#(same Live show that Right Now 80x27 ver. happened in)
koushirouizumi · 5 months
{R.E.B.O.C.O.N 4 B L U E} ~ S U G U R U Inoue + {Xanxus' S O N G}
#khr: rebocon#koushirouizumi khr#koushirouizumi khr refs#koushirouizumi refs#koushirouizumi yamamoto#c: takeshi#cv: suguru inoue#cv: masanori ikeda#s: flaming rage#khr: rebocon 4 blue#(OK but found this through Y.T. and its been there for 6~ years??? now So....)#(This was from like)#(late 2k10 lives and I highly doubt we had ANY of the footage online much back then {I only remember seeing 59x27's cover????})#(same Live show that Right Now 80x27 ver. happened in)#(Inoue must have been slightly exhausted after because Inoue sounds really breathless by the end during the talking hhhHHH)#(OK BUT IM LAUGHING AT THE ENDING WITH THE V.A.s)#({I CAN UNDERSTAND A TINY BIT} BUT LIKE CLEARLY YAMAMOTOS V.A. FLUSTERED THERE L m a ooo)#({'k AWAII~ .'} - Im Pretty Sure I Heard This in Xanxus Direction at the start & Xanxus V.A. is like ' w HAT . ')#({YEAH YAMAMOTO SEEMS TO COME MUCH MORE NATURALLY})#(i cant BELIEVE they actually OFFICIALLY GAVE 'YAMAMOTO' THIS S O N G to Cover)#(INOUE YOU PULLED IT OFF K I N D A)#(Warning its a Xanxus one and Xanxus is XanxusTM so yEA H but)#({THEY ACTUALLY GAVE YAMAMOTO THIS ONE IM CACKLING} THEY KNOW YAMAMOTO WOULD VERY LITERALLY {YEAH} FOR TSUNA---)#natural born hitman yamamoto#(im still trying to find stuff from the other Rebo cons for now bc i cant find the stage acted vers. AT ALL but hhhhHHHH)#({And this one isnt posted ANYWHERE on Here})#(AMANO I STILL HAVE MANY QUESTIONS RE: WHAT THE HECK YOU WERE TRYING TO IMPLY WITH YAMAMOTO IN FINAL ARC)#({ok and now after watching again i really rEALLY wish we could have had a Yamamoto cover of Hayatos 'LOOP...' one aND WE NEVER WILL)#({BUT INOUE LIKELY COULD PULL THAT ONE OFF TOO})
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