#*  ⦇  crack.  ◌  has anyone ever told you you’ve got eyes like spanners?  ⦈
kclibri · 6 years
*/ tag dump.
*  ⦇  basic.  ◌  layout for reference.  ⦈  
2 notes · View notes
odhium-blog · 6 years
First Date
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Odhium: Fuck that was intense, breathing hard, I laid on the ground till my breathing returned to normal. Slowly getting up I gingerly made it onto my feet. Time to hit the showers.
Making it to the locker room I found my duffle bag waiting for me, fishing out a towel I made my way to the shower rooms.
Removing my stained and tattered clothes, I stood under the spray of water from above. The warm water easing my joints. I knew I didn't have long, I washed myself, turned the water off and dried myself.
Wrapping the towel around my waist. Picking up my clothes I put them in the duffle bag and taking out a spare set of clothes. I put them on, picking my duffle bag up I made my way to the garage area and boarded the school bus.
The school bus dropped those and myself at the drop off point. Calming down I dematerialized back home.
Flinging the front door open I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I had done it, I got onto the training program. I couldn't believe it.
Collapsing onto my bed I took my phone from jacket pocket, there was only one person I wanted to tell and that was Grahce.
I had filled in the application form for the training program online, but some of my friends had told me about the female at the Audience House. So I went to there for an application form. We had exchanged phone numbers and I really liked her.
Running my thumb over the screen till I came to her number. Pressing the dial symbol, I put the phone to my ear and waited for her to answer. @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *My night had been going pretty well as of late. The #AudienceHouse was a great place to work. The King was more personable than I had first thought … that is … once I got over the fangirling and the bowing he insisted I stop. The Brothers were scary at first but they were great males. Very big brotherly actually … even to go so far as to be nosing around in my personal business.
I was finishing up some files for #Saxton finishing up my shift for the night when my phone rang. Peering down I saw from the caller ID that it was O and smiled as I swiped right on the screen.*
Hey you.
Odhium: “Hey Grahce” It was nice hearing her voice, calming me down instantly.
“I’ve got some news for you. Want me to tell you now or when we go on a date?”
Yeah I know cheesy but what can I say to her? I felt like a pre trans around her, all excitable and eager to please her.
My mind was wandering away from the conversation, not really listening to what she was saying. I was imagining the look on her face when I was telling her that I was on the training program
Snapping my attention back to the here and now “Sorry, what did you say?” Get with it O you dumb fuck.
I waited for her to answer again “Will you go on a date with me?” I blurted out the words before I had time to process them.
You stupid fucktard now you’ve put the spanner in the works. I hoped Grahce didn’t think I was too forward in asking her out
Grahce: *I smiled as he excitedly wanted to tell me a surprise. I wonder if he got into the Brotherhood training program after all. It’s been a few weeks since we exchanged numbers so I wondered how things went.
The Brotherhood has recently opened up the program so that civilians along with the former Glymera could apply and train to become warriors. It was the buzz all around town. I greatly admired the King in including everyone, regardless of class and that he was truly about equality. Especially hearing his decree a few years back that abolished slavery for the elite. No one should be owned by another.*
You can tell me when you want to. *I said.* How was you day? *When I didn’t hear a response I thought maybe we got disconnected.* Hello?
*He replies back as if coming out of the clouds and instead asked me out.* Sure, where do you want to go?
Odhium: She wanted to go out with me. In my head I was doing cartwheels around my bedroom.
But where could I take her? “How about Zero Sum?” I heard that was the place to go. I'd also heard on the grapevine that was the club that was frequented by huge males dressed in leathers. The Brotherhood.
“I can meet you there when the sun goes down.” I was thinking of the things we could talk about once we were there.
“Is that a date then?” Once she had agreed to our date I hung up, placed the phone on the bedside cabinet.
My body ached from head to toe as I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I knew Father was looking down from the Fade at me. If he was here by my side I knew he’d be pleased. How I missed him
Grahce: Yes, it’s a date. I’ll see you tomorrow night.
*I agreed to meet him at #ZeroSum the next evening at midnight and wondered what I would wear. It’s been months since I have been clubbing and even longer since I’ve dated anyone. I mainly kept to myself just so I could avoid agreeing to date whichever male my parents deemed worthy and I needed to branch out more. I’ve been sheltered by my parents for too long. I needed to get out into the world. Don’t get me wrong, there were perks to being born of the Glymera before it was disbanded but I wasn’t like most and I liked that about myself. I was my own person and had my own opinions. I went into my closet and tried to figure out what one wears for a night at the club.*
Odhium: I fell asleep in no time, the entry to the Brotherhood program had exhausted me.
The alarm went off, cracking an eye open I stopped the alarm. It was five in the afternoon. Getting up I made my way into the en suite bathroom, turning the shower on and getting in.
After what seemed like an hour I turned off the water, grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off. The water had eased my aching joints.
Going to the closet I pondered on what to wear for my date. A suit was out. Didn't want to look too formal. Jeans were a no no as well. Didn't want to look too casual. I settled for some black slacks and a black silk shirt and a pair of black loafers. I dressed in the clothes I had decided on and went downstairs
Mahmen was at the table eating first meal, looking up. “You look nice. Going anywhere special?”
“Only going to a club.”
“Be careful” I saw her worried look.
“Don't worry about me Mahmen.”
After finishing first meal, I went back to my bedroom. Grabbing a black leather jacket and put it on. I pocketed my phone and keys. Descending the stairs I went outside. Calming myself down I dematerialized in the alley next to Zero Sum and waited for Grahce.
Grahce: *After spending the morning going through my closet and a few hours getting ready for my date, I decided on a leather skirt and a black blouse and some knee high boots as I walked up to the door avoiding the line for entrance to the club. Having a Brother for a distant cousin came in handy sometimes. Though we rarely spoke since he was so busy with his duties, but one night a few years ago he saw me hanging out with some girlfriends and all of sudden I got to bypass the line every time now but I also noticed that the bouncers always kept a watchful eye on me as well. Made me wonder if they ever reported back to him about my comings and goings.
I waded through all the human bodies dancing to Lil Wayne’s “I Am Not A Human”, ironic, and found a seat at the bar and ordered a Grey Goose and cranberry and waited for my date.*
Odhium: Walking out of the alleyway I headed to the front door of the club.
Being on the training program had its perks. All I had to say was one word “Brotherhood” the bouncer moved to one side.
Entering Zero Sum, the place was full of both humans and vampires, bodies moving beside each other as they swayed to the music, others were entangled with each other, tongues down each others throats. Yet more were smoking illegal drugs, the bouncers were keeping a blind eye to what was going on.
Making my way through the crowds of people I made my way to the bar. The sea of people parted and there she was, sitting at the bar and she looked amazing. Walking up to the bar, I ordered a rum and Coke.
“You look amazing.” I told Grahce. “Do you want to go up to the VIP section?”
Before she can answer, I lead Grahce up to the VIP section, said the magic word and the rope was lifted off the post. Walking in I sat in the booth by the fire exit
Grahce: *Odhium ordered his drink and quickly let me to the VIP section before I could admire him. But as we sat in the book I could take a moment to admire his leather jacket and black attire. The leather was very soft as I ran my hand down his arm.* This is a gorgeous jacket.
*I smiled as he blushed slightly at my touch and drank my cocktail as a people watched a bit while we relaxed into the date. Watching the human dance and kiss on the floor … a few taking it even further in shadowed corners. The night was young and I leaned back into the booth and crossed my legs at the knees underneath the table and folded my hands in my lap.* So tell me about yourself.
Odhium: As we both settled into the booth, her hand fell onto my arm. We were both silent for sometime  before she asked. “So tell me about yourself.”
I shrugged my shoulders “I've got onto the training program. That is what I wanted to tell you.” I had some of the rum and Coke. “My father died recently, so I have to provide for both mahmen and myself. Don't get me wrong we are well off but not like the Glymera. Think it is more of something to do.”
I sat back into the booth and watched her. She was processing what I had said to her.
Before she could answer I asked her. “What's your story then?”
Grahce: Congratulations! I know that it is a great honor to be part of the training program. *After his statement about the Glymera, I wasn’t sure if I needed to bring it up, so I skipped over parts of my background.*
I currently work at the #AudienceHouse for the King a few nights a week and then part time at #RoyalRefuge. Other than that, my life’s pretty boring. *I shrug nonchalantly. My life was pretty boring … but then again living the sheltered life in a former Glymera household will do that. Granted we were not one of the founding families, but we were descendants of one of the Brothers. Distant relatives.*
So tell me how the training program is so far. It must be so grueling.
Odhium: “Thank you. Grueling isn't the word. That was only passing the test to get to into the program. I start the training tomorrow, got tonight off to rest.”
I was beginning to ease talking to her, it felt like I had known her for years.
“What's it like at the Audience House? And the Brothers, what are they like?”
I had only briefly met the Brothers after passing their tests to get into the training program, but I wanted more intel on them. Call it … doing my homework.
While I waited for Grahce to answer I slid my hand on top of hers. I hoped I wasn't becoming too forward with her.
Grahce: *His hand is warm as he places it on top of mine. Reassuringly. It’s nice.*
The #AudienceHouse is amazing watching #Wrath mediate all the issue among the  civilian population as well as the Glymera. I mean … technically there is no Glymera … but you know the people I’m talking about.
And the Brothers? They are … intimidating and really good guys. I’ve been working there almost a year now and they’re easy going once you get to know them. But I can only imagine what it would be like to be on the receiving end when they’re pissed or in warrior mode.
*Shivers. The Brothers can be seriously scary when they want to be. Every now and again someone who has an entitled attitude wants the King’s decision to sway in a certain way and when it doesn’t and they try to get all high and mighty? Sheesh … do they change their tune once they get a “talking to” from Rhage, Vishous or Zsadist … they wish they’d never been born. Then again, Wrath is no slouch either. When he raises his voice, even I can feel the vibrations of the roar from the otherside of the door at my desk.*
Seriously though. *Looking at Odium.* You do /not/ want to be on their bad side.
Odhium: I felt her shudder as she explained that I didn't want to be on their bad side. I noted her warning.
“I can imagine. Yeah, I know who the people you're talking about.”
I wasn't sure if she would understand if I told her that my father had to deal with them bastards. All the dodgy deals he had to draft up for them, if father didn't do what they asked then they would of brought my father down and leave him penniless. I wouldn't be surprised if it was them who had brought on my father's condition. Now he was in the Fade.
I squeezed her hand slightly in silent agreement with Grahce, since Wrath had started the Audience House and dissolved the Glymera, there had been no more dodgy deals.
Finishing my drink I held my hand up for the waitress. “You want another drink?” The waitress came over, giving her the order. I looked back at Grahce. “What you like doing when your not at the Audience House?”
Grahce: *I nodded for a second drink and thought about my response before answering.* I work part time at #RoyalRefuge as well. Mostly doing clerical work and being a part time social worker. Working with the females and their children while they transition from one home to another and getting back on their feet.
*I didn’t want to mention how my parents found little comfort in my choice of career. Which is why I was full time at the #AudienceHouse and part time at the #RoyalRefuge. My parents somehow thought my exposure to the King and the Brotherhood would somehow fix my internal mechanism in my makeup that was part Glymera born raised daughter who wanted to be madam of the household and go shopping and have lavish parties and be that “trophy” wife.
I internally rolled my eyes at the thought. If my parents only knew how “un-GLymera” the Brotherhood was and how much they loathed dealing with the former Princeps Council members and the Founding Families, which my family was not any of the former … just high enough in elevation due to old family money and being descendents of a Brother gave my family its position in the hierarchy. However bothersome it was for me as the black sheep of the family.*
Odhium: Our drinks arrived, I tipped the waitress and listened to Grahce about her work.
“You're a saint, I mean helping those at the Royal Refuge with the females and their young. As for the Audience House … I know you're only the secretary there, but I bet it's nice to see the situations resolved in a fair way and not in a ‘dodgy’ deal.”
I wonder how much I should tell her about what my father did before he passed onto the Fade. Sighing I decided there and then to tell her.
“My father, before his demise, had worked amongst the Glymera. He had to draft up parchments deals that were made. He knew they were wrong, but the Glymera warned my father if he revealed anything about these deals then they would make him penniless, making sure no other family would hire him. It hit him hard, he became ill and died. I blame the Glymera for his death.”
I took a long pull of the rum and coke before settling the glass back on the table, I sneaked a look at Grahce to see what she thought of me now.
Grahce: *I feel my cheeks warm at his compliment but as he recounts his family’s misfortunes in regards to dodgy deals as he called it. Then to hear that due to the pressure and stress from these situations would then lead to his demise was heartbreaking.*
I’m so sorry for your loss. *I placed my other hand over his that held my other hand as I provided a small comfort for such a large loss. I held my tongue in regards to the Glymera, this was not the time or place to mention that my family was from the former Glymera and wondered briefly if my own father was part of this. I was not privy to any of my family business so it made it wonder.
I took a sip of my Cape Cod and tried to remember if I ever heard of Odhium’s family name in conversation, but could not recollect anything. The cool liquid was tart and refreshing as I felt my throat parched from worry.*
Odhium: I watch Grahce place her other hand over mine, the gesture was warm and comforting “Thank you.” I didn't really knew what I was thanking her for, maybe it was the contact that I was thanking her for.
Downing the rest if my drink, I placed the tumbler back on the table, looking at my watch. “It’s fast approaching dawn. We better make our way back for the day. Will I see you again?”
I hoped Grahce would want to see me again. I felt calm next to her, she was like my anchor in the proverbial storm that I was experiencing since the passing. I loved her facial features, her curves. This is how a female should look like. I know I shouldn't stare at her but I couldn't help it. She was perfection to me.
Grahce: *Time had passed too quickly as we sat in this intimate booth that I had not noticed the time. Looking down at my phone to see the time, and knew he was right. I had a full night with a double shifts at both #AudienceHouse and then at #RoyalRefuge so it would have to be a day after before I would be able to see him again.*
Umm, I’m free Sunday evening. I have to work doubles later tonight. *I looked up from my phone and was surprised to find him studying me that I could feel myself blush.*
Odhium: “Yes, that is more important and yes I would like to see you on Sunday. My treat I will take you out. I’ll text you the details later.” I squeezed her hand.
I got up from the booth and turned to help her up and I escorted Grahce out of the club and into the cold air. Walking us both round into the alleyway, I leaned down brushing my lips against her cheek. “Till we meet again be well my dearest Grahce.”
I waited as I watch her close her eyes and disappeared from my presence then I calmed myself down and dematerialized back to my house. Opening the front door, I told Mahmen that I was back, then headed to my bedroom.
#FirstDate #BDBMisfits #BDB
1 note · View note
First Date
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Odhium: Fuck that was intense, breathing hard, I laid on the ground till my breathing returned to normal. Slowly getting up I gingerly made it onto my feet. Time to hit the showers.
Making it to the locker room I found my duffle bag waiting for me, fishing out a towel I made my way to the shower rooms.
Removing my stained and tattered clothes, I stood under the spray of water from above. The warm water easing my joints. I knew I didn't have long, I washed myself, turned the water off and dried myself.
Wrapping the towel around my waist. Picking up my clothes I put them in the duffle bag and taking out a spare set of clothes. I put them on, picking my duffle bag up I made my way to the garage area and boarded the school bus.
The school bus dropped those and myself at the drop off point. Calming down I dematerialized back home.
Flinging the front door open I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I had done it, I got onto the training program. I couldn't believe it.
Collapsing onto my bed I took my phone from jacket pocket, there was only one person I wanted to tell and that was Grahce.
I had filled in the application form for the training program online, but some of my friends had told me about the female at the Audience House. So I went to there for an application form. We had exchanged phone numbers and I really liked her.
Running my thumb over the screen till I came to her number. Pressing the dial symbol, I put the phone to my ear and waited for her to answer. @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *My night had been going pretty well as of late. The #AudienceHouse was a great place to work. The King was more personable than I had first thought … that is … once I got over the fangirling and the bowing he insisted I stop. The Brothers were scary at first but they were great males. Very big brotherly actually … even to go so far as to be nosing around in my personal business.
I was finishing up some files for #Saxton finishing up my shift for the night when my phone rang. Peering down I saw from the caller ID that it was O and smiled as I swiped right on the screen.*
Hey you.
Odhium: “Hey Grahce” It was nice hearing her voice, calming me down instantly.
“I’ve got some news for you. Want me to tell you now or when we go on a date?”
Yeah I know cheesy but what can I say to her? I felt like a pre trans around her, all excitable and eager to please her.
My mind was wandering away from the conversation, not really listening to what she was saying. I was imagining the look on her face when I was telling her that I was on the training program
Snapping my attention back to the here and now “Sorry, what did you say?” Get with it O you dumb fuck.
I waited for her to answer again “Will you go on a date with me?” I blurted out the words before I had time to process them.
You stupid fucktard now you’ve put the spanner in the works. I hoped Grahce didn’t think I was too forward in asking her out.
Grahce: *I smiled as he excitedly wanted to tell me a surprise. I wonder if he got into the Brotherhood training program after all. It’s been a few weeks since we exchanged numbers so I wondered how things went.
The Brotherhood has recently opened up the program so that civilians along with the former Glymera could apply and train to become warriors. It was the buzz all around town. I greatly admired the King in including everyone, regardless of class and that he was truly about equality. Especially hearing his decree a few years back that abolished slavery for the elite. No one should be owned by another.*
You can tell me when you want to. *I said.* How was you day? *When I didn’t hear a response I thought maybe we got disconnected.* Hello?
*He replies back as if coming out of the clouds and instead asked me out.* Sure, where do you want to go?
Odhium: She wanted to go out with me. In my head I was doing cartwheels around my bedroom.
But where could I take her? “How about Zero Sum?” I heard that was the place to go. I'd also heard on the grapevine that was the club that was frequented by huge males dressed in leathers. The Brotherhood.
“I can meet you there when the sun goes down.” I was thinking of the things we could talk about once we were there.
“Is that a date then?” Once she had agreed to our date I hung up, placed the phone on the bedside cabinet.
My body ached from head to toe as I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I knew Father was looking down from the Fade at me. If he was here by my side I knew he’d be pleased. How I missed him
Grahce: Yes, it’s a date. I’ll see you tomorrow night.
*I agreed to meet him at #ZeroSum the next evening at midnight and wondered what I would wear. It’s been months since I have been clubbing and even longer since I’ve dated anyone. I mainly kept to myself just so I could avoid agreeing to date whichever male my parents deemed worthy and I needed to branch out more. I’ve been sheltered by my parents for too long. I needed to get out into the world. Don’t get me wrong, there were perks to being born of the Glymera before it was disbanded but I wasn’t like most and I liked that about myself. I was my own person and had my own opinions. I went into my closet and tried to figure out what one wears for a night at the club.*
Odhium: I fell asleep in no time, the entry to the Brotherhood program had exhausted me.
The alarm went off, cracking an eye open I stopped the alarm. It was five in the afternoon. Getting up I made my way into the en suite bathroom, turning the shower on and getting in.
After what seemed like an hour I turned off the water, grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off. The water had eased my aching joints.
Going to the closet I pondered on what to wear for my date. A suit was out. Didn't want to look too formal. Jeans were a no no as well. Didn't want to look too casual. I settled for some black slacks and a black silk shirt and a pair of black loafers. I dressed in the clothes I had decided on and went downstairs
Mahmen was at the table eating first meal, looking up. “You look nice. Going anywhere special?”
“Only going to a club.”
“Be careful” I saw her worried look.
“Don't worry about me Mahmen.”
After finishing first meal, I went back to my bedroom. Grabbing a black leather jacket and put it on. I pocketed my phone and keys. Descending the stairs I went outside. Calming myself down I dematerialized in the alley next to Zero Sum and waited for Grahce.
Grahce: *After spending the morning going through my closet and a few hours getting ready for my date, I decided on a leather skirt and a black blouse and some knee high boots as I walked up to the door avoiding the line for entrance to the club. Having a Brother for a distant cousin came in handy sometimes. Though we rarely spoke since he was so busy with his duties, but one night a few years ago he saw me hanging out with some girlfriends and all of sudden I got to bypass the line every time now but I also noticed that the bouncers always kept a watchful eye on me as well. Made me wonder if they ever reported back to him about my comings and goings.
I waded through all the human bodies dancing to Lil Wayne’s “I Am Not A Human”, ironic, and found a seat at the bar and ordered a Grey Goose and cranberry and waited for my date.*
Odhium: Walking out of the alleyway I headed to the front door of the club.
Being on the training program had its perks. All I had to say was one word “Brotherhood” the bouncer moved to one side.
Entering Zero Sum, the place was full of both humans and vampires, bodies moving beside each other as they swayed to the music, others were entangled with each other, tongues down each others throats. Yet more were smoking illegal drugs, the bouncers were keeping a blind eye to what was going on.
Making my way through the crowds of people I made my way to the bar. The sea of people parted and there she was, sitting at the bar and she looked amazing. Walking up to the bar, I ordered a rum and Coke.
“You look amazing.” I told Grahce. “Do you want to go up to the VIP section?”
Before she can answer, I lead Grahce up to the VIP section, said the magic word and the rope was lifted off the post. Walking in I sat in the booth by the fire exit.
Grahce: *Odhium ordered his drink and quickly let me to the VIP section before I could admire him. But as we sat in the book I could take a moment to admire his leather jacket and black attire. The leather was very soft as I ran my hand down his arm.* This is a gorgeous jacket.
*I smiled as he blushed slightly at my touch and drank my cocktail as a people watched a bit while we relaxed into the date. Watching the human dance and kiss on the floor … a few taking it even further in shadowed corners. The night was young and I leaned back into the booth and crossed my legs at the knees underneath the table and folded my hands in my lap.* So tell me about yourself.
Odhium: As we both settled into the booth, her hand fell onto my arm. We were both silent for sometime  before she asked. “So tell me about yourself.”
I shrugged my shoulders “I've got onto the training program. That is what I wanted to tell you.” I had some of the rum and Coke. “My father died recently, so I have to provide for both mahmen and myself. Don't get me wrong we are well off but not like the Glymera. Think it is more of something to do.”
I sat back into the booth and watched her. She was processing what I had said to her.
Before she could answer I asked her. “What's your story then?”
Grahce: Congratulations! I know that it is a great honor to be part of the training program. *After his statement about the Glymera, I wasn’t sure if I needed to bring it up, so I skipped over parts of my background.*
I currently work at the #AudienceHouse for the King a few nights a week and then part time at #RoyalRefuge. Other than that, my life’s pretty boring. *I shrug nonchalantly. My life was pretty boring … but then again living the sheltered life in a former Glymera household will do that. Granted we were not one of the founding families, but we were descendants of one of the Brothers. Distant relatives.*
So tell me how the training program is so far. It must be so grueling.
Odhium: “Thank you. Grueling isn't the word. That was only passing the test to get to into the program. I start the training tomorrow, got tonight off to rest.”
I was beginning to ease talking to her, it felt like I had known her for years.
“What's it like at the Audience House? And the Brothers, what are they like?”
I had only briefly met the Brothers after passing their tests to get into the training program, but I wanted more intel on them. Call it … doing my homework.
While I waited for Grahce to answer I slid my hand on top of hers. I hoped I wasn't becoming too forward with her.
Grahce: *His hand is warm as he places it on top of mine. Reassuringly. It’s nice.*
The #AudienceHouse is amazing watching #Wrath mediate all the issue among the  civilian population as well as the Glymera. I mean … technically there is no Glymera … but you know the people I’m talking about.
And the Brothers? They are … intimidating and really good guys. I’ve been working there almost a year now and they’re easy going once you get to know them. But I can only imagine what it would be like to be on the receiving end when they’re pissed or in warrior mode.
*Shivers. The Brothers can be seriously scary when they want to be. Every now and again someone who has an entitled attitude wants the King’s decision to sway in a certain way and when it doesn’t and they try to get all high and mighty? Sheesh … do they change their tune once they get a “talking to” from Rhage, Vishous or Zsadist … they wish they’d never been born. Then again, Wrath is no slouch either. When he raises his voice, even I can feel the vibrations of the roar from the otherside of the door at my desk.*
Seriously though. *Looking at Odium.* You do /not/ want to be on their bad side.
Odhium: I felt her shudder as she explained that I didn't want to be on their bad side. I noted her warning.
“I can imagine. Yeah, I know who the people you're talking about.”
I wasn't sure if she would understand if I told her that my father had to deal with them bastards. All the dodgy deals he had to draft up for them, if father didn't do what they asked then they would of brought my father down and leave him penniless. I wouldn't be surprised if it was them who had brought on my father's condition. Now he was in the Fade.
I squeezed her hand slightly in silent agreement with Grahce, since Wrath had started the Audience House and dissolved the Glymera, there had been no more dodgy deals.
Finishing my drink I held my hand up for the waitress. “You want another drink?” The waitress came over, giving her the order. I looked back at Grahce. “What you like doing when your not at the Audience House?”
Grahce: *I nodded for a second drink and thought about my response before answering.* I work part time at #RoyalRefuge as well. Mostly doing clerical work and being a part time social worker. Working with the females and their children while they transition from one home to another and getting back on their feet.
*I didn’t want to mention how my parents found little comfort in my choice of career. Which is why I was full time at the #AudienceHouse and part time at the #RoyalRefuge. My parents somehow thought my exposure to the King and the Brotherhood would somehow fix my internal mechanism in my makeup that was part Glymera born raised daughter who wanted to be madam of the household and go shopping and have lavish parties and be that “trophy” wife.
I internally rolled my eyes at the thought. If my parents only knew how “un-GLymera” the Brotherhood was and how much they loathed dealing with the former Princeps Council members and the Founding Families, which my family was not any of the former … just high enough in elevation due to old family money and being descendents of a Brother gave my family its position in the hierarchy. However bothersome it was for me as the black sheep of the family.*
Odhium: Our drinks arrived, I tipped the waitress and listened to Grahce about her work.
“You're a saint, I mean helping those at the Royal Refuge with the females and their young. As for the Audience House … I know you're only the secretary there, but I bet it's nice to see the situations resolved in a fair way and not in a ‘dodgy’ deal.”
I wonder how much I should tell her about what my father did before he passed onto the Fade. Sighing I decided there and then to tell her.
“My father, before his demise, had worked amongst the Glymera. He had to draft up parchments deals that were made. He knew they were wrong, but the Glymera warned my father if he revealed anything about these deals then they would make him penniless, making sure no other family would hire him. It hit him hard, he became ill and died. I blame the Glymera for his death.”
I took a long pull of the rum and coke before settling the glass back on the table, I sneaked a look at Grahce to see what she thought of me now.
Grahce: *I feel my cheeks warm at his compliment but as he recounts his family’s misfortunes in regards to dodgy deals as he called it. Then to hear that due to the pressure and stress from these situations would then lead to his demise was heartbreaking.*
I’m so sorry for your loss. *I placed my other hand over his that held my other hand as I provided a small comfort for such a large loss. I held my tongue in regards to the Glymera, this was not the time or place to mention that my family was from the former Glymera and wondered briefly if my own father was part of this. I was not privy to any of my family business so it made it wonder.
I took a sip of my Cape Cod and tried to remember if I ever heard of Odhium’s family name in conversation, but could not recollect anything. The cool liquid was tart and refreshing as I felt my throat parched from worry.*
Odhium: I watch Grahce place her other hand over mine, the gesture was warm and comforting “Thank you.” I didn't really knew what I was thanking her for, maybe it was the contact that I was thanking her for.
Downing the rest if my drink, I placed the tumbler back on the table, looking at my watch. “It’s fast approaching dawn. We better make our way back for the day. Will I see you again?”
I hoped Grahce would want to see me again. I felt calm next to her, she was like my anchor in the proverbial storm that I was experiencing since the passing. I loved her facial features, her curves. This is how a female should look like. I know I shouldn't stare at her but I couldn't help it. She was perfection to me.
Grahce: *Time had passed too quickly as we sat in this intimate booth that I had not noticed the time. Looking down at my phone to see the time, and knew he was right. I had a full night with a double shifts at both #AudienceHouse and then at #RoyalRefuge so it would have to be a day after before I would be able to see him again.*
Umm, I’m free Sunday evening. I have to work doubles later tonight. *I looked up from my phone and was surprised to find him studying me that I could feel myself blush.*
Odhium: “Yes, that is more important and yes I would like to see you on Sunday. My treat I will take you out. I’ll text you the details later.” I squeezed her hand.
I got up from the booth and turned to help her up and I escorted Grahce out of the club and into the cold air. Walking us both round into the alleyway, I leaned down brushing my lips against her cheek. “Till we meet again be well my dearest Grahce.”
I waited as I watch her close her eyes and disappeared from my presence then I calmed myself down and dematerialized back to my house. Opening the front door, I told Mahmen that I was back, then headed to my bedroom.
#FirstDate #BDBMisfits #BDB
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