rkmga5finale#rkkyungsoo#rksuwoong#ericxrk#rkcheri#rkella#rkwon#( THIS BITCH DONE I Y E E T#( click the song titles to line distributions!
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hottest mga5 kids?
oh. my. GOD.
literally, okay, i held onto this question because like i said, i didn’t really know who was who in the first episode there were so many people it was hard for me to keep track. you’re pretty much mistaken if you didn’t think i was going to start off with the love of my life, my MAN ( don’t kill me, boyfie - ) romeo ~~ choi minho ~~~~~ we all been knew he was a talented, wonderful piece of work but like !! seeing him onstage yesterday reminded me just how much i missed seeing him there? it’s kind of sad because a lot of people pale in comparison to the experience he has … it’s almost really obvious who had training with companies and debuted before …
honestly, i’m a little teensy bit concerned with what they’re going to do with my baby boy, because we all know mnet likes to stir up a lot of drama. he may have came out on top this round ( which reminds me - i am so proud of him???? ) but i feel like …. they’re gonna do him dirty. but that could just be me because i’m afraid for him on this show after everything that went down with convex ….
anyways!!! there were a lot of cute boys this season ( and really pretty girls !!! ) so i’m gonna mention a few that caught my eye in each category !!! i’m just gonna stick with the kids who are still on the show even though i have some … thoughts on that honestly …. i just don’t wanna write about people we won’t know much about going forward. we all know that i can talk for. ev. er. so i’m just gonna like .. put it in bullet form LOL (-‸ლ) sorry about that but not really
keep in mind i know literally nothing about almost any of these people beyond what’s been shown on the show so like. can’t really talk all that much about them zzzz
ALSO this is a talent competition not a modeling contest so like, “ hottest” doesn’t really apply but obviously i think all of my picks are good looking so …. take that as you will …
PARK JINYOUNG - listen, i really like his vocal tone …. i feel like he can really go far on that alone, but who am i to judge? plus he’s like. super really good looking and i can’t take my eyes away from that soooo i guess he’s gonna be one of my top picks for now !!
NAM JOOHYUK - here’s a diamond in the rough !! listen, what is with his amount of screen time? mnet, we want answers !!!!! you pass him, you should show him more often …. look he’s so tall … and dreamy …… i’m sad i wanna see more 。゚・ (>﹏
JEON HEEJIN - look, don’t flame me i know she’s the one who got the top spot but it is for a !! reason y’all !!!! actually everyone who got top spots this week in every category deserve some attention tbh BUT jeon. heejin. my little darling baby did you see how modest she was accepting her top spot i love her she deserves the WORLD
i’m gonna be a lil more critical of the dancers bc i like ……….. dancers ………… i know it’s not everything and i know i’ve said that before but like ……………. i still like me a good dancer ok
KIM JUNGEUN - tbh i was surprised someone did this kind of routine on the mgas??? it’s definitely not a kpop thing but it was still stunning so i’m here to stan !!! girl get your crown !!! can i just say that the girl who called her a mess is a mess herself????? like jeez, you obviously don’t know dance talent when you see it ….
LEE SUWOONG - lovable goofball quality but what’s really important to me is that he knows how to have fun ❤❤ i’m glad that he finds such enjoyment in what he does, it makes it easier to enjoy his performances !!!
leaving minho out of this one bc like. i already spent two paragraphs and too many posts talking about him, so y’all know how i feel lol
can i just say ALL THE FEMALE RAPPERS?????????????????????? straight up giving the boys a run for their money let me love all of you and give you kisses ☆⌒ヽ(*‘、^*)chu
SEO CHANGBIN - yeah, i know, another boy who was in the top of his class but like listen …… there is a good reason for all of that ok …. mom, i love him ;;;;;
anyways, i think that’s it !!! can’t wait for episode three !!!
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hwang yeji & the interview mentioned ; @rktaeyang, @rkyuri, @rkchwev, @ryujinrk, @danielxrk, @rkjeongin, @rksuwoong, @rkkhg, @rkkyg, @rkchoutzuyu
an interview portion, it would be a nice way to pass the time while the judges made the important decision of who to send through to the next round and who would stay. yeji hoped her friends would make it and herself of course but so far– at least she tried out for the mgas this year, last year she was a by stander and she couldn’t even watch it.
when it was her time she walked into the room, smiling nervously at the staff that was there– wondering what kind of questions they would give her– yeji sat down, her lips trembling a little as she rested her against the back of the chair.
“how did you feel when you recieved the news of the callback?”
yeji remebered the feeling– “i was excited i felt stressed becuse i had to come up with another dance routine in a short amount of time,” she nodded, “i think it turned out alright in the end– i had a lot of fun dancing in front of the five judges– ceos.”
“what did you think when they were revealed?”
it was a natural question to follow up after she mentioned them first, “first of all i was stunned because its my first time seeing them– then second i thought both ms. katie lee and baek jiyoung were amazing, two women in the middle of these men– katie lee is as pretty as the pictures and hyun bin is as handsome as ever? how is that even possible?”
“any performances you liked today? who do you think will go through to next phase?”
it was impossible for her to pick just one and she hoped that wasn’t what they expected her to do, “yoo taeyang– he dances so well, how could he not go through? also jo yuri, her voice is so fresh and nice to listen too, she shines when she’s on stage.” yeji smile slightly, “there is also uh, this rapper– his name was chwe hansol… sshi? he looked like he was made for stage as well and his rap was better than i expected,” yeji wans’t lying– she knew he suited the spotlight form his past but she had never really heard or seen him rap. it made the older male even more charming and during his performance she simply couldn’t keep her eyes off him, shamelessly staring– “also doesn’t he look like that american actor?? leonardo dicaprio– i think the judges are gonna pick him for sure.” yeji thought for a couple more seconds– “then there is ryujinnie~ she’s my friend and i know she is a good dancer and pretty, so why woudln’t they want her as well.”
“you are related to kang daniel and yang jeongin, how did you think their performances went?”
upuntil now it had just felt like they had generic questions but when they suddenly asked about her cousins she wrinkled her nose– “ah jeonginnie and daniel oppa? i think daniel oppa showed an improved version of himself, from last year– i hope he makes it and as for jeongin, he’s a good singer and i think they would regret it if they didn’t let him through.”
“what about you and your performance?”
yeji hesitated for a little, “i don’t want to toot my own horn but i think i did well– there were so many talented people here today so i don’t think i did better–” yeji knew she was one of the more powerful dancers, after watching everyone, she knew but it wasn’t something she wanted to say outloud– “i hope the judges see something in me, if i get through i’ll show them even more.”
“is there a contestant that caught your attention?”
with all her heart she wanted to mention hansol again-- but she stopped herself, instead she thought about it thoroughly, “i think... what was his name... uh, the one that performed a trot version of lc9′s ring ding dong-- his performance was different, so it caught my attention. also i liked the performances of yugyeom ssi and kang hyunggyu ssi, they danced really well. also jeong heejin ssi’s performance struck me, her voice was surprisingly soothing. not to mention she’s beautiful?” yeji nodded slowly, “oh and tzuyu un... ssi,” correcting herself before continuing, “was really ethereal when she performed, the song suited her.”
when she finished the interview portion she walked out-- sighing softly as she realized she could have mentioned so many more but there were so many performances, the recornding had been going on for hours already and she could barley rememeber the earliest ones. yeji walked to find her seat again-- her feat tapping with nervous excitement.
#rkmga5callback#rkmga5#rktaeyang#rkyuri#rkchewv#ryujinrk#danielxrk#rkjeongin#⟨ ✦ .*・。゚┊ solo ⟩#⟨ ✦ .*・。゚┊ mga5 ⟩#rksuwoong#rkkyg#rkkhg#rkchoutzuyu#wc: 716#[ ten people mentioned im#[ q ]
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Lee Coco’s MGA5 Callback (Performance) Performing - El Latido de mi Corazón - Luis Ángel Gómez Jaramillo (00.04 - 01.58) Quote - “Win it all, make them fall for you, give your best” Thanks to William for teaching Coco how to play the guitar
Oh. OH.
She passed? She managed to get pass the audition, hadn’t she? Out of several people to pick from, she and 99 other contestants were the ones who had passed. Oh. This was quite pleasant, wasn’t it? It was like in middle school, under the talents shows, she was always the one to win, perhaps she could be the one to win in this too, couldn’t she? Well hopes shouldn’t go too much up, she hadn’t joined to win, she had joined to have fun, winning wasn’t what was important, it shouldn’t be. Of course she was going to continue giving her all, continue to show something new, to surprise whoever was watching, even if winning wasn’t necessary, shouldn’t she at least try to win? Honestly Jangmi had been even more excited than Coco had, everybody had been more excited than her, she had still yet to tell her brother, but he could wait. Mother and father had given her a lot of compliments, they were sure she would do great on the program. Jangmi and her other friends seemed perhaps too happy, they were fully sure about the fact that Coco would win the whole show. Coco wasn’t so sure about winning the MGAs, she had seen the last season, and she knew talented people joined competitions like these. But if she remembered right then the MGAs aren’t all about talent, charisma and grabbing people’s attention and hearts can be just as important, and that’s something Coco can do, get all the attention she wants and making people fall for her soft and cute personality.
Surprisingly there were quite many faces she recognized, and the person she sat next to was also a familiar face; Kyungsoo. The guy who had come and visited her grandparents, however they weren’t home and he ended up visiting her instead, he had given her a sandwich then and she had in her mind given him the nickname ‘sandwich guy’. It felt comfortable sitting next to someone she knew, however it did also start making her think a lot. Of her grandmother of course, did he know what had happened? If not, should she tell him? Her grandmother wasn’t around anymore, and the thought made her sad, for a second she felt tears pressing on, but that couldn’t be happening, her cheerful and cute personality was what she was supposed to be known by.
Normally she’s quiet and shy, that she can’t be while on the show, sometimes maybe, but that’s only off stage to support her cute image, on stage she’s got to show her everything. She walks up happily on the stage with her guitar in her hands, as she stands on the center of the stage she lets go of the guitar and lets it hang by the strap around her shoulder. She knows the judges, but only from the previous seasons and Jangmi, one thing she knows however is that she should impress them if she wants to go further than just this. She looks at the judges for a second with a big smile on her lips before stretching out her arms and waving her hands, just like a child happy to see someone they have missed. “Hii ~ “ and like a child she stretches the word to sound cute, cuteness comes naturally to her and she doesn’t the least mind acting cute, while she knows a lot of people judge those who act cute, she also knows a lot of people fall for the child-like people. And then she puts a tot of her hair behind her ear. She steps a bit forward to the microphone before talking, she puts her mouth close to the microphone as she looks up and shows her cute puppy eyes “I’m Lee Coco, I will be performing one of my favorite songs from the movie Coco” she smiles brightly at her own words, the cute voice already turned on when she stepped into the building, and she’s not planning on letting go off it until she steps out again.
And then she takes the guitar in her hands again. It was her brother William who has taught her how to play, he himself plays too, but he’s far better than her at playing the instrument, maybe if he was in Korea he could’ve given her advice and helped her learn the song, but he wasn’t and there wasn’t anything to do about that. She studied Spanish in high school and lived in Spain for three months, she still has friends from Spain and regularly speaks Spanish with them, her Spanish skills are rather good, at least good enough for her to sing in Spanish. If she remembers right nobody has ever on the MGAs sung a song in Spanish, hopefully her choice of song can surprise the judges, if not, then hopefully they like her voice, her personality, and her guitar skills.
She looks down at the guitar at first as she plays is and then she looks up again, showing an innocent-looking expression.
Dirás que es raro lo que me pasó Parace que anoche te encontré en mis sueños Las palabras que dije se volvieron cancion Versos que tuyos son y el recuerdo nos dio
The first two lines goes with ease, they have a sentimental feeling to them, and Coco knows how to fake sadness, she sings the words as if she means them, with sadness in her heart and eyes. The song isn’t sad at all, she knows that, she has no idea about whether people understands what she sings or not, but hopefully they think she sings beautifully enough. The two following lines are not as sad as the first, slowly as she sings a smile shows on her face, a small and cute one. She asked her Spanish friends for help with the pronunciation, and as far as she knows she pronounces the words quite greatly, if not then most likely none of the judges speak good enough Spanish to notice.
Una melodia bella que el alma taco Con el ritmo que vibra en nuestro interior Amor verdadero nos une por siempre, en el latido de mi corazón Amor verdadero nos une por siempre, en el latido de mi corazón
The smiles grow bigger on her lips as the song continues. She plays the guitar with ease, even though she would’ve preferred if her brother had been in Korea to help her, she knows how to play a guitar by herself, she has done it for multiple years, and playing a guitar might be one of the few things she’s good at.
Ay, mi familia, oiga, mi gente, canten a coro nuestra canción Amor verdadero nos une por siempre, en el latido de mi corazón Ay, mi familia, oiga, mi gente, canten a coro nuestra canción Amor verdadero nos une por siempre, en el latido de mi corazón
The smile grows even bigger, if that could even be possible. She plays the movie in her head, thinks of all the love she has ever gotten, she needs to express the love and happiness in the song, and she does her best to do so. Coco knows that she is no Celine Dion, but hopefully she’s good enough, hopefully she can win them over with her charms, her singing and guitar skills aren’t the only important thing right now.
And then the song comes to its end, she exhales loudly once, high tones aren’t something she’s very used to, hopefully she sang good enough. Once again she lets go off the guitar and lets it hang around her neck. She has made her own signature move of hers, it’s a strategy, it’s like Jihoon from Produce 101, he got his ‘save you in my heart’ and she got her ‘please support me’, her move is something people can remember and connect her to. She sticks out her right hand first and shows a thumb up “please” she says with a loud and cute voice “support me” she continues as she sticks out her left hand.
Her performance has come to an end, and she’s satisfied, hopefully the judges are too.
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MGA: SEASON FIVE, ‘19! episode zero ⇢ the callback part one: dancing + singing, chi chi’s “into the new world” the fromis_9 edition ( 0:00 - 1:55 )
kokoro stares at the email sitting in her inbox with utter disbelief. and for a good while, too. she is hesitant to click on it, still so absorbed by the text in the title and what it is she’s reading. but she somehow manages to convince herself to actually delve a little deeper and read the actual email, rather than the title ten times over. and so she does, once and then twice before going back over it a third time. is this what she thinks it is? is this really a ... callback notice? it couldn’t be that, no ... why would they contact kokoro for a callback? she furrows her brows, reading the email again. she’s tempted to forward the email to yuri to ask if she’s reading it correctly. maybe yuri would then tell her that this is more so a thanks for trying notice. that would settle her nerves, kokoro knows she’s looking way too far into this. and after forwarding it to yuri, turns out this wasn’t a scam or a prank of sorts. kokoro had read this entirely correctly. it really was a callback.
and kokoro was invited.
it really felt like only yesterday that kokoro had began to contemplate auditioning for the show.
it only felt like yesterday that kokoro had began contemplating on auditioning for the show; night after night of going back and forth on a dream she thought she had left behind when she moved to seoul. the first audition had come and gone in an absolute blur, and somehow no one had really gotten suspicious about kokoro’s whereabouts on that very day. and now here she was, at an actual television set, with two of her best friends. bright lights hanging overhead and large, expensive cameras directed towards her and the rest of the contestants. kokoro sits upright in her chair, bright eyed, doing her best to survey her surroundings. she follows the prompts given to her by staff members and producers carefully, knowing there is no room for mistakes. this is going to be going to air, on actual live television. kokoro totally lets the fact that her mother or her step-sister might see this, and if she does think it, she pushes it to the back of her mind. for now. she’s sitting with yuri and yuqi, feeling less nervous about performing in front of a large crowd, but she can’t help but wonder who the panel of judges will be made up of.
kokoro ends up finding a lot of familiar faces amidst the crowd of contestants around herself, yuri and yuqi. she finds yoona, her dance dance revolution companion and jeongin, the k.arma fan from the showcase she went to a month or two back. she even happens across the boy from the royal cafe who ended up wearing her hot chocolate, a memory she would much rather forget. she hopes and prays that he doesn’t look back and catch sight of her. kokoro would of never of taken him for someone like her, a hopeful of sorts, someone looking to break into the industry. he seemed too ... cool for that. but everyone was here for their own reason, as basic or complex as it may be. and who was kokoro to judge? she was here for her own reason, albeit generic. there are hushed whispers and questions about who is going to be sitting on the panel for this round, and some people offer up guesses while others keep their lips sealed in anticipation. the 100 chairs have been filled by contestants, eagerly waiting for their chance to shine.
and then their questions have been answered. appearing from out of nowhere, or so it seems, is the ceos of the five, top companies in south korea, trc entertainment, kt entertainment, sphere entertainment, royal entertainment and nova entertainment. the reaction is positive, kokoro is guessing that a lot of people are losing their minds right now, although some people are probably dreading the fact that the ceos are getting involved so early in the competition. and no one’s fate has been set in stone. kokoro’s reaction is a mixture of surprise and excitement. she realises that she’s never seen the ceos up close before, or actually ever. everyone looks so big and famous, kokoro isn’t too sure that they’re all worthy to be sitting in the same room as these people.
the callback process begins as one would expect. one by one, each contestant is called forward to show off their skills. they have two minutes to impress the judges and ignite fear in their fellow contestants before returning to their seat and so on. that was the jist of things, or that’s at least what kokoro understood after the first two people had gone forward. she pulls at the hem of her skirt. she knows that from here on out, her charms and cuteness alone aren’t going to get her very far and kokoro starts to understand that maybe she’s not cut out for this sort of stuff. the other contestants are really good dancers, really good singers and really good rappers, almost brimming on trainee or idol level good. kokoro though, hasn’t ever really had any formal training. she’s taken some dance classes and she was in school choir. her parents were never really big on her joining an academy to perfect her skills, well, her father was persistent that kokoro do what make her happy. her mother on the other hand, she was adamant about kokoro doing well in school and with her studies. having had her father absent during her teenage years, it’s easy to see the path kokoro had followed. the path free of any hopes and dreams she had.
“and next up, we have ... kato kokoro.”
amidst her thoughts, kokoro’s name is called. she’s rather startled, looking across to the panel of judges, spotting katie lee, holding a microphone. it was a woman’s voice in introduced her, so it must of been katie lee. kokoro smiles, getting to her feet before making her way down to the front of the stage, being careful to not step any toes or trip on anything. because that would be very kokoro of her and typical, especially since this was going to be aired on television. she pulls her skirt straight before falling into a polite bow, holding it for a moment before standing upright once again. brushing both of her twin tails back over her shoulder, she looks towards each of the ceos with a bright smile. “hello everyone!” she says enthusiastically, waving both of her hands either side of her face. “my name is kato kokoro, please take care of me.” she doesn’t let on to what it is she’s performing today, and she hasn’t any intentions. the opening notes of the song will do all the talking for her. into the new world, by the nation’s girl group, chi chi. kokoro had heard that it was a song of importance to young people in south korea, a song of hope.
it was a song she had heard prior to coming to south korea, it was just one of those songs that transcended languages and touched her heart. and that’s what she wants to do today, give a performance that is full of heart. an idol to kokoro is someone who brings others joy through song and dance. they may not necessarily be the best, but when they dance, they give their all. their passion shows. although kokoro is fearful that she may not be as skilled as some of the other contestants in terms of technique or skill, she knows that she has the ability to out do them in one aspect; in heart. she knows, standing there, center stage that this routine will be full of it.
and the song begins to play. it’s familiar to everyone in the room. it’s a song that everyone knows the words to, even kokoro. admittedly, she hesitated upon choosing a korean song to sing at her callback, but she needs to prove that she’s competent with the language. maybe not so much with interviews and general speaking, but with singing. she wants to prove something to herself. she stands there, hands gently folded behind her back as she looks out towards the panel of judges. as the beat drops, kokoro’s smile widens and she nods her head, moving forward into the choreography seamlessly. for a song that is over ten years old, it’s aged very well.
i want to tell you, even though the sad times have already past. close your eyes and feel my moved heart, my gaze at you.
don’t wait for a special miracle, there’s a tough road in front of us, with unknowable an unknowable future and obstacles, i won’t change. i can’t give up.
kokoro’s voice is soft, her accent present. however, thankfully the tone of the song works with her, rather than against her. the beginning of the song is much more forgiving and kokoro knows she doesn’t have the vocal chords to challenge the end of the song with the high notes and the adlibs. she isn’t out here to butcher a korean classic. a part of kokoro can’t help but wonder if she really is good enough, strong enough to withhold the idol industry of korea. perhaps they aren’t interested in heart; performances that are wholesome and meaningful. perhaps they really do only believe in the best of the best. she knows too well that she isn’t the best dancer, nor the best vocalist but kokoro makes sure that she hits every single dance move, sharp and precise, as though this is dance dance revolution and she’s out to hit her highest score yet. even despite the foreign words flowing from kokoro’s mouth, something about this feels so normal to her.
protect me with an unchanged love, also my wounded heart. looking in your eyes, no words are needed, time has stopped.
the song builds ever so slowly, inching towards the chorus. and as the song builds up, so does kokoro’s energy. the chorus hits and kokoro quite literally jumps into it, her smile becomes bigger and brighter. this is the feeling she chases, the feeling she so desperately wants others to feel. when people hear the music they love, they should want to get up onto their feet to dance and sing along. she wonders if the other contestants, or even the ceos themselves are surprised by her song choice ... or perhaps it was a given that she, the foreigner, would perform a classic like into the new world? into the new world was a right of passage for so many girl groups in korea, so why couldn’t it be a right of passage for a hopeful like herself?
i love you, just like this. the longed end of wandering, i leave behind this world’s unending sadness.
in the many unknowable paths, i follow a dim light. it’s something we’ll do together to the end, into my new world.
she is no longer fearful of the outcome of this callback. whether she goes beyond her wildest dreams or falters right here, right now; she has come to realise that she is grateful for one thing; the opportunity to feel again, to feel this happy, this confident and this comfortable whilst dancing and singing to a song like such. the song cuts short before the dance break, which kokoro would of happily performed, only doing so would of pushed her over the two minute mark. pushing her hand outwards to her side she sings the final words of the chorus; it’s something we’ll do together to the end, into my new world. before finishing as she started, hands laced together behind her back. her chest rises and falls ever so slightly, she’s ashamed to admit she’s out of breath. but perhaps not so much from the singing and dancing itself, but from the excitement and the emotion she’s feeling right now. and not even then does her smile falter. it’s kokoro’s one constant. she gracefully falls into a bow, her twin tails becoming curtains, blacking out her vision for a moment before she straightens herself up, brushing them back behind her shoulders. she looks around at the other contestants and the ceos one last time, wanting desperately to savour this moment. it could be the last time she sees a stage like this ...
or it could be the beginning of something new.
#✧ ┋ mga5.#rkmga5#rkmga5callback#( tagged bc mentioned! )#rkyuri#rkyq#rkbclla#rkjeongin#rkchris#( she's wearing what fromis_9 is wearing except in pastel green instead of pink )#( and she's got matching hair bows because it's rkkokoro were talking about )
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she’s never felt as nervous as sitting amongst so many talented people waiting for each name to be called. for a moment, she’s bitter that her family name hadn’t been ahn or bae so the metaphorical band-aid could be ripped off early, but at least she isn’t yoon siyeon. a silver lining amongst her sweaty palms and trembling fingers, perhaps, but it isn’t enough, especially as they reach the nohs and she knows park must be next.
there’s no doubt in her mind that they’ll skip straight past her name. after all, hadn’t it been a miracle that she’d gotten here in the first place? being part of the top hundred ( for whatever reason ) had already been barely believable, but getting any further than this— isn’t it impossible? but then they skip straight past jeno and siyeon’s eyes widen and her jaw drops as she looks over at him, unsure how to read his expression. if they eliminated jeno, who undeniably brought far more to the competition than she did, there’s no way— but she does and she feels like her heart stops, her breath caught in her throat.
and then the guilt settles in. not just for jeno, but for all the contestants who were easily more talented than her, more passionate, more desperate for this chance. she’s so grateful, of course, and still in shock long after the recording ends and they’re all sent home, but she can’t help the lingering thoughts that there are people who felt like this was their last chance or worse, their only chance, that she has taken the place of.
“they chose you for a reason. they didn’t choose them for a reason. it might not make a lot of sense to you why, but they know what they’re doing.” her grandmother reassures her when they watch the episode together on the following saturday. “you worked hard, siyeonie. be proud of yourself.”
she finally decides on a song for the next round on sunday morning. spending the last few days testing out different tracks from her endless spotify playlists, she’d become so overwhelmed to the point where she almost resorted to picking one from a hat, but the idea alone makes her grimace. putting her position in the show in the hands of fate seems like a risky move; siyeon’s never had much faith in letting things happen as the world intends. if you want something, you work for it, you don’t wait for it to fall into your lap, after all.
it’s still a slower, softer song like the tracks she’s performed before. this time, however, it’s a piano ballad entirely in english. whether or not the choice to sing in a foreign language will backfire on her she doesn’t know, though she can’t imagine it would. even if they can’t understand the words, hopefully the emotion she intends to lace into her voice will be enough to move those watching regardless.
her mirror is her audience for the following few days. at first, seeing her own expressions reflected back to her makes her cheeks flush to match her vibrant hair, but eventually, she grows used to the lines on her forehead as she puts her all into singing each word. she becomes familiar with the way her eyes delicately close towards the end of the pre-chorus, with the way her heart hammers in her chest as she belts out the outro.
as the filming nears, she becomes more energised, more nervous but excited. she has a good feeling about her performance — that even if she doesn’t make it to the next round, she’ll have at least stood and given her all, given something that she’s proud of.
when she arrives and takes her seat, flattening her dress beneath her and over her lap, the nerves ultimately begin to take control. her eagerness to perform had dwindled seeing the forty-nine chairs laid out for the other contestants, some already in their places, and the five ceo’s seats, looming over them. singing for them will get easier, she’s sure, but for now, it’s still terrifying. they’ve seen, worked with, the best of the best and here she is; not a formal singing lesson to her name, barely even a singer at all, and yet standing on stage ( in due course, anyway ) and silently begging for a chance to continue progressing through such a heated competition.
surely, this has to be the end of her journey here, right? she closes her eyes momentarily, stares down at the floor to recompose herself.
eventually, filming starts.
she’s fourteenth of twenty-one singers to go up if she remembers correctly. again, comfortably in the middle, with enough people before her to psych her out, but enough after that at least she doesn’t have everyone to follow on from. ( although, on the other hand, her performance would’ve been the freshest in their mind from singers, but she figures that with all the dancers and rappers still to go after them, it won’t make any difference. )
“park siyeon.” her name has never sounded so unfamiliar. she almost doesn’t realise it’s her turn, almost doesn’t move to take the stage once the previous girl has taken her seat again. she tugs on the bottom of her dress as she makes her way there, stands ready in her spot with a microphone in her hand.
before the music can start, she transports herself to her bedroom in front of the mirror. she’s just singing to herself again, to her audience of old childhood teddy bears and her grandma who thinks siyeon doesn’t know she has her ear pressed to her bedroom door. she sighs an inaudible breath out, moving the microphone to her mouth only when she’s done.
“hello, I’m park siyeon,” she announces in a smaller voice than usual from her. usually, however, she isn’t stood before fifty-four watchful eyes and countless cameras. “I’ll be singing one by lewis capaldi.” she shuffles on her feet, waits alertly for the music to start. she only has a single note, a single second to prepare herself to sing, after all. the worst thing she could do now is miss her opening cue.
she gave you love, but it wasn't enough you had your mind set out on other things can't sleep at night, now you're paying the price you let another come and take your place
english, having been her primary language for the better part of three of the last four years, nearly sounds more comfortable on her tongue than her native. it flows smoothly, confidence spilling out of her perfect pronunciation, syllables clear and accent distinct. she’d perhaps had preferred a tinge to her voice not so ‘posh’, but how can she have avoided picking it up at boarding school? she loved her friends back in england but she couldn’t deny that they weren’t all the stereotypical queen’s english rich kids she’d seen in movies. that was their charm, though, and now it’s her’s, her voice unique against the other contestants. she doesn’t think it’ll give her much of an edge but every little helps, right?
the song allows her to fully experiment with runs, lines often ending in drawn-out notes that the original singer flaunts his own colour through. her voice is softer than his as she moves through the second ( but her first ) verse, but it doesn’t take long for it to pick up both in volume and power. that’s where it stands out so starkly from the songs she’d sung previously. whilst it still has its ups and downs, a ballad such as this requires her to put a little more oomph into her tone than before. instead of making her audience feel relaxed or happy, he wants them to feel her gratitude — the singer’s gratitude for the man who didn’t realise what he had until she was gone, until she met the singer. siyeon hasn’t been through anything like that before, can’t completely relate to the emotions he’s feeling, but she knows she doesn’t have to have. what’s important is that she can convey it regardless, and she thinks of other things she’s grateful for that she could have easily lost or never had. her grandmother’s thriving health now that she’s here to help around the house. this opportunity. the love her parents showed her growing up, their support with this show, with any dream she’s ever had when they could have easily demanded she followed in their footsteps, been the heir to their business that they had been for her mother’s parents. as always, her eyes flutter closed as she moves through the pre-chorus, her voice fluctuating through strong and soft as she draws from all the fluttering in her heart and the nerves in her stomach.
you don't know what you got till it's gone know when it's right till it's wrong in search of perfect when you had it with you all along you broke her heart down with ease now I'm pickin' up every piece you must be so hard to please
she takes a deep breath as she transitions into the chorus, finally hitting — so far — the highest notes and strongest belts. for others, perhaps this would be a walk in the park, but for siyeon, it’s meticulously practised, it’s smoothly executed thanks to countless hours repeating it over and over until it had been perfect and then over and over again to make sure it’s always flawless. hard work pays off, she reminds herself. viewers don’t want to see someone who can already do everything perfectly, they want to see growth, effort, passion. or maybe she’s just telling herself that.
throughout the week, she’d tried her to best to push away her urge and instinct to belt the final word of the chorus a little too fiercely. her fear of falling flat overwhelms her each time, so much so that sometimes she doesn’t even realise she’s done it until she’s reaching the higher notes later in the song and realises it’d all been the same power instead of allowing the end to be the true climax of the song. it takes all of her focus and that becomes easier in the comfort of her bedroom, but even as she imagines she’s still there, she isn’t and her nerves push her voice a little louder, a little harsher than it needs to be as she repeats the last word, building up to drop back down for the bridge.
I wish I could say thank you for all the mistakes thank you for all of the pain I guess somebody else's loss is another's gain I'm saying thank you to the one who let her get away, away
finally, the small contrast in the track arrives and allows her once again to experiment a little with what her voice can do. her control isn’t anything special but it’s enough to do a couple of fancy tricks even if they could be better thought out, better performed. realistically, she should have stuck to the original, copied it perfectly so she wouldn’t embarrass herself with a potential voice break or a flat note, but there’s nothing impressive about that in her eyes, especially with a song so easy to play with. when there are so many opportunities to add your own colour, if she didn’t, she already knows they’d ask her why. she’d rather do it slightly wrong but try than disappoint by not. maybe that’s her first mistake. maybe that’s not her first mistake, but amongst many. honestly, even with her eyes having reopened during the chorus, contact made with the judges, she can’t think about anything else but getting through this in one piece. anything she’s already sung is forgotten, only what’s spilling from her lips at the time and what’s to come important to her.
thank you to the one who caused her heart to break oh thank you for giving me a soul to save thank you to the one who let her get away
following the bridge, the song drops down to its quietest, softest tone and so does her own voice. it’d been a little too deep for her initially during practice, but by now, she’s found a happy place where she can still capture the mood of such a drastic change, yet confidently pull off the vibe the verse requires.
it only lasts a few seconds before she immediately builds back up to the chorus, her expression, her eyes finally conveying the song’s full desperate gratitude, the immense love the singer has for the woman who has captured his heart. she wonders if she’ll ever experience love like that, like something out of a movie. she’s still young, though; she has so much more to focus on for now, like getting through to the end of this song, to hearing the last piano note echo out over the venue.
you know I wish I could say thank you for all the mistakes thank you for all of the pain I guess somebody else's loss is another's
oh I wish I could say thank you for all the mistakes thank you for all of the pain I guess somebody else's loss is another's gain I'm saying thank you to the one who let her get away, away
she’s breathing heavily when she finally finishes, her back immediately bending into a bow. she doesn’t know how well she’s done, whether she made any glaring mistakes, but it hardly matters. if this is the end of her journey, at least she’ll be leaving with her head held high. she’s proud of the performance she gave, proud of how far she’s come already. everything now is in the hands of the ceos. all she can do now is enjoy everyone else’s performances, will her heart not to jump out her throat. again, she flattens out her dress as she takes her seat. the next performer is already taking to the stage.
she smiles to herself. a voice echoes in her mind. “you worked hard, siyeonie. be proud of yourself.”
I am, grandma. I am.
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FULL NAME: roh jisun BIRTHDATE: 99-12-31 GENDER: female HEIGHT: 158cm WEIGHT: 46kg BIRTHPLACE: seoul, south korea CITY OF RESIDENCE: mapo-gu, seoul, south korea
sopa graduate of practical music
youtube channel with vocal/guitar covers
been dancing privately with kim sojung
started attending 1million with private tutor mid-may
roh jiwoong (father, age 45) shop owner, modyulleo tailoring & café
heo dahee (mother, age 39) tailor
heo solji (cousin, age 26) public trainee
MAIN SKILL: singing
video editing
( ✗ ) Move the symbol between the parentheses if you agree to the terms listed by the audition guidelines and also agree to be present during the official dates of the MGAs Season 5.
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// ( ★ ) mgas season 5: audition - secondary skill performance of kim yewon iu - my old story [lyrics credit]
yewon is told that she has to improvise something to show another skill, which already poses a problem. should she try to sing or try to rap? she’s bad at both. but a bad vocal performance might be more acceptable than a botched rap. and she has to come up with something now. so in the end, yewon decides to sing.
she walks silently back into the room, feeling the judges’ burning eyes on her, and she’s not sure but she thinks she hears a stifled snicker. no matter. she walks directly to the center of the room, her expression unchanging as ever, and stands in the exact epicenter. she’ll sing a bit of iu’s “my old story.”
yewon clears her throat.
Do you remember that lonely alleyway? I still remember now The anxious days when I couldn’t tell you I loved you Did you know about that?
the melody goes around and around. some parts of it come out successfully, while other notes fall flat. thankfully, it’s not a song that requires a lot of strength; yewon sings softly, just like the original. her confidence in her singing ability is slim to none. she has to get it to a level that’s at least passable if she wants to continue down this path.
The beautiful nights of the past when we were childish I am still in love You childish person You try to take all of me, you heartless person
even though her voice is weak and flat, yewon feels her confidence growing with each note she sings. she’s still standing here, doing her best, in a situation where many would turn tail and flee. kim yewon doesn’t flee from challenges. she’ll endure any hardship, any shame, to chase after her destiny.
time’s already up. the judges have seen enough and yewon is whisked out, the day’s trials already over. that’s it. she’s done. she lets out a deep breath of relief, her shoulders sinking into a relaxed pose. time to go home and study.
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FULL NAME: Kim MInkyung BIRTHDATE: 98 - 07 - 29 GENDER: F HEIGHT: 173 cm WEIGHT: 53 kg BIRTHPLACE: Chuncheon, South Korea CITY OF RESIDENCE: Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
PREVIOUS MUSICAL EXPERIENCE: High School Concert Choir (2 years), played Audrey in high school’s rendition of Little Shop of Horrors, Indie Music Career (released via Soundcloud), University Courses (Musical Composition)
FAMILY RELATIONS: Kim Seulmi, 49, Former Musician Joshua Kim, 54, Music Professor Andrew Kim Minseok, 16, Student
OTHER TALENTS: Plays Guitar (7 Years), Plays Piano (10 years), Speaks Korean, English, some Spanish, some Mandarin, Witchcraft
FAVORITE MUSICIAN/INSPIRATION: Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, Pussycat Dolls, Dream, Lady Miss Kier, Lee Junghyun, SES, Fin.K.L, Heidi Montag
( ✗ ) Move the symbol between the parentheses if you agree to the terms listed by the audition guidelines and also agree to be present during the official dates of the MGAs Season 5.
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[20201224] MGA's tweet

The official guitar sheet music has been released on December 24, 12 for free! Only five songs were selected. Check it out by clicking here for the link.
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‧ ₊ ˚ ♡ EPISODE SIX INTERVIEW! • • • mentioned— @rkkyungsoo , @hyojinrk , @rksuwoong , @ericxrk , @jungeunxrk , @rkcheri , @rkella & @rkwon
sat before the camera for yet another post-performance interview, it’s easy for heejin to collect her thoughts, memories from the past week already resurfacing. it had been an eventful week from start to finish, and as she’s asked her first question, she can’t help the sigh that leaves her before she answers.
“last week...i had a lot of mixed feelings about last weeks results— about elimination more than anything,” she begins, lips pulling down to form a small frown. “i’m sure people probably thought i wouldn’t talk about her now that she’s gone, but seeing jungeun get eliminated was one of my biggest fears.” she nods her head slightly, brows furrowed. “she and i came here together to succeed— it left me feeling bitter knowing we couldn’t do that anymore, but i guess that’s just how things go even if i don’t agree,” her head tilts slightly, hands clasped in her lap. “she wasn’t the only one i was sad to see go— i won’t speak for the judges, what they say is final, but i feel like there were a lot of mistakes in who was sent home.”
“my coaches and my group...i think i’ll start with the coaches since that’ll be easier,” she begins a small grin forming. “right from the start, they were very keen on helping us figure things out and offered a lot of advice, seeing their dynamics as authority figures rather than simply viewing coach cheri unnie and coach ella unnie through, like, videos and articles was interesting as well. coach wonwoo was also very nice, but i didn’t talk much with him in comparison to the others. as for my group, it was...eventful,” she settles on, contemplating her words. “we had a lot of ups and downs during the week, so at first i wasn’t really sure how well we’d be able to practice. we ended on a higher note, though, so i would say everything, generally speaking, was alright.” squinting at the camera, heejin points her finger towards it, wearing a semi-serious glare with a raised brow. “suwoong, you know what you did— you’re lucky all i did was glare.” her glare, however, quickly turns into a grin halfways through her words.
she gives a small hum before she begins. “i think we did well— given that some of us aren’t as good with dancing as other, i feel like those of us who lacked were able to improve enough to match up to those we dance well. i feel like i was able to, at least. i was also able to show off strong vocals, so in that department, i’m not worried,” she pauses. “we’ll see if i’m right come eliminations, thought. no matter how well we did, one of us is leaving, and while i do think we all did our best, i don’t want to be the one going home.”
#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › THE SOLOS.#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › MGA5.#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › WC: 516.#rkmga5#rkmga5groups#rkkyungsoo#hyojinrk#rksuwoong#ericxrk#rkcheri#rkella#rkwon#( super short and not as detailed as i wanted but we're on a TIME CRUNCH#( also idk why i tagged everyone when i only mention half of yall by name specifically hhhh..
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if you had a wildcard, which mga5 contestant would you bring back?
“ hmm … do i get to pick anyone from any episode? if so, i’d choose hwang minhyun? yeah, i get it, he’s part of that emo band that daniel is a part of so that makes him either a big loser for promoting his band on national tv or super smart for using the mgas as a means of drawing attention. and you’re probably going to attack me because sungwoon is also there and talented and kICKED OFF, but hmm …. listen … i just think minhyun has the idol look??? like he could actually be in a boy group. the others just look band material to me - not that that’s a bad thing, but we’re talking THE MGAS. you’re bound to become a trainee here, right? you’re not going to stay in your band in the end, so ….. if you got the look, you got the look. y’know???”
#rkmga5#❥⎪ blogging#❥⎪ mga5#this is the last post i will be making about the mgas!#pls send asks about the idol groups in rk since that's what she's here for thanks!!
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⟨ ━━ - ̗̀ strongest skill performance: dance ( 0:08 - 1:08) ⟩
two skills was what they wanted to see of each contestant today, it was between dancing and singing-- yeji knew without a doubt what skill would be her strongest skill. it was dancing. the thing that she had done confidently since elementary, what had made her feel like she belonged in the us during middle school-- and what had helped her find herself during high school. dancing had been with her throughout all of the hurdles in her life-- through the good and the bad. dancing is what had lead her to this placed, to this place-- a part of her was happy that she hadn't gotten signed after her private audition.
if she had gotten signed and accepted, she wouldn't have been able to take part in this years mgas. the bitter feeling knowing she missed it last year lingered in her mouth as she entered the audition room. yeji smiled brightly at the staff, bowed at them and then turned over her phone-- where she had the song she had chosen.
"i am hwang yeji, i will be dancing for you today."
yeji had cut the intro so it didn't last as long as it originally did, the music started and she had two seconds to prepare herself mentally. the moment she started dancing the smile on her face disappeared, she exchanged it with a serious expression-- the look in her eyes expressing the longing that one could feel for someone else. a longing she felt for someone at the moment-- yeji felt guilt about her feelings but there wasn't a lot that she could do.
her entire body was an instrument when she danced-- when the chorus came around her moves became bigger and more powerful.
yeji understood the lyrics-- fighting so desperately to be with someone. to the best of her own abilities, she wanted to express those feelings when she danced. yeji wasn't sure if she should be thankful about recent revelations of her own feelings, right now, when she danced she was thankful that she could express herself properly as she danced.
'i've looked for love with every stranger.'
yeji had always gotten crushes easily but only one crush had been as constant as time, yeji didn't want to admit it to herself for so long, even though she knew better, yeji's feelings would never be returned but she longed for those small touches and glances, even if it was only platonic. it was a painful admission for her, maybe one day she would move past it but right now, she couldn't.
when the dance finished she looked into the camera, eyes expressing longing but just as quickly as she had entered that zone, she left and smiled at the staff again.
"thank you for your time."
like that she left the room and followed the person taking her to get her makeup fixed.
#rkmga5#⟨ ✦ .*・。゚┊ mga5 ⟩#⟨ ✦ .*・。゚┊ mga5: audition ⟩#rkmga5audition2#wc: 475#[ yeji made me redo this im upset
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Lee Coco’s 2nd MGA5 Audition (Primary Skill) Performing - Something To Dance For - Zendaya Skill - Dance Quote - “Bring out your true self and then you migth succeed” Thanks to William for always supporting Coco
Her hand is on the doorknob, it’s her turn now to show what she got, to prove that she’s worthy of joining the MGAs. She’s supposed to perform in a classroom, which only makes her more comfortable than she already is (surprisingly, because she is already quite classroom). Unlike other faces she has seen, her is quite calm, people seem nervous, which she doesn’t understand the least, she’s not nervous, she’s going to give her all and if that isn’t enough then that isn’t enough. She chuckles before pulling down the doorknob and opening the door a little. She sticks out her head from the door, she can be seen with a bright smile “is this the right room?” she says as she widens her eyes and looks around. She opens the door fully and steps into the room, she slowly closes the door again before turning around again. She walks up to the center of the room before bowing deeply to the staff. She looks around the room for a second before her big smile returns. “I’m Coco, it’s nice to meet you” her soft and cute voice has been turned on, it’s the one she always uses when talking with her brother, he says it’s cute and charming, and she has no trouble with acting cute, being cute comes naturally for her. “I will do my best! Please support me!” she smiles cutely as she sticks out hand and gives a thumbs up to the camera. She somewhere hears a giggle from one the staff, the voice comes from a male and she looks around to see who was the one giggling. She spots the owner of the giggle and looks to the side to see him better “you too! Please support me!” she says as she sticks out her other hand and gives a thumbs up.
And now it’s her turn, her turn to win everybody over, she prepared for this, she’s ready. Jangmi and other friends helped Coco a lot, they helped correcting the mistakes Coco made and made sure Coco gave her all, they approved of her dancing, and if they did that then she had all the confidence in the world, did they believe in her then she would too believe in herself too. Coco has a very soft and lovable personality, look-wise she also looks quite kind, pretty and adorable. She could’ve surprised them and given them a scary and cold performance, one they wouldn’t have expected, but for now she wants to show her cute and soft personality first, if she ends up joining the competition then she will have multiple surprises up her sleeve. Coco has picked the song and dance herself, Jangmi had approved. Coco wanted to do something that she knew would make her happy, and nothing would be better than a dance from Shake It Up. She remembers watching the show and learning all the dances, perhaps Shake it up was what had made her gain her interest in dance. She had learned the dance while she was younger but had forgotten most of it and had needed to learn it again, the hardest part wasn’t the dance but cutting the dance down. The dance takes seventy seconds and she can maximum dance for sixty seconds, she has managed to cut it down, but she knows that the ending might not be the best, hopefully the ending won’t stop her from qualifying to join.
The smile is still placed on her lips, and the excitement is still in her eyes. “I’m ready” she says firmly and then she can hear the song begin.
Her big smile slowly fades into a smaller smile, the excitement in her eyes turns to seducement and she starts pretending that the whole world is watching her, that she’s a star and that she can do anything she wants to. You can hear it when her feet takes a step, every now and then you can hear her breath when she inhales a little too loud. She loves dancing, she enjoys what she’s doing now.
⤞ January 23rd 2015, Lee Kanggeun and Kim Seungchan’s apartment (Coco’s parents apartment)
She let her feet tap the ground lightly, she danced the best she could, she could not think about her expressions, all her focus was on doing the right moves. It was her first time choreographing a dance, it was poorly done, but William seemed proud of her. Every now and then she caught a glimpse of his smile, and it made her more confident. Coco knew she was no born dancer, but she enjoyed dancing, and she believed that her experience with acrobatics and gymnastics would help her become a better dancer. The music faded out and slowly she ended her dance, she heard an applause and it of course was from the only who watched, her brother, William. Her breath was loud, she was exhausted, but the smile on his lips made her smile too. “You did well” he said, and Coco could feel tears pressing on from the happiness.
⤞ June 14th, Seoul Arts High School
She dances the best she can, she gives her all. She hasn’t told her brother about today, she doesn’t want to, she’s still mad at him. However she knows that if he knew she was trying out for the MGAs then he would be the biggest supporter, even bigger than Jangmi, he is always the biggest supporter. He was there from day one, he always brought the best out of her, and now it is her turn to bring out the best of herself.
The dance comes to an end, she lays on the ground, she sits for a couple seconds, surprisingly she manages to keep her breathe steady, it must’ve been from all the practice. And then she stands up, she smiles brightly at the camera, excited as ever at what she has just done. Once again her big cute smile returns on her lips and you can again see the excitement in her eyes. “Thank you ~” she stretches the you far more than necessary as she keeps her cute and soft voice, she’s gonna keep it through the whole show she promises herself. If she succeeds then she’ll be the cutest girl that has ever joined the MGAs, that she promises.
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MGA: SEASON FIVE, ‘19! episode zero ⇢ the audition part two: dancing, eclipse’s chase me ( 0:14 - 1:14 )
with her measurements taken, the staff members are quick to usher kokoro onwards, upwards. it’s quickly becoming apparent to her that this whole audition thing is much bigger than she had anticipated. never before had kokoro seen herself getting involved in an audition of such a large scale and besides, this was no ordinary company audition. this was a program aired on national television. heck, it might even make it’s way to japan. kokoro knew that it would be plastered all over the internet. the thought of being apart of something so large in scale makes her uneasy. she heads on upstairs as directed, following others who had their measurements taken. she is overwhelmed with the amount of korean she is hearing. it’s like school, just worse.
kokoro finds herself in a practice room that has clearly been labelled out the front. dance. that is what kokoro had put herself down as on her audition application, more so her strongest skill. she felt more confident in her dancing abilities than her singing abilities and if she only had to prep for one skill then dancing might be the best way to go. it’s now as kokoro waits for what comes next that she understands why the broadcasting company had chosen schools to host the auditions; they had all of these facilities at their very fingertips. kokoro’s very own high school, hanlim, had been chosen to host these special auditions. she’s starting to think it’s a shame she couldn’t be there. at least at her own school she might have a teensy bit more luck.
the people around her, in this practice room; they too must be dancers. kokoro looks out of place amongst them. there seems to be a generous blend of professionals and people who aren’t the best at dancing, but still want to give it a go. kokoro on the other hand, isn’t exactly sure where she fits on that spectrum. she keeps to herself, running over the song in her head, along with the choreography that goes with it. kokoro keeps reminding herself that she’ll have one minute. only one minute to try and make herself stand out amongst hundreds, maybe even thousands of other hopeful contestants. she looks down at the handwritten name tag, her name; kato kokoro. it’s at that moment that she hears her own name being called from across the room. the voice is stern and serious and kokoro finds people’s eyes on her. as if her own name wasn’t a dead giveaway that she wasn’t from this part of town, nor this country at all. she smiles as she gets to her feet, making her way over to the exit where the staff member waits patiently for her.
she finds herself waiting outside of a classroom where she’s to face a panel of judges. there, she will perform and they then determine her fate in this whirlwind of an adventure. kokoro knocks politely and enters when she’s been given the green light to do so, walking into the rather empty classroom, void of desks and other classroom necessities. it’s been set up rather appropriate for the audition process, so she thinks. she stands in the center of the room, facing a small panel of judges. her hands are laced behind her back, fingers intertwined. now would not be a good time to butcher her self-introduction, but thankfully kokoro has put this very sentence to practice for several months now. she’s become well acquainted with the introductory phrase. kokoro drops into a polite, ninety degree bow, her long black hair cascading over her shoulders. she stands upright and begins her introduction. “hello. my name is kato kokoro.” she begins, clearly. her voice doesn’t break or waver. so far, so good. “i am seventeen years old and i am from tokyo, japan.” once again, another piece of success. she’s thankfully rehearsed the third part of this speech more than thirty times over in the bathroom mirror for the past week or so. “today i will be dancing to eclipse’s chase me.” the judges take their notes before one gives kokoro a brief head nod, signifying her to get into starting position.
kokoro had stumbled across this song and group by total accident. apart from k.arma, kokoro didn’t really know all too much about the newer generation of idol groups. she was familiar with the older generations, like big star, global icon and chichi but newer names, even the likes of her recent favourites k.arma, were foreign to her. whilst intensely browsing the internet one night, on the hunt for dance routines and songs she could possibly do for her audition, kokoro stumbled across a girl group by the name of eclipse. they were from a company named kt entertainment; the same company which houses chichi. kokoro having known and experienced chichi’s music, even liking some of it, was totally curious. after clicking on the music video for chase me, kokoro was hooked. the song had heavy rock influences, very reminiscent of a lot of japanese pop and rock music. it sounded like stuff her dad use to play on his guitar when he was still well and able to. the choreography was powerful and charismatic and although totally unlike anything kokoro had ever done, she was tempted to learn the routine and give the song a go for her big audition.
given only a minute, kokoro has had to begin her routine in the first few seconds of the song, it was the only way she could go about performing chase me without screwing up the routine and ending on a weird note, mid move. the song begins, the sound of sweet vocals filling the room around kokoro and the judges. her usual bubbly, smiley persona is replaced, tucked away for safe keeping and is replaced with a much more cool, charismatic persona. the movements are both feminine and sharp, requiring quick, fluid movements. she has to be quick on her feet. the song calls for a lot of hair flipping and arm flailing, kokoro notices that much. the first verse of chase me is soft, as is the second, but it is quick to pick up as the song heads into the first chorus, with the movements of the routine matching the tempo and the sound of the song. she picks up on the opportunity to move as the members of eclipse do in their performances, as an effort to keep the judges eyes moving, following her. chasing her, perhaps?
kokoro had watched one of eclipse’s other music videos, love whisper and the juxtaposition was so great, it had kokoro flawed. love whisper was definitely more up kokoro’s alley than chase me was; both the sound and the feel of the song and it’s choreography would be something very typical of kokoro, something she would willingly learn and perform. chase me, however had been a challenge, not only for herself but judges and any other onlookers. can she pull off an edgy, more girl crush concept or is she solely stuck in the land of bubblegum pop and all things super sweet? the chorus of chase is probably kokoro’s favourite part of the routine, soft vocals switched out for something much more powerful and demanding. kokoro doesn’t dance heavy footed, in fact her movements are very light and sharp. she reflects back to her classes that she took in japan. her father had been insistent that she stick with it if she liked it so much. and she did.
she is relieved she left majority of her hair out for today’s audition, it doesn’t end up hindering kokoro as much as one would believe. in fact, it looks rather cool, flying around her as she whips her head about. of course though, she couldn’t stray too far from her classic twin tails, vying for a half up, half down hair-do, with a red ribbon in her hair matching the colour of her outfit. red. the minute feels like it goes on for an eternity, maybe kokoro has been dancing longer than she was supposed to. no. they would of stopped her by now, for sure. the chorus heads for the ending straight, and kokoro finds herself racing to the finish line. make these last few seconds count. it’s only natural that kokoro’s signature bright smile and accompanying eye smile make their special appearance at the nearing end of her audition. as apart of the choreography, kokoro reaches for her small ponytail, the up-do portion of the half-up, half down thing she had going on, holding it up in the hair before quickly pulling it down, around her. swift and sharp. kokoro spins and takes a note from the end of the performances she had watched, drilling each and every detail into her head; she plants her hands on hips and pivots them as the song cuts off. her minute is up.
kokoro hadn’t been entirely sure what followed. was she to expect some form of feedback, here and now? she is then thanked for her performance, to which kokoro bows once again, politely thanking the judges for their time. she’s a teensy bit red in the face, she feels warm. she can well, feel it. brushing her hair back, out of her face, kokoro quickly shuffles over to the door and slips out of the classroom, gently closing the door behind her. to her surprise, she’s not given a mere minute to process the happenings of the past minute. kokoro finds herself quickly whisked away once more by another staff member. turns out that they need kokoro elsewhere. but for what exactly? she smiles and abides by their direction. as she moves on, she takes her time to then process what had actually just gone on in that classroom. she can barely fathom any words to express her excitement; pure, unfiltered excitement. even if nothing became of this, at least she would have one hell of a memory to look back. this was an experience of a lifetime.
#✧ ┋ mga5.#rkmga5#rkmga5audition2#( okay this is the dance portion of her audition )#( and hey i was super stuck on this and what kokoro was gonna dance to )#( but we came back to this and made it work!!! )
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