#(yes i have student debt but. not as bad as the americans.)
sciderman · 3 months
no no,, being born in debt as an american would’ve given you more power.
you wouldve been on step closer to becoming peter parker.
i don't think peter parker has much power at all unless a radioactive spider is part of the equation
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
Do you have any idea where all the money in education IS going? People talk about administrators, but their percentage of the overall budget seems lowish? Facilities are expensive, but often paid for with bequests, no? Where the hell is all the money going?
The same place it's going in every other capitalistic American enterprise: to senior executives, endowments, and other places that decidedly do not "trickle down" (because you know, it never does). See my many previous posts about how college costs skyrocketed starting in the 1980s and post-secondary higher education was transformed from something in which most of the costs were governmentally subsidized to something expected to be paid (at higher and higher levels) either privately out of the consumer's pocket or from thousands of dollars in student loans. Because you guessed it, Reaganomics.
I can tell you one place it absolutely is NOT going, i.e. salaries of faculty and staff, at least in the less capitalistically sexy fields of study. The university where I work never hurts for money in the business and law schools, but because I am in the humanities/education/history, yeah, our department's budget is not in great shape. Of course, yes, COVID hit the higher-education sector like crazy (as it did everywhere else) and universities haven't figured how to recover from that, but just as with the rest of America, it's a model that is designed to funnel the vast majority of profits, i.e. from skyrocketing student tuition rates and other increased fees, to the highly compensated senior leadership and very little to the academics who do the work that makes the place, you know, RUN.
This is a bugaboo for both me and every other academic I know, because (again, just as with the rest of capitalism) it doesn't HAVE to be this way. I shouldn't be trying to manage a department that has to rely heavily on adjunct faculty every quarter and doesn't have a sustainable long-term scheduling or research model, because we're so badly understaffed with core tenure-track faculty and they won't let us hire any more, while constantly cutting our budget and giving us laughable raises (mine, after getting sterling performance reviews across the board, was a whole... 72 extra cents an hour. I wish I was joking). There is money tied up in the institution and the establishment (and as noted, I work at a well-regarded and highly-ranked private university, so it's not a matter of not having enough), but the system distributes it in a way that is inequitable and results in enforced scarcity, especially in the humanities. It's not that there isn't money to pay us fairly, it's just that they have chosen not to, because they exist in the same capitalist system as the rest of the west.
This is why there have been strikes by graduate and early-career academics in both the UK and US (I have worked/studied/taught in both places, and they're both BAD for paying lower-level academics and even established-career academics), because they simply do not pay us enough to live on or build a career on (by a long shot, ESPECIALLY if you're the only person in your household and don't have shared expenses with a partner/roommate/several roommates). This is after most of us have several advanced degrees and the debt resulting from such. We get burned out, we can't make a living in this field, we leave, and it's hollowed out even further. So. Yeah.
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shinakkyo · 1 year
wednesday x tyler canon-divergence au wip
i wanted to write my own version of “what if wednesday managed to get out of jericho in ep. 01” fic, mostly as an excuse to write about tyler getting to be actually weird and the addams mansion (my beloved). i also wanted to try writing a multi-chaptered fic again instead of a long one-shot, to like reeeeeally explore the slow burn and to devote time to write about the house as a proper character (did i mention i love her?).
this fic will probably be rated M or E, but it starts pretty tame :)
please lmk your thoughts!!
cw: derogatory language, torture, death (canon typical, not overly graphic)
In some other reality, one that is bloodier in that teenage-drama-show way, Wednesday bumps into someone while scurrying through the Harvest Festival with the sheriff’s son, and it triggers a vision that makes her change her goals of Getting Out of Jericho to Preventing a Killing, and, instead of leaving behind this town threaded with her parent’s memories, she lives out her own murder mystery story, with enough twists and plot holes that any publisher would delight in turning into a full trilogy, under a signed contract that made sure the author died in obscurity and full of debt. 
Wouldn’t that be a dream come true. 
But as it stands, she is on Tyler Galpin’s passenger seat, watching the city’s lights fade amidst the trees as they drive to the nearest train station, with Thing attempting to play hangman with her on the condensation building on the window. She is only paying attention to him halfheartedly, losing on purpose even though she knew at first glance the word was “fratricide”; there are things mildly more pressing at the moment, like the anxious clenching and unclenching of Tyler’s hands on the steering wheel that looks calculated to make Wednesday demand him to stop that. And thus start a conversation.
Just when she thought the uncomfortable silence between them was getting to the good part.
He sighs an apology and takes a big breath to calm his nerves down, relaxing his posture, and Wednesday thinks that will be the end of his little show as the resident Anguished Small Town Boy, but she catches him sneaking a glance at her, and really, it was dreadfully naïve of her to expect anything else; she knows that she might as well be the equivalent to a haunted paperback edition of a Ripley’s Believe It or Not! anthology to someone like him. 
“Can I ask you something? Yes, other than this.”  There is a hint of a smirk on his lips when he catches the way Wednesday’s eyes shift from capricious antagonism to quiet amusement at his quick amendment. She nods, and he looks back at the road, the cliché maneuver to feign nonchalance that Wednesday didn’t think she’d see in person so soon.
“Was Nevermore that bad? I mean, I get wanting to leave Jericho as soon as you arrive in that town, but… I don’t know, the students there seem happy. Like it’s worth it all.”  There’s curiosity in his voice, but also something that sounds a little like envy, a feeling that Wednesday finds difficult to comprehend when she thinks of what in that school he could be envious of. 
She decides to entertain him, given his puzzling generosity that so far is working to her benefit. “I suppose, all high school experiences considered, it’s not quite as vexing.”  She pauses, focusing her look on his profile so their eyes meet, and holds a stare contest that he, naturally, loses. “The student body was just full of your common American high school clichés, though. Teenagehood is the same whether you’re a normie or a gorgon, after all.” 
Tyler frowns in confusion, mouthing to himself what the fuck is a gorgon while looking at the road, and it makes the corner of Wednesday’s lips twitch minutely in what only an Addams could tell was a smile, her expression remaining neutral to anyone else. The time she spent in Jericho was enough to have her thinking like a simple minded girl when she observes that there was something about this boy that made him feel more deserving of her attention than most, enough to prompt her to ask a question to keep the conversation going.
“And you? Why is that the sheriff’s son is so angst-filled over his provincial hometown that he would aid an outcast in her escape, but not go away himself?”  The question apparently surprises him, his eyes widening as his hands clench around the steering wheel once again. Wednesday waits for his answer but she’s getting bored by the minute with this, there’s not much he could say that would be actually interesting, and she doesn’t really care about the mundane day-to-day drama of small towns built on racist history. 
He relaxes again after they pass a sign with the directions to the train station, some miles away from them still. “There’s not much to it, really. I spent a year at a boot camp for… misguided behavior, now I guess I’m repenting. It’s hard to just leave when your dad is the sheriff, too.”  Wednesday catches him glancing at her, searching for a reaction, probably wanting to see shock or surprise on her face. There’s a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes when he doesn’t find it, and Wednesday takes pity on him just for her own continued amusement, taking the bait.
“What exactly was your misguided behavior? Did you kill someone?”  Another car passes by them at that moment, and for a second there’s an unnatural flash of red on Tyler’s eyes, but his expression is relaxed and amused, like he thinks Wednesday’s question was a joke and he didn’t think she was capable of those, so she dismisses the red in his eyes as a reflection of light. “No, actually… I destroyed a Nevermore student’s mural and beat him up, for no reason other than being stupid, I guess.” His self-deprecating tone takes a bitter turn when he continues: “There were others with me, those guys bothering you at the Weathervane, but I was the one who got blamed for everything.” 
That was exactly the kind of meaningless misdeed Wednesday expected to hear, something so completely abecedarian when it came to the typical activities of a high school boy that she couldn’t help but huff in amusement. At least her short stay in Jericho entertained her with its microcosmic banality, as if she had spent her week at a theme park of stale white bread americana, reminiscent of that summer camp she went to as a child. 
They could see the signs pointing towards the train station now, more lights coming into view the closer they got, and as Tyler was doing a right turn to get to the station’s parking lot, his phone flashed with a notification from where it was sitting inside the cup holder. “Can you check what that was for me? If it’s a text just tell me who the sender is.”  He looked worried, and Wednesday supposed that maybe they were already past his curfew, she wasn't paying attention to the time.
She reached out to pick up his phone at the same time he reached out to change gears, and in that fraction of a second where their hands touched, an electric current replaced the blood in her veins, lighting her up like her least favorite electric chair, and the last thing she felt before her vision went black was Thing, running up her arm trying to keep her head upright as she passed out.
She doesn’t recognize this place.
Rough stone walls with unnatural scratch marks, the putrid-sweet smell of decay, specks of dust glittering in the air when she looks around and hears before she sees a figure— curled up against a corner, heavy chains around its neck, ankles and wrists, breathing erratically.
She gets closer to it, the sound of her footsteps echoing loudly in this cave-like place, as if she was trying to make herself noticed and intimidating at the same time, and the figure against the wall curls up even more, making himself smaller. She's close enough now to see it’s a boy, naked and covered in a thin veil of sweat, with red distressed marks where the chains are rough against his skin, and needle-like punctures on his arms. 
Wednesday stands right in front of him and lifts his face up with the toe of her boot, a bright red that makes her want to itch with allergies, and Tyler Galpin looks back at her, hair disheveled and eyes red from tears but hollow with fear, his pupils dilated as if he was high. She doesn’t understand—
“Well, you were useless after all. I should’ve known, and yet I put my trust in you—” She gets interrupted by a slurred mantra of “sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry” from Tyler, his voice small and hoarse, and kicks him on his throat, making him choke and gasp when the chains pull against his neck with the impact. 
Why is she saying these things? That was not her voice, but she knows it, she—
“Did I give you permission to speak? Like this you’re no better than any of those other freaks, did you know that? I’m so disappointed, honey.” Her tone is deceptively sweet but her words are cold, cutting, and Tyler looks up at her with hope and then confusion, like a trained dog thinking he’ll be taken for a walk, only to find himself at the veterinarian to get neutered. 
She thinks she sees a reflection of copper hair in his eyes, but she can’t remember—
There’s a syringe in her hand now, and she can actually smell the fear and panic in Tyler’s sweat, acidic and salty mixed with the distinctive iron of the blood now dripping from where the chains cut into his skin. He’s shaking like a cornered animal, and Wednesday feels her mouth curl in a saccharine smile when she gets close to him.
There’s no way her face could pull such an expression, she’s physically incapable of it, no way, no—
“In the end that girl left you, didn’t she? See how nobody wants you close? How you’re only good as a tool, as a toy? And yet you had the audacity to betray me. Honestly, baby boy, you did this to yourself.” 
She holds him by his chin, brushing a thumb over his cheekbone in mocking tenderness, catching a tear in her manicured nail, while her other hand pushes the needle deep into his neck, and his eyes go from wet and pleading to a dull emptiness in a matter of seconds.
Wednesday chuckles as she sees his wrists falling limp to his sides, and a hint of blue tinging his lips.
The sound of a body slamming down on the ground and the rattling of chains echo in the cave.
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icebluecyanide · 5 months
Alex Rider S03E05 Reaction
Once again posting my unspoilered reactions to the episode as I continue to go 😻 at Yassen being Alex's tutor.
They’re going to agree?? I guess in this case they don’t have to rely on the Americans to agree
“We do not negotiate with terrorists” ashdfhsldh Scorpia is very funny for that but also what is their plan?? I can only assume that they do actually want to cripple the UK or just get at the Department because I don’t believe Scorpia gives a damn about the debt
“He’s out there being a teenager because of us” lmao yes Alex doing normal teen stuff joining a criminal organisation to take down the government Department that blackmailed him
They just figure out it’s inhalation?? Well that’s easy lol
Why is Alex the one bringing him in ahsldfhs. What is the point of involving Alex in the meet and greet lmao
Max Grendel calling Julia Rothman out on it being personal 👀👀 I mean, yeah, definitely, but also what’s with his changing motives lol
They just find the tubes?? Lol I guess they will not need Alex for any of it
I wonder if Syl will be the one sent to kill Alex at the end, if the shooting happens like in the book
How did they send the package??
Love Yassen implicitly calling Alex’s handwriting illegible lol
Why does Alex think they will tell him what he’s stealing ahsflhd get with the program Alex, this is not a safe space for questions
“I don’t want you to fail. I don’t want you to die” 😭🥺 Also I assume Yassen is gonna kill Grendel lol
“You wouldn’t have a clue” gosh the horror with Alex not knowing he could die at any moment
Lmao that smoke was some bad CGI, but I do love Yassen and Alex working together
Yassen being there to kill was very unsurprising but still a nice plot twist, he’s so polite offering to let Grendel finish his drink 🥰 Alex is so shocked lol
I was cruelly torn away from the ep right as Alex told Tom to leave and Yassen walked out, this tension is unbearable 😭
And then nothing happens lol I need an AU where Yassen catches them
Alex yelling at Mrs Rothman about getting him involved in murder… Alex bb I love you but you joined the murder organisation, you cannot be surprised when they commit murder in front of you like they did several times before
Though in fairness to Alex it’s probably more that he feels culpable and that he thought Max was on their side that bothers him
Ohh so we are blaming Mrs Jones!! Excited to get the assassination attempt, but really no idea how Scorpia thinks Alex is going to take the shot in this universe
Lots of Yassen and Alex scenes which was great! Loved the mission and Yassen shooting Grendel as he did. I’m a bit sad that Alex is no longer the key to dismantling Invisible Sword like in the book because they seem to have been able to work out the weapon pretty easily. Very excited to see the assassination attempt and more Yassen and Alex.
Noticed the students all sleeping together in bunk beds, and gosh it’s such a difference from the luxury in the book, where Scorpia is all money and the good life and even the killing is there, but it’s talked about like it’s very understandable that Alex is having trouble, he’s young, he just needs to see that it’s not so scary. While here they are a lot harsher on him, and I do miss the contrast with Alex’s experiences with the Department. Although I suppose Yassen is providing the ‘nice’ side of Scorpia here, along with Julia Rothman’s manipulation.
So we get confirmation that Julia is doing this for revenge against the UK and the Department, like Mrs Jones brings up, they don’t care about the aid. And like no offence but why did it take them that long to work that out ahsdlfhs. We also get told as a viewer that Alex already has the particles inside him (and no mention of it passing out of his system here), but Alex himself doesn’t know yet, which is a shame because I loved that in the book Alex is the only one who knows and he doesn’t tell them.
Gosh Alex telling Tom that he messed up was good, and I love his desperation in telling them to get out. I’d love an AU where Yassen does catch them and things go horribly wrong and tense.
I’m guessing Alex can get home pretty easily in this and that’s when we get the scene at the grave that was in the trailer and him telling Jack he knows who killed his father.
Once again, what does Yassen know?? He wants Alex to live so he’s clearly not on board with Mrs Rothman’s scheme, or at least it seems highly unlikely. But why assign him to Alex when Alex seems to be someone he cares about if they plan to kill him?
What’s the transmitter going to look like? Will there be a Church of Forgotten Saints? Given that we got Mrs Rothman walking around that miniature of a church in the first episode, I’m assuming there might be something like in canon, but perhaps not with the air balloon.
Is Kyra going to think that Alex was more involved with the murder than he was? She definitely saw they went in there to kill someone, so that could lead to interesting angst.
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kaninchenzero · 1 year
dear fucking little frogs and fishes how can tenure be about protecting intellectual freedom when it creates an entrenched hierarchy by design yeah i get that the current right wing assaults on universities and colleges are bad but they're bad because they're doing literal nazi shit here
there is much about colleges and universities in the united states to criticize from the left
like the white supremacist and settler colonial dominion they hold over legitimizing knowledge
their role in creating economic precarity through student debt
their participation in chattel slavery and genocide of turtle island's indigenous people
their exploitation of their employees
i personally would like to see this system destroyed and replaced with something more community centered
i don't have a singular model for what this would look like and wouldn't propose one if i did since that would not be community centered of me but probably its focus should not be on job slash career preparation but enabling people to learn things for the joy of learning them
yes i'm am idealist, yes this feels unrealistic, we have been deluged with capitalist realism for years and years until liberation becomes conceptually impossible
anyway i don't trust a union that claims to be defending truth justice and the american way especially when the union is of people invested with with a great deal of power over and a history of systematized abuse of the people they notionally serve
so like cops, fire rescue people, university professors, medical professionals
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thats-so-kailyn · 8 months
Trump would be worse don’t Fucking
Dont fucking abandon the voting process just because we have to choose between two shitstains
One shitstain can at least vaguely be coerced into doing what the majority of Americans want. Trump literally tried to overthrow the election.
Yes fascism is entrenched in America yes joe Biden is a fucking Zionist yes everything is on fire around us
But for the love of god shut the fuck up about “Joe is just as bad” because he objectively is not.
I fucking. HATE Joe Biden. I think he’s scum. But he’s at least scum that won’t call for the eradication of the T in LGBT and will try and protect roe v wade and freezes student loan debt interest for a while.
for fucks sake gain some perspective.
Also? Trump isn’t going to free Palestine. So if your biggest beef is over Biden being a Zionist with vested interests in isreal maintaining power in the Middle East… I got bad news for you.
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A Reminiscence
Have you ever met and become acquainted with someone whose personality and behavior were so unusual and impressive that you felt that you had to always remember them?
If your answer to my question is "Yes," then I have to ask "Is that person 'larger than life?'"
For the remainder of this piece, I won't use the term 'larger than life,' as I feel that it is a misleading use of language.
Some context is necessary with this piece, here, at Tumblr, so I will reference a movie that some people might recognize and, maybe, some movie lovers have seen. It's a Hollywood movie...
The central character of the movie THE GAMBLER is named Axel Freed and he is played by James Caan. In the movie's first sequence, Axel is presented as someone who is in debt for many thousands of dollars. He is, also, a character who seems to be addicted to gambling. Simultaneously, he's been frequenting an after-hours gambling joint located somewhere in New York City and also working as a College professor teaching literature to undergraduate students.
The manager of the after-hours gambling joint, nicknamed Hips (Paul Sorvino), tells Axel "...You're the last person I want something bad happening to." In response, Axel angrily and repeatedly says he can pay his debt.
This same manager character arranges for Axel to meet an associate who will negotiate a payment plan for the many thousands of dollars that he owes. A messenger character is sent to bring Axel to the manager's associate.
The messenger character, named Carmine (Burt Young), arrives driving a convertible, picks up Axel on schedule, and makes a stop before delivering him to an unspecified bar to meet with the manager's associate.
Recently, when I was watching THE GAMBLER on DVD, I did not have any information regarding the details of the plot. I had watched the movie, once, when it was first in theaters, here, in the U.S.A. in 1974. And that included anything about what happens during the 'stop.' I watched this particular scene play out and I thought about someone I met and became acquainted with, many years ago.
Put it another way: Carmine was like someone I met and became acquainted with, many years ago.
So I have to share the details...
In July of 1983, I moved into an apartment in a neighborhood in the Bronx that was new to me. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, a happy time for me, since, prior to this new apartment, I had lived with roommates. This was my place, I lived alone. And it is where I live, to this day.
This was -- and is -- a brick building, with three floors, a flat roof, twelve apartments, two entrance/exit doors in the front, and two addresses. Of the twelve apartments, ten were two-bedroom apartments, and two were studios. I moved into one of the two studio apartments.
At that time, the landlord was an overweight Greek woman who lived with her husband in one of the apartments on the second floor. And in her first conversation with me, she advised that I shouldn't pay attention to the tenants congregating outside the front of the building; i.e., I should not pay attention to what they talk about. I thought that was odd and simply went about my business moving in.
A few weeks later, I took the time to introduce myself to as many of the tenants as I could. I learned that other than the landlord, the majority of the tenants were Italian-American. And they, generally, had negative things to say about the landlord.
As for the other tenants, I became acquainted with one whom I will always remember. He went by a number of names and I never learned which one was on his birth certificate. I saw mail addressed to Gerald Berman and mail addressed to Gerald Pascarelli. He also had a nickname: Gerry B. For the remainder of this piece, I will refer to him as Gerry.
At first, I was aware that Gerry lived with his wife, but some weeks after I moved into my new apartment, Gerry told me that she had left him to go live with her mother. I never saw her, again.
Gerry was short in height, standing about 5'2." He was squat, powerfully built. His skin coloring was dark. He looked sun tanned. He spoke with a thick Italian accent that made him difficult to understand. He was quick to anger, frequently argumentative, and he liked to get in a person's face. He had many personal quirks -- so many that I can't remember. He smoked thin cigars and frequently bet on horses. He always seemed to have an on-going feud with some of the other Italian-American tenants. And he loved to gossip.
If there was some on-going news story that people in general liked to talk about (example: the Long Island Lolita), he enjoyed making comments about some new aspect of the story and would speculate about the District Attorney.
From time to time, Gerry would invite me to visit him, so some three or four years after I moved in, I went to talk to him on a weekday evening, in his apartment. I recall that I was upset about something having to do with my job (I was working as a secretary in a child welfare agency) and had nobody to talk to. So I went to his apartment.
I found him in his kitchen, seated at a cluttered table. He twas smoking one of his thin cigars and there was a small jug bottle of his favorite inexpensive red wine on the table. And we started to talk.
The conversation went on for more than an hour and, although I don't remember all of the subjects, some stand out in my mind.
He absolutely detested Ronald Reagan who was President at that time.
He absolutely detested the gas and electric company, commonly known, here, as Con Edison.
He talked about his father and showed me a small black and white photograph of him that was lying on the table.
He showed me a black and white framed photograph that was hanging on the wall right across from where we were seated. In the photograph were four well-dressed young men seated at a table, in what looked to be a restaurant or nightclub. One of the young men was a young Gerry. He looked to be in his late 20s and he was having a good time, when the photograph was taken.
I stared at the photograph of a young Gerry. It occurred to me that the young version of Gerry had facial features similar to an actor who had been in the cast of the Hollywood movie, THE GODFATHER. And I told him so.
Well, Gerry started talking to me about the place where the photograph was taken. According to Gerry, he went into partnership running a banquet hall/nightclub in the Bronx and that some of his business partners were connected to the mob.
The banquet hall/nightclub included an upstairs that had rooms for private parties and, evidently, some of those parties were X-rated. Well known entertainers often came to the banquet hall/nightclub to perform.
As Gerry continued talking about his past, he implied that he would do favors for his connected partners -- like hold onto something, with no questions asked. A gun, perhaps? Gerry would not be specific, as we sat talking to each other in the kitchen of his apartment.
Eventually, after some ninety minutes, I returned to my apartment.
Gerry and I continued talking to each other, as the days and weeks and months progressed. There were a few other times that I would visit him in his apartment. I noticed that he had a problem with one of his legs. He also told me that his doctor prescribed nitroglycerin pills that he had to take.
Eventually, Gerry had a dispute with a new landlord and refused to pay rent. And, suddenly, Gerry was nowhere to be found. it was a mystery. And the other tenants had nothing to say about the mystery. The mystery remained a mystery.
What do I think happened? I think someone in the neighborhood telephoned Gerry's son who lived in a town called Saratoga Springs in upstate New York and told the son that Gerry was having problems. The son dove to the Bronx and took Gerry away.
I never saw Gerry, again.
When I think about that scene in the Hollywood movie with the character Carmine, I think about Gerry. And I recommend that movie lovers, here, at Tumblr, track down a copy of THE GAMBLER, just to watch that scene. I'm reasonably certain that you will never forget the way that the scene plays out.
And I will always remember Gerry.
-- Drew Simels
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Law School Student Loans: What You Need to Know
Student loans are a necessary evil for most law students. Unless you have wealthy parents or scholarships, you will likely need to take out some form of student loan in order to pay for law school. The bad news is that law school student loans come with high interest rates and can be difficult to pay back. The good news is that there are many repayment options available, and there are organizations that can help you navigate the process. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of law school student loans, repayment options, and ways to get help with your loans.
Different types of loan
First, it’s important to understand the different types of law school student loans available. The most common type is federal student loans, which are funded by the government and typically have lower interest rates than private loans. These come in two forms: Direct Subsidized Loans, where the government pays the interest while you are in school, and Direct Unsubsidized Loans, where the interest accrues while you are in school.
Private loans, on the other hand, come from banks or private lenders and often have higher interest rates and less flexible repayment options. It’s important to exhaust all federal loan options before taking out private loans for law school.
Repayment options
Once you have graduated and begin to pay back your loans, it’s important to understand the different repayment options available. A standard repayment plan involves fixed monthly payments for up to 10 years. However, there are also income-driven repayment plans, where your monthly payments are based on your income and family size. These plans can also potentially lead to loan forgiveness after a certain amount of time.
It’s important to note that if you are having trouble making payments, there may be options for deferment or forbearance, where your payments are temporarily paused. However, interest will still accrue during this time.
Getting help
Navigating law school student loans can be overwhelming and confusing. Fortunately, there are organizations that can offer guidance and assistance. The American Bar Association offers resources for managing law school debt, and there are also non-profit organizations such as the National Consumer Law Center’s Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project that offer information and advocacy for student loan borrowers. Your law school may also have resources or counseling available.
It’s never too early to start thinking about your law school student loan repayment plan. By understanding the different types of loans and repayment options, and getting help from trusted organizations, you can take control of your law school debt and successfully navigate repayment.
What is the interest rate on law school student loans?
The interest rate varies depending on the type of loan and when it was taken out. Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans were taken out for the 2019-2020 academic year and have a fixed interest rate of 4.53%. Private loans will typically have higher interest rates, but they can vary greatly from lender to lender.
Can I defer my law school student loans while I’m in a graduate program?
It depends on the type of loan and the terms of your deferment. Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans can often be deferred while you are enrolled in a graduate or professional program, but private loans may not have this option. It’s important to check the terms of your loan and contact your lender for more information.
Can I consolidate my law school student loans?
Yes, you can consolidate federal student loans through the Direct Consolidation Loan program, which can potentially lower your monthly payments and simplify the repayment process. Private loans cannot be consolidated through this program, but you may be able to consolidate them with a private lender. It’s important to carefully consider the terms and potential impact on interest rates before consolidating loans.
What if I can’t afford to pay back my law school student loans?
If you are having trouble making payments, it’s important to contact your lender and explore options such as deferment or income-driven repayment plans. It’s also important to consider seeking legal assistance through organizations such as the National Consumer Law Center’s Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project or your law school’s resources. Defaulting on student loans can have serious consequences, so it’s important to seek help and explore options before letting loans go into default.
Are there government loans for law school?
Yes, federal student loans such as Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans are available for law school students. It’s important to note that federal loans have borrowing limits and must be repaid, while some private lenders may offer loans with no borrowing limit but may have higher interest rates and may not have options for deferment or income-driven repayment.
Can I have my law school student loans forgiven?
There are limited options for loan forgiveness, such as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program for borrowers in certain public service jobs or the Income-Based Repayment and Pay As You Earn plans, which forgive remaining loan balances after a certain number of years of consistent payments. It’s important to carefully consider the terms and potential impact on interest rates before consolidating loans. It’s also important to note that loan forgiveness programs can change, so it’s important to stay informed and contact your lender or a trusted organization for updated information.
The bottom line
Navigating law school student loans can be intimidating, but by understanding the different types of loans and repayment options available and seeking help from trusted resources, you can take control of your debt and successfully navigate repayment. It’s never too early to start planning for loan repayment, so don’t hesitate to start researching and seeking guidance. Good luck on your journey toward loan repayment.
Originally Published Here: Law School Student Loans: What You Need to Know
from Harbourfront Technologies - Feed https://harbourfronts.com/law-school-student-loans/
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academyguide · 2 years
Loan forgiveness is having a moment, and while I think the most recent move is a positive step it does not address the root of the problem and is the equivalent of putting a bandaid on a severed limb. Debt, primarily student debt, is a leading cause of the racial wealth gap and if we want to see real change we have to address the root - reattach the limb if we want to stick with my metaphor.In order to understand the solution, we have to really understand how we got here. Today we're going to talk about how college got so freaking expensive in America? Some facts:How we compareAmericans spend 2x the amount on college tuition compared other developed countries. BUT a third of these countries cover the cost of college for students (aka keep it free for students), while one third keep the cost at or below $2,400 for students. Meaning, it doesn't have to be this bad!!How colleges are fundedAmerica has three types of colleges that are funded in different ways:1. Public (i.e. state universities): 3/4 of students attend public universities. They are funded by a mix of state and local funding, tuition dollars paid by students, and federal aid. 2. Private non-profit: Rely on endowment funds and student paid tuition for funding (not state/local funding). 3. For-profit colleges: We don't have time for this but these are the Strayers and DeVrys of the world.How did college tuition go up so fast?Tuition costs have increased three-fold in the last 30 years - aka it wasn't always this bad. Over the past 30 years, faced with rising healthcare costs and requirements to balance budgets, states and local governments have been redirecting funds from education to other areas- aka defunding education (yes, when lawmakers were out here acting brand new to the idea of defunding the police they'd been doing for literal decades with education). As their main funding source dropped, public universities did two things:Shifted costs to the students (i.e. increased tuition)Targeted out-of-state and international students who paid full tuition. In order to attract the wealthiest out-of-state and international students the colleges needed either 1) high rankings or 2) to pull some stunts. Both are extremely costly, let's break it down:Rankings are helped by some costly factors:Low student:faculty ratios (very little research supports benefits of small college class sizes and this requirement is unique to American colleges) which means to be competitive colleges need more faculty members. High amount of faculty-published research which means faculty need to focus more time on research so even more faculty are required to support the above requirement. And colleges pay a higher dollar for the all-star researchers."Campus life" like extracurriculars and support for students which creates a whole other set of non-academic costs like directors, program managers, deans, and service providers.Pulling stunts are costly too - these are things like national ranking sports teams (think all-star coaching staff, player facilities to attract the best athletes) and campus amenities (state of the art dining halls, fancy dorms). Each year as more colleges get more competitive, the ante gets upped and it gets a little costlier to keep up, adding expenses that are not covered by a system that continues defunding the colleges, and so the cost is transferred to the students. Defunding education is uniquely American, as is entrepreneurializing (I made that word up) education, and hence we have the most expensive secondary education in the world.The impact of rising tuition costs on the racial wealth gap2. 60% of Black college students do not graduate, and while there are a host of factors that contribute to this, when researchers correct for students receiving financial support the Black graduation rate matches the white graduation rate. But again, lack of generational wealth and lack of liquidity and other systemic issues make it so Black families are less likely to be able to provide financial support at the same level as white families.
3. The majority of high achieving, low income students (in the top 4% of students) opt not to apply to highly selective colleges due to costs. This unfortunately often puts them into more debt than if they had gone to financial-aid heavy selective colleges, but this guidance is rarely available to low income students.4. A $1,000 increase in undergrad tuition is associated with a 6% drop in campus diversity.5. The cost of college deters many low income students from even applying to college. Source link
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Princess Sara
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And now I return for more World Masterpiece Theater.
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Today’s classic is something I’m somewhat familiar with. The series is loosely based on the novel titled, “A Little Princess” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. There were several adaptations for film and television throughout the past several decades including a Shirley Temple film in the late 1930’s, an Americanized version in the 90s, and about a bajillion Filipino adaptations. The one I’m most familiar with was the one that came out in 1995. I remember this film very well as it was played a lot in my youth and as an adult, I would come across it from time to time on HBO or some other station playing it. It was fine and all, but I knew that this film took artistic liberties and changed around a lot from the novel.
After watching several of these World Masterpiece Theater animes, I’ve come to realize that these series are pretty damn accurate when it comes to capturing the original source material. I mean yes, Les Mis took a lot of liberties to remove several characters from being killed off, but it was still top tier best version. All of these animes have to take a few liberties as they are all G-Rated. But they’re still very good nevertheless. I was curious about this particular story for the longest time and thought it was high-time I sit down and watch the anime version.
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Sara Crewe and her father arrive in London from India. Back home, Sara was treated a lot like a princess and she acted like one. Not the bad kind, the Princess Diana kind, she’s a sweetheart. Sara is about to be admitted to a boarding school, Miss Minchin’s all-girl’s boarding school that is! Once at school, Sara was beloved by most of the students and praised by teachers due to her academic skills. On top of which, her father is loaded! Yeah, her father is in the diamond business back in India and so he has enough money to keep her daughter happy.
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Unfortunately, when Sara’s father dies news also comes that the family is bankrupt leaving Sara without a penny to her name. Surely Miss Minchin will care for the poor orphan girl, right? Ha, I already know this story. Miss Minchin strips Sara of her education, clothes, and housing. Even though she tossed around the idea of casting the orphaned girl to the streets, Miss Minchin takes pity on the girl. Sara will live in a cold attic and work as a scullery maid. Sara is to do as she’s told by her higher-ups, never talk with the other students, and must work until she pays off her debts to Miss Minchin.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As I’ve mentioned in the past, only a few of the World Masterpiece Theater animes were dubbed into English. And this was one of them…sorta! Our good friends at Animax did one. And if you’re unfamiliar, this is the company from Southeast Asia that dubs anime into English. And if that still doesn’t ring a bell, look up the Cardcaptor Sakura dub and you’ve got your answer. As usual, this anime has made its way across the globe to many different countries and territories. Apparently, it was a big hit in the Philippines. So much so that there’s a plethora of memes surrounding this one series! As for the cast, it’s a mixture of veteran voice actors that are still voicing today, lesser-known voices, and one-timers. And as this is a part of the World Masterpiece Theater collection, some voice actors here were heard in other works throughout the years like Naoko Watanabe and Eiko Yamada. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Sara is played by Sumi Shimamoto (known for Okita’s sister on Gintama, Kanata on Lucky Star, Ishizu on YGO, and Flora on Berserk 2016)
*Becky is played by Teiyuu Ichiryuusai (known for Masao on Crayon Shin-chan)
*Miss Minchin is played by Taeko Nakanishi
DISLIKED CHARACTERS: Oh-ho-ho, I knew going in that I was going to hate two specific characters! Those two are Lavinia and Miss Minchin. Though when I watched the movie, it was more of a hatred for Miss Minchin overall and Lavinia was a passing thought. Has this anime changed my thoughts on these two?
Right from the starting gate, they are both detestable and will continue to be that.
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Lavinia is a snot-nosed brat who gets jealous every time Sara gets attention from the teachers. But the greatest injustice done to Lavinia was that Miss Minchin took Lavinia’s role of class rep and gave it to Sara. So the bitch was butt-hurt. But when Sara’s father died and she loses her wealth, Lavinia showed absolutely no sadness. In fact, she was the only person in the room smiling. What a bitch! And when Sara became a scullery maid for the seminary, Lavinia made sure to screw around with Sara by any means necessary. She gets a kick from making the poor girl suffer or get yelled at. Seriously, every time you see this snot-nosed brat glare at Sara I’m screaming, “JUST LEAVE THE POOR GIRL ALONE!”
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Thank God there was a second of peace. Lavinia’s father learned that Sara was once a student but is now a scullery maid and Lavinia being so insistent that Sara become her personal maid. He slapped the freckles off that bitch’s face. Give that father a cash prize and a trophy! Mind you I said one second of peace. The next episode she was right back giving Sara (and Becky) a hard time. Lavinia does so much to Sara that I can’t believe Sara managed to remain civil throughout the entire ordeal.
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And as for Miss Minchin, she’s had it out for Sara from minute one. But because her father was wealthy, she decided to use Sara to show off to high society people. And the brewing point for Miss Minchin to vow vengeance against Sara was because Sara hid the fact that she was fluent in French. The audacity of this bitch! But again, because of Sara’s father, she sucked up. Miss Minchin’s true colors came out in front of Sara when it’s learned of her father’s death and failed diamond business. No pity on the girl who just lost everything. She was ready to throw her out on the street, but was begged by others to keep her as a maid.
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Miss Minchin would be terrible to Sara. She physically abused her, starved her, forced her to live in unlivable conditions, and had the other workers (Molly and James) work her like a slave. One of the worst moments was when Sara got severely ill. Never mind pushing Sara to the point of illness, this woman had to think for a moment to get a credible doctor to look at her. She got the cheapest, drunkest doctor they could find who misdiagnosed her. Miss Minchin even thought about sending Sara to a sanitorium if this persists. Bitch, I can’t even with you! At least in this version, Miss Minchin never sent the police on Sara. Of the three versions to this story I’ve watched, I think this Miss Minchin was the cruelest. Only because we do witness her slapping Sara several times!
SHIPPING: I know I shouldn’t be shipping anyone with anybody. Most of the people in this story are young. VERY YOUNG! As for the adults, there were no romantic interests for anyone here. It’s plainly clear that Miss Minchin is going to die a spinster. None of the teachers had secret relationships with some guy like in the Shirley Temple version. And Miss Amelia didn’t run off with the milk man like in the 1995 version! None of that went down in this adaptation.
With that said…
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Peter x Sara is cute! I would support the hell out of this even though it probably isn’t canon.
ACCURATE OR NOT: So let’s see if Princess Sara really stacks up to the novel “A Little Princess”.
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*Oh-ho-ho, time to nail my childhood to a wall. As you know, I’m well familiar with the 1995 rendition of A Little Princess. If you’re like me and know this film from start to finish, get ready to have the balloon pop. Becky’s not black. The story takes place in London, not New York City. The story really takes place in the late 1800s, not World War I times. Ralph Crewe didn’t leave his daughter to fight in a war. And finally the most important fact, Ralph Crewe remains dead. Most of the things I mentioned here were used correctly in this adaptation.
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*There are some new characters added to the series. And quite frankly, I’m not entirely sure who these people are. Except for the animals! With the exception of Ram Dass’s monkey, I don’t think Miss Minchin’s cat Cesar nor the family of rats exist.
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*Most things in this anime are pretty accurate to the original source. But there’s a good chance that most of the episodes were either fabricated or stretched out to fit the running time. You know, fillers! Call me crazy, but I don’t think the book had chapters involving a Halloween party. Same goes for that episode where Amelia opens up to Sara about her past with her sister.
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*It is unknown how long this experience for Sara lasts anime-wise. In the book, Sara’s time at Miss Minchin’s seminary was approximately 2 years. The way I see it, I don’t think Sara was a scullery maid for more than a year in the anime. If she were, we would have probably gotten an episode of Sara celebrating her first birthday without her father.
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ENDING: Around episode 30, the home next to Miss Minchin’s seminary was sold to a gentleman from India named Mr. Carrisford. He was able to survive a gnarly bout with Jungle Fever, although now he’s confined to a wheel chair. But Mr. Carrisford has an overwhelming sense of guilt due to how things went down in India. See, he convinced his long-time friend to go into business with him involving a diamond mine. But the friend died from his Jungle Fever, leaving behind a daughter and a whole legal battle involving bankruptcy.
In case you’re not keeping up, Mr. Carrisford’s friend is Ralph Crewe, Sara’s father. Sara is just several feet from the gentleman who can save her from the living hell of Miss Minchin’s seminary.
But Medea, we’ve got over 15 episodes left!
Correct, dipshit! Mr. Carrisford doesn’t remember a lot, probably due to the Jungle Fever. He doesn’t remember Ralph’s daughter’s name. And he forgot where Sara was sent for her education. In fact, he was way off. Mr. Carrisford had his friend travel by boat to France in search for this girl. So I’m sitting here episode-after-episode screaming at the screen, “SHE’S RIGHT THERE, YOU IDIOT”. But because of Sara’s friendship with Ram Dass (Carrisford’s caretaker), he saw to it to repay Sara for her kindness. Ram Dass would spend days and nights going to the attic to give Sara warm blankets, clothes, and food. Sara thought it was a magic spell or a guardian angel looking out for her. It wasn’t long before Miss Minchin saw these special items in the attic and threw Sara out to sleep in a horse stable.
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Things only get worse from here when one night the stable catches on fire and Sara almost burned to death. And then she gets blamed by Miss Minchin for starting the fire! This is the one and only time I’ve ever seen Sara stand up to Miss Minchin as she was not at fault. I know it’d be asking too much to have Sara tell Miss Minchin to fuck off, but this was big for Sara to stand up for herself. In actuality, Lottie accidentally dropped a candle when she was scared by (you guessed it) Lavinia and her friends. But no, Miss Minchin jumped to every wrong conclusion and threw Sara out of the seminary. Fortunately, Sara was taken in by Peter and his family and she was even able to get a job like many of the other children in the area.
Sara’s going to be a little match girl!
This anime hurts to watch. This anime hurts a lot.
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Thankfully Sara’s stint as a little match girl was short-lived as Miss Amelia came looking for her and brought her back to the seminary. The only reason behind that is because there was a big care package addressed to Sara. Miss Minchin made it very clear that she still despises Sara. But Minchin flips her light-switch when she sees the care package contained beautiful clothing and such. Because she thought Sara was being watched by a wealthy and anonymous family member, she allows Sara to live in the attic and attend classes instead of doing chores with Becky. She goes back to kissing her ass. Again, the audacity of this bitch!
Moving back to Mr. Carrisford’s dilemma! He sent his solicitor to France in search of Ralph Crewe’s daughter. He returned with no such luck of a daughter. Then, they decide to hone their search to right here in England because this is where Ralph was from. Thankfully, fate intervened before they start another grand search as Sara came by the home to return Ram Dass’s monkey. Here it is, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Sara meeting Mr. Carrisford! He learns Sara knows some Hindu and grew up in India. He put 2+2 together and realized the girl from next door he’s been secretly helping was really Ralph Crewe’s daughter all along!
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When Miss Minchin went next door to retrieve Sara, she was in for the shock of her life. Carrisford is going to adopt Sara. The diamond mine that was rumored to be a bust, was really fortuitous. Sara’s debts are wiped away. Not only is she inheritor to her father’s share, but she will also obtain Carrisford’s share when he passes (he has no heir of his own). And to top it off, he knows about the abuse of Sara so Sara is going to live next door instead of a creaky attic. You know, it’s not nice to kick people while their down. But fuck that, this bitch has needed a royal-ass beat down since episode one. Time for Miss Minchin’s sister to have her say!
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MISS AMELIA: Throughout these 40-odd episodes, she is seen as the submissive sister, doing whatever Miss Minchin says. Amelia just stands there looking concerned every, single, fucking episode and does fucking nothing! She sees Sara suffering in silence with a smile on her face and says nothing to her sister. She even goes a step beyond that by begging Sara to forgive her sister several episodes prior to this very moment. We do get some light shed on Miss Minchin and Amelia’s past about how Miss Minchin worked odd jobs to take care of Amelia due to lack of parents. Not sure if this is really true or not, so I’m leaving it off my accuracy list. When Miss Minchin returns to the seminary and tells her sister what went down with Mr. Carrisford, Miss Amelia let her sister have it.
It was a long-time coming and I can understand a person like Amelia letting loose. Some people hold it in for so long until they’re filled to the top and explode. I’m one of those people, so again, I can relate in a way. Amelia spent this whole time contemplating whether to speak up about Sara’s abuse by her own sister or to shut up and do what her sister says. Hearing about Mr. Carrisford taking Sara snapped Amelia and she had a total breakdown. And all I can say is, “Bravo”! Amelia was absolutely right and I’m glad Miss Minchin heard it. It was all her fault. And if the seminary closes because people hear about Sara’s abuse, it’ll be all her fault.
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BACK TO THE CONCLUSION: Fortunately for Miss Minchin, Sara is kind and forgiving. She had Mr. Carrisford give a sizable donation to Miss Minchin’s seminary. Miss Minchin was a notorious penny-pincher, so this should settle her. Sara gets quite the happy ending as she gets to live with Mr. Carrisford and still go to school. She has Becky become her personal maid. All of Sara’s belongings that were taken away when Ralph died are returned to her on Christmas. A little starving girl she helped early in the series has a happy ending as well. And we end with Sara and her new family go back to India. It’s for 4 months to settle things on the Crewe estate, but she’ll be back.
At least when she comes back, Lavinia won’t be there. Good riddance! At least they come to some sort of truce.
No matter what version of A Little Princess you watch, it’s always going to be a tough watch. Because of the size of this series, it can sometimes be too hard to watch. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good story where a character takes on adversity and struggles. But there comes a time when struggle just becomes borderline torture-porn. You know those stories where the hero has to go through so much pain and agony and eventually get some sort of satisfied conclusion. The anime The Rising of the Shield Hero and the movie Precious comes to mind. Thank God Sara never had to endure what Precious did. Still bad though! At least with the movie adaptations to Princess Sara, we only watch Sara’s struggles for like, what, an hour or maybe less. This is over 30 episodes of watching this girl get abused. That’s 23 minutes per episode, mind you! Not just from Miss Minchin, but the cooks and one smarmy brat who has a vendetta. All the while, you’re telling yourself, “Dude, you know this story and it’s going to get better”. But it’s not an easy watch! There are scenes where you just wish they’d leave Sara alone or just wish for things to get better.
Is this my favorite adaptations of A Little Princess? Hmm…I don’t know! I really liked this version of the story, but I still have an attachment to the 1995 film. Granted, the animation is always a bit of a drawback when it comes to these animes. But I have to cut some slack as this was mid-1980s here. If you were a fan of this story, whether you saw the 1995 film, the Shirley Temple film, or any of the other adaptations out there, I give a recommendation. Track this down and give it a watch.
Okay Randomizer-kun, I’m giving you another shot. Please don’t give me an obscure hentai to watch in place of this.
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Oh thank God, another Nippon animation!
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llendrinall · 3 years
As we all know, Charlie Weasley could have played for Britain had he not gone off chasing dragons. There’s a lot of gold that comes with being a good international player. What do you think it would have been like if the Weasleys were doing better financially?
Frankly, I don’t think things would change all that much. Not everybody is a Ronaldo or a Messi (to draw parallels with football/soccer) making really stupid amounts of money. At least during the first few years, until Charlie became a Big Name, he would make money, maybe even tons of money, but I doubt it would be enough to change things significantly.
Mostly I think Charlie would be very unhappy and Percy’s break with the family would be much more intense (what! After the way he behaved in canon? Yes, more than that. Percy would be the next Charlie, getting a job far away and visiting home rarely).
The question here is: why are the Weasleys poor? There is a quick and dirty answer, which is that JKR wanted a rich=bad, poor= good - noble, structure. But she didn’t build a reason as to whyit is so. (There is also no reason why the Malfoys are rich, but money has inertia so we can half buy it). Thus, she accidentally made the Weasleys come across as reeeeally financially irresponsible and the creators of their own poverty.
Let’s look at the money. Supposedly, Hogwarts is free for all students, which makes sense because a significant portion of those students will me muggleborns and I can’t imagine how that conversation would go with their parents (“Your child is gifted! Magical! Now let us take them for 10 months of the year and give us money”). Hogwarts budget must come from the Ministry and the expenses are supervised by the Board of Governors. This, together with how big the Ministry infrastructure seems to be, makes me think that taxes in the wizarding world must be pretty high.
(US readers, double whatever number you are thinking).
Let’s say… 40% of income at the very least. That’s a big chunk for the Weasleys, considering they only have one salary. Since Arthur is overlooked for promotions, we can guess his salary isn’t high. He is head of a department, but it’s a joke department.
The books hint that the Weasleys own the land they live in. If they were renting the Burrow, and it would be hilariousif their landlord were Malfoy, then the house should be in a better state and they wouldn’t be responsible for the gnomes or the ghoul. Since there was no dramatic subplot about Malfoy trying to kick them out, I will assume they own the house and the land. Maybe they have a mortgage on it? One with ridiculous high rates, for argument’s sake.
So that’s most of the money accounted for. What other expenses do they have? According to the ONS the average UK household, after taxes, has a budget as follows (simplified):
Housing (rent, interest and upkeep) – 33%
Food and utilities – 20%
Transport – 14%
Recreation – 12%
Holidays – 11%
Restaurants – 7%
Other – 3%
Let’s say that the mortgage has an insane rate, so 40% of the budget, after taxes, is going there. But we can scratch transportation right away since they have apparition and side apparition and, more importantly, they have nowhere to go. The kids are homeschooled and the one person in the household who has to go to work everyday, can simply apparate right before the office. So that 14% of transportation can go to the housing budget.
Next, food. The Weasleys have many more children than average so the food expense should be higher. On the other hand, they have a lot of land. Supposedly a plot of land of 24x30m (80x100 feet or, for the Americans, about the size of a small Starbucks, the kind that is integrated inside a business) is enough to feed one person for a year in an exclusively plant-based diet. My experience is that a plot of 10x10 meters (32x32 feet or a small Subway shop) can feed a family of 4 if they supplement with eggs and milk and they are smart with the crop distribution.
If the Weasleys kept hens and an orchard, they could keep the food costs low enough that the large family size wouldn’t matter. Plus, during the teenage years, when the calorie demand is higher, the kids are in Hogwarts 10 out of 12 months of the year.
This still leaves them with a very small budget. But considering the only thing magic can’t produce is a) food b) a property deed, almost everything else can be procured with a spell. Furniture wear and tear? A reparo will take care of that. Kids are growing and we need bigger beds? Transfiguration. Clothes? Buy the fabric and use a spell. Maybe it won’t be pretty, but it will be cheap. There will be many luxuries they can’t afford. No eating out, no holidays, no fancy broomsticks. And there are some unavoidable expenses, like school supplies (although books could be reused). Although with the exception of Ginny, there are 2-3 years between children so they have time to save. The moment a kid reaches Hogwarts age they have to make a big investment of wand, cauldron, etc. and then they can write them off. The high taxes also mean they have services like free healthcare and free education with board and room.
It’s a difficult situation. But notice that it’s one that I have created myself. We don’t know if they have a mortgage and we don’t know the tax duties. I’m just coming up with reasons for the expenses while not giving them supplemental income, like Molly selling preserves and whatnot.
I still think that things shouldn’t be so tight that they can’t afford a new wand for each kid. Yet Ron went to Hogwarts with Charlie’s old wand and spent a whole academic year with his wand broken. The Weasleys should had been able to afford a wand. Sure, they just bought Ginny’s school package, but Harry gave her some of the books. It might set them back, it might mean no new robes for the family, but they ought to have that money. Books you can reuse and hope the content is pretty much the same. Wands, you cannot. With broken wands, you are putting your child’s education and even life in danger.
Ron didn’t get the new wand because it was useful for the story that his wand was broken, but the internal logic of the story speaks of extreme economic irresponsibility. Despite all the excuses I tried to come up with (high taxes, high mortgage, Molly is working all day at the garden) not giving Ron a new wand points at a situation of extreme financial ignorance.
So, if Charlie went the Quidditch route the Weasleys would do a bit better, they might pay off their debt, but I don’t think they would be able to grow savings because they simply don’t know how. Charlie would have the added stress of not only performing well in his job but also being the main bread-winner for the whole family. Percy, who is quite observant, would have constant fights about what he considers unnecessary luxuries. He would resent his father even more and he would accept the first job that took him out of the country. The twins would probably resent Ron and Ginny a bit, since they would be the ones to experience having new things.
Charlie would have to make truly astounding amounts of money so that his earnings overcome the family’s blundering of the budget.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
hi, your last (political) ask just gave me the most severe anxiety at work, is there Literally Anything at this point that may point to good news in the future or
Yes, and this is important:
We are not doomed.
Yes, things are bad and scary now. Yes, things have been bad and scary for a while. But as I always say, nothing is inevitable, and nothing is just destined to mindlessly roll over us without any choice, agency, or ability to -- even if the worst does happen -- fix it. In regard to the current political clusterfuck, as I have also said:
Republicans are fucking shit-scared TERRIFIED.
That's why this insane, ludicrous, almost-funny-if-it-wasn't-so-terrible right-wing backlash is happening: because the future is NOT going to be kind to the exact brand of systems and institutions that their power is built on, they see the demographics of the youth vote deserting them en masse, and that's why they're trying so hard to entrench fascism now, before all their remaining voters die and they don't get another chance. The major historical injustices that created both America and the world -- slavery, white supremacy, systemic racism, Native genocide, robber-baron capitalism, economic exploitation, etc etc -- have never been as visible and as embedded in the public consciousness as they are right now. We are in the middle of an absolutely seismic reckoning with these things that has never taken place, not to this scale, in American history (or indeed world history) before. Obviously, that is going to produce a wild backlash from the power systems that have been entrenched for over 400 years, since the beginning of what we now define as the "modern" world. They can see that they're no longer going to be able to automatically skate into the next generation on the back of "that's just the way things have always been done," and again. That TERRIFIES them. And it should.
Basically: these are not the actions of people who feel confident that the public actually supports them or that they can get away with what they're doing if they don't cheat to the umpteenth degree. The 2022 elections were important in that regard, and in others, because they actually showed the American people recoiling from Republican extremism in an election cycle where the GOP should have walked it. Yes, far too many white people are far too comfortable voting for fascism, and that's going to remain a problem for a while. But another reason that the Republicans are trying so desperately to shut down affirmative action, thwart student-debt relief, etc., is that younger and college-educated white people vote more like their POC peers. The Republicans don't WANT these white voters, who they see as their next generation of white-supremacist foot soldiers, getting deprogrammed and (gasp) thinking for themselves. But this movement is already underway, and it ain't stopping.
So yes, again: we are in the middle of a historical reckoning of epic proportions, and like all historical reckonings of epic proportions, it absolutely fucking SUCKS to have to live through. But the momentum is with us, the future is with us, the truth is with us, basic fucking human compassion and decency is with us, the last few election cycles have shown America overall measurably and consistently pulling back from the fascist brink, and again. Even if something else terrible happens, as it most likely will, we have survived all the terrible things to date, and we can probably survive that too. We can also push back on it, we can change it, and we can fix it. It is possible and we've already done it. We will definitely do it again.
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chargetheintruder · 3 years
Hello Joe is Biden.  :-P
Why yes, Mr. President, I’m here to make your life ridiculous again, imagine that.  It could stop you know.  You could do things FOR the people who voted for you and actually get your groove back.  And stand out against the do-nothing-ist bad habits of Congress in general Yes, one thing I am here to insist upon is VAST Student Loan Forgiveness.  For everyone, no questions asked.  Forgive the balance, waive and decline to collect the interest and fees, on anywhere from $15K to $50K for each American.
Basically Congress has done all it can in terms of nerfing the taxes on student debt relief into 2025.  Now it’s your turn.  Get it done, now please.
In addition?  Consider doing something to make gas cheaper at the pump as a way to take the edge off of inflation more broadly:
In short, we have a Reserve for a reason.  And as long as we aren’t at war with anyone now, why not actually cut prices where you can, to get us through the next 2 years, starting with this Holiday Season?  See, timing is a thing for more than Mid-Term Elections: ordinary, not-so-political people will consider how Thanksgiving and Christmas went far FAR more than they’ll consider how the 2022 Mid-Terms will go.
In addition to THAT?  I’m just plain going to spoon-feed it to you.  Go check out Business Insider’s take on this shipping mess we’ve got.  Please.  They’ve got the right answer on it.  Shipping in America has simply been too leaned out and too damned efficient, and now it no longer has the spare resources to handle any meaningful backlog.  This is why I’ve been harping on sending in some military resources to aid with the shipping issue.  These people simply need more resources: more drivers, more trucks, more storage space to temporarily load and unload goods.  Between this and procedural dysfunctions in the system and what you have is a problem that can easily be solved with temporary military aid.  And this is also something you can do yourself as Commander in Chief.
Seriously, you have it in you, Mr. Biden, to single-handedly save the Holidays for a lot of Americans.  Doing this NOW means you have a clue and did it at the right time too.  It looks good--getting people out of debt and also getting supply and inflation issues calmed the hell down just in time for the holidays.  I shouldn’t have to explain this. Basically, it’s time to take the Republican Traitor Party’s chew-toy away and fix this inflation/supply-chain issue NOW, like someone with sense would.  This is one thing Obama was bad-to-negligent at: keeping the enemies of America from having any positions or talking points that MEANT things to ordinary voting people.  Don’t be pathological in your patience. Now’s the time to move on this.  Get these things done, NOW please.
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annawoodhull · 4 years
bring good news of a world so newly born
Requested by: me and my self-indulgent need for Ben and grilled cheese
Word Count: 1616
Prompt: Outlander AU in which Abigail introduces Ben to grilled cheese. That's the fic.
(Song title from '39 by Queen because I'm trash.)
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There were a few inconveniences of being a woman from the future who now lived in late 18th century America. No air conditioning, no ibuprofen, but worst of all, no snacks. Late night runs to the convenience store a few blocks from her apartment with friends were the epitome of any college girl’s life, especially during finals time. And now she didn’t even have that!
But there was one thing she refused to give up (besides her bra if she could help it) was her favorite foods. By God, if she could find ways to modify them to make them work with what this time presented to her, she was bound and determined. The first attempt at this would be grilled cheese. If this went well, maybe she could attempt pizza.
Thankfully, she was able to purchase a loaf of bread and cheese from a few merchants in the town, but the butter was more difficult to come by. She had to resort to the old fashioned way, directly from the cow herself. Going through the process of letting the milk rest and then skimming the creak, or whatever the fuck it was called, off the top before she could churn it with a dasher. It was incredibly labor intensive and more work than she had expected, but again, her stubborn Irish ass was going to see this through.
She hadn’t intended to inform Ben of her little project until later on in the week, when they had agreed to meet. Between his battles both on and off the field, a lot of the major’s time was accounted for. She still insisted she would make a good asset to the Culper Ring, but he stubbornly refused to allow it. She suspected she knew the reason, but honestly thought it was ridiculous. You’d think you’d want a spy on your side who already knows how everything will play out.
Anyway, Abigail was sitting on the porch of her small cabin – abandoned by some previous squatter dweller type – and working on churning the butter. Her sleeves were rolled up and beads of perspiration rolled down the sides of her neck, trickling down the front of her bodice. She wrinkled her nose but kept on going. Sheesh, this was labor intensive as fuck. Twenty-first century people really had it made, though there were the Amish to consider.
Too busy plunging the dasher up and down while churning the butter, Abigail was too preoccupied to pay any attention her surroundings. By the time she heard a horse’s snort, she looked up and was pleasantly surprised to see Ben dismounting and leading the beautiful Gaius over towards a paddock to graze.
Then he turned around and took one look at her, a good long look that made Abigail flush from head to toe. She didn’t have to look in a mirror to know she looked like a train wreck, blonde hair all askew, face flushed and damped with sweat. She’d stopped her churning the moment she saw him and nearly forgot all about it when he approached her.
“Never pegged you for the type for churning butter,” Ben observed with a amused grin, “though I’m not surprised you’d be stubborn enough to try.”
She grinned. “There is a reason to my madness, Tallmadge.” She went to wipe her forehead when she remembered she couldn’t let the butter rest. With a tiny grunt, she resumed her work, working the dasher up and down in a gradual rhythm. Hey, she was starting to get the hang of this! “I’m cooking for us tonight and then forgot I couldn’t just buy everything in one place, like I used to.”
“You must be rich, from where you come from,” he commented.
Abigail laughed at that, thinking of all the student loan debt she had accumulated with both her bachelors and graduate degrees. On second thought, maybe it was a good thing she fell through the stones when she did. “Hardly. But it was convenient, so I wouldn’t have to resort to this.”
Ben’s gaze flickered between her face and to her hands, observing as she worked it rather well. Her hands twisting with purposeful intent, with increasing speed. It reminded him of something Caleb had often teased him about, something he hadn’t done in quite some time. And now that he had this visual in front of him…
Abigail glanced up, having no idea where his line of thought had taken him, and found that his face was now just as red as the coat of a British officer. “Are you all right?” she asked, confused and mildly concerned.
Clearing his throat, Ben shifted his position, angling himself so that he was now facing partially away from her. Odd. “Yes, just a bit… flushed from the journey. Could use some water, perhaps.”
Abigail nodded, understanding. “I just made a few bottles from the creek. Help yourself and cool down.”
He thanked her and practically took off like a bat out of hell into the cabin. Abigail continuing churning, increasing the pace. He was an odd duck, that one. A very attractive and delicious looking one but odd nevertheless.
It took quite a while to achieve the finished product, but with Ben’s company, from a suspicious far distance, the time just flew by. She carried her butter inside, grinning in triumph at her accomplishment and held it out proudly for him to inspect. He nodded his approval with no small amount of affection, which made her feel even more accomplished.
“So what are you preparing for us this evening?” he asked, “since you went to all the trouble churning butter.”
“Nothing terribly fancy I’m afraid, at least from my time,” Abigail admitted, “but in my opinion, it’s one of the finest delicacies in the world. A grilled cheese.”
Brows furrowed, Ben titled his head, much like a confused puppy. “A… what?”
“Trust me, you’ll like it,” she promised. She went to work on working the hearth, which Ben had to assist her with at several points. While he helped, she told him all about stoves and the different kinds that ran on gas versus electricity, both of which mystified and fascinated him. The more time she spent in that time and with him specifically, the more comfortable she felt sharing different tidbits of the future. The very knowledge there was a future for the country that he was fighting for was enough to give him hope. The thought of being the source, or at least associated with the source, of his inspiration made her feel things she had no right to be feeling.
Yet, she was completely and hopelessly attracted to the him.
Once everything was settled, she went to work on slicing the bread and cheese, which she set on separate plates. Then she buttered the bread generously on each slice before setting the buttered side down in the skillet, quickly followed by the cheese and the other slice of bread. She brought the skillet over the makeshift grilled and watched with amazement as the fire worked its magic.
It didn’t take too long before she flipped it over. A few minutes of cooking on the other side, she pulled back the skillet carefully and plated his grilled cheese before working on hers. It was a little tricky getting the sandwiches out of the skillet, but she had to admit, they didn’t turn out half bad.
“Do you want yours cut in half or diagonally?” she asked, right after she performed an elegant diagonal slice for hers.
“However you cut yours is fine with me,” he said. He had risen from his seat to poke around her, curious to see her creation and drawn to the wonderful mixture of grilled cheese, butter, and crispy goodness.
When done, she handed him his plate but warned him, “Be careful. It’s hot.” His soft, amused smile at the domestic remark caused her heart to skip a beat.
They sat together at the small wooden table, and after a few minutes, they dug into their meal, though Abigail waited a bit so she could take in his reaction. After his first bite, Ben’s eyes widened before closing with surprised delight. He moaned appreciatively. “Oh, this is very good.”
“Really?” she asked happily.
Nodding eagerly, he took to consuming the slice with an almost single-minded determination. He hesitated on picking up the second slice, perhaps figuring he should make it last. She grinned at his sudden look of sheepishness. “Thank you for sharing this with me. Believe me, after a few months of camp rations, this is just…” he sighed with pleasure.
Abigail grinned. “I’m glad you like it. Grilled cheese can cure anything. It’s the American dream, baby.”
“Is all of your food in the future this good?” Ben asked, enchanted by the mere thought.
“Depends on where you’re looking, but for the most part, yes,” she said. Spotting a bit of crumbs and cheese on the side of his mouth, she smothered a giggle. She touched her own face. “You’ve got a little…”
“Where?” he asked, immediately touching anywhere on his face but the area where she pointed.
Rolling her eyes in feigned exasperation, she leaned over the table and brushed it away herself, her thumb gently pressed against the corner of his mouth. His gaze locked onto hers at the touch, the sudden proximity. He inhaled sharply. Abigail swallowed nervously. The cabin, which was already quite small, felt even smaller, more intimate.
“We should…” he murmured, trailing off.
She blinked slowly. “Finish our dinner?”
After a beat, Ben nodded. “I… yes. Dinner.”
Who knew that all the trouble to make grilled cheese could cause even more trouble?
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xaysnotebook · 4 years
Chapter 1 - Behind Colored Eyes
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“I told you it was pointless to even try to study for that test! It was made to screw over your final grade.”
“I know, but at least we got a passing grade, almost everyone failed besides us.” Alex replied, pacing unevenly. The psychology final was played as the hardest final outside of the math department, and they had been one of the few students to get a passing grade. The only cost of this is that they skipped out on work for a couple days and stayed awake for possibly a little too long. 
“Well, I know you’re hungry, how about that new restaurant down by Semia’s house? It’s some Italian place I think.”
“I would love to, but you know I can't afford it, and I am not asking for money again.” Alex was already in debt because of college, they also had a personal debt to their parents for more than a month of rent and food bills.
“If you say so, you could always dip into your savings again. You need a little bit of a pick-me-up. You could always talk to Sandra.” That last comment made Alex stop in their tracks, their gray eyes almost glazing over with anger. “Alright, that was too far I already know. I’ll leave you alone for a bit.”
“Damn, Jason.” Alex thought out loud, earning him a questioning glance from a couple walking nearby. Jason was good to keep around for simple conversation, but he was definitely able to turn rude quickly. Alex started back towards the apartment, feeling slightly more lonely than before, but nothing they weren't used to. They were a generally lonely person for multiple reasons, but any time they got left, it felt a bit worse.
Alex was a scrawny but tall person, standing at about six foot two while actually standing up straight. They had a mess of blue hair that was starting to fade from being in the sun too often. With a smaller nose and piercing gray eyes, they had been compared to a blue raven before, actually being called Raven by some coworkers and friends. They were also born a male, but had chosen to live by the “they” pronouns when they were around seventeen, being easily passable for both genders and drifting around on what they felt like on a minute to minute basis. Now they were almost twenty-one, and already knew it was going to be another bland birthday, most likely spent with Tasha.
As they walked up to their apartment building, they heard the sound of loud music playing and quickly assumed it was Tasha. However there was a distinct feeling that they were being watched. After glancing about, they noticed a peculiar pair of yellow eyes staring through a set of blinds. For obvious reasons they were taken aback and quickly scurried to the front door of the apartment complex. After going inside, they made a wide path around the strange apartment and got to their own. From the door, it was clear that Tasha was blaring some assortment of rap music, and easily loud enough that they would get a noise complaint later for it. Pushing through the front, Alex found the living room in tatters, the dining room full and random cups leftover, and a clearly hung over Tasha sleeping on the kitchen floor. After turning off the music, Alex walked over to the fridge, nudging Tasha with their foot on the way only to hear a slight grunt. How anyone could sleep with that loud music playing, on a cold floor was beyond Alex, but they knew Tasha was used to it by now. She was in her last semester, graduating with two majors and a minor in only four years, something that would take most people at least eight.
Tasha was the type of person that was born hyper-intelligent, and hated every minute of it. As such, she rebelled by being a straight A student, with an insane party life. She was a chubby Native American girl with long black hair that was almost always braided, bright green eyes, and a large birthmark across her left eye. When Alex had first met her, they had seemed like polar opposites, and almost resented each other. Then they were put as roommates in their first year, and before Christmas break had become best friends, almost inseparable.
“Tasha, wake up, You need to eat something before noon.” Alex whispered as they bent over to shake her awake. “I ate before I drank. I think I’ll live, Alex.” Tasha muttered sleepily, trying to cover herself with aluminum foil.
“Yes, but you also have a test at three to finish your mathematics major, and you need to need to finish your project with Janet.” Janet had made extra sure to yell at Alex before they left campus.
“Ugh, fine,” Tasha said groggily as she rolled over to face Alex, her eyes still blurry from exhaustion, “but only if we can go to the coffee shop. I need my fix!”
“Then let’s go and get your drugs, but you’re buying this time!” Alex said, feeling that all too familiar shift in balance within themself, almost like a subtle knock on the back of their head.
“Two large chai lattes please!” Alex chimed to the barista.
“Seven thirty-four please.” She responded in a monotone manner, “Thank you, name?”
“Alex, and could you put a smiley face under it?” Alex responded hopefully.
“Sure, hon.” She said, a slight smile beginning to creep onto her face.
“Thank you!” Alex beamed. They made their way towards the table that Tasha was sitting at, suddenly remembering that it was supposed to be her turn to pay for the drinks. “Weren’t you supposed to pay this time?” they commented after sitting down. Tasha was staring off absentmindedly, vaguely tracing mathematical equations on the table with her finger. “Hey Spacey! Whatcha thinking about?”
Snapping back to reality, she slyly commented “The probability that they’ll mess up on our lattes yet again. I mean how hard is it to make regular chai lattes?”
“Hey relax! I sweet talked the barista, we should be good for today!” Alex’s definition of “sweet talking” was rather loose, but it always seemed to work out for them.
“Well thank you, you massive flirt.” Tasha chuckled as she eyed him lazily, “You know, you’ve been single since the end of freshman year. Aren’t you lonely?”
“I mean yeah, I’m always yet never lonely. You know how my head works better than anyone else. And besides, why would I need another best friend when I have you?” Alex responded, half heartedly flirting. The two had actually been close to dating once, but had decided against it and to remain best friends. At the point they were at in their friendship, it would either fail miserably or go perfectly, and neither of them were willing to risk everything that they had been through.
“Yeah, but we both know that you..”
“Alex!” Cried the barista, “With two smiley faces!”
“I’ll go grab those for us.” Tasha said as she stood. As she walked away, Alex had a familiar sensation of being watched. Scanning the room, they didn’t notice anyone looking at them besides Tasha as she was walking back.
Then they glanced at the barista. Those same piercing yellow eyes, seeming to attack their very soul. Her eyes suddenly went back to a dull brown color and she shook her head clear, seemingly losing a couple inches of height before going to the next customer in line. “Did you see her eyes?” Alex stammered out while they slightly shook in panic.
Tasha sat down and eyed them curiously, “What? That lady’s? No? Why do you look so scared suddenly?” She peered at him strangely, like an owner looking at a scared puppy.
“I swear, she had bright yellow eyes for a few seconds! Then they were suddenly normal again? You really didn’t see them when you walked up to her?” Alex’s mind was racing at this point, could they be finally breaking apart? They had been warned stability would only last so long, but it has only been a couple years, it was too soon.
“Hey, Alex. Look at me.” Tasha said, grabbing their hand gently, “Is it getting bad again? Do we need to go?” 
“I don’t know, this isn’t how it was last time, not anything like this.” Alex’s voice was getting shaky, they were slowly slipping into a panic attack and were trying their hardest to avoid it as long as they could.
“I know what we saw, that bitch had yellow eyes. You can’t be getting bad again, I saw that.”
Alex shuddered slightly, “Well thank you Jason.” they said, not being sure whether to calm down since they weren’t crazy yet, or panic because a human just had bright yellow, almost snake like eyes.
“What’d he say?” Tasha questioned.
“He saw the eyes too I guess that means either we’re both going crazy, or she actually had yellow eyes.” Alex breathed out heavily, “It could be sleep loss, but that doesn’t usually affect everyone until after days of not sleeping. I’ve only been awake for maybe thirty hours at this point?”
“Okay, home or therapist?”
“Home. Joz is out of town this week for a seminar.” Alex breathed out shakily, still trying to sip coffee that was clearly too hot.
“Then come on, Joz will wait until she's back. And give me your keys, you’re in no state to drive.”
“I’ve driven while worse, but if you insist.” They would have refused to admit it, but they were truly terrified and most likely couldn’t even walk straight, let alone drive home.
After five minutes that seemed to last for an eternity, the two got back to the apartment complex and started heading towards the front door. Tasha glanced over and noticed Alex was watching a specific window very intently, “Why are you watching Ms. Higgans window? Expecting a ghost to come out?” she asked jokingly, attempting to lighten the mood. The only response that Alex provided was a vague murmur about yellow eyes. Tasha had seen Alex during bad breakdowns before, ranging from a light panic attack over tests to a complete meltdown where they had almost jumped out of a window. However, this was a new reaction, Alex was fully conscious but was unable to process much of anything really, almost like a breakdown, but without tears or hyperventilating or yelling or really any bad behaviour. As they walked inside the front door, Alex suddenly stopped directly outside of Ms. Higgans door. “Alex? What’s going on?” As she turned around, she stepped back in fear. Alex’s generally steel gray eyes had turned a deep violet, glowing and pulsating slowly.
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kalypsichor · 4 years
five’s a crowd [ beatles x reader ] part five
chapter summary: It’s time for some apologies (aPAULogies!). You and Paul have a chat about student debt, Parliament, and showers. John tries to convince everyone that he won’t break the telly (again), Ringo tries to convince everyone that he’s NOT an old man, and you just wish George would drop that goddamn towel. 
warnings: george is almost naked but not naked enough (sigh)
masterlist and parts one | two | three | four
these chapters are just getting longer, huh. also, queen makes a more... definitive appearance.
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Paul’s chosen the corner booth. It’s the spot that you all usually cram into, obnoxious and loud and always on the verge of being kicked out. Sitting there all by himself with nothing but a cup of coffee, he looks very small and lonely and you feel a pang of guilt.
He glances up when you sit down next to him. “Back for round two?” Paul says, and despite this he still scoots over to give you more room.
“No.” Sighing, you resist your fight-or-flight instinct. You’ve always hated confrontation. “I just wanted to apologize. I probably overreacted today and I shouldn’t have, um… ”
“Ripped me a new one?”
You laugh. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I’ve just been so stressed about midterms and all that--which isn’t an excuse for being an asshole, I know. It’s been such a long day, with Ringo having to go to the hospital and John almost killing us in your car and George, uh… actually, George hasn’t done anything. But… forgive me?” You try your best puppy eyes, although that’s more of Paul’s forte.
He pretends to think about it, but he’s already got that smile on his face. It’s soft and accentuates the roundness of his cheeks and you can see what John fell in love with.
“Of course I do. I could never stay angry at you for too long.” You let out a sigh that you didn’t know you were holding. “And I’m sorry, as well. I hope some of your papers were salvageable? I’ll pay for your textbooks, really--”
“With the thousands of pounds of student debt you’ve got? No way.” You nudge Paul teasingly. “No, it wasn’t that bad. Besides, if I don’t have most of that stuff memorized by now I’ll be fucked for midterms.”
“It’s the damn Tories, I tell you!” A businessman at the table over shoots him a dirty look and you have to muffle your snort behind your hands. “Anyway, we’re not here to talk politics. How’s George?” At the last bit, Paul leans in, raising his eyebrows conspiratorially.
Just great, still want to snog him senseless. Nothing new. “Why don’t you ask George yourself, you live with him. He’s still pretty pissed about having to take cold showers in the morning.”
“Please, no more. I’ve gotten yelled at about it enough already.” He throws his hands up in mock surrender and you’re reminded uncannily of John. They really are two sides of the same coin… “Morning’s the only time I can shower, anyway. It’s not fun waking up early, you know, but I do have to get the studio time. I’ve got, like, a million art pieces to turn in next week. It’s killing me.”
Though he says this with a rueful grin, you can see there’s bags under his eyes. With all the drama going on, you hadn’t stopped to think about what Paul must be going through. You internally scold yourself not to be so wrapped in your own concerns next time.
“I didn’t realize.”
“Yeah, well. The woes of an art major. But when I asked about George, I wasn’t talking about our little row.”
You ignore that. “Showering every day is bad for your skin, y’know.”
“First off, that’s my phrase. Secondly, you’re changing the subject.”
“You’re the one changing the subject!” Don’t blush don’t blush don’t blush. “Look, can’t you try and compromise with him? Like, taking turns or something. You can have the first shower every other day and ditto for George!” You smack the table excitedly. “Damn, I’m a genius.”
Paul laughs and downs the rest of his coffee. “Alright, alright. I’ll talk to him about it.” Standing, he stretches and tosses the cup into the trash. “You think the flat is safe enough to go back?”
You mirror his actions, donning your fleece jacket. “Probably. I’ll protect you, though, don’t worry.”
“My hero!” He swoons and loops his arm through yours as you step out of the cafe. The rest of the walk back, he doesn’t mention George again and you think he’s forgotten all about it. That is, until you reach the apartment. Paul unlocks the door and gestures for you to go first. When you brush by him, he leans down to your ear and says it so casually you don’t even register the meaning at first.
“I’ll get the truth out of you one of these days, y’know.”
Paul winks and though he doesn’t say exactly what the ‘truth’ is, you think you have a pretty good idea what he’s talking about.
The next day, you’re sat at the kitchen table over a bowl of cereal and some salvaged papers, not unlike yesterday morning. John is once again swiping through his phone. Ringo’s there, too, having scrutinized the entire kitchen floor this time before sitting down.
“TikTok is a load of shit,” John announces, throwing his cell down.
“Yet that doesn’t stop you from being on it for hours on end.”
“It’s addicting! All that… hitting the woah and- and grenade stuff.”
“You mean renegade.”
You both shoot a surprised look at Ringo, who pouts. “What? I can be hip too.”
“Okay, the fact that you said ‘hip’ kinda contradicts that.”
Ringo sticks his tongue out at you and you snicker. John clears his throat, steering the conversation back to him. Attention whore.
“Aaaanyway. As I was saying. Our phones are all the government’s rubbish way of brainwashing us. And that’s why I propose… drum roll, please.”
Ringo obliges. You note that he keeps a rather good tempo.
“Game Night Part Two!”
He’s met with silence.
“Uh, let me think about it-- no.”
“What? Why not!”
You tap your finger to your chin. “Did you already forget getting piss-drunk and missing your American Lit quiz the next day? Or spilling Fanta all over my /nice/ white tee? Or doing that?” John’s gaze follows your gesture to the tv in the living room with a great crack down the middle.
“And you’re a sore loser,” Ringo adds. John frowns and throws a cornflake at him.
“George was definitely cheating-”
“Abupbupbup! I’m not done.” You point at his sour expression. “Don’t you remember the noise complaint we got from our neighbor?”
John actually pauses at this. “You mean Paul’s classmate? The one that does graphic design? Not that you’d know it from the way he dresses like a fashion major.”
“His name is Freddie.” Ringo supplies helpfully. Ringo was always good at names.
“Yeah, he actually knocked on our door and everything. That was embarrassing, John.”
A scoff makes its way through John’s pursed lips. “He’s got no right telling us to keep the noise down when his bloody flat houses an entire fucking band. I can hear them going at it until two am sometimes and I don’t call the police on them.”
“They’re quite good.” As if to accentuate his point, Ringo taps a familiar rhythm with his spoon. Must be from one of their latest songs.
John inhales and you can tell that this’ll turn into a scuffle if you don’t steer the conversation away soon.
“Anyway! We don’t want another repeat of last month’s shenanigans. I’d like to be able to keep watching Netflix on a functioning telly, thank you very much. You’re outnumbered, Johnny.”
“Well, actually.”
You both swivel to look at Ringo: you in horror and John with glee. The oldest boy is usually the tie breaker, the swing-state if you want to be American about it. If he throws his weight behind John, it’ll be over.
“I think it would be a good idea. For morale, you know. We’ve been at each other’s throats all of yesterday, and havin’ another Game Night might get everyone on good terms again.” Damn you, Ringo, you think, damn you and your altruism. John, in every sense of the saying, looks exactly like the cat that’s got the canary. He swings to you with the stupidly smug look on his face.
“The match goes to Lennon! Take that,” he gloats, and you fight the urge to strangle him across the table.
“When you fail Professor Ono’s midterms because you’re too hungover to tell Walt Whitman from Langston Hughes, don’t go crawling to me,” you hiss.
John makes to retort but he’s cut short by the sound of footsteps running down the hall. Your brain barely has time to conjure up the weird feeling of deja vu before George skids into the kitchen.
He’s wearing nothing but a towel. Again. But this time, he’s smiling, and the brilliance of it cuts through your sleep-addled brain and curls up somewhere below your rib cage.
“I just took a shower!”
“Good for you, mate,” John snarks, staring ruefully at the phone in the center of the table--did he change his phone case or something? It looks different, somehow. You can see his fingers twitching toward it.
George ignores him. “I just took a warm shower. A real shower with warm water.”
Yes, you can see that from the bit of steam still rising from his shoulders and his hair, which is now curling slightly in the colder temperature. There’s a droplet of water making its way from George’s very naked chest down to his very fit stomach--how he has abs, you have no idea, since the boy inhales food like Kirby--and you look away sharply before your gaze can wander any further.
“A warm water shower,” he repeats.
Ringo nods. “Ah, yes. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen specifically to kill Kuzco.” He pauses, looking you in the eye rather seriously, and you say the next bit together.
“Kuzco’s poison.”
The two of you double over, giggling like schoolgirls. George, however, looks confused.
“What are they on about?”
“Some American film.” John finally gives in and snatches up the phone laying on the table. Something flashes across his face. You know that look, and nothing good ever follows it. “Smile, Georgie.”
There’s the click of a photo being taken.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Nothing.” John pushes his chair from the table and stands up rather abruptly. The look on his face is growing into something… wicked. “Nothing at all. I will be in Paul and I’s room. Doing nothing.” He surveys you all once more with that good-for-nothing grin, cradles the phone to his chest, and then sprints down the hall past an even more confused George. The door closes and locks with a decisive click.
The three of you look at each other questioningly. Ringo grunts something unintelligible and shovels more cornflakes into his mouth. George shrugs and turns to head back to the bathroom.
He’s already halfway down the hall before he freezes.
“Wait a minute. Was that my phone?”
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