Feeling the Distance
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*After our first fight … @Odhium_ had visited for a few moments before having to head back home since daylight was so near. We spent a few hours just having Last Meal and talking. I still felt the distance that was created by his hatred of the Glymera. He kissed me goodbye that morning and we have texted back and forth but nothing else.
Perhaps, with us being apart … he had more time to think clearly since he wasn’t under the high emotional atmosphere of the #AudienceHouse. I had a feeling #Tohr had more to do with his apology than not. It made me despondent. I felt the pang in my heart knowing that possibly he only felt guilty for being prejudiced and that in the end … my being part of something so monumental to his anger circumvented any amount of feelings he had for me.
We had only been dating a few weeks, technically we had only been on four dates, that included the disastrously short Masquerade Ball. But deep down I think perchance he was the one. Stupid of me to think that after only a few dates. My subconscious rolling her eyes at me.
My entire life up until I made the decision to be on my own … was carefully planned and thought out by my parents. Down to the last detail. I went to the right schools, join the proper clubs and had the correct “upbringing” any female of the Glymera would have. Though again … technically here was no more Glymera Council but the aristocracy of the upper class still felt that those of the Founding Families were above all the rest. Regardless it being recognized by the King. Not that he gave a fuck.
Quite the contrary, he made it know that there was no longer a Glymera Council and therefore no longer a governing body to make idiotic laws such as mandatory sehclusion for all females who were not mated. A status conferred upon a female of the aristocracy as a result of a petition by the female’s family of the Glymera Council. Placing the email under the sole discretion of her ghardian, typically the eldest male in her household. The ghardian then had the legal right to determine all manner of her life, restricting at will any and all interactions she has with the world. Though a family could still petition that sort of archiac behavior … #Wrath rarely approved unless it was under some serious circumstances where he felt the female would be in danger. #Beth would have his balls otherwise.
It seemed only time will tell if @Odhium_ will come around … but based on the little contact we’ve had over the weeks and the depth of said conversations … it wasn’t looking promising.*
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Grahce: *It’s been a few days since the Masquerade Party. I haven’t spoken to Odhium since that night. I thought I would but I guess not. I felt a slight pang inside my chest when I thought about it so I tried not to think about it.
I need to get ready for work. I slipped on some slacks and a blouse from my closet and slipped on my heels. Grabbing my bag with my iPad and put my wallet inside, once ready I opened my balcony door slightly and took a deep breath and dematerialize to the #AudienceHouse.*
Odhium: I still couldn’t believe Grahce had done this to me, she knew how I felt about the Glymera but yet she paraded me in front of them all as I was some sort of trophy. I felt hurt, betrayed and above all I felt stabbed in the back.
Over the past few days, I had tried to put Grahce to one side of my mind, but when I was alone all I could see was her beneath me. This hurt a lot.
Back at the training centre we had been assigned our latest shifts, tonight I was going to the Audience House to see the layout and where the King goes to hear the civilians. Pulling on some leathers and a muscle shirt and put my shitkickers on. I hope tonight would go quick, all I wanted to do was drown my sorrows in a whiskey bottle.
Grahce: *I arrived at the house and entered through the kitchen were some of the Brothers were snacking and hanging out. I said hello and kissed my cousin on the cheek.*
Hey Tohr, how is everything?
*We made small talk for a few minutes and I got to my desk and pulled up the King’s schedule to see who would be arriving and what issues they were bringing to have the King settle and decide upon. I started answering a few emails and texting out appointment confirmations.*
Odhium: Arriving at the Audience House, opening the front door. To my surprise I saw Grahce sat behind the desk welcoming those who had made appointments to see the King.
Fucking great, but I wasn’t going to start something in front of everyone, especially the King. I didn’t want to come across as immature when I had the more important job of keeping the King safe.
I nodded politely to Grahce and made my way to the kitchen, there I was meeting Tohr, he was going to show me around the place. He’d finished his drink and put his mug into the dishwasher. He saw me and waved me over.
“Good to see someone is eager.”
He clapped a heavy hand onto my shoulder, I nearly buckled under his touch. Recovering gracefully Tohr showed me around the place.
Grahce: *I felt his presence before I saw him enter the house and he nodded at me but didn’t stop to talk to me but instead went straight into the kitchen.
All I could feel is sadness. I guess it was truly over. I wasn’t even sure what I did wrong. It didn’t make sense.
I needed to focus on work and put my personal issues in the back of my mind so I continue on with my night without getting emotional.*
Odhium: Coming back out to where Grahce was sat, she looked sad, fuck I was sad too. All this because she hadn’t told me the truth.
Following Tohr into the room where the King met the civilians, there’s were two chairs by the fireplace and a desk and chair over by the far wall.
“The chairs by the fireplace are for the King and the civilian, the desk and chair are for Saxton who keeps legal accounts of each meeting. When your here you be opening the door for the next civilian in. While the civilian is talking to the King it’s your job to watch if that civilian is a threat or not to the King.”
I took all this in but to be honest this sounded way to boring, no wonder the rest of the Brothers moaned about here, nothing happened. Well duty calls, if I was going to be made a Brother/Warrior I had to learn the dull jobs with the exciting ones.
“You can go back to the training centre for class. You won’t be here for sometime but it’s better to know what your going to do here early.” Tohr was right, as always. Better to know everything than have a surprise for a later date.
Walking back to the doors, I opened them, there I saw Grahce chatting to one of the male trainees, he must have to be here too for the walk round, but was late. Tohr hated lateness, I hoped this trainee got it, the best Tohr would be doing is wiping the floor with his ass.
Going up to Grahce I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth.
“Is he your latest conquest?”
Grahce: *I stiffen at the harsh comment I hear behind me as I was speaking to one of the males here to guard the King. I knew that I must be red in the face with embarrassment and shame. My heart sinks more when I hear Tohr and I cringe.*
“Excuse me! You two in the kitchen … /NOW/!!” *He thundered as I turned to see that Tohr had followed Odhium from the kitchen. He was pissed. Crap. Females from the Glymera were supposed to be chaste and virginal … blah blah blah. I never cared what the Glymera, the bunch of stuck up racists the lot of them, so I didn’t follow traditions … but I didn’t want to embarrass my family either. No matter how distant.*
I’m sorry, Tohr. *I quickly apologized looking down at the floor feeling defeated, he didn’t need to find out this way.*
“Grahce, we’ll speak later on this. Don’t worry so much. Duty calls.” *He turned and left me by myself and returned to the kitchen. Before I could take another step, #Saxton appeared to my left coming in from the foyer.*
Hey Saxton, here is today’s agenda. *I stated as I picked up the papers I printed earlier and handed it to him.*
Odhium: In the kitchen, Tohr stormed in, he was really pissed.
“Whatever is going on between you and Grahce should NOT be on public display. You’re meant to be a fucking warrior, but with that display I have a good mind to throw you off the training program. But as it’s me you have one more chance. Fuck it up and your out. GOT IT?”
I simply nodded, I knew if I said anything it may be the wrong thing
“Good. I advise you to get out there and apologise to her. And under no circumstances that it becomes a public display again.”
Tohr headed out of the kitchen. Fucking great, now I have to go out there and publicly apologise to Grahce. After all, she deserved an explanation to my actions at her place.
Taking a deep breath I headed out over to where Grahce was sat. “Can I have a word with you in the seating room, this is important.”
Grahce: *I winced as I heard Tohr yell even through the door. Shit. Fucking great. This was not what I was expecting when I woke up this morning. Ugh. Then I heard the door open again, and Odhium coming out asking to speak with me.*
Fine. *I said through gritted teeth. I just wanted this to be done. Clearly, he’s made up his mind about me and I needed to move on. Didn’t matter if I understood it or not. Didn’t matter how I felt inside. It didn’t. Wasn’t sure who I was trying to convince.*
Odhium: Walking into the seating room, turning to make sure Grahce had followed me. She was there, closing the doors behind her, it was just me and her in the room.
“I owe you an explanation about the other night at the ball. I reacted badly when I saw the Glymera, I shouldn’t of taken it out on you but I felt betrayed. You know my feelings about the Glymera and how they stressed my father out that it killed him but you chose not to tell me. Have you any idea how that felt for me to find out like that?”
Running my hand through my hair, if I could pull the stuff out I would’ve.
I waited for Grahce to answer, waited to see if there was going to be an us again, Grahce had got under my skin, she was the only thing I lived and breathed for.
Grahce: I assumed you were speaking about specific people not the grouping as a whole. How exactly was I supposed to bring that up? Normally when people are dating they talk about themselves, not their parents. I don’t associate myself with the Glymera, I’m working two jobs and live on my own. How I was suppose to know that you’re basically racist?
*I was getting upset. This was ridiculous. He was putting me in the same category with people I’ve spent my whole life rebelling against. I had my own problems with the Glymera and chose to distant myself, but my parents were still my parents. They might not understand my actions but they respected them. Unlike Odhium.*
Clearly, you have your issues with them as do I. But if you can’t see that I’m different from all of that bullshit that society portrays … there’s nothing I can do about that.
Odhium: “You could of least warned me where the ball was, I/we could of worked something out but no you’d rather surprise me with it. That was very caring of you sweetheart.”
I began to pace around the seating room, I know I was awful with Grahce just then but what did she expect?
“Then if you hate them as much you say you, then why go? You could of made some excuse to your parents about not going. That sounds two faced to me or are you frightened to say no to them?”
Grahce: Surprise you? You were invited to spend time with me, not my family. I just wanted to introduce to my parents. I thought mentioning my parents was all the preparation you needed. Forgive me if you can’t handle saying “hello”.
You know what?! You have it /all/ figured out don’t you? Well, you can go fuck yourself. I NEVER said I hated my parents. Family is important, regardless if we don’t always believe in the same things. I’m working two jobs for a reason, dick head. It’s clear you think so little of me.
*I turned and walked out out of the room. I was so pissed at the audacity of the male to think of only himself. Like the world only revolves around him. He was more like the Glymera than he even knew. I didn’t need that kind of male in my life. He could go fuck himself. I worked two jobs because my parents cut me off with the exception of my safety, which was why I had the condo. They wanted to make a point but not at the expense of my life.
I went back to my desk and confirmed that all the confirmations were send and received and logged off. I walked to #Saxton’s desk.*
Hey, I’m not feeling well. Will you be ok here? The schedule is set for tonight, and I can get to any emails or voicemails tomorrow morning.
“Yes, that’s fine. I hope you feel better, Grahce.”
Odhium: Watching Grahce walk out of the room, her words stung me like she had slapped me hard against the face. Yes, I was an arrogant male who had been hurt but I had to put all that aside and think of Grahce.
Walking out I saw her exit the Audience House, running after her. “Grahce, I’m sorry for what I said. What can I do for you to forgive me?”
Grabbing Grahce gently by her arm, I swung her around. Wrapping my arms around her I pressed my lips against hers.
“I’m so sorry, Grahce.”
Grahce: *I barely made it to the sidewalk of the #AudienceHouse as I was surprised when I was suddenly braced in Odhium’s arms in a kiss. I couldn’t think clearly but my anger was slowly dissipating as I listed to his apology.*
Odhium, I can’t change who I am. I don’t think this isn’t going to work. *I replied feebly. I wanted it to work but can it? He undeniably had strong feelings about the Glymera … not that I could blame him. But how would staying together fix any of that? It would hurt so much more later … if and when he figured out that I wasn’t what he wanted.*
Perhaps you need to really think about this …
Odhium: “I have thought about this and you’re right, both of us need to stand up against the Glymera. I see now that you were doing that at the ball, bringing me along you were sticking two fingers up at the stuck up bastards. We can make this work. As for you talking to other males may be a problem. When I saw you with that male tonight I was insanely jealous.”
Bringing Grahce closer to my body, I once again press my lips against hers. I was one lucky bastard, I’d nearly lost Grahce over my views of everything, but she was showing me there were other ways to air my views. I was willing to learn from her.
“Please let me escort you back to your apartment.”
Grahce: *Before I could argue further, Odhium kissed me again but all my anger had faded with this kiss.*
You have nothing to be jealous about, we were just talking. Besides you can’t, you are on rotation to guard the King. I can get myself home. I was only leaving because I was so upset, but I’m fine now. I just don’t want to have to go back in and explain everything. Though I’m thinking you’re going to have to explain yourself to Tohr … it’s bad enough I’m sure I’ll be hearing from him myself later.
Odhium: “Yeah I better tell Tohr what’s going on, I have a feeling he won’t be happy but he will have to get used to us being together. I better be getting back to the Audience House to meet the King and do my duties. But please text me to tell me you got back safely, I don’t think Tohr can handle me when my mind is not on job in hand.”
Giving Grahce another kiss, I went back to the Audience House, slipping in through the front door in time. The King came out of the kitchen, he must of smelt my scent but said nothing, he gave a smirk and a knowing nod to me. Damn nothing got passed him for sure.
Grahce: *I nodded my agreement and slipped beside the house and dematerialized to my balcony. I entered my condo, closed the doors and locked them. Then I took out my phone and texted Odhium that I arrived safely and that he’s welcome to come by later after his shift so we could talk.
I felt so much lighter now that I knew where we stood. Though I had a feeling that this issue was far from being resolved. My family was important to me though we didn’t see eye to eye on everything. I was walking the line between following my heart and pleasing my parents without having them controlling my life. I could only hope that this relationship could work.*
Odhium: Before I went into the room where the King was seated but Tohr had pulled me into the kitchen.
“Right son I’m going to tell you something. Grahce is a relative of mine, if you hurt her I can guarantee I will hurt you back. And worse.”
What did he just say? That he and Grahce were related. Damn the odds on that was like a million to one, I would never of guessed but looking back on it all it made perfect sense why she was her working here. Tohr would of put a word in for her.
“I understand that but it was a misunderstanding we had earlier.” My phone beeped, taking it out I saw the text from Grahce.
“It was Grahce letting me know she got back to her place safety.”
“You’re not a bad kid but word of advice. Keep on the sweet side of Grahce, she will tell me if you’ve done her wrong and I will make your life a living hell in the program.”
I nodded at Tohr.
“Get back into the room, the King doesn’t like to wait around.”
With the air cleared between Tohr and myself, I slipped into the room to a night of boredom, counting down the minutes till I saw Grahce again.
Grahce: *I spent most of the night, organizing some files from my laptop that connected to the computer at the #AudienceHouse courtesy of the Brother Vishous for when I needed to access the files outside of work. I felt guilty leaving work when I was feeling better so I used the time and organized files, answer emails and set up appointments while I waited for Odhium to call me or arrive.
It was almost 3am before I heard a knock at my door.*
Odhium: Finally I was let off my duties from the Audience House, I swear another minute there and I’d fallen asleep where I stood.
Once I was outside and the cool hit my face, I woke up. Heading into the shadows I dematerialised to Grahce’s apartment. Appearing outside her door, I knocked gently and waited to be let in.
Grahce opened the door, she was still in her clothes when she had on earlier at the Audience House but to me she looked stunning.
“Come in, Odhium.”
I didn’t need to be told twice, shutting the door behind me, I brought Grahce into my arms and pressed my lips hard against hers. I was home at long last.
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Beyond Masquerade
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Grahce: *Opening my eyes, I stretched as I felt so many unused muscles aches … then remembering why they ached and looked over to the still sleeping male responsible. I turned into my side and quietly watch him sleep.
He was so much more vulnerable now. Not as cynical as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulder. I snuggled a little closer and could feel the heat of his body which only raised my temperature as well. I fought not to wake him … but gave in and kissed his nose.*
Odhium: Laying in bed, sleeping soundly and dreaming of entering Grahce for the hundredth time. Sinking into the bed even more I felt lips against my skin.
My eyes flicker open, focusing I see Grahce in front of me. How could this be possible? It all came back to me, the dinner date at Grahce’s, she not wanting me leaving her. So the dream wasn’t a dream after all
Smiling at her I ran my fingers through her soft hair.
“Hello beautiful.”
Grahce: Hey yourself. It’s still a little early, the sun hasn’t set yet. So we still have some time … *I started saying as he played with my hair and drew me closer to his body. I could feel his warm hard figure as my hands roamed his naked back.
Memories of this morning started to flash in my mind and arousing my sleep weary body to attention. I watch and wondered if Odhium felt the shift in the air as I did.*
Odhium: Pulling Grahce nearer to my body, I buried my face into her hair, inhaling deeply. I smelt her scent, she was wanting me to enter her.
“Thought you might be sore after all we been up to all day.”
I pressed my lips against hers, her lips were a bit sore from all the contact I had made with my own.
Running my fingers down her curves, running them over her hip and to the conjunction between her legs.
Grahce: *I moaned quietly as he kissed and touched me and answered my call.* Nothing a little healing can’t fix Odhium. *I answered him as I run the palm of my hand down his abs towards his already hard cock.*
You seem ready for me. Were you having some erotic dreams? *I asked as I began to pump him slowly, up and down his velvet steel rod gathering the pre-cum seeping from the slit.*
Odhium: “I was dreaming of entering you.”
My breath hissed out as Grahce took my rock hard cock into her hand. I was literally hers to do what she willed.
I slipped my fingers between her silky folds, Grahce was wet and waiting for me to attend to her sexual needs. Grinding my fingers hard against her clit, her breath hitched knowing that she liked that. Lowering my head I took her hard nipple between my lips.
Grahce: *Pleasure filled my body as I laid flat on my bed as he hovered over me taking me into his warm mouth. His fingers on my clit brought shivers up my body as it began to tighten in anticipation. I grabbed his hair as I held on as he brought me closer and closer to the brink.*
Oooooh … make me cum. *I begged as he continued to tease me.*
Odhium: Flickering her hardened nipple with my tongue, my fingers rubbing against her swollen bud between her legs
“Come for me Grahce.”
The moment the words tumbled from my lips she came hard for me, my fingers soaked with her delicious ambrosia. Bringing my fingers to my mouth I licked them clean.
“You’re amazing Grahce.”
Grahce: *Bliss clouded my head as he coaxed a powerful orgasm from me and hearing his sweet words made it more intimate as I open my eyes to see him staring down at me.*
You are baby. *I replied as I touched his face and urged him down so our lips could connect in a kiss. His soft lips against mine, sweet and strong as he took control and deepened it. I continued to stroke his hard cock, wanting him inside me so I could pleasure him with my body. I tugged him fully over me, between my legs as we continued to kiss.*
Odhium: Being pulled towards her lips, I obliged by pressing my lips against hers. Grahce nudge my body between her legs, my cock was twitching to be used, entering her in one easy move I hiss out loudly
“Fuck me.”
Waiting till Grahce got accustomed to my size before I started to retreat and enter into her.
Grahce: *Hearing his words only turned me on more knowing I affected him as much as he affected me. His long hard cock entered me in a fluid stroke.* Scribe, yes!
*I yelled as he began to move as we continued this dance with our bodies from this morning. He felt as good as he did the first time as we began our steady climb to gratification.
Sex has been an exercise of release for so many years for me … but this time it felt like more. I was scared to feel this way so soon with someone I barely knew. A few dates and we ended up in bed and … I didn’t want him to leave.*
Odhium: My pace picked up, slamming against Grahce hard and fast. Preoccupied in my own gratification, becoming harder inside of her, stretching her wider. The strange thought that she was Mine. Continuing the rutting, a deep growl erupted from lips as I explode into her hot wet core. Riding out the orgasm that ripped through my body.
When it was over I collapsed on top of Grahce, panting hard and unable to move. She does things to that no other female has ever done to me. I was in danger of bonding with her, I barely knew her.
Gathering the strength into my limbs, I settle beside her, gathering her up into my arms.
“That was … explosive”
Pressing my lips against her forehead, I spend my time running my fingers through her hair while we both recover from our coupling.
Grahce: *I laid on my bed trying to catch my breath as I slowly came down from my high. I finally opened my eyes to see him looking down at me.*
How about First Meal? I’m famished, you? *I asked to in order to avoid focusing on trying to figure out what I’m feeling at the moment watching him watching me. This was still all so new.
The beginning of relationships was always hot and passionate before it fizzled out and the break up imminent. It was always the same. They grew bored and found another to warm their bed. I needed to keep this relationship light and friendly.
I gracefully got up from the bed and out in my silk robe and started towards the bathroom to freshen up and then to the kitchen to start First Meal.*
Odhium: Watching Grahce as she put on her silk robe.
“You don’t need that on, you should let your beauty be seen for my own eyes. I can never get enough of you.”
Growling low, more like a purr, my body stirred once again. Having this compulsion to mark her, a scent that was dark, rich and spicy filled the air between us. Bringing my arm up to my nose, inhaling deeply. Fuck, I was bonding with her, my scent was that of possession, the urge to have my scent all over her to ward off other males. She was MINE.
Quickly getting up, I slipped into my boxers before she saw I was once again hard, I slipped my legs into my jeans.
“First meal sounds like a good idea.”
Striding past her, heading towards the kitchen. I could feel my cheeks flushing, I hoped that she didn’t see my embarrassment of what my body, no scratch that, of what she was doing to my body.
Grahce: *I smiled secretly as I watched Odhium have a hard time getting his jeans over his erection. Based on the flush of his cheeks he was shy about it though he shouldn’t be. It was a turn on to know how I affected him.
I decided to let it be and started gathering ingredients to make breakfast. Taking the pan and lightly coating it in olive oil and while it heated up. I started cutting up some vegetables and ham and sausage. I broke several eggs and started mixing and poured the mixture into the pan to make omelets.*
Baby, can you butter some bread and toast them? *I asked as I continue to flip and cook the eggs.*
Odhium: Baby, she called me baby.
“Yeah, sure I can.”
Getting back to the program, I butter some bread and then toasted them. How the hell I didn’t burn them or set the kitchen on fire was a miracle. Putting the toast onto a plate and placed it in the middle of the table.
Grahce came over with two plates, both with omelettes on and placed them on to the table. Sitting down with her, we began to eat.
“Mmm this is delicious.”
I must have been hungry, I polished the food in no time.
Grahce: *We finish our meal as we put the plates in the dishwasher I go check my emails and come across my reminder about the Glymera Masquerade Ball. What a bore. But mahmen is requiring my attendance. Hmmm, having a date would make the time go by much faster. I wonder how’d he feel.
Baby? If you’re not busy tomorrow night, I was wondering if you would like to escort me to a costume party? My parents are demanding my attendance.
*I look up at him to gauge your reaction to my request. It sorta a big deal … he would meet my parents, family and friends. It felt right that he should be there by my side.*
Odhium: “Like as in another date? Yeah, sure I can do that. What time is this party?”
Now the next question is what would my costume be?
“Is there a theme to this party?”
I didn’t want to come as something lame and embarrass Grahce in front of everyone who I’d assume would be her friends. If needs be, I could always go as James Bond. Chuckling to that idea I look up into Grahce’s eyes.
Grahce: Masquerade. So a tux is fine if you have one. I can bring you a mask. *I smiled as I realized that I would have someone to introduce to my parents. Hopefully they’ll get off my case on getting mated. I know we’ve only been dating a few weeks but I would be proud to show him to my parents and everyone. He was so sweet and kind.
Although I’m sure my parents would find something wrong with him as they do with all my prospects. Internally sighs. They always want someone from one of the Glymera families.*
Odhium: “I can do that for you. What time would you like me to pick you up Saturday night?”
I looked at the time, the sun was setting and I’d have to be home soon. Mahmen would be worried if I didn’t show up, even though she knew I was safe.
“I have to go, Mahmen is expecting me home tonight. Thank you for last night, it was the best night of my life.”
Walking over to her, leaning down I kissed her softly on her lips.
“I will pick you up Saturday night.”
Grahce: Eight is fine. We don’t want to arrive too early. *I smile as you lean against me for a kiss and hearing your feeling towards our night together that transition into day.*
It was very nice indeed. You’re welcome here anytime. *I say sincerely. I liked having him around. I walked him to my door.* Thank you for coming over.
Odhium: “It was my pleasure.”
Walking out Grahce’s apartment and down the stairs to the foyer, I exited the building and went down the alleyway next to it. Once I was in the shadows I dematerialise back to my home. My molecules reforming onto the front lawn, I walked up to the front door being greeted by the doggen.
“Where is my Mahmen?”
“She’s in the sitting room, sire.”
Thanking the doggen, walking into the sitting room, my Mahmen looked up from the book she was reading.
“You made it back safely Odhium. How was your evening?”
Thinking about what Grahce and I had been up to all day I couldn’t help but smile.
“It went well, thank you for inquiring Mahmen.”
I left my Mahmen and retired to my bedroom.
Grahce: *The next night, I was getting ready in my bedroom for the ball. I rolled on my silk black stockings and attached them to my garter belt around my thighs. I laced up the bustier and tied the sides of the matching black thong. I smiled as I thought of O’s reaction when he saw what was underneath my gown.
I was hoping that he would come home with me and continue the festivities well into the morning and afternoon. I could feel myself getting wetter as I thought about the other night. He was so in command and tentative. He made me cum so many times throughout the day that I passed out after one session where he made me cum over and over … first with his fingers, tongue and mouth … quickly following with long, hard thrusts with his huge cock filling me so full and touching every nerve in my channel.
I couldn’t help but smile and blush when I thought of yesterday. He made me happy. I hoped that my feelings weren’t one-sided. Only time would tell.*
Odhium: I was in my room getting ready for tonight’s ball. Grahce hadn’t said much, only that I would be meeting with her parents. Damn, I was nervous as hell. Hope whoever they were they’d accept my class. Middle and lower class civilians were always shunned upon on those who had higher status, well all except the King. He hates the Glymera as much as I did.
Taking a final look at myself in the mirror, I took my tuxedo jacket and put it on, picking up my phone and keys and pocketed them, I head downstairs and out of the front door. Calming myself down, I dematerialised to Grahce’s apartment. I gently rapped my knuckles against her front door, waiting for her to open the door. I couldn’t wait to see her again and I knew she be radiant as always.
Grahce: *Putting the finishing touches on my attire, I heard the knock at the door and felt excited. Looking at my reflection once more in my floor length mirror, I made my way to the door.
Once I opened the door, he stands there in all his finery looking deliciously handsome in his tux. I smile as I stand aside to let him into my place as I still need to get my shoes, purse and masks. I had my family’s doggen pick up an extra one for Odhium so we could match. They were charmingly intricate and eye-catching in black and laying on my counter.*
Hey, I just need to get my shoes and purse and I’ll be ready in a few minutes. The car should be here shortly. *I said as I went back to my bedroom for my heels and brought them out into the hallway to put them on.*
Odhium: Grahce opened the door, she looked amazing as always. She invited me in letting me know that she had to retrieve her shoes and purse. She then handed me a mask for the ball and her family doggen will be picking us up soon.
Leaving Grahce’s apartment, I reached for her hand, taking into my own and escorted her down to the main lobby. As Grahce had stated the doggen was waiting for us, I let Grahce get into the car first then I sat beside her while the doggen shut us in.
“What if your parents don’t like me?”
I was nervous as hell, sweat was forming as beads on my forehead. I knew I shouldn’t be overthinking the events of this evening but I couldn’t help it.
The doggen drove us to Grahce’s parent’s house, it was a large Tudor style house. This was serious money being flaunted here. My instincts kicked in. Was Grahce part of the Glymera? The stuck up bastards who had killed my father under the stress that they put him through. I had to be certain before I said anything to Grahce.
The car stopped outside the main door, the doggen quickly opened the car door, Grahce got out effortlessly, I was behind her. I didn’t know what to do, take her hand or put my arm around her, or simply walk beside her. We put our masks on and walked up the steps where we were met by another doggen.
Grahce: They will like you, baby. Don’t worry. *We reached my family home and James met us at the door.*
“Good evening, Miss. Welcome home.” *He greeted us. We entered the foyer and I led Odhium through the manse into the ballroom where everything was set up. A small string orchestra was finishing up their tuning while the conductor chatted with my mahmen concerning the music ambiance no doubt. The room was slowly filling up with members of the Glymera and the normal mix of high society, people I could barely stand to be around sometimes.
It was no wonder I wanted to move out on my own just as to not have to deal with the lot of them on the daily basis in my family’s business and social calendar. It just really wasn’t my scene in the last few years. This was actually my first event in almost two years since being on my own and working two jobs. We slowly made a circuit around the room and greeted a few people.*
Odhium: Grahce mingled with everyone there, introducing me to them all. I recognized them all, they were my Father’s clients. The anger was rising, why hadn’t Grahce told me who her family where? Grahce brought me to a couple who were near the orchestra.
“Mahmen, Father this is Odhium an acquaintance of mine.”
Grahce’s father reached out with his right hand, taking it in mine I noticed the solid gold ring on his little finger. The ring with the family crest on it. These were the Glymera.
“Will you excuse me please.”
I looked at Grahce with distaste, walking past her and towards the front door. Walking out I breathed deeply, how could she bring me here? I hate the Glymera and I hate her. From now on before I go with any female I’ll have to check her family out first.
Grahce: *My mouth was open in shock as Odhium excused himself after briefly meeting my parents.*
I apologize … something must be wrong. Will you excuse me Mahmen, Father? *My parents nodded and I quickly followed him towards the entrance of my family home.*
O, what is going on? Is everything ok?
*As he turned back to me, I had to step back at the vehemence of his facial expression. What the fuck is going on? Why is he looking at me with such hate? It made no sense. I had only introduced to him a few family friends and my parents. I could feel my heart pound in my chest as I wondered what was going on.*
Odhium: “How could you do this to me Grahce? I liked you, I was falling for you and then you pulled this stunt.”
Moving my arm across at the house.
“You full well knew that I don’t like the Glymera but you take me to one of their balls. Talk about kicking me in the nuts when I’m still mourning for my Father. These bastards killed him.”
Panting hard, running a hand through my hair.
“It’s been nice knowing you Grahce.”
Taking the mask off, I gave it to her. Walking down the drive, I dematerialise back to my own family home. Entering I headed straight to my room. I couldn’t believe Grahce had done this to me. I stripped off and headed into the shower.
Grahce: *I stood there in utter disbelief as he accused me of hurting him on purpose. I had just wanted to share a small part of my life with him. My family was just a part of me. And as he told me that the Glymera killed his father … I was sick to my stomach. What was he talking about? I never knew this hatred. My impression had been just a general dislike … but clearly I was mistaken, it was loathing.
I was speechless as he handed me the mask, walked out the door that was opened by one of the doggen and out into the night. I helpless watched as he dematerialized out of my life.
I felt a pain in my chest and try to calm myself as a walked slowly into a saloon off the foyer and sat quietly in silence in the empty room. I could feel my heart breaking as I realized that the relationship was over before it even really started. I knew it wasn’t logical that I should feel so much hurt as we had only been dating a few weeks so my heart shouldn’t have been as invested as it felt.
After a few minutes to gather myself, I was able to rejoin the party and stayed another half hour to show face and quietly said goodbyes to my parents who, thanked the Scribe, were too busy making their rounds to their guests to inquire about what happened to my guest and dematerialized back to my condo. Alone.*
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Third Date
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Grahce: *I decided to make something relatively simple for dinner with Ohdium. Taking some lettuce, pulling the leaves then started dicing and cutting some tomatoes, avocados and let is sit to the side before throwing them all together with some shredded cheese, croutons and dressing once he got here. I marinated the steaks the night before and they were currently on the grill and the lemony roasted potatoes with oregano in the oven.
I took the cake pans from earlier and turned them upside down to get the cake to fall. The smell of chocolate was delicious, they were pretty even so I just took my knife and took a little bit off the tops so they could stand on one another. Once done, I took my homemade cream cheese icing and started to cover the two layer cake. I hope Ohdium liked red velvet cake with chocolate chips. Just as I finished the last run of icing on my knife, the phone rang.
Dusting off my hands on my Seven7 jeans and answered.* Hello? *It was the front desk letting me know that Ohdium had arrived. I had a few minutes and before he got to my floor, so I went into my bedroom to make sure everything was in its place and checked myself in the mirror. My blouse was a wrinkled from cooking so I took off and just put on a well worn white button up from my drawers. Just as I was finishing up the buttons, the doorbell rang so I jogged to the door barefooted.*
Ohdium: Grahce had texted me her address and what time to come over earlier in the day. She was getting go be a habit that I was going to become addicted to. Closing my eyes, I had to get a day’s rest before I went to see her.
Before long the alarm went off, stretching my arm out I killed the buzzing sound. Getting out of bed, I went into the shower, washed myself and I grabbed the towel and dried myself. Coming out of the bathroom I headed to my closet, since this wasn’t a formal date I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed some socks and my sneakers, sitting on the bed, I put them on. Then picking up my keys and phone, I headed out of the front door.
Calming down I dematerialized to the address Grahce had given me. My molecules reforming in the alley next to her building block. Walking round to the grand entrance, I let myself in. A security guard was at the desk, I told him who I was visiting. He put a call through then nodded for me to go up.
Entering the elevator I rode up to Grahce’s floor, the doors slid open and I stepped into the corridor. I made my way to Grahce’s condo, raising my fist and knocked on her door. I didn’t have to wait long as she opened the door, the smell of the meal she was preparing was heavenly.
“That smells great.”
Grahce stepped to one side for me to enter.
Grahce: *I smiled as Ohdium made his compliment and ushered him into my space. As I closed the door and turn back towards the room, I tried to see if from his perspective. The living room had my grey couch I bought from LoveSac with a thick shaggy darker grey rug underneath. The kitchen had a few stools at the bar and I had a small high chair dining set that matched. Pretty simple, nothing fancy like what my parents had in their home. I liked it that way.
I took in Ohdium’s appearance, his t-shirt curved to his body emphasizing that he clearly worked out. I also noticed how his jeans hugged his ass quite nicely and shaped his thick thighs and legs. I smiled as I surveyed him down to his Chucks at his feet.*
I hope you like steak and potatoes. How do you like your steak? *I asked as I walked back to the kitchen so I could make his temperature to his preference.*
Ohdium: I noticed how Grahce was checking me out, I was doing the same with her. Her jeans fitted over her slim body perfectly, the shirt she had on emphasised her breasts perfectly. She was to die for, in fact she looked better in casual clothes than her gown, easier to take off.
Looking around her place, it was decorated in simple tones, nothing over the top. It made was a different kind of simple, it was her. Least it wasn’t over decorated like the Glymera had their houses. Those bastards liked to show off their wealth.
“I like my steak medium raw, thank you.”
I followed Grahce into the kitchen I sat on the stool as she busied herself with the food. “Would you like any help?”
I watched her closely, Grahce was beautiful as she turned the steaks over, her attention was with the salad. I wondered what her hands would be like on my body. I had a taste of that on the last date but I wanted her hands on my body. Yeah, I was greedy.
Grahce: Cool. *He liked it the same way I did, so I went over and flipped the steaks over to cook evenly and finish making the salad I started and mixed everything together. Everything was basically done. I’d finished the cake, the steaks and potatoes were almost done.
It was sweet that he asked if he could help rather than just sit there.* Could you open the bottle of red wine next to you? Here’s the wine opener. Then take the salad over to the table?
*I handed him the device and pointed to the salad bowl then turned around and bent over to look at the potatoes in the oven to make sure they were golden brown. When I turned back to him, he blushed. Hmmm … wonder what that was about.*
Ohdium: “Yeah sure.”
Grahce bent over to open the oven, her bum was perfect to slide my … well that thought was going to be there all night as I felt the zipper on my jeans tighten. Grahce got up and turned to look at me, I blushed as red as the tomatoes in the salad. Fuck, I’d been caught looking at her rear.
Shaking my head I took the salad bowl over to the table, I came back for the corkscrew and proceeded to open the bottle of red wine. Once it was open I poured the wine into the two glasses on the table.
Turning around, Grahce had brought the plates over, placing them on the table. I put the bottle down on the counter and helped her take her seat. Sitting across from her, I unfolded the napkin and placed it on across my lap. Taking the knife and fork and began to eat. “This is delicious. You can cook.”
Grahce: Thank you. It was a simple meal really. *I responded to his compliment. The steaks for quite juicy and flavorful and the potatoes were delicious too. Everything turned out as I had planned.
We talked about a few different topics and subjects throughout the meal. Mostly television shows and movies and random places we had visited over the world. Safe and ordinarily normal topics that one discusses when meeting someone new.
We finished our meals and Odhium helped me bring in the dishes into kitchen and load them into the dishwasher. I cut us each a slice of cake and we retreated to my couch where I turned on some music from my iPod and handed it to him so he could pick what music he wanted to listen to.*
Ohdium: We chatted during the meal, the usual stuff of what we did, what was our likes and what we were going to do in the future. Before long the meal was finished, I helped Grahce put the dishes in the dishwasher.
Grahce sliced two slices of cake onto two plates handing one plate to me. Taking it, I followed her to her lounge area and sat on the couch. She handed me the control for the iPod, I flickered through the menu to see what to put on. Finally, I decided on the song “Crazy Little Thing Called Move” by Queen. I’ve always had liked this song.
Settling back I began to eat the cake, it was moist and light. “You baked this yourself? You’re an amazing cook.” I took a sip of the wine. I was building up the courage to put my arm around her once I’d eaten the cake. Putting the plate on the coffee table, I finally plucked enough courage and pull her into my arms.
Grahce: Thank you. *I chuckled quietly at his comment.* It’s super easy, trust me. *No need to tell him that I used a box mix and just added the chocolate chips. I sipped the wine and relaxed into my comfortable couch.
We finished our desserts and before long he had me in his arms, so I leaned back with my back against his arm and the side of the couch with my feet laying on the couch so we were perpendicular and listen to the music while we talked. It felt nice sitting with him.
He smelled amazing, woodsy … male. He sensually ran his hands on various parts of my body as if trying to get acquainted. His fingers grazed my collarbone just inside my shirt, my neck, my cheeks. His other hand wandered on my arm and hand. His touch created steady current wherever it went.*
Ohdium: Stroking her silky skin was electrifying, it was like she was in tune with me. I made a bold move, leaning towards her I pressed my lips against hers. Her lips were so soft, I had to have more.
Before I knew what I was doing Grahce was beneath me, I was grinding my hips against her, my cock wanting out of my jeans and wanting to be in her.
What the hell? I’ve practically just met her and now my body was wanting to mark her as mine. I pulled back up from her.
“What’s the matter?” She purred.
I needed … I needed … Fuck it, I was going to get lost in her, in her scent, in her body.
I leaned back down capping her lips with my own, my hands moving her top up, running my thumb over her nipple that was covered with her bra.
Grahce: *His weight on top of me was welcome as I felt my back against the couch running my hands up his back under his t-shirt.
I could feel the tight muscles underneath my fingers as I tightened my fingers as I felt his thumb over my nipple over the lace. I gasped into his mouth as I thrust my tongue into his mouth and tasted chocolate, wine and all male. My folds were dampening as he continued to touch me.
I pulled his shirt from off his body causing him to sit up on me long enough to take it off and for me to run my fingers down his chest and abs and down to his sexy pelvic muscles that form a distinct V leading to the best part of a male as I ran them down the front of his jeans.*
Ohdium: Jesus fucking Christ, I nearly came in my jeans when Grahce ran her fingers down the front of my jeans. Hissing out loudly, I grabbed hold of her hand.
“Careful, I’m about to crack here. I want to take things slowly but you’re making that so damn fucking hard.”
I ran my hands up her body taking her top with me, taking it off her over her head and tossing it to the floor. Leaning over her again, my fangs descend, stroking quickly I tear her bra off with my fangs, taking her hard nipple between my lips.
Moving my hand between our bodies, unzipping her jeans pulling them off her hips. Sliding my fingers between her legs, caressing her core through her silky panties.
Grahce: *I barely whispered ok before Ohdium started undressing me slowly. My top was off after he held my hand off of him and he bent down and tore off my bra and before I could protest he ruined it he had me in his mouth.
I arched into him as the pleasure as if my nipples were linked directly to my clit. I was so focused on that, that I barely noticed he took of my jeans until I felt his warm hand caressing my folds causing me to gasp his name.* Ohdium …
His hand made a tug and he tore my panties from me. My mind was too far gone to argue as his fingers found me wet and slick.* Dearest Scribe …
Ohdium: Growling low, as Grahce made a reference to the mother of our race, I wasn’t going to stop now. I was too far gone to stop now.
I slid my fingers between her silky, velvety folds. She was wet, I had to taste her, I had to have her cum in my mouth. Letting her rock hard nipple go and moved down her body. Pressing my lips on her flesh, till I reached the top of her slit, snaking my tongue out, flicking the tip against her clit. She arched her back pushing herself against my mouth. Fuck, she tasted devine. I wanted to eat her alive.
Taking her swollen clit between my mouth, gently biting her, her moans came out like screams. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.
Grahce: *I heard a growl vibrate against my chest and then feeling his fingers on my wet flesh barely registered before he moved down my body.
I was naked laying on my clothes and tattered lingerie when he placed his mouth and me to show me his skills at oral. My head feel back as my body arched in pleasure, my hands thrusted into his hair pulling his head deeper. Fuck, it felt so good.
My orgasm was building and building as his tongue swirled around my sensitive clit and I held on, my body tight with anticipation.*
Ohdium: I looked up at Grahce “Cum for me. I want to taste you.” The moment I went back between her legs she came. Lapping up her juices, I helped her ride out her orgasm.
Once she had stilled I gathered her in my arms, pressing my lips against her head. It was a while before she stirred in my arms.
Looking up at the clock on the wall it was three thirty in the morning. “I better head back before dawn.” I got up, turning back to Grahce. She was a hot heap of lust on the couch. Picking her up I took her to bed, placing her on her bed and pulling the covers over her. I gave Grahce a kiss on her forehead before getting up.
Grahce: *My body was so relaxed after my powerful orgasm that I was barely coherent as he laid me on my bed. As his words registered in my mind, I was able to put my thoughts together that he was leaving so grabbed his hand just as he stood to stand next to my bed.* Do you have to leave? Stay … the day … with me. *I bit my bottom lip as I waited for his answer. I wanted to continue what we started well into the rest of the day. I wanted more.
I wanted to explore what was underneath his t-shirt and jeans and the body I knew was hidden beneath. My eyes roaming his body from this thick thighs and narrow hips … seeing that his hard cock through his jeans and up his hard body. Already my libido was ready for another round. He was so tempting standing there, his hair standing up in disarray from my fingers holding onto his head as he brought me to my blissful release. I could just imagine what other talents he may have other then his mouth and tongue.*
Ohdium: I was about to leave when Grace reached out and held my hand. The heat from her hand ran up my arm and hit my heart. She didn’t want me to leave.
“I’ll stay with you today but I’ll have to ring to let my Mahmen know where I am.”
Grahce nodded as I took my phone out of my jeans pocket. Speed dialing, I spoke to my Mahmen, letting her know I won’t be home and not to worry. Finishing the call, I placed my phone on her bedside cabinet. I got undressed and under the covers with Grahce.
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To Hell With Consequences (With @MismatchedFreak)
Dehv: ~ I walked out of the hospital with Qhuinn at my side. My brain still working through the fact that sex demons were a thing, and that they’d probably been in that exact same space I’d hauled Qhuinn into. The thought made me laugh as well as cringe. It was not something I wanted to think on. While I knew hospitals were cleaned frequently, it was not a fun thought about what happened on the sidelines. Probably the same things as happened in the Brotherhood mansion too. None seemed to care. Perhaps it was because I’d been raised mostly in human company, and it was something frowned upon. Only the wild and reckless did that sort of thing. Or so they said. In some of the circles I’d visited, because of my business, it was less frowned upon, often welcomed. Though it was something I hadn’t partaken in. Harder to hide the side of me I couldn’t show them when my walls were brought down.
I smiled at a few of the staff as they passed and walked out toward the gate. Focusing entirely on what Qhuinn was showing me. In some cases trying to take a guess at what buttons he might press next. I was glad when I got some right, though I got an equal number wrong. The map was making sense, or rather, as much sense as it could. I got the parts that were where I was used to, the map of the US and further afield. Then it got a little more complicated. Showing parts of the world I wasn’t familiar with, and so it was all new. I was grateful that Qhuinn slowed it down for me, and I didn’t feel at all bad when I inched closer to him. Partly to get a better look at the gold, flashing map, partly because I wanted to get closer to the male beside me. I found myself fighting a grin for no apparent reason. It wasn’t something I was used to. The pull, I’d felt it the first time I’d met him, as a her. And it was still there. I couldn’t explain it, the more I was with him the less I was interested in explaining it. He was showing me what he was about, and he already knew more about me than I was aware. Even helping me behind the scenes before he’d really even gotten to know me. I could even feel my heart speed up when he was around, like there was something connecting us, tightening the closer we got. I paid as much attention as I could to what he was teaching, knowing he was basically taking me to hell. So I needed to know how to work the gates so I could get out again should something go wrong. I didn’t want to let Qhuinn down. And while I armed, I wasn’t battle ready. I nodded along to the tutorial until we were where we wanted to me. As we stepped out of the gate I felt my mouth fall open. I slowly turned in a circle, my fingers absently brushing against Qhuinn’s arm and body for something to anchor myself to. This wasn’t like anything I’d ever seen. I could feel the dread already seeping into my bones, and we’d barely even gotten a foot away from the gate, “Fuck me. Not what I was expecting, Qhuinn,” ~
Qhuinn: [I stayed closer than I needed to while helping Dehv work the gate, but it would have taken a miracle to get me to step away. He may have made a few mishits with the map, but I could see that the closer we got, the more in tune he seemed to be. A few more lessons and he’d be able to figure out how to get anywhere he damn well wanted. That thought made me happy because the more options available for escape when push came to shove, the better things were. He now had an extra resource at his disposal. One more option for him to be safe. Yeah, that made me feel damn good.  When we stepped out, I only gave a precursory glance around to make sure we were safe, but otherwise my attention remained on my male. I couldn’t stop my lip from quirking up in the corner at his words, though I knew what he mean. Still, the words fell from my lips before I could stop myself.] Name the time and place.
[I grinned sheepishly and shook my head] Sorry, it just slipped out. What I meant was, what were you expecting, I mean it is pretty awesome right?
[I kept my hand along the small of his back, his hip, his flat abs, as he spun to take it all in. The dark obsidian stone walls were lined with low lighting that ran along the floor and ceiling, it had a slight sulfur smell, which would be stronger in other areas, but here, here things were closest to the surface as it got as far as air quality. Halls branched off in various directions leading to areas as different as the next. There were few demons here as most preferred to dwell deeper, this was mainly the beginners entry point. I gave a nod as a surly looking blood red demon passed by us, his kind wasn’t dangerous, no matter how they tried to be intimidating. Once Dehv had a chance to glance around, I waved an arm towards the hallways] So, now that we’re here, would you prefer to see a demon pub, the lakes of fire, the sulfur pits, the assassins den, holding cells….?
[There were so many levels of hell, so many demons, and so many seedy little areas that we could spend weeks and not see it all. Each place would be as good as the next when it came to finding information and learning though. And we could come back again, we could travel through here, and to make sure he got the information he needed, I would, in a heartbeat.]
Dehv: ~ I continued to look around with wide eyes. Understanding how much time Qhuinn must have spent here to know it as well as he obviously did. To me, it looked awesome, but confusing. The light didn’t really add anything to it. I assumed it was for those who struggled to see in the dark, I didn’t have that problem. Though the lighting gave it an eerie look, even to my eyes. The various hallways that branched out were interchangeable. I couldn’t tell you what was down one from the other. And I couldn’t see any difference between any of them. I’d looked. My spin in a circle hadn’t just been once, and I’d looked for a signpost to show me where I was, or even where I might want to go. The suggestions sounded interesting, but it wasn’t something I make a choice on. Who wouldn’t want to see the lakes of fire? It wasn’t an invite you got to accept every day. The excitement went to war with the dread and uncertainty that sat in my stomach. Despite being able to get out of this place in a pinch with the use of the gates, I was still uncertain as to what I might be able to do if one of these demons, or more, attacked. I’d only seen a few that weren’t “human” looking. But they were all obviously something else. None of them had looked friendly since we’d left the hospital. And even there, I’d seem more than one that gave me a glare rather than a friendly smile. Why it bothered me, I didn’t know. It wasn’t like the males in the Brotherhood were all sunshine and rainbows. Most grunted over a proper hello. The females were better, the ones I’d met at any rate. Normally I only saw them from a distance, and very rarely for long. It came from spending my time in the training facility, though I’d made it into the main house a couple of times. There was no way literal hell was going to be friendlier than the mansion. I snorted to myself and then turned to speak quietly to Qhuinn, “How the fuck do you even know which hallway goes where? And yes I’d love to see the lake of fire, but I think a drink somewhere would be a better shout. I promise not to get drunk enough for you to have to carry home.” I chuckled and then stepped forward, making my way towards the first hallway slowly, “Where does this one go? I feel like it’s Russian Roulette, and if I get it wrong I’m going to lose a limb.” ~
Qhuinn: [It was nice watching Dehv take in everything. It was nice I didn’t see the judgement in his face that I was so used to with those of our kind or even with some…most demons. He didn’t think I was a freak because I could take him to places others never heard of. Instead he took it in like the intellectual I knew he was. The one that was so fucking far out of my league for that reason alone, yet he was here with me. And damned if that didn’t make me feel like I was on top of the world. When he asked how I knew what goes where, I thought about making some smart ass remark but instead I gave a slight shrug] I spent a lot of time down here, training and otherwise. It’s one of those things you gotta trust your senses.
[I gave a slight nod then walked with him as he moved forwards, thoroughly enjoying both my view and his eagerness to explore] We can pass by the lake on the way to the pub, kill two demons with one stone and all of that. If you get one wrong, you won’t necessarily lose a limb, you might encounter some grumpy demons or fall into a trap, but the main hallways are pretty safe for the most part. It’s one you start branching off further. But here, look down this one…
[I stood behind him as I turned him towards the entryway so he was looking directly down the path and then guided him a few steps inside, away from the large corridor. The light flickered a pale orange and the scent of sulfur and stale copper grew thicker. A chill raced down my spine as I heard the howls in the distance, echoing off the walls.] Now you’d think the first branch off would be something innocent, safe, but that’s what you’d be led to believe. It’s the first place many turn when they accidentally stumble off the gate, which means it’s perfect hunting grounds for the hounds. They lurk and train in the shadows there. That smell, the copper scent that just barely reaches out here, that’s the blood of their victims. If you smell that in any hallway, you don’t want to go down there.
[I stepped back to the main corridor and moved to the third entryway, stepping just in the hall while I waited for Dehv. Here the lights flickered yellows and reds, and while sulfur was heavy in the air, the smell of blood was not. Instead of howls, grunts and cheers could faintly be heard]
Dehv: I frowned slightly, but took in everything. He’d given me some insight into his life, so I was sure that the ‘training and otherwise’ wasn’t all fun and games. However, following senses I could do. I slid my gaze to the side to watch Qhuinn and then focused on the multiple tunnels. The odd demon walked passed us as we stood together, a few of them took an interest in us, but nothing that would warrant more than a raised brow. I was glad, because I was not about to start a fight somewhere I was this out of my depth. Z would not be impressed if he lost someone on the trainee programme when there wasn’t a single lesser in sight. The thought that I would run into a grumpy demon and fall into a trap had my heart rate knock up a little. Being somewhere without the knowledge of how to get out, that was terrifying. I knew, I’d been through it more in the last year than I ever had before. The human world seemed far, far easier if I looked at the various things I’d learned since stumbling into my heritage. I’d still got to break that one to Qhuinn, who probably still thought I was a civilian vamp signed onto the Brotherhood training programme. He’d not said anything, which lead me to believe he’d just been given basic info in terms of stats and how to train us. I gave the huge entrance another look and then I felt Qhuinn’s presence get much closer than he had been before. I tried not to grin, my reaction not something I needed right now as he physically turned me. At which point the reaction had nothing to do with Qhuinn and everything to do with the feeling that rushed over me. The noises, the smells, they both mingled together to send a very clear warning about what might be down that tunnel. I swallowed hard and leaned back slightly, glad that Qhuinn was close enough that I knew he’d have my back. If I’d stumbled here on my own, unable to be shown by someone who knew this place as well as he did, what the fuck would I have done? Probably not gone down the first one, I’d have to hope I’d have taken my time and tested each one before just marching in there. But if I was scared and perhaps wounded, there’s no telling how irrational I’d be. The smell of copper, that was blood without a doubt, it mixed with the sulphur, and I was sure the scent of fear was also in there. I’d have to ask Wrath if that had a smell, because I would bet pretty much everything I had that this corridor was filled with it. “Hounds? That’s not a trap, and I think I’d lose more than a limb. We’ll avoid that one. Unless you feel we can save anyone down there?” I frowned again, wondering why the hell anyone would go down there out of choice. Which meant they probably weren’t. I felt Qhuinn move away, hearing nothing of his footfalls, not over the low screams and groans coming out of the corridor. I forced my focus away from it and turned to step into the main corridor, following after Qhuinn so I could focus on the third entrance. I felt my breath come in slower when I heard cheering. My mouth then snapped shut as I turned my gaze to the male beside me, narrowing them in uncertainty, “Are they cheering some kind of death fight or something? I liked Spartacus on Netflix, but I’m not really into watching where I can literally smell and taste the sweat and blood.” ~
Qhuinn: [I pressed close to Dehv, resting my hand on the small of his back as I could sense that slight sensation of panic about the hounds. I could understand that. I’d come face to face with the little assholes. Though truth be told, most were simply overeager pups until they were given orders. But either way, I was willing to protect him with my life.] Most are fine, and when people stumble down, the hounds hunt but they prey on fear primarily. They’ll nip and draw blood and I don’t recommend playing with them, but unless you smell like either pure evil or innocence, like an angel or something, they won’t go in for a killing blow. Not these ones at least. The ones who hunt to the death, trust me, you’d have to go out of your way to stumble down that path. Those that find themselves there are put there on purpose. That’s the think I learned down here. It’s not all black or white like you’re lead to believe. There’s good and bad down here just like above ground.
[I let out a soft chuckle at his question about the third entrance and shook my head] It’s not like Spartacus or anything like that. Yes, there is fighting going on but it’s more like your local pub brawl or boxing match. There’s big money to be had because they cannot go in for the kill. It takes more skills this way. You earn respect in these fights, favors, ways to ….break free.
[I chewed the corner of my lip and turned my gaze down the corridor rather than keeping my attention on the male] You have to fight, and win, 32 fights before you get a meeting. Sometimes another 32 before they’ll even consider the proposal. Every loss resets the count to zero. It really sucks when both fighters are topping their numbers because someone’s gonna get screwed.
[I let out another sigh and shook my head] It’s also a great place to find information. The demon whiskey flows like water and loosens tongues faster than most anything else. If it’s a high stakes match, money and egos will also be involved. It’s one of the first places I heard about a vampire in Caldie being targeted…
Dehv: ~ I had to grin at the feeling of Qhuinn pressing closer. I wasn’t complaining one bit, wondering if he was noticing these things quite as clearly as I was. Had anyone else brought me down here, I’d have been sure they were fucking with me. I was a pretty trusting male, or had been. I’d gotten lucky in life, after the fucked up start, and I was happy to admit that. I’d worked hard and had up and downs, but I hadn’t gone through some of the stuff I’d heard about the Brotherhood. What Qhuinn had obviously gone through. Me trusting him wasn’t a huge surprise, but him trusting me, that one was something I wasn’t going to take for granted. Or something I’d throw back in his face, I was determined to earn it and show him that he was allowed to trust others and let them in. It was obvious to me that the brothers at the hospital, or at least the two I met, loved him. Though I was willing to bet money that he wouldn’t accept that as true. Assuming he’d done something to earn a favour from them or get in their good graces. At least on the outside, I wanted to believe that somewhere down there, he knew he was worthy of those kind of friends. Even family if he wanted. I swallowed and then smiled slightly as I focused on the noise coming from the tunnel we faced, “I like learning new things. And finding out that it’s not all black and white isn’t quite as shocking as I would expect. I am happy to hear that we are as likely to run into someone willing to help us as someone who wants our skin for a coat.” I shrugged a shoulder and then started walking as I continued to speak. Wanting to get where we were going. Trying to ignore the way my heart sped up at the mention of a vampire being targeted in Caldwell. That had been me, the reason he’d bothered coming to look into it. And the reason why we were both together now. “So this place, we might learn some more stuff about what is happening and why it’s happening to me? I can hold my own in a bar fight, but I don’t want anyone to recognise me. If there really is someone pulling strings, what if they picked this as a perfect opportunity to snatch me again? You know full well if they wanted, neither one of us could stop them. We could turn around right now and just go back to the hospital, back to, whatever you want to call the human part of the world. Then I’m not putting either one of us in danger.” I’d slowed and then stopped walking as we spoke. Able to see a much larger arc of light up ahead. I turned fully to face Qhuinn and nodded. Insisting that he take a minute to really think about what I’d said. I wasn’t about to willingly put him in danger. Even if we were both more than capable of actually kicking some ass if needed be. ~
Qhuinn: I think it’s better learning this way than to be tossed into the deep end without any information at all. That’s why I’m glad you agreed to come with me. The more you know about this, the better you can be prepared. I mean, the training program is awesome and teaches about one specific type of enemy, but …when there’s more out there, when you have the opportunity to learn more, I just think it’s good to learn it [And now I was rambling because I couldn’t figure out how to behave like a normal adult apparently. I didn’t want to get all preachy about learning this shit, because I know I’d tune out if someone tried that with me. And I also didn’t want to nerd out because I finally had someone I could talk to about this life. Someone who wasn’t born into it like the brothers who usually rolled their eyes at me with amusement when I learned something new and was enthusiastic about it. I took a slow breath and gave a slight nod, watching him as we walked. I liked seeing that he didn’t think I was utterly bat shit with all of this. I wasn’t sure any of the other members of the Brotherhood would be as open to what he was seeing. Rather most would likely go in daggers drawn to kill first and ask questions later. When he turned to face me, I couldn’t stop myself. I reached a hand up and cupped his cheek, brushing my thumb over the soft stubble as I locked my eyes on his] Most don’t believe in shitting where they eat, meaning they usually won’t attack down here, plus…that takes the fun out of it for a lot of them. No thrill to the chase. Plus, when I did hear any whispers, there was no name, no real descriptions just being tossed around. You only got that if you signed on for it. But even so, if anyone tries anything, you get your ass to a gate and get out of here and I’ll handle things on this end. Go to the hospital or the manse or something. I don’t think we’re in danger at the moment because trust me, if I thought we were, I’d have turned us around already. Since we’re here though, I think we should keep going. See if we can learn anything. If you’re still willing.
Dehv: ~ I had to chuckle at the thought of being dropped in here without a clue and having agreed to come here. I couldn’t think of any way I’d have found myself down here without being brought by Qhuinn. I sobered quickly when I remembered that was what had happened to Qhuinn, he’d ended up down here without direction or information. Literally dying and then being brought back, with strings attached. There wasn’t anything that would have made that ok if I’d ended up here, even with my limited knowledge, the fade was something even I knew of. I trusted him and believed him when he said that I’d not be recognised. So I nodded and tipped my head, leaning into the touch of his hand on my cheek while holding his gaze, “Then lets go and find a bar to sit in. I have questions,and while I will ensure I try not to say something that is liable to get us into trouble, I’ll follow your lead on what is acceptable and what is not.” I nodded slowly and then tipped my head to look down the low lit passage towards the sounds of various cheers and fighting, though at least it wasn’t screaming. I lifted my hand and pulled Qhuinn’s from my face, holding his hand so I could pull him along with me. I went slowly, unsure of why I wasn’t letting him lead, but I knew he’s stop me if I was going too fast or hit a snag. Or at least I hoped he would. If I fell on my ass, I wasn’t sure he wouldn’t laugh first, then help me up. I could see through the shadows, the light wasn’t much more than you’d get from a candle, and that helped my eyes to see far better. Lights were a necessity when dealing with humans but it wasn’t something I needed. It wasn’t always helpful though, as I Could see all the things I didn’t want to. The way the walls seemed to shimmer slightly, like they might be alive. Or perhaps that was just my eyes playing tricks on me. I wasn’t sure. But whatever was happening, it made me uneasy. I was glad that Qhuinn was right there with me, a safety net that I knew would fight at my back without a second though. Even though I didn’t know him all that well, my gut told me that he was good. Something drew me to him, and I was happy to go where it was dragging me. To a point at least. The questions I wanted to ask would help me get to know him, IF he would give me an answer. I didn’t want to rip open old wounds,but I really wanted to know how someone made it down here and back out again without going insane. ~
Qhuinn : I will answer anything that I can. I told  you, I don’t want to hide anything from you….wow that felt weird. Don’t think I’ve ever said that to anyone before. [I flashed a small grin and nodded] I’m sure my mouth would get us in trouble before yours does, so no worries there [I gave a wink  as I ran my thumb over his jaw before he reached up and took my hand in his. That sent that damn zipping lighting zinging through my fingertips straight on through. I couldn’t help my growing smile as he found his confidence and began leading us down the hallway. This is what I wanted. Him to feel comfortable, not only with me, but where we were. That he would know that I would keep him safe. Even if it was creepy as fuck to move along some of these corridors. Some of the demons had spells in place that would alert them to trouble in the corridors, the walls lived and breathed with the various magic that ran down here and I’d yet to find anyplace that didn’t make me feel like I was being watched. As long as we behaved we would be fine. Now, if another made the first move, we would be clear to retaliate. I was just hoping we’d not need that tonight. The corridor soon gave way to a wide expanse that had little buildings and entryways along every space of the large horseshoe space. In the center was a crowd of demons standing around the rectangular ring where two drecs were currently beating the snot out of each other. Out of habit, my eyes scanned the crowd looking for the asshole who had held me captive. He was dead. One of my first kills even, at least one of the first I did for myself and not for others down here, but the didn’t stop me seeing him everywhere. It was that death that got me started into the fighting and one step closer to making the deal that got me out of this hell. I took a breath as I glanced around, then gave Dehv’s hand a tug towards one of the quieter pubs on the block] We should be able to talk here. Everyone’s watching the fight.
Dehv: ~ I had to snort at the admission. I hadn’t known the male long, but he’s never seemed closed off, maybe that was just because he had the same feelings I did when it came to being around him. But I didn’t want to push, though I was curious of answers. I was happy to give the same in return, though that might have to wait until we’d got back to normal life. This whole thing still felt like it was basically a dream. A freaky dream, but one that was pulling me in further. I’d spent most my life to date hiding what I was from most people around me, but now I was able to just freely be me, and hopefully not get decked in the process. I kept my guard up as we moved through the corridors and into a far more open space. It wasn’t light and airy and it certainly wasn’t inviting in any way, but I was glad to have a little more room to move. My gaze was drawn to the centre of the weird space, just as Qhuinn’s were. There was all sorts of things cheering and betting, and beating the shit out of each other. I found myself staring, even after Qhuinn tugged at me to get me to move. It was…………different. So many different things, I assumed demons, all different looking. Some looked human, like I did. They’d have passed in the human world without any trouble. And I wasn’t sure I could even tell the difference with their smell. At least lessers gave a hint of who they were, I was certain even the humans they ran into could smell them. These guys, I couldn’t smell anything other than the overpowering smell of the place as a whole. It scared me a little bit, and I found my fingers tightening in Qhuinn’s before I turned to face him. I met his gaze and then looked up to check out the pub he’s brought me to, “They are fighting, and I’ll be glad to be sitting down with a drink.” I smiled and then followed him into the pub, there wasn’t all that many people around, so I had plenty of places to sit. I wasn’t sure what the rules were for getting drinks, but I figured if I was out of the way, Qhuinn would be able to go about doing what was needed and not have to babysit the newbie. I liked observing and seeing what happened around me when others were busy. I grinned at Qhuinn and then passed on my order before squeezing his hand again, “I’ll grab us a table, see you in a minute.” I nodded and then released his hand so I could make my way back to the corner of the pub. I picked one with a slightly curved booth type seat, allowing us to sit so we could talk, but without having our backs to any door, as I figured it’d make Qhuinn even more nervous than it made me. Damn the Brotherhood for making me twitchy and paranoid. I wasn’t sure if I missed the simpler times of just being able to sit anywhere I wanted, or if I welcomed it the change. ~
Qhuinn: [As we entered The Cavern, I gave the place a quick scan before flashing Dehv a smile and squeezing his fingers right back. The fact he was comfortable enough to navigate the pub on his own spoke volumes. Even without that many demons in the place at the moment, most newcomers wouldn’t want to venture on their own. I watched him weave through the tables to a booth in the back and had to fight the growing smile. Smart and good looking was a dangerous combination. I would have thought him out of my league even before I was dragged through the pits of hell, but I knew it was even more true now. Too bad for him though because I had every intention of making him mine. I watched him a moment longer than necessary as the bartender stood tapping the countertop before I slowly wiped the smile from my face and turned towards the demon. I was met with a fearsome scowl that would have sent shivers down the spine of many. Instead, I narrowed my eyes and ordered two drinks. Her blood red eyes widened and she turned from me towards the booth where Dehv sat. Her forked tongue dragging over her lips drew a deep growl from me as I leaned in closer, my voice barely audible even in the quiet bar] Harm him and you will see that what the Judia have planned for you should you go topside is child’s play compared to what I will do to you.
[Her face paled to an ashen grey and she cowered her head as she went to get our drinks.  She mumbled something about no charge as she slid them over, which told me my message came across loud and clear. I had worked out her deal with the Judia so I knew exactly what would happen if she broke her contract. And there was no doubt it was bad, but I would make it so so much worse. I gave a slight nod, then picked up our drinks and carried them back to the corner booth as a shiver of being watched washed over me. I fought the urge to look around and instead found myself grinning as I got closer to the table. After setting them on the bar top, I slid in the booth and scooted closer to Dehv than a really needed, but at the same time, I needed to feel the heat of his leg against mine to remind myself he was here, this was not another flashback or whatever else you’d call it. I pointed out a few of the different species and tried to give information as to how you could tell them apart not only from each other, but humans as well. With whatever was after him, I wanted him to know everything I could share. After a few moments, I lifted my gaze to his to make sure I’d not bored him to tears and smiled] So you said you had questions?
Dehv: ~ I settled in my chair, my coat draped over the back as I watched Qhuinn move up to the bar. I saw the demon move over to serve him and let my gaze wander. There wasn’t too many people around, or demons around I should say. But the odd few that did had watched me move through them. They’d stayed in their seats, but they’d been interested. I guess new comers didn’t appear all that often. I ensured I kept my head up, not one to shy away from anything, I also had a feeling that if I wasn’t confident, there’d be more shit to come. I felt my gaze travel back to the bar, just in time to meet that of the barmaid. I smiled crookedly before my frown replaced it. Qhuinn appeared to be having one hell of a heated conversation with her. But with the noise outside and how far away I was, it was impossible to make out. Instead I just watched as she shrank away and then made up the drinks he’d ordered. I noted that he didn’t appear to pay for them, and I grinned as he made his way to the table, “Those free for favoured earned, or do you owe some to her now?” I tipped my head as Qhuinn slipped into the booth, pressing up against me in a way that really left nothing to the imagination of anyone watching. I couldn’t have cared less as I took a sip of my drink and then listed as Qhuinn told me all about those sitting in the bar with us. I was happy to hear all about it. I looked around the bar at everyone Qhuinn gestured towards, taking note of the names of the ones I could and trying to remember which were violent and which were normally safeish to be around. I smiled and nodded and made the right noises. Not wanting to interrupt. I was fascinated by it all, and didn’t want to stop the deep rumble of his voice. He sounded on sort of excited to be going through everything. I wondered how many people knew about all this enough for him to be open with them about it. When he lifted his gaze to meet mine I grinned again while lifting my drink to my lips to take a small sip before speaking. “I did have questions. Well, sort of one big question, if you were willing to talk me through it. I’ve been here maybe an hour or two, and I have you with me to help navigate it. You said you ended up here, and then had to navigate through. I know the long version will probably take us well into tomorrow. But, is there a short version that might give me some understanding into how you’re still, well, sane?” I had lowered my gaze as I asked the question, trying hard not to blush as I asked the male to relive what could possibly be a very traumatic time for him. I flicked my gaze up when there was a pause, my teeth digging into my bottom lip to try and stop my nerves from showing. I swallowed hard and then opened my mouth again, “Turn around is fair, I’ll answer whatever you want too. I’ll also take no offence if you decide that you can’t answer my questions. I know we might not know each other that well yet.” ~
Qhuinn:[I flashed a grin at Dehv then back to the bar before I answered that particular question. I didn’t want to sound like an asshole, but I was fairly certain it would come across that way] There’s not many places where I have to pay down here. Either due to favors owed or gratitude for some things  that I did or that those I know are responsible for. In this case, it’s because she’s trying to buy my silence and that’s more about who I know rather than who I am.
[I took a slow drink as he asked me what he wanted and it was a question I had been expecting. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to know what happened. It wasn’t everyday you had the opportunity even to talk to someone about it. I let out a soft chuckle and shook my head as I set my drink down] Not too sure anyone would classify me as sane, then again, they likely didn’t before all this happened either.
[I took another slow drink then pushed my glass away so I could focus rather than procrastinate further. We had talked a little about this before when I explained the fucking body snatching punishment, but it was more of an overview of what a fuck up I am. Now I got to fully open his eyes to it and hope for the best, something in me wouldn’t allow me to get away with anything less when it came to him.] When I was killed…it was a poison paralytic, so my body froze long before my mind and organs gave out. I bargained, pleaded, begged for a chance at revenge. Instead, I woke up in a stone cell smelling of sulfur and copper. I was livid and took it out on every one that came near the cell. I didn’t care. If I was impulsive and acted without thought prior to my death, it was a hundred times worse once I was here. I had a stack of bones piling up in the corner of my cell from those who decided to antagonize me. Most were just little pissant demons with nothing better to do than harass the new guy. Eventually, I realized I wasn’t getting anywhere with that so I started trying to talk to some of the more tolerable demons down there with me. One eventually promised to help me if I did him a favor. His mate had been taken by some slave traders and he was understandably upset. So…after I brought her back and took care of the problem, he started getting me information about how I could get some messages out. Then how I could get myself out. I got my ass handed me plenty of times, but I was determined. If there’s one thing about me you should know, it’s that I’m damn stubborn when I have my mind set on something. While I was down here working on a way out, the brothers three were working their own channels. They couldn’t come to where I was, that was off limits to the fully living. But by passing messages, I found the fighting areas, found out how to work the system until I was granted my release with conditions. Those conditions had me hunting down demons, which is why people either tolerate me or hate me down here depending which way the head fell.
[I gave a slight shrug and pushed the pile of napkins I’d been shredding to the side. My voice dropped slightly quiet] Have I horrified you yet?
Dehv: ~ I was honest with myself when I listened. I hadn’t been expecting the level of shit storm that this was. For years I’d figured when I died, I’d be dead. No afterlife, no nothing. Then I’d found out more about my kind and realised that I might be permitted into the fade when that time came. Especially if I was able to join the cause for our race. Fighting when and where needed. Or at the very least, protecting humans and civilians from whatever was out there wanting them dead. What I hadn’t ever bargained on was fighting hard enough to come back. I had no idea it was even an option. And how had Qhuinn landed down here rather than going up to the fade. It was all kinds of messed up, and I was sure that it wasn’t something he’s figured on either. To land here and then to find that he not only went the wrong way, but that he was still conscious in terms of being able to see and remember what was happening, it sounded terrifying. I slowly drank from my glass as I listened and processed. I couldn’t do more than nod, my eyes probably looking more like a cartoon than ever as I took in what I was hearing. I could imagine him getting pissy with everything that walked within grabbing distance. Forget it if you’re placed with him in a cell. I’d seen him fight, both as male and female. Neither time I assumed he’s been all that pissed off, just doing what needed to be done. The fact he was still sane, no matter what he said, was amazing. I struggled to come to terms with all the shit I’d learned the last year or so about my past and family. But I, at least, didn’t have to face it head on if I didn’t want to. Qhuinn had no choice. It was face it head on or die and stay down here for the rest of his life. He’d fought, and that had continued on through his life. You could see it with him when he was with those he trusted, he was still on his guard. Ready to fight. It was interesting to watch and observe. I found him far more fascinating than I should. Not that I was going to listen to the reasonable part of my head. I shook my head when he stopped talking and fidgeting, and started to look at me, taking another mouthful of my drink before speaking, “I’m horrified, but not for the reasons I think you’ll assume. I’m actually incredibly impressed that you fought so hard, and had the ability to stop fighting for the sake of violence to see a way to get out. You then used a skill set you’ve been trained with to make the most of a bad situation. And from what I’ve seen, you managed to keep your ethics in tact, for the most part.” I grinned and then nodded, my gaze holding his as I spoke to ensure he saw I was serious and not being sarcastic or trying to take the piss, “You should know how impressive it is. I’ve been here a few hours, and I can see how fast it would be to get lost down here. But you come down here voluntarily, despite it all. I’m not sure if that’s something that should be addressed or admired.” I threw Qhuinn a wink and allowed my grin to widen. Trying to take the obvious embarrassment I knew my comments would cause and dampen it a little. I let my words sink in before going to speak again when I felt someone smash into the table, shoving it forward so that it pinned both me and Qhuinn against the back of the booth by out stomachs, my drink emptying all over my shirt before I had a chance to really understand what was going on. I felt myself growl as I took in what was happening and just how busy the pub had gotten in the time we’d been talking. ~
Qhuinn: [I couldn’t explain what was going through my mind as I watched Dehv try to process all the shit I was telling him. I took it as a good sign he hadn’t up and tried to run right the fuck outta here. Then again, that could have been because he’d have half a chance of getting lost had he done so. In my mind though, he stayed because he wanted and that mattered way more than it should have. I felt my cheeks heating up at his unintended compliment and had to duck my head as I mumbled some sort of nonsense about just doing what I had to survive. I still caught the wink and the grin and started to explain that while now it was voluntary, it wasn’t always the case when the table smashed into us both. If looks could kill, the assholes on the other side of the table would have been dead the moment I lifted my head. All it took was me hearing Dehv growl and seeing his drink spill all over him and my blood was boiling. My fingers curled around the table and my own growl slipped out as my fangs descended. I was glad I had already seen Dehv in action because the only way we were getting out of here was to fight our way out. I barely noticed the rest of the crowd as my vision turned on the three demons pressing into the table.  The one in the middle curled his lips up into a sneer as his gaze bounced from Dehv to me and back again. Spittle dripped from his lip to the table as he returned his glare to me.  “You have a lot of nerve showing up here, fang boy. I told you what would happen if I ever saw your face again.” I tipped my head to the side and really looked over the demon, my lips curving up in the corners as the recognition set in. From the corner of my mouth, I whispered just barely to Dehv to be ready, then clenched the table harder as I started to shove it right back into the three demons opposite us] You still mad, Ker? Maybe you should have done better to keep little brother off the list, because once he was on my radar, there was nothing you could do to stop it.
[I flipped the table and launched over it, intent on introducing Ker to my fist, and hoping the distraction would be enough for what came next. I knew he was capable, and I knew he’d likely not listen, but still I couldn’t stop the words from leaving my mouth. Consequences be damned] Dehv…get to the fucking gate. I’ll be right behind you.
Dehv: ~ I reacted badly to the drink being spilled. Mainly because I really hadn’t appreciated the interruption of the……….demons? I lifted my eyes to the three currently bent over the table, their eyes fixed on Qhuinn for the most part. I was an afterthought. I probably didn’t look like much of a threat, but they obvious knew Qhuinn, so they had to be particularly stupid to try it on with him. And they appears grossly outnumbered. I’d seen Qhuinn fight. I shook my head and chuckled once my growl had calmed down. I moved to stand, despite the throb that was still making its way through my midsection from the connect from the table. When Qhuinn spoke, I tipped my head and looked between the male and the demons surrounding us. He knew them, obviously. So it wasn’t a targeted attack because I was with him. That made me feel a little better. I let my hands slowly move down my sides to where my knives were and curled my hands around the hilt of the knife in anticipation of the fight that I knew was coming. It was Qhuinn after all. I was looking at ways that we could both get out of this place quickly, and without getting caught up with others. Though the way the other demons in the place were eyeing up the action, I wasn’t sure how easy that would be. I knew full well that Qhuinn would want me to run, get out while he finished them off. And I trusted him to do that, but the part of me that had signed on to the Brotherhood wouldn’t leave him to do this alone. I was prepared for the table to go, and moved as soon as I was clear, the instruction falling on deaf ears as I dropped straight into fighter mode. I spun around the first demon and pulled out my knives, keeping my eyes on Qhuinn as he shot into action. I was happy to start making my way towards the exit, but I wasn’t about to leave him on his own until I was sure he was free and clear of the three demons. With my attention fully on the 4 fighting ahead of me, I hadn’t paid any attention to my back. The searing heat in my shoulder was the only indication I got that anything was wrong before I felt what I assumed was a knife twist in my flesh. I growled out a shout of surprise before spinning to glare at the demon who was now retreating, the motion tearing the knife from it’s place buried to the hilt in my left shoulder. The demon in question looked pretty amused as he disappeared out the door, the knife still in his hand, as he licked off my blood. I winced at the tug on my shoulder when I went to move my arm, ignoring it the best I could as I turned back around to the fight. I walked straight into the fist of one of the first three demons. The growl this time was loud and pissed off as I stopped thinking and started reacting. I lifted my right arm and returned the hit, glad that I’d been stabbed in my left rather than my right. At least that meant I had a chance to help Qhuinn, despite my useless left arm. I could feel the blood dripping off my fingers as I kept my grip on my knife, using the fist closed around its hilt to send another punch at the demon. I could tell he’d expected me to go down with the knife attack. He’d obviously never met a vampire, I didn’t know a single one that would go down with such a wound, not until the fight was done. I grinned at the thing in front of me as he raised back up once again. My fangs had shot into my mouth the minute I’d been stabbed, and I was glad for it. At least he could see what he was dealing with. For the short time I’d let him live anyway. I flipped the knife and used the sharp end this time, hitting him through his ear and into his brain. I wasn’t sure what killed these demons, but I was pretty sure that the brain was a good place to start. I tugged my knife free and then felt a blinding thunk to my head. I blinked through the black spots that were threatening my vision, my body lowering as I was forced to my knee to deal with the blow to my head. Out the corner of my eye I saw a huge knife appear, my brain still foggy as I focused on Qhuinn, fingers still curled around my knife, I could only watch as the knife came closer. ~
Qhuinn: [I should have known what started out as a nice simple date..was this a date?? Whatever it was, I should have known it was bound to go to shit. That’s how my luck ran. Sure we managed to have a mostly decent time until the fuckers in front of us decided to attack. I should have warned Dehv how I tend to attract trouble. My fist connected with the demon’s rock hard jaw, which sent him back far enough I could pull out my bone dagger from its sheath. I knew Dehv wouldn’t run but dammit, just once I’d like someone to fucking listen to me. Half my attention was on him and the other half was on the demons coming at me once more. A claw or several dug into my side as I swung my blade up into the chest of Ker’s side kick. I spun into the attack and felt my skin ripping open, but it was the sight before me that had me seeing red. I yanked the dagger from the demon with a sickening squelch and swung it in an arc towards the hand in my side. The demon fell with a loud scream as he grabbed at his bloody stump, the claws remained in my side, but I didn’t care. Not when I saw the blood running along Dehv’s shoulder. My vision bled to red as an anger I’ve never felt before rolled through me. I let out a low rumbling growl and swung my dagger at the next demon who came at me, no longer fighting with the intent of letting anyone live because now they were all going to die. I swung my blade in an arc, slicing the demon from hip to shoulder. I didn’t waste a moment to watch him fall because all I could see out of the corner of my eyes was a heavy hit to Dehv’s head and the sheen of a blade approaching closer. I didn’t understand the sudden burn I felt in my back as I turned towards the demon attacking Dehv. All I knew was the smell of coppery blood was being covered up by something weirdly spicy with each step I took. My blade ran through another demon, damn near removing his head before I shoved him to the side and then launched at the knife wielding demon nearest Dehv. I felt his bone snap under hand as I grabbed the arm with the knife and folding it away from his body. He screamed like a little bitch, but the moment his back folded the wrong way around the table, any other words he had were short lived. I stood in front of Dehv for a moment to make sure the rest of the assholes stayed back, then picked him up in a fireman carry and hauled ass out of the damn pub. The fights had broken up outside so the crowd was at least diminished, making the getaway easier. I turned down a few corridors, then as the gate came into view, I set Dehv down in front of me. I didn’t pay attention to the fact the air was still thick with the smell of copper and spice as I cupped his chin so I could look at his face. My voice shaking slightly as I saw the slight trickle of blood from where he was hit. I knew I had my own injuries and I knew once the adrenaline wore off they’d hurt like hell, but I’d take them a million times over if it meant he wasn’t hurting.] Sorry, I wish I could say this was a one off, but I seem to attract that sort of fun. Don’t worry, Doc E will get you fixed up and then you can pretend you never knew me.
Dehv: ~ I dropped my knee to lower myself, bringing my knife up just as I watch Qhuinn launch himself at the demon. I blinked slowly again, the demon screaming until he wasn’t able to any more. I tipped my chin and used my good arm, still gripping the knife to try and stand. Determined to walk out of there. I could still fight, frankly I was sure I’d be able to do carry on without issue if I got a minute to stop my brain vibrating around my skull. I wasn’t sure what the demon had hit, but it was causing some serious double vision. I was about to speak when I was suddenly lifted and the world turned upside down. I wasn’t complaining about the view, Qhuinn’s ass was quite a sight, even as I could feel the situation filter through my brain. The scent surrounding the both of us was also something that was triggering a memory, but my brain just wouldn’t latch onto it. I knew it had meaning, I knew it was something I shouldn’t ignore, and yet right now all I wanted to do was use the knife still in my hand to slice through Qhuinn’s achilles to stop the shit from running any further. I shook my head and was thankful when things started coming into focus. I realised we’d stopped moving and I was dumped on my ass. I winced at the vibration hitting my fucked shoulder, as well as my head that was still throbbing. I knew I probably also had other injuries from the table and the very quick fight. I needed to learn to be on guard at all times, I was pretty sure the Brothers would laugh their asses off when they found out I’d been beaten by one lowly demon. I narrowed my eyes and met Qhuinn’s gaze, his words bringing the whole world into sharp focus. Pretend………was he fucking kidding? I pushed to my feet, my good arm all I was able to use to help against the wall, knowing Qhuinn would automatically lean in to help me, I took that as my advantage. Red flashing through my vision as I pushed off the wall and shoved into him. Using the good side as adrenaline started to mask the pain I’d been in minutes before. I shoved at Qhuinn until I felt him slam into the opposite wall. “I doubt either one of us were expecting that one, and it could have happened at any time, to either of us. I could have run, but I doubt you’d have disappeared if roles were reversed. Such a fucking asshole.” I shoved at him again, off balance with my body starting to give out. How did one head injury have such an impact! I growled as I felt my hand connect with something, probably the wall, before I doubled over and threw up everything in my stomach. The dizziness washing over me as I kept my head down, embarrassed beyond belief at the whole thing, “Take me to the hospital to get checked over. But you get checked out too. And I won’t go unless you promise to stick around.” I knew my voice was more a growled rumble, but I knew I didn’t have long before I passed out. And I was determined to walk my ass into that hospital. I spun to settle my back against the wall while I used my free hand to wipe my mouth. I searched out Qhuinn and forced myself to meet his gaze, my eyes widening at the blood on his face. I growled without thought at the obviously broken nose and then slowly lifted my gaze to his once more, my embarrassment and shame reflected in what looked like resignation and shame. I almost pushed for him to talk to me more, but I was running out of time, instead I nodded gingerly at the gate, “Lets go.” ~
Qhuinn: [Once Dehv wobbled, I leaned in to help him, only to find myself stumbling to maintain my footing before I hit the wall as a whole lot of pissed off male shoved himself at me. I took it as a good sign he still had some fire in him, and he wasn’t wrong, I’d not have run if the situation was reversed, but he was my responsibility. Not only because of what I felt towards him, but I brought him here so for that I should have kept him safe. Not to mention I was not a trainer in the Brotherhood and I managed to get a trainee attacked and injured before I even had my first class. Go Qhuinn. Once a fuck up, always a fuck up. I gave a slight nod and a halfhearted smile] I won’t even deny I’m an asshole, I wanted …
[Fuck. Lights burst behind my eyelids as pain shot through my face when he stumbled and swung. Fucking hell. My hands shot up to cup my nose as he doubled over and puked his damn guts out, splattering my shoes with the blowback…awesome. This day just kept getting better. I sighed and hooked my arm. Around his waist] Like the brothers would let me leave without getting checked. Fuckers are gonna eat this up. Especially my nose…
[I narrowed my eyes, but there was no heat to it. I couldn’t even blame him for the sucker punch. A broken nose was getting off lightly for what just happened to him. With a sigh, I turned my head and led us to the gate, slapping the glyphs until UGH popped up, the gate closing and opening right in front of the doors to the ER. I helped us stumble through the doors and grinned at Gen] Frequent flier room, please, pretty sure I have enough points for an upgrade…
[I heard the call for help and even felt the flick to my forehead when Gen stood in front of me calling me a whole slew of fun and creative names, but that’s all I remember before my legs folded and I hit the floor like a sack of wet laundry]
Dehv: ~ I was aware of the two of us limping along. We must have looked ridiculous. Between my head injury and the fact that Qhuinn had taken on the demons and their friends basically single handedly, we weren’t in great shape. What had turned out to be a fantastic evening, had quickly gone to shit. Though had I not been brained, I was certain we’d have been flying high right about now. Fighting was something we sought out. The Brotherhood went out on rotation every night to search for lessers to ensure that they weren’t harming innocent humans. Qhuinn probably did similar now and again for the Brotherhood, as well as in other cases. I coughed pathetically and curled my fingers around the railing that circled the inside of the gate. Much like you’d see in a hotel lift. My other was curled up the back of Qhuinn with my fingers curled over his shoulder. He was basically holding me up. The whole place was spinning as my head continued to throb. I pressed my lips together to stop myself throwing up again. Trying to breathe slowly and deeply through my nose. Each flash of light was blinding and I couldn’t stop myself from closing my eyes to try and starve off some of the pain. I really hoped that I would be able to feed when I got to the hospital. Within minutes we were moving again, and I realised we were already at the ER, as promised. I got my feet moving, my brain trying to engage as we both pushed passed the doors and I saw help rushing towards us. Some female started shouting at us, at Qhuinn and I felt the rumble rise in my chest. When she flicked his head my fangs punched down as I felt my eyesight sharpen, my entire focus on the female. Her eyes widened, which I assumed was at me, until I felt my body start listing to the side. I scrambled to keep my footing, but as a dead weight Qhuinn was not going to be easy to hold up. Not when my head was about to explode. I turned my body so that when we both landed, Qhuinn landed on me. It was awkward and not in any way graceful, but at least Qhuinn wasn’t hurt worse. My ribs were in worse shape with the pure weight that was a fully grown Brotherhood male. I winced when my head hit the ground, the darkening of my vision made my heart race. It reminded me far too closely of the drugs I’d been kidnapped with, and the feeling I had when the Omega had almost killed me. The panic set in just as my brain shut down entirely. ~ #ToHellWithConsequences
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Dinner Date
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Odhium: I was getting ready for the evening with Grahce, I had phoned her after last meal to make arrangements of our dinner date.
I was in a bit of a dilemma of where to take Grahce this evening.
I had thought of Sal’s but I didn’t fancy Italian. There was the burger bar but I wanted to take her somewhere with a bit more class. I eventually made reservations at the French restaurant.
I showered, coming out of my bathroom and into my bedroom with a towel round my waist.
Heading to my closet I picked out a black tuxedo. I quickly dressed. Grabbing my keys and phone.
I texted Grahce that I’d meet her downtown Caldwell where all the classy restaurants where
Grahce: *I viewed my face across the mirror and fished up my makeup and sprayed some Issey Miyake on my pulse points on my wrists, behind the ear and at the bottom of my throat. I stood up from my counter in my strapless corset and garter and rolled some hose onto from my toes up my calves and knees and attach them to the belts.
Walking toward my walk into the closet and I start to get dressed in one of my evening dresses, an off the shoulder long sleeved beaded number that was a nude silk lining which gave the effect of being naked underneath with very strategically placed beading. One of my favorites. Going to one of my shelves, I grabbed a nude bag and a pair of red sole stilettos and sit to slip on my heels and I was ready.
I walked to my balcony from the house, and took a deep breath and demarterialize to the address to the restaurant in downtown Caldwell where Odhium wanted me to meet him. A beautiful restaurant that was built on a boat that floated out into the harbor during dinner. A very nice choice. Once there, I walked into the deck where the restaurant was stowed, climbed up the stairs to the boat and was lead to the bar and waited for my date.*
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Odhium: Walking round till I got to the restaurant that was a ship, I climbed up the steps to meet Grahce,  I see her waiting for me.
She looked stunning. Having to discreetly arrange myself, I walked over to her.
“You look amazing.” I offered her my arm and we proceeded into the seating area. We were shown our table, I helped Grahce take a sit, pushing her chair under her, I then sat on my own chair.
Taking the menu I casually looked over it. “What do you fancy to eat?”
Grahce: *Perusing the menu of all the delicious choices, I look up as Odium asked what I would like to order. Hmmm … that’s very galant that he asked me first my opinion and not assumed or order on my behalf as many of my past dates arranged by my parents had done. Very refreshing.* I was thinking the roasted duck with the shiitake mushroom risotto. It sounds yummy. What about you?
*I admire his face as he looked back down at the menu and noticed that his tuxedo was very simple and elegant. Definitely owned and beautifully made though not designer as I have seen my past dates wear but still … it fit him very well. Very well indeed as I admire his broad shoulders and slim waist and wondered how he looked underneath it all. I squirmed slightly as I began to heat up a little.*
Odhium: Looking over the menu, I hadn’t really noticed what I was reading. My attention was distracted by Grahce. Her dress fitted well, the beads covering her intimate areas. I am surprised her father and mahmen let her out in a dress like that. But to me she was beautiful.
Back to the menu, I scanned over the dishes. “I think I will have the Beef Burgundy.”
A waiter came over to our table “What wine would you like Sir?”
I had noticed that Grahce was surprised I’d asked her what she’d like to eat. I’d do that again and let her choose the wine
“Grahce what wine would you like?”
She looked up from her menu, those eyes. I could fall into her eyes and stay there. Like forever.
Grahce: *Surprised again at his willingness to ceed to my opinion, since he was having beef and I was having duck I knew what bottle we could share. I smiled and look up at the waiter.*
Do you have a Malbec from Argentina? *The waiter proceeded to list a few selections from the low-mid range to the high end. I left the choice up to Odium not know what price he wanted to stay in and did not want to cast any judgement on his decision. He ordered and after the server presented the wine, we were left alone again.*
So, how have you been these last few days?
Odhium: “I have been very well thank you. I have finally stopped aching in parts of body that I knew never could ache before. Training starts next week. I’m babbling aren’t I? And where are my manners? How have you been since our last date?”
She had this effect on me where I got tongue tied. My Mahmen would say that she was the one for me.
I couldn’t agree more.
Our meals came, placed in front of us. Taking my napkin and laid across my lap. I picked up my cutlery and began to eat.
Before long we had finished, taking a sip of wine. Wow, Grahce really knew her wine.
“Would you like a dessert?”
Grahce: *The duck was heavenly and I enjoyed it and completely finished my plate to my amazement. He looked please to see my finish. I can clearly recall the faces of some the males that was were flabbergasted by my choice in something other than a salad and my ability to clean my plate. My parents every nightmare coming to fruition, I laugh to myself.*
I’m pretty full, but if you would like to share something. I’m definitely game. *I replied, happy to prolong our date. He was different from all the other males my parents had arranged for me. I felt at ease and not at all uncomfortable with being myself. It took many years and finally earning my independance from my parents to get to where I was. When I had told them I told them I was living on my own in order to circumvent the whole “while you are living under my roof” bull shit and being match made with all the eligible heirs of the Glymera … they were livid to say the least. My father guaranteed I would be crawling back when I was penniless.
I had the last laugh, when I actually used the degree that they paid for and began working at a human occupation as a social worker and rented an apartment in downtown Calwell in a building residing with humans. Mahmen was the one that had finally conceded and wanted to reconcile.
So that’s how I worked full time at the #AudienceHouse and part time at #RoyalRefuge and for mahmen’s peace of mind, they bought me a condo at the #Commodore where apparently had the best security and they had my cousin check up on me every now and again. All in all, I was content in my life choices.*
What dessert were you thinking about? *I asked.*
Odhium: I ordered mocha pots de crème for both of us to share. When the dessert arrived I picked up a spoon, carefully placing some of the desert onto the spoon.
“Will you let me feed you?”
I waited till Grahce nodded, she opened her mouth. I gently placed the spoon into her mouth. This was amazing, feeding her was erotic, her tongue came out to lick her lips. Oh, how I wished her tongue was somewhere else.
The zipper on my pants was stretched to its limit, great now I have a raging hard on which will be noticeable the moment I stood.
Great what a time and place to have this happen.
Grahce: *Odium continuously kept me on my toes the entire night as we talked and said things I least expected. This date was the same yet so different from others. He was courteous yet sweet, commanding yet giving … he was such a contradiction from what I have come to expect. All night, I had to keep from squirming in my chair listening to his low deep voice talking about everyday things while my mind wandered to what laid beneath the exterior of this male. Then he asked to feed me.
To be fed from a male, is a very intimate gesture in our culture and I knew if allowed this than it was giving him a sign. I agreed to his request … giving him the green light. As the taste of smooth custard was delightful on my tongue that I could not help but moan. I watch as his eyes dilated and see his muscles tighten.*
Odhium: I purposely stretched the time feeding Grahce, I didn’t want this intimate moment between us to end. But alas she indicated to me that she had enough to eat. I finished what little of the desert there was.
Moving the napkin I checked what was happening below the belt. Yep still a hard on, I had to place my length at an angle so it wasn’t noticeable.
I indicated to the waiter that I was ready for the bill. He came, Grahce wanted to pay half.
“No I won’t allow it. This is my treat to a beautiful female”
Standing up I had to place my jacket in front of what was happening down there .
“Would you let me escort you to where we can dematerialize without being noticed.” I helped Grahce up and offered her my arm.
Grahce: *I stood and took his arm as we walked out of the resturant and back down the pier. We walked along a bit until we got at the end of the dock. It was late and no one was around. The moon was high above us, shining against the water giving it an eerie glow as we watch some ducks swim across.*
I had a great time. *I said absentmindedly while I laid my head against his shoulders as we sat on one of the benches along the dock. The air was cool and the breeze was nice. I wondered if he wanted to see me again.
Odhium: Strolling along the pier, we watched the ducks swim by without a care in the world. We sat on the bench, talked about the evening and how lovely the meal was. I had to lay my jacket across my lap to hide my embarrassment.
I wanted to see her again but I didn’t know if she wanted to see me again.
“Would you like to go on another date with me?”
I waited for Grahce to reply, I was being a bit impatient and being bold, I leaned in next to her and pressed my lips against hers. Pulling back I was hoping I hadn’t frightened her off.
Grahce: *He briefly kissed me as I thought about how we could spend our next date. I could cook him dinner so we could be more casual. Though I liked dressing up and going out, I was more comfortable just being casual. The atmosphere wasn’t as important as the company.*
Why don’t you come by place and I’ll cook you dinner? *I asked as he reached for my face to move a lock of hair behind my ear. His eyes were low and calculating and I barely heard what he said as he came back for another kiss. My hands strayed to thighs to keep balance as I leaned in and the back of my hand grazed him inadvertently.*
Odhium: I heard Grahce mentioning about having dinner at her place. “Yes I’d love that. Tell me when and your address and I be there in a flash.”
Grahce placed her hand on my thigh, it was like an electric shock that went straight to my length. I swear she was trying to put in a cardiac arrest.
I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and brushed my lips against hers. My fingers trailed down her neck and down across her collarbone. I became more daring, I brushed my fingers over her breast. A soft moan escaped her lips.
Grahce: *Before I could tell him where I lived, he came in for another kiss, this time deepening it and then his hand that touched my hair went exploring down my neck and shoulders before grazing across my nipple through my dress causing an electric shock through me, tightening them further hardening them through the material.
I couldn’t find any sense of decency as my hand continued on its course to find him straining against his slacks so I took the heel of my hand and stroked up his length.*
Odhium: I jumped the moment Grahce put her hand against my length. I couldn’t help it but I came in my slacks.
Standing up the was a noticeable damp patch. Fuck!
“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it. Listen, tell me your address and when you want me to come over.”
I felt ashamed and felt like a fool that I couldn’t control myself around her.
Grahce: *I couldn’t help but be flattered at his response to me. I knew he was embarrassed so I slowly came towards him and let my hand rest on his pecs and I leaned up to him.*
I can text you my address and all the details when I get home. Don’t be embarrassed at all. I find it very … hot. So, I’ll see you tomorrow evening, yes? *Before he could answer, I licked my lips and closed this distance and gave him a kiss. My hands roaming up his chest and into his hair to deepen it. I heard his groan and it only made me smile and then I concentrated and spread my molecules to the wind and on my way home.*
Odhium: I had felt disgusted at what I had done but Grahce didn’t seemed to mind. In fact she found it hot.
“Really?” I had to admit I was taken aback by her response.
“I’ll text you my address when I get home.” She said as she got up from the bench, coming towards me. Nodding at Grahce, she placed her hand on my pecs, leaning up she pressed her lips against mine.
I was getting heated up again when she broke contact with me and dematerialized to her place. Holy hell she was turning me on again.
Calming down I dematerialized back to my family home. Opening the front door, I ran up the stairs to my room. Stripping off I headed into the en suite bathroom in my room. Turning on the shower I stepped under the spray. I placed my hand in my cock and started to stroke myself.
The water helped as a lubricant as I stroked myself harder. I pictured Grahce as she  sat across from me and then the kissing on docks. My balls tightened and before I knew it I ejaculated all over the tiled wall.
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First Date
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Odhium: Fuck that was intense, breathing hard, I laid on the ground till my breathing returned to normal. Slowly getting up I gingerly made it onto my feet. Time to hit the showers.
Making it to the locker room I found my duffle bag waiting for me, fishing out a towel I made my way to the shower rooms.
Removing my stained and tattered clothes, I stood under the spray of water from above. The warm water easing my joints. I knew I didn't have long, I washed myself, turned the water off and dried myself.
Wrapping the towel around my waist. Picking up my clothes I put them in the duffle bag and taking out a spare set of clothes. I put them on, picking my duffle bag up I made my way to the garage area and boarded the school bus.
The school bus dropped those and myself at the drop off point. Calming down I dematerialized back home.
Flinging the front door open I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I had done it, I got onto the training program. I couldn't believe it.
Collapsing onto my bed I took my phone from jacket pocket, there was only one person I wanted to tell and that was Grahce.
I had filled in the application form for the training program online, but some of my friends had told me about the female at the Audience House. So I went to there for an application form. We had exchanged phone numbers and I really liked her.
Running my thumb over the screen till I came to her number. Pressing the dial symbol, I put the phone to my ear and waited for her to answer. @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *My night had been going pretty well as of late. The #AudienceHouse was a great place to work. The King was more personable than I had first thought … that is … once I got over the fangirling and the bowing he insisted I stop. The Brothers were scary at first but they were great males. Very big brotherly actually … even to go so far as to be nosing around in my personal business.
I was finishing up some files for #Saxton finishing up my shift for the night when my phone rang. Peering down I saw from the caller ID that it was O and smiled as I swiped right on the screen.*
Hey you.
Odhium: “Hey Grahce” It was nice hearing her voice, calming me down instantly.
“I’ve got some news for you. Want me to tell you now or when we go on a date?”
Yeah I know cheesy but what can I say to her? I felt like a pre trans around her, all excitable and eager to please her.
My mind was wandering away from the conversation, not really listening to what she was saying. I was imagining the look on her face when I was telling her that I was on the training program
Snapping my attention back to the here and now “Sorry, what did you say?” Get with it O you dumb fuck.
I waited for her to answer again “Will you go on a date with me?” I blurted out the words before I had time to process them.
You stupid fucktard now you’ve put the spanner in the works. I hoped Grahce didn’t think I was too forward in asking her out.
Grahce: *I smiled as he excitedly wanted to tell me a surprise. I wonder if he got into the Brotherhood training program after all. It’s been a few weeks since we exchanged numbers so I wondered how things went.
The Brotherhood has recently opened up the program so that civilians along with the former Glymera could apply and train to become warriors. It was the buzz all around town. I greatly admired the King in including everyone, regardless of class and that he was truly about equality. Especially hearing his decree a few years back that abolished slavery for the elite. No one should be owned by another.*
You can tell me when you want to. *I said.* How was you day? *When I didn’t hear a response I thought maybe we got disconnected.* Hello?
*He replies back as if coming out of the clouds and instead asked me out.* Sure, where do you want to go?
Odhium: She wanted to go out with me. In my head I was doing cartwheels around my bedroom.
But where could I take her? “How about Zero Sum?” I heard that was the place to go. I'd also heard on the grapevine that was the club that was frequented by huge males dressed in leathers. The Brotherhood.
“I can meet you there when the sun goes down.” I was thinking of the things we could talk about once we were there.
“Is that a date then?” Once she had agreed to our date I hung up, placed the phone on the bedside cabinet.
My body ached from head to toe as I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I knew Father was looking down from the Fade at me. If he was here by my side I knew he’d be pleased. How I missed him
Grahce: Yes, it’s a date. I’ll see you tomorrow night.
*I agreed to meet him at #ZeroSum the next evening at midnight and wondered what I would wear. It’s been months since I have been clubbing and even longer since I’ve dated anyone. I mainly kept to myself just so I could avoid agreeing to date whichever male my parents deemed worthy and I needed to branch out more. I’ve been sheltered by my parents for too long. I needed to get out into the world. Don’t get me wrong, there were perks to being born of the Glymera before it was disbanded but I wasn’t like most and I liked that about myself. I was my own person and had my own opinions. I went into my closet and tried to figure out what one wears for a night at the club.*
Odhium: I fell asleep in no time, the entry to the Brotherhood program had exhausted me.
The alarm went off, cracking an eye open I stopped the alarm. It was five in the afternoon. Getting up I made my way into the en suite bathroom, turning the shower on and getting in.
After what seemed like an hour I turned off the water, grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off. The water had eased my aching joints.
Going to the closet I pondered on what to wear for my date. A suit was out. Didn't want to look too formal. Jeans were a no no as well. Didn't want to look too casual. I settled for some black slacks and a black silk shirt and a pair of black loafers. I dressed in the clothes I had decided on and went downstairs
Mahmen was at the table eating first meal, looking up. “You look nice. Going anywhere special?”
“Only going to a club.”
“Be careful” I saw her worried look.
“Don't worry about me Mahmen.”
After finishing first meal, I went back to my bedroom. Grabbing a black leather jacket and put it on. I pocketed my phone and keys. Descending the stairs I went outside. Calming myself down I dematerialized in the alley next to Zero Sum and waited for Grahce.
Grahce: *After spending the morning going through my closet and a few hours getting ready for my date, I decided on a leather skirt and a black blouse and some knee high boots as I walked up to the door avoiding the line for entrance to the club. Having a Brother for a distant cousin came in handy sometimes. Though we rarely spoke since he was so busy with his duties, but one night a few years ago he saw me hanging out with some girlfriends and all of sudden I got to bypass the line every time now but I also noticed that the bouncers always kept a watchful eye on me as well. Made me wonder if they ever reported back to him about my comings and goings.
I waded through all the human bodies dancing to Lil Wayne’s “I Am Not A Human”, ironic, and found a seat at the bar and ordered a Grey Goose and cranberry and waited for my date.*
Odhium: Walking out of the alleyway I headed to the front door of the club.
Being on the training program had its perks. All I had to say was one word “Brotherhood” the bouncer moved to one side.
Entering Zero Sum, the place was full of both humans and vampires, bodies moving beside each other as they swayed to the music, others were entangled with each other, tongues down each others throats. Yet more were smoking illegal drugs, the bouncers were keeping a blind eye to what was going on.
Making my way through the crowds of people I made my way to the bar. The sea of people parted and there she was, sitting at the bar and she looked amazing. Walking up to the bar, I ordered a rum and Coke.
“You look amazing.” I told Grahce. “Do you want to go up to the VIP section?”
Before she can answer, I lead Grahce up to the VIP section, said the magic word and the rope was lifted off the post. Walking in I sat in the booth by the fire exit.
Grahce: *Odhium ordered his drink and quickly let me to the VIP section before I could admire him. But as we sat in the book I could take a moment to admire his leather jacket and black attire. The leather was very soft as I ran my hand down his arm.* This is a gorgeous jacket.
*I smiled as he blushed slightly at my touch and drank my cocktail as a people watched a bit while we relaxed into the date. Watching the human dance and kiss on the floor … a few taking it even further in shadowed corners. The night was young and I leaned back into the booth and crossed my legs at the knees underneath the table and folded my hands in my lap.* So tell me about yourself.
Odhium: As we both settled into the booth, her hand fell onto my arm. We were both silent for sometime  before she asked. “So tell me about yourself.”
I shrugged my shoulders “I've got onto the training program. That is what I wanted to tell you.” I had some of the rum and Coke. “My father died recently, so I have to provide for both mahmen and myself. Don't get me wrong we are well off but not like the Glymera. Think it is more of something to do.”
I sat back into the booth and watched her. She was processing what I had said to her.
Before she could answer I asked her. “What's your story then?”
Grahce: Congratulations! I know that it is a great honor to be part of the training program. *After his statement about the Glymera, I wasn’t sure if I needed to bring it up, so I skipped over parts of my background.*
I currently work at the #AudienceHouse for the King a few nights a week and then part time at #RoyalRefuge. Other than that, my life’s pretty boring. *I shrug nonchalantly. My life was pretty boring … but then again living the sheltered life in a former Glymera household will do that. Granted we were not one of the founding families, but we were descendants of one of the Brothers. Distant relatives.*
So tell me how the training program is so far. It must be so grueling.
Odhium: “Thank you. Grueling isn't the word. That was only passing the test to get to into the program. I start the training tomorrow, got tonight off to rest.”
I was beginning to ease talking to her, it felt like I had known her for years.
“What's it like at the Audience House? And the Brothers, what are they like?”
I had only briefly met the Brothers after passing their tests to get into the training program, but I wanted more intel on them. Call it … doing my homework.
While I waited for Grahce to answer I slid my hand on top of hers. I hoped I wasn't becoming too forward with her.
Grahce: *His hand is warm as he places it on top of mine. Reassuringly. It’s nice.*
The #AudienceHouse is amazing watching #Wrath mediate all the issue among the  civilian population as well as the Glymera. I mean … technically there is no Glymera … but you know the people I’m talking about.
And the Brothers? They are … intimidating and really good guys. I’ve been working there almost a year now and they’re easy going once you get to know them. But I can only imagine what it would be like to be on the receiving end when they’re pissed or in warrior mode.
*Shivers. The Brothers can be seriously scary when they want to be. Every now and again someone who has an entitled attitude wants the King’s decision to sway in a certain way and when it doesn’t and they try to get all high and mighty? Sheesh … do they change their tune once they get a “talking to” from Rhage, Vishous or Zsadist … they wish they’d never been born. Then again, Wrath is no slouch either. When he raises his voice, even I can feel the vibrations of the roar from the otherside of the door at my desk.*
Seriously though. *Looking at Odium.* You do /not/ want to be on their bad side.
Odhium: I felt her shudder as she explained that I didn't want to be on their bad side. I noted her warning.
“I can imagine. Yeah, I know who the people you're talking about.”
I wasn't sure if she would understand if I told her that my father had to deal with them bastards. All the dodgy deals he had to draft up for them, if father didn't do what they asked then they would of brought my father down and leave him penniless. I wouldn't be surprised if it was them who had brought on my father's condition. Now he was in the Fade.
I squeezed her hand slightly in silent agreement with Grahce, since Wrath had started the Audience House and dissolved the Glymera, there had been no more dodgy deals.
Finishing my drink I held my hand up for the waitress. “You want another drink?” The waitress came over, giving her the order. I looked back at Grahce. “What you like doing when your not at the Audience House?”
Grahce: *I nodded for a second drink and thought about my response before answering.* I work part time at #RoyalRefuge as well. Mostly doing clerical work and being a part time social worker. Working with the females and their children while they transition from one home to another and getting back on their feet.
*I didn’t want to mention how my parents found little comfort in my choice of career. Which is why I was full time at the #AudienceHouse and part time at the #RoyalRefuge. My parents somehow thought my exposure to the King and the Brotherhood would somehow fix my internal mechanism in my makeup that was part Glymera born raised daughter who wanted to be madam of the household and go shopping and have lavish parties and be that “trophy” wife.
I internally rolled my eyes at the thought. If my parents only knew how “un-GLymera” the Brotherhood was and how much they loathed dealing with the former Princeps Council members and the Founding Families, which my family was not any of the former … just high enough in elevation due to old family money and being descendents of a Brother gave my family its position in the hierarchy. However bothersome it was for me as the black sheep of the family.*
Odhium: Our drinks arrived, I tipped the waitress and listened to Grahce about her work.
“You're a saint, I mean helping those at the Royal Refuge with the females and their young. As for the Audience House … I know you're only the secretary there, but I bet it's nice to see the situations resolved in a fair way and not in a ‘dodgy’ deal.”
I wonder how much I should tell her about what my father did before he passed onto the Fade. Sighing I decided there and then to tell her.
“My father, before his demise, had worked amongst the Glymera. He had to draft up parchments deals that were made. He knew they were wrong, but the Glymera warned my father if he revealed anything about these deals then they would make him penniless, making sure no other family would hire him. It hit him hard, he became ill and died. I blame the Glymera for his death.”
I took a long pull of the rum and coke before settling the glass back on the table, I sneaked a look at Grahce to see what she thought of me now.
Grahce: *I feel my cheeks warm at his compliment but as he recounts his family’s misfortunes in regards to dodgy deals as he called it. Then to hear that due to the pressure and stress from these situations would then lead to his demise was heartbreaking.*
I’m so sorry for your loss. *I placed my other hand over his that held my other hand as I provided a small comfort for such a large loss. I held my tongue in regards to the Glymera, this was not the time or place to mention that my family was from the former Glymera and wondered briefly if my own father was part of this. I was not privy to any of my family business so it made it wonder.
I took a sip of my Cape Cod and tried to remember if I ever heard of Odhium’s family name in conversation, but could not recollect anything. The cool liquid was tart and refreshing as I felt my throat parched from worry.*
Odhium: I watch Grahce place her other hand over mine, the gesture was warm and comforting “Thank you.” I didn't really knew what I was thanking her for, maybe it was the contact that I was thanking her for.
Downing the rest if my drink, I placed the tumbler back on the table, looking at my watch. “It’s fast approaching dawn. We better make our way back for the day. Will I see you again?”
I hoped Grahce would want to see me again. I felt calm next to her, she was like my anchor in the proverbial storm that I was experiencing since the passing. I loved her facial features, her curves. This is how a female should look like. I know I shouldn't stare at her but I couldn't help it. She was perfection to me.
Grahce: *Time had passed too quickly as we sat in this intimate booth that I had not noticed the time. Looking down at my phone to see the time, and knew he was right. I had a full night with a double shifts at both #AudienceHouse and then at #RoyalRefuge so it would have to be a day after before I would be able to see him again.*
Umm, I’m free Sunday evening. I have to work doubles later tonight. *I looked up from my phone and was surprised to find him studying me that I could feel myself blush.*
Odhium: “Yes, that is more important and yes I would like to see you on Sunday. My treat I will take you out. I’ll text you the details later.” I squeezed her hand.
I got up from the booth and turned to help her up and I escorted Grahce out of the club and into the cold air. Walking us both round into the alleyway, I leaned down brushing my lips against her cheek. “Till we meet again be well my dearest Grahce.”
I waited as I watch her close her eyes and disappeared from my presence then I calmed myself down and dematerialized back to my house. Opening the front door, I told Mahmen that I was back, then headed to my bedroom.
#FirstDate #BDBMisfits #BDB
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The days dragged until it was time for Father's fade ceremony, Mahmen was in a state of shock while family gathered. The ceremony was slow, I didn't really hear much as my thoughts were lost in transition of the recruitment of the Brotherhood program. Finally the ceremony was over, I made sure Mahmen was comfortable. I took my chance going into Father's office, sitting in his chair I fired up the laptop. Tapping in the password the laptop came to life. Clicking onto the internet I went to website that had the application form for the program from the Facebook that was exclusively for vampires. I printed the form out, completed it and scanned the document and sent it off to the web address. All I had to do now was sit and wait. What joys.
Three weeks later Mahmen called saying some papers had arrived, taking them from her I opened them with great excitement. It had finally arrived, I had to go to a pick up point in two days to be ferried to the Brotherhood training centre. “What's in the papers?” “I have to go training Mahmen, I want to make a difference” By the look on her face was that of a concerned mahmen but she know it was what I wanted to do “I can't lose you like I lost your Father” “Mahmen don't go there” I walked past her heading for my room to get that things ready.
The days dragged once again but finally the day, well the night came. I had to meet on the corner of a street by what was once the financial district. The pick up was well suited, not so many humans came to this part of town, didn't want any attention while a load of vampires got on a, whoa was that really a school bus? It stopped by us all, yeah there was plenty if us, but surely the Brotherhood wouldn't be training all of us. Getting onto the bus I picked the seat at the back of the driver, I kept myself to myself, others were chatting loudly excitement in their voices. They all thought they'd won the lottery and were puck ng up their prizes, me I needed to stay focus. The journey to the compound was taking ages, I tried to look out of the window but that was too dark to see out of. Eventually we stopped, then started up again and stop. This happened several times till there was a long run till the bus finally stopped the doors opened and I got off. It was an underground garage, there was no other vehicles there. Now I was getting pumped, a door on the other side opened, we all filed into a gymnasium. Let the fun begin. #Recruiting
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Two Worlds Collide
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Maggie: ~I head from my apartment down to the bakery with my coffee cup in hand. 4:30 am comes early some days, having a rough night thinking about my twin. He still hasn’t made any contact with me as each day goes, I grow more worried about him. I reach downstairs, I turn on all the ovens as well as getting the coffee ready. I set my cup by the pot so I can get the first cup of delicious java. I turn on the store lights and unlock the front door. I turn the sign on the door to open, not that I have anyone show up before 6 am, but I still want people to know I am open just in case. As I glance over the cases to see what needs to be made, I see the coffee is done as quickly make a cup. I head to the kitchen to start making muffins and scones. I carefully measure out flour, sugar and milk, I turn on the mixer. My heart aches for my brother, I call his cellphone as I do every morning. This time I leave him a message.~ Trahnce I know you may not get this. I miss you, If you are okay please call me. You promised me that you wouldn’t leave me. Damnit Trahnce let me know you are okay. You can’t leave me in a vampire world alone. I love you big brother. @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *I finished up my rounds at #RoyalRefuge and was just walking out the door and was just about to dematerialize when I saw a lights come on in a little bakery down the street. I realized just then that I was famished so I shrugged and thought why not. If they were open, I could probably grab some croissants or kolaches for breakfast. Taking in the quaint shop, it look like a nice relaxing place to stop into. I haven’t been in the city for long so I needed to find some new favorite haunts and go to places. I hoped this could be one of them since it was so close to work.
I entered through the door and start browsing the cabinets of delicious looking pastries when I overhear a phone conversation with my keen sense of hearing. “Vampire world”? Interesting … most of us, don’t refer to ourselves as vampires … just merely another type of race from the humans. It made me wonder what the conversation was about. Perhaps someone decided to break the most cardinal rule of our kind: keeping our existence a secret.
My train of thought was interrupted, when a redhead appeared from behind the door in greeting.* @sullivan_mag
Maggie: ~After I hang up the phone, I hear someone enter at the counter. I go to greet my first customer of the day.~ Hello, I hope you weren’t standing out here too long. How can I help you today?
~I was hoping that she didn’t hear my phone call. I know my brother said that no one could know about him in the human world. I don’t know who is of the vampire race or not. I smile as the lovely customer tells me about what she is looking for.~ @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *I smile.* I was just window shopping your display. Everything looks delicious. What do you recommend? *I ponder between a few croissants and some donuts, all the while wondering about the conversation I overheard. She seemed human … but looks can be deceiving and in a world where there was only one pureblood vampire left … we were all technically hybrids and had human blood running through our veins … some more than most as may be the case now.
I listened as she provided me details on her best selling items and decided to order several things that I could eat for Last Meal as well as munch on during the day as I rested away from the sunlight.* @sullivan_mag
Maggie: Well I have a fresh batch of mixed berry muffins that just got out of the oven, also I just finish making white chocolate and raspberries scones. If you want something buttery I have croissants. ~Smiles softly at the woman as she listens intently to me.~  By the way my name is Maggie, what’s your name? I love getting to know my customers.
~I worry a bit as she keeps staring at me as if she has a question for me other than what baked goods I have. I think that she might have heard the message I left Trahnce.~ @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *I take a deep cleansing breath and smell all the deliciousness. I decided to order her recommendations.*
Everything sounds delicious so I’ll take two of everything you just mentioned. It’s nice to meet you Maggie. My name is Grahce. *I studied Maggie trying to figure out what her deal was. She definitely seemed human and owning and operating a bakery would solidify that conclusion. But she looked young and quite thin so perhaps she is a pre-trans or a hybrid. Regardless she did not grow up in our world. I tried to think of a way to broach the subject without giving too much away if she really wasn’t part of our world. I tried something subtle.*
These would be great for /Last Meal/. @sullivan_mag
Maggie: ~As I was packing up her order I almost dropped her boxes as she said last meal, it made me think of Trahnce when we ate together. He would just be waking up saying it was his First Meal as it was my Last Meal. I would giggle about that. This made me wonder if she was a vampire or at least of their world.~
Last Meal? Why would you say something like that? Don’t you mean breakfast, Grahce?
~I hand her the boxes trying to gage her reaction to what I said. Not sure if I should reveal myself or not.~ @Grahce_BDB
Grahce: *As she gave the typical human response, I was prepared.*
I work overnight shifts, so technically I’m having my last meal of the day before I go to bed while everyone else is working. So, yea, it’s /my/ last meal. *I smiled and paid for my purchase and wondered if I should keep an eye out on her. If she didn’t live in our world than she wouldn’t know about the Transition. Which would be deadly if you don’t have a blood source on hand to feed. But since she mentioned the “vampire world” … someone must be revealing our well kept centuries old secret. Which is whole other issue on its own. I decided then that I would keep an eye out for this Trahce character and see what comes of it.*
It was nice meeting you. I probably see you more often now that I know you’re here. I hate having to cook at the end of a long overnight shift. *I waved to her as I exited the store and walked down the street and around the corner into an alley, looked in all directions and dematerialized home.* @sullivan_mag
Maggie: It was lovely meeting you as well. I do hope you come back again. Please let me know what you think of goodies you got. Take care, Grahce.
~Letting out a sigh as she exits out the door, knowing that I need to be extra careful about what I say on my messages to Trahnce. Not that it seems to matter much since it doesn’t seem as if he is getting them. I need to look through that box of papers I got from his apartment.~
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Following Fate
[My eyes kept darting towards the clock as I waited for the shades to rise, the closer the minutes crept to the time, the more my stomach knotted. I had been weighing my options since the last meeting with the male and while I knew what I wanted, I wasn’t sure he would agree. If he didn’t, I wasn’t quite sure what that would mean for me and my future. Yeah, he’d given me options and even the time to figure shit out, but that didn’t mean he’d go for the counter at-fucking-all. I ran through the shower quick and then pulled on some leathers after drying off, all the while telling myself the King was a reasonable male, he would listen to reason. Right. Because reason and logic were two things I was oh so damn good at. I snorted and shook my head as I let my brain wander to that night at the diner with Dehv….I used logic and reason there too and damn near made his head explode. But then again, he came around…so maybe I wasn’t as bad as I thought with it all. One thing for certain is I needed to get the fuck out of my own head. It was dangerous there and I needed to be confident and sure-footed before I went to this meeting. I combed through my hair, thankful there were no fresh scars or bruises, not that he’d be able to see, but he would know, he always knew,  then I dropped my wallet and keys into my pocket with my phone and took a deep breath as I went over the reasonings again. My phone chimed, alerting me it was time to move my fucking ass and I was out the door, molecules on their way to destination Manse.
I stood on the lawn and took in the compound, watching through the windows like some damn creeper at the activities going on behind the walls. Brothers getting ready to go out on patrol, others staying behind for a night of catching up with their loved ones or each other, and others who’d be hoofing it down to the training center to help others prepare for nights such as these. It was never quiet behind those walls and honestly, it likely never would be. I’d grown used to the quiet though, which is why I was glad for already establishing I could keep my place, no matter what transpired tonight. My phone chimed again to pull my head from my ass and I slapped my boots across the lawn before hitting the buzzer on the door, my face turned to the camera with a grin. When the door opened, I was greeted by a doggen I didn’t recognize, but they were obviously expecting me since after a brief greeting and a slight bow, I was informed that Wrath was waiting for me. Not expecting. Waiting….that couldn’t be good. Unless it was just a turn of phrase…maybe he was in a  good….yeah right. With all the shit, good moods were not something I was used to experiencing in these meetings. I thanked the doggen then turned the boots towards the study. Each step echoing in my ears like I was walking to my doom. It was stupid feeling, especially as I know I’ve not down anything wrong lately, well except for attacking a trainee, but to be fair, he had started it…..dammit. Fuck off brain. I know what I’m doing….right, because talking to yourself was normal as all fuck. I shook my head and then knocked once on the door. It took all of a minute for the door to Wrath’s study to open and I was entering the lion’s den so to speak.  The male before me may have looked relaxed, but only to the untrained eye. Anyone unfamiliar with him wouldn’t suspect he could end a life before anyone had a chance to blink, blind or not. That’s partially what made him so damn intimidating. He offered me a drink before I took my seat and while the offer of a drink had my mouth watering, I knew better. Drinking hadn’t done me any damn favors over the years and I was sure this would be no exception. Especially when I saw him twirling that damn star he was so proficient with. Nope, I wanted to prove I’d grown into someone who could actually be a damn asset instead of a liability. I took a seat across from him and squared my shoulders as if I were getting ready to go into battle. Even though he couldn’t see me, it helped me find the confidence I needed for this. I let out a slow breath and forced myself to remain still and not fidgeting. ] I’ve been doing some thinking about what we discussed last time, and I came up with a counter proposal, one that might work out better for everyone. I mean, I wanna come back, my place is here but ….I think I’m past trainee status, even if I’m not much more.  
[The upraised brow wasn’t missed as Wrath leaned forward with a slow grin forming, “A counter proposal? Alright, I’ll bite, tell me what you’re thinking.” I took a moment to consider my words carefully. That grin he was wearing was a familiar one and it had me relaxing slightly. Even if he was a complete asskicker, he was fair and willing to hear people out. I had to remember not everyone was my enemy, not everyone was out to get me or to see me fail, that was part of that whole leaving the past behind bullshit I had to do after I got my damn body back. Man the fuck up Q and spit it out] I think it’d benefit the Brotherhood as well as myself. I won’t lie and pretend it’s not a little self-serving, I respect you too much for that. I’d like to help out with the training program, rather than being a trainee. In addition to the medical shit I learned at UGH, I learned some new techniques, found some kick ass new weapons and….a new way to travel in a pinch. Like if we need to move a body and there’s no rig around. I mean, I know the program is tight, but maybe I could help lighten Z’s load a bit, go out on rotation too if you wanted me to, if you felt I was ready. I’ve seen one of the new trainees fight when he was attacked by some hired goons in the park, I jumped in to help but wasn’t my normal self, but then he busted my nose the other night when I caught him off guard in the training center. I’m getting better. Got rid of some internal demons, learned some shit, and I think I found my purpose, maybe. 
[Wrath sat there for several long moments. I could almost see the wheels turning as he processed the idea. Anything that would give us an advantage over the enemies was a good thing and he knew that. I was offering another body on the field, another hand in training, new weapons and a new way to get around, plus whatever information I could get from the hospital, it was a good start to things I thought. Time seemed to stop as he contemplated the offer then he leaned back in his chair again, his face impassive as he told me to give him more details of what I thought I could add to the program and about these gates I learned about. Encouraged, because it wasn’t a flat out fuck off, I took a deep breath and explained it all. With each word, my confidence grew. My helping with training would free up the Brothers a little more, get them where they needed to be. I’d been through the shit. I knew the program, I knew ways to bend the rules and how to watch for that too. Wrath interjected his questions but otherwise allowed me to explain it as best as I could. One hour turned to two and then three before he finally nodded slowly, “Alright. We’ll give this a shot, probationary and all that, see how it goes. I’m trusting you when you say you’ve grown up during this time, Qhuinn. Don’t fuck this up because there won’t be another chance.” I swallowed and nodded. I was about to speak again when Wrath let out a low chuckle, “No, Qhuinn. You don’t have to stay here. Someone will let you know the schedule for training officially, and for patrol, anything else you wanna do is on you.” I grinned, though he couldn’t see it and thanked him for his time. I was no longer Qhuinn, the trainee who fucked up. I was now a warrior and a trainer. One who was gonna go take a trainee to hell…literally. But Wrath didn’t need to know that. Instead I thanked him again and left him to his night, my steps a little lighter as I headed out the door, my phone in hand as I shot off a text to Dehv ~Meeting ran a little longer than I thought, if you still have time tonight, I promise to show you something outta this world. Q~ I tucked the phone away and then sent my molecules back to the cabin. Even if I had to wait until the next night, I knew he was worth it. Plus…it would give me time to figure out how to tell him that he wasn’t gonna be getting rid of me anytime soon]
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Getting Him Out
My senses seemed to come online one at at time. My eyes watered. Lungs burnt and my body felt like it was on fire. I tried to move, but found that I was pinned to the floor, still under my bed in my cell. Though it was no longer a cell. The walls had given way and I was under most of it. I took a moment to try and draw some air into my lungs, but that did nothing more than make me cough and splutter. Giving up that idea I tried to wiggle out from under the weight, something tugged at my leg rather than allowing me to move forward. With a frown I tipped my head to look down my body, trying to see if i could make out what was going on. With a low groan I noticed a spike of some kind, iron maybe, sticking out above the rubble. I sighed hard and then started to move. I rocked my body from side to side, lifting the bed just enough to tip it so that anything on top of it started to shift and move. I dared not to guess at the length of time that took me. Knowing that I had precious minutes ticking away until the sun came up. And I had to be out of here and away somewhere safe before that happened. The shift in the stable platform did as I wanted and with a slow breath I was able to push the bed off me and push to my knees, getting a better look at what was wrong with my leg. The motion highlighting other injuries as I curled my arm around my ribs. While all of me throbbed, I could feel blood on my face, the ribs felt bruised, but I’d not put it past myself to have broken them. I wasn’t about to start poking around now. My wrist was broken, but I had nothing to help hold it stable for the time being. I had to get my leg free and then get out of here. I surveyed the damage and was relieved to see that the spike I thought was in my leg was in fact only partially impaled. The movement of the bed had pulled it practically all the way free, and while I was now bleeding more freely, it didn’t appear to have hit anything major. I used my good arm to shove the stone and concrete until I was free, my teeth grinding practically non stop through the pain. Once I was able to pull my leg free I moved to stand and look my first proper look around. I was shocked at the amount of damage that had been caused. This wasn’t like the explosives of my day. This was like someone had dropped a bomb. I blinked and then shot my gaze at the cell I spent most my day checking. I snatched up a length of wood and used it with my good hand to held me walk towards the cell that Mahssacre had been calling home these last few weeks. He’d no idea that we were basically in his home town. He’d been moved around, as I was sure his brother had been once they’d done whatever they need to take twins down to a single child. I was just please his mahmen wasn’t around to see any of this. I was pleased to see it was empty, the guard lying on the floor was obviously dead. I felt a sudden prang of guilt as I realised that a blast this size had probably killed just as many people as would make it out. I just had to hope the ones that were taken were those monsters betting on us, or buying us, and the guards. And that the majority of those inside were able to make it out and find their families or at least get to someone who could help them in some way. I slowly moved towards the exit. Or rather, where the exit should be, it was now nothing more than a huge hole in the side of the building. The wood was biting into my hand as I walked, but I didn’t slow. I kept my eyes open for anyone who might look like they wanted to stop me, hiding behind anything I could in order to stay out of sight. I could see the guards that had made it out running around, or escorting guests out to the cool night air. I shivered as I got closer and looked down at my tatty track pants and lack of anything else bar my cuffs and collar. I probably looked a state, but I’d have to deal with that once I got out of here. If I was able to communicate with anyone.
As I slipped out into the starless night, I felt a thread of uncertainty go through me. I had no way to communicate with anyone unless they allowed me to write anything down. And even then, how far along had things come. Would they understand my writing well enough. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t really do more than make the odd sign of what I wanted with my hands. Food and water I’d managed to get across in my cage. And otherwise there was a limit to what I had to say. Explosives, sex and money were easy things to sign, or just show. Once you mentioned any kind of money, others tended to do the talking. And in any negotiation, what did I have to barter with. So I took the deal or I walked. I swallowed hard and gave a quick glance over my shoulder to ensure no one was following me. I made it quickly to what appeared to be a mainish road. It looked bigger than the street I’d come from at any rate. But I could feel the telltale tingle that told me dawn wasn’t far off. I had many thirty minutes give or take before I was nothing more than ash on the pavement. I hobbled faster still, my teeth gritted as I held onto my ribs with my injured wrist. Wishing, not for the first time, that I’d specified the actual size of the explosion. It had meant to be a distraction and not a destructive mission. I just hopped Mahassacre had made it out and was safe. Or at least, safe enough until dusk.
I turned when I felt something light my back, suddenly panicked I’d miss calculated and the sun was up already. What I saw was some kind of lights coming in my direction, and faster than I could really get my head around. Rather than stop to see if it was those from the facility, I looked around frantically and saw a darkened alley way. I tipped my head and then took a quick right, my breath catching when I caught my bad leg on the side of the building. But I didn’t let it stop me as I moved into the darkness and cringed at what was in front of me. Two large metal bins that smelled like they’d been here a while and some boxes that seemed to have remains of whatever had been packed in them stuck to the sides. I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them with renewed determination. It was one day, if I could stay hidden and safe in this alley, I’d have lived to fight another night. And tomorrow, I’d be able to find Mahssacre and get us both the treatment that we needed. I could already feel my body starting to protest the effort I’d forced on it. I knew that if I was given half the chance, I’d pass out before I managed to get out of direct sunlight. And right now, that wasn’t an option.  #GettingHimOut
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Getting Out
~ I stayed curled up in a ball behind my bed, squished up against the cold stone wall behind me. My eyes were squeezed shut, but I was sure I was bleeding in several places. I coughed and spluttered at the amount of dust that swirled around the place, not really paying any attention to anything else. I had to move off the floor, perhaps the air was clearer if I………………….I managed to make it to all fours and that was it. I could barely focus at all with the way my chest was screaming. Or maybe that was voices of others around me. I coughed hard enough to feel as though I might lose my lung on the floor before finding purchase on the wall. I scrabbled to try and stand, actually surprised when things seemed to start to settle, allowing some kind of air to filter through. The wheezing eased and I found that I could make out more of what was around me. The rubble basically covered everything. There was blood smeared over things and I could see a lot of bodies. Thankfully most of them seemed to be outside of the cages. The people who had been keeping us here, laughing at us and torturing us night on night were the ones who had taken the brunt. Whoever, whatever had done this, it had taken the whole thing down. I wondered how far it went, had it gone around all the housing, taken out all those who looked after us? I had to assume so, but without proof, and having seen some of the ways that the others looked after their fighters, I wondered just who was let loose on the world. I pushed off the wall behind me and stumbled towards the, now gaping hole, that was the entrance to my cell. The guard was moaning slightly, but I didn’t stop to check on him. I used anything I could in order to keep myself upright until I was outside the cell of the male who had always looked out for me. The one I had a connection with since the minute I’d been thrown in this hell hole. All I could see was blood and one hand sticking out from under the rubble. I covered my mouth as a choked gasp escaped, unwilling to believe that he was dead. I managed to make it about three steps before something gave way under me and took me down. My wrist twisting harshly as I tried to break my fall before I smashed my face into anything that wasn’t meant to be there. The edge of one of the rocks stacked up sliced along my temple and I grunted in pain, both from the shooting pain that was now happily dancing up my arm and that throb that had started in my head. It wasn’t safe to check, and if he was still alive, he’s make it out. I was liable to do even more damage trying to push and dig with a bust arm and a whole host of other smaller injuries. I swallowed hard and and squeezed the hand of the only friend I’d really ever had. And I’d never even managed to saw more than a passing hello now and again. He’d never said a single word to me. And yet I felt grief unlike anything I’d ever felt for any of the fighters I’d put down, or those I’d seen disappear out of our own house. I was about to settle on my knees again, show some respect when I heard loud voices. They were coming through the rubble and trying to work out who was alive. My hand landed on my throat as I suddenly realised that with the whole building down, the only way they could take me down would be with the hand held remotes. The one that was around the building would be down. I could leave! I felt something flutter in my chest and I reached out once more to squeeze the hand that was all I could see of the green eyed male, “At peace, friend.” was all I knew how to say in this situation. The words seeming like some strange entity after so long keeping quiet, bar the odd shout of frustration at my captors. With that I tucked my sore wrist up against my side and hopped and hobbled through the various openings until I, at last, saw sky looming. The fresh air made it cooler and I shivered as I suddenly realised I wore my black pants that we got for training. I was suddenly thankful they’d not changed me into what I wore for auctions before they put me back in my cell. I’d have been freezing. I gave the place a quick once over and saw someone down for the count not far away from where I was. It would mean a little time taken, but if I managed to grab something to wear it might be worth it. I limped over to where he was lying, my breath leaving me in a rush when I realised he was wearing a sleeveless tshirt. Fucking fantastic. It was also probably a size or two too small, but right now, it was better than nothing. I pulled him to sitting with one hand and then braced him with my knee so I could use that one working hand to tug off the black shirt. At least it wasn’t bright white, or covered in blood. The hem was a little charred from the fire, but otherwise it wasn’t looking terrible. Once it was off his head I dropped him back to the floor and gently threaded my arm through the right hole and got to work tugging it on. I gave the guard one last pat down, taking a couple of knives off him and stuffing them into the waistband of my pants before standing and peeking around the edge of the hole in the wall. I couldn’t see anyone out there, and that had to mean they’d all come running when the blast had gone through everywhere. I took a step into the opening when I heard shouting behind me. I glanced back to see two men running at me. I didn’t stop to wait, I wasn’t allowing them to get within connecting distance of my collar in case it was still working. I grabbed the first thing I could find that was long enough to help me walk and then I started to move. My teeth gritted through the pain as I started off in one direction, hoping it would allow me to find someone to help me. If I could find other people, I might be able to lose them once they couldn’t pick me off easily. I had to hope that people out here weren’t like those inside that place. I could hear them shouting behind me, getting more men to follow after me, and I kept moving. Eyes darting every which way in order to find  way out. My eyes were watering from the pain, and I could feel the adrenaline flying through by body, making me warm after the initial blast of ice cold. I kept up the pace, choking on a breath as I tried to keep the pain at bay. My chest was still sore from the dust and I was having trouble with my right ankle. But I’d had worse, in the pit, I’d had worse and gotten through it. Now was no different. I was fighting for my life and I needed to move.
I made it around another corner when I spotted him, a lone male with someone slung over his shoulder. He was on his own, but it was a person. I yelled an unintelligible sound and rushed towards him. I saw his eyes widen in panic, and I took that to mean that those following me intimidated him, but I didn’t slow. Instead I used my bad arm to try and hold up in order to show I wasn’t a threat. Just as I got to him I saw something shimmer behind him, making me frown in confusion. The distraction was enough for me to go barreling into him, shoving him back into whatever the hell it was. I landed with a loud huff of air as I hit the back wall. Then frowned. I was in the street, I’d been in the street. The male I’d hit did something with a lit up board on the side and as I slid my attention back to those who were chasing me, they slowly got cut off from my view by some doors. I looked frantically around, at the unconscious male at my feet and at the one who seemed to be directing the box. “Where are we?” I managed to get out. I was pressed up in a corner of the room, and when the male turned and grinned at me I felt my eyes widen. He wasn’t one of me, he wasn’t human. I was about to ask more when the box opened again and he grabbed the male at my feet and ran. I swallowed my uncertainty and looked at the three closed sides, not understanding what I needed to do in order to make it go back to where I’d been. And did I even want to go there when I knew what was waiting on me? Instead I took a step out of the box and looked around. The smell was different to where I’d come from and I found myself inhaling hard through my mouth in order to avoid it going through my nose. As the box slammed shut behind me I turned and came face to face with three huge males. I blinked and tried to take a step backwards, “Where am I?” I blinked and saw them all look at the stick in my hand before pulling weapons and shouting at me to get to my knees. That I was not about to do. Instead I pulled the stick up in front of me and forced my wrist to work, or at least brace so I could use my other hand to direct the wood. I settled my weight on my good leg and crouched just slightly, my bad foot settling behind me so I could use it to get my weight behind me. I had no idea what was happening, or who these males were, but I was used to fighting for my life. Two seemed to step back as one rushed me. I wasn’t sure if this was because they assumed the male could take me, or because of something else, but I didn’t stop to question it. Instead I met him head on, swinging the wood with my bad hand and reaching behind me to follow it up with the knife that was still stashed in my hand. It arced through the air and slides clean through his throat as he ducked for the wooden pole. As his body dropped to the floor the other two shouted and rushed at me. I didn’t even have time to settle myself before they bowled into me and took me down. The air left me as I cracked down to the ground, dust swirling around the three of us. I managed a hissed huff of air before they flipped me to my stomach and yanked both arms behind my back. I did manage to shout then, my wrist screaming at me. It was at that point I heard the sneers about the fact I was already wearing cuffs to make it easy for them to restrain me. The collar ensuring I could be locked down without effort. And how courteous I was to do that for them. As they laughed and dragged me to my knees I had to force myself to keep my eyes lifted to look them in the eyes. Even as shame and embarrassment washed through me, I kept my chin up. I knew I was about to die, but they could look at my face as they did it. No one was going to take me down by sneaking up behind me, no matter where I’d happened to land.~  #GettingOut
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Positive Steps (With @MismatchedFreak)
Dehv:: ~ I cocked my head and watched the male, I knew he’d see I was uncertain, but I was getting more confident the longer I was around him. Something was telling me that I could trust the male, even if what he was telling me was batshit crazy. I almost smiled at the contact lasting just a little longer than necessary, but then it was gone. I resorted to dusting myself down, not that I needed to. The place was spotless, as always. But it gave me something to do with my hands while I tried to get my brain to come online, or at least function at 50%! I nodded and smiled for real when the male mentioned friends and helping me out. “You’re good at kicking ass, and I am sure in your line of work, you’re used to tracking people down. So sure thing. I’d like that. Having someone I can trust at my back would be appreciated.” I would explain that I didn’t want him going out of his way, it was half the reason I didn’t give the Brothers much information on everything. Because they had their own issues and their own war to fight, and to take resources from that would possibly cost lives. And that wasn’t something I was willing to give. When the male disappeared towards the locker rooms, I figured I’d wait a minute. No way was I going in there and getting changed. Whether it was cos I didn’t trust him was questionable, probably more I didn’t trust myself not to say or do something dumb. And one broken nose was more than enough for the evening. Instead I went about cleaning up the gym and putting things back where they went. I faffed around for a good five minutes before I went into the locker room, sighing in relief when I realised it was empty. That made things easier. Though I could still tell he’d been there, and that was worrying all on its own. I shot a quick text to Qhuinn to explain that I’d be a little longer than the time allocated and then stripped down so I could make full use of the showers. I didn’t take long, but no way could I shower and change and get where I needed to be in 4 minutes. Instead I took a little longer than necessary to get dressed in the jeans, tee and jumper I’d come in and stuffed everything else in a locker. I’d come back and grab the stuff to wash later, I wasn’t lugging a bag around with me for dinner. I could have gone home first, but I was just wasting time, and honestly, I’d rather be with Qhuinn finding out what the hell was going on. I checked the mirror on my way past them, my phone and keys sliding easily into my pockets so they’d not get lost. Once I was satisfied that I’d not embarrass Qhuinn when we went out, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I sent my body rushing through Caldwell to the edge of the city, to that little park where I’d watched Qhuinn, in female form, kick ass quite spectacularly just a few days ago. When I arrived I took a second to settle myself before looking around, my voice low just in case I hadn’t judged this right and it was a trap, “Qhuinn, sorry I’m late. Are you still here?” ~
Qhuinn: [My nerves got the best of me as I paced around the edges of the park waiting. Remembering the other night all too well, seeing the assholes plotting their attack, taking them down, finding him…what were the damn odds? When the text came through, I though for certain he was bailing. Instead I was pleasantly surprised he was considerate enough to let me know it was taking a bit longer for him to get ready. That was a good sign, right? Now to hope he’d not go running screaming in the other direction at what I had planned. I wasn’t always the best with my words and trying to get someone to believe this…without proof, well I knew what it would take for me. What it had taken for me….so the only way to make sure it was something unarguable, I had to use visuals. Let him see and experience it. Plus, there really was a great restaurant that I wanted to take him to. I wore a groove in the grass as I paced, checking my phone what seemed to be every thirty damn seconds for the time, until finally I heard his voice. I backtracked and walked around the treelike with a growing grin on my face. I didn’t seem to help it. He actually showed and that impressed the hell out of me.] Yep, I’m still here, though I was beginning to wonder if you’d show.
[I almost offered him my hand and then remembered this wasn’t exactly a date, no matter what my brain said. Instead, I did a little wave of my hand as if indicating the direction we were heading and fell into step along side him. The shimmering gate was just barely visible when one knew what to look for. Others might dismiss it as a play of light or just feel the need to avoid the spot, which was fine, humans who entered would die, others might just end up where they didn’t want to be. As we walked, maybe a little closer than I needed as I could almost feel his heat against my shoulder, I took a shaky breath] I’m going to ask you to trust me, though I’ve not really given you much reason. I promise the burger will be worth it though
[The gate shimmered to life as we stepped near and I stepped inside, turning to face him and this time, I did offer him my hand, a look of pure hope on my face as I waited to see if he would grant me this moment of trust.] It’s the only way I know how to explain things….please?
Dehv: ~ I looked around when I heard someone approach. Logically I knew it was Qhuinn, but after the last time I’d been at this park, I wasn’t about to take any chances. Instead I stilled and waited until I heard or saw proof of who it was. I actually smiled when the male appeared. I was glad that he was still here. Or here at all. I had wondered if he’d just disappear back to wherever he lived. I couldn’t think of a reason why he’s ask me here then not show, but with time to think, he might have decided it wasn’t what he wanted. Why bother showing me something and trusting me with something if he had no intention of then getting to know me. Shit! I blinked as my brain churned that one over in my mind. Ok, maybe we were both thinking the same things here. Cos no way would I be here if I didn’t feel a connection to the male, and I had to assume he was feeling it too, or at least some version of it. I kept that smile on my face through my churning emotions. Laughing at his statement, “I wouldn’t have stood you up. I have your number, so I’d have called to let you know if I couldn’t come. I am reliable, honest.” I laughed and then turned to walk beside the male. I stayed a little behind him as we moved, not wanting to lead the way and take a wrong turn. Whatever it was Qhuinn wanted to show me, it was somewhere around here. And then I hoped it would be a good restaurant, because I was starving. I was surprised he couldn’t hear my stomach rumbling, as we walked I mumbled to myself, “This time around, things have got to be better than getting my ass kicked.” I chuckled to myself as I tried to ignore the way our arms would brush with each step. I was itching to reach out and just take the male’s hand, but I figured that would be kind of forward. I’d already broken his nose tonight, I wasn’t about to push my luck any further. I slowed walking when the male did and then tipped my head to meet his gaze, “You’ve given me no reason not to trust you. You’ve had my back and been honest with me, even when that honestly should have lead to a strait jacket.” I shrugged a shoulder, unapologetic about my honesty, my mouth opening to speak again before I saw something shimmering in front of me. When Qhuinn stepped into a void of some kind I felt my mouth pop open, I was sure my jaw actually hit the floor. What the actual fuck? I blinked stupidly for a minute or two before I lifted my gaze to meet Qhuinn’s blue and green gaze. Trust. Did I trust him with something like this. Some kind of alien shit. He’d spoken of demons and hell and some place beginning with S. I had to hope he wasn’t taking me there. Shit, “Are you taking me to hell? Cos that would ruin the mood, no matter how hot it is down there.” I looked skeptical, taking a minute to search down to my gut as to whether this was a good idea. Then I stopped thinking and slide my hand into his. My feet moving without much thought until I was beside Qhuinn in whatever it was I was being shown. ~
Qhuinn: [It was nice walking alongside him, it settled me in a way I couldn’t explain and certainly couldn’t think on, and gave me just that little bit of confidence I needed to know this was the right thing to do. I wanted him comfortable around me because I wanted to spend more time with him. Time that wouldn’t be spent fighting or helping him find out who was so damn set on hurting him. I wanted to have time where it was just about…us.  It surprised me that despite it all, somehow without trying he was turning me into an optimist. I flashed a dimpled grin his way and nodded] Good to know, hopefully you’ll be up for using ht enumerated in the future for other reasons though and hopefully we already got the ass kicking out of the way for the evening
I laughed and shrugged a shoulder at the straightjacket comment. He wasn’t too far off and I knew it. Most thought I was slightly off my rocker and that was without me telling them the full truth, but I really wanted to be nothing but honest with him. I had to. It was something I felt deep in my soul and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to be anything but with him] Straight jackets are usually handed out at the end of the night, but we’ll see if we can avoid it tonight at least
[As I held my hand out to him, I had hope but there was still that moment of trepidation that he’d turn, that I’d found that limit to my weirdness. I watched the confusion and questions forming behind his amazingly blue eyes and then shook my head] No going to hell this time around, not unless you want to. We’re just taking a detour to the restaurant. One that will help you see things beyond vampires and humans, beyond what you’ll learn about in Caldwell.
[His fingers slid over mine and my heart fucking kicked hard in my chest as it kicked back into gear. Apparently both my heart and lungs had failed to work as I was waiting for his response and his touch is what activated them all over again. I let out a shaky breath as I laced my fingers with his and pulled him into the gate to stand along side me. I guided him to turn towards the wall and pressed my palm against the faintly glowing map as it came to life displaying the entire world, both topside and below. Caldwell was sealed off as the ‘door’ closed and I turned sideways to face the male. I swept a hand over the wall and explained what we were looking at, then starting tapping the various glyphs, explaining each one as the map changed to more and more localized areas, pointing out how and where things were, who used the gates and all that. I kept returning my attention to the male, watching Dehv’s face as he took it in and when the gate opened again, we were in a back alley in NYC, the noise loud compared to the quiet park we’d just left behind. My hand was still in his as I stepped out into the night] Ready for that burger now?
Dehv: ~ I didn’t manage a single word as soon as that shimmery door seemed to close in front of my face. I was suddenly scared shitless. I barely knew the male beside me, and while every fiber was telling me he was trustworthy, I needed proof for my brain. My mouth was probably hanging open as I watched Qhuinn. We were in what could only be described as some kind of shiny lift. I could kind of see through the walls, to a point. But none of it made any sense to me. We stayed static for a minute, and I was pretty certain that anyone who came into the park would no longer be able to see me, even though I would be able to see them. And I wasn’t going to try leaving, I didn’t fancy getting my head chopped off or something when we started moving. I moved back a little, the fingers of my free hand scrabbling for purchase in case we started moving all ‘Bill and Ted’ style in the phone booth. That I did not want to do, for a start I’d end up puking on Qhuinn’s shoes, and that wasn’t a particularly good chat up line. The wall seemed to suddenly come to life and though Qhuinn kept pressing buttons harder than I could really see, I eventually picked it up. He was tapping on areas on a map, slowly move from place to place as the country got bigger and more detailed. He appeared to be sticking close to where we’d been, I could make out where we were in Caldwell. I found i couldn’t take my eyes off the little maps that changed each time the male tapped the surface. I wanted to look around, see if I could see through the walls, but instead I was transfixed. They seemed to keep flashing and glowing, and at some point I expected him to make a mistake. But he didn’t. As we scanned through he seemed unaware of what he was clicking, and I guessed it was because he’d used it so often, it was second nature. We weren’t where we’d been before but we weren’t in Australia or something. Maybe it was limited to certain places depending on where we hopped on one of these weird lifts. I frowned hard as it hit me that I was literally in a machine of some kind that was moving through somewhere not visible to the human eye. Probably not even to mine unless I saw one of the gates, but after that, I was invisible. How was this even possible? It wasn’t, right. But then, was it any more possible that the male in front of me was a female less than a week ago? My brain seemed to short circuit, enough that I felt my heart start to beat five times faster than normal, and I felt a rush of adrenaline surge my system. I knew my pupils were probably huge and I would look like some kind of rabbit in headlights. It took me what seemed like forever in my mind to meet Qhuinn’s gaze when he stepped out of the doors. I’d not even realised we’d stopped. But now that rush of noise hit my ears, making me wince at the apparent sudden change in volume. I barely realised I still had hold of his hand, and when I did my fingers twitched with uncertainty, “A burger? Yeah, sure, why not. I’m sure I could eat.” I tried for a smile, my gaze landing on the shimmering doorway as I stepped out of it, then swung back to Qhuinn. “This is normal for you, isn’t it?” ~
Qhuinn: [As I watched Dehv, I brushed my thumb over his hand without thought. I was fairly positive he’d not heard much of what I said when I was trying to explain it. Then again, my first time I was pretty much the same way. I lifted my eyes to his as he stepped out and looked at me like a deer in the headlights. I gave his fingers a soft squeeze, but I didn’t let go. If he wanted to break the connection I would, but for now, I liked having a hold on him. Liked how his hand fit in mine. I’m not even certain he knew what he was saying regarding the burger, I think it was an automatic response to the fuckery I just introduced him to. And to think it was only just the beginning. I focused on his question and shrugged a shoulder all while keeping my eyes on his.] It’s my new normal. The first time though, I’m pretty sure I was white as a damn ghost and thought I’d been drugged. It probably didn’t help that I left from UGH, that’s the hospital here for non-humans, anyway, I was leaving from there after some shit, so I thought it was the drugs they pumped me full of. After that, I was taking ‘em all over the place. You can go anywhere on earth, or down below, with just a few taps which is nice, but it’s easy to miscalculate and end up where you don’t wanna be. Humans can’t use or see them. You bring one with you and it’ll kill ‘em. Otherwise, it’s got it’s advantages for sure, especially if you need to move shit around since you’re not limited like dematerializing.
[I gave another nod and then slowed down my brain and my mouth. He was still looking all kinds of what the fuck just happened and I didn’t know how to reassure him. I could take him to UGH…Sure, just slap him in a room full of demons and weres….yeah, ok, maybe we weren’t there yet. He was the first…holy fuck, he was the first one I introduced to this world, I needed to take it slow. Sure, I had told someone of the Brothers, Tohr and Wrath had even met with Doc E but that wasn’t necessarily by choice, and they pretty much sent me on the hunt for the damn demons to begin with…this was. Damn. And here I am stumbling over my words and actions like a damn newling. I tried to flash a reassuring smile as I took a breath to calm myself.] So this burger joint, it’s run by a humanoid, but I swear there is no better burger anywhere, I dunno how the demons do it, but I’m telling ya. Fries are cut fresh and all that. It’s just up around the corner, we can eat and then I can answer or try to answer any questions you have that might help you believe I’m not full of shit.
[That was the crux of it too. I wanted…I needed him to believe me. Suddenly the noise of city seemed to grow dull compared to the rush of my heartbeat as I waited for him to decide. I took another step, my hand still holding on to his, slowly leading us from the alley]
Dehv:: ~ I zoned in and out. I’d spoken without thinking regarding the burger, but honestly I wasn’t sure I’d manage to keep anything down. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this. I inhaled slowly and deeply, my eyes still locked on those mismatched ones as I became slowly aware of my surroundings and the fact I was still holding the male’s hand. I didn’t pull away though, and I didn’t make any effort to show I had noticed. Instead I tried to process what he’d said while following him out of the alley and into the main street. It was still busy, despite the fact it had grown dark hours ago. To think I’d left home this evening with the intention of working out and then getting an early night so I could be up and ready for my client meetings in the morning. I walked with the male in silence until he turned into a well lit restaurant. It seemed to double as a takeaway, but we were here to sit and talk. I just kept trying to take deep breaths, my fingers still curled into the male’s, feeling like I’d go insane without that calming lifeline. It didn’t take long for us to get to the front of the short cue to ask for a table for two, preferably away from prying ears. Qhuinn took care of where we were sitting, and I just followed on like a lost puppy. I saw the glance down at our hands by the lady taking us to our seats, But I didn’t register anything more than that. What must we look like? Probably seemed like Qhuinn had coerced me into this, or I’d lost a bet or something. I plonked my butt in my seat and reluctantly released Qhuinn’s hand, the loss of warmth and security sharper than I’d expected. I almost reached back out again to lace my fingers with his once more, my hand twitched as my brain tried to do just that before I growled at myself. I wasn’t some child, some pre-tran who hadn’t seen shit before. I was training to be part of the Brotherhood and I ran a fucking successful business that had been going for years, and just kept growing each and every year. I was able to process this. It might take some time. I might have to take it one step at a time. But I could do it. Qhuinn wasn’t insane, well not in the traditional sense anyway. So obviously this would all make sense at some point, I just had to give it time. I licked over my lips and gave the menu a quick glance over, noting what I wanted for when the order was asked for. I then placed the menu in front of me and tipped my head, “What is UGH? Why were you there? What would happen if a human accidentally stumbled into one? And how is all this all related to you being a female the last time I saw you and a male now? I didn’t see a handprint on your chest when I broke your nose, was that a transfer tattoo to draw me in or did that change when your body did?” I inhaled hard, my eyes wide as I waited on answers. I had millions of questions, but I was sure once he started talking, he’d give me answers. As well as even more questions. ~
Qhuinn: [The walk to the restaurant was quiet, I wanted to give Dehv some time to process what had happened before we got more into things, but I wouldn’t lie, I enjoyed the fact he kept his fingers laced with mine. I was pretty certain I let out a groan once the smells from the place began to filter through the dirt and grime of the city, food always helped my brain. Even if my stomach was on the verge of revolting. This should be all kinds of fun. I squared my shoulders as we moved through the restaurant, daring anyone to have an issue, though I recognized some as those I’ve helped in the past. I gave a nod here and there before I took my seat across from Dehv. The frown came automatically as he pulled his hand away, and I couldn’t stop it. I focused on the menu though I knew it by heart and listened to Dehv’s questions. I chewed my bottom lip as I tried to figure out where to start and when the server came over, it bought me a few minutes of distraction. I ordered a double bacon burger with havarti, fries with a side of cheese goop and a mint chocolate shake and then waited for Dehv to order and the server to walk away before I lifted my eyes to his. I took a shaky breath and while my hand rested on the table almost reaching for him, I was damn proud I managed to refrain. I needed him to listen, not get creeped out by the fact I couldn’t keep my eyes or hands off him it seemed. I shifted in my chair and let out another slow breath, mentally preparing myself before my mouth opened]  Underworld General Hospital is a place that Wrath and Tohr wanted me to try to find, to see if it was a legit place or just rumors. I was struggling with some personal shit during my training and this was a way to get me out while still letting me do something useful. There was some organ theft ring hitting non-humans and I got caught up in it, ended up at UGH when one of the traffickers snatched my fucking liver…bastard. So they sorted me out and I got to know the brothers three. It was started by Doc E to serve the medical needs of anything non-human. Shade, E’s brother works as an EMT and then there’s Wraith, another brother, he’s a bit of a fuck up like me, so we got on well. He goes out and searches for shit that might help with healing and shit like that. Wrath was curious if we could use any of their technology for our kind, so I was kinda acting as a go-between, learning about their world and introducing them to ours.
[I took a breath as I watched him process that bit, sitting back slightly as they server dropped off our drinks. I took a long pull of the shake and tried to figure out which direction I should take it…though apparently my mouth was on a mind of its own now and wanted it all out] A demon came in, pretending to be related to the brothers three, it was a trick, but by the time anyone realized it, it was too late. I was killed and sent to Sheol-gra….kinda like hell’s holding cell. I was pissed and well, I was never very bright, so I made a deal to come back. I became an assassin, which was that handprint mark you saw. Originally I was in the body you see now, but I pissed my boss off too much so he punished me by turning me into a chick, which is when we met. The brothers three and Reaver, he’s an angel, fallen or something, I can never remember…anywhoodle, they found the demon who was wearing my body, and figured out how to get me back to me. That’s..that night you texted me, I was heading back to Sheol to make this happen. The handprints gone because my contract was voided and I’m free. I wasn’t to draw you in, to trick you or nothing like that. None of this, with me, is anything to do with the assholes fucking with you. I heard about shit going on while I was in the pits, heard the town and that’s when I stepped in. Nothing more than that. As for humans using the gates…it’s pretty much an ugly instant death. The only work around seems to be if they’re unconscious, but I never tried.
[I took another drink from my shake and waiting to see how my answers were received. If he didn’t believe me, UGH was only a few blocks over….or I could take him straight to hell, that’d go over just as well. I barely noticed the tremor of nerves in my fingers as they twitched on the table while my inner voice screamed at me not to fuck this up, not with him]
Dehv: ~ I ordered the same as Qhuinn when we had to give our order, but I went with chocolate milkshake. I needed something I could down fast, and alcohol wasn’t wise right now. I’d probably end up drinking the whole bottle. I blinked and took minute to process everything I’d just been told. Ok, maybe more than a minute since our food arrived while I was staring open mouthed at the male. He’d had his liver taken. He’d been killed and then brought back. The Brothers were aware of this whole other world and hadn’t clued any of us into it. We could have used it to move around the city. We could have used it to kill lessers. Would they class as one of us, or as human? They were humans before they got a bit of the Omega shoved into them. But did that mean the gate would register them as human or not? Ok, enough Dehv. I shook my head and inhaled hard, flicking a chip across my plate absently before using two fingers to massage the headache that was slowly making an appearance between my eyes, “Ok, so you got a liver stolen. Then you died. But you came back with a contract. But that is now paid off in full. Part of that was your boss turning you into a female to, what, piss you off? And then turned you back once he was feeling all happy again? Or you completed your contract and so he didn’t have any control over you any more and you were able to turn back to your natural, um, face?” I huffed out a breath and cursed under my breath. Who took this stuff in their stride, really? I’d barely known anything about my race before the last year, and now I was learning that we weren’t the only ones out there with abilities that set us apart from the humans. This Doc E, Shade and Wraith sounded like interesting characters, even if I didn’t agree with the assumption that they were “fuck ups” to describe Qhuinn and Wraith. Something inside me knotted up, and I had to seriously swallow down the growl of anger when I heard him talk about himself in that kind of way. Instead of commenting on that one, I picked up my burger and took a huge bite, my eyes never leaving the male’s across from me as I chewed slowly and let my mind continue to process the information. Wanting to be sure of what I had heard before asking any more questions, “I’m glad it’s nothing to do with whatever is fucking around with me. I still have no clue on that, and I’ve researched all I can think of. But I am, well, I am new to not only all of this but also anything to do with our race. I fed and that was it with regards to getting to know my genetics before I came back into the word with the Brotherhood and things. Phury has told me a lot, Zsadist has also taught me well enough. Others have also lent to my training and learning along the way. As well of the obviously run ins with those I’d rather never think of again. But I am not sure I could control my temper if you were involved. Despite not understanding why.” I shook my head again, my honestly always something that seemed to run ahead of my brain. “I believe what you’re saying, I can’t say it won’t be awhile before I can really get my head around it, but I believe you. And the Brotherhood obviously figured you could handle yourself to send you out to do this. So, there’s more………demons? Out there that I’ve never seen, or could I have seen them and worked alongside them without knowing. Just as humans do with us?” ~
Qhuinn:: [I barely noticed the food arriving, I was too damn busy chewing the corner of my lip as I watched Dehv try to process everything I just dumped on him. That massaging the forehead look was something I was used to seeing on people who dealt with me. I had a gift for bringing them on all kinds of headaches it seemed. I took another drink of my suddenly flavorless shake when the questions started to come in. I shook my head and let out a low sigh] The turning me female thing was because the demon was an asshole. He couldn’t outright kill me because of who pulled the strings to get my contract to begin with, but he could make my life a living hell. When the torture didn’t work, taking away my dick seemed like a more viable method to get through to me. Because of that though, some higher powers below took offense and helped figure out a way to get me free. The demon was killed and I was returned to my form, contract null and void because the grim reaper doesn’t take kindly to people fucking him over, which is what my boss did by constantly messing with me and my contracts. Only problem is now….I’m all kinds of up in the air as to what that means for me, but that’s not the important stuff right now
[I shook my head again and popped a fry between my lips, it was hot and salty, just the way I liked it, but I was still too nervous to properly enjoy it. Like pulling off a bandaid. I couldn’t help the smile that formed though when he mentioned not being able to control his temper if I were involved. The way he said it told me that he was confused by far more than what I was telling him and I wondered if he felt it too….that draw. My brows pinched at what I thought was a growl but I quickly dismissed it as hunger pangs. I kept my eyes on his as I started to eat my own food. I wished I wasn’t so damn nervous so I could actually enjoy the food. It was a cross between wanting him to believe and trust me and then what I assumed would be like first date jitters, though this was nothing of the sort. I had to focus on the food and what I was telling him rather than the male himself because if I allowed my thoughts to linger, to go down that path, I’d be wanting to pin him to the nearest wall and see what would happen. I blinked at the next bout of questions and then nodded] I dunno if they thought I could handle myself when they first sent me out, more like it was a needed change for us all, but I’d like to think I’ve proven myself. I’m not sure who they’ve shared what with, it’s all still new to them as well.
[I took a big bite of my burger and gave the server a thumbs up, waiting to finish chewing and until she was gone to continue on with my train of thought] There’s all kinds of other beings out there, Dehv. Our server, she’s a humanoid meaning she can pass for human, but she’s likely a sensor demon, one that’s over due for a regeneration trip below if that flake on her fingernails is any indication. Those who can’t blend in tend to stick below or to remote areas most of the time, they have their hunters too which makes it a challenge for them. Most aren’t out to harm anyone, but there’s bad seeds in all breeds I guess.
Dehv ~ The food arrived and I found that I was systematically stuffing food in my mouth, I wasn’t even sure I was managing to chew before I swallowed each mouthful. I was listening, eyes wide, trying to take on board what he was saying. Talking demons and hell and whatever else. I wasn’t sure my brain could wrap around it. The feeling I had in my gut told me that he wasn’t messing around either, that all he was saying was true. I couldn’t connect those two things. I wanted to laugh at him and tell him to stop trying to make me look like a fool. But I’d see it with my own eyes. Speaking of, they were one thing the male couldn’t seem to change. He still had those fascinating mismatched eyes, the ones I’d been so interested in with the female. And while he could certainly have a twin, there would still be differences in the way they looked. These were exactly the same. And each time I connected with him, I felt my gut tighten. My chest seemed to constrict when he spoke of those who punished him. And then loosen again once I found out there were people on his side. I wasn’t able to really get a handle on what I was feeling or why. I was emotionally being batted from one side of the room to another. I licked my lips before chewing on another chip. Blinking slowly and trying to keep my brain running. I was just swallowing as I heard the male speak about our server. I inhaled, taking the chip down the wrong way. What the actual fuck? She wasn’t human, and he tells me in such a chilled out way, like it was no big deal. I scrabbled for my water, eyes starting to run as I tried not to make a scene, coughing up the chip before downing my glass of water. “Humanoid. Regenerations……………” I blinked and then cleared my throat. The feeling of that chip still scratching on the inside of my throat. What the hell had I walked in on? I felt angry and frustrated and amazed and a whole host of other emotions that really shouldn’t go together. I wanted to punch the male to shut him up, while also keep him talking to tell me all about this new world. Or I guess, old world that I was just now discovering. And why shouldn’t it exist, to humans I didn’t exist. Or rather, I did in their fantasies, their films where we sparkled or drank human blood or turned into bats. But in reality, we didn’t exist. You were weird if you did actually drink blood, and you would likely be locked up for it in certain places. I assumed anyway. One of the hazards of being highly flammable in the sun was the inability to travel too far, or go moving around much once you were there while it was busy. Though I figured I’d done more travelling than most, and I was happy to continue with that one. Though I guess now I should add “hell” to the list. I was about to ask more questions when something hit me like a tire iron to the jaw. I felt the colour rush from my face and I had to lean forward to allow my voice to travel, “Sorry, did you say that you know the grim reaper? Like, death?” ~
Qhuinn: [I watched Dehv carefully as I spoke, waiting to see how each revelation affected him, or rather how each revelation shifted his opinion of me. I knew it was likely already thread-bare but I really wanted him to not only believe me but…more. When he started to choke, I damn near launched from the chair but I saw him quickly situate himself and when he took those small sips of his drink, I let out a shaky breath. I should have eased into that whole our servers a demon thing. Then again, how does one ease into that? I lifted my gaze back to his, my heart doing that skippy floppy shit it’d had been doing each time our eyes met. I didn’t know if he still believed me, who I said I was. But I did have one last idea in my pocket to get him to believe. Irrefutable proof. Something he’d not be able to argue with. I was about to explain the regeneration properties when I watched his face go from confused to intrigued to absolute pissed offense. The color drained from his face and I felt my heart hit the floor when he leaned closer. I could feel the weight of his words, those two little questions that would cause most to start dialing for the loony bin. I chewed my last bite of my burger and then pushed the plate to the side so I could mirror his movements. I settled my elbows on the table and kept my gaze on his and nodded] Azagoth, Grim Reaper, Death himself. Though….he doesn't….I mean, he’s more responsible for the disbursement of the souls. His little minions go out and collect them, then they can get recycled or shredded. Look…I know it’s a lot to take in and I sure as fuck don’t expect you to just…I mean I understand you’ll have to think on the whole thing, but I really want you to at least believe that we have met, I know a little about your situation from what you explained and I want to help, and I’d really like to spend more time with you. There is one more way for you trust me, Dehv. Have you…have you fed since that night at the club?
[My voice dropped softer as I remembered that night, I could almost feel him pressed firmly against me again. I shifted my legs to create a little room and had to swallow the groan that threatened. The next time he took from my vein, I would make sure it was something he would never fucking forget, that was for damn sure.]  Focus on that night, Dehv. You had me follow you to your place by the draw of your blood. Focus on that female’s blood and tell me where it leads you.
Dehv: ~ I swallowed hard and then shook my head. I needed to figure this shit out. Firstly he knew the grim reaper. Mostly I knew of the human’s belief system, and that kind of included death. As vampire, however, we went to the Fade, if we were lucky. There was no room for anyone other than the Scribe and the Omega. The two sides of the coin. Heaven and Hell. But where the human’s hell seemed to be where everyone would end up one way or another, for Vampires, it was a very real possibility that you’d end up in nothingness depending on the way you died. I couldn’t even wrap my head around being buddies with the person who, what was it he’d said, disbursed the souls? I mean, holy shit. I needed to move! Without warning I pushed my chair back and tugged at the collar of my jumper. I needed space, but there was a limit to where I could go in the restaurant. I could make an excuse to go to the bathroom, or just least. But where would that get me? I didn’t want to leave Qhuinn confused or upset by something I’d done. I didn’t know why or where that had come from, but the feeling was there. It was like a string connecting even though we barely knew each other. But with news like this, who took this in and didn’t go insane. I took slow deep breaths, talking myself out of a panic attack the best I could. No way was I about to ask for a paper bag and have to sit with my head between my legs. That was not the way I wanted this night to end. Instead I dragged my fingers through my hair and gave the odd look to Qhuinn. I wasn’t sure what was going through his head, but I was certain that he was waiting on my answer. I almost spluttered at the suggestion that I should follow the blood of the female. That he knew about that told me more than it should have. And I didn’t doubt him. I couldn’t explain it, but somewhere deep in my chest I just knew he was telling me the truth. I just had to wrap my head around it. This really was the female I’d fed from. What I’d taken as some kind of identity crisis had in fact been someone trying to be honest with me and tell me about what had been going on. He’d been trying to be honest with me from the get go, and I’d been totally unable to be anything more than accommodating. Nodding along at the time in the hope I didn’t offend her. I stopped pacing and ran my tongue over my dry lips, eyes meeting those mismatched ones that fascinated me so very much, “I know where it’ll lead me. I don’t doubt you. But I am happy to do that, to prove it to you.” I closed my eyes and took a slow breath, my mind searching and my heart beating slightly faster so I could tune into the blood still running though me. That connection, the string that connected me with the female I’d fed that night was stronger than it had been since we’d walked away from each other. And I could feel the pull.  Had no idea what I looked like to others in the restaurant, but I kept my breathing evenly so I could focus. Once I was sure I opened my eyes again and focused in on the male, my voice practically gravel and laced with uncertainty, “You want to help me? Or you want to spend time with me?” ~
Qhuinn: [I was fairly certain my breath locked in my chest and my heart stilled as I watched Dehv push to his feet. I wanted to get up and comfort him, try to calm him, something, but I knew that if I moved it would only send him running to the nearest exit. Fuck. It was a miracle he wasn’t already on the way. I really wish I had one of those filters others seemed to be equipped with. But nope, here I was just spilling it all to the male like I couldn’t fucking stop myself…which I couldn’t. And that right there was a whole other boatload of confusion. Well, not really since I knew there was something about him that made me want to be so damn open and honest, to not hide. Whether it was that glimmer of hope I’d been given or simply the way I felt, it really didn’t matter because here we were. Each odd look he gave me sent another sting into my chest and I damn near brought my fist up to rub over where my six-chamber should be beating. When he first spoke, I could barely hear him over the roar of my own thoughts as I was still focused on the drag of his tongue over his lips. His eyes closed and I focused on him and that moment, I swore I could feel him coursing through my veins as he searched his own. Somehow I found myself standing, walking closer to the male despite our location because fuck all mattered at this moment other than the one who stood before me. When his eyes reopened, I made sure I was what he saw before him, not letting him hide or deny that pull of the blood if he chose. I was asking a lot from him, I knew that, but I couldn’t walk away. I had heard that expression that the windows were the gateway to the soul and I hoped that was true, I hoped he saw the truth before him. Blindly, I reached for his hand, not taking it in mine  yet, just brushing my fingers over his to have some form of physical connection as his words pierced the building silence. Those questions were easy for me to answer on the inside. By helping him, I would be able to spend time with him too, maybe grow on him like a barnacle or something until ……I snorted at my own weird thoughts and hoped it was only in my head, then I locked my mismatched gaze onto his deep blue eyes and shrugged a shoulder. My lip curving into a half smile] I’d like to do both, if you’ll let me. I know I sound like a crazy person with the shit I’ve been telling you, but it’s all true and I think you’re starting to believe it, just a little at least. I’m asking for a chance though, and if you decide it’s not working or whatever, I’ll step back. I’ll leave you alone both at the compound and everywhere else. Just…please say you trust me, that you’ll let me help.
Dehv: ~ When I opened my eyes and the male was right in front of me, it didn’t surprise me at all. I hadn’t heard him move, but then again I’d been too busy listening to the blood in my own ears. I saw that smile, listened to his words and then stood like a fucking idiot while I tried to get my brain to work. A chance. How could I say no to that? All he’d told me and all he’s revealed should make me run for the hills. But I did trust him and I could feel that in my gut like some sort of steel trap. It was there. I really had no reason not to. He’d been honest even before I knew what was happening. I inhaled hard and then without ceremony took hold of the males shirt and fisted my fingers in there. I waved off the staff who looked worried and started in our direction, “It’s ok, I’m not about to start anything. We’ll be five minutes, then we’ll eat, please” I flashed them a smile that didn’t really reach my eyes and then tugged Qhuinn with me through the back of the restaurant to the quiet hallway that led to the staff room and toilets. Once I was there I deposited him against a wall and stepped back, “Ok, look. You’ve just given me a hell of a lot to process. I mean, humans would be shitting bricks if they found out that we existed. And I figured that was all fun and was super careful. But now you’re telling me that actually there’s far more out there than even I knew about. It’s not just lessers and vampires. We’re surrounded by others, in a place I can’t even see. I could start listing things I’ve read about and see which ones are real, but the fact you know the grim reaper sort of tells me that the answers to those questions would probably be a resounding yes, and I’m not sure my brain is there yet. I mean, did you not just think that maybe it was over kill and it would be simpler to just bow out the Brotherhood if you didn’t want that position any more and move to the north pole or something?” I sighed, hard, practically growling with my pent up frustration. I wasn’t used to being so very much off kilter and it was making me sound like a total asshole. But I figured that was ok, since the male in front of me could be on too. “As for the trust, I don’t know why, I can’t explain it. I do trust you. It’s in here…” I rubbed at my chest and nodded, “telling me that I can trust you. I knew there was something weird about you when I met you before. Now you’ve just proved it in spades and while I’m thrilled to be right, I kind of wish I’d have been kept in the dark.” I didn’t, of course, but I was rambling to get my thoughts to run where I needed them. “Or not. It’s nice to know other things are out there. Do the Brothers know? I mean, you said they sent you to see those brothers or whatever, right? So they are aware. And they didn’t teach us any of this. So yeah, we can try and work together to figure out what is happening. Same rules apply for you. You want out, it’s yours and we’ll be civil if we run into each other outside of this in future.” I nodded and dragged my hand through my hair. Glaring at the male as I awaited some kind of answer to my over the top ramblings. ~
Qhuinn: [I bit my cheek when Dehv grabbed my arm but willingly went to the more private section of the restaurant. I wished his intentions were a little more salacious, but I was pretty confident he simply wanted a place we could talk a little more freely. I was rather impressed I didn’t grab for him and pull him close again when he stepped away from me, rather I kept my back right up against that wall. I did not want him feeling threatened by me and if it took him pushing me around to see I wasn’t going to fight back, then for now, I’d let that shit slide. I tried to stop the smile forming as i listened to him try to process shit, I couldn’t help it, it was intriguing to watch it happen. He could have bolted at anytime, could have called me a liar or a number of other things, but here he was trying to figure this all out. I shook my head when he mentioned the north pole and shrugged] I felt useful. Even if they sent me initially thinking it was just going to be busy work, I stumbled into shit that otherwise could have gone seriously sour if anyone else were involved. I didn’t have anyone to care for me or to worry about me, no family to have to bury me if I got myself killed. Instead, I was able to go out and do what the others couldn’t for that reason alone. Then after I was killed, it was a little too late to back out…but now I’m back and I want to do the right thing still.
[A shiver when through me as I watched him rub his chest and tell me that he trusted me in this. To me, that was fucking icing on the cake shit right there. But then the following statement had me throwing my head back for a loud laugh] Oh there are plenty of weird things about me, Dehv, though I think this might be the worst of it…..mostly.
[I gave a little nod and then did reach out to offer my hand as he rambled, that need and desire to comfort him and help him see he wasn’t crazy, that this was real my driving force. I found his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, not pulling him closer despite my wanting, but more to just help him find his grounding] It’s nice being in the dark, but overtime, I find it better to be more aware. I think it helps me be a better fighter. Plus, traveling by gates comes in hella-fucking-handy at times.
[I flashed another grin at him, and nodded as I did my best to ignore that glare. I understood the confusion and even the anger, I threw some crazy shit at him tonight, but he believed me and I think that anger wasn’t solely directed at me, but ….I wasn’t sure at what else it could be.] Some know, obviously Wrath is aware there’s more, Tohr as well since he was my go to, and V, since he set up my place with security and shit. I don’t know if they told the others.  Tohr’s been involved in a few meetings with the docs, but I act as the main go-between for communication for now. They’re willing to help us with medical shit which is nice. I’ll helps as long as you let me, Dehv. C’mon, let’s finish up our food because if we stand here much longer….
[I let my words drift off as my gaze fell to his lips, my fingers releasing him like a hot coal as I realized what almost said…and how I almost fucked up. Turning back to the restaurant and talking over my shoulder as I waited for him to follow] Oh, and I’m buying dinner, it’s the least I can do for…all of this.
Dehv:: ~ His hand in mine had somehow calmed not only my mind, but my body too. So when he tugged his hand back, I was actually suddenly at a loss. And I couldn’t figure out why. There was something about the male that tugged at my chest and made me want to be close. It had been years since I’d felt anything close to this, and even then, this seemed purer somehow. I blinked a few times and tried to not let my brain run away with that suggestion. I almost asked him to finish the thought. But then I remembered where we were, and that he was friends with the Grim fucking Reaper. That kind of outweighed anything and everything my brain could come up with for the rest of the conversation. Instead I nodded my head and took a slow, deep breath, “I’m pretty sure I should be buying dinner since I broke your nose. But I won’t argue with you on the bill. I can afford it, but I won’t insist. Though I would like to give something towards it, if that would be agreeable?” I started on after Qhuinn, trying unsuccessfully to not watch the way his muscles moved under his clothes and the sway of his hips as he tracked back to our table.
I sat down pretty quickly and smiled up at the staff as they seemed to be hesitant to come over. The smile seemed to work as they quickly made their way over to check things were ok. I ordered another drink just for something to do. Then looked down at my half finished meal. It wasn’t exactly appetising, but I needed to eat. I tried for another breath and then looked at the male across from me, slowly taking one mouthful after another of the meal in front of me. “So, you know death himself. You’re buddies with some demons and whatever. If you tell me you’re friend with some kind of horseman next I’m leaving.” I snorted and shook my head around a mouthful of water. This whole conversation was insane, and yet somehow I believed it without question. He’d not lied to me at all, and that pull insisted that I listened, if only to be allowed more of his company, “If I were to ask for you to show me, allow me actually experience whatever this is, or see it with my own eyes, is that a possibility? Without getting you in trouble or putting you in danger.” I licked my lips nervously while placing my cutlery on my plate. I hoped I would be allowed to see this world that it seemed very few of our kind knew about. But then I would know where it was, what could happen and how to use those lift things we came here in. It alone convinced me, and yet I wanted more. I wanted to see the whole thing. See where it could lead and what it could do. I already knew they weren’t to be messed around with, and humans had no chance of going anywhere near them. But I hoped that perhaps Qhuinn would trust me enough to take me into that world and let me get to know it, and him, a little better. ~
Qhuinn: [I flashed a grin at him as he mentioned the broken nose, it was definitely one heck of a first impression….well really it was a third impression but who’s counting, right? Besides, first time in this form and all that. I had to look for the humor in the situation. I was glad he was starting to as well. The longer we talked the more at ease I felt with him, which didn’t happen very often for me. It also wasn’t often that I dropped the mother of bombshells on people and then kept them around] You can pitch in for the tip then, but the rest is on me.
[When he smiled at the staff, I felt that stupid flutter again and the growl that threatened. He’s not run off yet and damned if I wanted to give him yet another reason to do just that. He could have had the entire restaurant eating out of his hands with the ease he put them all in. I was glad I was done eating because when he mentioned the horseman I sorta choked on a cough and flashed a sheepish grin] Well, I don’t know any of the horsemen personally, but I’ve seen them around here and there. They pop in the hospital from time to time.
[My smile grew at his next question and while I settled the check and finished up my water, I gave a soft nod and waited until the server took off again. Not only was he believing me, but he wanted to know more, and that would mean I would have more time to spend with him. Yeah, it was more an education thing for him than a date or anything, but maybe it was like those people who said you had to try something three times to develop a taste, after that it became something enjoyable. Then again, he really could just be interested in learning more and even then it’s not something I would deny him, not with the shit he’s been through and would go through until the entire mess was figured out.]  Getting into, and out of, trouble is something I’m rather skilled with, Dehv.
[I let out a laugh and flashed a wink before pushing back my chair and standing, hand extended to the male. Didn’t know how much daylight there was left in the night but I found I didn’t care. As long as I left here with him and the promise to see him again if we had to cut the night short, I was a happy little vampire] Would you prefer a topside visit into demon territory or would you fancy a trip down below the seedy underbelly of the world? You name the time and place and I’m all yours
Dehv:: ~ I inclined my head in acknowledgement for the tip, and I would tip well since the staff had been fantastic. Despite my little tantrum when I’d hauled Qhuinn out the place to talk to him. Since they knew him, I hadn’t wanted to embarrass him, but I hadn’t wanted to speak quite so frankly in the middle of the place with eyes all over us. I listed the glass to my lips, intending to drain the contents when I practically choked on the liquid. The horsemen just popped in from time to time. I had no chance to really cover my mouth before the water covered the table and the male in front of me. My coughing covering any kind of apology I might have found spilling from my lips. I pounded my fist on my chest until I was able to blink at Qhuinn, “Didn’t think you could ease me into that one too? A nod and a wink would have done it.” I shook my head and tried for a slow, deep breath. Having to clear my throat a couple of times before I could really focus through the water effect that was my vision, “I’m sorry I just gave you a shower. Between that and the nose I should be the one buying you about fifty dinners.” I snorted and gingerly took another mouthful of my drink before reaching for my wallet. I placed a few bills on the table so they could be included in the bill and then slowly lifted my eyes to the male, I hadn’t really considered what would be best, and honestly I didn’t really care. I shook my head at the question and then chuckled deeply before answering, “Your kind of trouble seems the stuff I find myself in frequently too. So I get what you mean. Though recently it would seem you’ve been getting me out of trouble rather than getting into any of your own.” I winked and then pushed to stand, my phone in my hand to check the time so I wasn’t stranded when the sun came up, “I’m not really thinking I have a preference. Whichever you think would allow you to relax more. If you want to start topside, we can. The move down below if I manage that one without too many fuck ups?” I shrugged a shoulder and then started for the door, hoping that Qhuinn would follow on after me, I kept talking regardless, “I’ll shoot you a text, if that’s ok. I have business meetings tomorrow night, but after that I should be free? We can decide on a meeting place and go from there. Get out early so that we have longer to, um, so we have longer for you to show me the ropes.” I nodded and smiled, stopping just outside the door to turn to face the male, “I know we’re cutting it fine to get back to our homes before the sun comes up, so does that sound like a plan?” ~
Qhuinn: [I flashed a sheepish grin as he sputtered at the mention of the horsemen and shrugged a shoulder] Well…you asked.
[laughing and waiting until he calmed himself, I felt that clenching in my chest as he mentioned another fifty dinners….I would totally be on board with that, especially as it would mean more time with him. But I didn’t say that. I stood with him and nodded as I followed him to the entrance. As much as I wanted this night to continue, we were already starting to chase the clock. When he stopped to face me, my gaze lingered on that smile a bit before my eyes lifted to meet his. I was damn impressed that I managed to hold my footing though and not try to step closer. My time would come soon enough. I held out my hand to shake his instead, hoping for one last bit of contact before I had to leave his presence] I gotta meet with Wrath so that will work. You text me when you’re free and we can set up a meet. We’ll go to UGH first then see how you do from there. Until then, try to steer clear of another beat-down….or beating down innocent males who want to say hi
[I flashed a wide grin and winked at him to show I was teasing, yeah, my nose still throbbed a bit, but I’d say the night went pretty damn well otherwise. After I shook his hand, lingering that extra moment, I stepped back so we could walk towards the darkened alley and waited until he dematerialized before I followed suit and let myself into my cabin so I could prepare for what was to come.] #PositiveSteps
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Escape Plan
The plan has been forged through blood, money and sex. The clients got what they wanted, which was the blood, money and sex, and I got what I wanted. Which has explosives ready to go at a moment’s notice. I’d had to choose someone who followed us around, and was set on taking the less desirable males when it came to bidding. But they also had to be someone I trusted in some way. That last part wasn’t easy. At any point they could continue to bid on my fights or Mahssacre’s fights and then walk away without a care in the world. It had been hard choosing the right person. But, unlike Mahssacre and the others who were classed as the elite, I had regulars. I’d had my fair share in the beginning of assholes and idiots. But now I was older, slower, and in many ways pretty much on the way to death, I knew what I knew. I’d managed to find someone who was easy to speak to and who kind of understood what I wanted. It took a little while, but eventually they would bring pen and paper to the meetings and they worked out how to read my writing. I was asking for things that they’d never heard of, but once they knew what I wanted the end result to be, they’d cottoned on fast enough and assured me that they had the money to make it happen. I’d been hoping to wait until we were back in the main training center. But once I knew where we were, I knew it had to be here. I’d been shown on a map and tried my best to connect the dots of where things had changed and moved to since I’d been locked away. The minute Mahssacre hadn’t come back though, that’s when I knew without a doubt that I’d have to push up the timings. I’d fought, and then met with my contact, explaining that I wanted it done the following night, a couple of hours before dawn. That should give us time to get out and find shelter before the sun came up. And would give us a head start on getting away once the sun went down again. Since it wasn’t something that had ever happened in the past, I was fairly certain that no one would know how to handle it. And therefore, they’d have to work at getting together to try and minimise the damage. I just hopped that those I put on the street who weren’t mentally stable were able to be rounded up and dealt with. It wasn’t all their own fault, but many had gone crazy from being locked away for so long and the brutality of what we went through. I was almost positive the only reason I was in any way sane was because I had a cause, a purpose. But without Mahssacre, where would I have been?
I sat in my cell and watched the guards move around, unaware that tonight was in any way different from any other night. It was interesting to watch them buzz around and I learned far more from their body language and tone than I might have in other circumstances. I’d really learnt how to listen more now that I wasn’t able to speak. I’d tried learning some signs, and I could get across that I was hungry or needed the bathroom, not that either really mattered. I knew when the explosion was meant to happen, but the exact time of the evening was lost on me. I had said I wanted it to happen once the fights were over, as that would mean we were all back in our cells and ready to make a run for it should we manage it before they pulled us away for the normal after party. The whole plan was risky, and I could have gone for a more subtle plan with a fire being started or something. However, there was no guarantee that it wouldn’t just be put out and that plans would be ruined. So instead I went big, planning some form of explosives. I’d been assured that they’d do the job and do it well. I had to hope that they’d progressed things since I was last out in the world, since there is no way the ones I used to see around would hide anywhere without being seen. I could feel the knot in my stomach, it was slowly getting worse as the night wore on. I wasn’t in the best of shapes after my fight, and I was on edge, as I always was, to check Mahssacre came back from fighting.
I was like a young that first time they were picked up from school, looking for their mahmen when I saw him. He looked beaten and bruised, but he was standing. He’s grown and grown after his transition. He’d been big when he first came down to the pit, but since then he’d mastered his own body once more. Then just increased in size every week it seemed. They’d not bothered to ask me who his sire had been, and I’d have been unable to tell them. They’d got lucky with his mahmen being a chosen, and while I had no ability to give them more than his name, I hadn’t given up hers. She’d died giving birth and there was no way I wanted her family, should she have one, extorted for anything. Once they’d silenced me for good however, that had stopped anything further information being traded dead in its tracks. They’d tried to get me to write things down, and used any means necessary when trying to convince me. But I wouldn’t be swayed. In the end they’d given up. But the size of the male gave his heritage away. Obviously of warrior blood, and with the chosen as a mahman, he was a hot commodity. Both in the ring and in the bedroom. I felt for him, but could do nothing more than try to get us out of the place and hope that he was savvy enough to get out and get somewhere safe until I could find him and tell him a secret I’d kept with me since the day I was taken.
I moved back into my cell when I realised that Mahssacre being back in his cell the way he was meant that he’d fought, fed and was now able to rest until they took him to the club. That meant that things were about to be set into motion. As I watched the male get pushed into his cell, the guard speaking to him in a tone that conveyed that he was being less than kind. The next thing I was being thrown back in my cell as dust and brick and wood came crashing down. I coughed up as much of the stuff I’d inhaled as I could and tried to through the smoke and dust to find a place to hide. I located my bed and tried to crawl across to it. It wasn’t exactly sturdy, but might give me some protection while the explosions continued to go off every couple of seconds. I rolled under the bed, and curled up the best I could. Holy shit, they really had gotten more advanced in their explosives. As the entire building seemed to creak and then fall under the weight of the fire rocking through it, I felt the bed crack around me. I knew it had been risky going this route, but I wanted there to be no way they could set this back up again quickly. I also wanted to give Mahssacre the best chance of getting out. I could hear screaming and the males surrounding me shouting as the building filled with enough dust to make my eyes water and my lungs burn. I managed to get my arms around my head before the bed collapsed, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t call out for help. More debris fell, and with a loud bang the door to my cell arched inwards and hit the bed. Then, through the haze of water as it danced across my vision, I saw the fire moving steadily up the corridor just before the darkness took over. #EscapePlan
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My Wolf, My back...
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Vishous = I had stumbled into the Manse mere minutes before the big ball of fire in the sky decided to make its appearance. Yeah, alright I had cut it way too fucking close this time, which was not anywhere near my usual. But I was a tad preoccupied with the warm muscular body that was pressed up against me and leaving him was a hell in itself. I was drilling hard on that last thought as I sit in the Pit trying to work. Dom had a world that was his and his alone, just as I had mine. Somehow we had to figure out how to mesh the two. Because this whole bit of not having him near when I wanted him to be was digging hard at me. This was it for me, he was it for me and I wanted what I wanted which was every fucking part of him. The good, bad and straight fucked up. And with Dom there was a shit ton of fucked up. But that is what happens when you have two individuals such as us. As time went on and the longer we are together, I found my way of thinking about things, changing and the most screwed part, he made me feel. I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I have been fighting against it for so fucking long and that bastard wouldn’t let me close down on him or bail out. I had met my match, the one who demanded parts of me that I had locked down for so long or even parts that I didn’t know existed. He wanted it all and he refused to take no or let me deflect for a response. So far I had been lucky enough to keep my outside activities on the down low, but that would only last so long. I could already picture that convo going down with one of my Brothers. “So, yeah, I’ve taken a wolf as my mate, a male wolf at that and he’s a major asshole with hardly any regard for others.” I didn’t share a lot of my life outside of what I do for the race, with anyone so it wasn’t a real shocker that no one knew what was up. It wasn’t a concern of mine what anyone thought. Hell, I had always been that brother that was whispered about when it came to my free time. I had shrugged that shit off long ago and did exactly what I wanted and without explanation. And now I had what I wanted most. I just had to find a balance that would keep me somewhat sane. Because the way it is now, I wasn’t anywhere close to a chilled mindset. Spending days apart from your mate was not something I could live with for much longer. It was ten kinds of fucked to go from not giving two shits about the whole mating thing, to now, I was locked into it like a motherfucker. I had to smirk as I thought about Dom figuring out how easily it would be for him to manipulate me to do what he wanted. It was almost impossible for a male to refuse his bonded mate anything they wanted. A thought hit my head and once it was lodged there I didn’t question it, instead I was on my feet, pacing until the daylight hours ticked by and evening begun. I didn’t bother driving to the location I was headed to. Now that I had made the decision, I wanted it done ASAP. I dematted and came to form in the back yard of a lone dark house that was situated on a few acres. For a few I stood there, listening to all that was around me. There was only one beating heart that reverberated inside the dwelling before me. Still I didn’t move. What I was about to do was something I had sworn I would never allow to happen again. Yet for Dominic, I would do anything and this definitely ranked up at the top of the list as any fucking thing. I lit a blunt, took a couple hits and gave myself a mental talk down before walking up to the back door of the house. I knew once I was done here I was going to be mentally fucked and tonight I would definitely be locked down inside my Penthouse, away from everyone. I went through the entrance without knocking or announcing myself in anyway. The human male inside would know exactly who was here. Outside of Dom and those living at the Manse, there were maybe a couple others that I put trust into and only one out of the couple that was a human. Wes, was a Veteran and the battles he had fought in were something everyone should be in awe of. We had met one night when I was out on patrol and he happened along while I was dealing with some Lesser in one of the many back alleys of Caldwell. It was one time that I had not threw up my Mhis and this mere human didn’t hesitate as he stepped in and assisted in taking out a couple of those pale fucks. At the end of that fight I had every intention of wiping, Wes’s mind of the night’s events. But all it took was being inside of his head for only seconds to have me swiftly realizing that this male was as damaged as I was, inside and out. There was no chance in hell I was going to be responsible for taking more away from this man. It wasn’t even a possibility and that was a rarity for me. Hell I was the Brother who stayed once the fighting was done, the victims lay groaning and pleading to be spared and I gave them death and obliterated them to nothing but ashes. So the fact that this was the first time I could not do something as simple as cleaning him of these memories, I had to learn more about him. And I did, over the past few years we had hooked up for drinks but it was always here, at his house, away from prying eyes. Wes, hated the public, he only went out at night when he had to. Calling him an introvert was putting it mild. The man didn’t even like his family, which I related to completely. But what had me here tonight was the fact that he was an artist in the purest form. Throughout our drinking visits he had offered repeatedly to do some work for me and each time I was like fuck no. But now, here I was, ready to do just that, let him put ink to my skin. Something that was only done to me when I was a pre tran and totally against my will. Even now thinking about that period of time, the cursed tats bordering my brow lit up with the full whites of my diamond eyes and a growl built in my chest. Just then, Wes came into view and took one look at me and grunted. (Get your ass in here and lets do this…The demons of the past be dammed. And afterwards, we’ll get trashed.) I had never told him of my past but one broken man recognizes the scars in another broken one. I growled in response but went further into the house anyway and I didn’t stop until we were in his studio. The room alone was something to be in awe of. His drawings, paintings and photographs were everywhere. Some vibrant with colors that felt so alive, to others that were incased in a darkness that reached into a man’s soul and took root. I just hoped like a motherfucker that I didn’t destroy this room before he got done with that tattoo that I wanted him to place on my back.
0 notes
Still Fighting
~ I stretched the best I could from the tiny bed in my cell. We were still in Caldwell and would be for another couple of months apparently, maybe longer. The revenue was higher than expected and the fighters with us had exceeded expectations. So it had been decided that we would stay and continue to bring in those who got off on watching blood sports. And those who got off on paying for someone to fuck all day long. It had been a few weeks since that brutal night that had left me in such a state that even the medical professionals winced any time they moved past me. I panicked at first, wondering how long I’d been out and how long I’d be out of commission. I had set up a weekly meet with a regular who would come each night I fought to bet on my matches. Since I intended to win each and every one of them, I knew that he’d make a decent amount of money, even though I was now the favourite in most of the fights. Or at least, I was to those who came regularly. I then met him once a week or so in order to check that our deal was still in place. I had requested that he use the money that he bet on me to allow him entry to the place on the days when he’d not normally be here. Then anything he won, that wasn’t spent on bidding for me, that money could be kept to one side on the off chance that I was able to escape one day. I’d had to be sure before trusting the male with the plan, but he’d turned up like clockwork, up until I’d been taken down. That’s when the shit hit the fan in my head. If he’d come to the place looking for me, if he’d been told I was out, or injured. Would he come back? Would he keep the money or spend it? I needed to get better. And I needed to get back out there.
I needn’t have panicked, it was less than a week later I was facing those metal bars again. The male on the end of the pole that was attached to my throat sneered at me, “Think you’re going to manage to win this one? You’re still looking a little sore.” The amusement in his voice told me that they thought I’d die. They’d sent me here to do just that. The anxiety started to build in the pit of my stomach and I had to take a few deep breaths before my feet moved into that sandy cage. I’d had maybe 2 fights to build up to this. Each one more difficult. Now I was back in the thick of it, despite still being able to feel the odd pull and twinge of my muscles. It didn’t take long for us to heal, so long as we were fed properly and did what we should in order to allow the blood to do its job. In this place we were fed just enough to keep us strong, but not really much more than that. Since my blood was now going to heal up the internal and external injuries, I wasn’t anywhere close to as strong as I used to be. They’d literally allowed me to rest just long enough for all the internal damage to be mostly healed up then said I was fine to fight. I knew that I wasn’t where I needed to be, and due to the scars that now marred my body, my mind wasn’t much better. It was stupid to care, but there were very few fighters with scars. The ones that did have those were normally insane and happily marked their bodies themselves. I did not want to be associated with them. I was used to being violated, every day and night was one long lasting, never ending fuck you from the universe.
Unceremoniously I was shoved through the door and landed with one knee on the sandy, bloody ground. I growled as I rose slowly and took a look around the faces of those who were peering over the top. Their jeers and chants weren’t lost on me, even if I didn’t really  know what they were saying. I’d read a little as a young, but that had quickly stopped and I’d learnt very little. I could communicate to a degree with those I saw, but anything more complex and I was lost. I was also sure that the world kept going. So there were things I’d never even know what they were, much less how they worked if I managed to gain my freedom some how.
The male who was shoved in with me looked strung out. I knew that look and sighed heavily. He wasn’t going to feel any pain and would keep going until I actually killed him. I wasn’t sure if these fighters were drugged directly or through the blood they were fed, but whatever it was, it was good stuff. I kept my distance and circled around the space, my eyes focused on the male in front of me. He had shaved his head, which just accentuated his ridiculously dark eyes. I didn’t look away, even as the weapons were thrown to the ground. They apparently had no interest in dragging this out. They wanted a fight, and they wanted it bloody. I noted the weapons and bided my time until I could manage to throw myself to duck and roll towards the weapons. The male apparently had other ideas, just as I was about to grab the handle I felt my side explode as something bulldozed into me. He sent me sprawling, without a weapon and without my brain working for what seemed like a good five minutes. In that time I was fuzzily aware of the dick grabbing both weapons and spinning them in his hands. The grin on his face showed the missing front teeth, the first set of pearly whites were his fangs. Fucking fantastic!
I glanced quickly over to where the door was that held those who owned me, none of them looked surprised by the outcome. Or that I might soon be nothing more than a blood stain on the floor and then an ash pile outside. I growled softly and turned my attention back to the male across from me, his grin was slowly widening before me as he ran straight at me. I blinked at the tactic and danced out of the way. Though it would seem his brain was more on point that I had realised. He moved with me and brought one of the weapons down towards me. It was only when it connected with my shoulder did I realise what they’d given us. Knives that were sharp as shit on the side from about half way up, blunt as anything the rest of it. So stabbing was basically out of the question unless you hit something like the throat or the eyes. Otherwise you were stuck sawing at whatever you wanted to pop off their body.
I would have cursed if I didn’t have a throbbing shoulder, and both of us now realising exactly what we needed to do in order to live. The blade had managed to cut my skin, but barely more than a scratch. I was probably stronger than the male, and I could go for one of the soft spots, might do just that in order to make it quicker. I just had to get one of those weapons away from the male in front of me. I managed to block most of the following series of blows, all aimed at my throat or my face. I was down to my knees and where the knives didn’t hit me, his fists and feet connected. I could feel how out of practice I was, and I knew I needed to get away from the corner and move into open space. I managed to look between blows to find an opening, anything at this point would help me. I struck out at the male’s ribs, hitting him in the soft spot just under them. When I heard it get his attention long enough to stop the blows to my upper body, I pushed to my feet and, though still bent over, I managed to grab the male’s wrist and made quick work of snapping it so he’d be forced to drop the blade. I ducked and rolled while grabbing up the weapon and moving to the open space in the middle of the ring. I was bloody and bruised, but I could see that the broken wrist had managed to seep through whatever drugs this male was on. The people who ran his house needed to be brought to some kind of justice. Their fighters came out here drugged and probably fought to get their next fix. Though, I guess when it came down to it, at least they got something out of their confinement. And they didn’t feel the true fear a fighter did when they were down and unable to fight back any longer. Knowing their death was unlikely to be quick. Even the faster deaths were drawn out. Taking more than one hit to the head, or waiting while they bleed out. Rarely do they give us anything that can just go straight to the brain. And if you break necks, you’re quickly punished for such a quick death. We learn early what’s the quickest death. Then those with some kind of compassion still in their soul try to make them count. While those who have a true death wish, or maybe just don’t care who they hurt or how, find the most painful and long drawn out deaths they can. They tend to be crowd pleasers, or so I’ve heard from the comments of the guards who come back to the cells after such matches.
The match seemed to go on and on. The crowd were slowly growing more impatient and the two of us were bleeding from multiple places. Mostly around our faces and necks, but at some point we’d stopped dancing around it and started using the serrated side of the knife to slash at each other. Trying to take off limbs. I could tell the male was getting tired, the way he moved was more sluggish and his eyes held a far away look that made it seem like he was normally onto his next fix by now. This needed to end before he got in a lucky shot and opened up someplace that wasn’t as easy to fix at the thigh shot he got in earlier. I was limping from it and the blood was flowing freely down my leg. The sight of blood had sent the crowd into some kind of frenzy, like a shark scenting food. I was as horrified now as I had been the first time in the pit. Who were these people and what were they doing with their lives if this was fun entertainment for them? I took a slow breath and settled my weight on my left leg, twisting the knife in my hand to give me my best angle for what I wanted. Clean and fast, or as fast as it would be bleeding out. They’d wanted me to hack at the male, or stab him somewhere that would take strength and probably numerous pushes to get it in deep enough to hit the brain. I wanted to hit him across the throat. Take out the main artery and hope that I cut it clean and all the way through, it’d only take a few minutes for him to die. And if I could get in there and make it even faster, I would. No matter what that would mean for me when I got out of here.
I circled the male again, he was making stupid moves now, lunging and swiping at me when I was nowhere within reach. I started to wonder if he could see me at all or whether he was going on hearing. His eyes were so fixed that I had to focus to check whether he was even tracking my movements. I was just taking my second run around the place when I saw the two black boxes come up on either side of the ring. Both of our guards had the triggers for our collars and were about to use them. Fuck! I panicked immediately and ran forward. I swung my arm in an arc just as I felt the shock hit me. Both of us went down and then whichever recovered first got the kill shot. I wasn’t taking him down when he couldn’t fight back. But I hit the floor as soon as the electricity started to course through my body. I choked out a cry of shock and hit the floor. My entire body seized up and shivering with the prolonged shock from the male holding the box. I landed hard in the sand and groaned. Trying to curl into the pain and being unable to do more than lie there. I was glad I didn’t have any bodily functions due, or the audience above me would have got a two for one on that. I could see the male across from me. His eyes were glazed over, but from death rather than drugs this time. I’d practically taken off his head with the power behind my swing, and blood had gone everywhere. Even the crowd had some of it coating them, not that they seemed to notice, or care.
The guards didn’t wait for the shock to wear off, instead they just grabbed me up, hooking my arms over their shoulders so they could drag me back to my cell. I still had the weapon gripped in my hand, but was too weak to even think about using it. I could hear them talking about a lucky ending and how they were disappointed that it had finished that way when I was meant to be the one left on the sand. I groaned softly as my head bounced on my chest, no care being taken to ensure that I was looked after. I was dumped in a bed and quickly a wrist was pressed to my lips. They worked on my leg as I fed, the sting of the needle barely registering as I took the life blood from the female. My eyes were still unable to focus correctly, but I tried to nod my thanks to her, the dismissive snort told me what she thought of my efforts. Each and every rejection stung, even though I continued to keep my humanity. The effects of the drug were wearing off, and I became aware that I was back in my cell being fed and doctored. That was unusual. I frowned and pushed myself to my elbows so I could focus on the male standing in the doorway to my cell, “You took a beating, but you survived. You’ll be back out tomorrow night with the best fighter they have. If that doesn’t do it, they’re thinking of putting you against one of our own in house fighters. That should get people talking.” He sneered and threw a bottle of water at me. I caught it without trouble and tried to speak, “Fight again, already?” The guard snorted and turned his back on me, the door swinging shut when there was some kind of low rumble that hit the place. It started small and slowly got louder and louder. I just managed to tip my bunk and land behind it when the guard was plastered to the outside of the bars as the entire place seemed to evaporate around me. ~ #StillFighting
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Collision Course (With @MismatchedFreak)
Dehv: ~ I’d managed to get a lot of my work done via skype, so when nightfall hit, I was able to grab up my gear to get to the training centre. Z had been pretty clear when we’d started that whether he was around or not, we needed to keep up with training. Whether that was in the gym where we could work out, or doing any number of other things in order to keep our reflexes sharp. It was more fun when others were there to work with, but I was just as capable of taking my music and slowly making my way around the various machines in the fully stocked gym. As it was, the most pressing question was whether I was going to walk, drive or demat to the training center. I couldn’t get my driver to take me, the mhis V had surrounding the place made it impossible for the human to get me there at all. I checked the time and saw that if I went now, I’d make it in time to enjoy some of the hussle of the Brothers going out on rotation and allow me to at least say hello to a few of them. It was good for them to see faces and remember the trainees, or at least that was my thinking. The better they knew us, the less likely it was that they’d accidentally hurt any of us when we were out and about. While I felt totally secure with them, I still didn’t want to be a stranger in the dark when it came to adrenaline rushing through the system. With a decision made I set the alarm and then sent my molecules through the city towards the training center. I became solid again at the gates and buzzed through. Knowing that the facial recognition and whatever else V had set up security wise was working overtime to ensure no one came and went who shouldn’t. Once I was inside I moved through to the locker room to change into my workout gear. Though my mind was elsewhere. I had a new project to focus on at work, and it sent a thrill through me at all the possibilities. My brain worked, inventing and scheming as I went through the motion of getting ready to train. I even stopped long enough to jot down some ideas on a pad, pocketing it at the last minute to take with me in case anything else came to me while I was mindlessly putting my body through its paces. ~
Qhuinn: {After a few drinks at Zero and feeling no better, I had gone back to the cabin and sent a message to Wrath directly to ask if I could hit the training center after sundown to try to work through some things. I’d not done anything formal since I left initially, usually training as I went, kicking demon or lesser ass and then moving on. But, if I were to get back on patrol or whatever at some point, I needed to do something. Plus, it would show that I had grown in the time I was gone. I was thinking ahead, making plans to improve and shit rather than just going with the flow and doing what I was told to do. When I woke that night, I had a message back telling me that I was free to come and go but to just check in with someone to make sure I’d not disturb a class or anything at the time, but that nothing was on the schedule for tonight so I should be good. I set my phone back down and then beelined to the bathroom for a hot ass shower to get my ready for what I was gonna do. Once I was cleaned, I pulled on some boxer briefs and track pants, followed by a tee and then a thick hoodie for the night chill. I tucked my keys and phone into my pocket and stepped out into the night, sending my molecules flying to the compound. I waited at the door until Fritz let me in with the usual smile of his in place. I waved off the offer of food or anything and explained Wrath said I could use the gym when I needed but I wanted to check in first. Fritz promised he’d let Wrath now and then turned me towards the array of hallways I knew so well. I pulled my headphones out of my pocket and popped each in place while setting up the phone to my playlist as I wound my way to the training center. I passed the room I stayed in last time and wondered if there would ever come a point I’d feel comfortable enough to stay for longer than a few hours…it wasn’t going to be any time soon, that was for damn sure. I could see the lights on in the gym as I walked and wondered if a Brother was there or what, not that it mattered, I had permission, dammit. I entered the locker room first and tucked my hoodie and keys into one of the lockers, my phone going into the arm band thing that Wraith hooked me up with for our runs. Hell, if it was a Brother out there, maybe I could do a little sparring. I plucked a water bottle from the fridge and headed into the gym, my pulse quickening when I saw him. Even with his back to me, I knew…fuck. My feet should have stopped, I should have turned back, but nope, I walked right the fuck over and tapped him on his shoulder, my voice holding a bit of question as I plucked my ear buds free} Dehv?
Dehv: ~ I didn’t bother checking who was around when I stepped into the gym. I just needed to be in my own head. I had designs to work on, lists to make up and this was one of the best parts of my job for me. I could see as real as if something was built right in front of me when I set my mind to it. I knew what the client wanted and I knew what my budget was. Other than that, sky was the limit. I tried my best to never make the design the same twice, so everyone had a unique experience, but that each one had a little something that showed it was my work. I liked that it was something people recognised who were in the know. But nothing so flashy and in your face that it would be an eyesore for anyone. I grinned to myself and set my music going, probably louder than necessary, but I wanted to tune out. I had it running on a mix of songs, old and new, but they all had a beat to them so I could keep my running steady. I clicked a few buttons on the machine, doing fuck knew what until I was happy with the little numbers and incline. I stepped on and got going. My hands free to design in the air if I needed to, while my feet pounded the rubber below my feet. The song I was listening to had just finished when suddenly I felt something at my shoulder, the surprise making my heart leap into my throat. Without thought I brought up my elbow and threw it backwards, hitting whoever was behind me in the face. I absently punched the emergency stop on the machine and jumped off, not recognising the male in front of me. I knew the Brothers and their partners, I also knew the other trainees. So this one wasn’t any of those. How the fuck he’d got in I had no idea. But I wasn’t taking any chances. I had no weapons on me, and after the run in with the Omega, I knew I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly. I just needed to be armed and know that I could do some damage if I needed to. I dematted behind the male and then turned to make my way to the weapons cabinet before I registered that he’d said my name. I spun back around again and wrapped my hand around his throat, using my momentum to push him back against the safety bar of the machine, “How the fuck do you know my name?” ~
Qhuinn: Motherfucker… [I knew I fucked up but damn. Clutching my nose I stumbled a step back as the blood flowed freely through my fingers. Eyes clenched tight as I attempted to get the tweety birds to stop circling my brain, I took a shaky breath and tried to focus. Fuck. I spun and went to move but it was too late. His fingers closed around my throat and I backpedalled right into the fucking machine. My eyes flew wide open now and as much as I didn’t want to hurt him, it wasn’t in my nature to sit back and allow my ass to be beaten. No matter who was throwing the punches. I wrapped both hands around his wrist and ripped his fingers from my throat, wrenching his arm behind him as I ducked around and pressed him face first into the machine. I was getting really tired of being attacked dammit. Though, to be fair…fuck. I gave him a shove and then stepped back, lifting my shirt to stem my bloody damn nose while I combed my other hand through my hair as I tried to figure out how to explain this to him. Lie. C’mon. Quick and easy, a Brother mentioned him down here, you saw his name on something, anything but….] We’ve met.
[With my head still down, I lifted my eyes towards his and waited all but a moment before I turned away to grab an ice pack from the first aid kit. I wasn’t sure I could handle the look on his face if he did realize who I was or if I could handle him not knowing. I wasn’t sure what the fuck I had expected or how I thought it would go. All I know is I saw him and had been powerless to stop my dumb ass from walking over to him. Talking over my shoulder rather than turning back.]  Nevermind, not important, just wanted to say hi, I’ll leave ya be, though I would suggest that you leave the headphones at home the next time you decide to walk through a park in the middle of the night.
[It was a low-blow, but it would either clue him in to who I was or just piss him off more. I bit back the laugh. Yeah, I was fully leaning towards pissing him off. That was what I did best after all. I popped open the locked up first aid kit and grabbed one of the packs, snapping it to activate the cold gel, then placed it against the bridge of my nose, turning to see how my words had affected him]
Dehv: ~ I grunted when the male twisted me around and pulled my arm up behind me. It was a move I could get out of, or rather, should be able to get out of. But I was shoved face first into the machine I’d just had him up against. I growled softly as I tried to keep my balance without bashing my face on anything, though I guessed I’d just busted the dude’s nose, I was lucky he’d not aimed. He wasn’t having any of my struggling, and I was just about with it despite the pain radiating through my shoulder when he shoved me forward. I hadn’t expected it and flat out stumbled over the machine, landing the other side like a fucking idiot. When I turned the first thing I saw was the male with his shirt pulled up to his face. I didn’t manage to get further than the expanse of skin that was exposed before he turned with those words. Words I almost missed. I rolled my eyes at myself and groaned. Subtle Dehv, get a fucking grip. I pushed to my feet as my brain tried to get two brain cells to become friends and help me work out when I’d met the male. I was sure I’d remember him, hell, I was positive. No way would I forget someone who could do that. He was trained. Perhaps I’d met him in passing with one of the Brothers or something. I was just about to open my mouth when he dropped the bombshell that he knew about the attack in the park. What the actual fuck. I growled again and blinked unseeing as I stared at the floor where the male had been standing. He knew, but…….I checked in my head, worked through the whole night to the best of my memory. We’d left no one alive. Had there been witnesses and the two of us had been so caught up in what we were doing that we didn’t notice it? I moved without thought, my brain still working through that night. The male who was going to talk and never got the chance, then what happened? I stepped up to the male and used a flat palm on his chest to shove him back against the wall where the little first aid kit had come out of. I was focused somewhere over his shoulder, my brain running a hundred miles a minute. My mind filled with pictures of the night, going back to mine. Talking with the female about who she was, and how she managed to turn up just when I needed her. Surely what she’s said wasn’t actually true. I’d sent a text saying I was sorry that I freaked out on her, but I had still been unsure of what she’d said. And yet. Surely it couldn’t be him. That would be too much for my brain. How was I meant to process what had happened. That someone managed to just click their fingers and be a female. Height changes, facial change………..eyes. I snapped my chin up as I met the male’s gaze, realising too late that I’d leaned in to impose on his personal space. My fingers curled into the shirt under my palm and I felt my frown deepen even more. The confusion was probably apparent on my face, I knew my eyes were wide and I was probably gaping like a fish out of water. I growled low again, letting him know I wasn’t fucking around before narrowing my eyes and keeping my voice low, “Qhuinn?” ~
:Qhuinn: [The range of emotions the floated across his face told me that my knowledge of the park had hit the intended memory bank and I forced my feet to remain planted as Dehv walked towards me, the icepack pressed firmly against my nose even as my head bounced off the wall with a low grunt. Dammit. I was going to have to start wearing a damn helmet everywhere I fucking went at this rate. He was far too close though. My breath faltered as I tried to remain calm, my mismatched eyes locked on his face. That frown on his face caused a serious confliction in my soupy brain with the way his fingers curled against the fabric of my shirt. I was certain my heart ramped up to a million beats a minute as I tried to focus, tried to think, which was damn impossible with how close he was. The growl of his sent his warm breath fanning across my face and I used my free hand to untangle his fingers from my shirt. I needed him to move. To give me space. Otherwise he’d know just how he was affecting me and wouldn’t that just go fan-fucking-tastically. I shoved him back, maybe a little harder than I intended at the disgust I thought I saw on his face and nodded] Guessed it in one, give the male a prize.
[I knew that was assy but fucking hell. I had enough of people looking at me like I was the shit on the bottom of their shoe. I didn’t ask for this shit. All I wanted….I stepped away from the wall and gave him a wide berth as I walked to the clearing in the center of the room. If he was going to attack again, I wanted room dammit. I shook my head and combed my fingers through my hair and turned back to him, willing his eyes to remain on my face and not a damn bit lower for at least a few more moments until I could get myself under control. He affected me when I was female, but that was easier to hide than the fucking wood I was sporting now. Just being near him had my brain short circuiting from what I wanted to do and what I needed to say. The distance helped. I could focus on anything but how how our bodies lined up much better in this form, or how that bottom lip of his was begging to be tugged between my teeth, or how he might ….coughing to clear my throat I averted my gaze to the awesome little tangle of dots on the wall that was suddenly super interesting to me.] Remember what I told you ‘bout the curse and all that? Yeah…so got that taken care of and was given another shot at being me. Wrath said I could come back if I wanted….and well since I was still gonna look into your deal and all that, I was hoping….
[I shook my head and dropped the ice pack to the floor. My brain turning a different path on me as it often did. I knew how my brain worked, how I had to work through things, might as well give him that chance too. Turning my palm up and crooking my fingers at him as I moved into a fighting stance] Look, I know it’s confusing as fuck, trust me on that, so if you wanna throw some punches, come at me. Get it out of your system, then maybe you’ll be ready to listen.
Dehv: ~ I let him pull my hand free, but the shove backwards I hadn’t been expecting. I wasn’t exactly graceful on the best of days, so I was just happy I stayed on my feet. I blinked in confusion at the reaction and tried to figure out what was happening. I’d been surprised, reacted and then figured out who he was. So why was I now getting shoved away just as we might be able to talk about it all. The words he uttered had my teeth grinding as I could feel the confusion turning into uncertainty and then just plain pissed off, “What is your fucking problem? You took me by surprise, no the other way around, asshole.” I watched as the male moved restlessly into the centre of the room, uncertain all over again at what he was doing. I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off him, and while that was good when attacking, I didn’t want to fight him. The pissed off feeling was certainly the overriding emotion, but under that, something was telling me to press buttons. I wanted to see his reactions, wanted to see how far he’d keep up the jackass moves. I’d obviously hit a nerve without meaning to, and he wanted me out of his personal space. Which was fine by me, and yet something was driving me to get up close and personal with him again. I’d been fucking confused about the way I’d reacted to her…him when I’d fed. Holy shit, was this why? I frowned hard again as I tried to figure out what was happening. I knew my reactions when I’d fed, and it had nothing to do with the nutrition. I shook my head and grunted at myself. I wanted to get all up in his personal space because he pissed me off. Cocky little shit with the attitude. I opened my mouth to reply when what he’d said registered, followed quickly by the way he dropped into a fighting stance. If he didn’t annoy me so much, I’d have been asking for his number and seeing if we could go for dinner. Technically I guessed I already had his number, but no dinner was going to happen. We’d probably end up stabbing each other with forks or something. I locked my gaze on his, my breath catching at those unique mismatched eyes. I’d been intrigued when he was female……when he was female, who even said that sentence in this kind of scenario? Honestly! I’d been intrigued, now I couldn’t seem to look away. I moved closer, far closer than I really needed to if I were going to fight the guy. I’d seen him in action, even with my training I was no match for him. I’d be ripped to shreds in seconds if I actually went toe to toe with the male, and yet, I found myself grinning at the possibility of going a round or two. I nodded and mirrored his pose, my hands coming up in fists as I continued to hold his gaze, “What makes you think if you just talked to me like normal I’d not listen? In case you missed it, I’m the one who’s missing answers, you’re the one with the information. You planning on ensuring I’m in too much pain to process whatever you say, cos I’ve seen you fight. And there’s certain bits of my anatomy that I’d really like to be able to use at some point in the not so distant future.” I threw in a wink at the male just to see if it pissed him off further. I wasn’t throwing the first punch, but I figured with his temper to date, he just might. ~
Qhuinn:  [I knew I wasn’t thinking clearly. How could I? The male caused my brain to short circuit when I first met him in the female form, but now…yeah, my brain still fried out. Everything was wearing on my brain. All the shit from here, from UGH, the demons and all that. I needed to expend some energy and the poor bastard in front of me was my untimely target. I kept up pacing in the center of the room, even though I was poised for the fight. The energy was eating me up inside and I needed this. Even if I was manifesting the anger in my own head. He hadn’t done shit wrong and yet I wanted this. Then again, was it an excuse my brain came up with to get close to him again? To feel him against my body under any guise necessary? Either way, it was too late to back down now. At the question, my brow shot up] Breaking my noise was from surprising you, pinning me to the wall was something else. Last time I tried to explain this shit, you looked at me like I had three heads and shut down. This way when I wear you out, you’ll have no damn choice but to listen to me. If you want answers, about this, about the attacks on you and how to get the information, this is gonna happen.
[I nodded and grinned as he approached with his fists up and that look of determination on his face, even that cocky grin was something only a true warrior would get away with. I was curious to see how well he did anyway, how the training had changed since I’ve been gone. I couldn’t stop the snort though when he mentioned how I managed to take down some of the assholes at our last little meet up] I don’t do cheap shots often, but one thing they should be training you on here is being willing to do what you have to  in order to win the fight. So yeah, if I find myself undersized and facing getting my ass kicked or going for a balls shot, I’m going for the fucking balls.
[I tried not to focus on the implication of him using those parts anytime soon because if I had my way….yeah, there wouldn’t be another touching him. That wink of his, cocky and so damn self-assured, had another low growl spilling from my lips. Ok, I was the one with issues, I knew that, I was the one who saw more with him, that’s on me, but I was going to make sure the asshole remembered me when we left this room. And not just as some batshit female turned male again and gave him one hell of a story to wrap his brain around. He’d remember me. I was determined to make that happen. I pulled my phone from my pockets and wrapped the headphones around it before I tossed it towards one of the mats, not wanting anything to get in my way, even if it was important not to let it phase you out on the field. This was training. This was no rules. This was gonna be fun. I faked a left and then threw a right hook as I stepped close.] If you can take me down, I might even buy you dinner before answering your questions
Dehv: ~ I flat out gaped at the male, my brain trying to catch up with what he was saying. Seriously! Last time. What a dick! “You’re a dick! Like anyone would take that kind of information without questions or confusion. Oh yeah, sure. Magic turned me into a female, I’m hoping it’ll flip back soon enough. Oh and while I’m here, demons are real and I hop into the underworld now and again for a fucking party!” I flat out rolled my eyes and shook my head. Watching as the male paced and obviously thought about whatever was going on in that head of his. I watched, processed. All the things I’d been taught about. Trying to see if I could pick up any weaknesses or anything else. It didn’t really work, since I kept seeing that mark on the female’s chest and then trying to see if I could see it peeking out of the top of the male’s shirt. Did he still have it. Or was that something that was gone right along with the body I’d met him in. I was confused and I felt off balance with him in the room. I often felt off balance, physically, but to feel it all the way down to the pit of my stomach. That was new. And I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I knew he wasn’t lying, or at least, not unless she had a twin somewhere around with exactly the same eyes, and apparently the exact same name. I frowned hard and snapped my head back up, “Are you part of whatever mind fuck these people are doing to me? Some elaborate plan where there’s two of you with the same coloured eyes, male and female.” Even to my own ears it sounded far beyond anything that had happened so far. Sure, they’d drugged and kidnapped me and sent a bunch of dudes to kick my ass. But they’d not gone to this level of anything. Why put in that kind of effort. Things like the males mismatched eyes, in our world, that was a bad thing. I exhaled and then blinked when the phone and earphones went across the room. Shit, he was serious about this whole fight thing! “Ok, that was stupid. I don’t think you’d do that, even if I am fucking confused right now.” I was about to speak again when his right hook caught me and sent my head snapping to the right. I growled and lifted a hand to my face, my eyes flaring with anger when I turned back. “If I take you down, is dinner all you’re wanting from me?” I let my eyes flicker down his body less than subtly before sending my own fist flying towards his face. I didn’t waste time arguing, instead falling back after my punch hit him exactly where my face was currently throbbing. I grinned and bounced a little on the balls of my feet, waiting on the advance that I assumed was coming. ~
Qhuinn: I shrugged a shoulder at the statement about being a dick, it was true and it wouldn’t do me a damn bit of good to try to deny it. I knew what he was saying made sense. I lived through the shit and even I struggled at times with believing all of it. I was fairly certain the stress of it all was what caused my brain to twirl down the waterspout of rationality tonight. There’d been too much and my peabrain obviously couldn’t handle it. The last time I fought had been as a female by his side, now I attacking him simply because…His question had me reeling though. I suppose with the shit he had gone through, thinking this was some plot against him likely wouldn’t be all that far fetched. I raised a brow at him, even as he backpedaled the accusation and shook my head again] If I were trying to fuck with your head, I’d not go about it this way, besides, how would I get here…to one of the most secure places in the Brotherhoods possession?  Plus, I did kinda help take out a bunch of the assholes who attacked you.
[For a moment, I wasn’t sure what reaction that punch would have earned but I wasn’t disappointed. That growl and the flash of anger was what I’d been hoping for. One thing I was damn good at, something I proved time and again, was pushing people’s buttons until they couldn’t help but want to take a swing at me. I could have simply asked someone to spar, but where was the fun in that? Besides, I wasn’t even sure any of the Brothers would be up to dealing with me just yet. Not until things were ironed out with the rest of them. The returned punch snapped my head to the side and I gave him a wicked grin as I eyed him, trying to figure out my next move] That’s a big if, trainee. Dinner will do for now, I’d offer more for when I take you down, but I’m not sure you’ll be able to handle more when I’m done kicking your ass
[His not so subtle glance down my body sent a huge spark through me and I let out my own growl. If only he knew what he did to me, what I knew…hell, it was a damn miracle he’d not gone running already. Even if it was all just something in my head, I knew how he made me feel and not even seeing that anger in his eyes directed towards me cooled the flame within. I circled him and stepped close, throwing a jab at his ribs before ducking and sweeping a leg out behind his knees] Or you could forfeit and we can move straight on to dinner….
Dehv: ~ I kept my gaze focused on each and every expression that passed over the male’s face. It was easier said than done though. I’d felt weird around him in female form, that was now off the charts and I wasn’t sure I liked it.I could see that I’d hit a nerve though. And while I was happy about that, considering the throbbing to my jaw, I also felt the insane need to try and help make it easier. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. He’s decided that fighting me was easier than talking to me. Whatever insane fucking idea that was. I knew he was able to kick my ass, but I hoped I could at least hold my own long enough to knock his brain cells together. If they were any up there. Right now I really wasn’t convinced. Though I guessed he probably thought the same about me! I shook my head and shrugged, “You could have been swayed somehow. Apparently everyone has a price. I’ve got to wonder what yours might be. Either way, I’m not debating that you’re welcome in here. And I said that I rushed to a thought without really following the thread to the end. You did help me. But you’ve got to admit, if the point was to fuck with my head, this isn’t a bad way to go about it?” I kept my body moving, trying to keep myself from stiffening up in any way. It would be pretty much me all around if I managed to pull a muscle and stop myself before he’d really laid a finger on me. That would give him a laugh, and nope, a laugh wasn’t something I wanted to see on his face. Lighting his eyes and allowing that uncertainty and anger to ease from those amazingly mismatched eyes. In no way was that something I wanted to see. I growled and rubbed at my chest. His offer of dinner and then the suggestion I’d be down for the count had me laughing. Until his fist hit my ribs and I felt my feet whip out from under me. I grunted and threw out my elbow, connecting with his face or nose or shoulder, who the fuck knew. I just knew I hit before landing on my back. The air knocking out of me, but didn’t keep me down. “Fucking hell!” I spun to my feet, staying crouched to take his knees out so I would watch with satisfaction as he landed. The minute he was down I straddled the male’s waist and managed to get in another shot to the jaw, “I had no idea you were so excited to get me to dinner. All you had to do was ask me, all this foreplay wasn’t necessary. But now you’ve started it, you better finish it, or give me some kind of explanation that doesn’t involve your piss poor expectation of me. Cos right now I’m on top, and that means no dinner for you.” I winked again, my grin widening. I knew I’d likely be put in my place, but for now, I was going to enjoy the fact I had the upper hand, and try to ignore the fact I was enjoying being this close to the male. ~
Qhuinn: [I couldn’t stop the growl at his words, I don’t know why it bothered me so damn much for him to have that impression of me. His opinion shouldn’t matter, but it did. Even if he had no logical way to know that with the shit I went through…that I’d never do that to another. I was so lost in my damn head that I missed the elbow that came flying at my fucking head when he was going down. I swore my nose exploded once more as I fell to my back, colors I never knew existed burst behind my eyelids which, sorry, but that was still fucking awesome. I could feel the smile growing even when he landed his weight on me and damned if that didn’t give me a whole other set of things to focus on. The next punch sent my head bouncing off the floor…again and that just pissed me off. My eyes opened slowly and I raked my gaze over the confident looking male sitting on top of me and my grin widened. The words came out before I could stop them, but it was the truth] You look good on top of me, Dehv.
[I flashed a wink, then hooked a leg around his as my arms wrapped around him so I could flip him to his back. I threw an elbow across his face before my forearm came down over his throat, pressing firmly, and my face hovered mere inches above his own. I held my other hand like a dagger pointed at his throat] And now your….fuck…
[His words sunk in and I knew he was right. I was being a complete dick but I already admitted I was, didn’t I? It went beyond needing to clear my head with a little fight, I wanted this right here…and my body was all kinds of on board with feeling his hard lines beneath my own. In a flash, I let go and jumped to my feet, hoping his eyes stayed on my face and not any lower as I stepped back, shaking my head. I needed him to listen and shit and I had an idea of how now, but first,  I was going to have to do something I was getting damn good at lately. I held out a hand to the prone male while I used my other hand to bring my shirt up to stem the blood flow from my nose again] Sorry. It’s been a shittastic few days and really, I just needed to let out some anger. You were the lucky target since you struck first. Been a while since I’ve sparred with anyone. Let me take you to dinner, to apologize if nothing else. I promise to not try to kick your ass again tonight if you agree to listen with an open mind.
Dehv: ~ I shouldn’t have poked at the bear. I knew that, I’d known that from the moment I’d hit him in the face the first time. But when his leg came around me and I was suddenly on my back, I was even more aware of why I shouldn’t have. My entire body reacted to how close the male was. And while I hadn’t ignored it up until now, him being as close as he was, that was hard to keep my brain on task. The blow to my face sorted that problem for me fast though. I hadn’t seen it coming, and that had cost me. My face exploded again before that elbow came down over my throat. Though the male didn’t press hard enough to entire cut off my airway, he did press down hard enough to make it difficult. Those mismatched eyes close enough that I could see each and every colour that made up the distinct colours. I could feel my heart rate shoot up, and this time it wasn’t because of the want to close that gap between us. It was pure fear as my brain clicked back to that gym. I needed to get the fuck past this, and yet, I couldn’t seem to shake it when I was in certain positions. I breathed hard, my eyes widening as I watched. Actively trying to set my brain onto another path. To get it to listen to my body and it’s wants and desires even if I didn’t agree with them. Whatever it took to try and move away from the fucking Omega, whoever his lady friend had been, and that damn gym. I inhaled harshly and took stock of the feel of the male’s weight against me. And it felt pretty good. I could feel emotions and wants surfacing that I’d not felt in years. Hadn’t allowed in years. I actually growled with frustration as I battled between fear and want. Cos I wanted this male, even if my brain kept trying to find reasons why I didn’t. That didn’t exactly bode well for me, since we’d been in the same room less than an hour. I wasn’t really paying attention by the time Qhuinn stood, my body lax under him. I tipped my chin and looked up at the male, my brow raised as my brain slowly clicked back online. I frowned and took a minute to try and work out what I could deal with. Would dinner really be that much of an issue? It would be nice to actually figure out what the fuck was going on. Cos I was still confused, and couldn’t work out how the dots connected. Demons and magic and all kinds of shit I didn’t understand. I nodded and reached up to wrap my fingers around his, allowing him to pull me to my feet, “Ok, you can choose the place we eat, but I pay my own way. And I will listen with an open mind. The best I can, since this is all kind of new to me. And ten tons of fucked up.” ~
Qhuinn: [I didn’t miss that look of fear on his face before I got up and damned if that didn’t add the cement block of guilt settling nicely into the pit of my stomach. I remembered each of the attacks he told me about the last time we met. The random ones, the Omega and the female that found him in a supposedly safe place, then the one found him in….and then I go an attack him like a fucking asshole. Great way to get him to trust you numb nuts. I shook my head and my own lips curved into a frown as I helped Dehv to his feet. My fingers lingering around his probably for a few moments longer than necessary but it was hard for me to let go. Just like how I liked how he felt on top of me, beneath me, pressed against me, even this simple touch was enough to spark that inner flame all over again. There was just something about him, something I couldn’t explain. I never felt this flustered and I knew it went beyond our initial meeting or the fucking vision I had. It was deep, visceral. That frown had me wanting to do anything I could to make it disappear. I remembered his smile. I wanted to see that again.] I know it sounds insane, trust me. But I think, I hope, that after you hear me out…maybe we…we can umm…be friends or whatever, or you’ll at least let me help you
[I shook my head and reluctantly dropped my hand from his and then stepped back, pulling off my tee to wipe off my face] I know the perfect place for good food and quiet enough to talk without people overhearing us.  I’ll just need to wash up quick, seems being covered in blood is a regular occurrence around you. Meet me at that park from the other night in 10, we can walk from there.
Dehv: [I hoped the tease in my voice was evident as I tossed my shirt to rest on my shoulder, not waiting for a response, and then went to pick up my discarded phone before I went into the locker room to wash my face off in the sink. I glanced in the mirror and made sure all the blood was gone, then had a nice little conversation with myself in my head. I needed to hold it together. I didn’t want to scare him off. For once, I wanted someone to stick around, to trust…I sighed and used my tee to dry my face before I went back to the locker where I had stashed my hoodie. I tossed the bloody tee into the trash before tugging the hoodie on and ran my fingers through my hair quick to make it look halfway presentable. Even though I wasn’t sure after what I had planned if eating would even happen. Only time would tell. I walked out of the compound and sent my molecules to the park. I knew this would be the first step to getting him to believe. I hoped anyways…now to wait for him to show.]
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