#(written following the episode 10 preview LOL)
himebushou · 2 years
The days bleed into each other: night follows day, follows day, follows day; Kazuki and Rei shoot and scheme and shoot and scheme —
And Miri is gone.
They don't know how to talk about it.
It starts with Rei making their home more presentable, picking up Miri's old toys and placing them back in Miri's old room.  Kazuki can no longer bear to step inside that space, so it falls to Rei to wipe down surfaces and vacuum.  He never realised, before now, that dust can somehow accumulate in an uninhabited place.
It continues with Kazuki refusing to buy Choco Puffs, even though he knows that Rei likes them; they argue, voices rising, until Kazuki snaps and disappears for three days.
While he waits, Rei plays video games (anything but Morio Kart) and tries to convince himself that his partner isn't lying in a pool of blood, somewhere. Kazuki finished off Ogino, after all: Kazuki is a fighter, a survivor, a threat. Rei has to believe in that.
Kazuki finally returns with a broken nose and a black eye.
They don't talk about it.
Work is good.  Kyuutarou supplies a steady flow of targets. As a team, Rei and Kazuki have reached new levels of proficiency. Rei is less volatile and Kazuki has finally learnt how to act. He can be sinister, moody, charming, dense. Rei enjoys seeing these facets of Kazuki: they're preferable to the man who alternates between silently sitting on the sofa and replying to everything Rei says in a stupid, sing-song voice.
But it hits a wall.
A cold day in April. The start of the new academic year. Kazuki drives and Rei stares at the world beyond the windows, wanting cherry blossoms, wanting Miri. Idly, he turns on the radio and a melodic voice floats through the speakers:
"Don't say goodbye..."
Rei intervenes — stops Kazuki from crashing into the vehicle in front. Switches the radio off. Kazuki doesn't scream or cry, just thumps his fists against the steering wheel, cursing, "Damn it! Damn it!" as horns bleat around them.
They have to leave.
"We need to address this."
Then they're at home. Kazuki stands out on the balcony, gulping down air between his tears. Rei follows and miserably sprays the plants while Kazuki calms down.
When there is stillness, Rei looks at Kazuki's locked shoulders and says,
"That's a stupid question."
Kazuki laughs. The sound cuts like a knife. He says, "I don't know anything, Rei. Nothing at all. I'm... an idiot."
There he goes again, steeping himself in martyrdom, blaming himself for everything that has ever, or will ever, go wrong. Rei's patience breaks. He grips Kazuki's shoulders — forcibly turns Kazuki around. He wants to shake Kazuki! Strangle him!
But —
"Rei," Kazuki says softly, "I haven't been doing much around here. I think... I need to get my head clear. Find my own place."
"This is your home."
Kazuki scoffs. "Forget it, Rei. We're still living on your family's blood money. I know you hate this prison as much as I do."
Rei nods to show Kazuki that he gets it. It's a meaningless action — they're both aware that they are two kindred souls in a blood-garbed world and that only Rei understands Kazuki and that only Kazuki understands Rei. Thus, when Rei asks,
"How long?"
So Rei inclines his head again. Acquiesces. He won't force his will on others. That's a move from Kazuki's playbook, or hell, even the late Suwa Shigeki's. Instead, Rei goes back inside and starts washing rice. Despite everything, he's hungry.
He knows that Kazuki is lying when he replies,
"Just a little while."
Kazuki soon joins him. He begins prepping the fish.
They don't talk.
(And this is why.)
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wanderchyld · 4 years
PBIO/IOTNBO theories
This is long so bear with me.
FYI, I watch the show on Netflix and while English is my first language, I know Chinese and Korean, so sometimes I ignore Netflix’s subs or (they tend to miss some nuances, not just for IOTNBO, heh) or change to Chinese subs for fun. If I quote anything, it might be a mix of Netflix’s subs and my interpretation.
There were 2 women in the Go household.
Moonyoung’s house had a group of dolls consisting 1 male doll (Go Daehwan), 2 female dolls (Do Heejae and ???) and 1 smaller female doll (Moonyoung).
There were 2 women that allegedly died: 1 in the basement, 1 in the lake.
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I know there’s a "Moonyoung has a stepmom" theory going around, and a lot of fairytales have stepmoms. But I think there is a possibility that the other woman is Do Heejae’s sister. Why?
Welcome to Oz
Every episode’s theme is tied to a certain story. However, there’s one story present in the show almost every episode, yet it was never explicitly mentioned; and that is The Wizard of Oz.
The current mystery around Do Heejae, Moonyoung’s mother, must be related to her novel, which is titled Witch of the West’s Murder. There is no way the novel was named after The Wizard of Oz’s Wicked Witch of the West for no reason at all, so this story has to be the the drama’s overarching theme. (I can also confirm that it’s the basis of the books’ content after reading the few pages they flipped on camera.)
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Plus, the disgusting book reviewer from ep 2 mentioned that you can tell a lot about an author from their writing. So what does Witch of the West’s Murder tell us about the mysterious Do Heejae?
This story has multiple variations but I refer mostly to the 1939 film (the most popular adaptation) and the Wicked musical.
Who are our witches?
The Wicked Witch of the West (WWOTW) and Wicked Witch of the East (WWOTE) were sisters. This may be linked to the 2 women in the Go household mentioned earlier. The 2 women may be Do Heejae and her sister, and my guess is that the Head Nurse is the sister.
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WWOTE = Moonyoung’s mother, Do Heejae
Known to be beautiful => multiple mentions that Do Heejae was beautiful, portrayed as feminine (often associated with beauty)
Used sorcery to control people => obsessive control over Moonyoung
Infatuated with Tinman before he became Tinman => she married Go Daehwan, so….
Caused Tinman to be without a heart => maybe she caused Go Daehwan a mental breakdown that landed him in the psychiatric hospital
Died from a house falling on her = died under a house => died in the basement, which is where? Under a house!
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WWOTW = the woman in the lake aka Do Heejae’s sister, who might be the Head Nurse
Known to be a tomboy => Head Nurse has tomboy tendencies
Saved Tinman from losing his heart => Taking care of Go Daehwan in the hospital
Melted in contact of water => died in the lake, and Do Heejae loves to sing "Oh My Darling Clementine" which is about a woman drowning in a river
Who is Dorothy?
After WWOTE died, Good Witch of the North (GWOTN) gave Dorothy WWOTE’s ruby shoes, which WWOTW coveted, and told her to follow the yellow brick road to find the Wizard of Oz. Coincidence with the red shoes Moonyoung wore and the hospital’s brick path in ep 2 despite being linked to a different fairytale? I don’t think so! By now, we would have known that IOTNBO doesn’t do coincidences.
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So Moonyoung is Dorothy. Not just because of the shoes. Firstly, what did Dorothy want the most? To return home. Just as how Moonyoung wants a warm family or home, they needed a sense of belonging.
Secondly, Dorothy was pointed to as the person who killed the 2 witches. While I’m pretty sure Moonyoung didn’t kill any of these 2 women, it’s almost definite that she’s related to or perhaps the very reason of their deaths.
The murder of the Witch of the West
Then what was the sister coveting? Go Daehwan? Her sister’s newfound wealth after marrying Go Daehwan? Or Do Heejae's attention (since Do Heejae loved Moonyoung to the point of obsession, her obsession may have ruined the sisters’ relationship)? (Thank you @honeyohhon​ for this.)
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GWOTN described WWOTW as "worse than the other," so if this direction is right, Do Heejae's sister wouldn’t just sit back and accept it. She would be vengeful and put up a fight with Do Heejae. This might explain why she ended up in the lake, and why the Head Nurse, who comes off as an easygoing person, barely interacts with Moonyoung and even seems a bit cold to her (though Moonyoung doesn’t like to socialise lol). And Moonyoung doesn’t recognise the Head Nurse as her aunt because Moonyoung was always kept in the house.
Therefore, my take is that Do Heejae's novel is not about murdering Kangtae’s mother like some theories I’ve seen (she did write a few volumes before she killed Kangtae’s mother). It’s about Do Heejae killing her sister aka Head Nurse. And with all the foreshadowing and the mention that the novel had not been completed, both women might be alive………....????!?!!??!!???? Idk man 🤯🤯🤯I’ve no idea where Do Heejae would be.
Anyway, The Wizard of Oz doesn’t just apply to the 2 women in mystery. In IOTNBO, we also have our own tinman, scarecrow, lion and wizard.
Go Daehwan the tinman with no heart => no soul
Sangtae the scarecrow with no brain but is just young and naive => has a developmental disorder and infantalised by almost everyone
Kangtae the lion with no courage => ’nuff said
Director Oh the middle aged wizard who is "a good man but a bad wizard" and gave Tinman, Scarecrow and Lion what they needed => helping them as the director one way or another
Park Ok Ran the messenger
She’s definitely a red herring. Likely a pawn. WWOTW did have winged monkeys to do her bidding. Being the head nurse of a psychiatric hospital, Do Heejae’s sister/Head Nurse has easy access to the mentally unstable patients and their files. She could have conditioned the patients into certain behaviours or to do things for her. Perhaps she conditioned Kang Eunja in ep 5 and 6 into mistaking Moonyoung as her daughter? And Park Ok Ran?
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Park Ok Ran had just begun reading the novel’s first volume in ep 5, the day after Go Daehwan choked Moonyoung. I really don’t think that’s a coincidence. By ep 7, she was at volume 9.
While she took volume 9 from the library herself, what made her start reading the books in the first place?
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It seems like she received the first few volumes with cue cards like Sangtae did, judging by the cue cards kept in her copy of volume 3 (an earlier volume). Get this: she possessed a copy of volume 3 even when she left the hospital in ep 10 but the library wasn’t missing any volume when she went to get volume 9 in ep 7. 👀👀👀  
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She used to be a theatre actress, and she seems clear that she’s not Do Heejae but a fan. Perhaps she received a role to play and the director communicates with her through the cue cards?
Kangtae also found her notebook, which seems to be a study of the books. I can’t read them because the shots aren’t very clear and it doesn’t help that the handwriting is a bit inconsistent. I then tried to compare her handwriting with the cue cards Sangtae received, and it is possible that his cards were not written by Park Ok Ran. I could be wrong because cursive vs neat handwriting? Ugh, spare me.
ETA: @annerossee​ mentioned that ep 13′s preview had Kangtae showing Director Oh the cue cards and Director Oh told him not to trust anyone. Seems like he recognised the handwriting.
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If I’m right, then Park Ok Ran was simply passing the message to Sangtae. She was the last person to have the library’s copy of volume 9. And the volume Sangtae received in ep 10 was NINE. 👀 
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Any thoughts? 
I actually have have more theories on Moonyoung, her dad and Sangtae but this post is already quite a lot of work 😅Maybe tomorrow.
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Shield Hero 20 - 22 | Sarazanmai 7 - 9 | BSD 32 - 34 | Fruits Basket 8 - 9 | Demon Slayer 8 - 10 | OPM 20 - 21
Shield Hero 20
Motoyasu getting dragged by Filo was funny…not enough to get a proper laugh though. Just a smirk or two.
Stop narrating and just get on with it, Naofumi and friends…!
“I was saying we should fight together all along.” (from Itsuki) – Were you, now…? (skeptical)
Ass-pull! I call “ass-pull” at the power to swallow the phoenix flame! Seriously, when did the dragon get the opportunity to teach Naofumi how to do that???
How did Naofumi not die after losing so much blood…?
What does the Q even stand for in the queen’s name…?
Sarazanmai 7
The seagulls…so fluffy…
For some reason, I expect a fakeout, but then it never arrives…these boys are really connecting…
I found some kappa croquette thingy online, but it referred to a “Shiki City” which probably isn’t in Asakusa…
The shirt…Kazuki’s shirt says “frog” but I get the feeling it also means “return”.
Shirohasu water. It’s Irohasu in Japan.
Was the lyric to Kawausoiya (the otter song) “gonna take ‘em”…?
Nice ET reference, Sara.
Balls…not just sport entendre, but…y’know. The sort of humour I don’t like as much.
Ooh…Keppi is shaping up to be the bad guy. But what plans does he have? Am I speculating too much and is he being framed? Hard to know until next time…
BSD 32
When Kyouka is eating the sundae, she looks like the Tofu Kyouka from Mayoi…hmm.
Can I confess something? Before I saw the illustrations for s2, I thought Louisa’s hair was much darker than what it is in the anime…hmmm, indeed.
I don’t think we were ever told (in the manga or the anime) what Louisa’s wish was…
This bit with Fyodor…I don’t think it was in the manga.
Subarashi-sou is a pun on “it seems wonderful”. That wasn’t in the manga, but it’s a great pun (because it’s right up my alley).
Fitz laughing at the neighbour’s TV wasn’t in the manga either, but that’s just the anime director’s humour peeking through.
“Blalack Daniel’s”, LOL.
Ohh…a quick Google reveals TJ Eckleberg is from the Great Gatsby. In there, he’s an eye doctor, but here, he’s an engineer.
George B Wilson is also from the Great Gatsby…Here be spoilers, but…George dies in his original work too.
Manhasset is a place in New York…I assume it’s connected to the Great Gatsby as well…
Oh yeah! Random Poe moment. That’s in the manga, so Igarashi (or whoever’s responsible for the terrible humour) doesn’t have to fake that bit.
Cue “Objection!” by Fitz, lemme guess. Even if I know the outcome and how it was done, I’d like to have my memory refreshed (by stabbing in the dark…and making an Ace Attorney joke in the process).
I already know, without googling, that Tom Buchanan is part of Great Gatsby as well…
Bank of Amerigo…LOL.
Fruits Basket 8
“If you show up for the banquet now…”
“The banquet sounds just like the folk tale!” Honestly, subbers, proofread…
Haa-kun and Haa-san. No distinguishing between them (aside from honorifics), even though they’re two completely different people.
Hatori’s squinty face was…hilarious, to put it simply.
Oh…I forgot the dance seems to be something the animal of the year does. So if Yuki was 3 years ago, it makes sense Momiji is doing it this year.
Best seat in the house for a sunrise, huh?
Kimetsu no Yaiba 8
I’ve seen Muzan being described as “Demon Michael Jackson” and now I can’t get that out of my head when I see him…sorry.
Tsukihiko, huh? It translates to “moon’s radiance” or something like that. That name is appropriate for a bad guy, isn’t it?
This is the first time I’ve really listened to the OST (aside from the OP and ED), so it’s…really something.
Ooh, I didn’t realise until now, but Ufotable even imitated the paper Jump is printed on with the next-ep previews…
OPM 2 8 (OPM 20)
Er…I haven’t mentioned it for the past few episodes, but Suiryu is hotttttttt. (No? I said that? Okay, next step.) That’s basically the only reason why I’m watching anymore…I can’t seem to find anyone who thinks positively of this tournament arc enough to do reviews of it that I can read, which has made my own opinion of this beloved series go down the drain…Also, if you weren’t aware, my taste lies not in Suiryu’s huge bulk, but rather in the fact he’s got long hair.
Didn’t Suiryu get pierced in the abs??? Where’s the blood coming from his injuries??? Update: He does have injuries there, they’re just not bloody…that’s all.
The main criticism for OPM 2 is the fact that it keeps cutting between different events, so it’s hard to follow. Well, I’ve had worse (see Concrete Revolutio) so that’s why I’m still here.
People say that clothing changes you – say if you put on a new outfit, you feel like a new person. (Of course, that’s all glamorising and praising consumption, but that’s beside the point here.) I think that’s what’s up with Max and Snek.
Shield Hero 21
“…the Shield Hero is worshipped.”
Really? Boob jiggle, at a time like this??? (Context: Malty is getting th slave crest painted on her.)
Wait, was there ever a Shield Church???
Okay, that felt like a real seasonal ending. What the heck is going to happen in the last few episodes, I wonder…?
Sarazanmai 8
Chikai knows the real meaning of YOLO…heh. I’m only kidding…
To be honest, I think I like Toi best out of the main trio. I tend to like the boys in blue…and no, I don’t mean the otter police.
Kazuki’s service provider is “Kappa Phone”, LOL.
When Reo held up the gun, I was yelling, “Enta! Get it for him!” (i.e. take the bullet) I didn’t expect him to actually do it…
…and here I thought tragic yuri was common enough and we don’t have enough Tragic Yaoi Dudes…
Notably, Toi was registered on Enta’s phone as “Kuji”, while Kazuki is registered as “Kazuki” (katakana) on Toi’s.
Shots fired…!
Update: I didn’t notice this, but the evil dude with kamome written behind him (I think it’s in this episode, but it might have been in the last one instead) must be based on a seagull…because that’s what kamome means.
Bungou Stray Dogs 33 (BSD S3 Ep 8)
I think it was around here I stopped reading the scans, because the series was picked up legally anyway…but I can see the death flags for a certain Port Mafia man…one who stands at the top.
As expected…butt shot. Igarashi (or whoever’s responsible for that shot) likes butts, so between this and Sarazanmai…*imagines image of kappa!Kazuki holding a shirikodama* There’s absolutely no buts about it (LOL), there’s no shortage of butts this season.
“To think that the rabbit being hunted would show its face…” – I think it’s hard for you to say that, Akutagawa, when you yourself have no face in that frame…
Why are both Akutagawa and Fyodor Naruto running today???
“So you’re doing this for that woman.”
What is “Mukurotoride”? I don’t seem to remember…maybe I never learnt what it was. Update: Apparently a tower in Dead Apple is called Mukurotoride.
Conspiracy time! This book sounds like Kunikida’s Ability…so imagine if it were under Dazai’s nose the entire time…
Fruits Basket 9
I love how the synopsis for this episode goes, “Kyo fights Yuki, Yuki fights a cold…”
Hatsuharu’s wearing such an ostentatious fluffy jacket…LOL, I love it.
Holy cow (LOL), I forgot how old Hatsuharu is…so that means he’s 15-ish, right?
Come to think of it…I see Fruits Basket characters in Ro Te O, which I started writing at about this time in 2013. The Azrael of that time was a hybrid of Hatsuharu, Ritsu and Ayame, Tetsuya is basically Yuki and Ryou is Kyou…hmm.
Apparently, Shigure had in the 2001 anime a song that went like, “High school girls, high school girls, cute high school girls for me.” So that’s where it was??? (Context: I haven’t seen Fruits Basket 2001, but read the entire manga.)
Kimetsu no Yaiba 9
Recap time, recap time…so the lady’s in the back room and Tanjiro conveniently forgets the man is in the basement…? Wuh?
Moya was complaining about how repetitive this show can get when it comes to the script (i.e. it repeats itself because it doesn’t trust its audience, but I think that’s because this is originally serialised on TV week by week that people may forget if they’re not bingeing, taking notes or following the manga). I’ll talk more about that in my KnY collab post, I guess…
When Yushiro said “watch your back”…he really meant it, huh?
Temari are the balls, but kemari is when you kick the balls.
“…the eyeballs on his hands are creepy.” – LOL.
Shield Hero 22
The ep title just says “Hero Council”…not specifically that there are 4 of them.
My stream’s been buffering more than usual, so I went “like mother, like daughter” before Naofumi did…
It would’ve ben massively funny to hear Melty call Malty either “Trash” or “B****”…especially the last one, because that’s always a fun way to end a sentence (especially for a girl as young as her). Update: She does, but the way she does it isn’t as funny as I thought it would be (and she doesn’t end her sentence with her sister’s new name).
Wait, I thought they got rid of her slave pact??? I thought it was only for the duration of her trial that she needed it for.
L’Arc and that lady seem like they’re foreshadowing for later…hmm. Update: The next-episode synopsis says “yes”. So does that new visual.
Sarazanmai 9
I can’t believe this show’s almost over…That means I gotta get a move on with RobiHachi, but to be honest? Non-anime things are probably going to kep me busy until…a few days from now. So I’ll get RobiHachi watched then.
Characetrs are dying en masse in this episode, aren’t they??? I saw a spoiler that (well, SPOILER) Chikai’s gonna die, but I don’t know about Enta or Keppi…Update: To be honest, I thought Chikai was going to become the next monster – a gun monster, perhaps. Maybe now that I’ve finished the episode, he’ll become a real zombie. (Hey, see what I did there with the bolding…? How’s that for hiding spoilers, eh???)
Oh yeah…I forgot Enta’s sister was Kazuki’s teacher…
There was a sign behind Masa that said”Hinode Asakusa” – “hi no de” meaning roughly “under the sun” or “leaving the sun”.
Tokarev…? The gun? Gun monster, maybe? Is this a critique of the American gun…(exaggerated voice) Nah, can’t be…this is Japanese.
Lionel…Lionel…for some reason, that name in relation to soccer seems familiar...I just can’t put my finger on who it reminds me of, though. Update: Is it, perhaps, Messi…? Yes, I think that’s the guy I was thinking of…!
Aw…I’m not crying, you are…But these words were running through my head before Toi chucked the bag of money away and yelled, “F***!”: “Everything I do, I do it for you.” Isn’t that cute…?
Bungou Stray Dogs 34
“…one by one?” Junban means “sequentially”, so I don’t see why you have to use the phrase “one by one”. Or “one at a time” would also work.
Hardbank…to contrast Softbank (a phone company in Japan).
Face-stealing aliens strike again…(re: Atsushi)
Oh flip. This reminds me of my Kunikida fic…yeah, I bet you don’t remember it.
Hey, this dude! Apparently he’s from one of Kunikida’s stories. I really am approaching the end of what I know of canon…*gulp* Update: Oops, we already passed that part…
I wonder if the real Fyodor could play cello…? Or is this just a thing to make him ominous and villanous…?
The cross on the wall behind Kunikida…makes this show more like Eva than Kekkai Sensen…exquisite. Absolutely exquisite, isn’t it?
Another cool cross, behind Tanizaki!
What’s a tatamigatana? Also, I didn’t know other people could be synchronised using Doppo Poet and Ranpo’s deduction…
Does Kouyou mean (by “the one I most despise”)…Chuuya? Or herself? It’s definitely not Ace.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 10
Headpats for Yushiro as well! Headpats for everyone!
There’s a lot of Tanjiro being terrified in this episode…
Wait…Kizuki? I thought they were the 12 Moons? (Well, “tsuki” means “moon”, but then what’s the “ki”?) Update: The “ki” means “demon”, so the Kizuki are the 12 Demon Moons.
Being alone with the body…that’s always a scary thought in murder mysteries…for the people who dissect them to determine the cause of death, that is.
Considering the name of the episode is “Together Forever”…nup, I don’t see Nezuko and Tanjiro separating anytime soon…
The Kasugai crow is what happens when you can’t turn off your Google Assistant…or GPS…or Siri.
If Tanjiro knows the name of his crow, how do the crows get their names? Do their trainers (is that the right term for a crow breeder in this case…?) give them names?
OPM S2 Ep 9 (Ep 21)
LOL, that one shot of the ants…JC Staff really don’t care about this series, do they…?
I kinda forgot about Genos after a bit more than a week…sorry, I was watching other anime in between. (More than usual, at least. I started playing Chibi Tamago – a forum game for AniList where you collect badges for watching anime - that’s why.)
Did he (Pri-Pri Prisoner)…store his phone in his butt…?
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
#Legacies Summary, Previews, Synopsis & More
If you’ve missed watching the first three episodes of Legacies, don’t worry. I am here with the summary of what has happened so far. I’ll also post the Promotional Pictures of S01-E04 at the end of this article.
This is my first article ever on the Internet, although, I do post Game of Thrones reviews, theories and predictions videos on Youtube. I also post Legacies Promotional Pictures & Synopsis of the Upcoming episodes. And who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me. Xoxo...
Oops, wrong fandom... LOL... Just Kidding. This is Ultimate Book Maniacs.
If you’ve never watched Legacies before, I highly recommend it. Julie Plec had first made The Vampire Diaries, then The originals, and now with all that experience behind her, she brings us Legacies. So without waiting any longer, let’s begin.
Alaric and Caroline have turned the Salvatore house into the “Salvatore School for the young and gifted.” They started this school to provide a safe place for the supernatural kids, so they can learn to control their worst impulses.
When Landon Kirby’s foster brother Rafael accidentally kills his girlfriend and triggers his werewolf curse, Hope and Alaric go to the bring him to the school. Landon sees Hope using her magic, and they bring him to the school with them. After getting all the information from him about Rafael, they call MG to compel Landon to forget everything and go home, but the compulsion doesn’t work, which leads them to believe that the Town Sheriff Matt Donovan has slipped Vervain (a herb which protects people from being compelled and hurts vampires) into the coffee at the Gas Station. They put Landon in a cell for the Vervain to pass through his system so that they can compel him again. Lizzie and Josie (Alaric’s twins) have a crush on Rafael, but Lizzie calls the dibs on him. Rafael seems to like Josie more.
After Klaus’s death, Hope doesn’t let people close to her anymore, but she lets her guard down for Landon. She stops him from touching an ancient knife in the Stephen Salvatore Memorial Library. Later Landon Kisses Hope.
MG compels Landon to forget about everything and go home. They find out that Landon stole the knife and didn’t go back home. Hope gets Josie to perform black magic with her to track him down to a bus. When they reach the bus, they find everyone on the bus has been incinerated.
Alaric, Hope and Rafael leave the school to see Landon. In her fury, hope steals a black magic death spell before they go. They find Landon who lies about having the knife and tells them a woman who breathes fire has killed all those people on the bus. Dorian tells them the woman is a dragon. She comes after Landon for the knife. Hope uses the death spell on the dragon, but when she hesitates to kill her, Alaric kills the dragon. He is mad at Hope for wanting to use the death spell on Landon saying this is her father, not her. Landon and Rafael leave while Hope and Alaric were busy with the Dragon. Landon leaves a letter behind.
While at the school, they have the annual game with Mystic high. They are not allowed to use magic and are supposed to lose to look like a typical rich kid school. Josie’s evil ex Penelope tells MG to use his powers to impress Lizzie because she knows he has a crush on her. Lizzie can’t take any more of Dana’s taunting. With Alaric gone, they decide to win the game, but Josie uses her magic to make them lose the game.  
As punishment, Alaric volunteers everyone in the game and Hope for the community service. Lizzie blames Josie for making Kaleb drop the ball. Josie gets mad at her and goes with Hope where they start to bond. Dana, and Kyle mock Lizzie, MG & Kaleb. Kyle throws his milkshake on Lizzie. She gets mad and goes back to school. Alaric tells her to help with the Primary school students out in the garden, where a Gargoyle attacks them. Lizzie siphons a primary student Pedro’s powers, but instead of casting a spell to protect her, she casts a spell to lock the gargoyle in the school. It attacks Alaric, takes the knife but doesn’t kill him. When it tries to get out and couldn’t, it starts hunting Lizzie. Josie feels something is wrong, and she and Hope come back to the school. Alaric works on a theory that it doesn’t hurt humans and together they take out the Gargoyle. Alaric sends Dorian away with the knife.  
Rafael and Landon are taking their lives on the road. When Rafael asked why he kept lying about the blade, Landon says the Knife wanted him to steal it and to lie about it. Landon gets Rafael to use his powers to win some bets and make money. They become the target of a Werewolf Hunter but are saved by Jeremy Gilbert, who brings them back to the school.
So, that’s all that has happened in Legacies so far. As for what will happen next? Here’s the promotional photos of  1x04, and the synopsis for the 4th and 5th episodes.
LEGACIES 1x04 Synopsis “Hope is Not the Goal” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
FOLLOWING THE TRAIL — When two local students go missing, Alaric (Matthew Davis) sends Hope (Danielle Rose Russell), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), MG (Quincy Fouse) and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) to Mystic Falls High to investigate. Meanwhile, as Josie (Kaylee Bryant) helps Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) adjust to his new life at the school, his reluctance to follow the wolf pack’s rules puts a target on his back. Lastly, an unsettling discovery puts Alaric and Sheriff Donovan (guest star Zach Roerig) at odds with one another. Chris Grismer directed the episode with story by Brett Mathews and teleplay by Bryce Ahart & Stephanie McFarlane (#104). Original airdate 11/15/2018.
LEGACIES 1x05 Synopsis “Malivore” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
ELECTION FEVER — Tensions rise among the students after Alaric (Matthew Davis) decides to give the students a more prominent voice by forming an honor council. Determined to find out more about Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) past, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) does a series of magical tests on him. Meanwhile, Alaric and Dorian (guest star Demetrius Bridge) take on the next creature to try and find out what they want and where they are coming from. Michael Karasick directed the episode written by Thomas Brandon & Penny Cox (#105). Original airdate
11/29/2018. Let me know what you think about Legacies. Why do you think the knife is so important? Do you think Lizzie, Josie, and Hope can get along?
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fantasysuiteleague · 7 years
Week 1 Recap: Same Shit, Different Colors
It’s easy to get excited thinking this season of the Bachelorette is going to be different. Rachel is the first Blachelorette, it’s the most diverse cast in the history of the franchise, and she is really smart and down to earth and has a real, sustainable job. (Yes, I’m aware Andi was a “lawyer” too, but also, she wasn’t.) Believe me, as a black female attorney perpetually surrounded by white people I know should be excited. This is my jam. 
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If anyone can relate to Rachel and her search for true love (lol), it’s me. But aside from the color of people’s skin, this season will be no different than any other. The guys will still be macho, aggressive, and pathetic. The dates will still be awkward and infuriatingly low budget. The drama will still be manufactured. And at the end of all of this, Rachel will still walk away with a fake fiancé she barely knows. Sure, there will be certain dynamics that you wouldn’t otherwise see in the standard white girl season, but ultimately, this show will remain pretty fucking stupid. 
Fresh Meat 
As we dive into the spotlight segment of the episode it’s hard not to notice that everyone we meet is a minority (except the guy with the dead mom and the guy with the brain injury). I find myself annoyed by this only because it makes me “wonder” where these guys have been and why ABC “hasn’t been able to find” anyone but the same white guy to come on this show. Anyway, the first seven guys ABC wants us to pay attention to include:
Kungfu Kenny, the cute professional wrestler from Vegas with a 10 year old daughter.
Jack, the lawyer from Dallas who has a cute dog and a dead mom.
Alex, the meathead coder from Detroit who speaks Russian and is almost certainly a deep cover agent.
Mohit, the Bollywood dancing start up guy who doesn’t stand a chance.
Lucas, an aspiring Doritos spokesman and all around idiot. 
Blake, the creep who couldn’t stop talking about his amazing penis.
Diggy, a fasion bae from Chicago who might also be gay.
Josiah, the smooth talking lawyer from Florida with a Stomp the Yard story line.
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After Rachel gets some last minute advice from half of the cast of Nick’s season, it’s time for limos. Per usual, we had some awkward lines, over the top entrances, stupid props, and a lot of bowties. Here’s a quick rundown:
The first guy named Peter was boring yet charming. Adam brought a doll which was pretty alarming. Steve Urkel was cute, Dean was awkward and lame, DeMario is clearly only here for the fame.
Josiah had a weak line about reasonable doubt, While some big guy name Iggy continued to pout. The penguin looked silly, Milton looked chic, And the Tickle Monster guy is a fucking freak.
The dick guy showed up with a full marching band, The rest blurred together and were horribly bland. And just when I thought we had a full room, Some douchebag arrived and screamed out WHABOOM.
Cocktail Party
Soon after Whaboom enters the mansion and puts everyone on notice that he is a psychopath, the cocktail party starts. I can’t say I’m surprised that Josiah is the first to steal Rachel away, or that he quickly launches into his good kid then bad kid then good kid back story. Nor am I surprised that right away the other guys start talking shit about him for doing something they should have done first. It’s classic Bachelor. After Rachel shuffles through a few duds, Bryan the Colombian with too much botox whisks her away to a more isolated location. Bryan tells her exactly what she wants to hear: that he’s 37 (with the face of a 24 year old) and is ready to settle down and get married. Even though Botox Bryan looks like a total douchebag and his flirting errs on the side of fuckboi, Rachel is really into it. So into it that she overlooks the fact that he kisses her like a plunger would a toilet.
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Throughout the night we’re treated to a number of clips featuring DeMario, this season’s Corinne. Prior to the start of the night, Whitney “warned” Rachel that DeMario may not be here for the right reasons because she knows a girl who knows a girl who knows a guy who dated a girl who says DeMario is a clown. But OF COURSE HE IS. His name is DeMario. And beyond the racial profiling, anyone that comfortable and smooth in front of a camera in a situation like this has fuckboi written all over them. But I don’t find his arrogance offensive just yet. He’s more amusing than anything, and honestly asked Rachel the right question (N*Sync or Backstreet Boys). I have a feeling he might be the guy with the girlfriend (per season previews), but I also think that’s what ABC wants me to think, so for now I remain skeptical but excited. Eventually we get to Whaboom, who sucks. Prior to his 1-on-1 time with Rachel, he spends the entire night Whabooming around the house and shouting into his megaphone. Admittedly he got a laugh out of me when he started narrating Rachel’s time with Hugh Dancy lookalike Peter, the boringass guy from Wisconsin who will probably be the next Bachelor. Pretty much everyone in the house has the same reaction to Whaboom and even encourages him to an extent,
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except Blake, the “great dick” guy from the drum line. (Wow, I can’t believe that sentence is about a white guy). Signaling to everyone that he has approximately no chill, Blake takes it upon himself to “confront” Whaboom for being a tool. The problem, of course, is that Whaboom clearly does not give a fuck about what Blake or anyone else thinks because “everyone has a little Whaboom in them.” Sure, but that the part of ourselves we hate. Despite being unattractive and cognitively impaired, Whaboom gets the final rose of the night, confirming my initial hypothesis that this season won’t be any different from the rest, and ultimately, this show remains pretty fucking stupid.  
Did you notice . . .
575 pairs of sneakers seems like an incredible waste of money, Diggy
Also, we’re gonna have a Diggy and Iggy on the same season? 
Speaking of Iggy, he literally could not stop complaining about every single guy that walked through the door. Like dude, this show thrives of first night gimmicks. Stop being such a bitch.
While DeMario and Joshiah were swaggering around in the midst of a pissing match, a group of white guys were huddled across the room discussing how loud and obnoxious they were being. I’m not saying it’s a race thing, but it will be interesting to see who sticks together on this show.
“He’s not ‘look at me I’m drunk’ he’s ‘I almost just missed that step drunk.’” RIP Mohit. 
Everyone in the background watching Whaboom’s 1-on-1 time with Rachel.
Adam Jr. stole the show. I really hope he sticks around the house for awhile. Those of you who follow my snapchat know I’m a big fan of lifelike dolls. (that sounds weirder than it is, I promise)
Peter saying he “put a lot of things on hold to be here” is so fucking obnoxious. Of course you did, that’s the fucking point. Don’t try to act like you slutting yourself out on TV is some grand gesture for Rachel and that she should be grateful for you. There are literally hundreds of basic ass white men who would love to put their shitty jobs on hold and bro out with some personal trainers in California. Fuck off, guy. 
Milton crying was the highlight of the episode for me.
Minority Report .. or should it be Majority Report? It’s too difficult to track how many there are or what they’re doing (although Jeff Sessions is trying his best), so I’ll use this space to discuss those we lose each week. This week, it’s Blake K., that super cute Asian guy who DEFINITELY shouldn’t have been kicked off. Pretty much everyone on the internet agrees she made a huge mistake letting him go and keeping the TICKLE MONSTER weirdo and Whaboom, but like I said, this show is stupid. But based on the love he was getting on Twitter, I won’t be surprised if he makes it to Paradise this year. I just hope he doesn’t pair up with Caila. Gag.
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raysondetre · 6 years
U2′s Songs of Experience
Here are the things in the album and release that U2 have done that tie into this book, summarized without substantiation. I reiterate the list with substantiation below if you actually want to find out if this is going on.
Why this is important: -the book was published January 9th, 2016. Bono received the same book at the halfway mark as a draft in 2011. It was submitted for copyright April 2014 and received its copyright license at the end of that year. So you're dealing with a situation where the book can in no way have been contrived to fit U2's actions with their subsequent album, Songs of Experience. Which implies that Bono contrived his creative output in response to the book, because there are enough of them that it appears it could not have been chance. To find out why that could be of pivotal import, it would pay to read the book, but I'll give you the shorthand, -for the book's entire premise to fly, -Bono was so creatively involved he'd have to agree to its existence on some level. And this is enough to assert that he does. But to understand why that statement can be made that strongly, you'd have to understand what was in the book. Same goes for understanding why that may be so important, but U2 themselves have framed the import themselves quite perfectly by this choice quote they released on the day of the US recent eclipse, "Blackout, it's clear, who you are will appear".
1) Bono appears to have read the halfway draft of this book he got in 2011 -in terms of creating a song that manages to juxtapose finishing the book, along with what might be a reaction to the fact that I have lately published a spate of negative investigative articles about the band with regards to their philanthropy sources, -with the fact that I was on Killiney Bay in the draft right before the first time I met him personally, -a song which actually manages to tie into this circumstance three different ways (relying on the journal entry from the night prior)
2) Bono's preview interview for the album's release (the exclusive Amazon Alexa podcast) had him pulling out and talking about an incident he's practically never discussed, -the theft of his lyrics for U2's album ATYCLB on his laptop - an incident that happened right after I first met him, and was thoroughly documented in the draft he received (as well as the current book), -a theft that happened 18 years ago.
3) U2 have deliberately timed their album's release with both an eclipse (to the day) and a supermoon (which happened two days after the album's release) -both events which happened before and after the first and second time I met and spoke to Bono in person in Dublin in 1999. An eclipse happened at almost at totality over Dublin (over 98%) just days before I met Bono, and the supermoon occurred two days after I met him the second time. U2 timed the release of the album with a supermoon occurring two days after the album's release. All this occurrence was documented in both the draft and the current (pre-published 2016) book.
4) Bono snippets "Walk to the Water" in the BBC promotion of the new album's release, -a song that has never been performed and has only been snippeted four times in all of its existence (including this time). He edited the lyrics so that they emphasize the song's (female) subject, opening by her saying it wasn't cold, and how she walked down the "North Strand" to the sea, -which is exactly where you'd walk to go to U2's secret studio then (in 1999, not when this song was written). This is exactly what transpired when I met Bono the first time. Bono was in a position to know that this was exactly what transpired the first time, because I described the process of finding the secret studio in the draft, including describing which streets, -not to mention the conversation itself.
5) The new album, Songs of Experience has a bonus track, "Book of Your Heart" which actually has Bono describing having reading something given to him exclusively for his reading alone (in which he was a character), that corresponds with several appertaining facts of the book.
6) The most significant of these is that it mentions the name change I made to my legal pen name in order to publish the book. Or at least, this is alluded to as something the writer described in the song has done, and this is something I did to self-publish. This happened after 2011.
7) Prior to this, with Songs of Innocence -Bono titled track 10 after the "sincerely" line of my opening letter that presented the draft, word for word: "This is Where You Can Reach me Now". This is something I cannot document because that letter was saved exclusively to the flash drive that Bono received.
This got started as a reply, which I've kept the link to document because the reply thread is literally when I noticed, in real time, that there could have been a deliberate interplay between the song and my book draft. (As well as the embed code just in case which is not a hyperlink.) Facebook censored me from replying, which is how this analysis took flight.
Anthony: "Pamela Williams this is the stupidest crap I’ve ever read. So Bono stoled lyrics from you? Ok lol"
"No. And not insulting you back Anthony takes some restraint. The lyrics are not a quote -which is apparent to anyone literate. What is he doing by the look of it is tagging the period I was in Ireland and met him personally (and delivered an art theory to him as per lyrics with some pretty serious implications). You might register the fact that every one of these points I'm listing is in the book draft I managed to get to him personally in Chicago, -2011. The draft he got, the chapter I was in Ireland and met him personally was just being begun. I had to summarize it as a series of journal entries." So in the book draft he got:
1) I was crying on Killiney Bay the night after a Full Moon just days before I met Bono for the first time. The night before I was singing my lungs out and dancing on the roof of a Dublin Pub three stories up. -With the song "Love is Bigger Than Anything in its Way". -Bono lyrically suggests to start singing, instead of 'talking' -which would suitably reference the fact that I've done a series of five investigative articles in the last year and a half or so on the band's billionaire sponsorship etc. that were deeply negative. -That's probably the reason for the 'I know the rage in you is strong" reference.
-Now when I went back into writing the Chapter on Ireland in earnest after Bono received the book in 2011, I found I'd made an error and in fact these journal entries were several days apart, -not just one day apart. So the page I put in the book footnotes (that are in the existing published book as hyperlinks) that has these same journal entries (at a higher level of detail) -they're a week or so apart instead of a day apart. The quay I was sitting on (crying) at Dalkey is on Killiney Bay. I said, "I think my heart is completely broken." In the draft Bono got the entry is only two lines and the episode on the roof (June 28th) is listed as the Full Moon the night prior. In reality the second night I listed as June 29th in his draft really took place July 6th. (Yea, I have the original volumes (handwritten journals, -seven of them), the only way this would have even been the result.)
This is not asserting that he is taking lyrics from me. It looks like what happened in the book draft may be something he chose to write a song (actually maybe three plus one deliberate choice of snippet) about. There's a (big) difference between that allegation and alleging "Bono's copping my lyrics".
-Disclaimer, I have run across this interview in The Sun that says the song was written for his sons (heard the same thing about "13 (There is a Light)" -Bono says on record in the liner notes that this is the case, listing three songs by title as dedicated to his children). However, as explained in the book itself, (and further below) -both sons appeared to have been named after the document I handed to Bono the first time I met him, so it may have a dual intention. It may fit both situations and fits this one a little better, as the book puts a host of songs into one giant, narrative uber song. PS: From what I've seen, apart from this one song out of the three I'm referencing, despite the fact that Bono said all the tracks were letters of some sort to people in his life (including fans) the ones I'm mentioning have no such attribution by Bono or the band (fans assume attribution). I'm not sure why Bono would dedicate two songs to his two sons and only one song to his two daughters, and Bono has only attributed one so far to his daughters. So I'm wondering if the song was written with a dual intention, which is not a first in terms of song analysis where Bono is concerned. PPS: I’m not the type to make an assumption about one song because that song "just happens" to fit what he received in a draft. There’s a lot else going on.
2) Bono talks about his laptop getting stolen with all his lyrics on the Alexa interview special that was a retrospective preview to the album, and only broadcast before the album's release (since this individual didn't listen well enough I checked on this interview with second source). This theft happens in the book draft I gave to Bono in 2011, -right after I documented meeting him personally in the draft. "-But [Anthony is] too dim to consider how I might possess a scan of the newsprint article that documents when he recovered it, and exists as its own page because it is an actual book footnote in a book that was already published in iBooks January 9, 2016, -which means I've already written and published this so I cannot have possibly contrived any of these pages, -nor the book's existing context to fit what Bono has since written and U2 have done in releasing this album (same goes for all the links from my book page to follow) - They all exist as hyperlinks in a previously published book." The lyrics/laptop theft is dealt with in considerable detail. Bear in mind Bono's pulling out an event that happened in 1999, -18 years ago, for this interview. -And I know I got the true skivvy on this from a taxi driver because Bono talked in the Alexa interview about negotiating through bad people to get to even badder people. Ergo, The Mirror lied about the recovery.
3) I met Bono for the first time in person less than a week after an eclipse at over 98% totality took place right over Dublin, and this is in the notes Bono received in the book draft, -very shortly after the journal entry where I was crying on Killiney Bay. (Again that's original scanned newsprint that's already footnoted into the book for this very reason.) So, Bono and Co. notify everyone of "The Blackout" (the first single release to Song of Experience) -on the day of an eclipse passing very close to where I live now, it so happens, -in fact where I live it was it was 88% totality. -A blackout is what happens when there's an eclipse, btw. They quoted one song lyric from the song in this mail out to fans in the path of the eclipse: "Blackout, it's clear, who you are will appear". (They don't mention anything about "The Blackout" even being a single release that's in the pipe with this mail-out, what you saw is what people received.) "Eclipse" as both an event and analogy that have very serious occurrences; it is an existent analogy throughout the book. (You can search the term. -In fact the one line of lyric responsible for triggering this whole book, or even traveling to meet Bono in 1999 (let alone bothering to write about it), was "You know the sun is sometimes eclipsed by a moon, y'know I don't see you, when she walks in the room" - "The Fly".)
Interestingly enough, one of the very few (two) religious essays I did for the book centered on a female theologian whose entire religious practice centered on "learning to walk in the dark" - naturally, -because her system of thought was something the book explored doing existentially. (-This was released publicly at the time of writing.)
After signifying the first single with the eclipse, U2 released the album Songs of Experience, two days before a supermoon occurred. -In the book notes Bono received I recorded how I met him personally a second time at the Octagon Bar in The Clarence Hotel in Ireland and the supermoon, which was declared by the Irish Times to be the brightest in 136 years, happened two days after I met him the second time. That is why the book also has a footnote about that as well. -This is also in the notes Bono received that were the book draft at that time. Now what's absolutely mind-blowing about this, is that the supermoon occurs in the book draft two days after I met Bono the second time where we spoke and I gave him a Christmas gift, which is the exact date spacing of how U2 timed the album's release, with the supermoon occurring two days afterward.
4) Bono deliberately snippets "Walk to the Water" in the BBC broadcast promoting this album at the end of the performance of "All I Want Is You": "Walk to the Water" has never been performed. This is the 4th time it's been snippeted in all of its existence (30 years). These are the lyrics. He drops a very sensitive quatrain about the song's subject; she wore a "necklace given to [her] by [her] father".
Rabbit Hole #1
-Bono skips that part of the song in this snippet of "Walk to the Water" to go onto the Dublin streets: she "turned left on the Northstrand, and out towards the sea". -If you know where that is, in Dublin, -you'd know that it changes into Pearse Street when it turns left and later becomes Rings End Road, -and that was exactly how to get to U2's then (1999, certainly not in 1987 when "Walk to the Water" was written) secret studio (which was on Hanover Quay on the Grand Canal, and you can google that location now as they decided to let it go). -If you turned left on the North Strand you'd get to their secret studio, if you just took two more turns at the right place. Turning left on the North Strand is the same as turning towards the mouth of the River Liffey, and the sea. Which I walked before and after meeting Andy a couple of times by chance (Guggi's brother -Guggi is practically Bono's best friend in the world)) -I followed North Strand to Rings End (Rings End was overshooting it, actually the turn off was on Pearse Street) until I came to the secret studio and sat on the bench outside and first met Bono. The book draft Bono got in 2011 goes into these encounters and the walking to get there in a lot of detail because I was in a deadline rush of sorts to sort out to Bono how I actually met him, a deadline determined by a concert ticket. How finding Bono transpired was actually sort of odd and interesting, because it took a series of things happening by chance (Andy included), -and I had to blow Andy's mind by proving that with the song "The First Time" Bono was referencing a feminine Holy Spirit (not by trying to, it was that his mind was blown that prompted him to divulge the location). It took quite a convo to tease the location out of him. So the book mentions "Pearse Street" and "Rings Road". -You can search the book for terms after you've found them on Google Maps. The book has a search option. Incidentally Bono has written a song about Andy all of two times, "Bad" in 1984 (which reappeared and became a regular in their live set after the delivery in 2011 was made), and "Raised by Wolves", which appeared on the first subsequent album "Songs of Innocence" after Bono received this book draft. -Yes, made a note of that observation at the time. (Scroll down, to "let's meet under the cherry tree".)
Now practically the first thing that happens when I relate conversing with Bono the first time in this book (which was the same in the draft) is that Bono goes into a brogue about how cold it is today and waxes apologetic about the state of Ireland's typical weather. And I had to suppress my comment about how it wasn't cold at all, -being from Canada. (For what I avoided saying I interjected the thought "Oh puleez". "oh puleez" will pull up that first conversation with Bono.) -So Bono's literally teased out this verse snippet on the BBC broadcast and modified it (by dropping half of the first verse and going onto the second) -so that it happens to fit the actual context of when I first actually met him -that again (*sigh*) -was transcribed in the book draft I gave to him in 2011 and presently exists in the actual book. -The first line in "Walk to the Water is, "She said it wasn't cold". So the choice of snippet just happens to have fit the real situation.
All of these events happen in just a few pages in the draft that Bono got. They formed the substance of that chapter then, which is certainly not how it stands now.
Rabbit Hole #2
Rabbit Hole #3
5) The album has a bonus track called "Book of Your Heart" - the first verse sure looks like he might be reading a book he received personally that is his sole edition, doesn't it? (No one's ever going to see that draft other than himself.)
The song opens "Right from the start, you put this into words, how you think we should proceed" - I began writing in reference to the matter when I was 21, the "big" concept landed at 25, and then I began writing in earnest. "Love is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way" - has "So young to be the words of your own song". - If you follow the protagonist in this book the full course, you'll find out this linking situation - (-when the protagonist exists as object in an array of songs and you put that all together for the first time as a book, that book is the first elucidation of the whole song-) -this situation of the protagonist as object actually can be traced back to when she was just thirteen years old, with Bono coming into the picture at sixteen, not that any of this was known at those ages. The watershed moment that came on like a neutron bomb happened at age 21. The really freaky part is that in terms of becoming her own song, her own self-conceived myth that ends up playing out through the book, the character she came up with that becomes this myth personae in later years, she came up with at age 12; -first writing the story's beginning at age 14.
"Write a world where we can belong" -in "Love is Bigger Than Anything in its Way" -looks like an endorsement to finish writing (but that the writer is on their own). Bono got a draft that was at the less than halfway mark. And subject to some serious revision in key earlier chapters after he got it (one got added).
"Book of Your Heart" also has the lines "This is the promise that we'll stay, Through the long descriptive passages, Where we don't know what to say" -Also looks like reading a book (and first encounter, the entire intercourse was of what was not said). It's a wordy one that clocks in at 836 pages last I checked (in Word). The song also has "We are not fictitious characters, We don't belong to this world" -which again, indicates characters that exist as writ. It is very fitting for a book that centers on Bono and a protagonist between the two of them, plus an associated ensemble cast, and deals in pre-conception existence (post-death as well).
6) "Book of Your Heart" mentions a name change. When I met Bono and made the deliveries, both in 1999 and 2011, I went by a different name. The book's legal pen name is Pamela Williams. (It's right on the cover.) You'd have to be fairly aware of me, I know, to understand that I changed my name between 2011 and now to release the book, -but I did so on all my social media, it so happens. If you find this dubious, well, I decided on the pen name in 2000. It's on record in the book itself that I'm going to change my name for it -and what the name will be. You can search the name inside the book also to find this out.
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