#▸ lord rid me of my word vomit. / ooc
disturbnot · 17 days
ngl chat i'm going through A Lot rn. i could be back anywhere between an hour and a year from now. disco under cut for moots xoxo
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disturbnot · 1 month
main / pkmn — if you think you don't know him, you've probably seen him somewhere without realising it. he's your champion! he's your chosen one. he's your saint and saviour. or is he really the reason the world around you is shivering apart, little bit by little bit? he couldn't tell you as a child, and he still couldn't tell you now. this beleaguered old legend still ambles from lead to lead on his path to some kind of ultimate understanding, some kind of zenith to his messianic condition. he doesn't know what he's for, but that's okay, he knows you don't know what you're for either. the learning curve never ends. this ash can be encountered almost anywhere in the pokémon world, known to regularly drift from region to region, gig to gig, battle to battle, apocalypse to apocalypse. surely, one day, this curse will lift ... won't it?
supernatural — ash is a drifting, wayward hunter from the south-west, son of a hunter and a restaurant owner. his father passed when he was young, and during the same incident, ash became the willing vessel of the god quetzalcoatl, granting him vast power and a unique kinship with the natural world. he seeks vengeance for his father, but has become cognizant of the primordial gods' schemes and also seeks to confront and punish them.
the boys — think pokémon if they were just v'd up animals - that's it. ash grew up in a suburbian town in japan, near the site of a vought international r&d lab headed by his best friend's grandfather, and found out a little more than he should have as a young child. during an intrepid peek into oak's research lab, ash not only received a hefty dose of compound v, but managed to free one of the animals the lab had been experimenting on; a large, semi-sentient mouse with the power to conduct and discharge electricity. this event forced ash's mother (also being targeted by the yakuza for business protection) to take him away on the run. he and his mother have been weaving in and out of encroaching threats from vought and other bodies of organised crime ever since. ash seeks vengeance upon vought, both for his accidental exposure to v, and for the disappearance of his father (who may have been an unfortunate test subject in the 90s). ash has gained powers from v that seem to amplify with time and training. the simplest way to explain him would be if goku swapped out the disciplined martial arts training for slugging whiskey and throwing caution to the wind.
star trek — half-human, half-klingon, all golden retriever energy. this gung-ho starfleet prospect has never passed an exam, but exceeds in idealism, imagination, and practical xenozoology. all he's ever wanted is to see the stars and to see all of the fantastical creatures roaming out there in space ... sadly, his exam results never quite etched that fate into the stars for him. working the bars of various low-tier starships will have to do.
modern / fandomless — maybe you saw him on your tv in the early 2000s, one of the many pro wrestlers that lit the world on fire during the height of the craze. it's a pity that impassable injury cut his tenure in the ring all too short. this retired fighting performer has relegated himself to a steady but uneventful life helping his beloved mother run her snack bar, wishing that he'd taken up a career in animal care.
cowboy / western — nobody can really give you an exact date of when ash rolled into town, or when his local ranch practically bloomed out of the arid ground, but it seems like he's been there since anyone can remember. he's never done any harm, he's a kind and hardy man, known mainly to mind his business and ranch his prized cattle. rumour has it though, his ranch house is simply teeming with animal life; from his herding dogs, to his ratting cats, to his hunting birds. some say there are creatures in that home that man has never seen before, but hey, that's just a local rumour spun by bored tavern-wives... right?
new verses to be added! (rgg, monster hunter, and star wars verses coming soon)
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disturbnot · 1 month
i seem to have accidentally tumbled into a depression pit. whoopsie! irregular service will resume uhhhhhhhhh another time that isn't this one, i guess. find me on disco in the meantime ( hashketchum. )
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disturbnot · 21 days
i've been describing ash as goku if you swapped out the disciplined martial arts training for reckless and stubborn binge drinking in his verse for the boys, but honestly? you could just as easily apply that likeness to him in most of his verses. maybe with a sort of disney princess gene in there. an eclectic concoction.
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disturbnot · 26 days
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inactivity puppy tax
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disturbnot · 29 days
no life updates today, just a general big old thank you to my friends n treasured moots who have been endlessly kind and patient with me while i try to break free of this cyclical depression and get back to writing more consistently. without needlessly traumadumping, a whole lot has happened since i was last in the rpc before the pandemic, and my will to create and share has been considerably blighted by bad actors and unnecessary conflict over those years. i really REALLY hope to reclaim my spark again, but the journey there is long and difficult. i'm enormously grateful to you folks for sticking with me and giving me grace, though, whether all you do is like my posts or go as far as to befriend and support me closely. no act of connection goes unnoticed and unappreciated 💖 thank u everyone for giving me something to hold onto while i climb my way back, not to former glory, but to a new era of falling back in love with this hobby. may we all get to see me in my thriving era!
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disturbnot · 3 months
listen. ash will stop getting stuck in pitfall traps dug by team rocket when he's dead, and no sooner.
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disturbnot · 2 months
off work, and i have a day off tomorrow for my brother's birthday! what delightful times for shansville! i just have some food shopping to do this evening, and then (god willing) i will get some replies/starters/asks moving when i get home. hope you folks have all had a lovely timezone so far xoxo
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disturbnot · 3 months
i've been banned from the TV tonight so that the lads can watch the england match. MEANING i've been relegated to my desk and laptop. the horror! maybe this will force my hand to actually be productive for once—even though i haven't been posting much, i've been thinking about starters and replies for about a week now. will tonight be the night? god only knows. let's roll the dice >:)
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disturbnot · 2 months
no guarantees of activity today i'm afraid — it's mine and my bf's 10th anniversary! and i'm having family over for dinner later as well. untold curse of being the most competent cook in the family. will be hovering around on discord tho and will try to chip away at things i owe when i can. have a most bodacious day ash nation 😎 xoxo
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disturbnot · 1 month
other muses underestimate ash all the time hehehehehe it's so funnyyyyyyy /pos
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disturbnot · 2 months
can only apologise for my repeated promises of activity that are followed only by awkward silence. every time i have free time, my brain decides actually the stars are not quite in position for writing lmao one of them is like a millimetre out of alignment sorry. but now it's friday!!! i will try my best to pull something out of my lazy ass either later or at least over the weekend. you're all saints for waiting on me. a blessed friday to all of you xoxo
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disturbnot · 1 month
Great news I'm asking a character question. If Ash had a preference for fanfiction what would it be?
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ash streams online every so often to a considerable audience. suffice it to say, he's been goaded into reading shitty fanfiction on stream, or for other gag videos once or twice. following no small amount of mental scarring, he's sworn off the medium for life. he appreciates the creativity, he just wishes it didn't involve him and his best friend doing stuff. ( he may or may not be on the fringes of star trek fandom tho. he's almost definitely read star trek fic before. )
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disturbnot · 2 months
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consider this a small starter call. if i have enough energy after work, i'll see what i can do!
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disturbnot · 3 months
i missed yesterday's dash chatter about muns going AWOL or dropping muses — suffice it to say, whether i'm on tumblr or discord, or even if i somehow wind up back on gaia, ash will be with me. me dropping the muse is not a prospect worth fearing. me being bogged down by the 9-5 grind and having to uselessly wade through the mires of executive dysfunction, though? oh yes. fear it fear it.
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disturbnot · 2 months
i'm probably going to put a halt on new threads for the moment. i have a bunch of awesome starters to reply to as is, and no doubt if i add any more to the pile i will just get overwhelmed and not reply to any of them. which would be very sad! this does not apply to any threads i am actively planning that have yet to start; if we've been chatting about plots and threads, you're still on my docket :) just nothing brand new for the moment, at least until i make a dent in the replies/starters i owe. i also have abouuuuut 6? 7? longer lore posts drafted? i really don't make things easy for myself, do i? as always, i'm super duper grateful for your folks' patience. we will get there eventually!
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