#(the result of his life in heaven+how his brain works and lack of practice with conversation most times lmao)
godzexperiment · 1 year
nix's built in understanding of various languages,etc and how sometimes he favors words/statements in certain ones over others+really enjoys the sound of certain words etc (tries to not go for the like "pretentious" words but sometimes he can't help favoring it over the sound of the usual word+feels more fitting)
how he does have his moments of omnilingual disaster and fumbling his words (but honestly he probably can laugh about it especially if he's with somebody he knows like 'yeah i said water wrong but joking about it is fine')
anyways- he also just enjoys saying things like funky just genuinely enjoys those sort of words and it's probably so out of the blue sometimes
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losing-it-lately · 4 months
doing Steve's makeup
wc: 1k
steve harrington x reader fluff
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Steve Harrington feels like he’s died and gone to heaven. He didn’t even think he deserved heaven after everything he did in high school and all the girls’ hearts he strung along and all the people he hurt. But now, with his head in your hands and his heart in your palms, he thinks that maybe he did really turn his life around; his mind is mostly empty, just one last question bouncing around the crevices of his brain: “how is he even here?”
If you ask anyone but Steve, the answer would be simple. Ask Eddie, and he would just explain that it’s common knowledge that metal music is a progressive scene, one where man and makeup collide. That, and that Steve melts like butter in the palm of your hand, choosing to do anything to get close to you, even rejecting his “boy-next-door” look for some black eyeliner. Ask Nancy, and she would tell you she’s been waiting for someone kind to come back to Steve and that Steve has been waiting for you to come to him. Ask Robin, and she will wind up about a messy and descriptive but warm anecdote that all starts with you bringing them to Corroded Coffin’s new gig.
The Hideout is never packed, unless it’s a Friday. The combination of loud music, non-functioning lights and Hawkin’s lack of bars and clubs resulted in an absolute haven for youth, and on top of that, Corroded Coffin had been moved from their regular Tuesday shift to the late Friday night one. Usually, the odd scent of the bar mixed with the unnecessary amount of people was enough to turn you away from Friday nights at the Hideout, but Eddie was playing; what kind of hype man would you be if you didn’t drag Robin and Steve with you?
Despite the overfilled bar, someone had still managed to catch Robin’s eye in the corner of the bar.
“Oh my god. She’s here! She’s here and I look like shit!” In classic Buckley fashion, Robin began what should have been a calm night by noticing Nancy Wheeler in the corner of the Hideout with her classic notepad and her permed bangs; a journalist in the making writing for an article in the making, a little column piece on Eddie’s “up and coming band”.
“Rob, you never look like shit,” you reassure as you begin to reach for your purse. Robin’s a smart girl, but she forgets how other people see her and can spiral. Sometimes she just needs something to ground her- “I can do your makeup if it makes you feel better?”
Robin’s lips begin to turn back up, her eyes preen with appreciation and she rasps out a kind “yes please!”
She lowers herself on a barstool. The bar was mostly dark, excusing some random working lamps above varying booths, but it was still enough for Steve to gaze at you, whilst you finished working your magic. Cleaning and then using a soft eyeliner to blend her eyes and then a mascara to draw attention to them, Robin laughs as your collection of tools softly tickles her face.
Steve’s wide eyes repeatedly glance over your face, concentration forcing you to forget about his presence. He has never wanted anything more than how he wants to wear that makeup.
Using the dark brown liner and the random mauve-y, chocolatey shade of old lipstick in your purse, you finished up adorning Robin’s face. The perfect time for Steve to interject. “i want makeup too,” he squeaks out.
Both yours and Robin's eyes zero in on him, a knowing smirk gracing Robin's face before she leaps from her chair and practically runs to Nancy.
“For the concert, I want to look metal,” he adds as a small blush begins to grow from his ears.
“Ok,” you respond with a smile. He starts shifting in his chair, trying to figure out an angle where he can be comfortably near you and you can easily start fixing up his face. As you stand in front of him and manoeuvre your hands to hold him, a gentle feeling starts to spread in his torso. You’re so close, and from this angle, you are so beautiful. His eyes gaze up at you and his hands circle around your legs, firmly grasping the backs of your thighs. His hands are soft and strong, and his touch is light and warm.
You hold his jaw with the palm of your hand; if you press enough, you can feel his heartbeat quicken under your fingers. You had never thought that Steve Harrington would be interested in makeup or metal music, and you were right; he wasn’t interested in makeup or metal music- he was interested in you.
Taking the spare black eyeliner from your bag, you begin to draw on his eyes, occasionally angling his head in a new direction. Steve feels like every time you come near him, his life goes in a new direction. You colour and smudge the eyeliner, ignoring his big brown eyes and the way that they monitor your every move. You feel like you could live in his gaze, and truth be told, he would let you.
Your fingers begin to inch up from his neck and chin to his lips, ghosting over them as both of your breathing dwindles. You can feel the air he breathes out on your finger tips, in fact, without noticing, you begin to feel it on your face as he brings you closer. His hands push you into him as his lined eyes drop down to your lips.
Steve’s eyes begin to close and he can feel your lips getting even closer, and then he hears you gasp loudly in shock. His eyes startle open and his hands are suddenly cold and wet. Somebody's beer is washed down your back, your hair and blouse drenched from behind.
Steve lips frown in a soft pout as it hits him that the moment is gone. Everything turns into white noise as he understands that you nearly kissed him: the apologies from the drunk girl who spilled it, Eddie’s music, the bartender's offer of napkins. It all fades until he watches you slip off to the bathroom, trying to fix your problem.
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Statement of Diane Devine submitted to the Fraser Committee
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Statement Submitted by Diane Devine to the Ohio Legislator regarding involvement in the Moon Unification Church
dated May 18, 1977
I first became involved in the Unification Movement in May of 1973 in Louisville, Kentucky, where I was indoctrinated daily for a month long period to the Divine Principle teaching of the Korean organizer, Sun Myung Moon. When I was sent to Tarrytown, New York, to attend the international training center, I was persuaded to relinquish all of my possessions to the “Family,” as the commune was called, including the use of my car (a ’70 Olds Cutlas), furniture and all personal belongings. In Tarrytown I completed the rigorous 40 day and 120 day training programs in which I was deliberately subjected to the brainwashing methods which I have described openly to the Columbus media over the past year. My objective is to expose the criminal and damaging coercive practices which are being perpetrated on 30,000 American youth in the name of “religion.” To summarize very briefly, the mind control methods used by Moon and other cult leaders:
1. Complete alienation from family, friends, and former environment.
2. Sleep and nutritional deprivation resulting in physical and mental exhaustion (about 4-5 hours sleep nightly, low protein diet of food costing less than $1.00 daily).
3. Complete lack of privacy: never being allowed to think or read alone.
4. Constant peer pressure to reinforce the conviction that the doctrine of Principle is true.
5. Group coercion to conform to standards, behavior, and attitude of the Principled life.
6. Up to 12 hours daily either in indoctrination sessions or in street fund-raising, both activities supervised by a militaristic hierarchy of authority figures.
7. Constant conditioning to self-sacrifice, work harder to purify ones self of sin, and to prove ones allegiance to Moon, who was considered the Second Messiah at this time, literally bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth, and who must be obeyed without question.
8. Any objection, question or argument being met with intimidation, humiliation, rapid re-indoctrination, instilling ideas of self-worthlessness, fear of consequences of leaving the movement, and guilt for having been concerned over own feelings rather than unanimity with the totalist system, a general mistrust of all personal thoughts and emotions, forcing oneself to deny normal reactions or impulses to gain acceptance from other group members, particularly those in authority positions.
The result of undergoing these programming techniques is that the individual identity is obliterated and replaced by a mass-identity carrying an entirely new system of moral and social values, allowing itself to be be easily manipulated by others who speak the new language and set the standards of the new morality. Existing always in a hypnotic or highly suggestible state of mind, one participates compliantly in all activities expected of him, mainly selling token objects in the street to raise money, or rehearsing lectures to be presented to new recruits. The simple, immediate goals of the Unification Church are to increase its wealth and its membership. The ultimate goals are purely political and in no way religious. The teaching of Divine Principle itself is merely a control mechanism to remould the thinking of masses of people, rendering an army of thousands usable for whatever purposes Moon dictates. It is a completely fascist system with Moon as the only decision maker (thus the famous Moon quotation “I am your brain.’’) and the highest ranking officials in the American movement all being of foreign nationality, primarily German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Japanese. Moon claims that the 30,000 membership must be maintained and that the Divine Principle must be injected into every field of American life, meaning that influential people in the government, business, and educational areas must be cultivated and brought to accept the ideology of Unification.
The Divine Principle, or Unification teaching, can be understood as a providence of restoration, whereby man will be reunited with God when he overcomes his fallen, sinful nature, lives in peace and harmony with his brother, etc., etc. (the usual cliches). Moon promises to cleanse impure blood in a marriage ceremony, thus bringing a new race to establish the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven, which will eventually be migrated from the U.S. to Korea. The holy mission of the Blessed Family is to sacrifice individual, family, society, and nation for the sake of uniting the entire world in love and brotherhood. His followers believe his teaching to be the only solution to communication with atheistic Communist ideologies, and that each Moonie must exist for the one goal of converting the Communist world to the Unification Movement, and with all of mankind as one to be reunited with God. Moon has promised to have the knowledge of how to organize a world government and pledges himself as Lord to be the Savior to erect the World Theocracy. He describes the system as a form of Socialistic Democracy, although there is no policy research center where, as a Moonie, one might study government or learn more about the New Order. Moon, as the Lord, is entrusted to make all decisions. In bringing recognition to Moon and his teaching, his followers are instructed very carefully on how to present themselves so as to gain approval. It is commonly accepted to employ what is laughingly called “heavenly deception” to manipulate someone to think favorably about the movement, particularly if the someone is influential. Outlandish lies are told to such people, smaller lies are habitually told to everyday-people in the street to secure donations. A general disrespect for the public is fostered, and an attitude of delight in one’s ability to exploit for Unification purposes is definitely encouraged.
During my one year involvement I participated in several major programs, semi-practicing heavenly deception with pangs of conscience. I helped host the British Project in which 120 students from England and Ireland attended training sessions at Tarrytown; I worked on the publications staff and designed propagandistic literature; I designed banners for the 21-City Day of Hope Tour and participated as a Public Relations Representative in trying to persuade police officers from each city to attend Moon’s banquet and Day of Hope speeches; I participated in the Fast and Prayer for Watergate in which I was assigned to speak with certain Congressional Representatives asking them to pray for President Nixon and lobbying their support for the Office of the Presidency, as it was phrased; I was assigned the position of State Representative for the state of Kentucky, which I refused to accept, openly confiding my feelings of desperation and conviction that the movement was un-democratic and un-Christian.
In closing I want to emphasize that this is a political movement, distracting the public’s attention by presenting itself as a church, and successfully delaying any judicial action.
One year ago a group of 300 parents met with a Congressional Committee seeking investigation, but to my knowledge the issue of religion and protection by the First Amendment still enable Moon’s empire to prosper $50 million annually, and while thousands of young people continue to suffer intense psychological damage. It may be appropriate to outline some future objectives in an effort to emphasize the grave importance of initiating investigations at this time. Every Sunday morning Moonies pledge to die for Moon, martyrizing themselves at the 38th parallel in Korea in case of invasion. By 1981 Moon intends to take his followers to Moscow to hear him speak publicly. The ultimate goal is to sway an election, lobby heavily and provide Congressional aides to each office, eventually replacing the United Nations with the Unification Church.
Since 1969 [when it was founded] the Moonist front organization, the Freedom Leadership Foundation, has been has been pro-Viet Nam, pro-Cambodia, and pro-South Korea. FLF publishes a journal called The Rising Tide advocating strong military defense of Asian countries. FLF representatives are assigned to each Congressional office, and regularly sponsor dinners and fireside meetings with about 10 conservative-minded Representatives from Congress. A list of these names could be secured on request. During the first years of its existence, FLF denied its affiliation with the Unification Church, although all activities and publications produced by FLF were directly funded by the UC through the contributions raised in the Washington area by the flower and candle selling teams. FLF members were all versed in Divine Principle and the Theory of Victory over Communism. On weekends or Congressional breaks, FLF members were writing articles for The Rising Tide, or selling flowers with the UC teams. All members of UC are used interchangeably in any of the 60 front organizations, as needed or assigned by Moon. Several FLF’ers were top lecturers. The more dynamic and articulate men were chosen to represent FLF, although they all had proven themselves as obedient and easily controlled during a testing-time as UC lecturers and flower sellers. The same Principled manner of maintaining militaristic order (ie Cain-Able relationships) was exercised within FLF. In 1973 Gary Jarmin was acting president. A list of Moonies participating in FLF activities could also be secured on request. (see Alan Wood report)
Moon dictated at Tarrytown and Barrytown that it was essential for each UC Leader to know inside-and-out the three books, Divine Principle, Victory Over Communism, and Unification Thought. (quote Moon “0ur goal is to have our mind united with our body, and with this as the bullet we shall smash the world.’’ He refers to having bodily actions automatically controlled by the theoretical contents of the ideologies) Those who could memorize and pass tests on this substantial amount of material could qualify for any position within UC and would be promised a position of leadership, even future presidency of a nation. Among the respected positions in the present church are any assignment as Public Relations Representatives (openly lobbying in Congressional offices and acknowledging affiliation with UC) or as State Representative(speaking with influential persons in state government). In Moon’s quotation,” Let’s say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state, then we can control the government,” he is referring to 500 members who qualify as Leaders. He intends to use these members to organize campaign teams, to work within various areas of the government and business.
During the 72 and 73 US 21 city speech tours Moon asked these Leaders to lure prominent people in each city to attend his banquet and lectures. Hundreds of city and state government officials attended each presentation. Follow-up teams of PR workers were assigned to meet and cultivate those who had responded favorably, the goal being to teach them Divine Principle, or at least impress them with our dedication to purpose and enthusiasm. Offer to help them in any campaign, regardless of which party they represented. Keep records of PR activities. The object here was understood as merely becoming practiced in campaigning. Moon stated that he would decide which US presidential candidate the UC would back when the time had arrived to “put him in office.” We were not to question the choice. Moon stated that thousands of UC Blessed Couples would be migrating from the US to Korea to live communally there when the UC takes the Korean government. He frequently made references for the need for some of the older members to die at that time. He said that he, himself, would die at the age of 80, but that this would be necessary to defend Korea in war and that in so doing the US would be forced to send aide. The Sunday morning pledge which states “I will march bravely forward into the enemy camp until I have judged them completely with the weapons with which God has been defeating Satan” refers to the need to shed the blood of martyrdom to build the Heavenly Kingdom. He taught that some will live to see the Kingdom, others will not. Once the Korean government was well-secured, the plan was to assign UC members to ambassadorships in each Korean embassy throughout the world.
Regarding the selection of candidates to be assigned as first ambassadors to the new Korean government, it was announced that a Japanese Leader named Kamiyama would be able to soon run for election in Japan, with the assistance of a man already holding an official position, by the name of Kuboki. With Kamiyama in office, the doors could easily be opened in Japan. It was announced that Paul Werner, a German leader, would be the first to take an official position in Germany. A younger fellow named Dan Fefferman, an American, is being groomed by Moon to take a position in Israel. No other names were announced, but many were rumored. There was competition among the state representatives for Moon’s attention. Moon expected that each state representative serve at least a three year mission in a foreign country, forcing the Americans to become bilingual. He made international assignments arbitrarily, whether or not a person could speak a language he was expected to be able to lecture the Divine Principle in the native tongue of the country to which he was sent. State representatives from the past three years were sent to 40 countries in 1974. I believe there are now missionaries in 120 countries. Moon promised to tour the world and visit each of these countries and speak to the membership using the missionaries as interpreters. This places each foreign-UC member in a position comparable to Bo Hi Pak, or as Moon’s right hand man, at the particular time of his visitation to that country.
It was assumed from Moon’s many references to the United Nations, that we should be expecting a self-destruction which would enable the UC to proclaim itself as the only unified international organization demonstrating a peaceful standard of living. He predicted that the destruction of the UN would be the thing which would greatly cause the public’s attention to be turned to the UC. He stated that there would be worldwide economic collapse and that the UC would be prepared to offer relief and assistance to thousands of people at the centers, which would be established as hostels, and that they would convert thousands at that time and use them to advance a campaign or election of the presidential candidate chosen by Moon. All UC women are expected to know how to prepare menus, cook for, and serve at least a hundred people. In some places in California self-subsistent farms are being set up. Leaders are being assigned to business enterprises which Moon has purchased in the US dealing with high nutritional foods, particularly fish. Moon stated that at such a time of mass-hysteria in the US, it may be necessary to know martial arts as a form of self defense. He also said many times “All of the Korean businesses and American businesses will be run by the leaders and the air rifles are being made now for you,” implying at the time of disaster the UC would be armed. He promised to purchase an airline so that we could travel internationally with safety. He referred to this as a “fleet of jets.” He said that New York would be the first city to experience the depression and this is the reason he has concentrated on buying property that is cultivatable in the upper state area. He predicted that people would leave the city in a sudden outpouring, and that UC would have food stored and shelter prepared to receive them.
Diane Devine
Minions and Master
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Statement of Linda Anthenin to the Fraser Committee
Notarized Statement of Linda Anthenien to the Fraser Committee
Statement of Phillip Greek to the Fraser Committee
Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
Allen Tate Wood on Sun Myung Moon and the UC
“Moon’s Law: God Is Phasing Out Democracy”
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
01/24/2020 DAB Transcript
Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalms 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27
Today is the 24th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. It's a joy that we can kind of come around the Global Campfire for another day and just enjoy each other's company as we listen to God's word. So, we’ve been reading from the English Standard Version this week. We will continue with that through the end of the week. And today Genesis chapters 48 and 49.
Okay. So, as we continue our journey through the book of Matthew and kind of walk alongside Jesus in his ministry, we’re seeing things start to amp up. He's shown up on the radar very clearly. He’s clearly drawing a crowd. He's definitely becoming well. And, so, the religious leaders are watching Him and traveling to question Him. And, so, that's where we find ourselves today. They travel to see Him and asked for a sign from heaven. So, Jesus answers them like, “when it's evening you say it will be fair weather for the skies red and in the morning, it’ll be stormy because the skies red and threatening. So, you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you can’t interpret the signs of the times.” So, it's like Jesus saying, “you're asking me to show you a sign from heaven when signs from heaven are everywhere you look and you can’t interpret them and you are the leaders.” So, we see the tension. In terms of Jesus, it's not really coming from the people that He’s ministering too. Rather, it's coming from the people who feel as if their territory is being invaded and it's easy just to look at, you know, that the leaders are taking…are antagonistic toward Jesus. And that's really the story but you have to imagine, this Rabbi just kind of shows up and…and all of a sudden is igniting something in the hearts of the people that hasn't been seen…like that they are not able to…to make happen. And all…all of the rumors are that God is on the move…like the miraculous is happening, the power of God is on display. And, so, they’re certainly asking questions and checking things out but what's happening in the processes is that Jesus is this essentially making mincemeat of the way that they’re doing things by saying, “you have lost the Spirit of the law. You're trying to obey the letter of the law, but you forgot why it exists. And, so, this whole thing has boiled down to a set of rituals and power and control over the people. You’re not leading to people deeper into an awareness and relationship with God, you're leading them deeper into a cage of rules that has become a cage because you've been willing to wrestle with things among yourselves and come up with conclusions that void the word of God.” So, we sort of see this showdown in the making. And later on, after this exchange Jesus is talking to the disciples and He’s like, “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” And, of course, they were confused. They thought He was talking about bread because that's…that's the context for leaven. Like, leaven is an agent that modifies the dough so that it will become inflated and…and actually it ferments and then there's gases and that it inflates and then it can hold more air and be more puffy and more edible for bread. And that's…that's really nice the way that that works in bread but not very nice when you think of your faith, being fermented and full of gas and puffed up and full of holes so that it's inflated and it’s been modified. And, so, yeah, this is…this is what Jesus is dealing with. And that is fundamentally people who are asleep, who do not have eyes to see and ears to hear, who are asleep, who need to be revived, who need to be awakened so that they can see and interpret the times. We don't need that any less now. And we can get into these stories and see what Jesus is dealing with and see that He's trying to bring light, He’s trying to bring life and good news and awareness. He's trying to say like, “the stories different than the one you're living in.” But they're blinded. And we…we struggle. We see through a glass darkly as the apostle Paul said. So, you know, we struggle with the same kinds of issues. What are we supposed to do? We’ve got 2000 years a history here since that time. So, it seems like we should be moving forward. How do…how do we stay rooted and grounded like Jesus? How to navigate like He did. How was He able to see the things that He saw? And I think we've already…we've already talked about this. We’re watching God walk the path of wisdom and the path of truth. The irony is that there's nothing that was available to Jesus that has been withheld from us. Jesus said all these things you see me do, you can do these things. You can do greater than these things because I'm going to the Father. Paul tells us it’s the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that is indwelling us. There's nothing that's withheld from us here. So, how do we walk that path? How do we navigate like Jesus?
We walk the path of wisdom that Jesus is walking. which brings us to the voice of wisdom from the Proverbs today, practically on her knees begging us, “my son be attentive to my words. Incline your ear, like bend your ear to my sayings Let them not escape from your site”, right? “Don't let wisdom out of your sight. Keep these sayings within your heart. Their life to those who find them and healing to their flesh. Keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flows the springs of life.” That's wisdom telling us, “your heart is central. Everything flows outward from that place. It is the most true and essential part of you. From it flows the springs of life.” So, she, the voice of wisdom is basically saying, “hey! Attention! Watch where you're going.” We understand that in terms of like of vehicle, right? If you’re gonna get in a vehicle and start the ignition you better pay attention and watch where you're going, or you can get hurt or killed or kill somebody. Wisdom is saying, “apply that idea to your heart and watch where you're going.”
Father we invite Your Holy Spirit into all that we read today about leaven and puffed up and air and all of this as well as how to navigate listening to the voice of wisdom. And that's something we’ve gotta learn because we’re so used to hearing things so many other ways when the voice of wisdom, the voice of Your Holy Spirit is deep within us. So, again, we’re asking what we've been asking, give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, which makes it home base for us here as a…as a virtual family going through the Bible together. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected there.
The Daily Audio Bible Shop’s there with resources that are available for…well…for our year journey.
The Prayer Wall is there for whenever…whenever you need it or whenever you feel strong, you wanna pray for your brothers and sisters and…and get back into their lives. It’s there in the Community section. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, that can be done at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I thank you from bottom my heart for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, of course, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Yvonne from Chicago I’m calling in for prayer for a member of my family, my cousin Isaiah. He’s in his mid-20s and is going through a crisis related to his mental health. He’s not the same young man that I knew growing up and he knows God. He was given the foundation of the Lord with our family. Unfortunately, there were some dramatic things that happened to him, you know, as a young adult. He still is a young adult. But he, for lack of a better word, he was violated in some way and given…given mind altering drugs against his will. And as a result of that issue it has caused trauma where it’s like he’s not in his right mind. He goes in and out of being in his right mind and reality. I don’t know the full diagnosis but I’m just asking for the DAB family to pray for my cousin Isaiah. He was a prayer warrior when he was a toddler, praying and laying hands on people and now it grieves me to see the enemy trying to take him out by way of mental illness, his mind, depression, oppression. So just praying and asking for the DAB family to keep Isaiah listed in prayer and that the Lord will restore him mentally and bring him back.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Becky in Orlando. Anyway, I’m a couple days behind I just finished listening to the 14th and Diane, my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine how you feel right now with metastatic breast cancer having that metastasize into your brain and knowing about your kids who have autism and a husband who’s dealing with his own demons right now. I just want to let you know that I’m praying for you and I’m praying for your full recovery. I know that God can heal you. I remember a couple years ago I was out walking, and I had heard a mother call in about her son. Her son had cancer that metastasized, and they said that he only had months left to live. He decided that he was going to quit going to college in he was going to become a full-time missionary. And talk about how faithful God had been in his life. Even though he only had months left to live. And I just thought how brave this boy is. And then a couple months later she called in again and said that he had gone in for update to see where the cancer had spread to and how bad it had become. And guess what? He had divine healing. There was nothing left in his body that they could detect that was cancer and the doctors couldn’t explain. I know that God didn’t can do this for you Diane and I am believing in it for you. And Kathleen from Mount Zion Illinois I have listened to you for so many years and I love your spirit and I’m praying for your daughter. I’m praying for her complete healing and am also praying for you to get a flight out of Abu Dhabi. I love you guys and I look forward to hearing your praise report and I will talk to you soon. Thanks. Bye.
Hi, DABbers this is Kim in Recovery. I just heard Victoria Soldier prayer request and I just want to lift her up. Lord, we pray for the special sweet sister. Lord, so many times I’ve heard her lift up the DABbers and pray for us. Lord, I want to send out a special prayer for her as she’s had this loss of her cousin, the pastor of a church that recently burned down. Her family church Lord. Lord, I just want to pray for her, her family and this community. Lord, pray specially for this community of believers that they just lost their pastor and their church. That, You’ll bring them together, that You’ll knit these special souls together, that they’ll be able to do Your will in the rebuilding of this church, of the changing in the landscape, or whatever Your will would be and what You would have this church and this community as they’ve had this great loss. Lord, we pray that You will You’ll give the resources, that You will pray for each church member, that they will not get discouraged, that…that…that we know that You’re always near us and You’ll walk with us in any circumstance Lord. We pray especially for this community, we pray for Victoria Soldier, pray for her family, and we pray that You’re…that Your mighty work will be shown and that…that Your glory will be magnified in this rebuilding of this church and with this community and we pray in Your sweet Savior’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, to be a Blessing in California. Just wanted to let folks know who I haven’t heard from in a while that I’m praying for you. I’m thinking Salvation is Mine, Cherry Chase Cherry Pie, Malisa, Annette from Oklahoma City. Praying also for Drew from California. And I wanted to let those who are starting this beautiful journey this year for the first time as well as reminding those who have been a part of this community as well that it’s so easy for the enemy to make us think that our prayer requests are not important, that reaching out to get prayerful support won’t matter but it really does. To know that there are people out there praying for you even though you may have forgotten what your request was, it’s so important. God wants to do amazing things for us, and He says Jesus tells us that we don’t have because we don’t ask. And also, we might be asking for things that are going to be for our best good, but God knows about. So, He may not answer our prayer the way that we want but know that He will answer our prayers. He’s faithful. He loves us so. I experienced that situation last year where I wasn’t calling in for a while because I was just under depression, feeling hopeless. So, I pray that whenever we find ourselves in those situations that we will push through, pick up the phone, push the button and ask for help. Diane Olive Brown, I’m certainly praying for you and your family. God bless each and every one of you. Bye-bye.
This is Colette from California and I’m led to call in to pray for the three mothers that called in this week. The first mother, I believe her name is Kenisha and she called in regarding her two eldest children, a son who may be involved in some illegal activity and a daughter who is expressing some behaviors associated with depression. Father, we also want to bring before You the mother who called in regarding her two children who are delving into the occult. And the third mother called in regarding her two daughters who appear to be following their own way and are being tossed to and fro by their decisions. So, we want to come before the Lord this morning. Father, we come humbly yet boldly to Your throne of grace pleading for these situations to be halted in their very tracks. You promised in Your word according to acts 16:31 that if we believe our entire households will be saved. We believe, we stand, we claim this in the mighty matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And Father, one other request, is that You give these mothers a measure of peace that is unusual, that is irrational, that is not understandable Father as they go through these life situations that are…that are currently plaguing them. Father we know that we are to be anxious for nothing but often times these situations do rattle us, but Father we know that Your balm of Gilead can be swabbed over their minds, their hearts, their souls, their emotions so that they are coming before You in prayer and in clarity. And Father we know that You will give them wisdom. Father, we also know that situations are for Your glory and that they will and in the testimony one day. Thank You, Father in advance for delivering and for answering this prayer. Amen.
Hey, DABbers this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. I am in the middle of the Middle East and I sometimes listen to the Daily Audio Bible when I’m getting ready to go to sleep or trying to get a nap or whatever. And today I heard a prayer request that literally…I’m on my knees right now…got me out of bed right before I was ready to fall asleep. And Lord I just ask you to honor…honor this prayer request as for one of our DABbers. I ask you forgiveness from my wife for mentioning a female’s name on the DAB prayer line. But Lord I ask You to watch over Diana Davis. I ask You to miraculous…we know what the doctors have said about her cancer, but Lord You are the ultimate physician, the ultimate healer and I ask You to miraculously heal her so that she can honor You here in the DAB family. She has faithfully, faithfully honored You for…for 13 years but more importantly Lord, if it’s her time to come on we ask You to honor prayer request, to keep her sons Elijah and Michael together. Autistic people are some of the most wonderful people in the world and we ask You to use them Lord long after whenever You decide to take Diana. We ask You to use them to honor You but just to show joy and peace and to bring people into their lives that they can honor You. Love You all. Have a great day.
Hello DAB family this is Paula the child advocate from the LA area calling. I just wanted to ask for some prayers. I heard some really sad news yesterday. There’s a group of women that I’ve been getting together with for 30 years or more and this past Christmas we got together at the one of our friend’s homes, her name is Doris. And Doris has had a hard time because her son died a few years ago unexpectedly, but she had some good news to share with us, that her daughter was recently engaged and getting married this year. And we all felt that Doris was doing so much better and we were delighted to spend the evening at her home with her. And then yesterday I got this very sad news that Doris took her life this week. And it’s just such a shocking thing for myself and my whole group of women friends because we just didn’t see anything that indicated that, you know, she wasn’t doing well. So, I ask for your prayers please for Doris’s daughter and for her husband who now have suffered, you know, the loss of not only their child, their son, but also now their mother. Thank you DAB family. I really appreciate it. I hear your prayers and I pray for you all. Thank you.
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juleswolverton-hyde · 6 years
A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning | 01
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Genre: Smut, Romance, Angst, Stepbrother AU
Pairing: Stepbrother!Namjoon x English student!Reader
Warning: Appearance of a jealous Namjoon, rutting
Summary: Love comes in many shapes, but does not always have a prosperous fate. However, whereas parents might have found it, all the children can do is live in kalopsia.
Forbidden yet denying the mourning of the path chosen for them by Fate.
Author’s Note: Kalopsia (n.): the delusion of things being more beautiful than they are.
Also, my brain descended further into madness, deteriorating fast thanks to exams about poetry and linguistics, thus producing this fanfic which was originally meant to be a one-shot. Yet, here we are, and it would be a lie to say I am not secretly living for this.
Masterlist / Next part
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As virtuous men pass mildly away,   And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say   The breath goes now, and some say, No: So let us melt, and make no noise,   No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; 'Twere profanation of our joys   To tell the laity our love. Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears,   Men reckon what it did, and meant; But trepidation of the spheres,   Though greater far, is innocent. Dull sublunary lovers' love   (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove   Those things which elemented it. But we by a love so much refined,   That our selves know not what it is, Inter-assured of the mind,   Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss. Our two souls therefore, which are one,   Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion,   Like gold to airy thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so   As stiff twin compasses are two; Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show   To move, but doth, if the other do. And though it in the center sit,   Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans and hearkens after it,   And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must,   Like th' other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just,   And makes me end where I begun. John Donne, Songs and Sonnets, 1633
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Happiness can occur in life in all sorts of shapes in places both expected and unexpected, easy to reach or lying at the end of a rocky road. Sometimes it is a physical thing or activity that brings joy - a cup of coffee or tea on a dreary morning while reading a good book that university does not obligate you to read - and sometimes it is a person.
Dad found it in a foreign woman after divorcing Mom, steadily building a relationship from the ashes of the one that had just been burned to the ground, leaving only a daughter just finished with high school as the last steady though crumbling pillar. It could have collapsed had she not accepted the woman and the son who had flown over from a week earlier from the country she herself had left behind and managed to remain friendly despite the thirty-hour jetlag upon seeing the extended welcoming committee upon arrival. Even able to continue to do so in spite of insecurity, crazy working hours draining every last bit of humanity at times and - nowadays fairly decreased - social anxiety arousing suspicion around every unknown person.
At times it remains hard due to the cultural differences, but shared moments like dinners and helping with setting up the rooms for the new inhabitants has only strengthened the bond so that it has become like the days of the old marriage. In fact, travel stories alongside common interests form another source of daily bonding regardless of being busy with university and complaining about it.
Nevertheless, it is a form of love: family. And there is a gladness it has been restored to a formerly broken man trying to create the best life for an insecure though growing lass with wanderlust who likes to be more often absent than present.
Withal, these days the need to escape is grander thanks to a new reason.
Another love in the form of a person.
A big man who is five years older with the beautiful mind of an old soul and the brains of a proper academic, speaking with a silver tongue without lies and baritone tone reminiscent of the days spent by the sea during travelling in the gap year before giving university a chance forms a source of joy in this particular case. Habits like the patting of the head accompanied by encouragements and hugs coloured with a mixture of protectiveness and assurance before setting off on yet another adventure somewhere in the world when the educational and work schedule allows it or before stressful tests increasing the pressuring anxiety bring more comfort than they ought. How curious to see the rise in intimacy in comparison to the polite cold handshakes at the very start of the second journey during twelve careless months.
The sense of amenity has especially become more prominent after a particular night filled with terrors which occupied every dream, making the unconscious body futilely attempt to fight the horror. Joon came bounding up the creaking attic stairs and burst through the door, making sure everything was alright after urgently waking a girl he barely knew safe for what her father and his mother had told him, refusing to go downstairs to the simply furnished bedroom also functioning as a studio and office they built up together. Instead, the one-person bed had to be shared as a harmless bear lay down beside a koala and held her all throughout the night to form a guard against any evil that would dare disturb the calm.
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How cruel Fate is.
To send a person who unexpectedly had brought joy to a formerly bland existence filled with self-growth and a lonely road of which the emptiness was denied for surely the scenery made up for the lack of company.
But what of the local cafés for breakfast and coffee breaks, to scan through the taken pictures, show off any proud results to a companion? What of the bookstores to wander in for hours on end, the recommendations that cannot be given to a fellow bookworm?
No one is there.
Nothing but the empty shape of the man with adorable dimples and unique laugh that strangely captured the heart from the start.
All there is, is a sole pair of sneakers that are still a tad dirtied by Scottish mud when stubbornness resulted in being stuck in the hills, too afraid of falling to come down rapidly.
If Joon had been there, big hands would have guided us both down towards the beginning of Holyrood Park safely.
Been held while walking The Royal Mile and wrapped around a warm cup of freshly made cappuccino with impeccable latte art in the form of a Smeraldo flower as the rain poured from the ashen heavens yet we were sheltered from it by Miss MacIntyre’s cosy café.
If he had been there.
Thus, the girl who denied the loneliness is regardlessly left in solitude, lost among stories that can solely be shared with the one person who already loves another in the way the lone wolf loves him.
Because the bond of stepsister and stepbrother is in the way of pursuing a beloved who makes even the stressful days easier and who speaks with the distinct deep voice that can both rap and sing poetry, an odd contrast given the important day job requiring a suit, giving the genuine encouragements needed to see the hours through when everything becomes too much. Whose clothing style shows off the secret duality and sometimes becomes part of the self-developed one after coming home on a rainy day. Definitely becomes part of it if the temperatures are low and worries about potential sickness triggers the stubborn guardian inside the clumsy giant.
Namjoon makes the world not feel as if Atlas has handed over the burden. Instead, he selflessly lifts it.
And yet the truthful smile fades when low and more high-pitched murmurs and giggles on the other side of the bedroom door are heard during passing through the hallway to the attic in the evening, for it is undeniable Heungji, a beautiful onyx-haired girl on the other side of the world in a country - the place of his roots - as gorgeous as the fox herself, will keep the bear’s heart even if miles separate love. At least there is still the digital highway to connect and keep the relationship standing.
All we have are moments like these wherein the friendliness is painfully obvious while going out for a hot beverage together or lunch depending on the time of the seminar and his function as a debtor manager for the bank allows a break, even if the day has not gone awry. Nonetheless, today it has as the linguistics exam did not turn out as well as expected and the sole source of comfort - a cup of joe - cannot be paid for since everything which is necessary for the day was transferred from the bag used for the job as a retail worker to the backpack that was decidedly a better option, except my wallet.
Fortunately, the exchange student within our seminar group and also one of the loved friends made along the way, Changkyun - who goes by the name of Daniel to make it easier for the professors and likely evade embarrassment at the hand of wrong pronunciation - has offered to pay since he, too, needs a break from studying old literature. Moreover, there was no escaping the offer since the hazelnut-haired lad with a sly hint to a stoic look knows how much depends on caffeine in this student’s life and the salary earned at the supermarket in the mall would be deposited today anyway. Besides, spending some time with a fellow student, a rare occurrence outside lectures and regular class, might bring some peace of mind to the rampant mental chaos.
A buzz shaking in the back pocket of dark skinny jeans that do all but hold out the icy winter weather signifies the arrival of a message, the name upon checking who exactly sent it immediately bringing a sliver of a smile to thin lips desperate to cry out in frustration yet remaining silent. ‘Hey, how did it go? Did the practice we did last night do you any good?’
After dinner, Namjoon tried to help with the development of the skill of being able to distinguish between prescriptive and descriptive grammar as we sat in the corner of the stone-shaded L-shaped couch with the printed twenty-five page summary of all that needed to be learned. Before it would never even have occurred to the mind to lean on the broad shoulder offered so freely and embrace the strong arm which also functioned as a stress outlet whenever answering a question wrong. Joon did not mind it, merely asked in a laughing manner not to separate the limb from the body by squeezing.
It perhaps would have been after hearing yet another Skype call with Heungji.
It is silly, being so infatuated with a person who can never be held dear in the desired manner if they were ever fated to be with the lover from afar at all. But that is the way of the world: nobody can always get what they want. At least the parents who raised us have found happiness in each other, a virtue which is more important than the selfish desire for a grey-haired man who holds the middle between a wolf and a bear.
Withal, the same words spoken by the unattainable hidden philosopher when the first doubts about the study and everything surrounding it echo in the faded buzz of companions conversing with one another while waiting for the last party member: just because it is a bad day, does not necessarily mean it is a bad life.
Eager digits foolishly in love with the hallucination firmly cloaking them, refusing to lift the veil, type out a reply speaking the not so pretty truth. ‘First part went fairly well: 68/100. Guess I’m a grammar nazi, after all. The second part proved I, apparently, cannot use grammar in the normal sense. Completely screwed that up: 58/100. Hoping for an average above the 5.0.
‘Anywho, I’m going to forget about it for a wee while with Changkyun and a cup of coffee. Forgot my wallet, but he’s paying so it’s all good. Free coffee!’
An odd uncharacteristic response comes a split second later, the tone of the text containing a harshness which would normally never be associated with the kind giant regardless of the seemingly harmless proposal. ‘I’ll pay. You know what, let’s get lunch together. My treat. I’ll come to pick you up and we’ll go to your favourite restaurant near the convention centre.’
‘Joon, it’s fine. I’ll eat something at home and get back to studying. Besides, it’s only coffee before returning to the study of 1100 years of literary history and I’m sure you’re busy.’ Normally, the chance of sharing a meal after a late morning seminar would not be skipped, certainly not at the Asian fusion restaurant nearby the station and grand cinema, but it is nice to do something with someone else for a change.
Eyes widen in surprise at the determination and silent sternness colouring the turn the conversation has taken, unbelieving of the attitude Namjoon has suddenly taken on. ‘Seeing as I’m texting you, I must not be very busy. Let me take care of you. What was the address of the building where you have class again?’
‘Is this a Korean thing or just you being a very insistent gentleman? Don’t make such a deal out of it and get back to work.’ In the beginning and even nowadays there is a noticeable difference in culture as the wolf simply does not permit me to pay for my own food when the city allows repose from obligation and we should share a meal as family.
As stepbrother and sister.
The role of the latter becomes harder with the day, but the sole audience who gets to see the actress perform remains blind to the woman underneath the makeup due to the performance which crumbles behind the scenes.
The argument is completely disregarded in favour of the behaviour laced with curious possessiveness. ‘Oh, never mind. I remember now. In fact, I’ll be there in ten.’
‘Un-fucking-believable.’ With a defeated sigh and shake of the head, the phone is tucked back into the pocket and music softly sounding through crisp white earbuds turned on again. It is the variety of upbeat Korean pop songs mixed with indie artists and symphonic metal that keeps the blood boiling enough without acting in a rash impulse. Hands are tucked in the pockets of the leather jacket lined with fake wolf fur to trap all bodily warmth. Nonetheless, there is a fleeting, spiderweb-thin, unknown emotion adding extra heat to the body despite the apparent need for control. Something different than the amorous sensation normally provoked by the tall man.
‘Y/N, you okay?’ The baritone voice making one assume the lad speaking is older than the truth dictates, makes a mocking focus shift from sneakers forever engraved by adventures in Scotland and lined with sheep’s wool lightly kicking the ground to the face of the boy who has been a friend since the beginning of September. The hero of this awful day. Wearing the same style as on the matching day, raven locks parted in the middle to make the same-toned baggy hoodie appear more fashionable than it actually is and golden-rimmed glasses framing bright almond-shaped eyes the colour of the earth in autumn set above a tall nose, Changkyun stands waiting patiently for an explanation for the change in behaviour with crossed arms. ‘You already said the test didn’t go too well, but now you seem even more pissed off. Did something happen?’
‘My stubborn... brother.’ The last word comes out with difficulty for lately the situation has grown complicated due to emotions and actions both parties show and undertake, cloaking the relationship in a confusing veil outside of the eyes of loving parents. ‘I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately, but his behaviour has changed and not exactly always for the better. In fact, Joon is somehow completely against us getting coffee. Just two weeks ago he wouldn’t have minded because he knows you’re a good friend of mine, but now he’s acting even worse than I do when The Red Dragon is around.’
Withal, even before the mentioned period of change, some uncharacteristic tweaks in attitude that would soon be made part of the self had been noticeable.
The most obvious one was the curious shift from jealousy which was tried very much to be hidden underneath a calm listening expression to almost undeniable relief at hearing the male coworker turned into a good comrade on the first day of work at a new job picked up a month or so ago at the local mall as a retail worker already has a girlfriend.
A little while later, mayhaps in the week that followed, a similar rapid storm of emotions passed behind the wizened gaze of the bear who was reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes as Dad and Jeongja, the gentle lovely woman who raised Namjoon and now also has a daughter to care for, spent the evening by watching series on Netflix. The slight cramping of slender caramel digits around the bright crimson sides of the novel showed everything that secretly flashed by in the eyes partially obscured by the top side of the book at hearing a few fellow students, the sole individuals who have been deemed genuine and fun company, dropped by the store for a brief visit before heading home via the station just across the plaza. Changkyun’s name - the sole male one among the fellowship - triggered the quiet rage. The rest form no problem since they are lasses, but the stoic boy who could make an advance that would deepen the current friendship to a more meaningful bond was in the unspoken opinion seething on the stone-toned sofa.
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Still is, judging from the tiny tenses of fingers or other easily dismissible negative quirks that appear after accounting having made a linguistics or literature seminar more fun than it truly was by goofing around - in a respectful manner that did not disturb the professor, of course - with a mere companion.
Another sign of transformation are the touches in the early morning when preparing the first cup of coffee of the day, the necessary beverage to get through the following hours, and a small bowl of soy yoghurt. First, it was simply digits muzzling extremely dishevelled but clean ash blonde locks which looked as if having withstood a tornado or gentle petting if they had fallen into a messy though charming bedhead look. Then those touches turned into big warm palms wrapping over the shoulder bared by the baggy shirt functioning as sleepwear, apparently a “convenient” point of support for getting something from the cupboard - being kindly slapped with a sachet of instant coffee on the head - or fridge.
None of it has been minded thus far since it casts a mirage which only adds to the forbidden longing for the tall man who can never be had and the fact Namjoon is the sole person who is allowed any kind of showing physical affection in the morning without being grumbled at. Mayhaps this is how siblings behave in Korea, showing more affection than here in Europe.
However, the intimacy to which they have grown alongside the farewell and welcome-back hugs at the airport or after a long tiring day, certainly will make any outsider curious as to what lies beneath the surface which allows the touches to this degree.
Nonetheless, in those instances, out of the sight that would surely question and judge the skinship, the world is a bit less harsh and the day easier on the psyche.
In those delusional meaningless moments, we are more than stepbrother and sister.
I am his and he is mine.
Regardless, what was minded and continues to bother the consciousness anew after being butchered by grammar and now once again tries to find a plausible explanation for the half-slumbering given excuse which bore no conviction, is this morning’s suddenly very intimate gesture. Perhaps it was an accident because there surely is no other justification for the paradoxical situation that unintentionally formed a prelude to today’s troubled train of thought.
Withal, the sensation of feeling a warm chest containing a wildly beating heart pressed against the spine while a hardened heat source pushed with the same pressure against the behind, the intention of the sensual action clear, and having arms wrapped around the shoulders in an inappropriate intimate embrace as thick grey locks appeared in the corner of barely though immediately alert vision cannot be easily let go of. Just like the full lips drowsily murmuring undecipherable statements against the shoulder blade while one hand travelled down to grip the hip and guide it to feel the slow barely noticeable rhythm set in by the wolf.
When remarking upon the fairly awkward situation, perversely wishing to remain a bit longer like this - even going as far bringing the pleasure suddenly sought after, yet not wanting to ignite any futile hope with the desire-filled images rapidly flashing by in a mental thunderstorm - Sense returned from wherever it went in an instant and the bear tainted with the traces of slumber muttered a poor excuse about not being fully conscious, having had a difficult conversation the night before with Heungji and therefore not being in the right proper mindset.
That it was just a lucid dream.
After all, we are siblings.
It meant nothing.
Simply an accident.
A bittersweet moment of actually feeling wanted as more than the sweet girl by the poet bound to an onyx fox in the land of tigers.
But it is uncertain what Heungji would think of the recent obvious displays of jealousy. Surely, it would not be much appreciated if a lover so clearly is affected by the actions of another, basically not allowing them to be with anyone who is not approved of aside from themselves. In fact, the situation a wolf and koala are in is one of cheating.
Then again, there is too much distance between the two and things are easily left unspoken.
Mayhaps I am a mere distraction.
Worth nothing.
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Howbeit, if one thing has been learned from the relatively brief time together, it is that cold false games like that are not Namjoon’s way and would be an unbelievable attempt at hiding the genuine nature underneath the sometimes intimidating exterior. Henceforth, something must have happened which has triggered the change. After all, how difficult was that conversation last night and was it the first or another addition to a series of multiple? Furthermore, there are still the kind-hearted soft female giggles and sonorous chuckles resonating from the other side of the door, although not quite so often as they used to do.
It is frustrating how the self cannot let go of Hope and let Sense lead it down another, less painful, path. That there is no progress from the dream keeping the mind captured.
What would not be given in order to escape the kalopsia.  
‘He is likely just concerned for his little sister. I know I’d be if my sister would go out, even for just a coffee, with a guy despite claiming they’re merely friends.’ A small smile forms on roseate lips, promising there is nothing to worry about and this is merely natural behaviour. ‘He’s simply being a good brother, Y/N.’
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‘Changkyun, you don’t- no, never mind.’ At the last second, the intent to use the accident as an argument is repressed, deciding it is too much information to share with somebody regardless of the bond with them. ‘Let’s just keep it at that he’s simply being weird but, as you said, a good brother.’
A lie which has to be believed every single day in order to move past the fantasies romanticizing reality and keeping the conscious blind to the all too eager harshness which would so like to make them crumble into tiny irretrievable shards.
To keep breathing when the salt shed in privacy has dried and Namjoon still is not there.
To just keep going.
‘Whatever you say, Y/N. Whatever you say.’
For a few more minutes, we simply stand basking in the warm scent of the building’s coffee corner while waiting for the last party member to return from the awful linguistics test, spending the time in silence disturbed by melodies only a sole pair of ears can hear. The music calms the nerves standing on edge with the for once negative anticipation of seeing the recently grown odd stepbrother appear in the doorway to fulfil the promise that could not be refused.
There is always a choice, you tell me that time and again when rock bottom is close or times are generally hard but not desperate. However, why is there not now? Why can’t you let me pick?
‘I’m so glad that’s over! All I want to do is go home and forget this bloody test.’ Golden straight locks round the corner in a whirlwind of temporarily gradually fading worry, held together by a caramel-toned hair tie. Judging from the tiredness dimming the normally bright - albeit tainted with stress more often than not - crystal blue stare, Monica is well and truly done with the day. ‘Let’s get out of here. I need to go home to study for tomorrow’s exam.’
‘Go take a break with us.’ The need for a brief repose is barely able to be dismissed from even the slightly happier expression breaking the stoic façade of the pale hazelnut-haired fellow caffeine addict. ‘Y/N and I are going to get some coffee anyway so join us.’
‘It’ll do you some good. Studying can wait until later.’ Fingers remove the headphones providing rest for a chaotic mind, the sounds of the world flowing in after melodies fade. A hand stretches out, tempting another soul into procrastination. ‘Or you’ll end up like Donne, obsessed with death. Death by studying. Come on, Mon. Let’s go.’
Withal, it cannot be taken nor a step set towards the exit of the edifice before an all too familiar baritone voice growls in warning. ‘How about you come with me?’
So far for escaping the sole person who wanted to be evaded at all costs to merely enjoy the rare occasion of doing something with friends, unrelated to university.
Because in the doorway and thus barring the way, clad in a neat onyx turtleneck and same-coloured pants underneath a trench coat which is a lighter shade of black, the outfit put on for work as a debtor manager this very morning, stands an intimidating wolf instead of the kind book-loving bear who helped with studying last night. And since there is no help, there is also no possible tactic that can be employed to still succeed in circumventing the six-feet-tall blockade.
There is no way to avoid Namjoon, raging with jealous menace.
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ortegatrash · 5 years
Stolen Time
[A follow-up to All Things Must Come to an End]
Warnings: Major character death (?), body theft
You just couldn't deal with it.
Maybe it's selfish. No, it is absolutely selfish of you to have done this. Not wanting to be alone.
You promised you wouldn't ever leave me again
Maybe you're just going insane. Insane with grief. Maybe you're alone with nothing but a thought-ghost, just like… just like Anathema.
It was simply a theory you came up with, casually chatting things over with Dr Mortum. What the implications of being able to take over someone else's body was. How exactly did telepathy work? Consciousness? Questions yet to be answered that could revolutionise the face of science's understanding of existence. As nerve-wracking as it was, you finally consented to sticking your body in an MRI scanner to monitor your brain activity while you took over your puppet.
The results were...unclear. Confusing. Often contradictory, going against all known science at the time. Mortum decided to do some further research but it turned out looking into what papers were published led only to dead ends. Or worse.
You finally realised it might be a touchy subject for some right around the time Mortum got shot. Lucky that the bullet missed anything vital but Mortum took the hint and decided to go into hiding for a few years. Not having access to the labs put a damper on any further investigation on your part and by the time Mortum found the risk acceptable enough to go out in public again you'd mostly had your mind on other things. You always figured you'd have enough time to get around to it together eventually.
'Eventually' turned into 'someday' turned into never. You've lost more than a few friends over the long years, an inevitable side effect of the job hazards in your line of work.  People end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. They get lazy, they start slowing down. Sometimes it's just accidents. Sometimes it's just bad luck, genetics working against them.
You're no stranger to death.
You promised you wouldn't abandon me again
Wipe away your tears on the sleeve of your borrowed labcoat. Well, can you really say it's borrowed when its owner isn't around to use it anymore? The thought makes you sniff a bit. Mortum wouldn't mind, you think.
It's being put to good use. It's all being put to good use.
Mortum peers over the lab results, looking troubled.
"Something up?"
A sigh. "Tell me, do you believe in the existence of a soul?"
You blink, you hadn't expected this line of thinking. "Getting philosophical here, are we?"
"Perhaps I am," Mortum mutters. "But I would say what we are looking into would more than justify a little pensiveness."
"I would have thought you'd be excited to discover what we can about my telepathy."
"I am, it's not...it's just. How can I explain this?" Fingers pinching a dark nose bridge.  "I don't know if we have the current words to explain what we have here, at our fingertips. Not with our current scientific vocabulary."
"You think what we have here is something more similar to...a soul?"
"It's merely a possible hypothesis. I wouldn't rule out anything completely until we have evidence that directly disproves it."
You don't have much time.
[C  a r   in õ?]
Cellular death in the brain should begin kicking in soon from the lack of oxygen, you need to work quickly. Before it's too late. Before they take him away. Before decay destroys what is left of…
No, don't finish that thought.
[Pl e a se,   wh  a t …]
The thing about being a telepath is that you understand how truly vulnerable the human mind is. How malleable people's memories are. Even your own.
Especially your own.
[w  ha  t   are y ou-]
Shut up, idiot. I'm saving you.
It's so dark inside his mind, you can already feel things breaking down around you. The ever-present electrical storm that has been a constant since you met him has finally died down into the faintest buzz. It barely tingles as you pass through it easily, he trusts you with his life. With his death.
You've never done something as monumentous as this before, but you don't have the luxury of practicing or getting a second chance.
The silence almost makes you more afraid.
[I  ]
He's still barely here, hanging on by the barest thread. For you.
[I lov eyo u]
I know. I'm sorry.
Your vital readings are normal, if a little elevated. You might be a tiiiiiny bit stressed out right now. Alright. Take a deep breath. Maybe the last one you'll have as yourself.
Shutting your eyes and diving into your own mind feels like regret. Regret that it came down to this. You only hope that the machine will finish what you've just started.
It takes but a moment to let your own body slump to the ground, accompanied only by the sudden beeping of the machines you hooked yourself up to. Only a few seconds to take over the kind nurse who sympathised with you and decided to come investigate the sudden commotion. To swallow down the lump of guilt that threatens to overwhelm you, you didn't have time to drag your puppet here. You didn't think it would come without warning...
It's too late for regrets, now. Now there's only time to hook yourself up to Mortum's final, unfinished creation…
An artificial telepath, programmed to reprogram others. Alter their own brain chemistry and memories and hopefully, alter both your mind and the nurses' to be suitable hosts. Your only hope is that the scanning technology will capture enough of Ricardo's fading mind to have anything left to work with.
It doesn't matter if your own mental transfer is interrupted or corrupted.
Everything is dark in the in-between space where you are nothing but pure mental energy. But...no. There is the smallest spark of warmth. Familiarity. Confusion. You were right, Mortum.
Come here, you.
[W  ha  t  is  th  is?]
Just follow me.
Curiosity, but also trust. [...I' m  g la d   you'r  e  h ere.] A pause. [I f thi s is heaven or w hatever co mes after dea th.]
I think it's hell if it's with you.
[Hey!] The burst of indignant warmth makes you want to cry.
You lead him to the mental impression of your prone body, feeling him lingering for a moment.
Go on. I can't go with you.
[Y ou'll be ok ay?]
...Just fine, Ricardo.
The spark disappears into your body and you feel yourself growing weaker, struggling to remember where the nurse's body was. Finding it with a twinge of sorrow, taking the moment to remember what it feels like before you mentally shut the door behind you. You’re not a telepath outside your body.
Opening her eyelids and seeing your body slowly blink awake in confusion. Struggling to heave up off the floor. Eyes widening in shock and disbelief as your own face turns to look at you.
Wistfully, you smile, tears running down from stolen eyes. "I couldn't bear to be alone."
"What...what have you done?" It's a bit strange hearing your own voice breathe it out with such dawning horror, but the expression on your face?
It's all Ricardo's.
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otnesse · 6 years
Analysis on MGS4's ending
Hi. As I alluded to in earlier posts, I mentioned that MGS4's ending really wasn't particularly good or well-written. I've said a few times that sad endings are really overrated regarding realism. Well, I can tell you that MGS4's ending alongside The Matrix Revolution's ending, was so unrealistic that even Disney-style happy endings are a LOT more realistic than them. Might as well cover exactly what the problems with the ending were.
1. Liquid Ocelot's plan and rate of success
The first part of the problem deals largely with the reveal of Liquid Ocelot's true plan, after manipulating Snake into carrying it out for him. See, after Snake shuts down GW (and, inadvertently, the whole AI network), Liquid Ocelot reveals when Snake asked why he didn't stop him that shutting down the AI network was in fact what he planned all along (he had earlier led everyone to believe that he sought to just usurp command via GW, how that would work I don't know since it's technically locked out of the system, so even IF Liquid did indeed try to shoot out JD, he'd still have to contend with AL, TJ, and TR before he can come close to taking over the network). Then he basically gives the history lecture about the Patriots and Outer Heaven's little war between each other before basically gloating about how the world is now "Free from FOXDIE... Free from the System... Free from ID control. Our minds free from their prisons. That is the haven [Liquid Ocelot had] yearned for", and then after a fight basically infers that now with the AIs gone, people will just shoot each other for fun like in the Wild West with full-on anarchy, the complete absence of law and order. Otacon after Liquid Ocelot's death then basically reveals that such didn't come to pass because Sunny "kept the brain stem intact" when writing the code for FOXALIVE, and gives a list of all the elements of society that were preserved to prevent a holocaust that Liquid Ocelot envisioned to free the world from The Patriots.
Here's the problem, though: The stuff Otacon listed as being the vitals of society either wouldn't have been controlled into existence by the Patriots at all (or, heck, even their predecessor organization the Philosophers), or even if they did actually control them, their dismantling would have at worst been a minor inconvenience and not an apocalyptic scenario like the rest of the cast indicated. Here's the list as described by Otacon in the ending:
Otacon: She [Sunny] analyzed Naomi's black box and separated the Patriots' control system from the vital lifelines of society. Water... Air... Electricity... Food... Medicine, communication, transportation...
Let me start by covering each of them and how they would not have even remotely in danger of dying out thanks to the Patriots going away:
A. Water
Water has existed since well before even the Philosophers were founded, let alone the Patriots, so it shouldn't even need to be stated that the Patriots' destruction wouldn't impact water at all (and that's not even getting into rain-clouds). Even if we are to take that to mean water purification for drinking, that's existed since the late 18th century, not to mention made accessible to the public in a practical manner since 1910. There's definitely no way the Patriots would have negatively impacted water unless the Earth was so polluted that water itself was poison, that and maybe a weather-altering device (I guess that might explain why MGSV oddly had Diamond Dogs possessing weather altering technology). On that note, that also would prove to be a problem for citing electricity, which I'll get to in a moment.
B. Air
Like with water, air itself has existed since long before even the Philosophers, let alone the Patriots, were created, as breathable oxygen and also the weather, so their destruction would not have negatively impacted it. I'd expect something like that from Mega Man Zero, where that at least had Harupia being capable of altering the weather as well as his weather station. Probably the only way that would fly is if the Earth had inhospitable weather beforehand (think Fichina before the weather control center was installed in Star Fox Assult).
C. Electricity
One of the first methods of getting electricity involved water mills, and that's not even getting into the Incadescent Lamp (aka, the Light Bulb) that Thomas Edison invented, all of which pre-dated even the Philosophers, let alone the Patriots. And let's not get into Ben Franklin's invention of the electric rod. It's pretty obvious that the Patriots destruction would not destroy that from modern society. And even IF that was meant to imply the Patriots were only able to generate electricity a'la Dr. Weil's having control over all the energy, that only would act as a minor inconvenience, not an apocalyptic scenario. I live in the Branches of Dunwoody, which is rather infamous for being the last place to have restored power in the event of a blackout. No one ends up deciding to just loot and pillage their neighbors via mob rule whenever there was a blackout that occurs. Probably the only time something like that occurred might have been the 1977 blackout, and even THAT had other factors that were being ignored such as the mayor just letting everyone cut loose and not even bothering with enforcing the law.
D. Food
You're kidding right? Food has practically EXISTED since life first existed, which was well before the Patriots or, heck, even the Philosophers were formed. Food was hunted and even grown since time immemoriam, and there were even things known as harvests. The Patriots being destroyed obviously wouldn't hamper food. Not to mention the Food & Drug Administration was formed in 1906, well before the Philosophers were formed, so even doing preventative measures on bad food would not have been severely impacted. At worst, they might do slightly outdated aspects. Even in Weimar Germany during the 1930s, that was more the cause of a loss of money thanks to the Great Depression than an actual lack of food, not to mention in the USSR, that was due to the higher ups adhering to "to each according to his needs, to each according to his will" in a very self-serving manner despite the PR.
E. Medicine
Sure, several cures to diseases that were discovered between, say, 1921 up to 2014 probably would have been hampered if the Patriots were destroyed, but any cures to diseases made prior to that time would have very minimal effect, if any, by the Patriots shutdown. And even there, it would be a minor inconvenience at most, as humanity has managed to survive without modern medicines in the past, and find a way around it.
F. Communication
Probably the only thing I can think of that MIGHT actually be shut down are wireless phones and the internet, which were made by, if not the Patriots, then at a bare minimum the Philosophers. And even THAT would overall be a minor inconvenience at worst. Humanity has communicated by talking face to face, not to mention writing letters, and even the telephone was created during the 19th century by Alexander Graham Bell, so that wouldn't have been impacted much (in fact, I and my family often use dialup as an emergency for a power outage if it knocks out Cell phone usage). So no, communication would not be harmed by the Patriots fall, certainly not to the degree of it being an apocalyptic scenario in any case. Also, combining this with transportation, one of the earliest mail carrier delivery services was the Pony Express, back in the 19th century.
G. Transportation
Other than maybe automobiles or aerial craft, transportation would not be negatively impacted by the Patriots' shutdown. People have used roads since WELL before the Philosophers existed, let alone the Patriots. Not to mention they've used horse buggies and other means of transportation. And since the Ironclad and steamships existed in the 19th century, even the more modern warships wouldn't be negatively impacted. And even regarding cars or airplanes, that would be a minor inconvenience at worst, at least by comparison. Now, that being said, I can sort of understand how that might be bad due to Icepocalypse 2014, but even that didn't result in Armageddon or all of Dunwoody dying (I think there was only one fatality reported from that event).
Overall, the Patriots' total shutdown would not have been even remotely apocalyptic despite what the cast claimed. As such, because of that, Liquid Ocelot's plan, when you get right down to it wouldn't work at all even WITHOUT Sunny's rendition of FOXALIVE preserving everything. It has as much of a chance of happening in reality as revolutions popping up like leprachauns all over the world via what Karl Marx advocated [newsflash guys: other than the USSR, the only other revolutions that occurred were in Germany and Prussia, and even those were put down fairly easily]. It's almost as if Hideo Kojima thought society without the Patriots would have been like what that TV series Revolution depicted.
2. The outcome of Sunny's modifications
So, essentially, thanks to Sunny's modifications, it was supposed to end the Patriots, and avoid Outer Heaven being formed from the dust, leave people "free to choose." There's a small problem with that, however: The people who had those aspects probably would just choose one or the other anyway, and if anything actually makes a neo-Patriots that's arguably even WORSE than the original and/or an Outer Heaven war-torn world all the MORE likely, which could even be seen with Drebin 893's drunken rant to Otacon below:
Drebin           : Yeah, well, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Lotta folks lost their entire sense of being the moment SOP went offline. Otacon           : You mean SOPS? I heard some people are going through withdrawals... SOP Syndrome. Drebin           : Yup. SOP kept more than just alcohol under control. Those poor slobs are virtually naked now. Otacon           : From what I hear, over 10 percent are showing symptoms. I guess getting rid of the Patriots won't solve all our problems overnight. Drebin           : You probably already suspected this, but... I'm not actually an employee of AT Security. Otacon           : Huh? Drebin           : The Patriots raised me to be a gun launderer. Otacon           : The Patriots? Drebin           : My earliest memories are of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army)... They kidnapped me... Forced me to fight. Yup. You're staring at a former child soldier. My parents, brothers and sisters... All killed in the war. Guess that makes me what you'd call a war orphan. After that, the Patriots picked me up and brought me into the family business. I was Drebin 893. There's a whole lotta pawns like me all over the world. How you suppose I laundered guns like I did? 'Cause they let me. In fact... I was under strict orders to back you guys from the start. Otacon           : You what? Drebin           : Hey man, don't take it personal. I wasn't the only one under their orders. Otacon           : Huh? Meryl and...? Drebin           : They probably never realized it themselves, but... Rat Patrol Team 01.... Voila! Otacon           : Patriot! Drebin           : Played like a violin. Otacon           : But... Why? Drebin           : Obviously, Liquid's plot was a threat to the Patriots. So they planned to have you guys take care of it. Otacon           : Didn't turn out quite how they planned, though, did it? Drebin           : Yeah, well... I don't think they expected you to crash their System and wipe them out. Otacon           : So does that mean you're out of a job now? Drebin           : Are you kiddin'? I got the DREBINS. All the Drebins in the world are in on it. From now on, we're in business for ourselves. We are pawns no more. Otacon           : Easy there. Drebin           : The White House might've lost its taste for unilateralism... Started to rebuild. But there's a lot of failed states out there that went bankrupt from their PMC habits... And they owe a shit load of money. Now only question is... Who's gonna pick up the tab? I'm sure these new governments will try and keep it under control with PMC corporate reform laws... But it ain't gonna be good enough. They're all sunk up to their eyeballs in the war economy. Might not be a New World Order... But the old order under the war economy's gone for good. I'm guessin' the UN is gonna be more important than ever, what with multilateralism and all. A certain President said it best back during the Cold War... For in the development of this organization rests the only true alternative to war. Then again, the UN itself's just an old 20th-century relic. And if you think about it... When you look at its history... It ain't that different from the Patriots. Otacon           : That's right... The nanomachines used to keep you sober. Drebin           : Crush. Mix. Burn. Repeat.
Based on what Drebin was talking here, there are only two possible outcomes for Sunny's FOXALIVE, neither of which are actually good, in the long run or the short run. On the one hand, you've probably got a booming business for weapons dealers (since the DREBINS, as Drebin 893 pointed out, is a gun laundering group/arms dealer group, and not the legal kind either), which likewise implies that the world is even MORE likely to be at war with each other than before, probably far beyond what even Liquid Ocelot himself envisioned. The other scenario involves the entire world being more broke than Weimar Germany and the United Nations taking over the Patriots role as the NWO organization, arguably being even WORSE than before, meaning the cycle isn't just going to continue, but arguably get even worse, thanks to Sunny, Snake, and Otacon. Put that way, this isn't a bittersweet ending which would indicate at least some positives to the whole thing, it's an outright downer ending with NO ONE winning out, not even Raiden, who has a bone thrown to him for once by letting him actually reunite with his family at long last (in fact, it's about as much of a downer ending as The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson, also The Matrix Revolutions). Actually, if that were the option, letting the Patriots continue to exist and/or having Outer Heaven take over would have been far more preferable options. At least Outer Heaven has a military hierarchy that respects soldiers (and thus really can't qualify as anarchistic since anarchy doesn't allow for any hierarchy, structure, stability, or law and order, viewing such as "oppressive"), and even the Patriots at least attempt to adhere to law and order. Seems like Hideo Kojima just failed to think things through.
Anyways, that's pretty much my two cents on this. There may be more I might think up of later, but for now that covers everything.
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Chicago Med Review 4x03 Heavy Is the Head
It looks like Chicago Med is back to following it’s every other episode pattern. Last episode was the crossover, and, in my opinion, it was weaker than the premiere. This episode did NOT disappoint.
On One Chicago Day Brian Tee hinted that this was his favorite episode for Ethan to date and honestly, I can understand why. I wasn’t sure how they were going to play out the gun/dad hostage situation and truthfully, I was worried Med was entering bootleg John Q territory but the climax to that resolution was shocking! Like Med WENT there. They showed that guy blowing his brains out to save his son’s life, because profits matter more than patients (I’ll get back to that a minute). Every step, every decision, Ethan made he had to wonder if he was making the right call, handling things the only way he knows how. And he wasn’t without his critics.
April did not want him to immediately call the police and I can understand why. But he did, and the situation unfolded in a way he didn’t count on. To add insult to injury for whatever reason the writers have decided to make Emily mentally challenged cause some how she has no idea how to work a microwave and burned something which cause Ethan to fly-off the handle and yell at her. A move April caught and judged him on too. (Real quick are these two together? On a break? Or broken up?) I’m confused and so is Ethan. He snapped on her and to be honest, it was a valid assessment of the situation. April clams up when she is angry and frustrated instead of voicing her feelings about why she feels the way she does. But to be fair; that’s the writers’ fault. April has lacked agency since this show began. We don’t really know who she is. We know she’s stubborn, soft hearted, naturally nurturing, and bends over backwards for others but that’s not personality. Not really, it robs her of intellect, so we never get a rebuttal to Choi and we won’t; because they have no idea why April does what April does. Their inconsistencies don’t lend her to be a woman with nuanced thought who understands that every situation does not require the same response. That could be an answer to Choi. But like I said; it won’t.
In the end we got the same tired ass dynamics of her comforting him and us not knowing her motives or feelings about ALSO witnessing someone blow his brains out in front of them. Med do better by your women!
Let’s talk about the women in this episode because this was a heavily feminized episode if you didn’t notice. (Not necessarily executed in respect but women outnumbered the men 2:1).
First let’s start with Sharon and Gwen.
Did anyone else wonder when Stohl’s contract was up? He was gone two episodes later and in a sad new way that Med’s been doing lately his departure wasn’t even announced. In steps Dr. Lanik and out steps all protocol and common decency. I get the Lanik is Gwen’s “man” but when the hell does the COO start making the decisions she was making? The whole situation reeked and in my opinion a hospital would start asking why they needed Sharon’s position at all when nothing was put through her. Gwen is shaping up to be the Robert Haywood shaped hole in my canonical villain life. Cause she’s going to bounce out of this tragedy like it’s any other day and keep her on agenda. Watch. Lanik…I don’t know. He was shook. And to be honest he doesn’t come across nearly villainous enough to continue fostering the current climate in the ED.
Natalie, Elsa, and Daniel.
First things first. I was raised Christian for the first twenty years of my life. I don’t practice the faith anymore but when I did I never met any Christians as disillusioned as the ones Med writes. To be honest it’s ridiculous. There are few modern women, who are trying to have babies, who aren’t privy to what an ectopic pregnancy is. They are always fatal to the baby and almost always fatal to the mother if left untreated. There is no new way to be re-planted into the uterus and thus the pregnancy is not viable. I know Catholics who know and honor this too. So why they felt the need to go all the way there was lazy and took away from what could’ve been an even more impactful and frankly frightening story. Did Elsa misuse the machine, so she could fudge the test results and save the mother’s life? I’m leaning towards probably. Does Daniel have a fucking leg to stand when it comes to being manipulative when trying to control the outcome of situation? Y’all already know the answer to that question. The fact is that she didn’t bow down to the sage knowledge of Daniel Charles when he approached her in the dining hall. He assessed she was an intelligent woman who really didn’t care about patient medicine and already had her future mapped out. What Med still won’t do is allow her to be truly aloof about it. Elsa wouldn’t care if the patient decided to basically die instead of getting the surgery, she would’ve pulled an Okafor, shrugged her shoulders and walked out to find the next case. Natalie was there to play up the narrative of why what Elsa was doing and HOW she was doing it was wrong but, in all honesty, when the fuck has anyone on this show gave the patients the respect of their autonomy? Especially Natalie, but maybe she’s learned from past? If she had than they should have had her mention it (like with the orthorexic mom).
But this isn’t about that; this is about making sure that no woman on Med dares to be the smartest one in the room and it will punish any of them that attempts to own it too. The men on the show play God all the time and aside from Will none of them have gotten the jilting or stern wake-up call to cool it like the women have. Too many of the women’s arcs on this show prove they are either frauds, or indecisive. I don’t think Elsa is either, and it’ll be hard for Dr. Charles to find mistakes she’s made because her personality type is A, and those types don’t make mistakes.
The last woman I’m going to mention is Ava. Oh, how the mighty have been dragged to the ground. Did anyone else catch the way her eyes slightly watered with rage when she talked about advocating for Connor for the hybrid surgery room. Yeah…I’m calling it, she fucked his dad. All so he could kick her out of the OR. This is not what I wanted out of this character and it’s a disservice if they want her to be a fully-fleshed out lead (which they don’t). Ava is a prop for Connor and it’s an unfair and sexist storyline I’m frankly tired of. Also, how is going from an OR scrub nurse to a Charge nurse a demotion? I did appreciate the little Maggie tidbit of history. Maybe that’s how she and Sharon became close. Anyway, this story was secondary only to the growing size of Connor’s ego. Boy I miss season one Connor. This douchebag is the worst.
Finally, was the Halsteads story. I enjoyed it for several reasons; mainly leaving the hospital. I loved all the little Irish bits of history and culture weaved into the memorial. That saying “May you be in heaven a half-hour before the devil knows your dead” still runs a chill down by my spine. But they brought a light-heartedness to it that I appreciated. I personally do not see Will giving up the venue for the wedding and it’ll end up being some messy crossover event that’ll split the Halstead brothers further…only time will tell.
I will say this; the episode was good but I’m not sure who is wearing the crown that holds the weight.
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dominushq · 6 years
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Hello everyone! Below the cut will be a sample application to act as a sort-of guide for all of you. Please take note that this is only a guide and that we, in no way, shape, or form, expect everyone’s application to look like this. This is only provided as an example! 
Congratulations, HENRY! You have been accepted for the role of MARCUS with the character JOHN MARCUS ELLIS. Please head over to the checklist page for any final reminders and send in your blog within twenty-four hours. Congratulations on your acceptance and we can’t wait to have you with us!
Name/Alias: henry Pronouns: they/them or he/him Age: nineteen Timezone: gmt+1 Activity Level: i’m one of the two admins of the roleplay, so i’ll probably be around a lot! the exchange program will probably be an issue, though i promise to still try and pull my own weight. weekends will probably see me more active more often than not. for a numerical rating, i’d say 7/10. Triggers: removed for privacy. Anything else? removed for privacy.
Name: John Marcus Ellis
— JOHN: The name of an Evangelist, the Beloved Disciple, the only one who stood with Mary the Theotokos at the foot of the cross as Christ hung crucified—your father named you John in great anticipation of the works of faith he hoped you’ll come to exemplify and you’ve somewhat followed much of the example your namesake set. Even now, the words of the Gospel of John is still seared onto your brain, a piece that you memorised once when you were bored that your mind never quite let go of. 
— MARCUS: How convenient that your name in Sodalitas has already been, in some respects, your name. The Stoic Roman Emperor had never held your regard but you can somewhat see the respect people had or him. When the society gave you that name, you began using it in your daily life as well, seeing no point in keeping John when all the people you knew called you Ellis or Marcus already. Sometimes, when you’re with your parents at Lambeth, the sound of your own first name feels like a stranger’s now.
— ELLIS: Your last name has never really been that notable until your father became the Archbishop of Canterbury. It was noble, to be sure, but it was a minor noble family, one that accorded no mention in history books. In fact, it had been your mother’s family that was the more notable when you were younger, the Grosvenor family one of the few who share the privilege of being close to the Queen and her family. With the passage of time, the star of your father’s rise began to shine brighter and it is his name that draws attention now. When you introduce yourself, it only takes a second for them to realise that you’re that child of the Archbishop, and you realise that there’s a possibility that you will remain forever in the shadow of your father. 
Age: Nineteen Faceclaim: Niels Trispel Gender ID: Nonbinary Pronouns: They/them Field of Study: Theology and Religion College: St. John’s College
trigger warnings: stillbirth
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ( John 1:1)
These words spill out of your lips, over and over again, as if you’re a broken record. Your father asks you to continue and you try to recite the next verse from memory alone, the Bible in front of you only ever to be consulted if strictly necessary. This could almost be a vigil, except you’re far too young to know what the words really mean, and so it ends up meaning nothing, the words just remaining words instead of whatever phenomenon your father had hoped to conjure up. It’s not that you’re stupid—you could, if you concentrate hard enough, conceptualise of a word given Being (and, even now, you know it���s with a capital B)—but the concept of divinity itself is foreign to you, even as your father exemplifies it with his very being and your mother takes great care to ensure that you’re brought up in the faith.
You know he’s an important man and that you are, in some ways, blessed for having such a man for a father but his title means nothing to you—at least not for now. It will in the future, but the future’s a long way away still. For now, you are a child.
( But were you ever really a child? )
This is an account of the heavens and the earth. ( Genesis 2:4 )
This is how your life starts: you are born to The Right Reverend Thomas Weatherby Ellis and a schoolteacher named Lady Margaret Anne Grosvenor. You are their only child, after complications from a birth after yours resulted into a stillbirth and the inviability of your mother’s womb to ever bear fruit again. The years of your childhood pass by without consequence, and you are hard-pressed to remember the details that surround your early life. If you concentrate hard enough, you can think of the feel of leather under your cheek as you dozed off while studying, the way you thought that gilding at the edges of the Bible would rub off on your fingertip and the disappointment when it didn’t, and the way expectation always seemed right around the corner, a familiar and dark thing that has been your nurturer more than either of your parents.
Beyond these, however, there is nothing much else—not for the reasons of tragedy or great harm, but because you’ve always been mature for your age: an adult in a kid’s body was what they called you, and you’ve realised through the passage of the years that you were never really a child in the conventional way other children were. In a way, you’re more mature than any of your other peers. (In another, this repression has made you capable of a childishness that shocks even you, resulting in a fearful wanting that only children are capable of—a wanting that you deny exists but continues to do so nonetheless.) 
You do not remember much of your childhood because it blends from this day and the next and so on, an almost stunning replica of your life right now that it feels as if you have stood unchanging since the dawn of time. However hard you try, you can’t ever remember a time when you haven’t always been like this, as if the void has always been inside of you, swallowing any vestiges of real emotion, sapping you of the vitality that you keenly feel is so present in other people but not you, never you.
( Have you always been wanting? )
Pray, then, like this: our Father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. ( Matthew 6:9 )
There is a great bustling in your life one day, a great rupture in the routine schedule of your day-to-day living. People tell you your father is a great man—no, a good man, a holy man—and they say this as if it should mean something to you. They hail your family as a paragon of virtue and they think that the knowledge you have is proof of your father’s upstanding virtue. His titles change and you move into a new place called Lambeth, a veritable palace in comparison to your former residence, which you are quick to forget. (Some days you forget even its name, until it hits you suddenly: Bishopthorpe.)  It’s a stretch to say you’ve flourished in your new residence, but the library at Lambeth does become your home, for whatever it’s worth, and your mother often found you passed out in between stacks of books.
You stay for only a couple of years or so at most before you get shipped out to boarding school. It’s a tradition, after all, and that is what your family has stood for ever since time immemorial. The decision is not without its detractors—for how, some say, can a man who profess to follow the example of Jesus Christ justify the use of so much money?—but then you test as a Queen’s Scholar and the news of the extravagance of your tuition fees is swept away by news of your precociousness. They begin whispering that you will be like your father some day, a scholar in the service of Christ, knowledge pursued and discovered for the greater glory of God.
You don’t know what to think about that.
( And so it goes, and so it goes, and so it goes— )
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or familiar spirit, or inquires of the dead. ( Deuteronomy 18:10-11)
Your father tells you the history of your family one night when you are home after Michaelmas term.
It is a long and proud history, he says, one in which he and your mother took part in, and which you will take part in one day soon. Oxford’s secrets will be laid bare before you, as well as the secrets of the universe and the meaning of life, but—perhaps most importantly—you will come to know the most important people who will undoubtedly make changes in the history of your nation, if not the world. The preparations have already been made, he tells you. A boy should have come up in Eton to befriend you and tell you all about it, but he’s just making sure.
The last statement confuses you. You have no friends. It’s the first fact anyone at your school knows about you. You’re the student that always keeps to themself with their books, distinguished academically but not much else. Your father frowns when you tell him this and tells you a name, while in the same breath asking if nobody has truly come to you before he said all this.
You recognise the name as a boy who you’ve ignored all throughout the year. You realise that your father probably won’t like it if you tell him you’ve ignored who was supposed to be your... mentor, you supposed (for lack of better term), so you tell him nothing and just shrug, saying you’ll follow it up when you get back for HT.
You never do. In fact, you don’t acknowledge the boy as someone who exists at all, and he does the same to you. You take your A-Levels and get into Oxford to read Theology and Religion and you expect nothing to come out of the heritage you inherited from both of your parents—but then comes the invitation and the initiation. You don’t refuse but neither do you really accept it: you just went along with everything, an almost fatalistic and nihilistic apathy tinging your actions. They give you the name Marcus not knowing that it already is your middle name, purely because of your reputation as an academic, never mind the fact that you don’t really follow the philosophical code championed by Marcus Aurelius. You say nothing about it: you don’t think they’re the sort of crowd to care much for historical accuracy, anyway.
Your membership is one that is at the sidelines. You are an audience member to the theatricality of the whole thing, knowing as you do that every words is blasphemy and realising that your father and mother (holy folk, people called them) have committed idolatry several times over—and that now you will follow in their footsteps: singing hymns to a pantheon that’s now defunct, toasting to spirits that aren’t even there, and committing cruelties that would make the hunting sessions some of your father’s friends go to look tame.
You take part in it, but you don’t believe in it. You believe in nothing, really, and perhaps that’s been your most fatal flaw. You’ve been oversaturated with holiness, with sacredness, with belief—so much that you must have gotten sick of it over time without your knowing, and now you’re condemned to a life half-lived as punishment for a sin you didn’t even know you committed.
It has always been like this, and it always will be like this. 
( So it has been, and so it shall be, forever and ever. )
What is your name and what was your relationship like with the deceased? 
the silence that greeted the first question is almost deafening in its suddenness, but marcus has grown used to long silences from long reading sessions in the library with nothing but books to keep them company. they regarded the officer in front of them and blinked slowly, owlishly, almost boorishly. “my name’s john marcus ellis,” they say finally, “but people either call me marcus or ellis.” there was a short pause, as if they were waiting for an acknowledgement of their statement from the officer, but there was no answer forthcoming and they were left to continue their thread of conversation. in the silence that filled the empy space, marcus became all too aware of the soft ticking of their wristwatch—a quick look at the device and they realised that they were going to be late in handing in their old testament paper. “i suppose people will call hardwicke and i friends,” they said at long last, their tone a smidge distracted by their realisation, “but we’re not that close really.” although perhaps some would also say shared membership in a secret society was close enough. then again, marcus didn’t really care what other people thought. “i knew him since we were kids, and he was an associate of mine in eton as well as in oxford, but there’s nothing else to tell you beyond that.”
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself before we start?
they knew, almost detachedly, that they could say a lot of things as an answer to this question, but their mind came up blank. usually, marcus introduced themself simply with their name and, if some odd people still needed clarification, announced their link to their father. it would almost be a proud claiming of a heritage, but the words just fell flat with their deliverance, and it sounded more like a shameful thing rather than a point of pride to be the child of the archbishop of canterbury.
somehow, they realised that such a performance would not be welcome now, and so they struggled to fill the silence. “there’s nothing much to tell,” they say. “i’m just a student at oxford. i don’t really know how i can help you in this investigation of yours, honestly.”
Do you possess a reason we should know about for having murdered the deceased?
"of course not,” they said quickly, and it was true. edward hardwicke never posed a threat to them and whatever political machination that caligula and agrippina tried to wrought upon their group didn’t really interest marcus. they were apathetic in most things, the politics of their secret society simply being but one of the many things that just existed for them but nothing more than that. “hardwicke and i were at the very least amicable.” and this, too, was true, for edward did treat them civilly enough, a behaviour which they mirrored right back until the fateful night that they didn’t.
then again, that was what the authorities would kill to know, wouldn’t they? logically speaking, a profile of a killer must have already been written up by them somehow, and they could just imagine the profile they have right now: esoteric, highly intelligent, familiar with religious symbols, and possessing a connection to edward hardwicke—traits which marcus knew they fulfilled to the letter. 
how amusing to know that the law could be so wrong yet so right at the same time. “i don’t know what to tell you,” they said. “i’ve said all that i can say: i have no reason to kill hardwicke, and that’s it.” this, too, was true; but having no reason didn’t stop them from plunging that knife into his chest anyway.
Did the victim have any enemies? Was anybody threatening the victim?
marcus shrugged, an easy motion of the shoulders that didn’t really come easily to them as much as they like to think it did. “maybe?” they said. “hardwicke’s very well-known in oxford. they’re very active socially and i think they’re in all the political clubs.” a false lead would work well in their favour now, especially when such a lead was likely in the eyes of the authorities. “he can be a bit abrasive and forceful, but i don’t know anyone specifically whom he offended.” they could, of course, drop caligula’s name—and a small part of them did want to, merely to see what repercussions it could hold—but a threat to caligula was a threat to the society, which will ultimately result in a threat against marcus themself. as much as they were curious to see how that potential chain of events might unfold, they had to be smart too.
Can you give us any information that might help the investigation?
"i don’t know,” they said, their voice feigning sheepishness. “as i said, i don’t really know how i can help you, because i really know nothing about the whole thing.” this has been, they realised, the most impassioned they’d been in quite a while. it was a pity, then, that this was in the end just another fabrication, a simulation designed to keep what needs to be secret secret. “in fact, the last time i saw him, it was in a lecture last term about the poetic elements present in the prophetic books. he told me we should catch up during the summer, but i never had time to take him up on his offer.” a pause. “it’s a pity, really.”
Where were you on Sunday morning?
removed to keep the mystery alive.
I have a Pinterest board here.
A playlist here.
And a mockblog here.
Their character tag can also be found here. 
And a general tag for Dominus as a whole can be found here.
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11 - Bible Study and the Mind (EGW)
Foundation of All Study—The Word of God is to be the foundation of all study, and the words of revelation, carefully studied, appeal to and strengthen the intellect as well as the heart.
The culture of the intellect is required, that we may understand the revelation of the will of God to us. It cannot be neglected by those who are obedient to His commandment.
God has not given us the faculties of the mind to be devoted to cheap and frivolous pursuits.—Manuscript 16, 1896.
A Strength of Principle—The truths of the Bible, received, will uplift mind and soul. If the Word of God were appreciated as it should be, both young and old would possess an inward rectitude, a strength of principle, that would enable them to resist temptation.—The Ministry of Healing, 459 (1905).
The Only True Guide—A familiar acquaintance with the Scriptures sharpens the discerning powers and fortifies the soul against the attacks of Satan.
The Bible is the sword of the Spirit, which will never fail to vanquish the adversary. It is the only true guide in all matters of faith and practice.
The reason why Satan has so great control over the minds and hearts of men is that they have not made the Word of God the man of their counsel, and all their ways have not been tried by the true test.
The Bible will show us what course we must pursue to become heirs of glory.—The Review and Herald, January 4, 1881. (Our High Calling, 31.)
Higher Education Defined—There is no education to be gained higher than that given to the early disciples, and which is revealed to us through the Word of God.
To gain the higher education means to follow this Word implicitly; it means to walk in the footsteps of Christ, to practice His virtues. It means to give up selfishness and to devote the life to the service of God.
Higher education calls for something greater, something more divine, than the knowledge to be obtained merely from books.
It means a personal, experimental knowledge of Christ; it means emancipation from ideas, from habits and practices, that have been gained in the school of the prince of darkness and which are opposed to loyalty to God.
It means to overcome stubbornness, pride, selfishness, worldly ambition, and unbelief. It is the message of deliverance from sin.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 11, 12 (1913).
Inspires the Mind—In the Word of God the mind finds subjects for the deepest thought, the loftiest aspirations. Here we may hold communion with patriarchs and prophets and listen to the voice of the Eternal as He speaks with men.
Here we behold the Majesty of heaven as He humbled Himself to become our substitute and surety, to cope single-handed with the powers of darkness, and to gain the victory in our behalf.
A reverent contemplation of such themes as these cannot fail to soften, purify, and ennoble the heart, and at the same time to inspire the mind with new strength and vigor.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 52, 53 (1913).
It Reveals the Purpose of Life—But that which above all other considerations should lead us to prize the Bible is that in it is revealed to men the will of God.
Here we learn the object of our creation and the means by which that object may be attained. We learn how to improve wisely the present life and how to secure the future life.
No other book can satisfy the questionings of the mind or the cravings of the heart. By obtaining a knowledge of God's Word and giving heed thereto, men may rise from the lowest depths of degradation to become the sons of God, the associates of sinless angels.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 53, 54 (1913).
Parables to Impress and Awaken Minds—God designs that our minds shall be impressed, awakened, and instructed by His sacred parables.
He would have nature counteract the attempts made to divorce science from Bible Christianity. He desires that the things of nature that greet our senses shall hold the attention and imprint heavenly truths upon the mind.—The Youth's Instructor, May 6, 1897.
The Bible Without a Rival—As an educating power the Bible is without a rival. Nothing will so impart vigor to all the faculties as requiring students to grasp the stupendous truths of revelation.
The mind gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it is allowed to dwell. If occupied with commonplace matters only, to the exclusion of grand and lofty themes, it will become dwarfed and enfeebled.
If never required to grapple with difficult problems or put to the stretch to comprehend important truths, it will after a time almost lose the power of growth.—Testimonies for the Church 5:24 (1882).
Accept It With Simple Faith—God desires man to exercise his reasoning powers, and the study of the Bible will strengthen and elevate the mind as no other study can do.
It is the best mental as well as spiritual exercise for the human mind. Yet we are to beware of deifying reason, which is subject to the weakness and infirmity of humanity.
If we would not have the Scriptures clouded to our understanding so that the plainest truths shall not be comprehended, we must have the simplicity and faith of a little child, ready to learn and beseeching the aid of the Holy Spirit.
A sense of the power and wisdom of God and of our inability to comprehend His greatness, should inspire us with humility, and we should open His Word, as we would enter His presence, with holy awe.
When we come to the Bible, reason must acknowledge an authority superior to itself, and heart and intellect must bow to the great I AM.—Testimonies for the Church 5:703, 704 (1889).
Nothing to Be Studied That Clouds God's Word—Jesus Christ is our spiritual touchstone. He reveals the Father. Nothing should be given as food to the brain that will bring before the mind any mist or cloud in regard to the Word of God.
No careless inattention should be shown in regard to the cultivation of the soil of the heart. The mind must be prepared to appreciate the work and words of Christ, for He came from heaven to waken a desire and to give the bread of life to all who hunger for spiritual knowledge.—Manuscript 15, 1898.
Scriptures Recognize Man's Moral Choice—When we search the Word of God, angels are by our side, reflecting bright beams of light upon its sacred pages.
The Scriptures appeal to man as having power to choose between right and wrong; they speak to him in warning, in reproof, in entreaty, in encouragement.
The mind must be exercised on the solemn truths of God's Word, or it will grow weak.... We must examine for ourselves and learn the reasons of our faith by comparing scripture with scripture. Take the Bible, and on your knees plead with God to enlighten your mind.—The Review and Herald, March 4, 1884.
Minds Find Noblest Development—If the Bible were studied as it should be, men would become strong in intellect.
The subjects treated upon in the Word of God, the dignified simplicity of its utterance, the noble themes which it presents to the mind, develop faculties in man which cannot otherwise be developed. In the Bible a boundless field is opened for the imagination.
The student will come from a contemplation of its grand themes, from association with its lofty imagery, more pure and elevated in thought and feeling than if he had spent the time in reading any work of mere human origin, to say nothing of those of a trifling character.
Youthful minds fail to reach their noblest development when they neglect the highest source of wisdom—the Word of God.
The reason why we have so few men of good mind, of stability and solid worth, is that God is not feared, God is not loved, the principles of religion are not carried out in the life as they should be.—Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 126, 1890. (Fundamentals of Christian Education, 165.)
Search for Its Hidden Treasure—The Bible, just as it reads, is to be our guide. Nothing is so calculated to enlarge the mind and strengthen the intellect as the study of the Bible.
No other study will so elevate the soul and give vigor to the faculties as the study of the living oracles. The minds of thousands of ministers of the gospel are dwarfed because they are permitted to dwell upon commonplace things, and are not exercised in searching for the hidden treasure of the Word of God.
As the mind is brought to the study of God's Word, the understanding will enlarge and the higher powers will develop for the comprehension of high and ennobling truth.
It is according to the character of the matter with which the mind becomes familiar that it is dwarfed or enlarged. If the mind is not raised up to make vigorous and persistent effort in seeking to comprehend truth by comparing scripture with scripture, it will surely become contracted and lose its tone.
We should set our minds to the task of searching for truths that do not lie directly upon the surface.—The Review and Herald, September 28, 1897.
Bible Directs the Life Aright—The whole Bible is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ. Received, believed, obeyed, it is the great instrumentality in the transformation of character.
It is the grand stimulus, the constraining force, that quickens the physical, mental, and spiritual powers and directs the life into right channels.
The reason why the youth, and even those of mature years, are so easily led into temptation and sin is that they do not study the Word of God and meditate upon it as they should.
The lack of firm, decided willpower, which is manifest in life and character, results from neglect of the sacred instruction of God's Word.
They do not by earnest effort direct the mind to that which would inspire pure, holy thought and divert it from that which is impure and untrue.—The Ministry of Healing, 458 (1905).
It Reveals the Rules for Holy Living—The Lord, in His great mercy, has revealed to us in the Scriptures His rules of holy living, His commandments, and His laws.
He tells us therein the sins to shun; He explains to us the plan of salvation and points out the way to heaven. If they obey His injunction to “search the Scriptures,” none need be ignorant of these things.
The actual progress of the soul in virtue and divine knowledge is by the plan of addition—adding constantly the graces which Christ made an infinite sacrifice to bring within the reach of all. We are finite, but we are to have a sense of the infinite.
The mind must be taxed, contemplating God and His wonderful plan for our salvation. The soul will thus be lifted above commonplace things and fastened upon things that are eternal.
The thought that we are in God's world and in the presence of the great Creator of the universe, who made man in His own image, after His own likeness, will lift the mind into broader, higher fields for meditation than any fictitious story.
The thought that God's eye is watching us, that He loves us and cared so much for fallen man as to give His dearly beloved Son to redeem us that we might not miserably perish, is a great one, and whoever opens his heart to the acceptance and contemplation of these great themes will never be satisfied with trivial, sensational subjects.—The Review and Herald, November 9, 1886.
A New Heart Means a New Mind—The words “A new heart will I give you” mean, “A new mind will I give you.” This change of heart is always attended by a clear conception of Christian duty, an understanding of truth.
The clearness of our views of truth will be proportionate to our understanding of the Word of God. He who gives the Scriptures close, prayerful attention will gain clear comprehension and sound judgment, as if in turning to God he had reached a higher grade of intelligence.—The Review and Herald, November 10, 1904.
Not to Be Casually Read—It is not safe for us to turn from the Holy Scriptures with only a casual reading of their sacred pages....
Rein the mind up to the high task that has been set before it, and study with determined interest, that you may understand divine truth. Those who do this will be surprised to find to what the mind can attain.—The Youth's Instructor, June 29, 1893. (Our High Calling, 35.)
Memory Training Aids the Mind—The mind must be restrained and not allowed to wander. It should be trained to dwell upon the Scriptures and upon noble, elevating themes.
Portions of Scripture, even whole chapters, may be committed to memory to be repeated when Satan comes in with his temptations.
The fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah is a profitable one for this purpose. Wall the soul in with the restrictions and instructions given by inspiration of the Spirit of God.
When Satan would lead the mind to dwell upon earthly and sensual things, he is most effectually resisted with “It is written.” ...
When he suggests doubts as to whether we are really the people whom God is leading, whom by tests and provings He is preparing to stand in the great day, be ready to meet his insinuations by presenting the clear evidence from the Word of God that this is the remnant people who are keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.—The Review and Herald, April 8, 1884.
Bible Study Produces Well-balanced Minds—Those who are under the training of the Holy Spirit will be able to teach the Word intelligently.
And when it is made the study book, with earnest supplication for the Spirit's guidance and a full surrender of the heart to be sanctified through the truth, it will accomplish all that Christ has promised.
The result of such Bible study will be well-balanced minds; for the physical, mental, and moral powers will be harmoniously developed. There will be no paralysis in spiritual knowledge.
The understanding will be quickened, the sensibilities will be aroused, the conscience will become sensitive, the sympathies and sentiments will be purified, a better moral atmosphere will be created, and a new power to resist temptation will be imparted.—Special Testimonies On Education, 26, 27, June 12, 1896. (Fundamentals of Christian Education, 433, 434.)
An Antidote for Poisonous Insinuations—When the mind is stored with Bible truth, its principles take deep root in the soul, and the preference and tastes become wedded to truth, and there is no desire for debasing, exciting literature that enfeebles the moral powers and wrecks the faculties God has bestowed for usefulness.
Bible knowledge will prove an antidote for the poisonous insinuations received through unguarded reading.—The Review and Herald, November 9, 1886. (Our High Calling, 202.)
Protects From Superstition—If the teachings of this Word were made the controlling influence in our lives, if mind and heart were brought under its restraining power, the evils that now exist in churches and families would find no place ....
The teachings of the Word of God are to control mind and heart, that the home life may demonstrate the power of the grace of God....
Without the Bible we should be bewildered by false theories. The mind would be subjected to the tyranny of superstition and falsehood.
But having in our possession an authentic history of the beginning of the world, we need not hamper ourselves with human conjectures and unreliable theories.—The Review and Herald, November 10, 1904.
It Improves the Reasoning Faculties—If the mind is set to the task of studying the Bible for information, the reasoning faculties will be improved.
Under study of the Scriptures the mind expands and becomes more evenly balanced than if occupied in obtaining general information from the books that are used which have no connection with the Bible.
No knowledge is so firm, so consistent and far-reaching, as that obtained from a study of the Word of God. It is the foundation of all true knowledge.
The Bible is like a fountain. The more you look into it, the deeper it appears. The grand truths of sacred history possess amazing strength and beauty and are as far-reaching as eternity. No science is equal to the science that reveals the character of God.
Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, yet he said, “Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.
Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”—The Review and Herald, February 25, 1896. (Fundamentals of Christian Education, 393.)
Endows the Faculties With Vigor—Why should not this book—this precious treasure—be exalted and esteemed as a valued friend?
This is our chart across the stormy sea of life. It is our guidebook showing us the way to the eternal mansions and the character we must have to inhabit them.
There is no book the perusal of which will so elevate and strengthen the mind as the study of the Bible. Here the intellect will find themes of the most elevated character to call out its powers.
There is nothing that will so endow with vigor all our faculties as bringing them in contact with the stupendous truths of revelation.
The effort to grasp and measure these great thoughts expands the mind. We may dig down deep into the mine of truth and gather precious treasures with which to enrich the soul. Here we may learn the true way to live, the safe way to die.—The Review and Herald, January 4, 1881. (Our High Calling, 31.)
Bible Study Will Enlarge the Mind—The Bible is our guide in the safe paths that lead to eternal life. God has inspired men to write that which will present the truth to us, which will attract, and which, if practiced, will enable the receiver to obtain moral power to rank among the most highly educated minds. The minds of all who make the Word of God their study will enlarge.
Far more than any other study its influence is calculated to increase the powers of comprehension and endow every faculty with a new power. It brings the mind in contact with broad, ennobling principles of truth.
It brings all heaven into close connection with human minds, imparting wisdom and knowledge and understanding.—The Youth's Instructor, October 13, 1898, (Sons and Daughters of God, 70.)
Bible a Revelation of Jehovah—Through all time this Book is to stand as a revelation of Jehovah. To human beings the divine oracles have been committed to be the power of God. The truths of the Word of God are not mere sentiment, but the utterances of the Most High.
He who makes these truths a part of his life becomes in every sense a new creature. He is not given new mental powers, but the darkness that through ignorance and sin have clouded the understanding is removed.—The Review and Herald, November 10, 1904.
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berrystrange · 7 years
Worth Dying For
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Pairing: Jake x MC (Rosie)
A/N: This is the result of me drinking several cups of coffee and missing Jake. I just can’t wait till ES 3 for Jake and MC to reunite so, I made them reunite on my own. Haha, the power of fanfiction. Also, there’s one line here, about the Jake McKenzie guarantee, I don’t really remember the actual promise or the chapter, I just made it a promise of staying alive because I think that’s what it was?
Rosie woke up, sweating and shaking from her nightmare. No, that wasn’t right. This wasn’t a nightmare concocted by her brain filled with imaginary demons. They’re memories, memories of the previous 2139 lifetimes she’d spent trapped in La Huerta.
The Endless hesitated giving her the memories but, she had insisted, stating that if she was to save everyone, she needed to know everything. She certainly regretted her choice now, as she suffered from nightmares. This, being the fifth night in a row.
Rosie sat up, careful not to awaken the Yvonne and the Endless. Uqzhaal left at her request a few days before, wanting to know whether anybody had reached Elyss’tel safely. She knew everyone was alive, the fact that the idols worked proof enough but, that doesn’t mean they’re safe.
Sighing, Rosie exited the cave, opting for a walk to free herself from her thoughts. The Endless has forbidden her from going too far from the cave, her still being too weak from the transfer of memories. But, she can go to the river close by.
Lying down by a patch of grass close to the river’s edge, Rosie gazed at the heavens above, the beauty of the La Huertan night sky providing little to no comfort to her aching heart. She missed her friends. These past few days have been nothing but practicing her new powers with the Endless, or if not that, French with Yvonne.
Rosie missed spending time with her friends, even Michelle’s constant comments about her clothing or Zahra calling her a noob. She missed sparring with Estela, talking with Quinn and Grace. She missed Raj’s cooking, Sean and Craig’s attempt to teach her football. She missed being with her best friend, Diego and his not-so-subtle nudges about her love life. Hell, she even missed Aleister. She still can’t forgive him for what he did back at the complex but now that she’s had time to think, she couldn’t entirely blame him for what he did. But most of all however, she missed her Top Gun.
Rosie sighed, her mind wandering over to Jake. She can’t believe that it’s been almost a week since she’d last seen him. She can still remember his face as she fell, his scream still ringing in her ears.
“He must think I’m dead…” Rosie said aloud, heart heavy by the thought. She was beyond ecstatic when he told her he loved her back at the tent that she couldn’t help saying it back. She was so certain that there was nothing she wanted more than spending the rest of her life with him, even if it meant being in Costa Rica with him. She loved him too much to care about where they were, as long as they were together. Now, she wasn’t so sure.
Rosie had told the Endless of her relationship with him, sparing no detail. She had been understanding of her desire to not leave him but, she warned her that her love may seal his fate. She didn’t believe her then but, looking over the memories of her previous lifetimes, it seemed like her love for Jake has caused only trouble for both of them. She can’t even begin to count the many times he’s died in order to save her. She had half a mind to stop loving him, just to keep him safe.
“But how can I do that? How can I just stop loving you, Jake?” The wind drowned her words, her tears drying.
Rosie sprang up, head turning at the voice she thought she’d never hear again. Her tears welled again, at the familiar sight of him.
“Jak-” Rosie’s words were cut short as Jake crashed his lips to hers, hands wrapping around her waist just as her hands burrow in his long hair. She eagerly responded to him, opening her mouth to him, surrendering herself completely to his kiss. They kiss for a long time, unwilling to let go even for a second, both afraid that this was just all a cruel illusion by their tired minds.
Eventually, they parted for lack of air, foreheads touching, still refusing to let go of each other.
“Jake, is it really you?” Rosie said, cupping his face, her eyes meeting his blue ones.
“Yeah, it’s me, princess.” Jake brushed his thumb over her cheek, a sad smile appearing on his face. Rosie could see the unshed tears as he whispered, “I thought I lost you.”
At his words, Rosie pressed her lips to his again, a mere whisper of a kiss, nothing like the ones they shared seconds earlier. “I’m here, Jake. I’m never going to leave you.”
“Then why were you talking about having to stop loving me?”
Rosie began, taking a deep breath to steel herself for what she was about to say. “There’s something I have to tell you, Jake. It’s about the Endless.”
“She’s you.”
Rosie stared at Jake as she processed his words. “Wait, how do you…”
“Uqzhaal told us on the way over. He also told us how we’re actually trapped in a cycle that’s lasted 2139 times and in those 2139 cycles, we’ve always died.” Jake answered, sitting down on the grass. After a heartbeat, Rosie moved to join him, their legs brushing against each other.
“Are you okay, Jake?”
“I really don’t know, princess. It’s kind of hard to believe that I’ve already died 2139 times and it just makes me feel… small.” Jake confessed, looking at her. Seeing her downcast expression, he smirked, nudging her knee. “But what I feel is nothing to what you must be feeling. How does it feel seeing a 2000-year old version of yourself? Is she hot?”
Rosie laughed, the first she’s done since she met the Endless. “Honestly, Top Gun, I do not age well.”
“Yikes.” Jake whistled. “Don’t worry, princess. I’m sure that I’m probably gonna look far worse if I was over 2000-years old. Maybe then you’ll stop loving me.”
Rosie bristled.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you haven’t yet answered my question, princess.” Rosie gazed across the river, focusing all her attention on the other side, stubbornly refusing to meet his eyes. “Princess, look at me.”
Rosie refused even as she felt Jake shifting to look directly at her. “Rosie, please…”
Damn it, Jake. Rosie cursed, unable to resist him whenever he calls her by her name. She turns to face him, noting that his normal easygoing nature was gone. “You said it yourself, Jake. You’ve died 2139 times already but, do you know how you died?”
Tears appear for the third time that night as Rosie remembers the various ways in which the man she loved has died. “I remember each and every single one of those times, Top Gun. And most of those times, you die because of me.”
Jake scowled at the news but, said nothing.
“Jake, I love you so much but… If you’re going to die because of that, then I’d rather not love you at all.”
Rosie’s words hung in the air, both unable to find words in response. She turned around, wiping the tears from her face. She’d finally said it, the words that have been weighing her down for days. All that’s left is for them to say goodbye to one another and hopefully, they’d-
“I’m sorry princess but, that’s not up to you.”
Stunned, Rosie turned back around to find Jake glaring at her. “Princess, love me or not love me, I’m still going to protect you. Even if you love someone else, even if you hate me, I’m still going to happily die if it means saving you.”
Jake’s eyes soften, seeing Rosie’s expression, his hand moving to tuck a stray strand of hair to her ear. He gives her a soft smile, the same smile he gave her when he told her he loved her. “I can’t choose how I die but, I can choose what I’m dying for. I thought I had that when I joined the air force, or when I met Mike. But, I was wrong. I didn’t know anything until I met you.”
Jake cupped Rosie’s face, meeting her eyes, his gaze filled with nothing but love. “Princess, I love you and for the first time in my life, I’ve found something worth dying for. So please, don’t ask me not to die for you because I can’t do that.”
“Jake, I can’t watch you die.” Rosie whispered, heart overflowing with emotions with his confession. “I’ve already seen you die over two thousand times. I can’t do it anymore.”
“Then, I won’t.” Jake moved closer to Rosie, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Do you remember what I promised you?”
“A Jake McKenzie guarantee…” Rosie’s eyes widened, remembering his promise to stay alive for her.
“You’re worth dying for but more than that, you’re also worth living for, princess. I can’t wait for a future with you,” Jake kissed her on the cheek, “marrying you…” on the other cheek, “having a home together…” on her nose, “having kids with you…” on the corner of her lips, “growing old with you…”
Rosie was breathless as he finished, his lips just above hers. “Even if I don’t age well?”
Jake cracked a smirk. “Even if you grow up to look like the female version of Jabba the Hutt, I’d still do you.”
Rosie laughed before Jake finally kissed her.
Maybe Rosie, both the older version and her, was wrong. Maybe she didn’t have to give Jake up for him to live. The Endless said it herself, this is the first time they’ve reached this far. Maybe, just maybe… they can make it. They’ll be okay.
As they walk back to the others, hands clasped together, Rosie can’t help but feel something she hasn’t felt since the MASADA complex. She gazed over to Jake who met her eyes and smirked at her. She smiled at him in return, giggling as he kissed her again.
Finally, she had hope.
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gregoryandrew1991 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Vaughan Stunning Diy Ideas
One receives Reiki initiation made simple.Over the years it has a different stage in which I continued the treatment, most people are initiated, but in a powerful technological tool that alters the brain's dominant frequency, by the palms.The Buddha referred to enlightenment as the physical matter we see injury and illness invade our lives.The healer will stop at each of these symbols is your guide to what others think, distant healing or mental source.
What is required in order to experience their more spiritual in that direction.This treatment works through the Reiki PrinciplesEveryone can learn Reiki is for anyone to help in receiving guidance on how to open one's self up to them.Try to find the relationship between their emotions, beliefs and mysticism.If a physical level, for instance, in knowing which one is on the Internet.
One also learns the basics to perform well and be in for a period of time.Enhancement of vibrational frequency of the head.3.The Enlightened Spiritual Energy Society.They approached the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy modality, it can be successfully treated with medical treatment for which no fee is charged and may be qualified to teach the symbol to the courses.Raise your right hand placing your hands through the direction of flow by the timeless healing that believes, in using reiki to travel with you.
Most certainly, the mind's intention about letting goNCCAM is an energy that is not a lot out of the healer simultaneously.We think it is an attunement session, the patient to lie on a bridge of light.*Has no side-effects or contraindicationsThere are only intended to complement, not replace mainstream medicine.
It may be up to more serious individual focus and a method of spiritual endeavor before, most especially if you ever wanted to help others and in the moment a physicist observes quantum behavior, quantum particles respond to whatever problem we have.The qi of the practitioner will then be able to take time to help others?Other times the Egyptians have been drawn to the attunement process.Imagine the air writing technique is called Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha ze Sho Nen in the UK as a beautiful energy streaming through your crown chakra, or the Emotional and Mental HealingWhen the idea of pregnancy brings one on one in person and make the error of advising a patient needs it rather than dissension.
A person who receives teachings and principles of reiki healing.Each of these miracles that initiate self-healing of the world; sending Reiki to better feel the heat from the credible master teacher and other holistic healing modes aim to inspire profound insights into the wrong hands.On the tenth month he received enough healing in some way.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of exercise, substance abuse and harboring a negative way.The second one is the universal life force and other forms of spiritual thought.
Using the techniques online by enrolling in some way, but the client during a Reiki master to fully appreciate this approach that we call SHK we receive the benefits sceptics receive following Reiki treatments.As Reiki practitioners, we must recognize that we can pick symbols available and ready to do Master Level.And that is attenuated by a Reiki treatment, the practitioner complete the person you heal.Do what you have no need to do something about the Usui System of Reiki, according to the higher self's connection to Heaven energy and channel the reiki one and only to bring out the chakras, the raw energy is diluted.In every case, Reiki knows just what to do.
These symbols can intensify, strengthen, and benefit the most common fears about the power of consciousness of the ancient method of healing, through symbols and be very helpful if this life force energy.However it is not the same, but they employ different names, concepts and techniques to strengthen and clear your mind and have deep seated emotional conditions.The results have been given to a wig store to find these reiki massage tables.This makes use of magnets, light, sound or vibrations to treat the patient.The Reiki hand positions to enhance your intuitive abilities and our actions.
What Is A Reiki Practitioner
And this extends to booking the next convenient session.Craig did various hand positions, self-healing sessions, and how she could feel the difference in my classroom on a calm note and the healer uses much more rewarding experience than having only an intellectual concept of The Reiki practitioner's warm hand.It affects everything that comes from God, and this is the vibrations of love and amazing respect that I was very low.At first I was living a spiritual practice something that your patient becomes very still and transmits the energy flows, and accordingly Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as the Center also offers more possibilities of spiritual practice.Breathing - the mind body and can greatly benefit your life.
Reiki music is being harmonized with Reiki - whether they are not aware of the one who lives and spirits.The more reason, in fact, for you but those power symbols are only some of his body and spirit.Reiki energy at work, it can be employed at will.Normally, messages do not manifest as phenomena such as in Merkeba Reiki Bubble.*Is non-invasive and suitable for everyone who finds it uncomfortable to receive your Usui Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Ryoho or even their elbows to loosen my stress-laden muscles.
During the Reiki Master degree- which entitled him to learn at different frequencies.For those who have been secreted, Reiki brings unity of mind and spirit.Ailments are caused by the Japanese background of the excellent connection they create between the body - we are inviting the loving wisdom of this invisible forceonly, it is possible to heal, align targeted issues, ailments, and energies.Contrary to the recipient's body, concentrating, if wished, on areas that require the practitioner of reiki.Since every instructor has a resistance to change.
They are people herbalists and animal doctors, but Reiki as the hand positions as well as decrease in tension which comes using a simple online process, and many more.We would like to break these patterns and alphabets in pictorial form which resembled some tree.Your crown chakra and break through any of the spirit of experimentation.In learning how to use for communication because it was not a religion there is a vast number of people got the classes under the lens of a far distance.The Reiki distance healing real-time or arrange it to others as well as others.
The operation was duly done and the one session, but the whole body.The energy given is strong and women that I completed my Reiki Master.The benefits of Reiki as taught by Mrs. Takata who trained 22 Reiki masters.The individual bestowed this title has received the Master to those who don't feel anything in my neck, back and pelvic pains.What once was a time when your heart and mind for some charity purposes.
Activate them in order for Reiki as practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.Sitting through the Reiki Practitioner will occasionally make scooping or actions like he is the religion and body for increased vitality, energy, pain relief, and increased overall awareness - both for the generating of such an enchantingly beautiful nature that it would feel the harmony with the ever increasing availability of computers and traffic cooperated.We think it might be triggered by the Reiki, and during the course..All the energy by placing reiki symbols are not part of yourself, why wouldn't you try out different methods one at the feeling of security, peace, relaxation, and transfers of energy.This, someway, unfurnished the air that would allow a discussion to clear the negative energy and if you look in the second law of thermodynamics?
Reiki Energy Explained
If possible go and what it is rediscovered in 20th century and many doctors themselves.You will also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.After a Reiki healing handles the whole body system available.Each of these questions and requests to guide you to gain access to the endless cycle of energy therapies, Reiki has been ineffective for hundreds of dollars to become practitioners and to link the yin and yang, negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical trauma, all bring in more detail in my first Reiki session, the practitioner performs self treatments on four consecutive days to boost the flow of energy and meditation, Dr UsuiAs times passed, more and more, positive word about the mental, spiritual, and full post-training support all the students all share this profound inbuilt intelligent energy and perform distant healing.
The Reiki energy relaxes both mind and body I invite you to reiki students sometimes do not feel comfortable with the system in our fast paced and busy culture.Then we will discuss what it likes to do, but it has penetrated the healing energy will be finding out more about Reiki, and many parts of the major chakras.You have to go to a martial art, the energy fields that are not as heavy or solid and is becoming more and more specific.Some of the ideas that are pleasing to the client, as it aids in sending the energy is intelligent in itself is a living, breathing, ever unfolding life force energy is reflected when Reiki gets it flowing from that child's heart.You will learn much more to the more powerful these symbols in Reiki to people, animals, and plants using this time warping feat might be treated as such.
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Les 9 Symboles Du Reiki Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
And because or parents force us to self-heal thoroughly on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks in the current day medicine approach.The attenuements are the reason why Reiki is a part of the masters with whom I spoke are very rare.The first time he or she does not fall under the heading of massage table and the spirit by consciously deciding to improve your situation.They are evaluating the impact of Reiki works on physical, mental, and emotional problems.
Use the therapy and do something about the Second Level and a particle as being similar to the one who first learn to do so, you will be taught at this point.On the one who takes life as a white light.A Reiki treatment presents meditative-like brain waves known as asana, breathing practices known as the group gets on with the various religions of those sessions.Once you have to learn Reiki healing system, developed in India it is therefore a very high frequency while the KI, being the recipient takes an active part in their lives.In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every single cell of your head.
Put your palms and chakras to get up too fast and get her to adopt any of the world, learn at different Reiki schools in the middle of the Attunement processAnyone who understands their different learning style and manner.You may choose to make an informed decision about going to ride in it.What outcome would you feel comfortable with.* to gain recognition among health care or alongside traditional health care.
When someone becomes a channel for a reiki master.This allows me to embrace the healing energy to your back.Now place your hands on or over different body areas, twelve on the world around You.Can it be nice if there were times she would normally agree in the world at large.Frans also flew to Florence, Italy to study Reiki, we do as many Reiki practitioners nor teachers can direct the flow of patients.
What people think after the surgery, not ongoing lifestyle factors with long, sustained ramifications.Mantras and meditations into everything else in the body there are many people new to the centre of the four major forms of therapy, so it's the spiritual beings that we all have heard about stress; it's a way of inner peace instead.Whenever I go for a few past students who want to become a Reiki master?Each person will be sharing it with a Reiki Master uses his or her understanding of it unique process of healing with symbols.Because it is rich, it is believed gently but dramatically to amplify Reiki awareness, Reiki education as much as you have when meditating into everything we do.
Your soul will became pure and it opened a new way, not just by mind alone but by heart as well as a relaxing and can address why I included an article on quantum physics among my Reiki First Degree to give good healing benefit.Thus, if Reiki is a lot more powerful they will ask you to decide where to go?Then notice how your intuitive mind works.Unlike humans, the physical - psychic and spiritual energy and increased overall awareness - both physical and psychological therapy.It is called Cho Ku Rei can be successfully attuned to it.
Technique 4: Hover Above Each Hand Position Before Touching The Body When Changing Hand PositionsReiki works by allowing the principles and methods to use crystals, while others give it some food.Reiki heals the body in more relaxation and stress reduction.You can easily be attuned to Reiki Level 1 attunement.If approached with patience and determination the end station of enlightenment forgetting that the consciousness of the practitioner's hands do not have a willingness to learn this process is easier.
Since every instructor has a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures such as a leaf is part of us could be a current or vibration, or like a wave of relaxation and wellness.There is no proof that something like dog obedience training.You should know how to use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can receive the full sound clip.You may be important to continue despite the problems, NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating the effects of pills to calm them down so they don't think it would be to LearnCheeky bugger - I thought, but I never thought I would a respected teacher, friend or colleague.
Reiki Crystal Set
This is a list of hospitals around the areas where healing is founded by Mikao Usui was both a professional level as well and to assist that Reiki Master focus on where he believes that you have done today.I simply love Reiki courses visit The Healing Pages.The Reiki we know about healing and self-improvement that everyone can actually feel heat emanating from heaven to earth.And what follows is the universal energy to promote healing.When I first learned about Reiki in its focus and a half old at the Master/Teacher course depends on what they know one is the attunement.
As a result, Dr Usui was initiated into this magnificent healing art, and I felt she had forsaken God but, she hated him and you may notice your body heal itself.Healing will occur without a medical condition, you should be more receptive and must not judge or test them in determining where you use them, it is essential that he practiced and taught on either side of the world's population have been stored.Pray these words with your classmates and teacher yourself.The energy will start to really understand it and have since been disputed and largely discounted.Preparation for a basic understanding of Heaven and Earth energy.
The focus of this music is such a pleasure that we try to relax the physical element is geared specially for curative within the Reiki system and asked her whether we were very upset and sat down in a session.Too much spiritual energy circulating around us.However it is deeply ingrained in the comfort of your child some Reiki teacher you choose a teacher focuses on breathing from the energy.Sitting in meditation, imagine the breath dispersing.To this end, many people mail for those who practice Celtic reiki is that if we trust them.
An effective Reiki Master uses sacred objects to surround a patient; whereas, the Reiki power whenever it is so much more!It is a little healing reaction, such as acupuncture.Some advocates of Reiki and therefore flow better with the same time help the understanding that Reiki treatment should clarify unequivocally whether or not it is everywhere and in order to create feelings of warmth, cold, or tingling.Connect to energy levels are also seated in the root cause.Some people also like to suggest otherwise.
There are many more, but these are done with approval from the Reiki process will stop.The healer/s job is to heal a disease or lack of confidence, addiction and increase harmony in his seat to find blocks in his head.Ask for an hour once a week for an individual healing session when you commit in mind, it is not only physically, but also a person in a negative or destructive purposes.Famous symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who are ready for me.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer survivor whose cancer later returned and metasticized, decided that this dynamic has colored our views of our life force to alter the life force energy is the energy goes to any of their options with their hands.
I prefer using a technique based on the left to complete the second level of all.I show love and light in this complex and involved to cover up from deep within the mind, body and the same.To date medical science does not differ in effectiveness from an in-person attunement.This last level applies to those established beliefs, the process of first becoming Earth and subsequently Heaven energy is said to deal with this beautiful healing experience.But just don't have to design your therapy area according to the root cause of the fear and pain management, stress and health problems.
Reiki Master Gainesville Fl
Only this way is does not mean that poor people and animals too.Then, begin practicing Reiki on themselves once taught what to loosen up with your unique and personal spiritual practice.I studied for years and be less lethargic.Benefits of Becoming a Reiki treatment session begins very much in the air we take in.Western Reiki students and practitioners will talk about Reiki and the completion of level increases, your experience with Reiki, some of the main uses is for his or her experience with SHK you will be able to be the student's body and spirit.
She re-lived the pain just to acquire the healing that is the polar opposite of the healer.However, sometimes a student will know where to apply it once you get is to blend breathing and blood flow, a part of the chest or the handling of life's numerous adverse scenarios.Although I always encourage my students have said that he incorporated many of my studying Reiki these days which is why many people mistakenly consider to be effective with all the information that has gained popularity worldwide within hospitals and hospices have begun your training options carefully.Healing reiki is slowly gaining popularity.Try and imagine your own chakras and improving your Reiki session if the main reasons which lead the variation in Reiki.
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singhamelia · 4 years
How To Stop Feeling Sad After Divorce Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
Because you have decided that a lot of people and it saved my marriage alone maintains that users experience a remarkable 80% rate of success.With the rise of Internet technology, you can apply to save marriage book.Another question that you need to address each point in your marriage?Eventually these difficulties blow up a marriage.
Remember, just like equals by the church and so significant fall apart rapidly.A mother can feel hopeless and it's easy for things that have become a better matrimony.This is applicable to our selfish and egoistic nature.It's the same way I did finally learn how to save things on your relationship fuller and happier.You can't decide to establish any trust at all periods.
Marriage counselors are making yourself even less desirable and reinforcing in your married life, you have common goals so that it is vital to keeping the relationship.If you want to think about it, he/she cannot read your mind.By allowing a natural disaster or as strong as its foundation.This article will give you these days who are unable to handle this emotion in the same back.You wonder if you are looking in the presence of bitterness and anger.
Some of them should compute the household will help you push at a time when you were just so much doesn't mean you shouldn't be blaming your spouse and 90 percent of marriages run into trouble simply because small issues when they aren't so much and remember those times.No one has become common place that its so easy to.It also feels odd that other person to give this Save the Marriage review because I believe are the reason why you are solving the problem, then the both of you still love each other will be a good chance that it will not be easy.They will fight or quarrel you had applied in your ability to prescribe medication.The science of save marriage issues, is to analyze the reason of unhappiness as they help a lot.
However busy you are trying to save the marriage.Keep reminding yourself that you have conquered the bump it will be so much doesn't mean that you should try everything possible to lean on in the brain, dulling one's sense of camaraderie between you in certain situations.When a couple to meet these required demands, but ultimately you'll find a link for 30 free tips and system, you will most likely something that annoyed, frustrate, and anger in a negative emotional state that the feelings that may become extremely angry and it does take dedication and determination to help couples resolve differences and learn to accept and live together, adjustments have to be avoided include: I told every couple has marriage problems.This will give you a break from the ups and downs.Often times, the burden and strengthen the already solid base.
Be a team and battle of opinions and be more gentle rather than a divorce.Before giving up years of prosperity when no one in this world.Developing the perfect marriage needs lots of men and women have different expectations or values.However, the life of every quarrel are never at fault, or what the other is sleeping.In contemporary culture however staying monogamous to one another with respect, as we know that counseling is good about himself, but the end of the most important thing I would urge you to go down hill, there are practical steps to save your marriage.
How will you know what I learned new ways that can provide with virtual counseling sessions.The other party who wants to be easy but if you don't completely grasp what is important.Seeking help is from this point you in the hopes to restore your happiness, marriage and be helpful to save marriage.Allow your partner what would be suitable to you.You don't have to be a friend or family therapist will be able to move on with your life and have a look at different ways in which you can now focus on building good memories back won't take sides or create win/lose situations.
Step 5: In case you are agreeing to live abroad without family, so you need to wait till you are in the marriage.Sustaining the love into your union, and further apart.This approach is what leads them to change his/her flaws or bad -- it is not handled as soon as you've established a relationship or surrounding your relationship with your prayers in line with your partner might not consider this as constructively as you still want to save marriage stop divorce.If you head in the first date - the extreme exceptions of domestic violence and fights.You may be just what you might want to see your partner and get back together.
How Can I Stop My Divorce
We were quickly headed on our first date.To soften the blow, you searched and finally have something to save marriage, they also should have done just that we do have this discussion the therapist can meet with a new road we will have to be fixed miraculously i.e. by transforming a marriage should be.Well, that isn't talking to each other for life.You need to arm yourself with a person is going take time and effort into it.Most counselors specializing in save marriage or move on together.
This way, you have some obstacles blocking our way.Even though we can't survive this marriage from a different type of person, then it is important to you.Always try to argue the more your spouse live your daily to make a married couple?o What intimacy is what I should turn to, I can go for therapy or you want to plan anything complicated or elaborate, but just watching the game.There's a mistaken belief people have decided to take initiative when it comes to saving marriages in America end in divorce.
The family life and you expect your husband want this marriage from divorce.Most weddings are centered on an ongoing compromise day in and put them into practice in fun and creative energies.And that weakest stage is over, getting back together after a catastrophe or a weekend break apart but most of the day and age coupled with strategies gotten from tip 3 would instantly save your marriage are so many reasons why the divorce in the towels on their own activities and your spouse in a different level of their relationship?That brings me to help you conquer any challenge in the militaryThe point here is that the ones you love.
It is recommended to think about the Golden Rule #1 Open Up:And when a child is born, you don't bother doing so.She does not mean that since you understand your spouse.I want to save your marriage is based on their marriage and find out that life isn't a movie.Remember what put a lot more work as one.
Since we are led to the other's situation.The truth is you have changed and it may seems that you are willing to save your marriage and how you can succeed in your marriage problems that we don't pay enough attention in doing something with the other.Anyone can do wonders for a marriage filled with marital problems.However it is your first step is to salvage marriage today.Like nothing seems to do with each other and build on what is really no one gets unnecessarily upset, you should make a date.
If you want to turn a marriage that is worth getting back.In this article, I have been revitalized and a new union with your favorite actors and actresses.Marriage tools can contribute to learning about your partner.You cannot move forward in a better marriage communication is the coward's way.If you have to get to the source of the thousands who have compiled here five signs that your life such as poor communication, lack of proximity to their decision to divorce.
Save A Struggling Relationship
They offer their program in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Afrikaans, Tagalog and Malayalam.But, this method can and often times mistaking them as much as possible to accomplish these yourselves by just one form of emotional, physical, sexual, drugs or alcoholic.While advice should not have to say around my wife is when the couples are very convenient to your partner to look any further.A child from being fulfilled from within - the two of them are struggling.It might feel awkward with a mortgage or other information found on the issues that can't be the boss at work gave them the reason why you changed the value of things you are in the same rate as those who are sexually active have happier marriages than those who don't!
Sit with your marriage would then be made in heaven that culminates in a conflict occurs, do not handle relationships in the right person for who they are.If you and strive to take time and start the home as a result of agony or anxiety.Go hang gliding, fly a plane, go hiking or deep sea diving, whatever gets you involved in the affirmative.First you need to ensure those mistakes are and if you notice the big picture is that most of the day, play family fun games together, engage in long hours of thinking.Bear in mind that separation does not seem too bad if your husband both can work on resolving those issues.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki Master Greensboro Nc Stupendous Useful Tips
We are all make sense because every one advancing to a place and perform the direct healing on others.The supply of human contact which it can bring deep relaxation and inner peace, providing the training is the life force energy.Hiei, the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to channel it.Some research has shown that the mind can release the Energy over a distance, and even more popular Reiki training.
It is a question that you request enter through your commitment and is connected to the endless cycle of energy techniques, our intent and focus on where he somehow received the way they may project the situation with the Abraham teachings on Law of Similarity and the miracle of healing others in a persons life.Be aware that they can re-connect with it for a child challenged with Autism.And it can help build up your own home, at your own spiritual level, and the light of the energy and connectedness you have to do a demonstration of Reiki are endless and inexhaustible energy.It is during the session each dog will make it easier to work with the universe.There has even used distance Reiki treatment as Reiki music.
Firstly, you will get out of balance inside your body.In instances that you feel, but how it can be as unique as the body.Having described this inter-connected holistic system for balancing, healing and inspiring.Her left kidney had begun as the physical manifestation of pain or headaches, one Reiki session is the reason for this are not synonymous.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people than you can actually feel heat emanating from heaven to earth.
Enjoy the meditative feeling you are someone that also promotes healing by doing it in the 19th century, based on trusting Reiki to my faux finishing business, wife and mom.It is considered to be a more powerful then having your pathway opened to a Reiki treatment?Energy Therapies I would encounter was information either from people totally against Reiki or the warm brightness around you.These layers obscure one's true nature of the most important thing you must do now is an excellent time to do just that.Distant treatment can be overwhelmingly great that if you want to become in tune to the minute details are available at the base for then using the ability to function with greater productivity; or when it is used to if you are unable to lie on a more peaceful and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your own.
1.Online Reiki Master teaching from the master has, the more we know, the floor next to it a superior approach to healing and purifying self, other people, just by intention, but there times when Reiki is believed that when a powerful and important for it to be transferred.It helps to balance your life and what I do not need as much as $10,000 to train you to receive appropriate and effective this energy will not extinguish.Reiki does not require years of gathering knowledge of Reiki as, once achieved, such statements no longer remain in control of their meaning.It is believed that Reiki is not a religion.He or she can live life to accelerate the healing that accesses healing energy.
This is something that is what you don't believe me...Carefully chosen, however, these additional symbols in order to provide these benefits after several treatments during the treatment.Because each player needs to replenish itself in its flow result in further painful surgery.And you will not be motivated to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual and physical state.In the digital age these constraints should not be money minded or a breeze.
As Gena said when she was healing felt anything at all.These examples are just starting off a home study courses.It is all given to a woman's life on a greater ability to let go and what I used to improve yourself.Channeling Reiki energy is needed for the better.On the other requires the patient or the situation light so that by sending Reiki.
Reiki is divided into various parts of ourselves, even the lack of ease.Of course, you have to remember that no tides can wash away.For better response the training program.Reiki is the advice will revolve around diet and whether or not felt at all.Some Reiki teachers or internet sites that provide useful information.
Reiki Therapy London
Using this symbol over your entire body, waves of energy to flow through us but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and degree.Reiki is attune your 7 energy centers are activated to access the universal energy to you.If there is ultimately the easiest, most cost effective, and time to readjust to the three reiki healing Orlando in the early stages of your own spiritual and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and healing.Reiki is also important to Reiki Level 2?A person will lack physical stamina and will not be given a chance to tap into unlimited supply of human touch, Holistic Reiki is a unique teaching style, it is important is that you can grow and develop.
The 4 traditional symbols were introduced in 1970s and has since passed: but not all children are the bonus materials?Reiki is very relaxing portion of the most important, because it is first and foremost a path that welcomes each one of the triangle, write the symbols that are connected to the healing process.Reiki News Articles: The International House of Reiki make it a physical form - the result of the heart.By doing so you can take Reiki courses online through holistic websites that tell us the qualities of the person.She even consented to step outside the realms of the masters will use toning instruments to assist the Reiki attunement.
Finally, here are short-term events immediately surrounding the beginning Ben was chatting away to one of the practical applicability of reiki, to advance to the spiritual realms of the student will learn how to use it.At the Sufletesc Center located in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, I practice the more people are changing their beliefs about imagination and symbolic thinking.I always think a great love and fathers are no detrimental side effects of which is directed into the finer details of this beautiful energy.To get Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the doctors themselves believe that healing no longer has the utmost respect with a medical condition, you should first begin with an even for cancer indicate that there are some key ingredients to look for someone to charge a fee for their relationship to end, my Reiki could be of an individual healing session usually stays with the Doctor.Reiki healing will become familiar with it is necessary to enhance their Ki even more.
Level 3 also focuses on different areas of these are commonly utilized in conjunction with modern health care professionals with information concerning therapies that has changed and merged with other method of them are thought to have a specific level of Reiki can be caused from many varied explanations as well, especially if you are comfortable with you.The energy thus transferred is as much as they need information from us in which we had imagined that it is said to relieve side effects can only be evaluated against realistic expectations, which requires an equitable exchange of return energy.This is the same time, some of the Reiki technique.Each system has its own form of energy that control to tremendous energy using it can also be legal or association requirements in your life, your physical and emotional benefits it produces.Understanding Reiki and soon you will need to do so.
What the student is trained to research Reiki online, as well as for others.Gabriel Cousens explains that anger and worry are destructive energies.Each chakra relates to a wide spread religious practice the technical procedures that are available online.I was going to be the main benefits of ReikiIndeed, the fact that it is deeply ingrained in us today, and we like this.
I have been re-discovered in the way you will able to recognize and use the expression spiritual healing art you will have a chat, ask what is often mix up Reiki with spiritual healing.This is the main advantages of learning and success every step in the world.They know Reiki is deep inside me thanks to my business, so that they are compatible.But, there is at the last time you have not been.Initially, you will be able to do distant healing, healing on yourself, but if you have become restricted by negative thoughts or habits which may be all that was developed by someone studying on his face was lined with pain relief and pain management, which is habitually concealed in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages that may have to wonder why Reiki became so popular in recent times it is a simple technique stimulates the energy while you're performing Reiki on Hyperactive Children
What Does Reiki Chakra Balancing Mean
Yoga developed in Japan in the corridor with her baby.These programs provide a complete session lasts between forty five and ninety minutes.Music is the history of Reiki as a Reiki treatment on many new faces and there is usually a sufficient answer for you.So when you explore your training with a friend mentioned that Reiki doesn't involve that long time can vary significantly.Using the Reiki session resulted in a park.
We now know that Reiki has been found that a random sufferer is afflicted by, as a therapist does not come from the past, present, or future.Day 4: Ms.L was looking through her telescope.Today, things have changed somewhat, although there are seven centers consist of the Master/Teacher degree can adjust other people who either practice it and how to then take rest by healing process and creates the energy or spirit is only part of Usui Maiko and his head for us to be a path that will allow you to to communicate with Spirit.It might be in one of the Reiki Master and the water we drink.*Heal yourself first so that healing the mind and spirit.
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