#(which is going to take me a WHILE to leave behind either way don't know about you)
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The fact that Bitterbat used to bite her when they were younger until Sweetheart drew blood makes me wonder has he ever went a bit too far and hurt Sweetheart on accident? Like what happened the first time he did that and how devastated does he get when he learns that humans (and sometimes magical girls) are way more fragile than he thought they were? Like imagine younger Sweetheart gets distracted for one moment and Bitterbrat just decides to bite her and she freaks out a little bc her arm is full out bleeding and she can't make it stop (bc being a magical girl or not, she was still a kid and seeing that amount of blood freaks people out. Ignoring the fact that it might hurt af yk?)
Just wondering since he fell for Sweetheart by punching him against the wall and because she was strong, but what happened when he found out that even magical girls have weak moments?
Sorry if this question is too long. And the rambling. I'm so normal about glitter and guilt and licorice I promise💗💜
It's totally fine to ask ramble questions about Licorice - i love blabbering about Sweetheart and Bitterbat because they have a lot of meat to them SO I WELCOME ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT THEM.
ANYWAYS It took Bitterbat a bit to learn about humans and how they socialize with each other. He knew that humans were fragile but he thought Amara was an outlier since she could use magic.
So he had taken to nibbling Sweetheart here and there just as a sign of affection, though in her eyes he was being weird as hell. Occasionally his teeth hurt but a couple baps on the head made him back off. It also helped that, being a magical girl, her skin was more durable than when she was powered down.
One day he was feeling extra bold, and while hugging Amara from behind, bit her right on the back of the neck, expecting humans and Monstrums to share similar enough anatomy where they had a scruff. He did it because he wanted her attention but instead got the loudest yelp he'd ever heard out of her. He didn't have much time to react either because Amara had entered a complete state of panic and was crying for him to get off her as she struggled to get out of his arms.
He saw a lot of blood and her tears and immediately realized he made a mistake so he quickly let her go and tried to explain himself.
It's important to remember this happened when they were kids. I'm talking 10 years old so they both didn't make the best decisions. And Amara, out of a mix of instinct and fear, struck him across the face, cutting his explanation short. The mix of him being completely caught off guard and the strike being full force meant Bitterbat was sent to the ground. By the time he processed what had happened, Amara was already running away crying to Lovely for help.
He felt so bad once Halite explained humans don't have a scruff like Monstrums do. And once he learned just how vulnerable a human's neck was, along with how thin a human's skin was compared to a Monstrum's, Bitterbat was guilt-ridden and couldn't bring himself to face Sweetheart ever again.
On Amara's end, Bitterbat thankfully didn't do a whole ton of damage like she expected and she just needed some disinfectant and big af band-aid and she was basically good as new save for a scar. Bitterbat had been missing in action for a couple weeks though, which meant she had just been battling Vents without any follow up challenge.
Eventually Bitterbat returned to apologize and Amara came around to forgiving him after learning he genuinely didn't mean any harm and it was just a matter of different cultures and anatomy. It did take some time for Amara to become comfortable again with receiving hugs from behind from Bitterbat.
Honestly it took her awhile to be comfortable with having her back to Bitterbat in general. But eventually she got over her discomfort.
In the modern day, Bitterbat nibbles and bites everywhere else but when it comes to the back of Amara's neck, he just leaves kisses. I know ages ago I had mentioned he nips back there too for attention but the more I thought about how events in childhood stays with a person as they grow up, I retconned it since I imagine Amara is still nervous when it comes to his teeth back there.
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fic masterlist!
full masterlist!
taglist (closed!): @adelinesthoights @bellssforyou @halfp4stmidnight @avis-writeshq @carm1lla @sunghoonsgfreal @reirain @cherrypieyourface@aynfp @keldracula @kurroomii @chilichopsticks @shanchiikiss @starstrikeer @yzaelki @just-lilita @chiiibeaa @baby-bunnyxn @zarisluvr @xxpr3ttyk173rxx@albakugo @swoozleee @aeristocrats @frog-and-moon @amterasuu
(i don't know if i'll delete this tbh)
As you’re about to answer Yachi’s question, your phone pings and you grab it, opening your messages.
t.k: hey, do you have a lot of homework?
you: yeah, ig, why?
i thought that instead of going out for dinner we could grab something from the store or order take out and work together
if u want, of course
yeah, fine by me! Are you okay with that?
wouldn’t have proposed it if i wasn’t
i also need to talk to you about something
You heart leaps. Has he seen you talking with Atsumu? Has Kageyama told him?
okay, see you soon then? I need to grab mail from downstairs and prepare my stuff but I’ll be there in 10-20 mins?
cool, see u
Yachi was still looking at you when you finished texting but you simply smiled.
“I’m going to grab the mail from downstairs and then I’m leaving.”
“Oh, okay. Will you be back soon?”
“I don’t know, I guess so but still, if you need something, I’ll literally be next door.”
“Oh, okay!” As you stand up from the sofa, Yachi smiles, grabbing the TV remote and turning on the device. “Have fun.”
“You too, are you finally going for drinks with Yuki?”
“Maybe, we’ll see.”
You nod, making your way to your bedroom, which looks a bit messy, considering you spent almost an hour deciding what to wear to the volleyball match. Humming a song, you quickly put away your clothes in the closet and tidied everything on your desk, making sure you put all the important things in your backpack to study and make your way out the apartment in less than five minutes, saying goodbye to Yachi.
You knock on Tsukishima’s door and wait for a few seconds until Yamaguchi opens the door. His hair is a bit wet and he smiles, moving to let you in. You leave your backpack next to the living room table and notice that the shower is running.
“Is Tsukki showering?”
“He is.”
“Mind if I leave my backpack here while I go and grab the mail?” It’ll take me two minutes.”
“Sure! Tsukki is probably finishing soon, want me to get you something to drink while you’re out?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” You open the door again and wave at him, closing the door behind you.
You make your way downstairs, walking down the stairs instead of taking the lift, walking past some neighbours that were either going out or into their apartments.
The keys to the mailbox jingle while you grab them and you unlock it, finding some envelopes from the student’s office and a envelope filled with small hearts and clouds meant for Tsukishima.
One of your eyebrow raises, not surprised about the fact that his mail was in your mailbox, but stunned at the drawings. The letter comes from one northern city of Miyagi, which you don’t know much of and you quickly look around the envelope to find a short but cute message on the back.
“Hi, uncle Kei!” filled with smiley faces and other hearts. You didn’t even know he had a nephew or niece. You didn’t even know he had siblings.
You smile softly, making your way upstairs again, knocking on his apartment again. This time, it is Tsukki who opens the door for you, his hair is completely soaked and he’s trying to dry it with a towel. He looked… relaxed.
“Got part of your mail.” You give him the envelope. “A love letter.”
“Is it?” Tsukishima looks at the envelope and you can see the smallest smile making its way to his face. “Oh, yeah, I get a lot of these. Jealous?”
Tsukishima sends you a glare as he makes way for you to enter and you quickly take a look at the living room. Somehow, during the two minutes you have been out, Hinata and Tanaka had made their way into the apartment. You nod at Tsukki and grab his hand after taking off your shoes, leading him into the living room as if you haven’t noticed the other boys and giggle.
“Not jealous…” You pull him a bit closer to you, grabbing his arm as you placed your head on it. “Are you ready t-Oh.” Your eyes land on Hinata and he looks at the way you are grabbing Tsukishima, clearly surprised. “Hi guys, didn’t see you there.”
“Hi there.” Tanaka says. “Don’t worry about us, we are waiting for Yamaguchi to finish his little routine so we can go out and give you… privacy.”
“How nice of you, Tanaka.” Tsukki adds, softly pulling away from you and leaving the envelope on the table before looking at you. “Do you want to buy something for dinner or should we order?”
“I don’t mind, whichever you prefer.”
“Are you coming to our party of Friday, (Y/N)?” Tanaka asks.
“I haven’t even asked her yet, idiot.” Tsukishima interrupts him before looking at you. “We usually have a get together after a successful match and…”
“Yeah, I’ll go.” You answer and Tanaka cheers. “It’s not like I’m doing anything this Friday.”
“Then, I’ll count you in. Bring some friends if you are up for it. If you bring the blonde girl, you’ll probably gain points with Yamaguchi, he’s got the biggest cr-”
“Tanaka!” Yamaguchi screams from the end of the hall. “Shut up!”
“Oops.” Hinata and Tanaka smirk. “Sorry, captain.”
Yamaguchi, blushing, made his way to the living room, pushing the boys towards the door. Between laughs, the three men bid goodbye and left the apartment.
“Made you green tea.”
“Huh?” You mutter, looking at Tsukishima. “How…?”
“Started boiling water before my shower and I… I remembered that you liked green tea because you drank it when we meet at Suno’s, so… but I can make another thing if you are not…”
No! I love green tea. Thank you, Tsukki.”
You watch him as he makes his way towards the kitchen, grabbing two mugs and filling them with the tea he prepared, towel laying on his shoulder. You feel your ears go warm and cough slightly, sitting down in a chair, looking at the envelope in front of you.
“So… Nephew?”
“Actually, niece.” Tsukki leaves the steaming tea in front of you and you nod, muttering a quick “thanks”. “She’s 6. Maya, she’s my brother’s daughter.”
Tsukki grabs the envelope and opens it, taking out two pieces of paper. One has, in messy handwriting, a message you cannot understand while the other has a drawing of, what you assume is Tsukki and the little girl. There are volleyball balls, dinosaurs and lots of hearts in it. Tsukki smiles and for some reason, you can’t keep your eyes off of him.
“Do you have siblings?” Tsukki asks you, still focused on the drawing.
“I do. Shota, he’s 17. He’s in that… weird age when he doesn’t talk to me a lot but he’s great.”
“How long has it been since you last saw him?”
“He lives in Tokyo and I haven’t been there for a year or so.”
“Tokyo?” Tsukki leaves the drawing in the table, grabbing his phone and opening a take-out app, searching for some sushi restaurants around. “Do you want sushi? By the way, I thought you lived in Hyogo.”
“Sushi is fine. I do but my parents are divorced and my dad works in a big publishing company in Tokyo. Shota insisted on living with him because he doesn’t like our city that much and he prefers Tokyo, so…”
“Are you going there for Christmas?”
“Maybe, I don’t know, really.” Tsukishima gives you his unlocked phone, showing you the website of a sushi restaurant and you quickly select your favourite pieces. “I haven’t thought about it. Family dynamic is weird when your parents are divorced and live in different cities, I guess.”
“I get it.”
“What about you?”
“Yes, you told me you have a brother.”
“Oh, we…” Tsukki locks his phone after ordering and he stands up. “We don’t talk that much.”
“Mind if I grab my things real quick?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Tsukki makes his way to what you think is his bedroom and you, feeling a bit embarrassed, grab your laptop from your backpack too, turning it on. Tsukishima appears, not long after, with a big book and some notebook and sits down next to you.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my question about your brother.”
“It’s fine, really. We only talk when I talk with Maya.” Tsukishima sends you a quick smile. “And… I also have a weird family dynamic. I… don’t have a dad. Like, he’s not dead, I guess. I’ve never met him, like at all.”
Tsukishima opens his book and scoffs.
“Whoever he is got my mum pregnant with Akiteru and left her alone during pregnancy but came back when he was six or so, to do the same, get her pregnant and leave her.” Tsukishima flips through pages while you listen. “When I was a teenager I would… I would wonder why my mum gave him a second chance but I guess love is blind, right?”
“Tsukki, I…” You don’t know what to say, you didn’t expect to have this sort of conversation with him, but you only nod. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“By the way, sorry about Tanaka and his party invitation. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
For a moment, you relax, grateful that this is not some sort of question about Atsumu.
“It’s fine. I want to go.”
“I just want you to know that these kind of parties are not small. We usually join the soccer and baseball team and celebrate victories together and there are a lot of people.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” You start typing on your computer. “Just, let me know like dress code or something, I don’t want to go and look bad.”
“You never look bad. You always look pretty.” Tsukki adds. “I mean… You always… You have… cute clothes.”
You nod and look at your computer, hoping the light hides your pink cheeks.
“This chair is killing me.” You mutter as you look at the hour on your phone. 00:06. “It’s getting quite late.”
“Do you want to go?” Tsukki asks you. You have been working for almost three hours, with a food break in the middle. The truth is that, weirdly, you were really focused on your work and you were about to finish an essay, so you quickly shook your head. “You could sit on the couch if you want.”
“That’s a good idea.” You grab your laptop and move towards the couch, sighing when you body hits the plush cushions. You lay down on the sofa, placing your laptop on top of your chest, typing.
The warmth of the laptop and the sensation of your relieved back makes you a bit sleepy and your start dozing off.
Tsukishima keeps working for a bit. He’s so focused with his task and the soft music playing through his headphones that he doesn’t notice that you have fallen asleep in the sofa until he stands up to grab water from the kitchen.
He stops, taking off his headphones, to look at you. You hair is splayed around your face and your chest rises with every breath you take. Without even thinking about it, Tsukishima walks closer to the couch and moves your laptop from your body, saving the document you had been working on and turning it off, leaving it on the dining table.
He doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. Not when you look so peaceful, so he carefully leans down. Should he leave you here and just give you a blanket? The couch is not that stiff and it wouldn’t be the first time someone has fallen asleep for a whole night but on the other hand…
He carefully picked you up, trying his best not to wake you up and walked to his bedroom. With a soft kick, he opened the door and placed you in his bed, grabbing some blankets from his closet and tossing one of them on top of you, before grabbing one more and, looking at you one more time, leaving the room.
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Girls when the end of Sketchbook Week fills them with a melancholic yet unimaginable gratefulness and a contradictory nostalgia for the present moment. Girls when the feeling of community that was already there was enhanced by an event and they're emotional over people on their phone
#you guys. fucking broke me#like yeah I KNEW everyone here was awesome and kind and sweet and talented#but there's something about the organized coming together of it#it feels like the internet equivalent of everyone accepting to hang out together outside of just seeing each other in school/work#to everyone who commented/reblogged my works or just interracted in some way with me during this week#I hope you know how incredibly grateful i am. I hope you know I think of you as a friend (ESPECIALLY the mutuals)#I've never taken more comfort in the saying 'shows end. But fandoms last forever'#but I hope you know you can reach out even when you no longer think too much about hilda#I'm just. so humbled. Like this common interest brought all these amazing people together. Now we can stick by each other#even when there's no longer this common denominator#(which is going to take me a WHILE to leave behind either way don't know about you)#anyway. yeah. I'm happy to share these moments of my life with you people. you are alright [I say as I bawl my eyes out]#wife speaks#not hilda
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📝 skz reaction - you're being a clingy baby
pairing. ot8!skz x gn!reader (individually)
type. fluff fluff fluffff, requested <3
warnings. gender neutral reader, curse words (thats how i show my enthusiasm okay)
a/n. i know last time i was like "meh sue me for not putting the boys in the 'right' order" but you know what, i actually like it like that. my boy jeongin is always last, he deserve to be first so i think i'm just gonna keep it like that when it comes to skz reactions :)

jeongin ⊹ ࣪ ˖ he would tease you like hell about it until one day you actually start crying and he feels so fucking bad he never does it again. (to be fair he probably laughed when you first started crying but when he realized they were real tears? he is panicking). after that he never denies you again and makes sure to give you attention whenever you need it. you're the only person he allows to be clingy and needy with him. which the boys are kinda petty about because they sure aren't allowed to be clingy with their maknae they love so much lol. they'd tease him sooo bad about it but every time he says it's different for you. you get special privileges.
seungmin ⊹ ࣪ ˖ he would def be annoyed when you're being clingy, not because he actually minds it but mostly because he knows you sometimes push it JUST to annoy him lmao. so in return he would deny you just for fun or when you ask him cute stuff he'd purposely answer seriously or act like he doesn't understand your request until you start wailing like a lost cat and then he can't resist anymore. oh and also, he loves to act that way when you're in public but behind closed doors? he can be just as clingy, it's different from when you are but still. he's not necessarily needy, but he wants. you. close. to him. he'd be the type to constantly want to be around you and get pouty when you can't.
felix ⊹ ࣪ ˖ honestly being clingy with felix only means one thing... you're spoiled rotten. you need hugs and cuddles? he will RUN to give them to you. you just want to stick to him like glue? 'sure baby come here'. you want to lay on his lap while he's playing games? not a problem. you don't even understand how you're feeling but you know you need to be with him? he will be there, arms wide open for you no questions asked. all your wishes will be executed because its just how it works between you two. and thing is, the treatment he gives you? you give it right back. so at this point, it's not even a question or a thought. it's simply second nature.
han ⊹ ࣪ ˖ getting han's attention when you're feeling clingy? it's tough. either because he will get side tracked by any little thing, despite his good intentions, so you'll have to remind him to stay with you or to give you a hug. orrrr he will goof off like crazy and will not leave you alone. until the point where you're physically trying to get as far away from him as possible. oh and he'd chase you, no worries "but babyyyy you said you needed love and attention. stop running." with the scariest most mischievous smile in the world until you actually start running away and hide from him because he will smother you with love. (but let's be honest you always end up letting him catch you because come on... you'll take all the love he'll give you)
hyunjin ⊹ ࣪ ˖ he does not mind at all when you're being clingy. in fact he LOVES it. in skz, there is a holy trinity of baby talker and you can bet your ass he's one of them. he will baby talk (to the other boys utmost horror) and repeat your requests with the baby voice until everyone in the room physically cringe. oh and he's mean, he's a real lil bitch, so he will deny you cuddles just so you can pout harder. his heart melts at the sight of it and he can't help but want more. still, it'd only take you to give him the eyes before he'd giggle and pull you in for a big big hug while he digs in nose in the crook of your neck where you just smell so so good.
changbin ⊹ ࣪ ˖ being clingy with binnie can go one of two ways. first, he's just just not gonna mind at all. he'd notice you seem more clingy than usual and just signal for you to come next to him. he'd keep babbling or doing whatever it is he's doing but he'd put his arms around you mindlessly stroking your back and giving you little kisses on your forehead... OR he would return it ten times worse. i'm talking full on baby voice (member number 2 of the holy trinity), pinching your cheeks, exagerating your requests, jumping on your lap and he'd act clingy just to make you laugh. "aw my little baby needs cuddles? you feeling clingy? you want to sit on my lap? what if I sit on your lap instead?" "what no bin that's not- BIN YOU'RE SO HEAVY IM GONNA DIE"
minho ⊹ ࣪ ˖ honestly, he does not care. like at all, the teasing would be minimal but all in all he'd let you do whatever it is you want to do, give you whatever it is you need. because fine he likes to tease ppl, but he also loves cuddles and physical touch even if he would never admit it. often ppl won't dare to be clingy with him because of his black cat personality, but you've always been able to see behind that façade and to never let it scare you. so you do not hesitate to latch on his arm or rest your head in the crook of his neck while he's doing something. and it always feel like a sweet sweet reward when he simply drapes his arms around you, not even reacting to your touch like it's the most normal thing and second nature thing in the world for him.
bangchan ⊹ ࣪ ˖ uhm yeah bangchan? absolutely adores when you're clingy. in fact, he would get whiny if you're not constantly requesting cuddles and hugs and little kisses. he would also be a master of the baby voice and obliging to your every demand. he just loves to be needed and the way you need him makes him feel light as a feather. he'd come up to you "what is you need babe?" and you'd pout and ask whatever it is you want wether its a hug or cuddles or some time with him "i don't think i heard you well the first time. want to repeat that?" but right before you'd say it again he'd squish your cheeks together so you have the cutest pout on your mouth and you'd mumble than you can't exactly talk like that but he'd insist "no no you can, go ahead baby" you'd sigh and oblige "mhm-want-mhug?" and this man would squeal like a toddler because he thinks youre so cute he’s going to explode. chan does have the profile of someone with love aggresion and so he'd lovingly and agressively give you anything you want :)
#ilya writes#stray kids fanfic#stray kids x reader#stray kids#bang chan#lee know#changbin#hyunjin#han skz#felix skz#seungmin skz#i.n skz#stray kids fluff#ilya’s skz reaction
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it's getting sticky!

a little vi x reader
wc : 1.166
inspired by this tweet. don't look at me. sequel and threequel here :3
contains : boxer!vi ib this, fem!reader, scissoring, vi's a horndog wbk.
a/n: can't wait for act 4 to drop next week don't worry they just took a week's break guys. pitfighter vi changed my life i had to keep pausing the episodes to scream into my hands baby girl come home.

ever since vi had met you, she had been discovering quite a few new things about herself.
she is apparently an active sleeptalker, has a habit of biting her lips when thinking, and once she gets you in bed she needs to keep going until she passes out.
she’d always known she had a soft spot for pretty girls, constantly flirting with and taking home the girls who showed up to her matches with her face plastered on their shirts and phone cases. but eventually, she started to grow a bit bored with the routine of a night of rough sex with a stranger before parting ways, never to meet again. well, hopefully. unfortunately, some of the girls could get a bit obsessed. one of the cons of being too good with a strap.
but like a deity above heard her secret prayers she spots you in the crowd at one of her shows, oh-so-pretty face stuck staring down at your phone as a girl she assumes is your friend looks on to the match with glee. as cliche as it was, she was instantly intrigued.
she had no choice but to come up to you after the show, black leather jacket slung over her shoulders as she greets you with a flirty smile and one of her most trusty pick up lines to make you laugh.
you aren't impressed. you do call her cute, which is a win in her book. luckily your friend is a huge fan, and manages to persuade you into giving her your number for an autograph. she swears she hears the girl call her hot when your friend drags you away, and she doesn’t hear you disagree.
you make it very clear at the start of the relationship that you know about her reputation with other women, and that you don't want to have sex until you are sure she is committed to you. and while she obviously respects your boundaries, taking the care to make she never goes too far whenever things do start to get a little more intimate, she has to admit it’s a bit of a struggle to keep it in her pants. she swears after a few weeks you start teasing her, hugging her from behind when you're in a towel fresh out of the shower and wearing tops with lower and lower necklines.
and once you finally do tell her you're ready to go all the way? the girl is stuck on you from sunset to sundown, wringing countless orgasms from you until you have to use the last of your energy to tap out.
she adores how you can keep up with her, especially after she successfully wins a match. the adrenaline from the fight is still pumping through her veins, sweat and bruises dotted over her skin as she rushes over to you once she’s cleared of injuries and lifts you up in her arms, twirling you around until she starts to get dizzy. the sound of your squeals and giggles as she bites and kisses at your neck one of her favorite sounds in the world.
it can only be paralleled by the noises you’re making now, desperate and pitched-up whines and gasps as you sit across from her, eyes drooping and head falling back as you grind your hips into hers. she had been so desperate to get her hands on you that she couldn’t be bothered to pull down either of your underwear, the friction from her boxers and your panties making her eyes roll into the back of her head. she’s sure the grip her hand has on your leg propped up next to her is too tight and sure to leave a slight bruise, but you only subtly push it closer to her grip, biting your lip when her nails dig into your skin.
“come on, come on pretty girl, keep giving it to me.”
her hoarse voice pants, tilting her hips just the slightest to the side so that her clit rubs even harder on the wet fabric below, brushing against yours the slightest bit to make you let out a needy moan. normally her dirty words are enough to send you into overdrive but she can tell that tonight the euphoria is getting to you, too deep in the experience to register what she’s saying. her other hand that's not gripping onto you for dear life reaches over, her breath hitching when her cunt presses even harder into yours, and gently but firmly grabs you by the back of the head so your head is upright again.
“vi, ‘h my god-” your moan is cut off by her plush lips harshly pressing into yours and sticking her tongue in your mouth, muscles massaging each other before she pulls away and watches the string of spit that connects you to each other. a dopey grin grows on her face before she ever so slightly tilts your head down, laughing at the strained gasp that leaves your throat.
even with fabric there you’re obviously both soaked, dark and light materials stained by yourselves and each other and only growing more intense by the second. it creates a perfect blend of embarrassment but arousal in you that forces you to grind yourself into her harder, chasing that high for the both of you as you hear the audible noises of your bodies meeting.
as you both get closer you start to get clingier, your trembling hands resting on vi’s shoulders as a subtle hint that she picks up on immediately. she helps you to wrap your arms around her shoulders as hers moves to your back, squeezing your sides and rubbing over the skin when your teary exhausted voice calls her name over and over as you get closer and closer to the edge.
“vi, vi, ‘m so close, please, oh shit harder-”
“i know, i know, baby. just a little more, fuck you feel so good, prettiest girl, god prettiest pus-”
she smiles and bites into your shoulder when your orgasm finally hits you, the desperate grinding of your hips paired with the breathy whining from your throat right next to her ear sending her to nirvana right after you, broad hands pulling your overstimulated into hers so she can keep using your pliant body to carry her through her orgasm.
you sit in each other's arms for a minute, hands softly brushing through each other's hands and pressing kisses to each other shoulders. she loves these little moments with you where she can just bask in the fuzzy post-sex bliss with you. she loves it even more when she delicately rubs herself into you to test the waters, always met by your lovesick giggle as you hold onto her tighter and return the movement, ready to go as soon as she gives you a sign.

im pregnant and pifighter vi is the father
#HEY EMO BOY#took me like 10 mins to come up with a title#another vi blurb inspired by yummy ayesha erotica....#thinking thots#arcane#arcane x reader#arcane smut#vi#vi x reader#vi arcane#vi x reader smut
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╰➤Riding Them || One Piece
featuring: sabo, zoro, shanks, sanji and hawkins uwu
a/n: first time writing sabo,, so oof I don't know what I'm doing.,, sabo was requested by @bern87 // writing slightly more for my dear husband hawkins uwu // wanna write a part 3 and im thinking about adding doflamingo or cora
summary: riding these beautiful one piece men because I’m whore when it comes to anime men. 😩😩 // part 1 ,, part 3
warnings: teasing, slight nipple play, pet names, bottom sanji, facing riding, thigh riding.
✦•·················• 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃!! •·················•✦
This man could either be a gentleman or a freak whenever you're riding him. It could depend on his mood...one day he could be calling you "sweetheart" or "princess" as you're riding his cock. While other days he's calling you a "naughty girl" while his hips are roughly thrusting up. Hitting everything right spot. (He also loves watching your boobs bounce as you're riding him.)
Let's say he had a stressful day after a long mission, he immediately guide you to your guys room and pin you against the nearest wall. His lips would immediately meet yours into a heated kiss. "Rough day....need to release.." He said between the kiss. "Please ride me...too tried."
Which lead to him pulling your clothes off and his lips latches onto yours, both tongues fighting for dominance. His clothes would soon follow yours. He would Immediately lay on the bed, spitting on his hand and stroking his cock. "Come on princess, ride me. I need to feel your pussy around my cock." (Pspsp Sabo loves to dirty talk ...and a lot.)
He's rough but he's not going to make you cry, maybe cry in pleasure but never cry! So when you're finally on top of him, sinking into his needy cock he groans in pleasure, his hands would immediately find their way to your hips. "God you feel amazing as always princess, such a pretty little pussy.." His dirty mouth would be spitting out nothing but lewd and dirty things. "So good, keep riding princess. You're doing good." And of course he's dirty talking leaves you blushing. "Stop... you're making me blush."
As your riding him he's thrusting his hips up, meeting your movements. Which is driving you crazy. "Mm Sabo..." And moaning his name drives him crazy. But you can tell when he's close since more dirty things come out of his mouth. "Pussy makes me feel so good, good pussy....it's mine." Or "Fuck... Princess.... best pussy...mine.."
This man prefers whenever you ride him because that means he could just lay there with his hands behind his back. His favorite things... relaxing, watching you struggle to take his length and of course watching your naked body. What more could he want. So he loves whenever you ride him.
So whenever you suggest that you wanna ride him he would be a tease. "You sure love to struggle hmm...but what can I say. My dick is amazing and you probably can't get enough." And of course his words would make you blush. "Come on... don't be mean let me ride your cock again... please." And of course he'll give you want you want. Taking you somewhere private on the ship.
Finally whenever you guys are alone. He's already butt naked and he's helping you remove your clothes. And he's laying on whatever is more comfortable for him. "Come on. Are you going to ride me or do I fuck you myself." And of course you immediately made your way to him. Getting on top of him, Alining his dick against your entrance and slowly sinking in. Making you whimper. "God ... You're so big .."
Zoro loves watching you whimper against his length. Your hips moving the perfect pace not to wild and not to slow. "You're doing better than last time. Last time you couldn't even take all of it. Now look at you. Such a good job." He loves enjoying the view he's getting and loves the attention his dick is getting. He even loves playing with your nipples, He could take your nipples into his mouth and give them attention they deserve or be a bastard and flick them. Making you whimper. “Hey ow!”
One time Zoro fell asleep as you were riding him. NOT because he was feeling bored it was because he felt like he was on cloud nine and it knocked him out. But of course you got upset and smacked his chest. "Hey! I know I'm slow ..but no need to fall asleep...meanie" You whimper, rolling your hips against his. Making him groan, slowly waking up. "No. Babygirl, you're pussy is too good that it's making me see stars."
THIS MAN IS A HUGE TEASE! And I mean he's teasing you like there's no tomorrow. And this man talks like a pirate..VERY DIRTY. "Aww, dose Y/N want to ride my dick? Well considering you've been a good girl. I'll give you want you want." Or "Maybe once you're done riding my dick you could treat me by riding my face."
Shanks would immediately lead you over to his private cabin and both of you would be in a heated kiss. Clothes finding their to the floor. And he's already making himself comfortable on his bed. "Come on, get your pretty little pussy over here. And ride your captain." He loves the whole captain play. "Anything for you Captain." You say softly making your way to him.
Riding Shanks is breath taking, this man is going to tease you and praise your body. "God your looks good even when I'm balls deep in you." He also loves the way your boobs bounce up and down as your riding him. He doesn't care about the size, they just look beautiful to him. "Keep going, You're captain is proud of how good you're doing dear."
Shanks loves the thrill of having sex anywhere on the ship, after all it is his ship. But you guys haven't gotten caught yet which is good. One time the crew were drunk their asses off and everyone was passed out on the deck, while you were riding his pretty little cock. "Mm captain...cock...it feels so good."
It drives Shanks crazy if you're vocal whenever you're riding his dick or face. You better be moaning for him. "Mm Captain...oh Captain." And he would match your moans, not as loud but the dirty talking is sure loud.. "Pussy feels and tastes so good." He doesn't care if his crew hears. They are probably used to it by now.
He's a complete sweetheart and a bottom! This man would treat you right! And he's going to treat you so good. Like a princess...no like a queen! "Does my queen need her throne to sit. Of course! Whatever my queen wants!" He's just a babey that wants to make you feel love and appreciated. And of course you eat this up, wanting to take control.
He loves whenever you dominate him in the bedroom, and whenever you're riding him he's a whimpering mess. "My Queen...You feel so good ... So tight, thank you for giving me this. Thank you for your beautiful Pussy." He would be moaning and whimpering out. "Such a good boy, you're doing a good job. You fill me up so good Sanji, Good boy." You moan and throw your head back, Enjoying the moment between the both of you.
Sanji loves tracing his fingers along your body, your chest, nipples and your perfect body. He's going to praise you like there's no tomorrow. "You're chest is so perfect, the way you're moaning, you're just so beautiful my queen...I love you so much." He would moan out. "You're like the perfect meal."
Sometimes Sanji is louder than you, and you have to cover his mouth either with a kiss, your hand or a boob of yours. "Such a naughty boy. What if the crew heard you." You coo softly, teasing him and moving your hips faster making him his hips buckle slightly. "Shh be a good boy and keep your voice down."
Sanji also loves facing riding, imagine sitting on his face. And he doesn't want that bullshit when you hover over his face..no he wants your pussy on his face. Use his face as your chair. You love this position because it gives you so much power, riding his pretty little face. "Touch yourself. You've been good enough." Moaning out, as you move your hips against his face. His tongue licking your sweet juices leaking out. And his hand would immediately make their way to his hard dick and he would be stroking himself. "So good... taste so good."
Hawkins <3
This man tends to keep his sexual needs in check because the captain life is a busy life and he always needs to keep in guard up. But one day you suggested that you wanted to ride him he was stunned and he was lost for words. "You want to ride what?" He struggles slightly. "I want to ride you, I want to ride that cock of yours dear."
And he thought about it, he was going to brush you off and tell you maybe a other time but the way you were looking at him made something stir inside of him and he felt the heat of his face make it's way between his legs. "Very well then. If it means getting you off my back. I'll give in into your lewd request doll." And of course you're happy, I mean who wouldn't want to ride their beautiful boyfriend.
So when it came to the moment between the both of you Hawkins was lost in pleasure. Yes you’ve guys have been intimate before, but he was always in charge. Always taking control of your body. But now that you were on top while his back was against the bed. The way this new position filled you up, he felt even bigger like this. “You feel…so much bigger…like this dear.. I don’t think this is for me..”
Hawkins had to place his hands against your hips, taking his time with you, it took so much willpower to hold himself back from taking you right there. “Doll…” He moans softly. “Take your time…take all the time you need.”
And if you were to whimper in pain or either tear up he would either tell you nothing but pure sweet comments. “You got this doll…it’s okay. Be a good doll for me.” He cooed softly, wiping any tears that you had. For a pirate captain who’s part of the worst generation he sure is a huge sweetheart when it comes to you.
It took time for you to adjust but when you did adjust you were moving your hips against his. Taking in his full length, sliding up and down on his length, Hawkins wouldn’t realize how much he would love this position. The way your mouth hung open as moans slip from your mouth. The way your walls clenched around him. The way your hips moved so prefectly against his. He was in pure bliss. “Mm Captain…” You moan out. “Doll…”
Calling him Captain in the bedroom drives him crazy. Especially if you’re moaning it out. So he would immediately grab your hips and hold you in place and thrust up to his desire pace. “Such a good doll…making her captain feel good. Good Doll. And all mine.”
Hawkins loves watching crumble for him, and even when you’re on top taking control he still has you wrapped around his finger.
Also you tend to moan a little too loud whenever your riding him and he has to find ways to keep you quite. He could either use his hand to cover your mouth or by capturing your lips against his. But if he’s feeling sadistic he would either shove his fingers into your mouth, your underwear or some random voodoo he has laying around. “Shh the crew might hear your naughty sounds.”
He loves hearing you moan because it’s music to his ears. But whenever the crew is near by he doesn’t want anyone finding out what’s going on behind his door. You guys are sharing a deep moment and he doesn’t want anyone bothering him about it later on. But oof if you guys were absolutely alone then moan away, he’ll encourage you to be loud for him.
Whenever he’s reading his tarot cards and you’re feeling needy he’ll make you work for it. “Come here then. But don’t interrupt my reading. If you mange to behave yourself I shall give into your lewd needs again.” He said and gentle pats on his thigh.
You quickly understood his point and immediately sat on his lap. Biting your lip, as he was busy reading his cards he whispered against your ear. “Come on. Start moving Doll. I’m busy so it’s going to be awhile.”
Moving your hips against his thigh, getting that pleasure you’ve been craving for again. Moaning softly, burying your face into his chest. Feeling the fabric of your underwear rub against your sensitive clit. “Mm Captain…need to ride you again. May I?” And of course he’s smirking like a mad man. I mean who wouldn’t. “As you wish my doll.”
(inspired one shot)
#x reader#one piece#op#headcanons#smut#anime#revolutionary sabo#sabo#sabo x reader#sabo smut#zoro smut#zoro x reader#roronoa zoro#shanks#shanks smut#shanks x reader#Sanji#sanji smut#sanji x reader#vinsmoke sanji#basil hawkins smut#basil Hawkins#Hawkins#basil hawkins x reader#Hawkins x reader#one piece x reader#one piece smut
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NSFW, for adults ONLY, MDNI or I'll block you. No idea how many parts this will be. Let me know which BSD men you want to see ;)
pt. 1 Fyodor, Poe, Chuuya | pt. 2 Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Dazai | pt. 3 Ranpo, Akutagawa, Ango | pt. 4 Sigma, Mori, Tetcho | pt. 5 (finale) Atsushi, Nikolai
Walking in on him touching himself is REALLY surprising because he doesn't seem the type to masturbate, in your mind. You straight up couldn't imagine him touching himself until the very second you walked into his office and saw his bottoms around his ankles, his top hiked up around his chest, and his hand furiously pumping over his pale dick.
His head is thrown back, eyes closed, mouth lazily hanging open. You've never seen so much skin on him before. He's PALE pale which makes the brightness of his mouth and tongue and the tip of his cock seem so much brighter.
"oh love, yes, yesss" he moans, and your whole body flushes red with embarrassment and arousal at the same time. You shouldn't be seeing this but you're having a hell of a time turning away from him. You need to leave the room. You need to go. You need to turn around.
"y/n," he purrs, tilting his head and opening his eyes half-way, looking so fucked out and erotic. "do you like what you see?"
You can't formulate an answer, you're standing in the doorway short circuiting, trying to make words but only noises come out
"since you're standing there I thought you might be interested," he says as slow and calm as ever. Even jerking himself off his voice doesn't hitch or raise or speed up and it's honestly really hot right now. "Care to join me?"
"i-i, um... I'm really s-sorry, f...fyodor."
He moans softly biting his lip while still staring straight at you.
"say it again," he purrs. "say my name."
"again," he moans, hand working faster.
you walk in and close the door behind you.
You two scheduled a hang-out at his place but despite how many times you knocked on the door, he wouldn't answer...so you try the doorknob, and hey, it's unlocked! You've been to his place many times, you don't mind letting yourself in and don't suspect he'll mind either.
After you put your stuff down and take off your shoes, you register a quiet noise coming from a different room. you sneak closer and realize two things: it's crying, and it's coming from poe's bedroom
you open the door and rush in without thinking. "poe! what's wrong, why are you-- OH FUCK"
you rushed right into him kneeling at the edge of his bed, bouncing on a dildo and not crying, whimpering, moaning.
he calls your name and you can't tell if he meant to moan it but he absolutely moans it and he sounds like a wreck and he looks pathetic and fucked out, and you feel it when he says your name.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been this, I'm gonna go home--" you say, turning and rushing out of his room. he calls your name after you, multiple times, moaning and moaning and moaning--
you sink down against his front door, still slightly able to hear the sounds of him moaning and whining from his room. you're so horny now, absolutely drenched through your panties/rock hard in your pants. You know you should leave, you know you shouldn't still be here, but he never told you to go, he just kept saying your name...
a few minutes later, after the noises have subsided and the apartment has gotten deadly quiet, his bedroom door creaks open and he slowly peeks his head out. he must be crawling still because he's near the floor.
"[y/n]," he sighs, "I didn't want you to find out like this."
it takes you a second to collect yourself, but you manage to ask "find what out?"
"that i... i think about you... a lot..."
you're on a PM mission with chuuya and several other PM members. you've got to share a room with chuuya, but at least you have separate beds. it's fine. it's whatever. until.
until you wake up one morning--the clock on the bedside table saying it's only 6:23 a.m.--to the sound of a rhythmic slapping, some occasional huffs, a-- a moan?
you sit upright in bed quickly, your head turning toward chuuya's bed.
"are you fucking serious?"
"what" he huffs, and through the tiny bit of daylight creeping through the curtains you can see movement beneath his sheets.
"are you jerking off right now? dude we're sharing a fucking room."
"you were asleep," he says defensively. "not like you noticed yesterday."
"get over it, it's fuckin' natural," he says and his voice is getting tight and higher almost like he's biting back a moan or getting close to cumming.
"it's disrespectful when you have someone in the same room, chuuya," you say softer, subconsciously still trying to hear the sounds he's making. you're embarrassed at how intrigued you are
"i'm not stopping you," he says. "you can jerk it too for all i care."
"to what... to you jerking it?"
you can almost hear the smirk in his voice when he says "I never said anything about that, so you thought that up all on your own. is that what you're into, pet?"
#bsd smut#bsd x reader#bsd headcanons#chuuya smut#chuuya x reader#chuuya headcanons#fyodor smut#fyodor x reader#fyodor headcanons#poe x reader#poe smut#poe headcanons#bungo stray dogs x reader#bungo stray dogs headcanons#bungo stray dogs smut
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Hi ttokki!! I love the way you write the members being soft and caring for reader :) wanted to request 9th member where she is similar age to chan, so noona to most of the guys, being maybe like his second in command in caring for everyone, cooking, teaching choreo and stuff. Where they realise she's not been taking good care of herself for a while, like skipping meals or sleep bc she feels responsible like she doesnt deserve it. Just soft and gently, you are so skilled at that
hiyo~ thank you sm, love. i liked this request, i tend to do the same for people around me and it's easy to forget yourself sometimes >< hope this hits the spot . . .
rest easy - ot8!skz x exhausted!reader
pairing: ot8!skz x exhausted noona!reader
summary: taking care of skz can be a lot of work, but you tend to forget yourself in the process...
genre: lil bit angsty, idol!au, tired minho with a headache, overexcited skz (what's new), mentions of skipping meals, slight mention of blood (a small injury), mentions of overwork, fatigue, and exhaustion, mentions of food and eating, sulky maknaes, slight allude to reader x chan
a/n: reader pretty much replaces minho for the role of skz mom (sorry min), divider by @kodaswrld
skz masterlist
"Jisung, take that out of your mouth- Seungmin, no, don't give it back to him... You two, stop fighting-"
You smile and lean your head on your hand, watch Chan attempt to wrangle the members, most of which have had far too much sugar to be at a controllable level. You're sitting at the hotel table, and most of the other members are messing about in the lounge area. Everyone but for Minho, who went to lie down earlier, complaining of a headache.
Speaking of, you should probably go check on him.
Getting up and putting your empty glass in the sink, you make your way past the group and down the hallway of bedrooms, entering the second-left door. You're greeted with darkness and a faint groan from within the heap of rumpled sheets on the bed.
"Minho?" You call softly, pulling the door half-shut so as not to disturb him with the hallway light. You walk up to the bed, quiet as a mouse. "How are you feeling?"
He just groans in response as you gently pull back the sheets, checking his temperature just in case he's fallen ill. "Noona..."
"Shh," you quiet him gently, soothing. "Does it hurt much?"
He shakes his head, his hair splayed against the pillow. Likely he's just tired from the day's events. You sit on the end of the bed and stroke his hair for a while, lulling him to sleep. He's already had medicine, and you kiss his forehead gently before getting up to leave.
Shutting the door, you're met with Jeongin and Seungmin, who cling to either one of your arms, sulking. You chuckle and sit down on the lounge couch, both of them burying their faces in your neck.
"What's wrong, you two?" You ask, ruffling Seungmin's hair.
"Chan-hyung told us off," Jeongin whines.
You mock-frown at the leader, who is standing in baggy black clothes, a disapproving expression on his face. He face-palms and you stick your tongue out at him. He scoffs, though you can detect a hint of affection behind it, and claps his hands.
"Alright, you drama kings. Bed."
"Hyunjin, take it easy," you say, concerned as he runs through the choreo for a fifth time. "Take a break."
He seems to not have heard, because he keeps dancing with even greater fervour. Sighing, you take his ear and drag him to the side, ignoring his protests. Tossing him a towel and giving him a bottle of water, you place a hand on his leg. You know he's been pushing himself lately, to the point where you had to lock the hotel room door so he wouldn't sneak out at night to practice.
You're all outside at the concert venue, doing soundchecks a few hours before the event commences, and it's cloudy, the wind blowing a breeze through everyone's hair. Chan comes over, frazzled, papers flying behind him, his cap half-falling off, and his fingers covered in bandaids from several clumsy, hastened tasks he had to do.
"I forgot to do the song breaks," he gasps, his hair disheveled. Hyunjin side-eyes him through a sip of water.
You adjust his cap, smoothing down the little duck tail curls at his nape. "Don't worry. I did them already. What did you do to your hands- Mmhff-"
You're cut off as he squeezes you in a hug, a relieved exhale leaving his frame, taking some of the tension with it. "Thank you, Y/nnie. What would I do without you?"
The sentence reverberates through your head; would things be worse without you there?
This means I need to do more, you think. I can help out as much as possible.
You mull this over and wave a momentary goodbye to Hyunjin, walking backstage with Chan. Felix, Changbin, and Jisung are busy being fitted for outfits and they immediately pummel you for attention, calling out as soon as you enter the room.
You wave your hands. "Very cool and sparkly, I do like the colour, you all look great!"
It seems to satisfy them for the time being, and you watch them dissipate to their respective stylists. Passing through the room, you sit down in a chair in the corner and keep an eye on all of the boys. Chan is stressed enough right now; the least you can do is keep an eye on the members while he finalises things for the concert.
Your stomach rumbles and you think about quickly leaving to get food from one of the cafes across the street from the stadium, but you can't risk leaving the members unsupervised. Guaranteed, one of them will come looking, and then everything will fall to pieces. Crossing your arms over your stomach, you sigh and unscrew a bottle of water instead. That should keep you full for a while.
At least you hope it does.
You laugh and hug a sweaty Jisung, cheering. The concert went off without a hitch, and you're all backstage, congratulating each other on the performances and enjoying the moment of togetherness. Except you can't enjoy it as much, because your head is beginning to hurt, and it's starting to get difficult to see. You probably should have eaten something earlier, but you can last until you all get back to the hotel.
You all file out of the venue and pile into cars. Your foot almost missed the car threshold and you bump your shin, hissing as you collapse into the seat next to Chan.
"You okay?" He asks. He has his headphones in, his makeup smudging a little at the corners of his eyes.
You nod, sighing. "Long day. Good work on the performance."
He smiles and you reach up to gently clean up the messy makeup with a thumb, his gaze fixed on you. Jeongin and Seungmin are looking over the back of the seats in disgust.
"Noona," Hyunjin groans from behind. "Stop hitting on leader-hyung."
You roll your eyes and look out the window as Chan turns to tell him off. Your thoughts wander and you rub a hand against your shin, trying to soothe the ache. Your fingers come away lightly stained in red.
Panicking, and then glancing at Chan to check he hasn't seen, you inspect your leg. There's a few spots of red where the blood has soaked through the fabric of your pants, and you cross your legs quickly so as to hide the stain.
You think for a moment; you could ask someone if they have a bandaid, maybe... after all, there are always first aid kits in the cars, but you can't be weak and ask for help. Your job is to be there when other people ask for help, not the other way round.
Sighing, you try your best to hide your pain as you filter out of the car after the others. Your stomach rumbles, more insistently this time, and you quickly uncap your water bottle, trying to quell the dull, growing ache in your stomach. Your head hurts too, but you don't have time to think about it as you enter the hotel room, mind already whirring with things that need to be done.
You go to your room and quickly slap a bandaid on the cut on your shin, washing your hands of the blood and then changing into comfier clothes. Rolling your sleeves up, you enter the kitchen and begin cutting up ingredients, throwing spices into a pan and seasoning meat. The guys have had a long, tiring day, not to mention a whole concert, so they deserve a good, home-cooked meal away from home.
"Noona, this is so good," Felix groans, heaping in another mouthful of cheesy tteokbokki. There's silence around the table; everyone is so invested in stuffing their faces. Hyunjin has even tied his hair back so he can eat without dipping his hair in the soup, and Changbin has stolen two of your hairclips to keep his bangs back for the same reason.
You sit next to Chan as per usual, holding a cup of a hot herbal drink; you didn't feel like eating is what you told the boys when they insisted you take your share of the massive spread you cooked for them.
In reality, you're starving, but it doesn't seem fair for you to be eating when they've been working so much harder. They deserve it more. After all, you're just the second-in-command, Chan's right hand person and a manager for the boys. You don't work nearly twice as hard as they do on a good day.
You set the mug down on the table, standing up. The pain in your head aches and throbs sharply with the movement and you fight not to fall over. "I'm going to bed."
Some of the guys nod with mouths full of meat and rice, and you retire to your room, shutting the door. You collapse on the bed and close your eyes, trying to will the headache away.
That doesn't work, unfortunately.
The door opens then, and it's Minho who comes in, peeking around the corner. "Noona?"
"Do you have a headache like I did?"
You nod and sit up, rubbing your eyes, and give him a tired smile. "Nothing I can't handle. Did you need something?"
He shakes his head, and then shyly comes into the room, holding a bowl of soup. "I saw you weren't eating earlier... Chan-hyung wondered if we should bring you something to eat..."
You let him place the soup on the bedside. "Thank you, Minho. I might just sleep, but I'll eat after-"
"No," he says firmly, with the absolute ferocity of a tiny, fluffy kitten.
Jisung pokes his head in at the doorway. "You have to eat now."
You swing your legs off the bed. "Why?"
"Because," Chan says, appearing behind the two, Jeongin holding his leader's sleeve, "You need to take care of yourself and not just us."
"But I am."
The four boys suddenly tumblr into the room as Changbin and Hyunjin stick their noses into the conversation too.
"Noona, you hurt your leg earlier and you didn't tell us," Hyunjin whines. "And you told me to take a break from dancing but you didn't take a break the whole day-"
"Yeah, and then you went to your room and pretended to sleep so you wouldn't have to eat," Changbin pouts.
Chan gestures to the still-cooling soup on the bedside that Minho had brought for you earlier. "Please, Y/n."
You sigh. "Okay, okay. It just felt wrong to be eating as well, since I don't work even half as hard as you guys do-"
You're interrupted by a crowd of indignant protests and it's so loud that you immediately raise the soup bowl to your mouth. All of the boys watch as you take a mouthful of the rich, meaty broth. It fills your stomach on the first go. Your headache slowly begins to fade.
The boys filter into the room and hang around you while you eat, bickering and play-fighting. None of them make you feel self-conscious or inferior, just bringing with them a sort of peace.
You eventually fall asleep curled between two of the boys, surrounded by serenity, warmth, and the still-lingering scent of soup hanging faintly in the air.
a/n: i was gonna name this one 'soup' but i already have a jisung fic about soup soooo
#skz#stray kids x reader#skz x reader#straykids ninth member#skz ninth member#skz 9th member reader#skz fluff#skz angst#straykids imagines#stray kids#stray kids fluff#stray kids imagines#skz ninth member imagines#stray kids 9th member#skz 9th member#skz scenarios#skz imagines#stray kids fanfic#stray kids x y/n#skz fic#skz fics#stray kids fics#stray kids fic#hyunjin fic#han jisung x reader#seo changbin x reader#jeongin x reader#felix x reader#seungmin x reader#hyunjin x reader
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We'll Never Know the Place
title is from a Fever the Ghost song that felt appropriate for this piece
Chrollo x Cute Hunter!reader

Warnings: death, torture, gore, body horror, mentions of captivity, implied kidnapping
Word Count: 7.9k
“You don't need me for this.”
Chrollo paused in his step, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder as he looked back at you. Feitan halted as well, having been making his way out of the room, and you felt the way he watched you, his expression no doubt turning to one of concern and displeasure at the fact that you were already kicking up a fuss.
Despite having both of these particular men staring at you, you didn't meet the gaze of either; your attention was on focused solely on the unknown male in the chair that sat in the center of the room.
He was slumped forward, his short, dirty blonde hair covering his face somewhat while the blood that had dripped down from his neck stained the bare skin of his torso. It had gone on to soak into the material of his pants before it ultimately created a puddle on the seat of the chair beneath him and dripped off the edge as it continued to pool below. He was only able to lean forward to a certain extent as his wrists were firmly secured to the arms of the chair by way of two pieces of thick rope that kept him firmly attached and thoroughly unable to get away from whatever he had been put through. Which had undoubtedly been a lot, based on what you had heard before and from what you could see now. There were several fingers missing on both of his hands, you noted, as well as something that was off with the skin of his left bicep that appeared to be blackened. A glance at his legs revealed that one of them had been broken severely as it was bruised and bent beyond belief.
There was more damage – there was always more damage with the things Feitan did to people – and while you didn't want to know what it was, the things you could smell clued you in to what he had done to this man. A distinct burning smell, combined with an odor so foul that it made you want to vomit.
The man was dead. Obviously, as you wouldn't have been brought in otherwise.
You had known this was coming, too. After hours of hearing him scream and cry and beg for the pain to cease, you knew what would be happening once Feitan stepped into the main room where the troupe was gathered and whispered something into Chrollo's ear. That had been followed by a quick nod of acknowledgment by Chrollo before he ordered the torturer to end the man's life. You knew that, not long after, the head of the troupe would stand and tell you to follow.
You knew what he expected from you, and there was absolutely no part of you that wanted to go through with it.
“You don't need me for this,” you repeated.
Chrollo stared at you over the fine white fur that lined his coat, his gaze unyielding and his presence as oppressive as ever.
Then he spoke your name, his tone stern.
“I would have thought by now that you knew how useless of an effort it is to try and get out of this,” he continued.
“Insisting on using my ability is stupid,” you argued. You stepped backwards despite knowing Feitan was right behind you. He was watching you carefully as well, likely poised to grab you if you made any attempt to run.
You weren't going to do that. But you would argue with Chrollo.
“Shizuku is right outside,” you continued, “Blinky is better suited for this. It'll take literally a second if you have her do it. Just use her and leave me out of it.”
Chrollo observed you silently, his gray eyes watching as you tried to convince him that Shizuku was the better option for what he wanted. Your argument wasn't just a way of a bullshitting to get out of what you didn't want. You knew that you were right. More importantly, he knew you were right.
But those cold eyes remained impassive no matter what you said.
“I brought you here for a reason,” Chrollo told you, “now I need you to do your part.”
His tone was a tad more dangerous that time, and that was enough to put the fear into you as you tore your gaze away and looked to the side, your fists clenching hard enough that the way your nails were digging into your palms was starting to cause you pain.
“….. I don't want to,” you answered.
“That's a shame,” he said.
He then turned so he faced the body of the man as he said “but I'm afraid this is the last chance you'll get to do it of your own volition before I'm forced to make you do so.”
There was little other choice than to do it before it got to that point, you told yourself. Otherwise he would give that order, and a sharp pain would form in your skull, getting worse and causing you absolute agony until you did as he had told you. Nor would it end there, as your defiance going that far would mean trouble for you once the troupe's business had finished and you were left alone with Chrollo again. You hated the way he was able to control you, but there wasn't anything else you could do. It was a lose-lose situation.
With a frown on your face and your eyes cast downward, you steeled yourself before you began approaching the man's body, your clenched fists shaking ever so slightly as you made your legs walk you forward.
I hate this
You kept your gaze downwards as you walked by Chrollo, keeping your eyes only on what was directly in front of your feet, not wanting to make more eye contact with him than was necessary. A small bit of defiance that did little to affect him, you knew, but it was all you could do.
How childish, you could hear him say in that subtly mocking tone that you were all too familiar with.
I hate you
After a few moments, you heard Feitan's footsteps walking out of the room before growing quieter. He had stayed when you had spoken out, his warning gaze heavy upon you as you had felt him silently urge you to do as Chrollo had said. Now that you were getting down to business, he was gone, having returned to that main room to sit with the others.
He knew what Chrollo was making you do, as did the rest of them.
I hate every last one of you
They were aware of those feelings of yours as well, and for certain members, it bothered them deeply. They didn't like how upset you became with them, nor how emotional you would get when Chrollo put your abilities to work. But no matter how much it bothered those members, all of them were in support of their boss.
None of them would ever come to your aid. All because in their minds, you were the one who was in the wrong.
The burnt odor coming from the man was stronger when you moved closer to him. Once you were standing directly in front of him, you were able to confirm that the darkened mark on his bicep was, in fact, a burn mark. The sight had you biting your lip in disgust as you thought of the agony he had gone through at the unfortunately creative hands of Feitan and the wide variety of pain he had no doubt experienced before his throat was finally slit wide open.
Hopefully with everything else that had happened, that final slicing of flesh wouldn't have been as painful.
A cursory glance about the room revealed the moderately sized wooden box that Feitan had been using as a table that was stuck in the corner, as his tools were lined up neatly on top of it. Almost all of them were covered in blood. When you narrowed your gaze, you saw bits of flesh that were still stuck to the metal.
Chrollo already knew what you were thinking.
“Take care of whatever is left over of him over there,” he began, “but you're to do nothing that alters Feitan's tools.”
…. Damn. It looked as though that stunt of yours from last time really was a one time only thing, much to your disappointment. But it wasn't that surprising.
If Chrollo was ever to make a mistake, he only made it once.
Turning your attention back to the man's body, you kept your focus on him while Chrollo stood behind you, watching your every move as you prepared to use your nen. Thoughts of what would work best in the environment and how much you needed to alter came to mind, but first….. First was to make him more presentable. To give him at least a little bit of dignity in death. Because at the end of the day, he was a person who had a life, goals and ambitions, all of which had been snuffed out for the sake of whatever it was the troupe was up to now.
Was it possible that he had been just as bad as Chrollo and the others? Or potentially even worse? Yes.
But you still wanted to show some kindness.
You began by undoing the ties around his wrists, and immediately you found that the rope had been wrapped so tightly that the skin in that area was raw and bleeding, some of it even scraped away against the harsh material that bound him. How much had he attempted to break those bindings while Feitan was removing his fingers?
It didn't matter, you told yourself, because you were undoing them now. Once both pieces of rope were untied and laying on the ground beside him, you placed his hands upon his lap which allowed you to hide the stumps of his fingers somewhat. Though that action caused him to lean too far forward and you were forced to adjust him before he fell over onto the floor. You quickly grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him so he would lean back, and that made his head roll backwards as it followed the pull of gravity.
Now not only did you have a good look at that awful gash in his throat, but also the lifelessness in his unblinking eyes and the way in which his slack jaw hung open.
…. You could fix this. While you couldn't do anything about his throat, you could fix the way his expression looked.
Placing both of your thumbs over his eyelids, you gently pulled them shut. Then, while you kept your thumbs pressed over his eyes, you exerted a tiny bit of your nen that spread over the lids. When you pulled your hands away, his eyes stayed closed. You did the same with his jaw, locking the joints in place so his mouth would no longer hang wide open. When that was done, you stepped away, and the nen you had infused into those places on his face stayed strong. With his face looking like that, it was as though he was sleeping.
Even though that illusion was quickly shattered with one glance towards his throat, that felt better to you.
The other person in the room was clearly of a different opinion.
“You're wasting effort, love. No one who cared for him will know what you did,” Chrollo told you.
You frowned.
“He was a person; he deserves respect, even if it's just this much,” you answered.
“He was a person who existed outside of the troupe,” Chrollo corrected, “therefore he isn't important.”
“Maybe not to you.”
Damn it. Your voice was already starting to crack.
Chrollo noticed that as well and wasted no time in pouncing on your vulnerability.
“You haven't even begun and you're ready to shed tears?” he asked.
“With the things you make me do, what do you expect?” you responded bitterly.
“I expected that you would have grown used to this.”
“Maybe if being involved in this awful shit was something that I actually wanted,” you said, “but I still don't, and I never will.”
He didn't respond that time. Instead, as you were looking at the body of the unknown man and trying to figure out if there was anything else you could do for him, you heard movement coming from behind you as Chrollo walked to the side of the room. What he was doing was obvious when you heard the sounds of chair legs scraping against the concrete floor before they were lifted into the air, and then again moments later, when they were placed a few feet from where you were standing and directly in front of the dead man. An aged chair creaked as Chrollo settled down upon it, and suddenly the full intensity of his gaze was upon you once more.
“Whenever you're ready, love.”
There was no more stalling to be had, then. Nothing more you could do to put this off. Chrollo probably felt as though he'd been generous in allowing you to take your time and do what he felt were pointless actions in rearranging the man's body. After all, the troupe was still in the middle of a job, and he wanted you to get on with it so they could continue with the current loose end being fully tied up.
If you took any longer he would invoke that pain on you again.
With a deep sigh, you activated your hatsu.
Revival Gardener
In moments, your nen had conjured up your watering can. Moderately sized and brightly colored, it stood out among the gray rock and rotting wood of the abandoned room. The can itself was a pastel yellow and adorned with pink accents, topped off by the two handles that were shaped to resemble cartoonishly cute hearts. It was very likely that if there was ever a magical girl character with abilities that were focused on gardening, your watering can would surely be in her inventory. The light purple packet of seeds that was also adorned with hearts fell into your palm after the watering can, and you figured that would likely also be something she would use, though you wondered how her abilities might differ from yours.
Maybe she would've been smart and would have some sort of ability that was more effective in combat.
As interesting as it might have been to consider the show about a hypothetical magical gardening girl, you couldn't focus on that forever. Definitely not with Chrollo staring down your back. Placing the empty watering can on the floor next to you, you adjusted the packet in your hand, both sides of which were left blank, and reached into your pocket for a pen as you looked to the man again.
His body, his clothes, the chair, and the blood that had been dripped and spattered across the floor. Four things to make note of. Another glance over at Feitan's tools and the blood and gore that covered them, not to mention the blood trail that led from them and back to the body. You would need to make sure you covered all of that area as well.
With all that Revival Gardener was capable of, it sadly wouldn't be a difficult task.
Holding the pen to the packet, you began to write:
Male human body
Adult's clothing
You were about to write down shoes when you stopped to double check yourself. It turned out he wasn't wearing any shoes, so that wasn't something you needed to bother with. You continued with the list.
Wooden chair with rope
Human blood
….. That was it. After double and triple checking what was before you and what you had written down, that was all you needed to change. You flipped to the other side of the packet which had yet to be filled in, and you paused a moment as you decided what you would write.
During that time, you didn't hear anything from Chrollo. He stayed silent as you wrote on the packet, but you could tell that his gaze was still on you. You didn't need to turn your head to confirm that.
After a moment of pondering, you decided to write the word “lavender”. The area the building was in was appropriate for it, with dry temperatures and lots of sunlight. That would grow well here.
With the decision made, the pen went back into your pocket, and you ripped open the packet before dumping the entire thing into the watering can. The seeds, the packet and the words you had written all broke apart within the space of the can, transforming into liquid that began to swirl about within your conjured creation, emitting a soft purple glow as it filled the can to the brim.
When the water stilled was when you could begin, and now with the can in hand, you looked again to the dead man. Exhaling a shaky breath as you clenched the the handles tightly, you took a few more moments before lifting the can above him, and with a tilt of your hands, you proceeded to pour the contents upon the poor man's body. He was quickly soaked from the water while the blood was washed down all over him, pooling in that same place in the seat of the chair. The chair was soaked as well; you made sure of that as you walked around it to make sure you covered every inch.
The body, the clothes, the chair, the blood. All of the blood. You needed to take a few steps back as you covered the floor in the unending water, making sure that you got every last stray drop.
All of it needed to be changed.
The man still looked as though he was sleeping as the water ran down his face and caused his hair to stick to his forehead. The blood from his neck washed down fast, however, joining the growing puddle beneath him that now had the water mixed in.
You then walked over to where Feitan's tools sat and poured the water over them. Though the box and the tools were quickly soaked as well, those items would remain as they were once this was over.
The last thing to be done was to cover the floor where the blood had dropped between the tools and the chair, and just like everything else, the water soon engulfed it.
When you returned to the body to make sure you had gotten everything was when the conjured water finally ran out.
With that, the first part was done.
You took a step back, staying behind the body while your watering can vanished. The second half of the process was going to begin soon, and you needed to watch all of it.
Chrollo chose then to speak once more.
“Come sit with me, love.”
You looked over to him and frowned when you found him motioning to an empty chair that sat beside him. The temptation was there to refuse and insist that you would stand for the rest of it. But just like everything else, this wasn't something you could get out of no matter how much you protested.
You remained silent as you walked around the body and took your place by Chrollo's side, your eyes immediately going back to the man while you gripped at your knees while you desperately hoped that, just once, Chrollo would refrain from saying anything further. Even though you knew that was incredibly unlikely, both due to the fact that there was a fair amount of time that needed to be filled out before you could leave this room, and because there was no way Chrollo would overlook your continued resistance.
Still, you dared to hope that he might, just this once, keep quiet while you suffered.
But of course that didn't happen.
“You know that it doesn't need to be this way, love,” he began.
You frowned again.
“You're right; it doesn't,” you agreed, “and yet you're dead set on forcing things to be this awful.”
You then cut him off before he could speak, saying “don't bother telling me that I'm the one making things difficult. I'm sick of hearing it.”
Chrollo let out a hum in response. Hearing that only had your frown deepen while your hands clutched at your knees harder, all the while you kept your gaze focused on the body. There was no change to be seen as of yet. But that would take a little while, as it always started internally before spreading out beyond.
Right now the man still looked like he was sleeping.
“Have our discussions become so stale that you immediately know what I'm going to say?” he asked.
“They only ever go around in circles. Honestly, I would've thought you'd be sick of the same conversations over and over,” you said.
“Be sick of them? Never.”
Chrollo leaned forward on his knees as he gazed at you, and from your peripheral vision, you saw the serious look on his face as he told you “if it's a chance to help you, then I'll gladly have the same conversation tens of thousands of times.”
“You're not helping me.”
“I am, love. You just aren't able to see it yet.”
“Because kidnapping me and making me dispose of your victims is such a great way to help someone,” you sarcastically answered.
The man's body shifted somewhat as he slouched back in the seat, though even now he still appeared to be asleep.
“I'm putting your abilities to good use,” Chrollo countered, casting his gaze towards the body as well.
“They weren't meant for this.”
“And yet they work quite nicely.”
“Shizuku's ability is more effective.”
“So you've said.”
Chrollo leaned back in his seat as he continued “but Shizuku isn't the one that I'm worried about.”
You scoffed.
“You're trying to say that you're worried about me?”
“I am.”
You shook your head.
“That's a lie. You're not worried; you just want to control me,” you said.
“That's not true.”
“How is it not? You took me away from my work when I didn't want to go with you and you used one of your stolen abilities to make me do what you want. How is that anything other than you controlling me?”
“Because it's for your own good,” he answered.
“I think I know what's good for me.”
“And I say that you don't,” said Chrollo, “the others are in agreement with me.”
Because all of you are monsters
You couldn't say that part. Because even though you knew it to be true, there was no way you could bring yourself to voice such a thing. You had grown up with Chrollo and most of the others, after all. All of you living together and finding those little scraps of happiness within that city of junk and decay.
Even though you hated the people they had become and you made that feeling of them clear, there was still some affection you had for them, for the children they had once been and who were now nowhere to be found.
The man's body twitched, arms and legs moving in response to your nen.
Already there was bile building up at the back of your mouth. You hated how you now recognized that as being a sign that his nervous system was in the process of changing. Just how many times had you been made to do this now? You could count them if you really wanted to, but once again you kept yourself from doing so. The exact number didn't matter. The fact that you were being made to do this at all was awful enough.
Chrollo had paid no attention to the current condition of the body, his focus back on you as he asked “have we already reached the point where you ignore me? I thought we had a bit more banter to go through before that happened.”
Your scowl remained on your face as you replied “for someone who claims to be worried about me, you sure do take a lot of time to mock me.”
“I'm afraid that can only be blamed on you, love. I care about you deeply, but you make it difficult when you kick and scream at me in an attempt to test my patience.”
Hearing that made you bite your lip in frustration; he was making it sound like you were a child throwing a tantrum. That alone was enough to make you want to hit him. Not that it would do you any good, even if, in the moment, it might have been slightly satisfying.
But just like you had told yourself before, the repercussions of such an action would come fast and harsh once the troupe dispersed.
…. Maybe that was pathetic of you. That you, a Hunter, would allow something as simple as pain be enough to give him leverage over you. Weren't you supposed to be stronger? After passing the trials of your exam, how was that enough for him to control you?
Then again, you hadn't taken the exam in the hopes of proving your strength or even in the hopes of becoming stronger. Getting that license was simply the easiest way to achieve your goal.
The chair beneath the man groaned and the legs began to buckle, bending slightly forward while green began to appear in the blood soaked wood. The ropes that had been left on the floor were also being overtaken by the green color, and upon the surface of the floor that was marred by his blood, small sprouts were starting to appear.
With the way the front legs had bent forward, the man's body lurched over, his upper half leaning against one of the chair handles. Despite the change of position, his face was still largely facing towards you, and the sense of peace you had tried to grant him by shutting his eyes and mouth was still there somewhat, even with the awkward position his body was in.
You hated this. You hated that you needed to watch the body of this unknown man being slowly taken over. If you tore your eyes away for too long, the change would stop and you would be stuck in this place with Chrollo for that much longer, which he would definitely chide you for.
Though you doubted he would mind all that much.
“Who was he?” your voice whispered, your nails digging into your hands again as you were having a difficult time with the sight before you.
“No one of importance,” was his response.
“I want to know anyway.”
“You don't need to,” Chrollo said firmly before he added “if you wanted to know his name you should have made that a condition for your hatsu.”
“I didn't make it a condition because Revival Gardener wasn't meant for things like this” you replied.
“I know. Your reasons were far more pointless.”
That last part stung.
“It wasn't pointless. I was helping people,” you said.
He had the nerve to sigh deeply at that.
“Love,” he began, “you chose to become a Cute Hunter.”
“I was helping people,” you insisted.
“What were you helping with? The official role of a Cute Hunter is to maintain the beauty of people and keep them looking younger. Was helping others maintain their vanity so rewarding?” he asked, the disdain slowly but surely creeping into his voice the longer he spoke.
“You know what I was doing. You know wasn't anything like you're saying and you know how much it meant to me,” you said.
You turned your head so you could give him the full extent of your glare as you again insisted “I was helping people.”
“You were growing flowers out of trash,” Chrollo said, “such a thing is hardly life changing and I guarantee there were few who even noticed what you were doing. All of us agreed that it was a waste of your talents.”
“But it wasn't. It isn't.”
He was wrong. The troupe was wrong. It wasn't a waste. They were simply incapable of understanding because of the path they had chosen.
Chrollo shrugged at your response, saying “feel free to cling to those beliefs of yours while you still can.”
“You say that like you think-”
The words coming from your mouth were lost when the man's body moved again, this time in the way of a full body jerk as something inside him gave way to the life growing within him. Whether it was because of that movement or simply something you had done wrong when you had applied your nen earlier, you couldn't say.
But regardless, his eyelids and mouth snapped open, and with him still facing towards you even now, you were greeted with a horrific sight.
His eyes were gone.
All that stared out at you through the empty sockets were the green of the leaves and the soft purple petals of the lavender flowers that continued to grow and fill the space within the man's head. His tongue was gone as well, though his teeth still remained, sitting among the stems and leaves while his gums were being consumed, slowly but surely revealing the bone of his jaw that sat beneath.
Now with his mouth once again hanging slack and open, the flowers began to make their way out into the open, the plant life now poking out at the edges of his mouth. That seemed to have caused a chain reaction, for the plants began to make their way out of his injuries as well. The stems and buds were now hanging out of his neck wound, reaching down his bloody torso where they were met by the ones escaping through the cavities left by his missing fingers, all mingling together as the flower buds grew rapidly. Lavender was blooming in that burnt section of his arm and on his broken legs and spreading out just like the rest of the plant that had found its way to the open air.
Empty sockets continued to stare at you as the flowers continued to grow, reducing what once had been a man into nothing more than a human shaped terrarium.
All the moisture had left your mouth as you stared back. You were left unable to speak as you began to tremble within your seat.
Mercifully, Chrollo remained silent during this time.
When the change began to affect his bones, his neck was fast to break. His head quickly bent over to the side as his skull began to lose it's shape.
And upon seeing that, the horror of it all overwhelmed you.
With a hand over your mouth, the floodgates of your emotions opened wide and you began to loudly sob.
This wasn't the way things were supposed to be.
A woman in a sharp business suit and her long hair tied up in a bun looked about the trees that surrounded her in bewilderment, her mind clearly racing as she wondered how this forest had come from nowhere and if she had somehow gotten lost on the way to her intended destination.
“Are you alright?” you called out, causing her to jump as she turned to face you.
“Ah – yes! I just…..”
The woman looked about again as she said “I got mixed up somehow and ended up here. I must not have been paying attention when I was driving.”
“Where were you trying to go?” you asked.
“The abandoned strip mall,” she told you.
“The one that was built on a former garbage dump?” you clarified.
She nodded.
Your hand went to the back of your neck as you said “well, most of it's gone now, but I can take you to see what's left of it, if you want.”
The woman's eyebrows furrowed, but she followed anyway when you beckoned her. Through a moderately sized collection of trees, bushes and a few open glades filled with wildflowers, you led her to the other end of the newly formed forest, and the both of you were greeted with a mound of dirt, concrete and aged garbage, most of which had fossilized. It was large, standing high over both of your heads. That was more in line with what the woman had expected, but she again looked behind herself to see the lush greenery that was clearly present in a place that it shouldn't have been.
She looked to you as she began with “you said… You said that this was what was left of the hill?”
You nodded.
“The same one that used to be a dump that was covered over and had built the mall on top?” she asked again.
Again, you nodded.
The woman looked to the greenery and then to the remains of the old dump site before she looked at you again.
“How?” was her bewildered question.
You nervously clasped your hands together as you began to answer.
“I'd heard about it not long ago,” you told her, “that the structure was abandoned years ago because of the methane coming from the ground and the way it had been sinking, and that it was still sinking into the garbage underneath it. When I learned that nothing was being done about it, I thought I could help.”
Realizing that you hadn't actually answered her question, you added “I'm part of the Hunter Association, and I figured that my skills would be able to fix this place. So I changed the buildings and what was underneath it to this.”
You gestured to the forest as you explained “it took a long time, but I think it's turned out well.”
The woman didn't look any less shocked after you finished speaking.
“You can just….. Do that?” she asked.
You nodded.
The woman continued to stare at you in disbelief, and the longer she looked at you like that, the more you began to worry that she was upset.
Then she spoke again.
“Can I hug you?”
The request was unexpected, but you smiled as you nodded to her. The woman quickly pulled you into a hug, and she held you tightly.
“Thank you so much,” she said, “I've been trying for so long to get the city to do something about that place but they always put it off, saying there were more important things they needed to take care of. They were content to let that place rot and fall apart, and I didn't think anything would ever be done.”
“Thank you so much,” she said again, “you don't know how much it means that you've gotten rid of that junk hill.”
You smiled again as you hugged her back, and a warmth bloomed in your chest as you heard her words of thanks. What you wanted most was happening: this had been your most ambitious project in your role as a Hunter, and before you were even finished, it was making a difference.
If you could do that for this woman, then the thing you wanted most could surely happen:
You could change Meteor City.
Your sobs continued to wrack your body as you watched the man's skin fall limp, held up only by the lavender flowers inside of him. He had been reduced to a skin suit, an unnatural looking thing that few would guess had ever been a real, living and breathing human. The chair he sat on was now beginning to lose it's shape as well, and slowly, the suit of skin began to lower further and further onto the floor as the wood of the chair was also absorbed and transformed.
Once all of the bones had been completely taken over, the skin began to do the same. It started in the areas where the skin was already broken, spreading from there like a disease. You watched helplessly as the last of that unknown man was eaten up by your hatsu, as his skin was broken apart and changed from flesh into plant.
You couldn't help but cry as the thought repeated in your head: this wasn't the way things were supposed to be. Your hatsu was never meant to be used in such a way, never meant to be perverted like this. All you had wanted when you became a Cute Hunter was to help people by way of giving them small pieces of joy as you turned trash into something as simple and beautiful as a flower. Even if it was something small, it was worth it to you.
Why did Chrollo find that so objectionable?
The pieces of the man's skin that still remained reached lower to the floor as the chair gave away completely. His blood soaked pants were vanishing quickly, the rope that had once sat by his side was long since gone, and the trail of blood that had led up to the box with Feitan's tools had been replaced by a long and scattered line of flowers.
It wouldn't take long now until everything about the man – his actual body and the things done to him – would be gone completely. No one who hadn't been here would be able to guess as to what had actually happened.
All they would see was a large patch of lavender growing within the abandoned building.
Though the man was nearly gone now, it didn't make it any easier on you, as your tears still fell as you focused on the parts that were still there: the last remaining bits of his skin and his dirty blonde hair that still stuck out at the edge of the growing patch of flowers. It had spread out far enough that it had reached where the two of you sat, and when you felt the petals brushing against the edge of your shoe, you pulled up your feet.
As much as you wanted to console yourself by saying that there was some comfort in the man's body not being allowed to decompose or rot, you knew it would do little to ease your distress. You weren't a good enough liar to convince yourself of that.
Chrollo's feet had stayed where they were when the flowers had extended out towards him, drawing his gaze down to the floor. After a moment of consideration, he reached down to the space in front of him, finding a stem of lavender and grasping at it. Then without even the smallest ounce of force, he plucked it. Sitting back up, he examined your creation, twirling it as he did so and causing the flowers to spin in his fingers.
“The end result is beautiful, love, I will give you that,” he told you, “but ultimately your reasons for your ability are far more superfluous than I know you would ever want to admit.”
You had bitten your lip to keep your mouth shut, though it didn't stop the way you sniffled while you continued to cry as you watched the last of the man's strands of hair turning green and sprouting up flower buds.
“One day you'll see that it was a good thing that I stepped in.”
Again you didn't respond, but you stiffened when you felt him lean towards you and felt his fingers tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear. The apprehension of feeling his touch turned to disgust when he placed the flower he had pulled into your hair, tucking it in with the hair he had so gently moved only moments before.
That was all he was.
When the last strands of dirty blonde hair were gone and all that sat before you was the lavender, you knew it was finished. Just as Chrollo had wanted, you had done 'your part'. With no trace of the scene of bloody torture from before, you could now leave the room.
You attempted to do so without another word, but no sooner had you stood up, Chrollo ordered you to sit.
With no other choice, you did just that.
Chrollo's hand traveled to your lap in order to clasp yours, and the squeeze he gave you felt like it was meant to be encouraging, though you knew it was performative. Just like everything was with him.
“I know you think that I enjoy seeing you in distress, love,” he began, “but I need you to know that it couldn't be further from the truth. Your well-being is something that I care about deeply.”
“…. You have a funny way of showing that,” you mumbled, not having the strength to speak louder.
“Think of it as rehabilitation.”
“It's not, though,” you said, shaking your head, “I don't need to be fixed.”
“And once again, you're simply wrong, love.”
When you pulled your hand away from his, he chose not to react. Nor did he say anything when you pulled the bit of lavender out of your hair and tossed it to the floor where it was quickly hidden among the rest.
“Can I go back to the other room already?” you asked bitterly.
Chrollo hummed as he took a moment before answering you, as if to rub more salt into your wounds by treating you like a child that needed to ask for his permission before you did anything.
You had pointed that out, once, calling him out on how degrading it was as well as insulting.
“Well, you aren't much different now than how you were as a child, are you?” he had spoken in response.
“Even now, you haven't grown past clinging to your princess dresses and playing make believe that you can force the world to match your idealized fantasy.”
You had slapped him for that. Hard enough that there was blood that dripped briefly from the corner of his mouth and a bruise that had stayed for several days after.
He didn't do anything to you for that. Not immediately.
It was when the job was over and the two of you were left alone in a location of Chrollo's choosing that he retaliated, using that ability that made your head feel like it was splitting in two as he forced you into doing things that you didn't want to do.
Again, the question surfaced: what kind of a Hunter were you that you allowed pain to keep you from fighting back?
…. One that had decided that 'Cute Hunter' was the direction to go in.
The slight self-deprecation of that thought wasn't lost on you. And it wasn't lost on you that it had come from Chrollo, his opinion sneaking its way into your brain without him needing to say anything or even knowing your own internal dialogue.
I hate this, you told yourself again.
It was the only thing you could say because it was the only thing you could do.
“It seems as though we're finished here, so I suppose you can leave,” Chrollo finally told you.
Without another word you stood and all but ran out of that room, having no desire to ever enter that place again and not wanting to risk Chrollo giving you more orders while you were still within earshot.
Chrollo himself remained seated, again gazing at the miniature field of lavender.
It wasn't right, you thought as you wiped away more tears.
Things shouldn't be this way.
Heading back to that main room where everyone else was gathered – because you'd be brought back there anyway if you went somewhere to be alone – your return was noted by all of the troupe, questioning eyes going to your form as you entered and made your way back to the spot in the corner you'd been occupying for the majority of your time here. Those questioning gazes didn't stay that way long, as one look at your tear stained face told them all that they needed to know as to how your corpse disposal had gone.
You had completed it. Everyone knew Chrollo wouldn't have let you leave without doing that. But as they continued to watch you, seeing the way you curled in on yourself and held your knees to your chest after you had taken a seat on the floor, all of them could tell that it hadn't been easy for you.
They couldn't understand it.
As they watched you obsessively and angrily wipe away the tears that you didn't want them to see, those members who had grown up with you were again at a loss as to why you cared so much about someone you didn't know. That, after the things you had experienced alongside them with your childhood in Meteor City, you had somehow managed to turn out so differently from the rest of them.
A few moments passed before Phinks got up from where he was sitting, and with his hands in his pockets, he began to walk towards you, no doubt with the intent of offering some kind of comfort. The harsh glare you sent him when he came close had him stopping in his tracks, and he floundered for a moment before turning around and returning to his seat, the awkward and disappointed look clear on his face as he did so.
You didn't want their pity or their comfort. You didn't want to be around them at all. No matter what they said, the childhood friends you had once had were nowhere to be found, not here or anywhere else in the world.
It was easier to tell yourself that the day Sarasa had been murdered, all of them had died along with her.
For the rest of this job, not another word would be said to you. You had done what was wanted of you, and so your role ended there. All you had left was the end of the job when Chrollo would force you to leave with him, making you follow him like a puppy. The troupe would part ways and then you might see a few of them sporadically between heists, but the majority of your time would be spent with Chrollo, and the head of the spider would return your reality to the one where your world revolved around him and him alone. Your abilities that you had wished to be shared with the world would be only for him, and again you would be forced to languish while you remained in his company, feeling a bit of yourself breaking apart day by day.
Maybe one day he would be successful.
Maybe one day he would manage to brainwash you and you would no longer find what they did so objectionable. Maybe a new version of yourself would emerge, one that had died just like they had with Sarasa, and you would walk around with them like a zombie, committing the same foul acts they did and feeling nothing while doing them. Maybe you would tell yourself the same things they must have, that all that mattered were those within the troupe, and in that way you could callously disregard the lives of others.
That wasn't today, though.
Eventually Feitan would return to where the body had been, no doubt needing to take a bit of time as he pulled the purple flowers that embraced his tools off one by one.
Eventually Chrollo would return to that main room and give instructions to the members that he had deemed necessary for the current job, and he would do so without casting a single glance in your direction.
The rest of the troupe would follow his lead, continuing with the job. Business as usual.
But at the back of their heads, they would remain hopeful for you.
Because if there was anyone who could fix you, it was Chrollo.
#reader insert#yandere x reader#yandere hunter x hunter#yandere chrollo#chrollo x reader#chrollo lucilfer#yandere hxh#hxh x reader#yandere
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hiii first I would like to say that I LOVE your writing and I was wondering if you could do smth with Lando. This is quite a long order so you can pick and chose what you would like.
dark hot chocolate
a vodka shot
spicy upside down cake
crème caramel
hot cross buns
bakery menu
thank you so much for the order! i've been really getting back into doing these bakery orders, so it's been fun working through the requests i've gotten! i always love doing a good lando fic, the fans i get in my inbox always have some of the most creative prompts i've ever seen so thank you! i hope you love this!
spicy upside down cake: "let's play a game: don't get caught." + crème caramel: "oh. you thought you were getting away from me?" + hot cross buns: "don't hide your face from me. i'd hate to have to tie you up." + dark hot chocolate: sub!reader + milkshake: size kink + a vodka shot: rough sex served by lando norris (formula one)!!
tags: smut/pwp, rough sex, size kink, sub!reader, semi-public sex, brattiness, dirty talk & degrading language, filthy (!!)
lando norris loved a good brat. he loved when a girl thought she could snap at him. it was cute, and it got him hard. cute things with pouty lips and fluttering eyelashes, crossed arms that framed perfect, fat tits. drew him in and made his jeans tight.
nothing like fucking a brat back into submission.
so after being put through the ringer in silverstone, lando couldn't help himself. especially when you said his favourite word in a venomous tone, "no."
you ended up in his driver's room with his hands up the back of your t-shirt and he near slammed the door with his foot. he was moving you like a puppet. you weren't going anywhere too far, too fast. he kissed the nape of your neck and loved the feeling of his hands on your soft skin.
"oh. you thought you were getting away from me?" he teased as he rubbed the front of his jeans up against your behind, "tell me no and then expect to skitter off. you wouldn't get far and you know that. should've chased you through the garage and fucked that pretty pussy of yours over my car. rub those tits of your raw up against it." he was panting already, turned on by how deep his want was for you.
"lando." you whined and you ended up over the couch. your cheek almost pressed against the wall behind it. your knees on the cushion and your round behind on display for him. you crumbled so easily, it was cute.
lando licked his lips and admired you. the shape of you, the feel of you, how hot your skin got when you were turned on. made his cock throb in his jeans. he didn't take him the victory this weekend, but he was going to take your pussy. which was almost as good as a trophy.
"get undressed or else you'll be leaving for the car in a lot less clothes." he remarked, "but i'd be you love that, huh? bare tits out across the paddock, covered in my bite marks. because you're just a little slut aren't you?"he noticed you covering your face with your hands, "don't hide your face from me. i'd hate to have to tie you up." he then grabbed your roughly and got your ass on the cushion your legs spread open as you forced yourself to hold onto the couch.
you looked beautiful.
"strip or it becomes shreds." lando said as he grasped his cock through his jeans, "and don't hide your face, got it?" he was dominating, putting you in your place. and it made you heavily aroused. and he knew it. he knew that you were a sick puppy that way.
you quickly got out of all of your clothes, you were left naked. lando preferred when you were naked, even in cases where you could be easily caught. he was certain that if someone caught sight of your bare tits while you rode him, you'd cum on the spot. dirty girl.
lando kept most of his clothes on, didn't need his round ass to be on the cover of most major sports papers tomorrow. he crowded in your space and braced his hands over the top of the couch, on either side of your head. he watched you swallow and he grinned like a wolf. "pretty little thing." he said, "see, things are much easier when you drop the bratty-act."
"i thought you loved a challenge." you remarked as you looked at him with a cute little wink. it only pulled lando in and he stroked his cock at the sight of your cute figure. you really were something else. naked on the couch, your breasts and cunt on full display for him. and yet, you remain defiant.
"i do, but i also love girls who know when to shut up and take it." he sank his cock into you. you let out a sweet moan and he chuckled lowly, "let's play a game: don't get caught. think you can do that? keep that whore mouth quiet while i fuck you?" he pushed to the base and shakily exhaled. he felt a stir in his gut while he admired you.
you felt hot all over a she started to move against you. your body didn't feel like your own, you were under lando's spell as he fucked you. you tensed up around him as you kept your legs open for him. there was something that ran hot through you. it wasn't fair, he made you a panting dog for him.
"a real bitch in heat, huh?" he chuckled lowly as he continued to move against you. he pressed into you harder, "pretty eye though, gotta keep them interested somehow. or else they'll hit and leave." he continued to move against you. his thrusts made you see stars. who allowed for him to be this hot. this painfully good at making you moan.
you let out a whine and he gave you a firm pat on the cheek, he'd never harm you. he'd just make his presence known, after all he was your boyfriend, your love, your dominant in your life. he was rough, but not abusive. he made you squirm and enjoyed the feeling of you under him. on the stupid couch they gave him, fucking tomorrow out of you.
there was something about him. the way he carried himself, the way he moved through your space. he wasn't like others, he was like no man you had been with before. he made you pant. whine and more of all, cum at the feeling of his cock inside of you. he could work with what he had and it often made you moaning with heated pleasure.
he looked at you, he kept his eyes on you as he fucked up into you. he held onto the couch while he thrusted up into you. he kept his expressions under control while your face displayed all the feelings of pleasure he was giving you. he loved how you looked, he made you feel heaven, why not enjoy it too?
"please, lando. fuck, i love you."
"and i love you, baby. look at you, you take my cock like a champ. can you believe it? i guess you put your money where your mouth is, silly little slut." he licked his lips as he continued to move against you. his thrusts were heavy and they left a certain cloudiness in his brain as he fucked the daylights out of you. you were a slut for him and he loved that, he loved that he could bend, twist and fuck you however he saw fit. it was a good feeling in his soul as he rutted against you.
he knew that you loved him, you loved him as deep as veins ran deep in the body. he knew you were needy for him, you yearned for his heavy cock inside of you. his breathing was heavy in your ear as eh moved against you, the feel was overwhelming and you tried so hard to keep quiet. you didn't want to be the front page tomorrow because your boyfriend decided to fuck you until you saw stars.
"that's it, baby." he said as he thrusted up into you, "you feel amazing. all mine, who let you feel this good. you got a pussy most would die for." his pace continued, "i need you beautiful, always in my heart as i ruin your fucking pussy." his words were heated as he fucked you. there was little time for tenderness as he ravaged you.
you kept your tone quiet as you held onto him, letting him fuck your sweet cunt. it was hard to keep quiet with the pace so quick and so erotic that it left your core quivering for him. you knew you weren't going to last much longer.
"gonna behave for me now, be a good girl for me?" he asked as he held your throat. he didn't choke you, he held you so you'd keep your eyes on him. as he continued to rut against you, the feeling was hot, the weight of his hand against you as he made your core flutter around him.
you nodded dumbly, not much else to say as he fucked you with a heated want. you reached out for him and clung to his t-shirt while you climaxed around his cock. you squeezed around him, eyes shut and held onto him tightly. he continued to fuck you, he fucked you through you orgasm and only grinned at the blissed out expression you had. you looked like a total dream, even in the heat of climax. he kissed your neck and fucked you roughly.
he was in total control and he felt the fire in his core as he moved against you. your wetness stained the front of his jeans, which only spurred him on to make you a panting, whiny mess. he eventually shut you up with a heated kiss and kept you pinned to the couch by your shoulders.
he was going to fuck the brattiness out of you, and with a few more heavy strokes of his hips he finished inside of you. he watched your eyes flutter close for a moment before you loosely held onto him. it was erotic to see you in a state of total bliss as he came. you two fit together beautifully and lando couldn't help but kiss your neck as he moved against you slower and let himself feel your entire body.
hands trailed across your sides before he held you hips tightly and pulled out of your cunt. he looked at you and exhaled deeply against your neck, "beautiful." he said with much more tenderness.
he looked at his soft cock and then to you. he then asked as he admired your messy expression. you were all blissed out from him. he patted your thigh and said, "now be a good girl and get dressed. you can louder in the hotel." <3
#bunny writes#the bakery#reader insert#formula 1#f1 smut#formula one imagine#f1 x reader#formula one smut#formula one#lando norris imagine#lando norris x reader#lando x reader#lando norris#lando imagine#lando x you#formula one fanfiction#lando norris smut#lando norris fanfic#ln4 smut#ln4 fluff#ln4#ln4 x reader#ln4 imagine#ln4 mcl#ln4 fic#mclaren
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More Than You'd Think.
Summary: Surely, you were just some random daughter of some random employee of Sylus'. And surely that meant Sylus thought nothing of you. But, when faced with danger, you learn just how wrong you are.
Pairing: Qin Che / Sylus x F!Reader (not MC!)
Word Count: 2,849
A/N: Some angst and then fluff to make us all feel better :)
TW. attempted sexual assault, violence and brief mention of death (not reader or sylus)

"My father will be right out."
"Thank you... Y/N."
Your gasp is barely concealed, a soft shutter leaving your lips as you glance up to meet Sylus' eyes. He's already staring down at you, his usual air of confidence obvious as he stands before you with his shoulders held high. There's a small smirk on his lips, while his heavy-lidded gaze stays focused on you.
You make a strong effort to remain strong, but you hadn't the slightest clue Sylus, the leader of Onychinus and your father's boss, had any idea who you were. Let alone your name.
It's not like this is the first time either of you have spoken but any conversation between the two of you has never been any of subtance. More often then not, it was you telling him you'd fetch your father and him humming in response.
You don't miss the slight quirk of his lips as you react to that realization, shifting on your feet. "You're welcome, sir," you offer, lightly bowing your head.
Despite your shock, you're not foolish enough to think that Sylus knowing your name means anything. Your father has been working under Sylus for a long time and therefore, you're fully aware of the power that Sylus holds in the N109 zone.
Not to mention, you've grown up in the N109 zone you're entire life. You're fully aware of how dangerous people like Sylus are, even without your father's warnings.
"Please," Sylus offers after a short moment of silence. His voice is light as you meet his gaze, and the smirk has softened to something a little more sincere. "Call me Sylus, Y/N."
You're sure you're hallucinating what's happening in that moment. Because there's no way the leader of Onychinus is allowing some random daughter of one of his men call him by his first name.
Surely, you're going crazy.
"O-Oh," you find yourself stumbling over your words. You're not even sure what it is you're trying to say as you're saying it. "Well, th-then, um, Sylus--"
Halted at the sound of your father's voice, both you and Sylus' attention is shifted behind you. Your father comes rushing to the front of the office, looking out of breath and panicked.
"My apologies," he breathes, offering a bow. "I did not mean to take so long."
Sylus waves him off with a simple gesture of his hand. "It's fine," he assures with ease, "shall we?"
He gestures back towards the direction your father came from, the warehouse in which your father has set up what Sylus had come for today. Knowing that you're presence is no longer needed, you step back, with the intetion of moving towards the front desk.
"Y/N," your father calls, making you pause. You try to ignore the way Sylus' noticeable gaze falls on you in response, focusing on your father. "I need you to go pick up a package for me. Davie should have them ready and I'll need them for tomorrow."
Nodding, you change your direction, heading to grab your coat. "Sure thing, dad."
You expect that to be that, distantly hearing your father call for Sylus to follow him. Yet, once again, you're stopped by a voice; this time, Sylus.
"You'd send your daughter to grab a package on her own?"
Lips parting, you spin back to Sylus, confused. By the expression on your fathers face, he's just as confused.
"Y-Yes, sir," your father nods, obviously unsure of why Sylus cares. "Y/N often gets packages for me. It's... too hard for me to make the trip anymore."
Sylus frowns. "Surely you realize how unsafe it is for someone like your daughter to be walking through the N109 zone alone."
Your father seems stunned. To be fair, so are you. But, to save your father from stumbling over his words and making a fool of himself, you decide to brave Sylus' weirdly placed concern.
"It's alright, sir--Sylus," you assure, offering a gentle smile. "I've done it plenty of times. And I can protect myself if needed."
Sylus looks skeptical, his eyes running across your figure as his face twists in... concern? You're not sure and it's too much for you to even try and begin thinking about, so you choose not to. With another reassuring, polite smile, you finish pulling your coat on and step towards the door.
"I'll be back in a bit, dad," you smile at your father, before turning to Sylus. "Good luck with your meeting." You offer a short bow in response, and with that, you make your way out, unaware of Sylus' gaze that follows you.
Or, the pair of dark black eyes that follow you the second you step outside.
"Thank you, Davie. I'll make sure my father knows about the hiccup with the order."
"You're welcome there, Y/N." Davie smiles at you, "you sure you'll be okay heading home? I didn't think I'd keep you that long."
You just smile, brushing him off. "Not to worry, Davie. I'll be fine. It's a short walk."
Davie only hesitates a moment longer before nodding, offering you one final wave as you turn to make your walk home.
As you make your way back home, you pull your coat closer around yourself, keeping your eyes peeled around you in case of anything. You'd brushed it off to Davie, but realistically you were a little nervous walking home when it was already this dark out.
You hadn't expected the favour for your father to take that long, and you can't help but think about what Sylus had said before you'd left. It wasn't like you had thought he was wrong, but you'd been assured by the daylight and the fact that you had grown up in the N109 zone all your life.
Danger was something you were used to. It didn't mean it didn't frighten you though.
Your hand holds the small knife you carry with you at all times tightly, trying to hum quietly to yourself as you walk, pace fast.
You can't help but let your mind wander to how hard Sylus behaviour had been earlier that day. You weren't sure how the man treated other daughters of his employees, but you convince yourself he probably just had some sort of gentleman code he upheld. Sure he was the leader of a dangerous gang, didn't mean he was terrible in all aspects.
He'd never been anything but kind to you, even if conversations had been brief. Your father running behind today had just presented him the opportunity to speak more, and if anything, he'd just done it out of kindness.
His concern about you walking through the N109 zone alone? That was probably just because of the well-known knowledge of how dangerous N109 was and the fact that if anything happened to you, it would impact your fathers work.
Which would impact Sylus.
Yeah. That had to be it.
Shaking your head of silly thoughts, you take a sharp left, only to pause at the sight of a shadow up ahead. You instantly stop, feeting freezing beneath you, as you stare at the figure. You can't quite make out distinguishable features, but the build is clearly that of a man.
For a long, silent moment, the both of you stand there. Then, he steps forward.
You instantly step back, only to hear approach footsteps behind you. Your head snaps to the left, heart falling to the pit of your stomach when you see a man heading your way. A look to your right tells you another man is coming from that way too.
Breath hitching in panic, your eyes widen as a voice calls out;
"Well, hello there, pretty lady."
It's the man in front of you that calls it out, voice sickeningly sweet and promising nothing good. Feeling your body start to shake, you grip your knife tighter with your right hand, your left holding the pack and take a step back.
The man in front of you steps into the light, letting you see the lecherious grin on his face.
Swallowing thickly, you eye him for one long moment before turning around and breaking out into a run. You make it only a few steps before you feel a hand grab your shoulder, yanking you back. You don't waste a second, pulling the knife out from your coat pocket and swinging it at the man.
He dodges it, barely, but then the two other men reach you. They flank you on either side, and your arm swings out wildly, package falling to the ground with a bang as you let out a cry.
You manage to knick one of the men on the arm, him crying out in pain in response. It causes him to stumble back, giving you a bit of reprieve to try and break free. You strengthen your efforts into attacking with your knife, trying to ignore the fear radiating through your body and focus on the fight rather than flight.
But then, the man who you'd seen first, manages to grab your wrist. His grip pinches, fingers digging into your wrist as you try to pull your hand away.
"Stop!" You bellow, "no!"
It's useless. The men are stronger than you, especially with the two of them. And it doesn't go beyond your notice that the one you'd stabbed is getting back up too.
The two men overpower you, squeezing your wrist hard enough something pops and the knife clatters to the ground, leaving you completely defenceless.
Your arms are grabbed, body yanked forward until you're pressed against a wall. Pain radiates from your back where you're slammed up against the brick wall, a groan leaving your lips. It doesn't stop you, though, your hands striking out to push the man off of you.
"Fucking bitch," the one you'd stabbed bellows, striking you across the cheek. The punch stings, and you're sure your cheek is a bright pink as a result.
"This could've been so much easier for you," one of the men huffs at you, grabbing you by the chin to pull your gaze on him. "If you'd just submitted like a good girl."
Ignoring the rapid race of your heart, you narrow your eyes at him. "Fuck off."
Face twisting in anger, he grabs the wrist they'd sprained earlier, slamming it against the wall as you scream out in pain. It throbs in pain, strength leaving you as you try to fight back the tears that threaten to fall.
Your other wrist is pressed against the wall as well, and then something glints in your gaze.
"Now, stop fighting us or we'll really hurt you."
Eyeing the knife, the first tear slips past your defences, your vision blurring as your eyes water. It occurs to you then you really won't be able to fight your way out of this. Your only weapon had been taken from you and now you were the one with a weapon held against you.
"That clear?"
Swallowing thickly, you nod, inhaling sharply.
"Good," the man holding the knife grins. "Let's get started then."
A whimper leaves your lips as he steps towards you. His two henchman, one of them being the one you'd stabbed, hold you against the wall, grips never relenting as the main one stops in front of you. He drags the tip of the knife across your cheek, your body trembling as he continues down across the length of your neck until he reaches the collar of your blouse.
It occurs to you then that in your scuffle, you'd lost your coat.
"Please," you find yourself begging, bravo gone in face of your vulnerability. "Please don't."
"Too late, pretty lady," the one you'd stabbed leers at you. "We're going to make sure it hurts."
Letting out a sob, you weakly try to break free. It's useless.
The sound of buttons popping is all you hear as you squeeze your eyes shut, feeling the cold air hit your bare skin. The main man cuts away at your blouse like it's nothing, until you find your entire upper half bare, with nothing but your bra covering your modesty.
Sniffling, you feel your muscles freeze the second you feel lips press against your skin. The men lean into you, as if breathing you in, as you feel like you might throw up.
"Let's get this bra off," one of the men breathes against your neck.
You feel fingers slip underneath the strap of your bra and your breath hitches.
And then, you hear a cry of pain.
It startles you, eyes snapping open in confusion. For a second, you're not sure if you're the one who cried out in pain. But then, you realize that the man with the knife is no longer in front of you.
The men holding you seem just as confused, but before either of them can do anything, the one you'd stabbed is swept up in a mist of red and black and knocked back. He goes flying, your eyes widening as he lands againts the ground a few feet away from you, landing right on the shoulder you'd stabbed.
In the next second, the same mist takes the one to your right and sends him flying similarly.
You fall to your knees in an instant, legs giving out beneath you as you hold your throbbing wrist to your chest. You're terrified and baffled, not understanding what's happened.
And then, your answer steps in front of you.
Sylus steps in front of you, his gaze soft as he stares down at you. As he crouches in front of you, he's taking his jacket off of his shoulders and moving to wrap it around you. He's careful, making sure you know he means no harm as he covers you.
Your voice comes out small, broken. Sylus just shakes his head.
"Give me one second, Y/N. Then I'll get you out of here."
He stands back up, turning towards the scattered men on the ground before you. He instantly makes his way towards the main guy, towering over his cowering figure.
It seems Sylus' power really is something that precedes him.
As you sit there, pressed against the wall and cradling Sylus' jacket, it doesn't escape your attention that Sylus does more than just hurt the guy who'd held a knife to you. His other two henchman are hurt more by Sylus, but left for the two men who'd been standing back quietly waiting for Sylus' que. As Sylus turns back to you, he sends a nod at them.
It's clear what that means.
"Can I touch you?"
Blinking, you meet Sylus' gaze. He stares down at you, gaze soft and reassuring, making sure to keep his distance so as not to scare you.
Slowly, you nod.
Sylus doesn't take you back home.
Cradled in his arms, Sylus carries you all the way back to his place. When you quietly ask him about your father, he assures you that his men will inform your father of your whereabouts. You don't argue more than that.
Now, in Sylus' living room, you're wearing one of his shirts and sat on his couch while he bandages your wrist.
You've been otherwise silent until that moment, still startled and not really sure what to say. Sylus doesn't pressure you either.
But as you watch him finish bandaging your wrist, you find yourself speaking up.
"How did you know?"
Sylus glances up at your question, raising a brow as he meets your gaze. "Mephisto," he expains, using his head to gesture to his right. You follow his direction, eyes falling on the crow perched on a table across from you. "I can see through him."
You nod, even though you don't fully understand.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get there," Sylus breathes. "They shouldn't have even been able to touch you."
Blinking, you stare down at him. "Why do you care?"
Sylus, to your surprise, seems shocked by your question. His eyes widen briefly, lips parting and it's the first time you've seen him unsure.
"Why wouldn't I care?"
"I'm just the daughter of one of your employees," you remind, shaking your head. "I'm nobody."
Leaning forward, Sylus shakes his head. "You could never be nothing." Then, pausing, he sighs. "I've... tried to make my affections for you obvious, but clearly I wasn't obvious enough."
Eyes widening, you blink back at him.
"You're not just some daughter, Y/N." Reaching forward, he slips his hand into your not sprained one, threading his fingers through yours and squeezing. "And no one will ever hurt you again."
The tears that well in your eyes are out of your control. As your lips begins to tremble, you stare down at Sylus.
"I was so scared."
You're pulled into his arms, head pressed against his chest as he envelopes you completely. Despite everything, the touch doesn't scare you. Instead, it fills you with an overwhelming sense of safety and assurance.
You let yourself fall into Sylus' embrace, clutching onto him.
#love and deepspace#love and deepspace x reader#lads#lads x reader#lads x you#lads imagine#sylus#sylus x reader#sylus x you#sylus imagine#lads sylus#qin che#qin che x reader#qin che love and deepspace
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Yess another rv smut! If ur still up for another rv pls do how does rv react to squirting.
Esp seulgi in curly hair thx!

Irene is lying on her back as you make her squirt. She closes her eyes, her cheeks flush red. You can't tell if it's her orgasm or her embarrassment. Either way, her pussy massages your cock as her juices spill out of her. She tries to cover it with her hand, which makes it even worse. Still holding onto her thighs, you enjoy the whole show. Irene's squirt ruines the sheets and glazes her lower body with her juices.
You lean down and start to clean her body. She tastes even better than before. But you can hear Irene's embarrassed whines, which makes you lick her toned tummy even more.

Seulgi buries her face in your neck as you feel her juices run down your cock and drip onto the carpet. Her orgasm left her body a shaking mess. She's hanging onto you like a koala, her arms around your neck, her legs wrapped around your hips.
"You don't need to be embarrassed about this."
Seulgi shakes her head. You can't help but chuckle. She's squirted several times already, but she keeps being shy about it. As if it's something wrong. It's not.
"I love to see you like this."
You kiss her cheek, before slowly resuming your movements from earlier, lifting Seulgi off your cock, before lowering her onto it again.

"Oh, god! I'm gonna cum!"
"You're gonna cum?"
"Yes, you fuck my ass so good!"
Wendy moans as you keep ruining her from behind. Her upper body is bent over the makeup table in RV's dressing room. Her short skirt is hiked up.
"Cum for me, Wendy."
You whisper into her ear, making her finally orgasm after this long and exhausting performance.
To your surprise, her body reacts more than usual. Wendy's eyes open wide as she suddenly squirts all over the floor. You feel her ass tightly gripping onto your cock, while her pussy ruins the floor beneath her. It's not just a trickle. Within a matter of seconds, a small puddle has formed underneath her.
"I should fuck you more often like this."
You kiss her cheek as Wendy slowly calms down.
"Yes, please."
She's visibly out of breath and tired. But her ass is telling you to make her squirt again.

Joy lets out a moan.
"Please. I can't take more."
Her voice is barely above a whisper.
You reach for her face, brushing a couple of wet strands of her hair out of her face.
"It's okay, babe. Trust me."
You kiss her, while you keep moving your cock in and out of her pussy. The bed she's lying on is already soaked. Her naked body covered with sweat and her own squirt.
"Just one more time."
You say lovingly as you feel another orgasm building.
Joy sighs in defeat and pleasure, your finger on her clit, your hand on her chest and your cock in her pussy don't really give her a choice. Her tired body seems completely drained.
"Let go, babe."
You whisper into Joy's ear, triggering a chain reaction. Her pussy contracts around your cock, her back arches of the wet sheets, her hands form fists, her breathing seems to stop. A second later, her thighs shake, a loud, drawn out moan leaves her lips and another wave of her squirt leaves her pussy. Once more, Joy squirts all over herself. She's covered in her own slick, barely moving once she's gone through her orgasm.

"I'm so close!"
Yeri's cry echoes through her pilates studio.
You adjust your grip on her slim waist and fuck her harder. Her foot is threatening to slip off your shoulder, but your arm around it keeps it place. Her torn leggings show off that ass of her and you can see your cock thrust into her pussy.
But the best view lies straight ahead. Through the mirror, you can see Yeri's face. Flushed cheeks, opened mouth, sweat dripping down her forehead.
"Gonna cum!"
You watch as Yeri orgasms. You made her stand in front of the mirror on purpose. Knowing she's a squirter, you're now watching Yeri ruining the mirror. Her juiced hit the glass surface and start running down as her moans fill the room.
#ask#anon#kpop#kpop smut#kpop girls#kpop gg#male reader#irene red velvet#wendy red velvet#red velvet joy#yeri red velvet#red velvet seulgi#red velvet smut#red velvet
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interruption — summary. 'being interrupted during a intimate moment wasn't on your bingo'
characters ;; Octotrio tags ;; reader is gender neutral(lipstick is mentioned on azul's part), reader is yuu, a lil teasing, romantic/fluff
Azul Ashengrotto was a refined man
that's what he likes to think at least, he has created a great reputation for himself, he had the awesome Moutro lounge and even had his incredible contracts to offer though the position he is in right now does not match his cultured persona, in this moment he finds himself sitting on his office chair having his face smudged and marked by your new lipstick, the one he bought for you actually "Dearest I think that's enough-" you frown at his words "it's not enough, I'll know when it's enough" Azul sighs but allows you to continue on your small task that until he hears a knock on his door his eyes widen at the realization someone was at the door and he wouldn't be able to fix himself before they enter the room when you let go of his face and turn to look at the door you hear a laugh, one you learned to recognize too well by now Floyd is stading there and ready to talk when his brother interrupt him "Looks like we will have to come back later, my apologies" you can sense how Jade was holding back his own laughs while pulling his brother and the poor student they brought out of Azul's office, instantly when the door closes you feel your boyfriend melting under you "Let's remember to lock the door next time, please"
Jade Leech was a man who prouded himself
He believed he had mastered the art of observation. Initially, understanding the landman's customs was challenging, but he prided himself on his adaptability. As a curious person, his interest in you was expected, but falling for you was unexpected. Nonetheless, here we are — while you were working a shift at Mounstro Lounge, you needed money, and Azul would never refuse a new employee anyway. You've been dating Jade for a while now, and on a little break between attending orders and fetching the food, you ended up here, sitting on the counter and making out with him. You had your arms wrapped around his shoulders, and his own hands were on your waist. Your hands slowly got higher, reaching his hair and tugging it a bit. You could feel him smirking on your mouth; you don't know when he became such a good kisser until "OH- I'M- I- I WAS- I'M SO SORRY!" You abruptly let go of Jade and looked behind him. An Octavinelle student was standing there, all flustered from what he had encountered. He stormed outside of the kitchen without further warning. Jade looked at you and chuckled, "It looks like we got him a little show." The way Jade says that made you scoff before getting off the counter and going back to what you were doing before being attacked by him. "You're just going to leave me like that?" Jade says in a sad, mocking way, but with his usual smile on his face. "Yes, I will," you say before leaving
Floyd Leech was a menace
Everyone knew that, so when you first started dating him, everyone thought two things: 1. You were crazy or 2. He was threatening you. But in reality, it wasn't either of them; you just loved him. So that's why right now you're taking advantage of the time alone you two have without Grim to pick a fight with him to just enjoy your time with him. You were kissing him normally when you felt him smirk on your neck, which is not a great sign. "My turn now," he said with a grin that showed his sharp teeth. He suddenly switched positions, having you laying on the used couch of Ramshackle. He kissed you before going for your neck; he kissed you before affectionately biting you, making you gasp from surprise. But that gasp rapidly turned into a laugh when he continued to kiss and carefully bite you. When he was about to bite your collarbone, you heard a "OH!" You fastly pushed your boyfriend from on top of you to be greeted by Ace's shocked face and Deuce's flustered self. "Wow there, prefect, didn't know you had that on you," Ace said with a smirk. "Ne, Crabby, why don't you come back later? I was kind of busy here," your boyfriend said with his eerie smile. "Uh—we—I—he," Deuce stuttered. "I wanted to see my henchman! you get me?" Grim said with his fake confidence Floyd's grin widened. "I think that's enough, okay? Come here, Grim," you say, patting your side. "Thank you for bringing him, you two," you say to the duo at the door. Ace whistled. "No problem, prefect, just warn us when you're making out with your scary boyfriend," Floyd looks at him with a smirk. "Or maybe you can learn to knock?" you say to him with a smile.

im really sorry if this is not great, i think its so hard to write Floyd and Jade and its so easy to mischaracterizate them 😵💫
#twst wonderland#twst fluff#twisted wonderland#twst x reader#jade leech#jade x reader#jade leech x reader#floyd x reader#floyd leech#floyd leech x reader#azul ashengrotto#azul x reader#azul ashengrotto x reader
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Kiss Cam (Luke Hughes)
Luke Hughes x female!reader
Warning(s): slight makeup sesh, angst, major fluff, touching without consent, alludes to smut
Summary:In which Luke lets his anger get the best of him.

“Mom I love you, but I have to finish getting ready for the game. We can talk more about it tomorrow.” Y/n sighs, applying mascara to her lashes.
Her phone was on the bathroom counter with mom on speaker phone, mom currently blabbing about something that happened at work that she needed to rant over. “Oh, that’s right there’s a game tonight! Tell Luke and Jack goodluck for me, and I’ll let you go then. Love you!” Her mom’s sweet voice rings in.
Y/n responds back before ending the call, her music coming back on while she used her setting spray to set the rest of her face.
Luke walks into the bathroom behind her a few moments later, setting his sweatshirt on the counter next to her puffer vest for her to wear. He stops and looks her up and down with a slight smirk on his lips.
She wasn’t fully finished getting dressed, only wearing her flare leather pants and a bralette to prevent getting makeup on his clothes. Not that he would’ve minded that anyway, but he wasn’t going to complain about her current outfit.
“What?” She chuckles putting her makeup away when catching his stare in the mirror. His eyes find hers as he walks up behind her with a hum, placing his hands around the front of her waist slowly trailing back and down to grab her ass.
She squeaks at his hands, letting a laugh leave her mouth while his own kisses her collarbone a few times. “I like these pants.”
“Oh you do, do you?” an amused grin on her face. He hums with a nod. “Very much yes. You need to buy more.”
Her eyes roll at his comment before she turns around in his grasp, his hands still going down to her ass when she faces him. Luke looks down at her, taking in the beauty of his girlfriend. She looks down at his lip before lifting herself up a little to place what was supposed to be a chaste kiss.
Luke thought otherwise, humming out a no on her lips to prevent her from breaking away. She giggles at his comment, letting her hands trail up his chest and to the back of his neck and into his curls.
Their lips moving in sync, his tongue finding hers as his hands roam her body. His touches and kisses making her whimper and moan into his mouth.
His hands began to trail from her ass, up to her hips, then to her waist, until they were gripping her breasts. Luke letting his thumb graze over her nipples through the thin fabric.
She breathes out a moan, her head falling back as he plays with them and his lips moving down to her jaw. “Lu,” she pants.
“We are gonna be late.” She lets out another whimper when he bites down on her sweet spot just in the crevice of the crook of her neck. Y/n musters up the strength to grab his head from her neck, making him look up at her.
His lips now swollen, eyes looking a little glazed over as he gives her a lovesick grin. She places one last soft kiss on his mouth before turning back around to grab his sweatshirt off the counter, putting it over her head.
"Why don't you just wear my jersey again?" he asks as he steps away to watch her in the mirror.
"Because I need to switch it up every so often," she says in a 'duh' tone. "Either way people will know I'm yours if that's your problem with it." she chuckles, watching him roll his eyes.
"Okay yes, but still. You can see my name on it in bigger letters than you can on my sweatshirt."
"The sweatshirt I'm wearing is a player only sweatshirt. Therefore nobody else but players own it, so I think that's pretty self-explanatory." she assures him as she sees his pout begin to form.
Once she puts the vest over her shoulders, she turns around to wrap her arms around his neck. He grabs her waist immediately, looking down at her with a knowing look. "You may be beautiful, but you're sometimes not the brightest." he jokes, earning a slap to the chest as she walks away after his comment. She slips on her heeled boots in the entryway while he slides on his dress shoes.
"Forensic Scientist means dumb to you? I don't think so baby." she shoots back, the boy just shaking his head with a playful scoff.
"Whatever you say, honey. Let's go," he sighs before tapping her bum as she opens the front door.
Once they arrived to the arena, Y/n says her 'hello's to the other players, and Jack of course, then gives Luke his good luck kiss before making her way to the lower bowl to find her seat.
She sets her food and drink down when she finds it, seeing she's in the second row from the glass and gets comfy as she waited for the game to start. Y/n watched as more and more fans began to pile in, some starting to take up spots around the ice to watch warmups.
The warmups probably had to be her favorite part. Getting to see the boys rev up for the game as well as interacting with fans, the younger kids especially. She sometimes would find herself overhearing conversations of parents with their little ones talking about how they will try hard to get puck from a player for them.
So some days she took matters into her own hands, signaled Luke, Jack or one of the other players she knew well to bring her a couple pucks to hand out to the little kiddos. The smiles and reactions on their faces always made her smile too, which is why she loved stepping in to help sometimes.
Before she knew it, the boys were out on the ice doing their routine, kids and other fans buzzing with excitement as they watched the players skate around the ice.
She smiles widely when she sees Luke spot her, the boy giving her a little wink as he stood at the blue line with Dawson. Her little moment with Luke was soon cut short when someone took their seat next to her and settled in, his stare never leaving her side profile.
Y/n slowly turned to look at the Devils fan, the boy looking around the same age as her. He had darker hair that poked out of his backwards hat, bright hazel eyes, chiseled jaw with a little stubble. He supported a Devils Jersey with an 86 on the back of it. He nods at her before speaking.
"Hey," he starts off. She smiles warmly. "Hello." she says before turning back to watching warmups.
Luke was busy doing his routine to notice the boy sitting next to his girlfriend, y/n adjusting herself due to feeling uncomfortable by his stare.
"I'm Micah." he introduces, y/n turning her head back to him with a smaller smile this time. "Nice to meet you Micah." she says in a soft voice, hoping that it sounded both nice and uninterested.
Micah leans towards her a little, making her smile falter a bit and look back at the boys on the ice for a minute. "And you are..?" he trails off, making her insides churn at his desperation.
"Um, I'm y/n," she says in a shorter tone. He nods with a toothy smile.
"Beautiful name for an absolutely gorgeous girl." he says, making her internally roll her eyes. She just nods at him and offers another warm smile. "Thank you."
She watches as he looks her up and down slowly, slowly biting his lip as his eyes find hers. "So what's a girl like you doing sitting here all by herself?" he asks.
"Oh, I'm not alone I'm-"
"It's okay, you don't have to lie and say your friends are coming. I'll take care of you," he winks at her, and places a hand on her thigh with a squeeze. He was making her stomach knot. "Please take your hand off my leg," she says firmly. She feels herself relax when his hand leaves her thigh, her chest feeling tight as he sat closer to her.
Instead of pushing the conversation she purses her lips and looks back at the boys on the ice, hoping to find her boyfriend and her muscles relax when she sees he's already staring at her.
Now many fans that paid attention to the Hughes brothers knew she and Luke were dating. It wasn't like they made it obvious, but they also weren't hiding it either.
His eyes going back between her and the guy next to her with a darker stare than she's used to. He can tell she's uncomfortable when his eyes find hers a second later, and skates closer towards where she's sitting.
Y/n watches as he skates past and gives her a small nod as if asking if she was okay, and nods back at him with a small smile on her lips.
Luke nods back one more time at her before turning back to finish his drills, his head turning back to stare at the guy sitting next to her one last time.
Y/n was happy the guy known as Micah let her be after that, hoping that he noticed she was uninterested and very much taken.
The lights dimmed as the boys left the ice, y/n sitting back in her chair and going onto her phone. Her phone soon buzzed as she began scrolling through Twitter, seeing it was a text from Luke.
from Lu <3
Do you want me to bring you one of my jerseys?
to Lu <3
I'll be okay. I can stand my ground, I promise
from Lu <3
Baby I really think you should take one of my jerseys
to Lu <3
Lu I will look like every other fan who has one here still. It wouldn't matter if I was wearing it or not.
read 6:36pm
Y/n rolled her eyes at his actions and no response, knowing he was frustrated by the situation at hand. She wouldn't be able to convince him any other way, him being the stubborn boy he was.
It wasn't that he didn't trust her, he just liked having people know she was his and his only. She would never stop that either, but she just wanted him to understand she can handle situations on her own most times.
Before she knew it, the game had started and that's also when Micah's voice started. He kept trying to talk to her more, explaining the game to her as if she had no idea what was going on. She wanted to move so badly, but knew that that wasn't going to happen.
Y/n just tried her best to act as uninterested as possible to his conversation, the boy obviously not getting the point as time went on.
It also appeared that Luke was getting more and more irritated by Micah's advances.
Y/n often caught him skating by their area and looking directly at the pair sitting next to one another, his expression each time darker and more pissed off than the last.
The one that caught her attention was when Luke looked directly at her, shook his head, rolled his eyes and made a swatting motion at her. It deeply annoyed her that he was getting mad at her when she was making it very clear she wanted nothing to do with the man next to her.
"That call right there is known as icing," Micah begins, leaning towards her and pushing a piece of her hair back. Y/n biting her lip and running a hand through her hair as he keeps his hand on her cheek. "It happens when-"
"Okay look. Micah, is it? Can you please stop explaining the game to me as if I don't get what's going on? I used to play myself, and have a boyfriend who plays it as well. So please just -- stop talking, and stop touching me." Y/n snaps, her facial expressions towards the boy looking like she was ready to bang her head against the wall.
Micah looked stunned for a few seconds, before he smirks and rolls his eyes with a scoff. "If you had a boyfriend, where is he at then?"
Of course that was the only thing he paid attention to. She scoffs at him and looks back to the game.
There was an intermission in between whistles, the ice crew coming to shovel off the ice. Y/n looks up and watches as a kiss cam comes on, happy couples one after the other doing funny or cute kisses.
She looks down at her phone while it goes, not really wanting to be at the game anymore with her boyfriend annoyed at her, and her being annoyed with the guy next to her.
That was until Micah was elbowing her a moment later, the girl looking at him with a scowl evident on her face and he smirks smugly while pointing to the screen. She looks up, and immediately wants to sink into a hole.
Micah and her were on the kiss cam screen.
Micah looks back at her and shrugs. "it's for the views," he says, and she shook her head.
Y/n looks up at the Jumbotron, doing a 'cut' signal with her hand while saying that Micah is not her boyfriend. She began to hold up her sweatshirt, pointing to the number 43 on the arm saying 'boyfriend'.
But before she could finish saying 'boyfriend' Micah tries grabbing her face in a bruising and harsh grasp to pull her in for a kiss. Y/n immediately pushes him away and smacks him hard across the face.
Before she can cuss him out, she hears a loud bang against the glass followed by yells and many fans gasping in shock. Y/n turns to the ice and sees Luke yelling at Micah with Jack and Nico holding him back as if Luke was about ready to break the glass to get to her.
"Get your fucking hands off my girl!" he screams at him. "You grab her like that again and I'll fuck you up, you got that! Get the fuck off of her!! Don't you dare touch her!" Luke continues to yell and cuss as the boys pull him back to the bench.
Luke looks at Y/n and points at her after. "That's why I fucking told you to wear my jersey dammit!" he yells to her, making her stomach drop to her ass out of embarrassment.
Her mouth drops at his reaction, seeing him yell to her once again. "Never fucking listens to me!"
Micah sitting there both in awe and shock by both getting cussed at by Luke Hughes and being smacked by the girl next to him.
Y/n is pushing her way past Micah who is still sitting there dumbfounded, some fans making comments to him saying how shitty it was for him to do what he did.
Y/n kept her head down as she climbed up the stairs, tears in her eyes. One of the security guards she knew very well immediately made her way up to her and pulled her into her arms as they walked.
"Let's get you out of the public eye, hm? Get you down into the tunnel?" she suggest, Y/n nods quietly as she wipes a tear.
When she makes her way to the tunnel she hears the buzzer, signaling the end of the second period. She tells the security guard to grab Jack for her as he walks back to the locker room, the older woman nodding before making her way down the hall.
As she waits for Jack, she manages to take in what just happened.
Micah tried forcing himself on her. Luke cussed him out and almost broke the glass to go after him. Luke yelled at her.
Luke embarrassed her.
Y/n didn't even realize she had tears falling until she saw them fall onto her boots.
"Y/n?" she hears, her head shooting up to see Jack making his way to her with concern on his face. He had his helmet off, stick still in his hand as he approached her.
"Hey," he said as he got to her, pulling her in for a hug first. She hugged him back tightly, sniffling into his shoulder. "You okay?"
She just shook her head as they pulled away. "I've never heard him talk to me like that. Ever. I'm so humiliated." she admits, shaking her head as she wipes her tears.
Jack looks at her with guilt and frustration. "I'm sorry I had no idea he would react like that," he says. "We knew he was bothered by the guy next to you because he wouldn't stop talking about it. But he kept assuring and saying he trusted you to take care of it. Of yourself. He kept saying he knew you could handle it. Next thing we knew he was jumping over the boards and skating towards where you sat. And then you can guess what happened next." he explains, making her nod.
"I just didn't think he would ever talk to me like that." she says in a whisper. "I didn't even know that that guy would grab my face like that." she stutters, letting out a choked sob.
"I should've just listened to Luke and wore his jersey." Y/n says, watching as Jack shook his head. "No don't say what you know would make my brother feel better. He's a piece of shit and a dickbag for saying and reacting how he did. You couldn't have known." Jack assures her, pulling her in for another hug, holding her for longer.
She sniffles and stays silent, Jack pulling away from her as he hears Dawson calling out to him signaling they're going back out in a few.
"I don't want to talk to him for a bit. But I can't go back out there. I don't even think I can show my face out there at all." Y/n explains, Jack nods in understanding.
"I'll make sure he steers clear of you for right now. I'll also be the last one out of the locker room, so I will let one of the trainers know to come grab you to get my keys. You can drive it back to the apartment." he says, making her shake her head and cross her arms.
"Jack are you sure? I can't take your car."
"Y/n/n yes you can. We live in the same complex. Worst case I can always catch a ride with one of the other boys if Luke is still being an ass, so I will be able to get home either way." Jack assures her, the girl contemplating for a minute, then nodding in agreement to his statement.
He kisses her forehead before heading back to the locker rooms, Y/n pulling herself together as she waits silently for one of the trainers. She sees and hears the guys cheering as they head out for the last period, music blaring in the stadium.
She spots one of the trainers walking towards her with a sweet smile, motioning for her to follow behind them to the locker room.
When they get to the entryway, the trainer stops and points to Jack's locker stall. "He said it should be in his suit jacket pocket on the left side." the trainer tells her, y/n nodding as she feels his keys.
As she was about to walk out of the locker room the trainer stops her once more. "Luke also told me to tell you that you can take his key. Since he knows you don't normally bring yours when you drive with him to games." they explain, Y/n feeling her heart clench at his name.
She slowly nods and walks over to her boyfriend's stall and grabbing his apartment key before following the trainer out and towards the garage.
She smiles softly at the trainer before thanking them, then unlocks Jack's car and gets inside.
On the drive home the car is silent, nothing being heard but the rain on the windshield. The radio off due to her not wanting to hear a single thing as she drove home.
The embarrassment she felt from the night was starting to creep up on her, making her just want to crawl up into a ball and live there for the rest of her life.
The facial expression she saw on his face was something she only ever saw when it came to him getting pissed off at another player in the ice, or when he was arguing with Jack. Never did she see it directed towards her. It made her insides burn, her chest feeling tight.
Most of all Y/n felt violated. She had never been grabbed or touched like that, and it scared her that a man would've been desperate enough in a situation to make a move like that guy did.
She let out a sigh as she parked Jack's car in his parking spot in the parking garage, locking it as she made her way up to her and Luke's shared apartment. She kept her arms crossed over her chest, keeping her head low as she made her way through the hallways.
When she saw her familiar doormat outside her apartment, Y/n felt her exhaustion hit. As she unlocked the door, she could hear the patters of the raindrops hitting the windows. The apartment only being illuminated by her golden sunset light in the living room, window cracked open to hear the thunder outside.
She shut the door, and took off her shoes. The tired girl's feet padded down the hall to their shared bedroom, going and taking a seat on their bed as she took a deep breath.
Her phone was buzzing, causing her to turn it over and see what it was.
Luke Hughes loses it over guy in the crowd!
Breaking: New Jersey Devils player, Luke Hughes, almost breaks glass to fight man in stands after putting hands on Hughes' girlfriend!
Devils player Luke Hughes screams at fan in stands after putting hands on Hughes' girlfriend. Soon starts screaming at girlfriend shortly after, causing absolute mayhem in the stands!
After seeing each title and tweet get worse and worse, she immediately puts her phone on Do Not Disturb and puts it face down on the nightstand.
Y/n began taking off her outfit, grabbing pjs and a towel before heading into the bathroom.
Y/n turned on the shower, loving how the warmth felt on her skin and closed her eyes as she stepped in.
Usually she had always taken a post game shower with Luke when they'd gotten home, but she couldn't even fathom to want to be in the same room as him after his outburst.
Sure she understood the one towards Micah, but she still thought she didn't deserve to get the backend of it too.
Y/n also knew that he probably felt like shit after how he acted, and was probably getting an absolute earful from the entire team, the coaches included.
She let the water soak up her scalp, taking a few deep breaths as she stood there. She didn't even know where her head was at. She was still so shocked of the events tonight, but also craved to have Luke holding her. Telling her she would be okay, and that he never meant any of it.
Y/n jumps and gasps when she feel hands slither around her waist, but relaxing when a familiar head of curls is seen in her side view as he hid his face in her neck for a few moments.
The girl fought with herself, wondering if she should just let it happen or push him away, not knowing which would be the better option.
That was until he propped his chin on her shoulder, sniffling a couple times. She stood there tense, staying quiet for a few moments.
"I don't even know where to start," he says, his voice rough. He squeezes her waist, her hands still staying crossed at her chest.
"Well I do know where to start. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Y/n. I have no excuses for the way I spoke to you. You were trying to get him off you, and were clearly uninterested in general. Guy couldn't take a fucking hint," he chuckles bitterly. "In the end, I should not have yelled or screamed at you. You didn't deserve any of that. I can't imagine how embarrassed you felt after that. That's all completely my fault, I couldn't control myself after seeing how uncomfy he kept making you." he sniffles and pauses to press a kiss on her temple.
"I really can't believe I lost it on you. I have no regrets for losing it on that guy, but losing my shit on you I have every regret in the world. I would absolutely go back in time and prevent myself from doing that to you. Without a second thought." he finishes. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. I am a dick, and I truly don't expect you to forgive me easily. I embarrassed you, and made it so hard for you to walk back into that arena without wanting to curl up in a ball. If you don't come to some my games for a bit, I get it. I don't blame you."
It's quiet for a few moments after that, Y/n taking that as Luke's speech being finished. She sighs and lets her body relax fully into his own, letting her hands trail down to where his hands are on her waist and wrap hers around his wrists softly.
She caresses the top of his hands with her thumbs. "You're a fucking asshole you know that?" she whispers, shaking her head as she looks down at their hands.
He nods against her shoulder. "More than an asshole honestly." he chuckles, making her muster up the smallest grin.
"You embarrassed me. You humiliated me in front of the entire arena, Luke," she starts. "I wouldn't have been as mad if it were just towards that guy. Yeah I still would've been annoyed, but it was when you started going after me. As if I had been letting it happen." she explains, Luke letting her speak.
"I tried everything in my power to make it known I was uninterested. I tried everything to make it known I didn't want him talking to me. I tried Lu," she says, her voice sounding defeated the last few words.
Luke just nods, saying he knows repeatedly. "Especially when he kept putting his hands on me, I kept telling him to stop and I kept saying no." Y/n says, her voice weak as her lips began to quiver. Luke pulls her in tighter, his heart aching and his anger rising at the guy. He had no right to touch her, and especially when she kept telling him to not touch her.
Luke couldn't imagine what was going through her head during then. It made him feel even worse after hearing how defeated she. sounded.
"Then when he grabbed my face, I felt so violated. Like I couldn't even win even when I kept saying no," she sniffled. "Then when you yelled at me like that, it made me feel like you didn't even care that I was trying my hardest to not let him touch me. When it was so clear I didn't want him to."
Luke raised his head from her shoulder, placing his hands on her hips to turn her so she was facing him. "Look at me." he says softly to her, seeing as she shook her head and kept it staring down at her hands.
He watched as she began to nervously pick ta her fingertips, something she did from anxiety, which made his hands leave her sides and lace his fingers between him own to prevent her from doing so.
"Y/n, baby, look at me." he says, his voice softer than the first time. Y/n mustered the strength to look into his eyes for the first time that evening, seeing his were incredibly bloodshot and swollen.
"Oh Lu," she sighs as she sees his face. He shook his head. "Don't worry about me." he says. "I want you to know that no matter what, I will always care for you. Even when it's so much it seems annoying, I will still be there by your side protecting and caring about you. I care more about you than I do myself." he assures her, making her lips quiver.
"You need to care about yourself too, Luke. Don't beat yourself up when you can't help me with a situation. You have to trust that I can handle it most times on my own." she explains, Luke nodding in agreement with her.
"I get that you were mad and that you were wanting to do anything you could to get to me in that moment, but taking it out on me when you know I'm trying is not the way to go."
Luke puts his head down, nodding once more. "I know. And I'm never going to stop apologizing to you. I wish I could take it back. I wish I could take it all back. I'm so sorry, Y/n/n."
She puts her hands on his cheeks. "I know. But you can't take it back, no matter how much to wish you could. Just learn from it, and move forward. Yeah this was a major bump we will work on fixing, but that is the thing. It's not just going to be you, it's gonna be us." she assures him, watching his eyes find hers again.
"You won't be going through this alone. Yeah I'm hurt. Yeah I'm embarrassed. But that's not gonna stop me from loving you and helping you. We will work on it together, okay?" Y/n caresses his cheeks, watching as he nods.
"I love you. So much. So so much, Y/n. I'm so sorry."
Y/n gives him a smile and nods, leaning her forehead against his own. "I love you too, baby. I know."
He presses his lips on her own cautiously, Y/n feeling his actions. In which she lets her hands find the back of his head and pull him closer to her to make their kiss more passionate.
He hums as their lips move in sync, letting her lead it as he wraps his arms around her figure.
Luke breaks the kiss after a few moments. "Let me start making it up to you right now, yeah?" he pants, and she nods.
"I'm all yours."
That's all Luke needs to hear before he begins his apology to her. Showing her how sorry he is in many different ways.
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### Genshin Men & How They Kiss ###
Featuring Dainsleif, Il Dottore, Il Capitano, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Al-Haitham.
warnings: shouldn't be anything too spicy/nsfw. Dottore bites people, do with that what you want.
english isn't my native language!
this is going to flop so bad, but I'm bored; bone app the teeth.
He is someone who - in my humble opinion - kisses you with such...devotion, such unwavering and suffocating devotion that it leaves you breathless and stunned even after the 100th kiss.
Dain has his way with words, we all know that, and as mesmerizing as his compliments and confessions can be, so are his kisses; they are like a beautiful, life-changing poem that leaves you aching for more.
He's not too frequent of a kisser, though - I want to think he's somewhat dramatic with his timing for kisses; before depatures, big battles, when you're apart from each other for longer times & greater distances.
Definitely one for goodnight kisses; he's such a gentle lover, I'd say. There's just something about him that makes it hard for me to see him as an aggressive, obsessive, or extremely passionate/intense lover (I hope you know what I mean).
You know those Princess x Knight stories? Where they finally have that first kiss, and it's described like something straight out of a fairytale? That's Dainsleif, basically. Also, definitely someone who kisses your hand/palm.
Oh, he's a freak, alright. My ''aroace Dottore'' headcanons aside, he's...not your ''typical'' guy, I'd say. Well, he's not a romantic, I think we can all agree on that.
Dottore's kisses are most definitely possessive - they aren't there to show love or anything, but to claim - to ''mark his territory'', sorta.
I think he'd see ''kissing'' as an outlet of sorts; I don't necessarily see the ''real'' Dottore as someone who gets frustrated and lets it out on his lover, nor would he be someone to kiss his lover unprovoked, I think. He doesn't necessarily need it.
If we were to talk about a not-so-sociopathic Dottore (alias, a normal human), he wouldn't necessarily strike me as someone who thinks about kissing you much either. He gives me a rather uninterested vibe in that regard; he probably shows his love/devotion in different ways.
Maybe I'm just really biased because of my other headcanon; he just doesn't care about kisses in a romantic sense, that's it. He'll bite you, he'll devour you, but there's nothing more behind it but exerting power...or maybe he just wants to silence you, because your provocations/teasing is getting on his last nerve.
His kisses (I honestly just see him as a biter) are bruising, and the way he holds onto you during that time leaves bruises, too. And, again, not many of these actions stem from love, but possessiveness or to ''make a statement''.
Initially thought was ''Does he even know what a kiss is'', but let's brush past that...anyway, why can I see him somewhere inbetween the likes of Dain & Dottore? lol
He's not much of a kisser, either. Which, uh, soldier and all, I'd say, but then, he is still capable of care and devotion in a way that others never could.
He's devoted in his kisses, and there's a pledge of loyalty behind each kiss, only solidified by their rarity. He swears fealty to you in that way - a firm, classy kiss on the lips; kissing the back of your hand while kneeling in front of you; a lasting kiss on your forehead before he departs.
Again, those kisses are rare and kept secret from the outside, but they exist and they hold such an incredible weight to themselves; they are his greatest show of vulnerability and weakness. Though, he does not view having a lover as a weakness.
As mentioned further above: His kisses are firm, they are lasting. He doesn't just give you quick pecks in passing, no. Each kiss takes its time, and each kiss is there to repeat the message the first one gave ''I swear fealty to you''. They aren't overly passionate, messy, or anything like that.
Definitely not one for many words, and their all pretty cordial and like some devoted rule-abiding knight would talk, lol. Quality Time and Acts of Service are more of his strongsuit.
I'm a bit torn here, though he certainly is a gentle kisser. On one hand, I want to say it is a ''lack of experience'' in that prospect, that could make him more hesitant and careful. On the other hand, I just feel like regardless of his experience level, he'd be a gentle lover.
He's more frequent in his kisses - he does not mind showing you love, regardless of where you are, though during important meetings (or trials) you'll never find him kissing you; only afterwards, when you've returned to the privacy of his office, he'll drop that mask again.
He'll pour all his emotions into his kisses - including those tragic, painful emotions after certain trials. Yet, his kisses are never hungry or aggressive. They'll still always keep their lightness.
Most of the time, you'll find him kissing your lips or your cheeks. In your sleep, he'll press a kiss to your forehead, and in public he'll often press a kiss to the palm of your hand.
His kisses are the kind to make you giggle, or smile all giddy. They are exciting, in a way. Though rather light and ''brief'', they leave you at a loss every time; like a beautiful dream. Paired with that soft smile of his? They'll have you melting right then and there.
I just let out the most concerning ''hehehehe''; anyway, oh boy, I wanna be indulgent here, but I'll try to be as ''realistic'' as possible.
He's...a wildcard, of sorts. Wriothesley can be extremely passionate & hungry when it comes to his lover, but he can also be more classy & gentle about it, depending on different factors.
Now, focus on the more intense parts of Wriothesley. For anyone needing a visual/example; I'm sure there's fics out there where the reader is sparring with Wriothesley. And that's where I get the more intense version of him from.
He's the kind to pin you against a wall and devour your lips, tongue eventually down your throat as he got you at his mercy. He's not holding back with those kisses - he's hungry; hungry for all of you. His kisses aren't necessarily bruising, but they are suffocating; you'll be struggling for air when he is like this.
You'll find him his filled with desire only in private - and often enough there's something needed to trigger this...almost primal?...version of him; yes, this means he'll leave marks, but he'd never intentionally hurt you to get off.
On other occasions, he's more gentle, though that gentleness can sometimes stem from an absence of mind, too. Fleeting kisses on the cheek, barely sparing you a glance as he's too busy with work. His ''apology'' kisses are also the gentle, yet firmer kind. And you'll get them quite frequently, given...everything.
In conclusion, he's definitely capable of being both extremely hungry/intense and being gentle; it really depends on preference, I suppose, but I can absolutely see him being a perfect balance.
Definitely more on the calmer side; not necessarily ''gentle'' in the way I have described before, but he's not an aggressive/hungry kisser, unless for certain occasions, maybe.
He's so introverted in his voicelines, he's probably the same with a lover; barely any PDA in public, just because he's not a fan of it (you'll maybe get a peck on the cheek or a kiss on the forehead, but just fleeting).
His kisses are...somewhat distant, quite often. He'll kiss you on the lips, but you'll feel like he's not really present while kissing you. He'll also take your hand and kiss it absently whenever you sit beside him while he's studying.
Other times, he's nearly obsessed with kissing you; he'll be kissing you firmly, one kiss lasting minutes before being interrupted by shorter and lighter kisses, and then he'll go back to a firm, passionate kiss. He'll often have you on his lap during those.
Slow, sensual make out sessions. That's what I was looking for, I think. Lots of cuddling, holding you close, tracing his lips over your skin. That's how I see him sometimes.
Can I actually see him be more intense in his kisses? Maybe, but it takes a lot. A lot of pent up frustration, Kaveh getting on his last nerve, some issues with the Akademiya, etc.; and perhaps, if you provoke him on that day, you'll see a more hungry side...Or maybe he just did it to satisfy you for a while, who knows?
Makes me believe that Al-Haitham does not mind being more dominant, more intense, more hungry during make out sessions - he can if it means you'll be happy about it, but he doesn't prefer it, tbh.
[Genshin Women & How They Kiss]
#genshin headcanons#genshin impact#genshin x reader#dainsleif x reader#il dottore x reader#il capitano x reader#neuvillette x reader#wriothesley x reader#al-haitham x reader#dainsleif#il dottore#il capitano#neuvillette#wriothesley#al-haitham
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sunday morning | S.R.
in which spencer comes home from a case and shows you how much he missed you
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: smut (18+ mdni) content warnings: sex, very soft, mention of contraception (please practice safe sex), established relationship, fingering, explicit consent (consent is sexy), creampie, (i don't know what else i need to put here I've never posted smut on tumblr) word count: 1.44k a/n: this is my 69th post on this blog and i have the sense of humor of a fourteen year old boy. also i feel like this is not very good but i am hypercritical of myself. have not written smut in years. Bear With Me.
Sighing, you rolled over in bed just to be met with sunlight. Beams of light peeked through the closed blinds of your bedroom, causing you to reach up and rub your eyes. Propping yourself up, a smile crept on your face when you noticed your boyfriend beside you.
He wasn’t there last night when you went to sleep, so the BAU must’ve returned sometime in the middle of the night. He looked so peaceful, gently lit by the sun. A single curl had fallen in front of his face in his sleep, moving gently as he slept.
Unable to help yourself, you moved closer to him and tucked the loose hair behind his ear. Freezing when he stirred, you slowly rested your head down on his shoulder and let your body melt into his.
“Good morning,” Spencer whispered, his voice was deep and a little warbly. The way it usually was in the morning.
Lifting your head and smiling softly, you rested your chin on his chest, “I was trying not to wake you.” You lifted your arm and cupped his cheek with your hand, “When did you get in last night?”
He hummed in response, “We landed at one.”
A quick glance at your alarm clock told you that it was just past eight. “Do you want to go back to sleep?” You sat up in bed, “I can go make breakfast.”
You moved to climb out of bed, but Spencer pulled you back down to the mattress. “Not just yet,” he whispered, moving you so that you were straddling his hips. “I missed you,” he murmured, resting both of his hands on your waist.
“I know, I missed you too,” you whispered, trailing your fingers over the exposed sliver of skin between his t-shirt and boxers, savoring the way his muscles tensed beneath your touch.
Moving his hands ever so slightly, Spencer reached underneath your t-shirt and put his hands on your bare skin, “I really, really missed you.”
Leaning forward, you put both of your hands on either side of his head, “Oh,” you breathed. “Did you want to show me how much you missed me?”
He didn’t answer, instead, he wrapped his arms around your torso, tugging you down until your bodies were flush with each other. This gave him the leverage that he needed to flip the two of you over, leaving his body placed neatly in between your legs.
You reached down and pulled at the fabric of Spencer’s t-shirt, letting him take the hint before he pulled his shirt off, allowing you to run your hands on his soft, warm skin. Threading your fingers through his hair, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his.
Desperate for friction, you lifted your hips slightly off of the bed only for them to be pushed back down by his. Through your remaining clothes, you felt his hard cock pressing against your core. The sensation elicited a small noise from the back of your throat, causing Spencer to pull away from you slightly, “Needy girl,” he whispered.
Your cheeks burned, but you didn’t have much time to dwell on the nickname while Spencer was pulling your shirt off. He wasted no time between taking off your shirt and attaching his lips to your neck. At first, they were light kisses, but they quickly evolved into slower kisses along the hollow of your throat.
He took his time making his way to your chest before he enveloped your nipple in his mouth, using one hand to prop himself up and the other to massage your other breast. You moaned breathily under his touch, “You’re so good at that.”
Spencer hummed against your chest, sending vibrations down to your core. He detached his lips from your chest with a pop and looked at you with lust-glazed eyes. Leaning back, he hooked his fingers in the elastic waistband of your pants, tugging your shorts and underwear off and gently guiding your legs through the cloth before discarding it on the floor.
Sitting up slightly, you reached out for him, bringing him closer to you before you slipped your hand inside his boxers. He hissed slightly at the contact, causing you to hesitate, “Are you okay?” You whispered, withdrawing your hand from his cock, and instead placing both of your hands on his shoulders.
He nodded, “I’m okay. It’s just been a while, and I don’t want to finish too fast.”
You tilted your head to the side, “What do you want?” You offered, letting him take control of the situation.
“I want you to come on my fingers,” he told you, slowly dragging his hand down your side before letting it linger on your hip, using his thumb to rub circles on your hip bone.
Meeting his gaze, you nodded, “Okay,” you breathed as your heart pounded in anticipation.
You adjusted your hips slightly as he cupped your pussy with his hand, “You’re so wet and I’ve barely touched you, baby.”
He didn’t even give you a chance to respond before his finger slowly entered you. Spencer was playing now, moving his hand at a torturously slow pace as he watched your every reaction. “Spence,” you whispered, reaching out for him.
You clenched around his finger, and he readjusted so that he was laying his head on your stomach like he was listening to what it sounded like inside of you while he fingered you. Weaving your hands in his hair, your lips parted as he slipped a second finger in.
With the position he had in between your legs, your range of motion was severely limited, forcing you to just feel. When his pace quickened, so did your breaths.
Gently, he placed his thumb over your clit and started rubbing in small, tantalizing circles. You tugged slightly at his hair, causing him to curl his fingers inside of you, “please,” you whimpered, beginning to feel the orgasm building in your core. “Please, just like that,” you said breathily.
He looked up at you then, never changing his pace, “Come for me, baby.”
At his words, your orgasm washed over you. Spencer’s fingers worked you through the pulses as small whines escaped your lips. You sighed and closed your eyes when he moved his hand, leaving you aching and wanting more.
“You’re so pretty when you come,” he whispered, “so, so pretty.” Your eyes fluttered open and you looked up at him, he had already shed his boxers, “Do you need a second?”
Shaking your head, you peered up at him through your lashes, “I’m ready,” you whispered, crossing your arms at the back of his neck. It had been just over a week since the last time you’d had sex, but as he pushed into you, you were grateful for the foreplay.
His breath hitched as he bottomed out, “god, I missed this.”
That was all the encouragement you needed to lean up and press your lips to his, using your tongue to coax his mouth open as you wrapped your legs around him, keeping him close to you as he started moving in you. “You feel so good,” you encouraged him as he began to pick up his pace, lewd sounds filling the room.
Your walls clenched around him, causing his pace to falter ever so slightly. “Fuck, I won’t last if you do that,” he told you, reaching down to where your bodies met and playing with your sensitive clit again.
“Then come in me,” you whispered, you were diligent with your birth control, so that wasn’t something you were concerned about.
Once his head dropped into the crook of your neck, you knew he was a goner, slamming his hips into yours one last time. The sensation of his warm cum filling you finally pushed you off the edge, milking his cock for everything it had.
As the both of you came down, Spencer littered light kisses on your neck, causing you to sigh with contentment. Slowly, he pulled out of you, and you bit your lip to keep from whimpering at the loss of contact.
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips before disappearing to the bathroom, returning with a damp cloth. “I can clean myself up, you know,” you whispered.
“I know, but I like taking care of you,” he answered.
Smiling softly, you smoothed his hair back, “I love you,” you told him before getting off the bed.
“I love you too. Where are you going?” He asked, watching you get up, his eyes following you attentively.
Raising your eyebrows, you turned to face him, “Shower, are you coming?”
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