#(op has it tagged which helps i'm sure but i dID NOT CATCH ON
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rebloggingrexan · 5 months ago
#i read an amnesiac at first and nothing else and thought “oh like pmd”
I don't know how to tell people that my all time hyperfixation is a game about
-an amnesiac
-a child with codependency issues
-the grim reaper with a debilitating fear of mortality
-an onion
-and a gecko with a martyr complex
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twistedcompass · 3 years ago
Could I get headcanons of the characters reaction of the MC having to wear a maid cat costume the whole day and act subservient because they lost a bet to someone?
As per usual, tumblr refuses to tell me when people send in things, so sorry if this is late! I'm going with MC made a deal with Azul and the payment was wearing a maid outfit and acting subservient to anybody they meet that day.
Ace: Thinks you're hot in the outfit, but of course he isn't going to say that when he could instead laugh at you losing a bet. You'll catch him staring more often than normal. By the end of the day, you might hear a soft "you're cute" out of him, but he'll deny it. If you act submissive to him, that's when he'll become a blushing mess. He'll try to play it off with an awkward laugh, but...
Deuce: Stuttering mess. He tries to act cool, but the boy can hardly speak. Once you act submissive, he'll eventually resort to running away. The next day he'll act like nothing ever happened. You never wore a maid uniform. He never ran. He never saw anything.
Cater: PHOTO OP. He will take all the pictures with you and even have an impromptu photo shoot with you alone. May have some NSFW thoughts, but will use your submissiveness to instead take cute photos.
Trey: Internally dying, but unlike Deuce, he can actually hide it. Says the outfit looks nice on you and then excuses himself to go do anything else but be near you once you start acting submissive.
Riddle: Also a blushing mess, but he covers it up by saying you're violating a rule. He can't remember if there is a rule against maid outfits, but he's sure there is somewhere! Once you act subservient, he has to get Trey and Cater to make you leave the area. Of course Cater has to point out Riddle wants people to obey him, so you're just doing what he wants, which gets him a stern glare.
Ruggie: Lightly blushes, but he reacts similarly to Ace. He HAS to know how this happened. Incessantly asks questions and laughs at your expense. You might hear a "cute" slip out when he asks something like "What bet did you lose to have to wear a cute maid outfit?" He'll deny he said cute though. If you act submissive, he is going to take every opportunity with this. Go get him food, iron his and Leona's clothes, clean his room, etc.
Jack: Tsun. He's not blushing, you're blushing. His tail isn't wagging, your tail is wagging. You don't have a tail? Well, uh...he has to go train for Spelldrive -casually run away at top speed before you can even act submissive-
Leona: Smirks all around. He also wants to know what bet you lost, and he does laugh at your expense, but it's clear his smirk includes eyeing you up. Orders you around like Ruggie but only orders you to do things around him. He wants you all to himself in this outfit.
Floyd: Already knows about your deal with Azul, so he'd been looking for you all day. Seeing you in a maid outfit was certainly going to be the most entertaining thing of the day. Talks about how cute you are, but it's not clear if he means cute as in pretty or cute as in squeezable. Uses you to get out of doing things he doesn't want to do for the day like cooking in the lounge.
Jade: Agreed with Floyd that your predicament would be the entertainment of the day, so he tagged along. Gives you a signature Jade smirk as he tells you how simple a contract obligation this was and you should just wear this outfit all the time and help out at the lounge. Uses you similarly to Floyd
Azul: Did he help you with your studying in exchange for you wearing a maid outfit and helping around the lounge? Yes. Was it a light deal? Yes. Did he regret it? Only that the contract was over after today. Tries to convince you to work at the lunge permanently, with that outfit of course. Goes over the pre-made list of benefits you would have from working at the lounge as if he knew this would happen sometime. Makes you be a waitress and clean tables. Even though it was his deal, he still blushes a bit if you act really submissive around him. Throw out a "master" and he has to excuse himself.
Kalim: The outfit is different than the maids at his home, but YOU'RE SO CUTE. Insists on giving you a hug and then has Jamil tend to you since you since he just sees it as a cute outfit and not an outfit for a job. If you act submissive, he just laughs and says that's how the maids at home are then treats you normally anyway
Jamil: Can't deny that you look nice in the outfit, but would never say so. Instead becomes annoyed that Kalim wants him to tend to you even more to somehow make up for you having to be a maid at the lounge. How he reacts to you being submissive depends on how you do so and who is around. If you're alone, part of him will feel smug since he wants people to serve him instead of the other way around. If you already have a flirty relationship and you call him Master while in a maid outfit, well, you've unlocked his master kink.
Epel: Think you're cute and would say so. Would immediately realize that was an awfully intimate thing to say and backtracks to say he meant it in a friend way. If you act submissive, he has no idea how to respond. Instead of running away, he blushes and says he has somewhere else he needs to be, then speed walks.
Rook: All the compliments. So many compliments in fact that Vil gives you a side eye. If you act submissive, he'll compare you to prey acting submissive for the hunter, and it's going to get really creepy.
Vil: Does think you look cute, but is annoyed by Rook's incessant comments on your cuteness. Still gives you tips on how to make the outfit look even better though. One of the few who tells you to not act that way near him as it is demeaning yourself and you should strive to be your best in every way, not succumb to others.
Idia: You're out here looking like a Nekopara character. Can't stop mentally comparing you to characters. Meanwhile he's just standing still, staring at you, in his own world. Calling him master will kick him out of the trance and he will suddenly run away. It's the fastest you've ever seen him run.
Ortho: Very wholesome boy. Will note your outfit difference and ask why you changed. Will be confused when you act submissive since he isn't your master.
Sebek: Similar to Riddle. Blushes intensely and insists you're breaking some rule, and when you tell him there is no anti-maid rule, he says you're going to hurt Malleus' purity. When you question what he means and call him master, his face gets redder and he has no choice but to leave lest he embarrass Malleus' name.
Silver: Asks why you're wearing a maid outfit? Why did you agree to a deal with Azul? Why is everybody staring at you? He's just confused. He hears Sebek say you're going to make Malleus impure once you say master, but he doesn't see how an outfit or a word would do that.
Lilia: Gives a glorious smirk and comments on the wonders of youth. Opposite of Sebek. He REALLY wants Malleus to see you. He doesn't know how Malleus will react, but he wants to be there. Practically drags you to see Malleus.
Malleus: Somewhat like Silver. Asks why you are wearing a servant's outfit when you are not a servant. Once you explain and ask what master wants you to do, he notes how the outfit isn't becoming of someone of your status and you are not a servant from his castle, which is a good compliment from him. Will give you a Malleus smirk as he isn't as confused as Silver as to why everyone is staring.
Crowley: There has to be a rule against this. There isn't? People can walk about in maid outfits and it's fine? He has to add a rule about that to next year's rulebook. Isn't blushing but is clearly flustered. Insists it's inappropriate, so now's a good time to throw Azul under the bus if you wanted to LOL. If you act submissive, at that point he's going to insist you leave the room and says "if you don't leave, I don't know what I'll do to you." It isn't clear what he meant, but my mind is in the gutter.
Sam: What a cute outfit Little Imp! Where do you think Azul got the outfit? Sam's just glad it's you wearing it and not one of the Oct Trio. Suggests you work at his store. Did you just call him master? he could get used to that. He will definitely insist on trying to get you to work in the shop. After all, he could use some help, and somebody calling him master in a sexy maid outfit might as well be who helps. Totally wholesome thoughts.
Che'nya: Insists on poking the frills on the outfit before he makes himself visible. Says that man, if he wanted to, he could totally peep up your maid skirt, which earns him a solid bonk on the head. If you act submissive, he will take advantage of it by having you help him get into the Heart dorm to visit Trey and Riddle.
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rateelism · 2 years ago
this isn't the point of the post but OP this specific tag of yours just took out a big chunk of my brain /pos
#i think if anyone but bae sejin had brought it up Moondae also wouldn't have been as inclined to listen about it
BECAUSE. THAT'S TRUE. THINKING ABOUT IT NOW. I never considered really the possibility of someone else bringing it up but....Someone Else could have. and their noticing would not have been given the same weight as BaeSe's was given from Moondae in canon simply because of the relationships at work during this point in time.
I'm just gonna ramble about them one-by-one under the cut; it just further proves the original point of Bae Sejin being the only one who could chide and tell Moondae to stop. ALSO LIGHT SPOILERS UP TO CH.226 CAUSE THAT'S HOW FAR I'VE READ UP TO RN !!
First up is Seon Ahyeon and his shy nature is really what stops him a lot from speaking up against Moondae? In super early TeSTAR + novel, he doesn't really voice up his opinion unless someone else has pointed out something? I think this only changes post-alcoholism reveal where Moondae stops drinking? I can't remember the timeline well but I just know for sure that Ahyeon really starts voicing his opinion out post-kidnapping, cause if I recall, Ahyeon is the one to call Moondae out for his monitoring obsession?!
Keun Sejin...he and Moondae don't really do serious talks with each other? Besides the 2 prominent examples I can think of (KeunSe's scandal during Idol Inc., the roommate performances) they don't really go head-to-head? And KeunSe is almost never the one to confront others if at all...Plus KeunSe is really smart and quick to read the mood so...i just Know that he knows that Moondae wouldn't take his word that seriously. So even if KeunSe was the one to notice first, he likely felt he couldn't really Do anything to help.
And Ryu Chungwoo...he Knows Moondae was uncomfortable with him for that time. They might have put it behind them now after their talk, but that kind of experience stays with you?? just Knowing you've hurt someone close you however unintentionally has to put up a soft barrier between you and that person, so Chungwoo would never want to put Moondae in an uncomfortable situation if he can help it. He only does it the one time when they're filming overseas and are roommates but...idk how to phrase it but Being Uncomfortable with another person is just Easier To Deal With than telling someone "hey I think you're really messing your guts and yourself with alcohol."
Both Kim Raebin and Cha Eugene, not to dismiss their age, just also simply don't have like...any emotional backing? Like Moondae doesn't feel pressured to set a good example for them or other, and anyway, even if they Did notice, I don't think they would know how to speak to Moondae abt it? bc they Both respect Moondae so they probably don't know how to approach him about something serious About him.
...which leaves us Bae Sejin, who really Is the best for getting it clear to Moondae that he has an alcoholism problem, because of his experience with his father...and he Is the oldest in TeSTAR. Moondae likely does hold some respect for BaeSe, even if the readers don't catch it in his narration. and BaeSe is !!! very aggressive when necessary !!! he's usually very demure and. not laidback but more willing to take a backseat in things but that doesn't mean he's Not willing to speak up when he sees something that bothers him.
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It's easier to miss and read over the sections where Moondae mentions cracking open a beer in the webnovel, but the manhwa is much less ambiguous about how often he drinks to destress.
Rereading from the beginning, it's also notable that within the first few paragraphs he notes that as Ryu Gunwoo he excessively drank the night before waking up due to failing the civil service exam.
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