#* / verse: stranger things ( aimee gibbs. )
immobiliter · 2 years
@harringtontm sent a meme: can you keep a secret ? — for aimee
       Aimee was reaching for one of the textbooks in her locker when Steve sidled up next to her in the corridor, all smiles and cocky confidence. Her curiosity was well and truly piqued as she shut the locker door and turned to face him, before her brows furrowed. “ OK but is this, like, a secret that’s actually gossip that Carol plans to make someone miserable with... or a secret secret? ” It was an important distinction to make. “ Like if you were harbouring a fugitive from Canada in your dad’s house or something, then of course I wouldn’t tell anyone about that. ”
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immobiliter · 1 year
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       If there was one thing Aimee knew, it was people. Specifically, the people of this school. It was one of her strengths and, if she really thought about it hard enough, likely the reason that Carol had kept her around for so long. Unassuming to most and friendly to all, there was little that Aimee couldn't find out about all sections of the student body, an endless source of information and gossip for any who might want to maliciously wield it against a particular individual. Fortunately, in this case, that meant Aimee knew exactly who the girl in the poster was when Jeremy pointed it out.
       “ Oh, she's the girl who went missing in the woods behind Steve Harrington's house. He was having a party and she just — ” Aimee snapped her fingers. “ Gone. They're saying it could have been a bear, same thing as what they're saying happened to the Byers kid who went missing a few days ago. Other people are saying she hated her parents and just ran away. ” She met Jeremy's gaze, oblivious to the idea that this subject might not have been the best one to talk about to a newcomer to this town. “ Either way, it's really fucking sad — and my mum is losing her shit about it. ”
@shadowcovcn / cont.
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