#(two i was fooled into to just try without studying bc it's easy lol)
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adore-gregor · 11 months ago
study smart not hard (altough both is best actually) this saying is so true
#my advice#but this saying is sooo true#i know some people at uni who study for exam so long and hard but then fail or just barely make it :(#like what are you doing? i don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't have to be this difficult#i don't understand how some people can study for an exam for 2 weeks or even a month and still fail and i don't think they're stupid#or i don't see myself as particulary smart#but i guess they just waste their time a lot and i realized studying effective is so important#now everyone is a bit different and has to find what works best for them but there are certain techniques which are proven to work well#there is so much information on the internet on this look it up seriously#it made my life sm easier i never struggled in uni like i did in school and i get good grades#and if i ever struggled a bit it was because i started so late it was almost impossible to pass 😂#which is why to do both is still best 😂#but i actually always made it and i never failed an exam at uni (which i studied for)#(two i was fooled into to just try without studying bc it's easy lol)#i mean i shouldn't speak too soon but i already made it through some of the most difficult of my studies#ofc it depends on what you study how well this works but i'm speaking for myself#i once passed an exam with a B studying only 2 days as one of the best students while others studied 2 weeks#and got worse grades or failed#still studying only 2 days is stupidity don't do it 😅#so the techniques i find very helpful are ofc exam questions probably the best one#if there are none make your own#then blurting for which there are different ways but i like to just go over a topic and then write down everything i remember#then fill the gaps#quizlet is also great it's an app which allows you to create cards and then tests you in creative ways#videos can be helpful as well for summaries and using summaries in general is normally enough it saves you sm time#normally you don't actually need to know everything but you should be careful it's not a bad summary leaving out too much 😅#and i also like mindmaps bc i'm a very visual person#but all those tipps are mostly for remembering information so it doesn't work so well for other fields of study#well i hope this is somewhat helpful idk 🙈#oh and reading texts over and over again is the most useless in my opinion i don't remember much at all and it takes sm time
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getofy · 4 years ago
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bakugo as your boyfriend would include...
request: what would dating bakugo be like?
gn!reader (but there are slight fem themes if you squint); fluff; headcanons; no spoilers
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character: bakugo katsuki
a/n: this goes out to my one & only <333. ilysm deku kinnie pls enjoy! also, @ bakugo simps i hope this feeds u well. he’s sm fun to write for. headcanons + a short playlist are under the cut.
*ty to my bakugo kinnie/simp friend for helping me write this. i appreciate u. A LOT of these ideas r hers!!
04. IN TOO DEEP by SUM 41
katsuki is a very emotional person. he feels incredibly deep and profound things, but has trouble expressing it in a healthy manner. this being so, him as your s/o would consist of a lot of subtle displays of affection! such as...
he’ll teach you small things about his hobbies. will 100% show you how to play the drums, mountain climb, etc.
literally you learn so much with him it’s insane. he claims it’s because he couldn’t stand dating an incapable person, but in reality it’s just because he likes feeling useful/needed HAHA.
this man is lowkey super clingy...so he will always find a way to be physically close to you.
a BIG fan of putting his arm around your shoulder fs. don’t mention it to him though because he’ll IMMEDIATELY stop doing it.
if you’re comfortable with it, he’d adore it if you sat on his lap!! like fr if you walked up to him when he was lounging on the couch and did it this is how it would go...
“what’re you doing?”
“sitting down, why?”
he just stares and then grunts before going back to whatever he was doing
don’t let his indifference fool you, he is very pleased.
probably looked up at the ceiling and thought about it for an hour once you left
he thinks about you a lot
he pretends like it’s a nuisance, but it genuinely makes his day when you eat the stuff he prepares. literally if you’re hungry just ask him to make you smth and he’ll do it. he actually gets angry if you decide to cook without him.
one time, katsuki seemed really tired because of training and school. so you tried to make something for the both of you guys to enjoy together. it uh...didn’t go well...
“what are you doing?!”
“cutting vegetables...”
“no. you’re doing it all wrong. give me the knife.”
“excuse me??”
you ended up giving him the knife
the meal was great!?? but he scolded you for like 30 minutes after PLS.
he’s proud that you’re his s/o, so of course he’s gonna brag about you to EVERYONE.
it’s not overbearing or in an annoying way either. it’s moreso him talking about your accomplishments and stuff like that.
he literally only shows you off for his own benefit. NEEDS everyone to know how cool you and him both are.
it’s an ego thing.
i take back what i said abt it not being annoying. it’s a nuisance to everyone who ain’t you.
like i said before, he needs to be close to you at all times. sooo he always sits next to you. no questions asked.
expect to see a pouting, petty katsuki if you decide to sit next to somebody that isn’t him.
“are you seriously mad that i sat next to deku and not you on the bus?!”
“you’re impossible.”
you took his hoodie without asking ONE TIME and now he’s hooked on seeing you in his clothing.
he’ll always pretend like he’s doing you a favor though.
gotta love how annoying he is! 
i wouldn’t go as far to say that gift giving is his love language, but he’ll buy things that you bring up in causal conversation a whole lot.
he just kinda bashfully shoves the gift in your hands and watches as you fawn over it.
“awww! how’d you know??”
“you wouldn’t shut up about it.”
he loves seeing your pleased expression!! +100 boost to katsuki’s confidence.
we ALL know how smart this man is.
he will 100% help you study for school if you’re struggling!
don’t expect him to go easy on you though.
if anything, he’ll probably be harder on you because he really wants to see you succeed.
he basically carries you through math
i can see him knowing EVERYTHING about you. your birthday, your morning routine, your favorite snacks, your favorite songs, etc.
it doesn’t take a lot for him to remember this stuff either???
like, he thinks you’re unforgettable, so he just knows
he wants you to know how cool he is so bad it’s laughable.
he’ll show off during training exercises FOR SUREEEE
bakusquad teases him abt it when he does lol they ALLL know how whipped he is for you
kirishima: wow, you’re really into it today bakugo!
denki: well (y/n) IS watching
bakugo: SHUT UP.
-> you enable him so much...like way too much. please get on that. someone needs to hold this stupid man accountable. he probably likes it when you scold him despite his protests so don’t be afraid to tell him off baby.
-> your approval makes his heart go $$/!/?!!!error??77776. like, even before you two started dating, he would ALWAYS feel flustered whenever you would compliment his outfits, fighting style, etc. now that you guys are dating, he still feels extremely dazed when you dote on him.
he’ll probably act super cocky about it though
“ ‘course i look good, idiot.” 
he’s trying his best to suppress the stupid smile trying to take over his face. eventually, he lets it out, and tbh everyone in 1A knows that it’s because of smth cheesy you told him.
he is SUCH a softie for you it HURTTSSSS GAHHHH!!
-> katsuki is a very protective boyfriend.
this goes for everything, but especially applies during intense situations.
will literally lay his life down for you without thinking twice about it. don’t fight me on this. it’s canon.
if you’re going on a dangerous mission, you BEST believe this man is tagging along with you.
if for some reason he can’t go, he’ll make it a point to stay up way past his bed time waiting for you to come back.
when katsuki chooses you over sleep just know that you’ve won at life.
he doesn’t see you as inferior in any way. he knows you can handle yourself, but he really wants to keep you safe bc if something bad happened to the love of his life he would be in shambles.
on a lighter note, if mineta bugs you, he’ll absolutely wreck him. will literally punt that grape boy into the next stratosphere.
also!! he’s not the type to care about what you wear. if you’re wearing smth a bit more revealing, the most he’ll say is that you look hot. literally is so unbothered.
he trusts you a lot so it’s like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
protective ≠ possessive
-> dates w/ him are super all over the place! one weekend, you guys will just chill in his dorm and the next he’ll be laughing maniacally as he chases you down during an intense round of laser tag.
-> he’s big fan of competition, so he’ll turn everything into one.
let him win.
-> his hands are really sensitive because of his quirk, so if you kissed them he’d turn to mush.
im literally begging you to touch this man. help him. he is so touch-starved it’s not funny.
-> he runs hot so cuddles w him are so nice and comforting :(. will pull you in close and tight and NEVER let go.
in short, while dating katsuki definitely comes with it’s quirks, it’s a beautiful relationship. he respects you endlessly and will do anything to ensure your happiness. treat him right and he’ll do the same!!
have fun dating explosion boy!
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission
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happysunshinebois · 6 years ago
Hey I know you're probably swamped with requests, but I figured I might as well ask. If you're up for it can you do a RFA+ reaction hc thing for the RFA walking in on MC dancing and singing to Careless Whisper? I love that song so much and I'm always singing it when it comes on now matter where I am lol thanks!
Hi hello this is so long overdue I’m so sorry. You were like one of my first requests. This was honestly so much fun to write and you got me into Careless Whisper so bad I literally listened to the 10 hr version bc I needed to listen and also I loved it so thank you so much. I hope these scenarios are good! I tried to mix some things up so they weren’t all the same but I hope you like them nonetheless! 
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As the music dies something in your eyes calls to mind a silver screen and all it’s sad goodbyes
Some backstory: he had to learn this song for a performance, he has a routine and everything and he remembers all of it
But he puts the choreography this time and when he walks in after hearing the song and your door being cracked open
He’s a little surprised to see you fluidly dancing around the room with an invisible partner and when you switch to “playing the sax”, he has to stifle a laugh
He doesn’t know how you haven’t noticed him standing in your doorway yet
But he crosses his arms, leans on the door frame, and watches you with the softest expression on his face and love in his eyes
You eventually spot him out of the corner of your eye and are only a little startled
Definitely didn’t fall on your butt or anything 
Zen chuckles and walks over to you, holding out his hand
As you take it, he restarts the song on your speaker and takes the place of the “invisible” partner you were so lovingly dancing with before
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I should have known better than to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I’d been given so I’m never gonna dance again the way I danced with you
Maybe it’s better this way we’d hurt each other with the things we want to say
As soon as he walks through the door, he hears the first few sax notes and he rushes towards you, whips out a sax, and proceeds to play the entire solo
This is the only thing he knows how to play on the saxophone, trust me on this
You’re loudly mouth singing the sax solo in various “Bow now now now”s and bouncing across the floor
He’s always taken the lyrics to heart, especially when it comes to you
So when he walks in on you singing and dramatically acting and dancing along with the lyrics, he starts to hum along and eventually makes his way into your arms
You sway together and hold each other just as tightly as the other
You know
If he’s in a more lighthearted mood (or feels more sure in your relationship), the two of you dramatically act out the song together, not really taking the lyrics to heart
The surveillance camera in the living room captured it all
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To the heart and mind ignorance is kind
I feel so unsure as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
He’d been back and forth between playing LOLOL and studying for his upcoming finals
And man are finals brutal
You know that
He knows that
And tbh between all the commotion, it feels like he hasn’t spent time with you properly
Quick meals, a peck on the cheek as one of you rushes out the door, and legs sometimes brushing if you’re both at the kitchen table studying together
So when he rips off his headphones and lets out a long sigh, he realizes all he really wants to do is hold you in his arms
The trickle of music is playing from your room and he can’t help it so he sneaks on over and when he sees you swaying with your arms wrapped around yourself and singing the lyrics, he’s just in awe at your beauty and how you somehow seem so easygoing
He sways himself over to you to the sound of your voice and lightly taps your shoulder
He’s standing very close
Half of it is just that he wants to cover his blushing face
As your singing falters, his picks up with the lyrics and he wraps his arms around you
A wide grin breaks out on your face as you wrap your arms around him and the two of you spin yourselves around the room, laughing, singing and yelling the lyrics, and at the end, falling onto the bed
You both try to catch your breath but your soft giggles take much more air than expected
You roll over and throw an arm over his waist and he cups your face gently in his hands, looking at you with love in his eyes and blush over his cheeks
You both hum the chorus until you fall asleep
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I’m never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm though it’s easy to pretend i know you’re not a fool
He’d been away on yet another business trip and no matter how much you tried, he insisted that as much as he’d love you to, it’d be better and safer for you at home
It was only a week
A week without you
It’s fine
It wasn’t fine
You sent texts rapidly to each other and calls when you could
You were even able to get a few video calls in
On the fifth day of his trip, he could hardly take it anymore
It took all his self control just to not fly back to you immediately
Somehow five days felt more like months
He called you to video chat late that night
He expected that you’d answer
What he didn’t expect was for a blaringly loud sax solo to come bursting through his laptop speakers
He was shocked to say the least, but then he settled for looking at you in admiration through the screen
“…Guilty feet have got no rhythm!! Up, my love, you’re dancing with me!”
He thought it best not to argue, but he wasn’t about to go waltzing around his hotel room with his laptop in his arms
Until that’s exactly what he started doing
If he couldn’t hold you, then this would have to do
“MC, would you please move your face closer to the camera?”
You did so quizzically, still singing out the words in heavy breaths from dancing around your room
Once you realized he practically had you in his arms (as much as he could long distance), you quickly picked up your laptop as well and spun round and round as Jumin did the same
Your face flushed knowing he missed you as much as you missed him and as your motions slowed you blew him a kiss and he acted as if he caught it through the screen, even if he was hundreds of miles away
He made sure for every time he was away for long, he’d call you and the two of you would pick up your laptops and dance with each other to this song
(Also I picked this GIF bc I liked how they were different colors and separate so it kinda gave the vibe that they’re together but in different places, ye?)
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We could have been so good together we could have lived this dance forever
The song had come on in the coffee shop, in the middle of your shift
“MC, what’s wrong????”
Baehee is confusion
You don’t startle too many customers
Tbh they find it kind of funny and it gives the cafe some personality
Jaehee admires how much of the song you knew and just watches in
She hadn’t heard it until today, but she makes sure to slip it into the cafe playlist more often than not, just to see your face light up the same every time
You catch on eventually to what she’s doing and while you’re both closing down one day, the song comes on
You’re facial expression turns determined and you oh so gracefully rip her away from whatever task she’s doing and guide her to the cleared space
You make that face, like you’re up to something but she finds it humorous and goes along with it
You twirl her and move your way around her like it’s a performance, belting the lyrics and dramatically recreating the “scenes”
It makes her giggle and she hums along to the tune
She glides her hand from your elbow down to your hand and holds it tenderly with her own
She won’t admit that the two of you didn’t get out of the cafe until about midnight but what’s a girl to do when all she wants to do is hold you and see you smile?
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seriouslyblacklikemysoul · 7 years ago
American Ways - Sirius Black x Reader
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Request : @claireisreallynotonfire  hello my dear!!! could you do a sirius x reader where the reader is a transfer from ilvermorny in like the 6th year and immediately hits it off with the marauders. and sirius is infatuated with her, always calling her pet names, flirting, hugging, and touching and stuff. and reader just thinks it's a joke but one day sirius gets mad bc she's not taking him seriously ( lol pun ) and they end up together bc i really need some fluff with a teaspoon of angst. thanks love Warnings: My English? Language (always lol). Late night, crappy writing.  The image isn’t mine. Credits to its original owner. Also, I am so sorry for making you wait this long but the new semester has already taken a toll on me.  Word Count: 1848 MASTERLIST Pending Requests
It was one thing being the new student but it was completely another thing being the center of attention. It felt weird and… you kind of felt like you were an exhibit when people would stare or point at you. Yeah, okay, maybe you were the ‘American girl’ and yes, you had an accent and blah blah, but you hoped that after a day or two, they would leave you alone. You were being bombarded with questions about Ilvermorny, about your country, about the male population and so on. Well, that happened until four boys had walked on you and literally grabbed your arms and dragged you all the way to the Gryffindor common room. You were about to protest when you realized that they were doing you a favor. You had grown tired of answering the same questions and being looked at… strangely. So, you never really complained. When they finally let go, you just smiled and greeted them. “Hello, boys. Thanks for the rescue” you simply said. They didn’t expect that-far from it, actually. That’s when you became a ‘gang’ as you named it. They were punks and jerks but they were amazing people and really funny. You had no idea why you hit it off so fast but it felt natural. James was the love-struck one, with his hazel eyes and his messy black hair. Lily-pad, Lily-flower and so on, the poor girl must suffer from those awful nicknames. Remus was the ‘dad’; he was a bit more mature and poised but you could see the mischief in his soft caramel eyes. Peter was the little guy, blushing and being quieter than the others, but he was a Marauder after all. And then, it was Sirius. That guy didn’t know how to talk to a girl without flirting with her. His gray eyes would roam the girl’s body, he would be touchy as fuck when he wanted something, he would use cheesy pickup lines and he would always find a reason to pull off his shirt. He had a nice body, yes, you weren’t blind… you could see it. But it was ridiculous how many times he pulled that damn shirt off. In the brief week, you knew them, it must have been ten times already-and the week wasn’t over yet.  
It was official. Sirius Black was the biggest flirt you had ever known. The guy would flirt with you without hesitation, he would call you names, be touchy even clingy. And today was no exception. You were able to stroll around the castle without getting lost like the first weeks. After all, it was almost Christmas. You had to admit that Hogwarts was breathtaking covered in snow. Everything seemed so magical, so serene and so otherworldly. Ilvermorny might held your mind- your friends were there, your ex-boyfriend, your beloved teachers- but Hogwarts stole your heart. You had made more friends than you could believe. Lily was a Muggle-born, as they called them, but she was the brightest witch of her age and uncommonly kind. That last trait seemed to vanish every time James was around, though. She had admitted that she liked him a lot but she could never agree on a date if he was going to ask her three or more times a day. It was infuriating. You had helped James a lot and for that he was grateful. You had told him to leave her be for a while. It was tough for him and you couldn’t help but chuckle every time he opened his mouth only to close it again and walk away. Lily thought it was strange but she missed his crazy ways-and that’s when you played cupid and informed James. And they had the most romantic date ever. Not thanks to him but thanks to you and strangely enough, Sirius. He could be romantic when he wanted to. But that was a very rare sight to witness. Remus was probably the one you were closest with. He was so kind and sweet but he could be cocky and sarcastic that he could out throne Sirius himself. You had put two and two together relatively easy but you didn’t care. If anything, you wanted to help him in any way you could but you were going to let him tell you, whenever he felt like he could trust you enough to do so. You were in the Great Hall, eating breakfast-well, you were drinking a cappuccino(Dumbledore’s courtesy)- with Remus while you were waiting for the other three troublemakers to appear. It was a cold, breezy morning, but it felt so refreshing you didn’t mind wearing two jumpers. It was just a day before the full moon and he was worn out already but he had his nose stuck in a book, nevertheless. You placed a chocolate bar in front of him and he caught the action as he looked worriedly at you. “Eat. You’ll feel better, Moony” you said, emphasizing his nickname. He was smart and he got it immediately. A relaxed smile was plastered onto his lips as he understood that you weren’t going to go anywhere. “Hello, beautiful” a silky voice greeted you. You didn’t really want to admit it but you were smitten. You truly liked him. You liked his steely gray eyes, his aristocratic features, his tousled dark, long locks, his toned torso and his delicate hands. But most importantly, you liked the real him. Not the flirtatious, cocky jerk but the one you had the pleasure of meeting one very cold and lonely night. You couldn’t sleep and you were sitting by the common room’s fireplace. That night you had seen the real Sirius. The one behind the façade and the masks. The one who suffered the effects of insomnia because of his past, the one who was always too scared that he would lose his friends. That Sirius spoke to your heart. And you found yourself falling… hard. “Hello, handsome” you greeted back with a playful smile. That was just his thing. He would flirt with you but you never thought he meant it. Like, how could he? You had accepted the fact that you didn’t really stand a chance with him. He was out of your league. He could have any girl he wanted and of course, you weren’t one of them. He just played with you-not in a bad way, but still. It was just a game. You couldn’t resist, though. You had to play as well. He sat next to you, his hand resting on your knee and his mouth forming a devilish smirk. He kept his eyes fixed on you until you felt uncomfortable. “You’re staring” you commented, hoping that he will stop playing the damn game. “I’m gazing” he retorted nonchalantly, as he drew patterns with his fingers on your thigh. He had to stop. “It’s creepy” you tried to sound stern but you failed miserably. You smiled and shrugged it off as he whispered under his breath, something you couldn’t possibly believe you had heard correctly. “It’s romantic”. Yeah, you had probably heard wrong. You continued ignoring him and his flirty ways for a couple of hours. You had to give it to him. He had upped his game. Today, he was extra touchy, extra flirty, extra huggy, extra clingy, extra… You tried to make it to your next class in time, he had to carry your books. You tried to eat lunch, he had to pile up your plate. You had forgotten your quill, he had to give you his. Somebody tried to flirt with you, he had to smack your bum- that was the final hit. You were alone in the common room, as it was already after midnight, trying to study. James had fallen asleep holding Lily, Peter was all cuddly with Mary and Remus… well, Remus was actually studying. But you didn’t miss the side looks he was giving you.   When that guy had come up and told you that you looked very beautiful in that jumper, all hell had broken loose. Sirius marked you- yes, he did- as his when you weren’t and you didn’t even have a chance. Once the guy left and you were among friends, you snapped at him and scowled him, waking up the sleepy heads. “How thick can you get?” you questioned angrily but from the looks of it, he was a bit angrier. He stood up abruptly, while the rest of your friends were trying to pretend that they didn’t exist. “How thick can I get? How dense can you be?” he spat at you, his silver eyes twinkling with madness and… desperation? “You know what? Screw it! I don’t want to play your little games anymore, I am so done. I don’t like that you are making a fool out of me every time you are all flirty when you don’t mean it in the first place” you practically screamed at him. His cheeks were red with anger and his pupils dilatated. “You are crazy! You are insane if you think I just flirt with you so I can play. You are delusional if you believe that I am not absolutely infatuated with you and your American ways. You are just stupid if you think that I am playing. I am so fucking in love with you and it scares the shit out of me because I have never- EVER- fallen in love before and I have no idea how to deal with all those damn butterflies- YES, you gave me butterflies, and my stomach flips every time I see you and I-” You grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him close, crashing your lips to his with force. He finally shut it. His hands were wrapped around your waist immediately as he deepened the kiss, biting your bottom lip hard, demanding permission to explore your mouth. Exactly before a moan could escape your mouth, people were fake coughing to make you realize that you weren’t alone. You pulled apart but he didn’t let go. “So, you like my American ways?” you asked softly as you made eye contact with him. He smiled brightly yet seductively and he kissed your cheek. “I do. You know what else I like? Your sweet American ass” he said loud enough for everyone to hear, as his hands slipped down to your bum.  James laughed but Lily called him a perv. You just blushed but you couldn’t really believe that you had kissed him and that he had never played with you. He was being honest and he was showing you all the affection in the world. You had to make it up to him. “Maybe we can continue in my dorm?” he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows cheekily, making you chuckle at his childish action, when three, big, fat, loud no’s were heard. You turned and witnessed three frightened faces looking at you with utter terror. You found yourself laughing along with Sirius and Lily. Yes, Hogwarts had stolen your heart for sure. And you couldn’t love it more
tags: @orionsirivsblack @kapolisradomthoughts @nadinissavage 
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