#(using we as a general collective not necessarily referring to ppl on my blog . on weverse . or even engenes.)
hanlimz · 1 year
all the people that claim to be engenes and fans of enhypen are really starting to get on my nerves. like, i was just watching clips of riki's live from today, and i came across the clip of him saying that he would prefer the puma/cheetah emoji over the duck one. then immediately after, people in the chat started to spam duck emojis. and, yes, while i understand that it's literally just an emoji, and it's really never this serious—he DIRECTLY expressed that he preferred one thing over the other, and then "fans" started doing the complete opposite. i imagine that it has to be kind of frustrating when the people that you take time out of your night to stream for don't respect even the simplest of wishes. (like how are you supposed to feel comfortable sharing an authentic version of yourself if your "fans" don't even seem to hold a modicum of respect for you?)
and yes, ultimately, i am stating my opinion on discourse about an emoji—however, i think it speaks to a larger issue of fan/artist boundaries. we are not enhypen's buddies, we are not enhypen's pals, we are not enhypen's best friends. we never will be, and some people desperately need to understand that. we are fans, not friends. we need to give artists ample reasons to be proud of the fanbase that they've cultivated. we need to let artists thrive in a healthy environment that we create and maintain. and, we need to respect the artists we love and look up to (esp if the task is using one emoji over the other like wtf?).
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scourgefrontiers · 1 year
im abt to say something that may be very controversial abt kinning
prefacing this by saying ive been a kinnie for 11 years. it started with just being a demon otherkin, but then it branched into fictionkin and from there it got a Little out of hand which is obvious by my old kin list lol.
so this is an observation from my personal experience as a fictionkin. not saying this 100% applies to everyone and im not looking to debate or start an argument or anything, im just expressing some thoughts abt my own experience.
BASICALLY, from the many years ive been a kinnie, ive come to the conclusion that while general otherkin/therian stuff is connected to spirituality for most, it feels like when you get into fictionkin stuff (namely kinning cartoon/anime characters and such), its less of a spiritual thing and more of an "i want to be this character" thing. idk how else to say it but i think we (fictionkin) collectively have identity issues and we project/identify as fictional characters to combat that and maybe "fill a hole" that we have in our identity, like we dont like our core identity to the point of where we want to replace it with someone else. str8 up
like i said before this is just my experience; i definitely 100% had identity issues for many years, and i couldnt bring myself to really Like my core identity. in fact i didnt really know what my core identity even was until recent years. and yknow what makes me think all this, really? as soon as i found and accepted who i truly was at my core, the kinnie shit totally went out the window. like i dont actively kin anymore, i havent thought about it in years since coming to this acceptance, and i think thats absolutely wild. the only kin i truly believe i still identify with is the demonkin, because it feels like it transcends identity and really is more of a spiritual thing for me. like i have dreams of being my demonself and it gets insane
now listen this isnt me denouncing fictionkin as "not real kinning" or anything, im still a fictionkinnie supporter as ive been one myself for a long time. im just saying that maybe fictionkin is a branch of kinning that kinda sorta stems from having issues with identity :x WHICH AGAIN isnt BAD necessarily, i think it does have its purpose and place and i dont think its necessarily Unhealthy as a means of exploring yourself! it certainly helped me get to a place where i can love myself as myself nowadays which im thankful for
so ya. thats my thoughts on being fictionkin. for me it used to feel like a spiritual thing but i think i was misinterpreting it and it was actually bc i wasnt confident in my own identity which ended up being the case lol
forgive me if this upset anybody im just voicing my Thoughts on my own blog is all
**EDIT: when i talk about fictionkinning in this post im referring to ppl who like, take it seriously. like the "no doubles" people and such (i also used to be one of these people). to an extent also the "i am sans irl" people but that borders on actual delusion which isnt what im talking about here, thats a different issue**
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