#* {Verse: Fandomless}
seraphfled · 2 years
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"-> DISSEMBOWELED toaster in these trying times?"
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yearningxhearts · 10 months
"How do you know my name?" // Fin
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He could be truthful, but that wouldn't get them off on a good footing at all, his frown deepening, before he motioned towards the coffee stall that they'd just came from, "I heard it being called out, when you ordered a drink...though it wasn't my intention to make you feel uneasy or anything of the sort...I was just looking for a chance to talk...if you happen to have the time, of course". He paused, "Oh, and my name is Fin, Fin Euclase...". Oops. He hadn't meant to actually give his real name, but he doubted that the woman would have heard of him, "Again, I apologise if I came off too strongly...".
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lone-sole · 2 years
@sah1x1s gets first meet for Amanda and Frankie
Her world had shattered the day that dad left the compound. She blatantly knew that if she stayed they would've beat her to death but leaving the duplex she spent her time locked in -literally, the only outside she had contact with was through the window panes- it seemed like everything was flipped. All comfort had gone. Nothing was home.
Before she had left she learned that her dad might be heading to a place called NYC, and she panic emptied some of the cults treasury. Getting a taxi to the airport with one military pack over her shoulder, she went directly to the airport and bought a ticket. The city wasn't safe anymore, she had to go find her dad. 
So sitting in the middle seat of a big big tube that she understood would be shot into the sky, she bounced her leg and hugged her backpack. Noticing someone sit next to her, she gave the man a little glance before going back to nervously trying to straighten out her breathing.
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disturbnot · 1 month
main / pkmn — if you think you don't know him, you've probably seen him somewhere without realising it. he's your champion! he's your chosen one. he's your saint and saviour. or is he really the reason the world around you is shivering apart, little bit by little bit? he couldn't tell you as a child, and he still couldn't tell you now. this beleaguered old legend still ambles from lead to lead on his path to some kind of ultimate understanding, some kind of zenith to his messianic condition. he doesn't know what he's for, but that's okay, he knows you don't know what you're for either. the learning curve never ends. this ash can be encountered almost anywhere in the pokémon world, known to regularly drift from region to region, gig to gig, battle to battle, apocalypse to apocalypse. surely, one day, this curse will lift ... won't it?
supernatural — ash is a drifting, wayward hunter from the south-west, son of a hunter and a restaurant owner. his father passed when he was young, and during the same incident, ash became the willing vessel of the god quetzalcoatl, granting him vast power and a unique kinship with the natural world. he seeks vengeance for his father, but has become cognizant of the primordial gods' schemes and also seeks to confront and punish them.
the boys — think pokémon if they were just v'd up animals - that's it. ash grew up in a suburbian town in japan, near the site of a vought international r&d lab headed by his best friend's grandfather, and found out a little more than he should have as a young child. during an intrepid peek into oak's research lab, ash not only received a hefty dose of compound v, but managed to free one of the animals the lab had been experimenting on; a large, semi-sentient mouse with the power to conduct and discharge electricity. this event forced ash's mother (also being targeted by the yakuza for business protection) to take him away on the run. he and his mother have been weaving in and out of encroaching threats from vought and other bodies of organised crime ever since. ash seeks vengeance upon vought, both for his accidental exposure to v, and for the disappearance of his father (who may have been an unfortunate test subject in the 90s). ash has gained powers from v that seem to amplify with time and training. the simplest way to explain him would be if goku swapped out the disciplined martial arts training for slugging whiskey and throwing caution to the wind.
star trek — half-human, half-klingon, all golden retriever energy. this gung-ho starfleet prospect has never passed an exam, but exceeds in idealism, imagination, and practical xenozoology. all he's ever wanted is to see the stars and to see all of the fantastical creatures roaming out there in space ... sadly, his exam results never quite etched that fate into the stars for him. working the bars of various low-tier starships will have to do.
modern / fandomless — maybe you saw him on your tv in the early 2000s, one of the many pro wrestlers that lit the world on fire during the height of the craze. it's a pity that impassable injury cut his tenure in the ring all too short. this retired fighting performer has relegated himself to a steady but uneventful life helping his beloved mother run her snack bar, wishing that he'd taken up a career in animal care.
cowboy / western — nobody can really give you an exact date of when ash rolled into town, or when his local ranch practically bloomed out of the arid ground, but it seems like he's been there since anyone can remember. he's never done any harm, he's a kind and hardy man, known mainly to mind his business and ranch his prized cattle. rumour has it though, his ranch house is simply teeming with animal life; from his herding dogs, to his ratting cats, to his hunting birds. some say there are creatures in that home that man has never seen before, but hey, that's just a local rumour spun by bored tavern-wives... right?
new verses to be added! (rgg, monster hunter, and star wars verses coming soon)
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prcttyinpcnk · 6 months
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“ You can't ignore us, This is where the ghoul kids rule!”
Independent/Selective/Private Fandomless OC blog.
Follow back from @vicsmusehub
DNI if: Racists/Homophobic/Ship canonical lesbians with men/Terf/Swerf/Under the age of 18/Proshipper/Anti-Anti/Panphobic/Acephobic/Arophobic
Art by: myself & @bugsbloom
Personals & Non RP blogs are free to reblog my art and aesthetic posts but do not interact with my RPs
promo template by: @candyredmusings!!
PSD by: @somresources
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lionfanged · 2 years
@s4crificial / for sam uwu
in every anger-fueled daydream, atticus had thought the process of killing to be something intense, drawn-out, and difficult. like the movies, he saw an intense fight, a battle for survival that ended in the loser clawing at the last shreds of life they could hold onto until inevitably made to let go. the reality somehow was somehow without any of the grandeur.
there was no dramatic, movie-style action sequence. there was no toe-to-toe fighting, matched blow for blow. there were no awful, witty little quips nor world-shattering words of wisdom.
death was cold, sudden, and the human body was the perfect home for it. 
it had happened so quickly, from the moment he had felt an unwelcome hand upon his body, to the moment he felt the unmistakable crack of bones beneath his squeezing fingers. the all-too familiar face of a stalker who had prowled the perimeter of his home, harassed his secretary for his private contact information, and routinely appeared at every press conference open to the public gazed back at him with glassy eyes finally devoid of the unhealthy fixation that had been like a disease.
throwing him down against the concrete should have been enough, but uncontrollable as his anger had been, only now did he see the fault of pursuing it to its end. even with no visible blood upon his hands, the feeling of squeezing the life out of a struggling, panicked body was not forgotten.
realizing he hadn’t let go, cooling skin bulging around the pressure applied his hands, he quickly withdrew them, trying to swallow down budding panic.
‘ it’s fine, ‘ he assured himself in a low, hushed tone, aggressively wiping his hands down his slacks, mind racing to formulate a plan of action.  ‘ no one will be sorry about one less sick fuck. ‘
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herst0ry · 4 months
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" history    ?       ryan sparks  is  making   𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆   as   the   first   female   basketball   player   in   the    nba. "
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
"Missed me?"
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3katanas · 1 month
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@itmeanspeace asked: "You're not getting rid of me, so get used to it."
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He'd tried everything he could think of, walking faster, taking sudden turns, breaking into a sprint. Hell, he'd even gone into a bathroom and climbed out the window. She'd still found him. Which had lead to his current sprint through the streets once more as he tried to shake her with him yelling over his shoulder. "Who the hell even are you!?"
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on-dragons-wings · 3 months
/ shout out to all the years xaos was primarily a rwby oc
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galaxy-0f-muses · 4 months
@kitxkatrp from here
Eventually came the time that she was dreading, having run out of things to do and feeling her anxiety skyrocket into her chest. How was she going to go about this?. . . How was she going to save what part of her dignity was left from this whole scenario?. . .
Was there even saving it as an option?. . .
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She found herself relenting to the whole thing, having went and grabbed herself a cup of wine for this. . . Discussion. She knew she was going to need it. Slowly, she sat down in one of the nearby seats to him, one hand on her lap, and the other holding the glass.
". . . . I truly do apologize about that-"
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cherribmb · 1 year
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    ꘎♡━━━━━ Lucky is she, who lives unaware!             Who doesn’t get bothered by those who don’t care! ━━━━━♡꘎
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strywoven · 2 months
@zinbu / @stanislawkowalski ♡’d for a starter ( ft. sloan + nastka )
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BORN AND BRED for the industry ( quite actually , a dog instilled with the instinct & purpose to serve , to hunt , to kill ) .  Sloan never mistook its place in the hierarchy for anything more than being on a l e a s h to those who had the tolerance to keep it tethered and tame.  But most masters , it found , were simply flesh and blood ; they broke all too easily , and Sloan was often regarded with a wary apprehension whenever its contract changed hands.
Its current handler , however , seemed more than adequate enough ( that is to say , he seemed a man who wouldn’t put up with its shit , who wouldn’t spare it the rod should it be necessary ) .  And in these last few weeks acclimating to Natska’s control and demand , Sloan found itself falling in line as if SECOND-NATURE , as if INSTINCTIVE , obliging him like any well-trained mongrel might.  So it goes , it appears to him upon summons , head lowered out of deference , the air around it simmering with its usual aura of abnormal p o w e r , ❝ Boss , good evening.  What can I do for you ? ❞
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itashiro-hitsuchiha · 8 months
Starter call
Like this post for a starter with my OC Naru
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Important notes: I will admit she is one of the most difficult muses to get close to. She calls herself a goddess but it's only a way to explain what she is in a manner people can understand. In truth she is more of a primordial being who created the concept of death itself. Naturally if you're not immortal she can kill you with relative ease. Think similar to Hades in the OG God of War games. She can rip the soul from the being but then she can throw that soul into a realm of eternal nightmares. Granted she doesn't like to do that but annoy her enough and she will. Also be aware that she can almost immediately see a person's greatest fear at a glance and projects a fearful aura. Only the truly bravest can hope to approach her. Tread carefully. Naturally ask for more details if you wish. I understand she can be rough to handle but that's where the real trick lies.
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@kitxkatrp asked: i have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it. Adam and Blanche chaotic unhinged lines from 2022-2023 (prompt edition)
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She was, if only a tad, bit concerned. After all, he seemed to usually be a light and bubbly person, in a way. Something about his aura... But it felt different right now. Looking up at him, her lips parted for a moment, before she thought about it a little.
Eventually, she ended up writing in her notebook. 'Do you want to go and do something, then? Bowling, maybe?'
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lionfanged · 4 months
so terribly nosey. @sosordid
in this world, cops really only had one use, and that was to maintain the status quo. the status quo that he, and those similarly of the upper crust, wanted to maintain. it was the only time he tolerated their presence--otherwise, he was more than happy to limit his interactions with law enforcement.
as he and detective daejeon had their little staredown, atticus was reminded of why he enjoyed these unspoken boundaries.
no, i understand, the detective said, lying out of his ass and trying to pull invisible strings. atticus knew this game, and a lesser man might have flustered at the realization. he only gazed passively on, veiling his disdain behind a mask of false understanding.
"of course. our media specialist is more than happy to be fielding questions, and they have already been informed of the possibility of media attention," atticus answered, his tone that of weary understanding, as if they were sharing together in this burden. "we are quite used to the feeding frenzy of journalism here, though these are understandably special circumstances..."
his executive was already out the door due to his stupidity, but it had to be done as discreetly and efficiently as possible. he had already started an internal investigation and set his staff on mitigating any possible damage to the company's image while severing all ties with their dead weight--but a police investigation would only delay this, perhaps even make it worse.
"truly, i feel for you, detective, as i understand you are only doing your job--but i must do mine as well. i do not want to misplace the trust my employees have placed into my hands."
ah yes, their trust, and not his efforts to save his own skin at the cost of picking off a few employees to endure public scrutiny alone.
"in fact, in apology for eating up so much of your time today with nothing to show it, the moment our own investigation completes, i'd be happy to speak with you privately." from a drawer, he glanced down and fetched a business card. the card was a stark black with a matte finish with his name and title set in bolded gold, his business phone number listed in sleek, small white numbers just beneath.
"you're welcome to call or message me at your leisure, and i will have your contact saved to reach out to in the future."
likely once he was finished reaming out this executive and ensuring that he would understand that anything he spilled connected to the company would come at an unfortunate cost. whatever happened afterwards to him would no longer be of any concern to atticus.
atticus smiled with a cool warmth.
"feel free to check in with my secretary on your way out. we have snacks and coffee she can provide you with, as an additional apology for your time spent today."
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