#(the last one is especially hard because in my fic she's often viewed through ace's perspective and he's pretty misogynistic)
One thing I think that's significant when Sedusa was manipulating the Gangreen Gang vs when she was manipulating the Professor or the Mayor is that it was the only time she didn't use a disguise. She was open about being a villain and, presumably, a seductress (kinda hard to hide when your name is literally Sedusa). And I think that speaks to how well she knows her victims and how to approach them.
The Professor is a pretty clean cut, nerdy guy whose type is similarly clean cut, nerdy women but if not nerdy than at least good. Wholesome. Maybe even kind of introverted, as we see with Ms. Keane. So Sedusa emulated that archetype to a T, pretending to be this sweet, soft spoken woman and literally naming her alter ego Ima Goodlady. With the Mayor, she probably picked up real quick that he already had a crush on his hot secretary, so she just took over Ms. Bellum's identity.
With the Gangreen Gang, she knew that unlike the others, if they knew she was a villain, that that would be a bonus, not a turn off. She knew they were lonely and isolated and craved outside affection and played into that, and knew they'd take her "seductress" reputation as a challenge instead of a deterrent. Basically the classic "bad girl/boy" fantasy where, sure, they use and manipulate other people, but with me they're genuine. I'm the exception to the rule. And because I can get this unloving person to love me, then that means I have value.
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this looks like fun! [I can’t seem to find the og poster but i got it from @lizzaroona]
September 1st: Favourite s1 episode?
Honesty a super hard pick, and i think there are better episodes in the season but the one i go back too most often is ep 10 “The Sear of Selene” 
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It just has some of the best character moments (for me) and is truly funny and interesting. And has some real insight into Donald and Dewey’s feelings about Della and her being gone. we saw glimpse of this in ‘dime chase’ and ‘woo-woo/Atlantis’ but here we actually see the pain Della left in her wake. And what it means going forward. 
Plus stokeulse is a big sweet boi and i love watching him and Donald ‘re-connecting’ speaking of witch it is also the frist time Scrooge and Donald have a form of re-connection to 
“just like old times ah lad”
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look at that face.
its a strong ep and lead the way for bigger ‘emotional hits’ down the line (the last crash of the sun chaser)
September 2nd: Favourite triplet?
I don’t really have one as they are all fleshed out and well rounded, that being said I am looking forward to more of Huey this season. But i don’t have a fav.
September 3rd: Favourite member of team magic
Webby, but i don’t know if that counts as she is main cast so i see her more often then any other Team Magic characters. The girl is fun and filled with so much love and she is to be feared. and I love her faults to she is awkward and hyper-fixated on Mcduck history to the point that its scary. and is a fun loving social shut in.
She is just so multifaceted and complex that i love her with all my heart.  
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September 4th: favourite three caballeros 
I am bias on this one as i love José Oliveira (the og José) and anything involving that funky little parrot makes me happy. But in DT17 I do love that there is elements of that Og Jose in his characterisation
like in s2 ep 4 
when he calls over and hugs Donald (so sweet), and that he knows how to claim Donald down so fast (by making him dance and then getting him to sing) and to my knowledge he is the only one to do this in the whole show not just once but twice, so it shows that he has a deep understanding of Donald that most just don’t, and i have always loved that about their friendship.
plus from what i can tell from that ep as well it was Jose’s idea to meet up and he planned the trip (as he payed for it) so the fact he made arraignments for Panchito, Donald and THE BOY’S (+ scrooge) shows how much Jose really loves his friends, and plays an umbrella as an trumpet.       
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September 5th: favourite ep of season 2
This was a hard one as most of the eps knock it out of the park, but i’m going to have to go with, ep 16 “the Duck Knight Returns” its just such a good ep and has so many wonderful layers to it, and i was actually caught of guard with the final Jim Starling twist. like i can’t even remember the lat time a twist hit me that hard (i got side swiped) I actually had to sit in silence for a solid minute or two and then watch the whole ep again.
they wasted no detail big or small in this ep (like that Jim was already wearing an unbuttoned DW suit and had the hat in the box next to him, or the sound drake made being thrown into the bathroom just like og DW, and the meta jokes and the animation, the whole ep just went so hard) 
and it was a really fun way to ‘pass the torch’ from one actor to another, especially playing with the idea of someone just not being done with the character yet and not wanting to let go, (as a lot of audiences have that issue, with re-boots and relaunches, and especially when a version of a character has an unfinished story left, think Andrew Garfield’s spider-man for e.g.)
i could honesty talk forever about this ep but i’ll spare you all.     
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September 6th: favourite hug? 
Honesty its a three way tie...
1) Scrooge and Della when she first comes home. Just they way he scoops her up like a kid and holds her tight, makes my heart full. 
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2) this one with Louie, just the mother son embrace was really earned here. 
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3) and this one with Jose and Donald, its rare we see Donald so happy to see anyone (who is not his family) and just how naturally he ran into his arms was so nice. And Jose dropping his umbrella right away show how he knew what was coming. Plus i am a big fan of men showing their love and friendship in sweet fun ways like this, so a win for non-toxic masculinity here.   
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September 7th Gizmoduck or Darkwing duck?
this is a hard one as i do like both of these hero boy’s and i have talked about how they have conflicting views of their own success through the other (basically, Drake has is personal life together, but Fenton has his hero life together, and i think it would be a point of envy for both characters) And I love Fenton and Drake for different reasons, but at their core they are somewhat the same just two people who want to help others for no other reason then it is the right thing to do.
And i Love what the show has done for both characters but...I will have to give it Drake by a fraction of a hair (feather?).
As unlike Fenton I only needed one ep to be 100% on board with Drake and i know everything i need to know about him from that. As DW had a whole ass show for a reason and that one ep showed it. As Fenton is a wonderful character and he is a very well done character, but one of his defining traits is that he is all over the place (like in his life, work, the way he specks ect) but that can get messy from time to time as it can be hard to be ‘on board’ with someone with no clear ‘goal’ persay (they did cover most of this in “who is Gizmoduck” but some of it still lingers now that can be a tiny bit jarring at times) But like that is SUPER Neat-picky, tho. 
And Drake has that chaotic feral energy that Fenton just don’t have (Fenton has more Bi panic energy), but Drake also has tired dad energy (like how he growls at GD in moonvation and when he calls to LP before the set explodes) and i love that about him. 
Get this man his Gosalyn already so he can be the dorky dad he is destined to be.     
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September 8th: Favourite duck cousin?
I’m going to have to go with Gladstone, because he is a HUGE prick, but in a way he is not fully aware of. He is generous (he literally offers the boy’s a bucket of diamonds, just because they came by)    
And I love that half hazard nature about him, he is true neutral, things just happen to him and for him and he just takes it, and that is actually really interesting, (don’t get me wrong i love Fethry, Della and Donald) but Gladstone is such a wild card in the duck/mcduck family when compared to everyone else that its a nice change of pace from the rest in a way (all of them good hearted and well meaning people) I generally have no idea what he might do when presented with an actual problem/ choice, so to see that will be fun and this crews take on Gladstone in that regard.
As i think out of all the cousins he has the most growing/changing to do.      
September 9th: favourite ship?
Ok here is the thing.
in general fandom 
I don’t really have any strong feelings about most ships one way or the other. I think a lot are nice and I enjoy seeing others enjoy themselves and all the wonderful art and time they put into it. That being said out of all my years of being in fandoms I have had a grand total of 5-10 ships i am super passionate about and that is over the span of 10+ years. 
and one of the things i love the most about ducktales is how much it focuses on family love and pure platonic friendships (for both kid and adult characters). And that makes my ace heart happy.  So basically I’m saying is I have no strong feelings about most ships in general beyond “aww” or “man i love how much the fandom loves them” and “that is some great art/ fic / creative output I’m happy for them.” 
But with that out of the way, the question at hand.
I’m going to have to go with Donald and Daisy, as from a writing sand point it was so well done and sweet and cute. And it gave a new perspective on a relationship that has been around for 70+ years, so that was impressive all on it’s own, and it is going to be a loving, interesting relationship going forward.
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September 10th: Favourite season 3 episode  
I am going to assume that this is out of the 7 eps so far (duh), which again is hard cause this show is just so damn good. But I would have to say it is ep 6 “Astro B.O.Y.D”
now cue story of me as a kid in 3...2...1...
when i was a kid, I was obsessed with Astro boy, i was maybe 6 years old and i loved it. I was a relatively poor kid so in the early/mid 2000′s i would get a lot of my reading/watching materials from my local library. This included 4 VSH tapes of Astro boy episodes for the 80′s series and i would watch the 2003 anime dub on Saturday mornings TV (one ep a week if that), The library also had the first 2 vols of the og manga that i read so many times that i could probably re-sight it from memory. anyway, the reason i love astro boy so much was because it gave me a feeling i had not felt in my young life before that point, even if i did not full understand it at the time.
Its a feeling i still can’t fully put into words, but i will do my best. Astro boy goes right for the heart in every way possible, but it always twist the knife when it goes for, grief, regret and longing agony. specifically when in looks at lost love, usually platonic love (Tobio and Tenma e.g), the feeling these story’s gave me was the complexity of pain that losing love can bring, but it is most effective because it is through the lens of a child (astro/ tobi) and an innocent, loving child at that. The child is (somewhat) untouched by the tragedy (via memory loss) but is still shaped by the love that was put into them, despite the grief's overall out come (the abandonment of said child). So the feeling is a bitter-sweetness that comes from a place of innocents but also personal understanding of the self Astro was made by Tenma, but he was not what tenma made him to be (his lost son) but astro became his own person who loves and is loved by others, and is a whole person on his own outside of what he was made for (and is in a way still A son to tenma just NOT Tobi). and there is that sense of a child just wanting to be heard and understood for who they ARE and not what others what them to be, regardless of their “potential” (in other words personal choice’s and passions that the child actually wants for themselves)
I just love Astro Boy ok...and i never get a chance to talk about it, so i thought i would here, as this list was foolish enough to give me an opening.
Moving on to the DT17 ep.
The Astro Boyd ep. hit all of these notes, the longing agony of lost love (Gyro and Boyd) the regret that came from Gyro for boyd’s creation.
Boyd’s innocents and loving nature coupled with his wants and identity not being fully understood (gyro thinking he is evil, Fenton wanting him to be a hero, Akita having him be a tool and Tesuka thinking he is just a mindless robot) and just wanting to be seen for what he truly is “a defiantly real boy” and he gets that conformation from Gyro at the end!
and Gyro has is own actualisation, about his own grief, after thinking his love was “misplace” for years on end in a way that made him shut down his heart almost completely. Only to find that he was right to let himself love and that love is actually what helped Boyd help himself. Gyro in essence realising that both him and Boyd are not mistakes or failures but two people who lost the one they loved (each other) and have finally found a way back to each other so they can both begin to fully heal.    
So it was a good episode *wipes tear away from eye*
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September 11th : favourite villain?
I don’t really have a favourite villain as the show don’t tend to focus to heavy on them and when they do it is somewhat short lived, (like Magica in season 1 and Lunarus in season 2) and since this season has a group of villains (FOWL) and not just one main one like the last 2 seasons, I have a feeling that one of the up coming FOWL members may take the top spot later down the line.  
but if we are going off the one i find most entertaining...
I’m going to have to give it to
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Magica she is played as scary, funny and damn relatable on occasion (the funzo scene), and i am never disappointed to see her. I think she is very different from comic magica in a lot of ways, but i enjoy this version for different reasons. And i think this magica has room to grow/ change (for good or for worst). So safe to say i am looking forward to the first ep in the line up.  
September 12th : favourite character?
why must you make me choose...
seriously all of the characters major or minor is shown in a way that makes them feel very real and well rounded even if they have very little screen time. for god sake the ottoman empire guys get character development (one left the show to pursue acting and they fight with scrooge in the moonvation). So this is not an easy pick to say the least.    
but I will be judging it by the one i ‘get the most out of’ so to speck....
and I have to say its a tie...
Donald Duck
I love him ok. He is very small and very angry and he will fight god(s) for his family safety. Anyway, I have always love Donald Duck shorts and everything else he shows up in he is always my fav.
I have always been able to relate to Donald as i too have a bit of a disability that makes it hard for people to understand be (in writing) and i have a ‘voice issue’ that makes me different from everyone around me. So i really understand the feeling Donald have and the anger that comes from being misunderstood in the most basic ways. Its not fun
So Donald has always been important to me in a sense,  
The thing about Ducktales 2017 that i love is that it fleshes out Donald’s already established characteristics, by giving them context (e.g. using his outbursts to protect the boys). this gives him something that me has been missing (in animation) for awhile now, and that is how functions outside of himself.
what i mean by that is that Donald is kind of unique when it comes to the Disney sensational 6, unlike the rest is/ can be
-rude/ mean spirited
-a loser
these things are what make him different to the rest but in animation for a while he has been shown by himself (without his family or even Daisy) so all of the above characteristics are not “diluted” or held to any standard outside of Donald’s personal misery.
So he can be super selfish and an all around ass cause, yeah, if your life was one pain after the other no matter what you did and you were all on your own all the time, then yeah, your going to be a miserable little shit.  
But by reintroducing the boy’s and giving him a more defined role (father/ solo care giver) at least at the start of the show, it gives Donald a reason to “fight off” his less than noble parts of his personality. It also makes his action have more weight as everything he does or fails to do effects the boy’s. So that makes him more appealing overall as what he does (or doesn’t) do now matters, and all the tragedy in Donald’s life are also given weight (Della being gone for 10 yrs, and what that did to his relationship with Scrooge) so his pain is now REAL and even tho he is funny and reckless, he is now a person with flaws and failings but also victory's (getting Della back and his family being close again) and dreams (the three caballeros and his relationship with Daisy)
I do love this little Rage machine  
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the other fav is
Drake Mallard
(maybe I just like single duck dads? idk, lol)
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I have already talked a bit about his intro ep,
but as of right now i am more in love with the potential i see in the character. As we have not really seen to much of him like maybe 4 ep’s total. But Drake is the character i am most hyped to see more of (and the people who are around him, Gos and LP etc.)  
as i find him really interesting and he is (ironically) one of the more “normal” people in the show as a whole, He is not rich (high society rich anyway) he is not an explorer, not a scientist, he don’t have a ‘crazy’ backstory (like Gyro in Tokyok) and he doesn't have a direct connection to Scrooge himself (he never worked for him directly, and is not a family member)
so he is just a random guy, who thought “I’m going to do this crazy shit just because a handsome pilot man said i could if i wanted to”
and honestly that’s cool.    
he is fun and goofy in an engendering way, and his ego is the right amount of controlled (ish) but still over the top. the character is full of story’s that can be taken from the og show and mixed in with the new show (like his intro ep),
Drake is a just fun to think about, and how his world relates to the world of ducktales in general, as they were separate for such a long time, so seeing it come together in a new way is super existing.
I was already blown away by his last solo ep I can’t wait to see more of him (and his how he will be with his Gos, and how that adventure will unfold)  
September 13th Favorited actor/ actress 
now this is just an unfair question, this is a star strutted cast and everyone is amazing. There is a pop culture icon and a Disney legend in the cast (and the fact your not 100% sure which one’s i’m talking about proves my point)
So i am going to cheat a little here, I’m not going off the actors and actress themselves per say but rather I’m going to talk about my favourite performance in the show.
I judge this on two things
1) how much the act ‘disappears’ into the character (as in i don’t see the human person when there talking, even if its still just their normal voice)
2) I can’t see (/hear) anyone else being able to do the role
So on those two things in mind i will have to go with.
Paget Brewster
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she just plays Della with this fun life to her, she can switch on a dime from crazy adventurer to comic foil to herself and then have moments of deep self refection. And she had to carry the introduction to the character all on her own, as Della was isolated, so if she didn’t sell Della to us (the audience) then the whole mystery/ build up to Della would have fallen apart. So that was not easy but she pulled it off (with great writing as well).
and she was/is amazing as Della, she is just awesome and I love listening to her and how she plays Della.
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September 14th Favourite song
Oh for me it hands down has to be “not good enough” I love a good Bond ballad and Ben kills it. Plus it plays a big part in the episodes theme’s for LP,
its perfect, it fits the story, character and the parody.   
September 15th: Favourite scene from favourite episode.
well out of my top 3 episode (that i have already listed) I’m going to not talk about ‘the dark duck returns’ as there is a scene in there that i will talk about later. my favourite scene out of the other 2 episodes i have picked, i would have to go with...
The ‘Defiantly real boy’ scene from Astro BOYD
(i have already talked about my love for Astro boy and this ep in relation to that)  what i love the most about this scene is that not only did Gyro and Boyd ‘find’ each other again, but they found themselves again.
Boyd turned back into the real boy Gyro ‘made’ him to be (the boy Gyro always believed he was/could be) and that not only was that ok, but the best way for Boyd be himself. Thus his reclaiming of the word Boyd, he is still ‘the same’ but now has a clear sense of what it actually means to himself, mixing both 2BO and Boyd into one. With the love given to 2BO by Gyro and the life experience he has had as Boyd, so Boyd didn’t have to change everything about himself to be complete he just needed to understand that he was loved for being himself and to get confirmation that he is what he believes himself to be a ”Defiantly real boy” (T-T)
as for Gyro, he realised that his love, care and idealism (as he put it) was not misplaced (on Boyd), as when the little boy he loved so fully seemingly turn on him, that broke his heart and his spirit in a way that just would not fully mend. (thus his cold and rude behaviour through out the show so far...) But when Gyro fully embraces his idealism and loving side again (by embracing Boyd) he realises that he can bring his true feeling to the surface again as it was never a mistake for him to do so. thus why he embraces Fenton as an equal, by calling him Doctor and showing the respect he actually always felt for Fenton.
They found themselves through each other, and it melts my heart (T-T) 
September 16th: Favourite moonlander
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September 17th: Favourite Beagle Boy
Black arts Beagle,
I mean he is the reason we have Duckworth back so thats got to count for something.
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September 18th: Favourite scene of your favourite ship
I have to say its this little moment here...
Donald spent the whole episode wanting to impress this woman (Glamor), but after spending time with Daisy decided that Daisy’s dignity was more important then his Big Break. And Daisy returns in kind like ‘yeah i shouldn’t be treated this way’ and its just really sweet. It also got Daisy noticed and most likely jumb started her career and Daisy (again) returned in kind (most likely) by having the three Caballeros perform on stage right after.
so its a small but very insight look into the new dynamic Donald and Daisy are going to/ do have in this show.
[plus this screen shot was funny to me,
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i think it has meme template vibes]
September 19th: Favourite scene of  your favourite character.
oh my, where oh where to take this?
every character in this show is so good so this is just hard man....
but I will go with “The Duck Knight returns” one of my favs, and honesty i could talk about this episode all on its own (and I just might after “Lets Get Dangerous” airs)  but for me one of the scenes that really stuck out to me (that others have not really touched on) Is when they have the “meeting” with Alister, Jim, Scrooge and Dewey and then Drake comes in (and then immediately gets his shit wrecked by Jim).
As a film student, I feel this scene on a personal level.
the old(er) man who knows nothing but wants to take control.
the Pretentious “artist” that thinks “making it dark” makes it meaningful.
the person who pretends they know what there talking about but is to stuck in their ways to really change their mind.
and a child or child like understanding (its more common then you think)
(tho i would place LP in the audience position, which is the point of this scene) This scene hit me where I live, and is a really good commentary on Corporate meddling. As there are three ‘battles’ happening in this scene
1) Scrooge Vs Alistair
this acts as a money vs art argument, that is seen all to often in movies and shows, as I can guess we can all name at least one movie or show that has the “the record studio is changing your sound its not authentic...”
but Dt 2017 shows the other side to this and asks
authentic to what? like its one things when its your own creation but what if its was someone else's (like a reboot)  
is it better to be authentic to what was before (the og material), or is it best to take a new direction because its more ‘comfortable’ for you to do (fits your style / sensibility's)
thus leading to
2) LP Vs Dewey  
or a young audience vs the older audience, now Dewey and LP don’t really clash in this ep per say but, they act as a more “aggressive” views on audience backlash now they are Not Malicious but they do act as conflicting presences. Dewey (understandably) doesn’t get why it has to be dark and gritty, or what was happening at all as Alistair is going for a high concept film, but guess what, kids aren’t always great at picking high concepts up (at least not right away) and they can be easily bored by it, if its not engaging in a way that can appeal to them.  
and LP as an older audience member does know what the show/ movie is “meant to be” so seeing these high concepts added in a way that is not in the sprit of og material can be unnerving. And high concepts can miss the point or main message/style of the og material to the point that unrecognisable (*cough*Live action, Titians *cough*).
both of these points are legitimate concerns for audiences to have, as if something is so different its not unrecognisable then why not just make something original? and not draw a comparison.
and if your main audience is meant to be younger, they how are you going to engage them in way that matters to them or in a way they can understand (youth culture or ‘young truths’ i.e. things kids deal with/experience when growing up)          
speaking of which
3) Jim Vs Drake
this one is kind of the mix of the pervious two, or nostalgia vs update? (i can’t think of a better word),  
Jim is so determined to be in the spot light that he is willing to ‘throw away’ is morals (as seen at the end), his ‘artist integrity’ no longer matters as long as DW gets to come back, he just wants some sense of being back that it doesn’t actually matter how (*cough* Teen Titians Go*cough*), so he losses a big part of what made it DW to begin with and not because he don’t care about DW but because he places his value of it in one spot (himself as darkwing)  
as Drake on the other hand. understands that changes need to be made but he knows the movie is off base (he says so himself later), but he puts the value of DW in more then himself, as he has felt it be bigger then what was just on screen (Jim) and has carried that with him here. And since he is set up as an ‘enemy’ here (Jim jumps him) new is seen as an enemy as well, but he literal gets attached for just existing, so yeah not a great move by Jimbo there, and due to nostalgia (both in and out of the show due Jim starling/cummings) most may not of have pick up on it right away.
so yeah, this is an underrated scene and i wanted to talk about it a little as it sets up the rest of the episode.  
September 20th: Favourite friend group 
I have a feeling that this is going to change after the new wave of episodes (i like how team hero is shaping up) but for now i will have to say team science. They just have a nice balance of personalities and ability's, plus they the most team (ish) as they literally have to work together (most of them)
huey, gyro, fenton, manny and lil bulb
and all have their own style and smarts
Manny and Lil blub don’t even talk but they have big personalities and now with the addition of Boyd this little group feels well rounded.
I love them nerds
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jancys-blue-bayou · 6 years
Another mini-fic prompt in @los-laureles-fics reply: 6. things you said under the stars and in the grass. Went smutty with this, oops. Also it’s not really that mini.
“Stars are out,” she notes.
“Yeah. Jesus it’s still so warm out though,” he answers.
The heatwave that hit on Monday really hasn’t let up. Now in the evening it’s at least a bit milder, actually kind of nice, compared to the scorching temperatures during the day. It’s a joy every time they get an assignment so they can get out of the Post’s offices, no matter the job. It may be searingly hot outside but it’s even worse inside those cramped offices since the AC in the bullpen area broke and there never was one to begin with in the darkroom where he spends most of his time holed up.
Easily the best part of the day though is when they’re off work and free to spend all their time doing just what they want — be together. Tonight is especially blissful. It was Nancy’s idea, soon as they got off work they swung by her house and quickly packed some items for a basic but nice picnic before getting in his car and again and, after some brief car trouble, driving, out towards the large forest before getting out and walking, with a specific place in mind, their special place. Well, one of their special places. The clearing where they practiced shooting a gun in the fall of 1983 will always be special. But this is too, a tiny little meadow hidden deep and remote in a part of the forest no one ever comes. Especially not now in the middle of summer when everyone is either at the community pool or one of the lakes. It’s just for them.
They ran out of food hours ago, since then they’ve just been content to lay back and enjoy each other’s company. Nancy laying on his arm, talking and laughing with her about anything and everything. Yeah there’s no place he’d rather be, nothing else he needs than the girl on his arm.
“I love you,” he tells her. Because it’s on his mind. He tells her that a lot, just like she tells him. It’s a really obvious true fact they just keep repeating. Because it’s nice to hear. The first time Nancy said it to him his heart quadrupled in size and it will never shrink back down again. He turns his head and presses a kiss to her temple too. He catches her smiling and biting her lip in a way he finds her often doing now.
He goes back to contently looking up at the stars. That is until Nancy suddenly rolls towards him and straddles him. Then she takes up his whole view. Then she’s all he sees and there’s nothing else he’d like to see.
“I love you too,” she beams down at him.
The words make him smile wide at her. His hands caress her thighs. She leans down and presses a sweet kiss to his lips. And another. His hands go up to her sides before he wraps his right one around her back, holding her close. She lets out a pleased little noise against his lips at that, before capturing his lips with hers yet again. She traces a line of kisses down his cheek along his jawline.
“This is my happy place,” she mumbles right by his ear before pressing another kiss to his cheek.
“Mm, I know I love it here,” he murmurs, each little kiss sending tingles down his spine.
“No I meant here,” she sits up again, still smiling at him. His hands go to her sides. “In your arms. That’s my happy place.”
“Oh,” wow that made him all warm and fuzzy inside. “I love you.”
She leans down and kisses him again with new fervor. Kiss by kiss it feels like it deepens, her lips, her tongue, how can he ever get enough?
His hands roam to clutch her ass, her perfect, irresistible ass. The one that made him walk into a doorframe earlier in the summer when he saw it in jeans shorts for the first time. When his hands start to roam up underneath her dress she nods excitedly and kisses him with even more passion. He folds the skirt of her dress up and caresses her cheeks down to-
She’s not wearing anything underneath. Nancy Wheeler is on top of him in a thin summer dress and nothing else. She flashes him a devilish smirk.
“It was too hot. That’s my excuse,” she tells him with faux innocence.
“You’re too hot,” he manages to murmur while his brain is still processing that Nancy’s pussy is pressed against his pants.
“You are,” she shoots right back.
Then she starts to move. Starts to grind her pussy against him. Holy shit. His brain short circuits. He just moans and shudders. He means to say something like “Oh my god oh my god oh my god I love you holy shit Nance you’re so fucking hot jesus christ you’re killing me oh my god” but it just comes out a garbled mess.
“Full disclosure I’ve been thinking about this all day,” she somehow manages to tell him in between her breath hitching and little moans escaping her throat in her soft voice. “Your butt is damn irresistible in these pants you know,” she informs him. No he did not know that. “And one good thing about the heatwave... your shirts stick to you and I quite enjoy it...”
“You’re really fucking hot Jonathan. I can’t handle it half the time. When you took your shirt off when you were fixing the car...”
When they were leaving her house his car wouldn’t start at first, but he was able to solve it with a quick fix through trial and error. And yes, he had taken off his shirt when doing it, it was hot and he didn’t want to soil it.
“... and just wore your tank top... I mean like you do now,” she continues and runs her hands over his chest covered by the white fabric. He had never put the shirt back on again, it was so hot anyway. “And your muscles played under it... fuck Jonathan I almost soaked through my panties then.”
“Wow...” That makes him feel all kinds of things. He still has a hard time computing the idea that Nancy finds him attractive, or beautiful, hot, cute and sexy like she insists he is.
“Oh remind me later to get my panties out of your glove compartment, so Will doesn’t find them or whatever.”
“Jesus Nance,” he mutters and pulls her down to his lips again.
He feels her lips smiling against his.
“Sorry I’m getting your pants all wet.”
The notion that she is, and how she is, is enough to drive him wild. When she finally stops her grinding only to undo his fly and pull down his pants, his mind is spinning. It’s a damn big relief too because god these pants have never felt tighter. She pulls his boxers down too and finally his cock springs free. Nancy lets out a little happy noise of glee and excitement.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he tells her as she’s holding his dick in her hand ready to steer it inside of her. She halts in her movement and looks at him, looks into his eyes.
“Thank you.”
She slowly steers his cock inside her throbbing pussy and slowly, slowly sinks down. The sensation is heavenly. Her soft hum merges with his fuller moan into one. She comes down to his face again and kisses him while they work together to create friction, she slowly steadily rides his cock and he tries to match her movements to work with them, creating a nice rhythm. His hands travel up her back. The fabric of her dress feels nice and soft, it’s a nice dress, pretty dress. Like all her dresses. She looks insanely cute in it. But now he thinks she’d look even more amazing with the dress just around her waist. He carefully pulls the shoulder straps down. She gets the idea and lets out another excited moan into his mouth before sitting up again, which has the side effect of burying his cock deep inside her which she seems to only realize after the fact but the look on her face and the big moan she lets out tells him she definitely doesn’t regret that adjustment.
She pulls down the top of her dress, exposing her gorgeous breasts to him. He knows his mouth fell open, like it always does because he recognizes her smile. She’s just breathtaking.
Enjoying her upright position she stays there and rides him faster and he thinks he’s got the most beautiful sight in the world to see right now. He holds her steady with one hand on her hip. With the other he explores her pussy bobbing up and down on his cock. He finds her clit with his thumb and rubs circles over it. Nancy moans so loud then he hopes they’re alone for a mile wide radius.
She keeps riding him, he keeps stroking her and neither one of them is made to last when it’s like this. Soon she collapses down on him, her whole body shuddering and shaking in his arms and her pussy squeezing around his cock sends him way past the edge and he cums inside her.
Her face is buried against his neck. He rubs circles on her back as they recover, just breathing. She presses her lips to his collarbone, mumbling:
“My happy place...”
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gojaimas · 6 years
Late Comments
Hello people. It’s been four months since I finished I Wanted What I Saw That Day, and I’ve received many more comments since then. I figured I’d do some more responses, and give you all a quick update on what my plan is for writing more in the future.
So, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from writing, but I’ve been mulling over ideas for my next story and I think I’m ready to start planning it out officially now. It’s gonna be set in the Legend of Zelda universe, and it will be mostly centered around original incarnations of pre-existing character archetypes that have appeared throughout the series. But just so you know, it will still be a long time before I start posting again, so please be patient with me.
Now, onto your comments:
EternalWisdom: “I just gave a standing ovation for a fanfic of a cartoon from my childhood: That's how good you are. I've already praised much of the technical work such as your pacing and understanding of the characters, but I'd be lying if I said this Final Chapter didn't just play my heart strings like a golden violin. I intend for my own work to (eventually) convince readers of my characters having 3-Dimensional, 'clicking' personalities like the masterpiece you just bestowed upon our nostalgic, incest-supporting fandom. Best of wishes from an avid reader (with a somewhat pretentious name I came up with years ago), yours sincerely, EternalWisdom.”
Wow, thanks! It’s very nice to hear people found my depictions of the characters to be that well done. And don’t worry too much about your name. I’m already hoping I don’t live to regret choosing a broken japanese phrase for mine.
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Anonymoose: “Sneaky how Lucy suddenly became the main character. Loved it the ending. I wouldn’t change it or create an alternate. It was perfectly bitter sweet.”
Lucy’s always been sneaky, after all. And thanks, I plan to leave the ending alone for now. I will still consider continuing it in some way in the future though.
justanaverageguy: “"I wanted what I saw that day."...I would pull a CinemaSins and say "Roll Credits," but I would also say it was well used in this work (Plus, it was in the last chapter, after all). I had always thought the "I" in the title was Gwen, but seeing that it was actually Lucy was a great reveal. Lucy truly was the star of this fic. Her character makes this one stand out among anything else (that I've read at least) from this community. I've always seen Ben and Gwen as a great duo ever since I first watched the show, and I will always enjoy fics and episodes focusing on those two. But seeing these three work as a trio was quite a unique take on the characters, and they work so well together. Hats off to you, my friend, for what might possibly be my favorite Ben 10 fanfic. I look forward to checking out what else you may do. I am a Zelda fan too, so I'll probably end up seeing your work again at some point. Until then, ciao!
I couldn’t resist the title drop! It was really fun holding onto the secret of the title’s true meaning for nine whole months while everyone else tried to figure out what it meant. I’ve said before that I’ve probably done more for the Lucy fandom than I have for the Bwen fandom at this point. I would certainly like to see her appearing in more stories. Thank you for your compliments, average guy! I look forward to your reactions to my Zelda story in the future!
jairoesme: “wow that was epic I wasn't expecting the title to show up in there as I read that part it felt so strong. Great story”
Thanks! Seeing everyone reacting to the title drop like this seriously has me giggling. I love it!
Spazbulba: “That was pure magic - it has been years since I was simultaneously both so happy and so sad with the end of a story. Gojaimas You truly are a Legend!”
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armandaza: “I wanttt moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, no wayyyyyyy T_T”
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Guest: “Well, it took me 17 and a half hours to do it, but I finished it. All 300,000 words of it. I gotta say, this has been one of the best bwen stories I’ve ever read in my life. I was so excited to see that there was a new story to read after not looking for months, I read it all in one day! I was wondering something though. Since you basically have the market cornered on Ben 10 fanfic now that everythings died down so much, I was wondering if every now and then, you could post another story about it. Not necessarily long ones, just a one-shot every now and then and maybe a longer one if you’re up to it (maybe even a few stories with Lucy and Ben or even Gwen). It’s been ten years since Ben 10 ended, so there isn’t much more new material out there for the community to enjoy. I know you said you were planning on moving on after this, but maybe every now and then, when you’re stumped with writers block or you’re just bored, maybe you could throw together a little story for us. If it’s even a fraction as good this story was, it would honestly make everyone’s day to have something new to read, especially if you’re writing it. :) Cheers man, happy writing. -Just another fan”
Wow, 17 and a half hours? Damn, dude. I hope you got some sleep after that. But also, wow, that’s really flattering! I’m glad you liked it so much. Doing little Ben 10 one-shots set in my story’s canon every now and then as I work on my Zelda story is something I’ll consider. I grew really fond of working with those characters, so it’s definitely something I’d love to do again some time.
Guest: “Beautiful. What a journey this was” Dark Ace Demon: “What a journey. Thank you for posting this masterpiece up, truly.“
Thank you! Alexa, play “Don’t Stop Believing.”
Guest: “Just as an FYI, a werewolf is a man-wolf. Wer being the old english word for man." (Context: Chapter 12)
That was based on a real conversation I had with someone back when I was (even more of) a little know-it-all. Gwen is smart, but she’s still a kid. She can make mistakes too. I was the Gwen at the time. I was corrected by Snape when I watched the third Harry Potter movie.
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GoodScottish: “That was an amazing read and well worth staying up all night to finish it but its just left me wanting so much more. There is just so many things that i want to know what happens next to. Like what happens to Lucy does she find that special someone? What do Ben and Gwen get up to on this summer vacation? Does grandpa Max find out? What happens when they get back can they keep hiding it? And most importantly for me what happens when their parents find out?”
Many thanks, good scotsman! I know there’s still a lot left unanswered, but that’s how Ben and Gwen feel now too. They still have a long road ahead of them. Maybe I’ll write more of it one day, but I think that was a good place to leave it for now. Also, today I’m finding out a lot of my readers have terrible sleeping habits.
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Mason: “Your country is proud of you son.”
Fuck yeah!
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Kira Sema: “Anyone else reread this in the span of a couple days and start crying all over again? Because here come the waterworks all over again. I know I reviewed, but had to review again after a reread. I think I've said this before, but I relate to Lucy so much. It's hard not to be considering how she felt. Great story once again. Even though it's 48 chapters, all those chapters were worth it and all as much in character as they could be.”
Thank you once again, Kira Sema! I’ll admit I often cringe too hard at my own writing to reread too much of it, but I’m glad you enjoyed it as much the second time around!
Guest: “I read through this everyday... it’s a bittersweet ending. It was like waiting for an anime episode every week and you feel sad when it’s over, so you go through it again holding onto hope for a season 2.”
I know that feel.
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“I’ll even wait as long as for an incredibles sequel if I have to.”
Um. I have some good news for you on that front, buddy.
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“I had no idea the story would stop there though so it kinda threw me off guard... I was all “wait it’s really over?!” I thought we’d deal with more of having their relationship bloom, being exposed and we’ll have a year 4 summer trip before coming to an end. I mean having the epilogue near the end of a summer trip would really match the beginning of where Ben and Gwen started off in the story but show us how much has changed between the two of them. But I guess it depends on how we look at it, we could also view it as the “Start of Something New” with Ben & Gwen going to their trademark summer trip as a couple then they were as kids who couldn’t wait to get rid of each other at the end of it in the beginning, so maybe it’s a sign that their story isn’t over yet. Lucy was one of the most breathtaking and heartbreaking characters in this story, kind of like menma, a bit of an airhead. always happy, puts other people infront of her feelings.”
She probably was one of my minor inspirations for Lucy’s character. I think I watched Anohana at some point while I was writing this story, hence the inspiration for the title. I love that little cutie.
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Thank you for the rest of your comment too, kind guest! I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a glowing review of my work. I’m glad I was able to give you another Bwen story to read!
Guest: “Mr. Gojaimas, I don’t feel so good...”
I love how Infinity War came out during the time I was posting this. I’ll always associate my story with this meme because of my fans, and I’m very happy about that.
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TargaryenFire: “Hey Just came here to say i am loving this story, one of the best i have ever read with this ship. Not wanting to be a bother, but will Gwen's anodite blood come into play in the future?”
Thank you! You’ve probably seen your question answered in a different chapter by now, but just in case: Anodites don’t exist in my story, Gwen is completely human, and a lot of other stuff from the sequels is ignored.
Guest: “Your legend will live on...”
Hopefully in the form of oddly specific fandom inside jokes.
Shirokokuro: “You did an excellent job on this-especially in keeping within the 4-year timeline you had set! It was all so sweet, and that ending of them going on a summer trip together was amazing! Here's to you on being such a dedicated and awesome author!”
Thanks so much! I’m pretty happy with how everything turned out, and I’m glad you liked it too.
Lost: “I think I just binge-read this whole thing. Uh. It was riveting, to say the least. The final connection between Lucy's actions, her memories and the title was very powerful. Thanks for writing this! :)”
You are very welcome! Once again, Lucy steals the show!
Guest: “I read the entire story in a week. I loved the character development and how you effectively gave some deeper understanding of the characters not just Ben and Gwen, but also Lucy, Natalie, Joel, Emily, and Julie. I love you so much for creating this fanfiction and your undeniable talent in writing a story. That is why it pains me even more for how the chapter ended and contiualy wished that Proffesor Paradox or even Gwendolyn could just come up from the future and change Lucy's ideas or yours so that the three could be like a three- man couple. I am just so heart broken right now bailing my eyes out and just hoping there is a continuation (not a different ending) where it can be from Bwen to Bwency (I don't know if that's a word).”
Giving minor characters more development is something I’m a huge fan of, as you can plainly see with Lucy. I’m always happy to hear from binge-readers! Bwency is most definitely a word, and if I ever do a continuation, I very well might make it happen! But for now, Ben is simply following this sage advice from yours truly:
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Slykke: “Beautiful shit here. Binge read this in 5 days. Really liked how this was wrapped up and how you turned someone that I forgot even existed in the OS into a favorite. Lucy was amazing in this story and now holds a special place in my heart after this. Thank you for the wonderful read and I cant wait to see your next work.”
“Yes, yes! Praise me more!” -Lucy
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Amin: “This has such solid plot that every other fanfic seemed inferior. I kinda wish this story was real.”
Thank you! If any Ben 10 writers are reading this and wanna retroactively make it all canon instead of the sequels, that would be just fine by me.
Guest: “when are we gonna get the Lucy route?”
Not sure. Maybe someday. I am very interested in how I could make that happen.
Guest: “Gojaimas is... GOD. He does a miracle and then leaves us. This was the second coming of Jesus Christ.”
I’m flattered, but I’ve never made a tree.
Well, that’s all for now. Bye, everybody! I hope to hear from all of you again someday!
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