#(yes again)
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 3 months ago
Danny stared at the guy wearing what he could only describe as a superhero cosplay, complete with a cape, a mask, and a symbol on his chest. He had just gone to the lab to grab some spector deflectors for him and his friends since they would be gone on a camping trip for a few days, and his mom wanted them to be extra cautious.
Then this random guy showed up via a portal spawning in the middle of the lab holding the Fenton Portal Gun.
"Huh, so that's where that went." His dad had been showing it off at the breakfast table about a week ago and fired it as a demonstration. Unfortunately, the portal had suction and sucked the device right out of his dad's hand, and the portal snapped shut.
His dad had needed to be cheered up with emergency fudge after that.
In response to Danny's words, the guy gave a glare so chilling that Sam would be green with envy. Okay, maybe this guy was a villian.
Not so super guy pulled out a katana and pointed it in Danny's direction (more points towards villiany), "Where am I? Are you the one who made the device?"
"No? And this is my basement?"
Suddenly, another portal appeared, and a guy who definitely looked like a supervillian with little horns on his head walked through, holding what looked like a sleek black version of the Fenton Portal Gun. Bat logo, of course, because stealing tech and blueprints were never enough for these guys, was it?
The guy stood there glaring with his son(?) when Danny noticed a bat logo on the man's chest, and Danny realized the little horns were actually ears. Ha!
Bat guy starts growling out demands and threats but Danny didn't really pay attention. He'd heard worse from his own bad guys. He wasn't in the business of fighting human weirdos so instead he turned and yelled up the stairs, "Moooom! There's evil furries in the basement again!"
"What?!" His mom yelled back, already running towards them
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c0smicdisaster · 10 months ago
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After 6 espressos does one contain enough cafeine to be concidered a coffee?
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oven3bird · 2 months ago
The moon illuminates the roof just enough, he knows it doesn't actually have any light, but it's nice out anyway; with the cold air, the lack of bugs, the many stars shining at him.
It's late, but early enough for Kon to still not be tired.
Both he and Tim are sitting down at a table, shoulder to shoulder; with Tim leaning slightly towards Kon.
Long dark hair free from the cowl, and clothes soft to the touch instead of the harder suit material, Tim looks comfortable.
His eyes reflect the moon, beautiful as he is.
There are words being spoken, but he doesn't hear them, he brings a hand up towards Tim's face and watches as Tim stops speaking, feels as Tim's breathing stops for a second.
“I want to kiss you.”- Kon states, no quiver in his voice, they have danced around each other for enough time.
Tim looks up from Kon's lips, meeting his eyes. -”Are you done waiting?”
Oh, he loves that knowing smile.
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rosecheekedmochi · 3 days ago
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you would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world asi i fell asleep
i saw so many people draw Shadow with ear tufts and i wanted to try it so badly😭
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zaisamoo · 10 months ago
clothes swap??!!?!?! (ik i said it wasnt gonna be soukoku but i forgot i drew this sooo) another headcanon that dazai has a lazy eye under his bandage but it drew it on the wrong eye ummm
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i know he says he has a sty there but no one has a sty for like 4+ years 💀💀💀💀
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dr-scenicus · 1 month ago
I never post my traditional art here lol
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Ying and Yang💥
Anyways I still have to colour it (I nono wanna😭)
Drew the old man smiling
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Take the markers away from me
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4rtbyl33 · 8 months ago
More of Bradley in the House of Mouse!
Context(?) + human designs just cuz <3
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Bradley would have a mental breakdown over how good Max looks in clothes that actually fit him.
"You walked in and my heart went BOOM" kinda moment you know??
I'm gonna give my reasoning of the AU and also why it could actually work in the real show.
Why is THE House of Mouse understaffed? Like why is Max the only doorman? And also a waiter?? But also the one who parks the cars??? He was literally fighting for his life when he took the spot of a waiter even tho he had the help of the penguins???? There's no way it's only him and Goofy with those penguins dude.
Here's where Bradley comes into the picture 🙌 with no financial help from his parents, he's on the search for a job, and that's when Max approaches him with an offer that he cannot refuse! Also he would be working for THEE Mickey Mouse, the pay must be really good lol
Obviously this new journey is gonna be a lil bumpy given Bradley's... Extravagant personality, but he's trying to keep it in line okay? HE'S TRYING--
Anyway here have a random doodle
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Every time Max and Bradley are in a questionable situation someone walks into the room and catches them, and that someone is always Donald cuz I think it's funny
These are obviously companions to the edits that I did
EDIT: Idk why the pics' order got all messed up, hope I fixed the problem
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lenaikkk · 9 months ago
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sh-haashi · 1 year ago
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rikouto · 9 months ago
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dystopyx-blog · 8 months ago
Hey I didn't see any requesting rules. I'm sorry if you posted them before but I didn't see them. I completely understand if this is too much. (Ngl I've thought about writing it myself)
I was wondering if you could write about a symptom with a reader who has a form of Conversion disorder/ A form of Fnd?
It's a umbrella term but to put it into words for what it; it is when a person experiences temporary physical symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that do not have a physical cause. While the exact cause of conversion disorder is unknown, researchers believe it occurs in response to stressful situations or trauma.
I personally have problems with my legs not moving at all for inconsistent periods of time.(Could be 5 mins or 3 hours) (Dw I'm fine I have a mobility aid)
So my question is which yandere twst boy do you think would take advantage of the whole leg thing most?
Once again I completely understand if this is out of your comfort zone and sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just really like your work
Y’know what maybe I should make requesting rules aksnsjsjsjsjd but I’m lazy
Speaking of lazy
Leona, no question. I have a very specific situation in mind—where you’re in the botanical gardens, standing over him, probably yapping
and then your legs give out underneath you
and Leona just… yoinks you…
you’re his pillow now.
If you nag him or just talk ‘too much’ (in his opinion) he’ll say something awful like “why can’t your moth stop working too?” if you’re sensitive like me and then cry about it, he would probably not make that comment.
Floyd is bad about it too…
you’re unable to walk so he just scoops you up and carries you with him. He’ll skip his own classes to get you where you need to go, but he will NOT put you down until your legs are fine again. And if you try to be all “oh Floyd what about your classes? :(“ He’ll just take you with him to his classes, so you miss yours. He is also very condescending about it :( and unlike Leona, he doesn’t really understand when enough is enough. Might have to complain to Jade or Azul if he goes too far with his comments or ‘jokes’.
Now imagine… you get taken to twst, and you still have conversion disorder, but no mobility aid. Crowley ain’t gonna help you. That’s just facts. So you go to Mr tech wiz on campus, Idia Shroud. But but but… he doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to be building for you 🥺 and he wants to get it right…. So you HAVE to stay with him whenever he works on it!! So he can get it right for you!!! Yeah you’re not getting a mobility aid. Man’s won’t even finish a fucking walker or wheelchair or walking stick for you, because it’ll never be “just right” or “perfect” enough for you…
Really this is just his way of ensuring you have to hangout with him. He just likes you so much 🥺👉👈
tbh this has just inspired me to do a getting trapped in twisted wonderland but without you meds and also everyone is yandere thingie
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ruelin024 · 17 days ago
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Stretch bein' a goofy dummy and wanting you to take him back. He "swears" he will stop being punny during serious conversations.
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hotteststar · 2 months ago
currently commenting "i think you spelled it wrong, it's jegulily, not jily" under all those jily posts that hate on regulus and insult those who ship him with james
my life is so much fun rn
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norrishoax · 1 year ago
the shoulder to waist ratio difference from last year to this one is INSANE
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nowisblkassgf · 20 days ago
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sorrygotthesesacks · 10 months ago
Yes, yes, more Stolitz thoughts.
Most of which were eaten up earlier due to an internet glitch when I was still trying to sort out how my thoughts tied to Striker and then my draft never saved.
Of course, we all know that Blitzø is absolutely horrible at expressing emotions. His walls are high, thick, and nearly impenetrable. That's a given. Even Stolas mentions the walls in Just Look My Way.
But Stolas is just as self-sabotaging as Blitzø. He doesn't mean to be (Blitzø, maybe just a little, out of a sense of self-preservation). And a lot of it is the product of his upbringing.
We know that his bottle of anti-depressants was empty, and others have pointed out that may have been a factor in Stolas' reaction (how Stolas' happy pills work in hell, who knows. I know that one missed dose of an SSRI/SNRIs would not be enough to cause him to be more emotionally fragile*, but at the very least, we can allow Stolas a placebo effect in feeling even more ill equipped when he's already a ball of nerves - so much so that he vomits as soon as he wakes).
*(EDIT: not necessarily, at least, but regardless, Stolas is a mess + now he's extra extra anxious)
Let's take a look at how Stolas, without intending to, is the one with the steering wheel on this.
He is afraid. He is deathly afraid of losing Blitzø when he sets him free. He is in his own head, and has been in his own head, since he came to this decision.
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He can't take it back, but considering where they are, that isn't a bad thing. It's not the what, it's the how.
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Well. We know they both fucked this up.
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But my point is about the "I'll set us free" line. Emphasis on the "I" as in this is what Stolas is doing, all by himself.
Of course, we know that Stolas is coming at this genuinely - and we know that he truly loves Blitzø and has done his best to drop hints left and right.
We also know that Blitzø does not see himself as lovable, so of course he will not be picking up what Stolas is putting down.
We know this.
Blitz does not.
Let's think back to how resilient Blitzø is in most cases. He has built this shell around himself and protects the vulnerable parts of himself with barbs and insults and witty rejoinders. He is not afraid to kick ass and take names, and who recognizes that Blitzø isn't like typical imps?
Striker, that's who. (Argh, please ignore the fact that the CC does not know Blitz's name.)
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But the thing that made me really think of Striker is that, despite his own personal grudges against the royals, he made a very strong (bloody and violent) point with Stolas and sadly, Stolas wasn't able to extrapolate this to Blitzø.
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Stolas did not deserve this, but he definitely struck a nerve with Striker, who just got done telling him how "some of us" have had everything taken away from royals like Stolas.
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Stolas has never been kidnapped before, and any abuse heaped on him by Stella is nothing like what Striker is doing here. He hasn't had his powers stripped from him. And of course, both his power and station place him above the imps. Even though he doesn't see it! Even though he bows to Blitzø, who he sees as an equal, but doesn't act as if they are equals, not to Blitzø.
I hate Striker for hurting my dear sweet owl boy, but I do get his anger here.
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And thinking of that, it's painfully ironic that Stolas does exactly that to Blitzø.
Which is how we got to this point.
Stolas has deemed himself unworthy of Blitzø's love, despite wanting it so desperately. And yes, Blitzø was a total dick for the whole role playing and saying I love you as a fucking joke - but this is how Blitzø deals with his emotions. He doesn't just tamp them down, he buries them before they can hurt him - and still, we see him begging Stolas - pleading his case, that he can do better.
He doesn't want to lose the book, but he really doesn't want to lose Stolas, and if this relationship between them isn't what he has believed it's always been, there is more of a chance to be hurt by opening up.
I totally get Stolas jumping to the conclusion that Blitzø does not think very highly of him at all. He has no idea how Blitzø has lamented to Fizz how he believes that Stolas only wants one thing from him. He doesn't dare believe it's more / can't possible see that it could ever be more.
And I would be so crushed by Blitzø's reaction, too, if I was Stolas, and I'd just poured my heart out, splayed everything on the floor, to be trod upon.
I get it. I would probably do the same exact thing. Stolas has already built up the rejection in his head, but still very much hoped for his feelings to be reciprocated, instantly, honestly, and passionately. He has been on the receiving end of passion in the physical sense so it makes sense that he'd expect for more. I absolutely get that and do not hate Stolas for this at all.
(And someone pointed out that Stolas once put his cigarette out on Blitzø - but like - that was his horn? Which seems to be like horse hooves and YOU KNOW HOW MUCH BLITZØ WOULD LOVE BEING COMPARED TO A FUCKING HORSE! Ahem.)
It hurts so much to see these two, who both deserve to be loved, who want to be loved, to fumble so violently through their own issues and not just stepping but jumping up and down on the land mines that are each other's baggage. Even knowing that in the end, this will make their bond stronger, it hurts.
But I am so happy when I see so many people getting that we can't put the blame solely on either one of them. The beauty of their relationship is all the complicated stuff that Blitz hates.
Which I hate, too.
But also, I really really love it.
It's complicated.
(Cue the Avril Lavigne song.)
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