#(virgil will NEVER live this down... pffft)
Just some silliness from me about the Gymrat!AU:
Someone: So. How did you first meet?
Remus, jubilant: He punched me square in the parachoques! 10/10, would recommend!
Virgil, mortified: On ACCIDENT.
Roman, pouting: They spilled a flippin’ frappuccino on me! It was a nice jacket, too...
Janus, mumbling: That was... totally not on purpose.
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Sanders Sides Secret Santa gift #2!!
This is my second piece for this exchange!! My recipient was @lovelivingmydreams
I really enjoyed this prompt! I hope you enjoy ^^
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You'd never peg Virgil for the type to start small games, would you? Most wouldn't. Roman knew his boyfriend better though. 
Virgil and Roman had started dating about 4 months ago, when Roman had (figuratively) poured his heart out to Virgil in a moment of tired stupidity. Luckily for them, they're both tired and stupid.
After a kiss, and another, and wherever that led, they made it official. However, they knew how Thomas' fans were, along with a few of the other sides themselves, and Virgil had his doubts about making it public. After a bit of thinking (staring into a coffee mug and murmuring to himself while Roman sipped his tea) he had the perfect plan.
Well, perfect is a slight overstatement.
They decided they'd keep it secret, technically. They just didn't outwardly say it, but they slipped small hints. Virgil leaning his head on Roman's head to see what he was drawing. Roman placing his arm on the emo nightmare's shoulder and said nightmare not objecting, for once. Holding hands beneath the dinner table. You know, all that romantic jazz. As much as Virgil claimed to hate it, he really liked it when it came from his knight in a onesie. 
So now it was a game to see who would figure it out first. They were taking bets, actually. Roman betted on Logan or Remus. Logan because he was observant as fuck, and Remus because somehow his annoying twin always managed to figure this sort of thing out, despite his, as Roman said, "brain smaller than the pea under the princess's mattress!"
Virgil had instantly shot that down, placing his bet on Patton and Janus. Logan had no clue when it came to romance, and Remus was more... lust. Patton tended to be more in-tune with feelings like that, and Janus obviously just knew when someone was lying. Maybe Janus had an unfair advantage. 
Either way, they went about their daily lives. Nobody caught on for quite a bit, actually. 
It was one movie night in Roman's room when Patton first saw them properly close. Virgil with his head leaning on Roman's, who had his on Virgil's chest. 
"Hey kiddos! Just wanted to- oh!" He stopped as he walked in. Virgil instantly looked around at Patton, then back at his chest, then at Patton again. He raised a finger to his lips.
"Shhhhhh! The idiot fell asleep. He'll be cranky if I wake him up now. We're fine, ok?" Virgil told him in what wasn't higher than a whisper. Patton nodded.
"Mhm! Sorry." He said, waving as he walked out.
Virgil sighed, before chuckling softly. He leaned down, placing a soft kiss to the top of Roman's head.
"And so it begins." 
Logan was next, surprisingly. He'd only noticed when one day, at breakfast, Roman passed Virgil his coffee, their hands lingering for a moment longer than the standard amount. They sat down with their shoulders nearly touching. 
He watched them for a bit, analysing them behind his glasses. Roman caught his eye first, looking up from his food and raising an eyebrow.
"Whatcha staring at, nerd?" He asked. Logan cleared his throat.
"Ah, nothing. My apologies, it's just... you seem awfully close, both physically speaking and relationship wise. Has something changed?" He asked. Roman scoffed. Virgil seemed pretty zoned out.
"Me and emo nightmare? Nah, not a chance in Olympus. Keep theorising though, pocket protector. It's funny!" He said with a grin as he proceeds to nearly choke on his cereal. Logan sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. Virgil was trying his hardest not to laugh.
Somehow, Remus came next. To Janus' credit, he was often in his rooms plotting something or other. Or, that's how Virgil described it. But either way, all of the sides (bar Logan and Janus) were watching a movie. Nightmare Before Christmas; a classic. Roman had taken his position on the armchair, with Virgil laying across the couch onto Roman with his head in his lap. Patton sat on the couch with what was probably hot chocolate, and Remus lay on the floor, shirt discarded earlier in the night. 
At one point, Remus clearly lost focus in the movie, looking up at Roman and Virgil's position (which could NOT have been comfortable for Virgil; he was leaning across two couch arms and onto someone's legs). He let out a loud snicker, not trying to silence himself. Virgil looked down.
"Something funny?"
"Yeah, you two dorks. Hah, dorks."
"Shut up. What's funny about us then?" He asked. Roman was still watching the movie, but he listened to the others talk. 
"You look like you're tryna fuckin' break your back, and Roman over there would've tossed you off of him like a corpse this time last year. Something happen? Hm, hm??" He asked with a grin. Patton looked over in curiosity, but lost interest just as fast.
Roman chimed in now.
"Don't get any dirty ideas, brother! No, I'm simply being decent and letting Mr Gloom here sit where he wants. Is that so bad?"
"Sit is a very far stretch! He looks like he has no bones! Which I am not opposed to, by the way."
Virgil scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"You would like that, wouldn't you gremlin?"
Roman threw a handful of popcorn at Remus, which quickly shut him up. Not because he was defeated, just because he wanted to see how that whole thing played out.
As the movie continued, Roman let his hand on Virgil's stomach, where one of the latter's hands rested. In the dark room, they let their fingers intertwine.
Obviously, they'd have to find out at some point. It was a given, all games have to end someday. It was dinner in the mind palace, and a pleasant one at that. All the sides decides to eat together since Thomas was in a good mood (he was eating with Nico today!) and nobody was complaining. Despite how much they claim to hate each other, they really are friends.
Well, friends is an understatement for some. 
Roman and Virgil were called to dinner, making them leave their blanket cocoon they'd built around themselves. Virgil groaned.
"I don't wanna move yet." He said with a pout. This just made Roman laugh.
"Well, we're eating with the others today, soo..." He snickered. "Oh no, the dreaded social interaction!"
Virgil just shot him a glare as Roman laughed. Once he'd had his moment, Roman stood up and shook off his blankets. He looked down at Virgil before smirking.
"...I don't like that look."
"Pffft- stay still, emo!"
"Wha-? hEY-!"
Virgil let out a yell as Roman swept him off the bed and onto his feet, spinning him around before he fully touched the ground. Despite his first protest, Virgil laughed as Roman spun him. They both laughed as the purple boy stopped, world spinning for him.
"Ready now, hot topic?"
"Sure, sure. Let's go, disneyworld."
As they turned to the door, they stopped. 
Four familiar faces stood at the door, all with their own variants of grins. Patton seemed excited, Logan was taking down some notes witb a smirk, And Remus and Janus were both grinning.
"I told you, Dee!! They're so fucking gay!" Remus exclaimed, making Janus laugh, along with Logan.
Roman felt the blush coating his cheeks as he facepalmed. He expected Virgil to be freaking out, and he was prepared to help, but as he looked at Virgil, all he saw was... was him laughing. Virgil laughed along with them, grabbing Roman's arm.
"Well, game's busted, Princey." He said. Roman laughed this time.
"I suppose you're right. Hey, who walked in first?"
"Ah, that would be Janus." Logan said, still not looking up at them. Virgil punched the air.
"I win! You owe me now."
"Hahahahah! Fine, fine. What do I owe?"
"You know."
Roman laughed. Without much hesitation, the pair leaned in, almost in sync. Their lips met in a kiss, confirming the theory Logan had been wondering about. 
"Haha! Gay!!"
Without parting, Virgil perfectly flipped off Remus in exactly his direction. 
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whyiask · 4 years
Just a Stupid Dare (ch.7)
Masterpost Ao3 Link tws: uh- i don’t really think there are any? u!dark sides, lmk if there are any others notes:  alright, I expected this to be some epic spy heist stuff, but no. I guess this is what happened. Because I think realistically, Roman doesn't have very much experience with defenestration and probably isn't going to be doing extreme parkour. so just. yeah. sorry bout that. also it’s lowkey short and with another slight cliffhanger so take my deepest apologies.
Virgil swung the door open to reveal Janus’s scowling face.
“What took you so long?” he demanded shoving his way inside.
“Sorry,” Virgil said, almost automatically. “I had to take care of some stuff.”
Janus raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it. He strolled into the living room and stretched out over Virgil’s couch, hands behind his head.
“So how are you doing today?” Janus asked.
Virgil forced a smile. “Great, I’m doing great.”
A long scratching sound echoed down the stairs. Virgil heard it before it even started and frantically raised his voice.
“Of course, you’re the first person I’ve seen today, so obviously I’m doing excellently,” he nearly screamed, drowning out the sounds from upstairs and internally cursing Roman for being so loud.
Janus studied him with half closed eyes. “Why are you being so weird?”
“Me? Weird? Pffft-” Virgil waved a hand down in dismissal. “What do you mean I’m acting weird? This is how I always act!”
A small thud resounded from upstairs. Virgil swiped a pair of scissors from the side table and dropped them to the ground.
“Oh whoops- sorry!” He said hurriedly. Janus had shot up and started walking towards the staircase, but turned back at Virgil’s words.
“Ah, silly me,” he said, picking up the scissors and waving them around. “I’m so clumsy.”
Janus’s face was of pure confusion as he looked from Virgil to the scissors in his hand. Then, in a completely monotone voice, he uttered a single “what”.
Roman was doing great, truly. He tugged at the window fruitlessly again, trying to stay quiet enough to avoid suspicion. He heard Virgil open the door and Janus’s voice carried through the whole house. Janus had a voice like that- a commanding presence wherever he went. It was unnerving.
Cursing in a whisper, Roman heaved upwards with all his strength, pushing his shoulder into the glass. With a mighty groan and an furious screech, the window slid open and Roman almost toppled out at the sudden lack of pressure.
He took a deep breath and calmed himself. Now was not the time for second thoughts. He checked that his shoes were tied and his possessions were secure, before pulling himself out onto the window ledge. The roof was a few feet and up and to the left of Virgil’s bedroom window. Roman stood up shakily, keeping his feet planted and a tight grip on the windowsill.
No time for second thoughts.
Roman pushed off of the window ledge, both hands extended towards the roof. He was going to make it- obviously- it wasn’t like he was going to fall. They had planned this route carefully, for optimal safety. Yet still, there was a moment- a heart dropping moment- when he wasn’t holding onto anything. His feet were in the air and he wasn’t hanging on by anything, and it was terrifying.
His fingers closed around the edge of the roof and he swung his legs up immediately, scrambling onto the roof and calming his racing heartbeat.
Step 1: complete. All he needed now was Virgil to buy him a little more time.
Virgil floundered for words for about a minute, trying to speak loudly enough that it masked any rustling sounds from his room, before Janus cut him off with an irritated wave of his hand.
“I don’t-” he tried again.
“Don’t lie to me, Virgil,” Janus said coldly. Virgil felt a chill run down his back. He had nearly forgotten how awful Janus’s anger was when it was directed at you.
He swallowed down his nerves. Janus was his friend! Nothing bad could happen, right?
“What was that noise?” Janus spoke softly, dangerously.
“I-” Virgil gestured aimlessly. “It was the scissors? Clearly.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
Virgil had to stop himself from flinching away.
“I’m not lying,” he protested, feigning way more confidence than he had.
“You dropped a pair of scissors and then a thud came from upstairs. Please explain to me how this could’ve been possible.” Janus spoke as if he were a teacher posing a math problem to a student. It was impossible to come up with the right answer, because he knew that whatever he said wouldn’t be correct, Janus would always expect more, something different. It was impossible to satisfy.
“Are you okay?” he asked, trying to sound sincere. “You- should you be getting more sleep? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Janus rolled his eyes into his skull. “Wow, Summers, aren’t you just the best at coming up with excuses. Just fantastic.” He clapped sarcastically, a sadistic smirk twisting onto his face.
Virgil opened his mouth to respond- with what, he didn’t know- but his ears perked up at the sound of an approaching car. He normally wouldn’t have paid it any heed, but he could hear, from where he stood, the blaring music coming from Remus’s speakers. It was unmistakable.
“Is- is Remus here?” Virgil asked, fully knowing the answer, at the same time Janus said,
Virgil held his breath. Surely, surely Roman would’ve heard the music and hid? Or at least be gone by now? Realistically, Virgil knew he hadn’t had enough time to escape yet, but he couldn’t help but hope.
What if he could’ve been gone by now but had slipped and injured himself? What if there was some other factor that Virgil hadn’t counted on- well, there was. That factor- that loose cannon- was Remus Stone.
The music turned off abruptly and Virgil’s heart stopped with it. Remus never, never paused his music. There could only be one reason.
Virgil’s worst suspicions were confirmed by a yell and a loud, “What the fuck?!?” in Remus’s unmistakable voice.
No no no no this can’t be happening-
But it was. It was happening. And there was nothing Virgil could do.
A rapid pounding started on the door.
Remus Stone had arrived.
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And They were Coffin-Mates
Title: And They were Coffin-Mates
Summary: “I’m a vampire.”
Out of all the things to come out of his best friend’s mouth, he hadn’t expected that. Was Virgil sure he wasn’t dreaming? Maybe this was some set-up to one of Patton’s corny puns. Something like “I’m a vampire. I like my coffee de-coffin-ated.”
Virgil pretended to hate them. He groaned or grimaced at how awful they were. But really, it was all to cover up the smile they produced.
“A vampire? Pffft,” He quirked an eyebrow, “You’re going to have to try for a better joke than that, Pat.”
Word-Count: 3.5k
Pairings: platonic moxiety (they’re best friends)
Warnings: Vampires, blood mention, memory loss, involuntary turning, hurt/comfort, puns, so many puns, crying, non-graphic violence, headache, sensory overload, panic
This is based off a prompt ask I got sent a long, long awhile ago and just finally finished!
Virgil trudged up to his apartment, sweat rolling down his back. Really, it was his fault for wearing a black plaid hoodie and ripped black jeans. Wearing black in the sweltering heat of the summer sun’s gaze was like inviting death upon you. But he looked good in black and was willing to suffer. Besides, Virgil was quite sure his soul was dead already.
Eventually he made it to his apartment, blessed air conditioning hitting his face at last.
“How was your day, kiddo?” His roommate and best friend Patton asked. He was in the kitchen, mixing something in a bowl.
Virgil groaned loudly, collapsing into the couch cushions.
Patton whistled, “That bad, huh?”
“I’m going to fight the sun. Either that or move to Seattle, whatever’s easiest.” 
He groaned again, shoving his head into a couch pillow. His head hurt and he was so damn thirsty. Thirsty for water, please get your mind out of the gutter. He was terrible at remembering to drink enough water, something his coworker Logan constantly berated him about. Did he work with Lo today? God, he couldn’t remember. The entire day felt like a blur.
“Aw, I’m sorry you had a rough day. Maybe I can brighten it up with some pat-cakes?”
“Like it’s like pancakes, except with my name--pat-cakes!”
Virgil groaned, this time attempting to keep himself from laughing.
“Stop trying to cheer me up, it’s illegal.”
“Oh? I guess I’m a warmhearted crook then!”
“Yeah, because instead of a coldhearted crook, I got a lotta love and I’m not afraid to give it.”
Virgil snorted, gazing up from his pillow. Patton stood there, grinning in his grey cat-onesie. The sight was enough to warm his cold, barely beating heart, dammit.
“Well consider yourself under arrest.”
“What for?”
“Stealing my heart.”
“Oh my goodness, you made a pun!” Patton’s blinding white grin was worth it for allowing such a cliche, cheesy pun escape his lips.
“Yeah, well, don’t count on it being a regular thing,” Virgil said, turning away in a poor attempt to hide his burning, surely reddening cheeks, “that was my allotted pun for the year.”
“Auugust I’ll have to try to get another pun out of you before the year’s over.”
“Y’know Auuu-guust, like ‘I guess?’”
“Pat, I love you but that one was terrible.”
“Oh, tearable! Like paper?! Or tearable like tears?”
“Patton, no, that wasn’t a pun.”
The banter continued as Patton finally started to pour pancake batter onto the grill. In typical Patton fashion, he created animal shapes  and stick figures out of the pancakes, rather than keeping with normal, round ones.
It helped distract Virgil from both his headache and his rather unmemorable day. Everyone deserved a Patton in their life. Someone who brightened your day with their mere presence. Virgil set the table for their pancakes-for-dinner feast as he pondered this.
He then found their largest water container (a blender) and filled it up to the brim with water. Was he going to regret this sometime in the middle of the night? Yes. Did he care? Not really, no.
He didn’t even know why his throat felt so parched. The last couple weeks of work had been ridiculously slow. It wasn’t like he had to deal conversing with a horde of customers, thank God. He took a gulp, then another and another.
“Wow, I sea you were thirsty!” 
He lifted the blender away from his mouth to respond, before pausing. He blinked, staring at the now-empty blender. Huh.
“Um yeah. Really thirsty.” He chuckled, setting the blender beside the sink.
“Good thing you quenched it then.” Patton said, looking at Virgil weirdly.
He didn’t blame him. Virgil would too look at someone weird if they chugged a 40 ounce blender like it was nothing. He licked his lips, his mouth still feeling as dry as ever. 
A part of him wanted to grab the blender, refill and down it, desperate to douse the itching, stinging feeling that clenched his throat. But he refrained, sitting down at the kitchen table instead. It was probably possible to die from drinking too much water, right?
“Here you go!” Patton said, shaking him of his thoughts. He placed a plate of pancakes in front of Virgil. There were several blobby pancakes with two triangles pointing out at the top, what Virgil presumed to be either a cat or dog.
“Thanks Pat,” He said, “So, uh, how was your day?”
“Oh, it was Pet-tastic!” Patton perked up, “I got to pet a dog today!”
“Yeah! I was on the subway when a person came in with the cutest--”
Virgil tried to focus on the words coming out of Patton’s mouth. He really did even as his head throbbed, headache worsening. Patton’s voice, the humming of the refrigerator, the dishwater noises, everything was suddenly too loud. He fidgeted, the fluorescent light beating down on him. He took a bite, hoping it would help. He hadn’t eaten since morning, of course he felt like shit. He just needed substance. Once he ate something, things would be okay.
Except he spat it out, coughing. Something was wrong. It couldn’t be Patton’s pancakes. He always made them to a fluffy, sweet perfection. Yet Virgil’s stomach threatened to heave up its contents at the mere taste.
He jerked his head towards Patton, wincing from the whiplash. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m never okay.” is the retort Virgil wanted to throw back. Deflecting and self-deprecation was Virgil’s main attributes. Patton would’ve gasped at him, telling him he’d physically fight him for talking bad about himself. Except those words didn’t make it out of Virgil’s throat.
“I’m--I’m sorry, I just--think I need to go--bedroom.” 
He hated it. He ruined a perfectly good dinner all because his brain decided to freak out over things that didn’t bother normal people. 
“Hey, Virge. It’s okay, I’m not upset,” Patton said softly, “we can hang out more tomorrow. Movie night, remember?”
“Y-yeah.” Virgil said, rising from his chair. Vertigo crashed into him, almost sending him to the ground if not for a pair of arms catching him.
“I’ve got you.” Patton said, adjusting his hold so that Virgil stood, heavily leaning against him.
“Let me help you to your room, okay? Wouldn’t want you falling for me again.”
Virgil let a small, breathless snort. He wanted to protest, but his legs felt too much like jello that he didn’t trust them. Patton guided him down the hallway, to Virgil’s dark cave of a bedroom. He let out a hiss when Patton flipped the light switch.
“Opps, sorry kiddo.” Patton apologized, shutting it off. They stumbled into the room, until they reached Virgil’s bed. Patton hoisted him onto the bed, fussing with his covers until Virgil was nice and tucked in. 
“I’ll save you some pancakes.” Patton said as he closed the door. Virgil didn’t respond. He closed his eyes, the quiet darkness quelling his swelling anxiety. Fatigue finally claimed his bones and he fell unwillingly into slumber.
It wasn’t a peaceful sleep. It was one of those dreams you woke up more exhausted than rested. The thirst followed him into the dream. It gnawed at him, nearly indistinguishable from hunger. He had to satisfy it, relinquish the control it held over him. He went out to search for something to make the burning ache go away. 
He went--well, he wasn’t sure he went. Everything turned hazy, as dreams often tended to be. The next thing he knew, he was standing over someone. No, not a person, they were just a pulse of red to him. They had it, the thing he needed and they weren’t giving it willingly. Something tackled him to the ground, pinning him to the ground as he flailed, desperate to escape its’ grip--
He shot up, gasping. Panic pumped through his veins. This wasn’t his bedroom, where was he? He frantically scanned the dark murky surroundings, relaxing slightly when he recognized it as his apartment living room. Still, what was he doing here and not his bedroom?
“You’re awake.”
Virgil jumped, vaguely making out Patton in the armchair beside the couch. He wasn’t in his cat onesie anymore. Oddly enough, he seemed dressed not in pajamas but in a polo shirt and blue jeans.
“Y-yeah, finally. I had a really weird nightmare.” Virgil said, surprised to find the action of speaking no longer painful. In fact, his throat felt fine even. Maybe the blender water’s effect was delayed.
Patton sighed, moving to sit on the couch next to Virgil. He didn’t say anything at first. Instead, he clasped his hands together, fingers twisting in a fretful manner. It alarmed Virgil. Patton was always babbling about something, jumping from one topic to the next seamlessly. Virgil didn’t know how he never ran out of things to say.
“Virgil, there’s something you should know,” He hesitated, “I was planning on telling you eventually. I just didn’t think…”
“What is it?” Virgil asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.
“I’m a vampire.”
Virgil gaped at him. Out of all the things to come out of Patton’s mouth, he hadn’t expected that.  Was Virgil sure he wasn’t dreaming? Maybe this was some set-up to one of Patton’s corny puns. A way to placate Virgil. Something like “I’m a vampire. I like my coffee de-coffin-ated.” Virgil pretended to hate them. He groaned or grimaced at how awful they were. But really, it was all to cover up the smile they produced. 
Virgil laughed, except it came out wrong. All high-pitched and strained.
“A vampire? Pffft,” He quirked an eyebrow, “You’re going to have to try for a better joke than that, Pat.”
“I’m not joking. Promise.” Patton insisted, grasping Virgil’s hands with his own.
Virgil swallowed, staring down at Patton’s pale hands. Come to think of it, Patton always shied away from doing outdoor activities, especially in the blazing hot summer heat.
“I’m Irish! I burn easily.” Patton once said, laughing.
Patton wasn’t laughing now. He looked abnormally serious, his lips pressed together in a neutral line. It was starting to freak Virgil out even more, to be honest.
“Vampires aren’t real, they’re just fictional,” Virgil said, as if he didn’t spend his time watching conspiracy theory videos at 4AM and wholeheartedly believing them on a daily basis.
Besides, Patton was too sweet, too kind and bubbly to be a vampire. They were gruesome creatures of the night, they feed on blood and had little room for morals. Unless, Virgil’s breathed hitched, unless Patton had been faking everything, what if their entire friendship was just a whole facade in order for him to get close enough to suck his blood?!
“Virgil, breathe,” Patton said, squeezing his hands.
He squeezed back, inhaling a deep shuddering breath.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to apologize for, remember?” Patton said, referring to a past conversation they had regarding Virgil’s anxiety.
“Patton, I just…” Virgil bit his lips, instantly regretting it. He must’ve bit down harder than usual because it hurt, “having a hard time not thinking this is a dream.”
“I can show you,” Patton said, “Is it okay if I turn on the lamp light?”
Virgil nodded and with his consent, Patton reached over to the end table and turned the lamp on. A soft glow flooded the room. Virgil closed his eyes regardless, black dots overwhelming his vision. 
“You okay?”
“Just gimme a moment.” Virgil gritted his teeth, wincing again when the action hurt him. What the hell was wrong with him?
“I’ll only keep it on for as long as necessary,” Patton reassured.
“Alright,” He nodded, fighting to keep his eyes open. It burned like someone had been chopping garlic, but that was ridiculous, right?
Patton drew a breath in, opening his mouth wide. Virgil watched in horror as two sharp incisors intruded from his gumline. Even if Patton wasn’t one for cruel, practical pranks, there was no way it was a pair of cheap plastic fangs. They looked too real, too grotesque to be fake.
“What the fuck!” Virgil fell off the couch, tripping in his haste to flee. He plunged to the floor, his head banging against the corner of the coffee-table.
A dull pain blossomed around the crown of his head but he stood up anyways. He had to get away, flee from this twisted nightmare he found himself in. This couldn’t be real. Perhaps he thought he woke up only to be thrust into an even worst nightmare than before.
“Virgil, Virgil, please calm down!” Patton appeared at his side within a blink, placing his hands on Virgil’s shoulders. 
He tried jerking out of Patton’s grip, glancing wildly for some sort of escape. Belatedly he realized though the lamp light had been turned off, he could still perfectly see his surroundings. What the hell? He looked back at Patton, taking in the worried wrinkles and his normal set of teeth. No fangs. Where were they? He knew he saw them, he couldn’t have imagined them--
“P-please dont hurt me,” He whimpered, digging his head into Patton’s chest. He didn’t know why he did that. He should kept thrashing, escaping the grip of a supposed vampire. But Patton was also his friend, who cheered him up with stupid cheesy puns. The one and only person Virgil trusted and sought comfort from.
Patton drew his arms around Virgil, pulling him closer. He froze, waiting for sharp fangs to pierce his neck. Instead a hand carded through his hair, soft and gentle.
“I wouldn’t dare,” Patton said, his voice tight with emotion, “I’m going to hurt those that did however.”
Virgil craned his neck to look up at him, “W-what do you mean?”
Patton didn’t say anything at first, continuing to caress Virgil’s hair.
“Virgil, how was your day?”
“Your day, before you--” Patton hesitated, “before you fell asleep, what happened?”
“I overslept my alarm,” Virgil recalled, “I was in a rush to get to work, and I....”
He bit his lips, a soft curse slipping out from both the pain it produced and the fact he couldn’t remember. He must’ve went to work, right? Work has been so slow and tedious that he just forgot what happened. He must’ve said some of that out loud because Patton slowly shook his head.
“Virgil, I contacted your workplace. You never showed up to work.”
“Wha-but I wouldn’t--I mean--” Virgil jolted, making direct eye contact with Patton, “I’m a vampire now, aren’t I?”
 He couldn’t believe he said that out loud just now. It was absurd, it didn’t make any sense! But...it did make sense in a maddening, down-the-rabbit-hole way. His unquenchable thirst, his unusually sensitive eyes, food tasting weird, that absurd, horrific nightmare that was starting to feel more and more like it wasn’t a nightmare. Had he really almost killed a person to drink their blood? He felt lightheaded, his world spinning wildly out of control as he clung to Patton for balance.
“I got you kiddo,” Patton whispered, leading him to sit on the couch, “do you need a glass of water?”
He was deflecting, maybe in a poor attempt to spare Virgil from the cold, harsh reality.
“Patton,” Virgil hissed, “I need to know.”
Patton averted his gaze, his hands curled into fists by his side.
Virgil’s heart stopped beating. Wait a minute, didn’t vampires’ hearts already didn’t beat because they were undead? Did that mean Virgil was technically dead?!
He frantically checked his own pulse, relieved yet spooked hear it. Albeit, much more slow and lethargic than before.
“Our heart beats at a slower rate than humans,” Patton laughs weakly, “A lot of the myths around vampires don’t have any truth to them.”
“Pat,” Virgil’s voice trembled, “This is crazy, I mean--you’re a vampire and I’m one?! Did you--”
“No!” Patton insisted, his eyes flashing a brief red, “Virgil I promise you, I’d never do that. It can be really, really painful--the whole turning process. It can be so traumatic that well, I--I don’t even fully remember my own. Many don’t survive let alone live pass it. I’ve never wanted you to know what it’s like to--”
Patton cut himself off, jerking his head away. Virgil took hold of his hand, squeezing it gently.
“Know what?” He pressed. Patton’s lips quivered, tears glistening in his eyes, as he cupped Virgil’s cheek with his free hand. Virgil leaned down, gently touching his forehead with Patton’s.
“Pat, please.”
“You deserved a normal human life,” Patton said at last, a strangled noise escaping him, “Where you got to live and grow old and die. You didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve to be a monster like me.”
Patton broke away, clasping a hand to his mouth as the tears finally fell down his face. Virgil watched, his head throbbing as conflicting emotions raged war inside. Denial, rage, sadness--he pushed them all aside. Patton. He needed to focus on Patton. 
Despite everything, he still knew one thing; Patton Patterson was the furthest thing from a monster. Virgil refused to believe anything otherwise. He needed that one thing to remain true or else he’d fall apart completely.
“Patton you’re not a monster, you’re--you’re,” Virgil took a breath, steadying himself, “you’re my best friend.”
Patton let out a bark of laughter, “If--if you knew the things I’ve done, you wouldn’t be saying that.”
“Yes, I--I would,” Virgil swallowed, kneeling down beside him, “Pat, you are the kindest person I've ever met. You cry at cheesy Hallmark movies that end in happy endings. You volunteer at the local animal shelter and soup kitchen. You believe the best in people, even if they’re a shitty anxious nobody who doesn’t deserve it--”
“Virgil--” Patton choked.
“And--and unless that was all one elaborate ruse to fool the world, to fool me,” Virgil pressed on, “vampire or not, your presence makes my day bat-ter.”
“Bat-ter? L-like bat?”
“Yeah, well, congratulations you managed to get a pun outta me before the year’s end.”
Patton stared at him, mouth hanging open. He then laughed again, this time surging forward to tackle Virgil in a hug. Virgil yelped, falling to the floor hard enough to see black dots. Still, he clung to Patton as if afraid of never getting the opportunity again. Virgil let out a high-pitched keen, no longer being able to contain his anguish. Patton responded with a despairing wail of his own. 
Tears poured down both of their faces as their sobbing duet continued. For a long, long while it was the only noise produced from either of them. Until it tapered off into weak whimpers and then it was just the sound of two slow, steady sets of heartbeats close together.
“Pat?” Virgil croaked, utterly exhausted from the ordeal. He wanted nothing more than to fall asleep, safe and secure in Patton’s arms. A small part of him yearned to wake up in his bed and learn that all of this was a nightmare and nothing more. Yet the pain from unconsciously biting his lip with his newly sharpened incisors said otherwise.
“Yes?” Patton answered, his hand brushing through Virgil’s hair once more. He was so soft and gentle that it was hard for Virgil to ever imagine him the same species as Count Dracula.
“If--if you didn’t, um, turn me, then wh-who-how--why don’t I remember--why would--” Virgil let out a frustrated huff.
“Virgil, I...I don’t know who did it or why. There’s lots of reasons why another vampire would do it,” Patton said, dropping to a low growl, “and none of them are good ones.”
“Oh,” Virgil swallowed, “and that person? I went after a person, didn’t I? That was real, right? Did--did I hurt them? I swear I didn’t mean to, I--I--”
“Virge, deep breathes,” Patton said, “They’re okay, you didn’t hurt them. They were fanged out but okay. And then I brought you back here and gave you some of my blood supply.”
“I--I don’t remember that.” Virgil said, “I remember attacking them and something...stopped me? That was you right? But I don’t--I don’t remember--”
Virgil’s voice trailed off, the words once more getting tangled up in his throat. He was afraid. Virgil was always afraid but this was new. Vampires were real and he was one of them. He was an immortal, bloodsucking creature of the night. As much as it sounded cool on paper, it was utterly terrifying. Especially to know he had no memory of becoming one. 
As if sensing his distressed thoughts, Patton brushed his bangs aside to kiss his forehead.
“Shh, it’s common for young vampires to black out from blood rage. It’s--well, it’s not okay what happened to you, Virgil. I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there to stop it from happening. But I swear to you it’s going to be okay and that I’m here now to help.”
“Promise?” Virgil asked, yawning.
“Of course. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a stake in my heart.”
And while Patton’s words didn’t immediately quell his fears, he fell asleep knowing Patton would be there for him, like he always was.
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lenle-g · 5 years
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So! This is my @tagsecretsanta for the super super lovely @such-a-random-rambler​ whose prompt I was SO excited about and I have never spent so long drawing, 3D rendering (a new skill!) and animating something in my life, oh boy XDD
John's “filing system”, if it's even acceptable to call it such a thing, is nothing short of perfectly precise, absolutely fastidious, totally organized chaos.
Scott, bathed in the blue glow of the holograms all around him, has absolutely no idea how John ever finds anything in this cascading, endless quantity of folder after folder, all neatly labelled with, well, ???some kind of code or other??? he assumes??? probably??? Evidently their spaceman understands... whatever this is but Scott, scowling, has no idea how John could expect anyone else to ever have a chance at deciphering his stupid hieroglyphics.
It's almost a criminally annoying.
For a start, there's literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. There must be a file here for every mission they've ever been on, and more besides for who-even-knows-what that Scott's had no real reason to ever look at before. 
But John's currently out of commission and Scott, his teeth now gritted, really needs to find the mission files from the incident that did it. He knows John was, of course, recording everything from his stint to the X2 Zero Space Station in those annoying, succinct, shorthand notes of his. His brother is predictably pedantic and precise like that. He always has been. But as much as it irritates Scott it does mean that what went so very wrong up there last night is all here somewhere, tucked into one of these files, tantalisingly right under his finger tips and labelled in utter gibberish.
It takes Scott three hours just to work out that the little number at the end of each file name is the date done the English way.
A cry of: “Oh seriously!” escapes Scott before he can contain it, and he spends a good couple of minutes soundlessly cursing that semester John spent at Oxford with Penelope, back during his degree. The temptation to throw the holoprojector across the room is rapidly mounting, and he’s stopped only because both hands are needed to plunge deep into the whirling lines of blue code and wrestle out the folder labelled with the awful, heart-racing, anglicised version of yesterday’s date.
The folder finally in his grasp, Scott opens it with a mounting degree of trepidation and... and he rapidly discovers that everything inside it is encoded and that he has no idea what any of it means and the eldest Tracy is filled with, instead of the expected triumph, a sinking, twisting miasma of dread.
"Goddamn it John." Scott hisses to himself, bashing one of his fists down on the smooth wood composite of their Father's desk, "Is this written in alien? How the hell…?!?"
It’s Alan, alerted by all the muffled complaining, who eventually creeps in and takes pity on him, sliding his little fingers neatly through John’s mess and gradually decrypting it. Though he does so with an unwarranted amount of giggling, Scott feels.
John’s ‘alien writing’ is apparently NASA shorthand that’s been translated using a numbered sequence into no less than three of John's favourite languages and then run through some kind of scrambler. Scott wonders if his brother has written a program to do this for him or if it's just become deeply ingrained into that ridiculous computer brain of his that he does it without even thinking about it.
Surely stopping the Hood from getting into their files doesn’t have to be this extreme? Not for old data? The specs of the Thunderbirds maybe but... for missions logs, software patch notes and John’s (rarely followed) meal plans?
Not so much.
An hour of work on Alan’s part later, each painstakingly translated word stands out in brilliant, bold red, displayed high in the air above their living space:
"Scott,” Alan reads the sentence aloud, interrupting himself with his own mirth, “pffft, get out of my files and, hahaha, go to, oh my god, bed." He nearly topples himself over he's laughing so hard. “He didn’t.”
“Oh he did.” Scott scowls, furious. “For crying out loud…” Big brother's fingers bunch up into righteous fists of shaking anger as he shoves the words off the projected screen. "That oversized string bean set me up." Alan's howling cranks up a notch, fuelled by his reaction. “Alan, stop it!” He demands, though it has very little effect on his little brother. The young pilots eyes are watering and he’s curled over himself, pounding at his knees with his fists. “It’s not funny.” Scott snaps, “Just wait ‘till I get my hands on him, he’s going to tell me what happened up there whether he likes it or...”
“Scott, Scott!” Alan, wiping genuine tears of laughter from his eyes, steps in for damage control, laying a preventative hand on his sibling’s arm and shaking his head. He’s perfectly aware of how hot headed his oldest brother can be and Alan sure doesn’t want to be responsible for any impromptu landings of Thunderbird One direclty on top of his space-inclined brother’s bedroom. “Hey, look, Gordon just told me that John's finally fallen asleep. Virg'll murder you if you go and wake him now."
And Scott has to just seethe quietly at that because he knows Alan's absolutely right. And not just about potential Virgil-induced-killings. John would never readily admit it, but Virg had confided in them all that their astronaut has been having a lot of difficulty resting properly since they brought him home. A lot of the common pain medications they keep stocked tend to mess with the spaceman’s space-worn body more than it’s worth to give them to him. Scott doesn’t have a hard time recalling the pinched, pained expression that he hasn’t seen leave their spaceman’s pale face for the last fourteen hours.
“It’s not John I’m mad at.” Scott finally deflates into sulking, with a big sigh. “Not really. I just know there’s someone out there, someone we could be tracking down, whose responsible for this all happening. For John getting trapped up there and...”
“I know.” The little hand on his arm gives it a warm squeeze and Alan’s looking at him all big blue baby eyes and worry. “I know, but he'll tell us what happened when he's ready, yeah?" It's surprisingly considerate and wise sounding coming from their littlest brother. “You don’t need to be here trying to hack Thunderbird Five for all the answers. It’s,” He grins, “It’s clear John’s not just going to give them to you before he’s ready anyway, right?”
“I guess not.” Scott snorts, folding the swirling blue holograms of the file directory away with a tired sweep of his hand. “I just hate not knowing.”
“Join the club.” Alan digs a friendly elbow into his brothers side, jostling, “There’s five of us plus Grandma, and we’re all gonna get t-shirts that say ‘Caution; touching even a single orange hair on John Tracy’s head may result in grievous bodily harm’.”
Scott laughs again, sounding far more genuine now.
“Thanks Alan.” He tucks an arm around the kids shoulders, squidging him in close. “I needed that. You sure know how to cheer a guy up. Now how about we go wrestle together something that John’ll be able to eat ready for when he’s awake again. I’m not much of a psychic but I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be hungry when he wakes up and I don’t want Grandma getting any ‘good ideas’ about it before we do.”
“I’ll go raid his oatmeal stash!” Alan practically leaps across the room in his eagerness and Scott smiles, watching him careen off toward the kitchen to track down John’s go-to comfort food for when he’s just down from orbit and feeling space-sick.
Scott draws in a deep, worried breath to try to centre himself, not liking how rattled and stressed he’s been by this whole thing. John’ll be ok. He tells himself. And he’ll update us with whatever we need to know when he deems it necessary... likely in perfect, factual detail and completely missing out anything John might have been thinking or, damn it, feeling at the time.
John Tracy is, of course, just like that.
But it doesn’t half frighten his brothers.
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gays4neptune · 4 years
Putting Others First Liveblog (spoilers, duh)
I can’t handle this or myself
Like I don’t know what to do with myself anymore
HOLY SHIT???????
My heart is beating so fast
I looked and the thumbnail and I GASPED
Patton is stopping himself from controlling Thomas BABEEBDHDHDHDDH
This bitch is swearing so much oh my god WHAT
THE ART!!!!!
That was awesome??? Genuinely
Roman is my favourite like seriously
Thomas is so fucking depressed I can’t handle it
Oh my god
Patton’s 8 bit theme
It’s so amazing
Frogger is such a fucking guy you’re right Patton
Fist fight Leslie Odom Jr. for a hotdog NO BALLS NO TITTIES
Logan is so done with these right brain bitches
Sweetie ur contradicting all your shit no
THE “oh no never mind it’s dumb” THING
Thomas wants Leslie’s Ass
It’s canon
Oh my god
What the hell did Deceit throw???
Roman sounds devastated when Patton shoots him down
And he just looks SAD
Logan giving shady looks is everything I live for
The trolley problem!!!
With friends!!!
Pixel friends!!!!
And Leslie!!
OH MY GOD?????????
My heart is beating so much
“Is it over?”
Pixel Logan with his flash cards!!!
That makes me very happy
Patton does the thing where his voice goes up ten octaves “riGHT?”
Patton got fucking DECKED!
My cursor accidentally went over a part later in the video and UH
Thomas looks so tired like jeez
Patton is very nervous aaaaaaaa
Also where the fuck is Virgil????? Shit
Bitch what
Patton is digging his own grave oh honey
My heart is pulsing
Buff Thomas Buff Thomas
Logan says self care bitches
I’m gonna throw up
I actually love how this whole thing is happening while Patton is a giant ripped frog
Holy shit
A very funny wholesome prank BITCH
Oh my god
I think he’s become a lot higher on my list???? Like way higher
I feel like I’m going to be sick
Like genuinely
Roman is getting worked up
Everyone is SAD I’m SAD
I want Roman to be OKAY
Passive aggressive
Bitch just went back into the void
Patton accepting he’s wrong is great
My heart is beating so fast
His facial expressions are golden
oh that’s so good
his little “PMEH” PERFECT
I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
SO MUCH!!!! WHAT!!!!!
He’s perfect literally
This was a RIDE
I said the outro out loud DUDE
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sparklingspidey · 5 years
Sanders Sides Day Care AU
- Thomas owns a daycare center called Sanders Cares.
- He does all the boring paperwork and pays the bills, but it’s worth it because everytime one of the kids sees him they get so excited.
- Thomas can spend hours talking about cartoons with the pre-schoolers or fortnite dancing with the school agers, and that’s exactly why they love him. They’ve never met an adult quite as wacky and willing to listen to them as Thomas.
- Logan works with the preschoolers, getting them ready to go off to kindergarten and teaching them their abc’s.
- But he also teaches the abc’s in ASL and how to count to twenty in Spanish.
- He decided to work with preschoolers because not only did he get to see them graduate and go off to school, but he got to teach them the fundamentals that would carry them through the rest of their lives.
- Patton works with the toddlers.
- They’re so curious and cute, and l o u d.
- They like a lot of attention and he’s all for giving them that attention.
- Patton loves reading them books and dancing with them and the hugs!! They all give such good hugs!!
- He’s known for spinning them around and giving them piggy back rides and letting them climb all over him. Literally and physically.
- He’s not great at punishing the little babies, but he puts his foot down when he needs to.
- Roman works the after school and summer program.
- His kids make the most elaborate art projects and once they decorated the whole room to look like they were in outer space. There were even stars painted in glow in the dark paint all over the walls.
- Roman’s favorite time of the year is summer break though.
The kids are there all day long.
- Over the summer, each week’s lesson will have the coolest themes and field trips planned around it. They also have spirit days incorporated into their lessons where the children can come to school in pajamas or as their favorite superhero.
- Virgil floats from classroom to classroom, helping out whoever needs it most or if a classroom is out of ratio.
- But he prefers Logan, Patton, or Romans room the most.
- Pffft, no, it’s not just because they’re his best friends whaaaat??
- The kids love him though, and they especially love his purple hair.
- They just don’t understand how it happened?? Virgil tells them it’s magic.
- The pre-schoolers love virgil, because he’ll play the role of the monster and chase them around the playground, stomping his feet and roaring.
- And whenever a school ager is having a bad day he takes them out of the classroom, and talk to them, maybe sit with them while they read a book and calm down, and then they go back to class.
- He struggles with the toddlers because, ya know, some of them don’t talk.
- But Patton teaches him that all babies really want are hugs and snuggles and someone to play with. Soon virgil finds himself in Patton's room more and more often.
- The four of them live together and help each other with lesson plans and it’s all very domestic
So yeah, day care au
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Video aftermath
Authors Note: I had an idea so I made it
"That's all guys gals and non binary pals Peace out!"
Thomas sighed as he turned the camera off he just finished recording a video and all that was needed to do was make the end card
Yes Thomas did like to make videos it was fun and he had a good time with his sides
But it was also a little bit tiring since each of them were very clumsy and mess up a lot of lines and even though it was fun to laugh it took longer for them to get serious again thus making the video to take longer
And not to mention Thomas doesn't do small videos no no he likes to make big long videos which contain lessons, funny moments and moments where it looks like they forgot they were recording
Each video was carefully planned to make sure it was fun and enjoyable for everyone
And by the time everything is done everyone is exhausted but happy and usually go and do things to help them relax
Thomas would usually make himself some food and watch some Tv then record the end card of the video then Edit the video
But not today
Today was different this video took so long to make since this was an extra special video that by the time he finished recording he could barely stand
This had never happened before so he wasn't really sure what to do yes Thomas did take breaks but it was usually to eat or do something and then get back to recording
Thomas thought about what he should do he wanted to call the sides up to see if they could help him but he decided against that
We just finished making a video! Their tired and exhausted I don't want to disturb them again Thomas thought
So he decided to sit on the couch to see if that would help then he would get up then make the end card then eat
But the moment he sat down he couldn't move the couch felt so comfortable and warm and as much as he tried not to he soon found himself falling asleep
And right before he fell asleep he heard he a few voices
Then he passed out cold
Too long
He had been sleeping for too long
The moment Thomas felt even the slightest bit of being awake he tried to push himself up quickly but couldn't due to there being a heavy weight on him
Thomas at this point was panicking he didn't know what was going on and he was scared
But luckily someone saw his panic
"Deep breaths Thomas" "Vrigil?! What's going on?!" "Thomas relax remember in for 4 hold for 7 and out for 8"
Thomas put his panic aside and did the breathing technique and he soon found himself calm again
"Feel better?" "A lot Thank you Vee" "Anytime"
Thomas looked around to see what was going on
Turns out the weight that was keeping him on the couch was a very Fluffy weighted blanket and Ro and Re were cuddling him even Dee was cuddling with him
He was confused but happy but that didn't give him the answers he wanted so he turned back to Virgil and asked him what was going on
"Well the moment we came up to check on you. You were passed out on the couch so we decided to get you comfortable since you've been working so hard"
Thomas just stared at Virgil but soon he was smiling so wide
"I got you a weighted blanket to help you relax more, of course the twins had a different plan so they made the blanket Fluffy and thought cuddling you would make you feel better and Pat and Lo are in the kitchen making food"
Thomas laughed his sides were so caring to him
"Pffft Thank you so much" "Anytime Thomas"
Thomas looked over and saw Logan with Patton right next to him holding a bowl of soup
Thomas felt so loved
"I'm so glad your happy Kiddo!" "It's good to see that your happy" "heh Thanks guys" "Anytime Thomas now open up!"
Thomas was confused as Patton held out a spoon with soup towards him "What?" "You need to eat don't you?" Then Thomas realized what Patton was trying to do
"Oh um thanks Pat but I can do it myself" Logan smirked "not with those three on top of you"
Thomas's eyes widened there was always one very important rule in the house Never wake somebody up from a nap unless it's a very important emergency especially the twins
Thomas sighed defeat "fine" "yay! Thank you kiddo"
Patton began to feed Thomas and soon enough he finished the soup and Patton took the bowl to the kitchen and put it in the sink and returned to the living room
"I'm bored wanna watch a movie?" "Ooooo Yes!" "Yes that sounds nice what do you think Thomas?"
Thomas thought again he did have to finish the end card of the video but judging by the way his being treated right now it looks like his sides won't be letting him go for awhile "Sure why not" "YAY!"
And before he knew it the Tv was already on and a movie was beginning to play
Thomas didn't think things could get any better than they were right now but he was wrong
Thomas soon felt Three hands start to go through his hair and pet him
And he absolutely melted at the touch he loved any sort of physical affection it also made him feel happy and fuzzy
"That is extremely adorable" "Awww your so cute Thommy!" "Heh cute"
Thomas loved every second of this he knew he was going to be laying there for a long time but he didn't care
He loved spending every moment he could with his sides
He loved them and they loved him and it will always stay that way
Authors note 2: I hope you enjoyed the fic! This took longer than expected but I'm proud of it so I hoped you enjoyed the fic
Tags: @thequeensphinx @ollyollyoxinfree @ace-spiritwell
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sunny1ace · 5 years
Logan and the Dark Sides for @kameraishere <3
Ever heard of underground boxing? Get ready for underground debating.
Once a week, Logan meets up with Deceit in his room to debate.
They debate about really anything from the best crofters jam to whether or not there’s hope for humanity.
After Logan and his debate, Virgil is invited to attend, though he mostly just sits on the sidelines.
(“Pffft, well that was a dumb remark”) (“Are you going to contribute anything useful, Virgil?”) (“Probably not”)
Eventually even Remus joins, and surprisingly, he’s very good at coming up with debate topics.
Logan sharpens his skill, enjoying the sessions more and more.
Sometimes, Deceit will show up at Logan’s door with the other two in tow just to resolve some argument.
(“Virgil says you can’t kill someone with an eraser. Remus disagrees”) (“...Give me two minutes to put together a case”)
Virgil says he’s only there for the snacks that Deceit startedbringing after Remus threatened to eat live rats if he didn’t, but Logan knows it’s really because deep down he misses his old friends, and he isn’t judged for spending time with them during the debates.
Once out of pure curiosity, Deceit and Logan set up a debate between Virgil and Remus.
Both of them almost passed out from frustration while watching the debate quickly turn into a snowball fight (Remus does not throw snow)
They never do that again.
There are days when Virgil is going into panic and Logan will gently sit him down and go through his debate plan, for some reason it’s calming.
Every one of them finds a place at the debates, and with each other.
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dirtycreekwater · 7 years
This kinda ties in to the way you mentioned that Roman has anger issues (at least to me, it does): hc that Logan always has to know where Roman and Virgil are. Virgil's usually home, so that's okay, but sometimes Roman's theatre rehearsals and stuff run late or something, and whenever that happens, Logan starts calling and texting constantly until he gets a response. Roman can usually deal with it, but sometimes he feels really restricted and gets annoyed at Logan which usually why they fight.
good shit good shit
tw for fighting/yelling, anger, alcohol/drinking
-Logan is a really protective & paranoid person. he’s not really sure if he can blame that on his parents, or his past relationship, or if that’s just how he is naturally. regardless it gets him into some annoying situations.
-Logan always has to know where Virgil and Roman are. always. it doesn’t ever cross into abusive behavior where he yells at them for not telling him where they are, or forbids them from going places. he just worries about them getting hurt, or somehow getting themselves into bad situations. but it’s still pretty unhealthy. he’s just afraid of admitting that.
-Virgil is home a lot of the time so Logan doesn’t really need to worry about him (of course he still does), but Roman stays at the theater late some nights, and Logan really doesn’t like that. the theater isn’t necessarily in what you would call a sketchy part of town, but it still isn’t the nicest, and that sends Logan’s thoughts running wild. he tries to stay calm, and rational. he tries to think of logical explanations as to why Roman doesn’t tell him when he’ll be home some nights, and he tries to not jump to conclusions. but it isn’t always that easy.
-One particular night Roman stayed at the theater way later than he usually does, and Logan was worried. he called him then texted him a few times when he didn’t answer.
nerd💖: Are you coming home soon?
nerd💖: Surely, you should be finishing soon.
nerd💖: Are you even at the theater anymore?
nerd💖: I understand that you’re busy, but I wish you’d at the very least send me one text. I like to know that you’re okay.
nerd💖: I’m sorry I worry so much. I wish I didn’t think so negatively. I just can’t help it.
Prince💛: omfg, Logan. calm down. im fine.
Prince💛: ill be home around 1. don’t wait up.
nerd💖: I’m waiting up. Virgil and Patton are asleep so I have nothing to do.
Prince💛: oh my god go to bed Logan. Virgil’s gonna freak out if he wakes up & sees that neither of us are there
nerd💖: He is aware of what I’m doing.
Prince💛: idc go to bed before i flip my shit
nerd💖: Why would you “flip your shit?” There is no reason to be angry.
Prince💛: ur the reason to be angry! ur worried for no fucking reason. u know where i am & u know why. that’s all u need to know.
nerd💖: I apologize. I’ll leave you be. Please just text me to let me know when you’ll be coming home. I love you.
Prince💛: yeah. love you too.
-Roman came home around 1:30 that night, and was upset to find Logan waiting for him in the living room. He sat next to him on the couch, and took off his jacket and shoes as he said, “I told you not to wait up for me, and what do you do? God, Logan. I told you that I was fine.” Logan sighed, and look at Roman as he said, “Well, you’re not the boss of me, Roman. I can do whatever I want to do as long as it isn’t harmful.” Roman stared at him in disbelief for a moment then stood up as he yelled, “It is fucking harmful, Logan! Your paranoia is harmful! You’re.. It’s suffocating me.. You always need to know where I am, and if you don’t you freak out, and that’s not okay!” Logan frowned and looked down as he said, “I’m sorry.. I just worry that you’re hurt or in a bad situation when you don’t answer me.. I know my behavior is…unhealthy. I will work on it.” Roman huffed as he walked over to the front door, and said, “I’m gonna go calm down. Don’t freak out. I’m staying on the steps.” then went outside, and slammed the door. Logan flinched, and frowned at the floor for a little while. eventually he decided that waiting for Roman to come back was pointless, and headed upstairs to find comfort in his other boyfriend’s sleeping form.
-Once outside Roman got the whiskey he keeps in his car out ((ik that sounds bad but he never drinks while driving he just hides it there)), and tried to drink his anger away. it wasn’t a healthy coping mechanism, he knew that, but he didn’t care. he was tired of Logan’s paranoia, and he was tired of always getting unreasonably angry. he just wanted to be numb for a little while. he wanted to focus on the burning in his chest & stomach instead of the burning rage in his head & heart. eventually he finished the entire bottle, and when he realized that it didn’t make him feel any better he smashed it on the ground. he almost laughed at the broken glass surrounding him, and how it resembled how he felt inside. mumbling angrily at himself he pulled out his phone, and texted the last person he should be texting right now.
Prince💛: heyyy babyy im sorry i got mad at you i got a lot of issues haha
nerd💖: Are you drunk?
Prince💛: pffft noooooo
Prince💛: ok yeah lil bit
nerd💖: Ugh, Roman. You imbecile. Are you outside still? I’m coming to get you.
Prince💛: noooo don’t do that i gotta calm down i don’t wanna be mad at u anymore
nerd💖: Well, alcohol certainly isn’t going to help with that. In fact I’m sure it’s only increased your rage.
Prince💛: theres a lot of broken glass i should clean that up
nerd💖: ….Why is there broken glass?
Prince💛: the whiskey didnt help so i broke it lol
nerd💖: My statement stands.
Prince💛: wut
nerd💖: Nothing. Stay where you are. I’m coming outside.
Prince💛: baby noooo u gotta stay inside & stay warm it’s cold out here
nerd💖: All the more reason to go out there, and get you. Please stay where you are.
-Logan went outside, and forced Roman to stand up. Roman immediately collapsed into his arms, and cried. Logan frowned, and wrapped his arms around him in a secure & loving embrace. he wished he could stay there for hours just listening to the calming sounds the night produced while comforting his boyfriend, but it was cold and they had a lot of things to talk about. so, Logan brought him inside, and lead him upstairs.
-They spent the rest of the night holding each other, and talking about their issues, and discussing ways to fix them while Virgil slept in ignorant bliss besides them. the next morning they were passed out in each others arms, and Virgil was awake, and happy to see their relaxed expressions even if they’d only last for a few hours while they slept.
-Logan & Roman fell into their normal routine once they finally woke up as if nothing ever happened, though Roman’s headache was a grim reminder, and for now that was okay. eventually they had to reopen the wound from the night before only to stitch it back together. it was a harrowing task, but they did it for each other.
((kinda just now realizing ive made Logan & Roman’s part of the relationship a lil unhealthy oops lol i should fix that. idk just send me an ask if you want them to fully work out their issues. maybe they’ll do some couples therapy. cool? cool))
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