#* Bruno / Appearance .
don't worry Pep, i'm sure you'll figure out those memories in due time. maybe for now you should take it easy. we just want to make sure you're doing okay first.
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Pep: "Struh daeh ym nehw yllaicepse, sgniht fo tol a dnatsrednu t'nod I tub... Dnatsrednu I fi erus ton... M'I..."
Pep: "Sdneirf htiw retteb rebmemer pleh nac... Oot ti ees nac sdneirf taht ecin elttil a si ti tub..."
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Peppino: "Here Pep."
Peppino: "Might as well-a join you for floor time for a bit."
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Peppino: "Bruno...? I don't-a personally know a Bruno, but now that I think about it; the building I came out of after the fight with Pep was-a called 'Bruno Pizza'."
Peppino: "I didn't think of it much at the time - since I had just ran for my life, being chased by a giant, warped version of myself - but it was kinda odd... Why did he put a random restaurant in the tower...?"
Pep: "..."
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Pep: "..."
Peppino: "What the- Pep...?"
Pep: "...!"
Peppino: "Pep!"
Pep: "!!!"
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Peppino: "Woah, woah, easy there Pep! You got pretty-a lost in your thoughts again!"
Pep: "Xob ni edih! Xob ni edih ot evah! Hcum oot s'ti! Wonk t'nod I Kniht I- Ot deil-! Dekcirt saw-! Eh- I- Si ti ohw wonk t'nod I-I-! Niaga em was I-? Niaga mih was I- I-"
Peppino: "S-slow down, Pep, I can't-a understand what you're saying! Let's-a take some breaths, so I can help you."
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ambyandony · 5 months
every time I draw pannacotta fugo in sketches he’s always just holdin papers n shit 😭
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dead-dove-orchid · 30 days
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Woah look at my beautfil fankids they’re all very happy and definitely alive in the story :)
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Musketeers AU-
Bucci gang x fem/reader-part 1
Summary: Princess Y/n is running away from an arranged marriage with a man named Doppio.
The King Diavolo orders his faithful Musketeers Bruno and Abbacchio to find your secret refuge. Helped by their team-mates ( Fugo, Narancia, Mista, Giorno), they will do anything in their power to catch you.
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"L’abbiamo trovata, signore!L’abbiamo trovata!!"
(We found her, captain! We found her!!)
“Quant’è vvera a Maronna! Fermati Ghirga!!"
(Stop running Ghirga! You’ll kill us both!)
The voice of a boy echoed into the rocca, excited as his approaching footsteps
“Fermati, Cap ‘e cazz.”
(Stop, you fool.)
A young lad with a cascade of messy blonde hair caught the frantic boy by the scruff before he could erupt into the royal guard office.
Pannacotta, that was his name, quickly confiscated the crumpled document from the sticky fingers of his team mate, urgently knocking with his free hand so he could both hide the verbal assault and inform the captain of their arrival.
“Come in.”
Fortunately, the commotion was covered by the sound of two fencers' blades colliding with each other. Once they opened the door to Bucciarti's office, the two found him sitting at a very long table in the back of the room, carefully observing two young men practicing the art of the sword.
To be more precise, that wasn’t just Bucciarati’s office, the place was used as an armory and, consequently, a sala d’arme. To further confirm this theory, there was a huge tapestry hanging behind the captain’s back, depicting a knight killing a huge serpent with a sidesword.
Golden but faded letters embroidered in the whool recited “Sala D’Arme Achille Marozzo”.
The room also did have long wooden tables at each side, which meant people were more than willing to grab a quick bite between a sword match and another.
In fact, tenente (lieutenant)
Abbacchio was eating a small and yellowish polenta with both feet crossed over an empty chair.
He was visibly resting while also never giving his back to the captain, which made him look a little bit crooked in his position and also not totally comfortable.
Well, has this man ever felt comfortable in his life?
Pannacotta was not sure.
Meanwhile, the two fencing lads, Giovanna and Mista, were putting on a real show and since they were both newbies, they attacked and never defended themselves.
This made Abbacchio frown in annoyance and reluctantly turn his sight to the meal.
Contrary to Bucciarati, Abbacchio was wearing only half of his musketeer uniform, his soubreveste and hat were abandoned on a near chair a long time ago. However, his authority kept speaking volumes even when half dressed.
“Nzerra chella port.”
“Close the door.”
He gritted between his teeth, his voice deep enough to be heard between the clashing of the striscia.
Ghirga obeyed and swiftly followed his teammate, his eyes glued to the two schermidori as they carefully passed their presence.
Pannacotta solemnly handed the paper to captain Bucciarati.
“Si tratta di una testimonianza, signore. Ghirga l’ha udita e io ho avuto il piacere di trascriverla nei minimi dettagli.”
(it is a witness statement, captain. Ghirga heard it, and I had the pleasure of transcribing it in great detail.)
Bucciarati inspected the document. Raised his eyes and then frowned.
Eyes back on the paper.
This time, He raised his eyebrows and frowned again.
“O’ casino.”
(A brothel.)
The fencing stopped.
Bucciarati's tone was inquisitive tone while raising his head one last time. Abbacchio intervened, putting his boots down abruptly.
“Cu cazz stat’ riciend?Pigliat ca bott. Il re n’ sta ceccando a zoccol’. ”
(Who you think you’re kidding? The king’s not looking for a whore.)
“Pe tte e femmene so tutte zoccol’ tranne mammà e soreta, ma nu vaie mai n’coppo o casino pe paura de truva.’”
(Women are all whores to you except your mother and sister, but you never enter a brothel in fear of meeting them.)
Interjected Mista, a slim but toned boy in his 20s.
Approaching the table with his striscia holstered, Mista addressed his superior with a wry smile, eliciting a stifled laugh from Ghirga.
He looked kind of ridiculous. Mista was wearing a pair of patched pants and no shirt. However he clearly thought it was a good idea hiding his thick sweaty curls under an uncomfortable as well as ancient aventail…without wearing a gambeson underneath.
His companion, Giorno Giovanna, noticed Abbacchio slowly clenching the spoon he was using for the polenta.
“chiavt a lengua ncùl. Se tu fossi la metà bravo a parare con la spada quanto lo sei a sparare cazzate, non ti saresti ritrovato in un vicolo buio con un buco in più nello stomaco.”
(Shut your fucking mouth, if you were half as good at parrying with a sword as you are at shooting shit, you wouldn't have found yourself in a dark alley with an extra hole in your stomach.)
Quickly, Bucciarati silenced the conversation by elegantly lifting his left hand from Manciolino's“Opera Nova”.
Mista looked at his concealed wound on his abdomen, while Giovanna put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
“Ne sei assolutamente sicuro, Narancia?”
(Are you absolutely sure about this, Narancia?)
Bruno’s calming and reassuring tone ,resembling the one of a father’s, gave Narancia Ghirga the courage to speak with his heart.
“M’Adda murì mammà.”
(I swear on my own mother.)
Said Ghirga who never spent a single word from the beginning.
“Si addà murì mammà n’altra volta...”
(Well, she can’t die twice…)
Interrupted Abbacchio scattering the plate on the table. The polenta was so stiff it didn’t even flinch a bit, remaining in its position as one of the most drunk front line soldiers.
“Me l’ha detto Una.”
(Una told me.)
many "ooohs" raised softly, followed by heads nodding and looking at each other, which made Narancia Ghirga genuinely smile. By contrast, Pannacotta put a hand over his eyes; royal guards should never reveal the nature of their witnesses.
Trish Una was the love child of King Diavolo, and for years he had kept her at court as a mere courtesan. One day, the maiden in question made a deal with a wealthy merchant named Pericolo and left her father's palace as quickly as possible, just like y/n did.
In exchange for certain secrets coming from the royal court, the royal guards had agreed to keep Trish hidden from her stepfather.
“Quella fimmina ne sa UNA più del diavolo.”
(That maiden is more cunning than a devil.)
commented Mista with a smirk and a dreamy expression.
“E suo padre ci farà il…Diavolo a quattro!HAHAHAHAHAHHA!”
(And what's better than a devil you don't know? A devil, you do!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
He added, bursting into a huge laugh with tears in his eyes.
"Ci andremo io e il tenente Abbacchio. Voi altri pensate a rendere confortevole l'ala ovest"
(The lieutenant and I will take care of that. The rest of you will stay here. Take this as an opportunity to prepare the West Wing's rooms for our soon to be host.)
Everyone got silent after Bucciarati's order. Pannacotta was brave enough to respectfully interject:
"Con tutto il rispetto capitano, ma un bordello non è di certo un posto privo di canaglie. Non sarebbe meglio attivare tutta la squadra?"
( Not to be disrespectful…A brothel is not a safe space in the slightest. Wouldn't be better if we all went?)
"Fermate nu mument'. Se agiamo in gruppo, potrebbero prenderla come una minaccia. Quanta probabilità c'è che un'intera unità abbia deciso di entrare in un bordello tutti insieme e appassionatamente?"
(Wait. If we went there as a group, we could be perceived as a threat. All one big happy family?How likely is it that an entire unit has decided to enter a brothel like one big happy family?)
Added Giorno while receiving a Death stare from Abbacchio. He hated when the newbie was right.
"Non so gli altri ma io come regalo di compleanno un po' me lo aspetto…"
(I don't know about the rest of this "Family", but soon is going to be my birthday and I wouldn't mind if this were my present…)
Nudge nudge, wink wink.
"Il punto è che se gli diamo modo di capire che siamo venuti lì per lei, ci inchioderebbero subito e cercherebbero di nasconderla o farla fuggire".
(The point is that if we appear too menacing, they would immediately try to hide her or make her escape.)
"Giusto! Quei posti hanno un sacco di stanze strane piene di trucchi e trappole."
("Right! Those places have a lot of weird rooms full of secret holes and traps!)
"Si vede che non sei mai stato in un bordello."
(you-You've never been to a brothel, don't you.)
Whispered Fugo while all the looks turned to Bruno.
"Um..giocare sulla casualità, potrebbe funzionare. Dovremo essere affabili…ottimo lavoro Giovanna. Ogni giorno dimostri di avere nuovi assi nella manica."
(Um…it would be easier to pretend this visit is casual and not planned. That could work. Great Job, Giovanna. You find new ways to amaze me everyday.)
Abbacchio's teeth were grinding but whst was on his face looked like anything but a smile.
"Jamme, jà"
To be continued...
-La Principessa della Squadra
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k-wame · 1 year
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Bruno Montaleone • 📸  Carlos Sales 🎭 L'Officiel Brazil • May 2023
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
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JONATHAN BAILEY Attending the GQ Men of The Year Awards with Jeremy Irvine and Bruno Cucinelli (August 31, 2021) | 📸: Karwai Tang, David M. Benett
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notmoreflippingelves · 11 months
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Hernando running away from Mirabel and looking cool because he "fears nothing" vs BRUNO coming back to save her when she calls for help
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lunadivino · 1 month
Very obsessed with how this scene sounds in Spanish tbqh
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sixpigeonz · 10 months
sldksdk if youtube rewind still existed, maybe we would've gotten dream face reveal on the same set as try guys controversy played to "we don't talk about bruno" in the backrooms idk if i couldv'e handled that
reading and imagining this actually broke me in ways I can't describe
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nerds-yearbook · 11 months
Swamp Thing (Alec Holland version) first appeared in Swamp Thing 1, cover date November, 1972. The origin issue also introduced Matt Cable, Linda Holland, Anton Arcane and his Un-Men, Mr. E, Louisiana Blue, Bruno and the dog Mutt. They were created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson. ("Dark Genesis", Swamp Thing 1, DC Comic Event)
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rambler-in-limbo · 1 year
Can we get more information about bruno? That guy got me normaling
Lucky for you I recently word-vomited some lore about him to my bestie on discord.
I’ll summarize it as briefly as I can.
Bruno is the successor of Fake, created by Pizzahead’s brother Pizzabro. As you can imagine he wasn’t birthed from Peppino’s DNA, but his cousin Bruno Crosata.
Bruno is the head chef of a Michelin star Italian restaurant. That level of success and coincidental blood-relation to Peppino caught Pizzabro’s eye. Pizzahead and his ocean of failed clones weren’t getting much success with Peppino mimicry, so Pizzabro took it into his own hands and got to work on the first Bruno clones. I mean, it seemed obvious. Bruno was clearly the better option for thunder-stealing than his cousin Peppino.
It didn’t take long for a winner to be synthesized. The Bruno we know was born after only a few failed batches (all of which were culled). He was pampered by his creator, always having a clean and safe environment to learn in as well as a kind supportive figure to rely on emotionally. This upbringing somewhat spoiled Bruno, giving him an ego and superiority complex over his predecessors.
Pino was not as fortunate, his upbringing being akin to that of a pageant child. Pizzahead tried so, so hard to live vicariously through Pino and his kin that he failed to properly house and emotionally support their development. Pino suffered especially, being the supposed prized fruit of Pizzahead’s labor only to be thrown out of the laboratories into the literal trash upon the birth of the first WAR clones.
But before that, Pino and Bruno were paired together to learn how to cook, but the cooperative training sessions were short-lived. The bringing together of Bruno’s unfiltered snobby attitude and Pino’s envy/lack of emotional regulation concocted a violent mix resulting in bloody fights between the two. They have been separated repetitively and ordered to stay away from one another (mostly Pizzabro telling Pizzahead to “get his dog under control”) but that doesn’t stop them from finding each other and bickering. Even now as the tower’s collapsed they find each other and argue.
TLDR; Bruno is the cooler Pino. Pino is fuckin mad about it.
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expectsomechange · 3 months
Devin is born on Nov 28, so is Kevin and me cause vydjfyjdfvvjdyffvdyjfvjdy
Kat is born on... how about July 5th, no reason, just it's birthday.
Bruno is born on marry 5th
Sparky is june 27
Cathrine is born June 12
Brutis is born on 27th aswell
I'm lazy and don't want to draw today.
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killa-trav · 4 months
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apollo-just-ice · 1 year
Uhhhhh Bruno. That’s it that’s the post.
I miss u my guy,,,
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