#(we’re bday twins i can’t believe this)
wishmemel · 10 months
happy birthday ! 😀 november 23 is now ur legal birthday
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screaming bc i can’t believe i did that HAJSJS im giggling
HELP i saw that and blinked for a minute. i was like… is today my birthday? akehdjfj don’t worry about it bby todays also your birthday now so we’re bday twins !!
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etricajoi · 1 year
Lucky 13
thirteen. Thirteen. THIRTEEN.
These years that keep on tickin by, truly give no fucks.
Ugh. Every year I fight with if I want to keep this thang goin (the blog. or whatever you wanna call this), and every year I say to myself “but this is the 13th year, (or whichever year we’re on)” sooo, why stop now. The reason I go back and forth with myself, is because it can be kind of painful opening this box, that I pretty much only “open” once a year. That old saying “time heals all wounds” bounces around in my head every now and again, it’s just something people have grown accustomed to say. Why do we do that?? It’s a bullshit phrase, and frankly IT AIN’T TRUE! Time makes it bearable, sure. But for me, if I allow myself to think about my last day with my dad and the fact that I had no clue that it was our last day together, all time does for me, is make it hurt more. It makes me realize that now it’s been THIRTEEN years, since I last had an actual conversation with him, since I last hugged him. In those earlier years, thinking about being with him and seeing him 2-3 years ago vs. now and it being over a decade later, was soo much easier because those memories were more fresh in my mind. Soo I say all that to say, fuck. It’s still hard, and I think it will always be hard to visit that part of my heart that I’ve locked away. Especially as we continue to get older, and we’re now raising our kids, and recognizing things that my parents did for me and my sibs, that I probably wouldn’t recognize if I weren’t a parent. I’m falling more and more in love with Matthew as I watch him be the most amazing father to our young men, so much to the point that it terrifies me. Yesterday, (as I was mentally trying to prepare myself to write this lovely excerpt) I was laying in Matt’s arms thinking about how damn much I love him and then realized, that it absolutely terrifies me to allow myself to fully love because I feel like the moment I do…I can’t even write my deepest fears because I refuse to let it exist in writing. But I just don’t want anything shitty to happen. Don’t worry, booking my next appt with my therapist in a few minutes 🙃 I realize that living that way isn’t conducive for anyone including ya girl 🙋🏾‍♀️ So I’ve decided to allow myself to fully love for the first time in 13 years. That’s not to say that I haven’t been head over hills in love with my man, my boo thang, my soul mate! However, there’s a difference between 90% and 100% know what I’m sayin? Damn, this is a long one. Sorry! Other than still figuring this shit out as the time races on by, I’ve made a shift in my career and I still can’t believe it. I quit my well paying fully remote job and took real estate classes and now I’m waiting to take my real estate exam! I pray it was the right move, but if not I’ll do what my dad was a pro at and make a way out of no way. Mom is still workin her ass off and spoiling her GamGam boys, I’m soo proud of the things she’s doing! I ain’t gonna put all her stuff on blast, but I see you MA! You’re AMAZING! Keep doing what you’re doing, because watching you is motivational! Brother is still adventurous getting the dopest most random jobs because he’s just like dad haha, he works for the Clippers (Yhup the basketball team) they’re currently just starting the off season, which is great because he decided to give his arm a little compound fracture 🤦🏾‍♀️ just like dad. Gordy is one year down at CPP and just got an electric bike, keeping true to the hippieish/vegetarian vibes. All of our young men are growing (way too fast) we’re gearing up for the twins 3rd bday and baby boy Nova is just trying to keep up with his big bros. Gosh damn it! I really wish dad were here for this phase of our lives. Until next year…
Lucky 13
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fandomscombine · 3 years
It's the Lease I Can Do
Platonic! Weasley Twins x Reader
BG: The Weasley twins are so close to having their joke shop become a reality. They had found the perfect location but they had hit a minor problem that could cause them everything. You want to help, but how can you when they, the birthday boys themselves had given up?
a/n: I had this idea for a almst a year now and waited til ther twins bday to write it. I hope you enjoy.
WC: 2111
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Fred and George causing a ruckus in the common room is a daily occurrence that everyone is accustomed to. However ever since the start of Year 7, the amount of commotion these two had caused can be counted in one hand.
At first glance, it could be attributed to NEWTS or in this year's case-to a pink toad acting as High Inquisitor. Still, more and more nights the twins had claimed the back corner of the common room.
The last remaining batch of students were making their way through Filch's checkpoint (an added security protection which also serves for Umbridge having a list of names on who comes in and out of Hogwarts). You glanced down at your watch- 2:27pm, they’re late. Weird, the twins never pass a chance to go to Hogsmeade.
You hear the castle door open behind you. Thank Merlin, you thought but instead you were greeted with a disheveled Angelina. “I’m coming! Wait!”
“Have you seen Fred and George?” You called as she ran past you.
“I think I saw them in the common room!” Angelina shouted back.
The common room? “What are they up to now?” You sighed. Stomping heavily up the stairs. “Ditching me….”
“Oi Weaslebees! I know you’re in here!” You rounded the corner of their secret spot. “AHa!”
You caught them red handed, midway into shoving papers into their “Weasley & Weasley'' Trunk. Though what they were hiding, you weren't exactly sure.
“Y/N!” Fred greeted, grabbing onto your shoulders, effectively covering George and the table. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Narrowing your eyes at him. “Really?” Hands on hips you blatantly say “2:15 am, courtyard?? Ring any bells?” Fred shook his head.
Meanwhile George’s head shot up. “Oh shit, y/n we’re so sorry!”
Fred turned to his brother, still clueless on what the heck George was talking about.
Abandoning the trunk, George gave his twin a classic smack on the head. “Hogsmeade, you idiot! We were supposed to all go together.”
“OHHHH FU--” Fred knew he was screwed. “I’M SO SORRY! WE’RE SORRY.” Seizing the messy trunk, he strategized. “Right, here’s the plan: I’m gonna quickly drop this off back in the dorm while you two make your way to the gate. If you run, I guess you can make it. I’ll catch up with you two then.”
“Fred….. We’re not gonna make it” you argued.
“Not if we don’t try.”
“It’s almost 3, Filch would be closing the gates by now.” You sat down on Fred’s empty seat. “Besides we can go to Hogsmeade next time, we could just hang out here. I miss having my best lads around.”
“Awww…we’ve been upgraded from annoying pricks to best lads!” Gushed George, pulling you into a side hug.
“Yea, I could help in whatever it was you guys were doing before I came. I don’t mind.”
At that, you could feel George tense up, his arm around you dropping. “Uhhh…” He looked to the older twin, silently conversing.
You gaze between the boys, sometimes they get so caught up in their scheming that they don’t notice that to others, especially those who had known them for years that their non verbal communication is not so sly.
In the end, Fred gave his brother a subtle shake. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just put this back and we could play gobstones or something, anything you like.”
As Fred headed up to his dorm room, you noticed a piece of paper under the table. Picking it up, the header caught your eye. RE: Lease Agreement. Were the twins looking for a new home after graduation? You didn’t mean to pry. You were close friends, they would tell you if they were moving right? This is big news….you decided to brush it off until another line caught your attention. The shop premise located at Number 93 Diagon Alley. Shop? They are trying to set up shop? That’s brilliant! The twins would get to showcase their inventions to the world! You could feel your pride swell. Leasing Agreements would not proceed if tenants, Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley, are unable to provide an endorser by the date of 31st of March.
“Where’d you get that?” George standing across from you, gobstones on one hand and another pointing at the document. There’s no backing out now.
“It was under the table.” You explained. “I didn’t know you were this far along with the shop.”
“Yea, well it’s not happening now is it?”
“Cmon y/n. I know you read it.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright. We aren’t getting the place anyway.”
“Wait what? Why?”
“No endorsers.” George stated matter of factly but you sense the pain in his voice.
“How about your parents surely-”
George laughed. “As if mum would suddenly have a change of heart. You knew how she disapproves of our inventions, calling it a waste.”
“Arthur then.”
“Mum won’t let him.”
“Anyone then?” George huffed in defeat. “How about me! I could back you up.”
“You have to be an adult with a proven financial stability.” He stated, effectively shutting you down. “Forget it y/n. The hold ends in 3 days. We’ve tried everything. Just don’t let Fred know that you know. He’s devastated. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“And no pity, sad eyes!” He added as footsteps are heard descending the staircase.
“But I suck at poker faces!”
“Then let’s hope that Freddie is distracted even to not notice.”
It’s been 4 days since you had sent the letter to your father.
“Dear papa,
I know that this is a huge favour to ask but I believe it would be worth your while.
So remember back in the summer when you caught Fred Weasley, George Weasley and me snooping around with the Extendable Ears but let us go because you were so enamored?
Well turns out the twins and trying to get a shop up and running! How amazing is that?
The only problem is that they need an endorser to back them up in order to proceed with the lease agreements. The are currently on hold for the Shop Number 93 in Diagon Alley until the 31st.
This is where the huge favour comes in. Could you please be their backer? You did say that you’d love to help in some part in their invention, be an investor of sorts. Please papa. I would love to do it myself but I have to wait a couple more months to qualify. Plus it’s their 18th birthday on April 1st. Imagine their surprise if it were to come through.
I’d love to hear from you soon, regardless of your choice.
Your favourite child
The twin’s 18th birthday was spent with absolute love and madness.
Lee had unloaded his stash of butterbeer and firewhiskey, Fred had slipped Angelina with one of their new prank inventions- which changes the person into a sickly color of vomit green, a perfect way to ditch class or events.
Upon learning that the color would last for a few days and would only fade with the ingestion of an antidote, antidote that George said they still had yet to create. Angelina (understandably) threw cake at them. The Gryffindor chaser with perfect aim, hits its mark. However, Fred using his beater skills, instinctively blocks the incoming cake.
Resulting in a wide splat zone. Fred’s arm was covered in frosting, having sprayed everyone around him in whipped cream during the impact. George wasn’t safe too, despite being across from Fred, the rebounce of the cake had made him the new target.
You had just changed into your pajamas when a tapping sound came from your window.
Your family owl, Lanny, was outside carrying a large yellow envelope.
Quickly letting him in, you gave Lanny a gentle pat and brought out some owl treats for the tired bird.
Unscrolling the note tied to his leg, you begin to read.
“My dearest y/n,
My sincere apologies for the late reply, it’s been quite hectic at work.
In regards to your favour, you need not worry. Everything is taken care of. I had met with the landlord of Number 93 Diagon Alley and had all the documents settled. I had also gone and checked to make sure the two lads aren’t being ripped off. Fred and George had picked a nice prime location.
Greet them a happy birthday for me alright? And tell them that I look forward to witnessing them succeed in their endeavors.
They would undoubtedly be bringing a lot of much needed joy into these darkening times. The people would be thankful for them.
I also had Lanny bring the twins’ copy of the Lease Agreement.
I can’t wait to see you all soon.
Much love,
Fred was grateful that their friends had retired into the night, leaving him and George to sulk into the dreadful reality.
“We were this close Georgie, this close!” Fred winced, pinching his fingers close without touching.
“I know but there was nothing else we could have done.” consoled George but even he himself was having a hard time. Number 93 was the perfect location for their joke shop. But now it’s gone.They are back to square one, scouting for locations.
“Fred! George! There you are! I have great news!” You yelled, not caring if you could wake up the other students.
“Oi Y/N! Be careful!.” Even in a bad mood, Fred Weasley couldn’t help being protective.
You banged the envelope on the table. “Surprise! Happy Birthday! From papa and I.”
“Another gift?” wondered George.
“So you don’t want it then?” You challenged, crossing your arms. You tried to look intimidating but the pajamas weren’t doing any good. “Cause I bet a hundred galleons that you’d shit your pants if you were to reject it.”
“That confident eh?” Smirked Fred, taking the contents of the envelope out. “ What do you think is so grand that Georgie and I would---BLOODY HELL! Y/N!” Fred kept looking down at the paper and up to you, unbelieving.
“What is it Freddie?” asked George leaning over to read whatever it was that left his brother speechless.
Re: Lease Agreement
Mr. y/l/n has submitted his endorsement to Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley.
The turnover of the leasing property of Shop Number 93 Diagon Alley would begin on April 1st …..
“Oh My- Y/n? Is this real?” George whispered, afraid that if he were any louder this dream would end.
“Yes, absolutely, 100%.” You affirmed. “The shop is yours! Opff-”
George embraced you tight, catching you off guard. You could feel your right shoulder getting wet. “Heyya big guy, don’t cry.” Running a hand up and down his back.
“But how?” Fred with brows creased was still stuck in a trance, you could see the paper shake in his grasp.
“You left the agreement noticed a couple of days ago. I might have accidentally read it. George said to not let you know cause you might get angry-”
“YOu KNEW?!?”
“George only knew I saw the paper. Nothing else.” You defended. “I thought i might try and help, so I called in a favour with papa. You knew how much he was impressed with the Extendable Ear, so I mentioned if he wanted to back you up. I only got his reply just now, said he’d love to and got onto ironing out the paperwork and viola!” Pointing at the document. “Oh and he also said Happy 18th Birthday, looking forward to your success and the people would be thankful for bringing a lot of much needed joy into these darkening times.”
“Thanks Y/n but this is a lot we can’t possibly-”
You cut Fred off before he could say more. “Oh please, you have done countless things for me. And I know what you’re gonna say- but see you would do the same for me. Besides think of this as your first investors. We want to help. We see your potential, we know you two, Fred, George, are gifted with bringing laughter and joy to people with your inventions."
"Thank you, truly y/n and to your dad too." Fred admitted, opening himself up. "No one's really backed us up with our inventions before, we've been always told off for being childish. It really means a lot."
“Hey, it’s the lease I could do.” You replied, causing the twins to chuckle immediately lightening up the mood.
It's great to see them relax again after weeks of stressing over the shop. Times might be changing but at least tonight, you got your best lads back.
Everything Taglist : @gruffle1
HP Taglist: @onlyfreds
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averytiredphoenix · 4 years
Welcome to gaylor tumblr!!! I'm a swiftgron but excited for some balanced kaylor takes. could you do a minipost of all the karlie references taylor did with lover era promo (like the butterfly mural)? TSYM and welcome again!!!
Thank you for the welcome! I’ve been on here for years but haven’t been gaylor on main in years! AND EVERYONE IS SO NICE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that people are open to multiple interpretations and one of them is that we’re all clowns who know nothing
And ok omg so this was fun but also bittersweet and I had a post and lost it, but here is a mostly picture based summary of highlights:
The butterfly mural. Probably the loudest Kaylor nod. It was commissioned by Taylor to the artist Kelsey Montague who had famously painted a wings mural Taylor got a pic with in 2014. She also less famously doodled over the Kaylor Vogue cover with butterfly wings (wings are her thing), and it was shared on her website and all her socials. Kelsey said she didn’t know it was Taylor who requested the mural, but some standout images in it include the giraffe pattern on the outside, two ladybugs/ ladybirds (nice pun, Taylor 😉🐞🐞) and of course daisies
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In YNTCD video there are plenty of trailers, including one with pride flag rainbow stripes and one in the lesbian flag colours, but there is only one airstream. It is outside the airstream that people protest. There was an airstream in their vogue photo shoot. Also interesting that the airstream was the yellow scene, Taylor had described Karlie as “sunshine” in the vogue best best friends video, the yellow stripe in the pride flag represents “sunlight and happiness” ☀️ (happiness 😳 don’t @ me, evermore album!😫😭)
In the same yellow scene, Taylor is sipping a cocktail with a straw that reads lover, fashioned in the same style as the bride straw Karlie had during her bachelorette weekend in 2018..... which included going to rep tour Nashville. Of course Taylor sold these straws as merch too.
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We also got smacked with some Daisy imagery in YNTCD, and Taylor liked this post on tumblr about taking her Daisy away while the world burned behind her (and it was tweeted by someone with Karlie as their profile pic, then shared to tumblr by a Karlie fan -ksunshinek - the sunshine really jumped out ☀️☀️☀️
Another Daisy centric post Taylor liked with pics from the album photo shoot
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Taylor’s performance outfit for the VMAs had a striking resemblance to one Karlie wore in a photo shoot in 2017. She likes twinning with Karlie, most famously her Out Of The Woods look on 1989 tour matching the bodysuit Karlie wore at VSFS 2013.
Lover the song. It was first released as a single on August 16th, 13 days after Karlie’s birthday and placed as the 3rd track on the album, Karlie’s bday is the 3rd. Then on some “”random”” Tuesday she drops the Lover remix with Shawn which includes a gold heart over her eye (gold is a Karlie thing), and that random Tuesday happened to be November 13th, the 6 year anniversary of when they first met! 13 days later she released the Lover first dance remix, but it was also the day after she performed it at the AMAs so isn’t as Kaylor
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The heart purse merch. First of all, Taylor was papped with her black heart purse twice in June 2014, one of those times was sneaking in that garden gate at Karlie’s West Village home and then hanging out. Reachy, but the colour palette of the era was mostly 4 colours - the green, blue, purple & pink - but there were 3 options for the purse - reachy, but 3 is Karlie’s number
The album photo shoot behind the scenes video, Hi there, King of My Heart! Karlie is a Leo. These pics were said to be taken at her LA home (but I can’t find more sources other than fans, idk, maybe they went to a secret session and recognised it?), but the Lion in a crown being part of Taylor’s decor is interesting and it had nothing to do with the content of the photo shoot
In the video for ME! there was a panther looking figurine on the table near the window. Karlie’s walk is known as the panther
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Another fashion parallel with similar horse earrings as to ones Karlie wore in her major runway show of 2017 - and why horses when the era was covered in unicorns? 🦄
Taylor replying to a fan on tumblr about how to use meowy as an adjective and mentioning a friend dressing up as catwoman for Halloween... I can’t with her
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December was a fun month. On the 4th, aka, kissgate day, Taylor was randomly papped leaving Stella McCartney’s studio in London wearing her VSFS angel wings ring which is believed to have been given to her by Karlie as it is a gift from VS to their angels in the fashion show.
Project Runway had a challenge involving animal print and just decided to promote the Cats movie in it by having one of the giant prop doors and included footage from filming Cats in it..... strange.... but before the episode aired, Taylor posted this pic of herself with one of the giant prop doors. It was a very weird way of them being linked when no one on the project runway team was linked to the movie in any way AT ALL
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I’m sure there is more, I didn’t do any lyric analysis and just pointed the most obvious Kaylor symbols in ME! & YNTCD. I didn’t go through all the interviews either yet, but these things seemed to be the most memorable and loudest moments. Karlie threw out some signals too, like constant sunset/ sky pics. She hasn’t posted a sky picture since April, but was allllll about the sky in Lover era, but this was about Taylor’s signals.
Hope that helps and I’m happy you asked for a mini post 🙈😂😂
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polluxdespell · 3 years
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I posted 571 times in 2021
12 posts created (2%)
559 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 46.6 posts.
I added 583 tags in 2021
#gladstone gander - 136 posts
#magica de spell - 121 posts
#poe de spell - 63 posts
#magicstone - 61 posts
#fethry duck - 42 posts
#grimstone gander - 41 posts
#donald duck - 40 posts
#faustina de spell - 39 posts
#ducktales 2017 - 20 posts
#poe de spell 2017 - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#my idea tho is the first time he transformers back into duck form temporarily he looks like christian bale in the machinist
My Top Posts in 2021
Did a lot of short stories for Duckvember. (Some I still need to finish.)
This was my fav I did. Ahhh. Sets up a plot point that's gonna be touched on in my main story somedayyyy.
13 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 06:47:56 GMT
Thinking about that Ducktales ep while listening to 'The Noose' by A Perfect Circle on repeat.
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14 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 17:21:02 GMT
I'm still processing the 'Solitude of the 4 Leaf Clover' comic and oh man. OH man. Spoilerish ahead.
1. I had mention of 'luck walks' in one story I have not finished yet. So its so cooooool that was in the comic. Ahhhhh.
2. I feel so betrayed Fethry was avoiding him and Ludwig didn't know he was gone for 4 months like JAYSUS.
3. Despite the Fethry betrayal that shit HURTED, my stories do expose Glad's luck has something behind it manipulating it so I could fit in that comic as hnmn that shady luck thing having an episode at that time.
4. I really was expecting Fethry ditched him cuz they were gonna have a surprise party for Glad's bday or planning for his bday but NOPE.
5. Fact this started on his Bday is all interesting cuz its his unlucky day that was supposedly cured but in my first story I even play with the idea of NOPE IT AINT and thats how the drama in my story arch starts so that's fair.
6. WHAT THE FUCK FETHRY. So disappoint. You gonna get less smooches from Poe in my stories for your behavior sir.
19 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 05:54:59 GMT
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I made this for a rp blog, but I thought I'd share this with you!
((Ahhh yes perfect thankssssss!))
34 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 04:28:41 GMT
These are just my headcanons for my 87/Comic Poe and my 2017 Poe. I’m trying to write this before the new ep comes because I wanna see how close my headcanons are to the real one. Ahhhhh.
So for my 87/Comic universe starts out with these basic things.
-Him and Magica are twins.
-Actually a pretty nice and chill guy
-Can’t actually use magic but really, really wants to. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to magical items and spells, he just can’t use or summon any magic himself. He learns how to work around this problem, though. Very cleverly. He even fooled Eldritch Academy for years. Ha. 
-Has been a raven for 10+ years which has affected his social skills a tad.
-Would do anything for his sister. ;-; Weh.
-Really not villainy like Magica has a redemption arch and he helps her with that (and sometimes his help wasn’t that helpful by accident,) but he himself is just chilling?
Really not as villainous as Magica; has a redemption arch, and helps her become a better person. Sometimes his advice/help doesn’t do much, but it’s the thought that counts.
-For being chill, he sure likes poking his nose in things and being a little troublemaker. Magica can tell Poe, “Hey, make sure Gladstone doesn’t do this thing,” and then when Gladstone does that very thing, Poe is half heartedly just “No. Don’t. Stop.” like that Willy Wonka meme. 
-Poe has a lot of “kid at heart” energy, while Magica is the more serious, adultier-adult one.
- I hint that he is trans. Comments like about him and his sister’s different personalities like “Hard to believe we’re from the same egg.” and “That old dress of mine looks better on you.” But not out right saying it.  Wouldn’t it be just his luck when he was turned into a crow he was turned into a male crow and when he was changed back he just happened to be changed back male and was like, “This is all going according to plan.”  Though out of all the villains I can see Merlock being a misgendering prick. Calling Poe She-lock and He-Witch. What an asshole. 
-Gladstone and Poe had become good friends even before Poe is reverted back to his original duck form.
-Poe is Minima’s dad, but there is some drama regarding the entire thing I hope to cover in a story I’m writing. (I’m really close to finishing that one.)
See the full post
46 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 04:39:03 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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deadanddeactivated · 4 years
Taking Secrets to the Grave, kinda
Alright, here’s my fill for the ATTIYS hosted by @magpiemorality cause they got  500 followers (and also for their bday) and i congradulate them on both ‘cause they great.
I’m not sure how good this is, but it got the idea across I think?  I hope y’all like it.  Please enjoy
Logan strode down the hallway, clutching his book in his hands. There was no time to waste! Information had been found and assessed and mused over, and now it needed to be shared. It could be vital! It could change everything. He just hoped he was still in time to help. Hadn’t he said that the right piece of knowledge could make all the difference in the world?! 
“I’m coming!” He called, speeding up his stride. “I know the answer!”
“What are you talking about?”  Patton asked, stepping out of his room and almost walking right into Logan as he rushed down the hall.
“I’ve figured it out.”  Logan announced, not looking back.  Patton had to rush to catch up, looking over Logan’s shoulder to see what he was clutching so tightly.  It looked to be an old book, one that had been burnt several times and seemed to ooze… something.  An aura of dread, maybe.
Or maybe it was Logan’s face that had Patton dreading.
“Figured out what?”  Patton pressed, even though he was pretty sure he knew.  He just hoped he was wrong.
“How to save him.”  Logan clarified, clutching his book just a little tighter.  He didn’t seem to notice the way Patton’s face fell, the way his steps faltered.  
“Logan, wait, please.”  Patton tried once he’d recovered.  “Let’s talk about this first.”
“What’s there to talk about?”  Logan huffed, stopping before a familiar door.  “I can save him, I can save so many.”  He added, muttering mostly to himself as he pushed the door open.  He didn’t step in right away, always thrown off by how… quiet the room was.  It wasn’t meant to be quiet.  
“You can’t save someone who’s dead.”  Patton said softly.  Logan tensed then he found his resolve and he walked into Remus’ room, walked right up to the frozen figure on the bed.  It almost looked like he was sleeping, but even that seemed just… wrong for Remus.
“I can bring him back.”  Logan said firmly, opening the book on the bedside table.  Patton flinched back as a wave of something rushed through the room.  Logan had handled a lot of things he really shouldn’t have been handling lately.  Ancient magics and tomes that would give anyone else pause.  But not Logan.  He wanted knowledge, and he’d achieved it.  More than that, he’d achieved knowledge no one else had.  
But this was different.  This was a line Patton knew Logan shouldn’t cross.
“Logan, you know that’s wrong.”  Patton tried. 
“It is simply not understood.”  Logan argued.  “I can’t just… I can’t just leave him like this Patton.”  The shorter side bit his lip, unsure what to say.  There were so many things he could tell Logan, that he probably should tell Logan, but… well he wasn’t sure how.  They’d already dug this hole, now he’d had to deal with the consequences.
“Okay.”  He said.  “Okay.”  Whatever happened, Patton would handle it.
Still, he found himself chewing on his nails as Logan set up the room.  Candles, sigils, and finally the words.  As Logan chanted in latin the candles lit themselves and the sigils seemed to move.  Logan lost awareness of everything else in the room, eyes glowing and voice layering.  Patton could only watch his eyes tight and send out his own little prayer, hoping beyond hope that this didn’t backfire.
“So,”  A voice called as Logan finished chanting.  “This is the mortal everyone’s talking about.”  Patton breathed a sigh of relief.  A figure had appeared in the room, standing on the opposite side of the bed to Logan.  He was dressed in a black cloak that had clearly been patched dozens of times, the newest of those patches having been made with a purple fabric in place of the usual midnight black.  He held a scythe causally in one arm, almost leaning against it, and only his eyes, one green and one purple, could be seen glowing beneath the shadows of his cloak.
“They say you can read the magic texts even the immortals have forgotten.”  The figure continued.  “I got the impression you were meant to be a lot smarter than this, scholar.”  
“Grim Reaper.”  Logan greeted, not raising to the bait.  “I have summoned you to ferry a soul.”  
“Yeah, I heard that part.”  The grim reaper said, rolling his glowing eyes.  “I don’t think you read the fine print.”
“Excuse me?”  Logan frowned.
“You called me to ferry a soul.  I could easily ferry yours.”  Patton jolted at the reapers words, stepping forward.
“Virgil!”  He said, panicked.  
“Relax Patton.”  The reaper said, raising a hand to brush him off.  “I’ll be nice, I’m just saying.  If he wasn’t your friend, I’d be ferrying his soul to the afterlife.”  Patton relaxed again, right until he looked over and saw the confused frown on Logan’s face.
“Patton?”  Logan asked.  “You… know this creature?”  
“I’d hope so.”  Virgil muttered.  
“Ah, well…”  Patton trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.  “Surprise?” 
“That’s not an explanation Patton.”  Virgil pointed out before Logan could. 
“I know, I know.”  Patton sighed.  “We were planning to tell you Logan, really.  We just weren’t sure how.”
“Tell me what?”  Logan pressed, frowning deeper. 
“Um, well, we’re sort of… that is, um…”  Patton fumbled, trying to come up with an explanation but failing to find the words.  Virgil sighed, taking pity on him.
“You’re the only mortal in the house.”  He said. 
“Excuse me?”  Logan said, forehead scrunching up the way it does whenever something just… doesn’t commute.  It did the same thing the first time he found one of the magic filled book tucked away in the library.
“I mean, it did say that on the ad listing.”  Patton offered.  Remus had taken it upon himself to write the advertisement for the room they were renting.  If Patton remembered right his exact words were ‘Roommates are a couple of cursed princes and a deathless spirit’ or something like that.  Remus also hadn’t been subtle during the tour or when Logan had first moved in.  He’d decided to lay off when Logan had started discovery long forgotten magic, no one really wanting the mortal to realize how much danger he’d put himself in.  Better to fight off the mages and other creatures themselves and not involve Logan.
Of course that hadn’t meant to involve Remus taking a death curse to the chest protecting Logan but well, these things happen and it’s not like Remus could really die forever anyway.
They just hadn’t been sure how to explain that to Logan.
“But that…”  Logan started as his world view realigned with his new information.
“This is why we shouldn’t be making friends with mortals.”  Virgil scolded.  “De’s going to be rather annoyed I’m bringing these two up early.  You know how much he enjoys the company.”
“Two?  De?”  Logan repeated.  “What’s going on Patton, just tell me plainly already!”  He huffed.
“Well, um, De is Death.”  Patton answered first because that was the easy answer.  “And well…”
“Honestly Patton.”  Virgil sighed when Patton hesitated to continue.  “Remus and Roman’s lives are entwined, since they’re the cursed halves of a whole and all.  When Remus dies, Roman does and vice versa.  Usually they stay with De for a week or two before they’re souls come back, you have to give the golems time to heal.”
“Golems?”  Logan frowned.  He’d probably read about the humanoid, soulless creatures that were golems in one of those books.  Those things were probably hard to link to what Roman and Remus were.
“It’s a long story.”  Patton said.
“One you should have already told him.”  Virgil reminded.  “One of these days you’re going to learn to listen to him Pat.”
“No way.”  Patton teased with a grin.  “Little brothers aren’t allowed to listen, it’s in the contract.”
“Well then little brothers can deal with their own problems.”  Virgil said.  “I’ll go get the twins, you lot clearly had a lot to talk about.”
“Wait!  Virgil!”  Patton tried but it was too late, Virgil had already vanished into the shadows.  He sighed then looked over to Logan, who was staring blankly at where Virgil had just been.  “Lo?  Are you okay?”  He asked nervously, gulping when Logan didn’t answer.  Before Patton could try and bridge whatever gap had just opened, a gasping intake of air drew their attention to the bed.
Remus took a few more deep breaths before looking around the room and breaking into a grin.
“Lolo!  You conquered life and death!  Woo!”  He cheered.
“Based on the information I had just discovered, I believe there is much more to it than that.”  Logan said.
“Ah, you found out then.”  Remus said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck and pulling himself into a sitting position.  It was impossible to tell he’d been dead a minute ago, but then again he had a lot of practice.
“Yes.  The grim reaper, Virgil apparently, informed me.”  Logan said it with an even tone but Patton could tell he was hurt.  
“I’m sorry.”  Patton offered.  “I wasn’t sure how to tell you.”
“I told you all the time.”  Remus argued.  “I even told you the part about being kidnapped by a witch.”  He added, somewhat smugly.  Pounding steps cut off any reply Logan had, Roman appearing in the doorway a moment later.
“Damn it Remus!”  He snapped.  “Stop getting hit with killing curses!”  
“It’s only happened twice.”  Remus huffed.
“Try five times.”  Roman glared.  
“You should be thanking me for the chance to go see your boyfriend.”  Remus claimed.
“Well that didn’t work out either, because your boyfriend decided to get in the way!”  Roman snapped.
“Uh, you two…”  Patton cut in, looking between the angering twins and Logan - whose whole body seemed to be shaking.
“Lo?”  Remus prompted.
“Why did you just tell me?”  Logan asked, tone almost monotone doesn’t his shaking.  The other three shared a look.  In the end Roman spoke up.
“There’s a whole world of people that want the knowledge you have.  Or want you dead so no one else can have it.”  Roman explained.  “We didn’t want you to worry about that.”
“Yeah, we wanted you to just be your knowledge-seeking self!  Undistracted by things like killing curses and vampires!”  Remus added.
“So instead I had to worry about you being dead?”  Logan asked.  “And when was I going to find out about Roman?  What if I had walked into your room?”
“I would have stopped you.”  Patton said and then winced because that clearly wasn’t the answer Logan was after.  “We really are sorry, we were trying to figure out how to tell you I swear.”
“We were definitely going to tell you when Remus and I came back.”  Roman claimed.  Logan just sighed.
“I’m glad you’re both alright.”  He mumbled, and then moved to leave the room.  Remus didn’t let him, jumping up to grab Logan’s arm.
“Wait, Logan, we’ll make it up to you!”  He promised.  “Oh, oh how about you study us?  Yeah?  Would that make it better?”
“Yeah!  And we can answer any questions you have!”  Patton added.
“I refuse to be poked at with anything sharp.”  Roman said but raised his hands when Patton and Remus shot him a look.  “Okay, okay.”  He said.  “I’ll get poked.”
Despite there words, Logan was silent and Patton was starting to worry.  What if this didn’t fix anything?  What if Logan left forever and they’d ruined everything?
“Alright.”  Logan accepted.  “Let me get my notebook.”  Patton breathed a sigh of relief, happily following Logan does the hallway this time.  Things clearly hadn’t been fixed completely but at least Logan was letting them try.  
Now he’d just have to figure out when to visit De to apologize for Remus and Roman’s visit being cut short.
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theinconveniencing · 4 years
CARMEN!!!! HAPPY BDAY!!!!! i’m so so glad we met on here, i still can’t believe we’re literally the same person and that i get to be on tumblr at the same time as you (and talk to you whenever i want! bless our shared timezone!) you’re so funny and cute and caring and i love you so much!!! i hope you have an amazing day and that 17 treats you insanely well (as you deserve!) sending you loads of hugs n love n everything 🥺💜💜💜💜
kit!! thank you!!! my twin and timezone buddy!!!! theres nobody else that I would rather be a twin with, you are absolutely incredible and kind and funny and I love you!!! I’m also sending you lots and lots of hugs!!💜💜💜💜
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Birthday fic for Buttlord
So, day late, dollar short, but cut me some slack I have TWO birthdays to celebrate the 28th and I’ve been out for the past 12 hours doing so XD
Happy birthday @justcallmebuttlord​, have some cute twin bday fic ^^
“Happy birthday to you,”
“Happy birthday to you,”
“Happy birthday dear Lynnie,”/“Happy birthday dear Lyssie,”
“Happy birthday to us.”
Alyssa and Lynnea Ostenmeyer could be forgiven for being confused when they walked downstairs to a veritable feast waiting for them for breakfast. They glanced at each other, identical confusion in their eyes. Finally, Alyssa shrugged, making for the table to sit down. This was hardly the weirdest thing that had happened since the ill-fated ‘hero’ game. With their father having taken up cooking instead of pot brownies, they had a lot better meals (with a lot less drugs slipped into their meatloaf).
“Good morning girls!” Kelly sing-songed, coming into the kitchen.
“Morning mom,” Lynn replied, glancing at Alyssa, Did we slip into an alternate timeline in our sleep or something?
Alyssa shrugged, face clearly as confused as Lynnea felt. Both of them were distracted as two piled high stacks of pancakes were set down in front of them.
“We forgot to tell you, we’re having the house cleaned today, so you’ll have to spend the day out,” Chris said from the counter, cracking a couple of eggs into a bowl of batter, “Hope you don’t mind!”
So, same thing we do every weekend, then? Alyssa took a bite of bacon.
Kelly and Chris shared an indecipherable glance over their heads, “Well, once you’re done with breakfast, get dressed and head out. We’ll message the two of you when it’s all done, okay?”
“That was weird, right?” Lynnea asked as they stepped down off their front porch steps, “Like, that wasn’t just me?”
Alyssa shook her head. No, definitely weird. Mom and dad are up to something.
“...you don’t think we have to move again, do you?” Lynnea asked, voice suddenly taking on a panicked edge, “I thought we’d been taking care of the government guys so they wouldn’t notice.”
No, I don’t think so at least, Alyssa cocked her head to the side. It was enough to get Lynn to relax as they headed down the street.
“Wanna see if the guys are busy?” Lynn asked, not waiting before heading across the front yard to Butters’ house and knocking on the door.
Both twins were grateful that it was Mrs. Stotch who opened the door, “Oh! Hello there you two,” she greeted, “I’m afraid Butters is --” Please don’t say grounded, “--n’t home right now.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Lynn said, hopping down the steps, “He’s probably at Cartman’s if he’s not here.”
Alyssa nodded, leading the trudge through the snow this time to the next house down, “Hello Dee, Lynnea. I’m sorry, but Eric’s gone out already.”
Curiouser and curiouser, Alyssa thought, nodding and going back down the driveway to meet Lynn.
“Cartman too?” She asked, surprised. Alyssa nodded, “Kyle and Stan’s, maybe?”
Alyssa frowned slightly, but nodded, following her sister down the street.
“Okay, what the fuck,” Lynnea asked emphatically as Mrs. McCormick shut the door, “Is going on today? Butters, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, AND Kenny are all out?”
Can’t get ahold of Clyde’s gang either, Alyssa turned her phone screen toward Lynnea, showing unanswered messages to Clyde, Token, Tweek, and Craig.
“Tricia, Karen, and Ike aren’t answering me, either,” Lynn said, frowning at her phone, “Well… alright, fuck the boys too, they can do whatever it is they’re doing without us. Feel like hanging out with Wendy?”
Wendy’s always cool, Alyssa nodded, watching as her twin’s fingers flew over her phone keyboard, then pause.
“Wendy’s busy too,” she said, “And she went offline after I messaged, what the heck? Since when does Wendy Testaburger go radio silent?”
Ooookay this is officially donkey balls levels of weird, Alyssa frowned, looking at her friends list. Their usual gang of miscreants was all offline… or invisible, she wasn’t sure which.
“This blows,” Lynn muttered. They had relocated to the park, with Lynn peeking into the girls room to see if there’d been a meeting today she didn’t know about in the Sunshine Sparkle Club, but they’d found it empty. So now, they sat on the swings in sullen, confused silence.
Fuck ‘em, Alyssa reached over to squeeze Lynn’s hand, Not the first time we’ve gotten by alone. We don’t need those cock guzzling taint munchers anyway.
Lynn squeezed back, her grip noticeably weaker, as she continued to scroll through her phone. Alyssa rolled her eyes, and grabbed the phone with her free hand, “Hey!”
No more phone for you, you’re just getting upset.
“At least give it back so I can play something while we wait,” Lynn pouted. Alyssa gave her a flat, disbelieving look, “I won’t even open facebook or instagram, okay?”
Uh huh, Alyssa didn’t believe THAT line for a second, but she handed Lynn her phone back. Probably a wise choice, given that it was nearly another two hours before their phones simultaneously ‘pinged’ with messages from either parent that it was time to come home now.
“I’m half tempted not to,” Lynn admitted, skipping a rock across the top of the pond, “But they’d probably just come looking for us like the time we got lost in the forest.”
Given that they discovered that the forest was full of non-linear paths, satanic fauna, and aggressive wolves. Alyssa wasn’t necessarily complaining about THAT particular rescue. But the two of them threw the last of their gathered pebbles skittering across the top of the water’s half-frozen surface before heading back to their street, and past the bus stop back to their home.
Lynnea got to the door first, skipping over all the icy bits of the walkway up the stairs, and stomping her boots free of dirty snow on the mat before shoving the door open and --
Alyssa isn’t sure which of them react first -- either way, they both had the SAME reaction; time freezes, suspended with the smell that could burn hair off anyone too close by. It was probably a good thing that they were both immune -- sort of -- by now to their particular brand of… superpower.
“Wha -- oh my god,” Lynnea said, as they surveyed the scene that they had just ripped one on, “Oh my god. It’s our birthday.”
...fuck me running, it is, Alyssa realized, looking around the living room.A banner hung above the kitchen doorway reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY in vibrant letters, a veritable mountain of presents below it on the table. It looked like EVERY kid their parents had ever seen them so much as look at for more than a few seconds was in there.
There was a sniffle from beside her, and Alyssa looked over to see Lynn tearing up, “Wh -- whoa, hey, what’s with the waterworks?” she asked, safe to speak with no one to hear her but her twin.
“We -- we’ve never celebrated it before,” Lynn hiccuped, wiping at her eyes.
Alyssa didn’t have time to say much else -- she could feel the air straining around them, like a rubber band about to snap. It was always disconcerting to snap back into place as time began to flow forward again, even if she hadn’t really moved all that much.
“Aw, dude, c’mon!” Stan said, waving a hand over his nose as, with time unfreezing, the smell of using their powers hit the rest of the party as well. Alyssa shrugged at him, scooting around the gaggle of girls that had surrounded Lynnea the moment they’d noticed the burgeoning waterworks, Motherfucker you all should know what happens when you surprise us, you’re lucky you didn’t get hit and we were still out on the step. Now one of you want to explain the fresh FUCK is happening here?
“Your parents invited all of us over,” Kyle expounded without much more prompting than her raised eyebrow.
“Why didn’t you two ever tell us when your birthday is?” Stan asks, which gets him a look, “Okay, why didn’t LYNN tell us when your birthday is, wise ass?”
Alyssa shrugged, You never asked.
“Lame excuse man,” Kenny said, “Wendy had to dig this shit up and suggest the party to your parents.”
And depending on how this goes, I owe that girl SO many cookies, or a punch in the face, Alyssa glanced over the boys’ heads, at the gaggle of girls surrounding her sister, who looked a lot less wet-eyed now, laughing and accepting gentle scoldings for likely the same thing the boys were digging at her about. Wendy caught her looking and grinned unapologetically, ...maybe cookies AND a punch in the face, she amended privately.
“Whatever, not like it’s a big deal anyway,” Cartman grumped, distracting her from Wendy and her smug ass grinning, “No kewl party has girls at it.”
“Dude. They’re twins. And Lynn’s a girl,” Craig deadpanned.
“Y-yeah, it’s b-both their parties, of c-course the girls are gonna be here,” Tweek said.
Cartman huffed, “Whatever. I’m gonna be over HERE, NOT getting cooties,” he said, shuffling off to the other side of the room.
“Ignore him,” Kyle said, rolling his eyes, “He’s just bitter that you two get more presents.”
“And that people actually want to give you presents that aren’t off an itemized list,” Kenny snickered.
Alyssa raised a brow, Okay, gonna have to fill me in on that one --
“Who wants to break the pinata?” Chris called from the direction of the backdoor.
--after I beat a paper mache donkey to death, move it assholes.
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thoseratgirls · 5 years
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@moonscanyon !! its ur birthday !! woah !! i hope ur day was amazing and heres what the rats had to say about u uwu ness: hi angel rosiee!!!! my long lost twin!!!! I love you so much you make me scream laugh I love sending each other vms of giggles I love how supportive and loving you are, how talented you are, how much spark you bring to the gc . I want to live in one of your blush hearts . thank you for your joyous and loving energy, you make everyone feel safe and important ❤ have an amazing day bby ilysm! liv: rosie u are ! genuinely one of the warmest n sweetest ppl ive ever met !! thank u for being such a lovely friend always, n for sending me cows, n for just being the overall Best. i love u bunches n bunches, and i hope this year is an amazing one for u💝💝💝💝happy birthday angel !!!!! mwah julia: ROSIE!!! happy happy birthday to the sweetest gal. ur the most talented, sweetest, beautiful girl ever. i hope this bday is incredible. thank you for everything, mi amor. ur gonna do such good things in the future n i just KNOW it!!!! things will work out bb. u are a shining star ilysm abbie: rosie !! i am so grateful to be able to call her my friend !! she is so funny and talented and has such a big heart !! and she always puts a smile on my face whenever we talk ! happy birthday rosie i hope u have the best day ever !! i love u so much 💕💕 cara: Happy Birthday Rosie! You are a ray of sunshine you have such a positive and uplifting energy to you that you can’t help but feel better whenever you’re around you’re such a sweet and funny person and can we talk about the talent you have??? Your art is so truly beautiful I am in love with it you have such an amazing talent i love you and I’m so happy that we’re friends I feel forever blessed I hope you have the best birthday possible you deserve it 💛 v: there are no amount of words to describe my love for rosie !!! the sweetest person ever, i’m so grateful to have had the chance to meet her, she is always right there when you need her, my go to for yearning and love advice, such a talented and kind soul 🤍🥺 one of the main reasons we were brought together as a group and i can’t believe i got so lucky with her and all the rats, rosie i love u and i hope you had the greatest birthday yet maddie: ROSIE!! happy birthday!!!! i luv u!! you are the most sweetest and softest person in the world. i adore talking and laughing with you. this gc is one of the best things that has happened to me in a while and i have you to thank for giving me all my best friends ((including you)). it’s such a safe place and you’re so warm and welcoming. you are always the most supportive and caring and thank you for everything. I LOVE U SM AND HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY lex: rosie!!!!! sweet, soft, baby angel. the most tender heart. the cutest voice with the sharpest tongue. i love debating with you in the gc and seeing you flex your artistic talent in your makeup, stickers, and fanart. you are such a good friends. you love with everything you have and that is so special. the moonrats wouldn’t be thing without you so thank you for bringing all of us together. i hope you had the best day, you truly deserve every single good thing that comes your way 💗 ren: hello rosie!! we have gotten so close and im so grateful for that! ur genuinely one of my best friends and u make the moonrats so special and im so so fucking happy u decided to make this gc a thing because ive never felt more at home and comfortable with a group of people in my entire life. thank you for being the best assistant manager to the moonrats that i could ever ask for jokoOWO
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Lulu & Sekhmet Pt.3
Sekhmet: [do come and find her though lol]
Lulu: [we need to take a moment to fully appreciate the state she’d be in post screaming, crying, perfect storm, but you won’t get to gal because we’re throwing ourselves at you immediately to kiss you more intensely than anyone has ever]
Sekhmet: [obviously we are going with it because we aren’t a bitch to be like no, stop, we’re just not, sorry]
Lulu: [just sitting her down somewhere we can in whatever room we’re in right now and curling up into her lap like a baby not even in a hot or manipulative way but unthinkingly because we need the comfort genuinely and telling her about how much our stomach, chest and head hurts post this breakdown whilst kissing her face and doing a massage how my boo do to me, snuggled even more against her chest like I know you feel it too and I wanna make that hurt stop, again genuinely, not in a trying to be sexy manner]
Sekhmet: [we’re just licking up your tears like we said we would and shhing/soothing you like you do a crying baby]
Lulu: [I gotta write Winnie’s idea or he will fight me, he said she should take off whatever watch or necklace-not gonna specify at this point in case we wanna find content of it and can’t- that her parents got her as one of her bday presents and she’s not taken off since and put it on the bae because then he insists that Dolly notices and is obviously buzzing she’s not wearing it because fuck mum and dad -without necessarily knowing why she took it off and that she gave it away to her new soulmate ofc lol- but that means we can do our first twin convo about her thinking Lulu is vibing the parental hatred if we want]
Sekhmet: [Oh Winnie, you ideas bear, we absolutely should do that next even though that’s going to be an experience lmao, that and do a convo with this man; but we’re definitely going to get you a ring now, even if we do not really get married tah, more a symbolic thing]
Lulu: [we know what we’re saying with it]
Sekhmet: [love to know where on earth y’all are rn lol]
Lulu: [I’m imagining if they have like a little theatre bit maybe because drama is only an extracurricular not a full lesson? Unless I’m remembering that wrong? so it might not get used that much but idk]
Sekhmet: [I can’t remember but you would know if it was empty or not at the time so we’ll allow it either way]
Lulu: [I just went to go look at our notes and Dolly does do drama and theatre studies as a full lesson so maybe that doesn’t work but it could be somewhere they have house meetings that’s not in use except for that nonsense or somewhere they have other extracurriculars that are free rn, maybe it could be where they have chess club because sir that’s her emotional support hobby]
Sekhmet: [the school is gigantic so there’s no way every single room is occupied at all times, hence it’s believable she could sneak in like this]
Lulu: [mhmm, could never happen in your tiny cult school]
Sekhmet: [honestly it’s amazing you ever managed alone time with Gabe tbh they’d be so over all that]
Lulu: [at least that works in our favour because we can say you didn’t get to and that’s why he didn’t suss your cray until you outed yourself]
Sekhmet: [it adds up, that you lowkey made it something it wasn’t, like was Dolly even really going out with him too or did you just make her talk to him a few times or whatever]
Lulu: [the scolding tea of that just purely being your fantasy, hun]
Sekhmet: [clearly she always had limits you were pretending not to see, that’s for sure]
Lulu: [but like in the reality of the here and now how long do you want her to stay? Because logistics of having to hide out when school literally doesn’t finish until like 7 would be wild, and if she’s gonna skip any lessons or clubs etc then we need to actually have repercussions of it as you’re not in a shit school like so many of our characters are]
Sekhmet: [yeah obviously you cannot stay over night like we’re playing, realistically we’re going to let this situ play out now and either leave with or without you]
Lulu: [and realistically I can’t let you dip again when it’s the first day back after having a week off even though Easter is LOOMING unless I fully go down the route of her being like whoops I came back too soon I shouldn’t have done that and I am still NOT WELL and we give her more time off lol]
Sekhmet: [I’ll leave it up to you because if this resolves nicely then we’re a bad influence and would be like yeah do it, but if it’s still a bit yikes we might be like no stay lmao]
Lulu: [Yeah, that’s the question, do we wanna resolve it nicely or do we still want yikes, because there’s + and - to both, obviously]
Sekhmet: [It’s debatable, do you wanna try and ‘-’ some IRL convo rn and see where we get to]
Lulu: [Good thinking, okay we’re snuggled and the bae is wearing whatever jewellery she is and we’re just saying I’m sorry on a loop in every language we speak]
Sekhmet: [‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to go in there’]
Lulu: [‘It’s not your fault that I always go too far, that I can’t seem to help it’]
Sekhmet: [kinda shakes head but in like ehh way not the NO way ‘It’s not that, I don’t care that it’s lowkey breaking and entering or whatever… but you’re just going to be disappointed, who’s that fun for?’]
Lulu: [‘I do know you’re right, I did before you said it, before we’d ever even spoken before’]
Sekhmet: [a little sigh of relief lowkey ‘at least you know… making you legitimately sad isn’t something I’m interested in, okay]
Lulu: [a little smile ‘unsurprisingly I’m well aware of that too, I totally also knew it before we’d ever spoken before’]
Sekhmet: [raise a brow like yeah? And nudge her like go on then]
Lulu: [‘It’s just not your vibe, it wasn’t at the engagement party, then you invited me out to stop Jay being stressed and you don’t like her very much, and you say you’re mean but you weren’t to me in our first convo when I was being a bitch’]
Sekhmet: [a laugh noise like I’m not sure about that ‘I’m clearly not a good person’ but 😳 ‘cos she said we are]
Lulu: [‘I wouldn’t have opened up to you if you didn’t make it super easy to do, in all the ways. I’ve never had anything but academic validation until we did meet’]
Sekhmet: [kiss her but super soft]
Lulu: [‘You make me feel so good about myself and safe to be’]
Sekhmet: [‘That’s what I want’ whisper ‘cos we’ve not moved away from your face]
Lulu: [‘Too safe…’ likewise whispered ‘I shouldn’t have told you earlier, about what I wanted from Mattie… it’s just that I really can’t let go, I don’t know how, it’s what I wanted when she was the only person who wasn’t being beastly to me here, because she was the only one, meaning it’s still in there’]
Sekhmet: [shaking our head again but in an actual no this time, stroking her face, tracing the tear trails on her cheeks ‘it isn’t about my feelings, I was selfish for just thinking about it as a fantasy, not your real feelings’]
Lulu: [SUCH a quiet but intense and sincere sound escaping because of the softness and comfort that nobody ever gives us ‘You’re not selfish’ with SO much feeling]
Sekhmet: [when a finger ends up on your lips because of the sound you just made, parting them softly because we want more ‘but I am, I always do this’ so we take the finger away, but slowly, painfully so ‘having to make some things off-limits doesn’t make you boring, okay’]
Lulu: [‘No you aren’t, you could do it without me but you keep bringing me with you, showing me more and more things’ The INTENSE eye contact and a shiver that’s equally so while she’s doing all that finger action to us ‘I don’t want anything to be off limits’]
Sekhmet: [‘Because you don’t just want love, do you? The money, the power… you do like all that too, don’t you?’ gently pushing her up against whatever wall we’re leaning against, so you’re in her lap instead now]
Lulu: [‘I want it all’ with obvious emphasis on the last word ‘You know I do’]
Sekhmet: [nods like I do ‘no limits?’]
Lulu: [‘None’ Dragging that word out as long as we can while we move her around in our lap]
Sekhmet: [‘there’s nothing you could do to make me leave you, understand that, even if I have to put you right sometimes’ moving the hand we’ve had on your cheek this whole time to round your throat, but gently, for now]
Lulu: [An even better sound than before because it’s more in every sense]
Sekhmet: [matching it unintentionally just because we’re also feeling it, then purposefully matching whatever her face is doing right now so she can see]
Lulu: [‘such a perfect mirror’ because we’re intense and we know that’s what you’re doing, emphasis on perfect this time obvs]
Sekhmet: [using your free hand to put her opposite hand on your neck like there, now we are]
Lulu: [ngl I hope it was a necklace we gave her now so she can be all over it]
Sekhmet: [it’s happening sorry, could be a locket like whose picture is in that right now babe I would love to know, but we can give you a sound of our own for that]
Lulu: [say it is so we can open it and show her that there’s obviously a picture of the bae in it, blatantly too risque to ever be seen by anyone in your life so thank god they don’t care, likely the one we said was our fave when she asked us about it in relation to the advert]
Sekhmet: [SUCH a dramatic gasp because neither of us expected that honey, also accidentally tightening our grip with it because we can’t deal ‘I love you’ in a way we’ve never blurted it out before, no pretense behind it]
Lulu: [ofc she’s gotta tighten her grip too and ofc she’s gotta say it back]
Sekhmet: [‘I’ll never take it off’]
Lulu: [‘I hadn’t until now’ because true, gal you’re gonna have to get her a ring she can wear on a chain to fill the void haha]
Sekhmet: [‘I know it’s special’ because that much was obvious ‘I’ll take care of it… you’ and pulling her into you and down so you’re laying on this floor and she’s on top of you]
Lulu: [‘Everyone knows it is’ because everyone is gonna recognise the fact she’s wearing her necklace since it’s identical and Lulu isn’t wearing one any more and we love the idea of that]
Sekhmet: [‘Good’ with all the feeling because likewise ‘We’re each others forever’]
Lulu: [Kiss her with likewise all the feeling because we can’t deal]
Sekhmet: [hitting her with a constant stream of I love yous but in French with a decent accent like we’ve been practicing]
Lulu: [When that reminds you of something so you’re like ‘I was saving the surprise…’ passing her your phone so she can see that you’ve downloaded an app or something and started to learn Arabic ‘for until I was better at it, or we can actually go, but…’ trailing off because this is clearly the perfect time and we don’t need to verbalise that]
Sekhmet: [When this confirms she’s serious as much as the locket in ways we genuinely did not know/believe until now so we’re fully emotional and probably crying ourself now ‘I’ll learn too’ with all the sincerity that we have to laugh a little]
Lulu: [Wiping her tears and stroking her hair and giving all the comfort back ‘I’ll teach you’ with as much sincerity]
Sekhmet: [‘We’re in the right place for it’ with mischief as we look around as if we’ve only just realised where we are]
Lulu: [‘True’ and do start teaching her what you’ve done so far, but I can imagine you not being able not to laugh because the first things they teach you are always so basic for obvious reasons so it’s not like you can wow her with an ily or some hot phrase]
Sekhmet: [It’s always cat and dog like priorities, allow you to have a convo with a child, we’re just creasing up but obviously attempting it too, the throat clearing rivals German though like how funny you must sound at first]
Lulu: [have a lovely time loling and being silly while you can gals because lunch break isn’t v long and we’re expecting her to leave without us, the idea of potentially faking sick again wouldn’t have occurred to her rn]
Sekhmet: [it’s very sweet we love to see it, eventually pulling her back onto your lap like lessons over ‘you’re too fun to be a teacher’ like don’t do it babe]
Lulu: [The ew face we would pull like I would NEVER, soz Mattie for the shade]
Sekhmet: [such a happy smile like ‘thank GOD’ and tilting our head to the side like hmm ‘at this point, I think there’s too much content out there anyway’ in a SUCH a shame tone like lmao]
Lulu: [‘I think, there’s no such thing as too much content’ and SUCH a look]
Sekhmet: [get your phone out like okay, let’s go ‘always ready, honey’]
Lulu: [Holding the eye contact as we take our clothes off so slowly and deliberately like you can always be more ready]
Sekhmet: [‘aren’t you afraid of getting caught?’ but in a voice you’d know is for the camera’s benefit because we know full well you aren’t and the way we’re looking at you would say as much]
Lulu: [The lip bite and wide eyed expression like we’re SO afraid, cos she’s an actress, honey]
Sekhmet: [#proud behind this camera ‘does being scared turn you on?’]
Lulu: [We know DAMN WELL she’s doing the most then to show that it does in all the ways, like look and listen everyone, and that how turned on she is isn’t remotely fake]
Sekhmet: [finding a way to set this phone up on a makeshift tripod of books from her bag and whatever else is around, ‘I’ll look after you’ which is definitely for her benefit not anyone elses, running our hands over every part of her exposed body except that parts you need to be touched]
Lulu: [all the compliments and gratitude she’s getting back is only for her benefit too, soz not soz to this audience, you’ll have no complaints lads]
Sekhmet: [it’s why people prefer homemade now because it’s not fake as fuck, soz to the old school pornstars; finally putting our hands on her boobs, massaging and pulling on them a mix of soft and rough ‘I don’t think anyone would be mad to walk in and see this’]
Lulu: [It did used to be fake to the point I’ve never understood how it didn’t put people off but that’s just me, meanwhile I sure do hope nobody actually is gonna get summoned by how LOUD and enthusiastic we’re being ‘They might be mad that they can’t see more of you’ because the bae is fully clothed compared to us]
Sekhmet: [Truly, and sorry we’re going to let you have this as we already cockblocked ourselves horrifically earlier, so we’re looking down at ourselves like omg, you’re right and repeat the strip tease of it all ‘better?’ as we fully stand in front of her like here it all is]
Lulu: [My boo says no more cockblocks allowed, not in this convo anyways, lol, fully just exposing her more to this camera and us like THERE it all is as we just spread her legs apart and start touching her as deliberate as the strip tease was ‘You tell me, don’t you feel better?’]
Sekhmet: [Our breathing so laboured but obviously we fully let her expose us and it’s obvious how much we like that too, nodding like we can’t speak which isn’t that far from the truth, with all the moaning we’re doing, as we open ourselves up even more because we want more ‘you’re really good at this, who taught you?’ and putting her nipple in our mouth so we can roll it between our teeth, threatening to bite but not doing it yet]
Lulu: [‘Am I?’ All the feigned innocence for this camera while we’re going even harder than we were before ‘Oh, I had the absolute BEST teacher’]
Sekhmet: [just biting down HARD as an answer like that’s all I need to say in response and all I am able to ‘did she teach you how to kiss other pretty girls?’ And lifting our head to be level with hers again, inches apart and parting our lips like PLEASE]
Lulu: [Nodding the way children do when they’re so buzzing and making a mhmm yep she did kinda sound before kissing her in a way that’s everything ‘Like that and like… this’ using our tongue to yet again do the most, going down on the bae because we gotta]
Sekhmet: [All the verbal praise you’d give said child for doing a good job that gets more frantic and pleading, using mostly pet names as well as her fake name but we NEARLY falter and say her real one]
Lulu: [The way she’d swear in french when she nearly gets name dropped because we know and it’s ending us but we have to keep the innocent act up, pretending we’re just saying nice, cute things]
Sekhmet: [the eye contact we would’ve made like yeah, I just did that because we’re so into you in this moment and forever ‘I need you inside of me, more, please’]
Lulu: [Giving her the eye contact back because same, and telling her how much we love her and how happy we are to give her what she needs as we do just that]
Sekhmet: [When we now mirror what she’s doing to us on her, which we can play to the camera is she’s teaching us but obviously you know otherwise girl and can enjoy this game we’ve discovered turns us both on TOO much]
Lulu: [The reaction cannot be overstated, she’d be DYING]
Sekhmet: [‘Am I doing good too?’ with all the innocent happiness, going harder in response like yay]
Lulu: [at this point she’d be too eagerly giving out all the praise even for the people who are hardcore into that haha, we can’t stop and won’t stop, huns]
Sekhmet: [Kissing her with so much intensity, whilst still letting her get all this out between because we love it, holding her at the side of the head, pressing her forehead into ours, and getting our breathing to sync too, so we’re breathing into you and you’re breathing into us, which makes you lightheaded as fuck and heightens everything else you’re feeling]
Lulu: [You’re going to both get so much money, Winnie and I are so proud]
Sekhmet: [Winnie is jealous]
Lulu: [He’s sulking under the covers, at least nobody who sees you after this is going to think you’re faking being sick for a second time, girl, especially not the poor matron who already thought you were dying before]
Sekhmet: [You could genuinely both pass out, which we’re pointing out ‘What if we do? What if someone finds us like that?’ but we won’t actually let that happen don’t you worry; matron is fully like get her to the hospital she’s dying, poor love haha]
Lulu: [You’re going to get matron the sack because everyone will think she’s being overdramatic, I would love it if you went to get a second opinion babe and they too were like OH NO haha]
Sekhmet: [We know the cringing humiliation would work for you girl, thank god, anyone else would simply have to die to save face]
Lulu: [Winnie says matron should go and get Mattie because he’s evil]
Sekhmet: [I mean it makes sense evil bear]
Lulu: [just being like I’m SO worried, look at her, she needs someone to wait with her until this uber comes, Lulu’s like IT’S FINE but she’s like shh child]
Sekhmet: [oh girl, do you wanna do convo whilst you’re sat there with her because obviously, we’ve had to skedaddle back to wherever]
Lulu: [We simply must because even if Mattie is trying to talk to her IRL she obviously can’t deal rn and doesn’t want to]
Sekhmet: [thinking wow she must really be ill LMAO]
Lulu: Wait [a location outside of school where she can lurk] and when the uber shows I’ll pick you up
Sekhmet: Where are we going? 😍
Sekhmet: After A&E, obvi
Lulu: Where do you want to?
Lulu: I need to grab lunch before I actually do pass out but idc what it is
Sekhmet: We’ll still have yours to ourselves
Sekhmet: but I’ll take you to [the restaurant we went to with that dude when we first met properly and started this ting] first
Lulu: Okay, fuck… I take it back, I REALLY do care what it is, you caught me
Sekhmet: Always do 😋
Sekhmet: I need the staff to know I can get way hotter dates, like
Lulu: Bad luck I’m wearing this uniform, I guess I’ll just have to act way hotter to compensate
Sekhmet: Better not think about it too hard or they’re going to get more than the cold compresses out
Lulu: You’re not going to believe this, matron only went and got Mattie to come and babysit me
Lulu: where was this energy the previous visit when I actually would’ve liked it?
Sekhmet: OMG
Sekhmet: She did NOT
Lulu: I want to kill myself
Lulu: thank god for your sake the first aid kit contains nothing stronger than an aspirin
Sekhmet: Oh baby
Sekhmet: I’d say sorry but you know I’m not really so let’s not lie
Sekhmet: Is she in the BIGGEST flap
Lulu: I’m not letting her be, I REFUSE to engage rn
Sekhmet: Are you trying to make me 🥰
Sekhmet: It’s not not working
Lulu: and stop myself from 😭🤮
Sekhmet: You’ll be out of there so soon
Sekhmet: You can do it, baby
Lulu: Talk to me about when we are, how perfect the rest of today is going to be
Sekhmet: First, we’ll have the best lunch date, and you can have all of your favourites on the menu, have dessert first too if you want, there’s no rules
Sekhmet: then we’re going to go get you a new outfit because you need to get out of that uniform so you feel the hottest
Sekhmet: then the day and world is our oyster, we can go see Monty, have a day in bed
Sekhmet: or we can go out out, see how long we can last before we have to crash
Lulu: I want to go out so you can show your new necklace off
Sekhmet: Oh, of course
Sekhmet: we need to get you your ring
Lulu: Seriously?! Oh my god!
Sekhmet: Mhmm, I just uploaded today’s video and it’s already doing numbers
Sekhmet: [show her the views/the bank statement in real time as they’re both going up]
Sekhmet: Should be able to afford one worthy of you 👑
Lulu: My maths lesson could and has NEVER got me how those numbers are
Sekhmet: I know 🥴🥴
Sekhmet: almost as much as having to rewatch for any edits needed
Sekhmet: but we were absolutely perfect
Lulu: It’d break my heart if you had to do more than edit yourself in the moment over saying my real name 🥺
Lulu: one thing to delete my little boy ex’s out, but mine, no
Sekhmet: Never!
Sekhmet: I’m going to make up for that by excessively saying your name all day, in all the ways it could come up
Lulu: Censorship has never been hot before you did it, there’s truly nothing to make up for
Lulu: but I’m not gonna say don’t when you’ve said excessively
Sekhmet: You were incredible
Sekhmet: I don’t want to work with any other girl but you ever again
Sekhmet: They’re SO fake, even when I make them cum, they just eyefuck the camera to make sure they look peak sexy for the viewers 🙄
Lulu: I don’t want you to, that’s the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever read, there’s no way they deserve to work with you again!
Sekhmet: That behaviour is so many levels below where I wanna be, ever
Sekhmet: it’s like, level 3 hoe at best
Sekhmet: You start with the girls who only do pictures, no videos, nothing beyond what anyone is sending to their man, then there’s the girls who do solo but would never work with anyone else
Sekhmet: but I hate level three the most, because it’s doing girl on girl so you never take a dick on camera and any lad you wanna date might be able to deal because it’s ‘hot’ even though they’re all SO straight and not into it 👌🏽
Lulu: You thought I was a level 3 girl, didn’t you? 😄
Sekhmet: 😶
Sekhmet: I have never been happier to be proved wrong
Lulu: Were there any other girls who were, not close to being on my level- because obviously they couldn’t ever reach where I’m at- but that you thought about doing this with?
Lulu: how it started at least, of course I don’t mean where we are now, the v beginning things of having a protege, though
Sekhmet: You know I wasn’t lying when I called you special 😏
Sekhmet: I’ve kinda always wanted this set-up, but I don’t think I ever got close to it, I tried other kinds with some but there was always something off about it
Sekhmet: There was this girl who was a level 4, so she ONLY fucks her boyfriend on the dude side but they have LOTS of threeways and she can play with girls, I was kinda gonna be their third but nah
Sekhmet: neither of them was that 💣 to warrant cutting off my other links 🤷🏽‍♀️
Lulu: It wouldn’t have worked anyway, she would’ve got mad enough that he liked you more to try and either kick you out of it by causing the MOST drama or walk herself 😳 when he said he wanted you to be the one who stayed
Sekhmet: No but it’s like you were there though 😂
Sekhmet: her with her strict ass rules, like I want your twitch streamer boyfriend with the male pattern baldness and adderall addiction? 🤔
Sekhmet: She was fine too but had that weak mentality like so many
Lulu: If I had been she’d be bald too for treating you like that
Lulu: I’ve only been able to threaten mean girls with ✂️ while they’re 😴 up to this point in my life, which is too sad, I know
Lulu: following through on it would be super fun
Sekhmet: 🤤🤤🤤 you’re like the ultimate movie mean girl and that makes you THE sexiest, like maybe you’d be nicer if one of your underlings would just treat you how you deserve 💦💦
Sekhmet: but that reminds me of the first thing I so nearly did
Sekhmet: these girls I’d done some pics with before and seen at stuff wanted to set up this content house, but OFs not like, tiktokers or whatever 😅
Sekhmet: and they had started it but this girl I knew left and she said it was the MOST drama, not in a mean girl fantasy way either
Sekhmet: you were ONLY allowed to post content together and if you ever had anyone else over they would FREAK like you were trying to make it a brothel and they’d all get shut down, it was so funny, thank god I didn’t say yes and commit to the contract
Lulu: Not where I thought your that reminds me was going to go, but undeniably a better story than you getting some girl on camera and her hair coming off because it was a horrific wig, unless the blooper reel is still out there 😂
Sekhmet: 😱 not the unintentional humiliation kink
Sekhmet: definitely God punishing you for sinning, she’d never come back 😆
Lulu: But for real, as if Level 1 and 2 exist, that’s not a job
Lulu: especially not a job they should get to think they’re 👑✨ for
Sekhmet: Oh God, I know! They’re hobbyists
Sekhmet: It used to piss me off, a lot
Sekhmet: but if they wanna get their teeny tiny bag and dip feeling superior when they could stay and try and thrive to get so many more
Sekhmet: It’s their loss 💁🏽‍♀️
Lulu: I’d need to be blotto to network with those types of girls, which would be jolly counterproductive
Sekhmet: I usually am 😅
Sekhmet: not sloppy though, like some of the girls who show up
Lulu: 😬
Lulu: I’m not as functional as you on it, but girls, please, that’s embarrassing
Sekhmet: Those are the sad ones… desperation doesn’t sell as well online as it does on the streets 😕
Sekhmet: 💉 desperation
Lulu: I didn’t mean it about trying 💊💉 I don’t want it, just your reaction
Sekhmet: I wouldn’t let you do anything worse than what 🥂🍷🥃🍸 is/does
Sekhmet: definitely not shoot you up myself 😭
Sekhmet: some things are ONLY fun in the fantasy, we’re not stupid, we know which lines to actually cross and which ones to just talk about
Lulu: I need you to stay and help me do away with her, even the fun fantasies
Sekhmet: I will, promise
Sekhmet: you don’t need her anymore
Lulu: I wish she would leave, or this uber would hurry the fuck up
Sekhmet: It’s unprofessional, she wouldn’t do this for a random student, she needs to go back to whatever class she’s neglecting
Lulu: I’ll borrow that, nothing hurts more than the u word
Sekhmet: Do it, where’s the lie?
Lulu: [a pause while do that, poor Mattie]
Lulu: 🙌🏻
Sekhmet: She got the hint? 👏🏽
Lulu: I didn’t leave her any room to pretend she misunderstood my intent, for once
Lulu: be proud of me
Sekhmet: I’m BEYOND proud
Sekhmet: and already thinking how else I can spoil you
Lulu: The feeling’s close to when Monty got underfoot and I accidentally stood on his paw, she looked at me the exact same 💔 I hate being in this position
Lulu: why did she have to let me get here?
Sekhmet: The difference is Monty is actually a helpless puppy, she’s not
Sekhmet: Don’t let her play victim, it’s just like Dolly and Jay
Lulu: It IS just like that, you’re so right
Sekhmet: You just have to reframe it, you’ll get better at it
Sekhmet: but I’ll help you ‘til it becomes natural
Lulu: It’s Dolly’s fault I’m barely finished doing the work on her, I swear I’m not usually this bad at it
Sekhmet: They all did a number on you but you’re still here being the only decent one out of them
Sekhmet: they can’t stop you ✨
Lulu: See, you’re not mean
Sekhmet: I shouldn’t have made you cry like that
Lulu: I did it to myself, no, Mattie made me do it to both of us
Lulu: because of her I hurt you awfully
Sekhmet: She’s messing with your head
Sekhmet: imagine making you so reliant on her, so she feels useful and like a little saviour she wishes she was
Sekhmet: It’s honestly gross
Sekhmet: I’m not going to let her keep that hold on you
Lulu: I was literally a child when she first tried
Sekhmet: Seriously?
Lulu: She got in touch when she’d finished school, the summer before she was starting uni, I shut it down but it upset me for yonks after
Sekhmet: What a selfish cow
Sekhmet: the way she just wanted Jay’s life 🤯
Lulu: I used to think my grandma was a total brick but that super shook my trust in her, because she and Mattie had schemed the entire thing
Sekhmet: That’s so messed up, I’m so sorry, baby 🥺
Sekhmet: they only thought about what she wanted, not what was right for you
Lulu: and grandad didn’t come to my defence when they could both see how messed up I was about it all, how could he not? It was too sad
Sekhmet: You deserved so much better
Lulu: I finally have it with you
Sekhmet: You don’t have to talk to them or have anything to do with them when you’re done with school
Sekhmet: not if you don’t want to
Lulu: We can walk away, to Dubai, and China, anywhere
Sekhmet: Everywhere
Sekhmet: the world has too many opportunities for us to say in one place long
Lulu: She deserves for me to fail my exams and have everyone know she’s got full blame on her, but I won’t, I promise
Sekhmet: When you say it like that I really lowkey want it 🥴
Sekhmet: but I know how much it actually matters to you
Lulu: I do too, promise me back that you won’t have all the fun without me while I’m stuck re-sitting and I’ll think seriously about the possibility
Sekhmet: Imagine how fucking terrible she’d look at her job as well, you’re her star pupil, as she ALWAYS says like wow, pressure much, weirdo
Sekhmet: I’ll be a perfect angel and not distract you at all, when you’re studying now or in a years time… I can’t put a promise to that blatant lie but you’ll have to do your best to concentrate whilst I do
Lulu: Okay, you have a deal
Lulu: at least it’ll mean it doesn’t matter how late I get kept up, I can focus solely on being your star pupil
Sekhmet: I don’t think you would’ve told me what learning does to you if you didn’t WANT me to take full advantage
Lulu: There hasn’t been a second going by since I saw you walk through the door of that cringe venue and Jay’s face change that I didn’t want you to take full advantage of me
Sekhmet: I fucking love you
Sekhmet: I am so glad my sister told me I had to get my ass there ASAP or I’d be without you now and I can’t deal with that 😭
Lulu: Could you tell how badly I wanted you? Be honest
Sekhmet: I thought you were looking at me how Jay, and his mormon ass parents, were
Sekhmet: I heard party on the invite, my God 🥱
Sekhmet: that’s why I came at you on the defensive a lil, it was giving daggers not 👀
Sekhmet: but now I know I can totally replay the night and let it go how it should’ve
Lulu: The dreams I had finally going to bed that night were WILD
Lulu: …glad to hear I haven’t lost my touch throwing daggers, or as an actress
Sekhmet: Tell me about them
Sekhmet: if you or I ever had doubts, today would blow them away a million times over, this video is 🥵
Lulu: Put the dress back on and I’ll show you scene by scene
Sekhmet: yes
Sekhmet: so many times YES
Sekhmet: If Hath had told me to hurry up because there was a killer redhead there, I might’ve showed up on time and not gone to the club after class instead, what are her priorities
Lulu: I hope we don’t lose those earrings inside of me, they’re really pretty
Sekhmet: Shit
Sekhmet: if you’re good, you can borrow them, then they’ll be inside you and I can see how pretty they looked still
Lulu: I’ll be even more well behaved than Jonah’s mormon daddy was dreaming I was when he got home, but a lot of that was MY outfit’s fault, I can’t take complete credit
Sekhmet: You’re so pretty it doesn’t matter what you wear, I still was just thinking if you had freckles all over
Sekhmet: anyway, church girl gone bad is a fantasy I wish the priest would get behind, so I can’t shade Mr Jonah
Lulu: Take me to church?
Lulu: a v beautiful old one 💒🌹
Sekhmet: Absolutely
Sekhmet: [thank God there are SO many churches in this country, just a google map of the nearest like] Take your pick or tour
Lulu: What about in ireland?
Sekhmet: That’s such a GOOD idea
Sekhmet: There’s a whole holiday home waiting there and none of our family in sight
Lulu: We’ve conveniently got a week of no school ahead of us before [the easter hol Gabe visit destination]
Sekhmet: I’ll book the flight now
Sekhmet: 🥰
Lulu: Don’t stop taking me places I’ve never been, I still want it when we’re married and old
Sekhmet: You have to
Sekhmet: I’d be lonely on my own
Lulu: 😭 that’s especially not allowed
Sekhmet: So stay with me and we’ll never get old and boring
Lulu: Have you decided on the tattoo word yet?
Sekhmet: It’s SO hard 😰
Sekhmet: this is a lot to sum up… we are
Sekhmet: but I won’t give up
Lulu: Of course you won’t, and until then I’ll think of all the possibilities existing to keep boredom and old age away
Sekhmet: At least writing that list out for me will look like studying 😇
Lulu: I’ll try not to be naughty and ask Matron for any of the answers 🤭
Sekhmet: 🤣 she’d have to be flattered you remotely thought she had a clue
Lulu: A tiny bit of flattery goes a long way, I’ll have a new school ally for the rest of the time I have to be there
Sekhmet: Good thinking
Sekhmet: Smart and 😈
Lulu: It worked with [that first ever dude] but I suppose that could’ve been because I honestly hadn’t been fucked by someone that big yet, poor little me
Sekhmet: Hmm, I would’ve almost felt bad for you then if I didn’t know you’d been fucking yourself with bigger things for years
Lulu: [Tell her about the biggest thing, I honestly dread to think]
Sekhmet: [My boo says not these tiny flaps]
Sekhmet: So, you’re showing me that when we get home, okay
Lulu: It was life-changing before you were, the rules are I have to
Sekhmet: Yep, you have to share, can take that very literally with this one
Lulu: You’re going to look unbelievably beautiful
Sekhmet: I’ll feel it
Sekhmet: I always do the most when I’m getting fucked
Lulu: This photographic memory of mine doesn’t stop giving
Sekhmet: I can’t even be mad because I want you to constantly think about me so
Lulu: it’s too unfair everything about training yourself to have one is an absolute scam, I want you to have this
Sekhmet: Good thing I have actual 📸📹🎧
Sekhmet: we don’t need to be sad
Lulu: I can’t be, my perfect high from you hasn’t worn off yet
Sekhmet: It can’t
Sekhmet: I hate when they take you away when I just want to keep you in a constant state of euphoria
Lulu: It won’t, no-one’s taking me anywhere until this pre-hen for definite, and I’ll do my best to guarantee I don’t get cornered by anyone but you that night either
Sekhmet: It’s a good thing we have our secret to keep us excited because I already know that’s going to be beyond 🥱 on all other counts
Lulu: True, I refuse to be dry because the party is going to be
Sekhmet: Preach, girl 🙌🏽
Lulu: if things hadn’t gone this way between us I’d have had to invite my other mummy to make things interesting
Sekhmet: The breakdown would be so real 💀
Lulu: Jay’s, James’, Dolly’s and Mattie’s
Sekhmet: Save it
Sekhmet: it’ll keep you powerful knowing you could ruin all their lives whenever
Lulu: I know that’s how you want me
Sekhmet: One of the many, many ways
Sekhmet: but definitely the most important
Lulu: When we get to [seeing Gabe] I don’t want him to touch me, okay? Not ever
Sekhmet: Then he’s not allowed
Sekhmet: He can suffer
Lulu: Remember I said it, in case I forget
Sekhmet: I will
Sekhmet: besides, we’re going so I can have him so we’re the same
Sekhmet: he’s not earnt anything new from you
Lulu: and he’s not likely to, unless he lucked out on getting a uni girlfriend who taught him beyond the basics, but don’t worry, I won’t let us be the same that hard, I’ll do everything he’s incapable of and stop you being disappointed
Sekhmet: I know it, I’m most forward to showing him all you’ve learnt since, and what he’s missing, especially now he’s not allowed to do fuck all about it
Sekhmet: but I’m trying to get into the headspace of how you felt before the first time and all the disappointment after
Lulu: I’ve got no complaints about any of that, it seriously is the perfect plan, you’re going to be able to get into ALL of my headspace, right where I need you
Sekhmet: Are we staying with him?
Lulu: Ew no, he couldn’t pay me enough to be in [the hipster place he is] and he literally isn’t
Lulu: we’re here [and show her the incredible hotel you two are going be staying in]
Sekhmet: 🥵🥵
Sekhmet: that bed is biiiiiiig
Sekhmet: Kinda gutted he won’t be able to overhear all our exploits but there’s plenty other ways to show him you’ve moved on without slumming it
Lulu: I wanna break it and charge it to [one of these daddies]
Sekhmet: All the room service all week from [a feeder daddy]
Sekhmet: that tub is perfect for two too
Lulu: and the balcony is perfect for SO many things 😊
Sekhmet: [This place] has no idea what’s coming
Sekhmet: they can enjoy the view whilst we do
Lulu: Describe your family’s place in Dublin to me, please, I can already tell I’ll hate the thought of time running out for us there, but it’s wild how I have 0 idea what else to imagine
Sekhmet: [do, I won’t commit us to anything but obviously we know the vibe, I was thinking maybe a full farmhouse fantasy like the cali gaff but also not obvs, and send her any selfies etc in which you can see various parts]
Lulu: Wow, you seriously did take the whole, taking me places I wouldn’t have set foot in during my old life, thing to heart
Lulu: it’s incredible
Sekhmet: It’s a really great escape
Sekhmet: it feels like there’s always someone at home who wants to say or ask something
Lulu: Your parents went in on the number of siblings for you, I’d be shook if it didn’t feel exactly that way
Lulu: what’s it like having brothers, not the fantasy, how is it actually?
Sekhmet: Thanks for clarifying 😜 fair, tbh
Sekhmet: They’re less drama than sisters, in good and bad ways
Sekhmet: like they’re way less annoying but also I don’t feel that close to them now, not since we were little and boy/girl mattered less
Sekhmet: though I was always girly, obvs
Lulu: How old were you when your little brother was born? And did you live or were you super jealous?
Sekhmet: We were about 4, and we were OBSESSED with him, like he was a little doll
Sekhmet: Poor Adonis 😆
Lulu: I’m yet to hold a real baby 🥺 all the teachers’ children are already running around
Sekhmet: Who in my fam has one rn I can steal 🤔
Sekhmet: There’s always a new one, or two
Lulu: I wish I could get into your headspace on it and know what that’s like, school tries to have us acting like it’s a big family, but I’ve not felt it here
Lulu: Surval got me closer but, well, you know the vibes weren’t the happy family fantasy either
Sekhmet: When we’re married you can have them too
Lulu: They’re not gonna want me
Sekhmet: Yes they will
Lulu: promise?
Sekhmet: They’ll have to
Sekhmet: half of them have no room to talk about anything so
Lulu: Hurry up and put a 💍 on me
Lulu: I need it
Sekhmet: Wow, way to wound my ego 😱
Sekhmet: at least pretend it’s about me
Lulu: I’ll make it all about you on the wedding day, and night, obviously
Lulu: convincingly
Sekhmet: Bitch 😂
Lulu: 😘
Lulu: The uber’s finally at the school gates, you better be where I told you to wait
Lulu: bitchy enough for you?
Sekhmet: I don’t know
Sekhmet: what exactly will you do if I’m not?
Lulu: You won’t know until I find you, and how far you are from where you’re supposed to be is a v important factor in how cross I am, so neither do I exactly rn
Sekhmet: I’ll get to moving then
Sekhmet: Can’t say in what direction
Lulu: Untrue, we both can say which it is, you’re blatant
Lulu: completely brazen, in fact
Sekhmet: That is how I feel at the side of this road, yeah
Lulu: How many other cars have stopped? You’re definitely counting
Sekhmet: [a number that could be true but is also wild because we are that bitch]
Sekhmet: I wanna hitchhike so bad
Sekhmet: in Europe would be even better, only clues we’re getting are the doors being locked and exits being missed
Lulu: I haven’t booked anything but airport transfers, we still have to get everywhere else in [this euro destination]
Sekhmet: We have to
Sekhmet: I’ll take the brunt of it, if they’re really scary, I’ll make sure they go easier on you
Lulu: That’s beyond romantic
Lulu: there’s so much I need to do in cars though, especially when the guy I’m doing it to is trying to drive
Sekhmet: Sit up front in the first car that picks us up
Lulu: first in the queue of cars, sure
Sekhmet: Your work effort is SO impressive, baby
Sekhmet: how haven’t we filmed anything in a car yet, actually 🤯
Lulu: It’ll be impressive the lengths those others are willing to go to to chase the car we’re in, you’ll see
Lulu: Oh, you’re right, it’s devastating you haven’t let me make you lose total control of the 2 seater you bragged to me about having when we first talked
Lulu: after bringing it up and getting me all excited
Sekhmet: Especially if we get traffic stopped 🚨
Sekhmet: You haven’t seen it yet, it’s very braggable
Sekhmet: I always forget I’m going to wanna get drunk where I’m going, I never get to drive it
Sekhmet: but if you’re going to make me crash anyway, then fuck it
Lulu: I’m very fuckable but you took your time doing anything about it
Lulu: Or you could let me drive, baby’s 1st go, because nobody has cars in boarding school or london boroughs
Sekhmet: You mean Swiss mister didn’t have a shitty moped he let you have a go on? 🙄 How disappointing
Sekhmet: Depends
Sekhmet: If I’m allowed to distract you can have a go but I’m in no mood for a serious lesson
Lulu: It was his pride and joy and I was only a silly girl who couldn’t possibly get her pretty little head around the temperamental mechanics, despite one of us understanding complex physics problems and one of us being unable to operate a mic stand, duh
Lulu: Sounds fair, I was planning to distract you A LOT
Sekhmet: Meanwhile your hairdryer is more complex, and expensive, probably
Sekhmet: Boys are so funny, if tiresome
Sekhmet: It’s just too tempting, when your lap is right there
Sekhmet: Don’t blame creepy taxi drivers, it’s all I can think about too
Lulu: My hairdryer is way more expensive, and also wouldn’t dream of treating me bad after all the amazing, experimental times we’ve had together
Lulu: Temptation is constant, sorry in advance to the driver we have taking us away from here, my mind is full of things it shouldn’t be
Sekhmet: Share so I can agree or disagree
Lulu: About my hairdryer being a superior lover to my human ex or about my constant 😈 thoughts?
Sekhmet: Tell me every 😈 thought you have had and will ever have, I need to know
Lulu: okay, I swear I will, none held back
Sekhmet: What are we apologising to this driver for then
Lulu: Hopefully not an unscheduled trip to A&E when the handbrake ruptures something
Sekhmet: You’re going to look so fucking gorgeous using the car to fuck your holes, thank god for these bumpy country roads, you can stay perfectly still and let the drive do all the work
Lulu: That’s me, but don’t think you’re sitting around watching, I’ve still got an empty hole and you know it’s my favourite one 💋
Sekhmet: The way my legs are going to be spread across that windscreen so I can be in a position to fuck your mouth
Lulu: 🤤 doesn’t begin to cover it
Sekhmet: That’s the idea, if your entire face isn’t covered with spit and cum you’ve not tried hard enough and that’s not my baby
Lulu: I can’t spread you open as far as I want, or have enough of your fingers deep enough in my mouth, as another unfair example, it’s upsetting, like, I shouldn’t have to become a legit scientist and invent something, but fuck’s sake, I will
Sekhmet: You make me wish I had a dick so I could tear you up with it
Sekhmet: I think having both would be AMAZING 😍 can fuck and be fucked with no complications
Sekhmet: That said, I forgot, I did bring a toy for you to try today
Lulu: You do, you have so many, attached to each of the daddies you boss around to treat me right because you love me
Lulu: OH MY GOSH! A 🎁!
Sekhmet: It was for earlier but you weren’t behaving right and then I forgot because you were being the BEST again
Sekhmet: I mean, you’ll see, I don’t usually carry this kinda plaything around with me always 😅
Lulu: [What a good time for her to show up with this car absolutely buzzing]
Sekhmet: [The way you absolutely cannot get this out in front of this man because it’s one of those huge dildos that is marketed as like a ‘beast’ or a ‘dragon’ but it has a knot like a dog dick and is usually fucking huge so we’re just showing you what’s in our bag sneakily like don’t lose your shit babe 😈]
Lulu: [the absolutely DELIGHTED shock on her face because she and I don’t know things like that even exist, and she would just let out the BEST adorable happy gasp and mouth a really exaggerated WOW all while we alternate between staring at it v excited and making eye contact with the bae to express our joy and thanks]
Sekhmet: [They’re like the look what I can of the sex world, they also have ones were you put it in and then inflate the knot so it could be that one, very your energy, just dying in both sense at how adorably into it she is, lowkey got the giggles like what does this driver think is in here]
Lulu: [soz not soz we gotta tickle you to make you lol more because we’re a happy excited child rn]
Sekhmet: [just having a tickle fight like that’s totally normal when you get in a car don’t mind us sir, trying not to make it sexual but how well do you think that’ll work, babe]
Lulu: [it so won’t because she’s gonna kiss you for 1. sneaky tactics to win this fight but more importantly 2. We’re so in love, I’m actually sorry to this man]
Sekhmet: [Speaking of sneaky tactics we’re clearly pulling your tongue into our mouth with this kiss and biting it like try me, bitch]
Lulu: [pulling her hair in response, pretty hard, to deepen the kiss even more so and because we are dying]
Sekhmet: [Forcing her head to the side of we have her ear and can tell her how we’re going to take this thing out and fuck her right now, whilst sucking on and biting her ear lobe]
Lulu: [obviously cannot resist looking over at the bag it’s barely hiding in like PLEASE DO, but also biting her lip hard enough to draw blood because trying to be quiet and also we’re just like this tbh and then kissing her again so it’s all over her and she can taste it]
Sekhmet: [When you have to take a picture of your lips and then her face or you really will do it right now but obviously you can’t just keep this slight distance this would create and you’re immediately back to kissing her really sloppily to make as much mess as possible and also because we’re feeling that intense and desperate]
Lulu: [they are both wearing white school shirts rn from actually being there and sneaking in so of course she’s going to take her nipple in her mouth over the fabric and suck on it as slowly and sloppily as the kiss so it leaves so much blood on it]
Sekhmet: [saying her name for the first time, as we said we would many, many times so you’ve got to start now; I’ll say saying for now but we know that was a moan, and bringing her face back up to yours so you can return this bite because mirroring forever and we need more blood to play with]
Lulu: [Say her name too for the mirroring obvs and because we’re just feeling it, but then keep saying it in between all the kisses ever so she has to keep saying yours]
Sekhmet: [getting progressively louder because we feel it but also because we wanna see if/when this man will tell us to stop, in that vein, taking her hand and putting it under your skirt so she can feel the heat there]
Lulu: [we all know she’s gonna start fucking you with that hand for the exact same reasons, so sorry sir]
Sekhmet: [‘I want him to see’ like Lulu said he could and we’re answering her]
Lulu: [Literally what is this poor driver meant to do in this situation, there’s only so hardcore you can ignore things]
Sekhmet: [you either gotta kick ‘em out or just let it happen for the money/curiosity]
Lulu: [Gonna have to say he’s the latter purely because where even are you rn gals and I’m not actually gonna let you hitchike home]
Sekhmet: [I feel like a lot would, soz all men, I do mean some of you just for the paycheck but]
Lulu: [We’ve said it before, people put up with all sorts to avoid having to have the confrontation even though sometimes that’d be easier than the level of discomfort you’re left in by not having it, but anyways, sucking on her fingers because always and putting them back inside the bae bloody so that she has that inside her too because of course we would]
Sekhmet: [Mhmm, like this is truly rude but we’ve done it enough solo and with other people that we clearly know we’re getting mostly positive experiences/getting away with it and we don’t care enough so; the way we’re fully being as loud and as brazen as we would need to be after that because we’ve got his ‘permission’ in our head]
Lulu: [Likewise Lulu doesn’t care enough because if she gets away with it great and if she gets in trouble great because we’d love for someone to have to notice us fully wilding out and be bothered, so she’s likewise being as extra in every possible way]
Sekhmet: [Still not giving you the time to get this toy out because he’s going to see enough, stop it]
Lulu: [You don’t need it rn the feels are high enough and I’m going to heighten them even more by saying in the aftermath of that intense hook up we notice some of the bae’s hair we pulled out and tie a strand of it around our finger and you know which finger I mean, hun, but then also fully just pull some our own hair out, more than the single bit we just used because we’re crazy, and tie it around the chain or clasp of this locket for your soulmate idk however you can because the pic is of her and she needs something of us as well as the actual thing ‘my parents have had this locket since I was born,there used to be a picture of baby me inside and everything, with them…’ a pause as she remembers said pic ‘the minute I turned 18 they came at me with it, as if they were saying, happy birthday, you’ve stopped belonging to us. After you threw my party I changed the photo.’]
Sekhmet: [‘Did your mum used to wear it, before?’]
Lulu: [Just shaking our head cos I can’t imagine Chlo wearing both of these, I’m sure she took a pic of them for the gram and didn’t give them a second thought]
Sekhmet: [nods in a yeah, figured way and squeeze her hand ‘she kept them though’ like she could’ve fully thrown them away, silver linings lol]
Lulu: [Show her the pictures and general song and dance of your 18th like yeah this is clearly why because all the comments and stuff praising chlo for doing that like she’s the best mum and it’s the best gift idea ever]
Sekhmet: [‘dedication to the ‘gram’ in the shadiest way]
Lulu: [An equally shady eye roll like yeah I know ‘such a pity I can’t post there’ like maybe then you’d give a shit hun having to see my sex work on your feed]
Sekhmet: [‘really fuck with her comments’ you know it is only a matter of time before one of your parents’ messy friends sees something, fake name or otherwise babe]
Lulu: [Oh lord your parents suss friends should definitely come into play because how real and I definitely think some of them would have flirted with you before only to backtrack when you’re like
okay haha so pouting remembering that and telling her about it]
Sekhmet: [It happens like you see people’s own creepy fam finding it and being like I’ll tell everyone… we’re already under no illusion the fam doesn’t know personally but it isn’t as if anyone is going to bring it up, maybe your parents have to be like, be safe etc etc but no one can be like STOP BITCH! Just rolling our eyes now but in a bemused type of way ‘Yeah, people are alright being pervs in the privacy of their own internet search history, maybe the odd strip club, most aren’t going further’]
Lulu: [Can totally imagining Lulu then asking this driver what he’s into, sorry again sir, we know you won’t actually answer at least which will just make her pout harder]
Sekhmet: [I’m sure many of y’all pretend your English isn’t as good as it is to avoid these moments so pop off queen, we’re just squishing her face and pouting back like n’awh ‘Poor baby, everybody’s disappointing but me, you need to remember that’]
Lulu: [kicking his seat like the bratty child in a car stereotype lol]
Sekhmet: [lowkey smacking the exposed part of her thighs hard, like the man probably thinks you’re genuinely like bitch don’t do that but we know why]
Lulu: [lmao but we are gonna stop so you’re welcome sir, because she told us to and because there’s no way you aren’t genuinely exhausted when that’s how you started this convo and so much has happened since then, just sucking our thumb now instead]
Sekhmet: [tuck her up with whatever jacket you had]
Lulu: [snuggling of course]
Sekhmet: [probably fall asleep ‘til you’re back huns, it’s been a day for sure]
Lulu: [You’ve gotta so we can post this because otherwise it’ll end up too long as well]
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ch0colategurl-blog · 4 years
Valentines Day
I’ve never been truly a fan of Valentines Day. Not sure exactly why, I mean I’ve always attributed to the fact that it is a consumer holiday. Most notably the true history behind it is a quite morbid one. But we as humans have moved passed and adapted a new meaning behind the day; a representation of love. Its the “extraness” we all do to go above and beyond to show those who mean something to us. I really had such a negative way at looking at it for such a long time. But I’ve realized theres nothing wrong with the holiday. Whats wrong with a day celebrated to the dedication of love? In some way, its our way of bringing some positivity in this crazy world we live in. Show extra appreciation for those who are special to you. 
I wanna feel that feeling of being special to someone. Always in some shitty situation that isn’t the best for me. Reading my old blog posts reminded me of that. Even my current situation isn’t the greatest. He’s kind, has the makings to be a great man; just not what I want/need. I believe we’re doing each other a disservice by continuing this retched cycle. 
My birthday was a few days ago, he did well. Bought me a nice watch, some speakers, liquor and some sensi. Spent the evening and left. It was cool but you know I honestly just felt something missing to that equation. Enjoyed my bday but it was an interesting insight. Yesterday I did his hair and after he took out his wallet and said “I don’t celebrate Valentines Day but heres some money; buy something nice for yourself” at first i was like aw, thanks but as the thought began to settle in, I said “this is cool but its just so unthoughtful.” You know what, I just had a realization. This man doesn’t want me, I don’t want him either, but its the things he does to keep me around without actually making a commitment to me. I dont want that. Commit to me. I’ll commit to you.
If I keep him around I could potentially be blocking the possibility of actually meeting someone who wants to be with me. I can’t keep going through this cycle. I have to make a real decision here. Things can go really bad. I would hate to have an unfortunate mistake here. Theres better out there. Life has taught me that. Everytime when I thought there was no better level for me (secretly) life always showed me different. 
So all that to say, I want a Valentine. I don’t want to be lonely for Valentines Day. But to be clear, I am not rushing anything. I am happy single, I would just rather be happy in a relationship. There, I said it. I wanna be loved and give love. I wanna be shown love and I want to show love. I wanna be appreciated and showered with love, affection and gifts and I want to do the same. I’ve learned to be patient though. You get what you want in the end what you’re willing to work for. So I need to continue to work on me, be a better human and attract the man that I desire. I can’t wait to meet my twin flame. I’ve already met my soul mate in a friend. I’m blessed and willing to work on getting better.
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ssehuns · 7 years
holy hell my birthday is today too 🎂 🎂 may it be a happy one, dear!!
Woah omg happy birthday i can’t believe we’re bday twins!
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lgbtdeku · 7 years
@ the last anon my bday is also on the 24th!!! we’re all birthday buddies!!!
I can't believe i have twins in my asks,,,
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arianabutera · 7 years
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@selenamgomez​ [jenna voice] O HELL YEA BOI
i’m fr emotional bc i remember the first bday gifset i made for you and it was literally 3 months in advance in june and i can’t believe we’ve stayed this close all these years.. MY DEARLY BELOVED GRACE i am so grateful for that iconic and sophisticated smurf (and babi gag) for bringing us together i swear we really are the same bitch in two bodies i think my good sis cris had twins and sent me off to canada.. SUS
THE APPLE OF MY EYE I HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER POP BIG M’FING(mf’ing?) BOTTLES YOU BRING SO MUCH LIGHT TO MY LIFE I LOVE YOU BITCH I AINT EVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BITCH we’re gonna be bffs competing in hay day derbies 5EVA <3 P.S. i spent like 30 mins finding an it’s always sunny episode to use for the ninth gif and u can’t even tell it’s from that show.... rip P.S.S. there’s not a single comma or period in this caption is she okay (i’m she)
honourable mentions:
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An Afternoon on The Ice
Summary: Fiddleford invites the Stan twins to go ice skating with him 
Pairing: very mild fiddauthor, only a small crush. Also mild implied fiddlestan.
Characters: Fiddleford Mcgucket, The Stan twins, Grauntie Mabel
Warnings: None 
For my dear @memyselfandyoutube , I’m late for your bday and Christmas but I’m always happy to write Relativity Falls fluff.   
The lake had frozen over a few weeks before halting any business Tate Mcgucket would usually get in his little tackle shop. Without the extra income coming in from his shop, things became tighter around the Mcgucket house, the old furnace didn’t warm the house up like it should and there was no money to get anything extra to warm their home up for the winter.
Fiddleford ended up spending a large chunk of his time down at the Mystery Shack with his only friends to escape the cold that had settled around his home.
Madame Mystery or as she constantly reminded Fiddleford to call her, Grauntie Mabel, had taken notice to Fiddleford’s seemingly permeant residency in her establishment. That morning as she was turning over the open sign for the gift shop she found the half frozen little boy waiting patiently outside, just as she was about to ask why he didn’t knock she took notice of her first customer of the morning standing beside her newest grandnephew (as far as she was concerned anyway).  
Tyler Cutebiker was standing next to Fiddleford, talking his ear off. Both bundled up tight in the warm sweaters, mittens, hats and scarves Mabel had knit for them herself making her heart ache.  
She ushered them into the gift shop with a wave of her arm, chastising the boys for not knocking and staying outside in this weather waiting for the shop to open as if they were the normal suckers. She had insisted Dan take the week off so he didn’t end up breaking any of her Christmas ornaments she had the boys painting the last few nights (Fidds being the only one to enjoy the activity while her blood nibblings only groaned in annoyance), so it was quite the shock to see one of his friends here at all but a pleasant one.  
“I thought ya did all yer Christmas shopping during the summer,” Mabel said directed her smug grin at Tyler who was beginning to fidget under her direct gaze,” Did I wait up till midnight for ya to decide on a gift for nothing?”
His face began to full on flush at her playful ribbing as she began setting up the shop for the day, Fidds rushing to her side to assist the woman in her morning routines and flushing a deep crimson as she gently sat him down behind the counter and lovingly took off his snow-covered scarf and hat and wrapped him in a blanket she always kept under the cash register, just in case.
“I was thinkin’ of taking the kids skating down at the lake with Dan today,” Tyler began flushing as Mabel began unwinding his snow-covered scarf and offering him a warm handmade blanket as well, “I ran into Fidds down there this morning and he was quite the skater, but he was dead set on gettin’ the twins this morning before helping me teach Dan how to use his blades…”  
“You boys settle in then and warm up, I’ll get you some hot chocolate while I get the bums I call nephews out of bed already. Can you believe they were watching those phony ghost shows long after you left last night Fidds? I thought I would never get any sleep once they started squabbling about how legit they were and who should have the remote…”
Fidds smiled brightly at her exaggerated tale of the twins fighting as she prepared him and Tyler some warm hot chocolate with a bit too much whip cream and sprinkles on top that Tyler kept trying to deny her offer of, not wanting that much sugar in his system after the last three cavities he got from visiting the woman.  
She spun quite the tall tale as she tucked them both up with blankets in the warmer living room, pushing a protesting Tyler down in the recliner and a very willing Fidds into her comfortable rocking chair.  
It was very easy to capture the twins in his mind even with her off, mocking imitations of them both and over exaggerated details. She fussed with his hair for a minute longer and he sank into her touch, her warm hands gently caressing his cheeks as she gave him a warm kiss on the forehead. Her hand-crafted perfume smelling just like he expected every loving grandmother to smell like, fresh baked cookies and her smile and caring hands helping him create the lie he belonged her with her, in this family. Finally belonged somewhere, love and wanted, and maybe this wouldn’t end when the twins once more departed.  
Once she left the room, he just stared solemnly down at his coco, just letting it warm his fingers and tinkle his nose with its sweet smell.
He was snapped out of his rumination by the loud creek on the floor, he slowly lifted his head up to see Tyler on the other side of the room shooting his head up towards the stairway with a deer in the head lights look but let out a sigh of relief hearing Mabel loudly calling for the twins to get out of bed followed by their echoed grunts.
Tyler looked over at him and smiled, gesturing with his head for him to follow him. He maneuvered himself off the chair, clinging to his hot chocolate and tensing his shoulders up to keep the blanket in place. Keeping a close eye on the yarn basket next to the rocker trying not to accidentally disturb the half finished sweater hanging from the arm. He too glanced nervously up the stairs towards the Pines family cheerful banter as his foot hit the creaking board and almost considered just staying where the kind old woman had left him. His teeth scraped against his lip and his knee began to shiver as he kept his eyes upstairs but Tyler wasn't gonna take no for an answer. If he got caught in his mischief, might as well have someone cute by his side to make the punishment practically non existent. 
They tip toed back into the gift shop, a smug little grin half forming on Tyler's face as he walked past the register he usually perched against distracting an already antsy Dan and he went straight towards a locked cabinet with a large glittery sign reading "Madame Mabel's potions".
Fidds stopped where he was, heart pounding faster as he saw what his friend was doing. 
"Tyler..." he rasped out, once more looking behind him expecting the woman's disappointment in their behavior when she trusted them.  
Tyler paid his worry no mind as he pulled a set of keys from his pocket with the mystery shack’s symbol dangling from the key ring making Fidds eyes bulge a little. He winked at Fidds as he began shifting through the key set trying each of the numerous keys into the lock.
“Dan left them in my car the other night when I gave him a ride home, I don’t intend to steal nothing, I just want a sample of her love perfume.”
“Janice bought a small bottle from Mabel last summer and right before her first date with Greg, she sprayed a little bit on her and you’ve seen them, Fidds, they are the most in love people I have ever seen.”
Some of the anxiety began to melt looking at the starry-eyed gleam shimmering in his eyes cast down at him. His lips curved after a few seconds of silence and he added with a shrug, “Though I think she defiantly added too much. I don’t want Dan to be that clingy towards me…”
Fidds watched him curiously as he dug through the cabinet, taking slow sips of his coco.
Tyler's smug smile returned to his face as he pulled a beautiful heart shaped perfume vial from the cabinet. He pulled back his sleeve and sprayed a tiny amount onto his arm instantly filling the room with a sweet scent.  
"Just one kiss from your true love and you're bound forever but you know the spiel better than anyone right Fidds? I saw you eying her demonstration of the stuff last week as well."  
Fidds face flushed and he averted his eyes away from his friend. His knees began to quake faster feeling that smile boring into him.
“No need to feel shame little buddy, I see the way you look at Ford it don’t take a genius to figure out yer just as in love with him as I am with Dan. We’re both too fools in love.”
Fidds looked away turning redder by the second, fingers tightening around his cup hoping the quakes running course through his system wouldn’t leave a mess on Mabel’s floor.  He had been trying for the last few months the Stan twins had taken up residency with their aunt to hide his crush on his best friend but to his utter dismay his blushing and longing stares had not gone unnoticed by anyone. Still, though, he tried to deny it with a sheepish grin and a shake of his head, his fingers tightening further around the mug making him wince a little as the hot ceramic made his bare fingers tingle under the heat.
The action was in vain though, Tyler playfully snatched Fidd’s hand and the second the concoction was sprayed on his wrist, he ended up dropping his glass.  
This was the suspicious scene Stanly Pines entered this story on.
“What are you knuckleheads doin down here?” he scowled at them shaking his head, “You are in for it big time when Grauntie…”
He paused, a smirk creeping past his scowl looking at the bottle Tyler was now desperately trying to keep out of his line of sight.
“What’s ya got there, pal?” Fidds began squirming as that slimy, unnerving grin went from Tyler before landing on Fidds hand being tucked behind his back and the quivers rolling through his body.  
Stan shot forward before Fidds had time to react grabbing him by his and yanking it forward for him to inspect further. His smile kept growing and a few chuckles slipped out as he took a whiff of the aroma there. He pulled away, a grimace settling over his smile and his fingers pinching his nose.
“EUGH!” he exclaimed swiping at the air, “That’s Mabel’s disgusting love potion made with all her girliest perfumes!”  
“I know that smell anywhere! I can’t believe you willingly put it on yourself!”
Tyler slapped his hand over Stan’s mouth, eyes shooting back and forth looking for signs of Mabel coming down stairs. Upstairs she was having a loud argument with Ford on the benefits of bathing but he was arguing he didn’t need to do that since he bathed a few days ago and wasn’t that dirty.
“Stanly, you can not tell yer aunt we stole some of her potions. I heard rumor the last person she stole from…went missing.”
Fidds became stiff, he may not believe Mabel would harm anyone but he couldn’t bear to live in a world where she never wanted to talk to him again and the Pines weren’t part of his life.
“And what’s ta stop me from telling her?” he said that smug grin coming back as he snatched the bottle from Tyler while he was staring at him in his panic.
“Please Stanly!” Fidds began looking uptowards Mabel and Ford arguing upstairs in his panic, “I’ll do whatever ya want, don’t tell yer aunt we was playing with her merchandise!”
Stan rested his thumb under his chin and made a loud humming noise, “I suppose, I could let this one slide, if I get a favor out of both of ya at any time I need something.”
They both took hard side glances at each other, knowing this wasn’t a good thing but ultimately nodded their heads solemnly. Being indebted to Stan was a million times better then breaking Mabel’s heart.
Stan shut up the perfume and locked it up safe and sound by the time Mabel appeared down stairs, her annoyance turning to concern seeing the broken glass Fidds was trying to clean up himself while Tyler stood nervously fidgeting by him and Stan sat whistling on the register absently smacking a bobble head.
She gently took the glass shards from out of Fidds little hands and smiled at him.
“It’s ok babe, don’t worry about this mess it was an accident.”
A tear slowly slipped out at that point. Mabel was so nice to him and he had just broke her belongings and stolen something that cost quite the pretty penny from her gift shop. She paused in cleaning up the mess he had made and pulled him into a hug kissing his head.
“It’s ok, sugar bean,” she whispered rubbing his back, “I ain’t mad about a little mess like this.”
She placed another kiss on his cheek and whispered, “Go get cleaned up now and we’ll leave when you get back.”
Disappearing down the hall to the Employee wash room he heard her hissing at Stan for upsetting him like that and a small argument ensuing. He felt a thick layer of guilt wash over him at that point shutting the bathroom door shut.
Mabel grabbed his hand as they left the shack and the action grounded Fidds, making a small smile grace his lips as she pushed him in the back seat next to Ford. Ford had been pouting since Mabel had made him bathe but Fidds didn’t mind he leaned closer to his friend as Stan pressed himself in the car. He smelled much better then he usually did.
Fiddleford’s waning luck ran out very quickly.
The car ride had gone smoothly but arriving on the lake had not gone as smoothly.  
For one, Ford wanted to go explore around the edges around the lake and wouldn’t listen to their begs for him to hang out with them skating on the ice, his nose stuck in a book as he left them too soon.
Fidds would have gladly gone with him and even began to but Stan grabbed him firmly by the scuff of his jacket making a not so subtle reminder that he knew he had stolen from Mabel. He glanced over towards Mabel talking away to his dad who didn’t seem to be paying her any attention and nodded solemly. He never wanted to lose this family, so being away from Ford for a day shouldn’t be that bad. He wouldn’t be that far from view he reasoned seeing Ford plop down in the snow and begin sketching something in his home-made journal and popping the mysterious author’s journal open next to him.
Fidds had been skating every winter since he had moved out to live with his father when he was six and had it to an art. Stan, however, took to the ice like a babe taking their first steps. Clumsy, no poise or grace and maybe a tab bit violently taking hold of Fidds and having him go down with him each time.
He took him down for the third time this afternoon, making him land on his butt and grunt loudly at the bruises he was sure to have in the morning because of Stan’s rough mannerisms.
Thistle Down, was quite the impressive skater though. Jumping through the air with grace and poise even someone who had been doing it for over five years like Fidds would envy. He did a figure eight around where they sat on the ground. Fidds watching in awe, a flush on his face not caused by the cold and Stan staring with a sneer.
“Come on, Stan my man! It isn’t so hard if ya just try a little!” Thistle said with a smug smile skating back over to a cheering group of girls, Carla among them to Stan’s anger.
Fidds glanced over to meet Carla’s glare of disapproval of her friend showing off like that to set off Stan but Stan didn’t notice it as he grabbed Fidds roughly and pulled him down to his level.
“Come on, yer gonna pay me back for keepin’ yer secret by teaching me how to skate away from these losers.”
Fidds had no real way to object so he let Stan lead him away from their friends, Ford disappearing from his line of sight the farther they went making him sigh sadly.
Fidds was nervous as he helped Stan skate to the far side of the lake, far away from their friends cheering on Thistle, far away from Ford doing his own expedition making his debt to Stan moot and more importantly far enough away where his dad wouldn’t hear them yell if they ran into trouble. His knees were shaking so bad Stan had to help keep them both from toppling over putting most of the weight on his wobbly legs.
“This should be far enough,” Stan declared grabbing tightly onto Fidds who nearly fell down once more this afternoon and glared at Stan.
“Why did we have to go out so far? We could have practiced where we were at,” he groused with an eye roll, he was already tired having to drag his much larger friend all the way across the lake as he had done.
“I don’t want Carla seeing me fall on me ass, that’s why,” he spat once more dragging Fidds down with him so they could both sit on the icy surface for rest.
“I think she saw that enough while ya dragged us both out here,” Fidds grumbled ignoring the murderous look in his friend’s eyes to look back from where they came, their friends mere outlines now. Ford was all the way back there too, it felt like it was a waste of time for Tyler to have given him a sample of the love potion now, not like he would get a chance to really use it.
“I want to come back over there more skilled then that jerk and yer gonna help me!”
Fidds shook his head, he couldn’t believe he thought he could learn a skill like this in a single afternoon.
He tried to point this simple fact out but Stan refused to listen, thinking he would learn enough, sweep Carla off her feet with his new moves and leave Thistle crying when he was done with him (his description, not Fiddleford’s).
Fidds shook his head and accepted Stan wasn’t going to listen, the sooner he grew bored, the sooner they could return to the others and maybe enjoy the afternoon.
To Fidds surprise, it actually wasn’t terrible being out alone with Stan like this.  
It was rather, dare he say it, fun. Stan was his rough abrasive self as usual, but Fidds rather liked his determination to see through his ridiculous goal. Under all the snark, he was willing to learn, taking Fidds’s hand and even being gentle with him as he began to calm down.
Fidds was smiling brightly when Stan finally learned to balance on his own (giving his own abused back a break) and it only grew as Stan began to skate around him (albeit on shaky legs but without his assistance none the less).  
“Hey, hey Fidds,” Stan called that bolt of enthusiasm passing right from him and shocking Fidds as well as he shakily balanced on one leg, arms awkwardly spread keeping his balance, “I’m finally gettin’ it!”
Stan, unsurprisingly tripped over his own feet soon after but Fidds very happily went to help him get up.
“Hey, Fidds, what’s that over there?”
Fidds tilted his head to see what Stan was referring to but saw nothing, when he said he didn’t see it, Stan rolled his eyes and grabbed him pulling him down completely beside him. Fidds’s butt smacked hard against the ice yet again making the boy scowl towards his friend but Stan didn’t give him time to say a snide remark as he grabbed his head and turned it roughly, pointing his finger out towards whatever he had seen.
Fidds squinted, near sighted as he was he almost missed it completely but as he slid his glasses up from the bridge of his nose where they had fallen back into place, he let out a gasp. Stan let out loud, gruff laugh at his reaction, slapping him on the back and calling him blind before hauling him up with him ‘to go get a betta look’.
Fidds would have been just fine staying where he was but his arguments were caught in his throat and nothing came out but stuttering half made protests.
So along with Stan he went to brave the unknown, the unknown in this case being what appeared to be a large tooth sunk into the lake. As if some creature lost it when trying to eat its last prey on this very lake…
Fidds for once in this afternoon didn’t mind holding onto to his friend as they made their way closer to the protruding tooth.
Fidds held his ground, skidding to a halt before they could arrive in front of the foreign object causing Stan to trip over himself once more bringing Fidds down with him. Luckily for Fidds (and not so lucky for Stan) the fall down wasn’t bruising this time as he landed on top of soft Stan, who growled loudly in annoyance.
He shoved Fidds off him in a huff as he clamored up on to his feet and yanked Fidds up with him who was scowling and content on staying where he was on the ground then going another step farther towards that thing in the ice.
Stan loosened his hold when they rose and shrugged giving a sympathetic side glance to the panic in Fidds eyes, silently telling him to stay behind if he wanted but he was going to take a closer look.
Fidds watched him slide his way across the ice, catching himself from falling on the protruding tooth before throwing a sly smile behind him towards Fidds and letting loose a loud amused whistle that made Fidds’s knee begin to shake and him to lose his balance a little on the ice.
“Grow a pair, Fidds,” Stan grunted touching the tooth, “It’s a tooth.”
“But where did it come from?” Fidds whispered laying his own shaking palm on the tooth, “I don’t like this Stan, we should go back.”
“A dinosaur,” Stan said with a shrug, Fidds highly doubted that running his fingers across the large bicuspid, it appeared to be human. That thought made a shudder run down his spine, something not only dangerous but smart. They would be doomed it returned for its tooth.  
Before Fidds could remark to that, the tooth shifted making them both fall backwards, Fidds landing hard and with a loud yelp.
Another clash hit the ice sending the two flying in the opposite direction. Stan holding tight onto Fidds. Fidds was in full panic, not quite thinking as he tried to scramble away from Stan’s firm grip on him as the monster hit against the ice again.  
The tooth bobbing down making icy cold water splash hard against the two making them cuddle closer together.
Something happened that Fidds wouldn’t be forgetting soon that would be on his mind for the next couple of nights once his panic over this event eased up.
His lips hit against Stan’s, brushing against them and Stan didn’t pull away. He let them kiss, it was odd and rough and not the kiss Fidds had wanted today so he pulled away the second he could.
He turned his head away from Stan who almost looked disappointed but the moment was gone for now.
Their focus instead was on the tooth that suck under the ice and was pulled away by whatever was under there leaving a large hole where the tooth once was.
Without wasting anymore time, they were both up and hurrying back to where they came from.
If Fidds was less panicked about the monster that had just nearly made them his lunch, maybe Fidds would have been more nervous about how tight Stan clasped his hand.
As of now, it was more comforting and felt like the only thing keeping his mind focused and not a blur of panicked, wild thoughts of what may have happened.
Fidds was yelling as he made his way back to the other side of the lake Stan at his heels slipping across the lake since he had tossed his skates somewhere to make it across faster.
His pa was the first to grab him, pulling him off the ice.
“Fiddleford Hadron McGucket,” he said sternly, “What in the world has gotten into you boy? And why are ya soaking wet!”
“There…there…” he gasped out teeth clattering too hard for him to really get the words out right, “Was something under there!”
“Under where?” Tate said setting him down and looking him over sternly.
“The Lake!!” Stan screeched flailing his arms around, “We found its tooth….!!!”
“It’s tooth?!” Ford cried out pushing his way into the front of the crowd forming of their friends.
“It was giant!” Fidds squeaked out making his dad give him a stern glare shutting him up instantly.  
Tate McGucket wasn’t a patient man by any stretch and he certainly wasn’t the type to hear out anything he considered ‘nonsense’ or ‘abnormal’ anything that couldn’t easily be explained.
He had enough the second his son came screaming, both he and his friend soaked to the bone in this weather after getting into something they shouldn’t have been into. He was ready to hand out punishment when his son began spinning wild tales a mile a minute about something that wasn’t real to get out of the wrong doing he and his friend had gotten into.
He took his son firmly by the shoulders and shook him instantly silencing his stammered out, incomprehensible wild story.
His look alone told his son he was in trouble but instead of letting it lie, his son continued to dig his own grave.
“Pa…please…pa…ya gotta believe me! There is somethin’ underneath the lake and it almost got me and Stan! We gotta do somethin’….!”
“We aren’t doin’ anything Fiddleford!” Tate hissed shaking him a little harder, “I don’t know what I have to tell you to get you to see, these things aren’t real. They are in yer head boy. You are doing nothing but making yourself sound like a mad man and I will not hear another word of this. March to the house and get yerself into something dry, we’ll discuss this later.”
“But Pa---“
Fidds was running towards the house at that, his friends looking towards him with sympathy but none wanting to cross Tate McGucket in this mood.
None but Mabel Pines who never backed down from a challenge.
She firmly told her boys to go check on Fiddleford and chased the rest of the crowd away with a glare as she lead Tate into his office for a talk.
Stan tried to stay and listen but Mabel wouldn’t let him hear a word shooing him off to check on his friend. The only thing he heard was Mabel firmly telling Tate she was taking his son for the evening.
Fidds shut the bathroom door tightly behind him, letting out a shaky sob, his teeth still clattering hard as tears just began to fall ungracefully from his eyes.  
He heard the Stan twins hushed whispers about how to handle this situation outside the door way but didn’t respond to them. He didn’t know what to say, their arguing outside in the hallway was just making him feel worse. He brought this out in them. Everything was going ok but he made this situation the way it was by panicking like he always did. By being a coward. They could have had a fun afternoon together, surrounded by their friends that ended well, if he wasn’t always so scared to speak up.
“Stanly, you are an idiot!” he heard Ford hiss to his brother, “Why did you pick a fight with his dad like that!! You know how he is!!”
“At least I am a good enough friend to say something, at all!”
Fidds sank on the floor, holding his hands tight over his ears, grasping at some of the loose hair around his ears. His breathing began to quicken as he heard Ford throw the first punch at his brother and Stan’s cut off swear word.
He felt lost in his own sea of bad thoughts, each harsher with criticism of him then the last. His dad was right, he was crazy. There was something very wrong with him and he just drug everyone around him down with him. Stan could have died because he didn’t protest. Ford was hurt now because he was too cowardly to open the door and tell them to stop fighting.  
His mind started to slow down as he heard Mabel enter the room and command her great nephews go wait for her in the car which there were no objections to.
She wasted no time in wrapping her arms around the young boy and kissing him on the head, assuring him it was gonna be ok. She was here.
The very idea he wasn’t alone was all the comfort he needed he found melting into her strong arms.
That night he went home with the Pines and felt warmer then he had in years. After a large dinner with seconds and a heated game of Don’t Wake Stalin (that Stan kept cheating at),
Mabel tucked another blanket around the sleeping boys and then bent down to give Fidds a gentle kiss, running her fingers through his hair coaxing him to go to sleep.
She then whispered, “And remember, sweat pea, if you want free samples in the future just ask.”
Before kissing his now red ears and pulling another blanket around him as well, giving him another kiss on the forehead that she knew he lacked in his life before rising up and turning up the heater before disappearing from the room.
Fidds clung to the edges of the blanket, a smile growing across his face as he fell fast asleep feeling like he belonged somewhere for the first time in his life.
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perfectdagger · 7 years
Okay here we go 3, 13, 15, 17, 46
Sorry it took us forever to answer this, anon! But here we go:
3. name three favorite writers
Steph: I was just going through the fics I’ve read the other day and I realized that the authors I have actually read more works from were: green_feelings @greenfeelings, stylinsoncity @alienproof and cherrystreet @cherrystreet, and I really like their stories very much (I cry thinking about Empty Skies, To the Ends of the Earth and 7 Up), so there we go. (AND ALRIGHT, YES, YOU ARE MY FAVE SYN, EVEN THO YOU HAVEN’T WRITTEN  MY BDAY FIC YET)
Syn: unbelievable you didn’t answer it was me steph go away and think about your life choices but know you’re mine either way  it will be a cold dead day in hell before i put anyone besides my absolute GODDESSES so i know this shit should be about larry but listen…….. Lightning on the Wave literally molded me as a person and if you like drarry you should YOU SHOULD read her work. it’s literally been 8 years and i’m still not over this Arc. also if you’re a slytherin? you should do it because of the sheer sly pride it oozes. lucius/narcisa is the GODDAMN BEST THING like they fight while they dance tango? honestly please do yourself a favor and read this i beg you. also harry is slytherin and has a twin but don’t get freaked out because of it i swear the connor thing is actually very interesting. anyway, then I have the love of my life Annie_D (scaramouche) because i’m still destiel trash  AS FUCK even if i don’t even watch spn anymore. about larry now……….. the first fic i ever read and that is still to this day one of my fav ones is Gods and Monsters by @mizzwilde and tbh i love y&b but i can’t belieb people sleep on gods and monsters so much HONESTLY PEOPLE (steph: YAS GODS AND MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!)
13. hardest character to write
Steph: I don’t know, I’m more used to writing only Harry and Louis and they are always somehow similar in my fics, I guess. But it’s been a little roller coaster of feelings to write them in IYEWBIL hahaha (syn: little roller coaster? YOU’VE CRIED TWICE ALREADY that’s an euphemism if i ever heard any)
Syn : i was talking about this with steph and tbh i struggle a bit with harry? i love his quirkiness and shit but i guess i kinda understand where louis comes from more
15. hardest verse to write
Steph: (I’m assuming this is verse as in a part of the fic and not verse as in universe, ‘cause then it would be ABO LOL) I don’t wanna say it was hard, because it flowed naturally, but the break up scene in ELTHDIM was very heavy. Also, Marcel appearing at Louis’ again after 2 years in the interludio: I cried writing that. Not that it was hard, but it was very sentimental. (if we’re talking about having a hard time writing anything, then I did have a hard time with writing my fic for the Potter Direction Exchange, but that’s a whole other thing). But I guess, the hardest thing for me to write is yet to come, so I’m bracing myself and people who are reading IYEWBIL should too lol
Syn: (but when have you ever written abo steph? (: (steph: i wouldn’t know ehehehehe)) fighting scenes are A BITCH and i don’t mean verbal fighting because i ace at those, i mean actual fighting punching and shit. don’t ask where this is coming from tho
17. favorite AU to write 
Steph: So far I’ve written: a single parents au, a coffeeshop au, a fake relationship au and two hogwarts aus (Mistletoes & Wrackspurts Series and the one for the Potter Direction Exchange) and I think it’s because M&W has been the longest one, I’m having more fun writing it. But also the fake relationship au was great to write hahaha
Syn: HARRY POTTER AU HANDS DOWN because i live and breath hp and muggle!louis/wizard!harry is the best of both worlds HOW CAN I NOT DIG THAT but now i discovered a new love in writing my catwoman!au so i guess y’all should ask about those fighting scenes i guess
(steph: i hope you’re all ready for this catwoman!au, that’s all i’m gonna say)
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
Steph: I don’t think I have any story written that I haven’t published? Syn has tons lol I’ll leave this one to her.
Syn: don’t expose me like that steph but yeah i do my draft has right now about 5 works in progress HAHA and yes one of those if your gift u cry baby
ok so er under the cut is a piece of my god-knows-when-will-come-but-i’m-currently-on-chapter-3-of-who-the-fuck-knows-how-many catwoman au in which yes harry styles is catwoman y’all know why exactly
also if there’s any dc fan out there please hmu cuz i’d love to have some help haha
Louis heard a small click, their earpiece connection turning off. He rolled his shoulders inside his uniform, suddenly wary of the silence echoing inside the empty store. Normally the black (and dark blue) of his Nightwing costume worked as a camouflage in his environment, much like Batman’s did as well, but he felt exposed inside the lighten up vault as he looked for anything that could help catch the bastard behind the 3 X’s. He took his time, checking the floor, the empty cabinets, the empty shelves, anything and everything. Still, nothing. So he went back to the door, analyzing the scratches there (he still couldn’t believe it, fucking scratches) with his gloved hand caressing them softly.
“Glad to see you admire my work.”
Louis quickly threw a batarang to where the deep, drawled out voice came from, taking his sticks out when he saw the silhouette had dodged his attack. He’d heard no one come in, where did the fucker come from? Fucker was silent, silent like…
He saw a movement come from his side as he exited the vault, blocking the punch with his forearm, getting kneeled in the stomach a second after, too surprised he was by the fast attack. He gasped and stepped backwards, raising his sticks to avoid being clawed - what the fuck, his brain registered in confusion - at, blocking every time, left, right, left, right, right, left, both, the clank of the claws against his shatterproof sticks echoing in the empty store. He was glad his mask had nightvision, otherwise he’d be even more susceptible to the attacks, his reflexes matching them and being able to hold his own in the darkened store, the streetlights weak, reflecting on the empty jewelry display around them, not enough to show much of the person trying to rip his face in two. Speaking of which, Louis concentrated, paying attention to the silhouette in front of him, narrowing his eyes to identify what-
His mistake. Between a block from his hand and another, Louis felt a kick in his stomach, strong enough to push him back into one of the glass tables that held jewelry before, the sound of shattering glass hiding his groan of pain. Fuck, that’d hurt. He blinked, a grimace from pain in his face as he tried to get himself up and look at what he was sure looked like-
A slick noise and then he was on the floor, pieces of glass dragging beneath him as he was pulled by his feet towards his attacker, who was suddenly looking down at him from above, faces inches apart, a smirk in place and black mask covering half of his face.
Satisfied, he smiled bigger, maliciously, leaning down to lick Louis’ cheek. Louis turned his head in disgust, enough to recognize it was a long whip Catwoman secured in her hand and had used to lock his feet and drag him forward.
“Meow.” She whispered in his ear that was just in front of Catwoman’s face as he turned it more to the side. Louis used the distraction her smugness must be to punch her to the side, taking her out of top. She scuffled sideways, gracefully going back to her feet while Louis took the whip from out of his feet.
Then he took a moment to realize what was in front of him.
“You’re a man.”
“My, my, Nightwing, shouldn’t an agent of law and good know better than to designate gender to his comrades?” Catwoman teased, his (her?) voice deep, a small pout forming in his lips.
“You’re not a comrade.” Louis answered irritated, fucking pissed the fucker was teasing him after everything he’d put him through the last months.
Also, he’d licked him. Who even does that.
“No, I’m not.” Catwoman moved his hips slowly, as if he was preparing himself for an attack, as if he was having fun. “I am, however, a man.”
Louis hummed, twirling his sticks in his hands, watching every move the man made in front of him, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Should I be calling you Catman, then? Instead of Catwoman?”
He scoffed, as if the notion was ridiculous. “Of course not. Catwoman is a title that was so gracefully bestowed upon me, why would I change it? Besides,” he stopped his moving, standing still - too still - in the middle of the floor. “I like how you say it.”
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