#* 【 ◇ 】 V01 。 show of the century ( main ) .
circustricks · 2 months
— @pupacirci !
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" doll , pssst ! doollll , ov'r here ! " he whispers loudly ( and not at all discreetly ) , waving the other over from his hiding place behind one of the tent poles . " c'mon now ! i haven't got all day , y'know ! "
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circustricks · 3 months
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" geez , th' boss has got t' stop namin' people just from lookin' at 'em ! " he huffed loudly , making a huge show of his displeasure . " — wot if he goes an' names someone after somethin' bad , an' then wot !? "
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circustricks · 3 months
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"  —  soooo , 'ow much y' wanna bet i could hit this apple off th' top o' yer head wiv out even grazin' a single hair ? "
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circustricks · 1 year
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“ ⸻ SO ,  i give the bugger the ol’ right ‘ook .  ye shoulda seen ‘is face !  it was the funniest thing i ‘ave ever seen ,  it was like STEAM was shootin’ right outta ‘is ears !!  that outta teach ‘im from messin’ wiv me leg . ”
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circustricks · 5 years
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TAGS ! 003 .
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