#(the gorequeen) valkia
@kharrneth | x
"And yet even he failed such a small engagement, as in this instant, he has been spirited away across the realm up into my homelands. He is stuck in NORSCA, Gorefather."
The Furies under her personal command had scouted day and night for Zhubon, to make sure that their 'general' was still alive. When she had gotten the reports back that he had been wandering the icy depths of Norscan seas, she was in disbelief at first, but the reminder that a spawn of Tzeentch had been at the battle made her realize the validity of that notion.
She'd cross her arms as she approached her husband, also kneeling for a bit to give Karanak another round of pettings, even giving him a firm affectionate scritch on the chin, before standing up to stare into her beloved's eyes.
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"The size and the value of the prey is of no concern for me, my Beloved. What matters is that your will is done. I would hunt down any target, no matter its size, strength or stature. I'd chase the smallest ratling to the greatest dragon in your name."
"Zhubon is powerful, and a spitting image of a Khornate, I do not argue this. But he's undisciplined. He allowed his guard to be thrown down when dealing with a spawn of that blasted Changer of Ways."
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skxrbrand · 4 months
@warhammer-fantasy-muses ( Prev / Next )
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Va'rrick looked skyward, roused by the sound of heavy wingbeats. Reflexively, he grabbed his axe, pulling the weapon out of it's bed of soil and grimacing at the blue sky. His army, what was left of it anyway, soon followed, some raising their horned heads from their bloody work of harvesting skulls and flaying the dead-- and the living.
Va'rrick gave a sniffle, detecting the unmistakable scent of a Daemon Prince. No matter how fully they embraced the powers of Chaos, their mortal stench would always linger. However, this Daemon Prince had earned the respect of many true-daemons, however begrudgingly. Valkia was a singular human. A singular daemon prince, too.
But there was another smell. Foreign to him, but definitely of Khorne. Too strong to be lesser daemon, even a Herald, too new to be a season warrior like himself. Shadowing the Gore-Queen was another Bloodthirster and Va'rrick immediately felt himself become annoyed. His wings partially unfurled and he stared the youngster down territorially.
Even so, he didn't disrespect the GoreQueen as she landed. He knelt. They all did.
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" Hale and Red Tidings, Mother-Queen of Slaughter."
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kharrneth · 2 years
The Gorequeen was on the move. Having left the realm of Khorne for now, she had set her sights on the festering gardens of Nurgle, and the putrid realm of Nurgleth himself. She was not here to enact some wanton bloodshed, however. Nor was she here to truly antagonize Father Nurgle. No, she had heard of where her Beloved was being kept...
Still, that did not stop her from entering with the same amount of fanfare and bluster as usual, crashing into the plagued realm in a plume of raging fire and smoke, wings fanning out to reveal her daemonic form.
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"NURGLETH! Show yourself, you fetid toad! Where do you keep my Beloved Kharneth?! I will personally BURN your precious gardens of disease down to the stump if I have to!"
Kharneth felt Valkia's presence before any in the great fetid garden did. He didn't have to guess why she was here; after all, she had brought no armies. Just herself, alone, coming to treat for his release. Nurgle was the next to feel it, stirring distractedly. He cast a grin Khorne's way. " 𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀? 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗺𝗲."
He didn't seem very concerned, likely predicting a visit from a one or several Khornates sooner or later. Nurgle chuckled, clasping his hands together. Slaanesh wasn't the only god sensitive to the romantic. "𝗙𝗲𝘄 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲, 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿. 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘀."
Khorne simply looked at his brother, but he too awaited the sight and touch of his Consort. The Blood God's state was better, but still poor, and he had little wish to be seen in it. However, if anyone was permitted to see him, it was her. His Gorequeen. There was a threat lurking in way he stared at Nurgle. Even damaged, the Old Hound was plenty dangerous and they both knew it.
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞."
The Plague God tutted, " 𝗜 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿, 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲. 𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂."
By Nurgle's will alone did the tangled garden poisonous plants, doddering Plaguebearers, and flesh-eating plants shift and peel out of Valkia's way. No disease would touch her, no disease would take root, no illness would savage her by his command. And when she at last stepped past the creaking threshold of Nurgle's manse, she would be greeted by a legion of friendly Plague Daemons and the grinning green god himself.
" 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲, 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿! 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗻𝗼 𝗱𝗼𝘂𝗯𝘁. 𝗛𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘆~"
A procession of Nurgh daemons would troop in and out of the Blood God's chamber, his attendants whenever Nurgle was busy. The room was large, for Nurgle's mansion-fortress was massive and fortified indeed. Even the Blood God fit comfortably. Well, as comfortable as one could be on a bed heavy with mold, mildew, and maggots.
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He gave a soft growl, looking at her with one eye, croaking out " 𝐌𝐲 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧..."
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oldworldfantasyrp · 4 months
after burning the world as Valkia the Gorequeen i am now going to maximise slavery under industrialism as the Chaos Dwarf's
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therxtking · 4 months
❛ you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜ (Valkia to Runic!)
The mare has noticeable weight now, you could look at her and tell she's pregnant. Runic trots over to the gorequeen, nickering a soft greeting. No she shouldn't be here, it wasn't safe. But she needed to take down bigger game now that she had to both rest and eat more and had no mate to hunt for her. She didn't even have a nest to lay her eggs in...
She stretches her neck to nuzzle their hand, wagging her tail.
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The rat-men. Valkia almost felt disgust upon realizing just what sort of battlefield she had descended upon. To think that these vile, heinous worms were any sort of match for the finest of Norsca's berserkers and warriors made her stomach turn and her throat to reverberate with a sickened snarl. But she had a duty to fulfill.
And so, with at least a dozen clanrats slain around her, she'd step her cloven foot upon one of their skulls, a sickening crunch as bone and blood spattered upon her hoof, and stare ahead towards the supposed 'warlord' of this vermin-pack, Slaupnir raised and pointed towards Skreech.
"Vermin such as you are unfit to even meet the tip of my spear, Skaven. Your forces are routed, and you will soon behold the crimson tide of Khorne upon you. Relent, and I may give you a swift death."
Just when Skreech was starting to enjoy himself, Khorne's Bride appeared. He was struck with awe, standing atop a large Norscan's abdomen with his halberd driven straight through the heart. He had heard the tales of the Northmen---though they did no justice to the Gorequeen's savagery and grace. Either an up-and-coming champion was on the field or the sheer bloodshed drew Khorne's eyes.
Unfortunately for Skreech, his forces began a hasty retreat. They were already shaken by the ferocity of the berserkers, but when they saw Valkya descend from the crimson sky and butcher those Clanrats with minimal effort, they turned tail and scurried away---fear musk almost covering-up the stench of death. Skreech didn't even have to look to know he was being abandoned.
"...B-B-Bloody One is here-here?!" the Warlord stuttered, paws dropping from his weapon. "Skull God send YOU-YOU to murder-kill Skreech?!"
He stepped off the corpse and immediately dropped to his knees. Running would only make Valkya angry and kill him in a worse way; likewise, begging for mercy wasn't a good idea either.
"Gorequeen... Skreech is beaten-defeated. Skreech now yours-yours."
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heliinx · 2 years
There would be almost no warning. There was only the distant noise of what felt like thunder, and a crimson glow upon the distant skies, like a bloodied sunset. Except it was barely evening. And the noise was getting closer by the second. Before any of Clan Reave's clanrats knew what was upon them, it was too late. A fiery avatar of blood, carnage and slaughter would descend upon them with the boiling fury of a hundred suns, crashing into a fiery, bloody crater as one steel hoof landed upon a Stormvermin's skull, pulverizing it upon impact, and another caving in its chest cavity, stomping upon the poor rat-man's heart and squishing it.
The Bloodiest One was upon them. The Bride of Khorne. The Valkyrie. The Gorequeen, Valkia. And she had but one, simple demand--
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This was no rain storm.
That much become clear, for the thunder was not heralded by rolling black clouds or jagged blades of light cutting across the sky. Every Clawleader had the good sense to turn their host back to the warren. After all, there had been rumors of a Khornate Daemon haunting the semi-frozen land of their home. The blood red sky could only be an omen of such things being true, rather than a lie.
However, as the minutes turned into an hour, it become clear that this storm was preturnatural. The precusor to the she-daemon, who had caught a retinue of Stormvermin mid-route. The Ratmen were not learned, not even their upper elite (it didn’t pay to have intelligent soldiers. Soldiers were meant to fight and to die, after all), but all of them knew enough of the four gods to know that this one belonged to Khorne.
Heliinx had heard the reports and dismissed them, figuring it was just the Bloodthirster Khazaan intimidating her underlings for his own amusement. He seemed like the type. But the latest ratman, one of her own White-furred servants, came in squeaking in alarm.
“ Daemon is not-not Bloodthirster! She is shaped like a man-thing doe, with horn-claws, great-wings and bleeding armor!”
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Heliinx felt her blood freeze. Shaped like a female-man? Bleeding-armor? That sounded an awful like like her. The one all of her stolen tomes on the Khornate forces called The Blood Queen.
“ She demands to see-speak with you, Pale Lady!”
The she-rat immediately squirted the musk of fear. Horned Father help-aid me.
“T...tell daemon-thing I will be out shortly! No more kill-slay!”
The messenger ran off to do just that or, more likely, to bother some other lower ranking rat into doing it. Heliinx, ignoring her own fear stench, began to gather some things. Warpstone tokens, her weapons of course, and her armor. She squeaked a command at Rinki, telling him to get ready too, and her Golden Guard. The ratwoman only paused to look at the skull-rune in her hand. Was this why the Gorequeen was here? Had this all been a cleverly laid trap by Khazaan to be rid of her and therefore, free of their agreement?
Taking a claw, she drew blood upon it.
Great Daemon-thing! I need-summon you this day! Come to the warren! We have Great Battle-Fight here, waiting for you, if you do!
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Heliinx, with Rinki and her sentinels at her back, made her way to the Gate of Reave...to speak with the Gorequeen.
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thefoilguy · 7 years
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Valkia the Bloody from Warhammer Fantasy - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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+ " Tell me I'm the strongest."
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//for Valkia :3c
She stares at him for the longest period of time, the workings of the unknown, treacherous spell working on her. Compelling her. Demanding her to speak. But the Valkyrie simply sighs and lowers her head for a while, shaking her head. There was no need for this weird enchantment...
She speaks up, voice loud as always... but there was a hint of fondness to it. As if a mother speaking to her child. She looks up at Skarbrand, arms crossed.
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"Spell or no spell, I speak without deceit when I say this. Out of all of Kharneth's children, you were ALWAYS his favored one. Even now, as outraged as he is at your traitorous and rebellious actions. As much of a CUR as you are for fraternizing with the Eternal Enemy-" her gaze almost softens for a bit, that sliver of humanity shining through.
"... I can tell, he still values you highly. He feels regret for banishing you. But examples must be set, and your ultimate treason, the literal wound in his back, stings still. But even through all that-"
"You are his strongest, most favored child."
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@therxtking | x
Valkia lets out a scoff as the caniquus approaches her, watching her form and condition. She was approaching labor. It was not a good idea for her to be out here by herself. Call her nostalgic, but Valkia could not help but to sense this simple devotee of her Beloved bearing children, and think back on her own daughters...
The nuzzle to her hand is returned with a soft pet to her snout.
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"You do not even have a nest yet... hmf. Your priorities are out of line, Runic. We must secure a place for you to birth your brood first. We could scour a dragon's nest of its occupants for both food and shelter.
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A trail of blazing destruction and gore-covered snow banks were evidence enough of where the Gourmand had strode upon the lands of Norsca, and it made Valkia's tracking of him stupendously easy. But to actually get him to cooperate would be another thing entirely. As she had told her Beloved, he was the shining example of a Khornate daemon, full of rage, fiery conviction, and brutality in combat. But to her, it was unrefined. Sloppy. He was no true instrument of Khorne; he was a blunt. A dull, crude weapon to clobber against a skull, not a fine blade to sever it from its neck. But she would show him what kind of consequences his performance would have.
Striding over another hilltop, she would come to stare upon another scene of carnage and slaughter, the tangy scent of iron still fresh in the air, along with sulfuric smoke and ashes. A whole small settlement, laid to waste, burned in flames, and bathed in blood. And there she saw him; The Goregrinder. The Cannibal. The so-called 'Gourmand'; Kha'Zhubon. The Bloodthirster having occupied himself with throwing a feast in the middle of the town's square. Frowning, Valkia shot into the air, and came crash-landing in the center of town as well, the force of her landing tipping over a huge cauldron of skull brew that had stood simmering, the crimson beverage spilling onto the streets as Valkia now stood ankle-deep in it, scowling up at Kha'Zhubon. The various Furies and Bloodletters he had accumulated as a result of his slaughter-path bayed and snarled at the Gorequeen, but all were wise enough not to attack her.
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"Goregrinder! Your failure in your mission to reclaim DeathAxe Monolith has not gone unnoticed by the Axefather, and he has found you lacking! Your failure to take the presence of a Lord of Change seriously lead you to being tricked, deceived, and foiled by the simplest of tricks the Changer could ever employ."
Kha'zhubon stayed silent throughout the Valkyrie's tongue-lashing of his person and his accomplishments during that skirmish. Honestly though, was it even a skirmish? It would've been child's play, had there not been such surprising resistance from the Exiles! His eyes wander to the tipped-over cauldron, and back to Valkia.
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"... THAT WAS PERFECTLY FINE SKULL BREW YOU WASTED, GORE-WENCH." he snarls, as Valkia bares her fangs at his disrespect. "THE LORD OF CHANGE WOULD HAVE BEEN CHILD'S PLAY. HE WAS DIMINISHED FROM THE PRESENCE OF OUR FATHER'S ENERGIES, EVEN I COULD TELL. ACKNOWLEDGING HIS PRESENCE WAS NOT MY ERROR! IT WAS THE DAMN TRAITOR EXILES PUTTING UP A DEFENSE I COULD NOT HAVE PREDICTED. KHORNATE AND PLEASURE-KIN WORKING TOGETHER--" he spat on the ground, and even Valkia herself had to subdue a gag from herself. It sickened her as well. And in the back of her mind, the voice of her 'trusty' shield Locephax whispers;
"Well well well~~ Your dear-old Daddy's boys and my Lavish Lord's kin working as one? I would DIE to see such a day... if I were not so graciously dead already, ho ho ho~! Truly makes you wonder how close our lieges still are, does it not, little girl~?" a quick smack of Valkia's elbow against the shield's 'face' earns a silent shriek from Locephax, and then silence before she speaks again;
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"Your statement might hold truth, Cannibal, but ultimately the reason for your failure is not important. Only know that Khorne wishes for you to better yourself. Join me in the south, along with fellow Bloodthirster Va'rrick. We have been called to retrieve an object of immense importance." after hearing who he was to pair up with, Kha'Zhubon grumbles and rolls his head, his ruffled mane shaking briskly.
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"... HMFH. MYSELF ALONE WOULD BE FINE. BUT IF IT IS THE WILL OF THE GOREFATHER... THEN I GUESS I WILL NOT OBJECT." that comment of being fine on his own had immediate consequences, as suddenly, a streak of blazing flame sings through the air in a semi-straight line, and the tip of Slaupnir embeds itself into one of his horns, before exploding in a violent blaze, blasting it off as Kha'Zhubon howls in rage and pain. The spear then reforms within Valkia's outstretched hand, as she slams it to the ground. The Bloodthirster's eyes glare with venomous hatred down at the Daemon Prince, who just scowls back.
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"And SUCH arrogance is what caused your failure to begin with, Goregrinder! I shall not have the same tolerance as your Father, my Beloved Kharneth, would have! From now on, YOU will answer to ME! I will be the judge of your character, and believe me; I am as ruthless as I am devoted! Failure to comply will be met with IMMEDIATE discipline! Understood!?" she'd bark straight in the daemon's face, at which even Kha'Zhubon, with his superior size and bulk, could do nothing but utterly balk. Her stature might be small, but her roaring voice was like having the gaze of his Father upon him, almost as if an aura of Kharneth himself had manifested around her being. So this is how deeply her devotion ran within her... begrudgingly, yet sheepishly, he'd lower his head and gaze to the gore-soaked dirt.
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Gordon brings Ikit and Qhi'Zhek flowers and treats for being his friends. Lots of love!! And hugs, if they'll allow it.
Runic brings Valkia a bag of skulls, tail wagging.
Ikit accepts his treats happily and will allow Gordon to hug him, all while munching on his warpstone-infused treats.
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Qhi'zhek is understandably a bit wary, but accepting of the treats. And he'll let Gordon hug him, at least briefly.
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Valkia most definitely approves of Runic's offering of skulls, counting the skulls to number up to the dozens. A brief smile of pride flashes her features as she reaches to pat along the equine-shaped snout of the Caniquus.
"Well done, servant of the Axefather."
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Concept: If Valkia were to be a Chaos God in her own right, and IF she and Khorne were to end up as rivals, I could sort of see their rivalry being akin to that of Ares and Athena from Greek myth. Not that Valkia would really represent wisdom of any kind (lol), but where Khorne would be representative of the pure unbridled carnage, slaughter and madness of war and bloodshed, and Valkia's focus would be a bit more focused on the glory and honor of engaging in combat. A perfect mirror image to Khorne's blood-soaked brutality.
I mean, she is already inspired in name, and to some extent design, by the Valkyries of Norse myth, who were greatly experienced warrior-maidens. And since IIRC she is not below using her feminine aspects to her advantage, might as well throw in a bit of Freya there as well, who is also a goddess of war, but ALSO of fertility and BEAUTY. Fertility would also be an aspect she could take, as any army needs to birth strong children to bolster its ranks.
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has locephax ever escaped? would you ever let him go just to hunt him down again?
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"That would be exactly what he'd desire for me to do. The foul prince still pines for my attention. Letting him loose only to run him down again would only give him said attention. No, he has not escaped this form. Nor shall he ever do so."
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Does valkia know she has a mortal grandson our there somewhere and probably an entire bloodline
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"... Whether these rumors are truth or otherwise, it does not truly concern me. Khorne has explained it to me before. He has sired and courted a lot of beings -- sometimes beyond his will -- that the likeliness of children with his likeness flowing through them is a large possibility."
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Tyler Bates - Madness of the Fury Queen
YouTube Link:
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