#(so I've edited it to be teal now.)
ckret2 · 7 months
On chapter 38 of human Bill Cipher is still the Mystery Shack's prisoner, the most exciting, gripping, action-packed, page-turning chapter so far:
Bill gets locked in the bathroom.
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He handles it super well.
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Bill thought he heard a door slam somewhere far off in the shack—but every time he peeked around the shower curtain, there was no sign of anyone else would come into the bathroom any time soon. Good. Last thing he needed was a human coming upstairs to give him trouble for the crime of daring to be naked with a door open. (Of all the stupid things. He wasn't embarrassed, he was used to floating around in nothing but a top hat and bow tie, if he wasn't bothered why should they be bothered, was what he wanted to know...)
As Bill dried off and dressed, he considered what he'd do next. If someone else was back in the house—Dipper, probably—then Bill wouldn't be able to continue his planned mischief. Pity. He'd hardly had a chance to abuse his freedom. But then, Dipper loved to avoid Bill. Maybe Bill could chase him upstairs and have the living room to himself until Mabel got back.
He dressed, pulled the towels off the mirrors, quickly poked his wet hair into something approximating a triangular cloud, and turned toward the door.
Somewhere during the process of getting dressed, he must have bumped into the door, because it had swung halfway shut. Not a problem. He'd found that as long as a door was open at all, it was possible to get through the gap. Even if it was a narrow gap. If you tried to squeeze through it, it somehow widened for you. Such was the illusive trickery of doors.
But. But. Why should he try to squeeze through? His current 3D flesh body was not made for gliding through infinitesimally small gaps. And he wasn't about to let a door be the master of him. He knew how to handle them now. He'd done this in the living room. Time to show off a little.
Bill turned his back on the door, shut his eyes, simply visualized walking straight through an open doorway and out into the hallway, and confidently walked backwards.
The door made a click sound. It stopped moving. Bill froze, back pressed against the wood.
Something went wrong here.
Bill turned around. The door was very firmly closed. He leaned against it experimentally. It remained closed. It sure didn't seem like an illusion he could walk straight through. Had he done it wrong?
After several more failed attempts to walk through the doorway, Bill reluctantly conceded that for some reason this door wasn't about to yield to his mind tricks. He was quite firmly trapped in the bathroom.
Oh, how embarrassing.
No, no—no, it didn't have to be embarrassing. This would be funny. Somebody else would need the bathroom eventually, right? He could just wait here until the humans returned—maybe sit on the toilet, meditate a while—and when someone opened the door, he'd calmly say, "Hey." And after they jumped out of their skin, he'd stroll out the door. They'd never know how he got in there. It would haunt them.
He shut the toilet lid, sat, crossed his legs, shut his eyes, and settled in to wait.
He lasted three minutes.
Bill groaned and dragged his hands down his face. "Ugh, it's been hours. Where the heck is everyone!" He stood and angrily pounded on the door. "Okay, I'm sick of this! My lifespan's too finite to waste it in here!"
Who was here? Probably just Dipper, right? Somewhere downstairs? "HEY!" He stomped on the floorboards. "I'M TALKING TO YOU, UH—uhh, uhhhh—MABEL'S BROTHER?! Name?!" What was his name. He and Mabel had those cute matchy twin names—same length and same first two letters— "MARIO? MATTY? MAGNI? MABON? Isn't it Mabon? That sounds right, I'm sure it's Mabon." He stomped on the floor again. "It's really petty of you to ignore me until I get your name right, Mabon! No, wait, he went by a nickname, what was his nickname." Bill paced back and forth across the bathroom floor. "It was a constellation, right? ORION? No. TRIANGULUM? No, I'd remember if it was Triangulum. What's his sign—VIRGO? C'mon, kid!"
Bill glowered at the door. It showed no signs of opening any time in the near future. Where was that brat?
Dipper's lungs were heaving and his heart pounding as he pedaled toward the spot where Bill had cracked open the dimensional rift and started Weirdmageddon.
It was easy to find. He just had to locate the fault line that had opened in the ground and follow it until the view of the trees around him began bending oddly in the air, as though being refracted in water—the air was so thick with invisibly-sealed miniature dimensional rifts. He kept going until he found the sign they'd planted last summer:
Mabel's Fault
He still cringed every time he thought of the name they'd given the scar in the earth. He'd proposed it before realizing how it sounded; but Mabel had laughed hysterically and the name stuck.
He didn't see any sign of them around the fault. "MABEL! Can you hear me?! Bill, where are you!" There was no reply. Dipper screamed his frustration at the top of his lungs.
He was a terrible brother. He'd been one then and he was one today. He never should have left Mabel alone with Bill.
Where else could they have gone? Maybe Bill's corpse? Dipper abandoned his bike and ran off the trail, deeper into the woods. "I'm coming, Mabel!"
Bill frowned contemplatively at the mirror, finger tapping his chin.
He had painted his zodiac on the glass with tooth paste.
He pointed around the mirror one symbol at a time. "Okay, that one's Jesús," he said, "that's Wendy, that's Stanley—Pine Tree!" Bill smacked the sink triumphantly. "YOUR NAME'S PINE TREE! Stop ignoring me, where are you!"
There was no answer.
"Maybe he went out again," Bill muttered.
Mabel had to be back soon, right? Bill pressed his face to the bathroom window. He could see Stan's car and Waddles below; no Mabel.
"HEY SHOOTING STAR! Are you back yet?!" Bill listened for a reply. "Star girl? Mabel? Buddy? Pal? My hero? My only friend? Please?"
Mabel was biking back from the hardware store, her bike's basket stuffed full of spray paint cans. She'd brought along the flashlight with the height-altering crystal so she could shrink down the bags of spray paint cans to fit in the basket. It was a good choice. There had been a sale. She had sooo many colors now.
She passed the grocery store; weird, the parking lot had filled up with a crowd since the last time she passed by. Did she hear music?
She slowed to stare at the crowd—then hit the breaks. "Candy?! Grenda?!"
Across the parking lot, they turned and waved. "Mabel!"
Mabel pedaled up to them. "Hey guys! What are you doing hanging out in a parking lot!"
"Radio station live appearance," Candy said, pointing toward a red van parked next to the grocery store. A vinyl wrap around the van identified it as affiliated with Falls Radio. In front of it, Bodacious T was struggling to set up a tent over a white folding table. Candy went on, "We are here to win cheap prizes at the games. They have trivia, 'name that tune,' a prize wheel..."
Grenda pumped a fist in the air. "I'm gonna win a water bottle and a tiny backpack!"
"Oooh." Mabel craned her neck, trying to peek between the crowd to the front table. "What are the prizes?"
Candy said, "Radio station t-shirts, CDs, gift cards..."
"The grand prize is concert tickets for some old guy," Grenda said dismissively.
"The gift cards are a better value," Candy said.
"What old guy?" Mabel caught sight of a poster taped up to the side of the van. She gasped. "Phrancisco?! From Invisible Yellow Plastic?!"
"You know him?" Candy asked, surprised.
"Yes?! Invisible Yellow Plastic was this amazing 80's band! They were pioneers in the local new wave scene! I've got some of their albums!" Courtesy of Grunkle Ford, who had hyped them up to her in the first place and also told her everything she knew about them. "And based on the album covers, Phrancisco was so hot thirty years ago?"
Candy and Grenda absorbed this new information with thoughtful looks.
Mabel climbed off her bike, stuck the tiny bags of spray paint in one pocket, and used the height-altering flashlight to shrink her bike and stick it in the other pocket. "Ladies. We have got to get these tickets. I'm dropping everything for this quest." She put her hands on Candy and Grenda's shoulders. "With our powers put together, we can win all the gift cards, tiny backpacks, water bottles, and concert tickets we could ever want. Are you with me?!"
Candy and Grenda raised their fists. "Yeah!"
"It's time for radio station live appearance mini games."
Bill sat leaning against the bathroom cabinet, idly flipping the toilet lid up and down to entertain himself, staring at the door.
"I'm sure Mabel will be back any minute," he told himself.
Bill had constructed a sensory deprivation tank in the bathtub.
He'd filled the tub with about a foot of hot water, dumped in an entire bag of bath salts he'd found by prying a wooden board out of the side of the cabinet, plugged his ears with cotton balls held in place with bandaids, turned out the lights, and draped a towel over the tub.
He was going to meditate in that, and use the boost to his psychic capabilities to send a telepathic SOS to Mabel. Mabel or whoever was sensitive enough to receive it. He wasn't picky.
His nerves were too frazzled for him to drop straight into a trance. He tried to calm himself. Deep breath—wow, the bath salts reeked of lavender—deep breath through the mouth then. Calm down. Be still. Empty mind. Everything would be fine—everything would always be fine for him—there was no need to stress.
Slowly, he relaxed.
Bill's sleep schedule had been in a state of utter disarray since the moment he'd been dumped in a body that needed sleep. Over the past day, the sum total of sleep he'd gotten had been an unplanned nap last night before dinner, and a fretful nightmare-laden spell from 3 a.m. to dawn.
Bill fell asleep in the tub.
His head sank below the water. He spluttered and flailed his way back to sitting upright.
He took the towel off his head and threw it to the ground. "That didn't work." Kinda comfortable though. He lay back in the tub. What else could he try?
Maybe Wendy would come back. She said she liked hanging out here when she was avoiding people, and it sounded like she wasn't too keen on her friends—maybe she'd get sick of them and return? Yeah. Yeah! Sure, Bill was sure she'd do that. "Wendyyy! Hey! You didn't happen to come back, did you?!" He waited. "Come on! I know you're here!"
"No wait, this'll be sick," Nate said. He was laying down on the walkway around the top of the water tower, wriggling out under the safety railing so his face and shoulders hung out in open air.
Wendy laughed. "Dude. What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna spray paint something on the bottom of the floor. Everyone'll go, 'How did that get there?'" He waved a hand at Lee. "Gimme a spray can."
Lee handed Nate a can of purple paint, and he slid out a little bit farther. His belly button was level with the edge of the walkway.
Wendy stopped laughing. "Whoa," she said. "Careful. What are you, crazy?" She put one hand on the railing.
"Yeah. Crazy genius. It's cool, look." Nate slid out another couple of inches. "I can just—lift my legs and hang from the railing by my knees, like a monkey—" He lifted his feet off the walkway, and immediately lost balance and slid forward. "Hey—"
Time seemed to slow down. Wendy had trained for this, the water tower's wooden legs were basically thin tree trunks, if she slid under the railing she could grab Nate and swing into one of the tower legs, they could slide down that to the bottom—
Lee dropped flat on Nate's legs, using his weight to pin him in place. "HEY!"
Wendy grabbed Nate's shirt. Together, she and Lee dragged him back onto the walkway. Nate rolled onto his back and stared at the sky, eyes wide.
Lee sat beside him and laughed nervously. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Whoo. Gimme a sec."
"What the heck, Nate!" Wendy was gripping the railing hard enough her arms shook. She tried to sound calm. "You almost got yourself killed, you dummy!" Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.
"I'm fine," Nate said shakily. "I'm fine, just... lay off."
"Fine. Sor-ry. I'm just trying to make sure you don't literally die."
Lee gave Wendy an exasperated look. Nate closed his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, okay, mom."
The back of her neck went hot. Oh no, absolutely not. The mom friend was the opposite of the cool girl. That was the boring friend who drove everyone around and was too busy worrying to have fun. She'd never been mom-friended in her life.
"Hey, are you okay?" Lee asked Wendy. "I mean—this idiot's near death experience aside—" (Nate punched Lee's knee.) "—you've been kinda high-strung lately. Is everything cool?"
"Of course I'm cool," Wendy said automatically. Be cool, girl. "Sorry. Work junk's got me stressed. Soos keeps randomly closing at the last minute, and I'm losing hours, and... it's been getting to me, I guess. I just need to chill." She took in a deep breath. "Nate," she put a hand on his shoulder and said solemnly, "if you want to fall on your head and lose your last eight brain cells, I won't get in your way. I support your dreams, man."
"Pssh, shut up!" Nate shoved Wendy off and sat up, laughing. "Okay, new plan. What if I just—stay on the floor, but reach my arm under the side to paint it."
Lee asked, "How are you gonna see what you're drawing?"
Nate considered that. "You can reach under and use your phone like a mirror."
Wendy bit back the urge to tell them they were idiots. Were her friends not maturing fast enough, or was she just getting boring?
She leaned against the water tower and shut her eyes.
Laying on the bathroom floor, Bill said, "You know what, Cool Girl? I'm beginning to think you're ignoring me too." Everyone was here and everyone was ignoring him.
He heaved himself to his feet. How long had he been in here. Time lost all meaning in a sensory deprivation tank. It could have been days. He was beginning to get hungry. What would he do when his body needed food? Not to mention dehydration! Where was he going to get water in a bathroom?!
Bill did not, at that moment, possess the greatest clarity of mind.
He flinched in surprise at the sight of another human in the bathroom, and then his hopes went up—and then they went back down. Oh. Right. He'd taken the towels off the mirrors. Just him.
"Thanks for disappointing me," he snapped sarcastically at the human body in the reflection. "Again. As usual." He pointed at the reflection. "Hey—hey! What's that look on your face for? Don't you take that attitude with me, buster! It's your fault I'm in this mess!"
His reflection continued to glare wrathfully at him. It made him madder. The reflection's wrath deepened.
"WHAT?!" Bill demanded. "You keep your mouth shut, I'm the one shouting here! What do you have to be angry about?! I've never done anything to you! You owe me everything! I feed you, I clothe you, I wash you, and what do you give me in return?! Backaches and headaches! I could have been home partying with my friends by now, but do you know who's holding me back?! YOU!" He jabbed his finger against the mirror. The reflection jabbed a finger back. Voice cracking with rage, Bill squawked, "Don't you raise your hand at me, you little—!" He curled his hand in a fist, intending only to threaten the reflection; but when it shook a fist back at him, he reared back with a roar and punched the mirror. The glass crunched beneath his knuckles. His knuckles also crunched.
Bill stared at the broken glass, snapped out of his rage by the pain. Dozens of fragmented reflections stared back at him. He rubbed the stinging cuts on his knuckles.
"Of course," he said. "The solution's so obvious! Blood sacrifice!"
As Dipper passed the water tower, he spied an incomprehensible purple squiggle spray painted to the bottom of the walkway. How did that get there? Had Bill and Mabel been here? Maybe Mabel had done it with one of her spray cans to send a signal? Or maybe Bill had used his magic to float up and spray some magical alien rune from below.
He climbed up to look.
Nothing. No signs they'd been here, either. Dipper pulled out a town map he'd marked up with the locations Bill was most likely to hit, and peered toward them one by one from his vantage point; but he didn't see Bill or Mabel, nor any evidence of Bill's influence terrorizing the town. He was out of leads.
He climbed back down. He'd bike back to the shack, call Soos, maybe call the police, look for clues around the shack, chug some Mabel Juice for energy—desperate times—and join the hunt again...
As the Mystery Shack emerged from behind the trees, he saw, from another direction, Mabel biking up. His heart leaped into his throat.
Mabel waved. "Hey, Dipper!" She kicked down her kickstand and dismounted. "Did you find the wigglers?"
"Mabel!" Dipper almost tripped in his haste to get off his bike and pull her into a tight hug.
"Dipper? What is it?" Mabel awkwardly hugged him back. She whispered, "Why do you smell so bad."
"Are you okay?!" He held her out at arm's length, looking her up and down. "You're not hurt, are you?"
"Wh—? No, I'm great! I might've kinda exploded a couple of tiny spray paint cans in my pocket, though." She pulled up her sweater, showing the purple and orange stains on one side of her skirt. "Buuut—" She held out four slips of colorful card stock. "Guess who won awesome concert tickets!"
"What about Bill," Dipper demanded, "did Bill kidnap you?"
"What? No." Mabel shook her head, bewildered. "I locked him in the shack while I went out for more spray paint."
"Well, he's not there now! I searched everywhere!" Dipper gasped, "Then—he must have escaped while you were out."
"What?! But—how—"
"I don't know, but I searched the whole shack a couple of hours ago—"
"A couple of hours?!"
"—and there's no sign of him—"
"Then he could be anywhere by now!" Mabel squeezed her hands together, crushing her tickets. "Oh, this is bad. It's all my fault if he causes trouble! We've gotta find him before Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford get home!"
"But where?" Dipper asked. "I've already looked everywhere he might go! The basement, the fault, his corpse, town hall, that street with all the katanas in the gutter for some reason..."
"You're thinking like Bill the evil overlord, I can think like Bill the party animal! We've talked about all kinds of fun places he'd go if he was free!" She got back on her bike. "Come on, I'll tell you on the way to town, we can split up to search!"
Dipper got on his bike to follow, but said, "Come on, do you really think he'd waste time doing something fun now that he's free to be evil again?"
"Fun and evil are the same thing to him! Dipper, I can guarantee you, if Bill summons his terrible friends back to town, the first place he's taking them is the Putt Hutt," she said. "Because he wants to force the townspeople to run through giant minigolf obstacles, and also teach the Lilliputtians to do war crimes."
"Okay, I believe you," Dipper said. "Lead the way."
As Mabel and Dipper biked away from the shack, Bill cried, "Wait wait, no! Come back!" He pounded both fists on the bathroom window and let out a prolonged, anguished, "NOOO!"
They didn't hear him.
Waddles did, though. He pulled his face out of the dirt and looked up at Bill, muddy snout twitching.
"Waddles," Bill gasped, relieved. "Good pig. Smart pig. You know, I'm—I'm really very impressed by your scientific work. Especially that jet pack, wow. Seriously. Just between you and me, I don't think Fordsy's quite the biggest genius in the house, you know what I mean?"
Waddles blinked.
"Listen. I need a little favor. Go get help." He pointed toward town. "Go get Mabel and tell her I'm— Or, or just free me yourself! Can you do that? Come on up here?" Could pigs open doors? Bill couldn't think of any reason why not. It wasn't like Waddles was cursed.
Waddles tilted his head slightly, contemplatively. He didn't look persuaded.
"It'll just take you a second," Bill pled. "And then I'll owe you one! Big time! Listen, if you help me, you'll go down in history! You think that stupid hog with the fancy spiderwebs was special? He's nothing! I'll rearrange the constellations to form your face! It'll say 'Greatest Pig In The Universe!' How's that?!"
Waddles stared at Bill.
"Have we got a deal?"
Waddles snorted, his nose twitching upward.
"More?! What more could you want! An infinite feeding trough! A hundred sows! A Nobel prize! The most luxurious mud puddle in the world, what?! Just—tell me what you want!"
Waddles lay down and shut his eyes.
"You're a lazy bum, Waddles!" Bill smacked his hand on the window. "You hear me?! You could've had a brilliant academic future in any field from bioengineering to quantum technology, and you squandered it all to mooch off a twelve-year-old! All potential but no work ethic! You're pathetic! You're nothing!"
Completely unashamed and satisfied with his life choices, Waddles fell asleep.
Bill groaned in frustration. "I'll never get out of here!" He kicked over a box, kicked a shampoo bottle, kicked one of the many ancient cursed sigils he'd inscribed on the walls in his own blood, and kicked a towel. "They've abandoned me in this shack. They're never coming back. They're gonna burn it down with me inside. Those brats just came by to taunt me! Mabel's probably been in on it all along! They all have. After all I've done for them! Those ungrateful—"
Bill stomped across the bathroom and hammered on the door. "Was this your idea, Stanford Pines?! I know it was you! You've had it out for me ever since we finished the portal and you decided you didn't need me anymore! It was your big plan to trap me in here! You're just waiting to see if the hunger or the boredom gets to me faster, aren't you?! Gonna record that in your journal, huh? A cute little experiment to see whether my body or my mind gives out first?" He gave the door another violent pound. "You're an evil, sadistic freak, Stanford! And not even the fun kind! I know you're laughing at me right now! I know that's what you're doing!"
Ford kept his gaze fixed firmly on the Dontium generator as he blindly groped across the card table for the deck. "Where's—?"
"Here, I've gotcha." Fiddleford pushed a playing card into his hand.
"Thanks." Ford groped around the table until he found the three cards that had already been placed down, flipped the new one over, and carefully set it next to the others. "What's this one?"
"Four of clubs."
"Remind me why I'm responsible for dealing the community cards when I can't look at them and you can?"
"Because it's real distractin'," Fiddleford said, "Which is just what you need to keep you from thinkin' about the... oh."
Oh. The Dontium.
Sitting at the generator's controls, Soos said, "Aw, dudes. Needle's back down at zero."
Ford shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly let it out.
Sitting on a folding chair faced away from the Dontium generator, Stan groaned. "Seriously?! Again?"
Fiddleford said, "Sorry, sorry."
"Start from the top," Ford said tiredly. "Stan, you just focus on your part and I'll focus on mine. Or... not focus on mine, as the case may be."
Stan groaned again, but said, "Fine!" and crossed his arms irritably.
"Right," Ford said. "Where were we? Remind me what the current community cards are?"
"King of hearts, seven of hearts, two of diamonds, and four of clubs."
"Hmm." It wasn't an inspiring bunch of community cards. No chance for a straight, no chance for a flush, slim odds for four of a kind. He tried to mentally calculate the probability of a win. "And..." Ford waved the two cards he was holding. "What's my hand?"
"I'd tell ya, but last I checked, peekin' at yer opponent's poker cards is still considered cheating."
"Right," Ford sighed. That was going to make calculations harder.
"I could look," Stan said. "I'm allowed to look anywhere except the one place I'm not, right? If I tell you your cards—"
"You can't," Fiddleford said irritably, "because then you'll think about poker when you're s'posed to be thinkin' about—er..."
Soos laughed awkwardly. "Aw, dudes. You'll never guess what."
"Darn it!" Stan got to his feet and pointed at Ford. "You started thinking about the thing again!"
"You stopped thinking about the thing again!"
"How am I supposed to think about the thing when there's a game of Texas hold 'em five feet away?!"
"I knew we should have switched to a game Stan doesn't like." Ford looked at Fiddleford—it didn't matter, they weren't making any progress. "What if we try...?"
Firmly, Fiddleford said, "Stanford, I'll do many things for science. But you ain't getting me to play that diabolical hocus-pocusy wizard game."
Ford groaned. "We're going to be here all night."
Soos slowly raised a hand. "I have an idea," he said. "What if you both put on headphones. And Stan's plays a recording that just says 'think about the NowUSeeItNowUDontium generator' over and over. And Ford's plays—uh—I don't know, an audiobook with cool science facts or something?"
They considered that. Ford slowly nodded. Stan shrugged. "Eh, can't hurt."
Were shirts edible?
Nothing in this accursed bathroom qualified as human food. But if Bill could eke out just a few calories, maybe he could survive until the humans came by to pry the gold fillings from his starved corpse and turn the tables on them. Shirts were plants. They might accidentally contain a mineral or two. Right? Maybe? Bill knew a great many things about Earth, but he had never once needed to learn whether cotton yielded any nutritional benefit to human beings.
It was probably better for him than trying to chew up the wooden counter. He peeled off his shirt, steeled himself for the least appetizing meal of his life, and began distastefully chewing on the hem.
Several minutes in, it suddenly occurred to him to check the shirt's tag for nutrition info. He peered in the collar.
65% polyester, 35% cotton.
Well. He wasn't wasting his time on a shirt that was two-thirds plastic. He'd burn more energy chewing than he'd gain.
He pulled his shirt back on and lay on the bathroom floor. He could already feel his famished body metabolizing his own muscles for fuel.
If he returned to his true form when he died, the first thing he was doing was heating every ounce of polyester on the planet to five hundred degrees and melting it onto the skin of the humans stupid enough to wear it.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid..." Mabel was muttering to herself in sync with pedaling the bike. She'd spent most of the ride along the road back to the shack alternating between this chant and berating herself in more detail: "I'm so stupid, augh! Why is it always me? Why am I always the one who lets Bill get out? Because I'm an idiot!"
"Whoa, hey. Don't say that," Dipper said. Granted, he did think leaving Bill home with no guards was kinda stupid, but Mabel was already punishing herself far in excess of what Dipper thought she deserved. And he'd left Bill home with one guard, so was he much better? "It's not all your fault—"
"Yes it is! I'm the one who decided to trust him at home alone! I'm the only one who's been trusting him at all! I knew he'd try something like this eventually!" Mabel tilted her head back and let out a long noise of frustration at the sky.
Dipper opened his mouth to try to offer more reassurance; but then he paused. "Wait. If you knew he'd do this, then why did you trust him?"
"Because...!" Mabel fell silent for a moment. "Because, I know he's a bad person... but I really, really do think he can get better." She had that little waver in her voice that she got whenever she was trying not to cry. "I'm figuring out how he thinks, I'm teaching him manners, I'm getting him to lie less... But, he can't prove he's getting better if he isn't given room to do the wrong thing, so he can choose the right thing instead. If he can't choose, then he's not good, he's just controlled. So I've... gotta give him chances."
Dipper stared at her, momentarily lost for words. "And—you're willing to risk the safety of the whole town—?"
"I mean I didn't think he'd escape entirely!" Her front tire wobbled; she slammed on the breaks. Dipper skidded to a stop just a few feet ahead.
Voice thicker, Mabel said, "I just—with Grunkle Ford so close to figuring out how to kill him, I really... really wanted him to prove he can be better."
All this time, watching her playing and goofing around with Bill, Dipper had assumed she was just ignoring how dangerous he was. But if anything, she was thinking about it more than anybody else. All the rest of the family had to worry about was Bill finding some way to destroy the world; while Mabel was worrying about Bill destroying the world, and Bill not making enough progress on some nebulous road to being "better,"��and whether he could prove himself to everyone else before it was too late.
Dipper didn't think Bill could do anything to prove himself. He thought Bill deserved to die. But that just made Mabel's position even worse.
"Oh, Mabel," Dipper murmured. "I'm sorry. I... didn't realize how much pressure you're under." All this time, Dipper had been seeing this as a battle where Bill won if he escaped to restart Weirdmageddon and the Pines won if they killed Bill. But for Mabel, she'd lose either way.
No wonder she'd learned so much about him, so fast. No wonder she was spending so much time around him. She didn't have any time to waste. And to think Dipper had been jealous of her bizarre new expertise. He didn't want to be doing what she was doing.
"S'fine. It's stupid." Mabel rubbed her nose on her arm, eyes downcast. "I'm the dumb-dumb who tried to be friends with an evil space criminal."
"You're not a dumb-dumb," Dipper said. "You're like, one dumb maximum."
Mabel snorted and laughed weakly. "Seriously, Dipper."
"You just want to help. Maybe too much."
She shrugged. "I guess." She rubbed her face again, then got back on her bike. "C'mon, it's almost dark. We should go."
"Yeah." Every second they wasted was one more second Bill could spend putting some devastating plot together.
They were headed back to the shack, but only long enough to regroup. They had already split the cereal bars and jerky that Dipper kept in his backpack for excursions, but they needed to get some proper food before they continued the hunt. And—as much as they dreaded it—they'd conceded they couldn't fix this themselves, and they had to call the adults to tell them they'd let Bill escape.
As they biked, Dipper said, "Hey. What did you mean, you're 'getting him to lie less'? Bill tells like four lies a minute."
"Oh. Right," Mabel said. "I guess I don't exactly see it as lying anymore because I understand what he really means."
"What, is he talking in some kind of code?"
"Sorta? I'm not sure if this is only a Bill thing, or if it's how people talked back on his planet? But he just doesn't have conversations like a human. When he says something, he doesn't really care about if it's true. He's telling you what he thinks should be true. So it's not like he's actually trying to lie, he's just... trying to use words to make a better reality." Mabel shrugged. "You've just gotta negotiate with him on the details of the new reality so you both like it."
Dipper blinked in bewilderment. "Mabel, that's objectively insane."
"It works, though!" Her proud smile wilted. "I thought it did, anyway."
Once they found Bill and had finally figured out how to kill him, Dipper would kill him twice for breaking Mabel's heart.
"Where haven't we looked for him yet?" Mabel asked, packing fresh provisions in Dipper's backpack. Waddles, who had come in with them and could tell something was wrong, had sat down reassuringly in the exact center of the kitchen.
"I didn't explore much of the forest." There was a lot of forest. "He's probably out there with a pair of scissors cutting open the dimensional rifts we glued shut last summer."
"Or taking over the radio station to broadcast a mind-control signal."
"Or breaking into the buried UFO to summon an alien invasion."
"Do you think we need to check the UFO?" Mabel asked. "I've never gotten to see it."
"Probably. If I was an evil triangle trying to restart an apocalypse, that's where I'd go." Either that, or hitch the first ride out of town—but that wasn't an option for Bill. Their one blessing was that they knew Bill still had to be nearby. He couldn't be farther than the weirdness barrier. "We'll need the magnet gun." Dipper headed for the stairs.
"And my grappling hook!" Mabel called. "Can you grab it for me?"
"You got it!"
As Dipper jogged past the bathroom, something rattled the door so thunderously that Dipper jumped sideways like a startled deer. The door howled, "Let me out, you monster! I'll kill you! I'll atomize you! I'll turn your intestines into a Klein bottle! I'll anti your matter—!"
Dipper stared. He opened the door. The bathroom belched forth a cloud of artificial lavender fragrance.
Behind it stood Bill Cipher, both hands on the doorframe, arms shaking, chest heaving, face contorted in rage. The moment the door was open, the rage melted away into a look of profound relief and his knees buckled under him. 
Dipper said, "What."
"You saved me!" He placed one hand reverently on the floor boards outside the bathroom. "You're my hero. I knew you wouldn't abandon—" He blinked, squinting up at Dipper's face. "Oh. It's just you. Eh."
Dipper said, "What."
"I was trapped!" His hair was disheveled; his hands were covered in scrapes and cuts; and his shirt's hem was shredded and tattered. There was a wild look in his dark-ringed eyes. He looked like a man who'd been crawling through the desert for a week, who'd then crawled into an active minefield. "I couldn't get out! I tried everything!"
Dipper gazed past Bill. The bathroom walls were coated in mysterious sigils drawn in toothpaste, makeup, and blood. One mirror was shattered, and the other had a smeared drawing of Bill's zodiac. There was a pile of wet cotton balls and used bandaids on the floor.He'd started writing his will on the shower curtain. He'd written an invocation to something called ⅃TO⅃OXA on the ceiling.
"I thought I was gonna die in here." Bill crawled across the hall, leaned back against the opposite wall, and closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. "I had to eat shampoo to survive." He hiccuped up several soap bubbles.
Dipper stared at Bill, stared into the bathroom again, and stared at Bill. "How long have you been in here?"
Dragging his hands down his face, Bill declared, "All afternoon! And evening!"
"You resorted to drinking shampoo in one afternoon?"
"I was hungry! Do you know how much fuel human bodies need?! It's insane!"
And that was the moment Dipper realized that all along, Mabel had been half right: Bill probably wasn't becoming "better"; but even so, they no longer had anything to fear from Bill Cipher. He wasn't haunting their dreams, he wasn't opening rifts. This, this was all he could bring to the table. He was so harmless it was pathetic.
Dipper would never be afraid of him again.
"Welp," Dipper said. "Enjoy your freedom, man. Bye." He turned to leave.
A hand closed on the back of his neck. Bill snarled in his ear, "Ohhh, no. You're not going anywhere. We're going down to the kitchen, and you're opening the fridge for me."
Wow, right, Bill couldn't even open the fridge by himself. Wow. Wow. That was so sad.
They had to slow down at the stairs; Bill was stumbling down them with the weariness of a soldier who'd survived a week in the trenches. As they went, Bill said, "Hey. What's your first name?"
"Wha—?" Somewhat offended, he said, "It's Dipper."
"No. I know that, obviously. Why wouldn't I know that?" (He sounded defensive.) "I meant your—your baby name. Birth certificate."
"Why do you need to know?" Was this like a fae thing? Was telling Bill his real name dangerous?
"It's been driving me insane all day." With the eyes of a desperate man grasping at the last fraying threads of his sanity, Bill said, "Is it Mabon? I could swear it's Mabon. Tell me it's Mabon."
"What? No, that's stupid. Mabon isn't even a real name."
"Yes it is, it's Welsh."
"It's Mason."
"HA!" Bill screamed triumphantly in Dipper's face, "MASON!" He was way too loud and looked way too ecstatic.
Dipper opened his mouth, then decided he didn't want to know and shut it.
Mabel was in the living room on her phone. "Hey, Soos? Could you put Grunkle Ford on a second?" She paused, then took a shaky breath and said, "Grunkle Ford? Hey. I've... got some bad news... We, uh..."
"Psst," Dipper hissed from the doorway, "Mabel!" He pointed at Bill. Bill pointed at himself.
Mabel's eyes widened. "We... ate all the leftovers! Haha, yeah, sorry, thought you should know! Anyway, love you, bye!" She lowered the phone. Dipper faintly heard Ford say, "What leftovers?" before Mabel ended the call. "Bill! You came back!"
"He never left the shack," Dipper said.
"You didn't?!" Mabel bounded across the room and flung her arms around him. It nearly knocked him over. "I knew you wouldn't let me down."
"Yeah, of course not. You can count on me, kid." Bill glanced sideways at Dipper, brows raised questioningly. What?
Flatly, Dipper said, "He got locked in the bathroom."
"What?!" Mabel stepped back, looked Bill up and down, and said, "You look awful! What happened?"
"I was trapped," Bill said wretchedly. "I thought I was a goner." Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Oh my gosh, you poor thing!" Mabel hugged him again. "Tell me all about it."
"In the kitchen."
"Of course! You must be starving."
"I am," Bill said, hand on his heart, the most pitiful thing you ever did see. "That was the worst afternoon of my existence. You know—being stuck in a human body makes waiting for anything absolute torture. An energy being can wait indefinitely, but a flesh being can feel the passage of time via its own cycle of slowly decaying flesh. The flesh knows it's got less than a century til its expiration date. Compared to the length of my entire life, one afternoon to a human is proportionate to, like..." There was a pause as Bill did some mental math, "over nine million years of my life? So I was basically in there for nine million years!"
"That's awful! I'm so sorry, if I'd had any idea..."
Bill was enjoying this performance, Dipper was sure of it. If he were any hammier he'd be a pork chop.
Still—and Dipper never thought he'd be grateful for this—at least Bill was here.
He followed Mabel and Bill into the kitchen to get some proper dinner.
Dipper pulled a tray of dinosaur chicken nuggets out of the oven. "Okay, dinner's ready. You guys want any condiments? Ketchup? Barbecue sauce?" He looked at Bill. "Shampoo?" Mabel snorted.
The absolute picture of dignity, Bill said, "Shampoo's really more of a dressing than a condiment." Once he'd raided the cabinet for snacks, Bill had gotten bored with the woe-is-me act and was now acting like he was above any petty jabs about his bathroom adventure. "I'll take maple syrup."
Mabel looked at Bill like he'd just invented a brand new number. "I'll take maple syrup, too."
Dipper split the nuggets on three plates—they weren't quite divisible by three, so he gave Bill the plate with one fewer.
"By the way," Bill said conversationally. "How was dumpster diving?"
"Shut up." Dipper took one more nugget from Bill's plate.
Once they were all seated around the table, Bill said, "So! Let's talk alibis."
Dipper frowned. Mabel said, "Alibis for what?"
"I might have been safe at home all day, but you two didn't know that, because you both decided to leave the big scary triangle here alone. I mean, anything could have happened. What if I'd burned the house down?" Bill feigned a grimace. "I don't think you want the grunkles to know you left, do you?"
Mabel winced. Dipper said, "So, what—are you blackmailing us?"
"Nooo. I'm saying we need to get our stories straight in case they ask. After all, I'd hate for you kids to get in trouble."
"I think you're just embarrassed they might find out what you were doing all day."
Loftily, Bill said, "I don't see why I should be embarrassed by your negligence."
After half an hour of rigorous debate, they agreed that, if anybody asked, they'd never left the house and had spent all afternoon battling a ghost werewolf. It was the one thing they could think of that made them all feel sufficiently cool, but was mundane enough it wouldn't call for any follow-up questions.
They collectively decided they didn't know anything about the state of the bathroom.
(I hope y'all found that half as hilarious to read as I found it to write. If you enjoyed I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts! Next week: the complete emotional opposite of this week.)
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lraerosesims · 8 months
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L'Rae Rose Sims is here to announce...
..::The 'Lilithia' Harness Outfit release::..
Sims 2 Retextured outfit for Young Adult Female & Adult Females ~Rib-knit turtleneck top with dyed leather harness ~High-waisted leather skirt with gathered gradient 'tail' ~Mid calf buckled witch boots
Every day & Formal Wear Full outfit
4 Colours: Crimson, Grey, Violet & Teal
This set was created using Maxis Meshes (fishtail gown from the Glamour Life Stuff Pack) so no external mesh required!
Compatible in both body sizes
This is my very first CC upload (not my first creation though) Please contact me either here on the L'Rae Rose Sims Tumblr, or alternatively on Instagram @lraerosesims if you encounter any issues with this recolour.
~~~I tested the package files that I originally uploaded (by removing my 'Saved Sims' folder copies of the outfits, and just leaving the packages I posted in the Downloads folder) and they did not show in game. So if you've had issues with this recolour not showing up, DON'T WORRY I believe I've fixed it now~~~
Work by other creators using this CC item:
Shoe swap by angelapleasant
*Feel free to reblog my posts, but DO NOT reupload any of L'Rae Rose Sims creations to other download sites (free or behind paywall), or claim as your own*
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miwiheroes · 16 days
Full Airport Scene Analysis
I've seen like, a lot of people do analyses of the airport scene, but they often do it in parts when I just want to fully hone in on the whole ass scene and give it a full run-down. So, get ready for this post to be extremely long.
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So, the camera pans across from Argyle and Jonathan looking super bored and tired to both Will and El, and I think this is actually very clever. Before this scene, you're not really sure who Will is in love with or who he made the painting for. The fact that the audience may remember El saying 'i think there is someone he likes' and then see how Will is holding the painting so proudly means that they subconsciously realise, oh the painting is for Mike meaning -- Will has feelings for Mike. Note how the juxtaposition between Argyle and Jonathan's demeanour and Will and El's demeanour further showcases how they feel the same way about him (supposedly).
Also this is random, but watching this scene over and over again made me realise that Will's is literally shaking so much in this scene. (WATCH HIS HAND WHEN EL IS LOOKING FOR MIKE)
Now let's talk about Mike's outfit (yes this isn't just talking about how ass it is)
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So in the amazing GQ video on youtube, the costume designer talks about how Mike probably bought this outfit at the airport. He's dressing up how he thinks he should in California -- the double meaning being that he is trying to 'be more normal' as Finn Wolfhard says in another interview.
In this scene we know that Mike's trying really hard to push down his feelings about Will, he's trying to seem like he fits in, and in the GQ video, Amy Parris talks about how 'it's bright, it's not a colour Mike normally wears'. Orange and purple? Mike usually wears blue..... and yellow........... i mean what
I guess you could say that in a more surface-y way, he's trying to fit in by wearing something less edgy than he would normally wear, but if you look deeper into the colour coding of byler, he's trying to disconnect himself from Will because of him trying to deny his feelings. Will is wearing blue in this scene, but Mike's wearing orange, showing the disconnect between them in the scenes with these outfits on. I know a lot of people say he's wearing yellow, but nah, it's orange and that's actually more proof that he's trying to hide his feelings for Will.
Also this is another quote from Parris: 'he's worn teal before, so it felt like orange was the best colour that was different from his closet that felt like he was trying to make it work in california.'
And it's not like they just forgot the colour coding for byler. I mean, there's blue and yellow in this shot of Mike when we first see his outfit.
Can you spot it?
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Okay moving on
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In the first and last Milkvan kissing scene, it is important to note that the directors of the show are very intentional with the extras and where they move to during the scenes. During the shot of them kissing, the camera is focused on them, yes, but it is very busy. Watch the shippers try to edit this scene, the duffers really said.
Firstly, Mike is wearing a visor, he's holding a bag so he can barely hug her, he's also wearing sunglasses inside?? You can't see his facial expression, further showing this season is not in his pov. Not only that, but people are moving in front of the camera, it's very very busy. It's supposed to be a little overwhelming. I could barely take a screenshot without someone walking in front of the camera... like that is not a coincidence, they aren't filming in an actual busy airport. So so many extras walk in front of them during the whole scene, not just the kiss, but while they are speaking as well.
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When El goes to hug him, as soon as she does, he makes a little noise of protest or something and is like 'careful, careful' almost like he put the flowers in front of them on purpose so there's like an excuse for them to stop hugging? They then stop hugging and he finally takes off his glasses so we can see his face.
He is wearing sunglasses only in the parts where he's being slightly intimate with his girlfriend -- eyes are windows into the soul, no? Without them being seen, you wouldn't be able to tell what he is thinking, and he needs these in these intimate moments especially, in case anyone notices something's wrong.
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Okay now we go onto the flower theory thing, and there are many things to unpack here, and stuff that I personally don't believe, and some theories that I do.
What is super clear to me is that these flowers are the exact same dead flowers that El picks up at the end of season 4 to signify that her relationship with Mike is.... dead (sorry if that's kind of on the nose). However, it is also key to note that Mike says that he 'handpicked' them for her in Hawkins, which on the surface makes it seem like he made more effort, but really this actually sets up the fact that they are the same flowers that can be found on the field. If he bought them in the shop, they may not be the exact same flowers in the last scene.
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So Mike says 'I know you like yellow, but now I'm realising it's too much yellow'. The writers of the show did not have to put that in, let's just think about that for a moment. What was the reason for putting this line in? And the '70-30' split line is also very very specific.
Will's colour in the byler colour coding is yellow, it has been subconsciously put into our minds ever since they started colour coding them, for example the s3 netflix icons, the shirt he wears for the majority of s4 and the lights over his head in Rink-o-mania.
Personally, I think this might be a bit of a reach, but could Mike just simply mean that he was thinking too much about Will, in his opinion? Like subconsciously he kind of added lots of yellow because he was thinking of Will when he was thinking of El.
As for the 'So I sort of did a 70-30 split thing' line, I'm not really sure what this means. It could mean that he's putting in 30% of the relationship because he also added 30% purple flowers which symbolises what he's putting into the relationship. Meanwhile, El's favourite colour of flower has a 70% weight in the bouquet, meaning she's putting more into the relationship.
It's also worthy to see that El looks at the note which has 'From, Mike' on it right as he's saying all this stuff about the yellow flowers, and the music dies down from this joyful tone to a sombre one, kind of showing how the yellow flowers are a symbol for something.
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Now, before this ^^, the only problem that we think is going on in Mike and El's relationship is the fact that El's lying to him about having friends and not being bullied. But now we have a possible reason. She is insecure about their relationship and how real it is. Her face says everything, she notices it, she then tries to ignore it and tells herself everything is fine.
The audience notices this, obviously, and is like??? wait what's going on? Why does it say 'from Mike'?
They get the answer real quick.
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Because right after this, is when Will bounds over.
They shot it so that he's kind of in between them, subconsciously placing a thought or idea in the audience's head about what the problem is between Mike and El, even though it's very implicit at this point. The audience should also have the slight idea in this scene that Will has feelings for Mike, and they get reminded of this fact when they see Will in the background. They're then like.... oh so that's why they having problems? Damn....
Before El even stops speaking, Mike sees Will. We can tell from the way that he literally takes his eyes off El and goes 'oh,' before doing the second 'oh!'. I bet if this was shot so you could see his face, this would be way more obvious, but they shot it so that we could see Will's initial happiness at seeing Mike instead.
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Awkward bro hug... um yeah so this is one of the biggest byler proofs to me. I mean, why would you need to hug your best friend like that? When you are perfectly fine at hugging your other male friends? (He hugged Dustin in the first episode btw).
Given everything that we know so far, that Will has feelings for Mike because he made him the painting that El said is for someone he likes; that there must be problems going on in the Milkvan relationship; that Mike is hiding his face and dressing unlike normal.... yeah he's trying to repress something. He won't let himself hug his best friend. Will is acting normal, they could have made him the one not to hug Mike because he is in love with him, but they didn't.
Also, unlike the Milkvan reunion, his face and his reaction can be very easily seen here. They literally zoom in on both their reactions to seeing each other because it is more important than Mike and El's reunion. This is what the scene is about!! It's main focus is on the development of byler and the breakdown of Milkvan. There are like very little extras passing across the camera because the directors want you to focus on their reactions here and how Will and Mike are feeling.
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Obviously, Will is dejected but Mike's reaction is more telling. On the right gif, he looks down. Maybe he sees Will's painting and remembers what El told him, which was that it was for someone that Will likes. In my opinion, Mike does not know that it is for him. In Finn's words: 'I don't think he knows'.
After seeing that painting, he instantly looks to other people for their reactions to the hug, maybe being like, hey guys was that normal enough? Did anyone see that? Showing how he cares about the opinions of those around him or maybe that he doesn't want to look at Will for much longer idk.
After that...
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Okay so now he's ready to ask about the painting. There's a beat, then he asks 'Uh, what's that' in this kind of breathy, panicky voice. It's not a casual tone at all, it's very tense, and the audience can tell, because this makes the audience tense too. When I first watched it I was like AHHH because oh shit. He asks it like he knows something is up with it, he knows that Will made it and it's significant.
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The next shot is a slide-up from the painting to Will's face. This could be in Mike's pov to show that he was looking Will up and down, and this shot is inherently kind of romantic in that way. Either that or it's simply just to focus on the painting before showing what Will's going to say so that the audience know he's talking about the painting.
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You can kind of see the cogs working in Will's head in the very little time between 'um' and 'it's nothing', as he realises that he probably shouldn't show Mike the painting based on how Mike didn't hug him.
Also notice how in the gif, an extra walks by the camera as soon as Will is not entirely truthful, so why would this not be done with El and Mike's reunion scene??
Now, this further pushes the agenda that Mike didn't hug Will because of his feelings for him. The audience already knows that this painting is supposed to be a gift for someone that Will 'likes' based on El's letter to Mike at the beginning. The fact that Will no longer feels comfortable with sharing that painting means that he is more unsure of Mike's feelings now that he's seen him irl.
However, the way that Mike goes cool is supposed to be weird. It's supposed to show the audience that he's pretending. I honestly don't know whether it's bias or the directors or the writers or the actors somehow made it this way but the speed at which Mike says 'cool' kind of just implies that he was not ready for that kind of confrontation. He was not ready to confront his feelings or enter into an interaction with Will about the painting. Because it means he can't deny the fact that he's jealous of Will having a crush on some girl. So he quickly shut it down.
He doesn't want to feel the disappointment that Will just basically confirmed the painting isn't for him.
In season 3, he is very interested in knowing who Suzie is, Dustin's girlfriend, but when he knows that Will has made a painting for a girl he likes, he doesn't bother asking at all what it is or who the girl is. He doesn't want to acknowledge it.
Also, the fact he wasn't ready to feel like this and is so focused on Will is shown by how startled he is by other people breaking the moment.
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Now this next part is so funny given what we have already been presented with. We already know that Mike is self-conscious about hugging his supposed best friend, and that he does not want to confront his feelings about the painting. He is trying to be someone else because he is wearing unusual clothes for him, trying to seem like a normal person in California. He didn't want to hug his best friend because he wants to seem normal. He's out of character.
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"Oh no, no. It's a shitty knockoff."
Laughing my whole ass off.
This ties the whole scene together. It makes the audience go OHHH right he's just been pretending this whole time (if they have any sense). It's genius writing. Without Argyle saying this, we might never really have full confirmation on whether he is really out of character or whether this is just how he has always been. NO, he is lying to himself. He is pretending.
They did not have to make Argyle say this. Ever heard of double meanings folks?
And Mike's reaction?
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This reaction has always kind of been interesting to me. How would you assume how Mike would react to someone insulting him? Usually he would scowl or look annoyed but here he doesn't, he almost looks worried. Like oh no he's just been found out lmao
After this there's an awkward moment spurred on by Argyle Mike's like 'yeah this is so awkward'.
Now, since I'm literally Mike and he is me, I know what he's doing here by saying this.
I've done it before, it's where you kind of say that it's really awkward in order to make it seem like you're not the one making it awkward, like you're blaming other people (which he always does).
But Michael, it's kind of your fault?? Like, you didn't have to do the bro tap, you also didn't have to act that way around Argyle.
Now onto the next part, where El is talking about Rink-o-mania and she starts lying again. I have watched this scene over and over and literally Mike barely looks at her once, while he glances at Will multiple times. I feel like audience members don't catch this explicitly, but subconsciously, they can sense that there is tension between the two because of the way that Will is placed during this scene…
I counted them up in this video and Mike glances at Will..
6 Times
Just want to say before we talk about each glance, this scene is extremely telling. It tells you exactly, through subtext, what the atmosphere between Will, Mike and El is going to be like throughout the season/ the beginning of the season. It's textbook foreshadowing.
Will is standing off to the side while Mike has his arm like really tightly around El. They could have had this scene be a cute scene between Milkvan because of how close they are, but instead this scene is about Will's sadness, about how he was ignored by Mike. He's still holding the painting, so the audience are still aware of its existence and what it could imply for Mike and El's relationship.
This scene is also about El lying! Not about how 'cute' Mike and El are.
Okay so here is me talking about every single glance <3
"Wha- Really?" -- Could Mike make it clearer if he tried? I think this is the most obvious one that the audience could easily catch, if they are watching without distraction. Which is important, because it is the first one. He stutters over his words when he realises that Will is looking back at him. Sound familiar? In a much more obvious scene, he does this with the triple take in the desert... It's also kind of clear that they looked at each other because Mike and Will look down/ away straight after Mike goes 'wha-'
"Trust me" "No I trust you" -- So this one's a little more subtle and maybe to the audience it could seem like Mike's looking at El, but then the camera turns to focus directly on Will and him looking at Mike with disappointment. I don't think he's upset about Mike completely ignoring him, but he's upset about this weird little awkward dance they're doing. The reaction from Will is because of the uncertainty. The fact they focus on Will with a single shot at all instantly makes this scene about his emotions primarily. This becomes a pattern.
"Rink-o-mania..." -- This one's also super subtle. I'm not even sure why Mike looked at Will here, but it is clear that he's not looking at El, if you want to slow it down then you ig. Maybe he sensed that Will was staring at him just a few seconds prior.
"Are your friends gonna meet us there?" -- Even though he is speaking to El, he looks at Will. This kind of shows that even when he is supposedly thinking about El and what they are going to do together, subconsciously, his mind is still on Will. This can then be seen in the Rink-o-mania argument when it is revealed that he has been focusing on Will's reactions all day when the audience believes originally that he was ignoring him: "You were! You were rolling your eyes, you were moping, you were barely talking, you basically sabotaged the whole day!" Mike, Mike, Mike. Your girlfriend being bullied didn't ruin the day, Will being pissy to you did? ANYWAYS THIS ISNT ABOUT RINKOMANIA JHDGASJHDG
"Friends what friends?" -- So this fifth one is kind of ambiguous because he has his visor on, hiding his expression and where his eyes are looking. But you can see with the way his head turned, that he was looking at Will because of the way he said "Friends what friends?" This is probably just Mike being confused on what's going on, then. BUT it is another thing that makes this whole scene not about 'uwu mike and el awww' but about Will's feelings or the fact that El's lying and the unstableness of their relationship.
"Angela?" -- This one is very notable. Firstly, here is what we know: Mike knows about the fact that Will has probably done the painting for a 'girl he likes'. Mike thinks that this 'girl' isn't him because Will says 'it's nothing'. Mike maybe thinks that El's friends are also Will's friends. AND Mike does not want to ask Will about the girl he likes because he doesn't want to know about Will liking someone else/ he does not want to confront his own feelings. So, The way that Mike looks at Will with that kind of dead expression, (and he actually does a little double take) is super duper telling. You don't know what he's thinking but if you read into it, he could be thinking that Will was feeling hopeful that Angela would come and is kind of nervous for it.
Finally, El says "I want this day to be about me and you!" which is meant to be ironic. The showrunners would not have put this little line in if it wasn't supposed to be funny tbh..... like this whole scene was about how El was lying and she's suddenly saying it's just about them.
Because of what she says as well, Will rolls his eyes and crushes his painting a bit. (HEARTBREAKING)... The fact that he rolls his eyes is probably just him being annoyed about what she said, because it further makes him feel like the third wheel. The scene ends with his eye roll, emphasising how this whole scene was about how Will is feeling, not the "Main Couple Of The Show tm??" But alsoooo, he crushes the painting :(((( meaning he was also feeling heartbroken a little by the fact that they are acting very coupley and Mike doesn't seem to care about him oops, since the painting is for him.
In conclusion, this scene is about byler in the first half, and the flaws of Milkvan and Will's feelings in the second half. This scene is meant to foreshadow the arc between Will, El and Mike which transpires in the rest of the season. The bro tap is the gayest thing I've ever seen, and did not have to be included in this scene. It could have been Will that was awkward. It shows that Mike has changed. He has changed ever since Will moved away and he had that realisation. In season 3, Mike seems confused, unaware of his feelings. But now, in this scene, in only 2 minutes, we know for sure that Mike is in denial. He knows.
Byler Endgame.
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You Can't Swim??
SUMMARY: The Octotrio don't know that you have never learned to swim. And you went to a beach. What could go wrong? WORD COUNT: 1.9k (I need to sleep)
WARNINGS: Floyd almost let you drown, reader kind of gets panic attacks? Idk (I'm the writer I should know, someone hit me), reader thinks about whacking Floyd, Azul is genuinely in love, Azul is also very traumatized I think, Azul overthinks A/N: Gotta love how I have no warnings about Jade I- Gotta love getting a fic idea about me being unable to swim- And I've had this thought swimming (lol) in my thoughts for a couple of days?? Idk if reader is the significant other of these guys or just besties. I think it leans toward s/o though This reads like a crack fic to me but honestly make sure you know how to swim so you don't die (i don't but that's not the point here) Maybe OOC Jade because he hides himself too well for me to get an accurate read on personality lmfao When Jade is genuinely sweet but the others are unhinged so naturally the unhinged ones are longer- I'm sorry I get no decent ideas for Jade </3 Another late late night post (it's 1:50 AM)
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You had never learned to swim. It wasn't that you were afraid, really. It was just that you had passed the age where people normally learned, and now you were too lazy to and/or didn't have enough time. Whatever excuse to stop a nagging person.
Now, this wouldn't have been a problem if you never went anywhere near bodies of water. Which you mostly didn't. However, knowing merfolk was not the best idea if you didn't know how to swim.
Now you have gone to the beach with him, and that probably wasn't the best idea for either of you.
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Floyd Leech
You had been sitting on the beach near the water, absently looking over some shells as Floyd splashed around deeper in the ocean. The shells really were interesting - nothing like the ones where you had come from (although they had some similarities) and were colorful. So many shapes and varieties, although most were not intact.
You had been so engrossed in this, in fact, that you hadn't realized Floyd had been sneaking up on you. Before you could say another word, he playfully dragged you into the water. While you were fully clothed.
You weren't expecting to go into the water, but you should've known better with Floyd. He was playful and loved to do stuff like this. Usually if Azul was around, he'd have done something… But he wasn't here.
Before you knew it, you were deeper in the ocean than you ever had been before, courtesy to the teal-haired boy swimming and dragging you along. You flailed around a bit, eyes wide in panic. You were, quite honestly, terrified. And it obviously didn't help when Floyd just immediately let you go.
Was he an idiot or was he an idiot?
"Floyd-" You got out before coughing as water shot up your nose, still flailing miserably. It didn't work. You didn't know what to do. Surely, Floyd would help… If he realized what was going on. No matter what you thought, he was bright, wasn't he?
Not bright enough, it seemed, as he was still laughing and not realizing how actually panicked you were.
"Koebi-chan, you look so ridiculous like that," he laughed, almost in hysterics, and you would've smacked him if you weren't so close to actually dying.
And then you sunk.
Your desperate attempts to go to the surface were pointless as you didn't even know how to float or move around in the water.
After a few seconds, Floyd finally noticed you were gone and quickly dove under the surface. Maybe you were trying to get him back?
But his gaze immediately widened as he saw you literally sinking to the ocean floor. His eel tail moved quickly, almost without thinking as he shot to grab you and take you up, up, up so you could actually breathe.
When you came to, you were on the sandy beach again, Floyd leaning over you. His eyes, normally filled with a joking light, were unusually subdued.
"Koebi-chan, why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim?" A pout grew on Floyd's face. "If I knew, I wouldn't have-"
"Yes you would have. We would still be here, just having a different conversation."
"No buts."
"I would've made it more fun-"
"Drowning in the ocean is the opposite of fun, Floyd-"
~Bonus because I don't know how to fit one into the story~ "I can teach you how to swim. You just go whoo and let your body move. Y'know. Like dancing." "No, I don't know, Floyd, and this is not going to help me with anything-"
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Jade Leech
Jade had been spending his time on the beach with you, but you were almost certain that he wanted to be swimming in the ocean. It was his natural element, after all.
"Jade, you sure you don't want to go in the water?"
"I'm fine staying here with you, [Y/N]." He gave you a soft smile.
You shook your head. "We've come all the way here, you might as well go swim." You gave him a gentle nudge.
"Well, I'd like you to come with me, if that is possible?" He watched you quietly. "You never go swimming with me."
You paused. Although it was sweet that he wanted you to go with him… "No, I don't think so…" You trailed off. You never liked telling people that you couldn't swim. At this point, it was embarrassing.
The pair of heterochromia eyes staring at you only left you feeling more jittery. "…I, er… I can't swim. So going into the ocean with you sounds kind of like… A bad idea." You froze. "Did you use your Signature Spell on me?"
"Of course not, [Y/N]." Jade stared at you with eyes of hurt, one that looked almost identical to that of his twin's. Only, it was almost obvious that Jade didn't mean the hurt in his eyes. "You just trust me enough to say things to me."
You couldn't deny the truth there. You trusted Jade. "And you wouldn't use your Signature Spell on something so trivial, would you?"
"No, I would not." He shrugged. "On a different note, I can help you learn how to swim."
"I really don't need it-"
"What if someone tries to hurt you one day and they know your weakness?"
"Why would-"
"It's an example, [Y/N]. But if that person decides to do that, you wouldn't be able to do anything. So I should help you in case that scenario occurs."
You sighed softly. "Fine, I guess I can take lessons from you… If it's not too much of a hassle."
"Of course it would not be a hassle or anything of the sort." Jade inclined his head. "All to help you stay safe."
The day went on with Jade helping you learn the basics of swimming - he was a good teacher, which you were happy about. He was patient, and always was there if you ever started to panic.
"We wouldn't want you getting scared of the ocean now, would we?"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul had gotten used to you after a couple months. Sure, he hadn't opened up to many people in a while (only Floyd and Jade, but they also teased him constantly about everything, so), but you were soothing and nice. Sure, you teased him sometimes, but it was different. It didn't feel mean, you stopped as soon as you noticed him looking a little uncomfortable, and… He honestly felt like he could open up about anything.
So when it was decided that you two were going to the beach - together - alone? It kind of made him very messed up.
Would you like being at the beach with him? He wasn't completely against showing his octopus form… Would you want him to swim with you? Was he even ready for that?
Those thoughts led him down a spiral, and the day you two were to go, he had bags under his eyes and looked like he was half-dead.
You gently nudged him, murmuring how he should've tried to get more sleep for this day supposedly filled with fun, but he just shrugged.
Soon, you were at the beach, and as Azul saw your smiling face, his gaze softened a little. He loved seeing your happy face.
"C'mon!" You grabbed Azul's hand as you started to run to the water, ignoring his surprised stumbling as he was dragged along. He had a light flush on his cheeks that he was glad you couldn't see.
Soon, you had reached the edge of the water, splashing around in your sandals. It was really fun, even though you knew that you were going to be getting sand in your toes later on.
Azul just kind of watched on, a relaxed expression on his face. This really was soothing… Although he was still thinking about if the Mostro Lounge would be okay with him gone. Surely Jade would do something if Floyd got into trouble… Hopefully. And hopefully, no more dishes would break.
"What are you looking so glum for?" Your voice brought him back to his senses.
"Nothing, just hoping that Jade and Floyd can take care of things at the Mostro Lounge." He sighed softly.
"Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine. Jade's there, right?"
"He can cause as much trouble as Floyd, you know. Although he won't be outright about it." Azul shook his head, a small frown on his face.
"C'mon, turn that frown upside down." You moved closer to him, gently squishing his cheeks. "Today is for having fun, Azul."
"Yes, yes, I know." Azul couldn't help himself; he let out a soft laugh. A genuine one.
You smiled brightly. "You aren't charging me for hearing your little cute laugh?"
"I will charge you if you call it cute."
"Of course you will." You rolled your eyes before abruptly changing the subject. "So are you not going to swim?"
Azul paused. Did you want him to swim? To see his true form? There was an even chance. What should his answer be? "Er… I don't know?"
"Of course you don't have to, Azul, I just thought… I mean, there's no one around." You shrugged a little.
And now more pressure on Azul. Great. He was used to dealing with pressure, yes. Just not this kind from you. "Er… Would you come swim with me?" If you were with him, then maybe…
"No." Your lips parted, maybe to offer an explanation, but it was too late.
Azul was in a downward spiral. Why had you said no? Perhaps octopi merfolk were really too much. Perhaps you would rather be with someone with a pretty tailfin than tentacles. Or maybe a human, one of your own kind. Who said that you even liked him at all? Perhaps you were only with him out of pity, because he was that useless, chubby, good-for-nothing-
"Azul? Azul, are you listening to me?"
He snapped back to attention.
"Seriously, are you okay? Did you seriously get enough sleep last night?" You sighed.
"That's none of your-"
"It is if you're literally zoning out every five seconds." You rolled your eyes. "And anyway, I was just saying that I kind of can't go deeper into the ocean where you probably feel comfortable swimming. Because I can't swim." You shrugged nonchalantly.
But for Azul, it felt like a figurative bomb had been dropped.
You? Couldn't swim? Now that he thought about it, it did make sense… How you always looked so awkward and uncomfortable with water, especially when you came to the Octavinelle dorm. But seriously? How could you not know how to swim?
"Is not knowing how to swim… Normal?"
"Definitely not." You rolled your eyes. "But I'm just too lazy to learn now. And I have no time."
"You do if you have time to scroll on Magicam." Finally, Azul felt a bit better. At least you didn't hate him.
"And this time, I'll teach you how to swim. I'll even do it free of charge." Azul shook his head. "Seeing as I'm so generous."
"You sound like headmage Crowley."
"Do be quiet."
Azul was a pretty good teacher. He ended up not turning into his octopus form until nearly the end of the day, you were practicing your swimming and then just playing around on the sand, building sand castles, anything that you might do at a normal beach outing.
His octopus form was beautiful (as expected), and although you couldn't go to deeper waters, you enjoyed seeing him swim around, always eventually coming back to you.
"Today was truly relaxing, [Y/N]. We should do this again another time."
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twstbookclub · 2 months
Love in the dark
Summary: Having feelings for a delinquent is... hard. Having feelings for said delinquent and changing him for the better is worse. You thought he would've forgotten you, but even with your feelings in the dark, you had hope that he would. Pronouns: Gender Neutral POV: 2nd Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Tags: Deuce Spade, Deuce angst. very light angst, delinquent Deuce, open-ended, I could follow this up one day... could Word count: 3,458
A/N: I was g o i n g to post this one after the Parallel Lines fic, but I was way too excited to post about Epel and Azul angst(I was so proud of them), that I put this on the back burner. I know we had a 2 week post period and now I've left it for a month yes I KNOW, but I was trying to let this one take a while to post, because honestly... we have no content right now.
On a technical scale, we do, at least I do, I have like 2 of them in the basement ready to be edited and like 4 as WIPs, and I'm honestly writing other fics that aren't twst related(heh follow my personal Tumblr), but there's still things to do plus life stuff SO ty all for being patient !
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Your home wasn't exactly in the best neighborhood. You had a parent who was barely around due to work, which meant you were home alone most of the time. You had some good entertainment, though. These poorly built apartments had thin walls, and you lived beside the one family that was a complete 180 from yours. 
The Spade family.
You didn't know them enough, but only a mother and son existed. It was the home of a short-tempered woman and a teen delinquent, but you knew the teen.
Deuce Spade, notorious for constantly yelling and leaving the house in the middle of the night after an argument, was the main piece for your noisy neighborhood. His mother had blue hair with blonde highlights, yet Deuce only had blond hair. He used to have naturally blue hair, though.
I mean, he is a delinquent.
His mother was sweet and patient despite her son's behavior. She made sure you would eat, have clean clothes, and a clean uniform. She was practically like your mother. She would sometimes invite you to stay over for dinner, and why not accept such a kind offer?
Plus, you liked seeing Deuce. The first time you saw him was the first day of middle school, and you caught him as you were leaving your home, his teal eyes stopping on yours for a few seconds. After the first day, you went home to see his mother waiting for you right by your front door.
That was when she found out that you often stayed alone at home, and she offered you a snack of peeled apples. Since then, she would sometimes knock on your door to ask to come over for dinner or help her run an errand, which resulted in you staying over.
This was one of those times. She invited you to have dinner with her since her son had left the house again, but you were studying at the table since your home was too quiet to concentrate.
“Uhm, Miss Spade—”
The door suddenly opened, revealing a beat-up Deuce with a scowl and torn-up clothes. His eyes instantly landed on you, and his scowl grew worse.
“What the fuck are you doing in my house—”
Deuce's mom suddenly hit the back of his head with a rolled-up newspaper, with a scowl on her own face. “Don't curse in my house, you rude brat. They are my guest, and you will respect them.”
Deuce held the back of his head with a wince and growled, looking towards his mother. “Lady—!”
“Quit that. I am your mother and not the one you're mad at. Leave the anger outside and get showered for dinner,” she said, dropping the newspaper on the counter to finish with dinner.
“Sweetie, could you help him out with those wounds?”
You perked up at Miss Spade calling you, and then you nodded and closed your books before standing up.
“Oh, and one more thing,” she says happily, smiling at you. “Just call me Dylla. No need for formalities.”
“Oh–Dylla…” You said carefully with a nod, then smiled back and went with Deuce for him to get ready for dinner. This wasn't the first time you've witnessed this; you already knew the familiar routine after doing this a few times.
You grabbed the first-aid kit and followed Deuce to his bedroom, being stopped at the door. “You thinkin’ to replace me as my mom's kid or somethin’? You got your own lonely house next door.”
You stared at Deuce for a moment and sighed before you smiled at him. “Not at all. Being around a good person feels nice, but you take that for granted,” you spoke confidently, giving him a pat on the cheek and handing the first-aid kit to him.
“If you want to be rude, tend to your own wounds,” you said and walked off, returning to the table to study and do homework despite hearing Deuce groan and slam his door shut.
When Deuce came back, he heard how much his mother was laughing with you and serving you a bowl of food with rice. Dylla hadn’t laughed that hard in ages, and you were all smiles, too. Deuce knew all too well how his mom had taken a liking to the neighbor’s child due to how much time they spent alone, but this was excessive.
You turned and saw Deuce standing there, and then Dylla served the rest of the bowls so everyone could eat. “I don’t understand why you want them here so much. Can’t they ask their own parents to cook for ‘em?” Deuce mumbled, sitting in his spot at the table.
“Because this is my house, kid. You are my child, and they are a child that needs care. Now, stop hiding that kind heart and eat,” she said, followed by Deuce groaning and starting to eat his dinner.
It was quiet, most likely because of your presence and Deuce's tension with his mother.  After everyone finished eating, you helped with storing food away while he washed the dishes. Dylla was gone to buy fruit and snacks, leaving you and her son in awkward positions.
“Hey?” Deuce called, his voice a bit guilty and quiet. The sudden voice spooked you, making you instantly freeze and look at him.
“Hmm? What’s up?”
Deuce turned off the sink and looked at you, looking regretful. “So, I had a pretty big fight with my mom and, you know, left the house. A few days ago, though, I heard her talkin’ to my grandma about how she thinks I turned out like this 'cause she didn’t raise me right or somethin’. So, I kinda wanna ask you for a favor.”
You looked at Deuce with a tilted head, shocked about how he was different after just a little while of being able to think. “Uhh, what’s the favor?”
“Help me get my grades up. I—” Deuce stopped, looking away from you and taking a breath. “I do love my mom, and I can’t stand seeing her cry like that over me. It ain’t her fault I became such a douche, either! I just—I don’t know.”
His statements and requests made you stop to think about what the hell he was saying to you right now. 
“I’ll do it,” you responded, giving him an honest smile. His eyes lit up and he grabbed you by the shoulders, getting excited at your response. “But you have to be committed to this.”
“Seriously!? Yes!” Deuce exclaimed, pulling you close for a random hug and you tried to push him back out of instinct.
You sigh and let him hug you from the side after a bit of fighting, giving in to his efforts. “We start tomorrow, but first, please get rid of that splotchy blond you got.”
Deuce let go with a raised eyebrow. “Tch. It’s a good blond.”
“It makes you look washed out, and you still have some roots showing, so it just looks like a bad job,” you responded, grabbing your study books and placing them on the table.
“Wh—Okay, yeah, maybe you’re right about the bad job,” Deuce mumbled in defeat while touching the dead ends of his hair. “Is it really that bad…?”
“Yes. Yes, it does.” You say and try not to laugh with a small chuckle escaping your mouth, Deuce starts to laugh at the same time and he gently hits your shoulder.
After that, you and Deuce spent day after day studying once you got to his place. It was hard at first since Deuce barely studied and he wanted to distract himself with other things instead of completing the textbooks. 
“What!? This stuff is boring! Why can’t they make learning fun or somethin’.”
You let out a sigh and tapped on the textbook page he was on, “Do the page or I tell your mom to cancel on getting you snacks later.”
In an instant, Deuce stopped his shenanigans like a child and got back to work. The sight was honestly funny.
The boy was stubborn, but it took time. You did like spending your days with him regardless. You got to see him in certain ways, like when he was asleep or concentrated, and you even had to start packing him lunch since he wanted to study with you at school, too. 
The classroom was quiet since you both retreated to the science lab for a quiet atmosphere, and you were picking at the rice in the lunch box that Dylla made for you while reading ahead in your notes.
You took a glance towards Deuce and saw him studying diligently. It was charming, even if it didn’t suit him well with that blond hair and the jacket he always wore with his group of friends. When Deuce looked over due to sensing eyes on him, he raised an eyebrow and set down his notebook.
“What's up with you?”
“Huh—” you let out, being caught off guard, “Oh, nothing. You just—you look like an honor student studying so well.”
Your comment made Deuce silent for a few seconds, but then let out a cheer for himself. The sound surprised you, but you remembered that he wanted to have the image of an honor student, so you made his day like that.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to achieve! Perfect! Ooh ooh! How about like this?” He suggested while leaning back and crossing a leg over the other, making himself appear focused.
His behavior only made you laugh, and he didn’t stop until the first bell rang. He tried to continue, but you had to remind him that class was soon, and a star student shouldn’t be late.
The exams went by, and the day the grades were posted was so loud in your neighborhood. 
Deuce ran over to your door and knocked until you opened up, and you were met with a picture of the exam grades on your face. He had made it in the top 60% of the year, meaning he could graduate without problems.
“Do you see this?! That’s what I could do!!” He exclaimed before picking you up for an excited hug. You didn’t have a chance to speak at all.
It made your heart warm to see him so happy.
He deserved it.
“I could only do it with your help.” He spoke more, finally calmer now that he could let it all out. He looked at you with a smile of appreciation.
You just stared at the behavior in front of you. It was so new and weird, but it felt right. He really did deserve this.
You caught yourself staring more and more in the silence, and your ears began to burn before you looked away.
Deuce was staring too, but when you looked away, he did the same with his cheeks growing flushed. Another new behavior.
“Uhm—” you started, trying to get your thoughts together fast enough. “I'm glad you did well, and that I could help with that. It seems you do… have the capability.”
There was a heavy tension. It was awkward. Deuce took a moment to look around through the silence and noticed the boxes around your living room.
You noticed and quickly made up something. “Oh—it's just my family wanting to put some stuff into storage for space.”
“Oh… I see. Well, uh, my mom also told me to let you know that we'll be going out to celebrate her next day off, and she wants to take you with us! So… there's that.”
“Gotcha. Thanks, Deuce.” You thank him before he leaves and you close the door behind him, letting out a quiet sigh before shaking your head.
When Deuce heard the door close, he clutched his chest and let out a breath, then quickly went back home as if he didn't notice that moment.
Over the weeks, Deuce's hair grew out and he got frustrated with its length. He wanted a change now that middle school was coming to a close and he would be going to a different school at Sage Island. 
When he returned home after school one day, you and Dylla looked at the door but suddenly froze. The blond went back to blue.
Your heart began to race as it felt like time had stopped, but you couldn’t stop thinking about one thing—
He looked… like the day you met him.
Deuce saw your expression and raised an eyebrow, staring at you in confusion. “What’s got you all spaced out? Oh, I must look that good if you’re staring!”
“Not at all. You look like you want to be gloomy,” you said sarcastically and turned back around to study. Dylla watched as she saw how you grew flustered.
Deuce’s mother laughed and went to go and mess up his hair by ruffling the strands, causing Deuce to get annoyed. 
“Mom, come on! I just got this done!”
“How can I not? My handsome young man is back!” She responded sarcastically and even attacked him in her motherly hugs for extra effect.
Listening to them argue and joke around was heartwarming, but you couldn’t interrupt them. You carefully got your things and left them to spend the day as a family, retreating to your house.
Deuce started to disappear more in preparation for his transfer to his future school on a whole other land, and you could feel a distance grow.
Deuce started to look more lively and he acted differently; yet still had his pumped personality, but he didn't have the time to spare you a glance anymore.
With Dylla working more to make sure she had the tuition for Deuce, she was gone too. Your apartment was starting to look more and more vacant as all of this went on, a clear sign of what was about to happen.
This was how it was supposed to go anyway. You were never meant to get this close to him. You were the one who kept to themselves. So, this was good. Right?
On the day before the graduation, Dylla suggested you and Deuce hang out and gave spending money as a way to make one last memory.
You let out a sigh as you sat on the blanket in White Rabbit Park, looking up at the colorful evening sky with its orange, purple, and peach hues coloring the clouds.
Deuce came up with a couple cold drinks and ice creams in a bag from the vendor nearby, but there was still that awkward tension.
You and Deuce hadn't talked since exams were over and he began to fix himself onto a better crowd, but now the inevitable was tomorrow.
After tomorrow, when would you ever see him again?
Your thoughts were cut off by the sound of Deuce opening a can of soda, which made you jump from surprise. Your reaction made Deuce laugh before he handed an ice cream to you.
You looked at it and your expression fell a bit. You didn't like this flavor anymore. You checked the other soda can too, but it was the same thing. Did he forget what you liked?
He just hasn't been around to find out what your new palette is like.
You ate the ice cream anyway under the silence of the still sunsetting sky, not wanting his gesture to go to waste. It made you feel guilty to reject something he bought for you.
“So, tomorrow is the day.” Deuce spoke after a long silence and by this point, the moon was already out to say hello for the night. 
Neither of you looked or spoke to each other, finding it too nerve-wracking to do it.
“It is, but it was a good time.” You responded with a small smile, feeling a lump in your throat starting to form.
“It was. Thanks for helping me study and getting me to where I am right now.”
Deuce looked at you shortly after, and your head instinctively turned to return his gaze. His eyes were filled with slight regret, but also had gratitude.
“It's not a problem at all. Really.”
It was silent again with stares that could pierce the heart, but he walked you home after a short moment.
“See you.” You said, watching him get to his own door.
Deuce looked at you and let out a chuckle, “See you tomorrow.”
He was right next door, but seeing him walk off like that made it seem as if he was farther than usual.
You felt your eyes water with every step you took inside your home, being met with more emptiness.
By now, your home was as empty as could be for someone who was also moving away. You stood in the middle of the box-covered living room and let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that tomorrow was inevitable.
At the ceremony, some cried and some were happy to leave, but your eyes could never stop glancing at Deuce, who looked stoked to graduate now that he had his diploma in hand. It was nice to see him like that after the trouble he put himself through.
The day went by without a single worry and all its students were just as carefree. They were happy to now move on to the next chapter. You stood at the school gates with your diploma and a small flower bouquet that Dila got for you as congratulations for your hard work.
You watched as Deuce and his mother spent their time together, and you were waiting for your own parent, yet they never showed up to anything. As you decided to leave, Deuce called out to you and ripped the second button off his uniform, placing it in your hands.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him, “Wh—what?” was all you could mutter out of your shock. 
“To… remember me, I guess. Thank you for helping me get there,” Deuce said, then he gave you a smile and went back to his mom.
You were left speechless but were slowly overshadowed by a wave of sadness. This was one of the last times you’d see him. He was moving away to go to a school on Sage Island, and you were moving to be closer to your soon-to-be high school.
But they didn't know that.
That button was the closest to his heart, and it’s known that most give it to the person closest to them. You let out a small laugh before sighing, and then after taking one last look, you left the campus.
Deuce headed up to your apartment door and knocked, a bit nervous as he knew that giving you the button was risky on his end, but he knew what he felt.
He listened, but no one opened the door. He kept knocking with a look of confusion, but still no answer.
He grew worried, so he put his hands on the doorknob to see if it was locked.
“It's open…?” Deuce said to himself before he went in. He was met with nothing.
Not a sound.
Not a noise.
Not a soul in the home.
It was dark, but everything began to click in mere seconds. Before Deuce knew it, he ran back into his home and tried to call your old phone number, but nothing went through.
You were gone, and he didn't know if that was the last.
The weather had then changed from spring to summer, followed by fall, until the days started becoming darker a lot earlier in accordance with winter. You were cleaning a cup at a restaurant job you picked up, and it was almost time to close. The seating area had a few people, but it was normal for a weekday.
You started to reminisce about your high school days and how everything was back then. It gave you a smile to remember that boy. You had your own changes to your appearance since then, but you were still the same.
The dinging of the door caught your attention and cut off your train of thought, giving a smile to greet anyone who just came in, “Welcome in! Take a s—”
Your breath hitched as you saw the pair of eyes you were just thinking about.
His own reaction showed a bit of surprise, but he looked unfazed. Unchanged from the seasons that have passed.
He looked the same to you, and you were the one who changed this time.
“You—” followed by a pause, not knowing how to continue.
The boy gave you a warm smile as he kept standing at the door and had his hands in his pockets. He came up closer to the counter before he sat down.
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we never go out of style || c.f.
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words : 2.7k
synopsis : things were always rocky for conrad and you. after the whole break up, will everything be the same the year later? or will it all turn to shit.
Every year since we were little kids we would celebrate mine and Belly's birthday. We were born on the same day, but a year apart. And it seemed to make us closer. Susannah would decorate the house and Laurel would make us pancakes every year and Conrad would draw a sun with syrup all over my pancakes. It was like a holiday for us.
"Happy birthday, sweetie!" My mom said over the phone as I was calling her.
"Thank you." I said, smiling.
"Okay, I won't keep you away for long, I know you're waiting for your pancakes." She laughed through the phone.
"Bye, love you!"
"Love you too."
I finished getting ready, putting on all of the makeup and jewelry I needed.
My outfit was normal, just wearing a teal tank top and a green cargo mini skirt.
As soon as I came out of the room Belly did too.
"You're looking hot." I said to her as we made our way down the stairs. She was wearing a floral patterned birthday dress.
"Morning!" We shouted in sync as we came into the kitchen.
Steven and Laurel were making pancakes, Jeremiah and Susannah were decorating, and Conrad looked like he didn't want to be there.
There were various smiles with "hey" and "Happy birthday!"
Susannah came to us first, hugging us, "There are the birthday twins!" She exclaimed.
Jeremiah hugged Belly as Steven hugged me, "Happy birthday." They both said to us before swapping.
"Belly Button's getting old finally!" I exclaimed as I gave her sixteen punches on the arm.
She was quick to return, hitting me even harder seventeen times as I screamed around the kitchen.
Laurel raised an eyebrow at us before giving us a group hug, "Happy birthday, beautiful girls."
"Did you call your mom?" Susannah asked as she plated some fruit.
"Yes, she was the first person I talked to."
"Your Minnie and Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready." Laurel smiled.
Belly looked at her mom for a moment, "I'm actually not that hungry..."
I looked at Laurel, "I'll take a pancake or two."
"Okay, how about presents?" Susannah asked.
"You're going to love mine." Jeremiah said, yet I don't know who he was talking to.
Conrad didn't say anything, eating his cereal in peace. He ignored me, but did wave hello to Belly.
Belly opened her present from her mom first. It was a beautiful book.
"It's a first edition. I got it from a rare book dealer." Laurel smiled.
We all noticed how Belly didn't have much emotion with the book, "Turn to the bookmarked page."
"That's the poem Susannah would repeat to us." I said, reading the page.
I grabbed the present that she had given me. I unwrapped it to reveal the most gorgeous cover I've ever seen on a book. It was Little Women.
"Oh, wow." I said, looking through the pages.
"Your mom said it reminded you of home."
I looked up to Laurel, "Thank you so much."
"Girls, open mine now!" Susannah squealed as she handed us our gifts.
Belly revealed a black velvet box, while I had a white one.
She opened hers, and a pearl bracelet was inside.
"Oh, wow." Belly exclaimed.
"These were pearls that my mom gave me for my sweet 16. Now Y/N, open yours."
I opened the box and there was a gorgeous pearl necklace.
"Those were also from my mom. She gave them to me when I was a debutante." She smiled as she admired Belly and I.
"Oh Y/N, I have another gift for you." Susannah said.
I looked at her, puzzled on why I would have two?
She handed me another box, this time it was a velvet red. I opened it and there was a golden chain with a sun in the middle. I immediately recognized it as a matching necklace, needing a moon on the other side.
"Isn't there supposed to be a moon as well?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, maybe someone else has it." Susannah shrugged. "I just thought it reminded me of you."
Jeremiah jumped up, "Ooh! I'm next."
He handed us his somewhat neatly wrapped gift.
Belly was given a charm in the shape of a key.
"It's for good luck. So you can pass your drivers test." Jeremiah smiled.
I opened mine revealing a golden bracelet with a heart charm.
"Thank you so much, Jere." I smiled.
"Think fast Y/N!" Steven said as he threw a present at me. He also threw one at Belly. "Open them at the same time!" He urgred.
We both ripped through the package, opening and unfolding a Princeton crewneck.
"Oh my god you actually got in!" I exclaimed as I ran to hug him.
"No, not yet." He smiled.
Laurel looked at Steven, "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton?"
"Well I'll probably get scholarships and Dad said I could get some financial aid." Steven explained.
The room got silent and tension was high.
"Uh Conrad, do you have a present for Belly and Y/N?" Susannah asked.
He passed Belly a black velvet bag. She opened it, taking out a silver infinity necklace.
His attention then turned to me, "Sorry, I forgot."
"Oh yeah, don't worry, it's cool. I wasn't expecting much anyway." I smiled, trying to actually hide how I felt.
It did hurt. He remembered Belly's birthday, yet he couldn't even remember mine. Which was the same day.
There was a lot of tension in in the room as everyone looked at each other.
"Uhm, so I have to go. I promised Cleveland that I'd show him some knots today."
I watched as he got up from his seat and left. I didn't want it to affect me, but it really did.
"Happy birthday Y/N, and Belly." He said.
"Why don't we go practice driving?" I asked Belly, trying to take my mind off of things. "So you can drive us to get Taylor as well."
She squealed excitedly, "Yes!"
I got up from my seat, heading over to go out the front.
"Hey Y/N?" Susannah called out.
I turned to her, "Yeah?"
"You okay?"
"Of course I am." I smiled reassuringly.
I sat in the passenger seat while Jeremiah sat in the back.
She made a sharp right and we all went flying.
"Whoops." She laughed.
"Dear god, Bells." I said as I held onto anything I could grab on to.
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The bus pulled up as we stood there, waiting for Taylor to come out.
"You excited, Bells?" I asked.
"Yeah." She said, but I could tell there was a part of her that wasn't excited.
"Twenty-bucks she's gonna call Jere, Jeremy." I said.
The girl emerged from the bus holding a handful of balloons and a bag.
"Oh, my god!" Taylor exclaimed as her and Belly ran to each other.
"Taylor!" I said as I ran to hug her.
"Here, let me take that for you." Jeremiah said as he took her bags.
Taylor smiled looking up at Jeremiah, "Thank you, Jeremy."
I laughed at Jeremiah as he just stood there smiling.
"So, should we head home?" Jeremiah suggested.
"Ooh, actually, let's make a stop first." Taylor said, making eye contact with Belly and I.
We sat under an umbrella as Jeremiah placed down a banana split with three spoons for us.
Taylor dug in first, "I would literally eat this every day if I could."
She also pulled out a gift for Belly. And another for me.
"Oh wow, these are cute." I said as I opened my present, revealing a blue bikini.
"I know right, it's hot." She said.
Belly opened hers and it was a white bikini.
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"Y/N?" Taylor called out as we hung out in the pool.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Where's Conrad?" She asked.
"Oh, I don't know." I shrugged, swimming over to Jeremiah and Steven.
After a couple of minutes in out own little groups, Taylor suggested to play chicken, which we all agreed to.
"Dibs on Jeremy." Taylor smiled as she made her way to Jeremiah
"Oh, great, that means I'm stuck with Steven." Belly said sadly.
"Wait, what about Y/N?" Jeremiah asked.
Belly looked at me, "Oh, do you want to go on Steven?"
"No it's fine, you guys can play." I said.
There was a few complaints from Belly and Steven about being each others partners, so Taylor and Belly switched.
"Okay, three, two, one, go!" I yelled as they began fighting in the water.
The fight lasted less than a minute with Taylor and Steven falling into the water.
"Woo!" Jeremiah and Belly exclaimed in excitement. I gave them both a high five.
On the other hand, Steven and Taylor were bickering about who's fault it was that they lost.
"Hey guys!" A familiar voice said.
I turned my head around and Nicole was walking through with Conrad.
"Hey, Nicole!" I said.
"Hi. Happy Birthday you two." She said. "Are you guys playing.. chicken?"
"Yeah, it was Taylor's idea." Belly said.
"Hey, I'm Taylor." Taylor said from behind Belly.
Belly smiled, "She's my best friend from home."
"Yeah, I'm just visiting for the weekend." Taylor added.
"Oh, that's cute." Nicole said.
"Do you guys wanna play a real game?" I asked.
Everyone in the pool said yes.
Jeremiah had helped me set up the net and then the games began. I was on the girls side and Nicole and Conrad sat on the edge of the pool, dipping their feet in the water.
The boys groaned 'No!' as us girls cheered for our point.
We did a couple more rounds, as we all laughed a lot. This was definitely one of my favorite summers. Being with everyone, like nothing ever happened.
"You're not ready." Taylor smirked to Steven.
"You're on."
Taylor hit the ball, and it swerved, hitting Nicole in the head.
"Ow." Nicole said.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Steven said through in-between awkward laughs.
"Taylor." Belly said sternly before turning back to Nicole, "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry. You guys keeping playing." Nicole said to us.
"Feel better Nicole!" I said as she began walking back into the house with Conrad.
Conrad stopped in his tracks, just looking down at me.
"Have fun playing." He said.
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Dinner was just as I'd imagined. It was gorgeous and vibrant.
Susannah had made the girls all flower crowns as well, for Midsommar.
I sat in between Jeremiah and Conrad again, but we added another chair next to Belly, because Cam Cameron was here!
Throughout the dinner, Jeremiah kept question Cameron, making fun of him almost.
Somehow Jeremiah got on the talk about kissing dead animals and then kissing Cameron, which made me kick him hard in the shin.
"Ow." He exclaimed.
"Oh shut up."
"I don't mind at all, in fact-" Cameron said as he kissed Belly on the lips.
I'm not even joking. All of our mouths fell open.
From beside me, Steven and Jeremiah both pretended to retch.
"If you guys don't shut up." I said loudly over their obnoxious noises.
It got into our embarrassing moments throughout our childhood at the Fishers as well, but Conrad stayed silent the whole time.
"Hey, I was thinking. Maybe we should go out to Nicole's party?" I asked
"Yes!" Taylor and Belly exclaimed at the same time.
Conrad's eyes met mine for a second before dropping. He didn't seem happy with what I said.
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I laid on Belly's bed, staring up at the cieling.
"I think Conrad still hates me." I stated.
Taylor and Belly turned to look at me.
"Why would you say that?" Belly asked.
'I don't know. When I brought up Nicole's' party, he just seemed to go quieter than normal.
Taylor laughed a little, "It's fine Y/N. He's just a dumb boy either way."
I sighed knowing she was right.
"Look at us," Taylor said as we looked in the mirror, "We're hot ass bitches."
She was in the hot pink mini dress, Belly was in a knit crochet top with beige pants, and I was in a halter white and blue top with jeans.
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As soon as we walked into the party, a man came down the stair banister, wooing.
And then to the right of the house was what I'm guessing was a dining room. Lot's and lot's of cakes and desserts with 17 and 16 candles.
"Y/N, you guys came!" Nicole's voice said as she made her way through people.
I laughed a little, "Hi, Nicole! You look gorgeous." I said, hugging her.
"Me? Look at you. You look like a goddess."
Nicole lead us through the house and they followed behind. Well everyone but Taylor. She had decided to find a drink for herself.
"Guys, look who's here." Nicole said to the girls.
Nicole began lighting the candles.
"Is this for us?" Belly asked.
"Who else would it be for, Belly?" Nicole asked with a smile.
"Thank you, guys." Belly and I both had said.
"Okay, well, girls, make a wish." Nicole motioned towards the two cakes.
The topic with the group got onto Conrad and how he was.
"He's not talking to anyone else. He's usually just to himself." I said
"Okay well new topic." Nicole said, not wanting to talk about Conrad, "Have you asked anyone to the ball"
"Oh, no. I'm waiting for the right person." I said, giving Nicole a smile.
I looked past Gigi who was saying something to Belly about asking Cam to the ball. Anywho, past Gigi was Conrad. He was messing with his hair and he was laughing and smiling.
I couldn't even lie. He was attractive.
He made eye contact with me as he drank a large part of his beer.
I couldn't like him again though. But there was part of me that knew it could happen again. Susannah told me to believe in second chances.
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I don't know what happened really. I was just watching the boys play their little ping pong drinking game and then Belly came out all mad.
"Hey, can we leave?" Belly asked Cameron.
"Oh yeah, yeah." Cameron said.
"Y/N, you need a ride home? I don't want to take you away from the party." Belly said.
"It's fine. I'll give her a ride home." Conrad jumped in.
I looked at him questioningly, but he didn't look back.
"See you later, Bells!" I called out to her as she began to leave.
Jeremiah looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Fill in for Cam Cameron please."
I rolled my eyes playfully at him, "Fine, scooch over."
After an hour or so, we all were ready to leave. By now I was drunker then I probably should've been. So drunk that Conrad had to help me to the car and into the car.
He sat in the drivers seat as I just stared at him.
"You're like the moon to my sun." I sighed, touching his hair.
He grabbed onto my hand, putting it back into my lap.
"Y/N, you're drunk." He said to me.
"Noo, you're drunk." I said to him, booping his nose.
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I came down stairs the next morning. Jeremiah already in the kitchen, mixing himself up one of his smoothies.
"Hit me." I said to him as I groaned and propped my head on the table with my arm.
He laughed, splitting his smoothie with me.
"You drank a lot last night for such a small girl."
"I shouldn't have." I said, gulping down a large amount of the drink.
Belly came down the stairs soon, grabbing the box of cereal and pouring some in her mouth.
"I'm guessing you and tay-tay haven't made up yet?" I asked.
"No." Belly said with no emotion.
At the party, Steven and Taylor were making out and then Belly had walked in.
"You guys want to do a muffin run?" I asked.
"I'm always up for a muffin run." Jeremiah smiled. Belly also agreed.
"Can you get the keys from Conrad's room? Jeremiah asked.
I nodded, "Yeah sure. Is he home?"
"No, he dropped you off at home and then spent the night at Nicole's" Jeremiah explained.
"Oh um." I stammered, "Do you know where he keeps the keys?"
"Uh, they should be in his desk." Jeremiah said.
I never really was in Conrad's room often. But it didn't look much different than the last time I had seen it. It was obviously boat themed which was cute.
His drawers were messy inside. Nothing was organized and there were like 5 condoms.
There was also a black velvet pouch which I took out. Yes, I'm nosy, but I wanted to know what was inside.
I opened it and saw a moon bracelet.
I put the bracelet charm against my sun charm and it fit perfectly. What the hell was wrong with him?
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When we went home, I drove Belly and Taylor to the bus stop.
I sat in the car with Belly as we watched Taylor wait in line for the bus.
"You're not going to say goodbye?" I asked her skeptically.
"I don't want to talk to her." Belly said, not making eye contact with me.
"Come on Belly, she's your best friend. She loves you, especially if she came out here just for your birthday."
Belly sighed, "Fine."
Once she came back in, she seemed mad, but I didn't care.
"I know i'm only a year older than you, but just take my wisdom for once." I joked, "Boys might come and go, but your best friend is once in a lifetime. You're lucky you have someone like Taylor. We never know what the future will hold, so you have to hold tight to that relationship."
Friends come and go. Boys come and go. But best friends stay. They're real. That's what I loved about the Fishers and Conklins. They were my best friends and they always stayed. Every single year.
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mtchee · 3 months
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As an underground hero, you're ranked well in the hundreds due to your anonymity. You'd been tasked to infiltrate and investigate the League of Villains long before the group was even officially formed--namely your assigned target, their rogue, Dabi. Your job has never been pretty, where many more upscaled heroes might even frown upon your acts. Through your hard work, you've become closely aquainted Dabi, to a point where your true loyalties start to waver...
requested by: anonymous
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, mild violence, minor descriptions of weapons and blood, fake side character named, villain things :D , hero to villain, minor enemies to lovers, swearing, omfg i've been spelling 'debris' wrong ffs ignore that, fluff??, well dabi's a villain and [name]'s morally grey so.., makeout at the end
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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That stupid bird and his fat fucking mouth.
Your irritation bleeds through your aura, any minor croonies scampering out of your way lest they face your wrath.
Hawks is good at his job. But he's also good at toeing the line.
A line that risks everything.
His recent assignment to your task has thrown everything ablunder. Not that it's much about the task anymore...
You run a stressed hand over your head, keeping it tight on the back of your neck as you roll your shoulders. Your reports to your handler have become less frequent, descriptions brief and lacking detail.
The higher ups haven't caught on, just assuming that you're getting busier while the league grows. Though they have been getting pushy for a breakthrough.
You slam closed the door to your provided room, taking a quick, conscious scan of the area for any trace of disturbance before deeming it safe. It's not all that glamorous, but it's generous, given the LoV.
Stood by the desk in the middle of the room, you press on the slight indent on the clasp of your analogue watch, and the contact in your left eye lights up with a teal tint.
"Nuka," You address the sidekick on the other end of the line, keeping your voice low, "fax a copy of these papers to our handler. This is as much as I could scab from the league for now."
You sifle throw a few carelessly crumpled papers, having pulled them from your belt line. You see a series of codes skim across your vision, left eye honing in and highlighting the most vital points on the documents you fetched.
"Copy. What's next?"
"Hawks has fucked it all up. Our target's his damn mentor, something about an initiation and trust or whatever." You scowl at that.
The number 2 hero's intervention has essentially severed any immediate connection you have with Dabi. With the league knowing his identity, his influence immediately outranks yours, and so you have no reason nor any means to snoop without gaining suspicion.
While you're not considered just some other crook, you're not standing on par with those like Toga and Mr. Compress. You're not fodder, but you're also not important enough to be needed for any direct involvement.
The stolen documents russle as you gather them efficiently and stow them away.
You take in a sharp breath, "I'll need you to get involved. Dabi and Hawks have a meeting tomorrow night. Start there. I'll get you the coordinates--do not engage. I need you to tail him for the next six days."
"Should I engage in disguise?"
"It's risky," You pause, "... but he is the target.."
"His schedule has changed," Nuka reassesses as a means to assure you, "I'll gather intel and then panel off."
A warning arrow flashes in your peripheral, and you turn to find it pointing at a wavelength slowly increasing outside your door.
Someone's coming.
"Disengage. I'll contact you at a later point."
You don't give the sidekick any time to respond before blinking and clicking on your watch. The glow dissipates, and the door swings open.
"You're a real recluse, you know that," Dabi steps in with a heavy stare, a placid grin tugging at his charred lips, "thought I'd find you here."
"Can't a thug have a bit of privacy?" You edge, eyes glaring into his while he stalks forward.
"Privacy is a luxury."
"Oh, and I can't have nice things?"
He blinks at you slowly, silver staples gleaming in the low light of your closed blinds, "You're awful snippy."
Dabi grins.
You swallow thickly.
"Thought I heard you talkin' in here." You don't step back as he approaches.
A lax hum slips through your lips, "The voices get loud, sometimes." You tap your temple nonchalantly, and he chuckles.
Dabi stands nose to nose with you, and all your senses heighten. The skin on the back of your neck tingles in discomfort, your tongue is suddenly heavy, and your stomach drops. You don't need your quirk active to hear the warning sirens blaring in your head.
His breath brushes your skin, piercing blue eyes glaring into the window of your soul. His gaze flicks down to your thinned lips, and his own quirk up in bemusement when you lick them habitually.
"Come find me next time if they're bothering you," He taps his temple, replicating your prior notion, "I know a sure fire way of getting them quiet."
His tone is low, suggestive with a slight rasp. He clicks his tongue, grinning widely so you can see the motion of his tongue kissing the back of his teeth.
When you feel your cheeks heat up with your eyes fluttering to the dip of his sharp collarbone and the open expanse of his neck, he lets out an airy laugh.
"Disgusted." You counter, and his eyes dilate at your quip.
"Sure," His gaze finds yours again, an unknown flicker passing over them. You could practically see the flurry of thoughts coursing through his mind, but his expression remains the same--rightful confidence with an intricate thread of danger.
"Whatever you say~"
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Why does no one fucking listen to you!?
You'd reported to your handler that you had nearly been compromised because of Hawk's intervention, asserting that you would need to lay low with infrequent communication if you were to get back on track.
Instead though, the higher ups had commissioned Nuka to dissmiss any of your proceedings and to move ahead by themselves.
They were going to blow your cover.
With your quirk activated, you could see the orange residue of their footsteps, getting brighter and brighter the closer you got, while the ones you passed began to fade.
The darkened hallway split into two, and you turned left.
Up ahead, you spy the the charred purple residue of another set of footprints that were already fading.
You lower your eyes, teal glow dimming as you slink against the wall, blending in with the shadows. Your quiet footfall is now silent, and you summon a holographic blade that glitches and thrums at your touch.
The hall comes to a double opening, a room within a room where instead of windows there are rusting prison bars and a singular broken lightbulb.
Large faults of debris wreck the area, creating jagged shadows and dangerous columns that loom ominously.
You see the orange residue cut off abruptly, reappearing at the opposite end of the hall before continuing irregularly. You've lost track of them. But not of Nuka.
The footsteps remain in the room.
Your heart drops when you spy Dabi stood leisurely in the centre of the decimated cell. You're positioned to his right; his eyes are half lidded with boredom, posture lazy and undisturbed as he clenches his jaw.
You crouch lowly, the thrumming of your blade heightening in tandem with your sudden spike of anxiety. Your teal tinted eye glows brighter for but a moment, a series of codes floating across your vision before the area becomes a holographic blueprint.
The air becomes still and stuffy, and your eyes lazer in on Nuka on the opposite side of the room behind a chunk of the collapsed ceiling.
You see the navy tentacles of their apparatus readying to strike in the shadow of the debris, a silencer precariously situated on the ledge between a set of filth ridden iron bars.
Your quirk centres in on their form, wiring overtime with numbers and morse sequences before zeroing in on their position in your blueprinted vision--they're about to pull the trigger.
Dabi's head turns in your peripherals, and Nuka's tendrils strike forwards.
Your blueprint vision glitches as you dive through the nearest opening, wrist snapping with a sharp flick as your blade duplicates in the air; you see it phase through the chunk of concrete and slip precisely between the corroding bars before a wall of blue fire erupts in front of you.
The wild crackling of flames drowns out the dull shnnk! of blade into flesh that's followed by a heavy thud.
As the teal tint in your eye flickers off, you see the silenced gun scatter across the cement floor before the blueprint walls solidify again.
Adrenaline pumps through your veins, and you barely have time to comprehend your own actions before the back of your neck prickles uncomfortably.
Your breath hitches and you swipe out a leg, hearing an amused cackle as you bring yourself back to balance.
With your back to the wall of bright hot flames, the light illuminates Dabi's irritatingly delighted features. A wide, impending grin is plastered across his scarred lips, and you hate the burning tingle it sends to your core.
"Holy shit," He laughs loudly, "you really are the gemini!"
You scowl, on the defence. Be damned his handsome face and rotten charisma--he's still a psycho. God knows what he'll do next.
"What?" He quirks up a mocking brow, "you did it, not me."
The fire behind you sends an uncomfortably thick wave heat across your back, and he leans his weight on one leg laxly. He huffs another laugh.
"I always knew you had a thing for me."
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Your mouth moves faster than your brain can process, and you have even less time to react before he launches at you.
With you quirk deactivated, he's infront of you within the blink of an eye with a sultry smirk and crazed, half lidded eyes.
"I always knew I was right to keep an eye on you."
You can barely gasp before he's shoving you backwards, the wall of flames dissipating around your figure before you're slammed against a stone wall with his teeth clashing against yours.
A humiliating warmth engulfs you as a storm of butterflies erupts in the pit of your stomach. He kisses you passionately, fiercly. His movements are feverish and demanding, yet you comply.
You give in to his advancement, but give him a warning of your own through a rough tug at his hair. He huffs a chuckle against your lips, chest rumbling in tune before pressing up against you firmly.
You pant when you part, fighting back a keen when he refuses to part and instead moves on to assaulting your neck in a series of bites and sloppy kisses.
"W..Wha.. shit, Dabi!--"
He pins one of your hands with his, using his other to roam as he likes.
Shit. You think to yourself, moulding pliantly to his whims. I'm done for.
"Mm?" He nips at the shell of your ear, "always knew you were a two faced bitch," he chuckles lowly when you fight against him in protest.
Your face grows hot in offence.
"You sick bastar--"
Dabi silences you by shoving his tongue down your throat, groaning against you unashamedly when he feels your angered tension slack.
He parts from you with a disgusting pop! and a cocky half smile. His eyes stare into your in twisted satisfaction.
"Good thing you're mine now, yeah?"
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shinsart · 3 months
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Talksprite Commissions | Gacha Adopt Commissions | Open Adopts | Kofi Shop
Experimental Pixel Adopts
I've been really enjoying Pixel Art recently and thought, sure, why not? I could do some tiny sillies. My finances aren't the best right now so a little bit of extra cash would be helpful. I priced them very cheaply so I hope you guys enjoy them!
Pixel Teal - 15$ - Kofi Link
Pixel Indigo - 10$ - Kofi Link
Pixel Red - 15$ - Kofi Link
You can buy the designs directly from my Kofi Shop! No more waiting for replies and file transfers!
Please note that I changed my rules recently! I opened up things that were previously not allowed, so please have a fresh read trough! Thanks!
Rules/Info under the cut
I can make a ToyHouse transfer, if you want it
Don’t use it for hateful content, NFTs or feed it into AI software
Don’t claim the design as your own, please make sure you credit me appropriately (aka, first posting the art and crediting on their profile)
You are allowed to gift or trade the design
You are only allowed to resell at a lower price than the original!
If you have added additional art to this design, you may raise the resell price above the original.
Gender is free for you to choose and you may edit the design as well, as long as the it remains recognizable
This includes changing the species
If the design is POC you're not allowed to change those design elements
Adopts are not to be used for Commercial Use! If you want to use the Design commercially, you can ask for and buy a commercial use license
Thank you in advance!
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twig-tea · 5 months
Get To Know Me Tag
Tagged by @telomeke @lurkingshan @my-rose-tinted-glasses @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle and @hyeoni-comb thank you all! 💕
Do you make your bed?
I like a messy bed, it feels more welcoming to me somehow. The only time I make my bed is when I'm without heat and it's winter, then you gotta do it to keep in any residual warmth! But normally I'd rather keep everything loose.
What’s your favorite number?
I....don't think I have one? Is this a thing people have, how do you choose?
What is your job?
I manage a team of Product Owners in the Operations division of a multinational company. In other words, I go to a lot of meetings.
If you could go back to school, would you?
Absolutely not. Beyond the fact that I was formerly a substantive editor of university textbooks, which included both editing the textbook content and sometimes writing their ancillaries (tests, powerpoint slides, etc.) so it feels like I took first-year Sociology at least ten times, I just don't love formalized education. I love learning but on my own terms and at my own pace.
Can you parallel park?
I can't drive at all! Technically I learned how, took lessons and everything, but never got my license.
A job you had that would surprise people?
Hmm. I was a call center person for half a day, it was terrible and I left without getting paid for the work I did because I was so eager to get out of there I didn't want to fight them for my pay (even though I needed the money which is why I was there in the first place). I hate phone calls, I can't hear well on the phone, and it was clear the call center script was designed to be exploitative. It was one of the worst jobs for me I could have taken lol
Do you think aliens are real?
I think it's extremely likely!
Can you drive a manual car?
Nope, even when I learned, it was only on an automatic.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I'm not guilty about it but I can decimate an entire family size mac and cheese when I'm feeling down.
I have 3 tattoos; one on each foot and one on the back of my neck. They form a rainbow.
Favorite color?
Blue-green! The shade of preference for any given moment varies, but anything in the region from mint to aqua to teal to turquoise will do; I love them all.
Favorite type of music?
My music taste varies widely but the common denominators are 1) fast tempo or upbeat, 2) solid harmonies, and 3) if there's a tempo or key change I am doubly sold.
Do you like puzzles?
Love puzzles of all kinds. I have a collection of jigsaw puzzles I do regularly, and word puzzles, logic puzzles, sudoku type stuff is all very fun. I don't make a lot of time for them but I do them occasionally and always enjoy it.
Any phobias?
I am afraid of falling. Not heights, but falling. The difference is: I can lean over the railing at the top of a 20-storey building or walk on a glass floor over a big drop and just feel a minor thrill, but am terrified to the point of maybe crying if I have to balance on a single step of a ladder or walk across a patch of ice. I had several brushes with death related to falling when I was a kid, and a few bad falls that caused injury as an adult, so it makes sense. Luckily I am pretty tall so I rarely have to do any kind of ladder-ing!
Favorite childhood sport?
American-style tackle football. We used to play at lunch on the pavement because the soccer kids got the field; we played in all seasons including snow, and we did it for love of the sport. I loved it a lot.
Do you talk to yourself?
Occasionally I'll provide a little commentary on what's happening aloud to myself; but I don't really have fully conversations.
What movies do you adore?
I have loved a lot of movies in my time! A few random ones that come to mind right now because I've been thinking about them for whatever reason are Saving Face (2004), Monster (2023), Practical Magic (1998), Moonlight (2016), and Clue (1985).
Coffee or tea?
Despite my username being a type of tea, in this as in all things I am a perfect Kinsey 3. Love both equally and drink a ton of both (coffee more regularly, tea in greater volume).
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
Lifeguard, I think! And then when I was in elementary school I wanted to edit textbooks (I was that kid who got annoyed whenever there were mistakes), so I did actually get to do my childhood dream job.
No pressure tags just going with vibes based on who I've interacted with recently (if you've done this already tag me in the comments!): @rocketturtle4 @visualtaehyun @sollucets @troubled-mind @jimmysea @ginnymoonbeam
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 1
(edit bc I started writing this post like 6 months ago - hi! I'm gonna finish going through the rest of the phayurain episodes of LITA finally! I've lost all sense of shame so these posts are just gonna be love letters to Eul, hope that's ok) Hi hi hi! I find it absolutely hilarious that the notes on the final part of my episode 4 rewatch post (which contains my best screenshots of That Scene) has like triple the notes of the rest of the parts. I love the thirsty LITA fam <3 I think I kept it mostly clean for the first 3 episodes but LITA brainrot is real and from here on out I'm putting down all my deranged thoughts into words so enjoy
Onwards to episode 5!! Ok so y'all should know by this point that BossNoeul sang the opening right? I added it on spotify and have listened to it on repeat so much over the last week that I could probs (badly, bc my singing voice leaves much to be desired but I can and will belt it at the top of my lungs) karaoke it now. If y'all haven't heard the full version check it out bc they rap a few bars and Noeul has this line "shake your bo- shake your bo- shake your body" that makes me lose it every time
The recap sees us revisiting some rather adorable moments from the previous episode including PhayuRain in the rain and tub. Imagine if they stuck the leg kiss in the recap >.<
We open to sunlight pouring in through the curtained windows on the morning after. I kind of wish the last episode had ended with this scene bc it would have been a soft transition after the intimacy PhayuRain shared rather than the abrupt cut to credits. But I digress.
Phayu's hair looks glorious out and I wish we'd gotten to see it like this more. In fact I think we should've seen Rain push his hands through it and grip it during episode 6's NC scene. Also the definition of that bicep? Sir pls.
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I ADORE how sweet Phayu is towards Rain all the time, and this is yet another example. I love it when characters look fondly at their lover (I finally get to use that word for them!!), cover them with a blanket, and then give them a forehead kiss before sliding out of bed. SO FOND
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I just think it's really attractive when people do this. Rain was really missing out by snoozing.
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The state of Rain's neck and chest sends me into hysterical giggles every time. Phayu you did not have to go that hard with the marking bestie (let's be honest though, looking at the state of Phayu's neck post episode 6 they both have marking kinks) - everyone's gonna know Rain's officially yours soon enough. Also throwback to how like two months ago (or something like that idk the exact timeline) Rain was like hmph I never want anything to do with P' Phayu ever again. I didn't hear any complaining from you last night hmm??? Also I love how confident Rain was in his abilities to seduce Phayu, so true of him
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OK WAIT I think I finally get the whole yellow-blue thing. It literally is just that yellow is Rain's representative color and Phayu's is navy blue. So by making Rain put on Phayu's navy blue shirt for the "morning after" they're just reiterating that Rain belongs to Phayu now. Mystery solved :)
Obligatory shot bc he's worked hard for these gains and I think he deserves some appreciation ft. Rain who's making the same face as all of us. I think they spent like 30 whole seconds on Phayu's shoulders and that's so valid of them
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Sir, do you have a good reason for striding in here shirtless and sweaty to wake your new bf up? Methinks someone was hoping for round 2
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Ok, and we're back to Rain in a yellow t-shirt looking very feverish. He's holding his teal green phone (case) up though which is a combo of yellow and blue, isn't it? I'm sorry my color theory is lacking. His eyebrows look really nice here and I don't know why I noticed. I hope he has a good nap! But oops he misses calls from Phayu...
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This episode's title is "the Calm Before the Storm" which implies it's gonna be a mostly tooth-rotting fluff episode and that drama is on the way next week. I'm already smiling so wide my cheeks hurt so the title is apt.
Phayu (dressed in navy blue!) is here to make sure his precious Rain is ok and Mama is already planning the wedding in her head.
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The first three or four times I watched this, I was paying too much attention to their faces and probably missed a lot so let's break it down a bit. Phayu comes in, Rain's surprised and sits up, and Phayu sits down next to Rain on the bed but facing away. Phayu is slightly upset that Rain went away without saying anything and he was worried that since Rain was sick that him driving home alone was dangerous. The second Phayu sits down this way, Rain reaches out to grab his arm but Phayu pulls away. Compared to couples in other dramas, PhayuRain depend on touch a lot to communicate so obv the situation is quite serious plus Phayu is not immediately making eye contact with Rain.
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The next couple of shots are just back and forth where Phayu asks why Rain left and Rain tells him what happened and apologies for worrying him. He looks v v soft and fluffy here
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Gonna take a second to appreciate the background music bc it sounds so serious and doom-y right now but they're literally about to clear it all up so it was unnecessary to go that hard. Sound artist I love you
Throughout this conversation, Phayu starts far away (which for PhayuRain means there's like 1.5 meters of distance between their faces instead of 0.15 meters) but he moves closer and tilts his body more in Rain's direction as Rain gives each justification. He also lets Rain grab his arm. It's very subtle but I like the acting choices here.
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Phayu, Rain is sick. Can you pls stop staring at his lips bff give him some rest (spoiler alert I counted like 5 lip-looks in the next 10 seconds, Phayu didn't hear me)
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OK this hug. Exquisite. The gap has been bridged, all parties are happy again, and they both absolutely sink into each other.
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Boss' little shoulder rub here is so soft and gives us more PhayuRain believability. We can see how worried he was and how relieved he is now that Rain is safely in his arms again.
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Rain's cheek-smushed nod agreeing to never disappear from Phayu's side ever again is everything to me.
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I don't actually think this was what I was supposed to get out of this but there's something about the symmetry of this hug and them being in the shape of a triangle and how technically their first encounter as a couple involved Phayu's triangle tool etc. etc. etc. Also headpat alert!
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More subtle and soft gestures from Phayu. Rain is down bad.
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We really heard the MWAH here and I want to forehead kiss whoever placed the mics
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Everyone needs to observe Rain's expression right after Phayu asks this question bc it's very sus
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(I couldn't get it in motion but Rain straightens up a bit and raises his eyebrows. Someone thinks they're about to get spanked like before)
Except this is not that kind of punishment and I can't believe Phayu really brought along a rectal suppository. To his credit though, I believe they're supposed to be more immediately effective than oral medicines because they absorb more directly into the body so he just wants Rain to be healthy faster. Although I wish Phayu would've not proceeded to yank Rain's pants off without permission, it's fiction and I hope if Rain had shown signs of major discomfort he would've listened. I do have to wonder if Mama put on headphones though bc Rain was really loud with his protests. I also think this must've been funny to film bc if you look closely before it cuts to Rain's mom, Rain looks like he's holding back laughter.
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Uh-oh, Mama it's better if you walk away now
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This sequence was actually so adorable and funny. I love purrito!Rain and Phayu is looking way too smug. Mama Rain walked out of there trying to name all the yellow and blue flowers she could for the wedding centerpieces.
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omfg Phayu calling Rain's mom "Mama" is so friggin cute and I love how smoothly he just slid into son-in-law position
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Rain's like excuse me I'm sick I should NOT be slandered right now
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To part 2 with all the cute shots!!
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spotofmummery · 7 days
People I Want To Get To Know Better (Mun Edition)
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Last Song: If you don't include some random stuff on a radio station, my YouTube history says: Stand in the Rain by Superchick
Favourite Colour: Teal
Currently Watching: Not watching anything in particular, but I do partake of a LOT of YouTube. I have way too much stuff I scooped up on my Amazon Prime watchlist - I really should watch something this weekend.
Last Movie: Bram Stoker's Dracula One of those aforementioned Amazon Prime movies that I hadn't seen since I was much younger, so I decided to re-visit it.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I like both sweet and savory. I can't do spicy, though.
Relationship Status: Single and totally cool with it. Owned by a cat - does that count?
Current Obsessions: I've been getting back into horse games again. Horse Reality, Rival Stars, and trying out Ranch of Rivershine.
Last Thing in My Search History: "How much does eBay take from your auction" - I haven't sold on eBay in many years and I was curious how much of a cut they take from selling there now because I'm thinking about selling something soon.
Tagged by: @mimble-sparklepudding @briar-ffxiv @kannedia @sundered-souls (Thank you!!)
Tagging: Not sure who has done this already. If you have, feel free to ignore! @thewitchofelpis @yloiseconeillants @tallbluelady @lilbittymonster @this-is-ris @lumei-xiv @starrysnowdrop @hares-and-hounds @ladyswillmart - and anyone else who wants to do it!
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theviridianbunny · 3 months
Summary: During a momentary time of peace and quiet - Amrin presents Kurt with an envelope. He's not to open it until he is alone. This fic includes adult / sexual themes [all be it vauge for now] - minors DNI please.
A/N: hi hi hello its been so long since I wrote... feeling mega rusty - but still wanting the try and share the blorbo thoughts <3 image below that I'm using as a divider is part of a VP set I've edited... connecting to this fic 👁👁
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The night had just sunk it's teeth into the skyline of dogtown - the colonel sat back into the dark worn leather of a well loved couch. Hand rolled cigarette between his lips - he took a drag and a moment to finally breathe, after what had felt like the longest day yet.
His men having bought in report after report. Sightings of a teal haired woman and a valentino mercenary having broken through the borders defences. Kurt would deal with these two in time.
For now - he would just have the night - he would soon retire - have a restful night - wake up and do it all again. Metal fingertips reaching to a brown paper envelope , on top of a pile of papers.. The envelope was seeled with red tape.
His lover - the handsome mechanic- had left this with him earlier that day - finding him during a momentary time of peace - her white and orange cybernetic hands passing him the envelope.
"You're not to open this until you're alone" she said softly - smiling as she felt her colonel run a hand down her scarred face - melting slightly into the touch as they shared a kiss.
"Am I now?" He asked - going to peal the tape away - until he were stopped - cybernetic hand swatting at his own. He raised an eyebrow inquisitively as their eyes met.
"That's wasn't a request, colonel" she answered- playfully.
Now in the quiet of it all - kurt carefully pealed the tape. The only thing between him and what mystery that was between the brown paper.
He pulled out... A black and white contact sheet - taken on what he thought to be an old camera. Maybe on rolls of film - pre datakeash tech...
Through the growing dark of the room - Kurt made out a series of figures. - He stood quickly - ciggerate between his lips- moving under one of the overhead spotlights within his office... He was Hungry to discover more.
And then the penny dropped - the figures becoming clear. The contact sheet were nude and intimate portraits of Amrin. Kurt took what felt like the longest moment to admire the photos on the sheet.. his eyes traveled over the soft curve of his lover's back. Noticing how she looked into the camera - like she were there in the moment- staring straight into his soul. How Amrin had taken time to create these shots for him.
Taking a final drag of his cigarette , Kurt carefully Stubed out his cigarette into the wine red ashtray - already half full of tobacco ash and old cigarette ends... He made a mental note to clean it - before He reached for his phone - texting his lover - to thank her for what she had given him.
A part of Kurt longed for Amrin - for her body and soul there and then. But no - he would wait for her to call the shots and make the next move...
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rjalker · 2 months
Well I drew the MOGAI-flag themed one first to demonstrate 3D vs 2D characters, then I was like "Well I may as well make a base while I listen to this audiobook" so then I made the base for a cube. Then I made the little gold and green one.
They both still need names and pronouns. I think it would be funny to call the first one Mo Guy. Yes. It's punny and I love puns.
Help me pick some pronouns and gender(s) for Mo Guy.
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[ID: A digital drawing of a cube character who has a single round eye on a blue face, with a small smile under it. The character is shown from different angles, and unfolded showing both the outside, and inside. The inside is solid purple, with white where the eye and mouth are. The outside version shows the blue face, a yellow bottom, a purple and teal sides, a green top, and a brown back. On drawing in the upper corner shows the side transparent, with simple grey blobs inside showing the internal organs. End ID.]
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[ID: A black and white drawing template showing a cube from two different angles, and then unfolded into six boxes connected at the sides. End ID.]
and this one still needs a name, pronouns, and gender(s).
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[ID: The template drawing from above, now showing a cube character with alternating sides of orange, gold, and yellow-green. The character has two eyes, one gold and one green, on an orange face. On the upper part of the face is a white triangle mark that forms part of a three-pointed star birthmark. The character has four simple green legs, and a tail that is orange with white stripes, and ends in a flat rectangle shape. The character is drawn standing, lying with legs tucked under like a cat, and with the legs hanging limply down in the "unfolded" version. End ID.]
The template is free to use, I'll edit a link here when I've uploaded it, and these, to the Internet Archive :) both these characters are public domain :)
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alex-jacksons · 3 months
So, I just realized that I've kinda just been floating around reposting stuff and I haven't really introduced myself or anything, soooo.
Hello! My name is Cecily, I have ADHD, and probably a bunch of other mental illnesses. Here are some facts about me!
Favorite color(s): Black, dark blue, dark purple, maroon, cyan, teal, and silver. (Not necessarily in that order)
Favorite food: Pasta. That's it. That's this section.
Favorite animal: Sea creatures minus dolphins cause dolphins suck, cats (any type of cat, lions, panthers, Bobcats, etc. I love them all.).
Birth Month: July. (Which is ironic because I hate summer with the burning passion of the summer sun. It's hot and muggy and there are too many bugs and people.)
Favorite season: Autumn. (No bugs, perfect temp, it's pretty. It's perfect.)
Least favorite season: Spring. (It's a worse version of summer. It sucks.)
Favorite holiday + why: Halloween. I'm legally allowed to scare the shit out of children. (And I can be whatever I want for an entire day.)
Least favorite holiday + why: Thanksgiving + Valentines day. Thanksgiving, I have to interact with other human lifeforms outside the internet and my best friend. That's gross. Valentines day is just, bad. It's bad, I don't know how to explain it without going on a rant. It's bad.
If you'd like to know more, just send me and ask and I'll get to it eventually👍🏻
Edit number 1: Hi, I forgot to add, I'm female. My pronouns are she/her. Well, until further notice. I'm trying to explore all that but it's kinda hard when you live in a homophobic, transphobic, racist, and slightly sexist, household. I hate it here.
Update to edit number 1: I am all genders at once but I sometimes identify more or less with one of the genders. So I guess like genderfluid pangender?
Edit number 2: I'm bisexual. After years of denying it (because of the fact my parents would probs disown me if they knew) hot tall girls (and some hot short girls) screwed me over. I now wear my gayness with pride. Sorta. When I'm with my brother and his roommates cause they're cool👍🏻
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 12
Part 11 here
When Riju does her spin-around, there's a couple things worth noting.
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First is that, despite not being there at the very start, blood moon malice hangs in the air.
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Next, let's give Riju a proper look.
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First and most notably, her hair's been cut.
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Her skirt, while similar, now has a second layer of cloth along the belt, as well as a jeweled chain.
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Her top, while bearing the same colors, now has its flower patterns along the sides instead of the top, and thick gold borders.
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And she not only looks older and taller, but stronger, too. Her abs are more defined, and her biceps are more toned.
However, the biggest detail—and the one that's most easily missed—happens as she spins around.
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See that?
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That's a teardrop in her earring.
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Up next, we have what appears to be a random assortment of people. A few Hylians, a Goron, a Gerudo guard, , all dressed in different gear, from different parts of the world. Can you teambuild in this game?
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Link has a neat Zonai sword at this point.
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Also, BIG circle of isles in the sky.
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After that, Link and Sidon fight alongside each other against a Zonai construct-
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And Sidon makes the first blow.
So what can we determine between these two shots?
Aside from the fact that Sidon is able to be recruited as a partner, it means that his ai is competent enough to attack a threat, even if Link is already occupied—whether or not he can act solely on his own, though, taking initiative on a nearby enemy before you notice it or needing to wait until you Z-target, remains to be seen.
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Moving on, Sidon appears to be carrying the Lightscale Trident, just like how Riju was using dual Scimitars of the Seven.
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As he moves, he gives off strange teal tendrils of light, just like what Tulin had while diving into the clouds
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And just like Riju, his outfit's changed.
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Different ankle cuffs
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Different belts
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Different neck plates
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And he wears gauntlets where he didn't before.
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Even his feather's been ruffled.
Now, let's look behind him.
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There's a fountain/pedestal thing with a Zonai lamp in it, along with a construct that hasn't noticed them yet.
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Over here, we have some kind of devise that continuously shoots mud into the sky.
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Then we have these amphora things, one of which has water being poured into it, but all of which have the potential to be poured into. This looks like a sky-bound water dungeon, once where the amphora are a central mechanic which dictate what opens and what doesn't.
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If we turn the camera a little more, we can see blue sparks, as well as some luminous stone component at the side of the darkened stone.
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Following that, among malice-tinted sparks, we get quite possibly the angriest I've ever seen out of this particular Link.
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Compare it to how he looks when facing Calamity Ganon in Breath of the Wild. Barely any emotion to be had.
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Riju and Sidon race by—we can see another difference in Riju's outfit much better than we could her first appearance, that being her shoulder plates.
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Urbosa had similar ones, in green with red flowers. Riju seems to have adapted them to her color palette.
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An of course, Sidon's tear.
I've run out of space again, so look out for part 13!
Edit: Part 13 is up! The final one!
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Hello, humans and Pokémon alike! I am Clover, a student from Naranja Academy, and Champion-Ranked Trainer! My pronouns are she/her and I'm the main person behind this blog.
And I'm Rotom! He/They pronounzzz for me! I'm Clover'zzz partner in crime and navigator!
Arceus was here too for a while. If it ever appears again you'll probably see text like this
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(Made with https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1469769)
I joined Rotomblr so I can share my thoughts and experiences as I explore Paldea, but things kinda snowballed so now I'm just documenting every absurd event that happens in my day-to-day life.
If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them, just send an ask! This post may or may not be edited as time goes on to include more details.
If you wanna read about my party, here's a list of all the fellas I've caught!
And also here's a link to my Pokédex's Master Post.
(OOC/Tag information below)
Pelliper Mail is currently OPEN
Musharna Mail is currently OPEN
Mystery Gift is currently OPEN
Arc Tags (Current Arc: Intermission between arcs):
Treasure Hunt Chapter
#treasure hunt: General Paldea adventure shenanigans. From start of journey until the very end of the main story of Pokémon Scarlet.
#victory road: Treasure Hunt posts specific to the Pokémon League's gym circuit.
#path of legends: Treasure Hunt posts specific to the mission to save Arven's Mabosstiff + slay all Titans.
#operation starfall: Treasure Hunt posts specific to the quest to take down Team Star.
#the teal mask: Clover's field trip to Kitakami.
#the way home: Treasure Hunt posts specific to the voyage to Area Zero.
#blueberry exchange program: Posts about the BB League challenge and second voyage down Area Zero.
Hisui Chapter
#hisui arc: That one time Arceus sent Clover like 200 years to the past and asked her to write the first encyclopedia.
"Mystery Inc." Chapter
(crossover with @teamoracle)
#return to kitakami: Clover goes back to Kitakami and engages in shenanigans. Mostly catching the Bloodmoon Beast since Carmine and Kieran aren't there.
Character Tags:
#rotom shenanigans: When Rotom takes over and posts stuff, usually in orange-colored italic text.
#arcposting: The occasional Arceus cameo, much less frequent now that Clover isn't in the past. Usually accompanied by bolded italic blue text.
Other Tags:
#clover responds: Clover responds to asks
#magic anon weekends: Every month's last weekend, an event is hosted in which basically every Magic Anon ask has an actual impact in the story, even if the effects end after said weekend passes.
#pokédex register: Clover's entries for the Hisuian Pokédex.
#legendary pokémon entry: Pokédex entries covering Legendary Pokémon.
#mythical pokémon entry: Pokédex entries covering Mythical Pokémon.
Any out-of-character notes/comments will be marked with a //
Sticking close to canon but not too close.
Anyone is welcome to interact, rp blog or not, sentient pokémon or human.
Let us avoid drama! DNI bigots and NSFW blogs.
Magic Anons are open!
During most months' last weekend, I'll be hosting Magic Anon Weekends, in which Magic Anons will be unrestricted until the month is over. Might extend if there's a holiday on friday or monday as well.
Mod @elpendrive is same age as character and uses he/him pronouns.
Previous arcs (Treasure Hunt/Hisui)
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